• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

  • ...

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Chapter 75 The Young Master

Bernard couldn't help but be impressed by Twilight Sparkles' private apartment. The private tower was more accurate. The ground floor boasted a fancy foyer, a reception room, a kitchenette with a pantry, and a bath and toilet. The next floor up boasted an impressive library, a combination bedroom, and above that was an observatory. He’d been the one to carry Twilight, and Sandra had bathed and dried her. At which point Bernard put Twilight in her bed, and Sandra on a sofa. She’d hit her limit so he’d taken an extra blanket from the chest at the foot of the large canopy bed and draped it over her. Given he’d yet to accomplish his task he sat down in a big overstuffed chair with a book. Sure, he probably should have been out helping others, but that wasn’t his concern. Technically he was supposed to be nothing more than an observer and the occasional message runner. He also wanted to be there when Twilight woke up. That way he could relay his message and go home.

Bernard was about a quarter of a way into the book he’d chosen when someone pounding on the door jolted him out of it. He let out a sigh, dropped a ribbon to mark his place, put the book on the table, got up, and went downstairs. And no, he did not open the door. You see in old houses and castles there are often these little mini windows, barred to keep someone from trying to reach in to open the door. This he opened.

“Twilight?” all five ponies chimed hopefully.

“Oh, it’s you?”

“Aah, who are you?”

“I’m Bernard, the butler.” He couldn't help but let himself mess with them. “Miss Sparkle is asleep.”

“Butler?” Spike asked in confusion.

“Ah, the young squire, Young Master Spike the Dragon. I suppose you may come in, but the rest of you can stay out.”

“Ya, well try and stop us!” Dash boasted.

Bernard had other ideas. He, no slouch at magic pulled a wand from a saddle bag and conjured up a wall of fire. Magical fire. Little more than an illusion but it’d be enough to keep the mares from bum-rushing the door when he opened it. And they did attempt it only to back peddle violently. Spike walked in, and the door was shut and barred.

“Ah, what kind of fire is this anyway?” Spike asked while standing in it.

“Just an illusion to keep them out. Twilight is upstairs and she needs her rest. And yes, I heard.”

“So, you’re a butler.”

“Message runner. I was ordered to tell her that Miss Aerie was alright. I can’t tell her until she wakes up.”

“I could tell her for you.”

“Not in my orders. I’m to carry out my orders to the letter. Therefore I’ve little choice but to stay nearby until she wakes up.”

“Let's see, rejected by her friends and Celestia, got cocooned, rescued, had to fight her way out, brought Cadance to Shining Armor…”

“And then spent the afternoon making potions to help others.”

“Yup, she’s going to be out for a while.”

“Should I let the others in?”

“Nope. We all want to apologize, but... she’s not going to hear any of it. She’ll be out till morning, and trying to wake her will just make things worse.”

“Right.” he opened the mini window.

“You gonna let us in there Hun?” Applejack asked.

“Sorry, Young Master Spike says you’ll need to come back in the morning.”

“Aw come on!” Dash protested.

“I can’t help but feel I should be back there helping out,” Aerie said as she, Amore, and Nova Silverwood walked along a tropical beach. She had on a one-piece bathing suit, a lacy wrap-around skirt, and an oversized floral print blouse that was tied around her waist with the sleeves rolled up. And even though the sun was low on the horizon, it was still plenty warm. Her companions were dressed in similar breezy outfits.

“You’ve done far more than anyone could ever possibly expect from you,” Nova offered.

“Aerie!” Luna called as she ran down the beach. “I’ve got your bag, and the guards at the Everfree station say your armor will be ready when you come back in the morning. They also wanted to let me know the hammer will be right where you left it.”

“Thanks, Mom,” Aerie offered. “Some Summer vacation this has turned out to be.”

“Like you haven't been loving it,” Luna teased.

“Loving it?” Amore asked.

“I got a rare opportunity to truly cut loose.”

“Well, then, you're welcome. I guess. I… I think I was filled with too much rage to really appreciate what was happening. I can say that I was putting my all into it. All that power.”

“Luna, I was beginning to think you weren’t going to make it in time for dinner,” Nova Silverwood remarked thinking to change the topic.

