• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,570 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 105: Everfree Forest

"Tell me, that we're finally done." said Sunset as she collapsed on the floor as she was out of breath.

"Come on, Sunset. Only twenty more laps to go." stated Rainbow as she took off.

This morning, Sunset had decided to accompany Rainbow Dash on her morning jog. Despite having a fine figure, she still wanted to keep herself in shape, so sometimes she would off go on some morning jogs to help keep herself feeling good. This day, she just so happened to run into Rainbow who was doing the same thing; so she thought that both girls could workout together. Seems she was already regretting that decision when Rainbow had somehow made them run laps around Ponyville to which was more tiring than her usual run. In fact, Sunset was currently tired and full of sweat as her mane was frizzled up and her legs were shaking. She then arrived at townhall as Rainbow was waiting there for her.

"What took you so long?" asked Rainbow as she did a couple of wing pushups.

Sunset didn't have the energy to argue like usual as her legs buckled and she fell facefirst into the ground.

"I think that calls for a break." stated Rainbow to which Sunset just slowly raised her hoof to signal she was relieved.

Somehow, Sunset was able to literally drag her body all the way back to the castle as she struggled to grip the door with her magic due to how tired and sore her body felt. She then entered the place as she was still dragging along the main hall. Spike and Isaac had just turned the corner when they saw Sunset lying down on the floor.

"Let me guess, Rainbow Dash?" asked Isaac.

"You have no idea." cried Sunset as she let out tears of pain. "I need a bath, but I can't move."


"On it." said the little dragon as he knew what Isaac was going to say. With that he left to start the bathroom for the orange mare.

Isaac was left as he looked at Sunset who was writhing in pain from the extreme workout she had experienced. He couldn't help but let out a small laugh at how she was acting.

"Mind helping me up, instead of standing there and making fun of me." said Sunset as she held out her hoof out for Isaac to grab.

"All right." Isaac then made his way towards Sunset's side. Sunset was confused as she was expecting Isaac to help her up, but instead he position his head near her side and with one movement of his head lifted her up and placed her on his back. "Figured you be too tired to walk, so I'll just carry you." stated Isaac.

"Thanks." said Sunset as she wrapped her hooves around Isaac's neck as she closed her eyes and let her body relax.

Isaac then started walking as he made his way to the bathroom; Spike had just finish getting the water to just the right temperature when he saw Isaac enter the room with Sunset on his back. He then left as Isaac dumped Sunset into the tub to which brought her extreme relief and happiness.

"Ahh." said Sunset as the water that surrounded her body eased the muscles aches. "This is much better."

"Well, you're all right. Time for me to leave." stated Isaac.

"Thanks for carrying me, boy toy." said Sunset as she flipped her wet mane out of her face and planted a kiss on Isaac's cheek.

"Anytime." said Isaac as he tipped his cap to her. With that Isaac let Sunset have some privacy as he had some other things to take care of.

Isaac made his way to the map room as he saw Spike there as he read a comic on his little throne. When he woke up, Isaac had met with Twilight as he wanted to see if she had received any new reports of incidents happening. It had been about close to 12 days since he first arrived with Sunset and during that time they had encountered quite a large number of problems. Of course, all eight of them including Spike were able to properly take care of them and for the ones that required more attention was either left to him or Sunset and their monsters. Regardless, so much had already happened in such a short span of time. Not to mention that the Summer Sun Celebration that they were all invited to was just but a few days away. And the princess had told Twilight that she wanted to speak with Isaac and Sunset so that they could give her an update of how their progress had been so far. Isaac put the formal event in the back of his mind as he still had plenty of time to enjoy himself.

Spike noticed Isaac approaching the table as he put his comic down and was excited. Ever since Isaac had done his demonstration to him and all of their friends, Isaac had spent some time with each of them teaching them the basics of Duel Monsters in the case should they prepare for the worst. Granted, he didn't bring enough cards with him to recreate the decks each of their human counterparts had, as he only brought with him a handful of cards so that he could swap out his options before he stepped into a duel. Regardless, the others still enjoyed what he was doing for them. Especially, cause sometimes Isaac would allow them to practice using his own deck.

"Okay, so when can I play this card?" asked Spike as he showed the card to Isaac.

"Well, seeing as how it has an effect that allows to search your deck for another monster. Ideally, it would be a good opening move. See if you do stuff like that in a duel, then you set yourself up for tons of options. Like for example, you could bring another monster with the same level and then you could perform an Xyz summon. Or you could bring out a tuner monster and then line yourself up for a Synchro summon." stated Isaac.

"So, what would be the best thing to do in this scenario?"

"That's all on what you do. I can't just simply tell you what to do Spike, you need to decide on your own. I don't know how your mind works; what I would do is vastly different from what you might do. Ultimately, it comes down to you sticking to a plan and then seeing if you can follow up on that plan."

"Man, Duel Monsters really gets your brain to think. One false move and you're in serious trouble."

"It's all a mental game, like chess. Counter, offensive, defense, counter-offensive, and simply outthinking your opponent. If you think about it like that, then that's where the fun of the game comes from." said Isaac.

Soon the doors opened as in came Twilight who had just arrived from visiting Zecora's house in the Everfree Forest. She noticed the two boys playing with their cards as she couldn't help but smile.

"So how was your trip, Twilight?" asked Isaac.

"Very pleasant, Zecora was able to give me a couple more samples of that tea I like." stated Twilight.

"Though, I'm just wondering how the hell is she able to keep rhyming while also saying what she wants to say. I can barely come with a rhyme on my own, let alone a sentence. God, I'm surprised she hasn't lost her mind by now." said Isaac. He remembered the first time when Twilight and Spike introduced him to the zebra that he almost didn't have a clue to what she was saying. He was able to get the gist of it by focusing on the important stuff she said, but overall still had a difficult time to understand the black and white horse.

"Tell me about it, I tried to speak like Zecora for a day to see if I could rhyme like that." stated Spike.


"I only lasted a few minutes before I gave up." said Spike as he put his head down in embarrassment. Isaac just rolled his eyes at the little drake's story.

