• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 184: Uprooted

Starlight had met with Sunburst under the bleachers as she finished her duel with Rainbow.

"Good job, Starlight. You were amazing as always." said Sunburst.

"Yes, I was, wasn't I." said Starlight. "I did enjoy toying around with Rainbow Dash, stringing her and everybody here and reading this story, along. To think she had a chance to fight for her 'boyfriend', which by the way is missing."

"Like I said." said Sunburst as he grabbed his glasses and wiped them. "After you collapsed and had to rest some more, I kept a surveillance on the school. But turns out that the night you fainted, Isaac just disappeared. He wasn't at the school the next day or the day after that."

"So... he really is gone? Huh?" said Starlight as the smile on her face grew even more devious.

"Right, so... does that mean... we..."

"Continue with the plan? Yes." said Starlight as she began to walk.

"I was gonna say, I wanted to go a see a movie with you." said Sunburst to himself.

During the time between the pair had first encountered Isaac, Sunburst did his best to stand by and support his friend. But he also took some advice given to him by Isaac as he tried to get Starlight to realize his feelings he had towards his best friend. During that time, while Starlight was planning and coming up with different plans, he did try to get her to not think about it by hanging out and spending time with her. One time he told the girl while she was scheming, that he had feelings for her, her only response was, "Okay", and left it at that.

While Sunburst may have told his feelings to Starlight, she was too obsessed with Isaac and her plan to change the world of Duel Monsters, that it moreso fell on deaf ears. So anytime they had a late-night meeting about her latest plan, Sunburst in his mind often considered those meetings, "dates". Not granted it was only in his mind, but to him he was at least spending time with his best friend, even if she spent time talking about another boy who caught her attention and was constantly on her mind. So Sunburst told Starlight one more time that he did like her and wanted to be more with the girl. Starlight was just so preset on taking down Isaac that she made a deal, that if he helped her and listened to her every command, then after they thrusted in her ideology of Duel Monsters for people to follow, then they could consider giving this dating thing a try. While Sunburst was happy, to Starlight, it was more of an empty promise that she made to get her friend to stop talking about them being an item and to help get Sunburst on board with her plan. And so even if Starlight didn't mean what she said that day, Sunburst knew he couldn't abandon his friend when she needed him the most. And for the first time in their lives growing up, she was really counting on him to help her plan. So how could he say no.

"Sunburst, is everything okay?" asked Starlight with a stern tone.


"Then why are you standing still? We have work to do." shouted the girl.

"Yes, Starlight." stated the boy as he started to walk towards his friend as the two walked side by side.

"So, we've already started the spark in this school. Isaac disappearing wasn't something I thought of nor accounted for. I just simply wanted to take over his little school and start a group to show everyone what change in Duel Monsters is really about. Now that the spark has been ignited, all we need to do is fan the flames of the ember. But we can't do it with the just the two of us, we need a third partner." said Starlight.

"Already ahead of you." said Sunburst as he pulled out a device as it showed the portraits of all the students in CHS as he used his finger to scroll through. "While you were busy with Rainbow Dash, I took the liberty of finding our third person. Safe to say, I think you'll like what they have to offer." Sunburst then pulled up the image of the person he was referring to.

"Hmm. Well now... this might do." said Starlight as she had another evil smirk on her face.

Fluttershy and Pinkie were now home as Rainbow was lying down on the couch as she was taking it a bit easy from the beating she received from Starlight.

"More soup?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yes, please." said Rainbow as her friend filled her bowl for a refilled before giving Pinkie some. "Man, she's tough."

"Now you understand what Isaac went through in his match with her." said Pinkie as she gulped her soup in one big chug.

"No kidding, but... damn! I couldn't make a move against her, and the way she dueled, anticipating my every thought, every card I played, it was almost like... I was dueling... Isa..." Rainbow didn't bother to finish her sentence as they were still feeling sad about their male companion disappearing.

"How's Twilight doing?" asked Pinkie.

"Well, better. That's good, but... she still misses Isaac. We all do." said the shy girl as she watered some of the house plants. "I just can't believe he's disappeared. What would make him vanish?"

"I know the lost of his duel with Starlight was tough, and he'd bounce back from that no sweat. But since he can't see or talk to his cards again, I think that might have been the final breaking point for the geek."

"Well, we still have a job to do. The students' date with the Board of Education is still on, which means even if Isaac isn't back by then, we need to make sure that the kids are ready for their final exam." said Pinkie.

"That's all we can, and we're going to have to keep doing that. Besides, I feel like Starlight might be the biggest challenge we've all faced." said the shy girl.

