• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 16: An Unlikely Meeting

The rest of the day continued as planned. After taking care of his sudden weird sweet tooth, Isaac began to get back into the swing of things as he started to find more duelists to battle. After about half an hour, Isaac had already gotten 3 more victories. Isaac then made his way to the back of the school to get a bit of privacy.

"Man, this tournament is taking a lot out of me than I expected. I mean I know that if I keep doing well in winning most of my matches then I should be safe to qualify for the finals, but my stamina still seems to be draining."

"Well maybe you should take five and let the real duelist do the fighting for you." said a mysterious voice.

Isaac looked up and sitting on top of the wall he was lying against was a person he hadn't seen in a while. "Nice to see that your ego hasn't been dropped, Trixie."

"Well it's refreshing to see that you're still trying to play hero in this story" returned Trixie with a snarky look. Eventually they both broke into a laughter.

"Good to see again, Isaac. I hope that you're still treating your Dark Magician with the proper respect it deserves. If not perhaps Trixie will have to be the one who upholds what it means to be the master of the Dark Magician. Then again that would make for a better story than this one, don't you agree?"

"I'll believe that when the world suddenly decides to shut down and everybody is forced to stay inside due to some crazy disease. Like something like that will ever happen. Anyways, it's been a while Trixie. What have you been up to lately?"

"Oh just bit of magic here and there. You know Trixie when there is a magic show to be performed, Trixie will be there. Plus I'm also doing a bit of soul search mainly with my deck."

"Okay 2 questions: What happened to you addressing yourself in the third person? And secondly, what have you done with the real Trixie?" asked Isaac.

"I can choose whether or not to address myself the way I please, thank you very much! And as for your other outburst, I'm being serious." Trixie then hopped down from where she was sitting and landed on her feet. She then looked at Isaac.

"Mind if I grab a seat and tell you what happened?"

Isaac just raised an eyebrow before saying it was ok. Trixie then sat next to Isaac and began to tell him her tale as she looked out into the school's field.

"After our battle with each other and the way you reminded me of how I should treat my cards with respect, I decided to take a step back and reevaluate myself. You remember the promise I made to myself about how I would need to earn the respect of my cards and my magician. Well after that battle, I was approached by a couple of students who believe it or not they were praising me for an amazing match. I thought they just mocking me but they kept on insisting that it was the best thing they had seen in a long time. I just merely ignored their comments and went about my business. The next couple of days after that everybody was talking about our duel but I'm sure you must have experienced it first hand, right?"

To be honest I really didn't hear that much praise be directed to me after my match with Trixie. Then again it was around that same time that I had met the rest of the girls and we were so busy about competing in the tournament and taking down Sunset that I barely paid attention to what others were saying about me. Hearing that Trixie was being given endorsements after our battle made me happy. Not only did people praise her for putting a good fight, but they actually believed that she was a talented duelist. At least that was the way I interrupted it; I would be lying if I didn't say that my match with Trixie was definitely in top moments of amazing duels, we really tore the house down.

"Anyways the point is everybody seemed to actually give me credit for going up against a powerful opponent. I know that's a bit exaggerated, I mean you practically wiped the floor with me. It was my own pride that led me to lose the match. Since then I've been rebuilding myself and my deck; I even entered this tournament not to win per say but hopefully to find a part of myself that's been missing. Still I don't deserve everybody's admiration they saw how I treated my monsters, they must think I'm some selfish bitch." Trixie started to put her head in her arms and let out a few tears.

When Trixie told me her tale, a part of me was genuinely understanding where she was coming from. If I was in her shoes, I too would question my existence not only as a person but as a duelist. I couldn't imagine being the type of person who would mistreat their cards. I didn't know what to do so I reluctantly put my hand on Trixie's shoulder to which she didn't refuse. Trixie then started to look at me while wiping some tears away from her face.

"Look Trixie, I don't want to say I know what you're going through but I will agree that those students who been giving you props in our duel were right. I mean before our match, I couldn't think of time where I had that much fun dueling someone. To say that I wiped the floor with you is practically the farthest from the truth. The reality is Trixie that you actually pushed me to my limits, you forced me to think of new strategies just to be able to survive till the next turn. Now given how you were acting I can't imagine what you would have done if I lost the duel and my Dark Magician. But given how things turned out, I say everything worked out better than anticipated. Sure you feel like you don't deserve any attention, but you do. Sure you don't believe that you've gained the trust of your monsters, but you do. You've already repented for sins and are making an effort to fix them, not a lot of people can do that. Believe me, I know. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're much better person than we last meet and anybody who's willing to have a change of heart is someone I can call friend."

