• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 98: Reality

The school year was winding down as everybody was looking forward to the summer. School was just a few weeks from ending as the students were making plans for the summer while also trying to get in some last minute studying as they knew that exams would be upon them. Principal Celestia had made the announcement that everybody was required to participate in a final year-end duel evaluation in the coming weeks. That alone made everybody scared because Principal Celestia had said that it would go on their permeant school record as it would help the dueling community with seeing if they saw any potential stars.

Also because it would allow the students to have a chance to be selected to by some sponsors and agents. The reason being is that this was the last summer before the students would return in the fall for their final year; so Celestial and Luna made sure that the students took this as serious as they could because the higher the score, the more valuable and options you would have. And then once Celestia and Luna sent the reports to the dueling community, should any agency see somebody they like then they could contact the student directly and allow them to do a sort of internship at their agency.

All that was enough to make any person nervous, but it was another thing to be graded and judged by the school champion. That's right, it seemed that Celestia had made Isaac an official judge in evaluating every duelist's performance. She did this so that Isaac could get the a sense of how the business side and political side of dueling worked. However, that didn't seem to be something that Isaac liked. All of this was something that Isaac didn't enjoy, more so that it made him feel like a corporate stooge and that he couldn't be himself by showing his love for Duel Monsters. Regardless, Isaac had to put his personal feelings to the side as he turned into the authority figure that his principals wanted him to be. One thing that Celestia and Luna did that really caught Isaac off guard, was that they invited Principal Sombra from Crystal Prep to serve as the fourth evaluator. Celestia and Sombra had both competed on the pro scene and were fully retired, so they felt like it would help the students if they were their to offer some inside insight on how things really worked.

"Well, that student performed rather horribly." said Sombra. "Sloppy moves, didn't know the basics of how to summon the monster they wanted. I think we could call this one a failure." stated Sombra as he gave a finally score.

"Can we give the person a retake?" asked Isaac. "I mean, they were nervous. Everybody gets the case of stage fright from time to time. I'm sure they'll do better if we give them a second chance." pleaded Isaac.

"I'm sorry, are you Canterlot High's duel champion or are you just someone who's willing to give anybody a second chance because they're nervous?" mocked Sombra. "Understand, Isaac. You only get one chance to make a first impression and that is the only thing that people will take away from you for the rest of their lives."

"Principal Celestia?"

"Principal Sombra is right, Isaac. If you don't make a good first impression in pro scene, then you say goodbye to everything you ever hoped for. All your dreams, your desires, it all goes away like that." said Celestia as she snapped her fingers to prove her point. "No retakes! Now then Isaac, will you call in the next person?"

"But..." started Isaac as he looked at the women and Sombra who just gave him a glare. Isaac let out a sigh, "All right. Next is duelist #32." said Isaac as he called out in not unexcited voice. Soon the person came through the doors as Isaac just leaned back into his chair with a unenthusiastic look.

Soon it went by as all four of them were criticizing everything single thing about a person's dueling style. Isaac felt hurt that he had to give some harsh words to someone who probably didn't know what half the stuff Sombra or the women were talking about. So he did his best to translate and try to use kinder words. Overall, it seemed the person was rather upset with how the judges evaluated her performance that she ran out of the room. Isaac tired to run after them, but Luna grabbed his shoulder and shook her head. She reminded Isaac that he had a job to do as a judge and didn't need his personal feelings to get in the way. Isaac couldn't do anything but sit down as he felt even more guilty. All day long, it went like this as the three adults expressed on how they felt about a person's performance.

Now granted there were some who impressed all of them as they offer some words of acknowledgement; they were especially happy to hear from Isaac as they felt like the champion of Canterlot High giving them kind words meant the world to them. As for the ones that did slightly less than average, the three adults were strict with their words as they pointed out all the flaws they made. Isaac just tried to be as sincere as he could, but it worked very little as most of them left with their heads hanging low. Soon it was all becoming too much for Isaac to see.

The last round of students for the day were nearly complete; it seemed that Sombra had decided to take part in a duel as he wanted to personally test the person's strength. Right now, Sombra was battling a student by the name of Ratchet as he was engaged with Sombra and his D/D deck. The battle had been going on for a while as both players were down to 4000 life points; that alone would think that Ratchet was putting up a fight. Well... he didn't, in fact the only reason Sombra was halfway through his life points was because of his own cards. So realistically, Ratchet hadn't done any damage to Sombra as he was bit shaken by all the pressure.

