• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 96: Turbo Duels

After their little adventure in cyber space, the group was trying to take their minds off of things by doing normal teenager stuff. Thankfully, Spring Break was coming up as it was the exact thing our heroes needed to ease their minds. Everybody was excited for the quick recharge they all would be receiving, especially for two certain individuals. Sunset was arriving at her house when she noticed she received something in the mail. She then opened it up and her face told the whole story as her eyes were now big and full of excitement.

"So start from the top, Sunset? And go slowly this time." asked Isaac as they were in the park.

"Right, well while I was browsing the web looking to purchase some new games. I received an email from a person called Comet Mustang. Apparently, he's an old acquittance of Principal Celestia from when she used to compete on the pro circuit. He was able to contact Celestia and they got to talking. Soon a certain topic came up as he asked Celestia for some assistance, so she offered to nominate two individuals to help him." said Sunset.

"And that so happens to be us two!" stated Rainbow Dash as she was also with them. "The best thing is that we'll have something to do during Spring Break. Of course this isn't something that we can just go on our own, however Principal Celestia will be too busy to chaperone us. So she decided to have Vice-Principal Luna be the one to accompany us."

"And where exactly are you two going?" asked Isaac.

"All the invitation said was a place called New Domino City and something called 'Turbo Duels'." said Sunset.

"Did you say, 'Turbo Duels'?" stated Isaac.

"Yeah? Do you know what they are?" asked Rainbow.

"Yeah. It's basically the way of life over there. See a Turbo Duel is basically a duel that has the person battling either on a Duel Runner or Duel Board. Then they battle by activating the field spell, 'Speed World 2'; basically it allows you to challenge anybody to a duel without their consent since the rule is that everybody on the road is a candidate to play." stated Isaac.

"Interesting. So what else can you tell us about these Turbo Duels?" said Rainbow as she and Sunset were now giddy like little girls.

"Turbo Duels are basically what helped get Synchro Summoning on the map. That and because of certain individuals. One of them was known by his nickname as Satellite's Shooting Star based on how he rose from the ranks to become the Fortune Cup Champion. But back to the topic of Turbo Duels, well it's all about the exterior element of movement which is the key idea behind Turbo Duels, as it adds an unexplored element of dodging, riding skill, intimidation and imagination. To put it in simpler words, Turbo Duels are much more intense than regular duels, from not only the danger, but being as that the Duelists are connected to The World of Speed, the duelists emotions are connected to each other. Dodging attacks also seems to be an aspect of Turbo Dueling, because you have until the attack connects to activate a trap card in response, as evident by duelists who avoid being physically struck by attacks even in duels where they can't be hurt, than activate a trap after they dodge. This adds the element of movement to a duel where it wasn't present before. The varying distance between the players adds the element of keeping up with your opponent to better react to their moves, which adds another element of movement to dueling." stated Isaac.

"All of that sounds both cool and convoluted at the same time." said Sunset.

"It works better if you see it in action. Well, anyways hope you two have fun." Isaac was about to leave when Rainbow grabbed his shoulder.

"Come on! You really think we're going to let you off the hook that easy. Why don't you come with us?"


"It's alright, Sunset. Look me and Sunset may have been invited, but they did say we could bring some guest(s) with us. And based on how much you know about this 'Turbo Dueling', maybe you could act as our coach. Besides, it's not like you have any other plans for Spring Break?"

"Well, you're not wrong. Twilight is actually taking a trip with her family and Spike, so I won't see her till school resumes after the break. And as for the others, well I don't even know what they're doing. But, on the other hand, it would give me something to do. I don't know." said Isaac.

"If it makes you feel better, we could have Vice-Principal Luna talk with your folks about letting you go on this trip with us?" Rainbow was trying to get Isaac to see her side.

"Well, when you put it like that. Sure, I'd be happy to come."

"Alright! I can't wait to actually get on a... What was it called again?" asked Rainbow.

"Duel Runner." stated Isaac.

"Right, Duel Runner! I think I found something that I'll really enjoy."

"Let's hope that she doesn't crash and burn on the track." stated Sunset.

Soon it was time for the trio's little roadtrip. Luna was able to get Isaac's parents to agree to let their son attend the trip as she promised that he would be safe under her watchful eye. The day then came as Luna picked up all three of them as they got into a car and were well on their way towards New Domino City. It took quite a while as Isaac kept informing the girls about some more things about Turbo Duels and even telling them some stories he heard about the top individuals that made Synchro Summoning and Turbo Duels so popular. Eventually, they arrived at their destination as the sun was just setting and the entire city was getting ready for the night. As they arrived, they were amazed by what they saw. They saw tons of highways that were elevated so high as it allowed for Turbo Duels to take place anyway and even over the water. They even managed to see glimpses of some Turbo Duels occurring; not to mention some massive buildings that would make Rarity just want to shop nonstop.

Luna was driving them to the hotel they would be staying in as they would meet with her connection in the morning. Once everybody got out of the car, they grabbed their bags and and checked into their rooms. The morning sun came over the city as the people of New Domino City were getting ready for another day; despite it having been nighttime, it seemed the world of Turbo Dueling was something that was 24/7 as there was duels that occurred in the night and were still going on. Luna had made sure that the girls and Isaac were ready as they all began to walk to their destination, thankfully it wasn't that far of a walk. They came to what seem like some kind of training facility as they could heard the sound of engines being started and the smell of tires burning on the track. The group all stepped in as they took in the sight of many mechanics and engineers test running runners and Duel boards.

"This place is... awesome!!!" shouted Dash.

"Wow, hello beautiful." said Sunset as she got a glimpse at a Duel Runner. "What I wouldn't give to ride that thing."


"Indeed it is, Isaac. Now then where is Mr. Mustang?" asked Luna.

"Why if it isn't the lovely, Vice-Principal Luna? I must say, I was expecting Celestia to accept my invite, but her little sister is just as if not more beautiful than she is." said a voice.

"Do be careful on what you say, Comet. My sister might be jealous that you find me more fascinating than her." said Luna as she flipped her hair. "How have you've been?"

"Can't complain." Comet Mustang then grabbed the offered hand and shook it twice, then turned it and bowed to briefly press his lips to the back of it. "Let me guess, school-related work?"

"You've known Celestia since we meet years back on the pro circuit. She's always trying to do the best for her school. Though sometimes that means she doesn't get out as much." stated Luna.

"Indeed, well, send her my best regards."

"Of course, anyways Comet. Let introduce you to my students. This here is Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer. These two are the ones that my sister requested to help you. Girls, this here is Mr. Comet Mustang. And old friend of my sister and I. He's also an instructor when it comes to Turbo Duels and Synchro Summoning."

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Mustang." said both Sunset and Rainbow as they shook his hand.

"The honor is all mine, girls." Mr. Mustang then noticed that Isaac was standing next to Luna. "And who is this young man, Celestia didn't say anything about a third student?"

"Yes, well this here is Isaac. He's currently our school champion in terms of Duel Monsters." informed Luna.

"It's cool, we invited him along with us." said Rainbow.

"Well then, if that's the case, I'm glad to me you Isaac."

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Mustang." responded Isaac as he returned the handshake.

"So what exactly did you need us for?" asked Sunset.

"Of course, well let me ask you all, what do you know about Turbo Duels?" stated Comet Mustang. Both of the girls just told him what Isaac basically knew as it brought a smile to Mustang's face. "Well, you're mostly right. I must say, you do your stuff when it comes to Turbo Duels, Mr. Isaac."

"Well, given that one of the Big 4 in Duel Monsters came from here and revolutionized Synchro Summoning. I kind of had to know that when I was trying to get better at the game growing up."

"Ahh, yes. Satellite's Shooting Star. How long has it been since I've last heard that name? Shame of what happened." said Mustang.

"What ever happened to the guy?" asked Rainbow.

"Well... nobody really knows. They saw he just got on his Duel Runner one day and was gone. It's like he just went on normal drive and well vanished into thin air. Nobody knows where he disappeared to, but they still remember his name and all the things he did for this city." said Isaac.

"You're correct." said Mustang. "But some say that he's still here, there's a legend that states at times he sometimes appears and challenges people to a Turbo Duel. Some think it's his ghost of the past trying to relive the days when he was still alive. Others think that he's actually come back to see if anybody can give him a challenge. But one thing is for sure is that when you pass him on the track, you best prepare cause he'll challenge you to a duel."

"Woah!!" said Isaac and the girls with wonder in their eyes.

"Of course, it's just a legend and fewer people have actually seen it happen. But regardless, I've asked the two of you here to assist me in testing some new runners. That and I thought since you two girls love the thrill of a duel, how would you like to take your skills to the next level?" asked Comet.

"Hell yeah!!" shouted Sunset and Rainbow.

"Very well, follow me then." Mustang then led the group pass the testing part of the facility as he led to what appeared to be some sort of track inside the place as they could hear the sound of a Duel Runner driving along the track.

