• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 202: Prom Night

"Alright, I draw. And to start, I'll play my Magician's Valkyria in attack mode. Then I'll equip her with Bound Wand so that I can raise her attack points by 100 for each of her levels so now she has 2000 attack points. With that done, I'll set two cards facedown and end my turn." said Isaac.

"Now let's see what you got."

"Eh?" said Flurry Heart.

The young baby was sitting on the floor of the living room as she was on one end of the table while on the other side was Isaac as he had his deck and some cards on the table as it seemed he was trying to teach the young girl how to play. Flurry Heart had a deck in front of her as she just knocked it over and scattered the cards in front of her as she looked at them all as she giggled.

"No, Flurry! You're supposed to pick them up and then figure what's the best way to counter my field," said Isaac.

"Magic. Magic." said the young baby as she moved the cards in front of her around as some fell off the table and on the floor as she giggled. She saw the Blue Dragon Summoner card that Isaac had given her for New Year's Eve as she grabbed it and hugged it tightly while looking at the other cards not caring how to properly play.

"Guess, I need to wait a couple of years before she can play," said Isaac as he put his head down.

"Lighten up, Isaac," said Mana as she appeared and hovered in front of the small baby. "Who's a cute baby? You are," stated Mana as she tickled Flurry's tummy as the baby let out a laugh.

"Do not fret, master. Little Flurry Heart will learn to play the game in due time, she's a smart young girl for her tiny age," stated Mahad as he saw the baby playing with Mana. Flurry then saw Mahad as she had her arms reaching for the older adult as it seemed she wanted to play with him. Mahad just snapped his fingers to make some stardust particles appear as they took the forms of animals and began to surround the girl as they played with her as Flurry Heart just smiled and laughed.

"Look at you, having a soft spot for children," said Mana towards her teacher as Mahad just kept his serious demeanor on his face.

"Everything okay in there?" called a voice from the kitchen.

Soon both Mahad and Mana disappeared as in walked Cadance who took off her cooking apron and came to check up on her daughter and Isaac. She grabbed her daughter off the floor and sat on the couch as she kissed her child.

"Are you trying to teach Flurry Heart how to play, Isaac?" asked the older woman.

"Keep word, trying," said Isaac as he just picked up the scattered cards on the table and the floor that Flurry Heart knocked over. He gathered them all up as he then put his cards back into his deck as placed them in the deck holder on his hip.

"I appreciate you trying to teach Flurry Heart, but maybe wait until she properly speaks before your throw her in the deep end," suggested Cadance with a small chuckle.

"I think I might have to," said Isaac.

"By the way, congrats on getting your program to be a success. I heard from Twilight that the Board is already coming up with a financial plan on how much to give CHS and they're talking with Celestia and Luna about remodeling the school so that it could be expanded to have a proper dueling arena in the building," stated Cadance.

"Well, yeah. And there's still other things. They also need to figure out how enrollment will work as well as a grading system." stated the boy.

"I think it's safe to say, with the new way CHS is going to work, it may be on par with how Crystal Prep handles Duel Monsters and incorporates them into our school curriculum." stated the woman.

"Speaking of which, how have things been?"

"Well, while you were busy dealing with your problem, we had our graduation. And the Shadowbolts have all been signed by agencies, so seems you already got some competition, not just in my husband, but with the girls. And it seems they can't wait for you to join them so that they can beat you and climb up the ranks to challenge Shining Armor for the title of World Champion." smiled the girl. "Also, a little secret for you. Me, Shining Armor, Sombra, and the Shadowbolts are going to come to your graduation, especially for the final duel of your high school career."

"Seriously, you're all coming? But why? Shouldn't Shining Armor be busy with his traveling schedule? Doesn't Sombra need to prep for the next school year? And don't the Shadowbolts already have their first duels in the pro circuit booked?" asked Isaac.

"They wanted to attend, plus think about it. You've been holding the rank of champion of your school since your sophomore year when you won it at the Fall Formal. And since then every championship duel you've had, you've been able to pull through and win. So think how exciting it would be if the champion of CHS who's been helping the school in his spare time, could leave his high school career as the champion and retire the rank undefeated. That's a big achievement that nobody can deny." said Cadance as Flurry Heart bounced in her lap while sucking her fingers.

"I guess," stated Isaac.

"Come here," said Cadance as he patted the spot next to her on the couch as Isaac listened to her. She then grabbed his chin and had him looking at her. "I'm the only one who knows about the secret meetings you've had with that person, have they got what you requested?"

"Well, that's... tough. My time is up at this point, all that remains is graduation after prom night. And I told the girls the truth, I'm not going to be around for graduation, I'm not staying for the full event, cause I have to leave. I leave... and then I forget. I forget everything about my adventures, those days are long gone, and as for my friends. Well... I'm not burdening them with trying to remember me, I may forget them, and I'm not going to force them to remember a boy who just had a dream. They have their own lives to live and I'm not going to hold them back. So, prom night is my farewell goodbye to all of them." said Isaac as he put his head down. "I start my career and I'm prepared for any misery that comes with it. I accept, it's my destiny."

"Isac," said Flurry Heart as she saw the face of the boy as he was sad.

"Cadance, tell me how Flurry Heart grows up to be. Cause I'm never going to see her again, so can you at least inform of what she becomes when she gets into the game?" asked Isaac.

"I will," said Cadance as she let out a sigh as she felt Isaac's emotions.

"Goodbye?" said the baby.

"Goodbye, Flurry Heart. I hope one day, maybe, I'll see you again." said the boy as he put his hand on the little thing's head as a tear rolled down his eye as it was visible for both girls to see.

