• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 172: Sibling Disagreements

"You're kidding me?!" shouted a girl.

"Look, like we get it, this isn't your thing, but there's no other choice you have." said the other voice on the phone.

"Uh, maybe just letting me stay. I'm old enough to take care of myself, I know how to cook, clean, wash, all of that. So I think the answer is pretty obvious. Not to mention that I'm still in school and if I were to leave then it could pose some problems, especially..."

"The program that you're apart of. Honestly, I don't know why you bothered to be a part of the thing." said another person on the phone. "If that's your idea of getting popular then you should really consider, especially when it involves, your, birds."

"I'll have you know those birds have given me so much more than you think." responded the person.

"Look, we're leaving at the end of the week. You have till, like, then to inform your professor about this. End of the discussion." said the person as the call ended and the person looked at her phone.

"What do I do?" said Penny.

It was another day at CHS as Spring Break was coming up very soon. Both Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna had decided to take the new class of students on a special trip. So for the girl's mentees, they were going to go on that trip with both women along with the other students of their class. And based on where they were going, almost all of them were excited. For Penny while she was certainly looking forward to the trip the two ladies were taking their grade class, she on the other hand had more serious matters going on.

Penny was currently walking in the hallway as she opened her locker and let out a sigh. Her deck was on the upper shelf of her locker as she grabbed it and examined it. Her Blackwings served more than just cards or monsters, but rather they were the only ones that actually listened to her problems and comforted her whenever she went through any issues or problems when she was younger. She then closed the door as she put her deck in her pocket as she began to walk.

Penny now arrived at the library as she was scheduled to meet with her tutor to discuss her lesson before she left for her class trip. Sunset was currently sitting on one of the couches with her legs crossed as she was reading a book in her hand. She then saw her student as she arrived.

"What's hanging, Penny?" said the bacon-haired girl.

"Hey." said Penny nonchalantly. She then slumped down on another couch.

"What's wrong?" asked the girl as she uncrossed her legs and looked at her student.

"Just... going through something."

"I see. So... who you got the hots for?" said Sunset with a sly expression.

"Not that, Sunset." said Penny. "It's family business."

"Family business, you mean your sisters?" stated the older girl.

"You know the little Spring Break trip that Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna are planning for our entire class?"

"Yeah, cause thanks to Twilight, she's organized a cruise trip for our class for Spring Break. So we'll both be doing our own thing." said Sunset.

"Well, I got a call from my sisters, yesterday. And well... they're currently planning on going on a trip of sorts for their modeling career. And... I have to go with them." said Penny. "But I don't want to."

"Can't you tell them no. I know you mentioned that you were their little sister, and that they often had to take you with them to whenever they did any kind of shots. But you're older now and can take care of yourself."

"Tell that to my sisters. Seems cause they're older that I should listen to what they say without question."

"Don't you have any family you can stay with?" asked Penny.

"Well, my mom and dad are living in Baltimare. I moved in with my sisters once they got their own house and have been staying with them since. Naturally, I learned something from them such as cooking, cleaning, basically learning how to take care of myself in case there was a situation that I would be on my own." said Penny.

"Then why won't they respect your decision." asked Sunset.

"Cause they're older than me. Not to mention popularity. You remember I asked you that question when we were having our lessons before the tournament. How I was judging you and a girl of your status shouldn't be running with the kind of people you're involved in." repeated Penny. "Well, I also said that a person's popularity allows you to have a voice and see just who is actually listening to what you say."

"But you can't let your sisters dictate your entire life, Penny." said Isaac as he appeared from listening to the conversation between the girls. "Sure they may be your older siblings, but they should at least listen to what their little sister has to say."

"That'll be the day." said Penny.

"Well if they're so demanding on you obeying them, then how did they let you take part in this program?" asked Sunset.

"Ask Teach." said Penny as she pointed at Isaac who was silently leaning against a bookshelf with his arms crossed and his eyes closed.

