• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 158: Role Models

"Yes, it's finally here." said Isaac as he noticed the postman arriving to the house. He then went to open the front door as he was greeted by the postman as he had a small package for the boy.

"Let's see... Isaac, is it?" asked the man.

"Yup, that's me."

"Aright then, sign here. Sign here. And initial this." said the man as he handed Isaac a clipboard as he began to do the following instructions. "All done and here's your package."

"Thanks." said Isaac as he took the package from the postman as he entered back into the house. He then placed the package on the table in the living room as he took a seat on the couch. "He finally sent them, well... not just him." said Isaac as he had been waiting on this delivery for quite sometime. Isaac then got a boxcutter as he opened up the seal and took out the pieces of paper that acted as protection as he saw the things inside. There was also a note that was in the box as Isaac picked it up and began to read it.

Hey, bud.

I finally was able to find what you requested and had them sent to your place. Granted it took a while, but that's because I was busy with other things so I hope you understand. Not to mention I also got in contact with someone else, man it felt good to talk to him again. Anyways, we both pitched in and sent you the gift. We're also proud of how things are going for your little program, wish there was something that either of us could do, but we can't at the moment. So consider these cards a gift for you and your students. Hope to see you and hey, give us a call if anything happens.

Sincerely, ....

P.S. We also had some spare cards that we think you might want to have for your deck. Think of it as present.

"A gift for me? Well, that's not what I asked them." said Isaac as he pulled out the items and began to look at them as he was pleased by what his acquittances had sent him. He then saw the cards that they wanted him to have as he began to look them over and was starting to see the many plays he could make. "Guess, I got more firepower to add to my deck. This should be fun." smiled Isaac.

The CMC were currently in Ms. Cheerilee's class as they were going over their daily lesson.

"Now then, who can tell why there are 31 days in the months of July and August? Anybody?" asked Ms. Cheerilee.

The kids all just stared blankly at their teacher as they hadn't the foggiest idea. Ms. Cheerilee still kept a hopeful smile as she hoped one of her students would know the answer. But after a few moments of silence with a small cough from a kid, she just let out a disappointed sigh as she put her head down.

"Did none of you read chapter 15 on Roman History?" said Ms. Cheerilee as she tried to avoid getting stressed. "The reason why July and August have 31 days is because of their consul. July was in honor of Julius Caesar and August was in honor of his successor Augustus. Both were given 31 days as a way to highlight their importance having been Roman leaders. Which is why we have a bit more time for summer vacation." said Ms. Cheerilee.

"Ohh." said the students in a collective response as they finally understood what their teacher was talking about.

"Oh, vey. I can't wait for retirement." said Ms. Cheerilee. "Anyways, Augustus view Julius as a role model, which is what our next lesson is on. Everybody has been inspired at one point, whether to do something or accomplish a certain dream/desire. Everybody has been influenced in some shape or form. And so that will be your next assignment kids."

"Uggg!" said the kids as they let out a collective groan.

"For the next few classes, you'll do some research on a person who you consider a role model. Collective some information about them and you'll write a report and present it in front of the class as to why they're an inspiration to your life. They can be anybody, someone from ancient history, or someone in your family. All in all, I want you to find someone who you consider an important figure in your life and how they help you to strive towards your goals." said Ms. Cheerilee as the bell rang and she dismissed her class.

The CMC all exited the class as they were currently walking in the hallways as they were talking about the assignment.

"Great, so we got homework." complained Scootaloo.

"I don't even know where to start. Or who I'm going to do my report on." said Sweetie Belle.

"Uh, girls. Did you forget?" asked Applebloom.

"What?" said both girls.

"We got plenty of options." said their country friend.

"Who?" asked the girls.

"Duh, Isaac and the others." said Applebloom.

"Ohhh." said both girls.

"Come on, let's find them."

With that the three of them left to find the older teens.

They all stopped by to the gymnasium as they hoped that Isaac or anybody would be there. Safe to say there wasn't anybody there was the only people their were Amber and Jack as they were currently practicing against each other.

"Time to attack, Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke attack her Lunalight Blue Cat!" shouted Jack as his monster raised its fist and took out Amber's monster.

"Now Lunalight Blue Cat's effect activates, since it was destroyed in battle, I can summon a 'Lunalight' monster from my deck. So I choose my Lunalight Yellow Marten in defense mode." said Amber as her duel disk slotted out her card as she played it and out came a female weasel-like monster as she wore a yellow outfit.

"I think I've seen them before." said Scootaloo as she observed the students.

"Yeah, but I can't remember their names." said Applebloom.

"Wait... aren't they the students that Rainbow and Rarity are teaching?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Huh." said Scootaloo as she observed the teens. "I think they are. Perhaps they know where we can find the others."

The girls all then made their way to the duo as they saw the kids coming. They soon halted their practice sessions as they wanted to see who the small kids were.

"Seems we have some guests." said Amber as she pointed behind Jack.

"Huh." said the boy as he saw the young kids making their way to them. "Isn't one of them your tutor's little sister?" asked Jack.

"Hey, are you two the students that Rarity and Rainbow Dash are teaching?" asked Scootaloo.

"I'm Jack Hunt."

"Amber. So what are your names, girls?"



"Sweetie Belle. And together we're called the CMC."

"Cute name. stated Jack.

"So, we didn't mean to interrupt your little training session. But have you seen Isaac, or the others?" asked Scootaloo.

"What business do you have with our professors?" asked Amber.

"We wanted to discuss something with them." stated Sweetie Belle.

"Say, kids. How are you associated with Isaac?" asked Jack.

"Well, I kind of introduced the other two to him right after he became champion after the Fall Formal." said Applebloom as she remembered that fateful day.

She had managed to convince Isaac to met her friends to prove to them that she was on friendly terms with the boy. Soon one day while they were all hanging out in the library practicing their skills, Isaac arrived and he met the small trio. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle still didn't believe their friend, so Applebloom proposed that Isaac had a battle with Scootaloo to prove that he was the real deal. Safe to say that even though he wasn't trying, Isaac managed to beat Scootaloo in a pretty convincing fashion which was more than enough to prove that he really was the champion. After that encounter, the girls all wanted Isaac to retune their decks and he went out of his way to help the girls understand and improve their skills as they began to improve greatly.

"And that's how it happened." said Applebloom as she finished recounting her tale.

"Seems, professor Isaac has done alot for these kids." said Amber.