"Enough of this, why don't I treat you to one final meal from me? Something of a goodbye present," stated Cadance as she wanted to lift the mood a bit as she got up from the couch with Flurry in her arms and walked to the kitchen.

"Sure." smiled Isaac as he followed the pair into the dining room.

"Just during your prom night, when you and Twilight break up your relationship. Just know, the two of you made a cute couple," said Cadance as her last piece of advice for the two before they went their separate ways.

The next two days came and went by quickly. For the girls, they were doing something secret as they made sure to sneak out of the house whenever Isaac was around. During that time, a lot of things were happening. Isaac heard from Sunset that Princess Twilight had her coronation and was now the ruler of Equestria. The rest of CHS had finally finished their school year as it was now out for the summer. And the only thing left for Celestia and Luna was to hold the prom night for the graduating senior class. And then two days after that was graduation. And for all, it meant the official end of their years as a teenager and transition into young adulthood and then the rest of their lives. While the girls were doing their secret thing, Isaac got in contact with the Yusei, Yuma, Yuya, and Jaden as they all wished him the best of luck when he started his career as a pro and hoped that they would all be able to face him once he got established in the pro circuit so that they could entertain the millions of fan. They told Isaac that on the day of his graduation and his duel, they would be watching it themselves as Celestia and Luna made sure that they got to watch the event live from their own devices so they could see their friend in his farewell duel from CHS.

With that said, Isaac bid farewell to his friends as they were all looking forward to making more memorable duels with each other once Isaac got on the pro scene. After that, Isaac got in contact with the person he had been meeting in secret. With the girls being out of the house, he had the person arrive at his place as they got to talking and finalized the final preparations needed for him to start his career as a pro. With that Isaac pulled out the card Shining Armor gave him that had the contact of KaibaCorp as he called the number.


"Hello, Roland. It's me, Isaac. I've made my decision." said the boy as he informed the man.

"Very well, if that is your decision. Then all I can say is, we wish you the best of luck," said Roland as the call ended and gave Isaac one good heartfelt goodbye to the young boy.

Isaac then looked at the person who he had been meeting with as they nodded. With that, they needed to leave to handle one final piece of business as they told Isaac they would be there for his graduation duel. Now that everything had been taken care of, the only thing that remained was tonight. So Isaac started to get himself ready for the final night of his high school part portion of his life.

The night was already upon the building of CHS as the graduation class was looking to have their final night to spend with their friends. Isaac had just finished getting ready as he now had the outfit that Rarity had given him before she left with the others as they had something to do and told Isaac they would meet him at the school. For the boy, he took one long last look in the mirror at the final outfit he was going to wear for his prom. Isaac wore a black button-up suit with gold buttons placed on emerald green stripes that correlated with each placed button. He wore a sparkling ruffled, white undershirt; a small rose-red bow adjusted neatly under his neck. Each side of the bow glittering with expertly placed and shape gems and his headwear he had a fedora with a yellow band around it. With that, he was all ready for his special night with his friends. He then exited out of the house as he made his way to the dance.

Canterlot High was buzzing with excitement as all the students were looking forward to their prom as it was a special night for all to enjoy themselves. Isaac arrived at the even hoping to see the girls, but they were nowhere in sight. So he figured they must have been running late, so he went in and waited for them. About half an hour has passed based on what his watch read as the girls still didn't show up. Isaac then decided to head up to the roof as he wanted to clear his mind. He arrived at the same place he always came to as he looked at the town of Canterlot one last time. To think that a few years ago, he had arrived here from Chicoltgo and he wasn't too fond of moving to a new place. But now looking back, it was one of the best decisions that he was grateful for. Isaac was just taking this all in one last time as the breeze blew in his face.

"There you are." said a voice.

Isaac turned around as the person who said that was none other than Pinkie. Her outfit was bursting with youthful colors. Her skirt was yellow, covered in pale orange circles, and feeding down into a multi-layered lavender train with cream-white edges. Her blouse was an even brighter shade of yellow and featured puffy sleeves, a brass necklace, and a white and purple striped front. Her frizzy hair featured a purple peppermint scrunchie and a matching bow with a golden candy-like bead at its base.

"Hey, Pinkie."

"What are you doing out here, big bro? The party is happening downstairs." said the party girl.

"Just... wanted to have one last look, little sis. Cause after this is graduation and... like I told you girls, I'm not gonna be around."

"Not even for the party that I'm throwing," said Pinkie.

"Sorry Pinkie, but by then I'm gone... forever."

"I see." said the girl as she looked out at the town.

"Hey, Pinkie. What's your plan after you graduate?" asked Isaac. "I know you told me long ago that your life's mission was to make people happy. But do you plan to go anywhere?"

"To be honest, I'm fine sticking here." said the girl. "It's my home, plus I have my family here. I couldn't imagine going anywhere else, and that's fine. I love this place."

"Glad you're at least happy." smiled the boy as he looked at the girl who was now only his friend but someone who he was glad to call his little sister.

"I'll take care of the house while you all are gone," said Pinkie as she made a promise to Isaac.

"Pinkie promise?" suggested Isaac.

"Pinkie promise," replied Pinkie.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" said both as they made their pact and got each other to laugh like siblings.