“I’m glad. Things got a little heated in Ponyville this afternoon. I managed to convince them that a ling who is not actively trying to hurt anyone isn’t a threat and that the invasion was an aberration.”

“Harming ponies, it’s not their true nature,” Amore offered. “Dare I ask what’s become of my Lings?”

“Not good, I’m afraid. Ponyville got its fair share of the fallout. Dead and injured lings scattered all over the valley. Many tried to fly as they were being ejected from Canterlot and it ripped their wings off. After that, they were subject to the same results as anything else thrown that far from such a height. A few had enough sense to tuck their wings until they’d reached the zenith of their arch and were able to make safe landings. Unfortunately many had been injured when they were ejected from the city. Those who could, scattered into the forests. And to make matters worse Mrs Spoiled Rich started a rumor that ponies were lings in disguise. And yes, she was targeting her favorite ponies. She’s presently being held pending an investigation regarding whether or not she’s a ling. Granted that everyone knows she’s not a ling, it just keeps her from starting more trouble.”

Aerie couldn't help but laugh.

“No sensible ling would call attention to themselves like that,” Amore commented.

“Precisely,” Luna replied. “Sensible lings aren’t going to do anything to call attention to themselves.”

“We’ve lings on the payroll,” Nova Silverwood informed Amore.

“As do we,” Luna added. “We even sponsored a hive of reformed lings in Canterlot mountain. Lings that have thrown off the curse.”

“Seriously?” Amore asked.

“Started by an outcast who calls themselves Idol Hooves. Oh shit…” Aerie was now gravely concerned.

“My world's Idol will be fine,” Nova Silverwood offered. “That love burst didn’t affect very many of the outcasts.”

“That’s good. It all sorts itself out then I gather?”

“Now you know I’m not supposed to tell you anything.”

“I think it only counts if we need to be actively involved,” Aerie suggested hopefully.

“Well, you can’t very well get yourself bogged down in my Equestria when you’ve matters to deal with in England.”

“True enough. Which reminds me. We are having an issue with a house elf. Keeps nicking my mail and Kreacher has to go after him.”

“Any idea who’s elf it is?”

“Dobby. The Malfoy House Elf.”

“Why would… he’s not related to a Horcrux is he?”

“Not a word about that to anyone. It does mean that I can expect that specific Horcrux to show up on schedule. All I have to do is nick it before it causes any trouble.”

“What’s a Horcrux?” Amore asked.

“The container one puts a bit of their soul into to cheat death. And don’t say anything to anyone. This isn’t to be discussed. And it’s entirely possible I’m just going to have to put up with Dobby. The downside is I expect he’ll try to stop me from getting on the Hogwarts Express.”

“You could always fly up,” Luna suggested.

“Not sure I want to put my trunk in Hammerspace though.”

“And she needs to take a Meta flight seminar,” Nova Silverwood added. “If you are going to fly at any kind of speed at a reasonable altitude you’ll need to wear a transponder and talk to traffic controllers so you don’t collide with aircraft and other fliers. Traffic control will think you are flying an ultralight.”

“What about putting a Floo connection in at Platform nine and three quarters?”

“People might slide right out onto the tracks.”

“Put them at the ends of the platform. It is a subway platform after all.”

“I suppose that could be doable, It’d mean fewer people having to go through the station. and you’d be able to go directly from your home. Just for returning students. I kind of like the idea of everyone having that same first experience.”

“Keep it a secret. At least until my little issue is sorted.”

“It’s my railroad, I can do what I want, and the Malfoy Household doesn’t need to know.”

“Aunt Nova!” called a boy who was Aerie’s present physical age from the treeline bordering the beach.

“Zachery, come say high to our guests,” Nova Silverwood called.

“Cookie said to tell you that dinner is almost ready,” he called back.

“Well then, we don’t want to be late, do we?” Nova Silverwood offered and directed their little group back up the beach.

“Looking at my scar, aren’t you?” Zachery said with just a touch of smugness. His outfit consisted of a faded yellow T-shirt on which was a cartoon cat sitting on a box playing an acoustic guitar and singing ‘love to eat them mousies…” denim cut-off shorts and sandals on his feet.

Aerie reached up, and with a smile on her face pulled back her hair.

“Oh, it’s the same. We’ve got the same scar. Ha, we could be brother and sister.”

