• Published 29th Jul 2022
  • 1,366 Views, 675 Comments

Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

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Chapter 55: Hoshiko's Justice - Anime Style

Hoshiko’s afternoon class was charms with Professor Flitwick. “Ah. Miss Tsuki,” called their Professor. He was standing on a book of all things. On a whole stack of books. The room was a long hall with two desk rows on either side, a large window at the end and rows of windows on either side, and a large fireplace right in the middle of the wall on the right as she entered complete with a fire and several cushions for pets. Kitsu saw no reason why she needed to stay alert here and headed straight for the cushions.

“Class, please take a seat where I’ve placed a card with your name. And yes, I’ve moved everyone around. Miss Tsuki, I’d like you to sit up here if you will…”

Hoshiko went up to the desk indicated, where a feather waited for her.

“Now that everyone is in their new seat… Mis Tsuki, if you could light the end of your wand please…”

Hoshiko got out her wand, held it point up in front of her, and then the end of the wand lit up. He asked her to extinguish the light, and the light went out. One eyebrow went up.

“Now then, levitate the feather.”

Hoshiko gave the want a flick and up went the feather as though attached to a string. “Oh, was I supposed to say Wingardium Leviosa?” Equestria taught wordless unspoken magic, and despite Aerie’s teaching her the Western spells, she’d forgotten to use the words. Six months of learning to use unicorn magic.

Both eyebrows went up.

“Well… to be perfectly honest, so long as you can focus on the spell, truth is,” his tone went down into a conspiratorial whisper. “You don’t actually have to say the words so long as you have the intent and can form the patterns in your head. Just don’t say anything. Most people just need to say the words out loud when they first get started.” From there he had Hoshiko demonstrate the charms that she should know up to that point while reviewing all the material they’d covered. Hoshiko walked away with a load of points for Ravenclaw for her ability to do the spells so well.

“Where’d Aerie go in such a hurry,” Hoshiko asked shortly following dinner. She’d gone over to the Gryffindor table to tell Aerie about her day only to find she’d already gone.

“Quidditch practice,” Lavender offered.

“Oh, alright then. I’ve already been loaded up with study assignments.”

“You sure you two aren’t twins?” Bill Bones asked just as Hoshiko started to turn. She looked back, smiled, and laughed as she walked away.

“More like triplets if we count Kitsumi Silverwood,” Hermione muttered.

“Quadruplets, if we count Nova Mustang,” Lavender quipped. “And let's not forget that they all bear a striking resemblance to Mrs Silverwood. Why if they were all the same age they’d be quintuplets. But they’re not the same age.”

“It just all seems rather strange to me,” Hermione stated. “Why I’ll have you know that there has never been a first-year who started this late.”

“And you know that, how?” Bill asked.

“I looked it up.”

“Every record since the founding of Hogwarts?”

“Well… alright, I’ll admit that there are a lot of books to go through. Even so-”

“Just because you couldn't find a record doesn’t mean it’s never happened. An absence of evidence is not proof of absence. It’d be rare. That I’ll admit, but who’s to say it didn’t happen? May have happened more than you’d think back before the Hogwarts Express got started.”

“Ah, yes, that’s right,” Hermione brightened up. “What with how difficult traveling could be students often showed up days, even weeks late. It’s in the Hogwarts History. Someone showing up a couple of months, three to four months late… I suppose it could have happened. Maybe even with similar circumstances.”

“The fact that she shows up in the middle of the year, while rare, doesn’t mean anything,” Bill offered in a calm tone. “Personally I’d be more inclined to think that magical beast of hers…” He stopped talking and looked about as several first years suddenly remembered that they had to go study. Ron was the last first year to get up and leave the table, and found his exit was now blocked by Bill Bones. “Ron, care to tell me what the first years are hiding?”

“Don’t look at me. I seem to have been left out of the loop.”

Hoshiko found she’d been left behind by the rest of the Ravenclaw first years, and while there were still some from her house still in the great hall she was now faced with finding her way more or less on her own. She could take comfort in Kitsu’s presence at her feet, but it hardly helped. Having the stairs move while she was on them certainly didn’t help.

“What are you doing here?!” Filch demanded from the corridor beyond the landing. The third-floor corridor. “You’re not supposed to be here.”

