• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 116: Early Days

Principal Celestia was in her office as she was currently going over some paperwork. The year end evaluations had proven to be a success as she got tons of calls from dueling agencies as they called about certain individuals that interested them. Of course they did ask about the person who was ranked as the champion, but Celestia just simply said he was not available at the moment. Regardless, she did her job of helping her students set up their internships as it brought a smile to her face. Well, almost. Safe to say when she received the anonymous message from Sunset saying that she needed to borrow Isaac for a special mission, she was unpleased with the timing. But before she knew it, Isaac and Sunset were long gone as Celestia was forced to relay the message to the meeting that she would be attending by herself.

The summer did allow Celestia some pleasant memories. One of them being was that she got to spend time with her sister. Celestia knew how she and Luna were basically polar opposites, that people often referred to them as the sun and the moon which was a fair comparison. But also because it reminded them of something when they were a bit younger.

"Sister, dear. Please just stop working for once. It's summer and that means we should relax." said Luna as she entered her sister's office with sunglasses. "The students are gone and the preparations for the upcoming semester can wait until next month. Let's take this moment to enjoy ourselves. Hit the beach, meet some men. Clearly you're in need of one."

"As much as relationships go, I'm perfectly content with being single for the moment." stated Celestia. "Besides, Lulu. I'm busy making sure that the students who are doing their internships are content."

"If only that were true?" snickered Luna.

"What are insinuating?"

"Tia, you know that the students are content with their internships. This is a whole different matter."

"I don't know what you're talking about Lulu." said Celestia as she started to look at some paperwork.

"Not even Isaac." said Luna as it caused Celestia to stop what she was doing. "You're upset that he didn't attend the meeting with you."

"Isaac has nothing..."

"Tia, just stop!" shouted Luna. "Ever since our disagreement with Isaac about his 'destiny', he's been rather hostile towards us. He just merely acted like everything was okay to put on an act in front of others. But deep down, he holds disdain for us."

"Isaac is talented duelist with a bright young future ahead of him. All we've done for him since he enrolled here, all the challenges he's faced, it all to help him become the pro he's destined."

"I agree, the boy is the future and our lessons are to help him to avoid making the same mistakes we've made. I remember the long days and nights out on the road, sleeping in the poorest condition, all waiting for a chance to get noticed and find a sponsor that would finance us." said Luna as she thought back to their very early days where they struggled.

"Indeed, that is something that nobody should ever have to go through. I'll admit, we got lucky. And since then, we've been blessed with having the careers we've had." said Celestia in the same tone as her little sister. "That's why I know Isaac will be that much better than the two of us could ever be. It's why we've been having those private meetings, we're trying to pass our wisdom onto him so that he could have a smooth ride."

"But in the end, it ultimately comes down to whether or not Isaac will accept our offer." stated Luna. "The boy has to make the final decision. And once he returns from his trip with Sunset, I plan to talk to him. There's something I must do."

"I know." said Celestia as she knew what Luna was hinting at. "And I pray that he does the right thing." Soon Celestia had a smile on her face as both girls let out a laugh. "My, how long has it been since we've just laughed."

"About the same time you can't find a man." stated Luna who received a dirty look from her older sister. "By the way, I received a call from William. He says that he's amazed at what Twilight has been doing; even has started working on her own card designs."

"That warms my heart." said Celestia as she let out a sigh. "I remember when we first met William, it's as if it happened yesterday."

"Indeed, it was also around the time we met 'you know who'." said Luna.

(Years Ago)

A younger Celestia and Luna were currently walking around Manehattan as they hoped to find a sponsor to take them in. They had just entered the pro scene a couple of months ago and the only duels they got to do happen to be in small rooms for an audience of nothing more than 15 people. So they both decided to head to Manehattan as a way to potential get signed to an agency. And the timing was perfect as a special guest was arriving from across the sea for a special exhibition duel. They had managed to find the arena where the duel would take place as they saw a mass of fans all being held back by security guards and red ropes. Soon a limo pulled up and out came the individual inside.

"He's here!" shouted one of the fans as they started to make some noise.

"Is that really him?"

"I can't believe he came all this way."

"He's a star."

"Marry me!" shouted a girl.

