• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 79: First Challenge

After that morning gathering, everybody went about their day. Isaac along with Twilight and Fluttershy were in their Advanced Literature class as they were learning about plays from the 14th century. After class ended, Isaac was relieved to be out as he was walking to his locker with Fluttershy and Twilight on each of his side.

"God, if I hear one more line of Old English then I'm afraid that my mind is going to go blank." said Isaac.

"It's not that bad." chuckled Fluttershy. "As long as you know the basis of what they're talking about, then the rest of the wording becomes easier."

"Please, I'd rather be facing the forces of evil than trying to speak old tongue. Nobody talks like that, so what's the purpose of learning stuff that has no function in the real world?" said Isaac as he opened his locker and began to search for his stuff for next class.

"So how are you feeling knowing that you'll not only be facing Celestia at the Fall Formal and it'll be your one year celebration of being champion?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well to be honest, I was hoping for the circumstances to be a bit better. Don't like the fact that to celebrate my victory from a year ago that I'll be facing our own principal and possibly forcing her to retire. Ahh, here it is." Isaac had found what he was looking for as he put it inside his backpack.

"Speaking of celebrations, you know Pinkie will be wanting to throw a special party to commemorate your reign as champ." said Twilight.

"Yeah, though if I'm being honest, she'll probably be more focused on creating a party to celebrate Celestia's career. Let's be real, her getting inducted into the dueling Hall of Fame is a much bigger attention grabber than being champ for a full school year." stated Isaac.

"Speaking of the Fall Formal, how you done it yet, Isaac?" asked Fluttershy.

"Done what?"

"You know?" Fluttershy was shifting her eyes back and forth between him and Twilight.

"What does..." Isaac then copied Fluttershy's eye movements, "... this mean?"

Fluttershy then let out a sigh. "What I'm trying to say was have you asked Twilight out to the dance?"

Isaac blinked for a second as he let that process before looking at Twilight who just smiled. "Why would I do that, we're already in a relationship? So doesn't that automatically mean she'll say yes to my request. If that's the case, then I see no reason to ask her for an answer that I already know. Plus I'm kind of more occupied with my duel against Celestia."

"Oh no, you don't mister." Fluttershy then grabbed Isaac by his hoodie as she kept him from walking away. "Just put aside your duel with Celestia for one second; not everything involves Duel Monsters. This is your first ever school event/dance that you'll be attending and you finally have someone to share it with. We all understood you not having a date the first time around, but not this time." Fluttershy then started to push Isaac towards Twilight.

Isaac just stood there staring at Twilight. He then turned his head to Fluttershy who just gave a smile as her way of supporting her. Isaac just rolled his eyes and let out a sigh as he thought this was unnecessary. "Twilight, would... would you like to be my date to the Fall Formal?"

"Of course." she said as she continued to smile.

Isaac then turned back to Fluttershy, "There I asked her and she said yes, like I'd figured."

"Better to have been made sure." giggled Fluttershy. "Plus, girls really like it when a boy asks them out."

"I'll never understand that." said Isaac. He then began to walk as the girls just laughed at Isaac for not understanding as they soon caught up with him.

The school day continued with the students enjoying their day, Twilight had gotten a message from Dash as she had something to tell them. So during lunch everybody was talking with each other as it appeared that Rainbow had texted all of them. They didn't have to wait long as she came rushing into the café and nearly knocked Isaac's food out of his hands.

"Guys you won't believe what I have to say." exclaimed Dash.

"Does it involve you nearly knocking over my lunch?" said Isaac with an annoyed look.

"Whatever, Isaac. This is way more important than your stupid lunch. It's something that involves the Fall Formal."

"Let me guess, you're pissed that you're not going to be able to challenge me for my title." said Isaac.

