• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 64: Inspiration

Seems the victory against Rara really attracted some attention, Isaac was working when he suddenly noticed several reporters and photographers who were gathering around the store. So when Isaac stepped outside, he was immediately swarmed by several questions. Thankfully, Rara seemed to be close by as she helped to defuse the situation. From there they just asked Isaac how it felt to share the same stage with someone as popular as Rara. After that they all dispersed after they got a picture of Isaac and Rara standing side by side. Rara wanted to make sure that it was a picture well remembered so before the picture was taken, she gave Isaac a peck on the cheek as that moment was captured and preserved. It was then the front picture of the Canterlot Times newspaper. Soon Rara had said that she would be leaving as she had to continue on with her tour, so with that she said goodbye to her new friends and promised them that they would meet again once she decided to visit.

Isaac was currently going over a lesson with the kids as they were watching a video. Isaac felt that the kids should get an understanding of not just Duel Monsters, but also know some history. That means understanding who some of the greatest duelists were and watching how they performed in some high octane duels. Right now Isaac was showing them a video that was one of his favorites because it had contained the person who was Isaac's inspiration for getting into dueling.


"Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon prepare for attack!"

"Now I activate the facedown card, Magic Formula!" said the person who was Isaac's idol.

"I activate Absorb Spell!" said his rival. "This magic card will absorb the power of Magic Formula! Therefore the attack points you just added to your Dark Paladin will be transferred to my ultimate dragon! I win!"

"I wouldn't be so sure of that. Remember, I still have one facedown left!... So I play this! My De-Fusion card! This magic card splits up your Blue-Eyes ultimate dragon into the three original dragons used to form it, thus stopping your attack!" The card then took effect as it split the dragon into its key components. "Now you have three dragons on the field instead of one! And since my Dark Paladin receives 500 attack points for every dragon on the field, he's now the strongest monster in play! Now it's time for my final move! So I play my final magic card! Diffusion Wave-Motion! All I have to do is give up 1000 life points, and this magic card will enhance the attacking capabilities of my Dark Paladin! Now my monster can attack all three of your dragons at once! This duel is over! Dark Paladin, attack!!" Dark Paladin then raised its weapon as a ball of white light manifested and then shot out as it wiped the entire field and awarded its owner the victory.

(End of Video)

With that Isaac then began to answer some questions from the kids. "So, everybody? What did you think?"

"That was awesome." shouted one of the kids. "I thought for sure that other guy would have won."

"Yeah, it looked like he was done, but then the hero was able to turn things around blast in the face." said another kid.

"It was a bit scary, but the big bad meanie just couldn't defeat our hero." said a little girl as she hugged her stuff animal.

Isaac was happy that the kids enjoyed the video. Everytime he watched that it reminded him of just why he got invested in this game. Soon another little girl had a question as she raised her hand.

"Uhm excuse me, Mr. Isaac?"

"Yes?" said Isaac as he called on the girl.

"I was just wondering is it okay, if I have a deck that somebody else has? I mean, I don't want people to think that I'm copying them, but I really love my deck. Should I just forget about it and get a different one?" asked the girl.

"Not at all!" said Isaac as he knew this was a perfect segway. "In fact, I think it's time I told you all about inspiration. If you remember, the reason I showed you this video was not just to see some amazing dueling. But did notice that main protagonist also had a Dark Magician." The kids all began to murmur. "And as you all know, I too have a Dark Magician. So do you think I'm copying somebody else?" asked Isaac.

"No!?" they all said in unison with some confusion.

"Well, you're all partially right. See I may be copying his signature monster, but in terms of play style, mines is vastly different from his. What I'm trying to tell you kids is that so sure you may have a similar monster/deck like someone else. However, you can't copy somebody's playstyle no matter how many times you try. In other words, everybody has a different way on how they the play; which in turn translates to how you create your deck. See it was this person that inspired me to get into Duel Monsters; so I took that inspiration and when I got my own Dark Magician, I made a vow to be unique and not copy somebody else."

"So you're saying that it's okay to use a deck that somebody else might have, because in the end you'll be making it your own?" said a kid.

"Correct, remember little ones. You may have similar cards, but you'll always be creating own path. In life, we look to others that inspire and remind us; they are the reason why we want to become just like them in some sense. Overall, whatever deck you choose, know that you won't be alone. But one thing is for sure, is that it's your playstyle and nobody can take that away from you." Isaac comment seemed to resonate with the kids as they all started to nod their heads. Soon it was time for Isaac to wrap things up as the parents of the kids came to get them. They all gave Isaac a hug and thanked them for teaching them a valuable lesson.