"Well?" asked the bacon-haired girl as she looked at her friend.

"I made a call and talked with Penny's sisters." said the boy as he opened his eyes.


"We did business."

"What kind of business, boy toy?" asked Sunset. "Don't tell me..."

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Sunset. No. I simply talked with them about choosing Penny for the program. Told them how I wanted her to be a part of it and that she could help to get CHS the proper funds it needed."

"I doubt my sisters would agree to that statement and let me be a part of it." stated Penny as she felt like there was more to Isaac's statement.

"Well, I promised that if you were in the program, you would gain some massive popularity. That seemed to be the convincing statement that allowed your sisters to let you be a part of it." stated Isaac.

"I should have known. My sisters only expect me to become popular, so that I could potentially follow in their footsteps." said Penny. "However, it's not just that they're asking me to go with them, but moreso that this trip means I'll be gone for a while."

"How long?" asked Sunset.

"A long time." responded Penny. "In fact, I don't know if I'll ever come back here. And I never thought I said this, but I made friends here. Friends that aren't my Blackwings. I just... don't want it end so soon. You know?"

"I understand what you're saying." said Isaac. He then pulled out his phone as he began to look through his contacts; he then found which one he was looking for as he excused himself from the girls as he had to talk.

"So, I guess that means I won't be taking part in the final exam and test. Which means, you and Isaac will be disappointed in me." said Penny.

"Hey, don't say that about yourself. You can never disappoint me or Isaac. I like having you as my student, you remind me of me. Well, not as hot as me of course, but I see you got that drive to be the best. And you proved when you told everybody that you were going to go to the finals of the tournament." said Sunset. "If anything, I should be the lucky one to have a student like you. I would think since I told you about my past evil self, you would tell Isaac that you didn't want me as your tutor."

"Are you kidding, girl. I love having you as tutor; you're cool and you got sass, even to Teach." said Penny as she referred to Isaac. "I think out of everybody who got their tutors, I got the lucky draw."

Sunset just chuckled as Penny was saying that she loved having the former evil girl as her mentor. She then extended her fist as the two shared a fist bump. At that moment, Isaac came back as he was still on the phone as they could hear bits of his conversation.

"Yeah, alright then. I understand. She's right here, care to talk to her." said Isaac as the voice made a sound on the other line. Isaac then handed his phone to Penny as she was surprised; she then took it and put it to her ear as she recognized the voice and her eyes widen as the details were relayed to her as the call ended.

"Who was that?" asked Sunset.

"My sisters." said Penny as she handed Isaac back his phone.

"Your sisters?" Sunset then looked at Isaac as she was all sorts of confused. "Well, what did they say? Are they still forcing you to go with them on their trip?"

"Not really." said Penny.

"I called her sisters, and talked to them. I tried to get them to understand that Penny didn't want to go with them on their travels. They were persistent in standing their ground, they said she should listen to them since they're older. So I came up with a proposition that suited them." said Isaac.

"Which was?" asked Sunset.

"Penny will take one of her sisters in a duel. She wins, they allow her to not go with them on their trip and she can stay. But she loses, and she has to go with them." said Isaac.

"Well that's no big deal. Penny will win her duel easily."

"Not so, Sunset." stated Penny.

"Why not?"

"See Penny's sisters only agreed to the duel under one condition. She can't synchro summon her monsters in the duel." informed the boy.

"Wait, what?!" shouted Sunset as she looked at her student as she was taking all of this in. "That's unfair, how can you have agree to these terms? Do you even care about Penny?"

"Of course, I do Sunset. I wouldn't be agreeing to their terms if I didn't have confidence in Penny's skills. You've seen how of much a talented duelist she is, I have faith in her."

"Well, I don't." said Penny. "Isaac, I appreciate you looking out for me, but I don't know if I can win."

"Come on, you're one of the toughest duelists I've faced."

"Yeah, and that's the problem, Sunset." said Penny.


