• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,570 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 165: New Year's Sitting

What's the old saying? Time to get rid of the old year and ring in the new. Well, that's exactly what everybody in Canterlot was doing as New Eve's was soon upon the world. And then they would usher in the new year that many believed would be more promising. It also was the time that people made New Year's resolutions, but then again nobody every keeps them. So the entire gang was currently getting to ring in the new year in a few days.

"Nicole, respond." said Twilight as she was at her laptop.

"Scanning, Twilight." said the A.I. "Restoration at... 25%."

"AAHHHHH!!!!!" shouted Twilight as she knocked over somethings on her desk as they fell to the floor as they made a loud crash sound as they scattered around the floor.

"Everytime okay." asked Spike as he was outside of the Twilight's door when he heard the sound coming from his owner's room.

"It's just!" yelled the girl as her anger was starting to show. Twilight was now seething and breathing heavily as she looked at her computer as it produced the results. Twilight then closed her eyes as she started to do the breathing exercise that Cadance taught her as it got her to calm her mind and steady her temper.

"Yes, thanks Spike." said Twilight as she sat down in her chair and closed her laptop.

"Hey, what's wrong?" asked the dog as he hopped into Twilight's lap.

"This project is just not going the way I intended. No matter what, I'm not making any progress." said Twilight as she looked at her friend.

"Why not ask..."

"I can't." said Twilight. "This is something, that only I can know about. Nobody needs to get involved, not mom, not dad, not my brother or Cadance, not our friends, not you, and certainly not Isaac." Twilight now put her hand to her face as she took of her glasses for a moment to rub her eyes. "I know I promised you guys that when this project was done you and the others would be the first to know, but at the rate this is going, I don't think I'll get to that point."

"Hey, cheer up." said Spike. "I know you'll figure out whatever problem you're running into. I know you don't give up easily, especially before I gained the ability to talk, you were always determined on whatever you set your mind too."

"I appreciate it, Spike." said Twilight as she hugged him to which he responded by licking her face as she giggled. "Well, better pick up this mess." stated the girl as she and Spike began to pick up the items littered on the floor.

Isaac was currently downstairs at the dining table as he had some stacks of papers with him as he as taking care of some business. Some of the papers had to deal with his job like placing and restocking the card display with more copies and new prints of cards. So Isaac was currently running the numbers for his boss, Mr. Johnson, as well as preparing for when they would reopen after the holiday. Along with that, Isaac also had personal papers as they were his plans and ideas for the students on their next set of lessons. With the second semester about to start soon, it meant that they had only 5 or 6 months left before the Board of Education would arrive at CHS and see the results of Isaac's little experiment which would determine if Canterlot High could finally get the proper funding it needed, get placed into the school system, and most of all, incorporate Duel Monsters as part of the curriculum. With all that, it seemed that alot was riding on the students to be success, but most importantly, it all came down to Isaac. If the board didn't like what they see or they deemed the kids failures, then Isaac would be the one responsible for everything failing.

"Oh, god." said Isaac as he put his hand to his head as the work was starting to take its toll on him. He then looked at his hand as he started to remember what his Black Robe Mentalist had said about the visions she saw of things yet to come and how she warned him to remain strong.

"Still working boy toy?" asked Sunset as she was leaning against the wall looking at her friend.

"I'm working on the lesson plan for you girls and the students. So, pardon me if I have tons of papers and plans that I need to reevaluate." stated the boy as he got back to work.

"You need to relax and take your mind off of things." said Sunset. She then got an idea as she approached the boy from behind and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Let me take care of this." said Sunset with a smug smile as she began to rub Isaac's shoulders.

"What the hell are you doing?" asked Isaac as he shooed Sunset's hands from his shoulders as he was determined to finish his work.

"Come on, boy toy. You know what they: All work and no play, makes Sunset a dull girl." stated the bacon-haired girl as she had a seductive look on her face. Isaac just went back to his work when Sunset grabbed his face and pulled him into a deep liplock as she fell into his lap.

Isaac was shocked by what Sunset did as she did her usual thing and put her hands on Isaac's chest as she began to feel the boy and the bit of muscles spread out along his frame. She then pulled apart as she looked at her friend.

"Sorry, but that's not working this time." said Isaac as he got the girl off of his lap and then refocused on completing his work.

"Isaac, you need to relax. I get it, we're halfway through the school year, we'll be graduating very soon and the board of Education is going to evaluate the kids to see whether or not this program of yours is going to help Principal Celestia and Vice-principal Luna get the proper funding they've been requesting for a longtime." said Sunset. "But you also need to relax and enjoy these last few moments, cause once graduation is over, that's it. We all begin our individual lives."

"I understand where you're coming from, Sunset." said the boy as he let out a sigh. "But know that this program means so much to me, I want to give something back to this place that has allowed me to shine and become the duelist that I am today. I want to give one final parting gift for Celestia and Luna, something that they've longed for since they first started the school. And I believe this is the only way."