"Still, you're sure you didn't need me or Spike to accompany you? I mean you said so yourself, the Everfree Forest is a place that's unlike anywhere else in Equestria."

"It's fine, Isaac. I know the route to Zecora's hut like the back of my hoof. The only real worry is avoiding the poison joke."

"Oh, yeah. That story still cracks me up." said Isaac as he was reminded of when Spike told him that story and he couldn't stop laughing.

"Yes, well it was embarrassing. So can we please not talk about it?" stated Twilight as she didn't want anypony laughing at her, especially Isaac.

"Anyways, do we all have our outfits all picked out?" said Spike. "I want make sure that I look dapper in my tux." Spike was really hoping that he could get Rarity to notice him during the party.

"Calm down, Romeo." said Twilight. "Rarity said she should have our outfits all finished by noon. I was going to go pick up mines and yours," Twilight then looked at Isaac, "Do you... want to come with me, Isaac?"

"I'm good. I'm gonna head into town for patrol. Sunset seems to be down for the count, so it looks like I'll have to be the one to cover today's shift." said Isaac as he looked at his watch. "Speaking of which, I should probably get a move on. Sorry, Spike. Looks we'll have to cut this game short." Isaac then took his cards from Spike as he put them back into his deck box as he started to head towards the door. "I'll see later, Twilight." said Isaac as he tipped his cap to the princess as he left through the door and headed into town.

"I was really hoping that he come with me." said Twilight in a soft tone so that Spike couldn't hear her. But I can't blame him, he's been given a mission by the princess to stop these monster sightings. And I can't help but feel like I'm holding him back, all because of what I feel inside. I can't allow myself to be a distraction, especially when he has to leave.

"Twilight, you okay? You seem to be thinking about something." said Spike as he noticed that she hadn't taken her eyes off of the door that Isaac stepped through.

"I'm fine." said Twilight as she did her best to put on a fake smile.

"O-kay." he said with a bit of uneasiness.

"Anyways, I've got some paperwork I need to attend to. So I'll be in the library if you need anything." Twilight then trotted off to her favorite room as she needed to attend to these important matters and possibly do a bit of research to help her with a certain topic.

Isaac was currently strolling through town as he kept an eye out for any signs of trouble. While he was on patrol, his noticed that Rainbow was currently doing some flips and tricks.


"Thanks." said Rainbow. "Figured I'd practice my tricks since the Summer Sun Celebration is almost here. Plus, the Wonderbolts will there which means it'll be a chance for me to show off my cool tricks. Then they'll beg me to be on the team."

"Yeah, they definitely want a pony who can only think about her ego every 5 seconds." snickered Isaac.

"Exactly. Hey!!!" shouted Rainbow as she felt insulted by Isaac's comment. "You know I can still hurt you and my ego is not that big."

"You're right it's just even Ghastly Gorge isn't big enough to hold your damn ego." stated Isaac.

"All right, you're dead." said Rainbow as she tried to tackle Isaac to the ground only for him to side step out of her way.

"Too slow." stated Isaac.

"Oh, you're asking for it." Rainbow then started her best to tackle Isaac to the ground, but for some reason he was able to get out of the way ever time she flew by.

In fact, she was now steamed as she did some fancy moves and trick to confuse Isaac but even with that, he still managed to get out of the way of her path. Isaac thought it was unfair to Rainbow that he decided to lower his cap over his eyes as he felt like it would even the playing field. Rainbow thought he was mocking her as she was really looking forward to putting a hurt on the stallion. Despite not seeing, Isaac still managed to avoid Rainbow's punches as he let out a yawn. That really ticked off Rainbow as she took a different approach and decided to launch a sneak attack. It worked as Isaac just stood still as he couldn't tell what Rainbow was doing; Rainbow had managed to sneak behind Isaac as her body was lowered to the ground like a lion hunting its prey. Then she jumped high into the air as she looked to pin Isaac to the ground, then in a moment's notice, Isaac did a parkour corkscrew as time moved in slow motion. Rainbow was stunned that when time slowed down she turned her head to look at Isaac who was above her. Isaac's cap uncovered his eyes as he was in midflight twist as he just gave wink to the rainbow haired mare as time resumed.

Isaac landed on his feet as Rainbow was still stunned that she flew straight into a tree as it moved due to Rainbow's speed, only for it to bounce back and ricochet Rainbow in the other direction as she let out a scream. It was something like out of a Looney Tunes episode as Isaac pulled out a scoreboard and had a ten on it. Soon Rainbow was falling fast as Isaac placed an x-mark on the ground and moved slightly to the left as Rainbow fell on it. Dust and bits of dirt formed a cloud from the impact of Rainbow hitting the ground.

"Uhhh." groaned out Rainbow as she had swirls on her head and in her eyes. She regained conscious as she saw Isaac standing over her as he had a smile on his face. He then placed his hoof on her chest as he held her down and pinned her.

"Had enough?" smirked Isaac.

"All right, you win." stated Rainbow as she gave up. "Just how did you dodge all my attacks?"

Isaac then pointed to his horn, "Let's say that Twilight and Sunset have been teaching me some magic while I've been here. Nothing big, just a simple spell that allows me to boost my speed for a few minutes. Which was just enough time to dodge all of your attempts."

"Well, what about that sneak attack? I was quiet as a mouse, so how did you avoid that?"

"My Dark Magician told me." smiled Isaac. "Thanks, Mahad."

"Anytime, master." said Mahad as he appeared for a second before disappearing with a smile on his face.

"Great, I feel even more humiliated." stated Rainbow.

"Hey, I love knocking your ego down a bit. It's fun, plus your cute when you're angry."

"I'm not cute!" said Rainbow as she felt a bit red from Isaac saying that. "Now help me up, it's kind of embarrassing." stated Rainbow as she thankfully that nopony else was around to see the position that she was in with Isaac towering over her as he had his hoof on her chest.

Isaac then helped Rainbow up as he pulled her up; Rainbow dusted herself off as she was still upset about what happened. She then looked at Isaac who stood there with a smirk on his face.

"Not a word to anypony! Understand!" shouted Rainbow as she didn't want ponies to know about this incident.