"It's about Penny being too tough, specifically her deck. You know as well as I do, Sunset. That Penny's deck, specifically her Blackwings, rely on combing together to form their bond. They rely on summoning multiple monsters each turn so that she can tune them together to call out her most powerful creatures. That's the purpose of a Blackwing deck or any Synchro deck for that matter. So by her sisters taking away her ability to synchro summon, it renders Penny as she's limited to what she can do." stated Isaac. "I'm not saying that it's going to be easy, in fact, it's going to be extremely tough. But I believe you can do this, Penny. This is a chance for your voice to be heard by your older sisters and show them that you don't need to listen to everything they say just cause they're older. You can tell them how you feel."

"I just hope your right, Teach." stated the girl as she looked at her deck.

It was now the next day as Isaac, Penny, and Sunset were at the soccer field as they were waiting for Penny's sisters to show up. Penny was currently going over her deck as she was still doubting that she could win without the use of her synchro monsters. Soon a noise was heard as a limo was seen pulling up in the parking lot. The driver then exited out of the vehicle as he stepped to the back door and grabbed the handle as he opened the door. Out emerged two older women who looked to be in their mid-20s as they wore a dress and had their hair done and makeup applied. A man in a black suit was shown behind them as he was carrying a briefcase in his hand. Soon the pair was making their way to the field as Penny started to walk as well.

"Hello, sisters." said Penny as she let out a small groan.

"Penny, like, give your sisters some love." stated the older women.

"Exactly, show how happy you are to see your big sis." said the second women.

"If only that was the case." said Penny as her big sisters all rubbed her hair roughly as she broke from their touch and put the hair curler on top of her head back in place. "Guess, I should introduce you to my professors. Come on." Penny was now leading her older sisters as she made her way back to Isaac and Sunset.

"Isaac, Sunset. Meet my sisters, Phoebe and Pearl." said Penny as she introduced the pair.

"Hey there." stated Sunset.

"Pleased to meet you ladies." said Isaac as he extended his hand out for the girls to shake to which they did by shaking the boy's wrist instead.

"So, like, is he your boyfriend?" asked Phoebe.

"What, no!" shouted Penny. "Isaac is my professor, don't put that idea in my head. Oh, god. Now that image is going to be stuck in my mind."

"I mean, he's only about 2 years older than you. Keep your options open, you never know." stated Phoebe as Penny was having none of it.

"I'm Penny's tutor." said Sunset.

"So you're the one who got the burden of teaching our baby sister. Well, I don't envy you." stated Pearl.

"Ok-ay." said Sunset as she could tell the vibe she was getting from Penny's older sisters.

"Anyways, ladies. Now that you're both here, it's time for the agreement we all made." informed Isaac.

"Right. So, like, don't get too discouraged, Penny. You'll love the wonderful trip we have plan. We'll see so many different places and like, you can finally become the model so that you can complete the set." stated Phoebe.

"How many times do I have to say? I don't want to be a model, that's both of your dreams. That's not me!" stated the girl.

"Like, you're still in your rebellious phase." said Phoebe as she let out a snoot.

"Come on, Penny. Just listen to your big sisters, we know what's best for you. We are older after all." said Pearl.

"This is why I rather listen to my Blackwings than ever obey anything you both tell me." said Penny.

"You mean those drab and dark turkeys you play around with." mocked Pearl.

"Don't make fun of my Blackwings." stated the youngest sister.

"Like, be lucky that we let you use your Backblack whatever birds you call them." said Phoebe. "If we wanted to, we could have, like, made you duel with monsters only having 500 attack points. So, like, give your sisters some love."

"If you really loved me, then you would listen to what I say once in a while." growled Penny as she looked at her two older sisters. "Now enough talking, which one of you two am I dueling?"

"That's like, so rude." stated Phoebe. "Like, you'll be facing me and, like, all these rare cards I've asked for." She snapped her finger as the man carrying the briefcase stepped forward and opened it as inside was a duel disk as it was rose colored. Phoebe then grabbed the deck and then slotted the duel disk on her arm as it projected a fuchsia color card tray.