"And I respect your ambitions, me and the others do, but we also want to make some final memories with you. Cause believe it or not, you're the one that we may see the least of. You're going to be a pro, which means your travel schedule is to be filled with tons of appearances and meetings." said Sunset. "I just... want to spend one final time with you. My friend who helped to me to atone for my sins." Sunset now placed her hand on top of Isaac's as it caused the boy to look at the girl.

"Sunset, you're always be my friend, and you'll always have a special place in my heart along with the girls. And even when I'm doing all that traveling, I'll always think of you and the time we spent together." smiled Isaac. He then put the papers to the side. "I guess, I can afford to take a break."

The next few days rolled by as the time for New Years was about to be here. And everybody was getting ready for it.

"Hurry up, Twi. Pinkie asked us to pick up the cake for the party." said Isaac as he was in the living room as he was tapping his foot.

"I'm coming, stop rushing me." said Twilight as she came down the stairs.

"It's not my fault, you decided to read the last 50 chapters of your book. You knew we had somewhere to be." stated the boy.

"Don't talk about my books!" shouted Twilight as she got protective of her boyfriend talking about her personal belongings.

"Well, excuuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess," teased Isaac as Twilight stuck her tongue out at him.

"Anyway, it's alot," said Twilight, "but if we stick to the schedule, I know we can get it done."

Spike was on the couch curled up when he heard the pair talking and based on what Twilight said, he knew her well enough to he didn't have confidence on his face and he showed it. "Yeah, knock on wood," said Spike bluntly.

"Give me some credit, Spike." said Twilight.

"Why don't I set a time table so we know how much time to spend on each task. I can even create a few time buffers so we have some flexibility for the unexpected." said Isaac.

"Now that is called smart planning! See Twilight, you could learn a thing or two from Isaac." snickered the dog as Twilight shot him a glare. "Go for it, buddy."

Isaac just grabbed Twilight's schedule and was about to make some edits, when there came a knock at the front door.

"Wonder who that could be?" said Isaac, "The girls are all out completing their own tasks."

Twilight simply just opened the door to find out. There before them was Cadance, Shining Armor, and little Flurry Heart.

"Surprise!" said Cadance and Shining Armor together. While Flurry Heart was all cheerful and happy, Cadance and Shining Armor both looked frazzled and even their hairs were very messy. Also, at least in Isaac's eyes, they looked a tad mentally unstable.

Twilight gasped as a huge smile appeared on her face. "Oh, my gosh!" exclaimed Twilight, "How's my favorite niece?"

Twilight took Flurry Heart into her arms as she began to tickle her belly and nuzzled her cheeks as she let out a laugh. She then gave her niece a kiss on the cheek as Flurry returned the gesture. She then saw Isaac standing there as she extended her forearms as if reaching for the boy to carry her. Isaac just wiggled his finger in front of the baby, as Flurry Heart grabbed it and put it in her mouth as she began to suck it.

"So, what brings you two by?" asked Isaac as he wiped his finger from Flurry's saliva as Twilight was in the background with Flurry Heart.

"Heh, funny you should say that." chuckled Shining Armor.

"Oh, no." said the boy as he knew where this was sort of going.

"I know we came at a bad time, but we had no other option." stated Cadance. "See Shining Armor has been invited by his dueling team and agency to attend a fancy party for New Years, seeing as how they believe the World Champion will boost their popularity. And well we were all set to go, until our sitter called off."

"And you both want to dump this on me?" stated Isaac as Twilight was still in the background of the house with Flurry Heart.

"Doggy. Kitty." said Flurry Heart as she was sitting on the couch in between the pets as she began to give them a petting as Twilight watched with a smile on her face.

"I know this is last minute and you probably had plans with your friends, but can you please do me this favor?" asked Cadance.

"You're kidding me." said Isaac as he let out a groan and started to rub his temples.

"I wouldn't ask for you two to do this, if I wasn't desperate." said Shining Armor.

"So that's what you think of me?" stated Isaac.

"Sorry, I'm stressed." said Shining Armor as he looked at himself. "Look, Isaac. I know you to be someone who can take on any challenge, I've seen what you can do on the dueling field. So I wouldn't think you wouldn't be able to handle this if you weren't up for it."

"That's your excuse for dumping your daughter on me so that the both of you can have a night to yourselves." said Isaac with a straight face.

"Please." said Shining Armor as he was pleading.

"Hmm... I'll do it, on one condition." said Isaac with a sly smile.

"Uh-oh." Shining Armor was now afraid of what the boy was about to suggest.

"We'll take care of Flurry Heart, if... if, you allow me to get her some spellcaster cards so that she could have deck when she's a bit older." Isaac had a smug smile on his face.

"I... I... I..." Shining Armor was having a tough time trying to agree to Isaac's terms as he wanted his daughter to take after him and his Blue-Eyes instead of his rival and his magicians.

"Honey." said Cadance as she looked at her husband with a bit of an insane look as her left eye twitched. It seemed to work as he knew that he and Cadance needed sometime to enjoy themselves.

"F-f-fine. I'll let you get her some cards." said Shining Armor as he shook Isaac's hand as the deal was made.

"Just don't be too jealous, when she eventually gets her own Dark Magician and starts beating your Blue-Eyes." snickered Isaac.

