• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 30: A Day Filled with Kindness

It was another day and that meant another day of dueling. For Isaac he was preparing to grab the things he needed, as he was heading to Ms. Cheerilee's class. After yesterday's demonstration, the kids were more than eager to learn more. One thing that Isaac did notice was the fact that not everybody had cards, so to help he decided to ask Celestia to borrow a small portion of the school's budget to purchase a few boxes. Thankfully, Celestia agreed to Isaac's proposal as she had full trust that Isaac knew what he was doing. So with the money in hand, Isaac then stopped by a local card shop and was able to purchase a couple of sets and a few extra packs.

With all the things he needed, Isaac then closed his locker and then began to walk towards the classroom. As he was walking he heard someone called his named which caused him to turn around.

"Isaac, wait up."

"Oh, hey Fluttershy. What are you doing?"

"I justed wanted to make sure that we're still on for our event tomorrow. Did Rarity allow you to?"

"Oh, yeah. Turns out I didn't need Rarity's permission after all. She said that I'm free to do as I please, which includes on who I hang out and choose to go out with."

Fluttershy had a small smile as she hid behind her hair. She was glad that Isaac was going to be attending the event with her; in fact, she kind of was looking forward to their date. After they ran over the details for tomorrow's event, Isaac then began to continue on his way towards his destination which caught Fluttershy's attention.

"Mind telling me where you're heading, if you don't mind?"

"Well believe it or not, Celestia actually gave me a position as a sort of teaching assistance. During my free periods, I'm helping the kids to understand Duel Monsters. Based on how well they were invested, it seems to be working. Say care to join me, the kids would love it if they saw another duelist besides me."

Fluttershy was hesitant with Isaac's suggestion. It's not that she didn't mind, but the fact that she would be in front of a crowd. Sure it was children, but the thought of so many eyes staring/watching her was enough to make her want to disappear. Still the way it made Isaac happy showed that he enjoyed working with kids and that alone was enough to bring a smile to his face. Besides, if she saw how comfortable Isaac was around children then it could prove useful for something that could potential happen should they end up together. So after some consideration, Fluttershy told Isaac that she'd be happy to be a guest and help with the kids.

The children were anxious as they awaited for Isaac's arrival. It seemed that yesterday's duel had caught all of their attention as they couldn't wait to learn more from their new favorite teach. As the students were talking amongst themselves, the CMC were discussing Isaac's current position as their dueling instructor. They were glad that they were going to have more time with Isaac teaching them, but now everybody in their class was going to get a chance to learn from Isaac. It's just they felt special when it was just them, but now their entire class was going to take away most of Isaac's time. Nevertheless, they accepted it and tried to not let it get to them; however, that was easier said than done due to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon trying to outshow everybody else to get Isaac's attention. Just then Isaac and Fluttershy entered the room as Ms. Cheerilee told the students to settle down.

"Good afternoon, class. Today, I've brought a special guest. I'd like to introduce you all to my friend, Fluttershy. She'll be helping me with today's lesson." Isaac welcomed Fluttershy who just waved to the kids as they waved back. Isaac then began to address the class which really surprised Fluttershy as she saw how comfortable he was with handling little kids. It also made her happy to see the kids become invested in what Isaac was teaching them.

"Now then based on yesterday's duel, I think it's safe to assume that almost everybody's reaction was unreal. I also took note that not all of you possess cards which is essential if you want to become a duelist. So I took it upon myself to inform Celestia about this problem and she has graciously allow me to use some of the school budget to purchase some cards/sets. I will give them to Ms. Cheerilee so that you can use them, but keep in mind that you're to use them for learning and not for your own personal use. I'd expect you'll to treat these cards with respect because these cards aren't just monsters, they're your friends. They will help guide you on your path to become a great duelist; do I have everybody's promise?"

"We promise." said almost all the students in unison.

"Good, now then lets open up these boxes to see what kind of cards we got. I'm also excited to see what I purchased."