Celestia and Luna had managed to sneak through the mass of people as they got to the front of the ropes. They managed to see why everybody was so ecstatic cause the person was a duelist, but not just any duelist, he was the best duelist, he was none other than the King of Games. Both girls had heard stories about him and how he was considered to be the grandmaster of dueling along with the other major 3 duelists that change the entire world of Duel Monsters.

"This way, Mr. King of Games." said a security guard as he did his job to protect his client while leading him to the arena.

Soon the people around them started to cheer louder as they saw the King of Games. The people around Celestia and Luna started to push the sisters out as they were now behind all of the people.

"I can't see." said Celestia. Despite her being a bit taller than Luna, she still couldn't see due to the taller people. "Lulu, get on shoulders and tell me what you see."

Celestia then bent down, as Luna put their backpacks on the ground as she climbed her sister's shoulders.

"What do you see?"

"I see him. He's walking. He's still walking. Oh, he fell down." stated Luna. "Oh, he got back up. And now he's walking, he's still walking. Did he just get taller?" asked Luna.

"Lulu!" shouted Celestia.

"Sorry." responded Luna. "He's still walking, and now he's waving to the crowd. Ahh, the reporters are blocking my view." said Luna as tons of photographers/reporters started to swarm the King of Games.

"What?" yelled Celestia. Soon she started to lose their balance as both girls were tumbling forward as they caused a section of the red rope to fall over.

Everybody saw this as the girls were on the floor as they eased their pain. Soon security guards started to emerge as they looked to apprehend the girls. Celestia and Luna just smiled as they knew the trouble they were in. Just as they were about to be thrown out, the guards were called off.

"Wait!" shouted a voice. That voice belonged to none other than the King of Games himself. He then started to walk towards the sisters as they were in awe of seeing him. "Are you two alright?" said the King of Games in a deep voice that would make girls swoon over him.

"Yes." said Celestia as she allowed him to help her up along with her sister.

"We're sorry, for making such a scene. Mr. King of Games." stated Luna.

"It's quite alright." He then noticed two decks that were on the floor as he picked them up. He then began to search through them as he examined them. "Very interesting." replied the King of Games. "Are you ladies, duelists?"

"Just beginning. My sister and I are hoping to enter the pro scene, but things haven't been going good as of late." said Luna.

"Hmm." He then handed Celestia and Luna their decks back as he talked with one of the security guards. With that he left as he entered the arena.

The security guard then approached Celestia and Luna as he relayed the message given to him by his client. Seems they were both invited to watch the King of Games in his upcoming duel. Celestia and Luna were both so happy as they grabbed their backpacks and followed the security guard as he led them to their seats. He brought them to a private box as they were joined by other people.

"Can you believe our luck, Tia?" shouted Lulu as she was giddy like the young adult she was.

"Shush, Lulu. Let's not jinx it, this might be our lucky break."

"Indeed it may be." said another voice.

That voice belonged to a man who wore a red suit and based on his appearance, he seemed to have a foppish manner, dandified appearance, and effeminate hairstyle. He was also accompanied by someone who was right around the age of Celestia and Luna.

"It seems Yugi-boy brought in some guests." said the older man. "Pleasure to meet you ladies. I'm Maximillion Pegasus. And this is my grandson, William."

"Such an honor to be in the presence of such lovely ladies." said William as he kissed Celestia and Luna's hand which caused the girls to blush a bit.

"Yes, well. The honor is on us, we know who your are Mr. Pegasus and we're huge fans of your work." stated Luna.

"Indeed, you created a game that has taken the world by storm and has produced some of the best duelists to ever play this game." chimed in Celestia.

"But of course, I'm glad to have created something that is loved not just by me, but for everyone." said Pegasus.

"So what are two pretty girls like you doing here?" asked William as he sat down.

"Well, we're hoping to become pros ourselves." said Celestia.

"Though that hasn't been exactly successful." responded Luna.

"Hmm, I see. Oh, Yugi-boy. You really are a good guy." said Pegasus. Soon he heard an announcer starting to talk as the show was about to start. "Well now, take a seat ladies, the show is about to start."