"No daughter of mine is gonna have a Dark Magician in my house." said Shining Armor as Cadance slapped her husband in the back of the head as she had a glare. "Uh, I mean sure. It's just a phase, she'll go through. I'm sure she'll take a liking to my Blue-Eyes, eventually."

Twilight was just holding Flurry Heart in her hands as she peppered her cheek with kisses and then blew a raspberry at her little tummy. Flurry Heart giggled happily. "Who's a little cootie? Who's a little cootie?" cooed Twilight as she tickled her tummy lightly, making Flurry Heart giggle even more. "Flurry! We've got a surprise for you! Don't we, dear," Twilight told the baby as she gave a wink to her boyfriend.

"What? Oh.... right." said Isaac as he now facepalmed himself at what his girlfriend was talking about.

"Are you ready to see what it is, sweetie?" asked the lavender girl.

Flurry Heart nodded as Twilight set the baby down as she approached a set of double doors in the living room. The little baby tried to stand up on her feet but then plopped down onto her stomach.

"Ooh... are you okay, Flurry?" asked Twilight with concern. Flurry Heart just sat up, smiled cutely, and did a small dance on her bottom with her tongue hanging out.

"Well, aren't we an excited little baby," said Spike as Flurry Heart just smiled at him.

"Meow." said Tigre.

"Just a couple of toys that reminded us of Flurry."

"You mean you!" shouted Isaac. "I gave her some money to buy a gift, but I didn't expect her to go overboard with what she bought." stated the boy.

"Nothing for the best for my niece." replied Twilight as she stuck her tongue out at the boy. She then went to open the double doors. Isaac's eyes shrunk as he saw how quickly Twilight was opening the door.

"Twi, wait! Don't... UGH!"

Isaac was too late. Twilight opened the door and a huge pile of wrapped presents came tumbling out, burying both Twilight and Flurry Heart. Shining Armor, Cadance, and Spike gasped in the background. Twilight popped her head out of the pile as she quickly looked to get Flurry Heart out of the pile of presents. Flurry Heart just giggled happily and the others were surprised to see Isaac holding onto her. Isaac managed to save the baby from being buried under the huge pile as Cadance and Shining Armor let out a sigh of relief.

"I was gonna say the presents had piled up," remarked Isaac. "You okay, Flurry?" asked Isaac.

Flurry Heart just looked at the boy as she smiled. She then hugged the side of Isaac's face as he smiled. Isaac then set the baby down on the floor as she started to crawl towards the pile of presents as she checked out one of them.

"You're sweet, Twilight," said Cadance as she looked at the many gifts, "You didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I can't help myself!" said Twilight, "Best Aunt Ever!"

"U-uncle?" asked Flurry Heart as she looked at Isaac for a brief second.

"Sorry, kid. I'm not your uncle." said Isaac. He then grabbed the one present he got for the kid as he picked it up from the pile. "I got you at least something, here open it."

Flurry the tore open the wrapping paper and inside was a toy train that had the same colors as her hair and skin.

"I had this train painted in the same color as you," said Isaac and then turned to Cadance and Shining Armor, "And it's soft like a plushie so she can use it like a cuddle or sleep toy." Flurry Heart used her hands to pickup the train and set it on the floor.

"Woo-woo!" Flurry Heart tooted as she rolled the train on the floor, "Woo-woo!"

"That's right, Flurry," said Isaac, "A train go 'woo-woo'! But they also go 'chugga-chugga'!" Flurry Heart just looked at Isaac as she clapped her hands together. "Oh, one more thing. I also got this." Isaac then reached into his pocket as he pulled out a duel monsters card and gave it to Flurry. The baby took the card from Isaac in her hands and looked it over as she examined it. "It's called Blue Dragon Summoner. It's a spellcaster monster."

"Hey." said Shining Armor.

"Honey, you promised." said Cadance as she jabbed her husband in the side.

"Right." said Shining Armor as it pained him to see his daughter having a card from his rival instead of from her father.

"Relax, it has a cool ability. When it leaves the field, it allows you to add 1 Normal-type monster be it, Warrior, Spellcaster, or Dragon from your deck to your hand. That okay with you, Shining Armor." said Isaac as he looked at the young man.

"Y-yes, that's fine. I just didn't expect you to give her cards immediately." said Shining Armor as it still pained him that his daughter could potentially become a spellcaster user instead of his own Blue-Eyes cards. But it hurt even more when he saw Flurry Heart hugging the card as she had a smile on her face; he now hated that Isaac had a way with kids.

"Open this one, Flurry," said Twilight as out a polka dotted present in front of her. Flurry Heart did and found inside that inside of the package were two teddy bears. One was blue and the other was red. Flurry then used her hands as she picked up the blue bear, then growled as she held it and giggled again.

"Exactly!" said Twilight, "They're bears! You're one smart cookie." Twilight gave Flurry Heart a wink.

"Mmmmm, cookie..." Spike hummed as he got behind Flurry's ear and peppered it with kisses.

"Spike, no eating Flurry!" teased Twilight, "She's not a real cookie!"

"Fine." said Spike, pretending to pout, as Flurry snickered quietly to herself.