With that everybody started to dig in through the contents of the boxes looking at the cards that were in them. Most of the period, students were broken up into groups as they began sorting through stacks of cards and putting together a deck. Fluttershy even offered her advice as she helped answer some questions the students had when Isaac wasn't around. She even showed them her deck and some of her signature monsters. Isaac and Ms. Cheerilee were walking around the class seeing what kinds of cards the kids were thinking about and answering any questions they had. Isaac was about to check on how the CMC were doing when his attention was called for.

"Excuse me, Mr. Champion."

"Yes, Diamond Tiara. And you can call me by my name."

"Whatever, I justed to say that I'd appreciate you doing this for the others. But I'll have you know that my deck is perfect the way it is."

"I'm glad you think that way, but no deck is perfect. Even mines, sure it may be powerful but that doesn't mean it's perfection. I've learned that no amount of time/effort will ever come close to being perfect. That's why I want you to look through these cards and see if you can find some changes you want to make."

"I'd hate to disagree with you, Mr. Isaac. But Diamond Tiara is right when she says that she is the best out of this bunch. Her father is Filthy Rich and he has his own share of cards that he owns and lets Diamond Tiara have." said Silver Spoon who was stroking Diamond Tiara's ego.

"I'm sure that she has. Which means their must be no excuse as to why you can't use a different deck. Which gives me an idea, class mind if I have your attention." The students then looked at Isaac as they wanted to hear what he had to say. "Now that you've had a chance to see through the different cards and put together a deck of sorts; I think it's time for another lesson. And that will be overconfidence, see the most important thing for a duelist is not only his deck but also how much confidence. So let's have a quick demonstration."

"What did you have in mind, Isaac?" asked Fluttershy.

"I propose a duel between Diamond Tiara and.... Sweetie Belle. However, in this duel I'll let Diamond Tiara use my deck."

Almost all the students were surprised at what Isaac was proposing. Sweetie Belle was a bit nervous, while Diamond Tiara just had a big smile on his face. While she was confident in her ability to duel, she was scared that Diamond Tiara would wipe the floor with her especially since she was going to be using Isaac's deck to which she had plenty of experience facing. Sweetie Belle was thinking twice about this, but when she looked at Isaac he had a smile on his face. Something was telling her to accept the challenge and to put Diamond Tiara in her place. So eventually she agreed and they all headed outside.

Once they took their positions, Isaac then gave Diamond Tiara his deck and a few words of encouragement.

"Here you go, Ms. Tiara. Hope that you can handle this type of power." Diamond Tiara then slotted the deck into the duel disk as she activated it.

"Please, if anything this should be a breeze. With a deck like this, I won't even break a sweat. Now watch as I put away this amatuer of a duelist." said Diamond Tiara as she looked at Sweetie Belle.

"Then I should expect this duel to be over quick." said Isaac as he gave Diamond Tiara a smug tone as he joined Fluttershy on the sidelines.

"You sure you think this is a good idea?" Fluttershy had a concern about the decision Isaac had made.

"Trust me, I have a feeling this duel will open some eyes."

Ms. Cheerilee then made her way between the 2 participants as she would serve as the official referee. "If both duelist are ready, then let the duel begin."

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the mechanical voice.

"Let's do this." they both shouted.

Sweetie Belle's Life Points: 8000-
Diamond Tiara's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Diamond Tiara

"Seems I'm up, time to see what I got. Draw." Diamond Tiara drew a card from Isaac's deck and looked at her hand. The cards she was currently holding were Kuriboh, Breaker the Magical Warrior, Mystic Box, Apple Magician Girl, Apprentice Magician, and Card Destruction. Diamond wasn't too happy with her options as she had a stain of disgust on her face and in her voice. "Honestly, what kind of cards are these? This is the deck that the champion uses, please. Since I don't like what I got, I'll play this spell Card Destruction. Now I hopefully I can get something better." With that Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara sent their hands to the grave and drew a fresh new set.

Isaac saw what Diamond Tiara was doing and he a smug look on his face. Even though he wasn't able to actually see what cards she got rid of; he knew exactly what they were based on how connected he was with his cards. Both duelist drew their new hands and looked at their options.