"No doubt, Amber. We're lucky that he had his friends become our tutors." said Jack.

"So, do either of you know where they are?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Well, before I met up with Amber. Rainbow said she was going to the park." stated Jack.

"As for Rarity, she was going to jewelry store to check out some gems for her outfits." explained Amber.

"Okay, then. Thanks you two, and sorry for interrupting your practice session." said Sweetie Belle as she and the other two left.

"Sweet girls. No wonder they're related to our tutors." said Jack.

"Indeed, now then. Let's continue on with our training." said Amber as both individuals got back into place.

"So, it seems that Rainbow and Rarity are in two different places." said Scootaloo.

"I hate to say it, but if we're gonna finish this assignment in time, then we might need to split up." suggested Sweetie Belle.

"Then that means I'm heading off to find Rainbow Dash." said Scootaloo as she pulled out her scooter from her back pocket and put on her safety helmet.

"You had that thing in your backpocket?" asked Applebloom.

"Hey, we're a cartoon. It's in the rulebook. See ya girls, later." said Scootaloo as she took off and was now speeding in the hallways as she exited the building.

"No scooters in the hallway!!!" shouted Vice-principal Luna, but Scootaloo was out the door before she could hear the older women.

"Guess, I'm off to find Rarity. I'll talk to you later, Applebloom." said Sweetie Belle as she started to head towards the jewelry store in hopes of finding her big sister.

"Guess that means I still need to find where Applejack is." said the young girl as she began to ask around school.

Sweetie Belle was currently walking in the hopes of finding Rarity. Thankfully, she knew where she was and the fact that she often had to visit the place whenever Rarity needed to look at some priceless gems, that she knew the address of the jewelry store. She was now standing in front of the place as she entered through the door as the welcoming bell went off. She then looked around and low and behold standing there at the counter with a small with magnifying glass eyepiece as she was observing some gems in front of her.

"Rarity!" shouted Sweetie Belle.

"In a moment, Sweetie Belle. I'm busy." said Rarity as she grabbed one of the colorful stones and was keenly observing it. "Is this real?!" asked Rarity as she felt like she was being scammed.

Sweetie Belle let out a sigh as she made her way to her sister as she sat down next to her feet as she pulled out the rubric for her assignment as she began to look it over. It had been about 2 hours since Sweetie Belle had entered the place and Rarity was still trying to check out the gems as she was currently talking with the jeweler as she wanted to make sure that she was buying actual gems. Sweetie Belle had begun writing her paper as she was getting bored, she eventually pulled out her deck and began to look at her cards to take her mind off. Soon she felt her eyes close as she eventually fell asleep.

"Alright, I've made my purchase. Here you go, Sweetie Belle." said Rarity.

"Huh?" said the girl as she woke up and then had some bags in her arms as she struggled to lift them a bit.

"Come along now, I've got some orders to work on." said Rarity as started to leave the store with her little sister following behind her as she carried the small pile in her hands.

The Belle sisters then made their way back to their to Rarity's boutique as Rarity immediately began to head towards her work study to begin her design.

"Alright, the bags are here." said Sweetie Belle as she collapsed on the floor with the bags on top of the little girl.

"Sweetie Belle, those were suppose to go over here." said Rarity. "Now get up from the floor before they get dirty." demanded Rarity as she sat down at her worktable and began to overlook her designs.

"Right... away." said Sweetie Belle as she lifted a thumbs up from the pile. She then got back up and started to carry the bags to where her sister wanted as she let out another breath of exhaustion. "But... I was... hoping you can help me. I have an assignment for class."

"In a moment, Sweetie Belle." said Rarity as she was now laser focused on the order she had to work on.

"Okay." groaned Sweetie Belle as she got to work on some more of her assignments as she waited for her sister.

The time passed as Rarity was hard at work finishing the order as she paid special attention to the requests by her customer, all the while Sweetie Belle was busy doing her report as she managed to get most of it done as the only thing she needed was to get some info from her big sister. It was about another hour or so when Rarity had finally finished as she let out an exhausted sigh. She then put her design away as she finished planning it out and would begin working on it tomorrow. She then exited her work-study as she noticed Sweetie Belle was at a table and had her head down as her cards were spread out in front of her. She just had an unamused look on her face as she let out as she let out a sigh.

"Care for a quick game?" asked Rarity as she approached her little sister with a smile on her face.

"Huh?" said Sweetie Belle.

"Come on, let's have fun." smiled Rarity as she sat down across from her sister as she reached into her pocket and pulled out her cards as she shuffled them.

"You're finally done?! Yes!" exclaimed Sweetie Belle as she gathered up her cards and then began to shuffle them. While Sweetie Belle was shuffled her cards, she looked at Rarity as she noticed her Crystal Beasts in between her sister's shuffles. "Say, Rarity?"

"What is it, Sweetie Belle?"

"You never told me how you got your Crystal Beasts? Or how you came to find them?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Well, I suppose I could tell you. I was about 5 years old when I got my deck. And to you'll find this quite shocking is that I never wanted to duel." said Rarity as she began to tell her little sister her tale.

It was a bright young day as the kids were all running about as they were chasing each other around. Of course, there was also some nearby duels happening. Most of the kids gathered round to see their fellow classmates as well as too see the cool monsters. Viewing this from afar was Rarity as she was on a nearby bench as she had a notepad on her knees as she was sketching some dresses. Granted for a kid they were just straight lines as Rarity had a couple of colored pencils as she was filling in with tons of colors as she tried to envision what it would look like. Once she added the final color, she look at it as it was beautiful, but to Rarity it wasn't meeting her expectations.

"That's a nice drawing, Rarity." said another kid as she joined her friend on the bench.

"Nice?! It needs to be spectacular!" shouted a younger Rarity. "Forgive me, Golden Cheery. But I'm not happy with I drew."

"Well, I think it's nice. I wish I could have your skills at designing beautiful dresses." said Golden Cheery as looked at the drawing Rarity did. "Say, have you..." she didn't get to finish her sentence as the school bell rang to signal that break time was over as all the students were starting to line up for class.

"Remember class, don't forget about tomorrow's duels." said the teacher as she dismissed the young kids as they all got their backpacks. "Rarity, could I speak with you?"

"Yes, Ms. Calhoun."

"I wanted to talk to you about tomorrow's duels." said Rarity's teacher.