"We'll just put Flurry's things over here, Twily." called out Shining Armor.

"Uh-huh, totally," said Twilight in a rather distracted tone.

"I've got this, Twi." said Isaac, "You two have fun." Flurry Heart then whimpered sadly.

"Aw, don't be sad, sweetie," said Isaac, "I'll be back soon. Just gotta talk to your mommy and daddy, okey-dokey?" Flurry Heart smiled and nodded. Isaac then walked up to Cadance and Shining Armor.

"Okay, I see her stroller," said Isaac as Spike was next to him, "what else she got?"

Shining Armor then handed Isaac some baby food. "Mashed peas, her favorite", said the man.

"And diapers," said Cadance as she handed over one of the package of diapers, "Uh, extra diapers. Oh, and backup extra diapers. Heh." Cadance then handed over two packages of diapers and then added three more.

"Oh, Jesus. Just how many diapers does she go through?" asked Isaac as the couple was about to answer when he stopped them. "You know what, forget I ever asked?"

"Mashed peas, her favorite," said Shining Armor as he handed over another jar of baby food and then blinked, "Wait, did I say that already?" Poor Isaac was carrying all the stuff in his arms as he struggled from keeping it from toppling over.

"Uh-huh," said Spike as a matter of fact as he watched the boy struggle.

"Gee, I don't think you packed enough diapers, Cadance," remarked Isaac bluntly.

"Really?! I thought I packed plenty of diapers for..." Cadance said worriedly, blinked, and gave Isaac a glare, "Oh for god's sakes! You and your sarcasm!" Isaac laughed and even Spike and Shining Armor snickered.

"Gotcha that time, didn't I, Cadance?" Isaac teased with a smirk.

"Nevermind," Cadance remarked with an eye roll and then blinked again, "Oh, and this is the most important thing of all- her Whammy." Cadance then pulled out a tan colored snail with a green shell from her purse.

"Spike." called Isaac.

"I got it." said the dog as he went to fetch the item for the boy. Cadance then put the object in Spike's mouth as he took it out of his mouth and looked at it. "I take it Flurry named it?" Spike asked with a smirk.

"Yup," said Cadance, "If she gets fussy, just give her the Whammy and she'll calm right down." Isaac hummed impressively.

"Ah, that'll definitely come in handy," said Isaac. Shining Armor then noticed Twilight was still playing with Flurry Heart.

"You getting all of this, Twily?" asked Shining Armor.

"Whammy. Got it." said Twilight. Isaac just rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Don't worry," said Isaac as he went to put the stuff next to the couch, "If she forgets, I've got it covered. See? I took notes!" Isaac then pulled out a notepad from his pocket and flipped it open to a page that had writing on it.

"Good," said Cadance, "But you sure you can watch her?" It was then Flurry Heart started to suck on Twilight's ear as Twilight just tickled her tummy. "Have no fear! The best aunt ever has everything under control!"

Isaac and Spike both made a long face. Cadance and Shining Armor smiled, looked at each other, and then the former grabbed Flurry Heart over to them so they could give the baby a kiss goodbye. He then handed his daughter back to his sister afterwards.

"Thanks again, Twily and Isaac." said Shining Armor as he and Cadance went to leave.

"Wait up!" said Isaac as he handed them both some cash.

"What's that for?" asked Shining Armor as he held the money.

"You both look a bit frazzled," said Isaac in a gentle but honest tone, "You might want to freshen up at the spa before you both head for the event." Cadance and Shining Armor then looked at each other and sighed.

"That would be a good idea," said Cadance slowly, "We'll pay you back."

"Forget it," said Isaac firmly, "Go have fun on your date and we'll see you in a few hours."

"I can't express how grateful I am Isaac, thank you again." said Cadance as she grabbed the boy and pulled him into her chest as she gave him a hug. She then took off his cap and planted a kiss on his head.

"Alright, Cadance. No need to make Shining Armor jealous." joked Isaac as she put his cap back on his head. He then waved goodbye to the happy couple as they left; the front door had barely closed when Isaac spoke up. "Okay, let's grab that Whammy thing and go."

"Uh-uh!" Flurry Heart replied, shaking her head, and held her blue bear with her hands as she growled playfully.

"Oh, you want to pretend we're the bears," said Twilight, "I suppose we have time for a quick game."

"Do you, though?" Spike asked as he glared at Twilight.

Flurry Heart just giggled as she started to crawl for her life. Twilight then growled as well as she chased after the baby, leaving the blue and red teddy bears behind.

"Hey! All right!" said Twilight as she growled like a bear, "I'm gonna get ya!"

"Twilight!" called out Spike.

"I'm catching up!" Twilight called out, growling like a bear. "Got ya." said Twilight as she managed to corner Flurry as she was a scared. "Uh-oh. Sorry, bug. Did that scare you? It's okay. It's just Auntie Twily!" Twilight then showed her niece her face.

