• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

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Chapter 70: Quidditch

By the time everyone went down to dinner nearly everyone had heard Neville’s version of the events and a lot of people were wondering if they were going to get a statement from Professor Dumbledore. There had even been a big article in the papers that matched Neville’s telling. All talk silenced when Professor Dumbledore stepped up to address the student body.

“I’ve just a few things to cover before we begin.” Dumbledore paused as he looked out over the student body to assess their mood. “First off, regarding Draco Malfoy. It is with regret that I must announce that young Mister Malfoy did not make it out of the forest due in part to our groundskeeper's negligence. As such, Hagrid has been suspended for the remainder of the year. He will be returning next year but will be on conditional probation. As to why I haven’t outright fired him considering that he also shot Miss Potter that night…” He had to stop and take a breath. “I am partly to blame. Hagrid is a wonderful ally to have in a fight but it seems I overestimated his judgment when it comes to looking after our younger students.

“Professor Quirrell will not be returning, and it would be fair to say that he is no longer with us either.” Dumbledore had to wait for a flurry of murmurs. As for Aerie, she sat quietly, begrudgingly admiring how the man was announcing the two losses. Not once had he said that either party was dead, and yet that is exactly what people were going to think. “I’ve no doubt that many of you were suspicious, even concerned for Professor Quirrel given his rapidly decreasing state of health. The truth is he’d been possessed by a Leach Wraith.” shock echoed throughout the hall. “Let me assure you that so long as it was attached to him, none of you were in any danger.

“We were actively looking for a way to deal with the problem, which would not result in any of you ending up as collateral damage.

“Last night the issue came to a head, and unfortunately drew in three students who were out of dorm after curfew.” Guessing which house wasn’t difficult. Ron having his arm in a sling had more than a few eyes turning his way. “Mr Ronald Weasley, given your present physical condition, and the fact that we expect you will be receiving a Howler shortly after your mother gets my owl, you will not have to do detention. You will buckle down on your studies and do your damnedest on your tests. Do a good enough job and you might just make back the points you’ve lost.

“Hermione Granger. You will need to see Professor McGonagall after dinner. Furthermore, you will see to it that Ronald Weasley and Neville Longbottom pass with as high a score as possible for them.

“Before I go on I want you all to know that the Leach was contained. The creature had been driving Quirinus to go into the forest to kill Unicorns. Because of these incursions, the Silverwood community began working with us.

“Two individuals here in our student body, because of their unique ability, were instrumental in containing the creature. You see, the creature underestimated them because they were first-year students.” And now he had to pause for a spout of incredulous chatter. “Oh, but you see, the plan was quite simple, they were supported by Mrs Silverwood’s daughter Kitsumi, and all they had to do was first block escape, wait for it to abandon Professor Quirrell, and hold it in place once it was free.

“Three Night Mares came in at that point to lend in holding it in place and it was Mr Neville Longbottom who sprung the trap. Even though he wasn’t supposed to be where he was, his presence was instrumental in trapping the creature.

“To Mr Longbottom, I award fifty points.” Cheering erupted throughout the school and Professor Dumbledore had to wait once more. “To Hoshiko Tsuki, for her heroic action and incredible ability to volley spells back at the caster with a fan, I award fifty points.” And now it was the Ravenclaw students who cheered the loudest.

“And finally for her heroic actions, I award fifty points to Aerie Potter.”

Professor Dumbledore had just handed out a hundred and fifty points, but fifty had gone to Ravenclaw. Hermione knew that it was her fifty that had not been restored. What’s more, is that Ravenclaw was now in the lead. Well, better than Slytherin getting it.

“Alright, alright,” Dumbledore called over the din. He had his hand outstretched as if he intended to give a benediction prayer. He lowered his hands once he’d everyone’s attention once more. “Finals are next week, you will have DADA questions mixed in with your tests so don’t slack off studying. And then we will have the final Quidditch match. Gryffindor is in striking distance of the Quidditch Cup but can they make up their loss and get the House Cup? Looks like it could go to any of the houses at this point. All depends on how you do on your tests.”

