• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,570 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 50: Animal Bonding

Another day, another meeting. Another meeting that Isaac had to attend due to his responsibilities of being champion. However, Pinkie was there to make things not as bad, but she wasn't the only one. It seemed that Twilight was so interested in being part of the meeting that she personally went to Celestia to ask for a position; which Celestia agreed in a heartbeat. Thankfully, Twilight proved to be a valuable asset cause whenever Isaac didn't understand anything, she was able to explain it in simpler terms.

"Arr, finally! I thought that meeting would never end." explained Isaac as he felt bored.

"You know, you could try to look a bit more interested instead of just being bored." said Twilight as they both were walking down the hallway.

"Like I said, if you have to overcomplicate stuff with unnecessary explanation, then it just wastes time and air."

"Funny, you don't seem to act that way towards me when I do it."

"That's because you're my friend and for some strange reason I can understand when you go into full 'nerd mode'." said Isaac.

"Nerd mode?" Twilight has a displeasing look on her face.

"It's a compliment, Twi. Anyways, what's next on the schedule?"

Twilight just rolled her eyes as she pulled out her schedule that she made that explained Isaac's duties for the day. "Well now that we've got through the meeting; it seems the only thing you have left to do is attend your teacher's aid with Ms. Cheerilee's class."

"That all, piece of cake. Besides, it's been a while since I've taught the little kids. You know I'm glad you're a part of the meeting, Twilight. You're kind like my second hand or secretary; you handle all the boring unnecessary stuff and I take care of the dueling part." Isaac put on a smile.

"Is that suppose to be a good thing?" Twilight had made a scowl at what Isaac was saying about her being his secretary.

"I'm just having fun, lighten up will you? Speaking of fun, want to join me in teaching the little ones? They really appreciate it when I bring someone."

Twilight thought about it and she saw it couldn't hurt. She really was enjoying her lessons that she was receiving from Isaac. "Alright. I'll meet you at Ms. Cheerilee's class; I have some things I need to talk with Sunset about. So I'll see ya." With that Twilight left.

Isaac then made his way to his locker to get the things he needed. He then managed to run into Applebloom was walking while looking at some cards in her hands. "Hey Applebloom, what have you got there?"

"Oh, hey Isaac. I've got some cards that I've been thinking about adding to my deck." Applebloom then gave them to Isaac to see.

Isaac just glanced over them and read their abilities. "Hmm, not bad." Isaac then gave them back to Applebloom.

"Thanks, say you're heading over to Ms. Cheerilee's class, right?"

"Yep, today I'm going to be helping with Ms. Cheerilee."

"Great, mind if we walk to class together?" Isaac nodded and they both began to walk. They had just turned the corner when Applebloom mentioned something to Isaac. "Hey, Isaac. Mind if I ask you something?"

"What is it, Applebloom?"

"Well you know about my family and the many relatives we have."

"Tell me about it. So what are you trying to say?"

"Well me and my family are going on a little trip to Appleloosa to visit some more of our relatives." Applebloom was starting to feel a bit nervous explaining this to Isaac.

"Applebloom, what does this have to do with me?" Isaac was now using his serious voice which caused Applebloom to jump back a few feet.

"Well, I have a couple of cousins that really love to duel. And I want to show them how far I've improved; so if it's not too much, can you please come as well? I know it's sudden, but I know that I'll feel better if I have you there. You taught me so much, that I want to show you and everybody else how far I've come. Please?"

Isaac then was processing what Applebloom had told him. "Look, Applebloom. I would love to go so that I could support you, but... it's just that Appleloosa is pretty far and driving there will take about a couple of hours. Not to mention that I'll be away from my parents for about a day or two." Applebloom was starting to put her head down at Isaac's explanation. "But I'll see what I could do."

Applebloom then brought her head back up and had a smile on her face. "You will, oh thank you!" She then hugged Isaac, as Isaac just patted her head. "I promise you won't regret it; I'll let my family know." She then let go and ran to Ms. Cheerilee's class. Applebloom had just past Twilight who was arriving at the entrance as she saw Isaac.

