• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 82: The Retirement Duel

After Celestia had won her 100th win and completed her little crusade, she was now looking to make sure that the promise she made to Isaac all those weeks ago was to come. And through thick and thin, she did just that. Celestia was able to show that she still had it and was able to overcome her personal demons, but now the biggest task laid before her very eyes. But the entire matchup was now spun on its head as Celestia had revealed that she was in possession of the legendary Winged Dragon of Ra.

Everybody else still didn't know that Isaac was currently the holder of another Egyptian God card which was Slifer the Sky Dragon. So already the students were looking forward to seeing this duel between their champion and their principal, so you throw in the possibility that the Egyptian God cards may be used and you have a duel that almost anybody would pay to see. As for Isaac and Principal Celestia, lets say that after that last battle, both hadn't said a word to each other than just simply staring each other down in the hallway.

Isaac was currently lying on his bed as he had his deck in one hand as he stared at the ceiling. He was thinking about the challenge that was fast approaching. Soon he closed his eyes as he flashed back to a memory that had occurred weeks ago.

(A few weeks ago)

"You're doing what!?" shouted Isaac.

"I'm doing a sort of challenge. I want to see if I've got what it takes just like when I was in my prime. That's why I've had Luna compile a list of all the students so that I can select the ones that I want to face. This is my own personal goal that I want to achieve." stated Celestia. "I told you that I wanted to face the very best and that was you. But I also want to prove to myself that I don't want to face you because I say so, I want to earn it. That way there can be no excuse as to why we can't have a great duel."

"I understand all that, but you remember the stipulation. Should you lose your next duel, you'll be forced to retire." said Isaac.

"Then that makes it all the more for me to win." giggled Celestia.

"Still I just don't think this is a good idea. I get wanting to prove yourself, I really do, but there has to be another way. Let me fight in your place." pleaded Isaac.

"You Will Do No Such Thing!!!!" screamed Celestia as she slammed her fist on her desk. "This is on my own accord! I need this! You hear me, Isaac! I need to do this!" Celestia was now standing up as she was staring down at Isaac like an angry mother. "I know what you're doing. Let's just qualify something. There is no shame in me losing to you at the Fall Formal but it's not gonna happen! Okay? It's not gonna happen. You may be Canterlot High's duel champion. You may be the Showstopper but you're not gonna stop my show at the Fall Formal. I know that you're going to do whatever it takes to make sure that nothing happens to me because you want to be the one to beat. Is that right!" Celestia was now venting out her frustration as Isaac just stood taking Celestia's scolding.

"That's why you're here. And I've told you about sympathy. I've told you about pity. I've told you about running down and saving me. I'm my own person! I'm the Queen, god damn it! Okay? And I don't want you to get involved in anything I'm doing until I see you at the Fall Formal. I don't want to see you until our duel at the Fall Formal! I'm getting myself ready. I'm getting myself ready to go against the Showstopper. Is that understood!!" demanded Celestia. Isaac didn't say anything but just a simple nod. "Good, now get the hell out of my office!!"

(End of Flashback)

In fact that conversation took place early in the morning. Later in the day, when Dash had told the entire group during lunch of what she overheard, he already knew about it. But given that Celestia had told him to not get involved with anything that she was doing, he just simply said nothing. So later on when Celestia had made her announcement in front of everybody and chosen Dash as her first challenger, Isaac had decided to observe from the sidelines. He knew he was disobeying Celestia's orders by being here, but he couldn't help but feel like she may need some help. Seems Vice-Principal Luna thought the same thing as she made sure that Isaac had a private seat to watch Celestia's duels in case she may need help. Celestia was displeased with Isaac disobeying her authority, even more so that her own sister was thinking the same thing. Regardless she allowed Isaac to continue to sit in on her duels, but she explicitly made it clear to both him and her own sister that she didn't need anybody to save her.

And now after her duel with Sunset which she had to admit was at her scariest; she now finally got her wish to duel Isaac. But that duel with Sunset caused Celestia to have her life and career flash before her very eyes. She had to do whatever it took to make sure that she got what she wanted, and based on how Isaac's expression was when she used that card, she knew he was in a pissed off mode. Regardless, Celestia got what she so desperately desired and the match was now safely secured.

Isaac then sat up on his bed. He then took out three cards from his deck which happen to be his Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl, and Slifer the Sky Dragon. Now that Isaac knew Celestia had the most powerful Egyptian God card, he knew that he had to use Slifer to match the firepower that his opponent was going to bring. Isaac told himself that he wouldn't use Slifer unless it was for an emergency, but this was no emergency, this was personal.

The next day was the monthly school meeting that had all the heads of the different school clubs discussing the events upcoming for the school. Right now the issue was the Fall Formal as Pinkie was going over her design for this year as well as the duel that was going to take place. Isaac didn't say much as his mind was focused on his duel with Celestia, so Twilight did most of the speaking for both of them. Overall, everybody got their say in as they dispersed and wished Isaac the best of luck.

Isaac and Twilight were currently teaching their class of students; Twilight was busying going over a lecture she had planned while Isaac was sitting in the teacher's desk lost in thought. The Fall Formal was fast approaching and it was all he could think about, a part of him was still hesitant on facing his own principal and possibly ending her career. But another part of himself couldn't wait to get on the dueling field with and put Celestia out of her misery. Isaac was snapped out of his thoughts as Twilight nudged him.

"Isaac? Did you hear what I said? We're about to start the group activity." stated Twilight.

"Oh, right. Sorry, Twilight. Proceed as plan." informed Isaac.

Twilight nodded before she turned back to the class. "Alright, kids. Now we'll each break off into our small groups. So pull out your cards and have fun." At Twilight's command, all the kids started to meet with their groups as they began to have some practice duels. Twilight then began to walk around the classroom as she began to help anybody with some questions or what cards they could play.

Isaac also stood up as he looked at the kids; one thing about teaching a class full of little kids is that it helped to distract him from other things. So Isaac put his duel with Celestia to the side as he began to do his job as a teacher. He was currently looking over at some of the groups and seeing the many little duels they were doing. Soon he came across a little girl that had red hair and had a purple headband. She was wearing a cream t-shirt and had a red shirt. She had brown shoes, a blue bracelet, and had a aquamarine skin.

"Everything okay, Ariel?" asked Isaac.

"Everything is good, Mr. Isaac." responded the little girl.

"I told you, you don't have to call me Mr. I'm fine with you guys calling me by my name, I'm your friend."

"Right, sorry. It's just that well I recently got some new cards yesterday and well I was hoping to try them out, against you." Ariel quickly hid her face behind her hair.

Isaac just smiled at his student's display. "It's alright, I'll battle you." said Isaac as he rubbed her head. "Twilight, mind bringing me the choices."

"Of course." Twilight then walked over to the teacher's desk as she pulled out three different deck boxes and presented them to Isaac. "You know I can't believe that you refuse to use your own deck when battling against these kids."

"Well they're just beginners, Twilight. I don't want to throw them into the deep end off the bat, they need to understand the basics. Once they've got a firm grip on that, then we'll switch over to the more advanced tactics. Plus if I used my actually deck then... what's the word."

"You would destroy them." said Twilight bluntly.

"That's pretty harsh, Twi. But in a sense you're right." stated Isaac as he rubbed his neck. "Look I want to make sure these kids have fun. It's not always about wins and loses, sometimes losing is more rewarding than winning. I'll take this one." Isaac had selected the orange card box on the left. He then turned back to Ariel as he took a seat across from her and began to shuffle the deck. "Alright, Ariel you ready?"

"Yeah." shouted Ariel as she shuffled her deck.

"Twilight keep score for us."

Twilight nodded as she pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down the competitor's name and wrote down their life total with each starting at 4000 life points. Isaac and Twilight wanted the students to get comfortable with dueling so they implemented that the duels the kids have with each other center around 4000 life points instead of the usual 8000. This served as a way for them to understand how things were mostly done in the past and to help them with thinking a bit more when conducting their moves. With that everything was ready as Isaac and Ariel finished shuffling their decks and then drew their cards.

Ariel's Life Points: 4000-

Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

"You can go first." said Isaac.

Turn 1: Ariel

"Alright, then watch out Isaac." Ariel then picked up a card from her deck as she looked through her hand. "To start things off, I'm summoning a monster who's pretty and pink! Now, say hello to the fintastic Aquaactress Guppy(600/600)." Ariel placed her card on the table as it was a monster that was a pink fish and was cute. "Now Aquarium Stage will set the scene perfectly for my Aquaactress! She'll feel right at home and she'll feel safe, too, because now she can only be destroyed by Water monsters, and nothing else! But I'm not done yet. What's an aquarium without some fun fishy furnishings? The spell Aquarium Set will give my Aquaactress the backdrop she needs to shine! Now my Aquaactress Guppy gains 600 attack/defense points due to it being a Water monster and 'Aquaactress'."