"Why should I? What's stopping me from telling everypony about how some ordinary unicorn, just so happen to take down the legendary Rainbow Dash, the savior of Equestria and the Element of Loyalty." said Isaac as he had the upper hoof.

"If you do, I'll... I'll.."

"What hit me? Try to throw a punch? We saw how that worked out."

"God Celestia, you're annoying." pouted Rainbow as she realized that she wasn't in the position to make threats.

"Don't worry, my lips are sealed." said Isaac as he looked at her. He then snuck in a quick kiss on her cheek as Rainbow was now turning all kinds of red.

"You really are asking to die, today." Rainbow was now steamed at what Isaac did. She had steam clouds coming out of her ears as she looked to slug Isaac, but realized it was fruitless.

"Come on, I'll treat you to some cider. Plus, let this be a lesson. Never overwork, Sunset." stated Isaac as he led the two of them away.

With that both ponies then made their way to the apple stand that was being run by Applebloom. Isaac paid for two mugs with some bits that was given to him by Princess Celestia when he first started his mission. Isaac gave a couple more for the cute little filly as she rubbed her head and gave her a kiss on her bow as they waved goodbye. The two then began to talk as Rainbow asked Isaac for some stories from his world. Isaac was happy to quench the rainbow mare's thirst, especially when he told them about their previous encounters.

"So you stopped Sunset when she was a crazy she-demon that was hell bent on taking over the school and was looking to evade Equestria? Woah, that's not bad." said Rainbow as she took a sip from her mug.

"I mean you saved Equestria how many times at this point? That's probably a normal day for you girls." stated Isaac.

"Yeah, it is. But still for someone who lives in a world without magic, that's kind of impressive. I mean not as impressive as the stuff I've done, obviously. But still good for your standards."

"Nice to know you to know you still same jockey attitude as your human self." said Isaac.

"Hell yeah." said Rainbow as she let out a huge burp from drinking her cider.

"Better out than in, I always say." chuckled Isaac as he too let out a bellowing burp which caused both of them to let out a huge laugh. "Well, I think I've been distracted long enough. I need to get back on patrol."

"Why don't I give you a hoof? Besides, you might need me to save your hind in case you encounter a problem you can't take care of." taunted Rainbow.

"Hmm. All right, could be nice to have a sidekick for a change."

"Hey, you're the sidekick." clarified Rainbow.

"Really now?" smirked Isaac. "What go another tussle in ground?"

"Buck you." replied Rainbow Dash to which Isaac just teased her some with a quick peck on her cheek. So for the rest of the day both Rainbow Dash and Isaac got to work as they scouted the town of Ponyville in search of any problems that may arise.

Twilight was in her library as she was looking over some important documents and doing a couple of magic researches. She had managed to pick up both her and Spike's outfit when she went to visit Rarity. After that she made her way back to the castle as she had some things that needed her attention. Despite the documents that were laid out on the table, she also was sitting in her chair as she had a certain book in her hooves.

"Hopefully this gives me some answers." said Twilight as she looked at a book that was titled: Matters of the Heart.

Twilight then got to work as she began to research the thing she'd been experiencing whenever she was near Isaac. And it seemed the book was able to offer her some insight.

"Heart beat raising, stunned silence, face heating up, emotions..." said Twilight as she was reading this from the book and writing it down on a scroll. "Seems this book really is useful. Though, if I'm being honest, is this all for nothing." From what the book is telling me is that I've developed an attachment towards Isaac. This is weird, I've never experienced something like this. I can tell what friendship is and the emotions that go with it, but this feeling right here is just so unorthodox. It says here that these feelings are a sign of love. Twilight gained her thoughts as she tried to put what the book was saying to her own personal experiences.

"I'm just so uncertain about all this. I've never thought about love or even the idea of it. Heck, that's probably the last thing I would ever think, due to how oblivious I was to the concept of friendship. And I'm still learning about it, but now there's this." Twilight then thought back to the time when she and Isaac had touched cheeks and were this close to their lips, but Isaac stopped them. "I can only assume that Isaac stopped that for a reason, but what." Twilight then began to continue reading as she hoped for some answers. During that time, a storm was starting to roll in as dark grey clouds were appearing in the sky.

The storm came out of nowhere as ponies had started to run for cover and were looking to get home. During that time, Sunset had fallen fast asleep, after she had a two-hour bath to ease the tension in her muscles, she fell for a long nap. In fact, she was knocked out cold for the rest of the day. Heck even a stampede of cows running through town couldn't wake her up at this point. As for Spike, he had already gone to sleep as soon as the moon came up. He had gotten all snuggled up for bed as he had a Rarity plushie and had sleep mask and earbuds in so that he could get a good night's rest. Twilight was still in the library as the rain and thunder was pouring outside.

"Well..." said Twilight as she let out a yawn, "I think that's enough for tonight." said Twilight as she put her book back on the shelf and blew out the candle. The lightning outside was enough to give her a bit of a fright as she made her way to her room. During the lightning, the flash caused a shadow to be shown as it had a red eye. The figure had its target in its sights and was set to strike.

Twilight exited the library and was walking to her room when at that moment, the lights went off. Twilight then used her horn as a sort of flashlight as she provided some dimly light. "Hello, anybody there? Spike? Sunset?" called out Twilight.

Soon a noise was heard, Twilight heard that and she quickly turned around, but there was nothing there. Another noise was heard as she turned back and still she couldn't see anything. The noise got louder and louder as it was more of a growl, and not just a simple growl but multiple growls. All those growls started to get closer as it was starting to get closer to the princess who still couldn't see the threat in front of her. Twilight then back up slowly as she felt something behind her and when she looked at it, her eyes went wide.

Isaac had just barely made it back to the castle as he hadn't expected for it to rain. His patrol was solid as he didn't encounter any incidents along with Rainbow Dash. Seems he was impressed with the pegasus' ability to control the clouds as she kicked one open and allowed him to rest for a while. Soon she had to leave as Isaac thanked her for the help, with that he began to race back to castle as tried his best to conjure up a rain shield to make sure that he didn't fully get wet. He had reached the front of the steps as he shook himself dry.