"Oh, yes. That thing." said Rarity with a bit of disgust. "Look, Ms. Calhoun its just that I'm not interested in this game. It's not my style, all the fighting."

"Duel Monsters isn't about fighting, it's more of the idea of having fun." said Rarity's teacher. "Which is why I'm worried, cause out of everybody here, you don't have a deck. And while the duels tomorrow aren't required, I still want you to take part in them and enjoy yourself. So, can you at least try to put together deck and participate in the fun?"

"I'd think I would have fun just working on my drawings." said Rarity.

"Just give it a chance." Ms. Calhoun then wrote something down on a piece of paper as she handed it to Rarity. "Here, go to the school's card shop. I'm sure they can allow you to sift through the pile of cards they lend the kids have to create decks."

"Very well." said Rarity as she grabbed the piece of paper and made her way to her destination.

She then entered the room as she went to the desk in the front as she presented the piece of paper by her teacher as she read it and typed in her computer. With that, Rarity was now given a piece of paper that she would have to write down all the cards she was borrowing so that the school could keep track of what each person had when they checked it out to keep track of anything being lost. Rarity then approached the huge bin as it was littered with cards as she grabbed a huge pile in her hands and place them on a nearby table.

"Honestly, I'm not sure why I'm doing this. This game just doesn't suit my needs . Or taste for that matter." stated the young girl as she slowly grabbed a small catalog as she looked at each card she grabbed to learn about it.

Rarity kept at this for about an hour as she was really trying to see the value of Duel Monsters. She did admit that several monsters were cute and did have some unique outfits that did catch her attention. However, she still didn't see the point of the game as she just put her head down.

"Why do I have to do this?" complained Rarity. "None of this is appealing to me. I should tell Ms. Calhoun that I'm just not interested in this 'Duel Monsters'." said the young girl. Just as Rarity had prepared to pack up, the book she was using had caught a card in between the pages that she didn't notice it. So when she picked up her book, out came the card as it slowly fell on the table. Rarity noticed this as it caught her attention.

"Well, now. What's this?" asked Rarity as she picked up the card and saw the creature. "Well, it's cute a little thing." The card that Rarity was currently holding was none other than Ruby Carbuncle. "How does something like you get involved in all this? Especially when you're so dazzling." said Rarity.

She then grabbed her book as she began to flip through the pages as she was looking for the card. Soon she came upon and began to read its name and its effect; Rarity then flipped to the next page as she saw all the Crystal Beast monster cards as they caught her eye with the many colors and vibrant that radiated to her. For the rest of the day, Rarity began to look and find the rest of the Crystal Beasts as little did she know she was creating her deck.

The next day and the students were running about as most of them were gathering around in large groups as they wanted to see the many duels that were taking place. As for Rarity she was looking at the duel disk she had borrowed for the event as she was trying to figure out how to work the damn thing.

"Why are these things so tight? And heavy." said Rarity as her arm was starting to way down a bit from the weight of the device.

"That's why you build some muscle." said Golden Cherry as she approached her friend. "Let me help you." said the girl as she began to fit the duel disk on Rarity's arm. "How's that?"

"A bit better." said Rarity.

"Good. Then want to duel?" asked Golden Cherry.

"I suppose it's only right. You helped me and I'll repay the favor." said Rarity as she then pulled out the created deck she made as she began to shuffle it as she slotted it into the duel disk.

As both girls prepared to take their place, some of their fellow classmates wanted to see this as they all gathered round.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Rarity's Life Points: 4000-

Golden Cherry's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Golden Cherry

"I'll start, I play this monster facedown in defense mode." said Golden Cherry as her card appeared sideways in front of her. "I'll end my turn."

Turn 2: Rarity

"Then it's my turn, darling. So stand back." said Rarity as she drew her card and looked at her options. "Now what did that book say about these cards. Oh, I remember, I summon Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat(1200/400). Now I'll activate my monster's effect, so now by slicing her attack points in half, I can have her attack you directly." said Rarity as she remembered reading that part of her monster's effect as her cat then raced over and did a slash as its target.
Golden Cherry's Life Points: 3400-

"Not bad." said Rarity as she was impressed by what she was able to do.

Turn 3: Golden Cherry

"Not bad, Rarity." said Golden Cherry as she cheered for her friend on being able to strike the first blow. "My turn, now I flip over my facedown, it's my Prediction Princess Coinorma(800/1400)." Out flipped a monster as she was tiny and had a coin she was holding. "Now Coinorma's effect activates, Now I can special summon 1 Level 3 or higher 'Flip' monster from my hand or deck in facedown defense position. So I'll set this monster." Golden Cherry then had her duel disk ejected a card from her deck as she set it facedown on the field. "Next, I'll lay one card facedown and set another monster facedown. I end my turn."

Turn 4: Rarity

"My turn." said Rarity as she looked at the card she drew and it happened to be another Crystal Beast. "I always did like cats, now how about meeting this pair. I summon Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger(1600/1000)." Rarity played her card and out came a tiger that was white as it had black stripes along its body as it had a horn sticking out from its head. Topaz Tiger let out roar as he looked around and took in its surroundings. He then looked at the young Rarity as he let out a growl.

"Easy there." said Rarity as she put her hands out as she was scared by the look her tiger was giving her.

Topaz Tiger started to get closer to Rarity as his growl was becoming a bit louder. Rarity was now scared that the monster was going to eat her that she closed her eyes as she prepared for it to be gone. Amethyst Cat gave a growl to her comrade as she was relaying a message to her friend. Soon Rarity opened her eyes expecting her to be torn to shreds. when standing in front of her was Topaz Tiger as he still held a growl but was leaving himself vulnerable. Rarity then slowly extended her hand out as it was above Topaz Tiger who immediately began to sniff her hand as he took in the little girl's scent. He then licked her hand as he brought his head up to make contact with Rarity's palm as he let out a purr. Rarity was glad that she wasn't going to get eaten as she started to pet her tiger even more. Soon she looked at both of her cats as they all nodded and then turned back into their battle positions.

"Now time for my tiger strike, attack her Prediction Princess Coinorma. And now my tiger's effect allows him to gain 400 extra attack points when it battles a monster." said Rarity as her tiger looked to pounce.

"I activate my facedown, Black Cat-astrophe. Now since I control 2 or more facedown monsters, I can end the battle phase." said Golden Cherry as she managed to stop Rarity in her tracks.

