• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 137: Scorch Marks

"Then I suggest you get it up before Friday. Work hard, listen to the girls, but most importantly, practice. I'll be spending all this week checking in with the others to tell me of your progress, I'll also be working on the brackets. So, get ready you guys. Cause if you're serious about your skills and want to learn the 'advanced' tactics, then you all need to bust your ass!" With that Isaac dismissed the group as they all headed in separate directions to meet with their mentors.

Jack Hunt had parted off from the group as he was on his way to meet with his mentor, which was none other than, Rainbow Dash. Based on first impressions, the vibe that Jack got from the chromatic haired girl is that she had a cocky attitude. And he wasn't too far off, as during the first few meetings they each had, Rainbow immediately resorted to talking about herself and her achievements. Jack did his best to try to be polite, but just the way she acted and talked just rubbed him the wrong way. So he was very hesitant on being her student, but given that the decision was made by Isaac to put the two together, Jack had no choice but to go along with it. Though he was wondering just how she was going to help him improve his duel skills. Soon he found himself entering another classroom as he saw Rainbow as she was bouncing a soccerball.

"96, 97, 98, 99,... and 100!" shouted Dash. "Yeah! 600 bounces!" stated Rainbow as she was proud to have beaten her own record. "Oh, hey kid."

"Hey." said Jack. "So, you ready?"

"Totally! Pull out your deck." said Rainbow as she started to work on a new record as she bounced the ball in the air.

"Okay, then what?" asked Jack as he took a seat in one of the empty student desks.

"I dunno. Just look it over and tell me if you see anything worth changing." said Rainbow as she was more focused on the task she was doing with her feet.

"How does this help me?"

"Look, kid. You're smart, figure it out." stated Rainbow.

Jack just let out a sigh as he looked at his right arm as he could feel the burning sensation from his marks as it started to flare. It was all in his mind as he put it to the side and just focused on doing what Rainbow asked him to. Sometime had passed as Jack had his cards all spread out in front of his deck as he had his head down as he had made almost zero progress. When it came to Duel Monsters, Jack wasn't the most 'experienced', he considered himself a novice at best. Especially with how he had stacked up against Isaac and Fluttershy in his previous duels. Not to mention that his deck was mediocre at best. Though he did have one card that he loved above all else. Jack then picked up his Jinzo card as he looked at the monster. Since the 'incident', Jack had kept this card as a reminder. Especially since he saw himself like the monster as both had a human part that was badly injured or scarred.

Jack then just let out a sigh as he saw he was making no progress. He then looked up and saw that Rainbow Dash had actually fallen asleep as she was slumped in a chair for the past hour. He then stood up as he walked over to his tutor and gently nudged her as she awoke.

"Huh? I'm awake! No sleeping in class!" shouted Rainbow as she scrambled in her chair as she almost fell out.

"You were the one sleeping." commented Jack.

"Hey, I'm the teacher. I can afford to sleep."

"You have like 4 classes since you're a senior. And you're finished by lunchtime." stated Jack.

"Exactly. With all the free time I have, I need to catch a nap every now and then." said Rainbow with a cocky smile on her face. "Besides, you should be focusing on doing what I told you to do?"

"I did and I'm not getting anywhere." stated Jack. "Ain't you suppose to help me to improve my deck before the tournament?"

"Dude, I don't know shit about your deck. Hell, I didn't even volunteer to be a part of this program. The only reason why I'm one of the tutors is because Isaac forced my hand." stated Rainbow. "I'm more of the getting into the action type of person when it comes to a duel, I don't think too much about preparation beforehand."

"But Isaac said you could help me improve my deck?" asked Jack.

"Eh... I'unno." said Dash as she shrugged her shoulders.

"What!?" shouted Jack as he was starting to get annoyed by Rainbow Dash's carefree attitude. "Then how will I get better?"

"Be a duelist." said Rainbow. "Cause you clearly ain't one if can't improve your deck. Not to mention you lost to Isaac pretty badly. I, on the other hand, have gone toe to toe with Isaac and held my own."

"Be a duelist?!" said Jack as he felt disrespected by Dash's comment. "Is that what you think of me, that I'm not a real duelist?"