The person on the Duel Runner had a jumpsuit as they had a helmet over their head, but had a visor that allowed them to see the road ahead. Standing off to the side were two individuals both a boy and a girl as they were watching their teammate do a couple of laps. Soon the driver came in as he full throttle the runner and crossed the finish line as the boy stopped the stopwatch.

"Golly, that's a new record, mate." said the boy in an Australian accent as he made his way over to his buddy.

"He keeps that up and we won't have anything left to break." said the girl as she too walked over to their friend.

"Well, what do you expect." said the driver as he removed the helmet. "I gotta pick up the pace if I want to become champion." said the person who turned out to be another boy as he was about a year older than his two teammates.

"Seems they just about finished." said Comet Mustang as he led the group to the trio. "I see you all finished your little test run."

"Of course, Mr. Mustang. These new babies are just slick to the touch." said the person on the runner.

"Indeed, but don't get too comfortable. Now then, Luna and the rest of you, I'd like you to meet some assistants of mine. This here is Blitz Speed, Swift Strike, and Thunder Chaser! Or as they like to call themselves, the Turbo 3!" said Mustang as he introduced the girls.

"G'day mate!" said Blitz Speed.

"Charmed to meet you all." said Swift Strike as she flipped her hair.

"Sup!" greeted Thunder Chaser.

"Hey. Sunset Shimmer."

"Rainbow Dash is the name. And being cool is my game!" she stated.

"Who's the lone wolf?" asked Blitz.

"Ahh, yes. This here is their friend." stated Luna. "His name is Isaac and he's currently the champion of our school."

"Hey." waved Isaac.

"Champion, huh? Wicked cool, dude." said Thunder as he gave Isaac a thumbs up.

"Champion, you say? Well now, you've caught my interest." said Swift Strike as she looked at Isaac with flirtatious eyes.

"Sorry, already taken." said Isaac.

"All the good ones are." pouted Swift.

"In any case, I assume you two girls are the ones who'll be taking us on." said Thunder.

"You bet!" shouted Rainbow. "As soon as I stepped foot in this place, I knew that I couldn't contain myself."

"I like this gal," said Blitz as he admired Rainbow's passion. "Well then, let's have a look at your decks."

Both Rainbow and Sunset then pulled out their decks as they handed it to the trio as they looked at them. While they were impressed with some of the cards, they still had a bit of uncertainty on their face which didn't go unnoticed by Isaac. All they merely asked is if they built their decks themselves, to which both of them said yes with a bit of help from Isaac.

"Don't take this the wrong way, girls. Your decks are fine, for normal circumstances. But here in the world of Turbo Dueling, well... they won't work." said Swift Strike as she gave up trying to sugarcoat what they all thought.

"What? Why not!" demanded Rainbow as they gave them back their decks.

"I guess I forgot to tell you." spoke up Isaac. "Turbo Dueling is a bit different in terms of what decks can actually function. What I mean is that sure you could use your Red-Eyes or U.A, but given the other rules that apply in a Turbo Duel; they're gonna struggle."

"So what do we do?" asked Sunset.

"Well, maybe you could a temporary deck from the extra pile." said Thunder Chase. "We have tons of cards that we use for practice when we're not using our real decks. Not to mention Mr. Mustang over here had tons of cards he donated to this facility to allow people to practice with. I'm sure you could create something and then we could have our test runs."

"Sure, but how will we know what to build? We barely know what cards are gonna work in this Turbo Duel." asked Rainbow.

"Ha, ha. Rainbow did you forget who you're with." stated Isaac as he had a smile on his face. "Just tell where they're at and I'll have it done in a jiffy."

Soon Comet Mustang and the Turbo 3 all lead Isaac and the girls to the back area as their was tons of cards just dumped into a huge pile. It seemed that nobody had used it in quite a while given on how many cards there were just sitting there. Isaac then began to get to work as he began to sift through the cards and begin to create somewhat of a viable deck for the girls to use. The girls were also looking through the cards as they gave Isaac some ideas on what they wanted. Luna had left with Comet Mustang and the Turbo 3 as they wanted to play fair and not see the cards that Isaac was choosing. Before they left, the three of them did get a glimpse of how Isaac was so invested in Duel Monsters that they felt like he could be someone to have fun with.

After about 20 minutes or so, Isaac had finally finished building temporary decks for Rainbow and Sunset as he wiped his forehead. He then grabbed them off the table and presented them to the girls. "Okay, well given what I had to work with. Here you go. They play different than what you girls are used to, but they can help you to understand how to Turbo Duel."

"Thanks, Isaac." said Sunset as she grabbed the deck Isaac built for her.

"Well now we have our decks, time to see them in action." exclaimed Rainbow.

The group then stepped out as they saw the Turbo 3 waiting for them.

"Well, seems the champ was able to work his magic, eh mate."

"In that case, you girls are all set. But we don't be dueling here. In fact, we'll be Turbo Dueling out on the main road. Follow us." Swift Strike then led the girls and Isaac to the main highway. She showed them where they would be battling. "Beauty isn't she, well now that you have your decks, time to meet your runners." She then showed off the Duel Runners that Sunset and Rainbow would be using as they immediately started to drool from their mouths.

"Bitchin' rides!" they both said as they were in love with what they saw. They both began to look at it as they observed every single detail.

"Now then, time to decide who's battling." said Thunder Chase.

"The rainbow gal is mine, mate." said Blitz.

"Looks like Sunset will be my partner." stated Swift.

"Then you're gonna need these girls." Thunder then tossed two helmets to Sunset and Rainbow as it had an eye shield for them to see out of when they were riding. "Now some more rules, in this duel you won't be using normal spells, you'll be using 'speed spells'. Also during each of either player's Standby Phrase, 1 Speed Counter is placed on both player's 'Speed World', you use these Speed Counters to not only gain speed but to activate certain 'Speed spells' while your dueling on the track. Also a Turbo Duel has 4000 life points instead of 8000; it's to help you get the true feeling of what a Turbo Duel is all about. You understand?"

"Yeah!" said Rainbow and Sunset.

"Alright then, girls. Get ready." Swift Strike the grabbed her helmet as she put it on making sure it didn't mess up her hair. She then got on her Duel Runner which had a pink color scheme as she started to get in the starting lane.

"Good luck, Sunset." said Isaac as he and Rainbow went to join the other people in the waiting area as they all sat at a table to see the duel on the monitor.

"Right." Sunset put her helmet on and then went to her duel runner that had a color scheme of red. Thankfully, Sunset had a lot of experience with riding motocross bikes as it came natural to her. She then drove her Duel Runner into the starting position as they awaited the signal. She then placed her duel disk on the runner as it projected her red card tray that she would use while driving.

"Good luck. You're gonna need it." said Swift Strikes as she lowered her eye shield.

"Okay. Let's ride!" Sunset said as she lowered her eye shield and slotted her deck into the compartment on her Duel Runner.

"Here we go!" stated Comet Mustang as he started the signal.

"Duel mode engaged. Autopilot standing by." said their Duel Runners as Speed World 2 was activated.

Soon their decks were shuffled as they started their engines. Soon a countdown was shown as it ticked down. Then the light turned green as both duelist took off as their runners left the starting area and were now making their way onto the highway. Both duelists raced onto the highway as they hoped to be the first person to round the corner as they hoped to gain the advantage by going first. Swift Strikes was surprised that Sunset was now only keeping up, but she actually managed to pass her. She just gave a small smirk as she pulled the throttle more as she passed by Sunset. Sunset saw this and she now more determined as she put the petal to the metal as she was now going even faster as she passed Swift Strikes in the last few moments as she turned the corner first.

"Awesome, Sunset gets to go first." stated Dash.

"She'll need it since she's never been in this environment." said Isaac.

"Well lookie there mate, that redhead girl actually managed to out speed, Swift." chuckled Blitz.

"The question is: can she stay on the track?" said Thunder.

Sunset then grabbed the top cards of her deck as she slotted them into the compartment as it brought the cards in a resting hold that was above her left arm as she could still turn with both arms when need be, while drawing and picking her cards with her right hand.

Sunset Shimmer's Life Points: 4000-

Swift Strike's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Sunset

"My move!" said Sunset as she drew her card. Okay, so far this isn't as bad as I thought. Now time to see what deck Isaac made me. Sunset was now looking at the new cards that Isaac made her temporary Turbo deck as she was considering her options. "I summon Top Runner(1100/800)!" said Sunset as her monster was now racing by her side. "I then end my turn with two facedowns. It's your move now, Swift."

Turn 2: Swift Strikes
(Speed Counter: 1)

"Not bad for a first time." said Swift. "Now time to show you how a veteran does it. It's my draw." Hmm... what to play? "I summon Garmr of the Nordic Beasts(800/1900)." Out came a wolf creature as it let out a howl and was now running along side Swift Strikes. "Next, I'll throw a facedown. Your turn, Sunset."

