• Published 29th Jul 2022
  • 1,353 Views, 657 Comments

Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

  • ...

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Chapter 61: Aerie takes a dive

When Ron came down to breakfast the morning after having been bit Aerie couldn't help but notice he was hiding his hand and even went so far as to eat with his left. Aerie said nothing, finished her breakfast, climbed up onto the table, walked across to Ron, ignored the protests, jumped down, snatched Ron by the ear, and pulled him up out of his seat.

“Owe, hey, lay off!”

“Nurse's office! Now!”


“If you’d have washed it properly it wouldn't be infected now.” Aerie began marching him to the door of the Great Hall.

“But I did.”

“Well, you didn’t do a proper job of it.”

McGonagall couldn't help but wonder, got up from her seat, and went over to where Bill Bones was seated.


“Got bit by a feral Crup, apparently,” he replied. “She’d given him a general curative and ordered him to wash it.”

“Did he?”

“Considering we have to all but force him to take a shower now and then… doubt it. He’s borderline feral himself.”

“I see. Guess I’m going to have to see Poppy later.”

Meanwhile, at the Slytherin table, Malfoy found himself being cautioned about getting on Aerie’s bad side.

“Madam Pomfrey,” Aerie called.

“Put me down!” Ron protested. Aerie had let him go only to have him try to run away. She now had him levitating, tethered by her wand.

“You going to try to run away again?”

“What is the nature of the Emergency?” Madam Pomfrey asked as she stepped out of her office.

“Bit by a magical creature.”

“It was a dog.”

“A Crup might look like a dog and behave like one, but it’s still a magical creature. You have to take bites seriously.”

“Where’d you find a Crup? You didn’t sneak down to Hogsmeade did you?”

“Out by Hagrid’s hut,” Aerie offered.

“Set him down, and let's have a look at it.”

“It’s fine, I don’t need anything.”

“Shut it, and for once in your life do what you are told.” Aerie sounded cross and when she set him down on an examination table she wasn’t exactly gentle.

“Yes, Mom…” It’d been automatic and he immediately followed by blushing bright red. Madam Pomfrey carefully removed the bloody rag from his hand.

“Damn it, Ron, why didn’t you tell me it was this bad?” Aerie was shocked. It was no wonder he hadn’t tried to wash it. The hand, when finally revealed was an angry red with hints of green.

“Thank you Aerie, you can go to class.”

“And Ron?”

“He’s staying here until we can get that infection under control.”

Aerie, Hermione, and Neville visited Ron during lunch, nor was Aerie surprised when he announced that Malfoy had one of his books.

“And you had your letter in that book, didn’t you?” Aerie pressed.

“Malfoy just came up here to have a good laugh at me, and then he takes one of my books.”

“Ron?” Hermione pressed.

“He’s got the letter.”

“It’s too late to cancel. What do we do?”

“You’ll make it as far as the tower,” Aerie announced. “He’ll spring his trap after he’s sure you’ll get caught. Neville, Hermione, when you get up there, stay up there.”

“Stay up there?” Neville asked.

“I’m going to ask Mouse for a favor.”

“Mouse?” None of the three had a clue who she was talking about, but Aerie reassured them it’d be fine.

On the night the dragon was to be liberated Neville and Hermione met in the great room following the headcount, covered themselves with the cloak, and exited through the entry portal. The fat lady stirred from her sleep but seeing no one went back to sleep. Unknown to them Aerie had transformed herself into a fox, employed a camouflage spell, and followed. The night was dark and cloudy, Neville and Hermione thanked Providence but would have thanked Aerie if they’d known it had been her mucking about with the weather. They were a bit late to Hagrid’s hut but still had plenty of time.

“Who’s there?” Hagrid asked as he peeked out the door.

“It’s us,” Hermione offered as she uncovered her head.

Aerie waited on the roof while they went inside. When they emerged a short time later Aerie could hear Norberta ripping something up. She waited for the door to close. Norberta was making way too much noise, so Aerie flew down, and then quietly slipped under the cloak and the crate. Norberta sensed her somehow and quieted down.