"Bleh!" said Flurry Heart as she blew a raspberry playfully at her. She then shook her head about while making funny faces. Isaac just laughed. She then crawled over to the card that Isaac gave her as she picked it up and pretended that she was summoning it. She then noticed some cards scatter across her as the monster in front of her was Armed Dragon LV 10. Flurry then picked up some cards from the scattered pile as she placed Mage Power, Spellbook of Power and Bound Wand as her monster was now stronger than the dragon.

"You're pretending to play Duel Monsters. You know, that was an advanced move for someone your age. Looks like you're already taking after your Auntie Twily." Twilight then gave Flurry Heart a wink. Flurry Heart, in the most adorable thing ever seen, tried to wink as well, but had some trouble doing so, she then just blinked both of her eyes and gave her aunt a smile.

"All right, that was pretty adorable," said Spike bluntly, "But now..."

"We know, Spike. Twilight, we need to leave to get the things." said Isaac.

Flurry Heart then stood up on her hind legs when her stomach gave a grumble. Flurry Heart then clutched her stomach, feeling a little embarrassed at the rumbling.

"I just have to feed her real quick," said Twilight as she opened up a jar of baby food and went to feed Flurry Heart with a spoon. Flurry Heart blew a raspberry and leaned away as the spoon came towards her mouth.

"Let me try. Come on, Flurry," said Isaac as he tried to feed her, "Here comes the choo-choo train. Chugga-chugga, woo-woo! Going into the tunnel!" Isaac then tried to put the spoon in her mouth, but then Flurry Heart used her own hands to grab the spoon away and then flung the baby food at the two teens.

"Yikes!" yelped Isaac as he and Twilight leaned away just in time to avoid getting hit as the baby food splattered against a nearby wall.

"Why do I get the feeling that Cadance and Shining Armor forgot to tell us something?" Isaac pondered skeptically to his girlfriend and the pets. Spike just glared at Twilight as she just smiled sheepishly.

Sometime later...

"When they said mashed peas were her favorite..." said Spike when a glob of baby food smacked him in the face. Flurry Heart just laughed as she moved about in the seat that Twilight and Isaac had given her to sit and eat.

"...did they mean her favorite thing to decorate a room with?!" Spike finished angrily as he licked the food off of his face. Flurry Heart then launched some more chunks of food at them. Behind them the wall and column was covered in food; Flurry Heart just kept on laughing and chucking more food.

"Aw, come on, Spike," said Twilight. "That wasn't too bad."

"Yeah, and we're only twenty minutes behind schedule." said Isaac as he looked and pointed at his watch.

"Twenty minutes?!" Twilight said in shock and then exhaled, "It's fine. We can totally do this."

Flurry Heart then chucked some more food at Twilight as it hit her face. Isaac rolled his eyes as he began to get ready. Twilight quickly changed into a spare set of clothes as she grabbed her winter clothing. Isaac grabbed his jacket as he managed to bundle up Flurry. He took a look at the wall as he figured he might need to buy some extra cleaning supplies, that was until Spike started to lick the stuff off the wall. Well, at least that was one problem that he didn't have to worry about when he returned. Twilight grabbed Flurry from him as she placed her in her stroller as Isaac told Spike he was in charge of the house and to clean up the wall to which he nodded. He then grabbed his keys and Flurry's Whammy as he locked the door behind him. With that the trio was now heading towards their destination to take care of several things.

"So first stop is heading over to the Sweet Shoppe to check up on the order that Pinkie requested from the Cakes." said Isaac as he and Twilight were walking down the street as Twilight was pushing the stroller.

"Then we better hurry, we're already behind schedule." said Twilight.

"Yeah, due to a certain someone." stated Isaac as he glared at his girlfriend.

"Just shut up, we need to move." said Twilight as she pushed the stroller a bit faster as she raced down the street as Isaac rushed after them.

They arrived at the place as they entered inside. Isaac and Twilight both made their way to the counter as they saw Mrs. Cake.

"Hello, Mrs. Cake." said Isaac.

"Hello, Isaac. Twilight." said Mrs. Cake. She then looked down and saw Flurry Heart as she noticed the small baby. "What a cute baby, is it yours?"

"NO!!!!" shouted Isaac and Twilight as they both turned their heads away from each other as they had some red on their faces.

"It's my niece, we're just babysitting her for my brother." said Twilight.

"I understand, for a second I thought you two had gotten married." said Mrs. Cake as it caused the teens to have more red on their faces, especially Twilight.

"Anyways," coughed Isaac to move on, "We're here to check up on the order that Pinkie made."

"Ah, yes. Just need one of you to come with me in the back to check on it." said Mrs. Cake.

"You go, Twilight. I'll stay with the baby." offered Isaac.

"Thanks, dear." said Twilight as she gave Isaac a quick kiss.

"Why did she call me that? She never addresses me by a nickname." said Isaac as he pushed the stroller to one of the booths as he took Flurry Heart out of the stroller and placed her next to him in the booth. "So, Flurry? Having fun?"

"Yeah, yeah." said Flurry Heart as she clapped her hands together. Isaac pulled down the hood of her winter jacket as he fixed the baby's hair and little headband.

"Such a cute thing."

