• Published 29th Jul 2022
  • 1,385 Views, 693 Comments

Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

  • ...

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Chapter 64: Salmacis Thorn

The first person to arrive to visit Aerie in the medical wing the next morning was Aurora, via the window… with Scootaloo hot on her tail.

“Aerie, you’re alright! Moonie said you’d been shot?” Aurora asked followed by transforming back into human form.

“Why is Scootaloo here?!” Aerie protested. “I’m fine! By any chance did you listen long enough to hear the details?”

“Nope,” offered up Moonie the cat as she bounced up onto the bed. And given that Scootaloo was still in little filly mode she decided to do the same.

“Are you sure you are alright?” Scootaloo asked plaintively.

“Yes, I’m fine. It was nothing,” Aerie offered, nor could she resist pulling the cute little filly in for a hug.

“Good morning Aerie,” Idda offered as she entered the room. “Oh my gosh, she is so cute! Hang on, Aurora, she’s not yours is she?”

“It’s complicated,” Aurora offered.

“We were looking after her over the holidays,” Aerie supplied in fear that the conversation might turn awkward.

“And she followed you. Explains why Aurora keeps vanishing.”

“What explains why…” Hoshiko asked as she entered the room. “Scootaloo?”

“Look, just get her back to wherever it was you were hiding her.”

“We’ll just have to see if we can get her back to London,” Aerie offered.

“Whatever… my family has pegasi. Bunch of lazy moochers.”

“But you still love them?” Aerie asked.

“Aye, I do. Our own fault for making pets out of sentient creatures. Now hurry up and get her back to wherever you’ve been hiding her.”

“Aerie, you sure you are OK?” Aurora asked.

“Yes, I’m fine. Now hurry up and get Scootaloo back to where she belongs.”

“Alright, but I’ll be right back,” Aurora replied and transformed.

“And bring me some clean clothes,” Aerie said as she released Scootaloo from the hug. The two pegasi were heading out the window even as Hermione, Ron, and Neville entered.

“Alright, I know you all want to check up on Aerie, but I need to check her wound,” Idda protested.

“It’s fine,” Aerie assured her. “Why do you need to check it?”

“Medical student. It’s kind of my job. I’ll be transferring into St Mungo's Hospital’s nursing program next year. - Now, you lot out.”

“I’m family,” Hoshiko protested.

“Fine, you can stay, the rest of you out. You can see her later.”

“But we just got here?” Hermione protested.

“What was it like?” Ron asked.

“See that?” Aerie pointed at the head of the bolt where it was still embedded in the wall.

“Core, look at the size of that thing?!”

Neville fainted.

“Oh for god’s sake. Hermione, Ron, take him into the other room and see if you can revive him,” Idda ordered.

“Hermione…” Aerie prompted while the two tried to lift his limp form.


“Use a levitation charm.”

“Use a…” Hermione began to laugh, got out her wand, and within a few moments, had her mirth under control and Neville floating about like a balloon. “Come on Ron.”

Idda waited for the door to close and then turned on Aerie. “By any chance did you fake getting stuck with an arrow? Granted that it’d be rather difficult to fool Madam Hooch, but if anyone could pull it off it’d be you.”

“Alright fine. Dumbledore was using tracking spells on me and I used last night as a means to an end. In short, the spells were discovered some time ago and I was able to negate them last night. With any luck, he’ll think my getting shot was enough to disrupt the spells.”

“Why that dirty… OK, never mind, let's just get that off you and we’ll put fresh gauze on you if you need it. Serve them right taking little kids out into the forest. Just out of curiosity?”

“The truth?”

“It’d be nice.”


“Your cat?”

“She’s a familiar. She can take on my form and because it is, in essence, an illusion given substance, she can stick a crossbow bolt through her without any consequences.”

“Ahh, not something I’d be able to replicate.”

“Why would you want to?”

“All Hallows Eve pranks.”

“Ahhh… What about Madam Pomfrey, will I need to see her?”

“Late night. She’s still asleep.”

“Probably plotting revenge on Hagrid,” Hoshiko offered with a grin. “If Kitsumi hadn’t told me what had happened… Even so, that idiot did come mighty close to shooting her.”

“Kitsumi?” Idda was just a little curious.

“Kitsumi Silverwood,” Aerie explained as they were taking off the old wrap. “She was doing a night patrol. A good deal of that forest is their territory after all.”

“And she just walked right into the Ravenclaw dorm?”

“Pegasi… she’s like Aurora, and we’ve pegasi in our attic.”


“Owe?” Aerie protested. Idda had gotten her wand out, pressed it to her skin, and cast a jinx of sorts directly onto Aerie’s skin leaving a little red dimple.

“Turn around. Arrows leave little dimples.”

“She’s not wrong, and people are going to be curious.”

“Hey?! Let me down!” Neville shouted from the other room followed by a thump.

Aerie rolled over but couldn't help but laugh. “Owe. Just out of curiosity…” She rolled back over to face Idda.

“Pressing a wand directly against the skin gets the magic past any sort of resistant aura that might be protecting the individual.”

