• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

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Chapter 49: The Elder-wand makes its choice.

“Now, Mrs Bones?” Flora turned to face the woman once they were all safely inside and the door closed. “What can we do for you?”

“It doesn't have anything to do with the witch and wizard at the airport does it?” Aerie asked.

“Ahh, I don’t actually know anything about that. Care to fill me in?”

“Not quite sure what to tell you. They seemed determined that we were trying to get Aerie out of the country,” Aurora offered.

“I’m going to run up and check on things,” Celeste offered and headed upstairs.

“The two made a spectacle of themselves and got themselves arrested,” Flora added.

“Well, that’s generally not a problem for a confidant witch or wizard.”

“Moonie,” Aerie prompted. Moonie the cat materialized on her shoulder a moment later with two wands in her mouth. Aerie took the wands and handed them over to Mrs Bones. “My Moonie is a bit of a wand thief.”

“Ah… Well then, I guess someone is just going to have to retrieve them.” Amelia offered as she took the wands and placed them in her purse. “But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.”


“Let me get right to the point. Certain parties within the ministry are concerned that there is entirely too much magic going on at this residence.”

“I’ve got a house elf, Flora has kindled her magic…”

“I have at that.”

“We’ve any number of magic users traipsing through here, Moonie is a familiar, and there is an Akkadian airship moored to the roof. Let me guess, they are under the delusion this is a muggle household.”

“Muggle household, this is not,” Flora stated firmly.

“Aerie, Mrs Heardital is downstairs,” Scootaloo called from the door to the basement.

“That’s Louise,” Aurora offered. “She’s my half-sister. We are both staying here for the holidays.”

“Louise, we’ll be down in a bit,” Aerie offered.

“Had you just gotten here?” Flora asked.

“Well, yes, actually.”

“I’ve got this feeling the individual having reservations is one Miss Umbridge,” Aerie guessed.

“That might be one,” Mrs Bones admitted while giving Aerie a curious look.

“Well, you can assure her that Aerie and Aurora are doing their best to hold to the requirements of the school.”

“After a half year at Hogwarts, they shouldn't be experiencing any accidental magic.”

“I’m an Akkadian Princess,” Aurora offered. “Expecting me to hold it in twenty-four-seven is like asking a fish not to swim.”

“You’re an Akkadian Princess? Prove it.”

“I’d have to use magic… hang on, just go talk to Professor Dumbledore or McGonagall. The Wards recognized my ancestry and gave me full administrative control. Right after I figured out how to transform.”

“You can transform?” Mrs Bones was genuinely surprised. “I’d love to see.”

“What about the underage restriction?”

“As an Akkadian Princess, you are all but immune to prosecution. Bottom line, no one wants to set off the Justice Matrix and I doubt very much Professor Dumbledore would allow you to be suspended.”

“Justice Matrix?” Aurora asked.

“Something left behind by the ancients I’m guessing,” Aerie offered. She had a good idea what it was too.

“You’d be correct. And it’s as likely to judge anyone in the room.”

"Ha! And no one wants that." Aerie quipped with a devilish grin.

“Alright, I’ll transform, but we’d appreciate keeping my transformation quiet.” Aurora took a few steps back and a moment later a golden pony with wings and a unicorn horn on her upper forehead stood before her. Amelia Bones’s jaw dropped.

“You are beautiful,” she offered breathlessly. Aurora couldn't help but blush.

“We are a little concerned that the person who is hunting unicorns might go after her if they know,” Aerie offered. “Please, don’t tell anyone. Especially those talking heads who run the ministry.”

“Don’t worry.” Amelia had to take a moment. “I suspect that just telling them that Selena is in London will be enough to get them to back off.”

“Aurora, we’d better get downstairs and see what Mrs Heardital wants.”

“Better turn our N-sid rings back on,” Aurora offered. “Seems we forgot to turn them back on after having shut them off earlier.”

“We?” Mrs Bones asked.

“Another secret we need to keep hidden,” Flora cautioned.

“So who is this Mrs Heardital?”

“A pony,” Aerie informed her. “Comes in via the back door to check up on Louise.”

“Louise… Is she her pegasus?”

“No, I’m the pegasus,” Scootaloo offered not catching what was meant. “Mrs Heardital is my social worker.”

“I had no idea ponies were that organized.” Mrs Bone’s mind had all but quit.

“So now, you are going to go back to the ministry and tell them…” Flora began.

“Mom, what’s with Selena, and who’s that guy?” Justin asked from the stairs.

“Different Selena. That’s Hoshiko’s mom and dad.”

“You mean it’s not a joke?”

“Perhaps you should go apologise… Assuming she’s even still awake.”

“Don’t wake her.” Mrs Bones cautioned apprehensively. “I should go.” She turned, turned back, “and make sure you’ve plenty of coffee for her when she wakes up.” She turned again and hurried for the door.

“Would you like me to show you to the floo?” Flora called.

Mrs Bones stopped and looked back. “You have a floo?”

“It’s outside in a vault under the street. Mrs Silverwood may have mentioned it?”

“That was yours?”