Pinkie then wrapped her arms around Isaac as he returned the embrace from his friend. For the pair, they were sad to see each other gone, but in Pinkie's mind, she was hoping that her big brother would return home so that way she could throw him a welcome back party. All the memories that they had now came rushing back to both teens, especially the times where Pinkie showed Isaac how to bake and cook recipes as a way for him to remember her by. Not to mention her putting together his birthday party and the time they went to Industrial Illusions. Isaac just smiled at his little sister she kissed her on her forehead and rubbed her head. He did tell Pinkie to not burn the house down when she was taking care of it as she gave a salute and told him that he would always be welcome back to the place whenever he wanted. With that Pinkie then grabbed her bro by his arm as she had done her part of the plan as now it was the other's turn.

The two made their way towards the entrance of the auditorium as Pinkie adjusted Isaac's outfit and made him look presentable.

"What are you doing?" asked Isaac.

"Getting my big bro to look ready. I had my moment with you, now it's time for the others," stated Pinkie. She pulled a button out of her hair and pushed it as she put it back inside her frizzy cotton candy hair.

Isaac was confused by what Pinkie did as she then grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him through the door as Isaac stumbled a bit as he caught his footing. He then brought his head up as he now found himself staring face to face with Fluttershy. Pinkie then rushed over to the booth where Vinyl was as she took over the music and began to continue with the plan she and the girls came up with to spend one last moment with Isaac. She then selected the song that was first on the list of requests by each of her friends.

Soon the song began to play.

For Fluttershy, her dress was a lengthy, teal-colored dress that drooped far to the ground; littered with little star twinkles. The collar was designed to look like leaves; matching the edge of the skirt but stopping just short of reaching the very end of the train. A tiny pink butterfly button was centered at the base of the leafy collar, while tiny daisies were mixed in with her elegantly crafted pink hair.

"Care to dance?" asked Fluttershy with her shy self.

"Yes." smiled Isaac as it got the girl to hide behind her hair.

He then grabbed her hand as she began to place hands in the proper place as Isaac did the same on Fluttershy's body. The two looked at each other's eyes as they began to move to the beat of the music. Pinkie was watching from the DJ booth as she did her job of keeping the party going. Both Isaac and Fluttershy were smiling as they moved in sync with each other, seems Fluttershy picked up some dance moves as she began to lead Isaac as she had Isaac spin her around now and then as he did that and then caught her as they continued to step in time. While this was happening, each of them was beginning to remember the memories they had.

From their first encounter with Isaac returning her card, to rebuilding her deck from the ground up. Then there was time she teamed up with the boy in a tag duel to test out her new deck, and then one of her biggest moments was making it to the Fall Formal of their sophomore year when she made it to the Final 8 and took on Isaac in a huge duel of her life. Then the outing they had when they went to the aviary center where she invited the boy as her plus one for their first outing alone. Then the kiss that followed after Isaac got Fluttershy a gift, then the Friendship Game in which he worked hard to improve her deck to the fullest, Camp Everfree, their summer trip they took across the country. Making the Christmas album with the others, their adventure in Cyberspace, and lastly their final year with being paired up with her student to teach and making it to the Top 3 of the tournament. Not to mention their recent trip to the zoo. All of it came to their minds as they looked at one another.


"Yeah, Fluttershy."

"Good luck in your career." said the girl.

"You too. I know you're going to make your dream of an animal sanctuary become a reality. And you're going to be a fine animal vet." stated the boy.

"Thank you." smiled the shy girl. She was looking into his eyes as they started to lean in closer. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too," said Isaac as he closed the distance in between their lips as they shared one last moment.

With that kiss, the song was winding down. The pair separated as they looked at each other with smiles. Fluttershy then put her hands on Isaac and with one great push broke free from Isaac's arms as he started to fall back from the momentum. He then was caught by a hand. At that moment, Pinkie changed songs.

"Gotcha partner," said Applejack.

"Care to show me some moves, cowboy?" said Aj.

For her, she was wearing a turquoise and pink dress as the light green part of the dress was slit up legs a tad bit as she wore her hair in a double braided style; like how Granny Smith used to wear her hair when she was her granddaughter's age. This allowed her to wear her stetson and had twin pink and teal jewel broch at the base of her hat as an addition.

"Well, sugar?" said Applejack as she held out her hand.

"Let's dance, cowgirl." smiled Isaac as he grabbed Aj's hand and gripped it tightly as she blushed at the touch of her male companion.

Soon the pair got into position as Isaac had his arms around Applejack as they moved across the dance floor, moving to the rhythm of the music playing. The song that was playing allowed them enough time to move freely without any worry. Their eyes didn't leave one another for one moment during that dance, by the end they were practically singing along, though in almost a whisper, and almost like a secret message to one another. Soon both thought back on their memories, Isaac meeting the country gal when he met the others. Him helping her for the Apple reunion at her farm just days before the Fall Formal. The meeting in the semifinal round where they showed just how hard they could hit each other and get back up to fight. The Friendship Games where he improved her Predaplant deck, then the special trip he took with her and her family to Appleloosa where the pair shared a special moment in the orchard. Camp Everfree, having being reunited with Rara, the trip with the whole group across the country, Cyberspace, and of course there was assigning her to be a tutor for his program. And the lastly being, when he went fishing with the farm girl as she told him what her life plan was going to be after graduation.

"Sugar, thanks for what you've done for me and Applebloom. I'm glad to have met you."

"Me too, Aj."

"Hey, I'll help keep an eye on Pinkie and the house while y'all are gone. No matter what, it will always be here," said Applejack.

"Thank you, and I promise to help your family. Even if I forget you all, I'll make sure to keep that promise," said Isaac.

The song was reaching the final moments as the two brought their hands up to touch the cheeks of the others as they slowly leaned in close.

"Goodbye, Isaac."

