• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

  • ...

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Chapter 88: The writing on the wall

Time dragged slowly for Aerie and Aurora over the next few weeks. They were, after all, adults in the bodies of twelve year olds who were having to endure school all over again. There was a benefit in that their maturity made them quite studious in their endeavors. The first-year girls had somehow managed to stay out of trouble, unless we count numerous potions disasters, and Ron had been provided with a loaner wand. It wasn’t a perfect match, but it did at least work. When October arrived it brought colds to the student body and mud to Aerie. Wood had gotten it into his head to have everyone on the Gryffindor Quidditch team doing physical training in hopes that it would give them the edge over Slytherin. Fred and George had been spying on the Slytherin team and their reports were not encouraging.

“Well then we’ll just have to hot-wire your brooms somehow,” Aerie suggested as the team walked back to the school. Every last one of them soaking wet and dripping mud.

“If we had better brooms…” Wood said wistfully.”

“I’m not that rich,” Aerie stated just in case. “Not after the bundle I blew on my new broom. We need to do something with the brooms everyone has. Look, the Nova broom works the way it does because it’s a wizard staff with a sweep on it.”

“Ah, if we could do something like that to our brooms!” George stated excitedly.

“They’d have to be properly tuned,” Fred added and suddenly the two boys took off at a run.

“I thought they were out of energy?” Alice muttered.

“Genius is its own energy reserve,” Aerie quipped. “I think they just might be on to something.”

Aerie couldn't help but laugh as she was left behind. Sure, she could have done it herself, amped up the brooms, but there was no point in giving Dumbledore even more questions to ask. Sure, she’d been forewarned, and coached, and someone had taught her magic before coming to Hogwarts. So far as Dumbledore knew, but if she were to do anything like enhancing brooms, that was sure to raise an eyebrow. The twins, on the other hand, were just that clever.

And given that everyone had left her behind she was alone when she encountered Nearly Headless Nick in a hallway. She could hear him muttering to himself about not fulfilling some requirement.

“Hello Nick,” Aerie offered as she moved to pass by.

“Ah, why hello there.” On seeing her his mood brightened. But then a frown crossed his face. “Miss Potter, you look troubled.”

“As do you, though I think I can guess at the reason.”

“Do you?”

“Excluded from the headless hunt was it?”

“For the lack of half an inch. Oh, I can tell myself it’s but a trifle...” a great bitterness crossed his face. But a person would think that getting hit forty-five times in the neck with a blunt axe has got to count for something.”

“One would think so.”

He waved a ghostly letter in the air. “..can only accept huntsmen whose heads have been parted completely!”

“Afraid your problem is well outside of my ability to do anything about it. I am sorry.”

“Indeed… Aerie, there’s only half an inch of skin and muscle holding my neck in place. But not enough for Sir Properly Decapitated Podmore!”

“I tell you what, if I ever figure out how to sever your head the rest of the way I’ll do it for you.”

A loud meow interrupted anything Nick might have wanted to say. Aerie looked to see Mrs Norris looking at her with her lamp-like eyes. Eyes that got bigger when Aerie transformed into a Celestial Fox. She vigorously shook off the mud and water, spread her wings, and was away moments before Filch could come bursting from a secret passage. Filch, out of breath and looking worse for wear due to having been ill looked at Nick as he tried to make sense of what his eyes were telling him. A trail of mud and water had been tracked in, spread all over the place, and Nearly Headless Nick appeared to be the culprit. Mud splattered all over the floor, the walls, and even the ceiling. Later on, Mrs Norris would tell him there was another ling in the castle. Muddy as Aerie had been she hadn’t recognized her.

Now if Aerie had allowed herself to be caught, she would have had to go with Filch to his office, Nick and Peeves of all beings would have helped her, and she’d end up invited to Nick’s Death Day party. That was after all what was supposed to happen. And as far as she was concerned it was a side quest intended to introduce Myrtle to the readers that was a plotted fail. No matter what she or her friends did, the night would end in disaster. And because last year’s Halloween feast had been interrupted, Aerie wanted to go.

And go she did.

It was also a good time to try to spot who wasn’t there.

“Something wrong?” Aurora asked Aerie as they helped themselves to the Halloween Summer Harvest feast. And yes, that meant all manner of pumpkin goodies.

“Everyone’s here.”

“Um, how is that a problem?”