"At least, this way I can kick your ass and you can't yell at me." stated Penny as she slid her deck in and her duel disk projected a black card tray.

"Like, watch your mouth. Such vulgar language, sis."

"If you want to back out, just tell us, Penny." taunted Pearl.

"Does this answer your question?" stated Penny as she raised her duel disk and prepared to duel.

"Like, bring it." said Phoebe.

"Better clear out. Don't want to get caught in the crossfire of this sibling fight." stated Sunset as she and Isaac both sat in the bleachers to allow Penny a chance to solve this issue her way.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Phoebe's Life Points: 8000-

Penny's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Penny

"Check this out!" stated Penny as she drew her card. With the cards in my hand, I could easily summon one of my synchro monsters. But given that my sisters had to enforce that stupid rule, I can't summon them. "I summon Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame(1800/1200)!" stated Penny as she had one of her feather monsters appear on her field.

"I'll then place one card facedown and end my turn. Let's see what you got sis."

Turn 2: Phoebe

"Like, no need to yell." stated Phoebe as she drew her card and was reading all the cards in her hand as she was figuring out which ones she wanted to play. "Like, let's give this a shot. I summon Wall of Ivy(300/1200) in defense mode." The older girl now had a plant monster on her field.

"Never expected something like that from you sis." stated Penny.

"Now I like, end my turn."

Turn 3: Penny

"My turn," stated Penny as she drew her card, "and since I control another 'Blackwing' on my field, I can summon my Blackwing - Bora the Spear(1700/800)! Now attack Bora and his special ability allows him to deal you damage even if your monster is in defense mode!" said the girl as her monster then used its spear and began to twirl really fast as it made contact with its target and took out Wall of Ivy.
Phoebe's Life Points: 7500-

"Like, that's so not cool to do that to your big sis." stated Phoebe.

"Just shut up for once." said Penny.

"Respect your siblings, Penny. You are our little sister." stated Pearl.

"Now like, my monster's effect activates. So now like a token appears on your field." informed Phoebe as a small plant token started to sprout on Penny's field.

"Doesn't matter, now Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame attack my sister directly! Sorry but not sorry, big sister!" stated Penny as she was feeling pretty happy about this attack.
Phoebe's Life Points: 5700-

"I'm think I'm done punishing you around, so I'll let you off, sis." stated Penny as she did admit it felt good to smack around her big sister in a game of Duel Monsters.

Turn 4: Phoebe

"It's like, my turn." said the older girl as she drew her card. "Penny, like, you need a change of scenario so why don't we do that with this. The field spell, White Rose Cloister." Soon the entire field was starting to change as soon there was tons of white roses along the ground as there were hedges of beautiful plants as both girls were in an actually garden. There was even a stairway as Phoebe was at the top of it with a white rose in her hand as she sniffed it while Penny was at the bottom of the stairway.

"Well, Penny. Perhaps this will change your mind, just give up your rebellious acts towards me and Phoebe and you can gain some popularity that will help you in life." said Pearl.

"This is exactly why, I don't care about popularity anymore." said the youngest sister as she looked at the roses and then at her Blackwings. "I rather stay true to myself and gain it my own way. Not follow yours."

"And like, how do you expect to do that? By playing with those dark, brooding pigeons." snickered Phoebe.

"My Blackwings aren't pigeons!" shouted Penny.

"Come on, Penny. Listen to us, we are your older sisters. And we've been taking care of you since we moved out of the house and decided to take you with us. Remember you said you wanted to go with us, cause you were afraid of being by yourself." stated Pearl.

"I know that, but I've grown up since then. Clearly you two don't think I can handle myself. When I was with you, you had to take me to all your photo shoots and modeling sets. I was much younger than you two, so I didn't know how to clean, cook, or do laundry. But I'm 17 now, which means I can make my own decisions and I don't have to follow what you guys say." stated the girl.