"Very well, then. I'll lay one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Golden Cherry

"My turn, and now I'll flip over my Prediction Princess Arrowsylph(1000/1400) and by doing so her effect allows me to add a Ritual spell to my hand from my deck or graveyard. But then I'll also flip over my other facedown monster, my Prediction Princess Crystaldine(1400/2200). And so I can add a Ritual monster from my deck or graveyard to my hand." Golden Cherry had both of her monsters flip up as her duel disk ejected the two cards she wanted. "Now I'll play the spell card that I got, I activate the ritual spell, Prediction Ritual. So by offering my Prediction Princess Arrowsylph and Princess Crystaldine, I can conduct a ritual summoning!"

"Ritual summon?" asked Rarity as she was confused by that word.

"O ancient sorceress, who appears through the veil of life, may the supernatural secret spell awaken you without strife! I Ritual Summon Prediction Princess Tarotrei(2700/1200)!" Out came a sorceress as her hands were flowing with magic. "Now I attack your Amethyst Cat with my Prediction Princess Tarotrei!" shouted Golden Cherry as her monster was able to take Rarity's monster out and deal some big damage.
Rarity's Life Points: 2500-

After the attack ended, Rarity's cat then transformed into a gem. Rarity was about to send her card away she noticed the small jewel on her field. "Huh? Oh, wait a minute. I think remember something about this, but what?" Rarity was trying hard to remember a certain detail she had read about these cards. It soon came to her as lightbulb went off in her head. "I remember. When my Crystal Beasts are destroyed, I can place them in my spell and trap card zone instead of sending them to my graveyard."

"I've never heard of that before." said Golden Cherry. "Well, I'll just place another monster facedown and then my monster's effect allows me to set another monster facedown, so I'll do just that. I now end my turn."

Turn 6: Rarity

"My draw, and I summon my Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus(1800/1200). And when my pegasus is summoned, I can place 'Crystal Beast' from my hand, deck or graveyard, in my spell and trap card zone. So I'll set this cute little creature, my Ruby Carbuncle." A small red ruby appeared on Rarity's field. "Now since my Ruby Carbuncle is in my spell and trap card zone, I can special summon it, then when Ruby is summoned, so are all my other Crystal Beasts in my backrow." said Rarity as both her Carbuncle and Amethyst Cat appeared on the field.

"Not bad." cheered Golden Cherry.

"Now I'll equip my Sapphire Pegasus with Crystal Release to give him 800 more attack points." stated Rarity.

"But that only gives him, 2600 attack points. My monster is still stronger." said Golden Cherry.

"Well, I now reveal my facedown, M Force. So now one of my monsters gain 500 attack points and I'll choose my pegasus. So now he's the stronger one." informed Rarity. "So first thing is that I'll have my Amethyst Cat attack you directly, by cutting her attack points." said the girl as her cat dealt it blow.
Golden Cherry's Life Points: 2800-

"Now my Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus will attack your Prediction Princess Tarotrei!" stated Rarity as her pegasus took off.

"I activate my Tarotrei's special ability, during either player's turn, I can target one facedown monster and flip it up. So I'll target my own monster." said Golden Cherry as her card flipped over. "Now the effect of my Prediction Princess Petalelf(800/700) activates, so all of your monsters now switch from attack mode to defense mode and they can't change modes." With that Golden Cherry was able to stop Rarity's attack as her pegasus came to a halt.

"Fine. I end my turn."

Turn 7: Golden Cherry

"You almost took down my monster." cheered Golden Cherry. "So sorry I have to do this, I now flip up my other monster. My Prediction Princess Astromorrigan(1300/0). And thanks to this effect, for all the monsters you have in defense mode, at the end of the turn they're all destroyed and you take 500 points of damage."

"What?" said Rarity in a shocked voice.

"Now I'll have my Prediction Princess Coinorma attack your Ruby Carbuncle." said Golden Cherry as her monster took out Rarity's tiny monster as it turned into a ruby.

"Why do that? Now I'll take less damage."

"So I can make room for my trap, Reverse Reuse. Now I can target 2 Flip monsters in my graveyard and place them on your field in facedown defense position." said Golden Cherry as her Crystaldine and Arrowsylph appeared on Rarity's field. "Now your field is full and so when I end my turn..."

"I lose." said Rarity as she realized the situation.

"Bingo. Sorry." said Golden Cherry as she ended her turn and Rarity lost.
Rarity's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Golden Cherry

"And that's how I got my deck." said Rarity as she finished telling her tale to her sister.

"Woah, so what about your cards?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Well, whenever I needed a deck. I would always go to the same place and rent out the same cards, eventually I got better and the women who was in charge saw how much I cared about the cards that she allowed me to keep them permantly." said Rarity.

Scootaloo had made her way to the skatepark as she was hoping to find who she was looking for. Thankfully, she didn't have to look too far as she saw Rainbow Dash doing some tricks and flips with her skateboard as she was running her routine and finding new moves she could execute. The small girl then approached the ramp as Rainbow had managed to bring her board to a stop as she spun around and skidded leaving a few marks in the cement.

"That was. Amazing!!" shouted Scootaloo.

"Thanks, kiddo." said Rainbow Dash as she started to grab her water bottle and take a few sips. "So, what brings you here, sport?"

"Well, I wanted to ask you something?"

"Is it how awesome I am? Cause let me tell you, that's all the time." said Rainbow as she began to take off her helmet as she flipped her hair to let it flow freely. "In fact, since I won my first junior tournament in grade school. I've been reeking with awesomeness."

"You have? Tell me about it!" shouted Scootaloo as her eyes were now widen with excitement.

"Well, it all started..."

Rainbow was now accounting the time she had won her first junior tournament in grade school. Despite, being a girl with a tomboyish attitude, she quickly impressed her classmates with her skills and her deck. Eventually, the day where their school was holding a mini tournament for the kids in the junior division. Rainbow was one of the first kids who signed up and asked her parents to enter as they were big supporters of their daughter and everything she did was hailed as "legendary" in her eyes. So the final duel of the event was upon the kids as Rainbow was one of the two finals as she was taking on a person she had a score to settle with.

"Hope you're ready to lose again, Rainbow Crash." mocked her opponent who was none other than a boy named Dumb Bell.