“I’m half expecting something bad to happen tonight. It’s just that if it happens and everyone is here…”

“I see…” Aurora said softly. “Just…. Just try to enjoy yourself and we can cross that bridge later.”

Aerie let out a sigh and took a bite out of a piece of candied pumpkin. It was so good and a short time later she’d forgotten all about the attack that was supposed to happen that night. After all, what was a Halloween at Hogwarts where nothing bad happened?

Aerie?” Louise hissed.

“Yes?” Aerie asked. The desserts were expected to be served any moment, but the crusaders, dressed as Musketeers of all things were huddled together, their hair standing on end. Hadn't there been four?

“Your hammer… it’s glowing.”

“I hear scary background music,” Sweetie whispered, and indeed there was something under the holiday-themed music being played by enchanted instruments.

Leave it to the Crusaders to notice the hammer first. An ill foreboding of doom hung over the place and now that she was aware of it, it hit her like a Mack truck. Aerie jumped up to stand in her seat and did a quick head count.

“Damn it,” She swore under her breath. Due to various viruses going around several students had already left including Hoshiko, Isolde, and Ginny, all of whom had been under the weather. Aerie had been having such a good time she’d completely forgotten and had become numb to the danger.

Aerie turned and dropped down between the rows of seats in one smooth motion and sprinted out of the room. Aurora followed a moment later with a little less dignity due to a foot catching a chair leg.

Aerie knew where to go, the feeling of dread washing over her more and more as she headed for the second-floor corridor.

Her pace slowed on sighting the words “The Chamber of Secrets has been Opened. Enemies of the Heir, beware!” And there before her, as expected, was Mrs Norris hung by the tail from a lamp bracket.

“Mrs Norris…” Aerie’s voice was soft and even though she knew the ling was meant to be spared, a part of her saw only death. And no, she would not leave that innocent love bug to hang from that bracket even if she was yet to be reformed. Aerie was technically the Changeling Queen by right of combat and she had no intention to let Mrs Norris remain where she was.

Aerie reached up, took her down, and snuggled the petrified form of the cat. She let out a ragged sigh as the enormity of what she’d done to the lings hit her. How often had she told herself she’d no choice, all of Equestria was at stake, both Equestrias thanks to the portals, but this… Mrs Norris never deserved this. Not this. Maybe a good swift kick in the flank now and then, but not this.

Aerie dropped to the floor completely oblivious to the fact that the floor had no less than an inch of water covering it, or the people who'd begun to gather, and began to sob.

Filch was the first to arrive. “Mrs Norris…” Part of him wanted to scream, to accuse this girl of killing his cat. He knew what death looked like… but Aerie was sobbing she’d been so moved. Surely she hadn’t done this thing. She knew too. Knew that Mrs Norris was a Changeling and never said anything.

“Aerie?” Aurora called as she splashed through the water.

“Can you check on Myrtle?” Aerie managed to choke out.

“Mrs Norris? Who has done this to you, so help me…” Mr Filch growled out as he approached.

“Poor sweet little love bug,” Aerie whispered. “Poor Sweet…”

The feeling of foreboding fled as Aurora walked past the entrance of the girl’s bathroom. Myrtle’s bathroom. Aurora’s wings were now displayed, and energy rippled off. Such was Mr Filch’s astonishment at the sight of the girl that he missed the little spark that erupted from Aerie’s hammer. Aerie oblivious to the upbeat of the background music went to bury her face in the matted fur of the cat only to find a paw in her face actively pushing her back.

Aerie opened her eyes at the sight of the cat looking up at her, the drumbeat of many people walking swiftly filling her ears. More sparks engulfed the two, the people stopped, light began streaming from Mrs Norris, and a moment later Aerie found she was cradling a beautiful young woman in her arms. Her skin while moderately dark seemed to shine as though from within, her long jet-black hair draped across the floor, and her ears had a rather interesting upturn at the top looking almost pointed. She was also as naked as the day she was born. After all, she was a Changeling. She didn’t need clothing.

Filch dropped to his knees sure that she was now found out, and when Aerie spoke, it took him a bit for her words to register.

“The curse. The curse has been broken.”

Now to be true, Mrs Norris had not been a reformed Changeling. She was an outcast, and as such had dedicated her life to helping Filch maintain order in the school. And she’d no trouble siphoning love energy off students when they didn’t know she was about. Very useful in putting an end to an illicit randevu.