"Well, I made it back. Wonder how..." Isaac didn't finish his thought when he heard a scream.


Just then the window was broken as a few creatures came through; their bodies where still covered by the shadows. Isaac raced to where he heard the noise and saw the shadows of the creatures standing there with the tall one having something in their arm which so happen to be none other than Twilight.


"Isaac!" Twilight's response caused the creatures to look at the stallion as Isaac could see their red-eyes through the harsh rain. Soon they all let out a howl as they all ran with the big one carrying Twilight. "Help me!!!" cried out Twilight as she was carried away.

Isaac then noticed something fell from the creatures as he got a good look at it. He picked it up as it appeared to be some sort of gear. "Oh no." said Isaac as he knew what/who he was dealing with. "I'm coming, Twilight!" shouted Isaac as he raced after the creatures.

The chase had led the creatures to the edge of Ponyville as they approached the Everfree Forest. With that they all took a quick turn behind them and saw Isaac was still on their tail, so they continued on with their plan as they all ventured into the forest with their hostage in tow. Isaac approached the place and took a quick glance at it.

"The Everfree Forest." said Isaac as lightning flashed the moment he said that. He looked back at it and then back at the town, he knew that going in there was a danger, but it would be even more so if he let something bad happen to the princess. So with the rain still coming down on him, Isaac tighten his cap and took a step in as he entered the wicked place.

The Everfree Forest was a place that was not to be trifled with. So many creatures and things called this place home that it was basically a death sentence to even take a walk. Isaac was doing his best to navigate the place and avoid any traps. He kept walking as he was doing his best to find Twilight or the monsters that had taken her. Soon he heard a scream as he began to pick up the speed and followed the source. Every step Isaac took got him closer and closer as well as the tiny nuts and bolts that the creatures left as he followed the trail. Soon he pushed through the last of the branches and bushes as he came to what seemed to be some kind of clearing inside the Everfree Forest. Standing there before Isaac were the creatures who all stared at him and Twilight who was in some kind of bubble. Twilight tried to use her magic to blast out, but apparently the bubble was magic resistant. Isaac then stepped forward as he confronted the enemies in the rain.


"Isaac!" cried out Twilight as she was glad he came to rescue her.

"Release her at once!" shouted Isaac. The creatures just let out growls at Isaac's command. Soon the one in charge stepped forward as the shadow had revealed their true identity. "Figured it be you, release the princess this instant!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that." said the figure which was none other than Ancient Gear Knight. He was also surrounded by his allies which were none other than Ancient Gear Hunting Hounds. "We've got a mission of our own and we intend to complete it."

"And I've got a princess to protect." shouted Isaac. "So the way I see it, one of us is gonna leave empty handed." Isaac then slotted on his duel disk as he activated it to project a gold card tray. "So get ready to rumble!"

"I was hoping to face you." Ancient Gear Knight then called off his dogs as he ordered them to guard the bubble holding their hostage.

"Then you got your wish, now then it's time to duel!" shouted Isaac and he put his deck in. Just hang on, Twilight. I'll save you and I'll make sure these creatures pay for hurting you.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Ancient Gear Knight's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start things off, draw. I'll summon my Beta the Magnet Warrior in attack mode. Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Ancient Gear Knight

"My turn," said Gear Knight as he drew his card. "And I think I'll start with this, I summon Ancient Gear Hunting Hound(1000/1000)!" Out came one of the dogs that was guarding Twilight as he let out a fierce growl and then looked at Isaac as he rushed forward and sunk his teeth into the colt as he was flung back.

"AHHHH!!!" shouted Isaac as he felt the attack give him some real life pain.
Isaac's Life Points: 7400-

Twilight was in shock as she saw her friend take some damage. "Why did Isaac take damage?"

"In case, you're wondering, when I summon my Hunting Hound he slams you with 600 points of direct damage." stated Ancient Gear Knight.

"Trust me, I felt that first hand." said Isaac as he got back to his feet. I knew he had that deck, god I fucking hate Ancient Gear decks. Isaac had plenty of unkind things to say whenever someone would mention or even play that deck as he found it downright annoying to play against.

"But my turn is far from done, cause now I'll play the field spell, Geartown." shouted Gear Knight. Soon the forest around the two duelist then started to change as buildings made up of gears surround the two competitors. "Now thanks to this all of my 'Ancient Gear' monsters require one less tribute. Then I'll play the spell, Ancient Gear Tank. I'll then equip it to my Hunting Hound to give it an extra 600 attack points." Hunting Hound let out a wolf cry as it felt the powerup. The ones guarding Twilight responded with a cry of their own.

"With that I'll play one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Isaac

"Then it's back to me." said Isaac as he drew his card. Got to think of something and fast, cause if I don't then this duel will be over before I know it. I really hate Ancient Gear decks!!! "Now then I'll play my Magician's Rod in defense mode. Then the effect of my Magician's Rod activates, so now I can add a 'Dark Magician' related spell or trap card to my hand." Isaac then selected the card he wanted as he grabbed it. "Then I'll play the card that I got, Dark Magical Circle. Now my Dark Magician Circle allows me to look at the top 3 cards of my deck to reveal a 'Dark Magician' or spell/trap that list 'Dark Magician'." Isaac then looked at his three cards as he selected the one he wanted.

"I choose to reveal my ultimate monster, Dark Magician. Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Ancient Gear Knight

"What a wasted turn, now then. Now I summon Ancient Gear(100/800) in attack mode." stated Ancient Gear Knight.

"I reveal my facedown, Magical Dimension. Now I'll tribute my Magician's Rod so that I can summon my Dark Magician!" Isaac's spell then absorbed his Magician's Rod as out from the coffin came Isaac's ace monster. "Then the other effect of my Magical Dimension allows me to destroy one monster on the field, so I choose to destroy your Ancient Gear." With that Ancient Gear was exploded into tiny bits of metal.

"But that's not all, next the effect of my Dark Magical Circle activates. So since I summon my Dark Magician, I can now banish one card on the field, so say goodbye to your Ancient Gear Hunting Hound!" Dark Magician then raised his staff as he used the power of the circle to rid the field of Hunting Hound. And just like that, Isaac had managed to clear the field of Ancient Gear Knight as he had no monster remaining.

