• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

  • ...

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Chapter 36: The paper chase.

Aerie, Aurora, Scootaloo, Lofty, Holiday, Mystique, Ray, and Hurricane made their way back to the Courthouse when they’d finished lunch. Flora and Justin tagged along when it was explained what the two young mares intended to do. As for the party, in reality, it was just lunch. Even so, Sirius and Selena had decided to stay on at Sugar Cube corner. Aurora had paid for everyone in the shop who hadn’t already paid, but aside from that, it was just a bunch of ponies having lunch and a good time.

Their first stop was the records office where Aerie and Sunshine asked for a herding license to fill out. Of course, there was a requirement to be fully truthful with enchantments that would nullify the contract if they weren’t. Sunshine decided to go first and put her name down as Aurora Summer Sunshine Summers. The first being her given name, the two in the middle her Equestrian name, and the last her mother's surname.

“You’re not using Mustang?” Ray asked.

“That was an adopted name and It’s not legal here.”

“Once a Mustang, always a Mustang,” he offered. “Go on, put it down, and if any pony wants to challenge it just send them to me.

Aurora gave him a hug and added Mustang to her application.

Aerie looked at the form knowing full well that if she put down Aerie Potter that wasn’t going to be right. Sure, that was who she was now, but it’s not who she is. Aerie looked at the form and with considerable trepidation wrote, Aerie Potter Kitzumi Nova Hoshiko Moon, House of Athelas, Adopted daughter of Flora and Basil Finch-Fletchley. She then let out a relieved sigh. If the spell matrix hadn’t liked it, it would have simply blanked out.

“Athelas?” Mystique asked. The Nova she knew used Nightfoal Moon but had never used the Athelas name so far as she was aware. Or even mentioned it.

“That’s quite a mouthful for a pony,” offered Clark the clerk who was helping them. He was a mild-mannered earth pony with khaki tan fur, black mane, and glasses.

“Just call me Aerie, everyone else does.”

Aerie wasn’t happy about being stuck with the name, and then the spell craft on the form activated and the name Aerie Potter vanished and was replaced with HRH to read HRH Kitzumi Nova Hoshiko Moon, House of Athelas. Even the part about her being adopted vanished. On examination, it had shown up under parents and Aerie Potter turned up on a line for known aliases.

“I … I don’t understand?” Aerie asked as she looked on in astonishment.

“I do,” Flora offered. “You are not Aerie Potter. That is just a role you were forced to play by that Discord person. And he, it would seem, does not have the authority to enforce that on you here.”

“But, Mrs Silverwood cautioned me not to use Nova.”
{Author’s note: This one had kept me up half the night thinking about it because I didn’t want the name Aerie Potter permanently affixed to this character. It’s not her identity, just her role.}

“Then you will be Princess Hoshiko,” Mystique offered along with a wing hug. “Granted that had you announced yourself as Princess Nova right from the start I’d have thought you another fraud. Oh yes, there have been a few.”

“I wonder if this is because I touched it?”

“Touched what?” Sunshine asked.

“The Cosmic Clock of the Ancients. I sought it out of curiosity because I wanted to see if it existed.”

“And it didn’t fry you on the spot?” Mystique asked in wonderment.

“I’d imagine that’s because I didn’t want anything other than to verify its existence. I wanted nothing from it.”

“I suppose that’s about the only way to defeat it.”

“Wait, she’s a princess?” Clark asked. There were quite a few ponies gathered who were now very interested.

Hang on, it says you’ve been married before?” Justin pointed out as he looked over the form. “So who is this Rohan Arthôl?”

“Another very old name,” Mystique stated.

“Passed away, and I’ll say no more on the matter,” Aerie offered, wondering why the ‘o’ had a little hat on it. She certainly never wrote it that way. But that had literally been a lifetime ago.

“Prearranged, was it dear?” Asked a matron in the office.

“I loved him very much, please do not press me on the matter.”

“We are going to need witnesses to sign it,” Clark interjected. He then gave the old matron a dirty look. Oh, he knew her. She was forever showing up, hanging about, and interjecting herself into other pony’s affairs.

“May I be the first?” Flora Asked.

“Be my guest,” Mystique offered.

Flora used her telekinesis to her hoof so that she could sign in the fashion she was accustomed to. Her name appeared in print right next to her signature. Ray signed it next.

“Mrs Summers, aren’t you going to sign it?” Flora asked. “Aurora is your daughter after all.”

