• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,570 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 58: Camp Everfree

"One last time: Backpack, bathroom necessities, extra clothes, food/snacks, first aid..." Isaac was currently going over his camping checklist as he was preparing for the field trip that Celestia and Luna had organized for his class as a way to relax from all that has happened this past school year. To many students, they saw this as the official start of their summer vacation. Nothing but, enjoying the sunny weather and not worrying about school.

"Well I think that just about covers it. What do you guys think?" asked Isaac.

"Well, according to the list that your principal gave to you and your parents. I think that you are all set, master."

"I believe so, Mahad." Isaac then checked off his checklist. "Thank you, Twilight. Seems the list she created for me really paid off."

"Hold on, aren't you forgetting something, Isaac?" said a female voice.

"What, Mana?"

Isaac's Dark Magician Girl then pointed her wand at his duel disk and his deck. Isaac quickly realized what she was saying as he palm faced himself.

"Of course, how can I forget. To think I almost left my deck behind; thanks, Mana."

"Pleasure to help." said Mana.

Isaac then made sure to put his duel disk in his backpack. Isaac then finished the last of his packing as he now had his duffle bag full of the things he needed for camp. Once everything was packed, Isaac then flopped on his bed as he let out a sigh. "Now that's everything."

"Indeed it is, master. But excuse me for speaking out of turn, but do you think that you really need to take your cards with you? Shouldn't you enjoy the wonders that your principal has plan for you? Not to mention that this trip is to help you get away from dueling."

"You know that's not going to happen, Mahad. Anytime, there's a chance that allows us to kick back and relax, there's usually someone whose hell bent on challenging us. Plus, I also want you guys to experience this trip with me. It's no fun if I can't share it with you guys. Besides, this is a way for all of us to relax." said Isaac.

"I suppose. Forgive me for asking such a foolish question, master. It will not happen again." Mahad then bowed his head to Isaac to show his respect.

"Geez, Mahad. How long will you keep referring to Isaac as master? He's told you that you don't have to be formal with him; it'd be so much easier for us all if you just called him by his name." suggested Mana.

"Pardon me, if I'm looking out for the master's best interest. You know that our duty is to protect and to make sure that should a problem arise, we respond in a moment's notice. I've let you off by calling the master by his name, Mana." said Mahad with a stern attitude.

"As if." said Mana with disbelief. "Unlike you, I choose to treat Isaac as a normal person and not some master and servant relationship. Even when we were growing up, you were always talking about your duty to fulfill to our late great pharaoh. And you really took it to heart when we grew up and he became king; always treating him with stuff like 'Your highness'; and 'My king'. Honestly, I thought you were a different person."

"Perhaps, we'll talk about your mishaps growing up. Huh, Mana? Cause if I remember correctly, you were always the one to cause mischief and trouble for our pharaoh. The only reason why I acted so strict was to keep you in check and to make that our pharaoh didn't follow your example. Not to mention your magical mishaps that would always occur around the palace. I still remember that toad incident." Mahad was now having flashbacks to all the messes he had to clean up from Mana's magical outbursts.

Isaac couldn't help but laugh at how both of his magicians were acting. To think that they were acting like normal human beings brought a smile to his face. He then got their attention. "You see, this is why we all need a vacation; we need to learn how to relax and not worry about some crazy evil magic trying to take over the world or something like that. Besides, when the last time you guys ever got to be just normal people. This might be a good way for you two to see how things have changed since you both were last alive." Both Mahad and Mana understood what Isaac was saying that they couldn't help but nod. "Now that we all agree on something, mind telling me some more stories from the both of you? Like how Mahad didn't know how to have fun?"

Mahad was less than pleased with the request of his master. Mana just broke into laughter as she quickly got to work telling Isaac about the both of them growing up and how Mahad was always a strict individual. Soon it turned into some embarrassing moments as both Isaac and Mana broke into laughter while Mahad just looked on as he face palmed himself. Soon it was time for bed and Isaac made sure to do one final check. With that both Mahad and Mana wished him a good night and returned back to the spirit world; Isaac then got into bad as he was excited for what tomorrow would bring.

The morning came and Isaac was excited to say the least. He woke up and got ready as he made some quick breakfast and said goodbye to his parents. Before he left, Isaac's mom said a quick pray to make sure that her son returned back safely. Isaac assured them that they didn't have to worry, so he gave them one final kiss and hug. With that he said goodbye as he would see them at the end of the week. Isaac had just arrived at the school parking lot when he noticed the bus pulling up. Soon he checked in with Vice-Principal Luna who put his luggage in the compart below the bus and then made his way on the bus. Once Isaac got on the bus, nearly everybody started to talk and create noise among themselves. Eventually Isaac found a seat in the middle of the bus. He was able to see the rest of the girls as Applejack and Rainbow Dash sat in the seat in front of him. Sunset and Pinkie were behind him, while Fluttershy and Rarity were seated across from him. Soon Twilight joined them as she had brought Spike with her. Seems Celestia and Luna were kind enough to allow her to bring a pet; eventually they all said their hellos as she decided to sit next to Isaac. This time Spike just gave Isaac a lick as he knew that he wasn't any danger.