The next day came as it was another school day. This time, Starlight had sent another video message to the students as she expressed her vision to bring about change for Duel Monsters as many students were listening in on their phones. Even the schools news had broadcasted her message on the TV's in the passing hallways for others to listen to. One of those girls who was watching it among the crowd was Fluttershy as she did her best to avoid listening to the propaganda that Starlight was trying to influence on the others. She then turned the corner to head out to the back to the school garden to meet with her student when she stopped in her tracks and dropped her bag as standing in front of her as if she knew she'd come this way was Starlight. Behind her was Sunburst as he had his usual cheery self, Fluttershy was scared as she was all alone with the girl who took out two of her friends; nothing was said as Starlight simply raised her arm as it projected out a card tray.

Applejack was currently in the school auditorium as she was going over her lesson with Lucky Star. She happened to find out what happened to Rainbow as mentioned by the others, to which she felt a bit glad her own rival got her ass whupped, but also angry that she tried to take down Starlight herself without any backup and the fact that it wasn't her who got to whup her butt. Nevertheless, she told the chromatic girl to take it easy and not go challenging the girl so soon. As for the country gal, she was keeping to Isaac's word as she kept on teaching with her student. They had just completed their practice rounds as both were panting heavily.

"Nice one that time, Lucky Star."

"Thanks, Aj." said the girl as both were tired.

"Why don't ya take a beak?" said Applejack as her phone in her pocket went off as it was a call from Big Mac. The country gal excused herself as she went to talk privately with her call.

Lucky Star took that time to sit one the bleachers that had both of their backpacks as she pulled out a bottle of apple cider from AJ's bag as she often packed some for the two of them. She grabbed one and took the cap off as she drank the cold, sweet, delicious, and addicting golden liquid as it ran down her guzzle as a small drop from it slid down her neck.

"Shoot, that's good." said Lucky Star.

"Indeed." said a voice as Lucky Star turned her head and saw Starlight a few rows above her as she too had a bottle of cider as she chugged it down and finished it. Starlight wiped her mouth as she tossed the bottle away as she began to walk down the steps in the middle of the two sections of bleachers.

"You!" said Lucky Star as she realized who it was.

"Relax, no need to be frighten. I come as friend. So tell me Lucky Star, how does it feel?"


"I know your name. So answer my question: how does it feel?" asked Starlight.

"How does what feel?" said the girl.

"How does it feel to know that you were the winner of the Fall Formal tournament?"

"It felt good. I mean, I worked my way from 14 people and then survived all the way to be the last gal standing. Then I got to face Isaac and really show how much my skills grew since our last encounter." said Lucky Star.

"Indeed, and it was a fine duel. Such a shame that Isaac had to bury all the momentum you had." smiled Starlight.


"Oh, Lucky Star. Nobody ever told you, well this is an awkward situation." spoke Starlight. "But come on, did you really expect Isaac to put you over? When was the last time he ever did that for someone? He talks about being the underdog and how you have to fight for your dreams, yet he didn't realize he was starting to change. Soon it wasn't fighting to prove himself to be a champion, he was fighting to keep his rank as champion. I mean, why else would he use an Egyptian God card in your duel?"

"Cause, I gave him a fight."

"Don't tell me that's what you believe. Or did he tell you that so that you won't know the truth. Isaac didn't want you to take his spot. It's simple really, had you beaten Isaac, you would be prancing around this school as its champion and Isaac would be sent to the back of the line of long line of potential competitors. Instead, we got the same old vanilla flavor like we always do. Isaac on top, cause nobody else deserves to be at the top spot except for him. It's why he does want he does, he buries people and doesn't allow new talent to have their time in the sun, to have their moments. In short, you were just 'another opponent' that Isaac needed to face as champion because it's a formality." said Starlight.

"No, I proved my worth!" said Lucky Star.

"Did you now, then why didn't he put you over? Why didn't he let someone else run with the rank as champion? Why didn't he hand over the keys to this place given that he's about to graduate? The answer is: he doesn't want to. He's already made a notch under his belt by being champion for nearly three years since he showed up and won the championship match. So it makes sense for Isaac to go even bigger by graduating CHS as the rank of champion. So as you can see, you were nothing more than a stepping stone on his path to greatness. He said so himself, that he would look his opponent's in the eye and he was going to step on them and walk through them to get to the top." smiled Starlight.

"No... that's not true... Isaac knows I gave him a fight."

"Then why didn't he put you over, he had the chance to do it, but he didn't. Cause his ego didn't want him to lose and make him a pussy!" said Starlight. "Isaac always has to win cause he's the protagonist, and if he doesn't then the whole world will be in chaos. He does the same thing, the same moves, the same trash talking. It's the same thing over and over again, it's like missionary position every single night." chuckled the girl. "And Starlight Glimmer isn't interested in that, no, no, no. I don't get motivated by that, I don't get inspired by that. So once again do you really believe you put up a fight against Isaac, or did he bury your career before it could ever get off the ground?"

"No... I... I know... I... proved..."

"Just embrace the vision and follow my lead." said Starlight as she extended her hand out. "She's got the whole world in her hands. She's got the whole wide world... in her hands. She's got the whole world in her hands. She's got the whole wide world... in... her... hands." sang the girl. "Repeat with me."