Hours later, Isaac was playing with his cards as their wasn't much activity happening in the store. He was also watching some more videos of his idol as he couldn't get enough of it. Just then the peace was broken as in came Pinkie Pie who was burst with energy.

"Isaac? Big bro!?" shouted Pinkie Pie.

"I'm at the counter, Pinkie!" shouted Isaac as he put pause on his video.

Pinkie then made her way towards Isaac and immediately gave her big brother a hug. Isaac was once again struggling as his little sister was giving him too tight of a hug. Eventually Pinkie let go, as Isaac took a moment to catch his breath.

"So what is that you need?" asked Isaac.

"Well..." started Pinkie.

"And no, I can't give you free stuff! That against the rules!" shouted Isaac as he knew Pinkie would ask him that based on his job.

"You're no fun." pouted Pinkie who really was looking to get some new stuff from her big brother. "Anyways, I wanted to ask you something."

"Okay, shoot."

"You know how you're always telling us on how you got into dueling. You said is was a certain individual who also wielded a Dark Magician, and how he was beloved by everybody, correct?" asked Pinkie to which Isaac nodded in response. "Well, I was wondering if you could help me? I mean, I told you before that I don't duel as much as the others, but I still want to make sure that deck is capable of beating someone. So do you know of any duelist that also a Toon deck?"

Isaac had to think about Pinkie's question. As far as he knew, Toons were something that not many people used due to them being more of a casual deck rather than something you would see on the pro circuit. Compared to Pinkie's deck, Isaac knew there was a lot of people who ran some variations of a Dark Magician deck in the big leagues. Not to mention that it was made famous by the person who Isaac idolized, so he had tons of research to go off when he constructed his deck and came up with new tactics. However, he seemed to be at a lost on how to help Pinkie.

"Sorry to say, Pinks. But I don't know that many people who use a Toon deck in the competitive scene. Sorry." said Isaac with a sad tone.

"Oh, okay." Pinkie then put her head down as it deflated a bit.

Isaac was sad to see his little sister act this way; she really wanted to get some inspiration on improving her deck but he couldn't help. It pained him to see that there wasn't anything he could do. Isaac then looked down at his phone which had the video he was watching paused. Just then an idea came into Isaac as he recalled something; he didn't know if it would work but it was worth a shot.

"I think I might have something to help you." said Isaac as he told Pinkie who shot her head back up with hopefully eyes.

"Really?" said Pinkie with a peppy tone as she bounced up and down.

"It's a long shot, but lets say that I know someone who owes me." Isaac then grabbed his phone as he looked through his contacts. Once he found the number he was looking for, he then touched it as his phone began to dial. "Just hope he doesn't mind."

Soon Isaac and Pinkie were aboard a helicopter as they were flying to their destination. It seemed Isaac's phone call seemed to have worked as they were well on their way; Isaac was able to inform Mr. Johnson about his situation and told him that he would be gone for about a day or two. Mr. Johnson didn't mind as it was the slow days at the store, plus he felt like Isaac deserved this as he was able to help them gain so much publicity due to his wonderful customer service and his win against Countess Coloratura.

"So, you think he'll help us?" asked Pinkie as she was seated across from Isaac.

"Believe me, I know he will." said Isaac as he looked out the window and saw the beautiful ocean down below them.

Soon the pilot turned on the overheard speaker. "Excuse me, sir. We're about to reach our destination. We'll be arriving in just a few seconds." Isaac and Pinkie then looked out the window and then saw a huge building in the middle of the ocean as it was tall and well built. It had the symbol of Duel Monsters as well as had several statues that depicted some of the most iconic monsters to ever exist. The chopper then touched down on the landing pad as they landed safely, Isaac and Pinkie then unbuckled their seatbelts as the door slid in front of them.

"Welcome to Industrial Illusions, kids." said the pilot as he was the one who opened the door.

Both Isaac and Pinkie stepped out as they took in the sight in front of them. Just then, a person came out as he was expecting them.

"My, my, is that Isaac boy? It's been a while, how have you doing?" said Mr. William who came through the front door and extended his hand out.

"Pleasure to see you again, Mr. William." Isaac then shook his hand. "Things have been going good, since we last met. Right now, I'm currently working a card shop." informed Isaac.

"Why am I not surprised? That seems like a perfect fit for." laughed Mr. William.

Isaac then turned to Pinkie. "You remember my friend, Pinkie Pie?"

"Ahh, yes. The girl who has a Toon deck just like one of my relatives. How could I forget? Welcome, Ms. Pie." Mr. William then extended his hand out to which Pinkie gave a normal handshake instead of her usual ones.