Midnight ticked closer and closer as they made their way back to the castle unaware of the shadows silently fanning out over the grounds on leathery wings. Aerie had to separate from them once they got there, her stubby fox legs making it impossible to climb the steps while under the crate. She stayed close hoping that Norberta would stay quiet. Upstairs and down corridors they went, shrinking into the darkness at the sound of a scuffle up ahead.

“Detention!” Shouted Professor McGonagall, a light held by her revealing that she’d caught Draco Malfoy. She’d a tartan robe on and had Malfoy by the ear. “Detention, and twenty points from Slytherin!”

“You don’t understand! Aerie Potter is coming. She’s got a dragon!”

“Draco Malfoy, I would suggest you keep your nonsense to yourself. Utter rubbish! How dare you tell such lies. Aerie is a good girl. Now get moving!”

The trio plus one baby dragon waited quietly as the two made their way down the hall. Right past them, they went, and when they’d gone there was a collective sigh of relief.

Finally, they made their way up the spiral staircase. The crate was set down, and Hermione danced a jig. “Malfoy’s got detention with McGonagal…” She spun around and froze. Aerie was standing at the entrance to the stairwell. “Aerie, what are you doing here?”

“Making sure you don’t screw up.”

“I wasn’t going to screw up.”

“So thrilled at Malfoy getting detention that you hand off Norbert and blindly walk right into Filch who is at this very moment on his way.”

“What are we supposed to do?” Neville asked in a panicky voice.

“Handoff that dragon,” Aerie replied as four figures on broomsticks came gliding down to the platform at the top of the tower. They wore cloaks to hide their faces from any onlookers. They were friendly and as they were showing them the harness they and a gray pegasus landed nearby on the remaining open space.

“Lieutenant,” Aerie said. “Glad you could join us.

“You lot need to hurry,” Mouse offered. “Hermione, Neville, climb on, cover up, and I’ll take you straight back to the Gryffindor tower.”

Moonie appearing at Aerie’s feet gave her to know that they were nearly out of time.

“Aerie, where are you going?” Hermione asked as Aerie began to head down the steps.

“Buying you the time you need. No point in all of us getting caught.”

“Well, well, well, we are in trouble,” Filch said as Aerie emerged at the bottom of the stairs. He was about to head up the stairs. The door behind her was now locked.

“Trouble? I went up to watch the meteor shower. I’ve stayed out too long, haven't I?”

“Tell it to Professor McGonagall.” He tried the door, and finding it locked was forced to get out a large key ring that looked like it had infinite keys on it of every shape and size. Mostly what we’d call skeleton keys, some quite large, and a few small ones that looked to be reasonably modern. He fumbled with his keys for a bit, followed by making a disgusted noise.

“Given you’ve gone and locked them in, no one is going to go anywhere.”

“Locked who in?”

“Your friends.”

“No, sorry, just me.”

“Well see. Now move.”

And while Filch was marching Aerie down to McGonagal’s office, Neville and Hermione were soaring high up over the castle on Lt Mouse’s back. Both hung on in sheer terror at their predicament and yet the thrill of the midnight ride on the back of a pegasus was quite possibly the best part of the night. Mouse turned. Headed for the window that gave access to the attic of Gryffindor tower, tucked her wings, shot through, and landed as gently as she could.

“Everyone off.”

Neither moved. Alice Mouse walked over to a large bed and sat on it. Neville and Hermione lost their grip and tumbled onto the bed. She stood up, turned around, and transformed into her human form.

“Lieutenant Alice Mouse, at your service.”

“Seriously?” Hermione asked.

“My apartment. Now, Hermione, the hatch to the girl’s dorm is right there. And Neville was it? Boy’s dorm is through that hatch. Best hurry.” Even as she was saying this the hatch to the girl’s side was opening. A moment later Aurora stuck her head through.

“Best hurry. Miss Peverell is starting up the stairs. I suspect that Professor McGonagall has some way to communicate with her from her office.”

Hermione and Neville quickly shook off their momentary paralysis and scrambled down the hatches. Both went down to their rooms, quickly changed, and were in bed just before their perspective Prefects stepped into their rooms. Both looked at the occupied beds, decided that Malfoy was full of shit, as usual, and went back downstairs.

“Aerie Potter. Care to explain yourself?” McGonagall was cross, and thanks to the letter on her desk she was beginning to think that Draco Malfoy might have been right.