"Correction, we're your big sisters. And we're not in mom and dad's house, you live under our roof. Which means technically, you do have to obey us and follow our every rule." stated Pearl.

"Still, I can take care of myself! I'm not the little kid you guys thought was a hassle cause you had to watch over me while handling your business." exclaimed Penny. "I have friends, and more importantly, my monsters."

"Those little rats with wings, again." scoffed Pearl.

"Say whatever, but let's back to the duel." said Penny as she looked at one single rose that was sticking out as it had a different color than all the other. She picked it up as it served to her as a reminder.

"Fine then." stated Phoebe. "Now the effect of my field spell activates, since I control no monsters, I can summon 1 'Rose Dragon' or 'Plant' monster from my hand. So I choose my Red Rose Dragon(1000/1800). And then I summon my Witch of the Black Rose(1700/1200)." Out emerged Phoebe's new monster as it appeared and Penny looked at it.

"Look familiar, Penny." asked Pearl.

"Yeah, it's the card that you both said I resembled. So much so that I dressed up as it for Halloween when I was three." said Penny as she had a distain memory of that moment.

"I mean the two of you are the same. You're both like, cute, and silly." said Phoebe. "But now that I summoned my little witch, she can like, let me draw a card and if it's not a monster, I destroy my witch. I like it, I now special summon White Rose Dragon(1200/1000)." Now there was a total of three small monsters on the field as two of them were tiny dragons covered in roses. "Now, like, let's see if it works for me as it does you. I tune my Level 3 Red Rose Dragon with my Level 4 White Rose Dragon." Red Rose Dragon then soared into the sky above the garden as it turned into three giant green rings as it circled around White Rose Dragon who flew into the rings.

"No way! You're Synchro Summoning?!" said Penny as she watched her sister do something she never thought they could do.

"This is like, so cool. I Synchro Summon, Black Rose Moonlight Dragon(2400/1800)." said Phoebe as she managed to not only summon a powerful monster, but using a summoning method that Penny was fond of which added more insult to injury towards her little sister.

"Just great. With Phoebe synchro summoning, there's goes my advantage." stated Penny as she looked at the dragon.

"Isaac, is this fair? Penny can't take down that beast unless she synchro summons." stated Sunset.

"Sunset, have faith in Penny. She is your student, and she'll get through this with the lessons you've been teaching her. Plus, this serves a good teaching moment." stated the boy. "For Penny, she's a talented duelist. But if she really wants to get to the next level, then she needs to know she can't rely on favorites or a preferred method that she likes. What I'm saying is while Synchro Summoning is powerful, you need to also understand that it's not something you can fall back on and just rely on to get you the win. A duelist knows how to win, not just by using a fancy summoning method, but trusting their cards that they can work together."

"And I get it, but come on. Penny's chances are even slimmer if she can't synchro summon." said Sunset.

"What I have I told you guys time and time again?" asked Isaac.

"Put your trust in your deck and it will trust you." repeated the girl.

"Exactly. Time to see if Penny understands that as you do." responded the boy as the pair looked back at the duel.

"So like, I don't want to hurt you, little sis. But if you just drop the duel and come with us on our trip. Then we can, like, forget this ever happened." stated Phoebe as she was giving Penny a chance.

"I told you, that I'm not going with both of you on your little trip. I can stay here and be fine." responded Penny.

"Seems she's still being a teen. Phoebe, go ahead." called out Pearl.