Aerie looked at Mystique and started laughing.

There was a very good likelihood that should Mrs Summers sign the document it might put her full true name down.

“Aerie? What’s so funny?” Flora asked, but then Aurora started to chortle.

“They suspect that should she put her name on one of those enchanted forms it’ll do the same thing it did to Miss Aerie,” Hurricane whispered to Flora.

“I’m missing something, aren’t I?”

Princess Celestia’s right and proper name would end up on the document.

“It was Sunset who did the spell-work for this,” Mystique offered as she stepped forward and took up the pen. She signed it, and Celestia Regina Sol Invictus showed up in print, but in such ancient letters that Aerie was the only one there who understood what it said. Celeste Mystique Summers also showed up making it look as though the ancient text had been some kind of glitch.

And then a curious thing happened. Onto Aurora's name was added, HRH Eliana.

“Can’t say I expected that to happen,” Aerie said softly as she looked at the form.

“Could that be because I’m descended from the House of Orléans?” Aurora asked.

“I’ve my own idea why that happened and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Sunset put a little surprise in the spell matrix. But, let’s try not to think about it,” Mystique offered as the form was passed back over to Clark.

“Might be best to keep these little oddities quiet,” Sunshine recommended to the clerks who were looking on.

“Well, this is fun,” Clark said as he looked at the form. “Now all you need is an officiating signature… and it seems Princess Celestia herself has already done it. That can’t be, right? Hey, Courtney, you ever have something like this happen?”

“What the Celestia?” Courtney was a chubby light beige unicorn with a blond mane.

“Seriously?” Mystique said softly.

“Just toss that thing and use one of the old ones,” Courtney said and went back over to her station.

They filled out another form, minus any unnecessary information, and then requested a temporary custody form. At which point they were told that they needed to do a missing ponies report.

“I suppose we should,” Aerie offered. “Not like we don’t already know where they are.”

“Do we?” Lofty asked.

“Let’s go over to the Guard Office and fill that form out.” Sunshine offered, and they were soon out the door.

It hadn’t taken too long as it had only been a block away.

A pony could hear a pin drop as they entered. Not just because two well-known generals were with the party, but because there were inspectors from Canterlot there. They didn’t know who Mystique was, that is to say, they didn’t know who she was so much as they knew she was an officer of Princess Celestia who’d been afforded the same level as the Princess herself.

“Lady Mystique,” Offered a Captain. “I’m Captain Doright. Might you be here about what happened at Sugarcube Corner?”

“No, we’ve another issue to look into. By any chance did anyone put in a missing pony report for Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood? They are Scootaloo’s parents.”

“Unfortunately, it seems precious little was done following Discord’s rampage. Most folks just rebuilt, but the only ones who paid any attention to unrepaired property were the Courthouse. And it seems Miss Scootaloo has quite the reputation.”

“I never did anything to anyone.” Scootaloo protested. “And I went to school every day even without anyone telling me.”

“She’s not poor,” Holiday offered. “She just has irresponsible parents. One of whom I’m afraid to say is my own brother. If we had known he was going to take off we could have been looking after Scootaloo. If someone had alerted us that his house had been turned upside down and there was no pony about, we would have known to come to check up on Scootaloo.”

“Those two guards seemed to be targeting her specifically as well,” Aerie commented.

The captain looked at her and then back to Mystique. “That amulet she’s wearing, that legit?”

“Afraid so. She’s an officer of the Royal Night Court. She’s presently employed as a curse breaker.”

“Sunshine is going to look after Scootaloo. Even though we kind of know where her parents might be, there are certain formalities.”

“You know where they are, why haven't you contacted them?”

“They went to the Yackatan,” Scootaloo offered. “As part of an expedition. They, um… aren’t generally gone this long.”

The captain had that look across his face that just telegraphs, you’ve got to be shitting me?

“Afraid that seems to be the situation,” Mystique offered. “I imagine that if Discord hadn’t turned her house upside down she’d have just continued on as usual.”

“That ain’t right,” Captain Doright said softly. “She’s the same age as my foals.” He turned to glare at the locals. “And every last one of you have failed your oath as a guard and should be ashamed of yourselves.”

“But the complaints?” One of the guards asked.

“One entitled filly with a personal vendetta. You don’t think we don’t see that kind of thing in Canterlot? Don’t do your due diligence and it will come back to bite your flank.”