"What a waste of my time." said Sombra. "Well then, I guess I'll have no choice but to end this sorry excuse for a duel. Make your move."

Ratchet's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 7: Ratchet

"Right... uhm..." Seems Sombra's evil demeanor and the fact that Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna being there were causing Ratchet to sweat heavily. "I now activate the spell card Beastborg Fusioner. This spell give me the power to Fusion Summon a Beastborg Monster. I'm fusing my Panther Warrior and Dark Sentinel." said Ratchet as he held his cards up high. "My new monster will mix the savagery of a jungle hunter with the attack strength of a high-tech combat machine. I Fusion Summon the most dangerous mercenary ever to walk. Beastborg Panther Predator(1600/2000)!" Out came a monster that was split down the middle as it had Panther Warrior on its right side and on the left side its entire body was covered in machine parts.

"Panther Predator's special ability activates. So you take damage equal to half of its attack points. Quasar Beam!" shouted Ratchet.

Sombra just remained a calm composure as he lifted his duel disk to guard the attack as he just look uninterested.
Sombra's Life Points: 3200-

"Now I'll place two cards facedown and end my turn." said Ratchet as he was still a bit nervous.

Turn 8: Sombra

"A pity that this is the only real damage you've done so far. Horrible." stated Sombra as he drew his card. "To start, I'll activate a spell. Dark Contract with the Swamp King. And with it, at the beginning of my next turn. This spell card will deal me 1000 points of damage."

"Huh? So then what would be the advantage?" asked Ratchet.

"You should really study on your Duel Monsters knowledge." said Sombra in a stern tone. "Although, it will exact a heavy price as this duel continues, I can summon a Fusion monster without using a Fusion spell. Watch now as I fuse Double D Cerberus and Double D Lilith. I hope someone such as yourself is prepared for any and all situations because this duel is about to get very interesting. I Fusion Summon. Come forth and conquer all Triple D Flame King Genghis." Sombra now had one of his powerful monsters on the field as Ratchet was a bit scared. "Now attack. Flame King Genghis, take out Panther Predator with Scorching Sword Swipe." Sombra's monster had no problem with cutting down its target.
Ratchet's Life Points: 3600-

"Clever, but I'll turn that tactical maneuver to my advantage using this. I play the trap Beastborg Medal of the Shield! For every 100 points of damage I take, my Shield is awarded one medal. Since I lost 400, I gain four medals." Soon four medals appeared on the big metal shield as they were neatly lined in a row. "And even though you destroyed Panther Predator, I can still harness its special ability to bring back the monsters that were used to summon it. Panther Warrior and Dark Sentinel are back in play."

"Even so, it's but a mere delay to a result that has already been decided." said Sombra as he knew this duel was already displaying the end result.

Turn 9: Ratchet

"It's my move!" said Ratchet as he drew his card. "I activate Beastborg Fusioner! I fuse Panther Warrior and Dark Sentinel once again! And now my Panther Predator's ready for combat. And I'm going to get it primed for attack by activating my Beastborg Medal of the Shield. By sending it to the graveyard, it pumps up Panther Predator's attack points by 100 for every medal on the shield." Panther Predator then had its stats rise up to 2000. "And to further my tactical advantage, I'll activate my other facedown, Beastborg Medal of the Blade. For every hundred points of damage you take, my trap will be rewarded with one medal."

"It would appear that you enjoy collecting medals." said Sombra with a snarky remark.

"Now I use my Panther Predator's special ability, Quasar Beam!" Ratchet then had his Medal of the Blade trap card produce ten medals.
Sombra's Life Points: 2200-

"Now I think I need to power up my monster even more. By sending Beastborg Medal of The Blade to the graveyard, my monster gains 100 attack points for each of its medals for a total of 1000 attack points! Now it's got 3000. Now Panther, engage the enemy. Cyber Panther Slash!" said Ratchet. His monster then took out Sombra's monster with its jaws.
Sombra's Life Points: 1200-

"Now I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 10: Sombra

"Very well then." said Sombra as he prepared to take his turn.

"Don't forget Sombra, your Contract with the Swap King is still in effect." shouted Luna.