Celestia and Luna then got settled in as all four of them began to watch. Soon the lights started to dim down as a spotlight appeared as it shined down on the person. That person was none other than the greatest duelist to ever pick up a deck. He then began to walk to the stage with confidence as he had a huge smile on his face. Soon the announcer started to introduce the duelist.

"And here he is ladies and gentleman. The King of Games himself, the number 1 duelist in all of the world. Yugi Moto!" shouted the announcer as everybody cheered with the girls going crazy.

Yugi just simply smiled as he waved to the crowd though he appeared to be much smaller than when Celestia and Luna met him. He then approached the center of the stage as he began to speak.

"Welcome! To those here and those watching at home and around the world, it's truly an honor to be here." Yugi's response was met with a warm applause. "Now then, duelists from across the world have ventured here in order to compete for a chance at being called champion. And it's my great honor to be here and say to the participants that you all could be considered the best, but their can only be one winner." Once more, Yugi was given a warm reception. "Now then, here are the participants who'll be competing. First off, we have..." The screen behind Yugi that had the portraits of the participants then shut off.

"What's going on?" asked Yugi as the screen was now black. Soon small symbols started to appear. "I've never seen... wait a minute... oh no!" shouted Yugi. The small symbols all started to multiply and soon a big one was left on the screen, but now that the image could be made clearer, everybody could see that it was actually two letters stuck together and it read 'K.C'.

Soon another platform was being raised up next to Yugi as the person standing on it was coming out. That person turned out to be none other than Yugi's arch rival. Seems the crowd was enjoying this moment as they cheered for the person who came out as he had a smile on his face as he looked at the crowd as he received a warm welcome. He then looked at Yugi who had a scowl on his face.

"What would be a world championship be without me? The world's greatest duelist!" said the person.

"Hmm. It's Kaiba." said Yugi.

"You know, you had enough time on the stage, Yugi. So now it's my turn. Before we get down to business with you, Yugi. Let's get it over with and bring out these third-rate duelists."

"Kaiba! These are the greatest duelists in the world, in the whole world. I bet any one of them could defeat you."

"Yeaaah. Uhm, they're not worthy of a chance to duel against me, Yugi. Besides dueling me isn't a right, it's a privilege. But if you insist, then I, Seto Kaiba, greatest duelist in the world will announce the participants." With that Kaiba then began to name off the duelists competing in the tournament.

"Congratulations to all of you who made it this far." said Yugi.

"Please, they've already received the greatest congratulations in all of Duel Monsters and that's being in my presence." stated Kaiba.

"I don't particularly enjoy your presence." said Yugi. "You know, let's have these duelists to see my grandpa for some last minute deck tuning before their matches. Duelists, please follow me to the left." said Yugi as he exited the stage to show the participants where they could prepared themselves.

"Ahh, typically Yugi. Running away from me. I hope he realizes I will make him pay for turning his back on me. However, it doesn't mean the stage is perfectly set, cause it is. Because it's 100% Kaiba." smiled Kaiba. "The only thing that would make this better is my Blue-Eyes." Soon a holographic image of Kaiba's ace monsters appeared as they seemed like life as they let out a loud roar. "Now we're talking!" laughed Kaiba. Soon the holograms turned off. "Oh no. Come on. He had his time. Is he back already?"

Soon some ancient magic was occurring as well as some Egyptian music. Soon a cry was heard as out walked Yugi but this time he seemed to be a bit taller and rather more confident as he had a deep, sexy voice that caused all the ladies to faint.

"Kaiba, I am not going to leave you here alone with these people. After you insulted those champions."

"Oh, please. The stage was so much better a few seconds ago." mocked Kaiba.

"You may insult them, but they have more courage and belief in the heart of the cards than you ever will. I will do what I must for these prestigious duelists. I challenge you to a duel!" shouted Yugi as he pointed at Kaiba.

"Why else do you think I'm here, Yugi?" shouted Kaiba.

"It's time to duel!" shouted both of them as they got in position as they activated their duel disks.