Soon both Celestia and Vice Principal Luna made sure everybody was here as they signaled the bus driver to get on the way towards Camp Everfree. With that our group was off to enjoy a week long vacation. It was a pretty decent while that passed as the girls were conversing among themselves about the plans they were going to have once they got there, as well as, what they had planned for the summer. They all knew that summer was coming up and they all wanted to make the most of it before school started back up in the fall. While the girls were talking, Isaac just looked out the window as he looked at the scenery pass him by. Then Isaac pulled out his deck and held it up at the window to allow all of his monsters to see the view. Both Mahad and Mana appeared as they too were taking in the sights from the window.

Isaac decided to pass the time by looking at some videos on his phone; he was currently watching a recording of a duel he watched when he was a kid. It featured the same duelist that Isaac watched growing up and he was showcasing his skills as he played his Dark Magician. While Isaac was watching the video, he pictured himself in that position. Just then his attention was caught offguard.

"What you looking at big bro?"

"Ahh, Pinkie! Don't sneak up on me, you almost gave me a heart attack." said Isaac.

Pinkie just giggled at how Isaac acted. "Sorry big bro. It's just that we're gonna to have so much fun! We're gonna roast marshmallows and eat marshmallows and sleep on marshmallow pillows."

"Wait, what?" said Isaac with a surprised tone.

"Yeah, probably not going to do that." said Rainbow as she turned to address Pinkie's comment.

"Maybe you're not." said Pinkie as she pulled out what appeared to be a clear pillowcase full of actually marshmallows.

"Should I even ask where you got that to begin with, little sis?"

"Don't even try to justify it, Isaac. Just chalk it up to: It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it." said Sunset as she didn't want to Isaac to have a headache.

"Believe me, I already know what that feels like. I still haven't recovered from that headache." Isaac then began to rub his forehead as the memories of trying to understand Pinkie in the past came flooding ton him.

"Attention, students, we're almost there. But before we arrive, we just want to say how proud we are of all of you. You've all done such a good job that we thought you'll deserved a reward. A way for everybody to not only start summer on the right foot, but to create some special memories." said Celestia.

Luna the spoke up, "When we were your age, we made some of our favorite memories in these woods, we're sure you will, too."

"Now who's excited for Camp Everfree!?"

Celestia's question was met with a rowdy response as the students all cheered and started making some noise. Isaac just rolled his eyes as he continued to look out the window. Then the celebrations got even louder.

"Who's ready to sing some road trip songs!" shouted Pinkie.

"Oh no." said Isaac. And as if on cue, music started to play as the students began to sing along to the song. Meanwhile, Isaac just tried to tune it out. He did admit that the song did have a nice beat.

Soon the song ended just as they had just reached their destination. One of the many things that Isaac noticed when they arrived is that it had a large sign on the front entrance way that said 'Camp Everfree'. Once they got into the parking lot, everybody started to get off as they collected their bags. Isaac got off and he could see the many wonders that this place had to offer. There was thousands upon thousands of trees that covered the forest ground. There were a couple of lodges/houses to which had signs on them like 'Mesh Hall', 'Counselor's Office', etc... Not to mention a giant lake that had a dock and was surrounded by lots of sailboats and canoes. More importantly, was the fresh air that Isaac was experiencing. Being from the city meant that he grew up in a place that had tons of smog in its air supply. But here, Isaac could actually smell/feel the difference.

"Ahh, now that is some air." Inhaled Isaac as he filled his lungs with clean O2.

"I know." said Fluttershy as she took in the scent around them. "Isn't Camp Everfree just beautiful? I can't wait until we have our first nature walk."

"I just lookin' forward to roughin' it. I'm gonna make my own shelter, forage for food..." said Applejack as she grabbed her bag from the bus.

"Uh, you know they provide us with food and tents, right?" said Rainbow as she walked past Aj.

"Yup! Still gonna forage though." chuckled Applejack.

Isaac was busying unloading the last of Rarity's bags, as she had requested his assistance. Safe to say that Rarity went overboard by packing more than enough. In fact, most of the bags in the bus were hers alone. Isaac just finished unloading the last of them when he finally ran out of strength and sat down on one of them. "Did... you really... have to... go overboard... with luggage, Rarity?" said Isaac as he was catching his breath.

"Sorry, darling. But a lady must always be prepared for any situation she might find herself in. Thanks by way." She then gave Isaac a kiss on the cheek as a reward for his hard work. "To be honest, I'm just after some R&R." said Rarity as she let out a sigh. "The past year has all been a bit too much for my tastes."

"I'll say! We've fought one ridiculousness competitive rival school, stopped a maniac from wreaking havoc using an Egyptian God card, and two demon friends!" said Pinkie as she quickly looked at Sunset and Twilight who was standing next to her. "Uh, heh-heh, no offense."

"None taken." said Sunset as she wrapped her arm around Twilight. "You'll get used to it."

"Yep. Canterlot High really has become a regular magic magnet as well as for trouble. Gonna be nice gettin' away to a place where we don't have to worry about that kinda stuff." said Applejack.

"You're telling me!" shouted Isaac. "Let's not forget that I'm the one who solved all those problems. If anybody needs a vacation, it's me." All the girls laughed at Isaac's exaggeration. Just then they all heard a P.A. system go off.

"Hey, everyone! If you could start heading to the courtyard, that would be rad! It's time to start the best week of camp ever!" said a voice over the speaker.

Soon everybody all made their way to the courtyard. Upon arrival they saw a pair of people standing in a gazebo. The person who had the microphone was a girl who had light green eyes and had a pale amaranth skin tone. Her hair consisted of two tones of moderate raspberry. Standing next to her was a guy who was slighter taller. He had grayish green eyes and had a light tangelo skin color. His hair had two shades of dark aquamarine. Once everybody gathered around, the girl then began to speak.