"I'm well aware of that." responded Sombra. "But as you know Luna, the tide of battle can always turn... and it shall." Sombra said as he drew his card. "As she so thoughtfully pointed out, my Contract spell has now come due, and it will cost me 1000 life points." Sombra then had his own spell blast him with a powerful beam as he stood there and took it.
Sombra's Life Points: 200-

"Not time to end this duel. Allow me to demonstrate." said Sombra as he had a sly smile on his face. "First, I'll set the Pendulum Scale with Scale One Double D Savant Kepler and Scale 11 Double D Savant Galilei. Behold as they now work their wizardry. You won't believe your eyes." Sombra's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' spelled out to signal it worked. Sombra's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them. "I can now summon monsters from Level two through nine at the same time. The energy of the universe swings between the forces of darkness and of light. I shall now harness the power of this eternal oscillation. I Pendulum Summon and call upon my two monsters to emerge." Soon a portal opened above Sombra as his monsters appeared in bright lights.

"First, the majestic warrior Double D Proud Chevalier(2000/700)! And then the vessel that locks away the forces of chaos, Double D Pandora(1700/2000)!" shouted Sombra.

"What's a Pendulum Summon? How'd you do that?" asked Ratchet as this was the first time seeing this.

"Quite easily. For my final step, I overlay both monsters in order to build the Overlay Network. I now Xyz Summon. Triple D Marksman King Tell(2300/2000, OLU: 2). I'll use its special ability. When I take damage from a Contract by using one Overlay Unit, not only will your monster lose 1000 attack points, you'll also suffer 1000 points of damage." Sombra's monster then absorbed an Xyz material as it aimed its weapon.

"So you made that Contract knowing it would hurt me instead." stated Ratchet as he realized Sombra's plan.

"Preceptive. Now Electrostatic Arrow." shouted Sombra as his monster took aim and it split into two tiny arrows as they hit Ratchet in the chest and his monster in the foot.
Ratchet's Life Points: 2600-

"And since I still have one Overlay Unit remaining, I'll use that, too. Electrostatic Arrow!" Once more Sombra's monster used its last Xyz materials as Ratchet lost another 1000 life points and his monster got weaker.
Ratchet's Life Points: 1600-

"Ready for some more surprises?" asked Sombra with sly smile. "As it happens, my Contract has another effect. By banishing monsters from my graveyard, I can summon another Fusion monster without using a fusion spell."

"Another one?"

"By banishing Proud Chevalier and Pandora, I will create a monster that will seal your fate. I Fusion Summon. Cast your eyes upon the winged fiend destined to defeat your Beastborg. Triple D Oracle King d' Arc. Now take flight and wipe out his Beastborg. Strike the final blow." commanded Sombra.

"I... I activate my trap card, Beastborg Medal of Honor. By destroying my Panther Predator, I can summon the two monster that were fused together to create it. Panther Predator, thanks for the assist buddy. By giving one up for the team, you let me bring back Panther Warrior and Dark Sentinel. Medal of Honor has another effect. One that's a real game changer. We both take damage equal to my monsters' total attack points." said Ratchet as he hoped to at least end the game in a tie.

Sombra just fixed his shirt collar while looking at Ratchet. "A bold move, but it won't work. I activate Triple D Oracle King d' Arc's special ability. Instead of taking damage, I gain life points equal to that amount instead. Existential Escalation!" Sombra's monster then lifted its hand up as it gave him quite the health boost.
Sombra's Life Points: 7200-

"Now that I feel rejuvenated, I can finish what I started." smirked Sombra. "Our battle resumes. Oracle King, attack! Imperial Onslaught!" Sombra's monster then used its sword to destroy Panther Warrior. "One last attack. King Tell, take aim at Dark Sentinel. Ionic Arrow Strike!" Sombra's other monster then took out Ratchet's remaining monster as he was flung onto his back and his life points depleted.
Ratchet's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Sombra

"You know you didn't have to go overboard with your Pendulum cards." stated Isaac.

"He barely made a move. I do hope he has a backup plan, he might want to consider switching careers." stated Sombra as he deactivated his duel disk and went back to his seat.

Celestia and Luna had Ratchet be carried away by Nurse Redheart as she helped carry him to the nurse's office as he was passed out. They then went back to their table as they looked over the final reports.

"Well, that's all the participants for today." said Luna.

"Overall, a dreadfully display of performance and talent." stated Sombra. "But what would I expect from someone who attends Canterlot High."

