• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

  • ...

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Chapter 15: Welcome to Hogwarts

“There’s no platform, and it’s too dark to see how far down it is,” Aurora reported as she peered out from their compartment.

“Lumos,” Aerie said and held out her now-lit wand. Aurora also lit up her wand and looked out. Other students were also looking out the side doors.

“I think we are supposed to go through the corridor too…” Aurora was saying even as Aerie stepped out into the darkness. “Aerie? What the hell? It’s not like you are a pegasus?” Aerie was now at a level that put her head level with the car’s floor.

“I’m alive and nothing's broke… hang on, there’s a ladder stashed under the coach. Might be here for emergencies.”

“Maybe we need to go down to the other end of the train?” Hermione suggested.

“Your choice, I guess,” Aerie called up as she pulled out the ladder. “I can see people a couple of cars up getting out. Looks like they are using the steps at the end of the car.”

“Please proceed forward via the aisle,” the cart lady repeated as she moved forward.

“Well, there is that,” Nova muttered.

“What are you doing down there?” The cart lady asked as she came into their compartment. “Unless you plan on trudging through a muddy creek I’d suggest climbing back up here.”

“Yes, mam,” Aerie replied and climbed back up via the ladder. The cart lady pulled out her wand and stowed the ladder.

“How did you even get down there? You are lucky you didn’t break your leg.”

“Yes, mam,” Aerie replied once more as the little group did their best to blend into the stream of people moving through the corridor. In the end, they found themselves dead last in the lineup to get off the train.

“Firs’ years,” called out the voice of Hagrid. Nor was it difficult to spot his immense bulk in the darkness. He had a lantern, but it was of little more good than the light from Aerie and Aurora’s wands. Just as an experiment Aerie decided to take off her glasses and found she could now see quite well.

“Lumos,” Hermione said and added the light from her wand as well. “Why’d you take your glasses off?

“Too much glare,” Aerie replied.

*“Firs’ year! Firs’ years over here.”

“Hi, Hagrid. I see you are feeling better?” Aerie asked as she approached him.

“Aerie, Good ta see you, and managed a light spell already,” Hagrid replied cheerfully enough. “Aye, I did make a mess o’ things, I did. No matter.

“Alright then, Fir’s years! C’mon, follow me now…” Hagrid kept right on as he began to head down a steep narrow path.

The path wasn’t too firm, it was steep. Aerie and the others were constantly struggling to keep themselves upright.

“Yeh’ll get yer firs’ sight o’ Hogwarts in a sec,” Hagrid called out to be answered moments later by a collective “Oooooh.”

There they were on the edge of a great black loch of which they were at one end, the castle loomed overhead on the far shore, and on the rise leading up to the castle was a string of carriages pulled by Thestrals. Before them on the near shore was arrayed a flotilla of rowboats. Minus any apparent means of propulsion. No more than four to a boat, Hagrid cautioned as people began to climb into boats.

Aerie climbed into one and soon found herself being joined by Lavender, Aurora, and Hermione.

“Right then, forward!” Hagrid shouted

As one the boats moved forward drifting on the inky waters. No ripples or disturbance of any kind could be seen, and the stars above perfectly reflected in the water below so that it looked like they were drifting through space.

Aerie began to hum and just couldn't resist singing in a soft voice, “Fhir a’ bhata, no horo eile, Mo shoraidh slan leat ‘s gach ait’ an teid thu” which she sang three times through.

Aurora joined in on “’S tric mi sealltainn on chnoc as airde, Dh’fheuch am faic mi fear a’ bhata...”

“Head’s down!” Hagrid bellowed out as they approached a cliff face. The spell the two girls seemed to be weaving in the song was broken. Aerie didn’t bother to duck down. She looked across and saw that Draco hadn’t bothered to duck down even though Crabbe and Goyle had. “Aerie, you might want to duck.”

“Hagrid, I could stand up and still not be as tall as you are when sitting,” Aerie pointed out.