Trixie was stunned by what Isaac had just said. It wasn't mainly due to the fact that Isaac gave a thrilling speech that would cause anybody to get emotionally but due to the fact that he called her his friend. Despite their past, Isaac was willing to put their differences aside because he believed that she was becoming a better person. Trixie's heart started to fill with happiness because for the first time in her life she had finally found someone she can lean on for support.

"Thank you Isaac, because of you I've decided to change for the better. I'm not the same girl I once was, no I'm so much better. If I could go back in time and change the past I definitely would."

I merely laughed at Trixie's response. "Hey now don't go saying that, if that did happen then I wouldn't get to experience a fun duel."

"I'm pretty sure you would have found a way to make it interesting." snickered Trixie.

"I doubt it" I said as I gave a sarcastic response.

Eventually we broke into a laughter. Compared to when we first began to talk the sun was just high in the sky now it seemed to have dropped down a bit and soon it would disappeared beyond the horizon to signal the night. Trixie eventually decided that she needed to go and promised that I would continue to do my best in the tournament as she was personally rooting for me to make it to the finals. I told I would try and gave her a hearty goodbye to which she just gave me a quick hug before heading off in the direction of the school's swimming pool. I was left by myself for few moments before I gathered my things and prepared to head out myself.

The sun was just about to dip as the sky started to turn into an orangish color. The second day of the Fall Formal tournament was about to come to a close as the last remaining duels started to wrap up. Other than my encounter with Trixie, I had still yet to bump into any of the girls.

"I would have thought we would have seen each other but I guess their busy doing their own thing. I just hope everything is alright. Well the sun's going down, time for me to call it a day." Just as I was preparing to head out, I heard somebody address me.

"Where do you think you're going pal?" There standing before was a dude who look like he was waiting to pick a fight. "You're not just about to leave when there's still time. And if there's still time to throw down, you best believe I'm cashing in at a prime opportunity. So draw your deck boy, because we're dueling. He then activated his duel disk and waited for me to accept his challenge. I looked at my duel disk to see who this person was. According to the info my device showed me his name Ironheart and displayed his record. He wasn't doing too terribly in the tournament but if he was able to defeat me then surely he would get noticed for being in the discussion for the finals. After thinking it over, I was about to give him my answer when I was interrupted by a different voice.

"Why waste your energy on someone like him when you could be facing someone with more value to their ranking?" Out of nowhere came a student wearing a duel disk and a guitar around his body. Upon first glance I could see this guy was a musician but his most striking feature was his blue hair that spiked up kinda like a rockstar. I'll admit he was a bit taller than me but even then I was surprised that he was willing to downplay my own skills as if I couldn't handle myself.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"The name's Flash Sentry. Don't worry man, I'll take care of this guy for you."

"Look I appreciate the help, but I can handle someone like him. So if you don't mind kindly step out of the way?" I said with a bit of disdain in my voice.

"Trust me man, I'll handle this. So what do you say Ironheart, how would you like a chance to test yourself against a former CHS duel champion?" Asked Flash as he threw down the gauntlet.

"I'll admit if I defeat you it would really show everybody that Ironheart is a force to be reckoned with, alright kid you're on. Prepare your duel disk."

"Seriously, I could've take care of the guy. You didn't need to do this."

"I know but I figured you needed a break, especially if you want to take down Sunset Shimmer. Now if you don't mind moving to the side, wouldn't want you to get in the way."

"Opponent detected. Streaming Data. Duel Mode Set. Initiating. Commence duel." said the mechanical voice of the duel disks.

Ironheart's Life Points: 8000-
Flash Sentry's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Ironheart

"I draw and I'll start with a banger of a monster, say hello to my Iron Chain Blaster(1100/0) in attack mode. I'll then end with a facedown. You're up former champion, lets see what you got."

Turn 2: Flash

"It's my turn." Flash drew his card and looked at it. He had a smile on his face and then slotted it into hid duel disk. "I activate the spell card Gem-Knight Fusion!"