Isaac gave a light clap at what Ariel was able to do on her first turn. "Well done, Ariel. That's an impressive first turn."

"Thanks, Isaac. But it only gets better, so I'm activating the continuous spell Aquarium Lighting! When you need to show your Aquaactress at her best, this does the trick. It's flattering and doubles her attack points when she battles! My Guppy will now showcase her amazing talents by attacking you directly!" said Ariel as she pointed at Isaac.

"I'm afraid that's illegal, Ariel." said Twilight.

"Huh, illegal? What did I do wrong?" Ariel was trying to figure out what the problem was. "I don't understand, I applied all the lessons you both gave me."

"Oh, Ariel." chuckled Isaac. "Since you went first, there's something you can't do, remember?"

It took a moment, but a lightbulb went off in Ariel's head. "Oopsie! I forgot I can't attack yet!" Soon she started to laugh a bit at her own mistake.

"It's okay, Ariel. You can attack next turn." said Twilight as she gave the little girl a smile.

"I'll put a card facedown and end my turn!"

Turn 2: Isaac

"Guess, I'll go." Isaac then picked up his card from the deck and began to think on which one he wanted to play. "I'll play this little critter, Chainsaw Insect(2400/0)." Isaac then placed a monster on the table that had a chainsaw for a set of jaws. "Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn. It's your move."

Turn 3: Ariel

"Thank you, Isaac!" Ariel then picked up her next card as she had a smile on her face. "Perfect! This was one lucky draw, 'cause we get to have a fab fish fiesta! Time to make your entrance, Aquaactress Tetra(300/300)! And just like her friend, Aquaactress Guppy, Aquarium Set gives Tetra 600 extra attack points!"

"Impressive, Ariel. Now how will you deal with this situation?" asked Twilight. "Isaac right now has a monster that has 2400 attack points, so if you attack with your Guppy then they'll both be destroyed."

"Time for plan B!" Ariel then played another card on the table. "I play the spell card, Go Fish. Now for this turn, I can give my Aquaactress Guppy and extra 400 attack points. So get set for some fin-to-fin combat! Attack! And now, Tetra will join the fun by striking Isaac directly!"
Isaac's Life Points: 2300-

"Way to go, Ariel." said Isaac as he picked up the card and put it in the graveyard pile. "You were able to work around my monster and deal damage to me in the same turn. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Isaac. Those lessons that you and Twilight been doing really help out a lot. I'll end my turn."

Turn 4: Isaac

"It's my turn," Isaac then picked up the next card of his deck. "To begin I'll play Graceful Charity. So I'll pick up three more cards and discard two. Then I'll play the spell card, Polymerization and with it I'll fuse together my Elemental Hero Avian and Necroshade to form Elemental Hero Escuridao(2500/2000). My monster has an ability that allows it to gain an additional 100 attack points for every 'Elemental Hero' in my graveyard and right now I have two. So it gains 200 attack points. But before I attack, I'll reveal my facedown Heavy Storm and with it I'll destroy all the spell and trap cards on the field."

"Arr." said Ariel as she put all her cards in the discard pile.

"Now I'll have my Elemental Hero Escuridao attack your Aquaactress Tetra. Then I'll end my turn."
Allie's Life Points: 1600-

Turn 5: Ariel

"My draw, I'll tribute my lovely Guppy to summon Aquaactress Arowana(2000/2000)!" Allie then replaced her monster with a stronger one. "Now I'll activate my facedown, Aqua Story Urashima! Now since I have a 'Aquaactress' in my graveyard, I can use this trap to make your monster reduce all of its attack points to 100 till the end of my turn. Now I'll attack with Arowana! I attack with Bubble Burst!"
Isaac's Life Points: 400-

"I end my turn. You're up!"

Turn 6: Isaac

"Impressive, Ariel. You've really outdone yourself in this duel. It's my move then; now I'll play my spell card, O - Oversoul. Thanks to this spell, I can bring back an Elemental Hero from my graveyard. And I choose my Elemental Hero Avian(1000/1000). Next I'll play Elemental Hero Burstinatrix(1200/800). Lastly, I'll conduct another fusion summon by using this spell card, Miracle Fusion. Now I banish my Elemental Hero Avian and Burstinatrix so that I can summon my Elemental Hero Flame Wingman(2100/1200)." Isaac now switched out his two cards and replaced both of them with a new monster from the extra deck pile. "Now I'll have Elemental Hero Flame Wingman attack your Arowana."

"Oh man, well at least I still have some life points left."

"Sorry, Ariel. But my Flame Wingman has a special ability, whenever he destroys a monster in battle, you then take damage equal to the attack points of the monster. So since Aquaactress Arowana has 2000 attack points, you'll then take that same amount which means it's game over."
Ariel's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"Good job, Ariel. Those new cards of yours really pack a punch; you nearly beat me." chuckled Isaac as he was now bent over by Ariel's side as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Even so, I still lost. Ohh, I'll never be as good as you. Maybe I should just give up." Ariel was starting to cry a bit.

"Cheer up, Ariel." said Twilight who bent down on Ariel's other side. "Keep in mind that you're still a beginner, and that was pretty impressive for where you're at. I promise that if you keep at it, you'll be a top duelist in no time."

"You might even beat me." said Isaac with a smile on his face.

Ariel was now smiling as she wiped her tears. "Thanks, both of you." Ariel then gave a hug to both Twilight and Isaac as she went off to join the other kids.

"Seems we're doing a good job training the future duelists." said Twilight as she stood by Isaac's side while grabbing his hand.

"Yeah, these kids are going to grow up to be fantastic duelists. I hope that what I'm teaching them will help to prepare them for whatever challenges they may face." Isaac then looked at Twilight as he booped her nose. "Plus, I have someone who's a wonderful assistance and an even better girlfriend." Isaac then leaned as he gave Twilight a quick kiss, soon they broke apart as they went back to doing their job.

Soon the days rolled by as the Fall Formal was just right around the corner, Rarity did her usual stick by making sure that she created something nice for everybody to wear. She especially wanted to make Twilight an exquisite outfit for her date with Isaac. So afterschool, the girls all headed to Rarity's boutique to model for their dresses, meanwhile Isaac was heading towards work as he helped Mr. Johnson with the evening shift. Mr. Johnson knew about Isaac's big duel coming up and he understood the emotion that Isaac was going through. He simply told him to do his best and try to have fun. Isaac just gave a half-warm smile as he tried to keep his mind distracted. Thankfully, the CMC stopped by as they wanted to check out the new card packs and so they purchased some and grabbed Isaac as they wanted to show him what they got. Safe to say that with everything else in happening in his life, Isaac was able to clear his mind.

Nighttime had fallen as Isaac was on the floor of his room as he was sitting with his deck scattered in front of him. He was currently going over his strategy for his duel with Celestia. Right now, he was going over all his past duels both in his mind and on video thanks to Twilight. He was absorbing every single detail of his moves and his cards, as he wanted to be prepared. Celestia had already proven that she had skills, but now that she showed her true hand and was currently in possession of The Winged Dragon of Ra. That only brought terrified him due to his knowledge of Ra having so many powers/abilities. It was the reason why it was the most powerful Egyptian God card. That couple with what little he knew of Ra made it that much more challenging; the God cards were some of the legendary cards in all of Duel Monsters due to them having so many secrets, plus nobody had seen them in such a long time since the original owner had them. Regardless, Isaac had to prepare himself for any scenario.

So Isaac began to work on coming up with a game plan to defeat Celestia; he worked his brain to the fullest as he thought about every card combination possible he could do. Eventually, there were three cards that were in the center of the big mess as Isaac just kept looking at them. Isaac could sense the spirits of his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl as they appeared in front of him.

"You guys know what this is about." said Isaac.

"Of course, master. A duel against your very own principal." said Mahad.

"Safe to say that this will be a tough fight." stated Mana.

"I sense that you still have some uncertainty in you, master." Mahad just simply looked at Isaac. "It's tough fighting against someone who's done so much for you. Your principal has allowed you to showcase your skills every since you enrolled at CHS; she's given you a stage for you to shine and you have surpassed her expectations."

"Ultimately, she gave you an opportunity to become the face of CHS and you did just that." smiled Mana. "We're glad for you to have made it this far in your journey and we're glad to have been by your side for this entire ride." Mana then gave Isaac a peck on his cheek as she gave him a hug while nuzzling her cheek with his.

"Thank you, both of you. As far as allies go, you're definitely the ones I would put my faith in. I couldn't ask for any better loyal companions." said Isaac as he gave a smile back to his magicians. Isaac then picked up his Egyptian God card as he could feel Slifer's presence. "Okay, Slifer. I've gained your trust ever since I freed from Francis. Now I need your help to win this duel and defeat Ra." Slifer gave a cry as he heard Isaac's request; Isaac then looked at Mahad and Mana as they gave him a nod as they also understood Slifer. With that the three of them got to work on building up their forces. This time Isaac wasn't going back to square one, but square zero.