“Oh, right. Hadn’t thought of that. Just watch the vines then.”

A moment later they had passed into the mouth of a cavern, narrow at first, but it opened up to reveal an underground harbor.

“Hi!” Aerie called out to a group of young thestrals hanging from the ceiling of the cavern. The thestrals looked back at the girl who could apparently see them. Aerie had a smile on her face too which was even rarer than people who could see them.

And then she used their own native language of sharp clicks, whistles, and whinnies to say hi, and inform them that she’s actually an Equestrian.

“Ah, don’t be getting 'em all riled up.” Hagrid groaned as Thestrals started flitting about. Sure, he could see them, but he’d not have a clue that it was an actual language they were speaking.

“Get what all riled up?” Lavender Brown asked, and then her eyes went wide when she saw ripples forming on the water here and there, and they could feel the brush of something passing by now and then.

“What is it?” another girl asked sounding alarmed.

“Thestrals,” Aurora offered. “Can’t you see them?”

“I can,” Hagrid admitted. Not everyone can.” Moments later they had pulled up to the boat docks where they disembarked. Hagrid found Trever, Neville's toad, and then they followed Hagrid through a passage that lead to a lawn and a set of stairs that brought them up to a courtyard and a grand entryway on an enormous building that boasted equally grand doors. Hagrid knocked on the doors with booming thuds.

Professor McGonagall opened one of the doors, and Hagrid presented the new first years to her. She thanked him and pulled the doors wide. Within was a grand entry hall that looked very much like it could be the interior of a grand cathedral all lit with flaming torches. High about the ceiling was concealed in darkness and at the far end they could just make out the beginnings of the grand stairwell.

“The torches are enchanted,” Hermione whispered. “Otherwise they’d be wholly unsuitable.”

“Obviously it’s to impress people and has nothing to do with practicality,” Aerie offered as they followed Professor McGonagall their shoes making their various noises across the flagstone floor.

From somewhere not too far away could be heard the sound of people talking. Aerie picked out a couple of doors from where the sound might be coming from, while they were taken into a smallish chamber.

* “Welcome to Hogwarts,” Professor McGonagall began as everyone gathered into the room. Aerie decided to put her glasses back on. “The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the great hall, you will be sorted into your houses.” She continued on about how important the sorting was and about how their houses would be their family while they were at school. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

Professor McGonagall announced that the sorting would start shortly and that they’d best take the time they had to smarten themselves. And then she left them to their own devices.

Hermione immediately began to Twilight.

“Hermione, it’s not going to be that kind of test,” Aerie offered, hoping to reassure the girl.

“You heard her, she said we needed to smarten up. It’s a test, I just know it.”

“She meant that we should straighten out our robes,” Aerie offered. Sure, she knew what the sorting consisted of, but how it would react to her was causing Aerie no end of worry. So lost in her own fear was she, that she nearly sprouted wings when a chorus of screams filled the hall. She looked around only to discover a group of the school's resident ghosts had just passed into the room via a wall. Nor did it take long to gather that they were talking about Peeves.

“I say, what are you all doing here?” asked a ghost wearing a ruff, puffy shorts, and tights.

“We are the new crop of first years, sir,” Aerie offered cheerfully and quite glad of the distraction. “I’m Aerie.”

“Aerie?” The ghost asked with a slight look of confusion.

“Aerie Potter.”

“Not Nova…”

“Oh no, sir. You mean Nova Silverwood I gather. She and I have met. I’m to understand we are related so there’s bound to be some resemblance.”

“Ah, yes, that must be it. Oh yes, there is a difference, I see it now. Your light is brighter.”

Brighter? Aerie thought to herself. How could she be brighter? Nova Silverwood was older and far more experienced, was she not? Or was it something else? Mrs Silverwood had mentioned that she couldn't command the fox fire the way she could. Granted that there would always be some differences.

“Hope to see you in Hufflepuff!” cheered a fat Friar just as Professor McGonagall reentered the room.