"Yeah! No... just listen to what I have to say." Dash then began to get their attention as she began to explain what she overheard from Celestia's office. "So I was walking by Principal Celestia's office and heard her and Luna discussing somethings. They mostly talked about the Fall Formal, but I also heard Celestia mention about a test of sorts. Not for us, but for her. Apparently, she told Luna that she wants to prove that she's still got it that she's decided to take part in some duels in the coming weeks leading up to the Fall Formal." Rainbow's announcement caught the attention of everybody.

"Why would Principal Celestia do that, darling?"

"I know why." said Sunset. "To prove the doubters wrong. She knows that not many people believe that she stands that much of a chance against Isaac, given how dominant he's been since becoming champion. She wants to show everybody that she's not washed up as everybody thinks; so she wants to prove her chance by competing in a boss rush of sorts."

"Well ah understand wantin' to prove yourself, sugar. But ah still feel like there's a better way than doin' that."

"Oh, I guess I should probably tell you guys this. Celestia said that every duel she takes part in from here until the Fall Formal, the stipulation is still active. So that means if she loses anytime between now and the Fall Formal, then she'll retire on the spot." said Dash.

"That adds even more incentive to her. If she really wants to have her match against Isaac, then she'll need to survive all the challenges that's being put in front of her to show why she's the best. If she can continue to survive and make it all the way to the Fall Formal without losing a duel then it'll give her the confidence she needs when she's taking on Isaac." stated Twilight as she began to run the numbers in her head.

"Of course that means I'll definitely be taking her on. That way I can have something to brag; so Isaac, if you want to have your match against Celestia then you better pray that I don't wipe the floor with the old coot." Rainbow was boasting about her skills.

Isaac just rolled his eyes at Dash. Still to think that Celestia was forcing herself into this position to prove that she could still hang was a risky one. On one hand, if she lost then Isaac wouldn't need to worry about having a guilty conscience on his shoulders. But the other side, was Celestia's personal request. She said that she wanted to have her potential retirement with Isaac and she looked like she was determined to make that a reality. Isaac didn't know what to think about this new situation; Dash told them that Celestia would inform the whole school after classes had ended for the day as she requested that everybody gather in the auditorium.

The rest of the day passed by with the thought still lingering on Isaac's mind. Soon the school day came to a close as everybody was now gathering in the auditorium, apart from our heroes, nobody else knew what this was about. So once the group entered, they were about to find someplace to sit when Luna called out to Isaac. She told Isaac that she had a special chair for both him and Twilight to sit at. Soon Isaac and Twilight saw a pair of throne chairs as he took his seat with Twilight sitting next to him. Then the doors opened as Celestia made her way into the room and she began walking towards Luna. Celestia made sure to look at Isaac as she passed him and showed off her duel disk that was attached to her arm. She then grabbed the microphone from her sister as she began to talk.

"I'm sure all of you are curious as to why I've called you here. So I won't waste anytime; I'm here to announce that in the coming weeks leading up to the Fall Formal, I'll be competing in several duels against some of you. This will serve as a test for me to see if I've still got it." Celestia then looked at Isaac as she gave him a look. "That being said, the stipulation still stands, the duel between me and Isaac will serve as my final obstacle. But in order for me to get there, I must earn my way to the top. So that being said, I'm willing to risk it all so that each duel, I can make sure that I give it my absolute best and have no excuse to when I lose. However, should I be defeated before I can reach my match with Isaac and the Fall Formal, then the person who defeated me will have the honor of facing Isaac for his title of Duel Champion at the Fall Formal." Celestia's statement was causing the students to murmur. "So with that being said, I've compiled a list of which individuals who I would like to face." Celestia then pulled out a sheet of paper as she began to read off the top name. "So starting right now, the first person I will be facing is... Rainbow Dash!"

"Yes!!" shouted Dash as she got up from her seat and then made her way to Celestia.

"Congratulations, Ms. Dash." said Celestia as she extended her hand out. "I hope you know how much this means not just to you, but to me."

"You bet, teach." Dash then looked at Isaac who was sitting in his chair as the competitor came out of her. "Hope you're watching, Isaac. Cause once I beat Celestia, not only will I be the one to retire her, but then I'm next in line to challenge you for your title." exclaimed Dash as she pointed at him.

