• Published 29th Jul 2022
  • 1,383 Views, 689 Comments

Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

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Chapter 18: Potions class

Snape was horrified by what he’d seen and what he’d done. In his blind zeal, he’d forced an innocent child, the child of Lilly Evans to relive the most horrific moment of her life. Nor was it just blind zeal. Dumbledore had a plan that included sacrificing this child to ensure the defeat of Lord Voldemort once and for all and Snape was loyal to Dumbledore. So what if James Potter’s son had to die, he wasn’t Lilly. But Aerie looked far too much like Lilly and Snape’s sense of right and wrong was warring with him like never before. This child, this child was too knowledgeable. Too perfect, and too much like Lily. He wanted her to be a fake. But that memory.

And there was that creature now between him and Aerie wings erect and fangs showing. A Night Mare who seemed to be very attached to the girl and he was very lucky he hadn’t joined the Hogwarts host of ghosts on the spot. Likely the only reason the Night Mare hadn't butchered him right there and then was because she wasn't sure who had done what. That and she was more likely to kill him later. Somewhere away from young eyes.

Alright, so Aerie was actually Nova who was far from innocent and she'd cautioned Moonie that she was going to push Snape's buttons. But Snape didn’t know that. Snape had no way of knowing that what had just happened was calculated and planned.

As for Nova, the experience had been far too intense. Sure she’d prepared that little time bomb, but had never dreamed she might be caught in the blast.

“I’m… I’m sorry. Take her to the infirmary,” Snape said in a broken voice and then retreated to his office.

The rest of the class was unsure what to do at this point, save for Draco who rushed over. Sure Aerie was a Gryffindor student, but she was unlike anyone he’d ever met.

“Aerie, what happened?” Draco asked.

“Damn that man, poking about in my memories. Damn him! Poking about in my memories and he gets the ripest ones in the crop. I saw my mother at the moment she was murdered and my life went to hell.” At that moment it really was as though it had been her whose family had been massacred right in front of her.

Aerie knew that memory wasn’t hers, but damn if it didn’t feel like it had happened to her. In that brief moment, she truly was Harry Potter.

“Come on, we should…” Draco offered but stopped at the sight of a very angry Night Mare. A moment later she’d transformed into a very beautiful woman.

Aerie turned to look, “Selena, it’s fine.”

“It is not fine. You are not fine.” Selena stated as she knelt down.

“It’s nothing.”

“And who did this nothing to you?” Selena asked with the air of someone ready to commit murder.

“Snape. He tried to forcibly extract my memories,” Aerie explained. “I dare say he got more than he bargained for. It’s just that for a brief moment, I was there… when it all happened. I saw it with more clarity than I’d ever seen it.”

“Ah, Selena,” Aurora began tentatively. “Professor Snape suggested we get her to the clinic.”

“Very well then. Aurora, why don’t you and Draco escort her, and I’ll cover the class in that idiot's stead. And hurry back. And Aurora, try to pull in your aura if you can.”

“Seriously?” Draco asked. “You are going to teach?”

“I’m ten times the potions master that idiot Snape is, and it wouldn’t be the first time a class has been taught by a specter.” Selena offered as she stood back up. She then swept forward with an overly dramatic flair and did Snape’s monologue word for word. “What? He does the same thing every year. The same thing year after year in a thousand different worlds always exactly the same. Just ask some of the older students.” She smiled as Aerie got to her feet.

“Draco, Aurora, be sure to hurry back. And Aerie, take your time.” Selena said and then went into a lecture explaining the basics of brewing potions including plenty of warning about what can go wrong if they don’t take things seriously.


“What are you lot doing out of Class?” Mr Filch demanded of Draco, Aurora, and Aerie a short time later.

“Potions mishap.” Draco offered as Aerie snatched up Mrs Norris for a little forced loving.

“Here now, stop that!” Filch demanded. “Put my cat down this instant!”

“Yes sir,” Aerie replied with a smile and set down one befuddled Mrs Norris.

“Right, be off with you then.”

“What was that?” Draco asked a short time later.

“Totally worth it,” Aerie offered. “I’m feeling better already.”

“Seriously?” Draco asked.

“You saw the look on his face.”

“He looked like he was at a complete loss.” Aurora offered.