Turn 3: Sunset
(Speed Counter: 2)

"Indeed it is," Sunset then drew her next card. I thought for sure she would have done something, but I can't worry about that now. Now what do I have to work with. Sunset was now looking at the cards in her hand as she tried to figure out some plays with the deck that Isaac made for her. "I summon Power Breaker(1900/0). Now, Level 4 Top Runner, tune your strength with Level 4 Power Breaker. Behold, in an inferno of power and might, a blazing new beast is now forged. Behold, the Red Dragon Archfiend(3000/2000)!" A wall of fire appeared as Sunset's new monster appeared and the flames died down as her dragon let out a powerful roar.

"Woah, she's got a wicked monster." shouted Rainbow.

"Impressive, seems the bloke actually knew what he was doing." stated Blitz as he was impressed with what card Isaac chose to put in Sunset's deck.

"Still, Sunset has yet to fully understand the world of Turbo Dueling. Despite, her friend creating a deck for her, I doubt she has what it takes to beat Swift Strikes." stated Thunder Chase. He then reached for the microphone on the table as he was now talking directly to Swift Strikes' helmet. "Swift, don't hold back. These girls think they can ride with us, then let's give them a proper initiation."

"Copy that, Thunder." said Swift as she smiled smugly.

"Now Red Dragon, attack Garmr of the Nordic Beasts." commanded Sunset. "Go Absolute Power Force!!" Red Dragon then had its right claw be covered in fire as it looked to throw a punch towards Swift's monster.

"Rookie mistake, I play my facedown. The trap Nordic Relic Brisingamen!" Soon a necklace appeared on Garmr. "Don't be fooled, this piece of jewelry is one with a very special ability. An ability that changes the attack points of one of my monsters to match that of one of yours. And the monster I'm choosing to match is your Red Dragon Archfiend." stated Swift Strikes as her monster got stronger.

"Oh, no, so now Swift Strike's monster is as strong as Sunset's." said Rainbow as she looked on.

"But there's more. Since Garmr has been powered up by this effect, if he destroys one of your monster, you take damage equal to that monster's attack points."

"I what?" shouted Sunset as she looked at Swift Strikes.

"But that means if Swift Strikes destroys Red Dragon Archfiend, Sunset is gonna take 3000 points of damage." said Rainbow. Isaac just looked on with a cool, collected look.

"Well played, Swift Strikes. But your strategy won't mean a thing if you can't follow through on your next turn. And I don't plan to let you. I play a trap. Reaction Summon." One of Sunset's facedowns then flipped up. "So now, because your monster's attack points changed. I'm allowed to summon a level 4 or below monster from my graveyard. And the monster I summon is Top Runner. And now I activate its special ability which gives my Red Dragon Archfiend a power boost."

"Yeah, now Sunset's got the stronger monster." cheered on Rainbow.

"Go, Red Dragon Archfiend. Attack with Absolute Power Force." Sunset's dragon the followed through with its attack as it destroyed Swift's monster.
Swift Strike's Life Points: 3400-

"Thanks for that Sunset, it was all part of my plan."


"That's right. You see, Sunset, since Garmr has perished I'm now allowed to summon this monster directly from my hand to the field. Now rise, Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts(800/1100) in defense mode!" Out came what appeared to be a hairy bison monster as it let out a cry.

"Seems Swift really is not messing around with that Sunset gal." stated Blitz. "I'll admit it's been a while since she summoned what she's about to play."

"Indeed... if they knew what was coming, I'd be running for cover right now" stated Thunder as he looked on with a smirk at the monitor.

"Top Runner, attack Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts with all your might." Sunset's monster then launched a kick at Swift's monster only for it to be pushed back as they were equal in strength.

"Huh? Why did Sunset attack when she knew she couldn't win?"

"So that she could keep Top Runner." stated Isaac. "Red Dragon Archfiend's ability destroys any monster on Sunset's field that hasn't attacked by the turn's end phase." clarified Isaac as he informed Rainbow. His knowledge of that caught the attention of Blitz and Thunder as they were impressed by Isaac's dedication to Duel Monster's.

"I now place one card face-down and end my turn."

Turn 4: Swift Strike
(Speed Counter: 3)

"My draw," stated Swift as their speed counters increased. "First I switch Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts from defense mode to attack mode. And with this switch to offense comes an offensive reinforcement. I can now summon another Nordic Beast from my deck to the field. I'm choosing this ferocious brute: Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts(1200/800). And next, since you have a Synchro monster on your field I'm allowed to summon this card from my hand: the tuner monster, Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts(1600/1000)." Swift Strikes now had three monsters on her field as she stared deep at Sunset who was now worried. "Now, without further ado Level 4 Guldfaxe tune with Level 3 Tanngrisnir and Level 3 Tanngnjostr. Behold as the nordic glaciers of old give way and from the deepest chasms of ice an ancient and powerful hero emerges. A hero who wields the quaking power of a pounding avalanche. Behold the ultimate, the supreme, Thor, Lord of the Aesir(3500/2800)!!" shouted Swift Strikes as her monster descended from the heavens as it was gigantic. It wielded an even bigger hammer as thunder and lightning appeared as the monster came onto the field.

"I've heard of this card before, but I never thought it really existed. This card changes everything." said Isaac as he was in a bit of disbelief at seeing another god besides his Egyptian God cards.

"Woah, what is that!?!" shouted Sunset.

"The very last thing you'll see." said Swift Strikes. "I activate Thor's special ability. With it, once per turn I can negate the special ability of one of your monsters and then use that special ability for myself. Or should I say, for Thor, Lord of the Aesir."


"And the ability I choose to negate and take is that of Top Runner's. Meaning that now, Thor, Lord of the Aesir's attack points are boosted by 600." Thor then used its mighty hammer as it swung at Sunset's Top Runner as it took away Red Dragon's power up while boosting its own.

"Whoa, 4100 attack points." said Rainbow.

"What a cruel twist of fate, mate. Sunset kept Top Runner so that she could keep Red Dragon Archfiend strong. But now Top Runner is what will do archfiend in." stated Blitz.

"Thor, Lord of the Aesir, attack Red Dragon Archfiend! Go Polarizing Pound!" Thor then brought its hammer down as it took out Sunset's monster in one hit.

"Ahh... ahh, ahh!" Sunset was now struggling to stay on course as that attack had caused her Duel Runner to wobble a bit as she tried to keep balance. Thankfully, she was able to keep from falling off; however, Swift Strikes just smiled smugly at her as she passed her by as she pulled ahead.

"Come on now, Sunset. If you can't handle that, then you won't last much longer on the track. Yeah!" shouted Swift Strikes as she did a quick wheelie as she zoomed ahead of Sunset.
Sunset's Life Points: 2900-

"Fight, Sunset. Yes, it's true that Thor is strong. Now you be stronger." Isaac was doing his best to give Sunset the support she needed.

"Hmm, look at her, she's done for." said Thunder Chaser.

"I place two cards facedown and end my turn." said Swift Strikes.

Turn 5: Sunset
(Speed Counter: 4)

"My turn. First I summon tuner monster Barrier Resonator(300/800) in defense mode. Next I switch Top Runner to defense as well. Finally, I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

"Sunset's fortifying her position, but it won't do any good." said Blitz with a smile as Thunder also had one on his face as well.

Turn 6: Swift Strikes
(Speed Counter: 5)

"Is that the best? Please, my move. And first, I'm activating my nordic god Thor's special ability with it, I can use your Top Runner's ability to increase Thor's attack points by 600." Thor once again was powered up as electricity flowed throughout his body. "Next, I play the trap card, Nordic Relic Mjolnir. With Mjolnir not only can Thor battle twice this turn, but he deals you 1000 points of damage for every monster that he destroys in battle. Now, Thor, Lord of the Aesir attack Barrier Resonator. Go Thunder Bolt Bludgeon!" Thor then swung it hammer as it took out Sunset's monster.

"Ahh!" Sunset was now swerving as the attack was making her lose control of her runner as it started to skid on the pavement.
Sunset's Life Points: 1900-

"Steady it out, Sunset!" shouted Isaac.

Sunset seemed to hear Isaac's response as she was able to stabilize herself and stopped her from drifting too far down the track as she started to catch up to Swift Strikes.

"Took you long enough. For my second strike, Thor will now attack your Top Runner. Go Thunder Bolt Bludgeon!!" shouted Swift Strikes as she thrusted her arm out. Just like before, Sunset's monster was destroyed as she tried to stay on the path as the attack caused her runner to swerve uncontrollably.
Sunset's Life Points: 900-

"Had enough, Sunset?" snickered Swift Strike as she saw Sunset's runner spin in a circle.

Soon Sunset emerged from the smoke as she had a bit of bruises on her face as she managed to still stay on. "Sorry, Swift Strikes. But if you're looking to take me down, you'll have to do a lot better than that."