“Wily old goat,” Aerie said just quietly enough that only those closest to her could hear.

“He’s dangling the carrot all right,” Finnigan replied with a smirk. “We’d never have been able to make up a hundred and fifty points, but fifty… I’d say that’s achievable.”

“Aerie, if you can fight leach wraiths, surely you can put in some practice?” Wood beseeched.

“Sorry, I haven't been cleared to fly yet. Didn’t do any broom riding last night, just a bit of wand work. And to tell you the truth, I thought I might be toast at one point, and then Hoshiko comes in and it’s game back on.”

Both Aerie and Neville were now thrilled to recount their adventures. Just so long as Aerie remembered to omit certain details. After all, thanks to Dumbledore it was going to be in all the papers now.”

“But I don’t get it, how is it the three of you could face something like that when you are only first-year students?” Alicia Spinet asked.

“It’s that fire,” Neville answered. “All three of them, Aerie, Hoshiko, and Kitsumi, their auras were so hot they looked like they were on fire. It’s kind of like how I imagine Veela auras might look only it filled me with hope and courage like I’d never felt before. I knew I was in mortal danger, and yet I wasn’t afraid. Somehow I just knew that we were going to win.”

“I was glowing?” Aerie hadn’t been aware that she had been. Or that Hoshiko or Kitsumi had been. Sure, she and Kitsu had used their fire to burn off the rope binding them, but she’d dropped the fire. At least she thought she had.

“Ya, kind of made me think of Valkyries.”

“No,” Aurora scolded Aerie on seeing the wicked smile on her face.

“No?” Aerie pleaded playfully.

“OK, I think I missed something?” Hermione asked. She too had been caught up in the retelling. Even if she was a little chagrin about not seeing through Snape’s illusion.

“She wants her own version of Thor’s hammer,” Aurora explained. The people who heard weren’t too sure if she was joking or not, but they laughed anyway.

Aerie felt as though a weight had been lifted from her. Quirrell was gone, Riddle, AKA Voldemort, had suffered a major defeat, and for a brief time, she could abandon herself to her studies without having to worry about anything. At least not until next year. The papers were full of stories about what they’d achieved and all was right with the world. At least for a little while. Ron did get his howler. A red envelope yelled at him with his mother’s voice followed by exploding.

When the written exams started everyone was provided with brand new quills. Allegedly charmed to prevent cheating. Aerie wasn’t entirely sure that there was a spell or charm of any kind on the quills. She also found the tests to be really easy. A couple of times she had questions that she knew what the desired answer was but felt that the approach wasn’t quite right and would add some notes about her misgivings. Professor Flitwick had them make a pineapple tap dance. Aerie thought it was a rather odd thing to do, especially if one knew the history of tap dance and of pineapples. And yet, she couldn't help but ham it up by challenging the pineapple to a dance-off.

“Aerie?” Professor McGonagall asked as she inspected the snuff box that had been a mouse just moments before. The box had idyllic scenes of Equestria done in mother of pearl on the sides, the top, and bordered in gold leaf with intricate patterns etched into it.

“Professor?” Aerie asked. She was of course oblivious to the fact that she should not have been able to conjure gold.

“This looks like you did gold borders, and yet that shouldn't be possible? At least, not without a philosopher's stone.”

“What? Oh, um… it’s all in how the light refracts off the material. Not really gold. Can’t conjure up gold, now can we?”

“A trick of the light then… it’s pretty good. Top marks for this exquisite little box.” Later on, Aurora had to remind her that the small blue stone in her pendant may well be a “wish-fulfilling stone” and to be careful what she conjures up.

Professor Snape assigned them a Forgetfulness potion, and Madam Sprout had them re-potting plants as their practical exam. Astronomy and history had been written exams with no practical exam and their Introduction to Magic exam had been the easiest of them all. Broom riding finals might just as well be playing for Aerie and Aurora who soon found themselves being joined by a flock of pegasi foals.