"Hi everyone! Welcome to Camp Everfree! I'm Gloriosa Daisy, your camp director! Think of me as your friendly camp and nature guide. And this is my younger brother, Timber Spruce!"

"Think of me as that awesome guy... who should always be invited to fun things." said Timber as he took the microphone away from his older sister.

Gloriosa then grabbed the mic back. "We aim to please, so before we hand out our tent assignments, we'd like to hear from all of you. You're free to do whatever you like here."

"Uh, except hike near the rock quarry. That's off-limits." said Timber as he interrupted his sister.

"Y-Yes, but otherwise, your options are wide open. So what activities will make this the very best week of your lives ever?" asked Gloriosa.

"Ooh! Rock Climbing!" shouted Dash.

"Done!" shouted back Gloriosa.


"Of course!"



Just as Rainbow was about to shout something else, Sunset grabbed her hand. "Rainbow, I know you're excited, but maybe give somebody else a chance to make a suggestion."

"Yeah, maybe something that doesn't just revolve around you being a showoff." said Isaac.

"Arts and crafts!" shouted Bulk Biceps, which caused everybody to look at him with raised eyebrows. "My mom... needs new pot holders."

"I'll supply the looms!"

"Cookie decorating!" said Pinkie as she licked her lips thinking about it.

"Ooh, I make a mean sugar cookie." said Gloriosa.

"Early morning nature walks?" said Fluttershy softly.

"With walking sticks for everybody!"

Rarity then raised her hand. "Ooh! Me! Oh, uh... a fashion show! Where I design the most fabulous camp looks inspired by today's hottest trends and have them modeled by my classmates in a gorgeous outdoor setting!" Isaac just rolled his eyes at Rarity's answer.

"A camp tradition!"

Timber was surprised by his sister's answer. "We have literally never done that."

Gloriosa just ignored her brother's response. "I'll be taking requests the rest of the time you're here, so if there's anything you'd like to do, anything you need, just ask." While Gloriosa said this, her brother looked and saw Twilight who just waved at her to which she did the same, while showing a very small amount of red.

Celestia then spoke out. "What about the camp gift? That was my favorite Camp Everfree tradition."

"The camp gift! Of course!"

"Really?" whispered Timber.

"Yes, really." she said back in a whisper.

"Well, I just thought—"

"Then you thought wrong!"

"Anyone else picking up on a little tension between Gloriosa and her brother?" said Sunset.

Both Pinkie and Twilight let out a response, " Ehhh..."

"A little." said Pinkie.

"It's probably nothing more than siblings just being siblings," said Isaac. "I'm sure it'll work itself out."

Gloriosa then spoke to the campers again. "Every year, campers work together to create something useful. A gift for future campers. Working toward this common goal is key to forming the strong bonds that will last well beyond your time here at camp! Which is why it's so important." Gloriosa said to her brother so that only he could hear. "This gazebo was a gift from last year's group. Oh, oh, oh, and the totem pole and the sundial were also made by campers!"

"The sundial was our year's gift!" chimed in Celestia.

Luna then took offense to that. "Even though 'some people' thought it was a little impractical, since the sundial can't be used at night."

Gloriosa just chuckled. "You all seem like a really amazing group. So I'm certain you'll come up with something inspiring to leave behind." The campers all agreed with Gloriosa's response.

Timber then decided to speak up, "Speaking of leaving things behind, now's the time when we give out tent assignments so you can leave your heavy bags behind."

"Uh, girls will be getting their assignments from Timber. Guys, you're with me." With that everybody broke off to get their assignments.

"Well that's my cue, see you girls in a bit." said Isaac as he left to get his tent assignment/sleeping arrangement.

All the girls lined up as they reached into the sack and saw their tent assignments.

"Oh, boy! Hmm... Yay! I'm in the Emerald Tent!" shouted Pinkie.

"Ooh, me, too!" said Rarity.

"Aquamarine." said Applejack as she read the name off her card.

"Me, too!" shouted Rainbow who shared a fist bump with Aj.

"I got Amethyst." said Fluttershy as she waved at her roommate who was none other than Vinyl Scratch.

"Sapphire." stated Sunset.

"Me, too! I mean, I'm assuming I am. Heh-heh. Technically, sapphires aren't just blue. Heh-heh. They can be pink, purple, yellow..." Twilight was starting to ramble.

Just then Timber overheard this and offered his two cents. " Yeah, but they're mostly blue. That's why they're named after the Latin word sapphirus." He then whispered to Twilight to explain. "That means 'blue'."

Twilight then whispered back. "I know. But did you know that sapphires are just rubies without chromium?"

"No. But did you know that Sapphire Tent is the best one?"

"No. Why's that?" asked Twilight.

Timber then took her card as their fingers lightly rubbed against each other, which caused both to blush a bit. "Because you're in it."

Twilight just rolled her eyes as she took back her card. "Oh, I bet you say that to all the campers."

"Not true." Timber then turned to Bulk Biceps to prove his point and try his effort to impress Twilight. "You're in the Ruby Tent? Ha! That's the worst one!"

"Aw, man!" shouted Bulk as he cursed his luck.

"I'm just jokin', buddy. Ruby Tent is great. It's like a sapphire but with chromium." It seemed Timber's comment went over Bulk's head as he didn't understand a single word that was said to him. Twilight couldn't help but to let out a small giggle. "But the Ruby and Coral Tents do look an awful lot alike to the undiscerning eye. I better show you where it is." He then gave one last response to Twilight. "See ya around."