"I mean you lost badly when you and the rest of the kids tried to take on Isaac. You have to be a dummy to challenge Isaac at your current level. Word of advice kid, stay in your area. That way, you don't embarrass and make a fool of yourself." chuckled Dash as she always laughed when Isaac told her about the story of how he wiped the floor with the kids.

"You think it's funny?" asked Jack.

"Hell yeah. Taking on Isaac when you're noob. Jesus, you have to be the dumbest person in the whole world to even think of that idea." said Rainbow as she was still cracking up.

"That's it, I'm out of here." shouted Jack as he walked back to his desk and started to pick up his cards.

"Hey, kid. Where are you going?" asked Rainbow.

"If you can't help me, then I don't want you as my tutor." said Jack.

"Fine by me! At least, I can focus on the tournament without having any distractions." stated Rainbow. "Hey, hope you don't crash and burn!"

Seems Rainbow's words had an effect on Jack as he froze for a bit and looked at his hand as it was shaking. He then place it on his head as he fell to his knees as his brain was starting to relieve his memory, especially of that incident.

"Hey, kid. You okay?" asked Rainbow as she made her way to Jack.

While Rainbow was calling out to him, her words just echoed in Jack's head as he was starting to think back on the incident as it brought some unpleasant memories. He then saw himself in the middle of the building as he was surrounded by flames as he could feel the heat from the fire as it was starting to turn into a raging inferno. Soon he looked down and saw his arm had now erupted into flames as it started to burn and melt some of the skin off of Jack as he tried to do everything he could to put the flames out but it wasn't working.

"Ahhhh!!!!" shouted Jack as he soon fainted.

"Is he okay?" asked a voice.

Soon Jack opened his eyes as he found himself sitting in one of the student's chairs. He then looked up and saw Isaac was talking with Rainbow Dash.

"I told you, he just fainted." said Rainbow Dash.

"Still, that's not enough. There must have been something to trigger his cognitive to respond like that." said Isaac as he put his hand to his chin as he was thinking. "You sure you didn't say anything that might have caused this?"

"Like what?! All I said was that he was stupid to even challenge you to a duel and that he ain't much of a duelist. Also told him not to crash and burn." stated Rainbow.

Isaac then facepalmed himself as he couldn't believe what he had heard. "Rainbow!!"


"God, you're... 'idiot' isn't even the right word to describe you and I'm trying to be generous!" said Isaac with a groan.

"Hold on! If you got something to say, then say it to my face!" shouted Rainbow.

"He's talking about you saying that I should crash and burn." stated Jack as both teens looked at him. "Not to mention the fact that you said, I'm not a duelist."

"Well, it's true. I mean, what? You lasted like 2 turns against Isaac. If you can't get past 3 turns, they you just straight up suck!" shouted Rainbow.

"Rainbow!" said Isaac as he started to raise his voice.

"What about you?! You brag nonstop about your achievements. News flash, nobody gives a shit about you!" shouted Jack.

"You wanna repeat what said, punk!" said Rainbow as she got in Jack's face.

"You heard what I said, bitch!" responded Jack as he wasn't backing down from Rainbow disrespecting him.

"Both of you!" said Isaac as he tried to defuse the situation.

"Listen, kid. You don't know what I can do! I'm the best duelist this school has to offer, I've been in the top 3 of every single tournament that CHS has put on! I've had more victories than you will ever have." said Rainbow as she pushed her finger into Jack's chest. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm still your tutor. So you listen to me!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, and I'm the one who gave you that position! So you listen to me!!!" yelled Isaac as he got in the face of Rainbow Dash as she backed off a bit as she looked at Isaac and was scared of the tone of his voice and the fury in his eyes. "And as for you, Jack." said Isaac as he looked at the boy. "You ain't off the hook either. Even is Dash isn't helping you, you don't just stand by and look like a deer in headlights!! I get it, your past. But looking at what has already happened ain't going to change the present and it certainly as hell, ain't going to change the damn future!!!" yelled Isaac as both individuals were keeping quiet as Isaac went off on both of them.