With that both Celestia and Dash took their positions as they slotted in their decks and activated their duel disk with Dash's projecting a sky blue card tray, while Celestia's projected a card tray that matched her hair. Everybody settled in as they awaited for the duel between Celestia and Rainbow Dash. Isaac just sat back in his chair as he placed his arm on the armrest with Twilight putting her hand in Isaac's as they watched from their thrones.

Luna then did her job as she would officiate the match. "If both participants are ready, then the duel will begin on my mark." Both were ready, Luna just let out a deep breath as she was worried about her own sister. "Battle Begin!!!"

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the voice of their duel disks.

Principal Celestia's Life Points: 8000-

Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Rainbow

"Perfect." Rainbow Dash then picked up her opening hand, she fanned them out and laughed. "Well, this may be over sooner than expected. Hey Isaac, don't worry about the burden on your shoulders. I'll take out Celestia for you."

Isaac just shook his head at how he could see Rainbow's ego starting to give her overconfidence.

"Now to start I'll play my U.A. Midfielder and then as always, I'll switch out my Midfielder to bring out my U.A. Dreadnought Dunker." Rainbow had now replaced her smaller monster with one that was more powerful at it scored a basket before it landed by her side. "But wait there's more, I play my Double Summon spell card. So once again, I'll play my U.A. Midfielder; but then I'll tag out my monster to bring out my U.A. Player Manager to join my Dunker." Out came a monster that wielded a bat and talked with Dunker about strategy before taking his position as it gave Dash a high five.

"I think I've done enough for now, so I'll end my turn." Dash crossed her arms. "Good luck, Principal Celestia." Dash then looked at Isaac as she was staring at him; she remembered their talk they had before school started. She made it her mission that she would defeat Isaac as it would help her later in life. Don't take this personally, Isaac. At least now you won't have a guilty conscience on being the one to end Celestia's career, plus I haven't forgot about my mission to beat you. Cause once I take Celestia out, I'm coming for your title.

Turn 2: Celestia

"Very good, Ms. Dash. But I don't need luck." said Celestia as drew her card to begin her turn.

"Any idea what deck she's using?" asked Pinkie as she asked the rest of the girls.

"To start I'll play the continuous spell card, Lightsworn Sanctuary." Four golden pillars swirled into existence around Celestia and extended beams at their tops, banners hanging from them. “As long as this card is in play, each time a card is sent from my deck to the graveyard, I can place a Shine Counter on my Lightsworn Sanctuary."

"Now we'll see how Celestia handles this deck." Twilight then reached into her bag as she pulled out a notepad and started to take some notes. Isaac still had a stern look as he observed Celestia's move, Twilight noticed this and helped to cheer him up by giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Next, I'll activate the spell card, Charge of the Light Brigade. This card allows me to discard the top 3 cards of my deck and then I can add a Level 4 or lower Lightsworn monster to my hand." Celestia then used her screen to select the card that she wanted. "I choose to add Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden. However, she won't be there for long; I activate the spell Solar Recharge, so I'll discard Minerva and draw two more cards, and then discard the top 2 cards of my deck to the graveyard." Celestia slid her card into her duel disk and then drew the offered ejected cards. The auto-shuffler beeped and retracted two cards, slotting them out in her discard slot. “At this time I have activated the effect of Minerva. Since I sent her from my hand to the graveyard, another card is discarded from the top of my deck.”

Celestia's deck: 25 cards-

"Can somebody tell me why Celestia had to send so many of her cards to the graveyard?" asked Fluttershy.

"Because that's what her deck revolves around, well at least this one does." Sunset then did her best to explain to the rest of the girls since Isaac wasn't next to them to give his usually exposition. "From the way Isaac explained it when we looked up Celestia's profile, Lightsworn consist of milling your cards. Apparently, decking out is a huge risk especially for a Lightsworn deck. However, it helps them."