Sunset and the rest of the girls just watched the little interaction that they witness with their friend.

"What?" asked Twilight as she was confused with what they were giggling about.

"Heh. Nothin'." said Applejack.

"Ooh! That was adorable!" said Rarity as she made a face.

Isaac was just watching what was happening from a far. He was still waiting on getting his tent assignment, when he noticed the girls get theirs. He also noticed the little interaction between Timber and Twilight, but didn't know what they actually said. He also saw the girls making fun of Twilight by letting out some small giggles. "Wonder what they were talking about? Probably nothing that I should be worried about." said Isaac as he scratched his head. Just then it was his turn to receive his tent assignment.

"Alright, it looks like you're the last person. Name, please." asked Gloriosa.

"It's Isaac."

"Let's see..." Gloriosa then check her clipboard until she found Isaac's name. "Ahh, here it is... oh my!" said Gloriosa as she took a double take as reading Isaac's profile.

"Is there a problem?" asked Isaac.

"It's just that you're ranked as Canterlot High's duel champion. In all my years, I've never had someone from Canterlot High be ranked as the top duelist. It's been years since that's happened. That being said, you get a special place." said Gloriosa.

"Look, Ms. Daisy..."

"Just call me, Gloriosa."

"Gloriosa, I don't want the special treatment. I may be ranked as the champion, but I'm still just another student/camper. No need to play favoritism, I'm perfectly fine with whatever tent I'm put in." Isaac didn't want to be given special stuff based on his rank, to him it served sort as a way to brag. If he was going to receive that, he wanted to be rewarded for his efforts and not his status.

"I insist. I want to make sure that your time here at Camp Everfree is a wonderful one. Plus, it's been a while since I've had a camper who was the champion. So with that being said, instead of sharing a tent with someone, I'll move you into a separate tent that you'll have all to yourself. I'll put you into the Topaz Tent." Gloriosa then gave Isaac his card, which had a picture of a yellow jewel/gem on it.

Isaac took the card from Gloriosa and looked it over, before turning back to her. "You really don't have to do it. I'm fine with sharing."

"Nonsense, I insist. I'll have my brother bring your stuff into your tent after we've all gotten settled in." With that Gloriosa left to check on the other campers, before Isaac could make an argument. "Well, looks like I'll have plenty of room." said Isaac.

Gloriosa then blew a whistle to get everybody's attention. "Okay, everyone, go get settled in. We'll be meeting at the docks in fifteen minutes to go over some camp safety rules. Let me know if you need anything!"

Just then a limo rolled up and out came a man. He wore a fancy suit and had a smug look on his face. He had light azure eyes and grayish amber skin color. He also had dark gray hair with lighter highlights. The man also had little money symbols on his tie and a little pin that he was wearing. "I need somethin'."

"Filthy Rich! So nice to see you." said Gloriosa as she hopped of the gazebo and pulled him to the side. "What are you doing here?! Camp is just getting started!" she whispered so that nobody could hear their conversation.

Filthy Rich just replied with a smug look. "Just takin' in the scenery, Gloriosa Daisy. It's so... hmm... relaxin'." The way he sounded sent a Gloriosa into an angry face.

"Well, you can look around when camp is over. Now, if you don't mind..." Gloriosa then stood her ground as she looked at Filthy Rich to which he did the same.

"Fine." he said. With that Filthy Rich then got back into the limo as he told his driver to leave and with that he was gone.

Gloriosa then turned back to address the campers who watched the scene in front of them. "Filthy Rich is, uh, an alumni of the camp. He likes to check on his old stomping grounds every now and again. But enough about him. Find your tents and put away your things. We've got the best week of camp ever to begin!" Gloriosa did her best to downplay the situation which seemed to work as the students began to find their tents.

Isaac paid close attention to the situation with Gloriosa and Filthy Rich. He couldn't exactly hear what they were talking about, but the way they stood gave Isaac enough information that something was off. "Interesting... something is up." said Isaac based on their body language. With that he then made his way to join the other campers as they went to find their tents.

Everybody had settled in and found their tents. One of the most strict rules was that the boys and girls were to be separated. Thankfully, there was about a few feet that separated the boy's side from the girls. All of the girls had finally gotten their proper placements, Rarity was currently walking alongside Applejack.

"I'm all for learning safety rules, but I do hope I can get started on my designs for the camp fashion show sooner rather than later." said Rarity as she let out a sigh.

"Huh. I still can't believe you talked Gloriosa into havin' a fashion show. We're in the middle of the woods, for cryin' out loud! We're s'posed to be roughin' it!" screamed Applejack as she couldn't believe that they were doing something so foolishly.

"It's clear from Gloriosa's own wardrobe that she appreciates a well put together look. Even if we are in the 'middle of the woods'."

"Fair enough. Just as long as you don't put me in one of yer fancy pants outfits. ...You're gonna, aren't ya?" As soon as Applejack said that, she immediately regretted ever saying something.

"No. Yes!" chuckled Rarity as she had a big smile on her face. "Don't worry, darling. It'll absolutely speak to your personal sense of style..." Rarity was doing her best to convince Applejack. While they were talking they passed by Sunset's and Twilight's tent.

Sunset was currently unpacking her clothes from her bag. She grabbed a flashlight as she tired to put on a scary face. "Oooooooohhhh...." She then turned it off and began to think back on what had happened. "That was weird back there, right? With that guy, Filthy Rich?"