"You know when I started this program, I thought I wouldn't have any mistakes to encounter. But I was wrong, I had two mistakes. The first one was assigning Rainbow to be a teacher. And the second was picking you, Jack. Now I don't know about this hostility going on between the two of you. But I'm going to figure it out, and by the end of the school day, someone's ass is gonna pay!!!" stated Isaac as he exited out of the classroom and made sure to slam the door as it caused both Rainbow and Jack to jump as they were in fear at Isaac berating the both of them.

"This is all your fault!!!" shouted both Rainbow and Jack as they pointed at each other. "ME?! I was trying to not get Isaac angry!!"

"If you didn't have that freak accident, we won't be in this mess!" exclaimed Rainbow.

"Well, you should pay attention and actually made an effort to teach me. Not to mention, you should have known about my bitter past." replied Jack.

"As if. Isaac didn't tell me much, other than you got burnt." stated Rainbow.

"Well, it's more than that." said Jack.

"Like?" asked Rainbow as she placed her hand on her hip.

"Well, not like you care... but... my while life, I've been blessed with a curse. My father is in the army, and my mother is a cook. So growing up, I had to move alot. My father was drafted into the army when he was 18 years old. After that he was stationed across the sea while he trained; it was grueling from what he told me. But after a couple of months, he had managed and he was soon dispatched into the field. From what he told me, it was both scary and heart pounding. The idea that at any moment, your life could end in a snap. Not to mention that you had to have the will to take another person's live, even if they're evil. Regardless, it's not something easy that a person can go through. One time while was in the field, his team had been in an ambush. They had been sent on a scout mission to find the supply convey, turns out the enemy knew and they launched a surprise attack the moment my dad and his squad arrived." said Jack.

"What happened?" asked Rainbow.

"Safe to say it was a bloodbath. My father did everything he could to survive, even tried his best to save his troops. But no matter how hard you try, sometimes you can't save everybody." stated Jack as he put his head down and remembered all the times he watched his father shed a tear as he looked back at some old photos.

"Did he survive?" said Rainbow.

"Barely. Out of the 7 members of his troop, only 3 including him, made it out alive. The others sacrificed themselves so that he and the remaining soldiers could live to tell the tale. So they were forced back into a small farm and the enemy was closing in on them. Soon a tank appeared and my father and the other 2 soldiers were in its line of sight, my father thought it was all over. Then the cavalry arrived and reinforcements showed up as they were able to save them. Eventually, the enemy was driven back as my father and the 2 other members met up with the army and relayed the info they were able to scout out. My father's sergeant was proud of him and how he was able to survive that long; my dad thanked him but he couldn't stop thinking about the lives he failed to protect. In the end, the sergeant just told him, 'don't let their deaths be in vain'."

"Did he ever make it back home?" asked Rainbow.

"After that incident, my father spent a few more years in the war. Eventually, they were closing in on the leader they had been tracking down. They had managed to locate the person in charge as they were using an old castle as their base of operations. So the whole platoon and the entire army all went in guns blazing. It was bloody and brutal, my father described it as everywhere you looked, you could see men falling down left and right. Some even had their limbs blown off by the bullets. My father had managed to avoid all the bullets and made it up to the castle entrance. From there he had memorized the castle's schematics and entered through a small opening that led to the dungeon. He then had to open the gate from the inside and after fighting off tons of soldiers, he made it to the control room as he lowered the bridge and let his army in. But just as he turned around, the enemy commander was standing there with a gun pointed at him and then shot my dad in the arm before he could react." stated Jack.

"What happened after that?" said Rainbow.

"Just as the commander was about to finish my father off, he noticed a gas pipe on the wall near the commander. So using his skills, he had managed to create a distraction by making the pipe burst as it caused the commander to go blind temporary which allowed my father to tackle him through the window where he fell through. Thankfully, he landed in some haystacks that were positioned at the bottom, but at that point the entire team of my father had cleared out the enemy forces and surrounded the person as he surrender. After that, my father was hailed as a hero and achieved the rank of lieutenant; from there he was sent back home for some time off."

"And that's when your mother came into the picture?" asked Rainbow.