"Just how, darling?"

"Yeah that part, Isaac is better explaining. From what I can understand from his usually speech, he mentioned that milling improves the speed of the deck due to many of the cards benefitting from the grave. He did mention about having a strong card that can be summoned based on how many Lightsworn monsters are in the grave as it can clear the field." stated Sunset as they all turned their attention back to the duel to see what Celestia was about to do.

Rainbow Dash just had a confused look on her face at what Celestia did as she let out a laugh. "No offense, Principal Celestia. But you're going to burn through all your cards at this rate. I mean you probably were good back in your day, but I don't about now. But sure, go ahead, send all your cards to the graveyard. It'll save me time."

Celestia just smiled at Dash. "Don't be fooled, Rainbow Dash. The graveyard is a more reliable source than the deck." Celestia then rolled up her sleeves. "I'll now demonstrate it with the effect of Lightsworn Sanctuary. Once per turn I can discard a Lightsworn monster in my hand and then retrieve another from my Graveyard to my hand. I discard Ehren, Lightsworn Monk and retrieve Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter. I then set a monster in defense mode, and one card face-down. That will end my turn.” Celestia’s two holograms shimmered into place, their backs to Rainbow.

"Hmph." Isaac was looking on as he trying to figure out Celestia's plan.

Turn 3: Rainbow Dash

"That's all? A lot of talk for a whole lot of nothing?" Dash had a bit of a smirk on her face as she drew her card. "I'll show you some real dueling, I summon U.A. Midfielder and then tag in my U.A. Playmaker! Then I'll play the spell card, U.A. Signing Deal. Now I can special summon a monster from my deck but it has its effects negated and I can take damage equal to its level by 300. So I choose U.A. Midfielder." Dash had now had a trio of monsters as she looked to deal some serious damage. She then pointed across the field.
Rainbow's Life Points: 6800-

"Now my monsters time to attack, I'll then use my Playmaker's effect so by transferring 800 of its own attack points, I'll give each one of my other monsters 800 extra attack points. So for those keeping track, Dreadnought Dunker has 3300, Midfielder had 2000, and Player Manager has 2800 attack points." All of Rainbow's monsters then powered up. "Now lead the charge, Dreadnought Dunker take out her facedown monster!" The figure then charged forward at Celestia's facedown as it revealed a white wolf-like beast.

Celestia calmly reached to her duel disk and turned her card over. “Since you attacked Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter(200/100), its effect activates. I destroy one card on the field, and then send the top three cards of my deck to the graveyard. I choose to destroy U.A. Dreadnought Dunker." As Dunker's fists drove Ryko down, the beast opened its mouth and fired a ray of light. Dunker exploded in a blast of sparks. Its task done, Ryko shattered into light. Celestia looked down as her deck beeped and retracted her cards to discard them.

"So you held off one attack, here comes another two! U.A. Player Manager and Midfielder, attack directly!" Midfield then charged forward as he kicked the soccer ball that appeared in front of him, he then lifted it up with its foot and shot it with so much force that it was sent in the direction of Player Manager who eyed the object coming at it and then swung its bat with so much power that it was sent hurling towards Celestia. Celestia simply looked away as the attack exploded in front of her.
Celestia's Life Points: 3200-

Celestia's deck: 22 cards-

"I'll just end my turn."

"Interesting." Twilight was frantically writing down notes that she figured would serve for research purposes. "Any ideas, Isaac?" Isaac didn't answer Twilight's question as he was too focused on Celestia's plan.

Turn 4: Celestia

"Very well." Celestia drew and placed the card on her duel disk. “I activate another copy of Charge of the Light Brigade. I send the top three cards of my deck to the graveyard and then add a Level 4 or lower Lightsworn monster from my deck to my hand.” Celestia held out her searched card. “The card I take is Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner.” Her duel disk beeped and a card in her graveyard ejected. “Further, one of my discarded cards was Wulf, Lightsworn Beast(2100/300). Since he was sent from my deck to the graveyard, I can special summon him, and I shall do so with him in defense mode.” A muscular humanoid wolf rose onto Celestia’s field, its paws on the end of a club it had stuck into the ground.

