• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 59: Imitations

The next day at Camp Everfree was here and everybody was hard at work repairing the dock. It took a while, but they were able to make some decent progress. They also partook in several other camp activities. While Isaac was repairing a part of the dock, he caught a glance of Twilight having a conversation with Timber. He didn't hear much, but he was able to make out that they were talking about books. Isaac saw Twilight popped a smile and he too let one form on his face. Something about Twilight being happy brought a smile on his face; with that he got back to work on repairing the dock.

It was about evening time as the sun was starting to set. The sun had turned into a lovely shade of orange as it was starting to set beyond the mountains. Most of the girls had gathered around a table as they were preparing their dinner. Meanwhile, Dash had requested Isaac to have a duel with her before dinner. So Isaac was currently engaged in a battle with Dash.

"Now then time for my U.A. Strategist to take things up a notch. I tune my U.A. Strategist with my U.A. Midfielder; I Synchro Summon, U.A. Star Player!" Rainbow had managed to bring out new synchro monster. "Now time for my monsters to strike, U.A. Dreadnought Dunker take out Isaac's defense monster and then I'll have my U.A. Star Player take out your Dark Magician!" Rainbow's monsters then rushed in as they charged and took out Isaac's field with ease. The attack had caused some water to splash on Isaac as it soaked him and his clothes. But he didn't mind.

"Great stuff, Dash. Now it's time for me take back control of this duel." said Isaac as his hair was also wet. Isaac then drew his card and began to formulate his plan.

Meanwhile some of the other girls were watching from the side.

"Wowee! They're into their duel like crazy!" said Fluttershy as she too was getting invested in their battle.

"Darn tootin', I'm having a battle with them right after dinner." said Applejack.

Twilight then came by as she noticed Isaac was wet. "Hey, Isaac! You'll catch a cold! Here!" She was concern on her friend getting sick, so Twilight tossed a towel towards Isaac.

Isaac caught the towel in his hand. "Don't worry! I'll be just fine." Just then Isaac let out a sneeze; he then snuffed his nose. "Now then back to the duel, you ready Dash."

The next day rolled around and everybody was now gathering for some breakfast. All the girls were sitting at the table as began to chow away. They were talking about what they were going to do for the day, when Fluttershy noticed that Isaac still hadn't come out of his tent.

"Isaac sure is taking his time." said Fluttershy with a concern voice.

"That's because he spent almost the whole night duelin' till the sun came up. You know how he gets, once he gets an itchin' for Duel Monsters, there's no stopping him." said Applejack as she was stirring the pot full of food.

"Wake him up for us, would you Fluttershy?" suggested Rarity.

"Sure." said Fluttershy as she got up and was about to check on Isaac when she noticed him coming out of his tent. "Oh. Isaac! Breakfast is ready!"

Isaac however was different than normal. It looked like he was the same as he wore his usual attire, but his eyes were shut and his nose was a bit stuff. Not to mention that his body was moving rather sluggish and he was sweating a bit despite it not being that hot. Even his voice was a bit different, like it had something in it. "It's ready. It's ready." he said with a low tone.

"Morning! Go wash up. Hungry?" suggested Twilight.

Isaac then began to slowly walk as he dragged his body, now he was starting to show some redness forming on his cheeks but not from feeling a certain way. Eventually he collapsed as Twilight was able to catch him in her arms. Once Twilight saw this, she now started to turn a bit red herself but for a different reason.

"Now's our chance. Now! Now!" said Isaac in a soft and sick voice. He now had droopy eyes when he looked at Twilight.

"What's wrong? Isaac?" asked Twilight as she was concern about how her friend was acting in her arms.

"I.." said Isaac as he started to sweat more.

"I what?" said Twilight as she looked into Isaac's eyes. Soon she started to close her eyes as she prepared herself for what she thought was about to happen.

Isaac then brought his hand to Twilight as he held on, "I... play Dark Magician." Then Isaac collapsed in front of Twilight.

"Oh no, Isaac!" screamed Twilight. Soon all the girls check on him.

Twilight was able to get him to sit up as Isaac was starting to sweat more.

"What's wrong?" asked Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie as they were scared of what was happening to their friend.

"What do we do?!" asked Dash as she too was concerned with Isaac's health.

Twilight then put her hand on Isaac's forehead and she could feel it heating up. She let out a gasp, "Isaac has a fever! He's burning up!"

"He needs to get back to bed!" stated Sunset to which everybody agreed.

Soon it took all the girls combined to get Isaac back into his bed. They had been able to removing his hoodie as he was now resting in his camp attire. They even had gotten a wet towel and dipped it as Twilight put it over Isaac's forehead. Isaac was still sweating and breathing hard as the fever was starting to really kick in.

Twilight then took the towel and looked at the other girls. "He must have a high fever. The wash-cloth gets warm so fast!"