"My, my. Seems she's tougher than she looks, mate. Give her credit, she hanging in there with Strike." complimented Blitz.

"If you want me to dish out even more punishment, I'll be happy to accommodate you. Just remember, though, you asked for it." snickered Swift Strike.

"Is that right? Well you should remember something as well, Swift. In a duel, punishment can be dished out both ways, pal." stated Sunset. "I play my facedown. The trap card Tuner's Reflect. And it reflects kindly on because it lets me take the two tuners monsters you destroyed this turn and summon them back to the field. Then you take damage equal to the attack points of the monsters that were summoned due to this effect." Sunset now had her revived monsters in attack mode as they dealt Swift Strike some damage.
Swift Strike's Life Points: 2000-

"You didn't really think this duel was over, did you?" said Sunset smugly.

"Nice, Sunset was able to deal her 1400 points of damage." cheered Rainbow as she watched on the monitor next to Isaac and Luna.

"Simple-minded blokes." said Blitz. "Sunset has just 900 points left. One KO punch and she's down for the count, mate."

"Sunset went to great measure keeping those two tuners out, clearly she's planning to summon a synchro monster." said Swift Strike to herself. "And I say, go right ahead. I place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Sunset
(Speed Counter: 6)

"My turn." Time to test out these Speed spells. "First I play the effect of the field spell, Speed World 2. Now by removing 4 Speed Counters, you take 800 points of damage for each speed spell in my hand." Sunset's runner then shot out a beam from its front as it delivered the damage to Swift Strike as she took it head on while swerving just a bit.
Swift Strike's Life Points: 1200-

"I see, Sunset. Since you can't hurt Thor, you've set your sights on my life points instead."

"Wishful thinking, Swift Strike. Not only can I hurt Thor, but I will too, right now. Here's your first helping of punishment, I activate the trap Descending Lost Star. It lets me bring one Synchro monster in my graveyard back to the field in defense mode. So rise again, Red Dragon Archfiend. However, due to Descending Lost Star, Archfiend's ability is negated, his level is decreased, his defense points become zero and he can no longer change battle modes."

"So you brought him back to battle simply to use as a great big shield?"

"If only you were so lucky, Swift Strike."

"Say what?"

"Watch! Level 4 Top Runner and Level 1 Barrier Resonator double tune now with Level 7 Red Dragon Archfiend!" shouted Sunset as she thrusted her hand upwards.

"Oh no!!" shouted both Blitz and Thunder.

"Hold on, double tune?" There's no way she could know about that unless...

"Behold as the stars high above in the sky and the fire deep down below in the earth collide in a cosmic explosion to Synchro Summon! Red Nova Dragon(3500/3000)!!!" said Sunset as her new monster appeared.

"All right. Time to turn this duel around, Sunset. Let's go." said Isaac.

"Extraordinary, seems your pal put together a top notch deck for you seeing as how you were able to call upon that beast." But let's see just what's else he's got. "Now Sunset, do your worst." taunted Swift Strike.

"Impossible, see Red Nova Dragon gains 500 attack points for every tuner monster that's in my graveyard. Right now, I have two: Top Runner and Barrier Resonator, so Nova powers up by 1000."

"4500 attack points? Now Nova's the stronger monster." said Rainbow as she had a smile on her face.

"Right, Thor only has 3500 attack points. So that means if Red Nova Dragon attacks and destroys Thor, 1000 points of damage will be dealt and Swift Strike will have just 200 life points left. And the best part is, on the next turn, Sunset will have accumulated 4 Speed Counters. So if she uses Speed World 2's effect, then no matter what monster Swift has out on defense. Sunset can still deal her 800 pounding points of damage." smiled Isaac.

"Now, Red Nova Dragon, attack Thor, Lord of Aesir! Go Blazing Soul Strike!!" shouted Sunset as she gave her command.

"I play my facedown. The trap Raging Sacred Curse; I'm only allowed to activate this card when a God is present on my field. A god like Thor and because he is, I can now reduce one of your monster's attack points by 2000!" Thor then wrapped up Nova dragon as it was now binded.

"No, Red Nova Dragon!"

"Oh yes, and the monster affected by Sacred Curse can't be disaffected with any of your spell or trap cards! Next, I activate another trap card, Solemn Authority. Now, until my second Standby Phase, Thor isn't affected by the effects of any trap cards that you may seek to ensnare him with."

"Aw, great!" shouted Rainbow as she pounded her fist on the table in anger. "And things we're looking so bright. Now, so long as Thor is on the field, not only can Sunset not use a spell or trap card to power up Red Nova Dragon,..."

"But she can't activate any trap cards against Thor either." said Isaac as he finished Rainbow's statement.

"Accept it Sunset, you've been outmaneuvered, outmatched and straight up out dueled."

"You're wrong!"

"Poor Sunset, she's clearly in denial."

"Indeed she is, Blitz. After all, Thor has 3500 attack points, and Sunset's Red Nova Dragon now has but 2500. When this battle concludes, Sunset will take 1000 points of damage and since she only had a mere 900 left, she'll lose." smiled Thunder Chaser.

"It's over, Sunset. Go Thunder Bolt Bludgeon!"

"I activate my facedown card, the trap Burning Rebirth." said Sunset as she tried to pull of one last ditch effort. "With it, I release Red Nova Dragon."

"You're dumping him?" asked Swift Strike in confusion.

"That's right. Because due to Burning Rebirth's effect, by sacrificing Red Nova Dragon, I can then bring back Red Dragon Archfiend from my graveyard. And this time it's equipped with Burning Rebirth. However, when I get rid of Burning Rebirth, Red Dragon Archfiend must leave the field with it."

"How's this happening? I thought Red Nova Dragon could no longer be affected by Sunset's spells or traps."

"He can't be. But Sunset didn't use her trap's effect on Red Nova Dragon... you see, Rainbow, in order to use Burning Rebirth... Sunset had to release Nova as a cost. And now Swift Strike is finally gonna pay the price."

"Rise up! Mighty Red Dragon Archfiend!"

"That was very clever to dismiss Nova, Sunset... however, Archfiend has just 3000 attack points. Thor overpowers him by 500."

"We'll see just about that. You see, Swift Strike, Burning Rebirth has a second effect. By sending a tuner monster and rebirth to the grave, I'm allowed to summon the Synchro I first released... so guess who's coming back!"

"Oh no!" Swift Strike now realized what Sunset's plan was.

"Now this card from my hand, Trap Eater, along with Dragon Archfiend and the Burning Rebirth out on my field will be sacrificed so a great power can rise once more." Sunset then released her monster as she looked poised to win. "Now without any further ado, return to the duel, mighty Red Nova Dragon! And due to Nova Dragon's special ability, an additional 500 points are infused into his attacking total for every tuner monster in my graveyard. So since I have three, Red Nova Dragon's assault capabilities are upgraded by a power-packed 1500."

"5000 attack points!?!" screamed Swift Strike.

"Crickey! By sending Red Nova Dragon to the grave and then re-summoning him to the field, Sunset was able to side step the effect of Raging Sacred Curse. I've never witnessed such a strategy before, mate."

"And to make matters worse, Blitz... Nova's now stronger than Thor. Seems her friend really was capable of putting together a functional deck in such short amount of time." Thunder Chaser was now looking at Isaac who was staring at the monitor smile and cheering on Sunset.

"Red Nova Dragon, attack with Burning Soul Strike!!!" said Sunset as she thrusted her arm out.

"Aah." shouted Swift Strike as she witnessed her monster be destroyed and her life points tank.
Swift Strike's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Sunset

The engine on Swift Strike's duel runner then opened the front part as it started to let the steam out and caused her runner to slow down. Sunset then started to slow down her runner as she had the biggest smile on her face. Thankfully, they were both arriving where they started as their duel runners came to halt as both girls took off their helmets and looked at each other.

"Well, seems you've got spunk."

"Thanks." smiled Sunset as she gave a thumbs up to which Swift Strike returned one.

Soon both of their friends came onto the track as they each congratulated the girls on a great Turbo Duel. Sunset gave Isaac a hug for being able to make her a deck that helped her to gain the victory.

"All right, enough sweet as. Time for me to burn some road." Blitz then grabbed his helmet as he hopped onto his duel runner. "So what you waiting for Dash, get on your runner and let's ride!"

Rainbow then grabbed her helmet and got on her duel runner as she looked at the deck Isaac made her. She went over one last inventory as she got any last minute advice. With that she got on her ride and started making her way to the starting position as their friends went back to watching from behind the line. She then placed her duel disk on the compartment as it projected her sky blue card tray.

"Time to lay some tracks." shouted Rainbow.