"As if, I'm going to run over you faster than you count to three." said a young Rainbow Dash. She then slotted in her cards as her duel disk activated.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 4000-

Dumb Bell's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Dumb Bell

"Boys first." stated Dumb Bell as he picked up his card. "Let's see you beat this monster, I special summon my Gilasaurus(1400/400)." said the boy as a small dino appeared as it let out a roar. "Then I'll sacrifice my Gilasaurus so that I can summon my Frostosaurus(2600/1700)." The smaller dino then froze over as a bigger and colder dino appeared as it let out a cry. "Let's see you beat that, Crash."

Turn 2: Rainbow Dash

"My turn!" said a young and cocky Rainbow as she drew her card. "I summon U.A. Midfielder(1200/1000)." A portal appeared in the air before her and her monster jumped down into a crouch, an athlete with spiked brown hair and glowing silver and green armor.

"Maybe you should pay attention to math, Crash. Cause my monster could totally crush that little guy with one hit." mocked Dumb Bell as his friends, Hoops and Score joined in on their mocking of Rainbow.

"Then let me do something that really get everybody's attention. I switch out my U.A. Midfielder so that I can summon my U.A. Player Manager(2000/2600)." Midfielder then tagged in its partner as out came his teammate as he threw off his jacket and had a baseball over his shoulder.

"That all?! It's still weak." chuckled Dumb Bell.

"You're right, they do call you Dumb Bell based on the level of your stupidity." mocked Rainbow as it got the boys to glare at her. "Cause let introduce you to my monster's special ability, when U.A. Player Manager is special summoned, it can destroy one card on the field. So say goodbye to your Frostosaurus!" stated Rainbow.

"Huh?" said the boys as they watched Rainbow's monster toss up a baseball and then swung at it as it shattered the dino into tons of pieces.

"Now you're wide open, attack big guy!" shouted Rainbow as she gave her monster his command as he tossed another baseball into the air and with a mighty swing of his bat, was able to send the ball sailing straight at Dumb Bell's face as he fell flat on his back.
Dumb Bell's Life Points: 2000-

"Nice!" said Rainbow as her monster then appeared in front of her as he lifted his hand up. Rainbow understood as she had to jump to be able give her monster a high five as she smiled.

"Way to go, sweetie!" shouted Rainbow's mom as she waved a small flag with her daughter's face on it.

"Attagirl! Yeah!!" shouted Rainbow's father as he was wearing a t-shirt that had his daughter on it.

"God, this is embarrassing." said Rainbow as her parents often were over the top when it came to showing their support for their daughter. "I'll end my turn. Let's see if you can take down my monster."

Turn 3: Dumb Bell

"My turn, and now I play my field spell, Jurassic World. And with my field spell in play, all my dinos gain 300 attack and defense points. So now I play my Sabersaurus(1900/500)." Out emerged a triceratops as it sabers all along its body. "Thanks to being in its natural home, my dino gets even more powerful, 300 more points stronger. Now attack her pathetic monster." said Dumb Bell as his dino then charged forward as it took out Rainbow's monster with its horns.
Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 3800-

"Now I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Rainbow Dash

"My turn, draw!" said Rainbow.

"Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!" shouted Rainbow's parents.

"Not helping." said Rainbow as she gritted her teeth. "I now play U.A. Midfielder once again, then I switch him out so that I can summon my U.A. Perfect Ace(1500/2500) in defense mode." said Rainbow as her new monster monster wore a blue and silver outfit with mechanical gliders on its back as it had a football in his hand.

"I'll then place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Dumb Bell

"My turn, I now play my Hyper Hammerhead(1500/1200)." Out came another dino as it let out a roar as its nose resembled a hammer. "Now, I'll have my new monster attack your monster." said Dumb Bell.

"Bring it on! My monster has more defense points, so it won't even feel the attack." stated Rainbow as her monster was able to push back the dino as it fell on its back as Dumb Bell lost some points.
Dumb Bell's Life Points: 1300-

"Told ya!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

"Then how about this, my monster's effect activates." said Dumb Bell. "Cause at the end of the damage step, if the monster that my Hyper Hammerhead battled wasn't destroyed, then I can return that card back to your hand. And with no monsters to protect you, my Sabersaurus will go in for the attack." informed the boy.

"As if I'd let that happen. I activate my Perfect Ace's special ability, now I'll discard my U.A. Rookie so that I can negate the activate of your effect and then destroy your monster all together." said Rainbow with a smirk as she sent her card to the grave as Hyper Hammerhead let out a cry as it was soon gone.

"How did you do that?!" said the boy trio.

"It was nothing." said Rainbow with a smile which was soon gone due to her parents over cheering.

"Yeah, Rainbow Dash, you show 'em!" shouted Windy Whistles and Bow Hothoof.

"Why did I ask them to attend?" said Rainbow as she was now fully getting embarrassed in front of her classmates as she facepalmed herself.

"Well, I'm still going to win. Cause I reveal my facedown, Seismic Shockwave. Now since a monster of mine was destroyed, I can then lock 3 of your spell and trap card zones for you to use." said Dumb Bell.

"What?!" said Rainbow as three of her slots had X's over them to tell her she couldn't use them. "Just great." groaned the little chromatic haired girl.

"What you gonna do now, huh Crash?" mocked the boys.

Turn 6: Rainbow

"Watch, my draw! I summon U.A. Midfielder and then switch out so that I can summon U.A. Goalkeeper(1000/2800) in defense mode." said Rainbow. Midfielder swirled up into another portal. With a large thud, Rainbow’s monster descended to the field, a massive creature in thick white and orange hockey armor with glowing green lines crossing the pads. It crouched and held its hands out to the side, a red visor over its eyes lighting up.

"I'll then lay a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Dumb Bell

"Got nothing, can't blame you." said Dumb Bell as he drew his card. "Now I play my Big Evolution Pill spell card, so I tribute my Sabersaurus so that I can summon a Level 5 or higher monster without tributing. So I'll get rid of my dino so that I can summon Ultimate Tyranno(3000/2200)!" Out emerged a huge t-rex as it let out a roar that caused the other kids to be in awe at the big creature they saw.

Meanwhile, Rainbow's parents were holding each other tightly as they feared their daughter would get hurt by the size of the monster. Rainbow however, kept a calm and focused look on her face as she wasn't backing down from it.

"Now thanks to my monster's effect, Ultimate Tyranno can attack all of your monsters at the start of my battle phase. So do it, my dino." said Dumb Bell as his t-rex let out a roar and then swung its tail as it looked to take out both of Rainbow's monsters.