"She's got the whole world in her hands. She's got the whole wide world... in her hands. She's got the whole world in her hands. She's got the whole wide world... in... her... hands." sang Lucky Star as she was about to put her hand in Starlight and join her vision when...

"Lucky Star, don't do it!" shouted Applejack.

"Applejack!" said the girl as she swatted away Starlight's hand as she rejected ever joining her cause. The country gal was back as Lucky Star raced over to her tutor who gave her a hug as she put the student behind her as Applejack was looking at Starlight.

"So, the country gal is here." said Starlight.

"Starlight, I know what you were tryin' to do. So leave mah student alone!" stated Aj.

"Applejack, CHS' most beloved country gal. One of the top students and duelists, your record in tournaments and in duels is good that your overall probability puts you at a 92% win rate. Truly a tough opponent." said Starlight as she looked at the teen girl.

"Ah don't care for yer fancy math or whatnot, leave mah student alone." responded the farm girl.

"I was doing nothing to her, I was simply talking with the girl. If you don't believe ask your student, she wouldn't dare lie, isn't that what you've taught her." asked Starlight.

"Ah said leave mah..."

"Ask her!" shouted Starlight. "If you trust your student so much, then why won't you listen to what she has to say?"


"Nothing happened, AJ. Starlight is right." said the girl.

"Well, either way. Keep yer little mind trick away from me and mah friends. We ain't interested in what yer sellin'!"

"You know Isaac thought the same thing. That was until he disappeared. So tell me, Aj? How does it feel to see your big, strong cowboy ride off into the sunset never to be seen again?" taunted Starlight.

"Isaac didn't run away! He... just..."

"Vanished? Left you and your friends high dry. Didn't he say when you guys first met that he would stand by his friends, that he would always be there? Well, looks he lied to you guys. But's that alright, I mean when you all first met him, you all lied to his face and used him. So I can't blame the boy, he just did what you all did."

"That's not what happened. We may had some evil intentions of our own on recruitin' the city slicker, but we realized our mistake. We saw how it made him act, so we apologized and he forgave us." said Applejack as that memory was something she could never forget.

"Indeed, and what a stupid fool he was for doing that. Look where it got him, a one-way trip to being exiled." said Starlight. "Now he's left you and your little friends to fend for themselves, he really is a true friend. "

"The city slicker will be back!" shouted AJ.

"No he won't." said Starlight in a nonchalant voice. "That's why I come to you, Aj. I know you're the honest one of the group, and with that honesty that leads to truth and truth lends to power which in turns lends to strength. I know how powerful you are Applejack, your strength would be a key vital asset to my plan in revolutionizing the change necessary for Duel Monsters. Now Rainbow as loyal as she might have been, her hot headiness would damage my plans more than they might have helped. But you... you're calm and focused. That is someone who has a valuable place in my ideology. So, care side to with me, Aj?"

"Like hell I would." said the country gal as she swatted away Starlight's hand.

"I'm afraid you didn't hear me, I said..."

"Ah heard ya! And ah said, ah don't want to!" shouted the farm girl.

"Pity, a part of me expected you to do this. Seeing as how you're loyal to Isaac and your friends. I guess you really are content with being in his shadow, you really do like when he does the same old thing, so how's that missionary position going with him." mocked Starlight.

"That's enough! I ain't goin' stand by and let you badmouth mah friends. So put on yer duel disk and let's go." said Applejack.

"Well, that was easier than expected. Well then, this shouldn't take too long. You're on Applejack, at least when I beat you, you'll have been the third person that I've defeated of your little friend group." said Starlight as she began to walk away.

"Third person, but you've only defeated Rainbow so far." shouted Applejack.

"See ya soon, Jacklyn." said Starlight as she made one last comment to get under AJ's skin by calling her by her birth name.

"Applejack?" asked Lucky Star as she looked at her tutor to which her only response was her clenching her fists.

It was now later in the afternoon as Applejack and Lucky Star were on the field as they were waiting for Starlight to show up. Aj was currently going over her deck as she made some last minute preparations, she knew what Rainbow had went through with her battle with Starlight, which is why she made sure she wouldn't do the same mistakes as she did. Although there was a part of her that was really looking forward to rubbing it in Rainbow's face about how she could take down Starlight when she couldn't.

"Hey, Aj."

"Yeah, Lucky Star."

"Be careful. I... don't want to lose you." said the girl.

"Sugar, I ain't goin' anywhere. I'm just goin' to put Starlight in her place. Wherever the city slicker is, ah hope he's okay. Ah miss him, heh, he kinda is like my cowboy." said Applejack with a bit of red on her face as she thought of Isaac.

"Uh, Aj. Your face is red." said Lucky Star.

"It's just hot." said Applejack as she quickly got rid of it, as Lucky Star rolled her eyes as she knew hat her teacher was thinking about.