Celestia's deck: 17 cards-

"Next I summon Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner(1000/1000).” A young woman clad in white robes appeared on Celestia’s field in a flash of light, two scarves fluttering in the air behind her. “I activate Lumina’s effect and discard a card to special summon a Lightsworn monster in my graveyard. I special summon Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn(1700/1000) in defense mode.” A new monster appeared, a man in a dark blue cape with black pants, a pair of daggers strapped to his thighs. “I activate Raiden’s effect now and send the top two cards of my deck to the graveyard.” Celestia’s duel disk beeped as her cards discarded. She tapped her touchscreen. “One of my discarded cards was Lightsworn Judgment. Since I discarded it, I can add a monster card from my deck to my hand.”

"Celestia seems so calm, despite her deck bein' almost completely gone." said Applejack.

"Isaac was kidding when he mentioned that this deck really does revolve around decking out." Sunset was now amazed at how Lightsworns were working, not too mention that Celestia remained calm and collected.

"I now activate the effect of Lightsworn Sanctuary. I discard Shire, Lightsworn Spirit and return Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden to my hand. I then end my turn.” In front of Celestia, Lumina and Raiden lit up in gold light. “During my end phase the effects of Lumina and Raiden activate. Lumina sends three cards from my deck to the graveyard and Raiden sends two."

Celestia's deck: 10 cards-

Turn 5: Rainbow

“Man, she’s worse than I figured.” said Dash.

Safe to say that Rainbow wasn't the only one to think the same thing. Everybody else watching began to whisper among themselves as they were surprised with how their principal was playing this duel. Even the girls sitting with the huge crowd had their doubts.

The whispers of the crowd reached Celestia’s ears. She narrowed her eyes. They think this duel is all about damage and attacking. They’ll see on my next turn.

Isaac and Twilight were watching from their seats as they were a step ahead of everybody else. Isaac more importantly, as he finally figured out Celestia plan. But he didn't bother telling Twilight as he wanted to see how Rainbow would handle what was about to happen.

"I’ve gotta say, I expected to win, but this is too easy.” Rainbow yawned as she drew and casually slipped her card into her card tray. "Since my Playmaker is low on attack, I'll switch him out to bring out my U.A. Rival Rebounder. Then I'll play the tuner monster X-Saber Pashuul in defense mode." Rainbow now had two more monsters on her field as she looked to take things to the next level; she held out her hand. "And now, I tune my Level 2 X-Saber Pashuul with my Level 6 Rival Rebounder!” X-Saber Pashuul lit up green and split into two rings that rotated and floated around Rival Rebounder. Rival Rebounder glowed orange as a column of yellow light rose around it. “I align the blade of the knight and the ball of the athlete, and bring out a grand new titan!” Rainbow grabbed her card and slapped it on her duel disk. “I Synchro Summon! Rise up, Colossal Fighter!” The light receded, revealing a massive figure in thick beige armor. It stood up, light gleaming off a green visor over its eyes, and crossed its arms.

"My Colossal Fighter gains an extra 100 attack points for every Warrior-type monster in my graveyard. Right now I currently have three- Dreadnought Dunker, Rival Rebounder, and X-Saber Pashuul. So that means my Colossal Fighter gains 300 attack points. Making him have a strength of 3100 attack." The spirits of Rainbow's monsters then appeared as they sent their power to Colossal Fighter. "Colossal Fighter, lead the charge! Attack Lumina!" Colossal Fighter jumped up and descended, slamming a massive fist into the front of Lumina. Lumina raised her arms to defend herself as the light struck her in an explosion of light energy.
Celestia's Life Points: 1100-

"Midfielder, Player Manager, finish off her other monsters!" shouted Rainbow. Raiden and Wulf gleamed and exploded as the beams struck them each in turn.