"I activate my Goalkeeper's special ability, now once per turn, I can target one of my 'U.A.' monsters and it can't be destroyed in battle. So that means my U.A. Perfect Ace is going to stick around!" shouted Rainbow as her Goalkeeper used his hand as he was transferring some energy to his teammate as he was taken out.

"You may have saved your puny monster, but it's still no match for my powerful dino. So I end my turn."

Turn 8: Rainbow

"My draw." said the brash young girl as she drew her card. "Time for me to win. I switch out my U.A. Perfect Ace so that I can summon another one of my star players of my team of amazing athletes. I summon my U.A. Playmaker(2600/2000). Then I'll reveal the card I first set, my U.A. Signing Deal. So now I can summon a U.A. monster from my deck, but its effects are negated and I take damage equal to its level by 300. So from my deck, I summon my U.A. Mighty Slugger(2300/700)." said Rainbow as she now had two monsters on her field.
Rainbow's Life Points: 2300-

"Seems like this duel is going to be over very quick." said Dumb Bell as his boys also laughed at Rainbow's pathetic attempt on making a move.

"Well, I'm from from done, cause now I reveal my other facedown, my U.A. Powered Jersey. And when I equip it to my Mighty Slugger, then I can give him an extra 1000 attack and defense points." stated Rainbow as her monster felt the power flowing from the jersey as it let out a battle cry. "Now he's got 3300 attack points and that's more than enough to take down your Ultimate Tyranno. Go get him buddy!" Mighty Slugger then leaped into the air as a few baseballs began to manifest in front of him. "Now I activate my Playmaker's effect, when a 'U.A.' monster attacks, I can transfer 800 of his own attack points and give them to another teammate. So now Playmaker gives Slugger some more power as he's got a total of 4100 attack points." said Rainbow. The balls then started to glow blue as Mighty Slugger made contact with them as his bat was transferring the attack power up to him as he put even more behind his swing as he nailed Ultimate Tyranno square in the chest as the mighty lizard went down in one shot.

"And I'm not done, cause my U.A. Powered Jersey has a second effect, in that the monster that's wearing it. Any battle damage it dishes out is doubled. So the damage coming out between out monsters is 1100, but if add the doubling effect of my U.A. Powered Jersey, then the damage is now 2200 points. Which means... I win." smiled Rainbow.

"Ahh!" shouted Dumb Bell as he was thrown back from the attack as his boys tried to catch their friend as he landed on top of them.
Dumb Bell's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Rainbow Dash

"And the winner of the junior division tournament is... Rainbow Dash." said the judge.

"Ah yeah!!!" shouted Rainbow Dash as she jumped into the air as she did a fist bump.

"And that was the story of how I won my first ever junior tournament in elementary school." said Rainbow as she finished telling her tale with a huge grin on her face.

"That was so cool!" said Scootaloo as she was soaking in all the details from her idol's story as her tongue was hanging out in anticipation.

After she had split from the other two, Applebloom had actually decided to head over to the library to take care of some homework. She was able to get most of the report done as all she needed was just one final thing from the person she was doing the report on. Eventually, she noticed the time as she started to head towards the front of the school entrance as there was the person she was looking for.

"Careful there, sugar. Those plants are sensitive on where you cut them stems." said Applejack.

"I'm trying." said Isaac as he was currently bent down and had a pair of gardener gloves on as he was helping Applejack to take care of the plants that belonged to the school's garden. Isaac slowly had a pair of scissors as he was sweating hard as he was trying to be careful on which parts he cut to make sure that the plant didn't feel pain and die.

"Easy there." said Applejack as she was leaning over with her hands on her knees as she looked over Isaac's shoulder.

"Almost... got it." said Isaac as he snapped the last bit of foliage. "There we go." Isaac then relaxed as he wiped his forehead from the sweat that was dripping down.

"Not bad, for a city slicker." said AJ as she punched Isaac in the arm.

"Applejack! Isaac!" shouted Applebloom. Both teens then saw the small girl coming towards them.

"Well, I'd think that's enough for today, sugarcube. Ah appreciate you in lendin' me a hand."

"I'm always willing to help you girls with anything." said Isaac as he smiled at his cowgirl friend.

"Well, then. Ah best go. I'm going to head to home to the farm with Applebloom." said Aj as she and her sister all got into her truck as she started the engine up. "Ah'll see you tomorrow, sugarcube."

"See ya, Jacklyn." said Isaac with a smug tone and smirk.

"Ah hate that name." gritted Applejack as Applebloom let out a small snicker. She then stepped it on the gas pedal as the tailpipe produced some smoke as it got in Isaac's face who just let out a cough.

The drive home was steady as the evening air provided a cool breeze with the sun setting created a beautiful image to look at. Applebloom took out her deck from the side pocket of her backpack as she began to examine it; she was going over all the cards she had as she was trying to figure out some new strategies. Soon something came to her head as she looked at her monsters.

"Hey, Applejack?"

"What is it, Applebloom?" responded the older sibling.

"That deck of yers, ah know it was left behind by ma and pa. But you never told me how it ended up with you. All I know is by the time I was born and could be able to walk and talk, you've just had it." said the younger sister.

"Well, that's partially true. See, Applebloom. Ah wasn't the first one to have mah deck. Big Mac was the first one to wield it." said Applejack as she was driving.

"Big Mac?" Applebloom was shocked to find that her own brother was in possession of Applejack's deck before she had gotten a hold of it.

"Yup." confirmed the cowgirl.

"Then why do you have it?" asked the small girl.

"That's a tale, I haven't told in a long time, sugar." said Applejack as she began to tell her little sister about the story.

It was right around the time that the Apple Family was doing their daily harvest as they needed to get ready for the annual family reunion. At this point, it had been a few years since Applejack's parents had disappeared as Applebloom was none more than a year older as she was still a tiny baby as she sucked her pacifier. As for the other two siblings, Big Mac and Applejack were hard at work as they did all they could to prep for the harvest and the gathering that was about to be in two days. During that time, everybody was pitching in as they worked hard to get all the thing ready and took turns watching over the youngest member of their family as she would sleep and see all the action in front of her.

As the work was about to be finished, Big Mac had managed to pull aside his sister as he wanted to have a conversation with her in the barn.

"What?!" said Applejack as she was stunned by what she heard.

"It's yers." said Big Mac as he held his deck out towards her.

"Ah... don't what to say. But ah can't, ma and pa left this for you."