Soon they both looked forward as there was Starlight coming into view with Sunburst behind her. She whispered into Sunburst's ear as he simply nodded and left. Starlight then pulled out her duel disk as she activated it and slid in her deck as it projected a pale, light grayish heliotrope light. Applejack then stepped forward as she slid in her deck as it projected a green light.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Starlight's Life Points: 8000-

Applejack's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Applejack

"I'll go first!" said Applejack as she drew her card. "And to start, I'll summon Predaplant Cephalotusnail(1300/1200) from mah hand!" Aj then summoned her monster as out came a plant with a set of jaws on it. "And then I'll place two cards facedown and mah turn."

Turn 2: Starlight

"A monster with just 1300 attack points and two facedowns, come on, Applejack. Is that really your best?" asked Starlight. "It's good, but it's not spectacular."

"Well, that depends on what you think, you just don't realize it yet. You're up!"

"Yes, I am. I draw. And to start, since you control monsters and I don't, I can summon my Constellar Siat(100/1600). Then since I control a 'Constellar' monster, I can special summon my Constellar Caduceus(1600/1550)." Starlight's two monsters rose up as one of them was a bit smaller than the other. "Now I activate Siat's special ability, and with I can make it match the level of one of my other monsters, so now it copies Caduceus's level making it now... Level 4. And Caduceus's effect allows me to add a 'Constellar' spell/trap card to my hand." Starlight's duel disk then ejected the card she wanted.

"So let me guess, you're goin' Xyz summon." stated Applejack.

"Now why would I do the same boring thing, I'm not like Isaac, Mr. Missionary might have done the same position. But I told you and everybody I'm not interested in that, that ain't my style, that's not what gets me excited. I want some fun, and I'll think I can with this spell, Magician's Right Hand!" said Starlight.

"Magician?" said Applejack as she knew that the only other person who used magician cards other than Twilight was Isaac.

"She's toying with you AJ, don't let her get to you!" shouted Lucky Star.

"Now since I control a spellcaster, once per turn during either player's turn, I can negate the activation of a spell card and then destroy it." said Starlight. "And I believe your spell card is much more valuable then you let on. In fact, I believe it's your key to winning this duel."

"Huh?" said Lucky Star. Seems she was stunned by what Starlight was saying.

"That's quite the proclamation. But you do realize that I have two cards out, right? So, you don't know which one is mah ace in the hole now, do ya?" stated Applejack.

"That does seem to be a problem." said Starlight. "That is, if I didn't figure out your plan already."

"What?!" seems Applejack was a bit stunned. "But yer card only destroys a spell card, correct? What if both of mah facedown cards happen to be traps?"

"They most certainly could be, and if I turn out to be wrong, I'll lose this duel and be at your mercy." taunted Starlight.

"Then how do you know for sure one of them is spell card?" asked Applejack.

"This is some next level stuff." said Lucky Star.

"Next, nextlevel." said Starlight. "Sure puts a smile on my face. But if I lose, I might not be smiling."

"Enough talking, go ahead and pick! But be sure to choose wisely." said the country gal.

"In due time, hillbilly, but first I'll attack Cephalotusnail!" said Starlight as she command her Caduceus to strike.

"Ah don't think so! Go Dark Seed Planter!" shouted Applejack as her facedown flipped up. "It transforms yer Caduceus from Light to Dark Attribute. And when yer monster attacks mah own Dark Attribute monster, the battle is negated."

"Exactly what I was waiting for." smiled Starlight. "Now from my hand, I activate the spell card, Magic Swap! This lets me take one card that's on my field and shuffle it back to my deck, but in return, I can activate a different spell from my hand. So I'll take back my Magician's Right Hand so that I can activate Magician's Left Hand!" stated the girl as she picked up her card and placed it on top of her deck for the autoshuffler to kick in as she played a different card from her hand. "And now, with a snap of its fingers, your trap is negated and then destroyed!"

"Oh no." said Lucky Star as Aj's trap was gone.

"Now Constellar Caduceus continue your attack!" shouted the girl.

"I'm afraid this is nothing ah can't handle. Mah monster's special ability activates so it can't be destroyed in battle! And the damage ah take is cut in half!" stated Applejack as her own plant put up a small shield to protect itself as some of the damage still carried over.
Applejack's Life Points: 7850-

"Looks like you guessed wrong."

"How so?" smiled Starlight.

"Your strategy was to use yer Magician's Right Hand to destroy mah spell card, mah key card as you said. But in order to protect yer monster, you had to replace it with a different spell card, yer Magician's Left Hand, makin' all the work you did for nothing." said Applejack.

"Quite the contrary, my southern friend. My intention all along was to use Magician's Left Hand so that I could destroy your trap card. It was essential to my plan."


"Because for my plan to work against you, I required one thing. I needed you to have one facedown on your field instead of the two you originally had." smiled Starlight as Applejack had a gasp.

"So, then like everything you did, all those moves you made, were just to get Aj to use up her trap card?" said Lucky Star as she was shocked as well.