“I’m not in the corridor I’m on the landing. … I just need the stairs to come back.” Hoshiko looked about. She spotted Mrs Norris about halfway between Filch and a door that blocked the way to the rest of the corridor. The cat didn’t look like they were keen to mix it up with Kitsu again.

“No one’s allowed in the third-floor corridor.”

“Yes, yes, I’m well aware of the Hell Hound and have no desire… tootles.” Hoshiko smiled broadly as the stairs began to move away from that unpleasant man.

“Master,” whispered the voice of a child-like creature to Filch from the shadows. A creature that was more insectoid than human.

“Mrs Norris, you are taking a mighty big risk of being spotted,” Filch replied in a low growl.

“That fox is some kind of changeling.”

“Said the kettle to the pot.” The voice had come from the ceiling. Filch looked up to spy a thestral who was hanging from the threshold into the corridor.

“And you aren’t supposed to be in here at all. Yes, I can see you. Bet you thought I couldn't, but I can.”

“And so you can. Miss Tsuki is the least of your worries and if you say anything about the fox you can expect Mrs Norris to be outed as well. Just saying.”

Hoshiko had finally found her way to the right corridor only to find three Slytherins blocking her way. Nor did they catch her by surprise, her keen eyesight spotted them as they exited the room they’d been hiding in. She was ready.

“Mr Malfoy, and company, I presume?” Oh, she knew who they were. Aerie had made a point of making sure she could recognize certain key individuals. “Don’t you live in the basement? A long way from home, aren’t you?”

“It’s called a dungeon,” Draco Malfoy growled out. “Although, I suppose I should be flattered that someone like you might know me. Still, though, who are you? I mean, who are you really.”

“Why don’t you try me and find out, Slither-rin.” Even if Draco couldn't begin to understand that Hoshiko had basically called him a snake girl by switching up the Slytherin name, her tone was more than enough to set him off.

“Looks like someone needs to teach you who your betters are,” he pronounced as he pulled out a wand.

“Glacius!” Draco shouted and cast the spell at Kitzu. A stream of frost emanated from the wand and hit her square between the eyes. She stood there for a moment, Draco laughing malevolently at the surprised expression, and then she shook off the frost like it was nothing. Such is the power of floof.

“My turn…” Hoshiko produced a small folding fan in her left hand and with a quick flip while shouting, “Furansu Ekusarumatiō, Windflower Disarmament™!!”

Draco was not prepared for the blast of wind that hit him, nor was he aware that his outer garments had suddenly turned into cherry blossoms to go sailing down the hall.

“Flipendo! Flipendo!”

With each shout a beam of magic shot out from the end of his wand, which he’d somehow managed to hang onto. And each time the bolt came Hoshiko’s way, she sent them back his way with her fan. The first hit Crabbe, and the second hit Goyle, both doubling over at the impact.

“You are going to have to do better than that.”

“Cistem Aperio!”

This time Hoshiko chose to deflect the incoming spell into the wall, a sizable portion of plaster erupting from the impact. The hall was now filled with plaster dust.

Only when Draco attempted to hide his wand away at the sound of running did he realize that he was down to his undershirt and pants.

“Malfoy! What the?” It was Roger Davies and the rest of the Ravenclaw quidditch team. “Where’s your clothing?”

“He attacked me!” Hoshiko shouted her fan still in hand.

“It was her! She did this?”

“She undressed you and made you wander about the halls? Seriously, no one’s going to believe a first-year who just got here is capable of doing a spell like that. Now get out of here. You’ve no business being up here so close to curfew.”

“What about my clothes?”

“What about them?”

“Not my fault your attempts to attack me backfired so spectacularly,” Hoshiko stated with grim determination.

“You haven't heard the last of this,” Draco growled, gathered up Tweedledee and Tweedledum, and hurried down the hall past them.

“You are probably right,” Hoshiko shouted. “Good luck getting to your dorm without being seen!”

“So, um…” Roger Davies prompted.

“Ordinary wooden fan. Channel manna into it and it becomes possible to bat away most line-of-sight spells.”

“Ah, clever. That’s something you learned in Japan I gather.”