"He got soaked yesterday, so he must've caught a really bad cold." stated Applejack.

Spike let out a whimper as he too was concern for Isaac's health. "You must be worried too, huh Spike?" Spike then licked Fluttershy to show that she was correct.

"He'll be fine, partner! I'll go get some medicine. That'll make him right as rain." Applejack then started to get up and was about to leave Isaac's tent.

"Hold on, darling. I'll go with you." stated Rarity.

"Count me in, I'm partially the reason why Isaac got soaked and is now in bed. Let me help." replied Dash.

"I'll come as well." said Pinkie. "I want to make my 'Get well' chocolate chip cookies. Once big bro gets a whiff of these, I'm sure he'll feel much more better. Plus, he'll have a huge appetite once he's cured."

"I'll go with you guys to help keep an eye on Pinkie." said Sunset as she knew how it was Isaac's job to dial Pinkie back from her zaniness. "Fluttershy and Twilight, you both stay here and take good care of Isaac for us."

"Just leave it to us." Twilight then gave her friends a thumbs up to which they returned.

"We'll be back soon!" they all said in unison. With that Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Sunset, and Pinkie all left to get the medicine and the supplies they needed to make Isaac feel better. Soon it was just Twilight and Fluttershy left to take care of Isaac.

However they weren't alone; unbeknownst to them the spirit of Isaac's Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl also appeared as they saw their master in a horrible state. Mahad cursed himself for not keeping Isaac safe, and Mana did her best to say that it wasn't his fault. She also kept a close eye on Isaac as she kept checking his lifeforce.

"We've gotta be strong, no matter what." said Twilight. She then took the towel of Isaac's forehead as she started to wipe some of the sweat dripping down his face.

A while passed, both Fluttershy and Spike were fetching new bowls of water for Twilight as they hoped that Isaac would feel better. Soon they opened up Isaac's tent. "We're back with some more water, Twilight." said Fluttershy

"Great, Fluttershy. Spike. Thank you!" Twilight then took the bowl of water from them and dipped the towel back into it before placing it back onto Isaac's forehead. Isaac seemed to not be as bad as he initially was as he had stopped sweating. Twilight then brought her hand to Isaac's cheek as she could feel him breathing and checked how he was doing. "He looks much better to me than before. His fever isn't as high as it once was." Twilight then gave a smile, "We'll take care of everything until they bring the medicine, then Isaac can get better!" Fluttershy and Spike all let out some quiet cheers as they were happy that Isaac was doing better.

Just then a noise was heard from outside. It was the sound of a guitar riff. The girls were shock by this sudden outburst that they both stepped outside to see what was causing the noise. "What in the world is making that deafening racket?" said Twilight. They saw that it was a kid who had a guitar and a punk rock look to him.

"Shredding guitar on the road's my gig." said the kid. "Make way for the next rocking sensation, Skull the duel musician!"

Twilight and Fluttershy just looked on with their head turned as they didn't know what to make of this. "Uhm, excuse sir, but who are you?" asked Fluttershy.

"The name's Skull, little lady and I'm here to challenge a duelist by the name of Isaac to a duel. See I was wondering through the woods honing my musical craft. I happen to be rocking out in a deep part of the woods, when I stumbled upon some fellow campers who decided to listen to my musical mayhem. I told them that my dream was to not only take over the world of rock music, but to incorporate dueling into my routines. But to do that I need to have lots of different duels so that I could get a sense of how each battle flows and figure out how it vibes with music. So when I told them of my ambitions, they told me about a certain someone and pointed me in this direction. They didn't tell me much, but word has it that he's really strong and that his name was Isaac. So I gathered my stuff and headed out." Skull then looked back at the girls.

"Really strong? Yes, he is." said Fluttershy.

Skull then let out a guitar riff as he celebrated. "Yeah, YEAH! I can't believe I found him in a flash! I'm so awesome." Skull then started to get a bit louder.

"I'm sorry, but could you keep it down?" said Twilight as she tried to be heard over the loud noise.

"Let me guess, you two girls are Isaac's buddies, am I right?" asked Skull.

"Uh, yes, but here's the thing..."

Skull then cut off Twilight as he ignored her. "Listen up! Give him a message! Tell him that I'm ready to throwdown, right now!"

"Uh, can you turn it down a little bit?" said Fluttershy but that fell on deaf eyes, literally.

"Hey Isaac! I challenge you to a rocking and rolling duel!" Skull was now playing the loudest as he started to shred on his electric guitar.

It started to get so loud that both Twilight, Fluttershy, and Spike all covered their eyes. Twilight then looked back at Isaac's tent. This guy is gonna wake Isaac up!

"It's time for battle, Isaac! I want you to show me your amazing skills!" said Skull as he finished his little guitar solo.

"Okay. Okay! I'll go get him, now stop shouting already!" screamed Twilight as she made sure Skull could hear her.