“Vendetta?” Scootaloo asked.

“Judging by what happened at Sugarcube Corner, I’d say, Diamond Tiara,” Aerie offered.

“But why?”

“No telling. Jealousy, low self-esteem, who can say?”

“Anyway, before any of us can legally be counted as a guardian, temporary or otherwise, we need to declare Snap and Mane missing,” Lofty offered.

“And if this lot thought she was living on the streets, as many seem to have, they were obliged to do something about it. Not treat her like a persona non grata. So where was she staying?”

“In our house,” Aerie offered. “We just discovered her shortly after getting back from school. The life of a curse breaker is school, school, more school, and the occasional curse that needs breaking.”

“So she’d been in your house the whole time?”

Scootaloo’s reply was a hesitant maybe.

“Let me guess, you moved into the tree house until the cold weather drove you out, didn’t you?” Sunshine asked. Scootaloo dropping her head was all the answer any pony needed.

“I got a message by owl along with a key when it started getting too cold to stay in the tree house. It was signed Ithas.”

“It was a Mr Ithas who sold me my school trunk,” Aerie admitted. “Imagine he as likely felt indebted to you.”

“Ithas,” Mystique pondered.

“Also known as Prometheus. That is, when he wasn’t a mismatch of parts.”

“Oh, wait, seriously?” Mystique asked.

“Hadn’t you known?” Aerie asked.

“Afraid I was just a filly at the time.”

“A secret benefactor then,” Captain Doright offered. “Lieutenant Dover, we are going to need the missing pony form, a temporary custody form. And an emergency restraining order it would seem.”

“Why is there always so much paperwork?” Sunshine lamented as a stack of forms was brought out.

“I have got a literal ton of paperwork waiting for me,” Mystique offered.

“Any chance you are delegating some of that?” Aerie asked.

“I do my best, but it all seems to find its way back to me.”

Once they’d finally finished the paperwork at the Ponyville Guard Station, it was back over to the Courthouse for more paperwork, and the afternoon was growing late by the time they’d done.

Mystique, Ray, and Hurricane insisted on seeing the house along with a social worker by the name of Iva Heardital, a local Earth pony.

Justin, Scootaloo, Flora, and Sunshine all looked at Aerie is if she’d lost her marbles when she said there would be no problem with Mrs Heardital coming over to see the house.

“Aerie, she can’t come in,” Sunshine protested in a whisper.

“I realize things are a bit of a mess,” Aerie offered loudly enough for Mrs Heardital who’d heard Sunshine. She dropped into a whisper, “Switch front and back dials to local and it switches the portal to the attic door.”

“Explain to me why the entire place didn’t implode?”

“Chaos magic?”

“Implode?” Mrs Heardital asked. She was giving them an odd look.

“Oh, hey, we’re here,” Aerie said loudly.

The place had a high gabled roof and was presently looking a little larger than it was when they’d left that morning.

“Did you do something to the cottage?”

“Pushed out a couple of rooms,” Aerie offered.

“Pushed out rooms?” Mrs Heardital asked.

“It was built with pop-outs. All I had to do was crank them out. They are typically pulled in when we are away.” Aerie offered as she unlocked the door. “Place was constructed by a unicorn.”

Flora gave her an odd and somewhat worried look as they entered. Aerie gave her a reassuring wink.

“Well, can’t say it’s not a bad place,” Mrs Heardital offered as she entered through the kitchen door. “But tell me, why are we entering through what looks to be the back door?”

“Place is built back to front with the big window facing the best view,” Aerie offered as she followed. Beyond the kitchen was the hallway as expected, the bedroom Scootaloo had moved into was still a mess, but to their right was a small library slash pantry, the door under the stairs. At the other end, that is the lower landing of the stairs was another door that lead into another bedroom. Across from it were the bath and toilet. Forward of that was the entry to the front room.

Mrs Heardital looked in at Scootaloo’s bedroom and commented on the condition before moving on. The stairs also got a look of distaste.

“We’ve actually tidied it… quite a bit,” Sunshine offered. “Still needs work, but you need to remember that she’d been here unsupervised for no less than a month, two, maybe three with no supervision. I’m actually surprised the bedroom was the only room that was messy. Considering the reputation of the CMC a group in which she is one of the principal members, I’d say it’s a miracle the place wasn’t burned to the ground followed by being covered in tree sap.”

Mrs Heardital gave her a funny look. “She’s one of the CMC?” There was a hint of emotion in her tone.