"Like the attitude, Skittles. But this time, we're gonna up the ante, mate. Cause we'll be battling here..." Blitz then activated a button on his runner. "In Speed World. And unlike the one your friend, Sunset competed in. Here you'll lose a counter for every 1000 points of damage you take. So, think you can handle this challenge?" taunted Blitz.

"Please, this is exactly up my alley." stated Rainbow.

"Good onya, mate! Now then it's time to ride!"

"Let's see how Rainbow Dash does." stated Isaac.

"She'll be fine. Oh what a rush; now I know why Turbo Duels are so good." exclaimed Sunset as she still had her adrenaline racing over her body.

"Duel mode engaged. Autopilot standing by." said their Duel Runners as Speed World was activated. Then the light turned green as both were off.

Rainbow was had done a couple of extreme sports in her free time that riding a Duel Runner was like second nature. Of course, it was a bit bigger than what she was used to riding on, but she still managed to hold on as she put her foot on the gas pedal as she was now neck and neck with Blitz. Blitz saw how Rainbow was determined so he decided to have some fun with the rainbow haired girl as he eased up on the throttle and let Rainbow take the first corner as they entered on the highway.

"Yes!! Just like I said, nobody faster's than me!" Seems Rainbow was oblivious as to Blitz intentionally letting her go first.

"Poor girl, she thinks she actually won fair and square. Won't she be surprised with what Blitz is gonna do." chuckled Thunder Chaser.

"This is sight that I'll really enjoy." added Swift Strike as she looked forward to seeing her teammate duke it out.

Blitz Speed's Life Points: 4000-

Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Rainbow

Rainbow then grabbed the top cards of her deck as she slotted them into the compartment as it brought the cards in a resting hold that was above her left arm as she could still turn with both arms when need be, while drawing and picking her cards with her right hand. She then took a look at the deck that Isaac made her as she took a deep breath.

"Let's get this duel started! I draw! And I summon Quillbolt Hedgehog in defense mode." Out came a hedgehog monster as it had nails and bolts for spines and a part of its body. "I'll end my turn there."

Turn 2: Blitz
(Speed Counter: 1)

"Ha, ha. Get ready, mate! Time to show you how we do it from the land down under, I draw! And I summon Search Striker(1600/1200) in attack mode!"

"Seems Blitz is using his father's deck." stated Swift Strikes.

"You know how he looks up to his father. Especially since he was one of the top officers of security during his time. He wants to make his dad proud by using his deck to help him become a pro Turbo duelist." said Thunder Chaser.

"Search Striker!-- Lay the law down on that puny little monster!" commanded Blitz. Search Striker then pointed its blaster at Quillbolt Hedgehog as it took it out with ease. "Next I place one card facedown. Hope that wasn't too much for you little lady." smirked Blitz as he gave Rainbow a wink and speed up a bit passed her.

"You're about to find out." shouted Rainbow as she pulled more on the throttle as she caught up to Blitz as they were now racing side by side as she drew her turn.

Turn 3: Rainbow
(Speed Counter: 2)

"From my hand-- I summon the tuner monster Junk Synchron. And since I successfully summoned Junk Synchron... I can also summon Quillbolt Hedgehog back to the field in defense position. Sorry, Blitz. But this Hedgehog's not done with you!"

"Bloody ripper!"

"Before it makes a move, Junk Synchron's gonna give it a little tune-up." Junk Synchron then transformed into three lights that soon turned into three rings as Hedgehog jumped in. "Junk Warrior!"

"I'm stoked you actually managed to summon a monster like that." chuckled Blitz. "Too bad he can't stick around! Take a closer look, I'm playing the trap card-- Discord Counter! Thanks to this, I can undo your synchro summon and returns the monsters you used to summon it to the field in defense position. Looks like your Junk Warrior's about to break into pieces. Hoooroo! Hope you aren't too cut. Cause you're stuck with 'em for a while. Discord Counter stops you from summoning a monster until the End Phase of your next turn. But I'm gentleman, and I'll give you a fair crack of the whip." stated Blitz.

"I end my turn."

Turn 4: Blitz
(Speed Counter: 3)

"Now then, I summon Pursuit Chaser(1400/600) in attack mode. And now that I've got these two good blokes on my field, I'll attack your little comrades and send them back to the scrapheap! Alright, boys! Take your best shots!" shouted Blitz as she shifted his runner sideways as he thrusted his hand out. Blitz's monster then fired off beams as they took out Rainbow's entire field. "Now here's the best part, since the monster Pursuit Chaser destroyed was in defense position, you get slammed with 500 points of direct damage!"
Rainbow's Life Points: 3500-

Rainbow felt the beam hit her as she struggled to take the attack while trying to steady her runner. She was able to find her footing as she stabilized her ride and stayed on the track as Blitz just had a smile on his face. "And with that, I slap one card facedown and end my turn. Make your move, Crash!"

Turn 5: Rainbow
(Speed Counter: 4)

"Don't call me that!" pouted Rainbow as she drew her card. "I place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 6: Blitz
(Speed Counter: 5)

"Hmm, you're sus, mate. I know that you have few roos loose in the top paddock, but I'd expected something else."

"What did you just say!?!" shouted Rainbow as she felt that was an insult.

"Easy, no need to spit the dummy. You can't summon a monster for two more turns, now then..." Blitz drew his card as he figured out what he was going to do. "With 5 Speed Counters, I can now play the speed spell: Rapid Shotwing! And for each Speed Counter I have, my Striker gets 100 attack points."

"This is bad." said Sunset.

"Come on, Rainbow." said Isaac.

"Seems Blitz is putting this to bed." smiled Swift Strike.

"Such a shame, at least Sunset was able to put up a fight. Not so much for Ms. Dash; fitting given that she's all about speed and yet her slowness to Turbo Dueling is what will deal her in." stated Thunder Chaser.

"Search Striker, take out her life points!" Search Striker then took aim as it blasted Rainbow.
Rainbow's Life Points: 1400-

Rainbow took the blast as she her runner was swerving left and right on the highway as she tried to keep herself from falling off. The attack was more powerful than the previous as she had a tougher time to try to stabilize her ride. Blitz just zoomed ahead as he manually switched his duel runner so that he was the one control it as he did a quick 180 as he was now driving backwards while looking at Rainbow. Rainbow finally got her runner to stay on the track as she shook off the nerves and saw Blitz in front of her as he was smirking at her.

"Show off!!" shouted Rainbow as she didn't like that Blitz was toying with her.

"Ha, ha," Blitz then turned back around as he switched back into autopilot mode. "Don't forget since you took 2000 points of damage, you lose 2 Speed Counters." True to Blitz's word, Rainbow looked as her counters dropped from 5 to 3 as her runner lost some speed. "Looks like you're just hanging on! Pains me to do this to pretty lady, now Pursuit Chaser, end this!!"

Rainbow saw the attack coming as she was considering her options as the attack was getting closer and closer to her. She then saw her way out, "I... play my facedown! Confusion Chaff. See my trap cancels your Pursuit's attack, but guess what? He gets to fight again, only this time it's against your own monster: Search Striker! Just watch!"

Search Striker then started to clash with Pursuit Chaser as they traded shots with each other while dodging the other's shots. Soon Search Striker had its target in its side as it fired its shot and then took out Pursuit Chaser as it caused Blitz to lose some points.
Blitz's Life Points: 3300-

"Blimey! I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Rainbow
(Rainbow's Speed Counter: 4
Blitz's Speed Counter: 6)

"Here we go! I summon Speed Warrior in attack mode! Now my warrior's attack points are doubled!"

"Ain't gonna matter, I activate my trap card: Power Bind! Now Speed Warrior can't attack until next turn. And until then, his attack points are zero!"

Damn, Blitz is not letting up with that deck of his. Time to change gears. "I play this-- Reactor Pod!"

"A speed spell!" said Blitz

"And not just any speed spell: this one makes you take damage for Speed Warrior's original attack points!"
Blitz's Life Points: 2400-

"That all, mate?"

"I'm just gonna play a facedown Blitz."

Turn 8: Blitz
(Rainbow's Speed Counter: 5
Blitz's Speed Counter: 7)

"'Bout time! Now I draw! Speed Warrior still has zero attack points! So Search Striker, attack!"

"Not so fast! I play my trap: Scrap-Iron Scarecrow!" shouted Rainbow. "Sorry, Blitz. Not only is your attack cancelled, but I get to place my scarecrow facedown again! You'll have to try harder than that!"

"What about this then? I play Terminal Countdown! And this card's 'bout giving something to get something. The more facedown cards I send to the graveyard, the more life points you lose! 500 for one, 1500 for 3, and 3000 for 4! And last I checked, you only have 1400 life points. So by sending 3 facedowns to my grave, you'll lose the duel!" stated Blitz. "I got one facedown out there already, and come next turn, I'm going to throw down 2 more and make 3! And after that Dash... it's game over! You got one turn left, make it count!"