Meanwhile, Celestia was currently looking out of the window of her room. She was currently thinking about her duel with Isaac and how it could potentially be her last one. All her life she dreamed of this moment, to be inducted into the Hall of Fame for Duel Monsters; it was her and Luna's dream to become dueling sensations and here she was about to see her dream come true. But before that, she needed to have one final duel, one duel that could capture her excitement. One last duel that she could hang on for the rest of her life. And she knew that Isaac was the individual who could do that. Luna then entered the room as she saw her sister deep in thought.

"You know, Luna. I now know why you find the night so fascinating. It allows you the space you need to think, the chance to allow you to deal with stuff at your own pace. But ultimately, it allows you to appreciate all the things you've done in your life." stated Celestia.

"Yes, well the nighttime also allows for other things." said Luna as she was glad her own sister could see things from her perspective. "But I'm to assume that you're thinking about your match with Isaac at the Fall Formal in a few days." Luna then sat next to her sister on her bed. "All my life, I've been following you and trying to accomplish our dreams of being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Granted we wanted to both go in at the same time, but I guess life had other plans. Still, we got to meet each member of the Big 4 and my did they give us some memorable moments." said Luna as she remembered all the times she and her sister battled against each of them.

"Oh, Lulu. You're always been my equal, and I'm not just saying that cause your my little sister. You've shown that you have just as much talent as me, and I couldn't ask for a better sister than that. You'll get your time to stand in the spotlight, just because my career is winding down, doesn't mean that you should as well. In fact, you can still compete and continue to build on your legacy." Celestia then placed her hand on Luna's sister. "My only hope is that I was the big sister that you needed; all my life I did the best that I could to make sure that you were happy."

"You did everything you could, Tia. And I wouldn't ask for anything else." Luna then hugged her sister. "Thank you for all you did for us, sis." Luna was then starting to cry.

"I'm thankful for that, Lulu." said Celestia as she too let a few tears out while hugging her little sibling. "I love you, Lulu."

"I love you, Tia." said Luna.

For the rest of the night both sisters just held each other as they let their feelings out. Soon Luna broke away as she wished Celestia good luck and they both retreated for the night.

The following day everybody was getting ready as it was the day before the Fall Formal. Pinkie along with the rest of the part planning committee worked hard to make sure that they had everything organized to start decoration for tomorrow. Celestia did her normal duties as she made the morning announcements and told the students to get excited for the Fall Formal. She also invited everybody to attend in the auditorium for the final confrontation between her and Isaac. Everybody was really scared about what they would see when Isaac and Principal Celestia, especially what they might say to each other. Still it served a purpose as everybody really did want to hear what was on each of the competitors' mind.

The rest of the day went by as the students carried on with their classes. Isaac did his best to not pay attention to what his peers were saying as he tried to just take his mind off of things. Eventually the day started to wind down as classes were ending and the students were grabbing their stuff. Then they all made their way to the auditorium as they settled in the bleachers as they waited for what could happen. Luna was already seated as she would act as the moderator and keep things in check. A minute passed. Then two. Then ten minutes. Soon about 25 minutes had passed as everybody was waiting, eventually the doors opened up as in walked Celestia. However, she wasn't by herself as she was carrying a sack which contained something in it. Soon she took her seat as she waited for Isaac. Soon the doors on the other side of the room opened as there was Isaac along with Twilight.

Isaac glanced around the room as he saw his class all seated as they were wanting to listen to what the two competitors had to say. Isaac then centered on the table in front of the bleachers as there was Luna sitting on the side and Celestia sitting in a chair. Isaac took a deep breath as he began walking and eventually took his seat across from Celestia with Twilight standing behind. Both Isaac and Celestia didn't say a word as they just stared at each other. Not once did they have break eye contact. Silence had overcome the entire room as both duelist locked eyes ahead of their match tomorrow. Soon Luna cleared her throat as she got the attention of everybody.

"Welcome, everybody. As you know the Fall Formal is tomorrow. And the day after that, Celestia will be inducted into the Dueling Hall of Fame. However, before that she'll be having a match with Isaac where should she lose then Principal Celestia will be forced to retire." Luna's statement was meant with nothing but murmurs and a standard applause. "Now then here before us are the competitors who'll be facing each other tomorrow night. Right now is the time where they will get to express what they're thinking/feeling. As well as to say any final words. So with that let's begin."

Celestia then grabbed a microphone in front of her and began to speak. "Isaac, enough has been said about you that I would just be repeating it. One year. One year. My, how does one year make a difference. This time last year, you enrolled at Canterlot High and took this place by storm. To think that I would get to experience someone who was passionate about Duel Monsters more than anybody in this place. You helped to shed light in this place when it was covered in darkness; more importantly, you single-handedly became the face of this school."

The students just simply clapped at Celestia's statement. Isaac then grabbed the microphone in front of him as he began to speak. "That's kind of you to say, Principal Celestia. You're right, a year does make a difference. One year ago, I walked into this place just a student. I was just a student who had a deck and love for the game; I never once asked to be the face of this school. Last year, when I was facing Sunset she said something: There's a difference between a main event that lasts for one night and a main event that's life altering. That duel changed my life as it allowed me to propel myself into the next level. That night, I cemented my name into the history books as a duelist that I was proud to become." Isaac's response was met with a similar applause. "And since then I went on to experience some of the most amazing things in my life, I got to make some close friends, I got to see new places, I was opened to some new challengers. And most importantly," Isaac then grabbed Twilight's hand that was on his shoulder as he looked at her, "I got to experience something that I never thought I would ever have in my life."

Twilight just simply smiled at Isaac. Their friends also gave a smile as they heard Isaac's statement. Even Luna and Celestia gave a smile at what Isaac was saying.

"And through all that, I got to do it while doing the thing I love the most. But I know that this duel at the Fall Formal could very well be your last. And you've had an incredible career, both in and out of the dueling field. I couldn't imagine what this place might be if you weren't around. So when you first mentioned about potentially retiring at the Fall Formal, I'll admit my heart sank. And it got worst when you said that you wanted to face me. And if that wasn't enough, you then went on this little 'prove yourself' journey in where you challenged anybody and everybody; you put yourself through a difficult situation in where you were literally gambling your career with each match." At that point, Celestia was now starting to get angry with Isaac.

"Then tell me why you disobeyed my orders?" said Celestia with a stern mother-like tone. "Cause based on all the past weeks that have been leading up to this point, I seen you watching my duels when I specifically told you that I didn't want to see you till the Fall Formal. I feel like you have no confidence in me, no faith in me and as a result of that, I'm losing respect for you." said Celestia as she pointed at Isaac.

"First of all, Celestia, I'm sorry to hear that you've lost respect for me. More importantly, though, I'm sorry to hear that you think that I've lost faith in you. You need to understand something. That could never happen. I didn't come out to each one of your duels to disobey your orders or do anything. I was doing what I thought you would do. Cause Celestia whether you win or lose, you'll always be 'The Queen', you'll always be a role model to me, you'll always be the principal..."

"SHUT UP!!!!!!" screamed Celestia as it caused everybody to tuck in their cheeks. Not once did they ever hear their beloved principal act like this. Luna certainly never saw her own sister behave like this especially when they used to have fights. Isaac was just silent as he was kind of scared at how steamed Celestia was.

Celestia then started to take off her coat as she rolled up her sleeves and looked at Isaac dead in the eyes. "You hate hearing this, they hate hearing it, but it's because of people like you that I don't need anybody anymore to tell me just who the hell I am!!! I'm feeling pretty good about myself. And I wanna show you something!!" She stood up from her chair as she placed the bag she had with her on the table. Celestia then pulled out some kind of trophy as it had her name embedded on it with a statue of a generic person holding a duel disk standing on a globe.

"Anybody know what this is?" shouted Celestia as she showed everybody her trophy. "This is the Yugioh World Class trophy. I won it when I was 25 years old!!! This is an accomplishment that very few duelist can ever hope to get in their career. This is an accomplishment that is only awarded to an individual not just based on their success, but on character, on heart, on passion!!!" yelled Celestia as a few spits were coming out of her mouth. "Only a select few have ever gotten the opportunity to ever get one in their life because this trophy shows that you can hang with the best. All the greats of the past have held this trophy at one point in their career!!! This is what you grew up admiring, wanting to know what made a machine like me go!!!" Celestia's response was met with some cheers as the students could feel her passion.

"This is the gal that dueled against some of the very best that this game had to offer, from people across the sea. Against people who thought that the gal couldn't hang, against people who also were inducted into the Hall of Fame!!! The list goes on and on, I even faced against the Big 4. Including your idol." That last part cut deep with Isaac. "And if you were 20 years older, you would have been on the dueling field with me back then!!!"

Isaac just put his head down for bit as he let Celestia berate him. All the things Celestia was currently saying was touching everybody's heart as they could feel all the emotions she had stored up just being released.