"Hey, mind explaining what that was about?"

"It's long story." said Isaac with a groan. With that both of them entered the classroom.

Twilight was able to witness firsthand the presence that Isaac had. The moment he stepped foot in the place, all the kids immediately started crowding Isaac as they wanted to hear his POV on the Friendship Games. To the kids, they saw Isaac like he was some sort of god. Ms. Cheerilee was able to gain control of the situation by ordering the kids to return to their seats.

"Wow, I knew you were popular, but I didn't expect that." Twilight was shocked at the reception Isaac was receiving.

"I'm not that popular. These kids are just excited to learn about dueling." Isaac then cleared his throat to signal that he was about to speak. "Alright, settle down everybody. As you know I'll gladly answer any questions you have regarding the Friendship Games. But first I want to introduce someone; this here is Twilight Sparkle." Twilight stepped forward and gave the kids a wave to which they did the same.

"Hello students, seems you're all eager to learn about Duel Monsters." The students all gave Twilight some hearty yeahs. "Well let me say, that you're all lucky to learn from someone who is as passionate as dueling as the rest of you. I know I certainly am; I've also been studying under Isaac since I transferred here."

Just then a hand was raised. "Yes, Featherweight?" said Isaac.

"Ms. Sparkle, do you think you can convince Isaac to give me some private lessons like you?"

"Why's that, Featherweight?" asked Twilight.

"Cause if his girlfriend asks, then there's no way he can say no."

"His girlfriend?" Twilight was starting to get embarrassed by the sudden comment as her face was starting to turn red.

"You both are together, right?" said another student.

"Of course not!" They both shouted.

Isaac then started to point at Twilight who just turned to her side. "As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing sweet about her, okay?"

That caused Twilight to get a bit irritated at Isaac's comment that she hit him hard on the head as Isaac fell down in a comedic way while holding his head. Twilight then started to take a seat in an empty chair as she mumbled to herself. "How dare he call me that after everything...."

Eventually, Isaac was able to recover from the searing pain he got as he prepared his lessons for the kids. Like always, the kids were so invested in wanting to hear about his performance during the Friendship Games. So Isaac entertained them by telling him how he lead Team Canterlot to victory and how he had an amazing feeling with facing off against Twilight in the last match of the tournament. Soon they broke up into their groups as they went over some cards and began to practice dueling with each other. Isaac and Ms. Cheerilee did their job answering any questions the kids had; even Twilight found herself helping the kids as they asked her about her deck. Twilight showed them and even let them see her ace monsters; they were surprised to see that she also possessed a Dark Magician Girl just like Isaac. It was then time for Isaac and Twilight to leave as they needed to get to their next class, so they waved goodbye to the kids.

Isaac and Twilight were in their Chemistry class where they were listening to their teacher explain things about the elements. Just then their teacher made an announcement that caught everybody's attention.

"Alright, class. I've got an announcement to make." the teacher said.

"We're getting no homework!" said a student which caused everybody else to all have hopeful eyes, well everyone except Twilight.

"No." said the teacher which caused everybody to just groan and put their heads back on their desks. "As I was saying, in light of learning about the periodic table this week, I'm giving you a project." That caused the entire class to groan. "Your assignment will be to pick six elements on the periodic table and do research on them all. The requirements are listed on the rubric I'm passing out," the teacher said.

One student raised their hand.

"Yes?" asked the teacher.

"Can we work with partners?" the person asked.

"I was just about to mention that. Yes, you may work with partners," said the teacher, which earned some cheers from the entire class. "You all will have two weeks, find a partner and come up to me when you know which elements you would like to research. But keep in mind, that once someone picks an element, it's off limits. So don't wait and choose wisely. Alright, you can get started right away and don't forget to read over the rubric."

In that moment, everybody started to move about and find themselves a partner. Isaac was just writing something down, when Twilight approached him. "Well, care to be partners for this project. I'd expect you to carry your weight and not slack off." Twilight had a stern look on her face when she said that.