“Alright, yes. He did at that.” Draco admitted as a smile formed on his face. It would be just one more thing he’d be laughing about in the dorm that night.

“Aerie?” Madam Pomfrey asked as the trio entered. “What’s happened?”

“Professor Snape used Legilimency on her. Rather forcibly too.” Draco explained.

“I’ll be fine. It’s just that, one moment I’m standing in the class, and the next I’m reliving the night, the night Voldemort attacked…” Aerie cut off what she was going to say. Madam Pomfrey had a look of horror on her face.

“We need to get back to class.” Draco offered.

“Aerie, are you going to be alright?” Aurora asked.

“I’ll be fine, a little wintergreen tea, a chance to compose myself, and I’ll be fine.”

“I have just the thing, and then I’ve got a mind to have a few words with Professor Snape.”

“Afraid you’ll have to find him.” Draco offered. “I guess what he saw was too horrible for even him, and he just left.”

“So then the class is just sitting there abandoned?” Madam Pomfrey asked.

“Oh no, Selena showed up and took over.” Aurora offered.

“Selena? I don’t know a Selena?”

“The Night Mare. She transformed into human form and took over the class,” Draco explained. “She seems capable as well.”

“Aurora, does her human form look like anyone I might know?” Madam Pomfrey asked.

“Well, she does remind me of the painting in the grand hall of the Goddess Luna.” Aurora offered.

“That’s … very interesting. - Now I think you two should run along then.”

“Yes, mam.” Draco offered, and the two hurried on out.

“The Goddess Luna?” Draco asked a moment later.

“I’ll show you.” Aurora offered and a few minutes later the two were standing in front of the life-sized portrait complete with a very familiar-looking night Mare in the background.”

“No way,” Draco said softly.

“I think there’s something going on and it’s attracted some heavy hitters is what I’m thinking.”

“We should probably get back to class.”

Aerie took a sip of the hot drink Madam Pomfrey had prepared. “I knew that there was a possibility Snape might try poking around in my head, and I knew what questions he might ask me at the start of class today.”

“You knew?”

“A strong hunch then. Let’s just say there was a strong possibility he planned to put me on the spot. And put me on the spot he did. It was mean-spirited and intended to belittle.”

“Only you were prepared.”

“I was prepared. And I used my knowledge to turn it back on him and deliberately antagonized him.”

“You, you deliberately provoked him?”

“I did. I figured if he was going to invade my privacy I’d make sure it happened on my terms. I’d a rather juicy memory for him too. I kind of wish I hadn’t now. Suddenly I’m a baby again, I’m in the bassinet and I saw my mother murdered. It’s a memory that has haunted me.” She took another sip. “If he was going to invade my privacy, I was going to give him that one. I just didn’t know I’d end up reliving it.”

“Sounds like you put yourself at considerable risk.”

Nova decided to take a sip of her tea, her keen ears picking up the sound of footsteps. “I think we have a visitor.” She said softly, took another sip and a moment later Dumbledore entered the room.

“Madam Pomfrey there was something I was meaning to ask you about… Ah, Miss Potter, did something happen?”

Dumbledore certainly wasn’t fooling anyone. He hadn’t suddenly decided to come calling right at that moment, and Aerie knew it.

“It seems Professor Snape decided to forcibly read her mind and it ended with Aerie reliving the night Lilly was murdered.” Madam Pomfrey offered coldly and then lightened her tone. “I’ve given her an infusion of the Kings Cure herbs. It seems to be helping.”

“Sounds like I should have a word with him.” Dumbledore offered as though that would solve everything.

“I intend to have more than a few.” Madam Pomfrey informed Dumbledore.

“Perhaps I should head back to class,” Aerie offered and then finished up the contents of her cup leaves and all.

“Aerie, before you go, I did have something to ask you.”


“Might I see your wand?”

“My wand, sir?”

“I’m to understand there was a problem with your wand selection.”

“Sir, there is nothing wrong with the wand I received. The problem was that mismatched wand you tried to get Mr Ollivander to give me. Yes, he told me. It doesn’t work. At least not for me.”

“I am so sorry about that. I don’t normally get it that wrong.”

“Well, you did think that I was a boy. Perhaps that’s where you miscalculated. Those letters addressed to a Mr H Potter, those were intended for me, were they not?”