This time Diamond Tiara had a smile on her face as she liked what she got. "Ahh, now this is much better. Now then I'll summon to the field Dark Magician Girl!" Unfortunately, the duel disk Diamond Tiara was wearing just had a flashing red light as it wasn't allowing her to play the card. "Error, what do you mean that's illegal!?"

"You can't summon a high level monster without a sacrifice. You need to meet the summoning requirements." said Sweetie Belle who was becoming a bit more comfortable with seeing how Diamond Tiara was handling Isaac's deck.

It took a moment to register what Sweetie Belle said, but when it did Diamond Tiara just had a small red on her cheeks as she felt slightly embarrassed. "That's right, I was just testing you is all." How in the world, did Isaac manage to win using this monster? It requires a sacrifice and doesn't have high attack points; and how does he manage to summon it without tributing? No matter as long as I have his cards I can't lose. "Then I'll place a monster in defense mode and end my turn."

Turn 2: Sweetie Belle

"Alright, I'm up. Time to show you want I can do, draw." Sweetie Belle looked at her hand and then accessed Tiara's field. "I'll start by playing the spell 1st Movement Solo. Since I control no monsters, I can special summon 1 level 4 or below 'Melodious' monster from my hand or deck. So come on out Aria the Melodious Diva(1600/1200). Now since I have a 'Melodious' monster on my field, I can special summon Canon the Melodious Diva(1400/2000) from my hand." Just like that Sweetie Belle now had 2 monsters and both Isaac/Fluttershy knew what she was about to do. "Now I'll tribute both of my monsters to summon Mozarta the Melodious Maestra(2600/2000). Now Mozarta's effect activates, once per turn I can special summon 1 light fairy-type from my hand, so I chose my Soprano the Melodious Songstress(1400/1400). Then Soprano's effect activates which let me add 1 'Melodious' monster from my grave to my hand." Sweetie Belle then picked the card she wanted.

While this was going on, Isaac was impressed with how Sweetie Belle was playing her cards right. Sweetie Belle then begun to set her plan into motion.

"Now I'll have my Mozarta attack your monster and then Soprano will attack you directly!" The 2 monsters on Sweetie Belle's side then attacked as they laid waste to Diamond Tiara and her life points. "I'll then end my turn with a facedown."
Diamond Tiara's Life Points: 6600-

Turn 3: Diamond Tiara

"You just got lucky, is all. My turn. Now lets try this again, draw." Diamond Tiara then looked at her next card and saw it was none other than Isaac's signature monster. This will do, now time to see how powerful this thing is.

Isaac could sense that Diamond Tiara had drawn his Dark Magician, now he was waiting to see if she could bring it out.

In order to summon this monster, I would need to sacrifice 2 creatures. Yet Isaac finds someway to do that and summon him without meeting those conditions. The question is: how!? Diamond Tiara then saw another card she had in her hand and read its effects, then she a smile appear. "Now I'll activate the spell Dark Magic Veil, now by giving up 1000 life points, I can summon this powerhouse of a monster. I play Dark Magician." This time her duel disk accepted what she was doing and out came the star monster of Isaac's deck.
Diamond Tiara's Life Points: 5600-

Dark Magician then appeared but quickly looked around and saw that Isaac wasn't the one playing but rather he was watching from the sides. Isaac just gave his magician a look that said 'we'll discuss it later' and just acted like any other monster.

"Well, now this is what I call a monster. Next, I'll play the spell Magic Formula and give my magician 700 more attack points. Now Dark Magician take out Mozarta. I'll then end my turn with a facedown."
Sweetie Belle's Life Points: 7400-

Turn 4: Sweetie Belle

"Alright, my turn. I'll then play the spell Polymerization and use it to fuse together my Sonata the Melodious Diva and Solo the Melodious Songstress. I Fusion Summon Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir(1000/2000). Then since I'll summon out Canon thanks to her effect; next I'll also play another Aria. Now Bloom Diva attack Dark Magician."

"How stupid are you? My monster will win, you really are naïve. It's no wonder you hang out with those two losers."

"Maybe you should pay attention, Bloom Diva has an effect. When it battles a monster that was special summoned not only can't it be destroyed but the difference is dealt to you instead and then I can destroy that monster."