“That’s it for me. I end my turn.”

Turn 6: Celestia

“Good.” Celestia reached to her deck and drew.

Celestia's deck: 9 cards-

“You know, I admit I almost feel bad about this.” Rainbow sighed and shook her head. “Your first duel and you picked it with me. A shame it barely lasted three turns, and you couldn’t even scratch my Life Points. At least make this last turn count, Principal Celestia.”

“I will.” Celestia nodded. “We agree on one thing, Rainbow Dash – this is the last turn. For you.” Celestia's expression changed on a dime as she went into game mode. I promised I would face Isaac at the Fall Formal and I'm going to do whatever I can in my power to make sure that match happens.

Some of the students watching burst out laughing. Rainbow did the same. “Are you blind or just trying to make a joke? I'll admit that's a pretty good one, Principal Celestia. Never peg you as one for having a laugh based on how stern you are. Though I hate to say it, but take a look at the field. You have one spell card that isn’t doing much, a face-down you would have used by now if it did anything worthwhile, and no monsters, whereas I have three of my best monsters out.”

"Pardon me for sounding a bit harsh, Rainbow Dash. But your words show how unskilled at this game you really are."

Rainbow had stopped laughing. "What was that?"

“I don’t care what’s on the field, Rainbow Dash. I’m more concerned with what’s in your hand.”

Rainbow looked down and turned her hands over. "I don't see what you're talking about, I only have two cards in my hand."

“Exactly. You used them all. You got so caught up in an easy win that you overextended yourself. Based on the previous turns, I know that the two cards in your hands are monster cards. So once I get rid of your cards on the field, you’ll have nothing left to play but whatever you draw next turn.”

"Sure.” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Wiping out my field? I’d like to see you try.”

Everybody agreed with Rainbow as they were intrigued as to how Celestia was going to clear Rainbow's entire field. Isaac just looked on from his seat as he knew what was about to happen. In fact, he already knew how this duel was going to end. Isaac had managed to figure out Celestia's plan after she ended her second turn and safe to say that Dash was about to be given a dose of reality check.

"Then watch closely.” Celestia tapped her duel disk’s screen. “I activate my trap card, Glorious Illusion. This lets me revive a Lightsworn monster in the graveyard. I revive Lumina.” The robed woman rose up in front of Celestia again, her scarfs blowing out. “I activate Lumina’s effect and discard Rinyan, Lightsworn Rogue to revive Wulf, Lightsworn Beast. Then I summon Minerva, Lightsworn Maiden(800/2000).” A young woman with red hair and white robes stepped onto Celestia’s field. She extended an arm and an owl flew out of the summon portal as it closed, perching on her forearm. Celestia held her hand out. “And now, I tune my Level 3 Minerva with my Level 4 Wulf.”

Rainbow stepped back, grimacing. “That card is a Tuner!?” Around her the crowd gasped.

Minerva split into three rings of green light arranged in a horizontal column. The rings moved to rotate around Wulf as it dissolved into four sparks of light. The rings spun faster and a bolt of light shot through the four sparks, growing to engulf the rings. Celestia’s duel disk opened on its far end and a card slid out. “I bind together my two Lightsworn, and call forth from my Extra Deck this monster! I Synchro Summon, Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn(2600/2000)!” The pillar of light receded to reveal a large white dragon standing next to Celestia. On its head rode a knight in gleaming gold armor with wings extending from the back, a glowing white sword in its hand.

"I’m not done yet.” Celestia held up a card in her hand. “Remember how I was able to add a monster card to my hand when I discarded Lightsworn Judgement on my last turn? Well, it’s time to use it.” Celestia set her card on her card tray. “Using the power of the Lightsworns in my graveyard, I bind together four of them with different names so that I can special summon Judgement Dragon(3000/2600)!” Another large white dragon flew out of a golden portal and landed on Celestia’s other side, wings withdrawing as it touched down.