"Don't believe me, watch. You only have one card left. So it wasn't a sleight of hand, but more of a sleight of mind. And all it leads to this. I activate the spell card, Clairvoyance! I shall now attempt to guess whether your single remaining facedown card is a spell or trap. If I'm correct, that card returns to your deck, and I'm allowed to draw two brand-new cards from my deck." said Starlight.

"Say what?!" shouted Aj. "All those moves you did just leaves you with a 50/50 guessin' game?

"It's not 50/50. I told you, I know what card you set, why I'll take it up a notch and even guess the name of the card." smiled Starlight.

"There's no way she knows." stated Lucky Star.

"I paid close attention to the things you said. They may have just been passing comments to you, but to me they told quite the story. And none was more telling than what you said at the very end of your first turn of the duel."

(Quick flashback)

"Well, that depends on what you think, you just don't realize it yet. You're up!"


"With those words, it was clear to me you were planning to win the duel with one of the two facedown cards. So, I put this theory to the test. By saying that I would activate my spell Magician's Right Hand to destroy your key card. But you didn't seem concerned at all. As if you knew that my spell can't destroy your key card. Providing me with a crucial piece of information. The clues were there; I just had to piece them together." stated Starlight. "When you played Dark Seed Planter, I switched Magician's Right Hand with Magician's Left Hand. This enabled me to destroy your Dark Seed Planter. That card could've changed my Constellar Caduceus into a Dark monster, revealing even more about your strategy. Why would you need my monster to be a Dark Attribute? Why, because Applejack, you were setting the stage for something big, a grand... Fusion Summoning. And how exactly were you going to achieve this? By using my monster, Constellar Caduceus!"

"Grr!" spoke Applejack as it seemed Starlight was right.

"So, using my vast knowledge of Duel Monsters, what card can merge these monsters and isn't affected by Magician's Right Hand? Why, there's only one! Your key card... Super Polymerization!" shouted the girl as she pointed at Aj's facedown as it revealed to be exactly that.

"No way!" shouted Lucky Star. "How did she know?!"

"My, my... I'm right." smiled Starlight. "So now your card is shuffled back to your deck and I draw two cards."

"How did she know?" said Applejack to herself as she picked up her facedown and place it on top of her deck as the autoshuffler kicked in. It just doesn't make sense. The only other other person who I know would think that far ahead is the city... Applejack looked at Starlight as it made her gasp a bit.

"Now, I'll overlay both of my Level 4 monsters to build the Overlay Network!" Starlight's two monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air as a portal opened up in front of the girl. Soon both orbs disappeared into the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Constellar Omega(2400/500, OLU: 2)!" Starlight's new monster emerged as the golden light burst, revealing a centaur in gold and silver armor with the two sparks of gold light circling it.

"I now end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 3: Applejack

"My draw!" said Aj as she drew her card. I can't believe she figured out my plan, gotta focus.

"I'll play the spell card, Rapid Seed Fire. Now ah can send one Level 4 or lower 'Predaplant' monster from mah deck to the graveyard. And then you not only get slam with 300 points of damage, but yer monster loses 600 attack points!" said Aj as she sent her Predaplant Cordyceps to the graveyard.

"Not gonna happen, I activate my Constellar Omega's special ability, by using one overlay unit, my monster is unaffected by spells/trap cards this turn." said Starlight as her monster wasn't affected by Aj's spell as she removed her Constellar Caduceus from under her monster and sent it to the graveyard.

"But you still take the damage." informed Applejack.
Starlight's Life Points: 7700-

"Now I'm summonin' mah Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra(1000/1500)." A snake with a body like a plant vine slithered in front of Applejack, its jaws patterned like flower petals. "Now ah activate Polymerization to fuse together together mah little plants!" A vortex opened up behind the country gal as both her monsters appeared beside her as they were sucked into a color of orange and purple as the outline of her new monster was shown. "Ah combine mah carnivorous predator and mah venomous predator, and let a vicious new plant bloom!” Applejack took the card her duel disk ejected as she held it up high. “Ah Fusion Summon Predaplant Chimerafflesia(2500/2000)!” A large coil of vines burst from the chasm and splayed out on the field. A large circular mouth ringed with teeth and surrounded by plump pink petals was at the end of the largest of the vines, and two smaller mouths rose up beside it on smaller vines.

"Hmm, not bad of a monster."

"Darn tootin'."

"Still, your monster can't banish mines since my monster has a rank not a level." informed Starlight.

"That don't mean I can't activate its other ability, now mah plant devour her monster!" shouted Applejack. "When mah battles, your monster loses 1000 attack points and mah gains that amount." Chimerafflesia lashed outs its tentacles again and shattered Constellar Omega.
Starlight's Life Points: 5600-

"Not bad, you managed to deal me more damage than Dash did. I salute you of that." said Starlight. "Too bad, you will also suffer, I reveal my facedown Constellar Nova! Now any damage I took during the battle phase, is also dealt to you!" shouted the girl as a beam of energy now shot towards Applejack as she put her arms together to block the attack as it hit her.
Applejack's Life Points: 5750-

"Their life points about the same. The fact that Starlight not only knew Aj's plan from the very beginning of the duel, but she prepared for when she was going to attack and made sure to counter it perfectly." said Lucky Star as she was in awe at seeing her mentor struggle a bit.