“Oh, my? Well, this certainly won’t do,” Professor McGonagall said as she pulled out a wand. A moment later she’d conjured up a black witch's dress for the mysterious woman. Nothing very imaginative, but functional.

And yes, the hallway was full of onlookers. Aerie looked up and saw numerous boys with rather odd and delighted faces that turned to disappointment the moment Mrs Norris was clothed.

“Oi, what are you looking at!” Aerie shouted crossly.

“Indeed, off to your dorms, now,” McGonagall ordered.

“Enemies of the Heir, beware,” Mr Nott read out loud. And then with fervor added, "Better watch your back, Potter.”

“The only people who should be in this hall at this hour of the night are Gryffindor and Ravenclaw students, Mr Nott,” Aerie growled.

“I can go wherever I want!”

“Five points from Slytherin, Mr Nott,” McGonagall stated tersely. I told you to go to your dorm. And this hallway is not the way to your dorm.
“Prefects, I want a head count. I want to know if anyone is unaccounted for.”

“Miss Potter,” Snape said as he worked his way to the front of the pack. Professor Dumbledore was behind him. Lockhart was a short ways back making his way forward. Indeed, the way Aerie had taken off followed by Aurora had plenty of people a little more than mildly interested in what would cause the two to behave like that. Gryffindor students were the first to follow, who were in turn followed by staff members, and then students in general.

“It’s Mrs Norris. There was a curse on her. I seem to have broken it… somehow. I’m not sure what triggered it.” Aerie was at a loss as to what had just happened. One moment Mrs Norris was beset with rigger, the next she’d shoved a paw in Aerie’s face, and then in a big fancy flash of magic the curse had been broken.

“Wow…” Aurora said softly. “Right, Myrtle…” Aurora took a moment to collect herself, turned, opened the door to the girl’s toilet, and cautiously entered.

“Aurora,” Professor McGonagall called and followed after her.

“Everyone, to your dorms,” Dumbledore ordered as Mrs Norris shifted over to Filch. A moment later there was a collective gasp of onlookers as she wrapped her arms around the man.

“Yes, of course, knew it was a curse. Spotted it right away,” Lockhart stated as he stepped up. “I’d been working on a countercurse. Glad it took effect.”

“Indeed,” Snape stated in a flat tone.

“First for everything,” Aerie muttered, and no, she didn’t believe it either. The man was an opportunist taking credit for something he had nothing to do with. She got up and started to head for the girl’s toilets. And Mrs Norris was Fae. At least so far as this world was concerned.

“Miss Potter,” Dumbledore called as Aerie’s Moonie pushed the door open with her snout and walked out into the hall. “A moment.”

“No luck.” Moonie offered as Silvermoon materialized in the hallway in full Night Mare form.

“I regret that I too had no luck.”

McGonagall entered the girls' toilet and found Aurora hugging a distraught plump little ghost. “Miss Summers, what am I seeing? Are you actually hugging a…”

“A ghost!?” Myrtle shot at her.

“Now Myrtle, she’s just surprised. Even among Akkadians, there are maybe only a third of the population capable of interacting with a disembodied spirit like this.” Aurora offered while giving the girl a light pat on her back.

“But you said…”

“They are Akkadian and likely have the ability. So, do you want to tell me what’s got you so upset?”

“Peeves was being mean to me at the Death Day party.”

“Peeves is an ass.”

“Aurora?” McGonagall objected. “Do please mind your language.”

“I stick by my assessment of Peeves.”

“I’ll give you that but still, a young lady shouldn't be swearing.
“Perhaps you might like to fill me in? Explain the fire on your wings?”

“This room is where the access to the chamber is located. We asked Myrtle about how she died, and she remembers quite a bit. Pity no one ever thought to ask her. As for the wings…” She took in a deep breath followed by letting it out slowly. A moment later the wings vanished into her back. “I’m agitated. Aerie is upset, Myrtle is upset, and we are standing right in front of the entrance to Slytherin’s crypt. That thing could come bursting out of there at any moment. Except…”

“Having done what they intended they’ve retreated to wherever it is they hide."

“Mrs Norris looked like she was dead. She’d been hung by her tail and it upset Aerie.”

“Yes, I could see. Perhaps we should go see how she’s doing?”

“Aerie wanted me to check on Myrtle.”

“I see.”

“It’s OK, I’ll be alright,” Myrtle offered. “Just knowing that someone cares helps.”