Flash then took two card from his hand and held them out as a swirling vortex began to form around them. "From my hand I fuse together my Gem-Knight Garnet and my Gem-Knight Obsidian. I Fusion Summon Gem-Knight Ruby(2500/1300) in attack mode." The two monsters that Flash had then started to shine brightly as they jumped into the vortex and combined into a pillar of light. Once the light had faded, there stood a monster that wore red armor with a blue cape. It also wielded a large spear and brought it to rest on his shoulder. "But I'm not done, because I'm activating the effect of my Gem-Knight Obsidian, now I sent him from my hand to the graveyard I can bring back another normal type monster. So welcome back my Gem-Knight Garnet(1900/0). Then I'll activate the ability of my Gem-Knight Fusion from the grave, now by banishing my Gem-Knight Obsidian I can add my Gem-Knight Fusion back to my hand." Flash’s two cards slipped out of the graveyard and he lifted them up, placing Garnet on his duel disk.

Impressive I thought to myself. Not only does he have a powerful deck, but he knows how to use. The fact that he was able to use three cards and be able to bring two of them back is incredible. Not to mention that he already had a powerful monster in his opening turn, I can see why he was a former winner.

"Now then I'll activate my Ruby's effect, now by sacrificing my Gem-Knight Garnet I can give my Ruby a power up till the end of the turn so now my Ruby's attack rises to 4400. Now attack with Ruby Spear Strike!" Flash's monster then lifted up its spear and it grew larger; it then spun the spear around before launching it at Ironheart's monster where it created a hole where his monster previously was.
Ironheart's Life Points: 4700-

"I'll set 1 card facedown and end my turn. Now Ruby's attack points go back to 2500."

Turn 3: Ironheart

Ironheart then recovered from that massive attack and looked at Flash with anger in his eyes. "You'll pay for that you blue haired punk. I'm done messing around. My draw! First I'll activate my facedown trap Chain effect now I can summon monsters from my hand or deck as long as their combined attack points don't exceed the total amount of damage I took. So I bring out, Iron Chain Snake(800/1200) and Iron Chain Repairman(1600/1200). Next I'll play the tuner monster Iron Chain Coil(1100/1600) in defense mode. Now I activate my snake's effect and attach it to your ruby. Now it loses 800 att/def. Then my Coil's effect allows me give another monster 300 extra attack/defense so I'll choose my Repairman. Now take out his Gem-Knight Ruby. Now my snake's other effect activates and you lose 6 cards to the grave. In addition, since my repairman destroyed a monster in battle you get slammed with an additional 300 points. With that I'll end my turn with a facedown."
Flash's Life Points: 7500-

Turn 4: Flash

"My turn, draw. I summon Gem-Knight Alexandrite(1800/1200)." When Flash played his card out came a monster that had silver armor and wore red gems studded on certain parts of its body. "Next I'll activate my Alexandrite's ability now by sacrificing it I can add any normal Gem-Knight monster from my deck, so make way for Gem-Knight Tourmaline(1600/1800)." Alexandrite then vanished into a portal and out came a brand new monster. This knight wore gleaming gold armor, as bolts of electricity coursed through its body. As it took its position, it made a stance by throwing its hands in the air which lightning came out of.

"Now I'll play a card you're familiar with Gem-Knight Fusion. I fuse my the Tourmaline on my field with the Gem Knight Lazuli in my hand. Now appear, I fusion summon Gem-Knight Prismaura(2450/1400). Just like before a vortex appeared in front of Flash as his monsters jumped in and created a pillar of light; this time out came a different monster that had gold and silver armor and wore a red/white cape. Spires of white crystal emerged as it pulled out both a sword and shield. It then raised its sword in the sky as it let out a cry of triumph.

"Now I'll activate my Lazuli's special ability when its sent to the grave I can add 1 normal monster from my grave to my hand, so I choose to add my Gem-Knight Garnet, but he won't be there for long because I'm activating my Prismaura's ability now by sending 1 'Gem-Knight' from my hand to the grave I can destroy a card on the field and I chose your facedown." Prismaura raised its shield, aglow in white light. A beam of light shot out from it and enveloped Ironheart's face-down card. "Now time for an attack, Gem-Knight Prismaura take out his Iron Chain Repairman. Prismaura then raised its sword and charged towards Ironheart's monster. "I end my turn."
Ironheart's Life Points: 4150-