“Aww, come on, we aren’t that bad,” Scootaloo protested.

“Are you kidding, the three of you are legendary,” Justin offered with a grin. He’d heard plenty of stories at Sugarcube Corner.

“Miss Shutter, you won’t get your cutie mark by constantly trying different things,” Mrs Heardital offered as she moved forward and poked her head into the bedroom across from Scootaloo’s room. It was neat and tidy but gave no indication that anyone actually lived in that room. Granted that given the explanation that they’d recently returned.

“So where’s the luggage-”

The sight of Mister black coming up from the front room surprised Mrs Heardital. “Who?”

“Mr Black,” Aerie offered. “Mr Black, this is Mrs Heardital. She’s Scootaloo’s social worker. She’s just checking up on Scootaloo’s living accommodations.”

“Why’s he here? He your stallion?”

“Harmony no, he’s sort of my mentor. I imagine he expected me to be back sooner.”

“To be honest, I’m surprised you got as much done as you did,” Mrs Heardital offered with a smirk on her face. “Mr Black, would you be available as a contact?”

“I could. I’ve got a place out in the Everfree not far from a Ms Zecora. She’s a zebra. Granted that it’s not readily accessible to just anyone.” He'd actually just returned from there. He'd gone just to verify that this world was indeed the world on the other side of the pool in the great temple hall in Akkadia back on the Earth he knew.

“You live in the Everfree?” Scootaloo asked.

“I do, but you are not to go into those woods.”

“That also makes you a difficult pony to reach,” Mrs Heardital offered.

“I can make a point of checking in on them on a regular basis.”

“We live just up the line a ways,” Lofty offered. “I know we were lax, but we honestly never thought her parents would just take off without telling anyone, and never come back. OK, we were aware of Snap’s tendency to just take off and go on adventures, but he always comes back.”

“Yes, we’ve your addresses, now. And Ms Shutter, if you should find yourself in such a fix ever again, tell someone who can help. Tell me and I’ll go twist a tail or two to get things fixed.”

“Yes, Mam.” Scootaloo figured there was no point in telling anyone. She’d told the local constable about the house. They just told her it wasn’t their job, so she decided she was on her own.

“Scootaloo, can we see the letters your parents sent you?” Mystique asked.

“I’ll find the ones I’ve got,” Scootaloo offered as she went into her room.

Mrs Heardital continued on into the front room, where there was yet another bedroom off to her right furnished as a drawing room. On the far wall were the front door and a reasonable-sized window that looked out over the Avalon river which passed by Ponyville. There was a large fireplace that looked like it had once been used for cooking, a couple of cozy chairs, and on a cushion in front of the fire lay a moderate-sized short-haired black and tan brindle-colored dog that had a fair amount of gray on his large muzzle. He was also wearing a pillowcase like it was clothing. The pillowcase did not hide the fact that the animal was rather thin. This dog also had opposable thumbs on the front paws for some odd reason.

“That’s Kreacher. Best not disturb him. Staffordshire Bull Terrier I believe. His former master was not too kind to him. He minds well enough, just don’t wake him while he’s sleeping.” Sirius offered.

“I’ve got the letters, oh a dog.”

“Let him sleep, we’ll introduce you when he wakes,” Sunshine offered.

“Mrs Summers, where do you live?” Mrs Heardital asked.

“Any time you need to contact me send a telegraph to Canterlot Castle Addressed to Summer Mystique. I live in one of the apartments. And don't worry about which one. The staff knows how to contact me. In an extreme emergency get Twilight Sparkle to send a letter via Spike the dragon.”

“Ah, yes, I’ll be sure to make a note of that.”

“Just be sure it’s an emergency. We wouldn't want any pony in Princess Celestia’s office to get excited about little things.”


“Now mom, I thought ponies aren’t supposed to know about your job?” Sunshine teased.

“What? I’m a typist. Just ask Miss Word.” The truth was Celestia liked to use a dictation spell but had to tell ponies she had someone typing for her to keep them from fretting.

“Well, I can’t see anything too untoward here,” Mrs Herdital offered. “Quite frankly I’ve seen worse.”

“Let us remember that we are still hoping to find her parents,” Lofty offered. “This just seemed the best solution until we have to make any permanent decisions.”

“Understandable. You also need to understand that if they don’t have a really good excuse, a permanent move may be recommended.”