"It's wonderful to see you too, Mr. William." said Pinkie as she let out a smile.

"Come on, we have much to discuss." With that all three of them began walking as they all entered inside the building. They were walking in a hallway as it was filled with such wonderful colors and designs. The thing that really caught Isaac's attention was the many portraits of some of the greatest duelist in history as well as their signature cards framed next to them. Isaac even got to see the picture of his idol and took it all in, he looked at the his signature card as it caused him to take out his deck and look at his own magician.

"Maybe someday, I'll get my picture here. And I just won't have my Dark Magician, but Dark Magician Girl, and all my other monsters." said Isaac as both Pinkie and Mr. William came behind him. They all took a moment to pay their respects and honoring the great duelists that paved the way and made Duel Monsters the great game it was today.

Soon they began to walk more as they were talking. "So Isaac boy, I trust you think this will help Ms. Pie?" asked Mr. Williams as he remembered the reason why Isaac called him.

"Yeah, it took me a while. But I remembered that your grandfather, who was not only the creator of Duel Monsters, but also the first person to use a Toon deck. I figured that someone as famous as him must have some unique cards that allowed him to use his deck so efficiently." suggested Isaac as he looked at Pinkie.

"But of course, grandfather always did like his cartoons. I remember the days when he would sit us down and we would all watch cartoons as one big family. Oh how I miss him." Mr. William then pulled out a locket that had a small picture of his grandfather. "So Ms. Pie, you want to seek inspiration from my grandfather's deck?"

"Yes sire, Mr. William." said Pinkie with a huge smile on her face.

"Well look no further." Just then they arrived in a front door that was heavily secured. Mr. William then put his hand on the pad as it scanned his hand. He then typed in a passcode and then a small device came out as it scanned his eye. After it did a through scan by cross-referencing matchups, the device gave a green light as the door opened up.

Inside there was tons of cards that were in encased on glass as they lined up the walls and shelves of the room. Both Isaac and Pinkie all had big gasps on their faces as they couldn't believe what they were seeing; it took everything in Isaac's power not to geek out. Soon both of them were like kids opening presents on Christmas. They both rushed over to the many cases as they stared at the many card.

"Pinkie, tell me that I've haven't died and gone to heaven?" said Isaac as he just stared at the cards.

"You and me both, big bro." said Pinkie as she was just as memorized as Isaac.

"Indeed, it's wonderful sight." said Mr. William as he got their attention back. He then went to the center of the room where he began to access the main computer. "Ahh, here it is." Mr. William then typed in some more stuff, but the computer popped up a message.

"What's the matter?" asked Pinkie.

"It seems that grandfather had a special security system installed to prevent thieves from stealing his precious cards. He then did something and the middle screen came down as it showed a digital duel arena. "Seems if we want to get access to his deck, we'll need to win a duel. Crafty, grandfather."

"Well if we have to win a duel to gain access this should be easy. Mind if I?" asked Isaac.

"But of course, it's all yours Isaac boy." Mr. William then stepped aside as Isaac was now standing in front of the computer and began the duel. A mini digital avatar of him on the screen for all to see as the robot then began to speak as both had their decks ready to go.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the computer.

Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

Robot's Life Points: 4000-

"4000 life points?" said Pinkie as she was confused.

"Grandfather was always a fan of old school dueling. It's what many people were used to when Duel Monsters first took off." clarified Mr. William.

"That's fine by me." said Isaac. "I grew up watching people play with 400 life points, heck I even have experience playing with these rule set. Despite us always playing with double that amount, sometimes a duel like this is much more entertaining because it really forces people to bring out their best cards and make the best moves so that they don't lose so easily." Isaac had a smile on his face as he couldn't wait to begin the duel.

"Good luck, big bro!" shouted Pinkie as she cheered on Isaac.

"It's time to duel!" shouted Isaac.

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll go first." Then Isaac's hand digitized as they saw all of his cards on the screen. "I summon Alpha the Magnet Warrior in defense mode." Isaac selected his card and it appeared on the screen.

"Ahh, Alpha. Such a classic card." mentioned Mr. William as that monster brought back memories.

"Next, I'll set two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Robot

"Turn initiated." spoke the robot as it scanned its hand. "Summoning Speed Warrior in attack mode." Now the robot had a monster on its side.

"Huh? Why that card, it only has 900 attack points? It's much too weak to take down big bro's monster." said Pinkie as she was confused on why the computer did such a move.