"Don't worry about me, Twilight. I'll make sure to pull my weight, in fact, I was just writing down what elements we could do." Isaac then showed his list to Twilight who added her own choices and soon they had their list as they went to their teacher and told him of their choices. With that the rest of the time was spent working on the project until the end of class. Thankfully, it was the last class of the day for both of them. Isaac was now walking with Twilight to their locker which happened to be a few feet apart from each other.

"Never thought that I would be so glad on a school day being over." said Isaac as he opened his locker.

"Don't you dare say that, school is fun!" Twilight had a giddy look on her face.

"Maybe to you, but fun for me is throwing down and having a duel."

"Anyways, where are you going?"

"Probably home," said Isaac. "Why?"

"Oh, well I mean this is kind of a big project, so shouldn't we get started on it soon?"

Isaac blinked at Twilight's question. "You know we have two weeks to complete it, right? Plus we got a decent start in class."

"I know, but wouldn't it be better to just finish it and get it over with? That way we don't have to worry about it or risk having to do it at the last minute." Twilight was now putting on her innocent face as she gave Isaac the puppy eyes.

The worst part was that Twilight was wearing glasses which combined with what she was doing with her eyes, made her look a bit cute. Also the fact that he didn't want to walk our on her after all that happened with her earlier. Soon Isaac let out a sigh, "Alright, we can get started. The question is where?" asked Isaac as he put his arms behind his head.

Twilight then pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something down on it before giving it to Isaac.

"What's this?"

"It's my address, that way I can meet up with you and we can work on our project."

"You sure that's a good idea? I mean what will your parents think about me being there? I know your brother at least knows who I am."

"My parents are going to gone until nighttime, as for my brother, he's got somethings to do with a certain someone. So it'll just be the two of us?"

"That makes it even worse." said Isaac.

"Don't try any funny business! We're just going to do some homework and nothing more, alright!" Twilight was making sure that Isaac didn't get any ideas.

"I promise. Plus I'd like to live, the last thing I need is your brother trying to beat my ass if he found out I was making moves on his little sis. I can't imagine what your father would do if he found out."

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that. By the way, you're not allergic, are you?" asked Twilight.

"Not that I can think of."

"Great, then I'll see you at my house. Don't be late!" shouted Twilight as she left.

Isaac then took a glance at the address given to him and plugged into his phone's GPS. Thankfully it wasn't that far from school, but even more so that she only lived two blocks away from Isaac. "How have I never seen her till now, oh well. Out of all things to happen, visiting a girl's house was not at the top of that list." Isaac just shrugged his shoulder and put the paper in his back pocket as he gathered his things. Before leaving, Isaac stopped by the school's library and took out a book that could prove useful in their project. With that he was off to Twilight's house.

It was a decent enough walk, soon he found himself in the front door as he texted Twilight that he was here. A few seconds passed and soon Twilight opened the door and saw Isaac. "Hey, come on in." Twilight then stepped aside and Isaac entered.

Isaac took a moment to take in the room. It wasn't anything fancy, just your standard accommodations that were found in a family house. Isaac was looking all around that he didn't notice someone until he heard growling. Isaac looked down and saw a small dog as it was trying to intimidate him.

"Spike, it's okay. This is my friend, Isaac. He's the one who saved me when I was being controlled by magic." Twilight picked up Spike hoping she could try to calm him down. It worked for a bit, but Spike still shot a growl toward Isaac's direction. "Please excuse him."

"It's alright." Isaac then put his hand out to show Spike that he wasn't any threat. Spike was hesitant then he took in Isaac's scent and found out that he was true to his word. However, he also smelled a scent that caused him to give a small yelp at Isaac.

"Huh, interesting. Say Isaac, you don't happen to be around cats, do you?"

"I mean, I have a pet cat. Her name is Tigre."

"That explains it. See Spike usually gives that sound off whenever there's a cat nearby or if someone smells like it." Twilight then looked at Spike in the eyes. "It's okay, he's friendly." Spike just licked Twilight's face to show that he understood her. "He knows you aren't a threat, but the scent of cat is still bothering him."