They were off again, only now it was time for the sorting. Having to line up was exciting, annoying, and even a little frightening for Aerie. She knew what she needed to do, she needed to make this world safe from Voldemort along with whatever mechanizations Dumbledore had planned.

And there it was, the Sorting hat. That old beat-up thing that Aunt Petunia would have fits about. Although, to tell the truth, Aerie wasn’t too sure if she’d want something that beat up in the house either. The hat sang its song and the sorting began.

“We’ve just got to try on a hat?” Ron asked sounding rather relieved. “I’m going to kill Fred and George. They kept going on and on about having to wrestle a troll.”

“Troll wrestling’s not until October,” Aerie offered without really thinking about what she was saying.

Aerie waited patiently as names were called. Abbott, Bones, Boot, Brockehurst…

Aerie clapped madly when Lavender Brown went to Gryffindor. She did honestly expect to go to Gryffindor herself. Dean Thomas, the boy Aerie met with Professor McGonagall went to Gryffindor, and Hermione Granger went to Gryffindor, as expected. Padma went to Ravenclaw, and Parvati went to Gryffindor. Nevil went to Gryffindor the hat taking little time on him. Draco Malfoy, to Aerie’s surprise, actually took a while before the hat finally said Slytherin. Aerie knew now that it meant the boy was conflicted. Draco more than likely didn’t want to be in Slytherin, but probably feared how his family would react.

When Potter, Aerie was called a hush filled the room. Aerie took Moonie from her shoulders, placed her on the floor, and walked out to the sorting hat with little kitty Moonie hot on her heels. For those who heard Harry, the sight of a girl coming forward was a bit of a shock. Aerie did her best to ignore the quiet murmuring, and the intent look being given her by the staff at the head table. Quirrel, Flitwick, Snape, McGonagall, Pomona Sprout, Madam Pomfrey, Madam Hooch, Hagrid, and even Sybill Trelawney watched with intent interest. Aerie removed the conical witch's hat she had on, sat on the chair, and put on the sorting hat.

“Haven't I already sorted you,” The hat said, its voice registering in her mind and not her ears.

“Sorry, not me, that would have been Nova Moon Silverwood.”

“Whereas you are Nova Aerie Potter Moon, and there seems to be an Arthol in there too. Most interesting.”

“I do seem to be Aerie Potter while in this world.”

“Indeed. Why then are you here?”

“I am on a mission from god. A Chaos god to be exact.”

“To cause chaos?”

“To prevent the total lack of it to be exact. Without balance, there is only stagnation. For life to flourish there must be a little chaos. I was chosen to stop the Dark Lord from achieving his goals.”

“And which house will you join then? What about Slytherin? You could be great.”

“I do not want that kind of greatness. I do not wish to control others. It is justice and the undoing of a great wrong that I seek.”

“And what of Ravenclaw? I see in you a love of learning.”

“It is a temptation, but as the Nova who came here before me, I’d say Gryffindor fits me best. That and Professor Dumbledore might be mighty disappointed if I go anywhere else.”

“Very well then, let it be GRYFFINDOR!” The last, shouted out for all to hear.

Aerie thanked the hat, got up, handed the hat to Professor McGonagall, placed her hat back on, and walked over to the Gryffindor table to the sound of polite clapping and cheering. It was entirely possible Draco cheered the loudest over at the Slytherin table.

Aerie had to laugh when she saw him telling people around him to pay up.

Her mood soured when she heard a Gryffindore saying, Harry will be next. Harry was not next.

Aurora Summers came to Gryffindor as well, much to Aerie’s delight.

Ron was nearly dead last. Zabini came last and he was a Slytherin. Still no Harry Potter.

“Where’s Harry?” Hissed one of the older girls at Aerie.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know anyone named Harry,” Aerie offered apologetically.

“Let me guess, you grew up hearing stories about the boy who lived?” Aurora asked. “The boy who became famous for not having died. The boy who while yet a toddler somehow did what no one else could. All the while ignoring the fact that there were adults there who dared to stand up to the Dark Lord. Aerie is my friend and I’ll thank you for not giving her a bad time about something she has no control over.”