"Ma and pa left this deck so that they could be happy for our family to have a duelist. And ah think you're more suited for this deck, then I am." said the older sibling. "Applejack, ah want you to have it. Ah fell like it belongs with you."

"Ah can't!" stated Applejack. "Ah don't know a lick of split when it comes to duelin'."

"You'll learn. Trust me, little sis. This deck was made for you, ma and pa would be proud to know that I made the right decision." Big Mac then grabbed his sister's hand as he placed the deck in it.

Applejack took a moment to look at the object in her hand. So many emotions were running through her head that she didn't know what to say or how to react. Since the disappearance of their parents, all that was left was this deck, a hat, and a note that said they shouldn't forget about one another. That family is the one thing that can never ever be torn apart; that no matter what, family will always be there for you when you need it the most.

"Ah guess... ah guess... all ah can say is, thank you." said Applejack as she looked at her older brother.

"I know you'll do good, ma and pa are proud to have you take up the mantle more than I could." Big Mac then put something on his little sister's head as it was the hat that was left behind with the deck. "That works for you."

The next day was filled with putting the final touches on the barn and the orchard for the family meeting. Applejack had taken sometime of her own to look at the deck and the cards that were in it.

"Ah don't know where to start. Ah don't even know what 'Predaplants' are." said Applejack as the hat on her head wobbled a bit and fell forward as it covered her eyes. "Darn this thing." Applejack then began to fix her hat as it felt like a bit big for her. "And what's this thing about, 'fusion'? I'm more confused than a chicken gettin' to the other side." Applejack just let out a sigh as she laid down on her bed as the hat covered her eyes again.

"Why did Big Mac think this deck belonged with me?" said Applejack as she lifted the hat to stare at the ceiling. "Ah don't know about duelin' and ah very little when it comes to Duel Monsters. Ah've only been watchin' whenever Big Mac had to. And now that I've got the deck, ah don't know what to do." Applejack looked at her cards as the images of her parents appeared in her mind.

"Maybe ma and pa were wrong, there's no way ah could ever be a duelist. I doubt, I'll ever win." said Applejack as she grabbed her cards and opened up the drawer next to her bed as she looked at the deck before putting it in and closing it. "And this darn thing, won't stop slippin'!!" shouted Applejack as her hat was once again covering her view of sight.

Applejack then made her way out to the field as she got to work on helping her family. The day then arrived as since the moment, the sun rose, all the members of the Apple family were hard at work getting ready. An hour passed and cars started to show up as they arrived for the family meeting; after that, it was nonstop as soon more and more people started to show up. The entire barn and the area around it was packed as so many people were happy to see each other in a while, the younger members all laughed and played with one another. Some of them even pulled out some cards as they were playing on some stumps as they began to battle one another.

"They sure are having fun." said Applejack as she watched some of her younger relatives who were her age also battling with cards as she was rocking Applebloom's crib.

"(Baby noises)" said Applebloom.

"That's right, Applebloom. They all seem to be enjoyin' themselves." responded the older sibling.

"(Baby noises)".

"Ah wish ah could join them, but ah can't." said Applejack as she put her head down as the hat slid over her face again. She then repositioned it as she looked on. "Ma and pa believed that their children would grow up to be mighty fine duelists, well that just ain't true. I'm not a duelist and I'll probably never be." said Applejack as she was talking to herself and her baby sister.

"(Baby noises)"

"Ah wish ah could talk with them and find out why they left this deck. It's not like I'm gonna use it to take down something evil." said Applejack. "But maybe yer the one who the deck should belong to." said Applejack as she looked at her tiny sister and began to rub her chin. "Ah mean ah just got to wait, what? 7 years or so and then ah could give it to you. What do you say?" grinned the older sibling.

"Ehh?" said Applebloom as she turned her head to the side.

"Yer right, ah can't just wait to give it to you if ah don't want it." said Applejack as she came to her realization. "Big Mac chose me to have this deck, so there's got to be a reason why he would do this? The question is: what?"

"Applejack." said Applebloom. Her response caused the older sibling to look at her. "Applejack. Applejack." giggled baby Applebloom with some spits coming out of her mouth.

"Thanks, Applebloom. You're a good listener." said Applejack as she ticked her sister's belly as she planted a kiss on her cheek as Applebloom brought her tiny hands up and gripped her sister's cheek as she began to pull on them as her way of playing.

"Why don't you go on and play with the other kids, Applejack?" said Granny Smith as she had approached the porch. "I'll watch Applebloom, you go and have fun."

"Alright, granny. See ya, little sis." said Applejack as he managed to remove herself from Applebloom's grip as she went to go play with the other kids as Granny Smith sat down in a rocking chair with Applebloom in her arms.

"You know, I think she'll be a fine duelist." said Granny Smith.

"Applejack?" said Applebloom.

"Even you, little thing." said Granny Smith as she began to rock back and forth with Applebloom in her hands.

Applejack was now going over to where the other kids had gathered as they all were collecting in a large group as they were watching a duel happen on a tree stump as they observed. Soon the battle ended as some of the other kids wanted to take their turn. One of Aj's many cousins, Sunflower had decided to take part as she wanted Applejack to be her opponent. She asked if Applejack had a deck to which Aj nodded uneasily, as she went to fetch. It took a few minutes, as Applejack opened the drawer and there was the deck she was still uneasy about. She then made her way back to the rest of the kids as the two of them sat in front of a stump with the other kids gathering around them as both girls shuffled their decks and drew their hands.

Applejack's Life Points: 4000-

Sunflower's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Applejack

"Ah guess, I'll go first." said Applejack as she drew her card. "I summon mah Dandylion(300/300) in defense mode. I'll then lay a card facedown and end mah turn."

Turn 2: Sunflower

"My turn." said Sunflower as she drew her card. "I play Bean Solider(1400/1300) in attack mode." Sunflower showed her monster as it was a bean that had arms and legs as it wielded a sword. "Now I'll attack your monster."

"Now mah Dandylion's effect activates, since it was sent to the graveyard, ah can replace it with 2 'Fluff Tokens'(0/0) to take its place." Applejack then put her monster in the discard pile as she replaced her field with two tokens in defense mode.