"Well the feeling is mutual, little buddy. Now then are we going to get started?" asked Isaac.

"Sure, let's go to my room."

"Again, is that really a good idea?"

"We just doing homework! Now come on." Twilight then lead Isaac up the stairs and into her room. Before entering Isaac noticed Twilight had a little sign on her door that had her name on it.

Inside, he found out Twilight really was a bookworm. She had her own personal bookshelf filled with tons of books. There was even a telescope near her bedroom window, as well as tons of photos of outer space. There was a desk that had her laptop on it as well as tons of little pieces of metal. She had photo or two of Duel Monsters, there was even a picture of Spike on her nightstand.

"Nice place, I knew you were a nerd, but this takes that meaning to a whole new level."

"I appreciate it if you didn't call me that." Twilight had her arms folded as she leaned against her door with a scowl on her face.

"How about 'bookworm'?" Isaac suggested.

"That's suitable, I guess."

Twilight then made her way as she took a seat on her bed and grabbed her laptop. Isaac pulled up a chair and soon the two of them began on their school project. Twilight was looking things up on the internet while Isaac looked through the book he borrowed. Thankfully, Twilight knew a lot of stuff about their elements off the top of her head. Apart from that, anything they found of interest on their own, they may sure to write it down to share with the other. They had made some good progress that before they knew it, they were 3/4 of the way done with the project and it was only the first day. Nighttime was soon approaching that they decided to call it a day. They didn't have Chemistry class tomorrow, so Isaac suggested they meet up to finish the project. This time it was Isaac to suggest that Twilight come over to his house; Twilight just gladly accepted as she didn't have no problem with it. With their plan in place, Isaac then gathered his stuff and said goodbye to Twilight before heading to his house.

The next day came as promised. Isaac was currently running some practice drills with the girls. Applejack had approached him as she wanted to discuss what her sister told him. Applejack was upset that Applebloom had invited Isaac on their family trip without her permission. But once Applebloom explained her reason, Applejack calmed down a bit and told her that next time she needed to ask first. Isaac had also talked with his parents about the sudden trip and they were hesitant that it was so last minute, but told him that he could attend the event as long as he did all of his work before going. With that everything was set as Isaac would be going with Applejack's family on their trip to Appleloosa.

Apart from that, there wasn't much that happened. Other than the standard challenge that was thrown at him and checking in with Celestia and Luna. Isaac soon found himself at the end of the school day and was gathering his things as he had to prepared for Twilight's arrival at his house. Thankfully, his parents would be working late so it would just be the two of them. Isaac's parents knew about girls, but he knew how they would get if he brought home a girl. Especially his mother, who mixed with her background, was not afraid to do whatever it took to make sure that her son was safe. She was not afraid to throw down and get physically with someone, especially if it was a girl and it caused her son to be depressed. Isaac was glad that his parents weren't going to be there as he didn't want any trouble to arise. With that he got his stuff and made his way home, as he awaited Twilight.

While Isaac waited for Twilight, he decided to a bit of cleaning for his room as he wanted her to be comfortable. Soon she text Isaac letting him know she was outside and he went to meet her. Isaac opened the door and there stood Twilight but she wasn't alone. She had Spike in her arms as he gave a quick bark and growl at Isaac.

"Hope you don't mind, but I couldn't let Spike be on his own more than he's accustomed to. I brought him along so that he doesn't get lonely, hope that's not going to be an issue." asked Twilight.

"As long as he doesn't pee on my mom's furniture then we shouldn't have a problem. Plus, it'll give Tigre someone to play around with. Come on in." Isaac stepped to the side as he held the door open for them as they entered. Compared to Twilight's home, Isaac's was a bit more colorful. There was a good amount of candles scattered throughout the place, as well as tons of pictures that had Isaac's family, including his relatives. Like Twilight, there was a lot of flower vases that surrounded the window stills. Soon Isaac closed the door and stepped in front of Twilight as he let out a call.