“I wanted to see the meteor shower.”

“A meteor shower?”

“My farmer’s almanac said that there was supposed to be a meteor shower tonight.” Aerie proceeded to produce an actual almanac from her robe. She opened it to a marked page.

“And you know nothing about a dragon?”


Professor McGonagall snatched up the letter, waved it at her, and repeated the word dragon just as Professor Dumbledore entered the room, wearing a housecoat and bunny slippers.

“Ah, Aerie, up rather late, are we?” He didn’t wait for an answer, closed the gap between him and McGonagall, and took the letter.

“Professor, this looks very bad for Aerie, Hagrid, and a few others.”

“A dragon, was it? Don’t be silly, where would Hagrid even get a dragon?” And then he did something that surprised both Aerie and McGonagall.

“Professor? That was evidence.”

Dumbledore had thrown the letter in the fire.

“Of what? A dragon? Let’s say for the sake of argument that that letter isn’t just a prank that went too far, but the actual article. Hagrid would not be going to Azkaban alone.”

“Oh, oh dear.”

“Yes, Minerva. Every student involved would join him. Even Malfoy could find himself in Azkaban for not immediately bringing this matter to the attention of the authorities. There was no dragon, and there never was.”

“There is still the matter of student’s out of their dorm after curfew.”

“And how many points did you take from Malfoy?”


“Well, then, take twenty points from Miss Potter, and let’s get back to bed.” He paused a moment and looked at Aerie.

“There was supposed to be a meteor shower. I got showers instead.”

“Well then, the next time you want to view stars in the middle of the night clear it with Professor Sinistra.”

“Yes sir.”

“What about detention?” McGonagall asked.

“Detention with Malfoy will be a hoot,” Aerie offered with a cheeky grin. McGonagall said nothing but did give her a reproachful look.

“Detention with Malfoy then.”

Nearby a little machine started typing out messages letting McGonagall know that everyone was accounted for.

“Aerie, do you think you can find your way back to your dorm, or do I need to escort you?”

“I’ll walk her back.”

“If you insist… I can’t help but think there’s more going on than you are telling.”

“Oh, I’d say you know as much as I do. I’m just glad this little side quest has turned out the way it has. I’m to understand that Ronald Weasley is in the medical wing.”

“If I hadn’t dragged him there he’d have let it fester,” Aerie offered.

“Aye, he probably would have,” McGonagall admitted. “Reducing collateral damage are we?”

“If it’s in my power. You Know Who’s agent could have just looked up how to get past a Hell Hound, but targeted Hagrid by offering something he couldn't refuse.”

“And with the ministry nipping at my tail for, I regret to admit, a string of bad judgment, there was no dragon. I know nothing about it, and it was never there.” He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. “Good night Minerva. Come along Aerie. We can talk a little along the way.

“Good night,” McGonagall replied ad followed the two as far as the door. Once they were clear, she closed the door and retreated to her personal apartment beyond the office.

Aerie and Dumbledore had gone the better portion of the way before he spoke again. “I will say that for someone you don’t especially like you went to a lot of trouble and effort to help him.”

“I don’t especially dislike him. I’m just not the person he wanted me to be. Even if I had been Harry, I still would have been in the dark concerning my parents and all the adventures they had with or without Hagrid. He is a unique individual who only sees the best in everything to the point of living in a fantasy world all his own. Oh, he knows the darker side of the world but chooses to deliberately blind himself to the hazards. In short, just being around him is hazardous. That doesn’t mean I don’t like him, and I’m not about to let someone hurt him if I can help it. But how’d you know?”

“I’m not completely inept when it comes to using the system that controls the wards. You're suddenly taking an interest in Hagrid doesn’t take a genius to figure out that something was going on.”

“Whatever do you mean? Absolutely nothing was going on.”

Dumbledore burst out laughing causing several nearby portraits to complain about the noise so late at night.

“I suppose I’ll have to pay him the odd visit now.”

“I’m sure that’ll help him keep his spirits up.”

“Any luck finding the item I’d asked about?”

“I’m afraid the house in question is as hard to find as the one you’ve landed yourself in. And there is no one in the area who remembers it.”

“We’ll find it. We have to.”

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