“Siblings, but not siblings,” Aerie replied as she dropped her hand and reached out to Zachery.

“Zachery, this is Miss Aerie Potter,” Nova Silverwood informed him. “Her mother Luna Moon, and Amore Krystallos.”

“Pleased I am to meet thy acquaintance…” He made a polite bow of his head while taking Aerie’s hand in his, but his gaze was glued to Luna.

“Is there something that troubles thee?” Luna asked.

“It’s just that you look so much like a picture of my mom.”


“From when I was really little. Maybe we are cousins?”

“Ah, that could be it.”

“Let’s go in,” Nova Silverwood prompted and a moment later the party was walking down a path that meandered through Sea Grape, Gumbo Limbo, and Palm trees. The house was a large two-story structure set up on a large stone foundation which was accessed by either stairs or an elevator that was open save for railing and the primary superstructure. And there were other structures nearby. The closest was a large kitchen that had large open windows, and every building had a tower.

“So what are the towers for?” Aerie asked as they ascended the stairs.

“Cooling. The tower is for drawing warm air up and out of the buildings. Fans in each room, cool water going through pipes in the floors. The average high is only eighty-two degrees Fahrenheit so it’s not so bad. All that cooling stuff is because it’ll spike up into the nineties in the Summer.”

“And it’s summer right now,” Aerie pointed out.

“True, which is why I let you stay at the research station until it started to cool off.”

“You ever going to let me go to the research station,” Zachary asked as they entered into a dining room. Mr Black was already there, dressed in khaki shorts and a floral print shirt. With him, there were two mature women dressed in loose-fitting gowns in light pastels, a man who was dressed like an English gentleman on safari, and a little silver-gray pegasus with a golden mane.

“When you are older. - Aerie, Luna, you already know Mr Black. Amore, Mr Black, and my house guests are Laire and Sorcha. They are technically my nieces. Daughters if we go by Equestrian rules. And that’s Ambassador Donburi and my grand niece Radiant Dawn who just happens to be dating the ambasadore. Everyone else either has their own place or is in Scotland right now. Where it’s a lot cooler.”

“Heaven forbid the outside world were to learn that a large portion of the population migrates every year,” Sorcha offered with a grin. “Luna, as in Princess?”

“Yes, not her Luna though,” Luna replied as they picked seats to sit in.

“From what I’ve seen of your military, foreign powers had best leave you alone even when you are at half strength. Hadn't they?” The ambassador quipped playfully.

“I’d invited the Ambassador and his filly friend to dinner before I knew the three of you would be coming.

“That’s quite alright,” Luna offered. “The more the merrier. So, he’s your special some-pony then?”

“Sorry we’re late,” Kitsumi announced as she entered the big room. “Aerie? Luna? You’re here?”

“Indeed we are,” Luna replied with a smile as a young blond-headed girl followed Kitsumi.

“Do please have a seat,” Nova Silverwood said. “You’ve missed out on an opportunity to catch up, but there is still the remainder of the evening. Aerie, this is Isolde Swan. Kitsumi had volunteered to look after her.”

“Sorry about being late, I had to go fetch Isolde. Truth is, I’d heard rumors… and had gone to go check out… the storm damage from the most recent hurricane,” Kitsu offered as she went and pulled out a seat for herself. And yes, she was talking about the invasion but understood that the Ambassador was not to know about the portal. No outsider could know, which meant that they didn’t even tell their own offspring until they were adults and presumably capable of keeping it to the community. When they did speak of it it was done in reverent tones that if overheard would leave the listener to think it was some kind of religious thing. Indeed the portal itself was in the middle of a heavily guarded Grecian temple complex away from prying eyes.

“It’s my fault, sorry, I was out exploring the island.” Isolde offered.

“Do have a care. There are things out there that would frighten the beasts of the Forbidden Forest. - Alfred, I think we are ready,” Nova Silverwood called to a tall thin man who stepped out from behind a partition the moment he’d heard his name. The man had on a shirt-like garment that went down to his knees and belted at the waist, a stylish red vest, a red and white checked apron, and on his feet he wore sandals. Indeed, everyone seemed to wear sandals save for the Ambassador who insisted on wearing desert-issue boots any time he was invited somewhere. He’d also had a red scarf tied onto his head which could be dipped in water, rung out, and put back as a means to staying cool.