"I don't care what year it is!! I don't give a damn where it is!! It's the present. I pick you!!!" said Celestia as she pointed to Isaac. "Contrary to what anybody thinks, I picked you to duel against me at the Fall Formal because I... Want... To... Prove... On... The... Grandest... Stage... Of... All!!! That I can still be 'The Queen' Celestia. I'm talking about the Fall Formal, Mr. Showstopper, Mr. Duel Monsters, I want you to bring the best out of me." The crowd cheered even more as they were now fully behind Celestia. "I need that! I need that to make it the rest of the way in my life! I need one more night. I need to be 'The Queen'! Is that asking too much?" shouted Celestia.

Isaac didn't say anything as he was taking everything Celestia had throw at him to heart. Twilight was standing behind Isaac as she could feel the tension that was on display from her boyfriend and her principal. She looked to the crowd and saw that they too took Celestia's words to heart. Some even were cheering her as they now wanted her to win. Soon Isaac stood up as he was now standing and looking directly at Celestia.

Isaac then began to give his response, "Let me assure you of one thing. I'm gonna give you everything you need." Celestia started to smile at Isaac finally understanding what she wanted. "I'm gonna give you Isaac. I'm gonna give you the Headliner. I'm gonna give you the Main Event. I'm gonna give you the Icon and rest assured, I've got no choice. I'm gonna give you the Showstopper." The crowd gave Isaac a cheer as they knew both were ready to battle. "Come Friday, Tia, you're gonna step onto the dueling field with Mr. Duel Monsters."

Celestia then placed the trophy on the table as she extended her hand to Isaac as he shook it. "I would expect nothing less from you, my friend, the Showstopper, Mr. Duel Monsters, that's what I want. Thank you." With that the crowd cheered as they gave one last smile to each other. Luna then decided to depart everybody as Celestia grabbed her trophy and began to walk over to Isaac's side of the table as she was about to leave.

Isaac then had a little grin on his face as he saw Celestia at that point she was now walking and was about to past him when he grabbed the microphone and said something. That caused everybody to stop what they were doing as they looked and listened to what Isaac had to say.

"You know, before I go, just so there's no doubt in your mind that you're gonna get everything you need and more, I wanna remind you of a little story." Isaac was now up close to Celestia as he told his tale. "Remember the story of Old Yeller? They loved that dog. But when it was time, they had to take that dog out back and finish him. Come Friday, the Showstopper is gonna take you, Old Yeller, behind the woodshed and put you out of your misery." Isaac used his fingers to make the shape of a gun as he pointed it at Celestia's head and pretended to fire it off.

The crowd didn't like what Isaac said as they gave him a couple of boos towards him. Celestia however was full on pissed as the trophy she had in her hand, she slammed it onto the ground with so much force that it broke apart into pieces. She then started to unbutton a bit of her undershirt as she tied up her hair and rolled back even more of her sleeves. She then stomped on the trophy as she grabbed the microphone that was on the table and got all up in the face of Isaac.

"Old Yeller, are you kidding me!!!" Celestia then slapped Isaac in the face with so much force that it knocked his cap off of his head as his head turned from the impact. Twilight and their friends immediately gasped at what Celestia just did. "Old Yeller!!! I said I got you, Old Yeller!!!" Celestia then gave Isaac another slap to the face as he just took it while staring at her. "What are you gonna do about that?" shouted Celestia as she gave Isaac a third slap that was more powerful than the previous two that it unchained his necklace. "Come on!! Why don't you take Old Yeller behind the woodshed right now!!!! Come on!!! Come on!! Come on!! I'm begging you!!! Do it now!!!"

Isaac simply raised the microphone to his mouth and said his final word. "Like I said, I'm putting you out of your misery." With that Isaac dropped the microphone as he began to walk out of the room and through the doors, but not before being welcomed to a large sound of boos from his fellow peers.

Celestia was still angry at what Isaac said. Twilight just looked between Isaac leaving and Principal Celestia. She simply grabbed Isaac's cap and necklace from the floor and bowed at Celestia as she said sorry on Isaac's behalf as she left to find her boyfriend and try to talk to him. Celestia then grabbed her coat and began to walk out of the room, with Luna dismissing everybody else.

Twilight was running around the whole school building as she looked to find and talk with Isaac. She kept checking all the classrooms and both the front and back of the school, but couldn't find him. She then made her way to the stairs that led to the rooftop as she saw Isaac standing there overlooking the place. Isaac was in game mode as he absorbed everything Celestia had said.

"Isaac?" said Twilight as she gripped his belongings tightly hoping that whatever would happen tomorrow, that everything would turn out okay.

Isaac didn't say anything as he just focused on making sure that he brought his A-game and that he beat Celestia.

It was now Friday, the day of the Fall Formal. Thankfully, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna had given everybody the day off as they wanted everybody to get ready for the dance. The party planning committee was allowed in the building as they had to get everything ready, though Pinkie was able to work fast as she used her party cannons to put up the decorations. Luna even worked with the technical team as they changed the soccer field to have tons of screens/titrations so that they could televise the event to the homes of the students. Also due to the fact that both Isaac and her sister had two of the Egyptian God cards, they needed some more room so they decided to hold the duel outside compared to last year. Soon everything was running smoothly as they did a couple of test runs and they were all set for tonight. This time it would be Luna who would call the match on commentary with Pinkie as her co-broadcast partner.

With that the group was getting ready as the girls were all getting dressed up for the dance. With Rarity's expertise, it didn't take too long for everyone to find something that suited their tastes. Rainbow Dash and Applejack being the most opposed to the overtly breezy, or "froufrou" had arguably the most fascinating styles. Rainbow adorned a simple dress in a rainbow pattern with a decorative frill at the rim of the skirt, combined with a loose hanging purple sash with a lightning bolt shaped buckle, and long violet gloves reaching from her hands to her shoulders, all the while leaving her fingers bared. It looked more conductive to her propensity for movement and comfort. She went as far as undoing her hair, letting it cascade down her back. In place of the small, lightweight shoes she donned a pair of ankle-high magenta shoes.

Applejack, to Rarity's pleasure, went with a dress made of denim, the skirt ringed with stencils of apples. Combining with a white ascot around her neck and more elegant boots and stetson bearing a green ribbon with a single red rose at the front. A most fitting piece of apparel, given her deck. The outfit overall belied her fondness for her country heritage.

Fluttershy's was arguably the simplest of the bunch; a flowy teal, shoulderless dress that complemented her eyes, with a bright yellow layer underneath extending down past the teal layer, much like an upside-down bell flower. On her feet she adorned matching teal boots, decorated with pink laces and white and pink butterflies.

Pinkie went with a shoulderless baby blue dress with a dual-layered purple skirt with a large yellow ribbon at her waist, with knee-high boots with yellow rims, while most notably she had a small blue top hat pinned to her hair. Overall, it gave Pinkie a very circus-oriented appearance, quite befitting.

Rarity went with a simple one-piece sparkling blue dress with a tri-layered skirt, where the top two curved into diagonal angles, with her left shoulder left bare while the majority was suspended by her right. For her legwear she made do with a pair of knee-high white boots, each emblazoned with a blue gem at the top fronts.

Sunset had gone with one-piece scarlet dress as her right shoulder was exposed. It also had a dual-layer that had colors that matched her bacon-like hair. She wore knee-high yellow boots, with streaks of fire embedded on the front with her symbol of the sun on the heels. She even wore a necklace on her neck that was made up of rubies.

Twilight had no idea on what she might want to wear, fortunately, she had Rarity who assisted her through the process. Rarity picked out for her a magenta shoulderless dress with a white sash over her torso with a single, wide purple streak, along with a matching pair of magenta knee-high boots to complement it.

"So, how do I look?" Twilight asked, doing a brisk, full turn in front of the mirror. She even decided to let her hair down for tonight, but still retained her glasses.

"Oh, you are going to knock so many dead tonight, darling," Rarity chuckled, sounding most pleased.

"Oh Rarity." Twilight brushed a hand aside. "Although... Is it really appropriate for me to show this much bare skin up top?"

"Well, Twilight," Rarity slid herself behind Twilight, grasping her bare shoulders as the two of them beheld her in the mirror. "its just a little bit of the necessary sex appeal. I don't know about you, but this right here is just the right amount of skin; it shows confidence. And if you permit me, it perfectly complements your hair. Besides, I wanted to make sure that when Isaac sees you, he'll be falling head over heals at how drop dead gorgeous you are. Can you imagine how he'll feel seeing you like this, what he might do?" Rarity raised her eyebrows up and down to signal what she meant.

Twilight thought about it and safe to say it got her to blush heavily. Seems Rarity's words got Twilight all different shades of red as she imagined Isaac holding her in his arms and whispering into her ear while kissing. Just how close they would be when dancing while staring at each other's eyes. All of it got Twilight's heart racing as she tried to get it out of her mind but that proved difficult. Overall, she was looking forward to her first official school dance with Isaac as his date.