The crowd was now cheering as the exhibition duel was underway. With half of the crowd cheering for Yugi and the other half cheering on Kaiba. Up in the box, Celestia and Luna were in awe as they were watching two of the very, very best individuals duke it out as they hoped to one day be in that position. The action was back and forth as it had everybody on the edge of their seat; both Kaiba and Yugi had faced each other so many times that they were already countering each others moves before they were actually made. The expression on Celestia and Luna's face was something like a little kid seeing their favorite TV character in real life. Eventually the exhibition duel was reaching the climax.

"It's over, Kaiba. Dark Magician attack Blue-Eyes with Dark Magic Attack!" shouted Yugi.

"Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!" yelled out Kaiba as he was defeated. Soon the duel was over as Yugi had emerged as the victor. "I can't believe I lost!" shouted Kaiba.

"Don't be upset, Kaiba. It was an incredible duel that I'll never forget. And neither will everyone watching." said Yugi as his voice was now a bit high pitched.

"Yeah. That's what I'm afraid of."

"As long as we created an incredible memory for ourselves and for the people around us, our duel was a total success." stated Yugi with a smile.

"It sure was an exciting duel, but I wanted to win the title. This was my chance, my redemption to being called the #1 duelist. How could I have let this happen?" gritted Kaiba.

"You'll have plenty of time to figure that out as you're planning for our next unforgettable duel, but for now, let's not forget that no one is here for us, Kaiba. Everyone is here for them." said Yugi as he was referring to the participants in the tournament. "We're all here to see which competitor will earn the right to be called 'the best'." With that both Yugi and Kaiba gave one last wave as they allowed the tournament to get underway.

"Did you see that Lulu?" asked Celestia as she couldn't contain her excitement.

"The rush of that duel got my spine all tingly. Tia, this what we crave." stated Luna as she too was giddy like her sister.

"Seems Yugi has done it again with the ladies." said William as he talked with his grandfather.

"Then perhaps you could join us, Ms. Celestia and Luna. I have some business to discuss with Yugi-boy and I'm sure he wouldn't mind some extra company." stated Pegasus.

"We would be honored!" shouted both girls. With that they grabbed their backpacks as they followed Pegasus and William as they all exited their private box.

Soon they made it to the main hall as Yugi was at a table as he was looking at his deck.

"Yugi-boy." chimed Pegasus.

"Pegasus." said Yugi as he still had his high-pitched voice.

Soon the two got to talking as they caught up since the last time they met. Eventually, Pegasus called over Celestia and Luna who were just nervously pacing in place. Yugi then saw the two girls as he remember them through his other self. And the introductions went smoothly as Celestia and Luna couldn't believe they were standing in the presence of dueling royalty. Eventually they all decided to have lunch as it allowed Celestia and Luna the opportunity to ask the King of Games some questions.

"So... you're both trying to get into the pro scene?" asked Yugi.

"Yeah. My sister and I have dreamed of this since we were younger." stated Celestia.

"Well, I'm glad to be an inspiration for you two."

"Not just you, but the other three members." chimed in Luna.

"Aw, yes. I've met them." informed Yugi. "We all were asked to partake in an event and it allowed us the opportunity to meet each other."

"Trust me, the press couldn't stop talking about it." stated William. "They even came to front door asking us what we thought about the 4 legendary duelist all coming together. Right, grandpa."

"Trust me it was on a Saturday of all things. And the media had the audacity to interrupt us during our favorite show." stated Pegasus.

"Funny Bunny." said Pegasus and William in unison as it was their favorite cartoon show.

"Right." said Yugi. He then reached into his pocket as he heard a beep. "Well, I need to get going. It was nice catching up Pegasus. And for the young ones, I'm glad to have met you." With that Yugi started to leave before he was called out.

"Yugi, wait!" called out Celestia. "I know you're a busy man with a tedious traveling schedule. But do you think that you could duel me and my sister?"

"It would mean everything if we could see how we stack up against the very best." said Luna as she had the pleading eyes with her big sister.

"Hmm. You're serious?" asked Yugi in a stern tone.

"More than you could ever know." said Celestia.

"I... I... guess I could grant this request. It will allow me to seek the answers that I'm looking for." Soon the necklace around Yugi began to glow and in an instant he was now his other persona. "Now then, let's begin." said Yami in a deep voice.

Celestia had volunteered to go first as she pulled out her duel disk from her backpack and slotted in her deck. Soon both of them activated their duel disk as it combined together.