“You keep servants?” Aerie asked as a couple of women in similar outfits came out instead of a vest they sported red skirts. She also wanted to ask about Isolde but dared not.

“Pegasi, every last one. Heaven knows I could manage myself, but the parliament insisted I keep up appearances.”

“And the rock the place is on?” Luna asked as a fruit salad was put out.

“All the low-lying structures are raised up like that,” Ambassador Donburi informed her.

“We can mitigate the worst of what the hurricanes throw at us but there is still the storm surge to deal with. We’ve been working on sea walls between the outer islands but it takes time.”

“They have built some truly impressive gates to allow shipping to enter,” Ambassador Donburi offered. “Did you not see them on your way in?”

“I understand they’d fallen asleep and missed it,” Nova informed him. A little white lie. After all, they couldn't very well tell him they’d come by way of another dimension. Bad enough a muggle knew about magic. Not that any pony was worried. If the man dared say anything, he had a pony girlfriend and they'd out him for the Brony that he was.

“I’d had a rather busy morning,” Aerie offered, Nova thanked the staff and the heavens in general for the food, and then they dug in.”

“Zachery, by any chance are you learning about magic?” Aerie asked after a short pause in the conversation.

“Eques Academy, in the primary division.”

“You are very lucky,” Luna offered. “Aerie is going to Hogwarts, and I fear that it’s not quite up to standards.”

“The place is miserable cold in the winter, and there was a wraith loose in the school this year,” Aerie informed Zachery. “One of the professors passed on in class too.” Isolde looked like she wanted to say something but held her tongue. Technically they’d lost two professors that year, one was a ghost and already dead when they passed on and the other a traitor who’d been turned into a baby. But then again, she could count herself as one of the few who actually knew the man was still alive. She’d also had the urge to defend Hogwarts, but after seeing the Eques Academy first hand it had become all too clear just how run down Hogwarts really was.

“I’ve heard that the school is in an old castle and that it’s haunted,” Zachery said hopefully.

“Indeed it is. One ghost, in particular, named Peeves, is prone to attacking students.”

“Aerie was attacked by another student, and shot by a member of the faculty,” Luna added. “She wanted to go, and is every bit as stubborn as your Aunt Nova.”

“They don’t even have a full curriculum,” Aerie lamented. “I’m having to do self-paced studies to keep up with the requirements if I want to get into the Eques Academy at the college level.”

“You were doing additional studies?” Isolde asked.

“Most of the assignments we were being given were just to keep us busy, and…” Aerie leaned across the table. “An enchanted quill can do a lot of the writing for you.”

“We’ll add that to the list,” Kitsumi offered. “Just keep in mind we’ll be giving you extra work too.”

“What about Hogwarts, don’t they have college?” Zachery asked.

“No advanced classes past the seventh year. Students go into apprenticeship programs from there,” Nova Silverwood offered. “And that’s if they are lucky. Once they are set in a job that’s pretty much where they will be for the rest of their life.”

“Part of me kind of wishes I could go. At least one year,” Zachery said wistfully.

“And we’ve discussed this. You can go to Ilvermorny in America when you are older. You need to be a citizen of England living in the UK proper. Not an outlying former colony on the wrong side of the pond.”

“I know. You’re afraid the people who murdered my family might try to finish the job. But Aerie’s got the same scar.”

“And nearly got killed, twice. Because of that scar, and because I'm a Potter,” Aerie emphasized.

“You’ve got your mom.”

“I was taken away from my mom and placed with my Aunt and Uncle." Isolde looked at Aerie with a confused look. Was Luna Moon Lily Potter? Had she survived and gone into hiding? Dumbledore had already been exposed for one big lie, why not another? "We’ve only recently been reunited. And that was after… My Aunt and Uncle are anti-magic, and when the Hogwarts letter came in he went nuts.”

“Oh, right. That was you," Zachery said on recalling the articles that had been in the news. "It was all over the news. Not that I can blame him. Not if Hogwarts is as bad as people say.”

“I might transfer out after next year.” Aerie went back to her meal, and Nova Silverwood gave her a knowing look. If they were counting on Dumbledore to find the ring he was as likely to just sit on it so that Aerie would have no choice but to stay in Hogwarts for the duration of her sham of an education.

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