"I'll then play the spell card, Dian Keto the Cure Master to increase my life points by 1000. But don't worry, cause I'll immediately use those points I just gained right now. I activate the special effect of Judgment Dragon!” Celestia raised her hand and snapped her fingers. “I pay 1000 Life Points and destroy all other cards on the field!” Judgment Dragon opened its mouth and began to summon particles of light between its jaws.
Celestia's Life Points: 1100-

"What!?" Rainbow gasped. “You're going to destroy your own cards, too!”

"Wrong.” Celestia held up her duel disk and tapped one of the cards there. “You should pay more attention to my cards, Rainbow Dash. Seems you forgot about an important lesson from Isaac. Remember when I played Lightsworn Sanctuary, and I explained about its first effect? Every time I’ve sent cards from my deck to the graveyard, Lightsworn Sanctuary gained a Shine Counter. Now it’s time to use them. Since Lightsworn cards I control are about to be destroyed by a card effect, I can remove two Shine Counters for each of them to prevent their destruction. I count three Lightsworn cards: Michael, Lumina, and Lightsworn Sanctuary itself. I need two counters for each of them, and Lightsworn Sanctuary has eight Shine Counters on it, so that’s two more than I need.”

The pillars around Celestia lit up in a golden barrier and sent out two rays of light, projecting the same barrier around Michael and Wulf. Judgment Dragon snapped its head down and fired a blast of light rays. The rays struck Celestia’s cards and dispersed into sparkles, ripples forming in the golden barriers. The rays reached Celestia’s field and pierced her monsters. Rainbow watched with wide eyes as her three monsters exploded into showers of light, the remains raining down around her and fading.

"And now, it’s my turn to attack.” Celestia thrust her hand out. “Judgment Dragon, Michael the Arch-Lightsworn, Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner, attack Rainbow Dash directly!” Judgement Dragon fired a beam of light. Michael raised his sword and pointed in command for his mount to follow suit. Lumina raised her palms out and sent out two smaller rays. The three attacks swirled around each other and exploded in Rainbow’s face.
Rainbow's Life Points: 200-

Rainbow glared as the smoke cleared. “I’m not done yet!” she snarled. “You only have 1100 Life Points left, and I still have one more turn! I can turn this around!”

“Yes, you could,” Celestia said calmly. “As unlikely as it may be, the right draw would allow you to rebuild your field and wipe out my Life Points. Which is why I'm sorry to have to remove that possibility from the equation.” She snapped her fingers again. “I pay 1000 Life Points and once again activate the effect of Judgement Dragon.” The dragon fired rays of light out. Celestia’s hair blew out behind her as Michael and Wulf exploded, and the pillars of Lightsworn Sanctuary crumbled around her.
Celestia's Life Points: 100-

“You’re insane,” Rainbow hissed. “What does destroying your own cards accomplish?”

“I’ll explain the effect of Michael the Arch-Lightsworn now." The ghostly image of Michael appeared behind Celestia. “Since Michael the Arch-Lightsworn was destroyed by a card effect, I can select any number of Lightsworn monsters in my graveyard and shuffle them into the deck, and recover 300 Life Points for each of them.” Celestia tapped her duel disk screen as a row of monster cards ran across it, her finger pressing to them in turn. “I choose to recover fifteen Lightsworn monsters.” She held up her duel disk as it lit up in white light. One by one cards retracted inside her duel disk from her graveyard slot and emerged back on top of her deck. When the last card was placed they rapidly shuffled themselves. Celestia lowered her duel disk. “During my end phase I activate Judgment Dragon’s effect, discarding four cards from the top of my deck. That will end my turn.”
Celestia's Life Points: 4600-

Celestia's deck: 20 cards-

Turn 7: Rainbow

The crowd was silent. Rainbow’s duel disk beeped and ejected the top card of her deck. She ignored it, staring across the field with her mouth hanging open.

