• Published 29th Jul 2022
  • 1,383 Views, 691 Comments

Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

  • ...

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Chapter 44: Dinner at the Browns

“Do you have house elves?” Aerie asked as they filed through a doorway behind the adults.

“Oh, yes, but for a formal dinner, the added pageantry of actual servants is fun. Don’t really get that with house elves. With house elves, when we go to eat the food just pops in, and it’s all rather impersonal. Still, though, this place would be impossible to keep up without them.”

“House-elves?” Hermione asked as they entered the small dining room. And by no means was it petite as there was more than enough room for a sizable family to gather around the table. The large dining room was the next room over, and it was three times the size.

“Servants to wizards,” Aerie offered. “They are bonded to the family they serve. It’s a peculiar arrangement. In theory, they could take off any time they want, but in practice, it takes quite a bit to break that bond. If the wizard releases them, most find it devastating. I suspect that they see themselves as part of the family they serve. I was thinking of doing a little research and see if I can figure out what it is that keeps them so steadfastly loyal even to people who abuse them.”

“That’s… that’s horrible,” Hermione said quietly.

“I’ve acquired one. He’s all but retired now. He’d been rattling around in an old empty house because those familial bonds were so strong he couldn't leave the place. And if I were to set him free he’d have nowhere to go. That and I think it’d kill the poor old sod.”

“Is there nothing that can be done? I mean, it sounds like they are slaves. Only worse.”

“I can assure you that ours are well cared for,” Lavender informed Hermione. “They are practically pets.”

“Pets who have to work.”

“Lots of animals work. The difference is most animals will take off the first chance they get if they are mistreated. There are also laws. Perhaps your calling is to work to improve the lives of House Elves. I for one want to find out what it is that keeps them tied to families that mistreat them. Let them have some choice in the matter.”

“Yes, they should have a choice.”

“Nova…” Aurora said softly as she stopped Brightstar. Brightstar had begun to follow the adults.


“We are dining with the children today.”

“But…” Brightstar let out a sigh and reluctantly turned back to the kid’s table.

“Is something wrong, dear?” Mrs Brown asked.

“Portal mishap,” Mrs Silverwood offered with a cheeky smile.

“Portal mishap?”

“We use portals instead of port keys,” Mrs Silverwood explained. “She’s actually an adult.”

“Oh my?!”

“Looks like I’m just going to have to grow up all over again,” Brightstar cheerfully offered as Aurora directed her to a chair.

“Is there no way to undo it?” Mrs Longbottom asked.

“She’ll be fine,” Mrs Silverwood offered. “It’s just a temporary inconvenience.”

“So how old are you, dear?”

“Let’s see… one thousand twenty-seven.”

“Oh, poo, one thousand indeed.” Mrs Longbottom seemed to think it a jest, and continued on into the adult’s dining room.

“Wow, we get to be all on our own,” Neville said moments after the adults had gone into the other room.

“My parents trust that I’ll be a good host,” Lavender offered as everyone found a place to sit.

“And that we will behave,” Aurora added. “And you behave too,” she admonished Aerie who had a devilish grin on her face. Aerie let out a laugh in response.

“I suppose eating with the kids isn’t so bad,” Brightstar mused as the staff presented bowls of soup that looked a bit like it might be a fish stock of some sort. The smell wasn’t bad though, rather spicy actually.

“Lobster and truffles steamed inside dumplings,” Offered a Footman as the bowls were set down at each place.

“I let them know that you were particular about what sorts of meat you’d eat,” Lavender offered. “It was supposed to be Mock Turtle soup. When they described it…”

“The less said the better,” Brightstar offered.

“Thank you for the food,” all four Novas said in unison sending Lavender into a fit of giggles.

The maids managed to keep a straight face as they poured goblets with a sparkly amber fluid.

“Why if I didn’t know any better I’d say they were all the same girl,” Alice quipped with a smile.

“Never hurts to be thankful,” Aurora offered and tried some of the cider. Nonalcoholic, or nearly so, and apple. Not quite up to Apple Family Cider, but not bad either.