Turn 9: Rainbow
(Rainbow's Speed Counter: 6
Blitz's Speed Counter: 8)

"I just don't see how Rainbow can win this duel, Isaac. No matter how fast she tries to go, she can't outrun that card's effect."

"Oh no? Just watch, Sunset."

"Heh, he thinks that Rainbow still has a chance. For being champion, he knows his stuff but doesn't know everything." snickered Swift Strikes.

"It's not over, Rainbow can still do something. But then Blitz probably has something to shut it down. You know how he is." smiled Thunder Chaser.

"I'll switch Speed Warrior to defense position. And next I'm summoning out Healing Wave Generator(800/1600) on defense mode. Thanks to my Generator's special ability, I choose my Level 2 Speed Warrior so that I can give my life points a 200 point boost! And with that bonus, it looks like you'll need 4 facedowns to win this. And I don't plan on letting that happen!" A small shower of particles were overhead Rainbow as she gained some points.
Rainbow's Life Points: 1600-

"We'll see 'bout that! Solid play, I'll admit." complimented Blitz.

"I play 2 facedowns and end my turn!"

Turn 10: Blitz
(Rainbow's Speed Counter: 7
Blitz's Speed Counter: 9)

"Alright then, my move! And I summon the tuner monster, Torapart! And now I tune my Torapart and my Search Striker in order to synchro summon... Goyo Guardian(2800/2000)!" Blitz now had his two monster combine as they brought out an even more powerful monster. "Now take out that Healing Wave Generator!"

"Guess you're not smart as you think! I can still play my Scrap Iron Scarecrow!"

"Seems you're the one who's a flaming galah! See with Torapart in my graveyard, you can't trigger your trap this round. So it looks like Scrap Iron Scarecrow's scaring nothing away... and now my Goyo Guardian's taking control of your Healing Wave Generator!" Goyo Guardian then launched its weapon as it tied up Rainbow's monster and yanked it to Blitz's side. "So with your Generator on my side of the the field, not only can I use its strength to fortify my defenses but your own monster's gonna win this for me! Cause now I get a power surge to the tune of 100 life points for each level of monster I pick. And by choosing my Guardian, I gain 600 more life points! And don't think I forgot about Terminal Countdown, so with this facedown you're one card away from losing!" said Blitz as he laid a facedown and end his turn.
Blitz's Life Points: 3000-

Turn 11: Rainbow
(Rainbow's Speed Counter: 8
Blitz's Speed Counter: 10)

"It's my move. And I summon Turbo Synchron(100/500)! And since I have a tuner monster on the field, Quillbolt Hedgehog comes back from the graveyard! I think it's about time we take this battle to the next level! Now Turbo Synchron! Take out his Healing Wave Generator!"

"Crikey! You've gone drongo! It doesn't stand a chance. Are all those diesel fumes getting to your brain cells?" stated Blitz.

Rainbow's Turbo Synchro then raised its tiny fist as it tried to take out Healing Wave Generator only to bounce back.
Rainbow's Life Points: 100-

"I warned you, mate! Now you lose a counter and you're down to 100 life points! I'll admit you're an okay bloke, even got pretty face. But you ain't the brightest bulb in the woodshed."

"Were too busy staring at my pretty face to realize that when Turbo Synchron attacks, even if he loses, I can summon another monster. And I got just the one in mind! Sonic Chick, say hello!" Rainbow now had four monsters on her field.

"She's done it!" smiled Isaac. "Now Rainbow finish this!"

"Loud and clear, Isaac." responded Rainbow through the helmet's microphone. "Next I play my trap card: Urgent Tuning! So now by combining all the monsters on my field, I can use their bond to bring out a beast that will end this duel. Now I tune my Turbo Synchron with my Quillbolt Hedgehog, Speed Warrior and Sonic Chick, to Synchro Summon Turbo Warrior(2500/1500)!" Out came a monster that was covered in red as it looked to bring the duel to a close. "Now Turbo Warrior, take out that Goyo Guardian!"

"What?" asked Blitz.

"My Turbo Warrior cuts your guardian's attack points in half!"

"What then? With half the strength, I still survive! But next turn, you're done cause I'm activating my countdown's effect!" stated Blitz.

"Next round? Buddy, there is no next round, at least not for you. I reveal Synchro Strike which gives 500 more attack points to my Turbo Warrior for every monster I used to synchro summon it. And if my math is correct that's enough to win! Now Turbo Warrior, finish the job!" shouted Rainbow as she trusted her arm out. Turbo Warrior had its claw out as it took out Blitz's monster as his duel runner released steam as he slowed down.
Blitz's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Rainbow

Both duelist looked at each other as they had a smile on their faces as they were just starting to pull into the starting arena. All of their friends rushed over to them to check on them. Both Sunset and Isaac gave Rainbow a high five and a pat on the back for a job well done. Comet Mustang and Luna were watching their students enjoy themselves, more so for Luna who had made a bet with Comet on who would win each Turbo Duels as she was now 2-0 against Mustang. Blitz looked at Thunder Chaser who was giving Swift Strike some money as the result of a wager they made.

"Made a wager." asked Blitz.

"Yeah, Swift wanted to swindle me out of some cash." said Thunder Chaser as he was displeased he lost.

"Cheer up, Thunder. Why don't you use this money to treat both of us to some dinner? After all you're paying." snickered Swift Strikes.

Blitz just laughed as how his teammates were acting as he looked at Rainbow Dash, "Hey Rainbow, I'm stoked to have faced you. Keep that up and you may be a good Turbo Duelist."

"Thanks, Blitz." said Rainbow as she gave him a salute.

"Alright, now move over Blitz. My turn." called out Thunder Chaser.

"What you smoking, mate? Me and Swift already had our duels against the gals."

"You really think I'd let you both have all the fun? You know that I'm itching to get on the track. So move over and let me take a crack."

"Thunder, look we know you love to Turbo Duel, but who are you gonna challenge?"

"Open your eyes, Swift. Look who hasn't battled." stated Thunder as he pointed.

"Me?" said Isaac in disbelief.

"Now that's exciting, have a go, ya mug!" said Blitz.

"Woah, woah, woah! I'm not doing this, I don't have any experience riding a bike, let alone a Duel Runner! What if I fall off and hurt myself? How am I gonna tell Twilight that her boyfriend suffered some broken bones?" panicked Isaac.

"You'll be fine. Sunset and I were able to handle this."

"Yeah, but you two are comfortable with doing extreme stuff like this." said Isaac.

"Just try it Isaac. Who knows you may only make it to the first corner before you fall over." snickered Sunset.

"I hate you." responded Isaac. "I don't think I'm gonna win this debate, so no choice in fighting it. Uhhh, Rainbow give your deck." Isaac then took Rainbow's deck as he looked at it and made some last minute changes that he felt could help him. He then grabbed Sunset's helmet as he approached the Duel Runner. He was still unsure about this, but he figured that if he didn't do this then the girls would make sure that he didn't forget this. So with a heavy sigh, he got on the runner as he put the helmet on and slowly eased himself into the starting lane.

Thunder Chaser was just watching Isaac struggle with getting to the starting position as he still felt a bit uneasy. He knew that Isaac was a tactician when it came to building a deck and knowledge of Duel Monster, but in terms of handling a Duel Runner he was a bit scared. Isaac placed his duel disk on the compartment as it projected his gold card tray.

"Hope you're ready. Cause we'll be battling in Speed World just like Blitz and Rainbow were. Meaning that every thousand points of damage, you'll be losing a counter. Now then, I activate the field spell Speed World!" shouted Thunder Chaser as he pressed the button on the runner.

"Duel mode engaged. Autopilot standing by." said the runners.

"Let's hope I live after this." said Isaac as he lowered his eye shield and got into a ready position.

"You can do it!" shouted Rainbow and Sunset.

Soon both duelist started their engines as they awaited the countdown, bits of sweat were rolling down the side of Isaac's face as he felt the tension in the air. Then the light turned green as it served as the signal for both duelist to go, with that Thunder Chaser took off as he did a wheelie out of the starting lane as Isaac pushed the throttle behind him. At first, Isaac was able to get a solid footing with the Duel Runner as it was like riding a bike, a giant oversized bike. Still he focused on the road as he could feel his nerves fading away. Thunder saw that Isaac was getting more comfy with being on a Duel Runner; but he still showed no mercy as he put more speed behind his ride as he rounded the corner and they both made it to the highway where the autopilot took over. Both took their top cards and slid them into the holding compartment as they began their duel.

"Let's see how the bloke handles against Thunder."

"No doubt, he may be the champion of his school. But Thunder was trained by the best there was, none other than the Master of Faster himself." smiled Swift Strikes as she looked to see how her teammate and Isaac might do.

"Well you made it onto the highway, not bad. But I'm gonna show no mercy, I've been trained one of the best Turbo Duelist to ever hit the road, none other than the Master of Faster himself, Jack Atlas!" exclaimed Thunder Chaser as he did his mentor's signature pose on his runner.