"You'll really go get him?" said Skull in a normal voice instead of shouting.

Twilight's expression then changed on a dime as she looked back at Fluttershy. She then turned back to address Skull, "Please wait right here." With that both girls entered back into the tent to check up on Isaac. Safe to say that he was still in no condition to battle which caused both girls to worry. If Isaac finds out he's been challenged, I know he'll want to battle, even if he's in no condition to do so.

Just then Isaac began to stir a bit from his sleep which caught the girls off guard. "Okay, Dark Magician. Use Dark Magic Attack." said Isaac as he quickly went back to sleep. Soon both Fluttershy and Twilight all let out a sigh.

"What do we do, Twilight?" asked Fluttershy as she replaced the towel on Isaac's forehead.

"We can't let Isaac get into a battle right now. But I doubt that Skull guy is the kind to leave even if I tell him what the situation is. I said I'd take care of Isaac, so what am I going to do?!" Twilight was so caught with things that she was starting to panic. She then noticed Isaac's hoodie as well as his duel disk and his deck. She then bent down and picked up his hoodie as she looked at it. Then she got a crazy idea; Fluttershy saw this and was concern with what her friend was thinking. Twilight then tightened her grip on Isaac's hoodie and his duel disk as she had made up her mind. I have to do it! For Isaac's sake!

Skull was just waiting patiently as he awaited his challenge. Safe to say it didn't take long as he saw a different person come out of the tent other than the two girls. He then had a smile on his face.

"Here I am." said Isaac, only it wasn't Isaac. But rather Twilight who was wearing Isaac's hoodie and had wore a cap to conceal her ponytail. She even tried her best to make her voice sound like Isaac. "I'm Isaac! Ready to rumble!"

Thankfully, it seemed to have worked as Skull couldn't figure out that it was Twilight under that disguise. "So you're the strong duelist that people are talking about, huh? Well then, this should be a rocking battle!" Skull then let out a quick guitar riff as a way to pump himself up.

Fluttershy was watching as she stood outside the tent as she wanted to see how Twilight's plan was holding up. Safe to say that she was glad it worked, so she did her best to cheer Twilight on while also keeping an eye on Isaac's condition.

Thank goodness he bought it. Stay calm, Twilight. You've got to do your best for Isaac! Twilight then let a deep breath as she mentally prepared herself. "Alright then, since you're ready let's go. It's time to duel!" said Twilight. Once she said that Twilight felt a bit more confident, like it made her feel intimidating. Now she knew why Isaac always like to say that phrase. With that she slotted on Isaac's duel disk and looked at Isaac's deck. Hopefully, I can be able to use this deck to my advantage.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the mechanical voice of their duel disks.

Skull's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's(Twilight) Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac(Twilight)

"You can have the first move." said Skull.

"Alright then, I draw." Twilight picked up her starting hand and drew her cards. "To start, I'll summon Queen's Knight in defense mode. That's all for this turn." said Twilight.

Turn 2: Skull

"That all, please. Let me show you how it's done, draw." Skull smiled at the card he picked up. "First up on the stage is my Roadie Rookie(500/400). Now when Roadie Rookie is summoned, I can call upon another Roadie Rookie, so I'll summon him in attack mode. Next I'll play a nifty little spell called Power Chord. This card allows my monster to gain attack points equal to yours, so now my Roadie gains 1500 attack points." Roadie Rookie then pulled out a guitar as it started to play a chord and it started to rock out. "Now time to attack, Roadie Rookie take out his Queen's Knight. My Roadie Rookie allows me to deal piercing damage to a monster when it's in defense." Roadie Rookie then pointed its guitar as it shot a powerful beam and got rid of Queen's Knight and then shot towards Twilight. "I'm not done, now Roadie #2 attack Isaac directly! Feel the the music!" Twilight was then hit with another beam as she put her hands up.
Isaac's(Twilight) Life Points: 7100-

"With that killer performance, I'll set one card facedown and end my turn."

"It looks like this guy isn't just all talk." said Twilight to herself in her normal voice.

Turn 3: Isaac(Twilight)

"Alright then, my move." Twilight drew her card and looked through her hand. Alright, I need to focus. Ahh, now this is a card that I've seen Isaac use often. I play Breaker the Magical Warrior, when he's summoned he gains a counter which raises his attack by 300. Then I'll equip him with the spell Bound Wand which allows my Breaker to gain even more power as he receives an extra 100 points time his level. So now his true strength is 2300." Breaker then raised its sword as it felt the power surge through it. Twilight then thrust her hand out. "Now Breaker attack Roadie Rookie #1!" Breaker then took out the Roadie with the highest attack as it sliced through his guitar in half and broke it."
Skull's Life Points: 7700-

"Not bad!" shouted Skull.

"I'll then place one card facedown and end my turn. You're up." shouted Twilight. So far, go good, just gotta keep this up.