Turn 5: Ironheart

"My turn, draw! First I'll activate the spell card Monster Reborn and bring back my Iron Chain Repairman. Then I'll use repairman's ability to revive a monster from my grave so come welcome back my Iron Chain Snake. Now I'll play another Iron Chain Blaster(1100/0) in attack mode. But I'm not done because I tune my level 3 Iron Chain Coil with my level 3 Iron Chain Snake. I Synchro Summon my level 6 Iron Chain Dragon(2500/1300). Now I activate my Dragon's ability by removing all the 'Chain' monsters I have in my grave I can give my dragon some extra juice. Now he'll gain 200 points for each one banished so his total is now 3100. Now Dragon, it's chomping time take out that oversized jewel attack with Chain Chomp."
Ironheart's dragon then opened its mouth and then took to the skies before swooping down and unleashing its fury on Flash's monster.

"Thanks for that Ironheart because now I can activate my facedown Brilliant Spark. Now since a face-up 'Gem-Knight' monster was destroyed by battle, I can deal damage to your life points equal to the attack points of that monster, so get ready to feel a whole lot of pain."
Ironheart's Life Points: 1700-

"Don't think you're the only one who's dishing out pain because now your wide open to my Iron Chain Blaster. Take aim and fire!"
Flash's Life Points: 5750-

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 6: Flash

As the battle was going on, Isaac was becoming more and more intrigued with how Flash was handling himself. "I'll admit Flash is definitely no push over. He's already proven that he's more than capable of handling that deck of his. Despite losing a couple of life points, Flash has been in control of this duel since his first turn. In a duel it's important with how you start off that can dictate not only the flow of the match but also what you do after. In his opening play he's been able to reuse cards from his grave and create some powerful monsters, while at the same time be able to dish out some major damage to Ironheart. Still one thing that still boggles me, is why he was so eager to take my place in this duel?"

Flash then put his hand on his deck and drew his card. "Time to end this Ironheart, you've been fun to have around but now I think it's time we bring this duel to a close. So to start I'll activate the effect of another Gem-Knight Lazuli from my grave, now I can add 1 normal monster to my hand and I choose my Gem-Knight Tourmaline. Next I'll play the spell Absorb Fusion, now I can use the monsters in my deck to perform a fusion summon as long as the cards I use are banished. In addition, I can add 1 'Gem-knight' to my hand. So my deck I'll fuse together my Gem-knight Amber, Lapis, and Sardonyx to call upon one of my strongest creations. I fusion summon Gem-Knight Master Diamond(2900/2500)." Once Flash played his card a portal began to open up and out came a monster of colossal size. It bore a long cape and had a sword that was studded with lots of rhinestones and jewels embedded in its weapons.

"But that's not all because guess what Ironheart my Master Diamond gains 100 extra attack points for every 'Gem' monster in my grave and I currently have 7, so it translates to 700 points meaning my monster now has 3600. Next I'll activate the effect of another monster from my grave, now by banishing a fusion monster from my grave I can bring back my Crystal Rose(500/500) in defense mode. Then I'll perform one last fusion summon and what better way than to fusion with none other than a classic, I play Polymerization. Now I'll fuse my Crystal Rose with two more Gem-Knights that I have in my hand. Now everyone give a warm welcome as I fusion summon Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant Diamond(3400/200)." A vortex opened up and the monsters that Flash used jumped into it and the creature that came out was just as stunning as it was shining. Out came a monster that wore a short cape and she wield a sword as she was covered with diamond armor plating on her shoulders.

The sight that was Flash's field was like no other. He had managed to conduct back-to-back fusion summonings and brought out two of his powerhouses. Ironheart was in shock with how Flash had pulled off a very technical move that not many could do. Flash on the other hand had a confident look as he looked at his monsters with such conviction.

Yet the look on Isaac's face told the whole story as his jaw dropped. Despite having a huge knowledge of duel monsters and summoning techniques, Isaac had never seen everybody do a fusion summoning the way Flash did. Not only did it attest to his deck but also to his skills as an individual.

"Now time for my monsters to strike, so Gem-knight Master Diamond and Lady Brilliant take out Ironheart's field and send him packing. Attack!" With their orders given, both monsters leaped into the air and with huge velocity began to fall through the air and landed a huge attack with their swords as they obliterated Ironheart's field and his life points.
Ironheart's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Flash Sentry

Once the duel ended, Flash then made his way over to Isaac who still had a stunned look on his face. "Sorry that took a while, I would have finished this sooner, but I wanted to give the guy a chance."