"He did his best." said Isaac.

"And yet, he lost." mentioned Celestia. "Keep in mind that the goal of these year end evaluations is to help the students to be noticed by sponsors that may help them should they decided to enter the pro dueling scene. So there's no room for error; you either step up or step aside."

"Still isn't the idea that everybody should be given a fair chance. Most of the people are really good, it's just that given that they're under some pressure, it's making them feel uncomfortable." mentioned Isaac.

"It doesn't matter. You need to understand that you need to leave your personal feelings at home, when you're in the pro league, if you show compassion towards your enemies too much, they will take advantage of you." stated Sombra. "Understand that whatever opportunities you have in life are of your own accord, they are not given by anybody who's willing to show kindness because they felt sorry for that person. No. No. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna had put all their money and all their connections in you becoming their poster boy; that's not something to be taken lightly. Do you know how many people would kill to be where you're at; look at the position that you're in." stated Sombra. "You're at the top of your class in terms of Duel Monsters, you're a bright student based on your grades, you've got a beautiful and lovely girlfriend in Twilight. Not to mention that you hold the legendary Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, along with two of the Egyptian God cards. You've mastered all the known summoning methods and have gain possession of some new Pendulum cards. You are in the best shape of your entire life and you could be the greatest duelist to ever grace the duel field since the Big 4."

"All the adventures you've had Isaac, as admirable as they are, it won't matter as much if you don't focus on what's really important." stated Luna.

"And what's important?" asked Isaac.

"Your destiny. To become the pro duelist that you are." smiled Luna.

"My destiny? My destiny!?!" shouted Isaac. "You think that all of this is my destiny!?!"

"Is it not?" yelled Celestia. "You talk about how you love Duel Monsters and everybody you've met says that you would have one of, if not the greatest career in Duel Monster's history. Think about it, you could even be considered in the same class as your idol."

"Don't pull that bullshit with me, Celestia!!!" shouted Isaac as he looked at all three adults. "Trying to manipulate me, using my own idol against me to get your way. If that is what all three of you think of me, then I want out!" Isaac's response caused Luna and Celestia to had their eyes widen. "If that's all you care about, then I'll gladly turn in my title as champion and you can find somebody else to mold into your ideal." stated Isaac as he got up from his seat.

"Isaac!" shouted Celestia. "Just listen to what we have to say."

"Why!?! Tell me why!!" he shouted. "Everytime, everytime. People say that I would have a decent run if I decided to become a pro, and I don't doubt them. I know that my skills are on a another level, hell I've spent nearly my entire damn life trying to get better! And I did cause look at where I am. But to sit there and say that it's 'my destiny' to become a pro and nothing more. That's the reason why I'm so hesitant on going down that path." Isaac was now venting his frustrations and emotions he'd ever had. "You both feel as it you've already planned out my life and you expect me to follow the path that you've laid out for me like I'm some kind of corporate lapdog! That I'm suppose to be your singing and dancing monkey that you can just wave a shiny thing in front of my face, so that I can give you some amusement."

"Isaac, calm down." said Luna.

"Shut the hell up!" shouted Isaac. "I'm your diamond. Is that you've called me, Celestia, Luna? I'm suppose to be your saving grace that helped to redesign and rebuild Canterlot High from the ground up; my fellow peers calling me the champ that runs the camp! The face of this division, etc... the list goes on and on! And you want to sit there and say that it's 'my destiny' to become a pro. What about you two? Was it your destiny to become a pro duelist?" asked Isaac.

"Yes." said Celestia with a straight tone. "I knew I wanted to be a pro duelist and nothing more! I worked my ass off, day in and night out! All the times on the road that I've spent with my sister, all the times we've had to share a room cause we didn't have enough money to afford a bed! All the times we've had to spread out our meals until we got noticed and found a sponsor! All the stupid bullshit decisions we've made cause we were too dumb and stupid to realize!!! We've learned the hard way of getting hustled when it comes to the competitive scene; the only person you can look out for is yourself. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." said Celestia.

"And you think that I'll make those same mistakes like you two did?"

"Only if you listen and follow our lessons. And you stay on the path that we've outline for you, then can you avoid all those horrible things. Isaac this isn't for me or Luna's personal desire, we just want what's best for you!"