“Indeed,” Lavender added. “For what we are about to receive, let us be thankful. Now, what say we dig in.”

“It’s a pity Ron couldn't be here,” Hermione noted. “Nova, one thousand twenty-seven?”

“I spent over nine hundred years trapped in Limbo. My actual subjective age would be twenty-seven.”

Poor Hermione had even more to mull over now and she wanted to ask about limbo but felt it might be inappropriate.

“This is good,” Dean offered between mouthfuls. “And I doubt Ron could appreciate something like this.”

“Ya, he’s a meat and potatoes eat it before he can smell it kind of guy,” Seamus joked. Hermione looked like she wanted to defend Ron in his absence, but had realized that Seamus was probably right. Ron was undeniably uncouth. Granted that she liked him well enough, it was just that Ron seemed to be lacking in any manners whatsoever.

The soup was followed by salmon with a Hollandaise sauce on it. It wasn’t a large piece as it was meant as more of an appetizer. What came next was roast goose, stuffing, a dish consisting of glazed chestnuts, pearl onions, and small golden potatoes. And their vegetable for the night was asparagus spears in a white sauce.

“Kitzu, what’s it like living in paradise?” Alice asked about halfway through the meal.

“I’m to understand that she was in a boarding school,” Aerie cut in.

“I lived in Manehattan.”

“Mane hat-tan?” Hermione quipped. “It’s Manhattan. Honestly.”

“Hermione, you are doing it again,” Alice cautioned.

“I’ve been,” Brightstar offered. “Every last soul there says mane hat tan.”

“Seriously?” Hermione was indeed taken aback a bit to think that the citizens themselves might not pronounce the name correctly. But then if the entire population of the place said 'mane' instead of 'man' who was she to argue? Her mind jumped a cog and was onto the next tack. “So, you’ve lived in a boarding school. Can’t say I don’t know what that’s like. Short of it’s similar to Hogwarts that is. But what about Akkadia? What’s it like?”

“Hot and muggy I’d imagine,” Aerie offered. “It’s semi-tropical, isn’t it?”

“It’s considered Neotropical,” Hermione offered. “Or subtropical if you prefer. I’ve read that there are plants and animals in abundance unlike anywhere else in the world.”

“It’s been a while since I was home,” Kitsu offered. “And Manhattan was anything but a paradise.”

“But why were you living in Manhattan of all places?”

“Wizard war?” Aerie suggested. “Mrs Silverwood likely made more than her fair share of enemies.”

“Oh… I hadn’t thought of that. Nova, what about you?”

“Me?” Brightstar asked. “Oh, right. I’m a helm officer on an airship.”

“Seriously? You are seriously an adult in a little kid’s body?” Seamus asked.

“Oh, maybe you can use the trick Mom showed me,” Kitsu suggested. “You know, reach in and pull out the pon-person you are supposed to be.”

“Just be careful,” Aerie cautioned.

“Wouldn't that be underage magic? You know we aren’t allowed,” Lavender warned.

“She’s not a Hogwarts student. And I doubt the Ministry of Magic has any say in the matter.”

“Akkadians do allow underage witches and wizards to perform magic outside of school,” Hermione offered. “What? I read about it.”

“It’s driving you nuts that you can’t use your magic, isn’t it,” Aerie teased.

“Yes. It is. I’m certainly confident enough to manage simple spells on my own. We aren’t even allowed to use simple telekinesis like what you showed us. And yes, I got a warning. By owl no less. Sending an owl to a muggle home. A person would think there’d be a restriction on that?”

“I’m surprised we haven't gotten any owls,” Justin quipped with a grin.

“Word is that Mrs Silverwood warned them off,” Lavender offered.

“Let’s see… reach inside myself…” Brightstar said softly as she closed her eyes. The others just looked at her with mild curiosity. Even the maids who were standing nearby were mildly curious, and their jaws dropped when the air around Brightstar began to shimmer. A moment later a fairly good-looking teen of perhaps seventeen or eighteen now sat where Nova Mustang the child sat a moment before. An adult for the Wizarding world. And yes, Equestria as well.