"Impressive, you got rid of my field. But I have more cards to play. Now since my field spell, Geartown is still in effect. The number of tributes is reduced by one, so that means I can still play this monster for free. But first, I play Double Summon which means I can summon Ancient Gear Engineer(1500/1500)!" Out came a robot as it had a drill on its arm.

"But first, since my Ancient Gear Tank was destroyed, you take 600 points of direct damage!" Soon a tank appeared as it shot a blast to Isaac who took it as it caused him to drop for a bit.
Isaac's Life Points: 6800-

"Next I'll play the continuous spell card, Ancient Gear Castle. Now all my 'Ancient Gear' monsters gain 200 more attack points. So now my Ancient Gear Engineer has a total of 1700 attack points." Ancient Gear Engineer then felt its circuits get more power as the lightning flash to show its scary look. "Now Ancient Gear Engineer, take out Beta the Magnet Warrior!"

Isaac just stood there as he knew there was nothing he could do to stop that attack. So Isaac watched his monster be destroyed as Isaac felt the aftereffect of the attack. Twilight noticed this from her bubble and she had concern on her face.
Isaac's Life Points: 6700-

"As you know, my Ancient Gear monsters make it so that you can't activate your spell or trap cards until the end of the damage step. But as for my Ancient Gear Engineer, he has another effect that whenever he attacks he can destroy 1 spell or trap card on your field. So say goodbye to your Dark Magical Circle." With that Isaac's spell card was gone as Ancient Gear Knight had managed to shut down his combo with ease.

"Now then I'll end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"My turn, now I'll play Graceful Charity and so I'll pick up some more cards. Nice." Isaac then selected the cards he wanted to get rid of. "Now I'll send another card to the grave, so that I can play my Apprentice Illusion Magician. Now time to strike, Dark Magician attack his Ancient Gear Engineer. Now I'll use my Apprentice Illusion Magician's effect, so by tributing her she can give my Dark Magician an extra 2000 attack and defense points till the end of the turn." Dark Magician then felt the power boost as he unleashed a powerful attack that dealt some serious damage to Isaac's opponent.
Ancient Gear Knight's Life Points: 5200-

"Nice one, Isaac." said Twilight from inside the bubble. Just then the bubble that Twilight was in started to glow as electricity flowed through and gave Twilight a shock. "AHH!!!!" screamed Twilight.


"Oh, did I forget to mention. That everytime I lose life points, that bubble releases an electric surge. So everytime you attack me, the princess here gets quite a shock. The higher the damage the more voltage." snickered Ancient Gear Knight.

"You sick mother..."

"Ah, ah. Watch your language, we're in the presence of a princess." mocked Ancient Gear Knight.

"I'll end my turn." Isaac said as he gritted his teeth. Now what do I do, he's got me back into a corner.

Turn 6: Ancient Gear Knight

"Pity, now then. I'll play Card of Sanctity, so now we both replenish our hands." With that both Isaac and Ancient Gear Knight now had a full hand. "Be grateful for this gift, not that it will help you. Now I'll play the spell card, Ancient Gear Catapult, since I don't control any monsters, I'll send my Ancient Gear Castle to the graveyard. As a result, I can summon an 'Ancient Gear' monster from my deck ignoring its summoning conditions. So arise, Ancient Gear Golem(3000/3000)!!!" Soon the rain picked up as there was more lightning that was seen and the thunder boomed as out came a giant metal robot.

Isaac was scared as he saw the towering monster as its red eyes locked on him. He knew about the power of this card and right now he was about to be on the receiving end of it.

"Impressive, isn't it. Now Ancient Gear Golem, attack his Dark Magician!! Mechanized Melee!!" Ancient Gear Golem then reared its arm back as it made its hand into a fist and with a mighty blow took out Isaac's magician as he felt even more pain.

"Ahh!!!" shouted Isaac as he dug his heels into the ground to keep from being flung onto his back.
Isaac's Life Points: 6200-

"Next I'll summon my Ancient Gear Beast(2000/2000) in attack mode. With that I'll end my turn with two facedowns."

Turn 7: Isaac

"Man, I'm really getting pissed. I despise Ancient Gears." muttered Isaac as he collected himself and drew his card. "I'll reveal my facedown, Eternal Soul. And with it I can bring back my Dark Magician." Isaac then had his ace monster back on his field. "Now then I'll set the Pendulum Scale with the Scale 1 Sorcerer Swordsman and the Scale 8 Mirage Magician. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" shouted Isaac. Isaac's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Isaac's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them.

"Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far Pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action!" Isaac then thrusted his hoof into the air as giant portal above him opened up. "I Pendulum Summon my two Magician of Dark Illusions!" said Isaac as he had a pair of two monsters on his field.

Twilight was in awe from what she saw inside her bubble. She had seen Isaac show off all of his other known summoning methods, but this was a brand new one.

"So you managed to summon two high level monsters, but even with that fancy new trick, none of those monsters come close to matching the firepower of my Ancient Gear Golem." stated Ancient Gear Knight.

"Well, I'm not done. Now that I have two level 7 monsters, I'll overlay them and construct the Overlay Network." Isaac's two magicians then transformed into two purple lights as a vortex opened up and the two were sucked in as a pillar of light shot out. "I Xyz Summon, Ebon High Magician in defense mode!" shouted Isaac as his monster appeared in the rain.

"So, are you going to attack me or what?" taunted Ancient Gear Knight.

Isaac was hesitant on having his magician attack as he knew what would happen. "I... I..."

Twilight saw the predicament that Isaac was in. He knew that he wanted to save her, but to do so would mean she would suffer the effect.

"Well, I'm waiting."

"I... I... I end..." started Isaac.

"Don't!" shouted Twilight from inside the bubble. "Don't worry, Isaac. Just do what you gotta do."

"But, Twilight..."

"I'll be fine, I can take it."

Isaac looked over at the princess as he looked at her eyes. He knew that he was given a job to protect the princess and her friends; and he knew that if he was gonna save his friend then he needed to attack. Isaac just looked back at Twilight as he gave her a nod.