Rarity looked personally ecstatic at the drastically differing, unique ensembles, to which she eagerly bid everyone to gather for a photo on her smartphone device. Despite the potential ramifications of tonight, the session of dressing up for the mid-term dance offered much needed respite.

"Okay, girls. Let's go over some basic rules for tonight." stated Twilight as she got her friend's attention. "Tonight is a big night for all of us, especially for Isaac. You know the pressure he's under, also that it'll be the first time we get to attend a school dance as boyfriend and girlfriend. That being said, you're all free to dance with Isaac as much as you can. But should I catch any of you trying to make moves on him or even kiss on the lips; trust me, Isaac vs Celestia isn't going to be the only fight we'll see tonight." Twilight really wanted to express that last point given what had already happened with three of her friends and her boyfriend.

"We understand, darling." said Rarity as she put her hand up. "We know that you marked Isaac as your property and you know none of us would ever do anything to jeopardize your relationship with him. You're both perfect for each other and we just all want to see you happy, especially Isaac. If anybody deserves to be someone after all they've been through in their life, it's Isaac."

"Rarity's right." said Rainbow as she wrapped her arm around her neck. "Besides, if things don't work between the two of you, then Isaac has got plenty of options standing in front of him." said Rainbow with a smug.

"Rainbow Dash!!" screamed Rarity at what her friend was insinuating.

"What! I'm being real." chuckled Dash.

Twilight was now furious that her own friend would say that. She then started to run after Dash as she tried to strangle her, "Mind saying that to my face, Dash!!" Seems the girls all just giggled as they prayed that Twilight would have mercy once she got her hands on Rainbow.

Speaking of getting ready, Isaac wasn't with the group of girls as he was currently at his house. Afterschool, Isaac had arrived at Rarity's boutique and he didn't say much other that he wanted to pick up his outfit. Rarity was surprised that Isaac wasn't going to get dressed with the rest of their friends as it was sort of their tradition to all dress up so they could leave together. Isaac told her to not worry as he just needed to be some time to get his mindset right, especially since all day at school some of his classmates gave him some dirty looks based on the comments he said about Celestia. Regardless, Isaac ignored them and carried on with his day; so Rarity gave Isaac his outfit and left home.

After taking a shower, Isaac changed into his outfit. He wore a pitch-black tailcoat tuxedo with a white button-up shirt underneath. Under the collar of the shirt, he had an electric blue bowtie hanging. He finished tieing it up as he picked up a fedora that bore an electric blue stripe and placed it on his head. Once the hat was on, he looked at himself in the mirror again, taking a deep breath and slapping his face with his hands in an attempt to psyche himself up.

"Come one, Isaac, you've got this... It's just another duel!" his face flushed again. "That Celestia has selected you to be her opponent which happens to be the biggest night of the year for a lot of people. Nothing to be nervous about, right?" Isaac was now taking deep breaths. "Totally not nervous... I'm nervous." Isaac put his head down as closed his eyes. Tonight is going to be a night that will be remembered. Isaac then grabbed his duel disk that was on his bed as he placed it on his arm which fit comfortably on his arm and didn't mess up his suit; the duel with Isaac and Celestia would begin about two hours after the dance started and Isaac decided that instead of changing into his usual outfit, he figured he battle in his tuxedo.

Isaac looked at his watch and began to head over to Rarity's boutique. He placed his hand on the front door as he took a deep breath before pushing it open. Once he stepped through, he was immediately welcomed to the sight of the girls as they all showed off their outfits. Even they complemented Isaac on his suit as it did the job of showing off his handsomeness. Eventually Isaac looked around and found Twilight standing there as his eyes were fixed on her. The girls stepped aside as Isaac made his way towards her as he was in awe of her outfit.

"Well, do you like it?" asked Twilight while fidgeting her hands.

Isaac gave his answer by putting his hand on her shoulder and started to feel his way up her neck and cusped her right cheek. He then leaned in as he gave her a meaningful kiss. Twilight couldn't contain herself as she brought her hand up to cusp Isaac's face as she closed her eyes and leaned into it. Soon they broke apart as their forehead touched together while still staring at each other.

"That good enough for you." said Isaac. He then brought Twilight for another kiss as he felt like Twilight's outfit made her look hot. Soon Dash cleared her throat as it caused the both of them to break away.

"Jesus, get a room you two." stated Rainbow to which she received some dirty looks from the others.

Twilight just gave her a death glare as it reminded her to not piss her off. Isaac just wrapped his arm around Twilight as he felt the bare skin of her shoulder as it caused Twilight to blush. He gave the group one last statement as they all promised to have a good time; they all agreed as they wished Isaac the best of luck in his duel against Celestia. The final surprise came when it was time to return to CHS, for waiting for them outside was a limo.

"Rarity, are ya deliberately spoilin' us now?" asked Applejack, when the chauffeur for their ride exited the vehicle.

Rarity smirked, leaning in close to Applejack, "I might, just this once. A special case for a special night with the group back together and all."

The atmosphere at CHS in the evening was much different from the past days/weeks, with much of the building vacant, aside from the atrium and the hallway leading to the gymnasium. Many heads turned when the group entered; the students had for the most part all dressed in varying degrees of finer wear: The girls donning dresses of many designs and colors, while the boys were dressed in heavier looking coats with matching pants; many of them black, while some varied in colors, going from darker shades of green to navy blue, while some went for more ravishing colors. On occasion, they could spot a few wearing comparatively lax, but still finer looking outfits with lighter colors.

"Make way, Canterlot High!" declared Rainbow Dash who brazenly stepped forward, before gesturing at Isaac, "For here comes the Duel Monsters Champion!"

Isaac nervously waved as most eyes became fixated on him. "Rainbow, the duel hasn't even started yet.." he murmured through his teeth.

"Aww, don't worry about that Isaac," said Pinkie. "I mean we're at the ending stretch. It's not like the writer's going to belay expectations and just have some random character take the spotlight or whatever. Now if you excuuuse me." Pinkie pranced off towards the gymnasium all the while the rest of them were desperately trying to wrap their minds around the latest in the hundreds of questions courtesy of Pinkie Pike, or rather a Pinkie Pie.

Many more students had gathered inside the gymnasium, many students mingling among one another, some groups comprising of extensive mixes of the various cliques. Despite it seeming evident that the final duel was going between Isaac and Celestia, everyone, even in their formal wear, still wore their duel disks, possibly a formality at this point. Up on the stage Vinyl Scratch had set up her turn table, a soft, leveled tune emanating from the surrounding speakers suspended in the corners in the ceiling. At the front of the stage was a wide table covered in a nighty purple cloth, with a mic on top.

As the students continued to mingle, the eight of them took their places by the bleachers, trying to look as natural as they could hovering around the immediate area. As more students entered, many acknowledging Isaac as they went. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo arrived, dressed in their own more formal attire, who made a beeline towards Isaac and the girls. They began to talk as they wished Isaac the best of luck in his duel.

Soon everyone’s attention was diverted toward the gymnasium door. True enough, there was Principal Celestia. She had decided to dress up as she was wearing a two-toned lilac dress with a fashionable scarf around her neck while the back of her skirt had some spiral sun patterns on it. She also had some flower clips on the dress as well as a star flower clip on the scarf along with some golden heels.

Isaac eyed her warily as she entered to which she did the same. Their eyes locked, staring at each other like two predators sizing up one another. Soon Celestia just gave a genuine smile as she went to enjoy herself while Isaac was thrown for a loop. Soon the music began to play as all the students started to make their way to the dance floor. Pinkie soon made her way to the Dj booth she began to start the hype train. Twilight was true to her word as she stepped to the side and allowed the girls to each dance with Isaac, though she made sure that she could see them in case they tried anything. Celestia watched from a far and she had a smile at how everybody was having fun.

Pinkie then whispered into Vinyl's ear as she nodded and the music began to change to a slow tune. Sunset was currently dancing with Isaac when the mood changed. She then had a smirk on her face when she pulled Isaac close to her; Isaac noticed and was starting to get nervous especially since Sunset's lips were getting close. Their lips were about a mere inches from touching when Sunset pulled away and just simply smile. She then pushed him away as Isaac then found himself in the arms of Twilight. At that moment all time seemed to slow down, everybody around them seem to fade away, the only thing that mattered was each other as the music began to play.


"Hey." said Twilight in response.

Isaac then placed his left hand on Twilight's hip while Twilight placed her left on Isaac's shoulder. They then grabbed their other hands and interlocked their fingers. Isaac looked at Twilight's eyes as they really showed why her name was sparkle. Soon they began to move to the flow of the music as they danced; their friends watched from the side as they were happy for the couple, even Celestia was pleased by what she saw. Eventually Twilight wrapped her arms around Isaac's neck as he placed his hands on Twilight's waist and pulled her in close. Up above, the spirits of Dark Magician, Dark Magician Girl, and even Twilight's High Priestess of Prophecy appeared as she was glad her mistress was enjoying herself.