"Like totally." stated the oldest of the bunch as she snapped her fingers. Her dragon responded to it prepared to attack. "So since I used Red Rose Dragon to bring this beauty out. I can like, also summon another 'Rose Dragon' from my deck or hand. So I need some blue on my field." stated the girl as she now had Blue Rose Dragon emerge from her deck as it was tiny. "And I'll also add this card, Blooming of the Darkest Rose to my hand. Now time for me to like, attack." Black Rose Moonlight Dragon then opened its mouth as it fired a beam and took out Penny's Shura the Blue Flame.
Penny's Life Points: 7400-

"And then Blue Rose Dragon(1600/1200) will attack that Ivy Token I gave you as a present little sis." stated Phoebe as her other tiny dragon took out the token that was rooted on Penny's side of the field. "And when that token is destroyed, you take 300 points of damage."
Penny's Life Points: 7100-

"I reveal my facedown, Black Feather Beacon. Since I took damage from a card effect, I can special summon one Level 4 or below 'Blackwing' from my hand. And I know just the one, Blackwing Fang the Steel Chain(500/800)." said Penny as she had a monster on her side of the field.

"Again, like, why do you like those pigeons?" scoffed Phoebe.

"Cause they're something you both haven't been to me for a while." responded Penny.

"Whatever, I end my turn."

Turn 5: Penny

"Now it's my turn, and since I control a 'Blackwing', I can summon this guy without having to make a sacrifice, appear Blackwing - Elphin the Raven(2200/1200)!" shouted Penny as she had a powerful monster appear on her field as it wore a blue tunic. "And when I summon Elphin the Raven, I can then change the battle position of one of your monsters. So I choose your Black Rose Moonlight Dragon." informed the girl as she managed to switch her sister's monster into defense mode. "Now your dragon ain't so tough, but before that, I'll activate my Fang the Steel Chain's effect, so now it can attack you directly!" shouted Penny as her monster took flight and dealt a blow to Phoebe.
Phoebe's Life Points: 5200-

"Now since Fang the Steel Chain dealt you damage, I can switch one of your monsters from attack to defense. So now your Blue Rose Dragon gets switched also." stated the girl as the other dragon changed its mode. "Now Elphin the Raven take that dragon out!" Elphin the Raven then soared high into the air as it raised its claws and then did a slash attack as it took out the bigger dragon. "And now Bora the Spear attack her Blue Rose Dragon and as you remember, big sis. Bora deals piercing damage!" shouted Penny as she dealt some damage to her sister.
Phoebe's Life Points: 4700-

"When my Blue Rose Dragon was destroyed, I can use its effect to bring back my Wall of Ivy in defense mode." stated Phoebe.

Almost there, and this card is going to help me secure my victory. "I place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 6: Phoebe

"I play the spell card, Ivy Shackles. Now as long this card remains on my field, during my turn all your birds become plant types. Which is like, so good, cause now I sacrifice my Wall of Ivy so that I can summon my Rose Tentacles(2200/1200)." Phoebe then got rid of her Wall of Ivy as her new monster emerged which was a squid plant-like monster as its head was a rose. "And like, you should know something, sis. Like, Rose Tentacles can attack more than once for every plant type monster you control."

"And with her Ivy Shackles currently on the field, all of Penny's monsters right now count as Plant-type monsters." stated Sunset.

"So that means, Rose Tentacles can attack four times in a row. Which means, Penny's about to take some serious damage." informed Isaac.

"Now I play the equip spell card, Vile Germs to give like, my monster an extra 300 attack and defense points. So Rose Tentacles, like, take out those disgusting birds." order Phoebe as her monster unleashed its tentacles and took out her Blackwing Fang the Steel Chain, Bora the Spear, and her Elphin the Raven as Penny covered up to protect herself.
Penny's Life Points: 4000-

"My monsters may be gone, but don't think I'm the only one taking damage. I reveal the Black Thunder trap card, since a 'Blackwing' was destroyed on the field, this trap deals you 400 points of damage for every card you control. So since there's 6 cards on your field, well you never were good at math, sis." snickered Penny as she dealt some big damage back to her sister.
Phoebe's Life Points: 2300-

"Well, like, I'm done with my move. Remember, Rose Tentacles still has one attack left, and you have nothing to protect you little sis." stated Phoebe as her monster unleashed an attack as Penny felt it connect.
Penny's Life Points: 1500-

"And now time to win, so like, Penny time to pack your bags and come spend time with your sisters." stated Phoebe as she ordered her Witch of the Black Rose to end this duel.