"Not quite," said Isaac as he addressed Pinkie's question. "See on the turn that Speed Warrior is summoned, it's attack points are doubled. So now its attack is 1800, which is more than enough to take out my monster."

"Attack commence, Speed Warrior." With that computer then had its monster take out Isaac's Alpha. "Battle phase over. Setting one card facedown. End turn."

Turn 3: Isaac

"It's my turn, draw." Isaac's avatar picked up another card from the deck. "First I'll play spell card, Pot of Greed. Now I'll draw two more cards. Next I'll play Polymerization and with it I'll fuse together my Berfomet and Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts. In order to fusion summon, Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast(2100/1800)!" Isaac now played a card that had two heads as well as wings on its back. "Chimera, attack Speed Warrior. I'll then end my turn."
Robot's Life Points: 2800-

Turn 4: Robot

"Turn initiated." spoke the robot. "Summoning Junk Synchron, activating monster's effect." Junk Synchron then appeared as Speed Warrior was brought back in defense mode. "Commencing advance summon. Synchro Summon, Junk Warrior in attack mode." Now the robot tuned both of his monsters and out came a metal warrior made up of some several parts. "Attack commence, Junk Warrior."

"Not so fast, I'll activate my facedown Spellbinding Circle. Now my trap freezes your monster and lowers its attack by 700." said Isaac.

"Accessing, deploying countermeasures." said the robot as it scanned the battle. "Reveal facedown, Double Cyclone. Destroy one spell/trap on both player's field."

"Huh? Why would the robot destroy its own facedown?" asked a confused Pinkie.

"Facedown activate." said the robot as the card it destroyed now appeared and its effect activated.

"That's why." said Isaac. "Its facedown was Limiter Overload and since it was sent to the graveyard. It can bring back Speed Warrior but it has its effects negated." True to what Isaac was saying, Speed Warrior then reappeared on his opponent's field in attack mode.

"Indeed, you do know your cards, Isaac boy." Mr. William applauded Isaac on his vast knowledge of Duel Monster cards.

"Attack commence, Junk Warrior." With that Junk Warrior the got rid of Isaac's Chimera as he took some damage.
Isaac's Life Points: 3800-

"My Chimera has a special ability, when's its destroyed, I can bring either one of its fusion materials back to the field. I choose my Gazelle in attack mode." Isaac now had a monster on his field as it stopped his opponent from declaring an attack on his life points.

"Battle phase over. Set one card facedown, end turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"It's back to me, draw. I'll activate the spell Graceful Charity, now I'll draw three cards and discard two." Isaac's avatar then picked up some more cards and then chose which ones he wanted to get rid of. "Now I'll sacrifice my Gazelle to summon Dark Magician Girl! Now Dark Magician Girl will attack Speed Warrior."

"Activating facedown, reveal Scrap-Iron Scarecrow. Attack negated." said the robot.

"Impressive, I'll just set a card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 6: Robot

"Turn initiated. Tribute Speed Warrior to summon Salvage Warrior(1900/1600) in attack position. Effect activate, summoning tuner monster Junk Synchron from graveyard." Now the robot had three monsters on its field.

"In response, I'll activate my facedown, Dust Tornado. Now I'll get rid of Scrap-Iron Scarecrow to avoid dealing with it later." said Isaac.

"Commencing advanced summon. Synchro Summon, Stardust Dragon." Now the robot had a powerful monster on its field. "Attack commence, Stardust Dragon."

"Now you see her, now you don't. I activate Magical Hats." Four hats then appeared as they hide Isaac's magician and then shuffled before lining up in a straight line.

"Planning possibilities, Stardust Dragon attack leftmost hat."

"That's a miss." said Isaac.

"Junk Warrior attack rightmost hat."

"Strike two." smiled Isaac.

"Battle phase over. Set two card facedown, end turn."

Turn 7: Isaac

"My turn, draw. First, I'll dispel the magical hats and return my Dark Magician Girl back to attack mode. Next I'll play Card of Sanctity, now we each draw till we're holding six cards in our hands." Isaac then picked up some more cards. "Now, I'll activate Sage's Stone. Dark Magician Girl was just the apprentice, now meet her master, Dark Magician! Then I'll activate Monster Reborn to summon back my Buster Blader from the grave." Isaac now had three powerful monsters on his field. "Finally, I'll equip Dark Magician Girl with Magic Formula and give her 700 more points. Dark Magician Girl attack Junk Warrior. Then Buster Blader will attack Stardust Dragon." Now there was no monsters to stop Isaac from winning this duel. "Now Dark Magician end this duel!"