"Isn't she just?" said Mana as she appeared as she put her finger to Flurry's chin. "Who's a cute baby? Who's a cute baby? You are." Flurry Heart just giggled as Mana was playing with her.

"How is she able to feel and see Mana?" asked Isaac.

"It's because she's a baby." said Mahad.

"Explain." stated Isaac as he looked at his magician.

"Well, as an infant, they're full of wonder. Their imaginations are still developing and it's the purest form of a human individual. Flurry Heart's imagination is so vast since she's still an infant. So in a way, she can see both me and Mana."

"So, it's like the idea of a child having an imagery best friend that they tell their parents?" asked Isaac.

"Similar to that, master. Of course, once she grows older that imagination will cease to exist, due to her mind being filled with other important knowledge, like manners, facts/opinions, etc... Right now her mind is in the beginning stages of a human individual, so once Flurry Heart grows older, she won't see us as do other infants. Unless of course, she possess a certain skill or has a deep bond with her deck." stated Mahad.

"Huh? I didn't know that." said Isaac as he looked at Flurry Heart as Mana was tickling her tummy. "Can you see them, Flurry Heart?" asked Isaac as he placed the small infant in his lap.

"Yeah, magic." said Flurry.

"Want to have some fun?" asked Isaac to which she nodded. "Guys?"

"It be my honor to entertain something so cute and adorable." said Mana as she had her staff out. She waved it a bit as some magic particles flowed from it, soon it began to take some shape as it now transformed into tiny stardust animals as they danced together.

"Magic, funny." said Flurry Heart as she and Isaac watched the little show in front of them.

"Come on, Mahad. Don't be heartless to the little thing." stated Mana.

"I'm not heartless. I just use my magic to protect the master, not to entertain others."

"It's alright, Mahad. Go on and put a show for Flurry Heart." said Isaac.

"Very well, master. If that's your command then I will obey it." said Mahad as he gave a bow. He then lifted his hand up as he chanted some words as the small stardust in front of Isaac and Mahad now started to take shape. Soon he started to paint a scene as the stardust depicted a sun with a background that resembled an oasis in the middle of a desert. The tiny animals that were dancing were now singing and celebrating as they had a party with some fireworks going off.

"Magic. Magic." said Flurry Heart as she clapped her hands at the show she and Isaac were watching.

"Seems you do have some way with children. Now only if you had it with women." snickered Mana.

"Mana, grow up. Unfortunately, I haven't the time to pursue other interests due to my duty in protecting the master. Which is why you need to mature and stop your childish pranks." said Mahad as both he and Mana began to bicker between them.

"Ehh." said Flurry Heart as she looked at Isaac while pointing at his magicians.

"They're always like that, you get used to it, kid." said Isaac as Flurry just bounced in his lap. Isaac just looked at the small thing as he wondered about something. "Hey, guys. Do you think that maybe Flurry Heart will see spirits like me? Or what she'll be like when she grows up?"

"Unfortunately, we can't do that master. But we could look into her soul to see what her spirit will be like." said Mahad as he looked at Mana. Both of Isaac's magicians then floated to Flurry as they both placed their hands on top of her head as they were looking into Flurry's heart to see what kind of individual she'll be. "Seems, she'll grow into a fine young lady. She does possess a strong will, which translates to having a strong heart when it comes to Duel Monsters."

"You hear that, Flurry? You're going to be a strong duelist when you grow up." said Isaac as he tickled her tummy as he got a reaction from her.


"Maybe, your dad agreed to let me get you some spellcasters to help build a deck for you when you're old enough."

"Yeah. D-d-duel." said Flurry.

"Just promise me you'll grow up to be a good girl and that you learn to read and write as well know how to do basic math. If you do all that, they I can give you some lessons." smiled Isaac.


"Look, kid. I'm... you probably don't understand, but I'm not going to around for long." said Isaac as Flurry looked at the boy with a sad face. "Let's just say that life has a way of throwing a curveball at you, and when I become a pro like your daddy. I'll have to say goodbye to my friends and to Twilight. So I won't be with her forever; but I promise to make sure that I teach you. That way you can beat your daddy and his Blue-Eyes."

"Isaac?" said Flurry Heart as she touched the boy's cheek.

"I'm going to miss you, Flurry Heart. I just hope you don't forget me." said Isaac. Flurry Heart just wrapped her arms around Isaac's cheek.

"Love you." said Flurry Heart as it legit got the boy to shed a tear. She then touched Isaac's necklace as she saw it was in the shape of his Dark Magician. Isaac then took his cap off of his head as he placed it on the little girl as it was a bit big for her as it covered her eyes. She then lifted it up a bit as she had her tongue sticking out as she gripped it and looked at the boy.

"She's going to grow up to be a fine girl." said Isaac as he looked at his magicians to which they smiled at their master's statement. They then disappeared as Twilight was coming back.

"Sorry it took so long, seems Pinkie wanted pistachio icing on the cake. Ugg." said Twilight as she made a face of disgust. "Flurry, what are you doing? Are you wearing Isaac's cap?"

"Yeah." said Flurry Heart as she clapped her hands for her aunt while wearing the object.

"Well, time to give it back." stated Twilight.