Twilight then put her head on Isaac's chest as she could feel his heartbeat. It served as a calming sound as she closed her eyes; Isaac also closed his eyes as he took in the scent of lavender from her hair. Both then looked at each other as they fell under a spell and then leaned in as their lips got closer and closer. Soon they made contact as they gave a deep, tender kiss. Isaac then lifted Twilight up a bit as they maintained their moment. They broke away as their foreheads touched together.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." Twilight said with a smile on her face before pecking Isaac again on the lips.

"Me neither." Isaac replied as he gave her another kiss as he brought her back down on the ground.

Then the time was near. The music began to gradually dim; the students began making their ways towards the field outside as they found seats in the bleachers. Twilight gave one final kiss for good luck as she left with the rest of their friends to watch Isaac's duel. Isaac then adjusted the fedora on his head as he made his way through the doors and out onto the field. He noticed that there were tons of cameras broadcasting the event as he looked to the left of the field to see Luna and Pinkie on the commentary booth as they introduced Isaac to the viewers while he was making his entrance. Isaac then took his place as he was met with a fair amount of respect, soon he waited. Then on the screen for all to see a video package began to play as it was about Celestia. It told about her journey and showed off some highlights of her career; while everybody was watching the video package, there was a small detail that Isaac was paying attention to. The thing that really caught Isaac's eye was that in the short moments after each of Celestia's duel was he could see the faint hint of exhaustion and overtime it was catching up with her. Even the song playing in the video package served as the perfect metaphor.

Soon Celestia came through the doors as the students started to cheer for her. Celestia took in the sight as she prepared for what possibly could be her final duel. While she was walking towards the dueling field, Luna and Pinkie were speaking into their headset as they did their job of explaining to the people watching at home.

"The eyes of the world are on this duel tonight." said Pinkie.

"Indeed, Ms. Pie. Tonight could very well be the final night that Celestia may step on the dueling field." commented Luna. "As she walks to the dueling field with pride and conviction. But for Isaac he finds himself in a unique situation of his magnificent and stored career so far. The rage, the emotions of Isaac that he's experienced in the past 24 hours." stated Luna.

"It's Mr. Duel Monsters that Celestia wanted here tonight. And I'll assure you ladies and gentleman, that it's Mr. Duel Monsters that 'The Queen' Celestia will get." said Pinkie as she looked at Isaac.

"It's on this day that Celestia looks to once again to rise to the occasion. There will never be another person like her." That last part Luna said with a tear rolling down her cheek.

Both Isaac and Celestia gave one last stare as they looked at each other. They then gave one final handshake as they didn't break eye contact; with that they left as they took positions and slotted in their decks. Both activated their duel disks as they projected their card trays; the autoshuffler kicked as both competitors waited for the signal to start. The spirits of Slifer and Ra were getting ready to engage, then the signal was given.

"Prepare yourself, Isaac." shouted Celestia.

"It's time to duel, Celestia." yelled back Isaac.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Celestia's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Celestia

"Time to show you what I can do, draw! To start I'll place a monster in defense mode. Then I'll play one card facedown and end my turn." stated Celestia.

Turn 2: Isaac

"My turn," Isaac drew his card and looked at Celestia's field. "To start I'll play my Queen's Knight in attack mode. Next I'll attack your facedown, Queen's Knight attack." Isaac's monster then swung her sword at the facedown but it wasn't destroyed. "What gives?" asked Isaac.

"The monster that you attacked was my Aroma Jar(500/400). Since it was flipped faceup, it can't be destroyed by battle while it remains on the field. Furthermore, I gain 500 extra life points during each player's end phase." stated Celestia.

"In that case, I'll place one card facedown."
Celestia's Life Points: 8500-

Turn 3: Celestia

"Back to me," Celestia drew her card and she was happy, "Now I'll play the spell Card Advance, so now I look at the top 5 cards of my deck and I can put them in any order I choose." Celestia picked up her cards and decided the order, she then put them back on her deck. "Next I'll play my Deep Diver(1000/1100) in attack mode. Lastly, I'll end my turn."
Celestia's Life Points: 9000-

"Celestia really is racking up her life points." said Dash.

"As long as that Aroma Jar is on the field, Celestia will keep gaining life points. And knowing that she can transfer her life total to increase Ra's strength, Isaac will be in deep trouble." stated Sunset.

Turn 4: Isaac

Celestia is already gaining life points, not to mention that she put her monster in attack mode. She must be planning something? "My turn; now I'll special summon my Apprentice Illusion Magician, so by sending one card to the graveyard I can summon her. In addition, I can add 1 'Dark Magician' from my deck to my hand." Isaac's screen showed the card that he wanted as he pushed the confirm option and it slotted out for him to grab. "Now time to put dent in your life points, I'll have my Apprentice Illusion Magician attack your Deep Diver."
Celestia's Life Points: 8000-

"Now Deep Diver's effect activates, whenever it's destroyed by battle, I can add one monster from my deck and put it on the top of my deck."

"Oh no!" shouted Isaac.

Celestia then choose the monster she wanted as she placed it on top of her deck. If only you knew what I had in store for you, Isaac.

"In that case, I'll end my turn with a facedown."
Celestia's Life Points: 8500-

Turn 5: Celestia

"Now then my draw," Celestia then picked up her card as it was the one she wanted. "Now I'll place the spell card, The True Name. Now I declare a card type and if I guess right, I can add it to my hand or special summon a 'Divine' monster from my deck. I guess a trap card." Celestia then picked up her card as she had a smile on her face, "Seems I was wrong."

"What!?!" shouted Isaac and the girls.

"Oh silly me, I must be getting old if my memory is fading, oh well I must now send it to the graveyard." Celestia then slid her card away.

Something's wrong, I know for a fact that Celestia would know what card that was given that she used her Card Advanced the previous turn. Did she guess incorrectly on purpose?

"Now then I'll summon my Power Angel Valkyria(1800/1050). Then I'll play the spell Monster Reborn, so now I can bring back a monster from the graveyard."

"What good will that do you, you don't have a powerful monster and mine's empty." stated Isaac.

"There's are still things you need to learn, Isaac. Like there's more than one way to summon a God card." snickered Celestia.

"No!" Isaac then thought to the card that Celestia sent to the graveyard and his heart dropped. "It can't be..."

"Correct, I revive The Winged Dragon of Ra!!!!" shouted Celestia as her powerful monster appeared and caused everybody to have their mouths open. Celestia was proud of herself as she managed to bring her beast and was ready to beat Isaac.

"Incredible." said Isaac as he was in awe of such a creature.

"Indeed, now then Isaac. I have my Egyptian God card, but where is yours? Perhaps I can help you, I play Card of Sanctity. Now we each draw till we're holding 6 cards. Consider this a token, hopefully this will help you get what you need." Both players then refilled their hands. "Now I activate Ra's effect, so at the cost of 1000 life points, my monster can annihilate your entire field."
Celestia's Life Points: 7500-

"It can what!?!" shouted all the girls.

"Winged Dragon of Ra, use your powers and wipe out Isaac's field." Ra turned into a phoenix as it soared and collided with Isaac as he could feel the fire from the card, seems its outer worldly powers weren't a joke. "Now I'll have my Power Angel attack you directly!"
Isaac's Life Points: 6200-

"That's all and so my Egyptian God must bid farewell, but don't fret, he'll be back shortly. I now end my turn."
Celestia's Life Points: 8000-

"What a move by Celestia." stated Pinkie on commentary. "To think that by sending her God card to the grave, she was able to wipe out Isaac's entire field and do some heavy damage to him. Talk about a doozy."

"Indeed, and Celestia has more tricks up her sleeves. She said that we haven't seen the last of Ra and I believe it to be true." stated Luna in response.

"Did you see that?" asked Fluttershy as she was scared.

"Ah wish ah didn't, sugar. That god card is one tough customer."

"Not to mention that Celestia can just wipe out Isaac's entire field in one shot, not to mention she's got plenty of life points to spare." said Rainbow.

Turn 6: Isaac

Got to stay strong, I told Celestia that I was gonna give her the best in me and that's what I'm gonna do. Time to show her what I can do. Isaac then placed his hand on his deck as he closed his eyes, he then drew it. "I play one card facedown and end my turn." Isaac said all that without looking at the card he just drew which shocked everybody, even Celestia.
Celestia's Life Points: 8500-

"Is Isaac nuts? He didn't even look at what he drew." shouted Dash.

"What is he doing?" asked Rarity.

"Any answers, Twi?" said Sunset.

"I don't know."

Even the commentary table was shocked at what they saw, Isaac just simply had his eyes closed the whole time and he ended his turn with a single facedown. He didn't even summon a monster to protect himself. Pinkie didn't even know what to say to the folks at home; Celestia had her eyes wide open at Isaac who just had a smile on his face.