"Tigre, where are you girl? Come here." shouted Isaac.

Soon a meow was heard as Isaac's cat woke up from its nap on top of the stairs. She stretched her legs and then looked at her owner and the person next to him. Once she locked eyes, with Spike she began to get defensive and hiss at him which caused Spike to bark at her. Twilight tried to get Spike to calm down while Isaac went to pick up Tigre and began to pet her to avoid any tension.

"It's okay, girl. They won't cause trouble. This here is Twilight and her dog, Spike. Care to say hi?"

Twilight then extended her hand to pet Tigre who immediately took a liking to Twilight as she rubbed herself against her hand. Unlike Spike, she didn't mind that Twilight had the scent of her mortal enemy; however seeing Twilight pet a cat caused Spike to bark louder. Now Tigre was hissing back at the dog as it was in Isaac's arms.

"Alright, that's enough you two. Twilight and I, need to get some work done. So I'd expect you to be on your best behavior is that, understood."

"You too Spike. We're at a guest's house, so try to not cause trouble."



"Wonder what they're saying?" asked Twilight.

"Probably something nice."

"If your owner does anything to hurt Twilight, then I'm going to make sure he pays!" barked Spike.

"You lay a paw on my owner, and I'll scratch out your eye. You flea bag!" meowed Tigre.

"Like I said, something nice. Come on Twilight, I'll show you my room. You two play nice and Tigre don't worry about holding back against Spike. It'll teach him not to mess with you."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" expressed Twilight.

"It means that if they got into a tussle, she kick Spike's ass. I trained her to harm intruders, plus he's kind of a push over."

"He is not! Besides, don't think I forgot about that comment you made about me in front of those kids. Calling me anything but sweet." shouted Twilight as she climbed up the stairs behind Isaac.

"I said I was sorry; I just acted in the heat of the moment. Give me a break will you Twi." Isaac shouted back as he tried to reason with Twilight.

With their owners now gone, it left Spike and Tigre to look at each other. They both didn't trust each other, but for the sake of their owners they decided to get along.

"Well they're gone." barked Spike.

"Indeed, well nothing to do but try to be friends. Vamos, Perro." meowed Tigre.

"What did you call me, you pussy cat!?"

"It's Spanish! It means come on, you mutt!"

"Oh, I knew that." Spike did his best to show some pride after looking a bit stupid.

With they both made their way to the living room where they were a couple of toys and other things. Tigre jumped on the couch as she began to play with a toy mouse while Spike just looked around and sniffed the different things scattered around the floor.

"So how's life as a cat?" asked Spike.

"Can't complain, nothing but getting to laze around and sleep. Not to mention that we don't smell as bad you."

"Hey! I'll have you know that Twilight takes excellent care of me, she gave me a bath before coming here." Spike then struck a pose to show off his clean coat. Tigre just rolled her eyes. "What about you, all you do is lick yourself?"

"It's call bathing. Unlike you, I don't need to rely on someone to take me a bath. Speaking of which, mind letting me your assistance, there's a spot on my back that I can't reach. Make yourself useful and use that thing you call a tongue and take care of it will you." Tigre jumped down and position herself so that her back was facing Spike. Spike was hesitant but figured it couldn't hurt. He then began to lick Tigre's back a couple of times as the last bit of her was cleaned.

"Not bad, for a dog."

"Ehh, you're not that tasty to begin with."

Tigre then started to play with a ball of yarn as she bounced it between her paws while letting out a purr. Once the ball slipped out her grip it then started to roll into the kitchen and at that moment Spike's natural instincts kicked in as he went to fetch the ball. He grabbed it and brought it back to Tigre who just pushed it again as Spike went chasing after it with a cheerful bark. Over and over, Tigre kept making Spike chase the ball until they were bored and moved onto to another toy. They managed to use Tigre's toy mouse as a rope and were having a playful game of tug of war. Soon they began to roll around with each other as they were having fun and playing with one another. Eventually Tigre rubbed herself against Spike's fur as she let out a calming purr that caused Spike to feel comfy as they caught a quick nap as they lay side by side. Once they woke up, they were now playing with a deck of cards, but instead of playing it faceup they were playing facedown as they didn't have thumbs. They were asking each other some questions.