Aurora abandoned her broom about halfway through the final and transformed herself to better play with the foals.

“Aren’t you going to join them?” Madam Hooch asked Aerie. “We all saw your wings at the last quidditch game. You can transform too, can’t you?”


“The truth does help.”

“Well, I can, but my markings are indistinguishable from a couple of ponies that have been flying about.”

“I see. So what you are saying is you wouldn't want someone to see them and make the assumption that it was you who was flying back and forth to Hagrid’s hut.”


“Black and white pegasi are extremely rare and when a trio show up that have the same markings as Mrs Silverwood, I just assumed that they were somehow related. As you are.”

“Alright, you got me. I was one of those ponies. I’d just assume the entire school did not find out. Some of them had a hard enough time just coming to grips with my being a girl. I’ll just have to stretch my wings later… Scootaloo? Oh for… sorry, I need to go have words with a filly.”


“Aurora and I are responsible for her care. Flora looks after her while we are at school.” And with that Aerie left Madam Hooch quietly chuckling to herself. Aerie on the other hand was secretly hoping that Scootaloo was the only foal from Equestria.

Finally, the weekend was upon them and that meant Quidditch.

“Aerie, please tell me you are up to this game.” Wood requested from inside the locker room.

“Hoshiko has an electric guitar. When did she get an electric guitar?” Aerie asked from the doorway of the locker room. Hoshiko was using amplification spells on the guitar and her voice. Someone else in the stand had a keyboard, and yes, there were drums along with a couple of other guitars. The words were in Japanese of which Aerie could only catch a few, and every so often the refrain Heroine came in loud and clear.


“She’s got a red Mustang.”

“You mean the guitar? Never mind about the guitar. You need to get your head in the game. If we win… when we win the Quidditch cup is ours. For the first time in years, it's within our grasp. Even the house cup is in our grasp.

A flair went up from a wand signaling the teams to march out and line up. Aerie grabbed her broom pushed off, stood up on it, and rode out like she was surfing, her arms out and up.

“She’s full of confidence today!” Lee Jordan called out as he began announcing the game. Over in the Gryffindor stands they’d begun to stomp out a rhythm, bump, bump, boom, bump, bump, boom while clapping in sync with the boom.

Aurora using the same charm on her voice started singing, “Budy your a boy, make a big noise, playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday, you’ve got mud on your face, you big disgrace, kicking your can all over the place! Sing it!

We will, we will rock you!” The Gryffindors sang out. “We will, we will rock you!

Aurora continued into the song, the stands doing the chorus, but when it came time for the guitar solo it was Hoshiko who took up the call with both stands clapping to the rhythm.

Madam Hooch blew her whistle as the teams lined up. Aerie stood up her broom while shifting her feet to the footrests and just let the broom slide into place with one hand on it. With her free hand, she reached out to the older boy who was her counterpart. A second-year boy, strong but lean. The stands were dead silent as the teams reached out hands and shook each other’s hands. Laughter erupted when Aerie went up and down with the handshake.

Up in the stands, the Ravenclaw band started playing Fortunate Son.

“Don’t they know that’s just going to amp me up too?” Aerie asked as she released the grip of the boy in front of her. Madam Hooch went through her usual bit about playing a clean game, opened the chest containing the ball, and gave it a kick which sent the snitch and the bludgers shooting heavenward.

“This is it, the most important game of the year, winner take all…” Lee Jordan was saying as he gave his run-up to the start of play.

Madam Hooch picked up the Quaffle and tossed it up good and high starting the game.

Aerie immediately willed her broom straight up freeing herself from the scramble happening below her.

“And Ravenclaw has the quaffle…” Lee Jordan called out as the players raced for the Gryffindor goal hoops.

“Where did the instruments come from?” Aurora called to her classmates, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor bands were engaging in their very own battle of the bands.

“Muggle studies class!” came the answer.

High overhead Aerie was swaying back and forth to the music.

