• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

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Chapter 56: Encountering Hagrid in the Library

Flitwick was waiting in the common room for Hoshiko following her classes and was not a happy camper.

"Sir, I can explain..."

“I'm not mad at you. Oh, I am furious. I’m furious that I wasn’t informed that Lucius Malfoy was here to confront you until after the fact. My student, you are my student, and I need to be there if one of mine is to be accused of impropriety. Now… I’d like to see that fan of yours.”

“It belonged to my great-grandmother,” Hoshiko offered as she reluctantly got it out.

“Dear to you was she?”

“She threatened to skin me alive if I lost it.”

“Crusty old dear was she? It must have been hard on you to lose her.”

“Oh, she’s very much alive and very much kicking. People in my father’s family live a good long time.” Hoshiko reluctantly handed the fan over, Professor Flitwick handling it gently. He opened it to discover an image of a fat troll-like character riding a dark cloud painted on undyed silk, held in place by wooden slats. The figure wore not but a loincloth, and a long scarf that billowed out and he carried a large bag from which was depicted wind ushering forth from the opening.

“I must confess it looks like an ordinary hand fan. This figure?”

“Fujin sama, Kami of wind.”

“It does look like an ordinary fan.” He folded it up and said, “Lumos, ah…” The end of the fan had lit up with a blueish light as though it was a wand. “And behaves like a wand. Most curious.”

“It likes you. Mr Malfoy Senior had it in his hand and never saw anything beyond an ordinary fan. It only responds to people it likes.”

“Ah, I’m flattered then.” He opened up the fan to discover the light fanned out too.

“Give it a flick,” Hoshiko suggested.

He looked at her, back to the fan, and did as directed. His face lit up with delight when the light went sailing through the air. “Ah, it’s turned into a ghost light… um…”

“Just signal it to return by holding out the fan and sweeping up and towards yourself in a beckoning motion. A good deal of Western-style magic in Japan uses Latin derivative spells just like the spells used here.”

“I see, I see,” Flitwick responded delightfully as he sent the orb of light sailing back and forth. “And people have gotten considerably more creative.” He stopped abruptly, put out the light, and gave the fan back. “Not to worry, this will be our secret. Oh, and don’t worry about Draco, he hasn’t a clue how you did it. I must say that boy is about as open-minded as a muggle. Did you really use this to block his jinxes?”

“And sent them flying back in much the same way as casting out that orb of light.”

“Splendid. What you did is technically an advanced wand technique, and yet the fan makes it downright easy. I’ve got a mind to get one for myself. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to be off. I wanted to talk to you first, and now I have a bone to pick if you understand my meaning.”

“I think I do,” Hoshiko replied as the professor made his way to the exit.

“You’re something of a star now,” Miss Clearwater informed her. “Don’t worry, the gossip will die down, and be completely forgotten in a few days."

Hoshiko ran into Aerie in the school library later that week.

“What is it that you are so diligently studying,” Hoshiko asked as she put down her own pile of books.

“I’m looking for information on House Elves. And you?”

“My instructors have all given me extra assignments to get me caught up,” she offered as she sat down. She then pulled out a pile of papers and began looking things up. “So what were you hoping to find?”

“What keeps a House Elf bound to their masters? I understand their basic nature, but unlike the family dog they can leave anytime they want.”

“But can’t.”

“Magical restraint of some sort. I thought that if I could undue it those elves that are being mistreated would truly be free to tell their masters to shove off and then vacate the premises to make a life for themselves.”

“Just don’t cause a take-a-chance, kill 'em-all situation,” Aurora offered from her own stack of books a few seats away.

“Aerie!” Hermione called as she came their way only to get shushed by the librarian. Ron and Neville were hot on her heels.

“Let me guess, you found out about Snape?”

“It’s all over the school.”

“Aerie, you can’t play. Say your sick,” Ron offered.

“Break a leg,” Neville suggested.

“What are they talking about?” Hoshiko asked.

“Snape is going to referee the next Quidditch game,” Aerie informed her as though she hadn’t a care in the world.

“I know you don’t believe it, but I’m just sure he’s the one who was trying to jinx your broom,” Hermione said in a loud whisper.

“It was a counter curse.” Aerie let out a sigh and looked up from her studies. “Let’s not forget that he thinks he’s my daddy. Although, I will admit that it could be problematic. Far as I know he doesn’t actually know a whole lot about Quidditch.”

“You’re serious?” Ron asked.