"So tell about Twilight, what's she like?"

"Only the best person a dog could ask for. She's smart, pretty, not to mention really loves to read books. I can't tell you how many times, she stays up late just constantly reading, sometimes I have to get her attention to remind her that she needs sleep."

"I see, got any threes?"

"Go fish, how about you? What's Isaac like? From what I could tell from his scent, he really cares about his friends."

"That's a bold understatement. But yes, Isaac really cares about those around him. In fact, it was that same caring that caused him to adopt me and give me a home. From that day on, I was grateful for all that he's done. In terms of how he is as a person, he's passionate. He's very mature for his age, not to mention smart, and deeply cares for his family and friends. His true passion is Duel Monsters and dueling in general. I can't tell you how many times, I've seen him constantly changing his deck and coming up with new strategies to improve himself. Sometime I have to remind him that he needs sleep and that not everything revolves around dueling."

"I know what you mean, got any fives?

"Go fish."

Spike then put his paw over the deck and slid it over to his side. "I guess our owners have a bit more in common with each other than we think. You know after warming up to Isaac and hearing you talk about him, I see now he's the kind of person who wouldn't harm Twilight. You're lucky to have him."

"Same to you as well. Twilight is really a charming person and I have already taken a liking to her. Not to mention that Isaac certainly has found someone who can give him a challenge in dueling. I've even picked up on how to play it with Isaac constantly talking to me. Got any sevens?"

"Ahh, you win." groaned Spike. He then slid over his cards to Tigre who had a sly smile on her face. "You know, this might the start of a beautiful friendship. What do you say, Tigre? Friends?" Spike then extended his paw out for her to shake.

"Friends." Tigre then extended her paw as accepted Spike's offering. The rest of the time the two just spent playing with each other and eventually getting another nap as they waited for their owners to finish.

While their pets were getting along, Isaac had led Twilight to his room. He opened it up and she found it interesting to say the least. Isaac had his own TV, as well as, a gaming system hooked up. He also had a nightstand that had a lamp and a picture that had Isaac and his parents smiling. Isaac also had a bedside window, but had a place to sit and look out of it. The major thing that caught Twilight's attention was the many posters of Duel Monsters that surrounded his room.

"I know what you're thinking, so go ahead and make fun of me for being a nerd."

Twilight just had a smug look on her face. "Not the word, I use. Fanatic, maybe. Geek, definitely!" Twilight then giggled.

"Alright, you got your laugh, now let's finish this project up." Isaac then pulled up a chair as he offered Twilight to sit on his bed seeing as how she was his guest which she gladly accepted. It didn't take long as they were soon done with their assignment.

"And that is why our air is not fully made up of oxygen as approximately 71% of it is made up of nitrogen and the rest is O2. Well we're finally done." Said Twilight as she stretched on Isaac's bed.

"I'll say." Isaac then closed his book and began to move his body around. "I've never been done with an assignment this earlier. Kind of feels good, now we can just turn it in and not worry about a thing. Plus I knew about some of this stuff before, but the way you explained it not only reminded me but actually helped me to remember it a bit better." smiled Isaac.

"Well I could say the same thing about you. I know a lot about dueling and Duel Monsters, but when you explain it to me I have a better understanding than before."

"Guess we're both good teachers in our areas of expertise."

"Seems so." Twilight then felt something by her feet as she looked down. She saw a box of sorts sticking out from under Isaac's bed. "What's this?"

Isaac saw what Twilight was looking and gave a quick smile. "That's my box full of Duel Monster cards." Isaac then grabbed his box and then joined Twilight on his bed as he put the box in between them and took the top off. He showed Twilight his collection and her eyes began to grow as she started to act like she had gotten a new book.

"You have all these?" Twilight then began to look through and pick up a few cards as she began to read what they did.