"Alright, then. Now Mahad, take out his Ancient Gear Beast!" shouted Isaac. Mahad then raised his staff as he shot off his attack to the sound of the thunder as he destroyed his target.
Ancient Gear Knight's Life Points: 4700-

The attack caused Ancient Gear Knight to put his arm up as he covered himself. He then had a smirk on his face, "Don't forget, I'm not the only one whose gonna feel the attack." The bubble surrounding Twilight then shot another flow of electricity as Twilight felt an even more powerful shock.

"Twilight!" shouted Isaac.

"I'm... fine." she said as her legs buckled a bit.

"Just hang on. I'll get you out of there. I'll end my turn with a facedown." said Isaac.

Turn 8: Ancient Gear Knight

"My turn, now then time for me to win this. I'll play Polymerization and I'll fuse together two more Ancient Gear Hunting Hounds in my hand. Prepare for a killer monster, I Fusion Summon Double Ancient Gear Hunting Hound(1400/1000)!!" Soon out came an Ancient Gear monster that had two heads. "Next, I'll summon my Ancient Gear Wyvern(1700/1200). Now my monster's effect allows me to add an 'Ancient Gear' monster to my hand. Now since I used my monster's effect, I can't set any cards this turn.

"Hold on, I'm going to activate an effect." stated Isaac. "I discard Effect Veiler to negate the effect of your Ancient Gear Golem." Isaac's monster then appeared as it shot a feather storm at the metal beast which lost some of its power.

"That won't matter, cause now time for me to wipe you out. Get ready, Ancient Gear Golem! Mechanized Melee!" Golem then raised it arms as it looked to throw a punch and strike.

"Now I activate my Ebon High Magician's effect. So by using one Overlay unit, I can play a quick-play spell or trap card from my hand during your turn. And I choose to play my Mirror Force!"

"No!! Stop!!" called out Ancient Gear Knight, but his monster had already made contact with Isaac's magician as the wall absorbed the attack and then repelled back as all the monsters on his field were destroyed.

"Looks like your plan backfired." stated Isaac as he had managed to wipe the field of his annoying problem.

"Like that's going to stop me, I reveal my facedown, Ancient Gear Reborn. Now since I control no monsters, this allows me to bring back my Ancient Gear Golem but this time he's got 200 more attack points." Just like that thunder boom as lightning flashed as once again the same monster rose from the earth as Ancient Gear Golem had risen up; Isaac was now even more scared as he still had to deal with the same threat. "With that I'll end my turn."

Turn 9: Isaac

Great, I thought I found a way to win this duel, but that Golem is back and stronger than before. I need to push through, but how. Isaac drew his card as he tried to figure out what move to make. "I'll play Pot of Greed so now I pick up two more cards. Next I'll activate the effect of my Eternal Soul, so now I'll add Thousand Knives to my hand. But then I'll play Thousand Knives and with it, I'll destroy your Ancient Gear Golem." Isaac spell then produced knives which then were sent flying and destroyed the giant metal beast once again.

"Now with your field empty, time for me to strike. Dark Magician, attack his life points directly!" Dark Magician heard Isaac's command as he fired his staff at Ancient Gear Knight as he put some extra power into it as Ancient Gear Knight fell to his knees.
Ancient Gear Knight's Life Points: 2200-

"Once again, I'm not alone when I feel the pain of your attack." True to Ancient Gear Knight's word, another volt of electricity was sent to Twilight's way as she took it best she can.

"Almost there, Twilight. Just hold on a little bit longer. I'll then end my turn."

Turn 10: Ancient Gear Knight

"Now time to seal the deal. I'll activate the effect of my Ancient Gear Reborn, so arise one more time, Ancient Gear Golem!!"

"I really fucking hate Ancient Gear decks." said Isaac as he was exhausted and had enough of these monsters.

"And that's not all, now I'll reveal the two cards I set facedown. My Ancient Gear Spark Shot and Ancient Gear Booster." Both cards then flipped up and shined as they Ancient Gear Golem received some extra power. "Now thanks to Ancient Gear Reborn, my golem received 200 extra attack points. Then Ancient Gear Spark Shot allows me to deal half of my Ancient Gear Golem's attack points directly to your life points. And lastly, my Ancient Gear Booster allows me to double that damage!"

Isaac's eyes widen when he heard that, "Which means..."

"Which means, you'll be taking a whopping 3200 points of damage!" shouted Ancient Gear Knight. Ancient Gear Golem then raised its fist as it fired off a powerful shot that really hurt Isaac as he was thrown onto the ground and into a puddle.

"AHH!!!" screamed Isaac as he felt the pain of the attack and his body as it hurt him badly.
Isaac's Life Points: 3000-

"Time to die. Cause now I'm activate the spell card, Ancient Armageddon Gear. Now whenever a monster is destroyed, that player then takes damage equal to the attack points of the monster that was destroyed. So say goodbye, my little pony!" laughed Ancient Gear Knight evilly. "Now Ancient Gear Golem, attack his Dark Magician!! Mechanized Melee!" With the command given, Ancient Gear Golem laid waste to Dark Magician with ease as Isaac who was just barely getting up was hit back onto the ground.
Isaac's Life Points: 2500-

"Now my Ancient Armageddon Gear will deal you damage equal to your monster's attack. And since he had 2500 attack points, that's more than enough to finish you off! Now blast him away!!!" shouted Ancient Gear Knight. The cannons all pointed to Isaac as he was still on the ground as he could barely move due to the amount of pain he was in. Soon the cannons fired as they all headed towards Isaac and looked to deal the winning blow.

"Can't... give... up. I... just... gotta..." said Isaac as he struggled to play the card he wanted. His vision was starting to fade as he did his best to not faint, thankfully he had enough strength to concrete and use his magic. "I... send Clear Kuriboh to the graveyard. So now any effect damage done this turn becomes zero! Help me... little buddy." said Isaac. Clear Kuriboh appeared in a flash as he saw his master on the ground, he then saw the attack coming and without hesitation, he blocked it to the best of his ability as he was determined to save Isaac. Soon he was able to protect his master as the attack was nullified.