"Ah now end mah turn."

Turn 4: Starlight

"Then it's my turn, and I'll start by playing Pot of Greed to draw two cards then play the spell card, Constellar Star Chart. Then I'll summon my Constellar Algiedi(1600/1400). Then Algiedi' ability allows me to special summon one Level 4 'Constellar' monster from my hand, so rise up Constellar Kaus(1800/700)!" Starlight’s first monster descended from the golden portal above her, a slim figure in silver armor wielding a club with a blue gemstone set in it. Algiedi raised its club and fired a ray of light at the ground. Within the circle of light rose a second monster in silver armor jumped in front of Starlight, this one wielding a large silver and gold bow. Starlight pointed at Kaus, “I activate Kaus’ ability. Up to twice a turn I can increase or decrease the level of a Constellar monster by 1. I increase the level of Algiedi and Kaus.” Kaus turned and fired an arrow at the sky above as it created a shower of particles for its comrade and itself. "With that done, I now overlay both my monsters to build the Overlay Network!" Starlight's two monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of the girl. Soon both lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "The light of distant stars shatters the dark of night. I Xyz Summon Constellar Pleiades(2500/1200, OLU: 2)!" Once more Starlight's monster arrived in a shower of light and particles as it let out a grunt.

"Now to activate Constellar Pleiades' effect, by using one overlay unit, I can return a card on the field back to the hand, and I choose your only monster. So it goes back to the Extra Deck!" said Starlight as her monster pointed its weapon at Applejack's monster as it let out a cry and disappeared.

"And with nothing on your field, Pleiades attack her directly!" said the girl.

"Ah activate the effect of mah Predaplant Sarraceniant. When you declare a direct attack, ah can special summon this little guy from mah hand to take the hit for me." said Applejack as her tiny monster appeared, it then turned to its mistress as it made a sound with its mouth as it jumped on Aj's leg and then started to crawl its way up her clothes as it was on her shoulder as it nuzzle against her for a bit before jumping in front of the country gal as it stopped the attack.

"Doesn't make a difference, destroy it!!" shouted Starlight.

"Now the monster that battled it is also destroyed!" shouted Aj as she managed to get rid of Starlight's monster. "Then when mah Sarraceniant is destroyed, ah can add a 'Preda' card from mah deck." Applejack's duel disk then ejected the card she wanted as she grabbed it.

"Impressive, well then I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 5: Applejack

"Mah turn! Now ah activate the effect of mah Predaplant Cordyceps from mah graveyard. By banishin' it, ah target two Level 4 or lower 'Predaplant' monsters in mah graveyard and summon them." Two portals then opened up as Aj's Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra and Cephalotusnail rose up. "Then Darlingtonia Cobra's effect activates, since it was summoned by way of one a 'Predaplant' effect, ah can add 'Polymerization' or a 'Fusion' card to mah hand. And ah take this one, Predaprime Fusion. Then I'll activate the effect of mah Rapid Seed Fire, so I'll send mah Predaplant Pterapenthes to deal you 300 points of damage and make yer monster lose 600 attack points." said Applejack as she sent her card to the grave as some seeds fired at Starlight and her monster.
Starlight's Life Points: 5300-

"Next, ah activate Predaprime Fusion to combine mah two monsters together." A purple vortex with tendrils of green energy appeared behind Applejack and drew in her two monsters. The vortex spun and flashed, its light growing. "Now, the luscious leaves and succulent stems of these two precious plants will give birth to a vicious, vengeful, diabolical botanical! I Fusion Summon! Starving Venom Fusion Dragon(2800/2000)!" She slammed her card on her duel disk, the card tray lighting up purple.

The ground shook as a massive plant bud grew behind Applejack and rose into the air. It shone purple and burst apart, a dragon flying out of it and circling the field. Its body was lithe and green, armored in hardened purple growths with thorns emerging from them. Orbs of orange light lit up on its claws, shoulders, and wings, pulsing with energy. The dragon stopped its flight above Applejack, a vine-like tail lashing the air, and roared.

"Another overhyped dragon." said Starlight as she looked at the beast with a pissed off look.

"Mah dragon is way better than Dash's cause once it's summoned, it can absorb your monster's attack points." An aura of purple energy lit up over Pleiades and trails of it swirled into Applejack’s dragon. The orbs on its wings grew brighter. "Now mah dragon has 5300 attack points. Starving Venom Fusion Dragon, attack her monster!" Starving Venom Fusion Dragon swooped down and flew forward. The orbs covering its body sent streams of energy curling into its mouth, congregating into a large fireball. The fireball launched and engulfed Pleiades, a plume of smoke shooting into the air. Starlight looked away, teeth gritted, as her monster melted and exploded.
Starlight's Life Points: 2500-

Aj's dragon then flew back to its mistress side as it landed next to her. It then looked at the country gal as it used its tongue as it gave her a lick as she found herself covered in plant juice.