"What!? In that case, I'll activate my facedown, Magical Hats. Now with this my magician is safe from your attack." smiled Diamond Tiara who had sly look on her face.

"We'll see about that, now Bloom Diva attack the hat the second from the left." Sweetie Belle commanded her monster and when the attack hit not only did the hat pop but so did the others as she guessed the right one.

"How!? That card was suppose to mean that my magician survived. That's not how it was suppose to play out."
Diamond Tiara's Life Points: 4100-

"Well then you'll hate this because I activate my facedown, Melodious Illusion. Now I can target one of my monsters and it can attack twice during the battle phrase. So time to finish you off, now Melodious Divas time to sing Diamond Tiara a lullaby. Lets see how much she likes our smash hit, attack!" With that Sweetie Belle launched her final attack which ended the duel.
Diamond Tiara's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Sweetie Belle

The students were happy with how Sweetie Belle performed, especially Applebloom and Scootaloo. Isaac and Fluttershy were impressed with how she was able to handle herself. Just then Isaac heard a scream.

"NO!! How could I have lost!? I have the deck of the champion, so how come it didn't bring me the win!?" Diamond Tiara was hitting the ground while throwing a bit of a temper tantrum as Silver Spoon helped her up. Isaac then approached her.

"It's because you were overconfident. You underestimated your opponent and thought just because you had a powerful deck that meant you didn't have to put in the work. I'm sorry to say that's not what you should focus on; you need to focus on making your deck function instead of rely on perfection."

"Whatever, based on what I've seen. These cards are worthless, my daddy has much better cards than you."

"It's a shame, all that money your dad has and he can buy you all the cards you desire. Seems he forget to buy a set of manners and some humbleness when he was out shopping." With that Isaac took back his cards and left the girls to grumble amongst themselves. Fluttershy was helping Ms. Cheerilee bring the students back in when she saw Isaac approach her.

"Well it seems you got what you wanted, which is what, exactly?" Fluttershy had a confused look on her face.

"I'll tell you tomorrow when we hang out Flutters." Isaac then made his way back into the classroom as he was getting ready to grab his stuff and head to his next class. Fluttershy was still trying to figure out what Isaac meant that she forgot that she had invited him to attend the bird center tomorrow.

The next day rolled around and it was time for the school field trip. Isaac had just left his house and was making his way to the school to meet up with Fluttershy. Once he got there, he saw a small group of students who were also attending the event. Eventually, he saw Fluttershy and made his way over to her. Fluttershy had an interesting outfit; she had a pair of binoculars around her neck and was wearing a vest and a hat that was similar to people who go on safaris. Once everybody was accounted for, the bus had arrived and everybody got on. During the ride, Isaac was sitting with Fluttershy as he looked at out the window. Fluttershy was happy that she was going to be spending the day with Isaac and hoped that he would have a good time just like he did with Rarity. It wasn't long till they got to the place and it was safe to say that it was huge. Just from the outer appearance there was a huge dome that in the center of the building, you could even see the many trees and birds that were flying about in the habitat. Everybody then got out of the bus and made their way to the reception desk. Once they were given their pass, the students were then free to split off and explore for themselves. Fluttershy was full of joy that she could hardly contain herself that out of nowhere she grabbed Isaac's hand with some new found strength.

The amount of birds that was in this place was too many to count, even for Isaac. There were so many colorful birds as they flocked to Fluttershy. Of course, he shouldn't have been too surprised seeing as how Fluttershy had a way with animals. In Isaac's mind, she was basically a Disney Princess due to her many animal sidekicks, but that was a thought he kept to himself. There were at times when she tried to get Isaac to also be involved with the animals to which they were hesitant at first but she assured them that Isaac wouldn't bring them harm. Once they saw that Isaac was of no danger, they started to flock around Isaac which left him covered in feathers and ruffled his clothes as he coughed up some feathers from being swarmed by the birds of prey. Fluttershy just giggled at how Isaac looked. As they continued on their 'date', they were able to talk and see some of the staff interact with some of the birds. The staff even offered some helpful information on how they took care of the creatures and made sure that they were comfortable in their new environment.