"Yup, my father was now 22 years old and had gotten back from his trip. He arrived in his hometown and went to a diner; upon entering he found himself greeted by people who recognized his uniform and saw that he was a veteran. So he sat down and he noticed this young women who was carrying tons of trays to the back. Seems the floor was still wet as she lost her footing and slipped as the tons of plates she had been carrying went flying high into the air. My father acted out of instinct and saved the women from hitting the floor as he caught her in his arm and covered her to avoid getting hit by the plates. Eventually they looked at each other and she was amazed by what the person had done for her. So she thanked him for his help and they went about their way. After that, my father kept coming back to the diner as it was his favorite place to hang out and to talk with her. Seems my mother was also smitten when she met my father that she had memorized his order that whenever he walked into the diner, it was already ready for him. From there they would always talk and smile, eventually he started asking her out and soon they got married and 9 months later, I was born." said Jack.

"They must have been happy." said Rainbow as she had a genuine smile on her face as she looked at Jack who let one appear on his face for a second.

"They were and me being born brought the biggest smiles on their faces. Eventually, my father was called back into the army so I didn't see him as often I did. While I was young, I kept believing that he would come back and didn't think about the possibility of him being KIA. Thankfully, he was called back to train the new recruits as the army felt like he had done enough to serve them. However, he did have to go to several bases across the country, so that meant we had to move constantly. At most just sticking in a place for 3 months, so I didn't have a chance to make some friends."

"Must be tough. So... about that mark on your arm?" asked Rainbow as she was hesitant on saying this.

"One night, a fire caught our house. The smoke alarm went off and my parents pulled me out of bed as they rushed out of the house. The entire building was engulfed in flames and the heat was intense. At this point, I had just discovered Duel Monsters. I didn't have a full deck at the time, but I did acquire my first card." Jack then pulled out his Jinzo card as he examined it as it had slight burns on the card but was still functionable to be played and registered by a duel disk. "Anyways, I rushed back into the house as it was starting to come down. That card meant everything to me and was the first real friend I had that was always by my side. So I was willing to give up my own life just to save a friend, heh. Guess I inherited that trait from my father. Anyways, I grabbed the card, but a beam came crashing down on me as the flames trapped my arm. I fainted from lack of oxygen, when I woke up, I was in the hospital and saw my arm was completely bandage. The doctor told me I suffered some serious burns to my entire right arm and a few to my face. I was devasted when I first saw my appearance, overtime it healed, but the scars are still there." Jack then brought his right hand that was covered with a black glove as he touched the part of his face where the burns were still noticeable.

"Since then, these burns have been a reminder of that incident. And I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have nightmares; everytime I close my eyes, I think the same thing will happen. That I'll wake up to the scent of fire, the scent of burning flesh, the scent that will lead me to my demise. Just like my father, I just I have some PSTD." said Jack.

"So how'd you get your current deck?" asked Rainbow.

"Just picked out some random cards. But I guess I was lucky that I got a deck full of fighters; even still everytime I see flames or hear any word associated with 'fire'. I'm drawn back to the night and I can't help but tremble in fear. Must be another reason for my deck, cause they have to show no fear when they're battling."

"Wow. I... never knew that." said Rainbow with a somber tone.

"Nobody does, well at least the people who I trust with my story." replied Jack.

"Do you trust me?" asked Rainbow.

"That depends." said Jack as he looked at his tutor with a straight face.

"Kid, come on." said Rainbow as she made her way to the door.

"What do you mean?" asked Jack.

"Just trust me, and grab your things." stated Dash as she exited out of the door with her backpack slung over her shoulder. Jack was hesitant on what Rainbow was thinking, but eventually he did as he grabbed his belongings and followed behind her. Unbeknownst to them, there was a person who was standing around the corner as they had listened to their entire conversation and began to follow them from afar.

"Okay, why are we here?" asked Jack as he was surprised that Rainbow Dash had brought them to the park.

"What else? To train." said Rainbow as she put her bag on the ground and took our her duel disk and put it on her arm. She then reached into her pockets on her jeans as she slid her deck in and her duel disk projected a sky blue card tray.

"You're serious? After all that has happened." asked Jack.

"Hey, dead ass serious. Put your duel disk on and let's battle." said Rainbow with a smile.