"Goodbye, Jacklyn."

The two then meet in the middle as their lips touched one another as they wanted one last romantic moment to hold onto. Soon the song ended as a few people applauded while Isaac and Applejack broke apart from their physical contact a few moments after. Aj gave one final smile as she then shoved Isaac back in the direction of another person.

Isaac now found himself standing in front of another girl.

"Ready, darling?" asked the person.

Rarity wore a surprisingly simple yet striking red dress, several shades were darker than the heart-shaped fire ruby necklace she was wearing. The dress covered her rump but was slit scantily up the sides of her thighs; revealing a lot of leg. Her hands were fitted with silvery gloves. Upon her meticulously sculpted hair was a tiara; littered with every manner of jewel and gemstone she had in her collection. Isaac saw his friend as he was amazed by Rarity's beauty as she was making herself look even more pretty. Pinkie then did her job of cycling to the next song for her friends.

"Isaac, it's not polite to keep a lady waiting." stated the girl.

"My bad," said Isaac as he got rid of the trance as he bowed down like a gentleman with Rarity doing the same as he offered her his hand. "May I have this dance, my lady?"

"It would be my honor, my dear." stated Rarity as she accepted.

They both held each other as they joined the crowd, dancing slowly to the beat of the music. Rarity was loving every second of this dance as did Isaac. He gave the girl the dance of a lifetime, twirling her gracefully throughout the entire dance floor. She felt light as a feather through it all. Soon their memories of each other began to play in their heads. Them meeting each other with their friends, to her asking him out as his first date in his entire life and the hairpin he bought her. Then helping her to add some spells/trap cards to her Crystal Beast deck in time for the Friendship Games. Soon after that, Camp Everfree, the concert duel with Rara, the summer trip across the country, then adventuring in Cyberspace. The last bit being Isaac picking Rarity to be a tutor for the program and competing in the tournament. Their little adventure during Spring break with the cruise and then recently the moment in the park where she treated the boy to a picnic and got to interact with her monsters.

"So, you're gonna head to Manehattan?" asked Isaac.

"Not right away, I want to spend some more time with the girls before we all leave. I plan to hopefully have a shop all set up there within a year and I've already picked out the place. Of course, my base of operations will be mostly here, but I will be traveling a lot." said the girl as she told him her life plan.

"If anybody can build a fashion empire from scratch, you can," said Isaac.

"Thanks for the kind words, Isaac. And... if you need any outfits for what to wear in your duels, don't be afraid to contact my business or me." said the marshmallow girl.

"I'll keep that in mind." stated the boy.

They danced and danced as Isaac soon lifted Rarity in the air by her waist and spun around elegantly for a brief view second before bringing her back down and holding her in his arm.

"Farewell, Isaac."

"So long, Rarity."

The pair finished their dance as they leaned in to share one final passionate kiss as Rarity brought her hand up to cusp Isaac's cheek as they leaned into the kiss. Eventually, both pulled away as they looked at each other with a smile. Rarity then did as the others did and pushed Isaac back, though she did a gentle push as it was still enough to move the boy. Isaac now accepted what was happening as he soon found himself in another part of the dance as the person was waiting for him.

"What took you so long, geek?" said Rainbow.

"You? You went along with this?" said Isaac. At that moment, Pinkie now switched songs.

Rainbow's skirt glowed sparklingly. The vibrant colors shined and moved luminously; as if looking inside the core of a prism crystal. Golden shimmering thread lines outlined each wave in the skirt's bounce. Her hands sported sandal straps as they were crystal colored. A simple hot pink lightning bolt crest tied the skirt together on a gold chain. The girl's color locks were enhanced by a multicolored band and matching colored cloud earrings.

"You look cute," stated Isaac.

"Shut up!" said Rainbow as she turned her head away with a bit of red on her face.

Isaac then grabbed her shoulder as it caused the girl to look at him as he slipped his hands into hers as he held her as Rainbow's hands did the same. He just smiled as it got the girl to soften her tough and cool demeanor as she was willing to let her down and be vulnerable in her friend's arms. Soon the two of them began to move in time with the music as Rainbow put her head on Isaac's body as she closed her eyes and was smiling. They then began to recount their memories together and how it all started with the chromatic girl spying on the boy when he first arrived on the first day of their sophomore year. Then came when she introduced him to the others and asking him for their help in taking down Sunset. Then how after she failed to beat Sunset, he came to her rescue and defended her from getting more beaten up by the evil girl. Then came the time in the library where he showed her the training exercise and how she would be his opponent for the Winter Ball and their outing hours before. Next was the Friendship Games, then Camp Everfree. The summer trip and how she was one of his opponents along with Aj and Sunset when they performed in front of Isaac's hometown. The Christmas album they put together, their time in trying to beat the Gamemaster, then their adventure where they did some Turbo Dueling. And it then of course their last year as he selected her to be a part of his program, along with their movie adventure during the set of the Daring do film. The last thing being him and her playing soccer with all of her monsters from her deck.


"Yeah," responded Isaac.

"I'm... I'm... gonna miss you," said Rainbow.


"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I'm being sentimental. Don't judge me!" stated the girl.

Isaac just used his hand to have the girl look at him.

"I'm not judging, and... I'm gonna miss you as well." said Isaac. "I hope that you achieve your dream of being a top athlete."

"Thanks, I mean, who do you think you're talking to? I'm Rainbow Dash. I'm awesome." said the girl.

"Yes, you are."