"You could have ended it earlier? You really have that kind of power?"

"Yeah, but where's the fun in that? Anyways I doubt he'll be bothering us anymore which is good because I've been wanting to meet you, Isaac."

"You know my name?"

"Being the new kid kinda gives that away, plus I've seen/heard about your duels you've had. Anyways I wanted to talk about something regarding a person, namely Sunset Shimmer?"

I was surprised that Flash had mentioned Sunset Shimmer that it made me a bit hesitant on how he knew who she was. "So you know Sunset Shimmer? Mind telling me how you know her, did you have some sort of confrontation?". The look on Flash's face told me that he had a personal experience with the girl based on how he looked away for a bit.

"In a way yes, but before I explain I need to know something, you're helping Rainbow and her friends take her down, right?"


"Then I hope you guys succeed, see I believe that Sunset needs to be taken down. I know that sounds pretty mean coming from someone who used to be her ex-boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend? What a minute, you mean to tell me that you used to date Sunset Shimmer?"

"Crazy, I know. What were you expecting something else?"

"No, I mean even though she's got a mean attitude, I'll admit Sunset is pretty hot. I can only imagine how many boys would do anything just to be with her. But what I'm really concerned is how she hasn't done anything to you? From what I heard, she doesn't like it when others get the last laugh. So I'd expect if someone would break up with her, she would do everything in her power to make sure that their life was a living hell".

"Yeah, to be honest I'm shocked as well. In fact, it was right around the time I won the Fall Formal Tournament and became champion that she approached me. She said she became fascinated with me and what to know more about myself; we then started to talk and pretty soon she became my girlfriend. However, I was so focused on the many challenges that kept facing me that I didn't pay much attention to what she was doing to the other students. If I had maybe I could have prevented her from becoming who she is today."

"I'd doubt it, from what the girls told me Sunset was pretty much like that since she first arrived here. My only guess is that by being with you it would help think that she could flaunt her power willingly. I don't what you to take this the wrong way, but you were just being used by Sunset."

"Maybe, but call me crazy but I believe that Sunset still has a bit of good in her. Sure everybody sees her as a bully, but I'd like to think that she can be redeemed."

"You're not the only one, I too have some faith that Sunset deserves a second chance but based on what I've seen/heard it sounds like she doesn't want to change. If she isn't willing to change her ways, then there's not much we can do. So tell me Flash, why are you in this tournament?"

"Well, my mission is to save Sunset. I believe that maybe I can reach her and at least get to consider all the damage she's caused people. I'd also like to have my rematch with her. I told you that I was a champion before, well Sunset was the one who defeated me for that title and it was right after we broke up."

"That's rough. Not only did she break your heart in a way, but she also took your title. Well at least you didn't let it affect you and your dueling, based on how you were able to handle yourself it seems your skills haven't dulled. Your Gem-Knights really are a tough deck to beat."

"I'm not the only one who should be giving props. That Dark Magician of yours is a very powerful monster; the amount of synergy that that card has is unbelievable. I would really love to have the chance to face it. Anyways, it's getting late. It was nice to meet you Isaac, I hope to see you in the finals."

"Nice talking to you Flash, you know you're an okay guy compared to what other people think in the community?"

"Wait what?"


"Well I'd best get home." Just when Flash had taken a few steps he then stopped and began to address me with his back turned towards me. "Isaac, I need you to promise me something. If I fail to save Sunset, then promise me that you'll do it. I may or may not have the skills to rescue her, but I have a feeling she may listen to you. Call it a hunch, but I think you're special to her in a way."

What Flash was saying was both confusing and serious simultaneously. I didn't like making promises that I couldn't keep, but I assured him I would do my best and with that Flash had left. On my way home I kept thinking about all that has happened so far. From my unexpected meeting with Trixie, to meeting Sunset's ex-boyfriend, and finding out that he was trying to save Sunset. It all really hurt my brain, not to mention the tournament that surrounded all this and how tomorrow was the final day. Soon everything would come to a close as the final battle was drawing very near. The only thing that I could do was focus on making sure that I qualified for the finals because if I didn't then the plan me and the girls came up with would all be for nothing.

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