"Not bad, cuz. I now end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 3: Applejack

"My turn, and now I'll activate mah facedown, Super Solar Nutrient. Now I sacrifice one of mah tokens to summon Level 4 or below Plant monster from mah deck. So say hello to mah Lonefire Blossom(500/1400) in defense mode." Applejack then got rid of her token as she replaced it with a monster. "Next, ah activate mah Lonefire Blossom's effect, so I tribute mah other token so that ah can summon mah Talaya, Princess of Cherry Blossom(2800/1200) in attack mode." Applejack now got rid of her other token as she grabbed another card from her deck as she place it on the field for all to see a she shuffled her deck. "Now I'll play another spell card, Miracle Fertilizer. Now ah can revive a plant-type monster in mah graveyard once per turn. I choose to bring back mah Dandylion. And thanks to mah Talaya's effect, she gains 100 extra attack points for every plant-type monster I control. And mah other monsters, can't be destroyed by card effects." said Applejack as her powerful monster gained 300 more points.

"So now I'll attack your Bean Soldier with my Talaya." stated Applejack as she took out her target.
Sunflower's Life Points: 2300-

"I now end mah turn." said Applejack with a smile as she took the lead in the duel.

Turn 4: Sunflower

"Nice move, cousin Aj. Didn't expect that." said Sunflower as she drew her card. "I summon Naturia Beans(100/1200) in defense mode. Then I'll end my turn."

Turn 5: Applejack

"Mah turn, and I'll now attack yer Naturia Beans with mah Talaya." said Applejack.

"Not this time, Applejack. Cause thanks to my monster's effect, it can't be destroyed in battle once per turn." informed Sunflower. "And when you attack it, you take 500 points of damage."
Applejack's Life Points: 3500-

"What? I didn't know that effect exist." said Applejack as she was amazed by the result. "Well, then ah just end mah turn with a facedown."

Turn 6: Sunflower

"My turn and now I summon Naturia Pumpkin(1400/800). And since I normal summoned and your control a monster, I can special summon another 'Naturia' monster from my hand, so now I summon my Naturia Mantis(1700/1500). And then I'll play the spell card, Megamorph. So since my life points are currently lower than yours, than I can equip one of my monsters with this spell and double its attack points. So now my mantis has 3400 attack points." said Sunflower.

"3400?" said Applejack as she had to do a double take at that statement.

"Now I'll attack your Talaya with my mantis." said Sunflower as she managed to take out Applejack's powerful monster. "Then I'll have my Naturia Pumpkin attack your Dandylion." Applejack was now down to one monster.
Applejack's Life Points: 3200-

"With that, I end my turn."

Turn 7: Applejack

"My turn." Applejack drew her card nervous as she looked at her hand as she was trying to figure out what to play. "Now I activate the effect of my Miracle Fertilizer..."

"I reveal my facedown, Exterio's Fang. Now since I control a 'Naturia' monster and have at least one card in my hand, I can negate and destroy your spell. Then I send one card to my graveyard." said Sunflower as she stopped Aj from using her card and put her selected card in the discard pile.

"Then I play my Lord Poison(1500/1000)..."

"Sorry again, cousin. But I activate my Naturia Mantis' effect, so I send my Naturia Mosquito so that I can destroy your monster." countered Sunflower as she got rid of Applejack's monster.

"I... end mah turn." said Applejack as she tried to hide a tear in her eyes.

Turn 8: Sunflower

"My turn and now I'll have my mantis attack your Lonefire Blossom. And then I'll attack you directly with my Naturia Pumpkin." said Sunflower as she declared a direct attack on Applejack as she had nothing to protect her.
Applejack's Life Points: 1800-

"Now since my life points are higher than yours, my Megamorph's effect changes. Now my mantis' original attack points are halved." said Sunflower as her monster was now reduced 850 attack points.

"I'll now end my turn."

Turn 9: Applejack

"My turn." Applejack then placed her hand on her deck as she looked at the card in her hand. She currently had no monsters on her field and if she didn't summon something powerful out this turn, then she would lose. So Applejack let out a deep breath as she drew her card. She then looked at it as she was confused on what to do, then she started to read the print as it started to signal something in her brain as she looked at the other cards she was holding.

"Alrighty, then. I now play the spell card, Polymerization!" said Applejack as she showed off her card. "Now I fuse together mah Predaplant Darlington Cobra with Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio! Ah combine mah stingin' predator and mah venomous predator, and let a vicious new plant bloom! Ah Fusion Summon, Predaplant Chimerafflesia(2500/2000)!" shouted Applejack as she put both of her monsters in the discard pile and then grabbed a new monster from her Extra Deck as she showed it off for her cousin and her other family members.

"What is that?" asked Sunflower. "I didn't know you could do that, cousin Applejack." Sunflower and all the other kids around them were fascinated by what Applejack was able to do as she managed to bring a monster out by the way of a summoning called fusion.

"Now ah activate my monster's effect, once per turn, ah can banish one monster on your side of the field that's a level lower than my monster. So your Naturia Mantis is now gone." said Applejack as she removed her biggest obstacle. "With that done, ah win. Cause ah attack your Naturia Pumpkin with mah Predaplant Chimerafflesia and now its second effect triggers which means it loses 1000 attack points while my Chimerafflesia gains 1000 attack points. So with a total of 3500 attack points and your pumpkin having only 400, it's game over." smiled Applejack as she declared her attack and won.
Sunflower's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Applejack

"Awesome move, cousin Applejack." said Sunflower as she was amazed by what the small country girl showed off.

"Thanks, partner." said Applejack as she tipped her hat which was now perfectly staying on her head this time as she felt a new found sense of confidence as she looked at her monsters. Shen then grabbed her deck as she looked at them. "Maybe, Big Mac was right. So were you, Ma and Pa."

"And that's how it started." said Applejack as she finished telling her story.

"Wow." said Applebloom as she was impressed by what her sister did.

"Well, we're here." mentioned Applejack as they pulled up to the house and both got out as Big Mac was inside helping Granny Smith prep dinner. "Go wash up, now." informed Aj as Applebloom nodded and went to the bathroom.

Applejack then reached into her pocket as she pulled out her deck and looked at it. At the same time, both Rainbow and Rarity also pulled out their decks as they too were looking at it and began to remember their very early days at wielding their comrades. To think that when they all started at a young age, they wouldn't think that they be standing here as the veteran duelists they were, and then having to meet someone who helped to improve their decks and help them to get to the next level of Duel Monsters. All of it brought a smile to the girls face, with their time soon coming to an end, they were definitely going to miss moments like these.

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