“To be fair, Madam Hooch can’t referee because she is Hufflepuff alumni. I honestly think Professor Flitwick would have been a better choice.”

“Would he use a full-sized broom or a child’s broom, do you think?” Aurora asked in reference to the man’s diminutive size.

“Something in-between I think would suit him best.”

“You lot are just balmy,” Ron lamented as Hermione sat down and got out a book. “Hermione?”

“We might just as well get to our assignments.” And with that pronouncement Ron and Neville decided they might just as well join them.

They hadn’t been about it long when Hagrid came trundling along with an armload of books.”

“Hagrid, I didn’t know you could read?” Hermione asked. She’d probably meant to say that she was surprised that he was apparently an avid reader, but it came out the way it did.

“I can read quite fine, thank you.”

“No offense Hagrid, she just blurts things out without thinking,” Aerie offered. “Say, something I ran across the other day said that dragon fire is loaded with magic.”

“Well, of course, it’d have to be.”

“Hagrid, are those books on how to raise dragons,” Hermione asked sounding rather suspicious.

“As the ground’s keeper I’d need to know lots of things about lots o’ creatures, wouldn't I now?”

“Dragon eggs need to be hatched with magic fire,” Aerie offered as she went back to reading. “Roasting one over a fire will just turn them into an idiot. Fries the brains.”

“Ah… yer not looking up Nicholas Flamel are ya,” Hagrid offered nervously possibly hoping to change the conversation. “I thought I told ya ta drop it.”

“Oh, we figured that out ages ago,” Hermione informed him. Hagrid blanched.

“How to get past a Hell Hound is in the Nineteen-oh-six introduction to magical beasts,” Aerie reminded Hagrid. She was of course assuming he’d actually read the book. “I’d imagine that any mature wizard who’s interested in magical beasts would know it. Only someone who thinks they are above bothering about magical beasts wouldn’t know it. Someone who is above looking at old books for kids.” Aerie looked up from her books at Hagrid. He’d gone ghostly white by this time. “Someone like you know who or an associate of his who wants to set you up.” She passed a small book over his way titled Magical Fire can be Your Friend.

“Did they tell you I have access to the Wards?” Aurora asked softly. “It shows up in the control matrix. Every creature on Hogwarts grounds is highlighted for the person who knows how to use the system. Normally it defaults to showing where all the people are at any given moment. No details though.”

“You have access to the wards?” Hermione said breathlessly.

“Akkadian Princess. The wards are reliant on Akkadian technology. It gave me access shortly after getting here.”

“And we kind of need to keep that quiet. Especially from Ron’s brothers,” Aerie cautioned while giving Ron a warning glance.

“Oh, ya. They’d be downright insufferable if they found out,” Ron admitted.

“Probably don’t want You Know Who’s henchman to know he can be tracked either,” Hoshiko added.

“I get it, but does-”

“Dumbledore and McGonagall know.”

“How can you be so cold,” Hermione asked. “How can you just accept everything like it’s nothing?” To be true it was Aerie’s maturity that Hermione was interpreting as being cold, and it had finally gotten to her.

“Hermione, what exactly do you want from me? I’m pretty sure Dumbledore knows about what Hagrid’s got, or soon will. He can’t do anything though. Not without bringing down the law on him. He is a government official after all, and if it got out that he did nothing having known about it, or worse yet, covered it up, he’d be ruined. Whatever I may think of Dumbledore personally I do not want to see him ruined anymore than I want to see Hagrid go to Azkaban.” Taken down a few notches and effectively nullified yes, but ruining him outright wasn’t something she wanted because that could potentially make the man an even greater threat. Granted that Aerie still needed Dumbledore to find that ring as well.

“Azkaban…” Hagrid said quietly as the weight of his actions struck him.

“Core… Hagrid,” Ron said softly.

“Hagrid, go on and hatch that egg, after all, the ministry would just destroy it most likely but understand that you will need to get rid of it,” Aerie offered softly with more kindness than she usually let on. “You can’t keep it. - Hermione, Ron?”

“We can keep quiet. And you’re probably right, the ministry would destroy it,” Ron offered. “Neville?”

“My lips are mum.”

“Ron, you’ve got a brother who works at a sanctuary, do you not?” Aerie asked knowing full well he did. Or at least should.

“Charlie, he can help,” Ron said softly with a touch of excitement. “I’ll send ‘im an owl right away.”

“Alright, fine.” Hermione lamented. “But why hatch it at all?”