"Activate facedown, Defense Draw. All damage is zero and draw one card." said the robot as it managed to survive another turn.
Robot's Life Points: 1800-

"In that case, I'll just set a card facedown and end my turn."

"Activate facedown on opponent's turn, Miracle's Wake. Summon back, Stardust Dragon." said the robot as it got its monster back with ease.

Turn 8: Robot

"Turn initiated. Activate spell card, One for One. Discard a card to summon Turbo Synchron. Activate effect, special summon Boost Warrior. Commencing advanced summon. Synchro Summon Formula Synchron. Effect, draw one card. Commencing advanced summon. Synchron Summon, Shooting Star Dragon(3300/2500)." Now the robot had one powerful dragon as it appeared on the screen for all to see.

"Now that's a doozy of a monster, be careful Isaac." shouted Pinkie as she was concerned with how her big brother could still win this.

Pinkie's right, Shooting Star Dragon has one powerful ability, but maybe I can use that to my advantage.

"Commence attack, Shooting Star Dragon."

"I activate my trap card, Magic Cylinder. Now my Dark Magician Girl is safe and the damage gets redirected right back to your life points." shouted Isaac.

"Initiating countermeasure. Activate effect of Damage Eater; gain life points instead of losing." Now the robot had a massive boost in terms of life points.
Robot's Life Points: 5100-

"Battle phase over. Summon Quillbolt Hedgehog in defense mode. Set one card facedown, end turn."

Turn 9: Isaac

"Draw, now Buster Blader attack Shooting Star Dragon."

"Initiating countermeasure, reveal Miracle Locus. Boost Shooting Star Dragon by 1000 points, also player takes no damage and draws card." Just like that Isaac's Buster Blader was sent to the graveyard.

"I'll still get rid of your other monster, Dark Magician take out Quillbolt Hedgehog." said Isaac. "Next I'll activate the spell card Premature Burial, so by paying 800 life points, I'll bring back Buster Blader. Next, I'll play another Polymerization to fusion summon, the ultimate magical swordsman, Dark Paladin!" Isaac now had one of his powerful fusion cards on the field. "I'll then end my turn."

Turn 10: Robot

"Turn initiated. Activate spell card, Battle Waltz. Effect: create a copy of a Synchro monster. Selection: Shooting Star Dragon."

"Hold on, I'll activate my monster's special ability. Dark Paladin allows me to discard a card from my hand and in return, I can negate/destroy your Battle Waltz." said Isaac.

"Commence attack, Shooting Star Dragon." With that Shooting Star Dragon took out Isaac's Dark Magician Girl.

"The effect of my Magic Formula activates which gives me 1000 more life points."
Isaac's Life Points: 3000-

"Battle phase over. End turn."

Turn 11: Isaac

"Draw, now Dark Paladin attack Shooting Star Dragon."

"Initiating countermeasure, activate effect. Banish Shooting Star Dragon to negate attack." With that Shooting Star Dragon disappeared as it stopped Isaac's monster.

Isaac just had a smile on his face, "That's just what I was waiting for."

"What!?" said Pinkie and Mr. William.

"Now I'll activate my spell card, De-Fusion. Now this card splits my monster back into two separate monsters." Isaac's Dark Paladin then morphed back into Buster Blader and Dark Magician. "And because these two monsters were summoned in the middle of a battle, I can still attack with them. So now my monsters, finish this duel!" commanded Isaac.
Robot's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"Well that was easy," said Isaac as he wiped his forehead.

"You did it," Pinkie then gave Isaac a great big hug. "That's my big bro for you, always comes out on top."

"You never cease to amaze me, Isaac boy." clapped Mr. William.

"Don't mention it, Mr. William. Now then about we see if now we get access to your grandfather's deck." suggested Isaac.

Mr. William then approached the computer and then began to type in some things. "Oh dear, it seems our work isn't done. Grandfather was very cautious about someone stealing his deck, that not only did he have a security system installed. But he also had a backup system." Just then another duel popped on screen.

"Aw man, so we have to win this one too." moaned Pinkie.

"It would appear so." said Mr. William with a sad tone.

"Well no problem, all Isaac had to do is win again." said Pinkie.

"Actually, Pinkie. Why don't you take this one? I'm confident you can pass this." suggested Isaac.

Pinkie had a worry look on her face when Isaac suggested that she be the one to participate. "Funny, big bro." laughed Pinkie until she saw that Isaac had his serious look. "You're serious? I can't do it, I'm not as good as the others, let alone you. What if I screw up, then we'll never get to look at the deck and I'll never be able to be taken seriously." Pinkie then put her head down. All she wanted was to make sure that she could be able to handle herself instead of letting her friends do most of the battling. She thought that by taking a peek at what a true Toon deck had, then maybe she could up her game. But now, in order to get there, she had to win a duel against a very challenging robot.