Turn 4: Skull

"Time to put on another performance, witness." Skull then drew his card. "As before I'll use Roadie Rookie's special ability and with I'll summon out a third Roadie Rookie. But they won't be out for long, cause I'll play my facedown Music Genre. Now since I have two musicians out on the field, I can add a card that's the same type as my monsters out on the field. So now I'll tribute both of Roadie Rookies to summon out my Heavy Metal King(2400/2300)!" Out came a rock star guitar that long flowing hair and had face paint. It started to strike a cord as it filled the air with loud sounds. Both Twilight and Fluttershy covered their ears at the sound. "Now then Heavy Metal King time to see how Breaker like some rock and roll, attack!" Heavy Metal King then took out Twilight's monster with ease.
Isaac's(Twilight) Life Points: 7000-

"Now the effect of Bound Wand kicks in, which means I can bring back my Breaker." Just like that Breaker then appeared as at if it wasn't destroyed.

"Nice recovery, I'll end with facedown."

Turn 5: Isaac(Twilight)

"My move," Twilight looked at her card and got an idea. "I play the spell card, Graceful Charity. Now I'll draw three cards and get rid of two." Twilight picked up her cards and was shocked to see that one of them was the Dark Magician Girl. She then looked at her hand and figured out which ones she wanted to get rid of. Dark Magician Girl, this is one of Isaac's well known cards. Maybe it can help me turn the tide. "I'll then sacrifice my Breaker to bring out a new monster, appear Dark Magician Girl!" Twilight played the card on the duel disk and out came Isaac's ultimate female spellcaster as she did a twirl before taking her position. Mana then looked at who played her and was shocked to see it was Twilight. "I know I'm not Isaac, but I need your help. Can you do that for me?" Mana just shook her head and turned back to the field. "I'll then end my turn."

Turn 6: Skull

"You may have gotten a new monster, but it's still far weaker than Heavy Metal King!" shouted Skull as he played another cord as he took his turn. "Now then, I'll play the spell Routine Check. With this card I'm allowed to summon out a pair of monsters to join this concert. So make way for Lead Singer Soloist(1800/1300) and my Drummer Boy(1700/2000)" Suddenly two more monsters appeared on Skull's field as drums started thumping and the singer let out a piercing vocal yell. "But the music ain't stopping anytime soon, watch as I overlay my two monsters. With these musical sensations, I build the Overlay Network; I Xyz Summon, my Rock and Roll Emperor(2800/2600, OLU: 2)!" Skull now had a new monster that sat on its throne and had an electric guitar in its lap as it played the instrument and let out a powerful sound wave that caused Fluttershy to check on Isaac as to make sure he didn't wake up.

"Now that my dynamic duo is here, it's time for the performance of a lifetime! I activate Rock and Roll Emperor's special ability, by using one overlay unit, I can give one of my monsters a permanent boost of 1000 attack points." Rock and Roll Emperor then played a song as an overlay unit was absorbed into his guitar as he fired a powerful beam at Heavy Metal King to give it 1000 more points. "Now time to strike, go my monsters take out his Dark Magician Girl and chunk out of his life points."

Twilight just stood there was the attacks were coming towards her. Fluttershy had peaked her head back through the tent and saw the predicament that Twilight was in, she quickly covered her eyes. Twilight was frozen as she didn't know what to do. What am I gonna do? If I don't do something then I'll lose this duel for sure. What would Isaac do in a situation like this?! Twilight then looked at her Dark Magician Girl who gave her a smile. It looked like she trusted Twilight and knew that everything would be okay. Twilight then let out a similar smile too. She's right. I've watched Isaac's battling style up close more than anybody! Twilight then closed her eyes as she thought back on Isaac's duels in the past.

"Now I'll save my Dark Magician Girl by using my card, Magical Hats!" said Isaac.

Twilight then opened her eyes as she knew what she was to do. "If you want to destroy my Dark Magician Girl, you'll have to find her first. Now I'll save my Dark Magician Girl by using my card, Magical Hats!" said Twilight as she activated her card. Soon four top hats appeared as they hid Dark Magician Girl and shuffled before appearing in a row.

"Woah, what's happening!?" called out Skull as he was unsure what to make of it.

"It's simple, if you want to get to me or my life points, you'll have to take out my Dark Magician Girl. But to do that you have to find where she's hiding. Feeling lucky?" taunted Twilight.

"It won't make a difference, Heavy Metal King take out the hat on the far right." Heavy Metal King then let a chord rip as it took out the hat and smoked appeared but nothing was there.

"Looks like you missed." said Twilight.

"Alright, Rock and Roll Emperor. Take out the middle hat!" Skull's other monster then did the same as it took out the middle hat, but like the previous result it came up empty handed.

"Better luck next time."

"I may have missed my target, but I won't miss next time. I'll place a facedown and end my turn. I'll admit this is the kind of battle I was searching for." Skull had a bit of a smile on his face as he enjoyed this duel.