"Yeah. This box was given to me by my mother when I was a kid. Most of these I've had since the beginning, others are some that've collected over the years. But they all hold a special place in my heart, even if I don't use every single one. Feel free to take any cards that you like."

Isaac's response shocked Twilight. "I can't do that. These are your cards and they hold a special meaning to you. It wouldn't be right to just take them from you."

"It's fine, I've given the other girls some of my cards. I feel that every card serves a purpose, just because I don't use them doesn't mean that they're worthless or don't have any meaning. They just need to find the right home and duelist who can take care of them. Please, take whatever you like. I won't mind."

Twilight then nodded her head as she began to look through the contents of Isaac's box. She knew most of the cards he had as she had done research on them; still after a few minutes, she found some cards to her liking and even got some advice from Isaac on how she could utilize them in her deck. Twilight then wanted to ask Isaac a question.

"Hey, Isaac. I know you're passionate about dueling. Mind telling me how you invested in it? If you don't mind?"

"Not at all." Isaac then began to put his hand on his chin as he tried to think back. "Well I guess you could say it started when I was about 3 years old. I don't remember much, other than that anytime there was a live duel on TV, I would always sit in front of the TV and be sucked in. While I was watching a duel happen, I saw a duelist who had risen to the top and many people considered him to be the duelist of his generation as he was untouchable. I didn't know what his actually name was, but I just knew him by his nickname called The King of Games. And one of his most powerful monsters that really caught my attention was none other than his Dark Magician. Just from the way he looked, to how he commanded the field with such presence, and even the bond that he shared with his master. That was the moment I knew that I wanted to be like him and have my own monster/friend who would always stand by my side no matter what. From there any money that I found lying around I would save up in hopes of getting my own set of cards. Of course, growing up my parents were tight on money even though their jobs paid a decent amount. We were living in an apartment and always paying rent, so I never asked my parents for any sort of money."

"I didn't let it get to me too much, as the other kids in the neighborhood were always battling each other with their cards and every now and then they would let me use their cards. That was my first real exposure to playing with actual cards. My mother caught wind of this that she secretly saved up some money and then she surprised me one day with this exact box of cards. I broke down into tears knowing that she was willing to sacrifice her own money just to make me happy." Isaac then started to tear up a bit as he wiped some tears away. "I never asked her for this and she made the decision all on her own. So I made a vow that I would do all that I can to make both of them proud and become a phenomenal duelist." Soon the tears began to build up even more as Isaac was now using his arm to clear his tears. Twilight noticed this and she put her hand on Isaac's shoulder as she too was feeling a bit sad from hearing Isaac's tale.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get emotional."

"It's fine. If I had the same childhood like you growing up, then I too would shed a few tears."

"Well like I was saying. This box has been with me since childhood." Isaac then pulled his deck and and flipped over the two top cards as they were his trusted magicians.

Twilight noticed this and another question popped up. "Well what about your Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl?"

"Funny enough, they weren't in the box that my mom gave me. I got my Dark Magician not by me choosing him, but rather the other way around. I happened to stop by a card shop in my hometown and while all the newer packs were sold out, I was content with getting a regular old pack. So I purchased one and the last card that happened to be in it was the Dark Magician. At first, I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but I also felt like I wasn't worthy of wielding such a powerful and well respected card. But I sense a feeling like it was calling out to me; almost like he was saying that he wanted me to be his master and would always stand by my side. Since that moment, we've been together and faced tons of challenges."

"And Dark Magician Girl?"

"I actually won a local tournament at my card shop and the first prize was that I could have any card I chose for free. So after some digging, I eventually found a copy of her and well I took her in and gave her a home. I could feel the moment that I picked up her card that she was giving me a smile and a little wink. With that I had a deck and two monsters that I could consider my companions. Over the years, I spent my time not only getting better at the game, but also bonding with them and all the other monsters in my deck. Sometimes I would even talk to them as if they were real, well that was before I could actually talk to their spirits which you've seen firsthand."

"Yeah, still can't get over the fact that you can communicate with the spirits of your cards. Imagine the discovery/findings that this could create." Twilight's mind was starting to wonder.