"No way! He's your mentor?" asked Isaac as he was in awe.

"Right before he retried, he took me under his wing. Now enough talking." stated Thunder Chaser.

"Let's ride!" both of them said.

Thunder Chaser's Life Points: 4000-

Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Thunder

"The first move's mine! I draw! And from my hand, I summon Burning Skullhead(1000/800) in attack mode! Then I end my turn by placing 3 cards facedown."

Turn 2: Isaac
(Speed Counter: 1)

"I'm up then!" said Isaac with some new found confidence. "And I summon Speed Warrior in attack mode! As you know, Speed Warrior's attack points double on the turn that it's summoned! Speed Warrior, strike him with Hyper Sonic Slash!" Seems that out of nowhere, Isaac was now comfortable with being on a Duel Runner, almost like his spirit was revitalized.

"Sorry, but my Zero Guard trap card's putting the breaks on your Speed Warrior! See by taking away all of my Burning Skullhead's attack points, I can make it invulnerable to attacks! So you can't destroy it battle!"

"True, but you still take damage." Isaac's monster was able to rock Thunder for a bit as he swung side to side for a few moments before he shook it off.
Thunder's Life Points: 2200-

"Why would he willingly take such a big hit?" asked Rainbow.

"He must have some sort of reason for wanting that monster around." stated Sunset.

"After taking that much damage at once, his speed counters should drop, right? So, uh... how come they haven't gone down?" True to Rainbow's observation, Thunder Chaser was still at 1 speed counter despite taking over 1000 points of damage.

"I give you the Doom Accelerator trap! Thanks to this puppy, I'll be gaining one speed counter for every 500 points of damage I take in battle... starting right now!!!" Thunder Chaser's speed counter then shot up to four as he gained some serious speed as he left Isaac in the dust.

"Aw, yeah!" shouted Thunder Chaser as he was enjoying himself. "So how you like my acceleration deck! Custom engineered by yours truly!"

"Not a bad play, Thunder, but-- it'll take more than that to shake me. For now, I place 2 cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Thunder
(Isaac's Speed Counter: 2
Thunder's Speed Counter: 5)

"Where did you find this new found confidence? Know what, don't matter. My turn, I draw. I'm cranking this duel up a notch with the Summon Speeder spell! Since I have 4 speed counters, I can use Summon Speeder to bust out a new monster... so say hello to Skull Base(800/600)! Next- by kicking Skull Base and Burning Skullhead to the curb, I can advance summon... Skull Flame(2600/2000)!" Thunder and Isaac rounded the corner as they switched lanes. "Skull Flame-- burn up his life points!" Skull Flame made contact with Isaac as he held on and didn't once have his Duel Runner wobble which caught the Turbo 3's attention.
Isaac's Life Points: 2300-

"Look at Thunder having some fun with his prey." stated Blitz.

"Yes and in just one move, he's tied up the score. Now Isaac is learning just what the Master of Faster taught Thunder." smiled Swift Strikes smugly.

"I'm just getting warmed up. Now I draw a card due to Skull Base's effect. Prepare for the real heat... as I activate the Speed Booster trap card! This card allows me to deal damage equal to the difference between in out speed counters multiplied by 100!" A giant engine then attached to the back of Thunder Chaser's runner as he picked up even more speed as the flames from his engine were in Isaac's face as he tried to get out of the way but he couldn't.

"Man, this guy's quick." said Rainbow as she in awe at how fast Thunder was going.

"Welcome to the real world of Turbo dueling, kid... If you can't keep up, you're gonna get left behind..." laughed Thunder as he was enjoying himself. "I came here to burn rubber and take names, Isaac. See when I learned from the Master of Faster, I learned to how to repeatedly deflect attacks from all directions just like my monster, but I also learned that to stay at the top you gotta dish out damage hard and fast. So get ready to feel the heat!"

"Talks a lot, doesn't he?" said Rainbow.

"Just like you." smiled Sunset smugly.

"Hey!" shouted Rainbow. She and Sunset then saw in the monitor as Isaac had a smile on his face. "Did Isaac just crack a smile? Why would Isaac smile?"

"And now to turn up the heat champ-- I initiate Speed Booster's special effect!" Soon some missiles came out of the back of Speed Booster as it landed all around Isaac in an effort to shake him off, but Isaac still held on. Thunder Chaser just set a card facedown and ended his turn.
Isaac's Life Points: 1900-

Turn 4: Isaac
(Speed Counter: 6)

"I'm on the fast track to glory, no one can stop me! Don't blink or you'll miss me! I'm bringing a whole new intensity to Turbo Dueling, I'm gonna leave the entire world in my dust, I'm gonna-- huh?"

"You're gonna what?" shouted Isaac as he was now literally going at the same speed at Thunder as he somehow managed to catch up. Isaac then drew his card as he took his turn.

"How are you keeping up with me!?" Thunder then looked at his Duel Runner screen as he saw Isaac's card. "Huh? Slip Stream? Aw, man you gotta be kidding me!"

"Is that why he was smiling?" asked Rainbow.

"Seems the bloke was able to pull a pro move. Slip Stream may be just what gets Isaac to the finish line." complimented Blitz.

"Indeed, since his speed counters were less than Thunder's and since he played a speed spell last turn, Isaac was able to activate Slip Stream. Now his counters become equal to Thunder's." stated Swift Strikes as she too was impressed by Isaac's quick thinking.

"Let's see if he can make good of his position." responded Blitz.

"You must think you're slicker than slick, don't you..." said Thunder as he thought back to when Isaac activated his trap.

(Brief rewind)

"I draw. I'm cranking this duel up a notch with the Summon Speeder spell!" shouted Thunder.

"Not so fast... I play Slip Stream." shouted Isaac as he activated his card.

(End of rewind)

"You know, I heard some people saying you were good, Isaac! But I'm afraid you're just not good enough to keep up with me. I activate-- Acceleration Zone! Just try to catch me now!" Soon a trail of booster appeared in front of Thunder as he gained some crazy new speed. "YEEEEEEAH!!!" Thunder was now riding on the side panels of the highway as he had so much speed.

"Now Thunder's speed counters had rocketed all the way to 11!" shouted Blitz.

"WOOOHOOO!!" yelled out Thunder as he felt alive. "You may think you outsmarted me by slipping in your Slip Stream last round but my deck is so fast that no matter what card you play or move you make, you'll always be a step behind. But that's something you've come to expect." Both of them then turned the lane as they found themselves in a loop track going around and around.

"Well I wonder if you expected me to play this, the Summon Speeder spell card! Now with the power of Summon Speeder-- I summon Quillbolt Hedgehog in defense mode and Junk Synchron in attack mode. And thanks to my Junk Synchron's special ability... I can summon another monster from my grave. So I'm bringing back-- Speed Warrior!" Isaac now had three monsters as it caused Thunder and his teammates to look a bit worried. "And now I tune my Junk Synchron with Speed Warrior, to Synchro Summon Junk Warrior! Let's rev it up!" shouted Isaac.

"What did you just say?" said Thunder to himself as he was shocked by the words Isaac just said.

"Alright." shouted Sunset and Rainbow.

"I guess you could say that he's keeping pace with Thunder!" smirked Luna as she was feeling more confident on winning some more money from Comet Mustang.

"But before I attack-- since the Quillbolt on my field is Level 2, Junk Warrior can absorb its attack points. It's go time!" shouted Isaac as his monster swung into action.

"Heh!... Forget my Speed Booster trap already?"

"How did he stop Junk Warrior's attack like that?"

"Remember, Rainbow, with that Speed Booster trap card, Thunder can block the same number of attacks as their difference in speed counters." informed Luna.

"Oh, right, so... since Thunder's at 11... and Isaac's at 6, then...Thunder's able to deflect 5 of Isaac's attack?" said Rainbow in shock.

"I gotta find a way to push through this." stated Isaac to himself. "I place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Thunder
(Isaac's Speed Counter: 7
Thunder's Speed Counter: 12)

"Yeah, that's what I thought... I draw!"

"Thunder is now totally maxed out!" said Swift Strikes.

"You know there are some things I learned from training under the Master of Faster himself. Like putting speed first! You're as good as done in a Turbo Duel if you can't fearlessly harness the awesome power of true speed! It's not what you do, it's how fast you do it, which I'll now demonstrate by activating the Accelerate Draw Speed Spell! This lets me draw 2 more cards from my deck!" Thunder drew his card and he had a smile on his face. "Ha ha. Oh... YEA-A-A-AH! It's in my hand!-- The End of Storm spell card!"

"What!" said Isaac.