Isaac then leaned it to kiss the girl as he placed his hands on the girl's waist. Rainbow was caught off guard as her eyes widen at her male friend for doing this, but to her, it felt warm and good. So she fell into the magic of their lip contact as she enjoyed herself. She placed her hands on the back of Isaac's head as she brought the boy in for a bit more of an intense lip-lock. The music was winding down and soon changed as the chromatic girl released the kiss and had the purest smile on her face as she let go of her cool attitude. She then grabbed Isaac by his outfit and flung him around as he was now sailing in the direction as a pair of hands grabbed his shoulders.

Isaac turned his head to see it was none other than Sunset as she gave a seductive expression. She then moved her hands and was feeling the boy's body as she turned him around as the next song told him what she was doing. Isaac looked at the bacon-haired girl as he took in her outfit. She wore a strapless, backless magenta evening dress slit up to her right leg to the top of her thing. All of it caused Isaac to take the girl in awe as Sunset knew she got the boy's attention. She then grabbed his hands and place them, on her butt as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Well, like what you see, boy toy." said the girl with a sly smile.

"Well... I mean..."

"I wanted to give you something special. Plus, I took a dance lesson to prepare for our routine. So care to show me what moves you got, boy toy?" said Sunset as she began to move her body to the rhythm as she grinded her body against Isaac's.

"Let me show you, mamacita," said Isaac as he began to grab Sunset close to him as the two began to move in time with the music as they did a small salsa dance between the two of them.

Isaac then began to move with Sunset as they held each other close as their bodies moved in sync with each other. He soon started to twirl her around as their movements began to pick up some speed to match the tempo of the song. Soon it was their turn as they began to remember the moments between them and boy was it something. Going from big bad villain to facing off against the good guy in the Fall Formal and then beating her while also giving her a chance for redemption to which she accepted it. The day after that Isaac helped her to rebuild herself by giving Sunset, her Red-Eyes Black Dragon which resembled her untapped potential. Of course, the many times they fought against each other like the Spring Fling, along with them teaming up to take down Sombra during the Friendship Games. Their trip with their friends across the country with her getting to battle the boy in front of his hometown, the incident with the Gamemaster and Cyberspace. Turbo dueling, then soon after that she asked for his help in Equestria to rid the place of evil Duel Monster spirits from trying to take over, and even saving the girl from mind control. Sunset being assigned as a tutor, and then their spring cruise adventure, as well as the incident with the Memory Stone. And the last bit was them at the carnival as they enjoyed themselves.

"Well, well, seems you got the moves to make me fall for you," stated Sunset as she traced Isaac's face with her hand as her back was up against his chest as they were still dancing.

"I aim to please." rebutted Isaac as he spun the girl to face him as he lifted her in the air for a bit, he dipped her before pulled her back up to continue their dance. "So, are you going to ever go back to Equestria?"

"Nah, I prefer living here. Besides, I got a full-ride scholarship to attend and study art across the sea. But that's not for another month or so; me and the others all want to spend that time we still have together to make some last memories before we go our separate ways for the time being." said Sunset.

"I'm glad, I know you'll be a talented and successful artist. Not to mention an exceptional gamer girl." smiled Isaac.

"Glad to have the support of one person." stated the girl as she continued to dance. "You're never gonna see us again?"

"I wish I could. I truly wish I could, but being a pro requires hard work, perseverance, and hard work."

"You said hard work twice," stated Sunset.

"That's because it takes twice as much hard work as perseverance." explained the boy.

"Can't argue with that logic," said Sunset as Isaac dipped her one final time as the song ended as they remained in that pose.

"Thank you, Isaac. For giving me the second chance that I didn't deserve. I made a vow that because of that, I would make sure to now let it all go to waste. And then you gave me my card, my Red-Eyes. Words can't express how grateful I am for willing to accept your offer to help me. From the bottom of my heart, thanks. I just wonder how things might have been different, if you enrolled in CHS during your freshman year." said the girl as she wasted no time in capturing Isaac's lips as both let out a moan of pleasure as it was something they desired from each other.

Isaac then brought Sunset up from the dip as they were still kissing as they added a bit more to the passionate kiss. Soon they broke apart as they looked at each other at this moment, one final time.

"Take care, boy toy."

"I wish you the best of luck, Sunny."

Sunset then did her job as she shoved Isaac away as her time with the boy was up as he had one person left to spend time with.

Isaac now knew what was happening as he landed in the center of the room as there in front of him as they were more couples dancing behind her was his girlfriend. Twilight wore a purple, starry skirt that covered her rump and most of the lower part of her body. Her arms were covered halfway by ink blue sleeves with violet cuffs. Her neck was framed by a violet collar pointing down to a golden, twinkling star; a similar star shined fetchingly in the pair of matching earrings she wore. Not to mention she was wearing the necklace that Isaac had given her. Both of them just looked at each other in awe as their surroundings began to fade away as it was just the two. Both began to step forward as soon they found themselves standing in front of each other with some red on their face as they took in the other and their outfit as it added more to the overall attractiveness. Isaac and Twilight remained silent for what seemed like five minutes as they didn't know what to say as they just stared at the other. Soon the silence was broken by a familiar word that both used whenever they found themselves in an awkward situation. And it was the same word that was said when the two first met during Twilight snooping around CHS.

"Hey," said Isaac.

"Hey," said Twilight.

Both just went back to being quiet as they couldn't take their eyes off of the other. Soon the final song of the night was playing as it meant that this was the moment the two needed to share one final memory as boyfriend and girlfriend before they would go their separate ways and end their relationship.