"Fine." Jack then pulled out his duel disk as he pulled out his deck and had to manually shuffle it before sliding it in as his duel disk combined together.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Jack Hunt's Life Points: 4000-

Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Jack

"I'll start things off." said Jack as he drew. "I summon Battlin' Boxer Big Bandage(1100/1400) in attack mode." Out came a fighter that was completely wrapped in white bandages around its body as it had its fist up. "Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Rainbow

"My turn, to start I play the spell card, U.A. Signing Deal. This lets me special summon 1 'U.A." monster from my deck, however its special abilities are negated, I can't use it for a Synchro or Xyz summon and I take damage equal to its level by 300." stated Rainbow.

"Then what good does that card do you? It seems to hurt more than it helps you, especially with our life points so low to begin with." stated Jack.

"That's why I'm the teacher and you're the student." said Dash with a smug smile.

"You sure don't act like it." responded Jack with his own comment.

"Hey!" shouted Rainbow as she was annoyed by that. "Anyways, the monster I'm choosing to summon out is my U.A. Rookie(300/300)." Out came a boy who had brown scruffy hair and wore a shiny bronze metal suit with blue and orange patterns, compared to his teammates who all wore shiny silver metal suits. "And my U.A. Rookie is Level 2 so that means I take 600 points of damage."
Rainbow's Life Points: 3400-

"Again, why do that?"

"Just watch, now I can tag out my U.A. Rookie so that I can special summon U.A. Dreadnought Dunker(2500/1800) to the field." Rainbow then had her new monster appear as he gave the boy a high five before he disappeared back to Rainbow's hand. "And since I special summoned a monster to my field, I can also summon Speedroid Rubberband Plane(1800/0). However, since I special summoned this monster, it can't attack this turn. But the best part is that it allows me to lower a monster's attack by 600 points." Rainbow's plane then flew over as it fired its cannons and let loose a barrage of lasers as it lowered Jack's monster strength to 500.

"Then I summon my Speedroid Gum Prize(0/800). Now I tune my Level 1 Speedroid Gum Prize with my Level 5 Speedroid Rubberband Plane." Speedroid Gum Prize then jumped into the air as it turned into a giant green ring as Rubberband Plane jumped into it as they were combining. "Come forth a mystical cross-sword with the power to cut every enemy down to size! I Synchro Summon, Hi-Speedroid Kendama(2200/1600)!" shouted Dash as she had a brand new monster on her field. "Now I activate Kendama's ability, so I banish my Speedroid Rubberband Plane so that you take 500 points of damage." said Dash as her monster fired a beam that made contact with Jack.
Jack's Life Points: 3500-

"Now since I used Speedroid Gum Prize for a Synchro Summon, I look at the top card of my deck and if it's a 'Speedroid' monster, then my Synchro monster gains 1000 more attack points." Rainbow then flipped over the top card of her deck and it wasn't a monster as she just sent it to the graveyard. "Oh, well. Now to attack, U.A. Dreadnought Dunker take out his monster." said Rainbow as her monster charged forward.

"Going to take a lot more than that to beat my monster. My Battlin' Boxer Big Bandage, can't be destroyed in battle, once per turn. But that's not all, cause now I activate the effect of my Battlin' Boxer Counterpunch. So I banish this card from my hand and gives my monster an extra 1000 attack points till the end of the turn." said Jack as his monster gained some of its strength back as it took the attack head on before dropping to a knee. Jack felt the power of the attack as he tried to stand his ground and try not to look scared.
Jack's Life Points: 2500-

Interesting. Rainbow had paid close attention to how Jack responded to the attack as she noticed something. "Well, I'll lay a facedown and end my turn. So now your monster regains the 600 points it lost." stated Dash as Jack's monster returned back to his original stats.

"Why didn't Rainbow attack, her other monster would have taken out my Battlin' Boxer and deal more damage to me? So why did she not do it?" asked Jack to himself.

"Hey! You scared?!" asked Rainbow as she said that in a serious tone.

"No!" responded Jack though there was a slight hesitation in his voice which didn't go unnoticed by Rainbow.

"Then make your move."