"What did ah say? Never mess with the hat, or ah bring out the weed killer!" stated Aj to her dragon as her hat got soaked. Starving Venom Fusion Dragon let out a dog like whimper at ruining its mistress valuable possession. Applejack soon had her scowl soften as it turned into a small smile as she put her hand up to which her dragon brought its head down and let her rub it. "It's alright, boy. Ah know you mean well. So, care to win and rub it in Dash's face and show why you're the better dragon than hers." Starving Venom Fusion Dragon just let out a small growl as it liked Aj's idea. She then hugged her dragon's head for a moment as she gave it a kiss before both of them turned their attention back to the duel; Aj's dragon did use its tail to adjust the hat on its mistress head as she smiled at her monster.

"So, you finally got one of your strongest monsters on the field? Heh, all the more reason why crushing you and that pathetic plant will make my victory that much sweeter." chuckled Starlight as she was unfazed by Aj's beast.

"We'll see about that, ah end mah turn."

Turn 6: Starlight

"My turn, and now to put the plan into motion, I reveal my facedown Xyz Reborn. So now I can target one Xyz monster in my graveyard and then bring it back to the field, and this trap turns into an Xyz material for my monster to use, so rise up Constellar Pleiades." said Starlight as her monster was back. "Now time to kick things up a notch, I use my Pleiades to construct the Overlay Network!" Starlight's monster then turned into an orb of light with its overlay unit as the two hovered for a bit as another portal opened in front of the girl. Soon both lights entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "Go Rank-Up Xyz Evolution!" shouted Starlight. "Using a Constellar Xyz monster I control as the sole Xyz Material; I Xyz Summon, arise and unleash your celestial fury, Constellar Ptolemy M7(2700/2000, OLU: 2)!” The shape shattered to reveal a large silver and gold dragon, wings of the night sky spread into the air and its tail coiling down and around Starlight.

Both dragons looked at each other as they gave a roar as they were not backing down and showing off their dominance.

"Looks like our beasts want to tussle." stated Aj.

"Please, my dragon isn't the overhyped, overrated monster that people just can't shut up about. It annoys, dare I say bothers me." stated Starlight while shooting a glance at the fourth wall. "But I digress, cause my monster is more powerful than yours, now then the effect of my Constellar Star Chart is still activate, so since I Xyz summon my dragon, I can draw an extra card. Well, now, I play the spell card, Constellar Star Cradle, so I can target 2 'Constellar' monsters in my graveyard and add them to my hand, however I can't attack now."

"What?" said Applejack as she was expecting Starlight to take down her dragon this turn.

"Did I make a mistake?" smiled Starlight smugly as her duel disk ejected her cards for her to grab. "Now then, I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Applejack

"Mah turn, once more ah send one 'Predaplant' from mah deck to deal you 300 points of damage and lower yer monster's attack points by 600." said the country gal as she sent away another one of her card from her deck as some sharp needles collided with Starlight and her monster.
Starlight's Life Points: 2200-

"Now ah activate mah Predapruning spell card to revive one of mah little plants, so sprout up buddy, Predaplant Lilizard(1200/1200). And when this guy is summoned, ah draw a card. Now to deal with that beast of yers, Starving Venom Fusion Dragon attack her dragon!" shouted Applejack as her monster then flew over as it prepared to opened its mouth.

"Just what I wanted!!" yelled out Starlight with a sick chuckle. "I reveal my facedown, Constellar Black Hole!" Soon a huge wind blew over the field as it stopped Aj's beast in midflight as a dark hole was forming as soon the wind retracted as it pulled both dragons in as Aj's beast let out a cry.

"Mah dragon!" shouted Applejack. She saw her beast now vanished within seconds.

"Just like Rainbow's. They belong where they're suppose to be in the trash with the all the other washed up monsters that've had their 15 minutes of fame." stated Starlight.

"Ah still have a monster on mah field, Lilizard take it to her!" shouted Aj in a fit of anger as her tiny monster then raced forward as it crawled on Starlight's body and then bit into her hand as the girl grabbed it by its throat and looked at the tiny thing as she threw it back towards Aj's field as it slammed into the ground as it felt a bit of pain.
Starlight's Life Points: 1000-

"You okay, little fella?" asked Aj as she bent down to check on her monster as it gave a sound to show it didn't suffer too big of a landing when Starlight threw it. It then crawled up Aj's body as it appeared on her shoulder as it gave a lick to her cheek to show its affection for it mistress.