Turn 7: Celestia

"I told you that I don't want pity!!!" shouted Celestia. "Seem you have lost respect for me, now my draw! I now play my Harvest Angel of Wisdom; then I'll play Spell Reproduction. So I send 2 spell cards from my hand to the graveyard, and then I can add 1 Spell card to my hand from the grave. So I choose to add my Monster Reborn."

"Oh no, she's gonna do it again." stated Dash.

"I play Monster Reborn to bring back Ra." Once again, Celestia's great beast appeared as it still had everybody be scared. "Now I'll tribute my Harvest Angel and Power Angel so that Ra can increase it's attack points." Celestia's other monsters then disappeared as Ra absorbed their power and increase its own stats. "Now since you have no monsters, I'll attack you directly!"

"I never once lost respect for you, Celestia. Now I reveal the card I set, Fiend Sanctuary. Thanks to this card, any damage that I would take is now directed back at your life points!" shouted Isaac as a small token appeared and its reflection showed Celestia as the attack collided with her.
Celestia's Life Points: 4900-

"What a hit!!" shouted Pinkie as she got up on the table. "Isaac just used Celestia's own move against her, can you believe it!!"

"Yes, Isaac was able lure Celestia into a false sense of hope. Then when her guard was down, Isaac sprung his trap and Celestia lost a huge lead." said Luna as she tried to act professionally.

"Arr, I end my turn!" shouted Celestia.
Celestia's Life Points: 5400-

Turn 8: Isaac

"My move," said Isaac as he drew his card. "In order to keep my token on the field, I must give up 1000 life points. So I'll do just that. Then I'll reveal my facedown card, Multiply. Now this makes my one token into three." Isaac now had three metal tokens on his field as it caused Celestia to be scared.
Isaac's Life Points: 5200-

"He isn't?" said Dash.

"He can't?" stated Rarity.

"Is he really gonna do it?" asked Applejack.

"Ladies and gentleman, batten down the hatches." shouted Pinkie through the headset as she knew what was coming.

Soon lightning and thunder started to roll in as the shadow of the monster that Isaac was about to summon appeared during the flash of lightning. Isaac just had a smile on his face while looking at Celestia. "You wanted to me to summon my Egyptian God, Celestia. Well here it is! I now tribute my tokens to summon Slifer the Sky Dragon(6000/6000)!" Soon a lightning bolt struck the ground behind Isaac as his great beast appeared as it let out a roar and then cry that caused everybody to cover their ears.

"He did it!!" said Luna. "Holy shit! He actually did it." Luna was in shock at what Isaac was able to do that she forgot she needed to act professionally.

"Now I'll play Book of Effect, I can negate your Amora Jar. Now Slifer attack Celestia's monster with your Thunder Force Attack!!" shouted Isaac. A tiny wizard who wore oversized clothes and a big staff tripped as he fired off a spell that caused Aroma Jar to lose all of its abilities. Slifer then opened its main mouth as it fired off a power attack that disintegrated Celestia's monster and dropped her to a knee. "I'll then end my turn."

Turn 9: Celestia

Celestia got up and she had a angry look on her face. "You'll pay for that. My turn," Celestia drew her card as she didn't know what to do. "I'll play my Nimble Momonga(1000/100) in defense mode."

"Guess you forget about Slifer's second mouth ability, whenever you summon a monster, it takes away 2000 points of whatever mode it's in. And since your monster only has 100 defense points, it'll be destroyed." Slifer then heard Isaac's call as it opened its second mouth as it took out Celestia's monster with ease.

"In that case, I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 10: Isaac

"What's the matter Celestia? I thought you wanted me to summon my Egyptian God card." said Isaac with a smirk. He then drew his card as Slifer got stronger. "Now time to end this, Slifer attack Celestia directly!! End this duel!!" shouted Isaac.

"I activate my facedown, Nutrient Z. Now I'll gain 4000 life points." stated Celestia. Slifer then fired off its attack as Celestia put her arms up to cover herself.
Celestia's Life Points: 3400-

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 11: Celestia

"Alright, I'm done playing games! Draw. I'll play Graceful Charity, so I'll draw three cards and discard two." Celestia then picked up some more cards as she selected the ones she wanted to get rid of. "Now I play Nova Summoner."

"Once again you summoned a monster, so Slifer's effect kicks in." said Isaac as Slifer was getting ready to rid Celestia of her monster.

"Don't think so, since I have The Winged Dragon of Ra in my graveyard, I can special summon it in it's phoenix mode. Arise Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix(4000/4000)!!!" shouted Celestia as her monster rose up as it was surrounded by flames all over its body. Then it used it's wings as a shield as it protected Celestia and her monster from Slifer attack, thankfully it bounced it back into the sky as should it landed anywhere else, someone would have gotten hurt.

"How did Celestia do that?" asked Fluttershy.

"It's a god. What can't it do?" stated Twilight.

"Talk about a close call." Pinkie then wiped her forehead as she quickly realized the situation. "Wait a minute... this is awesome!!!" She then brought out her party cannon as confetti shot out. "Both duelists now have their Egyptian God cards on the field. We are about to see which one is superior. Place your bets people!" shouted Pinkie through the headset.

Seems Slifer and Ra both heard Pinkie as they looked at each other and gave a glare at one another and let out a roar. Both looked to intimidate the other one as they tried to cement their owner's presence. Everybody now had their jaws on the floor as they were in awe to see two of the most legendary cards in all of Duel Monsters on the field at the same time.

"Now I'll activate my monster's effect so by giving up 1000 life points, I can destroy your Slifer!"
Celestia's Life Points: 2400-

"No!" said Isaac. With that he watched as Ra took flight and enveloped Slifer in a firestorm as it was gone.

"Now I'll have my Nova Summoner attack you directly!" Celestia's monster then struck Isaac. "Now I'll play the spell card, Legacy of the Duelist. And then I'll activate the effect of Ra, so I'll send it to the graveyard and then I can special summon The Winged Dragon of Ra in it's sphere mode." With a snap, Ra dispersed as it returned to Celestia's graveyard. Then out from the heavens came a giant yellow glowing ball as it hovered above Celestia. "I'll end my turn."
Isaac's Life Points: 3800-

Turn 12: Isaac

"My turn," Celestia may have gotten rid of Slifer, but she's left herself wide open. She only has 2400 life points left, and her monster can't protect her until her next turn. Which means all I need is to play a monster with enough attack points and I can win this duel. "I'll play Graceful Charity, so I'll draw three cards and discard two. Since one of the cards I drew was my Watapon, I can summon him to the field. Then I'll play the Cost Down spell card, so I'll send another card to my grave to lower the level of all the monsters in my hand. Next I sacrifice my Watapon to summon my Dark Magician of Chaos!" Isaac now had one of his ace magicians as he looked to end this duel.

"Now Dark Magician of Chaos attack Nova Summoner. Chaos Scepter Blast!!" Isaac thrusted his hand out as his monster looked to strike.

"I reveal my facedown Negate Attack." Celestia's trap then brought Isaac's magician to a halt.

"Arr, fine then. When my magician was summoned, I get to return a spell card to my hand from the graveyard." Isaac then selected the card he wanted as it slotted out for him to grab. "With that I'll end my turn."

Turn 13: Celestia

"Now then time for me to take control, first the effect of my Legacy of the Duelist activates. So instead of my normal draw, I can add one monster from my graveyard to my hand." Celestia then choose the card she wanted as it slotted out for her to grab. "Next I'll play my Emergency Provisions and get rid of my Legacy of the Duelist to gain 1000 life points."
Celestia's Life Points: 3400-

"Now I'll unlocked my Winged Dragon of Ra from its sphere mode." Celestia then put her hands together as her sphere started to unlock and out came the Winged Dragon of Ra. "Due to me summoning my monster this way it has 4000 attack/defense points. But I'll increase its attack points even more by offering my Nova Summoner which raises its strength to 5400. Now Ra take out Isaac's magician." Ra then opened its mouth as it fired an attack that had the power of the sun as it caused Isaac to fall to his knees.
Isaac's Life Points: 1200-

"I'll end my turn by playing my Honest in defense mode."

Turn 14: Isaac

"My turn," I've had enough of this, time to end this duel and put Celestia down. And it starts with this. "Now I'll play the Ancient Rule, so now I can special summon my Dark Magician. Then I'll play Bond Between Teacher and Student and with it I can summon my Dark Magician Girl." Isaac was now joined by his trusting monsters as they all knew what to do. "Now my spell allows me to set my Dark Magic Twin Burst which I'll use it now to boost my Dark Magician by the stats Dark Magician Girl."

"Even with the power boost, your Dark Magician doesn't come close to attack points of my Winged Dragon of Ra." stated Celestia.