Professor Dumbledore banged his goblet on the table and stood up. *“Welcome!” He called out with arms stretched wide. “Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts. Welcome new students. Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

“Thank you!”

He sat back down and everyone clapped and cheered.

“He’s quite mad, isn’t he?” Hermione asked.

“Mad?” Percy asked airily. “He’s a genius! Best wizard in the world! But he is a bit mad, yes. Why I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Harry Potter was nothing more than a diversion to throw off anyone who might want to find Miss Aerie. Potatoes?”

“Give them someone to try to find who couldn't be found, is it?” Aerie asked. “A diversion that caused the deaths of my mother and father,” She added quietly just for the ears of a few and then smiled at the sight of a table now laden with food.

“That does look good,” pined a familiar ghost. “Allow me to introduce myself, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, at your service.

“I know you, you’re–Mmmmph!” Ron started, but then inexplicably found he had a bun stuffed in his mouth. Nick had looked at him with the look of here it comes followed by one of amusement.

“Alright, who did that!” Ron demanded a moment later.

“Did what?” Aerie asked innocently enough.

“Stuffed a biscuit in my mouth just as I was about to say Near—Mmmmph!?” Ron now had a look of utter dismay, the bun now right back in his mouth.

“What’s the matter, does little Ronnie-kins have something to say?” The Weasley twins teased.

“Knock it off!” Ron shouted at the two the moment he’d removed the offending bun from his mouth.

“Oh, it’s not us.”

“Might be an anti-rudeness charm,” Hermione theorized.

“Did your mom put an anti-rudeness charm on you?” Aerie teased.

Ron let out a desperate muffled scream, followed by a look of horror crossing his face. Yes, his mom would do just exactly that.

“Could it be he’s trying to say nearly—Mummmph!?” George offered only to get a bun in his mouth.

“Headless Nick?” Fred finished for his brother. What was more is that he’d managed to catch the bun.

“I would prefer you call me Sir Nicholas de Mimsy,” Nick offered in protest. There was at least a mild look of amusement on his face along with the satisfaction that someone was at least trying to stop people from saying the moniker Nearly Headless Nick.

A boy by name of Seamus Finnigan interrupted. “Nearly Headless? How…” he trailed off as the head of a white-maned Night Mare rose up out of the table to eyeball him. She was in full armor that glistened silverily.

“Say it,” she whispered harshly. “Go on say it.”

Finnigan shook his head in the negative, chairs at the head table could be heard flying back and falling over, and the Night Mare vanished.

“Luna?” Aurora whispered as Moonie the cat jumped up onto Aerie’s lap.

“What was that?!” Professor McGonagall asked a moment later. She and several other teachers had rushed to the table. Hagrid, Snape, Quirrel, and Professor Trelawney watched from the head table.

“That was just Selena,” Nick offered, sounding a bit befuddled. “Oh right, you haven't met her. Horrible prankster.”

“Well, it’s gone now,” Professor Flitwick offered from under the table. His diminutive size had made it easy enough for him to investigate the underside of the trestle.

“You know that Night Mare?” Professor Dumbledore asked incredulously of Nicholas.

“Oh yes, from way back. She or one just like her killed a great Wyrm out in the barns back in nineteen oh four,” Nicholas explained with just a hint of smugness. “Night Mares are protectors.”

“Mr Finnigan was about to say something rude,” Offered a girl with a Prefect badge on her robes. “I get the impression the Night Mare was defending Sir Nicholas’s honor. That said, I for one do not need a certain demonstration repeated year after year. And I doubt any of the new girls wish to see it either.

“Demonstration?” Dumbledore asked.

“The one where someone asks an impertinent question and Nicholas lets his head flop onto his shoulder,” Professor McGonagall explained.

“Oh, right, right,” Dumbledore offered. “Well, as there is nothing to be done, let us go back to our meal.”

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