Isaac then approached Pinkie as he put his hand on the shoulder of his little sister. "Pinkie, no matter what happens, I won't get mad. I know you can do this, you just have to believe. Remember, trust in your deck and it will trust in you."

Pinkie then took a deep breath as she gave Isaac a nod. Mr. William then stepped aside as Pinkie approached the terminal. Soon her avatar appeared on the screen as the duel was about to start.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the computer.

Pinkie's Life Points: 4000-

Robot's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Robot

"Turn initiated. Activate spell card, Gravekeeper's Commandant. Discard it to add field spell Necrovalley to hand." said the computer.

"A Gravekeeper deck? Interesting." said Isaac as he and Mr. William watched on from the side.

"Activate Necrovalley. Effect: all 'Gravekeeper' monsters gain 500 attack/defense points. In addition, both players can't use card effects to remove other cards in graveyard. Set a monster facedown in defense mode. Activate spell card, Royal Tribute. Activate effect, both players reveal hand and discard any monster cards."

"Ha, ha. Silly computer." laughed Pinkie as her hand came up on the screen for all to show that neither one of them had any monsters in their hand. "Yippee, I win! I win! I have no monsters in my hand. What do I win?" celebrated Pinkie.

"End turn."

Turn 2: Pinkie

"That means it's my turn," Pinkie's avatar then picked up a card "Woohoo, and what spectacular turn it will be. My turn begins where any great story starts, I play Toon Table of Contents. Now I can add any 'Toon' that I want to my hand. Ohh, so many choices. I think I'll take you, no wait you, or how about you. I definitely can't forget about you." Pinkie was having a hard time choosing. "Which one should I choose, Isaac?" said with a smile on her face.

"Just pick one!" shouted Isaac as he was starting to get annoyed.

"I got it," said Pinkie as she selected her card. "Prepare to enter a world of imagination and creativity. A world that you never knew existed. A world full of toons. A world..."

"Get on with it already!" shouted Isaac.

"I play Toon Kingdom." Pinkie's avatar then jumped into Toon Kingdom as confetti and balloons came out of it; soon her avatar hopped out as it was surrounded by all the cartoons who tossed Pinkie up and down in the air before they returned back home with Pinkie waving goodbye.

"I'm not even going to question that." said Isaac as he couldn't believe what he saw on the screen.

"This card will set the most delightful stage for the rest of my cards. I can activate it by simplifying banishing the top 3 cards of my deck. While its faceup on the field, it counts as Toon World. I'll then play Pot of Greed and draw two more card, I hope I get some funny loving monsters." smiled Pinkie. "Next, I'll special summon Toon Cyber Dragon(2100/1600). Is it a machine, is it a dragon? Nobody knows." said Pinkie in a dramatic voice. "But one thing we all agree one is that my Toon Cyber Dragon is adorable! Next, I'll play Toon Masked Sorcerer." Pinkie now had two cartoon monsters on her field. "Next, I'll play the spell Shard of Greed. Now when I draw a card, I get to add a 'Greed' counter to my Shard of Greed. Once it's got two counters, I can send it to the grave to draw two more cards. Finally, I'll set a card facedown and end my turn."

"Pinkie's really enjoying herself." said Isaac so that only Mr. William could hear him.

"Indeed, Isaac boy. Oh, if only my grandfather was here. Why he be thrilled to see someone who's inspired by his love of Toons." commented Mr. William.

Turn 3: Robot

"Turn initiated. Activate spell card, Raigeki. All monsters on opponent's field are destroyed."

"My Toon Kingdom is coming in handing." giggled Pinkie. "Whenever a Toon is in danger, I can banish the top card of my deck to protect it. So I'll banish two cards to protect my beloved pals." Pinkie then got rid of two cards as her monsters were unscathed.

"Flip Summon, Gravekeeper's Spy(1200/2000). Gains 500 more points. Effect activate, special summon Gravekeeper's Descendant(1500/1200); gain 500 more points."

"I activate Toon Briefcase. Now since I control a Toon monster, I can shuffle a monster on my opponent's side back into the deck. So Gravekeeper's Descendant goes bye-bye." waved Pinkie.

"Summon Gravekeeper's Assailant(1500/1500); gains 500 more points. Attack commence, Gravekeeper's Assailant."