"Prepare yourself, Celestia. It's time to duel!" shouted Yami saying his most iconic line.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Yugi Moto's Life Points: 4000-

Celestia's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Celestia

"I'll allow you to make the first move." offered Yugi.

"Hope you don't regret that. I draw!" said Celestia as she looked at her cards and was starting to figure out her plan. okay, no pressure. You're only facing the King of Games who is single handily the best player. No pressure, just focus. Celestia let out a deep breath as she tried to clear her mind. "To start, I'll summon my Harvest Angel of Wisdom. Next, I play the spell card, Cards from the Sky. So now I banish a Light Fairy monster from my hand and draw 2 cards from my deck." Celestia then chose which one she wanted to get rid of as she drew some more cards. Celestia looked at her new cards and held one of them out. “I activate the continuous spell card, The Sanctum of Parshath.” A large marble temple sparkled into place behind Celestia, a large flight of stairs leading up to an altar depicting a winged warrior with a shield and sword. "With my spell in play, all of my Fairy-type monsters gain 300 attack points, and my face-down spell and trap cards cannot be targeted or destroyed by card effects. I then set one card and end my turn."

Turn 2: Yugi

"Nice move, now then..." said Yugi as he drew his card. "Now, I'll activate the effect of my Dark Magic Curtain. So by using half of my life points, I can summon a spellcaster from my deck. So arise, Dark Magician!" Yugi now had his star monster on the field as Celestia was in awe.
Yugi's Life Points: 2000-

"According to the history books, that card is Yugi's ace." said Luna as she watched from the side.

"Next, I'll play Bond Between Teacher and Student. So now, that the teacher is the field, his student will follow. So I play Dark Magician Girl. Next, I play my Dark Magic Twin Burst to raise my Dark Magician's attack by the points of my Dark Magician Girl." said Yugi as his magician powered up. "Now time to attack, Dark Magician attack Celestia's Harvest Angel of Wisdom!"

"I reveal my facedown, Book of Eclipse. Now I can change all face-up monsters into facedown defense position."

"I'm afraid that won't work. Cause from my hand, I activate the Spell Shattering Arrow card. Now I can destroy both of your spells and you take 500 points of damage for each one I destroy." stated Yugi.
Celestia's Life Points: 3000-

"No!" shouted Celestia.

"And with that your monster is now open to an attack. So Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl end this duel with Double Dark Magic Attack!" Yugi then had both of his magicians combined their staffs as they took out Celestia's remaining monster and the rest of her life points.

"Ahh!" shouted Celestia as she dropped to her knees.
Celestia's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Yugi (OTK)

"Tia!" shouted Luna as she couldn't believe what she saw. Luna was shocked at how easily her own sister was defeated by Yugi.

"Now then, I believe it's your turn." asked Yugi as he looked at Luna.

Luna was a bit frighten as she grabbed her duel disk from her backpack and slotted in her deck as her hands were shaking. She then took her position as she activated her duel disk which combined together; Yugi's duel disk then retracted his cards as it shuffled them back into his deck.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Yugi's Life Points: 4000-

Luna's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Luna

"R-right. W-well, I'll... uh..." stuttered Luna.

"Take a deep breath." suggested Yugi. "It will clear your mind and help you to think straight."

"Okay." Luna then took a deep breath as it calmed her mind. She could now think more clearly as she began to look over her cards once more and then made her move. "To start, I'll play my Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves(1000/500)." Out came a monster on Luna's field as it had some huge gloves. "But that's not all, cause you see my knights don't fight alone. They work together to protect their princess." stated Luna. "So now I can also summon my Phantom Knights of Silent Boots in defense mode. With that I now have two Level 3 monsters."

"Which means you plan to Xyz summon." stated Yugi as he had learned about this type of summoning from Yuma.

"Correct, I know you don't use this type of summoning method, but allow me to show you what it can do. I now overlay my level three Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves and Phantom Knights of Silent Boots, with these two monsters I build the Overlay Network." Luna's monsters then transformed into purple orbs of light as they entered a vortex as out came a brand new monster. "I Xyz Summon, The Phantom Knights of Break Sword! Rise my mighty beast!" Out came what looked to be a headless horse man as it had flames on where its head and upper parts of its body were suppose to be.