“Ah… Ya, my family doctor had issues getting needles into me. I think I was subconsciously creating a barrier.”

“It happens. Downright annoying when we need to stick a needle in someone who doesn't want to get stuck.”

“Which reminds me, Hoshiko, where’s that little shadow of yours?” Aerie asked.

“Downstairs mooching breakfast I’d imagine. I should probably go check on her and get breakfast.”

“In that case, I’ll see you later. - Idda, when can I go?”

“Just as soon as Aurora comes back with your clothes, I’d imagine. Afraid there was unicorn blood on the old clothing, and it had to be burned.”

“Mmm, kay…” Aerie suddenly got it into her to pick up the cat and inspect for injuries, but no, she’d more than likely brushed across some bush with blood on it.

Hermione, Ron, and Neville came back in after Idda left, and when Aura arrived the boys were chased downstairs so Aerie could get dressed. Not that they were long to follow. Aerie got dressed followed by the three girls making their way down to breakfast. Naturally, everyone had heard some variation of the tail and were genuinely surprised to see her up and about.

“Aerie, are you going to be able to play?” Wood was especially concerned about losing his prize Quidditch player.

“I’m to take it easy, no practice for a while, but I’ll be able to play.”

“Oh… well, I guess that’s something.”

“Um, Miss Potter…” prompted a dark-skinned boy from the Slytherin table.

“Blaise Zabini, wasn’t it?” Aerie replied. “How might I be of service to you?”

“You haven't seen Draco Malfoy, recently?”

“No, I haven't seen him since last night. Shortly before Hagrid started firing blindly into the forest.”

“You don’t suppose he’s still out in the forest, do you?” Ron said. He’d wavered between conspiratorial and wistful.

“Hagrid’s not here either,” Hermione observed.

“There’s a rumor he’d been fired,” Crabbe offered.

“Wouldn't surprise me after last night’s cock up,” Percy muttered. As for Aerie, she pulled out a small piece of parchment, along with a pen presumably from Hammer Space because she hadn’t had them a moment before, wrote a quick note, and asked Moonie if she could pass it up to Professor Snape.

“Professor Snape, what is it Miss Potter wanted, if you don’t mind my asking?” Dumbledore inquired of the note that Moonie had left at Snape’s place. Snape picked it up, looked at it briefly, and then set it down.

“No one has seen Malfoy since last night.”

When Draco Malfoy woke up he found he was in an expansive canopy bed with white linen and lace curtains. The room was large enough to accommodate furnishings and the bed with just enough room left over to move about comfortably. The furnishings were of a golden oak color. There was a chair and sofa in emerald green, and the walls were colored light blue with sweeping cured timber framing in dark oak to include Gothic framed windows. The curtains weren’t much better than what hung on the bed, to Draco’s eyes, but there were at least shades. Which were presently rolled all the way up to allow golden light in. Beyond he could see branches that boasted white bark that shown as lit by moonlight with delicate white flowers and silver leaves. Draco could also see tall peaked roofs with that same Gothic Revival style roofed in light-colored shingles and not the heavy slate tile he was accustomed to. All about there was trim-work done in delicate looping Celtic knot-work as well.

Draco tried to get up but stopped at the discovery that everything hurt. Draco had numerous cuts, bruises, and even taking a deep breath hurt.

Draco lay there for a while wondering where this place was. Outside there was the occasional bird, and then Draco realized that he wasn’t seeing just birds, there were pegasi going back and forth. Draco watched in fascination and marveled at the site of a beautiful winged unicorn that went past fairly close. Draco heard the sound of the animal landing on a platform outside, but what followed sounded more like the footfalls of a woman wearing boots.

“Ah, good morning. I see you are awake.”

It was that woman. Draco knew this person, his father often referred to her, when he did, as a freak. A half-breed. Nova Silverwood. And then Draco Malfoy knew where exactly this place was. The Silver Woods, somewhere deep in the forbidden forest.

Nova Silverwood went over to a counter where a number of vials, a couple of goblets, and a pitcher of water were located. “I sent an owl to Hogwarts and I’ve yet to hear back,” she offered as she removed a stopper from a vial. She poured that into a goblet and then added water from the pitcher. She then took up a spoon, stirred the mixture, set the spoon down, and took the goblet over to Draco. “This will help ease the pain and speed up the healing.”

Draco looked at it suspiciously.

“One of my sweeps found you out in the forest early this morning. You’ve three cracked ribs and multiple lacerations owing to the thorn bush you were in. Rather tricky getting you out. Here, drink.”

Draco reluctantly took the cup and gave it an experimental sip. As potions went it wasn’t bad. Almost pleasant. A far cry from the noxious potions Professor Snape prepared.

Mrs Silverwood took the now empty cup and put it back on the stand. “My name is Nova Silverwood. And you are?”

“Draco… Malfoy.” Draco’s voice had come out sounding a little off. A little higher in pitch than normal.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that last name?”


“Draco Malfoy?”

“Yes… um, mam.”