“Your wand, I’d still like to have a look. May I?”


“Just for a moment.”

Aerie handed over the wand she had in her hand reluctantly. Dumbledore scrutinized it. And froze.

“When you are done with it, if you could give it back, I’d appreciate it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to class.” And with that, she got up and walked out.

“Professor, care to explain why you want her wand?”

“She just handed me my wand.”

“Your wand?”

“She just handed me the Elder wand.”

“Well then, I guess that means it’s hers now and you’d best leave her be, hadn’t you?”

“I didn’t even feel it leaving my pocket,” Dumbledore said in quiet contemplation. “Afraid I’ve made a huge mess of things, haven’t I?”

“You think?”

“She doesn’t even trust me enough to let me see her wand and then hands me the Elder wand. Could she know the history?”

“She’s a resourceful girl. I’d say it’s a good bet she does.”

“I wanted her to have this,” Dumbledore offered as he pulled out another wand. “Not out of malice, but because the core was identical to the one Voldemort had. It would have protected her, and compensated for a lack of experience and knowledge should the Dark Lord rise before she was ready. I see now that she must forge her own path.”

“Neville, stop!” Selena commanded. Neville was about to add porcupine quills to a cauldron just as Aerie entered the potions lab. “Take it off the fire first. How many times do I have to say it? Get that step wrong and we’ll be rushing you off to Madam Pomfrey.”

“Yes, mam,” Neville replied and did as directed.

“Aerie, so glad you are back, you’re with Aurora.”

“Yes, mam,” Aerie said with a smile.

Selena proved a much better Potions teacher than Snape ever was. She explained the project, went over it step by step to include appropriate precautions and warnings, praised good work, and corrected anything that was wrong all while never singling anyone out any more than she had to. On top of all that, there were clear precise directions on the board.

Nova stepped up to Aurora and had her explain the project up to where she was at.

By the time class was over everyone had managed to successfully make a passable potion. Everything was labeled and placed on the desk Snape used in class.

“You’ve all done very well, and it’s a pity I can’t actually give you points for your hard work. With any luck, Uncle Snappy will see your work and give everyone credit, and if he doesn’t I’m going to torment his sleep all night.” Some of the boys raised an eyebrow at that proclamation. “As for now, it’s lunchtime. Go on up, have lunch, and use the rest of the afternoon wisely. In fact, I’d recommend you make sure to read all of chapters one and two. And when Snape comes back, good luck.” And with that, she transformed back into a nightmare and sailed right up through the ceiling.

“I wouldn't mind having her haunt my dreams,” one of the boys offered as they made their way upstairs.

“Careful what you wish for, you might get it,” Aerie called and then laughed.

“Aerie, Hagrid sent me an invitation for tea,” Neville announced.

“If it’s all the same to you, I’ve kind of had enough of Hagrid after the way he bungled picking me up. What about Ron? I bet he’d like to go. Oh, and be cautious of anything he gives you to eat.”

“What were you planning on doing?” Hermione asked Aerie.

“Lunch, and then I wanted to look up Madam Hooch.”

“You thinking of trying out for quidditch?” Ron asked.

“Maybe. Depends on how well I do. Anyway, I heard she works with the local pegasus population. Seems there is a group that took up residence in the attics of the school.” Aerie turned quickly as Draco approached with some of the other Slytherins. “Hey, Draco, thanks for helping me out.”

“Don’t mention it.” Draco offered. “What he was doing was way out of line for a teacher anyway. And I doubt there’s one of us who’d want someone forcibly poking around in our heads.”

“Afraid they might find out all your dirty secrets, Malfoy?” Ron asked.

“Ron, give it a rest,” Aerie scolded. “And don’t stand there acting like you’ve got nothing you wouldn't want people to find out about. Given you have to live in the same house as Fred and George, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they put girls' clothes on you and … took … pictures. Ron?” Ron had gone ghostly white.

“I wonder if they’ll sell me any prints?” Draco pondered and then continued down the corridor trying desperately not to laugh.

“Don’t feel so bad,” one of the other Slytherin boys offered as they passed by. “I’m sure that happens to lots of guys with idiot older brothers.” In truth, there wasn’t a Slytherin there who hadn’t been harassed by an older relative. Being forced to wear girls' clothing may well have been one of the milder things that had been perpetrated.

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