“Not bad,” Aurora encouraged. “The boobs need to be a bit higher up though. A little too pony.”

“Ah, that’s not where they go, is it? Shouldn't be too hard to fix now that I’ve got the knack of it.” She shimmered once more and set things to rights.”

“Is… is that something all Akkadians are capable of?” asked one of the maids.

“To be fair, only members of a certain royal line can do that level of transformation, I think,” Aurora offered.

“First time I’ve done it, but then I am an adult. Or at least I was. Just undoing the effects of a magical mishap. I am well versed in the use of magic.”

“Oh, OK. That does make sense.”

“Are you really a helm officer in an airship?” Hermione asked.

“Technically, it’s my yacht. I just don’t have enough experience to be a captain.”

When the Footman returned with a cart laden with holiday-themed treats he seemed at a loss as to who the new guest was.

“It’s Miss Nova Mustang,” Offered the maid who’d been asking the questions. “Seems she was telling the truth about getting turned into a child. She seems to have at least partially reversed the effect. Hang on, royal line?”

“Well, I am technically a princess.”

“Let’s keep that quiet,” Aurora admonished.

“They are a little worried that ‘You know who’ or a former supporter might come after them,” Lavender explained.

“Well then, let us hope that what we have will satisfy the pallet of a princess,” The footman offered. “We have minced pies with pheasant. Normally there would be beef in them, but we were informed that Miss Aerie doesn’t eat beef.”

“Neither bovine, ruminant, nor equine. I’m good on just about everything else.”

“It’s an Akkadian thing,” Aurora offered. “Many of the inhabitants can transform without the need for any complicated spells. Dear, Pony, and Griffins seem to be the most common forms.”

“Ah, yes, I can see where one would want to avoid eating certain animals if there was a possibility we might actually know the individual. I must confess that we did not know we’d have any Akkadian Princesses tonight. We just wanted to make sure that Miss Potter would be comfortable with the fair.”

“Hoshiko, do you count as a princess?” Kitsu asked.

“Not so much. Dad’s from a noble family but they aren’t a member of the peerage.”

“That gives us Mrs Silverwood Swan,” Aerie said as though thinking out loud. “And of course Miss Kitsu. And we already mentioned that Nova Mustang is a princess. And we’ve Princess Luna with us tonight as well.”

“We don’t really hold to formalities. It tends to draw too much attention,” Brightstar explained.

“Oh, my, a full house,” The second maid said softly followed by the footman lifting a bell-shaped cover off a scrumptious-looking Plum Pudding. The girls all clapped with appreciation. There was also orange custard and a variety of small tarts and sweet treats. All of which was well appreciated.

Everyone was full of cheer now and Brightstar just couldn't stop herself from singing.

Resonet in laudibus,
Cum iucundis plausibus,
Sion cum fidelibus,
Apparuit, apparuit,
Quem genuit Sol Invictus.

Aerie and Kitzu joined in, both knowing the tune.

Pueri concinite,
Nato Regi psallite,
Voce pia dicite: Sol Invictus.

Hang on, isn’t that song supposed to be about Maria?” Hermione asked looking rather confused. “And how is it Aerie knows it?”

“Mrs Silverwood used to sing it to me when I was but a babe,” Aerie offered. “And I wouldn't know.”

“Who’s Maria?” Kitsu asked.

“Lead role in Westside Story,” Aerie offered. Once again Hermione looked like she wanted to say something but was holding back.

Seamus started in on singing: I saw Three Ships…

Everything was going swimmingly with the others joining in.

And what was in those ships all three,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day?
And what was in those ships all three,
On Christmas Day in the morning?

“Jameson, Bushmills, and Writers Tears
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,” Seamus sang.

“That is not how that song goes!” Hermione blurted out indignantly. Meanwhile, Aerie was laughing so hard she was doubled over. “Surely one of those ships should be carrying Cutty Sark whisky?”