"Not yet! shouted Penny. "When you declare a direct attack, I can special summon my Blackwing - Ghibli the Searing Wind(0/1600) in defense mode. So now this little feather friend takes the hit for me." Penny's monster then appeared as it descended from the sky as it put its wingspan out as it protected his caretaker as Penny held her ground as she dropped to one knee as the attack faded.

"So you survived. That's like totally gonna matter next turn."

Turn 7: Penny

"My turn, and now I'll play Cards for Black Feathers spell, so now I send my Blackwing - Calima the Haze, I can draw two cards from my deck." said Penny as she sent her monster off in hopes of drawing what she needed. "I now summon Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr(1100/300) in defense mode. Then I'll lay one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 8: Phoebe

"It's like, time for me to win." stated the girl as she drew her card. "And now I think I'll like totally, tune my Level 4 Witch of the Black Rose with my Level 6 Rose Tentacles." Witch of the Black Rose then turned into four giant green rings as it circled around Rose Tentacles. "I Synchro Summon, Ruddy Rose Dragon(3200/2400)!" Out emerged another dragon as it was covered in petals and thorns as it let out a roar as the petals in the garden they were still in had they blow away in the wind. "Now when this beauty is synchro summoned, I can like, banish all the cards in our graveyard. So don't expect any of your little 'pigeons' to save you." stated Phoebe.

"Exactly, what I was hoping you would do." snickered Penny.

"What?!" shouted Pearl.

"Do it." said Isaac as he knew what Penny's plan was.

"I reveal... my facedown!" Penny's card then flipped up as it was covered in a white light as it caused Phoebe to cover her eyes momentarily. "You triggered my trap, sis. Blackbird Close! Now since you activated your monster's effect, I can send my Blackwing - Breeze the Zephyr to negate it and then destroy your monster."

"What?!" shouted Phoebe as she saw her majestic dragon was now starting to lose its petals as they wilted and fell as it let out a cry as soon it was gone and the petals all fell to the floor in front of her.

"Now the second effect of my trap activates, and so I can summon... Black-Winged Dragon(2800/1600)!" shouted Penny as she now had one of her synchro monsters on her field as it led out a roar as feathers started to drop from it as it covered the entire garden.

"No way, that's like, cheating!" shouted Phoebe.

"You can't use your Synchro monsters, sis!" stated Pearl.

"Correction, the deal was that Penny couldn't synchro summon. So while you may have limited her in what she can do, it didn't stop her from finding a different way to summon her synchro monster. So technically, she didn't break any rules, so it's all legal." smiled Isaac as he gave a thumbs up to the girl to which she returned the gesture.

"You knew all along, that Penny had a way of summoning her dragon without synchro summoning." stated Sunset.

"What, did you really not have faith in your student?" taunted Isaac.

"Shut up, boy toy." said Sunset as she gave him a glare.

Turn 9: Penny

"Now to finish this, Black-Winged Dragon attack my sister directly!" shouted Penny as her monster opened its mouth and then shot a stream of darkness as it connected with the girl as well as it decimated the garden they were in as all the roses fell to the floor as the single rose that was a different color started falling through the air and was grabbed by Penny as she smiled and looked at it.
Phoebe's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Penny

The battle was over as the garden faded; Penny still had her dragon by her side as it nuzzled its beak-like mouth to its mistress as she gave it a petting.

"Thanks, you and everybody else in my deck." stated the girl as she smiled. Her dragon then disappeared back into her deck as she started to walk over to her big sister as she was coming to.

"So like, are you gonna gloat? You got your wish, so like don't even bother." said Phoebe.

"Thank you." said Penny.

"What?" said Pearl as she appeared next to her sister's side to help her up.