Twilight wasn't pay much attention to Sunset's question. She was just thinking about something as she sat on her bed. "Huh? Oh. Uh, I guess so."

"I just have this feeling that Gloriosa's hiding something." Sunset then decided to turn the tables on Twilight. "Her brother is pretty cute, though, huh?"

"He's okay." said Twilight not trying to make such a big deal while showing a small bit of red.

Sunset now had Twilight right where she wanted her. "Ooooh, now look who's trying to hide something." Sunset was trying to get a confession out of her.

"No, I'm not!" said Twilight quickly as she tried to deny what Sunset was implying.

"I wonder how Isaac will take this news?" Sunset was really trying to mess with her friend.

"What!? What does Isaac have to do with this!? It's not like he mind!? Besides, if he did, he's not the jealous type?" said Twilight.

"I didn't say that he was, you did." said Sunset with a smug look.

Twilight knew she fell for a trap and immediately started to turn red from embarrassment. "Whatever you do, don't tell Isaac!? Just keep this between the two of us!?"

"You know he'll find out eventually." said Sunset with a sly smile.

Meanwhile Isaac had just arrived at his tent. He enter in and compared to the other tents that the other campers had, it wasn't that much different. Other than having much more room, he did have a couple of special trinkets. Like having his own outhouse next to his tent, as well as having a small mini fridge. Not to mention that he had a special view of the lake as he was a few feet away from the other tents. Isaac then noticed a small device on the table as he looked at it, he was so busy looking at it that his finger pressed a button.

"Device activated. Identification in process." The device then started to scan Isaac's hand as he didn't have time to respond. "Scanning complete. Id verified."

"Huh?" said Isaac as he was confused on the device.

The device then projected a holographic message which explained its functions. One of the many functions was that it served as a search engine as it could look up any Duel Monsters card; the main thing was that it had a ton of pictures that were posted on it as well as videos. From what Isaac could tell it seemed to be pictures of Camp Everfree from the past, he even found a couple of pictures that looked like Gloriosa Daisy and her brother, Timber Spruce. The crazy thing was that they were very young in those photos.

"So these must be photos from the past. Other times of Camp Everfree." Isaac noticed that as he looked closer at the photos, he could see the camp getting worse and worse. "What could this mean?" The device then shut off which left Isaac with more questions than answers. Just then the entrance of his tent opened up as in stepped none other than Timber Spruce.

"Alright, well here's your stuff." Timber then placed Isaac's bag on the floor. "Hope your accommodations are to your liking, champ." he said.

"It's fine, I can take it from here. Plus you don't have to call me, champ. Isaac is fine." He then extend his hand out for Timber to shake which he did.

"Honor to meet you, Isaac. Got to say, it's been awhile since we've had someone be ranked as champion while attending Camp Everfree. The only other time that this happened was during the time my parents ran this camp, but that was so long ago. So I take it that you're a big fan of dueling?" Timber asked.

"You could say that." replied Isaac. "In fact, it's been a part of me since I was a kid. Ever since I saw my first live duel, I became in love with the game." Isaac then pulled out his deck and looked at it while saying his statement. "What about you?"

"I've had my fair share. Of course running a camp as director takes up a lot of time, so I really don't have time to practice my skills. But I'm by no means rusty; I still know how to throw down. Hey, mind if I ask you something?" asked Timber.

"What is it?" said Isaac as he prepare to unpack his things.

"You know that girl who wears glasses and has a ponytail?"

"You mean Twilight?" said Isaac.

"That's her name, fits her. Anyways, I was wondering if you have any advice on how I should go about approaching her?" asked Timber.

"Why me?" said Isaac as he was confused by Timber's sudden request.

"Well call it a hunch, but I feel like you have experience when it comes to this sort of thing. I mean you're the duel champion of Canterlot High; I expect you to have tons of girls trying to get a chance to be with you."

"Hate to disappoint you, but unfortunately that's not the case." Isaac reassured Timber. "Despite being the champion, I'm afraid I don't have that many girls who are interested in me. Other than teaching the younger students at school and preparing myself for every challenger that is thrown in front of me, I don't have that much time to pursue a romantic interest. Though I doubt any girl would be interested in me, I mean I'm not that special. I'm just some normal human being who happens to have a passion for Duel Monsters."

"Oh, well sorry to hear that. But don't give up, I'm sure that you'll find someone. But maybe you can still help me, I mean other than that reason, I assume that you're best friends with her. So maybe you could tell what her interests are so that we could have something to talk about."

"All I can say is if you want her to notice her, then why just strike a conversation with her." Isaac had finally finish unpack his stuff. "But if you really want to know about her, then let me think." Isaac then began to think what exactly made Twilight special. "Well I know that she's smart, not too mention that she loves to read books. She's also a big fan of dueling in general. Other than that she's a pretty girl that can't stand not being in control of stuff. I can't tell you how many times I've had to calm her down from her freakouts; also she really loves her friends. The best thing I can say is just be yourself and see if she has the same feelings towards you." Isaac did his best to give all the info he knew about Twilight.

"That makes sense. Thanks for the advice, I knew I can count on you. Well time to make my move." Timber then started to make his way out. "You're alright in my book, kid. I'm sure you'll find some girl to be with; never give up." With that Timber left Isaac to himself.