And then Aerie fell off her seat.

“Brands of whiskey,” Aurora informed several confused faces as the maids helped Aerie back to her seat. And yes, she was having a hard time keeping a straight face. Things went downhill as everyone had a turn at lampooning a Christmas song.

By the time the butler came in to investigate the footman was sniffing at a cider decanter with considerable suspicion.

“Down on Granny's farm, there is a little red hen.
Down on Granny's farm, there is a little red hen.
The hen, she makes a sound like this: Bawk, Bawk.
The hen, she makes a sound like this: Bawk, Bawk,”

Sweetie Belle sang even as the Butler was taking a sniff at the cider. And yes, she was jazzing it up while standing in her chair. She had been asked about where she lived, and as they’d been singing, couldn't resist answering in song. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had been more than happy to accompany her, but it was always Sweetie who had the gift of song. Why she’d not gotten a cutie mark in music… but then again, the trio never seemed to linger on any one thing long enough for the magic of vocation to take hold.

The butler cleared his throat bringing about an end to the impromptu musical number.

“If it wouldn't be too much of a bother, Lady Longbottom asks that you pipe down.”

“We are terribly sorry,” Aurora offered an apology. “That’s Brightstar. Nova Mustang.” Indeed the butler had taken notice of the young woman who hadn’t been there earlier.

“Indeed she is,” the footman confirmed. “Managed to age herself up. Seems to be an Akkadian thing.”

“She did speak the truth when she said she was an adult,” Aurora offered. “She simply figured out how to undo that which had been done.”

“In that case, I will trust her to keep the rest of you in line.”

“Tell my Grandmother…” Neville began. He stood as though he’d intended to address a great gathering, took a long pull on his glass, and then began anew. “Tell that old nag to mind her betters.”

“Neville?” Hermione asked in utter astonishment.

“We’ve more princesses than she,” Neville announced and then sat back down.

“How long have they been serving us the real thing?” Aerie asked as she studied her glass. The crusaders quickly downed the contents of their glasses and went for more.

“Oh no you don’t!” One of the maids corrected as she lunged for the decanter within their reach, and Lavender started laughing.

“Neville, considering you have to live in her house, you might not want to tell her off,” Aerie cautioned sagely.

“She doesn’t let me do anything. She treats me like I’m five years old!” Neville’s voice betrayed anguish and frustration. Of the things he’d learned in Hogwarts was just how oppressed he was in his own home.

“Princess Luna outranks all of us,” Kitzu pointed out. “We must first defer to our better.”

“She does?” Neville asked. “I guess maybe telling my grandmother off isn’t such a good idea then.” He turned to the butler. “But tell us, what need has Princess Luna? Are we too loud for her taste? If so then we must temper our merriment.”

“Here, here,” Seamus exclaimed.

The butler looked troubled. “I must confess I did not know she was a princess. So, what’s she Princess of? She some sort of Akkadian Princess?”

Who could say if it was the drink or something else, but at the man’s question Aerie stood up and began singing, “The world was young the mountains green,”

Kitzu joined in at, “no stain yet on the moon was seen,”

Brightstar joined at, “no words were laid on stream or stone,”

The three were delighted that each knew the song, each standing up for better diaphragm control. “..when Luna woke and walked alone.”

In the large dining room where the adults were gathered Mrs Longbottom had a 'we are not amused' look on her face. A look that changed to astonishment when Mrs Silverwood joined in at, “She named the nameless hills and dells, she drank from yet untasted wells…” ("Song of Luna", a parody by myself, Original poem "Song of Durin" by J R Tolkien.)

It was a long ballad that painted Princess Luna as the elder sister and the first pony to step hoof on the land that would become known as Equestria. It was a song sung by all those who had supported Princess Luna during the long interval of her absence. Luna listened and was both delighted and mildly embarrassed.

Author's Note:

A little treat while I ponder over potential updates. There are two in the queue and I will start a new once I've thrown off my writer's block.

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