"Fine." said Flurry as she pouted a bit before looking at Isaac.

"Thanks, kid." said Isaac as he took the hat from the baby and put it back on his head. He then handed her to Twilight as she placed her back into the stroller.

"Time to go, seems we still need to make a few more stops before we head back to the house." said Twilight.

"Then let's get going." said Isaac as the pair exited out of the Sweet Shoppe.

Isaac and Twilight were now heading towards other locations as they had to pick up some additional supplies for the gang. They arrived at the local mall as they needed to pick up several things such as plates, napkins, and serving utensils. While Twilight was picking out some stuff, Flurry Heart was trying to reach for something she wanted. She then unhooked herself from her stroller as she started to crawl towards the shelf. She then stood on her legs as she tried to reach for it, unaware that the shelf was starting to shake. Isaac noticed this just in time as he managed to sweep the little girl from danger as he put her down for a second as he used his hands and right leg to keep the stuff from hitting the ground as he tried to balance them. Twilight saw this as she put Flurry back in her stroller as she scolded Isaac for playing around.

After paying for their stuff, both girls were hungry so they made a quick stop at a restaurant as they dined in. Safe to say, that Flurry Heart was enjoying this more than her usual mashed peas. But it didn't help that Twilight was acting like her usual self when it came to fast food.

"SO GOOD!!" said Twilight as she stuffed her cheeks full of food as she devoured it and then took a big sip of her beverage.

"That's your aunt, Flurry." said Isaac as Flurry had a surprised look at seeing Twilight pig out. She then grabbed her own small meal as she brought it to her mouth and immediately loved it. "You like it, huh?"

"Yeah. Tasty." said the baby.

"Just don't tell your mother I gave you junk food." said Isaac as he put his finger to his mouth to signal to keep it a secret. Flurry nodded as she copied Isaac's action and kept on munching.

So Isaac and Flurry tried to enjoy their meals in peace as Twilight was drawing a bit of attention to herself as she was pigging out, not too mention how much of a bill it was when Twilight received the receipt. Eventually the pair left but not before Flurry Heart pleaded with Isaac getting some ice cream. Isaac just rolled his eyes as he got some for the tiny thing.

The pair was now in the park as Flurry Heart was in the sandbox as it was covered with snow as she began to play with it and made small snow angel when she fell down. Twilight was watching this from the slides as Isaac was next to her dangling upside down from the monkey bars as he managed to make sure that his cap didn't fall off.

"Flurry really is cute." said Twilight as she watched her niece try to create a snowman. "I can't wait to teach her Duel Monsters and then she'll be just like her aunt."

"Slow your brakes, Twilight. First off, she needs to speak and read before she gets to dueling. It's like the saying you need to walk before you can run and you need crawl before you can walk." stated Isaac.

"I know, I just can't help it." smiled the girl excitedly.

"Ehh." said Flurry Heart.

"Alright, sweetie. We're leaving." acknowledged the girl to her niece.

"We still need to get the cake." said Isaac as he pulled himself up and sat at the top of the monkey bars.

"Right, but first... can you hang upside down for me?" asked Twilight as Isaac gave her an eyebrow raise. He then did what he was asked and dangled upside down in front of the girl. Twilight then brought her hands to cusp the side of Isaac's face as she brought her lips to capture his as the two shared a deep kiss. A few moments passed as Twilight pulled away her lips.

"Let me guess, a fantasy of yours?" said Isaac with a sly smile.

"Maybe," remarked Twilight with an embarrassed smile, "Let's go tiger." Twilight then grabbed Flurry as Isaac jumped down and the two left the park.

After that, they then had to make one final stop before returning to the house as they needed to collect the cake for the party. So they ventured back to the Sweet Shoppe as they needed to pick up the dessert. So the pair arrived back to meet with Mrs. Cake as both of the cake twins were out with Mrs. Cake. As Isaac and Twilight were talking with Mrs. Cake, the cake twins were playing with some toys when they started to argue back and forth. Flurry Heart tried to get some help as she tossed a block she was playing with to Isaac.

"Ow! Flurry!" said Isaac as he rubbed the back of his head as he turned to address the baby when she flailing her arms about as she pointed to her friends. "On it, superhero Isaac to the rescue." Isaac then approached the two twins as they were struggling with the toy when the older boy was standing in front of them. Isaac then grabbed the toy as he then had a small blanket cover it and then with the snap of his fingers, he now had two of the same toys in his hand as he gave it back to the twins as they were happy and hugged his legs.

"Well, that should calm them down." said Isaac. "Good eye, Flurry." Isaac then tickled her tummy as she let out a giggle.

Once the purchase was made, Mrs. Cake put the treat inside of a box as Twilight paid for it and Isaac carried the object in his arms. With everything all set, the pair then grabbed Flurry Heart as they said a Happy New Years to the entire Cake family as they left the establishment. There had now reached the house as Twilight pulled out her set of keys as she opened the front door and the trio entered the house.

"You guys are back, and I cleaned the wall of food." said Spike as he pointed to the wall with his paw as it was clean of any food mess. "The cat supervised."

"Meow." said Tigre as she was lazily napping on the couch.