“Oliver Wood has successfully fended the goal, Katie Bell has the quaffle now, she passes it to Alicia Spinnet, back to Katie, now Angelina…

The band is playing Mister Blue Sky, and Aerie had added the occasional spin to dance. Her sudden speeding up and going into a loop caused the Ravenclaw seeker considerable distress.

“..and Ravenclaw has the quaffle…”

“Professor…” McGonagall asked Dumbledore, “Aerie… what’s she doing?”

“Looks like she’s dancing.”

Aerie looked very much like she’d forgotten all about the game, and even her broom. She still had one hand on the broom but was presently dancing on mist that looked like it was emanating from her feet.

“Ravenclaw scores! Gryffindor had the quaffle, but I can’t help but think Potter’s dancing distracted him.”

“Aerrie! What are you doing?!” Wood shouted. He’d no chance of being heard. As for Aerie, she’d just done a slide across the sky.

“Angelina takes the shot, Goal!”

“Fat-bottomed girls you make the wizard world go round…” sang the bands.

“Ravenclaw is making another push – and a well-timed bludger by Fred Weasly breaks their formation… Alicia snatches the Quaffle!

Hoshiko began cranking out a fast guitar solo, the bands started in on the growl of Thunderstruck.

“No, no, no…” Aurora said softly on realizing the drums were getting bass support from the heavens.

“Was that thunder?” Hermione asked in alarm. Aerie was motionless.

“Um… guys, that might not be a good idea…” Aurora called as the drums began a familiar beat. “Guys!”

“Why, what’s wrong?” Ron asked.

“Ahhhhhh ahhhhh Aahhhhhh…” sang the guys in the band.

“It’s Immigrant song. It does… things to… Oh shit.”

A thunderbolt came crashing down out of the sky even as Aerie let herself drop. She pitched over diving straight down…

..and became one with the electrical charge.

Suddenly she and the lightning changed course racing across the pitch, turning, racing, turning, back and forth, zigzagging at incredible speed. Inhuman speed. Snitch speed. The snitch was right in front of her, desperately going this way and that according to its matrix with Aerie matching it turn for turn.

And then it was over. Aerie was on the ground, one knee in the turf, one back foot firmly planted, her left hand held her broom which was flat against the earth, one hand tucked in, electric arches dancing about her, the turf scorched.

Everything had stopped. Even the quidditch players had stopped, everyone there collectively holding their breath. Aerie slowly held aloft the snitch, head held down.

“You were saying something about the song?” One of the band members asked softly.

“Never mind.”

It may have taken up to a minute for people’s brains to catch up to the fact that Aerie was holding up the snitch. The cheer started out as individuals and slowly lifted into a standing ovation like none had ever seen. And Dumbledore, sat in his seat, his mind racing, the snack he’d had in his hand dropped and forgotten.

The first person down to her was Nova Silverwood. She’d flown down in pony form and transformed as she landed. “You just had to do it, didn’t you? You just had to dial it up to god mode in front of the mortals.”

“I think I pulled something. A little help?”

Mrs Silverwood laughed, reached down, and helped Aerie straighten herself out and stand up. “Serves you right. Probably a good thing that using divine powers to play Quidditch isn’t against the rules. Although… I half expect them to add it.”

“I’ll worry about that when the time comes.” Aerie began walking across the pitch at a slow leisurely pace. “Any chance Dumbledore will leave me alone and let me enjoy my summer?”

“I suspect he’s in too much trouble with far too many people to risk it.”

“Aerie! What was that?!” The twins shouted as they landed and dropped their brooms. A moment later they hoisted her up onto their shoulders.

“Gently, I pulled a muscle,” Aerie protested. Every jostle was painful, and it showed on her face to the point that the boys were immediately cornered by the girls. When Madam Pomfrey saw the pained look on Aerie’s face she came to the understandable conclusion that one of Aerie’s magically stitched puncture wounds had come undone and insisted on putting her on a stretcher and rushing her to the medical wing.

“It’s just a strained muscle!” Aerie protested to no avail. And thus it was that she ended up in the medical wing during the party following the end of the Quidditch game.

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