One of the staff had brought out a eagle was about to perform a few tricks for the small group of people gathering. It released the bird with a command and spread its wings for all to see. Then it launched itself so fast into the air and took off. It was moving up and down, doing barrel rolls, and doing some insane dives. Once it had finished its aerial display it then was given some food before it took off again. This time it was accompanied by another eagle as they started to perform several flight maneuvers in a sequential pattern. From everybody watching it looked like they were dancing which really caused Fluttershy to blush seeing as who she was standing next to. Once they finished, the pair of birds then landed on a nearby branch where they began to preen each other and then dipped their heads down into a nest. Inside there was two baby chicks that were playing with each other, they were also hungry as they awaited for their mother to bring them some food. The mother had a piece of meat in its mouth and gave it to her babies who were pulling with their tiny beaks as they tried to eat it.

Everybody saw this display and let out a cute 'Aw' as they witnessed this wonderful spectacle. After a while, Fluttershy and Isaac kept exploring more of the place and got to take lots of wonderful photos. Fluttershy even picked up some unique tips from some of the staff on how they made the birds feel like they were in their natural habitat. Overall, it was a fun experience for Fluttershy as she got to meet a lot of new friends and get some useful information about what she wanted to incorporate into her animal sanctuary. While this was happening Isaac noticed a gift shop and decided to have a look at what was inside. There were tons of stuffed animals and lots of of decorative mugs. There was also a couple of puzzles and headphones for the little kids; there were also some handmade pieces of jewelry. Isaac thought it would be nice to get Fluttershy a gift as a way to say thanks for a great time. So he purchased an item and then made his way to Fluttershy.

"Oh, where did you go, Isaac?"

"Sorry about that Flutters, I just saw the gift shop and I wanted to get something for my parents." Isaac told Fluttershy a lie, so that he wouldn't ruin the surprise.

"I bet they'll love it." For a second, I thought he got me something.

They then continued for about another half hour until it was time to depart. With that everybody met up by the front entrance and boarded the school bus as they made their way back to school. Along the ride, Fluttershy was constantly talking with Isaac about the different species of birds she had encountered. Isaac couldn't help but smile at how it filled her up with joy, in fact, it kind of made her cute. As she was talking, Fluttershy remembered what Isaac had told her the previous day.

"Say, Isaac. Yesterday, you told me you had a reason for letting Diamond Tiara use your deck. What was it?"

"Right. Well the thing was I was trying to teach her and the rest of the class a lesson in confidence. I'm always talking about how confidence plays a huge role in one's performance. Diamond Tiara was so confident in her ability that she could win that she felt like she didn't need to put in the effort. So I devised a way for her to learn the hard way that it's not the deck that makes the duelist, but the other way around. For example, I looked at duel disk to replay the duel and I saw the mistakes she made. In her opening hand, she just merely looked at her cards and judged them based on their attack. She didn't bother to look/read their abilities to see how they might have helped her. If she did, she may have lasted a bit longer with Sweetie Belle. Once of the cards she threw away was Kuriboh which is a powerful card because she could have sent it to the grave to avoid taking damage from Sweetie Belle's attack."

"Not that I know what she was working with, I feel kind of angry that she would treat your cards like that. I mean when you use them, you treat your monsters with respect and love. She did the exact opposite."

"Which is why she lost. See Fluttershy, just because I have powerful cards, doesn't mean that I'm always guarantee victory. It takes work both on my part and my monsters. If we can't learn to work together and put our trust in each other, then we've all lost. That's why whenever I enter a duel, I make sure to tell my deck to give it our all and put their faith in me. I just wanted to teach that lesson to those kids, so that when they enter the real world they don't have to experience it in a more devastating fashion."

"I'm glad you're thinking about the kid's future. But mind telling me how Sweetie Belle was able to find out where your Dark Magician was hiding? Everytime you use that card, it's more often than not come out unharm. Did Diamond Tiara forget to shuffle her hats?"

"Oh, well that was all Sweetie Belle. She just took her best shot and it worked; the fact that she actually guessed which hat he was under was just pure luck."