“Come on and I’ll show you.” Flora walked forward, retrieved a large antique key hidden in a panel in the door frame, and opened the front door. “It’s down the steps.” A moment later they were down in the trench.

“The key is primarily to keep vagrants out,” Flora offered as she turned the key. Mrs Bones looked in cautiously as the door was opened. She thought that perhaps she saw a shape, an unformed boggart perhaps, but the moment the light switch was turned on it scurried away into the shadows.

“And you can do magic now you said?”

“Basic telekinesis. Nothing fancy. I’ve got an Akkadian vocational skill in cooking. It’s a bit like waking from a stupor and suddenly intuitively knowing how to do things you’d never been able to do before. In my case, cooking. Oh, I was no slouch before. It’s just now I seem to be able to do things I’d never thought possible and don’t even need recipes anymore. And the strangest part, if I need something, it’ll just be there… then again that could be Kreacher popping things in.”

“Kreacher? The Black family’s old house elf?”

“That’s the one,” Flora replied cheerfully as she walked the rest of the way into the vault. “He’s a bit surly but responds well to praise. I’m to understand that he was poorly treated. Aerie inherited him. - floo powder is on the top of the mantle.”

“I’d no idea about Kreacher.” Mrs Bones turned to the grand hearth.

“It had never been disconnected. After all, we were a wizarding family that had gone squib. It simply fell out of use, its function forgotten.”

“I see…”

“It’s a fresh pot… and to get back say ‘the old vault’ but don’t be telling just anyone.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. And it was never disconnected?”

“Not in the home of a muggle, and it seems it’s been used by at least one nefarious character that we know of.”

“Ah, no muggles present, it was being used, it seems it simply fell through the cracks. Best I am off then.” She then helped herself to a handful of floo powder and was off to the Ministry of Magic.


Amelia Bones reappeared in the grand entry hall of the Ministry of Magic a moment later. She smiled at how easy getting back had proven. That was considering she thought that she’d have to walk until she was clear of the ward preventing Apparition. And yes, that house was definitely the center of the ward. She made her way to the entrance, where her wand was weighed. From there she made her way to her office.

“You’re back early,” offered an Auror who was catching up on paperwork.

“Turns out they have a floo connection.”

“Floo, but I thought it was a muggle home?”

“Absolutely nothing muggle about that home.”


“Squibs, they were squibs, only… I’m to understand that Flora Finch-Fletchley has rekindled her magic.”

“Lies!” shouted Dolores Umbridge from the doorway. “You’re just too soft.”

“Well, if you don’t believe it why don’t you go over there bright and early tomorrow morning, and assuming you can even find the place, bang on that front door of theirs just as loud as you can.”

“Think I’ll just do that,” Umbridge stated, turned…

“Nice knowing you,” Mrs Bones said under her breath.

“What?!” Umbridge demanded while turning back.

“I said have a nice day.”

Umbridge gave her a dirty look, turned back to the door, and stormed out.

“Snooty bitch.”

“Was that necessary?”

“First off, she’s not going to be able to just pop right in, there is a ward on the place. Second, in order to be able to see the place she’s going to have to humble herself and ask one of the local muggles. Third, Selena Tsuki is staying with them.”

“Wait, you don’t mean Thee Nightmare Moon?”

“The enforcer herself.”

“She’ll kill her.”

“I can only hope.”


“Good morning, dear,” Selena said cheerfully as Hoshiko entered the kitchen.

“Ahhh…” Hoshiko said softly as her mother gave her a warm hug.

“Aerie, Aurora, Luna, and Scootaloo are downstairs,” Flora offered as Justin entered.

“Mrs Tsuki?” Justin asked just as Basil entered. Basil went over to give his wife a morning kiss and then snatched a smallish sausage.

“OK, what gives?” Selena asked.

“Moonie’s human form is nearly identical to you,” Haruki explained as he entered the kitchen. “Little vixen nearly had me going.

“I knew she wasn’t Moonie,” Hoshiko offered. “It’s just that she’s so…”

“Chipper?” Haruki prompted.

“I got to sleep in. Well, that and I’ve my daughter back.”

“By any chance did you see the papers I laid out for you?” Basil offered.

“Yes, thank you. At least now I know how Volda, I mean Riddle’s followers were so good at finding anyone who dared to oppose him.”

“What about you?” Basil asked.

“Worked alone,” Haruki offered.

“Would have been nice if Dumbledore had bothered to let people know why we couldn't say the name. That self-appointed title. We could have used that against them.” Selena had to take a deep breath. “I think I can understand why Mrs Silverwood seemed more pleased than disappointed to hear I was leaving England.”

“Well, it’s not like she can’t visit you any time she wants,” Aerie offered as she entered the kitchen. Aurora, Louise, and Celeste were right behind her. Celeste had stayed the night in a spare room in the basement flat. “Does she visit?”

“Oh, yes, she does at that…” Flora offered as Princess Luna entered the kitchen.

“Celeste, did we have a sister I didn’t know about?” Selena asked.

“She’s from another dimension,” Haruki explained. “She’s a younger version of yourself.”