"Good job, Spike." said Twilight as she handed 5 pet treats for a job well done.

"And good supervising, Tigre." said Isaac as he put the cake down on the table. He then fetched a ball of yarn as he gave it to his cat who immediately started to purr against her owner.

"Uh, Isaac?" said Twilight.

"What? Oh god!!!!" shouted Isaac as he smelled something foul.

"Duty calls." said Twilight as she held Flurry Heart in her hands as there was stench lines coming from the baby.

After the small... incident with Flurry Heart. Both Twilight and Isaac had to take a deep breather of air. Soon the rest of the girls arrived as they were surprised to see Flurry Heart as she was playing with both of the pets and squeezing them both with a tight hug. Isaac and Twilight told them about the little adventure they had with the baby as the girls began to take turns of playing with the small girl. It was now nighttime as the countdown to the New Year was about to begin as the gang had the party going as the TV was on as it was showing the ball about to drop. During the small get together, Twilight had received a text from Cadance that said if Flurry Heart could spend the night with them, to which she replied with a hearty: "yes". Soon the ball was moments away as the whole gang watched the TV.











"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" shouted everybody across the world as they rang with excitement.

The party didn't last much longer as nearly everybody was tired, even Flurry Heart had managed to stay up with the rest of the gang as she wanted to experience the moment with her aunt. Soon it was time for everybody to sleep as everybody retreated to their rooms as Flurry Heart was going to sleep with Twilight. It had been about 2 hours since the party ended as everybody was deep in sleep; Isaac on the other hand was still awake during that time as he had his hands behind his head. He was staring at his ceiling as he was thinking about some stuff, his eyes were slowly starting to close when there came a knock and his door slightly opened.

"Isaac? You awake?" said Twilight as she peaked her head.

"I was just starting to doze off. Need something?" asked the boy.

"Well, not me per say." Twilight then entered the room in her Pjs as she was shown to be carrying Flurry Heart in her arms as she was hiding in Twilight's chest. "She's a bit scared and misses you."

"Scary." said Flurry Heart as she was a bit afraid of the dark.

"It's okay, Flurry. There's nothing to be afraid of the dark, not so long as I'm here to protect you." said the boy as he was lying down on his bed.

"I know this may be weird, but... can she sleep with you tonight?" asked Twilight.

"Scary. Isaac." cried out Flurry Heart.

"Sure." said Isaac as he let out a sigh.

Twilight then placed Flurry Heart on Isaac's bed as he made room for the small thing as she was still frighten. Isaac then had an idea pop into his head as he reached over to his drawer and pulled out her Whammy and the Blue Summoner Dragon card; Isaac gave it to Flurry Heart as she immediately clutched both of them and felt safer as she scooted closer to the young boy. Isaac just petted her on the head as he covered her with his blanket and she started to grab his hand as she slowly fell to sleep.

"Well, she's fast asleep." said Isaac in a whisper to not wake her.

"This really has been one crazy baby sitting adventure." smiled Twilight as she kept her voice low to not wake her niece.

"Well, I'll see you in the morning Twi. Don't worry, I'll keep her safe." said Isaac as he put his arm over Flurry.

"Right." said Twilight as she turned to leave. Soon she stopped in her tracks as she looked at Isaac.

"Huh?" said Isaac as he felt something on his bed. When he looked up, he saw that Twilight had entered his bed and was now lying on Flurry's other side. "Twilight, what are you doing?" whispered Isaac.

"Hey, the B.A.E. needs to keep her niece safe?"

"B.A.E?" said Isaac.

"Best Aunt Ever."

"I know what that means, I just can't believe you referring to it as that." said the boy.

"Well, it also means something else." said Twilight as she put her hand to Isaac's cheek as she looked at her boyfriend. "Happy New Year, Isaac."

"Happy New Year, Twilight." smiled the boy. Isaac then gave Twilight a kiss as he capture her lips for a few moments. He then kissed Flurry on the head.

Spike had entered the room with Twilight as he decided to sleep with Tigre. He then gave her a lick as he let out a yawn and then laid beside the cat, Tigre just returned the gesture by licking Spike as she placed her head on top of her friend as both fell asleep. Soon both teens fell asleep in each other's arms as Flurry Heart was between them as she felt safe and happy. For Isaac, it brought a smile to his face as he enjoyed the very first moment of the new year as it was a pleasant one and filled his heart with warmth. The same was with Twilight as she enjoyed being protected and held by her boyfriend as she drifted off to dreamland. As for Flurry Heart, she was sucking her thumb as she was dreaming of being in a meadow with tons of flowers as all around her were friendly Duel Monster spirits as they played with her, even Mahad and Mana showed up as they watched over the little thing and entertain Flurry as she had the happiest and purest of smiles on her face.

Author's Note:

So unfortunately, we won't see Flurry Heart duel since she's still a baby in this story. So that being said, I want to hear from you all, what kind of duelist do you think she'd be? Do you think she'll be like her dad and have Blue-Eyes or be more towards spellcasters given her alicorn counterpart. Or maybe she does both or neither? Let me know what you guys think and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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