They didn't need to say anything as Isaac offered his hand to which Twilight put hers in his as the two put their other hand on each other's body as they looked dead in the eyes and began to sway to the gentle melody of the song as they had the biggest smiles on their faces. For the pair, who were so similar and different at the same time, it truly felt like the connection of their hearts was joined at one. Both boy and girl swayed side to side; arms wrapped lovingly around each other's waists.

"This... is wonderful," said Isaac.

"I understand what you mean." said the girl.

Twilight smiled sweetly at her boyfriend. She leaned in and gave him a loving kiss, moaning as he deepened it. Her lips eventually separated from his. Both of them were blushing furiously. Isaac leaned in and buried his face into the crook of her neck. He breathed in her lavender scent and sighed; visibly content. Twilight enjoyed the touch of Isaac's as she placed her head against his chest as she felt safe and comfy being the arms of the person who was not only her boyfriend but her best friend.

"Where do we start?" said Isaac as he looked back into Twilight's violet eyes.

"Maybe, when I was sneaking around Canterlot High. And ran into you. Then we dueled." said Twilight.

"Right, though it ended before there was a clear winner. Then the Friendship Games were right around the corner. And I had to stop the evil magic that consumed you." stated Isaac.

"Yup, and then after that, you and I began to have our private lessons together. At the time, we were still friends, but I think we were meant to be so much more."

"Especially when we got locked in the library," stated Isaac as it got him and Twilight to smile as they remember that small adventure. "And I can't forget what you did for me during Camp Everfree and how you took my place in a duel while I was sick."

"You're forgetting about my brother's graduation duel at Crystal Prep. Then the sleepover at your house, your birthday, and then the wedding of Cadance and Shining Armor." said the bookworm. "That moment in the garden and how we got to express how we felt about each other. Do you remember what I said to you that night?"

"You said: You wanted me to love you because you love me." said the boy as he got Twilight to giggle as it seemed her boyfriend did remember some stuff other than Duel Monsters stuff.

"What else?" asked Twilight.

"Our first date, that's pretty special. Then the trip and how it all ended with us beating Starlight and Sunburst to become the Duos Cup winners. Then you helping me to settle my mind on Celestia asking me to be the person to retire her. Our adventure towards Cyberspace. And as you know, this past year and all the stuff we've done with our friends and just the two of us." said Isaac as he finished recounting all the special memories of him and the girl he was holding in his arms.

"And here we are... the last night we have before our graduation in just two days," said Twilight looking at Isaac. "Everybody has their plan on what to do after high school. Me, I'm going to Everton University to become a card designer. And you... you're... going to live your dream. Something you've thought of when you were little and looked up at your idol. I bet if he were here, he'd be pleased to see he inspired someone to follow in the same path as him."

"I appreciate that, Twilight. And hey, no need to worry. Cause you will be a successful card designer."

"How can you be so sure?" asked the girl as they spun around.

"I just know," said Isaac as he remembered what Shane and Aqua told him about Twilight's future during that time travel issue. Soon the dance was coming to an end as the final moments of the song were also coming to an end as it meant something else. Something drastic for the two of them.

"So... this is it."

"Unfortunately, yes," said Isaac.

"You're not going to be here for graduation. Are you?" asked Twilight.

"Mainly, yes. I have to go, and it's forever."

Twilight just buried her face into Isaac as she had tears running down her eyes as she clutched his suit with her hands almost like she didn't want the boy to leave her. She wanted him to stay, but she knew she couldn't keep him from his dreams. Plus the major issue being their different career paths. Isaac too was crying as he put his head on top of Twilight's as he just let the waterworks fall down his face. All around them the scene was now starting to turn black as only a single spotlight shined down on them. It served as the space needed for them to make the necessary action but it was a painful one. So with a heavy heart from both, they looked at each other and shared one, final kiss as a couple. They made sure to put everything they could into it as this was the final time they would have for one another. Soon they pulled away as each ran out of breath as a trail of saliva connected their lips.

"Isaac... thanks for being my boyfriend... I'll miss you," said Twilight as a tear dropped into the darkness as it rippled across and made a sound.

"Twilight... thanks for being my girlfriend... I pray that I won't ever forget you," said Isaac as a tear dropped from him and did the same effect as the two stared at one another. Soon a bright light started to shine as it surrounded the two as their relationship was no more.

It was now the next day as graduation was less than 24 hours away. However, it seemed Celestia and Luna had a big announcement to make as she asked each of the girls to meet at the school despite it being Saturday. The girls were confused by what their principal could want given they were literally about to graduate and transition into young adults.

"I'm glad you all could come," said Celestia. "Now I'll get straight to the point, as you know tomorrow is your graduation. And I've never been more proud of what you all have accomplished in all of your fours years here, some less than others, but regardless, I'm proud to be your principal and call you all, my students."

"We're thankfully too, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna," stated Sunset. "Some of us may have been a bit troublesome, but things worked out. Anyways, what's the announcement?"

"Yes, that. Well, as you girls know the format for graduation has already been explained to you all. You'll gather in the field where we'll have our valedictorian give a farewell speech, which is none other than Twilight Sparkle. After that you simply come on the platform and receive your diploma where you will then implement your deck into a device on a podium where it will record it for future generations to see." said Luna. "Once you've all received your diplomas, then the graduation duel will take place, and then it's the party."

"Which leads to Isaac. Now he said he wouldn't be here for graduation. What he meant was that he'll be here to get his diploma and duel in the graduation duel because after that, he has to leave immediately." said Celestia.

"What?!" said the girls as this was some shocking news to them that the boy didn't bother to tell them.