"I activate the effect of my Toon Kingdom, so I'll banish another card from my deck to keep my Toon Masked Sorcerer from being destroyed." said Pinkie.

"Activate effect, Gravekeeper's Assailant. When it attacks while Necrovalley is on the field, change one monster's position. Target: Toon Cyber Dragon."

"Sorry but no cherry-changa." laughed Pinkie. "Toon Kingdom protects my Toons from being targeted by card effects."

"Attack commence, Gravekeeper's Spy."

"I'll banish another card to save my Toon Masked Sorcerer again." stated Pinkie.
Pinkie's Life Points: 2100-

"Battle phase over. Set one card facedown, end turn."

Turn 4: Pinkie

"My turn and I draw to give a Greed Counter to my Shard of Greed." said Pinkie. "And now, it's time to showcase the most favorite of my Toon's abilities. Toon Cyber Dragon and Toon Masked Sorcerer attack directly! As long as I have Toon World, my toons can bypass your field and go straight for your life points. Now my Toon Masked Sorcerer's effect allows me to draw one card." Pinkie cheered at the card she picked up. "And what a card I've drawn, here's a card that inspires terror in even the toughest duelists. I activate the spell card, Shadow Toon. Now, I can deal damage to you equal to the attack of one of your monsters. So I choose your Gravekeeper's Assailant, so see ya." waved Pinkie as she won.

"Initiating countermeasure. Activate counter trap, Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley. Effect, negate spell card Shadow Toon."
Robot's Life Points: 1000-

"Aw, phooey." said Pinkie as she let out a raspberry. "Oh, well. I'll just end my turn."

Turn 5: Robot

"Turn initiated. Summon Gravekeeper's Descendant; gains 500 more points. Activate effect, tribute Gravekeeper's Spy to destroy one card on the field. Selection: Toon Kingdom." With that Pinkie's Toon Kingdom exploded into fireworks. "Effect of Toon Masked Sorcerer activates."

"Oh right." said Pinkie as she disposed of her monster.

"Commence attack, Gravekeeper's Assailant. Effect activate, switch Toon Cyber Dragon's position. "Gravekeeper's Assailant then took out Pinkie's last monster as she was now wide open. "Commence direct attack, Gravekeeper's Descendant. Battle phase over. End turn."
Pinkie's Life Points: 100-

Turn 6: Pinkie

This is bad, if I don't do something then I'll lose for sure. I can't let Isaac down, not after all he's done for me. He doing all this for me, and I can't let it go all to waste. I came here seeking inspiration and that's what I'm going to do! "Now it's my turn and by drawing, I get to add a second Greed counter to my Shard of Greed. I never let a minor setback get the best of me, especially when I can roll it back. Get it?" laughed Pinkie. "I'll send my Shard of Greed to the graveyard to draw two more cards. Next I'll play the spell Heavy Storm. Now bid farewell to your Necrovalley." Just like that Pinkie managed to swing the duel back into her favor as Isaac gave a thumbs up. "Next, I'll activate a second copy of Toon Kingdom and banish the top three cards of my deck. Then I'll play Monster Reborn and with it, I'll bring back my Toon Cyber Dragon. Now I'll special summon Toon Mermaid(1400/1500); and then I'll normal summon Toon Goblin Attack Force(2300/0)."

Pinkie was now starting to gain some steam as she now had a field full of monsters. "I activate one of my favorites cards, Mimic Cat. This allows me to take a card from your graveyard and put it on field, hmmm. So many crazy choices, I think I'll take Raigeki. And I'll waste no time activating it." Pinkie then took out all the monsters on her opponent's field as she was set for victory. "I'll then end my turn."

Turn 7: Robot

"Turn initiated. Tribute summon all three monsters on my opponent's side to summon Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode(?/?)."

"Oh shit." said Isaac in a monotone voice.

Soon all of Pinkie's toons were gone as they were replaced with a giant orb that glowed bright yellow. Pinkie couldn't figure out what was going on; just when she was able to gain some momentum, she was suddenly thrown for a loop. "But how? What about my toons, how can it summon that monster using my own?" asked Pinkie.

"That's its special ability, little sis. You can summon this monster in this form by sacrificing any 3 monsters on either person's field." clarified Isaac.

"True, Isaac boy. Not to mention that at the end of Pinkie's turn, that monster will shift over to the computer's side of the field." stated Mr. William.

"End turn."