"Shoulda stayed indoors today, Isaac... your local forecast calls for some hardcore schooling and a whole lotta let down. With a slight chance of annihilation. But it's too late for you now! I activate- End of Storm!" Soon a giant wind was blowing in both duelists face as their monsters were gone. "The storm destroys every monster on the field and then we both take 300 points of damage for every monster we had."
Thunder's Life Points: 1900-

Isaac's Life Points: 1300-

"Heh! Now that the storm has blown over. I remove one Skull Flame in my grave from play. By doing so-- I can summon the incredible Speed King Skull Flame(3000/2300) to the field!" Thunder now had a centaur on his field as its entire body was covered in bones and had its tail and mane were on fire. "This duel is over Isaac! Cause Speed King Skull Flame is gonna attack you directly!"

"Well, my Scrap Iron Scarecrow should extinguish its attack!"

"Let's see what you do when I activate Speed Booster!" More missiles were sent towards Isaac as he swerved left and right to do his best to dodge them as he felt the impact around him
Isaac's Life Points: 800-

"And now I activate Speed King Skull Flame's special ability-- so every Burning Skullhead in my grave... you take 400 points of damage!" Another attack shot towards Isaac as it made direct contact as he was now wobbling around. "I now end my turn."
Isaac's Life Points: 400-

Turn 6: Isaac
(Thunder's Speed Counter: 12
Isaac's Speed Counter: 8)

"It's my turn!" Both duelist then exited the loop they were driving in as they were now racing back the starting area. "First, I'm gonna slow this duel down a little bit... with Shift Down!" With that card, Isaac had his speed counters drop 8 to 2 as he lost some serious speed.

"What the hell is Isaac thinking?" asked both girls.

"I'd hate to say it, but the bloke is banking on his deck."

"Indeed, Shift Down may forcibly lower your speed counters by 6, but the upside is that it lets you draw 2 cards." informed Swift Strike.

"So he's praying that he can pull a game changer. Well pull the stuffing over my eyes, let's see if he's got what it takes."

"Now with my speed decreased, I can draw 2 cards. And next I summon Nitro Synchron(300/100). Now I bring back Quillbolt Hedgehog since I have a tuner. With that done, I'm activating the Give and Take Trap card. So now I'm gonna give your defense a little boost and take advantage of the power that beast possesses!"

"You're doing what?" said Thunder as Isaac's Junk Synchron was now on his field as it raised Hedgehog's level by 3.

"You may have been at the top of the ranks with your mentor in the past, but that's only cause you never faced beasts with abilities like these."

"So with Quillbolt Hedgehog bumped to Level 5 and Nitro Synchron already at Level 2 then he--..."

"Can synchro summon a Level 7 monster!" shouted Rainbow as she was excited as she interrupted Sunset's train of thought.

"Now I tune my Nitro Synchron with my Hedgehog to Synchro Summon Nitro Warrior(2800/1800)! Let's rev it up one more time!" shouted Isaac as he had a new monster.

"Pretty cool monster, but-- I can deflect your attack with Speed Booster."

"Well by summoning Nitro Warrior, I get to draw a card!" Both of them were now getting very close to the arena as Isaac put his hand over his deck. I can do this... Isaac then drew his card as he still had his eyes closed, he then looked at it with a smile, "Just what I needed. I'm activating the speed spell-- Gap Storm!"

"What is this?" asked Thunder.

"I can only activate Gap Storm when the difference in our speed counters is 10 or more, that's why I slowed down. Now I can destroy every spell/trap card on the field."

"Oh, no, so that means..."

"Say goodbye to your Speed Booster!"

"Wow, talk about a big-time risk actually paying off." said Rainbow as she and everybody else all had their jaws literally drop.

"How ironic-- he might manage to win a game of speed by slowing down." stated Sunset.

"This ain't over!"

"It will be once Nitro's ability kicks in! And because I activated a spell card on my own turn-- Nitro Warrior gets hooked up with 1000 attack points."

"Wha-HA-HA?!" screamed Thunder.

"Nitro-- Attack with Dynamite Crunch!!" shouted Isaac as he took out Thunder's monster.
Thunder's Life Points: 1100-

"I'm still ahead!"

"Not for long! You see Thunder, even though you had the lead for most of the duel your life points are about to run out of gas and it's all because of my Nitro Warrior's ability."

"What... so my Junk Synchron switched to attack mode? But that means... it can't protect me!"

"Nitro attack!"

"AAH!" shouted Thunder they enter the arena.
Thunder Chaser's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

Thunder's runner released the smoke as his runner spun in circles where he fell off. Isaac had stopped his runner as he took of his helmet and went to check on Thunder who surprisingly was laughing uncontrollably.

"Isaac did it! I just knew he could do it!" shouted Sunset.

"That was incredible!" shouted Rainbow with the same intensity.

"Ha, ha, ha. Oh, yeah..." yelled out Thunder as his blood was racing.

"That was a really great duel, Thunder." said Isaac as he stood over his opponent.

"Don't think I'll take this loss sitting down, Isaac. I probably shoulda stood up before I said that." chuckled Thunder as he was on the floor. "Man, I thought I had ya!" Thunder continued to laugh as everybody else also joined in the moment.

"So... admit it. You had fun." smiled Sunset smugly.

"Alright, I did."

"Man, who would have thought that Duel Monsters and riding bikes could give you something so awesome!" shouted Rainbow.

"Or as I like to call it, 'Card games on motorcycles!' said Isaac as he got a rowdy response from everybody.

Luna was mostly pleased due to how her students were able to make her some money. Plus they seemed to have enjoyed their Spring Break. After their little experience, the group began to explore the city and compete in a bit more Turbo Duels. Soon it was the night before the group would be traveling back to Canterlot. Comet Mustang was grateful for Luna and her students for helping him. He wished them the best of luck in their future endeavors; even the Turbo 3 all gave each of them their regards as they looked forward to facing Isaac and he girls another time.

Luna, Sunset, and Rainbow Dash were fast asleep in their hotel rooms as they were peacefully sleeping. As for Isaac, he wasn't in his room as he couldn't sleep. He was currently on the highway as he was riding a Duel Runner as he felt a midnight drive would help clear his mind. Not to mention that his duel with Thunder and the other members, gave Isaac an adrenaline rush that he need to get out of his system; so he arrived at the place they battled and got on a duel runner as he wanted to get more practice.

Man, what a time I've had. Not only did I get to Turbo Duel, but I got to experience the wonders that Turbo dueling has to offer. Well, sun's coming up, better head back before I get in trouble with Luna. Isaac then turned right on the next lane ahead as he headed back into the city.

As Isaac was riding along the highway, there was a small object that appeared behind him. Soon that small thing began to become bigger and more focused as it looked to be a Duel Runner of sorts. Isaac noticed this as he looked behind him as he heard the sound of the runner as it was getting closer and closer. "Must be somebody going for a late-night drive." said Isaac.

He then noticed an individual on top of the Duel Runner as they were now side by side with Isaac. Isaac was trying to figure out what was happening, the most striking feature of the Duel Runner was that it was red. However, the person who was controlling it was what caught Isaac's attention. Despite wearing a helmet over his head that covered his face, Isaac saw the other features that this person had. He had tan skin, a somewhat muscular looking physique, black hair with gold highlights, and royal blue eyes. The upper layer of his hair jutted upwards while the lower layer arched down. The person wore a long-sleeved blue jacket with a high collar and amber gems, over a sleeveless black shirt with a red symbol, and wore gloves below his elbows with an amber gem on them. His lower body consists of black jeans with amber knee pads, a belt with two deck holsters hidden under his jacket and calf-high motorcycle boots.

Isaac also noticed a banner that was on the person's right arm as it said: 5D's. The person then looked at Isaac as both were just staring at each other. Nothing was said as they just stared and looked at another in silence. Then the person raised their eye shield as it could now look at Isaac with its true face. Isaac's eyes widen when he saw the individual's face as he noticed a jagged criminal mark on the left side of his face painted yellow. At that moment, Isaac now knew who he was looking at.

"It's you... Satellite's Shooting Star." said Isaac. He couldn't believe it, he then thought back to what Comet Mustang told him about people saying that he disappeared without a trace and that he sometimes shows up to challenge people to a duel. "What do you want?" asked Isaac.

The person didn't say anything other than a nod and he pushed a button on his Duel Runner.

"Duel mode engaged. Autopilot standing by." said Isaac's duel runner. Isaac now understood what this person wanted.

"So you want a duel, huh?" asked Isaac to which his response was but a mere smile which was all that needed to be said. Soon the Stardust Dragon appeared next to its owner as Mahad appeared next to Isaac. Isaac looked at his magician and he gave his master a nod. "Then it would be my honor to battle you. Now I activate the field spell, Speed World 2!" shouted Isaac as he prepared to himself as he was about to fight one of his icons. "Time to kick things into overdrive."

The person admired Isaac's spirit as he knew that this was the battle and duel he was searching for. Soon the battle began as the person had only one thing to say, "Let's rev it up!!!!!" With that both Isaac and the person engaged in a battle that neither person would ever forget.

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