"You just wait. When it comes to what I can do, you haven't seen anything!" said Twilight as she put back on her fake Isaac voice. On the inside, she was giddy like a little school girl. Oh my gosh, I can't believe it worked!

Turn 7: Isaac(Twilight)

"Now then, my move." said Twilight as she drew her card.

Meanwhile back with the other girls, they had just gotten the medicine and the other supplies they were searching for.

"We got it, darling! Does that mean Isaac will be all better soon?" asked Rarity.

"You betch Rares. Let's hurry back!" said Applejack.

"Hope you guys got everything." said Sunset as she appeared next to Pinkie and Rainbow who had a small ziplock bag of cookies. "It took us a while, but we finally got Pinkie to not be distracted. And we made some cookies for Isaac."

"Yeah, now big bro is sure to be full of energy!" said Pinkie as she bounced up and down.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's get going." shouted Dash.

With that they all began to run back hoping that Isaac would feel much better. It didn't take long as they got there within a couple of minutes but what they saw in front of them was a sight they couldn't believe. What they saw was a duel occuring and the person taking part in it was... Isaac?

"Look at that." said Rainbow as she took in the sight of the duel before her.

"Is that Isaac, darling?" asked Rarity.

"But how can big bro be battling?" said Pinkie as she had a confused look on her face.

"Hold on." Applejack took a closer look and could see that it wasn't actually Isaac battling but someone else. "Is that?"

"Bring it on!" shouted Twilight in her fake voice.

"Twilight!" shouted Applejack which caused Twilight to become frozen stiff as a sweat bead started to drop down her face. "Why are you dressed up like Isa...?"

Before the word 'Isaac' could be said, Twilight let out a scream. "AHHH." She even waved her hands about. Soon everything was silent.

"Well, why are you, darling?" asked Rarity.

Twilight let out an even louder scream as she waved her arms even faster. Skull was confused with what was happening.

"They your friends?" asked Skull.

"Friends? My friends" said Twilight as she tried to get the situation under control. "Yeah, you bet!" Twilight then quickly turned toward her friends. "Did you get the medicine?" she asked in a soft tone while having a embarrassed look.

"Uh huh. Isaac will feel much better in no time." assured Applejack.

"What about you?" asked Sunset.

Twilight then began to explain the situation to the other girls. "He challenged Isaac to a battle."

"Sure, I get it. Well, at least I think I get it." said Sunset as she scratched her head. "You just leave the rest to us!"

"Right. I'm counting on you!" said Twilight as she gave them a fist bump.

With that the other girls, all made their way back into Isaac's tent to give him the medicine. Rainbow Dash had chosen to stay out here and watch Twilight's duel. Twilight then turned back to face Skull, however Sunset had one more thing to say. "Oh yeah. Good luck, Isaac." said Sunset with a sly smile.

Twilight turned red with how Sunset had chosen to word that sentence. She quickly shook it off as she prepared to get back to the duel as she used her fake voice. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean to make you wait!"

"All right! Back to the battle!" said Skull as he continued on like nothing happened.

Applejack, Rarity, Sunset, and Pinkie were now in Isaac's tent as they began to mix the final ingredients of the medicine. "Here, take this." Sunset then pulled Isaac's head up as she opened his mouth and gave him the medicine. She then let his head rest as the other girls looked on.

"Please, big bro. You gotta get well quick." Pinkie was starting to worry about Isaac.

"All we can do now is wait." said Applejack.

"Let's let the medicine work." suggested Sunset.

Back to the duel, Twilight had finally figured out her next move. "I play the spell Sage's Stone, now that Dark Magician Girl is on the field, I can now summon out a different spellcaster from my deck. So say hello to my trusting ace, Dark Magician!"

Twilight looked at Isaac's star monster and played it on the card tray. Soon out came the ultimate monster of Isaac's deck. Just like before, Dark Magician looked at who summoned it and saw that it was none other than Twilight. Then for a moment, Twilight could actually hear both Mahad and Mana speak to her.

"Hope this can help win the duel." said Twilight.

"You have our word, mistress Sparkle." said Mahad.

"Huh? Wait a minute, did you just talk? How is that I can understand and hear what you're say? I really must be freaking out." said Twilight.

"Believe me, Twilight. You're not freaking out." Mana did her best to calm Twilight down. "Truth is that Isaac really does talk to us. And let me be the first to say that we're grateful he has someone like you in his life. He does talk about you often." said Mana as she let out a chuckle.

"He talks about me?" said Twilight as her face was now turning red. To think that Isaac was constantly talking about her kinda of made her blush.

"We owe you a debt of gratitude for choosing to fight in our master's place. So let us help you by guiding you to victory. Our life is in your hands, mistress Sparkle." said Mahad. With that both magicians turned towards back to the battle.