“You just took out almost all my Life Points in one turn… and then you went from 100 points to 4600, and recharged your deck in the same move…” she whispered.

"You could have won this duel, if you made better decisions,” Celestia replied. “But you were so busy thinking this was an easy win that you made several misplays. I spent my time getting my cards into play for my final turn, but you never thought ahead more than the next turn and your next attack. That is why you lost, Rainbow Dash. Not because I drew better cards or you drew terrible ones. Because I knew how to use my cards properly, and you didn’t.” Celestia's words cut deep for everybody to hear. "Oh my, I didn't mean to create such an atmosphere. Forgive me, Rainbow Dash. But I believe it's your turn."

"You’re right…” Rainbow looked down at her duel disk and the card being offered for her draw. She reached down and put a finger on the edge of the card to slide it back into place. She was so blown away by Celestia's move that in that moment, all the confidence that Rainbow had was shattered. She knew what had just happened so she did the one thing she could do to end her suffering. “I surrender this duel.”

Celestia looked at her duel disk display The word ‘FORFEIT’ appeared over Rainbow’s portrait as it lit up red. Rainbow’s portrait and field dissolved and Celestia’s portrait grew to fill the screen, the word ‘WIN’ under it.

“She just beat Rainbow in three turns…”

“Are we sure Rainbow didn’t throw the game?”

Celestia’s ears twitched at the murmurs of the crowd. She turned her head and saw several of them fall silent at her gaze. She reached to her duel disk and gathered up her cards, then turned it off. The hard light card tray faded and her deck cycled back into the card tray and shuffled. She then made her way towards Rainbow who had collapsed to her knees.

"That was a fun duel, Rainbow Dash." Celestia extended her hand as she helped Rainbow up.

"Just... what happened?" Rainbow was still dumbfounded by what she witnessed.

"You got overconfident is all." giggled Celestia. "You underestimated your opponent and they were able to catch you by surprise. Though it was a close battle, not bad for a warm-up. Thank you Rainbow Dash, now I'm ready for my other challengers." Celestia then looked at Isaac who was still staring her down. "Students, please give it up for Rainbow Dash for putting up a valiant effort." The crowd gave somewhat of an applause as they were still trying to figure out what they saw their principal do.

"Though if I'm being honest, if I really wanted to, I would have beaten you on my second turn." trolled Celestia as she had a smug look on her face. Now Rainbow was really in shambles at how Celestia was able to destroy her confidence in one duel and then rebuild it back again, only to tear it down all in the same scenario.

"Alright, that's all for today. Principal Celestia has created a list of the duelist/students she will like to duel against. So we'll inform you if and when you'll be selected. Remember there's no consequences for you all to lose, so that should incentive enough to make sure that you go all out against my sister." informed Vice-principal Luna.

The students were whispering among themselves as they felt a bit scared on how they might fare against Celestia. Despite not competing in such time, Celestia clearly showed that her skills haven't rust. Take that into the consequence that the first duel she loses would force her to retire; safe to say that if Celestia was able to complete her list of opponents and then somehow make it to the Fall Formal to face Isaac, then it would definitely be a match worth seeing. Luna then dismissed everybody, as the girls all gathered by to help Rainbow after suffering a crushing defeat. Isaac was still seating in his seat along with Twilight by his side as he stared down Celestia.

That last duel awoken something in Isaac; he was able to figure out Celestia's plan by her second turn and it played out exactly in his head. Still the sight that laid before him caught his attention; Celestia had managed to humble Rainbow's ass. Celestia was by far no veteran who was struggling to see if she still had it. She clearly showed that she was a force to be reckoned with and if she was able to overcome this little crusade of hers, then all that would remain is defeating the final boss which so happened to be him.

Not a single contact was broken as both individuals stared at each other. So that's how you want to play it, Celestia. Fine then, I await for you at the Fall Formal. While Isaac was looking at Celestia, his deck that was clipped on his belt started to glow as a certain card could feel something. Something powerful.

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