Isaac looked at his tiny monster and gave a smile. "Thank you." was all Isaac said.

"Kuri." replied Clear Kuriboh as he disappeared.

"Err! You managed to survive this round, but I can assure you that you won't next time. Especially when I play this, my Ancient Gear Scarp Fusion. So now I can fusion summon using the Ancient Gear monsters in my graveyard to call upon an even greater beast." Thunder and lightning were full on display as the vortex opened up and the monsters that were being combined jumped in as they called upon a the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. "I take all my monsters and fuse them together! Once joined, they'll form an Ancient Gear of Goliath proportions! I Fusion Summon, the ground-shaking, Chaos Ancient Gear Giant(4500/3000)!!!!" Out on the field was the biggest monster of the Ancient Gear family as it let out a mechanical noise. Even the trees were small in comparison and Isaac who was still on the floor was looking straight at this monster dead in the eyes.

"You can't even stand up to fight, but unfortunately my turn comes to an end. Not that it matters, you can't fight back and even if you did, you don't have a single monster that can stand to towering power of my Chaos Ancient Gear Giant. Seems you failed in protecting the princess, but don't worry, I'll take good care of her." said Ancient Gear Knight as he looked at Twilight who was now scared herself as she looked at the massive monster behind him. "Now then, take your turn. That is, if you can."

Turn 11: Isaac

"Gotta get up..." said Isaac as he tried to get up, "... can't... let... him..." Isaac collapsed as the pain was unbearable for him. So much so that he couldn't even stand up, seems Isaac's bones were hurting as he felt them. It can't end like this, alone, out here where no one may find me. And what about the promise I made to the princess, to protect Twilight and her friends. I already failed at that and I can't even stand up to get her back!!! With the rain coming down, it helped to hide the tears that was coming down Isaac's eyes. I'm suppose to be the hero and I can't help myself!!!

Twilight was inside her bubble and she could see how Isaac was acting. She knew she couldn't cast any magic to help her escape, but she sat down as she closed her eyes and her horn was lighting up.

Why? Why!?! What do I need to do to save her!?!

Believe in yourself.

Isaac heard a voice calling to him as he looked around but there was nothing but rain and lightning. He then looked at the bubble as he saw Twilight sitting there with her eyes closed and her horn was lit. Twilight?

I'm communicating with you mentally through a spell. Listen to me, Isaac. You haven't failed me, you can still complete your duty.

How can? I failed to keep you safe; when you needed me the most, I wasn't there to protect you from harm. I failed.

Then fix that failure, your duty was to protect me and the rest of the bearers. We knew that one of us could potentially get captured, that's why we kept our hopes up knowing that you would come rescue us. We know you don't give up and you don't ever leave your friends behind. So don't start now, cause Isaac, right now I need you. I need you, more than you know.

Isaac had his hoof out in the direction of Twilight as he was trying to reach her. Twilight opened her eyes and did the same as she placed her hoof on the surface of the bubble.

"Don't ever forget, you're never alone. Your friends are always beside you." said Twilight.

"My friends..." said Isaac softly. "My friends are my power and I'm theirs." Isaac then placed his front hoofs on the ground as he tried to get up. "AHH, come on! Come on! AHHH!" shouted Isaac as he tried to ignore the pain that shooting throughout his body.

"Like a rabid animal, just clinging on for dear life." said Ancient Gear Knight as he watched the colt's struggle to stand. "Seems I have..."

"AHHH!!!!!!" shouted Isaac as he let out a scream that echoed throughout all of the Everfree Forest. He somehow had managed to muster up the courage to get back on his feet as the rain was falling on him. He took a fierce position as lightning went off behind him as he had a set of determined eyes. "AHHHH!!! Time to end this, now draw!" Isaac drew his card as it was covered with a trail of rainbow light.

"How? How can you still stand!?!"

Isaac then took a step forward as his body glowed; Twilight took noticed of this and was surprised by what she saw.

"First things first, I'll use the ability of my Sorcerer Swordsman's' pendulum ability, so now I can return any number of monsters from my graveyard to my hand so long as they fall in between the scale I've set. So I return my Dark Magician and Dark Magician of Chaos back to my hand." Isaac's duel disk then slotted out his two cards as he grabbed them and looked to finish this duel off. "Now I'll pendulum summon my two monsters that I just received. So come on out, Dark Magician and Dark Magician of Chaos!!!" shouted Isaac as the portal opened above him and he had two magicians on his field.

"You're insane!" shouted Ancient Gear Knight.

"No, I'm doing my duty and that's protecting the princess! Now I tribute my Ebon High Magician, Dark Magician of Chaos, and Dark Magician!" Isaac's three monsters then disappeared as their spirits were being called upon a beast that could stand toe to toe with the giant monster on the opposite side.

"Oh mighty protector of the Sun in the sky, I beg of thee, please heed my cry! Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight! I beseech thee, grace our humble game! But first I shall...call out thy name, Winged Dragon of Ra!!!!" Isaac had finished the chant as the storm clouds pulled back as an orb was unlocked with a blinding yellow light. It then died down as their stood one of the most powerful monsters as it gave a loud roar as it was about the same size and height as Chaos Ancient Gear Giant.

"What is that!?!" said Twilight as she was frozen at the sight of the monster that was in front of her.

Ancient Gear Knight slowly backed up as the Ancient Gear Hunting Hounds that were guarding the bubble, gave whimpers as they were leaking oil.

"Now my Winged Dragon of Ra has a combined total of 7600 attack and defense points!"

"7600!!!" said Ancient Gear Knight as his systems were started to malfunction.

"But that's not all, now I give up but all of 1 of my life points and I transfer them all over to Ra!" Ra then felt the spirit of Isaac as it absorbed his power. "Now Ra has a total of 10,099 attack points!!!"
Isaac's Life Points: 1-

"No!!! Please, have mercy!!"

"You don't deserve it! You messed up the moment you took the princess!!! And now you're gonna pay the price!!! Plus, I mean it with every fiber of my being! I HATE ANCIENT GEAR DECKS!!!!" screamed Isaac. "Now, Winged Dragon of Ra. Take out Chaos Ancient Gear Giant!!!" Isaac gave his monster its command as Ra opened its mouth and shot out a powerful attack as Gear Giant raised his fist as the attack pierced through him clean as he had a huge hole in its stomach as it went hay wire and then exploded.