Twilight then turned back to face her opponent. "Now that my Dark Magician is on the field, I'll play my Dark Burning Magic spell card. With this, since I control both Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, I can play this card. Now all cards on your field are destroyed."

"No way!" shouted Skull.

Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl then raised their wands up and together they created a powerful ball of magical energy. Then they shot it towards Skull's field as it decimated everything on his side of the field. They let out a smile as they turned towards Twilight who just amazed at what she was able to do. "Now that my magicians have cleared the way, I'll now wage a direct attack. Go Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl attack Skull directly, Double Dark Magic Attack!" With that both magicians took flight as they struck Skull with everything they had.
Skull's Life Points: 3200-

"With that I'll end my turn by placing one card facedown."

Turn 8: Skull

"Talk about a wake up call, your magicians pack some punch. Now I know why you're a strong duelist, Isaac. With monsters like that, anybody would have a tough time." said Skull as he gave Twilight a compliment.

"Told ya. My monsters will always have my back, no matter what we're inseparable." said Twilight as she used her fake voice. She then thought to herself, Now that I've gotten to see things from Isaac's perspective, I see why he treasures his magicians so much. Makes me wonder if I have that special connection with my deck.

"But I'm not out of this duel just yet, observe." Skull then drew his card. "Now I'll play the spell Reunion Concert, and with this I can bring back every monster that was destroyed. So give a warm welcome Welcome to Heavy Metal King and Rock and Roll Emperor." Just like that Skull's two monsters came back. "Now I'll play the spell Grand Debut, I can only activate this card when I've got two or monsters on my field. And since I do, I can bring out another monster from my deck. So say hello to my star monster, everybody put your hands up for DJ Rynx(3000/2500)!" Skull's new monster came out and it was a DJ who had a turntable in front of him as he pushed a couple of buttons that caused some special effects and pyro to fire off. "DJ turn up the bass, cause I activate your special ability, now for the rest of the turn you can't use any spell/traps until the end of the battle." Skull's Dj then pushed a button as it created a soundwave that caused Twilight's facedown to glow.

"Now time for my monsters to strike, I'll have my Heavy Metal King attack your Dark Magician, Rock and Roll Emperor will take out your Dark Magician Girl and lastly, DJ Rynx will attack you directly!" Skull's monsters then joined forces as they combined their music and created a powerful attack that took out Twilight's monsters and caused her to be flung on her back. Thankfully her disguise held on, but she still struggled to get back up.
Isaac's(Twilight) Life Points: 2300-

"With that I'll end my performance with a facedown."

Turn 9: Isaac(Twilight)

"Right then," Twilight drew her card and was struggling trying to find a solution. "I'll reveal my facedown Monster Reborn and with it I'll bring back my Dark Magician. Then I'll play the spell card Pot of Greed and draw two more cards." Twilight then drew some more cards, but she still had a worried look on her face. What do I do now, my only hope was relying on my magicians. Not to mention that Skull's Dj makes it to where when he attacks, he can use its special ability and not allow me to use spell/traps. And nothing in my hand, is strong enough to take it down. This can't be how it ends; I've got to do something, but what? "I'll just end my turn."

Turn 10: Skull

"Seems like you had nothing to deal with my star studded musician, can't blame you." Skull drew his card, "Now then time to give a farewell performance!" Skull then started to play a little guitar solo as his monsters joined in on his little jam session. "Go my monsters, end this duel take out his Dark Magician!" With his command, Skull's monsters then launched their attack as it was heading straight for Twilight and her Dark Magician.

Twilight just stood there as she didn't know how to escape this. More so she was overcome with fear. What do I do!? Twilight then put her head down as she prepared for the worst. Just then a voice was heard over the loud music.

"I banish Electromagnetic Turtle from my graveyard, so now the battle phase immediately ends!" said the mysterious voice.

Just like that a small turtle then appeared in front of Twilight as it started to release all the electricity it stored up in its body. Twilight couldn't believe her eyes as she watched the tiny little monster be able to completely neutralize all the monsters with a wall of static as it paralyzed them. Soon the attack faded, Mahad made sure to say thanks to the little guy as he gave the turtle a pet on the head before he disappeared.

"But, I didn't do that?" she said. Twilight then looked behind her and to her surprise it was none other than Isaac who was standing there in perfect health. He was no longer sick, in fact he look very healthy.

"You're alright?" said Twilight as she was shocked to see Isaac moving out and about. Not to mention in perfect condition. "But you were so sick before."

"Not now! Thanks to the girls!" said Isaac. Just then the rest of their friends appeared as they were also shocked to see Isaac back on his feet so fast.

"I guess we shouldn't be surprised. A normal person would've taken a day or more to get well." said Applejack as even she was impressed with Isaac's fast recovery system.

Isaac then started to do a bit of stretches to get his body moving and to see if his stamina had gotten back. While he was doing this he addressed Twilight. "So, Twilight! You battled in my place, right?"