"Glad to see yer tough little thing, like me." chuckled Aj as she put her monster safely back on the ground to continue the duel. "Time to end this duel, cause ah activate mah Dragon's Mirror!" A large mirror appeared in the air, the wings, claws, and tail of a dragon carved from its frame. “This lets me banish the Fusion parts needed to summon a Dragon-type Fusion monster from mah graveyard, and summon it. Ah banish Predaplant Pterapenthes and Starving Venom Fusion Dragon!”

The mirror pulsed and glowed purple, its surface cloudy. Applejack reached to her duel disk, fingers poised. “Ah combine mah botanical nightmare and mah carnivorous predator, to bring out a toxic terror like no other!” The mirror cracked down the center, the image of glowing purple eyes appearing in either half. “When you combine the viciously, voracious venom of a dragon with the cunningness of a carnivorous plant, the result is toxically terrifyin'! Ah Fusion Summon! Greedy Venom Fusion Dragon(3300/2500)!” The mirror shattered and a massive dragon flew out of the frame. Its serpentine body was glowing blue, purple, and yellow, streaks of light along its limbs. Wings like the growths of a plant spread behind it, crackling with energy. It circled to float in front of Applejack, roaring down at Starlight.

Turn 8: Starlight

"Finally, the time has come. To slay another dragon and cut its head off!" shouted Starlight as she drew her card. "Perfect, since you're the only one who controls monsters, I can special summon another Constellar Siat. Then I'll summon the two monsters that I brought back with Constellar Star Cradle, Constellar Kaus and Constellar Algiedi!" Starlight now had three monsters on her field. "And don't forget, Kaus' ability allows him to increase my monster's level by one. So now my monsters are Level 5. The Siat's ability allows him to copy the level of another monster on my field so it is now Level 5. Now I overlay all three of my monsters to build the Overlay Network!" shouted Starlight as all of her monsters then transformed into orbs of light as they all hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of her. Soon all three lights entered then entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "This is the end for you, once this monster strikes the field, all shall be destroyed by its celestial light! Annihilate everything in your path, Constellar Ursa Proeliator(4000/3000, OLU: 3)!!" Out emerged a warrior made whose body was made up of the night sky and star as the outline of its body was white lines connecting the stars as it wielded a spear and shield as it rode on a huge bear as it stood at 7 feet tall on its hind legs as it had fangs along with its mouth as it let out a roar as it too had the same shape and appearance as its rider as both wore white and gold armor.

"What is that monster?!" shouted Lucky Star as the reflection of Starlight's beast was shown in her pupils as it looked powerful and scary.

"So... this is the beast that took out Isaac?" said Applejack as she too looked at the huge monster as she saw her hands trembling a bit with fear.

"Prepare to feel it's wrath. My Ursa Proeliator has some unique abilities you should know about, one of them is that it attacks twice per turn. The second, you'll see as I use an overlay unit, now all 'Constellar' Xyz monsters in my graveyard are shuffled back into my Extra Deck and for each one that is returned, my monster gains 500 attack points." said Starlight as the mirage images of her Ptolemy M7, Omega, and Pleiades were shown as they gave their power to Starlight's mighty warrior as it rose up to 5500 attack points. "Now, end this, take out her monsters and end this duel!" Starlight's monster then charged forward as it raised its spear looking to pierce through the dragon with its weapon.

"I activate mah facedown, Ridiculing World! Yer monster now gain 100 attack points until the end of the turn, then any monster that has attack points higher than their original can't attack. So your attack is canceled out!" said Aj.


"Huh?" said Aj and Lucky Star.

"Remember what I said about my monster having multiple abilities, well... by using another overlay unit, I can negate all your spell/trap cards on the field!" said Starlight as her monster used another Xyz material as it rendered Aj's cards in her backrow useless.

"No!" said the country gal.

Ursa Proeliator then stood up on its ride as it got into a ready position. It then leaped high into the air as its bear raced forward and stomped on Aj's little lizard as it crushed it under its weight, meanwhile Ursa Proeliator spun its spear in the air as it then aimed and threw its spear as it made contact with the heart of Aj's dragon as it went through clean as the monster let out a painful cry.

"Mah dragon!" shouted Aj as she saw her monster in pain, soon she too felt the pain of her monster. "AHHHH!!!!!" screamed the girl she grabbed her heart as it hurt like hell. Applejack was then blew onto her back as her monsters were gone.
Applejack's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Starlight

"Aj!!!" shouted Lucky Star as she bent down to check on her tutor as she was fine with a few bruises along her body.

"Ha, ha, ha!" chuckled Starlight as she approached the pair on the grass as Lucky Star saw the teen as Aj was still down. She was about to put on her duel disk.

"Don't even do it, kid. Unless you want to end up like your teacher." said Starlight as it seemed Lucky Star was shaking in fear as she soon put away her duel disk. Starlight then looked at Aj as she looked at the girl with a scowl. "Three down and four to go." said Starlight as she began to walk away.

"She's got the whole world, in her hands. She's got the whole wide world, in her hands. She's got the whole world, in her hands. She's got the whole wide world... in... her... hands." sang Starlight.

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