Fluttershy was happy that Isaac was trying to help the kids understand a part of how the real world worked. It showed her that Isaac was one for leaving others behind and that if they needed help, no matter how small it may be, he was always willing to lend a hand. The rest of the ride passed by with a couple of the students falling asleep on the bus including Fluttershy, who had her head on Isaac's shoulder. Isaac didn't say anything as he didn't want to disturb her slumber; he just moved a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her face and moved it to the side. Isaac then continued looking out the window as he was deep in thought about something. Eventually they all made it back to the school and it awoke all the students. Isaac did his best to wake Fluttershy to inform her that they were back at school. Once they stepped out, almost everybody said goodbye to each other and then started to head home. The last two people were Isaac and Fluttershy who were standing at each other.

"Well, I certainly had a fun time. How about you, Fluttershy?"

"I just had the most wondrous experience. I can't believe all the new critters I got to see and the friends I made along the way. Not to mention that I had you by my side, thanks." Fluttershy had a bit of a blush as she looked at Isaac who just gave her a thumbs up. Just as they were about to part ways, Isaac got her attention.

"Before you go, here. I got this for you." Isaac handed the bag to Fluttershy who had a look of confusion and intrigue.

"Isn't this for your parents?"

"Not really, I just said that so that you wouldn't ruin the surprise. I actually got this gift for you."

Fluttershy then grabbed the bag from Isaac and looked inside. It wasn't anything big but just a stuffed animal. It was a small bird plushie that was very fluffy and had a couple of feathers sewn in to make it feel realistic. Fluttershy couldn't contain her heart as she grabbed the things and began to hug it tightly as it felt so soft and comforting. Isaac saw how happy Fluttershy was and let a smile appear on his face to signal that he did a good job in making her day. Fluttershy then let her body act on its own as she gave Isaac a big hug to show her appreciation.

"Thank you for the gift, I really like it." Fluttershy locked her eyes at Isaac's as she gave him a hug.

"Don't mention it, I just wanted to...." Once again Isaac's train of thought was interrupted as he felt his lips make contact.

Fluttershy didn't know what came over her was her body started to move on its own. She just felt compelled to kiss Isaac that she took the chance. She kissed him with everything she got as she was afraid that she would lose him; Isaac didn't know what to make of it as he was trying to process what was happening. Eventually he kissed Fluttershy backed as they broke apart in the last few seconds. They looked at each other staring into their eyes as took in the moment that just happened. Isaac was about to speak, when Fluttershy just broke free from his arms and then started to run away in the direction of her home. Isaac tried to call out to her, but she was too far gone. With nothing to do, Isaac just started to walk back home as he contemplated what had transpired. He made it home and went to his room to think; he kept contemplating on whether or not he should contact Fluttershy. Ultimately, he decided to speak with her on Monday about their little 'moment'. Still a smile appeared on his face as he thought back on Fluttershy giving him a kiss; just like with Rarity, it filled him with a bit of happiness and joy.

After her date with Isaac, Fluttershy had raced home. She didn't stop until she was in her room and she was lying facedown on her bed. She stayed like that for a couple of moments, until she felt something touch her. Fluttershy put her head up and saw it was just her pet bunny, Angel.

"Oh, Angel. It's just you? I can't believe what I just did. I don't know what came over me; it's like my body was acting on its own." She then put her head back down as Angel just rolled his eyes. Fluttershy then looked at the animal plushy that she was holding and began to recount the events as it played in her head.

"I remember Isaac saying that he bought something from the gift shop. He told me it was for his parents, when it was actually for me. Then he did something I wasn't expecting; he actually gave it to me. I was just so full of happiness that I couldn't contain myself. It was in that moment that I wanted to show Isaac how much I care about him; then I... kissed... him. On the lips." Fluttershy had a bit of red on her face as her hair did its best to hide it. "It was so scarying but it felt nice in a way. For that split second, I felt more joy than I've ever felt with my animal buddies. The way I felt in his arms, it was like I was safe. That no matter what, he would always protect me from harm." Fluttershy then heard her heartbeat; she put her hand over it and felt it beating slightly faster. "Now I know how Rarity felt." With that Fluttershy hugged her plushy tighter as she thought about Isaac.

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