"Uh, what's going on?" asked Skull as he was confused by what was occurring.

"Sorry for the confusion man, but hope I didn't keep you waiting."

"You're Isaac?" said Skull.

"Yeah, I'm afraid I was a bit under the weather. But I'm all rested and ready to go." Isaac had finished his stretches and was now ready to duel.

"I really hope you'll forgive me. I meant no harm." said Twilight in her normal voice. She then took off her cap and showed off her hidden ponytail.

"You!" said Skull as he realized that it was Twilight who he had initially talked to and was now battling.

Twilight then turned to Isaac. "Isaac! Here, catch!" With that she took off his hoodie and tossed it to him.

"Thanks, Twi." Isaac had managed to catch his hoodie and put in back on. He made sure it fit as it felt good to be wearing his same old attire. "Now this more like it! So Skull, is it? What do we say we finish this duel?"

"I'm game. Let's see what you got kid!" said Skull.

Isaac then got close to Twilight as he grabbed her arm. Twilight blushed a bit at Isaac holding her arm. "Thanks for covering for me, Twilight. But I'll take over from here." With one swift move, Isaac was now wearing his duel disk as he took position. "Hope you don't mind."

Twilight just smiled, "Not at all, not em' dead."

"Oh, and by the way. That cap on you kinda makes you look cute, it's a good look for you." said Isaac before turning back to the duel.

Twilight just had more red forming on her face as she stepped to the side to watch with her friends. Pinkie then got Isaac's attention as she threw a cookie at him. Isaac was able to catch and he quickly took a bite of it as his energy and appetite returned back to him. Isaac thanked Pinkie for making some delicious treats.

"Now that I'm filled up and full of energy, it's time to get back to duel. Now then I believe it was your turn?"

"Very well then, since you used your Electromagnetic Turtle to end the battle, all my other cards will be useless this turn. So I'll just throw a facedown and call it."

Turn 11: Isaac

"Then it's back to me, draw." Isaac drew his card and looked at his Dark Magician. "I'll then play the spell Bond Between Teacher and Student, since Dark Magician is on the field, I can summon Dark Magician Girl from the graveyard. You've met the teacher, so give a warm for his student, appear Dark Magician Girl!" Just like that Isaac now had his two loyal monsters by his side as they both looked to see their master feeling better. "Hope I didn't worry you guys, too much."

"My word, you're feeling much better now, Isaac." said Mana with a cheering voice.

"Forgive me master, it's my fault that you feel ill. I'm deeply sorry for not protecting you. I await whatever punishment is to come and accept full responsibility." said Mahad as he bowed his head in front of Isaac.

"It's alright, Mahad. These things happen, besides I could never yell at both of you guys. You're my friends, now then lets win this duel." Both Mahad and Mana nodded their heads at their master's command and turned back to the duel with serious faces. "Time to bring this duel to a close, now my spell allows my to set Dark Magic Twin Burst but I'll immediately use it to boost my Dark Magician's attack points by my Dark Magician Girl." Mana then pointed her wand at her teacher as she casted a spell that amplified his powers. "Lastly, I'll play the spell Diffusion Wave-Motion. Now by paying 1000 life points, my Dark Magician can attack all your monsters on the field. So now Dark Magician finish this duel off, Dark Magic Attack!"
Isaac's Life Points: 1900-

"I'll reveal my facedown, Crowd Control. With this card, your battle phrase comes to an end!" shouted Skull.

"Then it's a good thing I have this card, more importantly thanks to Twilight. I banish my Magician Navigation from my graveyard to negate your facedown till the end of the turn."

"No!" shouted Skull as his trap was now rendered useless.

"Finish this!" With that, Mahad then delivered the final blow as he wiped out Skull's entire field as well as his array of monsters.
Skull's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

Sometime later, Isaac was in his tent on his bed as he looked at his deck. It was now approaching evening as the sun was starting to set. Soon the zipper to his tent was open as in walked Twilight who had been called by Isaac as he wanted to discuss somethings.

"You wanted to see me, Isaac?"

"I did. Take a seat, Twilight." Isaac then gestured her to sit down next to him. Twilight was hesitant as she was worried on what Isaac wanted to say. Soon she took a seat and looked at him while he still had his focus on his deck. For a while nothing was said as they just stood there in silence, then Isaac spoke up.

"You used my deck?" said Isaac with a stern voice.

"I did, and I'm sorry. It's just that Skull wanted to have a battle with you and well you weren't in the best of shape. So I kinda took it upon myself to battle in your place. I know I didn't do your cards justice, I just don't know what compelled me to do such a crazy idea? Can you forgive me?" pleaded Twilight as she looked away.