“It’s a living thing deserving of life just as much as we do, isn’t that right Hagrid?”

“Damn straight,” Hagrid offered, “..and keep yer voices down.”

“Just one question,” Hermione pressed. “Aerie…?”

“Also in the 1903 introduction to magical beasts in the chapter on dragons,” Aerie offered as she picked up a book titled Introduction to Magical Flora and Fauna by Sir Ragnar Guiles. She flipped the book open to a bookmarked location where information on Hell Hounds was located. She then flipped it to another bookmark where dragons were covered. “See, says right here that to get a happy healthy dragonet the egg must be saturated with magical energy.” She closed it up, placed it on top of the other book, and using her telekinesis passed the books over to Hagrid and stacked them on top of the stack he had.

“Thank you,” Hagrid replied meekly.

“May I drop by, say after the Quidditch game?” he seemed to hesitate at Aerie’s request. “Be a bit before you see any results, I’d imagine. And you can tell me about my parents.”

“Does that mean you’ve forgiven me for that cock up job I did o’ picking you up?”

“For the most part.”

Hagrid smiled. He smiled probably because he knew that that was possibly the best he was going to get. Especially considering he’d gone and messed up. Again.

The remainder of the week was review and homework. On your own time study to be exact, and there was a lot. But on the morning of the game, all assignments had been forgotten. Gryffindor, according to the talk, had a chance to surpass Slytherin for the first time in years. Hoshiko didn’t really understand quidditch, and while she was mildly interested, she had other things in mind. Hitting the books right after breakfast was the first stage of her plan. Fortunately, a Ravenclaw wanting to hit the books on a Saturday was hardly thought of as unusual. When her roommates got up to go down to the game she announced that she’d catch up with them.

“Not going down?” asked the little fox who’d been reclining on her bed. Everyone was gone and they had the room to themselves.

“Actually, I thought I’d go up.”

“In that case, there is a ring in an envelope in your top desk drawer.”

“A ring?”

“It’s an N-sid ring. Aerie and Aurora wear them to hide their horns from the witches and wizards.” Kitsu thought her explanation was enough, but the blank expression on her face suggested she should explain further. Hoshiko had been told that there were dangers, but considerable details had been left out. “A certain individual is hunting unicorns. It seems to have something to do with, well, they need unicorns to prop themselves up is what I’m to understand.”

“Quirrel,” Hoshiko whispered and fetched the ring from the drawer.

“Qui…” Kitsu hadn’t been told who it was either, possibly to protect them. If they didn’t know they wouldn't react. But how were a Miko and an individual who was practically an Inari fox not to react to a person who was for all practical purposes the living dead?

“He’s using blood magic no doubt,” Hoshiko said softly as a shudder ran down her spine. “Do I put the ring on after I transform?”

“Put it on your pinkie, on the left.”

“And it fits. So, how does it work?”

“It will resize itself and switch places automatically.”

“Well then, in that case, we are good to go.” Hoshiko got up from her desk. “I’ve got a mind to make some talismans, but those are supposed to be made by priests in the presence of the Kami-Sama. The divine being enshrined at the shrine they serve.”

“By human standards, we are divine beings.”

“Ah, there is that. Still, though, it generally needs to be someone greater than ourselves. If I were to tie such a charm to myself it would be no greater than myself.”

“What about what you did to Malfoy?”

“Anyone can do that if they know the charm. Come on, let’s go.”

The two made their way upstairs. They’d the observation deck to themselves, or so they thought.

“I thought you might go for it,” Padma called out from behind them. She’d followed from the common room having been one of a handful of people with their nose in a book.

“If you were hoping for a ride, I’m just a little filly.”

“I’ll be with her,” Kitsu offered now in pony form. She’d also managed to age herself up a bit, though to be true she looked more like an earth yearling than an Equestrian adult pony. She’d also had an N-sid ring hiding her horn.

“You are both just a couple of little fillies if you ask me.”

“I miss flying, it’s a nice day, and I need to get out and stretch my wings. Personally, I don’t know how Aerie and Aurora can stand going so long without stretching their wings.”

“You got to ride a broom.”

“Hardly the same. A broom can be put up and taken down with no detriment to the broom. Wings need to be stretched.”

“If it’ll make you feel any better, I’ll be keeping an eye on them,” offered a gray pegasus with tufted ears that had just pushed the outer door open. “Probably best you go ahead and go down to the game.”

“Fine… just one thing before I go…”

Hoshiko transformed. “You want a pony hug I gather.”


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