"I got in contact with the person who is his agent and they've already booked Isaac to make 12 appearances in the next two weeks. And the first one he has, he has to be there the day after graduation. That was the latest they could push back the date. So, the moment the duel ends, he has to leave." said the older woman.

"That soon?" said Pinkie as her hair deflated that her big bro was telling the truth that he wasn't going to attend graduation and her party as he already had other commitments.

"He wasn't shitting us," said Rainbow as Isaac was a man of his word and he was saying goodbye as he was already making so many appearances for being a newcomer in the pro circuit of dueling.

"Which is why we called all of you. You're Isaac's closest friends, and together you've all been through a lot. So, it stands to reason that to give Isaac a proper sendoff, it should be one of you all to face him in that graduation duel. And seeing as how Isaac is still ranked as champion, it would be even more amazing if he could somehow graduate as champion." said Luna as she explained the situation to the group as they all gave looks to each other.

(Quick interruption. It's me, the author. So as you can see, Isaac is already busy even before starting his actual career as a pro duelist. This means, if he is to have one final duel before he heads off, it needs to be one of the girls. The question is... who is it? Now, take a moment to make your pick. Based on everything that has happened in this story, everything duel that has taken place. Which of the girls is the best option to face Isaac in the graduation duel? Really think about the girls and which one stands the most chance of getting the best out of Isaac. Whose a good enough duelist? You got that? You got your pick on who you think it is? Okay, now hold on to that. Cause in a matter of moments, it'll be revealed who will be Isaac's opponent in his farewell match. So hold on to your pick and let's see if you chose the right one. And resume...)

"So, which of you girls is going to face Isaac?" asked Celestia.

"That's easy, it's me," said Rainbow.

"Hold on!" shouted the others as they looked at the chromatic girl with glares.

"Wait just one minute, Dash. Who said it was gonna be you to challenge Isaac? As far as ah know, the city slicker needs someone who can give him a fight. And that person is me." said Applejack.

"Like hell, it will be!" said Rainbow as she got in the face of Aj as the two bumped heads like normal. "Right, Twilight. I'm the best person to give your boyfriend his final duel."

"I don't know," said Twilight as she looked at her friends as she too was trying to figure out who was the best one to give Isaac one last duel.

"Perhaps, I could do the honors," said Fluttershy as she threw her name into the conversation. "I mean, I was Isaac's first friend when he transferred here."

"Yes, you were darling. But let's not forget that I was his first date. So it's only fitting that the lady should please her gentleman one last time." said Rarity as she explained her reason for wanting to face Isaac.

"Isaac's the best big brother I could ever ask for. If anybody knows what's best for him, it's his little sister," said Pinkie as she wanted to face Isaac.

"True, you all make valid points. But who really has the best chance of not only facing Isaac but actually beating him?" said Sunset with a sly smile on her face. "Plus, need I remind you of how Isaac became champion. He beat me at the Fall Formal. So it stands to reason that being one of his best rivals and friends whose gone toe to toe with him on plenty of occasions, it should be me to battle Isaac. That way the circle becomes complete."

Soon the entire group was now bickering among themselves on who was going to be the one to duel Isaac in the graduation duel. It didn't take long as soon a decision was made by one person.

"Alright, that's it! We settle this the fairest way possible. Whoever wins the most duels is the one to challenge Isaac in the graduation match." said the chromatic girl.

"NO!!" said a voice.

"Huh?" said Rainbow as she and the others all looked in the direction of who said that.

"I said no. Cause you're not going to challenge Isaac... I am!" stated Twilight. Her response got everybody to be taken back a bit by what their friend just said.

"You're crazy, Twi! What makes you think you're the one who deserves to challenge Isaac?" stated the girl as she grabbed her friend by her shirt.

Soon something unexpected happened as Twilight got angry and then broke free from Rainbow's grip as she grabbed her by the shirt and pinned her against the wall as it got the others to gasp at how Twilight was acting. Rainbow could see the face of Twilight's as it was the most serious she had ever been as the fire in her eyes blazed like a raging inferno.

"You listen here, Rainbow Dash? I need to be the one to face Isaac. And that's not me saying because I'm his girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, or whatever! I need to be the one to duel against Isaac. I need to be the one!!!" shouted Twilight as she was yelling in the face of her friend. The others saw that Twilight was letting her fury out as they knew not to get in her way, soon Rainbow saw it as she just simply nodded her head as she allowed Twilight her request.

Twilight then let go of her friend as she straighten out her jean jacket as she gave a forgiving expression for losing her temper and going a bit insane at that moment. She then looked at Celestia as she placed her hands hard on the principal's desk as she gave her the answer. Celestia and Luna nodded as it was officially set.

Later that night, the entire group was all at the house as they were fast asleep for the big day tomorrow. Well, almost every person. Spike was sleeping comfortably in his doggy bed. Soon he heard something that made him wake up with a start. He recognized it as someone walking downstairs.

"Not again!" said Spike crankily as he made his way downstairs and found that Twilight was pacing about more than she usually did. She looked worried about something.

"Twilight, I thought you said no more late-night pacing," said Spike crankily but then softened when he noticed that Twilight didn't look panickily, but genuinely upset over something. "Did you figure out that you can't beat Isaac?" asked Spike. Twilight stopped pacing about and sat down on the couch in the living room. Spike felt rather uneasy since Twilight didn't answer and hadn't bothered to respond to him.

"Twilight, I was only teasing," said Spike, "I know it's gonna take time to not worry about tomorrow. It's no big deal." Twilight sniffed a bit and then some light sobs began to be heard. Spike now felt rather guilty. "Twilight, hey, I'm sorry," said the mutt sadly as he walked up to the now crying girl as he jumped on the couch, "I didn't mean to make you cry..."