Isaac just let out a small laugh as he finally took his eyes off of his deck and put it on his bed. He then put one hand on her shoulder, while he used his other to turn Twilight's face to look at his. "Twilight, I'm not mad. In fact, I'm the opposite. You took it upon yourself to step into my shoes and defend my honor. I'm proud of you, not many people would do that. And as for doing my cards justice, well you did okay. From what the replayed showed, it seemed you knew what you were doing. I'll be honest, out of everybody who has used my deck, you're the closest to ever match my style. If there's anybody who I would trust to play my deck to its fullest, then it be you."

Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing. Here she thought Isaac was going to scold her, or tell her that she had no right to play his cards. But he didn't, instead he simply just congratulated her on taking his place and praised her knowing how to wield his deck. She felt happy that she gave Isaac a quick hug. "Thank you, you don't know how much that means to me."

Isaac then let out a chuckle as he gave a hug back to Twilight. Soon they broke their embrace and a thought ran through Isaac's mind. "Say, I'm not the only one who wants to say thanks. Both of my magicians want to express their gratitude; so what do you say?"

"Sure, but how can they? I mean when I talked to them it was because we were in a duel, but you can talk to them whenever. So how will they get to express their feelings?" asked Twilight as she had no clue on how to make it happen.

Isaac then looked at his deck and another lightbulb went off. "I think I have an idea." He then picked up his deck and held it in front of Twilight. "Give me your hand. Trust me." said Isaac in a calm voice.

Twilight was hesitant, but she soon did what Isaac asked her to do. Twilight put her hand in Isaac's and she could feel his grip wrap tightly around hers. This caused Twilight to turn all different shades of red as she was holding Isaac's hand. He then brought it down on his deck as he placed his hand on top of hers.

Isaac then looked at Twilight. "Now close your eyes and concentrate. Focus."

Twilight did just that as she closed her eyes and focused on Isaac's deck. She imagined the spirits of the Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. Soon she was putting all her concentration on completing this task.

"Okay, you can open your eyes." said Isaac.

Twilight did just that and low and behold, there were the spirits of Isaac's magicians floating next to him. Twilight had to blink multiple times as she couldn't believe what she was seeing. She then put her hand up as it passed through the spirits. Then to confirm that what she was seeing was real, they began to speak.

"We know, it's freaky the first time." said Mana.

"Mana, behave!" said Mahad before clearing his throat. "Forgive my student's sudden outburst. Let me be the first to say that you have my utmost gratitude for taking the place of our master in the duel, mistress Sparkle."

"Mistress Sparkle? Come on, Mahad. That's how you refer to Twilight, not lady or beloved? How else is Twilight supposed to get close to Isaac, if all she'll be known as is mistress?"

"Mana!!" shouted both Isaac and Mahad. They both were taken by surprised by what she said.

"What?" said Mana with a sly tone.

"That's not the exact words I would use." said Isaac as he was panicking about what Twilight would think.

"I told you to behave, Mana! Never do or say anything that makes our master uncomfortable, you know how he gets." Mahad really was starting to scold his student. "Besides, mistress Sparkle is a bright young girl who's more than capable of understanding what I mean."

Isaac quickly looked at Twilight who had her hand up to her mouth as she let out small giggle. "Look, Twilight. I can explain." said Isaac as he was starting to sweat on what she was thinking.

"It's alright, I know what your Dark Magician is saying." Twilight then turned back to look at them. "I just want to say that it was an honor to fight by your side and I hope that I was a suitable replacement for Isaac."

"You're alright in my book, girlfriend." Mana then floated near Twilight as gave put her hand up. Twilight then did the same as they both did quick high five. Soon Mana floated back to Isaac's side as Twilight then looked to address his Dark Magician.

"I am forever in your debt, mistress Sparkle. It's good to know that there's someone to watch over our master when we're not around. He truly is lucky to have a friend like you in his life." said Mahad as he bowed his head in a show of respect to Twilight.

"Thank you for the kind words, sir." said Twilight.

"Alright, I think's that enough. We've all had a pretty eventful day, time for us to get some rest." said Isaac.

"As you wish, master. Come along Mana, we best return."

"See ya soon, Twilight. And one more thing, don't worry about Isaac, you'll have plenty of opportunities." said Mana as she gave her a wink.

"That's enough of your mischiefs!" said Mahad as he grabbed Mana by her ear as they disappeared back to the spirit world.

With that Isaac's magicians then went back to his deck as he put it back into his pocket. "Well you best get back to your tent, Twilight. Don't want to get in trouble for being out late. Especially for being in a boy's tent." said Isaac.

"You're right. Good night, Isaac." Twilight then gave him one final wave as she stepped through his tent and started on her way back to her tent. She still couldn't believe what an adventure she had; not only did she get to use Isaac's deck, but she got to actually have a conversation with the spirits of Isaac's magicians. Still to think that Isaac had said upfront that he would choose her to wield his deck caused her to blush a bit as she couldn't get over the idea that Isaac said that she was special.

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