“Alright,” Aurora replied and then parted from the hug. She’d wanted to ask Myrtle if she’d seen anything, but it looked like she hadn’t, and was afraid that she might get her upset again. Aurora grabbed one of the towels the House Elfs left in the washroom, whetted one corner and exited.

“How’s Myrtle?” Aerie asked shortly after Aurora and McGonagall emerged from the girl’s toilet. The hallway was now cleared of most of the onlookers.

“Peeves got her upset,” Aurora replied. She saw that Aerie was still upset and went to hug her, and then used the towel to clean up Aerie's face.


"You needed it."

“Now that we’ve everyone together I think a word in private is in order,” Dumbledore pressed.

“My office is nearest, Headmaster. Upstairs, please feel free to use it,” Lockhart offered.

“Yes, well, I guess that’s as good as any,” Dumbledore acknowledged. “Aerie, Aurora, Mr Filch, Miss…”

“Norris. I’m a very old acquaintance of Argus. Just don’t go too fast, it’s been a while since I walked on two legs.”

“As I was saying, it’s an obvious case of ailuranthropy…” Lockhart droned on. “Being able to turn into a cat used to be quite common for witches you know. The practice fell out of favor due to the possibility of getting stuck that way…”

“Let him prattle,” Mrs Norris whispered into Filch’s ear.

“The ability is of course related to the Animagus spell but is closer to the Metamorphmagus ability in that it only appears in certain families…”

“Thank you, Gilderoy,” Dumbledore said on arriving at Lockhart’s office.

“I’m a Maledictus, I got stuck,” Mrs Norris offered perhaps hoping to derail Lockhart only to have him go off on another tangent.

When they opened the door there was a flurry of motion across the walls as portraits of the man dove for cover. Aerie caught a glimpse of several Lockharts with their hair in rollers as they entered, and the real Lockhart walked in and lit a candle on his desk.

“What say we light some lamps,” Dumbledore offered as he pulled a wand out. He’d but to point it at a lamp attached to the wall and it would begin to glow with a bright cheerful light.

“Ah, right, I was just about to do that,” Lockhart offered. “Have a seat, and then Miss Potter can tell us what happened.”

“I am curious as to why the two of you took off running like that?” Dumbledore inquired of Aerie and Aurora.

“It was the girls, our Musketeers,” Aerie began. And no, she wasn't going to say anything about who wasn't there at that moment. Which included both Ginny and Isolde whose belongings had been checked. “Don’t ask me where they got the outfits.”

“Probably had them prepared ahead of time,” Aurora suggested.

“They were overcome with a feeling of dread. Moments after I was distracted from my revelry I felt it too.”

“Well, it’s OK to admit that you were afraid,” Lockhart offered.

“Afraid?” Aurora said followed with a laugh. “She was headed right for the source. I arrived right after Filch did.”

“I saw Miss Potter come dashing around the corner and down the hall,” Filch offered. “I followed after thinking to scold her for running, but then I saw the writing, and there she was just standing there looking up at the writing. A moment later she turned her attention to Mrs Norris, only I didn’t know it was her just yet. Miss Potter took her down, cuddled her tight, and dropped to her knees crying. I’ll admit that I had a lot of emotions flooding through me when I realized who she had. I think Miss Summers arrived right about then. I can’t say I was thinking too clearly.
“I’d taken my eyes off Aerie for a moment, and the hallway filled with light. When I turned back…”

“There I was in all my glory,” Mrs Norris offered. “I was doing my usual, patrolling to help Argus keep students in line… There’s something loose in the castle. Something big.”

“Do you remember what happened?” Aerie asked.

“Prior to you giving me more of your forced loving? Not that I’m complaining mind you…” She’d a smile on her face.
“I heard snake speech.”

“Parseltongue,” Dumbledore interjected. “You know it?”

“I know what it sounds like. I went to investigate, but I couldn’t be sure if it was a boy or girl that was with it. They seemed to be controlling it somehow. What I saw, the beast was a large draconic head pushed forth from the girl’s toilets. Big as a pony it was.
“Some pony shoved my head down. It was definitely a pony hoof. Shoved me down just as the beast turned to look. I saw its eyes in the reflection of the water and then the next thing I know I’m in Aerie’s arms.”