"Look, guys. I'll admit, the reason why I didn't want to go with you guys is cause I thought you were gonna think I was a burden." Penny then sat down in front of her sisters as she began to express herself. "You guys were 7 years old when I was born, and by that time you were already getting noticed by people, boys, everybody. To me, I was just your baby sister that you had to look after whenever mom and dad left the house. You could have done so many other things to help with your popularity, especially since you were both passionate about becoming models. I just felt like I was nothing than dead weight. Which is why I resented all those times you brought me to your photo shoots, I felt like I was getting in the way so I stayed in your dressing room. It was then I found these guys." Penny then looked at her deck.

"I thought that you both were tired of me, tired of having to take care of their kid sister, tired of me being a hassle when it came to both of your careers. Which is why I often I kept to myself with my Blackwings, this was one of the first things that wasn't yours, something I could call my own. But more importantly, these guys were teaching me that good sisters look out for each other, which is why I believed they were always there for me." stated the girl.

"Penny. Do you know why you came with us when we left the house?" asked Pearl.

"Yeah, cause I didn't want to be alone without my sisters."

"Well, your like, half right. See, we begged mom and dad to let you come with us. We knew you would be lonely without your big sisters around, so we did our best to convince our parents to let you come live with us. You were only 6 at the time, but they knew how much we loved each other. Even if don't show it." said Phoebe.

"Huh? You don't think I'm hassle, even if I'm getting in the way of your careers?" asked the girl.

"You've been doing it our whole lives, since we had to watch you." joked Pearl. "All the trouble you caused us when you messed the house up, broke mom's vase and ruin dad's shirt. Who do you think took the blame for you when all that happened? Sure, we may have been grounded, but we did it so that you wouldn't get punished. We did it, cause we love you little sis."

"The reason we judged you and your little birds when you showed them to us for the first time was cause of the turkey incident that happened." stated Phoebe.

"I still remember." laughed Penny as it caused all three sisters to let out a chuckle.

"But also, cause we didn't take the time to understand why you liked them. We were just afraid of something we didn't know since all our lives, we've been protecting our little sis from danger." said Pearl.

"But we finally see why you loves those birds of yours. I still can't get past black, but they say 'birds of a feather like to flock together'. And that means family. So Penny, can you like, forgive us?" stated Phoebe.

"Let us become our own flock like your birds?" asked Pearl.

"Of course. That's all I wanted." said Penny as she had a few tears in her eyes as she leaned in and gave her big sisters a hug as they too returned the embrace from their baby sister.

"Touching moment." said Sunset as she and Isaac watched the family moment.

"So, you sure you'll be alright?" asked Peral as she and Phoebe were getting their bags ready as their driver and taxi was outside of the door.

"Yes, sis. I'll be fine." stated Penny for the 15th time.

"You know like, maybe we should cancel? I mean, we need to make sure you don't get into danger." suggested Phoebe.

"I can take of myself, sis. Now go on, you both want this trip." said Penny as she opened the door and tossed the luggage bags to the driver as he fell down on the floor from suddenly catching the bags.

"Alright, then. Just if anything happens, call us and we'll come back." said Pearl.

"I got it. And don't worry, I won't mess up the house too badly." joked Penny.

"We're like, gonna miss you." said Phoebe as she gave her sister a kiss on the forehead as she hugged her.

"I'm gonna miss the two of you as well." said Penny as she wrapped her arms around her sister's waist.

"We'll be back soon." informed Pearl as she gave one final goodbye as she and Phoebe all entered the back of the taxi as the driver recovered and dumped the bags in the trunk as he went to the driver's seat.

The window rolled down as both sisters waved one last goodbye to their kid sis as Penny waved goodbye. Soon the driver started the car as he began to drive the women to the airport as they had a plane to catch. Penny watched the car drive until it was out of distance as she then entered back into the house. She then looked at her deck as she was looking at her Blackwings and how her sisters had finally come to somewhat be more open to how her monsters looked.

"Family." said Penny with a smile on her face.

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