“I did at that. Just don’t ask me to give away all my secrets.” She put away her fan, leaned down, and picked up a frosty Kitsu. “You alright?” Kitsu nodded her head but didn’t abject to being carried the rest of the way. Once upstairs she was asked to regale everyone gathered of her encounter with Draco Malfoy. She tried to leave out how Draco had lost his clothing but her audience was far too sharp to think he’d done it himself. In the end, she had to tell her audience what she’d done. Every detail. She cautioned them that the spell that had turned Draco’s clothing into flower petals was permanent in that she knew of no way to reverse the spell.

The next morning word had spread to include Aerie who marched right up to Draco and slapped him. Granted that what she'd heard might have been twisted a bit.

“So help me if I hear about you trying to molest Hoshiko or any of my friends ever again…” Aerie let off the threat. “Of all the crap you’ve pulled, this has got to be the worst.” She turned and went and sat down. Granted she hadn’t the full true story. Malfoy had been seen by multiple people, and he’d protested that Hoshiko was the one who’d stripped him. Not a sole believed him and everyone thought he’d gotten it into his head to flash her and had lost his school robe, shirt, and trousers in the bargain.

Lucius Malfoy showed up at school that afternoon. It was Potions class with Hufflepuff, and Hoshiko had to go in front of the class and present her wand to Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Dumbledore. Snape, who was not happy about having a new student drop in in the middle of the school year insisted on performing the Prior Incantato spell on her wand. When the only spells detected were the charms from class the day before both Snape and Mr Malfoy were disappointed to say the least. Mr Malfoy then insisted she be searched. Hoshiko gave in realizing that they’d not likely realize the fan she had could be used to cast magic. She emptied the contents of her school robes and her school bag. Mr Malfoy even picked up the fan which made Hoshiko rather nervous. Not so much that she feared he’d figure it out, but because she feared that he’d break it out of spite.

To Lucius Malfoy, the fan was just a fan. Even if he had tried to use it like a wand, it wouldn't have worked for him. “Perhaps she’s got another in her room?”

“Lucius, she’s just a child,” Dumbledore protested. “If she was indeed responsible it could only have been accidental magic. Girls do tend to be emotional. Best that young Draco was not putting himself in such a position in the first place. He’d no business being where he was at that hour.” Dumbledore paused a moment. “Perhaps it would be best to let the matter drop.”

“Can I have my fan back?”

“Women and their fans,” Mr Malfoy grumbled and put the fan back.

“What say we leave them to their class,” Dumbledore prompted and walked Mr Malfoy out of the class.

“Seems I need to have a talk with Draco about his behavior,” Mr Malfoy said as he rounded the corner and was lost to sight.

“Professor Snape, are you satisfied?” McGonagall asked.

“I still don’t like having a child start in the middle of the school year.”

“You’ve got a good excuse to review material just to remind them of what they’ve learned. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to my class before pandemonium breaks out.”

“Can I have my wand back?”

“Oh for heaven’s sake, give her her wand back.” and with that, McGonagall turned and followed after Dumbledore and Malfoy Senior. As for Snape, he did return the wand, and then he went right into teaching the lesson he had prepared. So far as he was concerned Miss Tsuki could sink or swim. Padma teamed up with her thanks to the odd number of students and together they did their best to make heads or tails of Snape’s handwriting.

When class was over Snape grudgingly gave out one point to each pair who’d completed their assignment successfully and dismissed everyone. Hoshiko gathered up her things and left. Kitsu met her on the ground floor and behaved like any typical pet who’d been left behind. As to why she’d been left behind that was due to Aerie’s warning concerning the potential effects of kitsune hair mixed into potions. She’d also heard about what had happened.

“Hoshiko, are you alright,” Justin asked as they made their way out of the dungeons.

“Ya, I’m fine.”

“You sure about that?”

“Draco ambushed her last night, and his daddy comes looking for her,” Padma stated tersely.

“What happened? I heard he’d been seen running around without any clothes on.”

“He’d his underwear,” Hoshiko corrected. “I tried a disarming technique from my home school. Removed just about everything but his wand.”

“Maybe Aerie knows a spell you can use the next time you encounter Malfoy,” Justin offered.

“You’re assuming there will be a next time.”

“There will be a next time,” chimed several people at once in a tone that indicated that they were well done with Malfoy’s antics.

Author's Note:

“Furansu Ekusarumatiō, Windflower Disarmament™!!” From Negima! Magister Negi Magi

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