"That's why I'm playing my Dark Magic Expanded! Now my Dark Magician gains an extra 1000 attack points, furthermore you can't activate any spell/traps in response to my cards. Now my magician is just strong enough to take down your Egyptian God card. Now my magicians take out Ra and Celestia's other monster. Double Dark Magic Attack!!" Isaac's magicians received their orders as they put their staffs together and prepared to fire their attack.

"All set, Mana."

"You bet, Mahad."

"Twin Dark Magic Attack!" shouted both of them as they unleashed their attack and took out Celestia's entire field.
Celestia's Life Points: 3300-

"Now I'll summon my Magician's Valkyria in defense mode and end my turn."

Turn 15: Celestia

Celestia was now breathing hard as she looked at Isaac and his magicians. The sight alone was enough to make her anger. "My draw, now I'll play the spell card, Magical Stone Excavation. So I toss out two cards, and then I can add a spell card to my hand. And the one I choose is my Monster Reborn." Celestia then got the card she wanted as she looked to end this duel. "Now I'll play..."

"I reveal my facedown, Card Exchange. Now we each choose a card from our opponent's hand. So I choose your Monster Reborn." Just like that Isaac had stopped Celestia in her tracks.

Celestia was displeased with what Isaac did as she slotted her card into her duel disk as it transported it to Isaac's duel disk. Then her duel disk screen showed the cards in Isaac's hand as she tapped the one she wanted. With that both duelist exchanged their choices as they each got the card they wanted.

"Smart on Isaac's part. Now Celestia can't summon back The Winged Dragon of Ra." said Pinkie.

"Now then I'll play the card I got from you, Swords of Revealing Light. So now you can't attack for three turns, but it's not that it would matter. Cause I'm about to end this duel now!! I play the spell card, Celestial Light. Now by giving up half of life points, I can special summon any monster from my deck. So arise, Sacred Arch-Airknight Parshath!" Celestia now had one of her ace monsters.
Celestia's Life Points: 1650-

"Now the life points that I lost to summon this monster is added to its attack points. Now my Airknight attack Magician's Valkyria!" said Celestia. Her Airknight then glowed gold as its stats rose to 4450.

"I'll activate the effect of my Electromagnetic Turtle, so I'll remove it from my graveyard to end the battle phase." A small turtle then came out as it use all of its strength to create a wall of electricity as it caused Celestia's monster to be paralyzed.

"Very well, I then end my turn." said Celestia.

Turn 16: Isaac

"Time to end this, draw! Now I'll play Magic Formula to give my Dark Magician 700 more attack points. Next I play the Monster Reborn card that I got from you and with it I can bring back any monster I choose. And the one I want is The Winged Dragon of Ra!" Soon the heavens opened up as The Winged Dragon of Ra appeared, but it came in its sphere mode.

"What gives? Why is it in that form?" asked Rainbow. Everybody else was confused while Celestia just had a smile.

"Seems you forgot to look at an important detail about Ra. Look at the bottom of the card." said Celestia.

Isaac looked at what she said and he realized something that wasn't there before. Under the card's portrait, were small symbols printed in black. That really caught Isaac's attention as well as everybody else who were watching on the screen. Even they didn't know what any of it meant.

"That wasn't there before." stated Sunset.

"Did Celestia just cheat?" asked Fluttershy.

"What's the deal, Celestia?" asked Isaac.

"I told you there's a lot about the Egyptian God cards that you don't know about. For example, this copy that Mr. William created he made sure to input the ancient saying that was on the original card. So in order to unlock, Ra from that mode you must say the ancient writing. Well care to try to read it." smirked Celestia.

"That's unfair." said Applejack.

"How is Isaac suppose to read whatever language that is?" asked Rainbow.

"It's Hieratic text. It's a language that is very old." said Twilight as the girls all looked at her.

"Well can you tell what it says?" stated Sunset.

"Unfortunately, I don't know what it says."

"Well, we're waiting." Celestia was smirking as she watched Isaac struggle to even begin to read the language. "If you can't unlock the Winged Dragon of Ra, then I maybe I can."

"How was Celestia able to summon Ra without doing what Isaac has to do?" asked Pinkie.

"My sister has had a deep connection with Ra for years. During that time she bonded with its spirit, so much so that she could be able to summon it without having to constantly say the ancient chant." Luna looked at Celestia and then at Isaac. "Seems Isaac is in serious trouble, Celestia is just a few moments away from winning this duel."

It was about two full minutes that passed as Isaac still had a stunned look on his face as he tried to wrap his brain around trying to summon The Winged Dragon of Ra. Celestia just had a huge grin on her face as she enjoyed Isaac's problem. "Well I guess I should be the one to..."

Just then there was chanting. Not chanting but more liking saying and the person that was talking was none other than Isaac who was surrounded by a gold light that emitted from Ra as he had his eyes closed.

"Oh mighty protector of the Sun in the sky,..."

"There's no way!!" shouted Dash.

"Is he gonna?" Applejack had her hand on her hat in disbelief.

"I beg of thee, please hear my cry."

"He's reciting the wording on the card." Fluttershy was in shock as what she saw.

"But how, darling?"

"Transform thyself from orb of light and bring me victory in this fight."

"What's happening?" shouted both Sunset and Twilight as they looked at the orb starting to unlock.

"I beseech thee, grace our humble game,..."

"..." were Luna and Pinkie's thoughts as they had their jaws open.

Isaac then opened his eyes as he finished the saying, "But first I shall, call out thy name! Winged Dragon of Ra!!!" Soon a bright yellow light enveloped the whole field as it caused everybody to shield their eyes.

It then died down and standing there behind Isaac was none other than The Winged Dragon of Ra in all of it's glory. It let out a cry as it made its presence known; Isaac was still shining as Ra looked at him. Just like when he first met Slifer, Ra could tell that Isaac was someone to be trusted.

"He did it!?!" said Celestia as she brought her arms down to her side.

"Now I'll activate the effect of my Magician Navigation from my grave. I banish it to get rid of your Swords of Revealing Light." Now Isaac was free to attack. "Now I'll tribute all of my magicians so that their strength is transferred to Ra; now a couple of things happen, since my Magic Formula was sent to the grave, I gain 1000 life points."
Isaac's Life Points: 2200-

"Then I give all but one of life points to make Ra even stronger. With that Ra's attack power is now 8499!!" Ra felt the power transfer as it looked at Celestia and now the moment had arrived.
Isaac's Life Points: 1-

"It's time." said Celestia. She then dropped to her knees as she looked at Isaac. "Do it."

Isaac was now trembling as he was struggling to give his monster its command.

"Do it. I accept what's to come." Celestia even had her arms out to the side as she closed her eyes. She looked like she was waiting to be sacrificed.

"I... I.. I can't!" said Isaac as he started to have a few tears form in his eyes. He knew that he wanted to put Celestia down, but now that he was at that moment. He found it much more difficult to do the task. His hands were actually shaking. "I... I..."

"Do it!!! Come on!!!" shouted Celestia as everybody was watching this interaction between the two. "Now!!! If you have the balls, you'll do what I ask!!! Do it, you son of a bitch!!!" Silence had overcome everybody as they were shocked on what Celestia had said.

Isaac then looked at Celestia with tears in his eyes, soon he muttered the final words to her so that only she could hear what he said. "I'm sorry, I love you." He then thrusted his hand out, "Winged Dragon of Ra, attack Celestia and end this duel!!!!" said Isaac as he broke down in tears. With that Ra took out Celestia's final monster as it made its way to Celestia who was still on her knees.

Thank you, Isaac. I can now find some peace. Celestia was then on her back as her life points dropped.
Celestia's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The duel ended as there was Isaac on his knees as he saw Celestia on her back. Silence was all that could describe this moment, not a single person was standing or even speaking. The only thing that was said was what Pinkie said to the people watching.

"Celestia's career is over." she said in a serious tone that resonated deeply with everybody.

Isaac saw what he had done as he looked at his hands; he couldn't believe what he just did as he got to his feet and ran out the doors. Hoping to run away from this outcome. A few moments after, Celestia awoken as she looked around her. She then realized what had happened as tears were now bailing from her eyes. Luna had given up being professional as she got up from the commentary table and made her way to her sister as she gave her a meaningful hug. Everybody else all stood up from the bleachers as they too were shedding a few tears; they all gave Celestia a standing ovation as they chanted "Thank you, Celestia." They all showed their appreciation for their principal for giving a hard fought battle in her final duel. Celestia stood up with Luna as she was still crying as she waved to the crowd and gave one last bow.

The party didn't last much longer as everybody just wanted to leave after the result of the duel. Celestia was heartbroken to think that she would no longer ever get to compete on a dueling field ever again in her life. However, a part of her was glad that she was able to retire on her own terms. She found peace, but for Isaac he was now labeled as the "bad guy". The only thing that was on everybody's mind the whole night was the words muttered by Pinkie when the duel ended. The music from before had started to play in the background as everything faded to black.

"Celestia's career... is over."

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