“OK, we’ve too many people in the kitchen,” Flora protested followed by shoeing everyone into the dining room where they found Brightstar with a handsome young man in a uniform reminiscent of an Equestrian Naval uniform.

“Brightstar, you’ve yet to introduce us to your captain,” Aurora prompted as she found a place to sit.

“Hardrock, Captain of Princess Celestia’s Airship Lady Grace,” He offered as he rose to his feet.

“Captain,” Aerie replied with a smile and a nod as she found a seat. “You’ll find that things are fairly lax around here with little regard to rank.”

“The rest of the crew is upstairs,” Brightstar offered. “Is Miss Kitzu joining us for breakfast?”

“No idea. I suppose that all depends on if she drops by,” Aurora offered. “She went with Mrs Silverwood. I think she stays at the Akkadian embassy when she’s in London.”

“So what are we doing today?” Aurora asked.

“Hoshiko needs to be seen by a doctor, and that’s about it.” Flora offered as she brought in a tray loaded with food.

“Why does she need to see a doctor?” Selena Tsuki asked.

“Because of bureaucracy,” little Moonie the cat offered while standing in a chair with paws on the table.

“Moonie, if you want some breakfast, turn yourself into a child and sit down. Lord knows it's going to be hard to keep track of who's who if you all maintain the same age,” Flora scolded and then went back to the kitchen to retrieve another tray.

“Nani?” Selena asked as Moonie transformed into a child modeled on Aerie. Moonie then sat down and gave Selena a mischievous smile.

“Guardian spell,” Luna offered. “Made her myself. And don’t ask, I’m a little fuzzy on the details. Wasn’t quite myself at the time. Miss Kitzu and Nova Silverwood each have one, and yes, their adult form mimics you. Modeled after myself at the time. - Age reversal.”

“Let’s not forget that Aunt Tia muddled with our Moonie's matrices,” Aerie added. “You gave her a mandate to keep me safe, the ability to learn, and the ability to tell wrong from right.”

“So what was it that your Aunt Tia did, do you think?” Selena asked.

“Gave her compassion, a conscience, and an ability to think outside her programmed mandates I’d think.”

“So… what are we going to do besides take Hoshiko to the doctor? Aurora asked.

“I was thinking of spending the day back in my own proper dimension,” Aerie offered. “Well, there’s no point in all of us going to the doctor’s office.”

“I suppose I could spend the day with Scootaloo back in her dimension,” Aurora mused.

“Aerie, I’m thinking that you might want to come with us to the doctor’s office so that they know we aren’t pulling a prank on them,” Flora suggested as she joined everyone at the table.

“So why does Hoshiko need to go see a doctor?” Selena pressed.

“Right off hand, I’d say it’d be the whole we can’t tell anyone about Equestria,” Basil suggested from his seat.

“I’ve got amnesia,” Hoshiko informed her mother and then took a bite of sausage.

“Lovely,” Selena muttered.

“So who all is going to have to go?” Aerie asked.

“We can’t very well bring everyone, Flora replied.

“I have the day off and plan to do absolutely nothing today,” Basil informed them.

“I’d love to see this Equestria,” Haruki requested.

“We’ve two,” Aurora informed him.

“Two?” Haruki asked.

“Basement connects to no less than three dimensions counting this one.” Aerie offered. "There's another one that we haven't explored yet."

“I can take you on a tour of my world,” Luna offered.

“You aren’t going to come with me?” Aerie asked.

“I’m tempted, but let’s face it, I’m not crazy about doctors' offices. Now I know the modern ones are all sterile and scientific, but…”

“And yet you had no trouble when I’d overextended myself.”

“That’s different. There’s nothing wrong with you, and let’s face it, if anything happens I’d be useless without one of their wands.”

Aerie pulled the elder wand out from a pocket and passed it over to her. “Here, try this one.”

Luna looked at it, reached out, and picked it up.

“Is that the Elder Wand?” Selena asked in astonishment.

“Stole it from Dumbledore,” Aerie replied.

“Considering you were able to steal it, it wasn’t really his to begin with… Oh my?!”

A stream of multi-colored sparks followed by what looked like a moonbeam emanated from the tip of the wand while a tingling sensation washed over the room.

“It’s chosen you. It’s never chosen, anyone,” Selena said in quiet awe and admiration.

“It’s probably never had the opportunity,” Haruki offered. “Miss Aerie took it from Dumbledore causing it to recognize her as a better if not equal to Dumbledore. But then she goes and does something that’s never been done before. She gave it away, freely without reservation to someone who could truly master it.”

“Mom, I’m to understand the core is a thestral hair.”

“And Thestral look to me as their princess. Or at least in our dimension, they do.”

“You are Princess Luna?” Haruki asked softly.

“I am, well, a Princess Luna. - Aerie, I think I will go with you today.”

A short time later Aurora and Louise would take Basil and Haruki out the back way to experience Scootaloo’s (Mrs Silverwood's) Ponyville. Bright Star decided to stay behind to spend some time with her Captain and crew, and Flora, Aerie, Hoshiko, Selena, and Celeste were out the front door about the same time as Aurora was going out the back.

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