“Sorry about that,” Moonie offered from a shadow. She stepped out, still in Night Mare mode. “If you’d have looked it directly in the eyes I doubt you’d be talking to us now. It’s gone back down its tunnel and the person with it popped smoke and vanished. They must have doubled back to hang up Mrs Norris and scribble on the wall.”

“What… what’s that?” Lockhart asked, fear evident in his voice. His eyes fixed on Moonie.

“What’s what?” McGonagall asked. Of course, he meant the Night Mare, McGonagall had a good idea he meant the Night Mare, but couldn’t resist messing with him.

“That… that thing!” Lockhart pointed at Moonie.

“I am not a thing.”

“Moonie, come here, Aerie called. Moonie walked over, transformed into a cat, and dropped down into Aerie’s lap. “This is Moonie. She’s my cat.”


“Now Gilderoy, I realize that Night Mares as pets are rare, but that’s apparently because so few people have ever tried.” Dumbledore offered.

“But Night Mares are dangerous.”

“Yes, they can be. Best not to get on her bad side. Now… the writing, and the beast, it’s clear someone has successfully opened the Chamber of Secrets.”

“Curious that the entrance is via a girl’s toilet,” Aurora muttered.

“The girls’ toilet? Ah, right,” Dumbledore replied brightly. “Before it was home to toilets it was a series of rooms rumored to have been occupied by Salazar Slytherin himself. The man was undoubtedly a genius given that he crafted a spell that was capable of hiding itself during construction and remodeling itself to its new surroundings. A pity he had his falling out with the other founders.”

“He’s the one who started the pure-blood nonsense, isn’t he?” Aerie asked.

“It’s entirely possible,” McGonagall replied.

“He wasn’t pushing pure blood so much as he was against mixing with outsiders,” Dumbledore corrected. “Having one’s relatives murdered because we trusted the wrong person was, I’m to understand, far too common back then. His rooms were converted to prevent his staunchest followers from using it as a rallying point.”

“I can certainly understand screening people,” Aerie offered. “But holding admission to only a select few is kind of counterproductive.”

“So what do we do now?” McGonagall asked, turned to Lockhart to find he was still staring at Moonie, and in abject horror. “Professor Lockhart. She’s not going to do anything to you.”

“Seal it up.” Lockhart managed to say.

“Moonie or the Girls’ toilet?” McGonagall pressed.

“The, the, the girls' toilet.”

“We may lose our opportunity to catch the person responsible,” Aerie pointed out.

“Telling people to stay away could result in a repeat of last year when Argus and I were constantly chasing people away from the third-floor corridor.”

“Understood,” Dumbledore offered. “Now, Mrs Norris, how are you feeling?”

“Pretty good actually. Aerie’s right, there was a curse on me. At first, I was just annoyed at her and then suddenly I’m being bathed in purifying magic. Afraid I can’t tell you much more other than I feel better than I can remember. Not just the cat thing. I feel as though a horrible burden has been taken from me.”

“I remember something similar,” Lockhart offered having recovered himself. “In Ouagadougou if I remember correctly. A series of attacks, the full story is in my Autobiography. We’d been unable to pin down the culprit, so I provided amulets to everyone in the community which cleared the matter up nicely.” Which was a safe boast for the man given that the village was now abandoned.

“Might I ask why your Moonie wasn’t affected by the creature's gaze?” McGonagall asked Aerie.

“She’s blind. Technically speaking that is. She can see fine, but not in the way you or I see. Her eyes don’t do anything.”

“Ah, yes, that would make sense,” Dumbledore declared. “Slytherin’s monster must hunt by stunning their victim by looking the prey in the eyes. Except in this case, it does more than just stun them. It’d not affect anything that doesn’t use eyes.”

“I’ve got it!” Aurora blurted out. “Well, technically it’s Professor Lockhart’s Idea.”

“It is?” Lockhart asked. “Well of course it is. What is it?”

“Given that we know more or less what kind of creature we are dealing with we can configure the wards to contain it to the toilets. Assuming that’s the only way in or out.”

“Might work,” Aerie suggested.

“It might at that,” Dumbledore concurred.

“Why not just seal it up completely?” Lockhart objected.

“We could, but as Miss Potter has pointed out, we may lose the opportunity to catch the person responsible. In the meantime, why don’t you see if you can get that graffiti off the wall.”

“What? Me?”

“Well, you are our expert on the dark arts, are you not? It should be a piece of cake for you.”

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