"Glad I could be of service. Hope Twilight doesn't mind, if anybody deserves to have someone to be with, it's her." Isaac let out a smile as he grabbed his deck and looked at the schedule Timber had left behind for him. Once Isaac finished settling in, he then started making his way out of his tent and down to the dock. Isaac was able to see his fellow peers enjoy themselves. They all were wearing their Camp Everfree t-shirts as it served as a sort of dress code; Isaac didn't mind wearing such a shirt so he compromised by wearing his hoodie over his shirt which was much more to his liking than just wearing the plain shirt. Soon the spirits of his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl then appeared as they took in the sight that was in front of them.

"Was wondering when you guys show up, well what do you think?" asked Isaac.

"I'll say this master. Compared to the deserts of Egypt, this place is a lot more filled with color and scenery." suggested Mahad as he took in his surroundings.

"Are you kidding, Mahad!? This place is way better than Egypt. Not to mention a lot more suitable, we don't have to worry about suffering out on the hot sun all day. Plus there's a lot more fauna around here for us to see; if I was still human I wouldn't hesitant to jump in the lake and cool myself off. You're lucky, Isaac." said Mana as she was happy with what she saw.

"Well nice to know you like it Mana. So it really is much better than what you are guys are used to?" asked Isaac.

"Far more suitable, master. I'll admit the weather is a bit more pleasant than we're used to. Not to mention that the flowers and the plants are much more beautiful than what we expected. Not much greenery grows in the hot deserts of Egypt; it truly a wonderful sight to behold." Mahad let out a small smile as he looked towards the woodland and saw the many flowers. Just then some woodland creatures came out and stopped in front of Isaac. The animals just sniffed Isaac and the air around them; Isaac just gave them a quick wave. Once they caught a whiff of his scent, the animals could see the spirits of his monsters and were on their way.

"Such cute creatures, you definitely won't find those in Egypt." Mana couldn't but smile as she adorned the cute little animals that passed them. "By the way, I overheard your discussion with Timber. Must say, it's a bold move on your part to help him get Twilight to notice him. You sure that you're not regretting your decision?" asked Mana.

"Mana! I've told you not to interfere in master's personal business. What he does is his own concern, we have no right to interfere; our duty is to make sure that he's safe!" Mahad was starting to get angry that his own student was listening to their master's private matters.

"I was making sure he was safe, Mahad. After all, I wanted to make sure that he didn't regret helping out that man." said Mana.

"Why would I regret helping, Timber?" Isaac was confused by what Mana was saying.

"Oh, you're not worried about being jealous?"

"Jealous of what?" Isaac was really confused as he raised his eyebrow at Mana. She just simply giggled and told him that sooner or later he'll find out.

With that Isaac continued on his way, as the spirits of his monsters disappeared. Mahad was scolding Mana as they vanished, as he wasn't too happy with the behaviors of his student. Isaac now saw the dock up close and personal and it was refreshing; there was a slight breeze coming from the lake that hit him in the face. Isaac was able to see some of his friends.

"Lake activities are available every day until sunset, so if you want to canoe, sail, windsurf, or swim, just let me know." said Gloriosa Daisy as the students were near the lake.

"Aren't they just the cutest?" Fluttershy was sitting on the side of the bench as she was feeding and talking with some ducks.

Twilight had passed her and also quickly glanced at the ducks. She wasn't seeing where she was going as she was walking backwards and stepped on a piece of wood that split and caused her to fall backwards. She would have hit the dock had it not been for someone to catch her.

"Whoa! I know I'm charming, but you don't have to fall for me." said Timber as he had successful caught Twilight from falling and hurting herself. Twilight let out a smile as she appreciated him saving her.

Isaac watched this scene play from a far. "Well seems he's got Twilight's attention. Good to know our talk was helpful." Just then Sunset had joined him by his side who had also seen the same scene play out.

"Weird that you're not doing anything?" said Sunset as she had a bit of slyness to her face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Isaac.

"You know, seeing Twilight hang out with Timber?"

"You too? First, my Dark Magician Girl and now you. Is there something I'm suppose to do?" Isaac was really confused on what Sunset was trying to get him to say. "All I'm doing is just watching Twilight have fun, seems the advice I gave Timber worked."

Sunset raised an eyebrow at Isaac's answer. "What advice?"

"Earlier, when I was unloading my stuff into my tent; Timber stopped by as he brought in my bag. We got to talking and well he told me he wanted to get Twilight to notice him. He thought that since I was the champion, I would have experience with this sort of thing. He thought that I had tons of girls interested in me, but I had to tell him that wasn't true. Despite being popular in terms of dueling, I don't have much time to pursue a romantic interest much less find someone who would be interested in me." said Isaac as he shrugged his shoulders. "So he asked for some advice and well I told him all about Twilight, what she's like, her interests, etc... In the end I just told him to be himself, and it seems to have worked."

"Anybody ever tell you you're just too nice for your good? Not to mention a bit naive. You sure that you won't get jealous?"

"Again, what do I have to be jealous about!?" shouted Isaac as he was getting annoyed with Sunset's question. He then made his way to join the rest of the crowd as Sunset just had a small smile as she looked at Isaac. She then joined the rest of the students as they all looked at the broken piece of wood.

"This is a safety hazard. I suggest we close down the dock for the remainder of the camp." The students all groaned at Luna's suggestion.

"Oh, I'm sure it won't have to be for the remainder of camp. Just needs to be patched up a bit. I've got this!" said Gloriosa s she did her best to cheer everybody up.