"What's best for me?" responded Isaac. "If you really knew what was best for me, then you should know that I feel like dueling isn't all that I'm good for. But you two are here sitting on your asses thinking that this is what I want when you haven't asked me. Did you ever think that maybe, I don't want to become a pro."

"Don't you dare say that!" shouted Luna. "You will be a pro, that much is certain."

"Oh really, as certain as it was that I beat Celestia. Cause let's face if we really took a nice long look at it, you could say that it was 'my destiny' to put her career six feet in the ground!!!" shouted Isaac.

"Isaac, I suggest you take a deep breath!" warned Celestia.

"Become a pro, become a pro. That's all people say when they see my talents and skills. And I'm not denying that they're right, but I feel like I have so much more going for me than simply just being confined to one path. I want to see what the world has to offer me, what life throws my way. And if I choose to just stick with one route, then how will I know what I'm missing out on."

"Because that's not a concern." stated Celestia. "Isaac, the path laid ahead of you is already set in stone. You will become a pro duelist and you will pursue dueling. We're just helping you to get there a bit faster. This is not something you can control or have any decision over; you know that deep down inside, that becoming a top duelist is something you've always been made for. This is something that you've earned, this is your birthright and you need to grab that brass ring and break through the ceiling. This is your destiny! You can't fight what destiny has in store for you!!" shouted Celestia as she was trying to get her point across to her handpicked champion. "Now come with me and Luna..."

Isaac slapped away Celestia's hand as she tried to place it on his shoulder. He then looked at Celestia with fury in his eyes, "I'm not your puppet Celestia, you can't expect to pull my strings and make me dance against my will. I'm my own god damn person, nobody else! And even if my future is set in stone, I'll smash that future cause I want to make my own path, not follow yours, mine!"

"Then you will fail!!!" shouted Celestia.

"You will fail!!! And you won't be the duelist that people look up to!!!" joined in Luna. "You constantly say that you want to be like your idol. Well would he have done what we did, no! Because he was smart, he knew the right people to shake hands with and which were the ones looking to take advantage of him!! And I promise you, that if you don't listen to us and get it through your thick ego, then you will never be the duelist you claim to be!! You will never be like your idol because he was always that much better than you will ever be!! He could duel circles around you and you wouldn't even last 2 damn turns against him!!!" shouted Luna.

That last part said by Luna was enough to push Isaac over the edge. "I guess you're right. I may never be as good as him, hell I probably don't even belong in the same class as him. Yeah, he could outduel me and yeah he's definitely better than me. But at least I can say that I stood a chance unlike you did." said Isaac as he looked at Luna. "Cause if memory serves me right, didn't you face him and he OTK your ass!!!" shouted Isaac as he was letting out some personal stuff.

"You better watch what you say, boy! Or so help me..."

"What gonna you do about!?!" said Isaac as he and Luna were now staring at each other.

"Keep in mind that we are still your principals; and you do not want to cross us!!!"

"You're right, cause if that did happen you would join your sister over there in retirement!!! You both want to retire at the same time, then I've got no problem doing it right now!!!"

"Enough!!!" shouted Celestia using her booming voice. "Isaac, what we are doing by giving you all those lessons on business and being able to criticize everything and everybody is for your own good!! For the greater future; we want you to be the best duelist that you can be! So listen to reason and trust that me and Luna know what the hell we're talking about!!"

"But I don't want to follow your path; I'm my own person. And I follow nobody's path, I make my own. You guys carved a path, you paved the way. But when the hell do I get walk on that path!?!" shouted Isaac. Soon he realized what he just as as that last sentence was something he thought he never ever say. Isaac then walked out of the room as he needed to clear his head.

"Isaac, wait up!" shouted Luna as she was about to go after him.

"Let him go." stated Sombra. He had been sitting in silence watching this interaction between Isaac and his beloved principals. "The boy clearly has a lot on his mind. We're basically at the end of this school year and once school starts up again in the fall, Isaac will be in his senior year as a student here. After that, he'll have to make a choice on what he wants to do with his life. He acts like he doesn't want to become a pro duelist, because he knows that already has been decided for him. Not by people telling him, or because of your personal lessons, but because of fate. He knows that this is what he'll become, he's just simply scared that his time as a young adult is being taken away from him so fast that he won't have time to experience other things since he'll be so engraved as a professional. The thing that nobody is aware of when they decided to go pro, is that they are so focused on their career, that they tend to forget other things in life. Marriage, weddings, birth of relative, death of a beloved, you even forget about your family. You travel on the road 24/7, visiting different cities and places, working live events and house shows, that it becomes the only thing you can think about because it's the last remaining thing on your mind. Eventually, you forget everything else and only focus on yourself." said Sombra as that last part was personal to him.