“Permanent?” Scootaloo asked.

“You might end up staying with Aerie and myself full time, or go with your Aunts.”

“Time I got back. But, I will be checking in to see how you are doing.”

“We will be looking forward to your visits,” Sunshine replied, and escorted her to the door.

“Mystique, a moment before you leave?” Aerie called.

“Yes?” Mystique replied and turned to her. She’d been going over Scootaloo’s letters.

“By any chance do you require button-headed pegasi be registered?”

“Button head?”

“Scootaloo has a small unicorn horn. - Now Scootaloo, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Scootaloo, has a unicorn horn?”

“Scootaloo, something you need to know, Sunshine and I are alicorns. Hang on. First off we are using a camouflage ring to hide our horns. What’s more important is that Sunshine is probably giving you a boost with her magic. Your compatibility with her not only makes that possible but her doing so will help your manna levels mature properly. In time you will be able to fly without needing a boost.”

“I’ll be able to fly all on my own?” Scootaloo asked excitedly. “I kind of suspected she was doing something. Dad’s an earth pony and can’t really help me with flying, and mom, she’s tried, she’s a pegasus, but there’s no spark like with Sunshine.”

“That magic touch that a parent normally has that jump-starts a foal’s magic,” Mystique offered. She was also a bit curious as to why there’d be no spark.

“Scootaloo pulls her friends around on a wagon and a sleigh in the winter. She’s got plenty of earth pony magic.”

“There’s something else, isn’t there?” Scootaloo asked.

“Sunshine might not just spark your pegasus magic, she might spark unicorn magic in you as well,” Aerie informed her.

“You mean I could become an alicorn? Would I be immortal?”

“Maybe, and no. Life expectancy is dependent on manna levels. Low manna won’t adversely affect a pony’s life span if that’s normal for them, but high levels of manna can drastically extend a pony’s expected life span. Just don’t go getting yourself eaten by a timber wolf.”

“I’ll try not to.”

“Where you are from, ponies like her are supposed to be registered?” Mystique asked.

“It’s to discourage neglect and abandonment.”

“That’s horrible,” Flora said sounding alarmed. “By the way…”

“Just go upstairs. Just be careful coming back down.”

“How does one go downstairs that steep in…” Justin asked.

“Like a ladder.”

“Is that where the portal is?” Mystique asked as she passed Scootaloo’s letters back to her.

“To be honest, the whole flat seems to be the portal. We recently picked up a mirror made by Starswirl. My Moonie, AKA Selena, swiped it from a man named Dumbledore to prevent him from using it to dump his mistakes. It seems to have locked into the local portal doors, which as far as I can tell were never meant to cross dimensions.”

Hurricane let out a low whistle.

“Mam, perhaps we should get going?” Ray offered.

“You mean get out of here before the door suddenly decides to dump you in another dimension, right?” Aerie teased.

“A valid concern, it would seem. Come on by the palace if you get a chance.” Mystique offered and headed for the kitchen.

“Oh, I should probably tell you something,” Mr Black offered.

“Which is?” Mystique asked as she made her way into the kitchen.

“If anyone sees a large black dragon out over the Everfree, it’s probably me.”

Aerie couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Dragon?” Mystique asked. She’d actually stopped walking and looked back.

“It’s his animagus form no doubt,” Aerie offered. “On the human side of the portal, he can turn into a large black dog. If I’m not mistaken. And for whatever reason, Equestrian Dragons turn into dogs on crossing over.”

“Dogs? What then do Equestrian dogs turn into?”

“House-elves apparently,” Sirius offered.

“You mean Kreacher? Oh, he’s not a dog. Not an ordinary one. A form of Troggle I’d imagine. They are created by powerful magic users. The dog type likely started as dogs,” Mystique explained.

“Cool,” Scootaloo replied.

“I guess that explains why they are so loyal,” Sirius commented.

“I’m his master now,” Aerie offered. “And I’ve told him that when in Equestria he is allowed a cushion by the fire.”

“And now I must be going or the sun will be late,” Mystique offered and continued out the door.

“Mr Black, can I assume your home is the portal in the Everfree?” Aerie asked softly.

“You know about that too I gather.”

“I knew it was a possibility. And Scootaloo, no going out into the forest to try to find it.”

“It’s been marked by a stone structure and some white trees from the Silver Wood. I’ll have to show you how to find it another time,” Sirius offered, said goodbye, and followed after Mystique.

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