"Huh. Or maybe we do! If you ask me, this whole dock needs to go." Applejack then hit another support beam to show that it too was ready to fall. "Building a new one could be our camp gift. Sure, it would benefit us, but a nice new dock would benefit future campers, too." Applejack's response was met with a wondrous ovation.

"I don't know. It's an awful lot of work. I wouldn't want you guys to miss out on doing other fun camp stuff because you're so busy building a dock for future campers." Timber was giving his sister a dirty look as he said that.

Before any tension could escalate Dash popped up. "I hear what you're saying, Timber, but we're Canterlot Wondercolts. We've got a reputation to uphold! And there was no way we were gonna leave this place without contributing the most awesome camp gift ever! I'm with AJ. Building a new dock is definitely it! What do you guys think?" Dash's comment was also met with some cheers.

"Looks like it's settled, then." Gloriosa made sure to look at her brother.

"Looks like it." replied back Timber.

"That's some tension, all right." said Sunset.

"For once, I agree." Isaac then thought back to the photos he saw on the device in his tent.

Some time later the students were getting to work on rebuilding the dock as they gathered the materials. Meanwhile, Isaac and the girls were going over the blueprints on how it was constructed. Isaac had taken the responsibility of drawing what the girls wanted. "Alright, got the piece of paper. Lay it on me girls, any ideas?"

"We can reinforce the foundation." Twilight then pointed at the support beams and offered her advice.

"Make it nice and sturdy." added Applejack.

"And we can add a wood-carved sign that says 'Camp Everfree'." said Sunset.

"And little boxes with food so you can feed the ducks and fishes." Fluttershy wanted to also make sure that the dock was home to the wildlife.

"Oh, we'll add lanterns so you can see at night!" Offered Rainbow Dash.

After all the weird suggestions, Isaac had finally drawn a picture of what the dock would look like. It took some time to get it right, but in the end he had gotten what all the girls wanted and the design was simple and amazing. Isaac then wiped his forehead. "Well what do you girls think?"

Rarity let out a gasp. "It's stunning! And will make an absolutely perfect runway for my camp fashion show!"

Everybody else just shot Rarity a look for that being her first initial thought. Thankfully, Applejack did her best to get her on the right track. "More importantly, it will be a great place for docking canoes and feeding the wildlife."

Seem that went over Rarity's head. "Oh, you say 'tomato', I say 'perfect place to showcase glamorous boho-chic stylings'."

"Well you guys better be appreciative that I was to draw this thing up." shouted Isaac. "Now are we going build to this thing or not!?"

Celestia then made her presence known, "It's going to be a lot of work, but we can do it!"

"Yes! Adult supervision!" yelled out Pinkie.

"Oh no!" Isaac knew that Pinkie was going to cause mischief. "Pinkie don't do anything reckless!" shouted Isaac as he went after his little sis to make sure that she didn't cause trouble.

Soon some time had passed as everybody was starting to fix the dock. Rainbow Dash was currently hammering in some nails, when Applejack approached her. "Huh, nice hammer. Where did you get it?"

"Uh, duh. The toolbox?" said Dash as she had a raised eyebrow.

"Hah, that's cool. I made mine." Applejack then showed off her handmade hammer as it was made from pieces of wood.

"Ugh." groaned Rainbow.

"Come on, AJ. Nobody likes a showoff, isn't that right, Dash?" Isaac's comment caused both girls to shoot him some dirty looks while Isaac just gave them a slick smile. He then left before they decided to hurt him; he then saw Twilight and Timber talking with each other.

"Making lanterns out of solar-powered garden lights! Pretty crafty there, Timber!"

"You think that's crafty? You should see my macaroni art. I'm like the Picasso of noodles." Timber had managed to cause Twilight to giggle.

Isaac just watched this little display from a few meters away. He couldn't help but to let out a smile as Twilight being happy. He was about to make his presence known when Celestia shouted out an announcement. "All right, now. You've made a lot of progress, but it's going to be getting dark soon. We can pick this up tomorrow between our other camp activities."

"Everyone, get cleaned up, and we'll gather by the fire pit at eight to share s'mores and scary stories!" said Gloriosa.

"S'mores!" shouted Pinkie as she had bags of marshmallows between her arms.

"NO!!" shouted Isaac. "That's even worse! Pinkie!!" Isaac knew how crazy his little sister could get with sweets; so he pulled out a military hat and prepared himself for the danger that was coming and chased after her.

Everybody had gather round the campfire as they began to regale each other with scary stories. Currently, it was Rarity telling a story and her tale was well... how should we say... unusual. " ...And that's when she looked down and realized she was wearing purple socks with a burgundy dress!" Rarity then let out a scream, "Purple and burgundy, darlings! The same color family!"

Everybody just had black stares on their faces as they looked at Rarity. Soon they began to murmur amongst themselves. Isaac had just facepalmed himself as how stupid Rarity's tale was. Thankfully, Applejack was able to break the silence.

"Uh... that was a terrifying story."

"Yeah, I'm terrified she'll try to tell it again." chuckled Rainbow Dash who high fived Applejack for thinking the same thing.

Luna then cleared her throat. "Anyone else have a spooky story?"

Before anybody could say something, Timber shot his hand up. "I have one. But I'm warning you, you might as well hug a friend now. That's how scary it is!"

True to Timber's words, Fluttershy started to squeeze Isaac tightly as she prepared himself; however, Isaac felt a bit of pain from her grip. Even Bulk Biceps was scared as his teeth could be heard clattering together. "It's time I told you about the legend of Gaea Everfree." While Timber told his story, Isaac had his eyes on the fire as the reflection of it showed in his pupils. It looked like he actually had fire in his eyes.