Turn 3: Jack

Can't worry about why she spared me? "My turn, now to start I'll activate the effect of my Battlin' Boxer Big Bandage, so now I can return my Battlin' Boxer Counterpunch that I banished to the field. And then all monsters on my side of the field become the same level as the monster I brought back. So now Big Bandage's level is 3. Then I'll switch him into defense mode. Now I summon my Battlin' Boxer Switchitter(1500/1400) and the best part is that it counts as 2 tributes for an Xyz summon. So I overlay my Battlin' Boxer Switchitter to construct the Overlay Network once more. I Xyz Summon, Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke(2200/2000)!" shouted Jack as he had one of his most powerful monsters appear on the field. "Now time to attack, Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke take out her Hi-Speedroid Kendama!" Both monsters then made contact as they collided but only Dash's monster was destroyed. "As you already know, Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke can survive the battle by removing one overlay unit and it gains 800 extra attack points." said Jack as his monster broke on of his chains and powered up. "With that, I'll then activate the effect of my Flaming Knockout. So since a monster of mine destroyed yours, you now take damage equal the monster's attack points that was destroyed. So since Kendama had 2200 points, you're about to get to delivered by a heavy right!" shouted Jack.

Rainbow saw the boxing glove coming her way as she put her duel disk above to protect her face to avoid getting punched. The attack still sent her back as she skidded across the grass. She then fixed her jacket as she straight her hair.
Rainbow's Life Points: 1200-

"With that, I'll end my turn."

Turn 4: Rainbow Dash

"Not bad, my turn. Now I play Pot of Greed so that I can draw 2 cards. Then I play the spell card, Speed Recovery. Now I can bring back my Hi-Speedroid Kendama back to the field in defense mode. However, because I played this card, I can't normal summon this turn. But that won't be a problem, cause since I control a Wind monster, I can special summon my Speedroid Taketomborg(600/1200) to the field. Then I can activate my monster's ability, so I tribute it so that I can summon a 'Speedroid' tuner from my deck. So I choose to bring out my Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice(100/100)." Rainbow now had three monsters on her field as one of them was a tuner.

"Now I tune my Level 1 Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice with my Level 6 U.A. Hi-Speedroid Kendama!" Rainbow's two monsters then jumped into the air as Red-Eyes Dice turned into a giant green ring as Dreadnought jumped in. "Beat yours wings to whip up a whirlwind of destruction! I Synchro Summon, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon(2500/2000)!!!" shouted Rainbow as her dragon descended from the sky and let out a cry.

"Woah!" said Jack as he took in the sight of Rainbow's monster.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm awesome, tell me something that isn't true." replied Rainbow with a bit of cockiness in her voice. "I'll then end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 5: Jack

"My turn, so now I'll have my Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke attack your Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!" shouted Jack as his monster raised his right fist and took out Rainbow's monster.
Rainbow's Life Points: 700-

"Then I activate my facedown Overlay Accel. Since my Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke took out your monster, I can remove the last overlay unit to not only raise him by another 800 points, but this time to attack you and end this duel." said Jack as he had his monster break the last chain as he looked to take out Rainbow. "

"Thank you." smiled Dash.


"You didn't forget about my facedown that I set at the beginning. I activate my Dice Roll Battle, now since you declared an attack, I can send 1 'Dice' monster from my hand to the graveyard, so that I can Synchro Summon using monsters in my graveyard."

"Synchro Summoning from the grave?" asked Jack as that wasn't something he knew you could do.

"So I tune another Level 1 Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice with my Level 7 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!" said Rainbow as her tiny monster then changed into a giant green ring as her dragon flew in between it. "Watch as these monsters combine to pave the way for an even mightier dragon! Watch as the essence of that monster takes shape! Watch as it is forged by raw power! I Synchro Summon! Take flight, Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon(3000/2500)!" Rainbow now had a brand new monster appear on her field as it let out a roar.

"Woah!" was all Jack said.

"Now the other effect of my Dice Roll Battle activates, which means all of your monsters must now attack my Crystal Wing."

"Well, my Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke has 3800 attack points and since you only have 700 life points left, the difference is enough to take you out."