"Yeah, I'd like not to be dissected like an evil science experiment."

"I quite agree, master." said Mahad who sudden appeared.

"Mahad, how long have you been listening to us?"

"Forgiven my sudden interruption master, but I couldn't help but to over hear your conversation about us meeting for the first time."

"Oh that story never gets old." Now Mana had appeared as she too was now invested.

"Good to see you two, Mana. I just telling Twilight here about my road to Duel Monsters and how I met the both of you."

"I sure Miss Sparkle finds your tale very fascinating. She is a lovely lady and has all my admiration."

"Thanks Mahad, I'll make sure to tell her." Isaac then turned to Twilight who just stood there as she was trying to remember that Isaac was talking to his magicians, even though she couldn't see them herself. "Hey, Twilight. Mahad say your lovely and wishes you the best."

"Oh thanks." Twilight still couldn't wrap her head at what was happening in front of her.

"That's all you have to say to Isaac, Mahad? You couldn't tell him that he should compliment Twilight or possible ask her out on a date?"

"Mana!!" Both Isaac and Mahad shouted.

"Woah, woah. It's not like that." Thank god, Twilight can't see/hear this or else I would be in some serious trouble. "She's just a friend, Mana. That moving way to fast!" Isaac was starting to panic.

"Mana, how many times do I have to tell you? Never do or say anything that makes the master uncomfortable!" Mahad was now scolding his student.

"And I always tell you to lighten up, Mahad!" shouted back Mana at her teacher.

Soon both of them began to argue with Isaac jumping in and trying to play peacemaker while also avoid turning red from Mana making comments about Twilight and her features. While this was happening, Twilight couldn't help but to let out a small giggle as she was enjoying the scene in front of her.

"Alright, that's enough. Both of you get back in your cards!" With Isaac's command both Mahad and Mana returned back to the spirit world as they returned back to Isaac's deck. Isaac just wiped his forehead as he avoid any more unnecessary comments. "Sorry you had to see that, even though you didn't know what was actually going on."

Twilight just had a smile on her face. "I think I may have a general picture."

"Oh.. uhm.. well.. it's not what you think." Isaac was now starting to sweat beads at what Twilight was saying.

"Relax, I'm just messing with." Twilight then quickly looked out the window and saw it was getting dark. "Well I should get going, my parents will be home soon and I don't want to worry them."

"Alright, well we finished the assignment anyway. Come on, lets make sure our pets haven't torn each other apart." Isaac then lead Twilight downstairs as they walked into the living room and saw a sight that made both of them smile. Both Spike and Tigre were napping as they were sleeping side by side. "Well seems they got along quite well."

Twilight then made her way and gentle tapped Spike to wake him up. "Come on, Spike. It's time we head home; mom and dad will be home soon." Spike let out a bark as he understood what Twilight said. Spike then gave Tigre a lick as she just rubbed herself against him. Soon Twilight extended her hand and she gave Tigre one last pet before saying goodbye. Twilight then grabbed her things and they both began to leave out the door.

"Well thanks for a great time, Twilight. Hope you're ready for tomorrow's lesson."

"I will. Thanks for a good time, well see you at school. Come on, Spike."

Spike gave one last bark to Tigre who returned with a hearty meow. Isaac then bent down to Spike's level and he licked Isaac's face to signal that he liked Isaac. With that Spike then rushed to Twilight's side as she waved to Isaac. Isaac made sure to watch Twilight until she was out of his sight. Isaac then closed the door as Tigre walked beside him and got up on the couch as she started to lay on it. Isaac then started to scratch her eyes and then her neck as she purred the loudest she been today. "Well today sure was a great day. How about you girl, did Spike give you any trouble?"


"If only I could understand what you were saying. Oh well, time to take a shower." With that Isaac left to clean himself up while Tigre just laid down on the couch. She was getting ready to snuggle till she noticed a part of her fur was wet and it left a small mark on the couch.

"Spike!!!" meowed Tigre.

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