"AHHH!!!!" shouted Ancient Gear Knight as he was gone with the light as well as the Hunting Hounds that were guarding Twilight as they all were destroyed.
Ancient Gear Knight's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

Isaac still had the glow around him as he stood there as Ra disappeared. "Finally." said Isaac as he collapsed on the ground.

"Isaac!" called out Twilight. Soon the bubble that she was in, was gone as she dropped to the floor and rushed over to her friend. "Isaac, talk to me." Twilight looked at the colt as she was scared at what he put his body through to save her. She saw he was still breathing, but he had a some scratches along his body. "Stay with me, Isaac."

"Twilight." said Isaac softly.

"I'm here." she replied.

"You're safe. That's all that matters." said Isaac as he put his head down and was letting out some deep breaths.

"I gotta get you back to the castle." Twilight tried to lift Isaac up, but that proved to be a challenge. Even with her magic, she struggled to pick up the stallion as she draped his hoof over her neck. The rain was still coming down, as Twilight used her magic to pick up Isaac's cap and teleported them away from the Everfree Forest.

Twilight had managed to teleport them as they were in her room. She then used her magic as she lit some candles and then placed Isaac on her bed as she rushed to treat him.

"Twilight." said Isaac as he was in pain.

"Shush, you need immediate care." Twilight then looked in her cupboard and then pulled out a med kit. She even had a book appear as she was furiously flipping through the pages.

"It's fine... I... as long as... I..." said Isaac as he breathed heavily.

"Save your strength. You gonna need it." said Twilight as she returned to her bed and found the page she was looking for.

"What... are..."

"You suffered some broken bones in that duel, I'm casting a spell to help your body to heal." Twilight then closed her eyes as she chanted the spell; her horn then light up in a purple aura as it started to cover Isaac's body.

Isaac could feel Twilight's magic as it started to course through his body. He felt the place where his pain was coming from as it helped to ease his suffering a bit. Twilight finished her spell as the aura surrounding Isaac disappeared.

"That should stabilize you for the time being, you'll still need time to recover. I'm just surprised that despite all that pain, you still managed to get back up." stated Twilight.

"That's adrenaline for you." said Isaac as he let out a chuckle which cause his body to ache.

"Shut up!" stated Twilight as she sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Isaac. "I need to wrap some bandages around you." Twilight then used her magic as she took off Isaac's coat and then wrapped her hoofs around Isaac's body. "Why? Why did do that?"

"Cause I couldn't let them take you." said Isaac.

"There could have been other ways to save me! Why? Why are you just so, stubborn, dumb-headed, arrogant..." trailed off Twilight as she noticed her hoofs were feeling Isaac's pony body and his chest as she was looking into his eyes. "... self-centered..."

Both ponies realized the situation that was before them. The rain was now gently falling as it eased up, the candles offered the perfect light as they could look at each other. Twilight still had her hoofs on Isaac's body as she started to move it towards the place where his heart was as she could feel it beating. All thoughts in her mind were gone as she looked at the stallion that was in front of her.

"Why..." stated Twilight as she started to get closer.

"I've... got a job to do." said Isaac as he also leaned in.

Both parties had their lips getting closer and closer as their eyes were closed. They looked to connect, when a thought ran through Isaac's mind as he brought his hoof to Twilight's mouth.

"I... I... I just..." said Isaac as his face was still close to the purple princess.

"Can you just let it happen?" said Twilight. "Whatever your reason is, I respect it. But can you just let this happen?" said Twilight as she closed in the space between the two of them as she pushed her lips to Isaac.

Isaac put his hooves on Twilight's body as he held her; Twilight felt the sparks fly as she enjoyed the kiss from Isaac as she let out a moan while they were kissing. She then placed both of her hooves on his chest as she pushed Isaac onto his back as she used her wings to feel the area of his muscles. Twilight broke the kiss as she leaned her neck against Isaac's as she began to nibble on his mane and eventually made her way to his ears. Isaac just moved his hooves along the princess' body as they trailed along her slim figure. He then noticed that he was getting dangerously close to her back side as he gently massaged her flank and her cutie mark as Twilight let out a moan of pleasure. She then moved her head back and planted her nose on Isaac's nose as they shared another passionate kiss as the rain outside was matching the movements of their little make out session.

Both stallion and mare were still kissing as they let out all of the emotions they each were holding back. More so for Twilight as all the stuff she had read about told her about this, but to be honest, her textbooks didn't mention it would feel this good. For Isaac, he had been missing his girlfriend that he had forgotten how good it felt to kiss and hold her. Both broke apart as they were laying on their side as they held each other in their arms. Nothing was said as they just stared at one another and just let this moment set in for both. Twilight then scouted closer as she placed her head under Isaac's chin as she closed her eyes and breathed into Isaac's chest as his fur felt her hot breath. She wrapped her wings tightly around Isaac making sure to not hurt his bandages but also to keep him from leaving her.

Isaac let out a breath as he held the princess in his arms. I've missed this. He then looked at her right hoof as he saw that it was slightly bruised. "Twilight, you're hurt too? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. It's just a scratch." she said as she used her magic to float the bandages toward her.

"Hey, let me help." said Isaac as he took the initiative of bandaging up her hoof. "Can't have ponies wondering why their princess is all bruised up. Wouldn't look good on your beautiful and regal fur?" he said as he finished tying the bandage wrap.

"Thank you, Isaac." said Twilight as she smiled.

"Hey, it's the least I can do." Isaac then ran his hoof through Twilight's mane as she moaned at his gentle touch. Twilight closed her eyes as Isaac brushed her mane making sure not to mess it up.



"Will you stay with me tonight? Please?" said Twilight as she looked at his eyes and gave a quick peck.

"Sure." replied Isaac in a soft and soothing voice.

He then leaned in and gave his beloved princess another kiss. They both held each other as they snuggled well into the night. In that moment, all that matter was each other as they both drifted off into a deep slumber.

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