"It's not you Spike," sobbed Twilight, "It's just... all I can think about lately is Isaac, and I don't know why." Spike looked puzzled.

"What about Isaac has got you so upset?" asked Spike plainly, "Did he say something to you that made you cry? You told me that both of you ended your relationship on good terms so that you both can have the futures you both want. I don't see a problem with that. " Twilight glared despite her tears.

"Spike! This is serious!" Twilight snapped as she had tears. "This has nothing to do with my future or Isaac's future! This all has to do with why he's all I can think about and I can't focus on anything else!"

"So... thinking about Isaac is upsetting you?" said Spike puzzled, "I don't get it." Twilight began to cry harder.

"Nobody does!" Twilight sobbed but didn't admit that she hadn't bothered to talk to anybody else about her problem. Spike sighed slowly before crawling into Twilight's lap as he looked at his owner.

"Please don't cry, Twilight," said Spike. "You're not telling me what's upsetting you. Please tell me what's on your mind and stop beating around the bush about it. Did Isaac hurt you? Or is it something else?" Twilight sniffed a bit as she tried to recompose herself before speaking again.

"In the past year or so," said Twilight, "I just... find myself thinking about Isaac more and more these days. Sometimes I can't concentrate on my studies. I always feel this happiness whenever he's here. Lately, just the thought of him makes me feel like bouncing around like Pinkie Pie. And ever since Valentine's Day of this past year, I just wanna be close to him and cuddle. I never used to be like that. Sure his hugs were nice and all even when we were together, but I never wanted them to last forever. Then all this stuff that happened with Starlight and how he was willing to sacrifice his own life to defeat her and save everybody else. Just the idea of him being gone forever... just... just..." Twilight couldn't speak as her crying overtook her. Spike just hugged her close until Twilight settled down. He had a good idea of what was going on, but he decided to put it to the test.

"Then tell me Twilight," said Spike, "What if I said Isaac was waiting outside the door to give you a big smooch?" Twilight then smiled despite her tears and started to giggle.

"Now look yourself in the mirror," Spike asked with a smirk. Twilight obeyed and took a good long look at herself in the mirror. She saw the way she was smiling and how her eyes looked rather dazed like she was... she was... lovesick. Twilight then froze and her eyes widened once again. Her body began to tremble and she began to breathe rather heavily.

"Twilight what's wrong?" said Spike worried, "One second your happy that I brought up Isaac. Then you see how your acting in the mirror and are having a panic attack!"

"And with good reason!" said Twilight frantically. "It's happened, Spike. The one thing that terrified me the most has happened! Isaac... finally did it! He did it, Spike! He did it!" Twilight continued to tremble as her tears continued to stream down her cheeks.

"He did what?" asked the small dog.

"Don't you see Spike?" said Twilight, her voice cracking, "I... can't deny it anymore. I just can't... it makes me sick keeping it inside! I gotta tell someone! Just promise me that this will never leave this room, Spike!" Spike looked at her with a gentle but firm look on his face.

"If I can guess what you're gonna say," said Spike, "I don't know if I can make that promise..."

"Spike, please don't tell him! Just don't! He can't know!" Twilight pleaded in desperation. "I promise to tell him," Twilight begged, "Just give me time. I will tell him when I'm ready. I promise! I Pinkie Promise!" Spike just sighed to himself.

"Fine," said Spike, "Then tell me Twilight. Give it to me straight. What has Isaac done to you?" Twilight sniffed and tried to wipe her eyes but the tears refused to stop falling.

"Isn't it obvious?" Twilight repeated in a broken tone before looking at Spike eye to eye, "Spike... I've fallen in love with him..."

"O-kay? I mean you fell in love with him when you two were together." said the mutt with a raised eyebrow of confusion.

"No... I love, love Isaac," said Twilight.

"Huh? Oh. OH. OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH." said Spike as he now pieced together what Twilight was saying. "Well, damn." said the mutt as he had a stunned look on his face at what was revealed.

Author's Note:


Bet you didn't expect that outcome at the end from Twilight. And were you right in who you thought was going to be Isaac's opponent for the graduation duel? Now, this is why it's important to notice small subtle things, cause it was all leading up to this one moment. In that, it'll be Isaac taking on Twilight. Since the start of their final year, there have been small tensions between the two even when they were in a relationship. The glares, the scowls given to each other at times. All of it was small seeds that were being planted as the full blossom is happening right now. Even going as far back when Twilight was introduced, there have been things occurring that have also been helping to build to this situation.

Plus, when you think about it. We haven't seen Twilight take on Isaac in a duel. Part of that is I deliberately had them not face each other for so long, nearly two years in terms of actual storytime so that they could have this big moment at the end of the story. And to add more suspense, given what Twilight also revealed just now. Also if you think about the times they did face each other, the first time ended in a no contest, the second time Twilight was corrupted with evil magic and Isaac had to save her. So really we haven't seen them in a one-on-one, clean duel.

So this will be the first time we get to see both of them with all their gifts, their strategies, and skills on full display when they duel against each other in the final duel. So be prepared, for the final chapter of this story. Cause let me tell you, it's gonna be a heartbreak. You're gonna shed some tears, and we'll find out if Twilight will tell Isaac and how that might affect things heavily? Especially since Isaac leaves immediately after the duel ends. So everyone get ready for the final duel.

P.S. while the next chapter will be the final one of the main story, they'll be an epilogue that will also be added to serve as the conclusion.

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