"It's why I told Shining Armor when he graduated and decided to enter the pro scene that he shouldn't forget about the things that matter close to him. Especially, because he had asked Cadance to marry him right before he left. Thankfully, he remembered what I told him as he's making sure that he spends as much time as he can with Cadance and Flurry Heart." stated Sombra. "But Isaac is in a different position, he's made friends that have been carved into his heart for all of eternity. Not to mention there's the question of his relationship with Twilight; they love each other deeply, but he knows that they're currently in high school. What happens when they both graduate? Do they cease their love and go their separate ways, or do they stay together? Twilight knows she wants to go into card designing, it's why she's been applying to summer internships and has asked me for letter of recommendation."

"Yes, she also has received a letter from me and my sister." stated Luna.

"That alone shows two different career paths for the both of them. Card designing takes up as much time if not more than it does being a pro duelist. So Isaac feels like if he and Twilight were to continue their relationship after they graduate, they would only be miserable as they would barely spend any time seeing each other, especially if they decided to settle down. Overall, the major things holding young Isaac back, is his friends. He doesn't want to lose them or forget because they are what he draws his strength/power from."

"Isaac really cares about his friends. And I'm not saying that he should just forget about them, he clearly can see them whenever he wants, he'll just..."

"Be so confined with his traveling schedule that he'll have his agent be the one to communicate with his friends instead of himself." said Sombra as he finished Celestia's sentence. "Tia, the reason you've excluded Isaac from participating from these year-end duel evaluations is not because he's the champion. But because of his test scores and what would happen if you were to send his results to the dueling community. He would be flooded with tons of sponsors trying to sign him to their agency. I did a little side project of mine and I compared the results of Isaac's scores with that of Shining Armor's and the difference was quite shocking. Despite both being the best of their class, Isaac clearly has shown that he would rise to tops of the dueling world in just the first few months of him being there. That alone would mean that he would need to make at least 3 television appearances, 5 conference meetings, 2 signings, and still have to compete in a duel all before the next day; and that's not even being labeled as a busy day. Then depending on what his agent team has him doing, he'll either have an extra meeting or another appearance, then convert that into a 7-day schedule. At most, he'll only have but an hour and possibly not even that to meet and talk with his friends. Overall, Isaac will slave away doing the things he loves the most, while also being a prisoner."

Isaac was walking in the hallways as he was trying to comprehend things. Along the way he was replying the thing he said in his mind when he went off on Celestia and Luna.

"You guys carved a path, you paved the way. But when the hell do I get to walk on that path!?!"

"Those words, I never thought I would ever say them myself." Isaac didn't know why he said that, especially because he remembered his encounter with Starlight. He remembered that she was the one who used similar words, now he was starting to see why she was so fond of that saying. "No! No! I'm not like her." shouted Isaac but he could still hear Starlight laughing in his head.

Isaac continued walking as he noticed some little kids having some fun as they were dueling. It brought a smile to his face to see they so full of joy. He continued walking as he made his way to the main entrance; along the way he looked at all the photos that Celestia had decided to hang. There were photos depicting of Isaac and some of his duels that he has faced so far in his reign as champion. All those photos were as both a reminder and a lie; still it was the only thing he had to show his progress from where he started. Soon he got to the front of the school as he pushed past the doors and looked at the sky, the sun was just about to set as the moon was slowly rising.

"Is this truly all that I'm destined for? Is my future to just simply be the duelist that everybody here already knows that I am? What about my friends? Do I just forget they ever existed? And what about my family? Am I never see them again, to be nothing more than slave locked away to my own passion?" Isaac just let out a sigh as he put a hand on the Canterlot High statue. "I just wish... that I knew what the future held for me. Maybe then I could have a clear mind on what I need to do. I've always wanted to become like my idol, but does that have to come at the cost of those that I hold dearly to my heart? Do I really want to be like him, or should I just walk away from all this?" Isaac didn't know what to do as he simply turned away from the statue and began to walk away as the moon was now high into the sky as the stars were now shining in the night sky.

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