“How do you feel about the name Coco?”


“Well… You see… it was a Salmacis Thorn bush. A few scratches generally aren’t too problematic, and can be undone.”

“Did something happen to me? I mean besides the broken ribs and lacerations.”

“I went out to check the location, and it kind of looked like you got dumped into the middle of that bush by Hagrid. Granted the man is an idiot, but it never occurred to me he’d do something so irresponsible.”

“What’d he do to me? And why do I sound like a girl?”

“You received enough toxin from the thorns and spread over your body fairly evenly… how do I say this… Draco the boy doesn’t exist anymore.”


“You’re a girl.”

“No. I’m a boy.”


“I’m not checking… it’s gone!!?”

Shortly after breakfast, Aerie was brought to see Professor McGonagall by Idda. Professor Dumbledore was also there.

“Aerie, how are you doing?” McGonagall wasn’t really fooling anyone. In truth, she had been genuinely concerned for Aerie’s well-being. Dumbledore had been concerned too given that Aerie was still his best chance at undoing his monumental mistake in ever believing he could control Riddle.

“I’m doing better. Much better.”

“That’s good.”

“I’m thinking that this might be about Draco, or am I still in detention?”

“Your detention has been nullified,” Dumbledore informed her. “Rules. Near-death experiences nullify all detentions.”

“It is about Draco,” McGonagall cut in. And yes, there was a mild tone of annoyance, and maybe even a bit of I told you so. “When was the last time you saw Draco Malfoy?”

“It would have been shortly after the sweep rider from Silverwood told us that they’d picked up the unicorn we were looking for.” Aerie was fairly sure if they asked Bane and Ronan they weren’t likely to say anything that would give away her subterfuge. Indeed they weren’t likely to give a straight answer at all. “Bane and Ronan were there. When Draco heard that the unicorn Hagrid was looking for had already been picked up he took Fang and started back.”

“By himself? Without you and Hagrid?” McGonagall asked.

“Oh, Hagrid wasn’t with us. He wasn’t sure which direction the unicorn had gone. We’d split up maybe an hour earlier. Maybe more.”

“He left the two of you alone in the forest? At night?” McGonagall looked like she was ready to work herself up into a right tizzy.

“Aerie…” Dumbledore took a moment to form his question. “Can you tell me what occurred prior to Hagrid shooting you?”

“Well first off, Draco and I were never truly alone. We’d a certain Night Mare tagging along. And she’d protected us from the very thing Hagrid had been shooting at.”


“Hard to describe. Half snake half human. The tail end was definitely serpentine. The upper end, human-like, with a robe to cover its features. Draco and I had encountered it prior to meeting the others. The Night Mare hid us from its view. Shortly after we parted, Draco and I... I tried to send up a flair like Hagrid had said. The sweep rider and the Centaurs were startled and for a moment I found myself alone. A short time later Hagrid went racing past with something flung over his shoulder. Not wishing to be left behind I raced after him. We’d gone-”

“Did you not call out to him?” Dumbledore may have suspected that something wasn’t quite right.

“He never heard me, and by the time I’d caught up to him I was kind of out of breath.” She had indeed called out to him, but he’d kept running. The thing with the crossbow bolt hadn’t been planned, it just happened when the opportunity presented itself.

“And then what happened, dear?” McGonagall pressed.

“It was that creature. We'd caught up with it. Hagrid dropped what he was carrying in some bushes and started firing wildly at it, the creature. The creature raced around, and then went past me, vanishing into the forest.”

“Is that when…” Dumbledore wanted to know if that’s when Hagrid shot her.

“Like I said, he’d been firing wildly. I don’t think he meant to hit me.”

“That’s good to hear,” Dumbledore offered as he leaned back in his chair.

“Any idea what he’d been carrying?” McGonagall asked.

“Never got a good look at it. Kind of looked like he’d found another carcass of some kind.”

“Professor, did Hagrid mention anything?” Idda asked.

“Afraid I haven't seen him this morning either.”

“Afraid I might have strongly suggested that he take some time off,” Dumbledore admitted.

“Any chance you could have waited a teensy bit before sacking him?” McGonagall asked tersely.

“I thought everyone was accounted for.”

“Ah… that’s not a denial,” Aerie pointed out.

“I might have suggested he not come back until next school year.”

“Wow… suspended for the year,” Idda said softly.

They were startled a moment later by a knock on the door.

“Come in,” McGonagall called. “Madam Hooch?”

“Ah, didn’t want to bother you but the pegasi are saying that they found an injured girl out in the forest. Mine were all at breakfast.”

“Where is she now?” Dumbledore asked.

“I’m to understand the sweeps from Silverwood picked her up and took her back to their village.”

“We have all our girls,” Idda offered. “I do a head count at bedtime and at breakfast.”

“Looks like we need to do a school-wide headcount,” Madam Hooch suggested.

“Far as I know, the only student we are missing is Draco,” Dumbledore replied. “She’s safe, we can sort her later. Right now we need to find Draco.”

Author's Note:

Opse, I did it again. LOL

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