"Not if I activate my second facedown, Burning Sonic. Now since a monster I control was target for an attack, I can target that monster and then negate the attack." Rainbow's monster then had a barrier appear around it as it survived the attack. "And that's not all, as long as it stays in my spell and trap card zone, my dragon gains 500 additional attack points."

"Either way, it's still not strong enough to defeat my Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke." informed Jack. "I end my turn."

Turn 6: Rainbow

"Then it's my draw. Now I equip my Crystal Wing Dragon with the spell card, Supreme Wing! And then I'll have it attack your Battlin' Boxer Lead Yoke!" stated Rainbow.

"You're kidding." said Jack.

"Nope. Go my dragon, Crystal Cataclysmic Strike!!!" shouted Rainbow as her dragon did some sharp maneuvers in the air as it soon collided with Jack's monster. Soon her dragon was destroyed as she lost some points.
Rainbow's Life Points: 400-

"What was the point of that?" asked Jack. "My monster was stronger."

"See the effect of my Supreme Wing now activates, since my monster was destroyed in battle while it had Supreme Wing equipped, I can now target the monster that destroyed it and then deal you damage equal to its attack points." said Rainbow. "So since Battlin' Boxer had 3800 attack points..."

"I lose." said Jack. Soon the aftereffect happened as Crystal Wing Dragon appeared in spirit form and then dealt the damage to Jack and his monster as his eyes widen in fear and he was thrown onto the ground.
Jack's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Rainbow Dash

"Oh yeah!" shouted Rainbow as she jumped into the air with a fist pump. "Wait, till we face Isaac. He's gonna be in a for a tough battle." said Rainbow as she couldn't wait to fight Isaac with her new monster. She then noticed Jack lying on the grass as she approached him.

"Okay, that's enough." said Jack as he got the wind sucked out of him. He then sat up as she looked at his hand as it was trembling a bit.

"When staring into the eyes of a powerful foe, you tremble in fear. It's what you experienced when you battled Isaac and in our duel just now." said Rainbow as she stood over her student.


"It's only natural. Our monsters are no different than us; they're forced to confront those fears everytime we duel. You felt the terror, the buckle under the weight of your knees as you trembled. I may have pushed you a bit hard, but you felt it, didn't you. You felt the fear that our monsters have to wrestle with everytime we summon them into battle in our names. When you learn to make that fear your own, and when you master how to tame it. Only then will you truly be able to conquer your past and move a monster." said Rainbow Dash as she gave some compelling words of encouragement.

"I can't believe it. I always thought that monsters weren't afraid of anything, even my tough fighters. But that's not true. They're just like me." said Jack as she looked at the glove on his hand.

"It's one of the reasons why Isaac is a good duelist. Cause he knows his monsters will be destroyed, he knows that they fight under our names and they have to deal with the issue of fear and being destroyed. So he's learned to embrace and use that fear as a way to push past the nightmares and realize his dreams. You can do that same too, that is if you're still willing to have me as your tutor." said Rainbow as she extended her hand out.

Jack looked at the girl in front of him as he looked back at his covered up hand and then at his deck. He then remembered back to his duel with Isaac and how he had told them all to get better and step up their game.

"I put this red X on my chest because I know I am the target. So a little piece to whoever wants to come at me next, remember one thing. They stop manufacturing the cloth that I'm cut from!!"

It wasn't cause he was disappointed with them, but rather the opposite. He wanted them to become better than they think they could. So he then grabbed Rainbow's hand as she helped him up.

"I'm honored to have you as my tutor."

"Same here. And I promise to put in more effort as your teacher to help you." smiled Rainbow.

"However, this won't mean shit since Isaac is gonna have a decision to make." said Jack.

"I think he already knows what happened between the two of us. So I think we're fine. Now run along, kid. And starting tomorrow, we'll work on improving your skills before the tournament on Friday."

"Look forward to it, teach." said Jack as he grabbed his belongings and exited the park.

Rainbow saw the kid off as she grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder as she started to make her way back to the house. The same person that was watching them from before was also present as they stepped from behind the tree with their arms crossed and had a smile on his face.

"You finally learned, Dash." smiled Isaac. "Hope the two of won't cause me too much trouble." Isaac then grabbed his backpack as she started to exit the park and was walking towards Rarity's boutique.

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