Timber then began to narrate his story. "Many years ago, my great-grandparents came to this forest. Seeing its beauty, they decided that it would be the perfect place for a camp. But once they started building, strange things started to happen. One pitch black night, when the wind was howling, a tree branch crashed through the roof of their cabin! They screamed and ran outside, only to see the giant creature rising from the earth! She had wild hair like the roots of a tree. Her mouth had jagged rock teeth and her eyes were pools of black tar. But her aura shimmered like diamonds. Anywhere she went, she left a trail of gem dust in her wake. Trembling, my great-grandparents asked who she was and what she wanted. In a deep and hollow voice, she told them that her name was Gaea Everfree – an ancient spirit who held domain over the forest, and that my great-grandparents were trespassing on her land. They begged her to let them stay and build their camp, to share this wonderful place with others. Gaea Everfree finally agreed but warned them that they would not be able to keep it forever. Someday, she will return and reclaim the forest as her own."

Soon Timber had reached the end of his story as the fire in Isaac's eyes died down. "So if you see a trail of gem dust, you'll know that it is... Gaia Everfree!" shouted out that last part from Timber. Just then the students all screamed as they saw a pair of eyes pierce through the darkness.

"Hey, guys! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!" said Gloriosa as she emerged from the darkness.

"Then why'd you come out of the bushes?" asked Sunset.

She quickly justified her answer. "I... took the scenic route, because the forest is beautiful at night. But no one else should do it without a guide, kay? All right, everybody, time to head to your tents." With that everybody broke apart as they turned in for the night.

"Fluttershy?" said Isaac as he was struggling from pain, seeing as her nails were digging into his arm.

Fluttershy quickly realized what she was doing and let go of him. "Sorry, Isaac. I guess that story got to me." Isaac then rubbed his arm to make sure that he wasn't bleeding. "Weren't you scared?" she asked.

"Kinda hard to be scared, when I'm feeling pain from your tight grip." Isaac stated. "Not to mention that I'm from Chicoltgo, so I've seen and heard a lot more scary shit than this. Plus I've been in a few Shadow Games, so this is nothing more than light sneeze at best."

"You got to nothing worry about Fluttershy. It can't be real." stated Applejack to back up Isaac's claim.

"I don't know. What if it is? I mean we've all seen that magic is real and has a way. What if this Gaia Everfree is an actual person?" Rainbow Dash had a bit of terror in her voice.

"Eh. Sounded more like something that Timber was makin' up just to scare us. At least I hope it was. Last thing I want is to have camp ruined by some power-crazed magical creature." said Applejack.

"Yeah, cause we all know what's going to happen if that does occur!" shouted Isaac. "You'll just going run behind me, while I have to deal with it! Cause apparently, it's my job to deal with shit like this." said Isaac as he found it weird that anytime magic was involved, the girls all flocked to him to protect them and take care of it. "At this point, I should just be charging you girls for my services."

"Well, can you blame us. You are the best, plus you do look a bit dashing trying to be the hero." chuckled Twilight as she held Spike in her arms.

"Oh, hear-hear. I do with agree with Twilight on that statement. Besides, we've had to deal with more than our fair share of those. But in the end we all got through thanks to our friendship, and our lovely knight who is always looking out for his fair maidens." said Rarity as she batted her eyelashes at Isaac.

"Gee, thanks. That make me feel so much better." said Isaac in a sarcastic tone. Soon all the girls laughed as they all head back to their tents.

Isaac had made it back to his when he heard a voice call out to him.

"Excuse me, Isaac."

Isaac turned around and saw that it was none other than Gloriosa.

"Hey, Gloriosa. What's up?"

"Pardon me for catching you when you're about to go to sleep. But I wanted to talk to you about something?"

"What is it?" asked Isaac.

"Well you see it's been so long since we had someone ranked as champion attend Camp Everfree, that I was wondering if you could do a small request that I have. In the past, when someone from their school was champion, it was tradition that they would put on a duel on the last day of camp for all the campers to see. It served as a way for all to enjoy themselves and to celebrate the wonderful memories that they made at camp. However, it's been so long since that last happened, that I almost completely forgot about it. So I know that you're here to relax, but maybe you wouldn't mind in partake in such an event." Gloriosa was putting her fingers together as she was a bit nervous to ask this of Isaac.

Isaac let out a sigh. "I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later."

"I understand, you wanted to take this camping trip as a way to relax from all the dueling you've experienced this past year." She then put her head down, "I understand if you decline."

"What are you talking about? To me relaxing is dueling. It's when I have to constantly save the world from some crazy magic that it becomes more of a hassle than game. Of course, I'll help you. Anything to make sure that everybody here has a good time and to create some new memories for future campers." said Isaac.

Gloriosa then brought her head back up with a huge smile on her face."You will? Oh thank you, you don't know how much this means to me." Gloriosa then brought Isaac into a hug as she was grateful for Isaac choosing to help her. She then left as she thanked him and wished him a good night.

Once she was gone, Isaac then entered his tent and began to get himself ready for a good night's sleep. Overall the first day at camp, proved to be a successful and peaceful time. Not to mention that Gloriosa had requested his help to put on a duel at the end of the week to showcase the campers. The only problem he had was choosing who he would face, but he could worry about that tomorrow. For now he just focused on getting some sleep and fixing the dock.

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