Turn 8: Pinkie

"I always wanted a big glowing bowling ball." laughed Pinkie as she examined the monster on her field. "I'll draw a card," Pinkie looked her card and then what she had in her hand. Unfortunately, she had nothing that she could play or summon this turn. "Uh oh, I'll just set a card facedown and end my turn." Pinkie now had a sad tone as well as a look of worry as she saw the monster on her field now shift over to her opponent.

Turn 9: Robot

"Turn initiated. Tribute to summon Winged Dragon of Ra(4000/4000). Commence direct attack."

"I'll activate my facedown, Toon Mask." shouted Pinkie. "Now I can special summon a 'Toon' monster from my hand or deck as long as it's level is less than or equal to my opponent's monster. I'll special summon my Toon Alligator(800/1600) in defense mode." Thanks to some quick thinking, Pinkie was able to survive an attack from a very powerful monster and still remain in the duel.

"Battle phase over. End turn."

Turn 10: Pinkie

"It's my turn," Pinkie let out a deep breath as she drew her card. "This is too perfect!" giddy Pinkie as she was bouncing up and down. "I activate my spell card, Comic Hand. Now I can take control of your Winged Dragon of Ra and the best part is that it turns it into an adorable, loveable toon. Say hello to, Toon Winged Dragon of Ra." Now a cartoon version of Ra appeared as it started to play around with Pinkie's avatar.

Both Mr. William and Isaac just had eyes wide open as they couldn't believe what they were seeing on the screen. "Oh, I'm glad that there's no such thing as a Toon Winged Dragon of Ra." said Isaac as he couldn't imagined such a card existing. Let alone how crazy Pinkie would be if she actually had a card like that.

"My Toon Winged Dragon of Ra and I, are going to be the best of friends. And the first thing we'll share together is our victory in this duel. Toon Winged Dragon of Ra, attack directly and end this duel!" shouted Pinkie. With that her cartoon monster then fired off a cartoonish attack that brought her the victory as the screen flashed the word 'Congratulations' with digital fireworks and streamers going off. Once Pinkie processed what had happened she let out a huge victory screech. "That was so fun!!" shouted Pinkie as she couldn't contain her excitement.

Isaac and Mr. William both gave a round of applause as they celebrated Pinkie's win. Isaac gave his little sis a pat on the head as she gave him a hug. "You did good, Pinkie."

"Thanks, big bro. I couldn't have done it without you." Pinkie then saw Mr. William approach the computer to see if they could now gain access to his grandfather's deck. "Yippee, now we can take a look at that legendary deck and then I finally improve my game."

"Yeah, about that Pinkie. There's no need; see there was no deck for us to access." said Isaac.

"What!?" Pinkie had raised an eyebrow at what Isaac was saying.

"See after our the first duel, we pretty much had full access to Mr. Williams' grandfather's deck. So while you were busying giving me a hug, I quickly told him to set another duel but this time have his grandfather's deck be what you used. So basically, you just used his grandfather's deck and was able to secure a victory."

Pinkie had the biggest gasp on her face. To think that whole time, she was using the deck of such a legendary man really caused to think about this moment seriously. "I did that? I actually used Mr. William grandfather's deck. But how can I? I'm just an amateur duelist, there's no way I could have won with my skill set." said Pinkie.

"See that's the thing, little sis. You were so focused on copying somebody else that you forgot on what it means to have a deck. It's not to become a carbon copy of another duelist, but to evolve and create your own playstyle and to ultimately make that deck that's your own."

Pinkie let Isaac's statement resonate with her as she understood what her big brother was trying to say. "You know, I think I know what you were doing. Thanks, Isaac." Pinkie then gave her big bro a kiss while Isaac just rubbed his little sister's head.

"I must commend you on that stellar performance, Ms. Pie." Mr. William was giving his praise to Pinkie as he found her duel to definitely be entertaining. "I'll say that the way you played my grandfather's deck it was like something he would do; if he were here right now, he would definitely give you praise for playing that deck to its full capabilities. You really honored his legacy."

"Thanks, Mr. William." said Pinkie as she gave him a respectful bow.

Just then a growl was heard as Isaac's stomach was trying to send him a message. "Sorry, but I've barely eaten anything since this morning. Don't suppose you got food in this place? All that dueling made me hungry." asked Isaac.

"Not a problem, Isaac boy. Follow me. And Ms. Pie, allow me to give you some cards that may help you and your Toon deck. I'm sure that my grandfather would appreciate it if I helped a fellow duelist who shared his same sense of humor." With that Mr. William led both Isaac and Pinkie into the dining room; the rest of the day was spent with Mr. William showing Pinkie and Isaac around Industrial Illusions, while also giving some cards to Pinkie from his grandfather's personal collection.

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