"Incredible." complimented Yugi.

"Now the effect of my Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves gives my Break Sword an extra 1000 attack points." Luna's monster then increased its strength to 3000. "Next, I'll place two cards facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Yugi

"My turn, and to start, I'll play the spell Dark Magic Veil. So by giving up 1000 life points, I can summon my Dark Magician Girl!" Yugi now had his female spellcaster out on his field. "Next, I'll play my Sage's Stone and with the power of this spell, I can call upon my most ardent ally, Dark Magician!" Once more, Yugi had managed to summon his ace monster with ease.
Yugi's Life Points: 3000-

Here is comes. Luna was now preparing herself for Yugi's attack. "I activate my facedown, Phantom Knights Fog Blade. With this trap, I can select an effect monster on the field and negate its special abilities. Furthermore that monster can't attack. So I choose your Dark Magician Girl!" said Luna as Yugi's magician was surrounded by Luna's fog blade.

"Impressive, but it won't work. Cause now I play Dark Burning Magic! With this since I control both Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, I can destroy all cards on your side of the field!"

"What?!" said Luna as she was caught offguard.

"Now my magicians, destroy her entire field!" Yugi's magicians then heard their king's command as they obliterated Luna's entire side.

"Well, now my Break Sword's effect activates. Now I can bring back the monsters I used to summon it but this time their level increases by 1." Luna then had her Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves and Silent Boots appeared in defense mode as they were now Level 4.

"A bold move, however, not good enough. Cause now, I play my Dark Burning Attack! So now my Dark Magician Girl can destroy all of your monsters in one blast!" stated Yugi.

"If that happens..."

"Now Dark Magician Girl... Dark Burning Attack!" shouted Yugi. Dark Magician Girl then lifted her wand up high as she casted her most powerful spell as once again Luna was left defenseless. "Now my magicians, attack Luna directly. Double Dark Magic Attack!" Yugi thrusted his hand out as his monsters delivered the final blow to Luna who fell to her knees.
Luna's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Yugi (OTK)

The result of the duel was the same as the previous one as both sisters were on their knees as they were in a state of shock. Yugi could sense their discomfort as the girl's confidence had been shattered to pieces. Both Luna and Celestia were on the ground on their knees as they had a few tears form in their eyes. Eventually they heard footsteps as they looked up and saw Yugi offering his hand to both girls as he had returned back to his puny version. Yugi had the innocent of smiles as looked at the sisters.

"Hey, good job." stated Yugi. "You two are good."

"How can you say that? We barely lasted a turn against you. So how can you congratulate us?" asked Celestia as she wiped some tears from her eyes.

"Cause you had fun."

"Fun? We got destroyed. What's fun about that?" asked Luna.

"In a duel, it's all about having fun. Sure wins are good, but the most important thing is to trust in yourself and believe in the heart of the cards. And that will help you go a long way if you want to become pro. Rome wasn't built in a day and I wasn't a pro overnight, it took time, patience, and even losing a few times to fully understand what it means to become the duelist that I am today." stated Yugi.

"I... guess." said Celestia.

"But, a little help from others doesn't hurt." Yugi then pulled out two cards from his pocket as he gave one of them to Luna and the other to Celestia.

"Are you sure? We couldn't possibly take this from you." said Luna as she looked at the card, Yugi gave her.

"It's fine, take it. Something tells me that these cards belong with you." stated the boy. With that Yugi started to walk away as he needed to leave.

"Yugi!" called out Celestia. "Me and Luna will remember what you've done for us. And we promise to make you proud, and when we're pros, we're both having our rematch." shouted Celestia as Yugi kept on walking.

I look forward to that Celestia, Luna. And I know you'll be successful; it may be long and rough road, but I know you two will achieve your dreams. And I await our next duel. With that Yugi stepped through the doors as he was now gone.

The girls were now filled with hope; it seemed their encounter with the King of Games had ignited a fire under their asses as it would serve as the driving force moving forward. And from that point on, both Celestia and Luna spent the next years of their lives making their dreams a reality. Granted it was rough like Yugi mentioned, but soon they had their shining moment as both eventually broke out onto the scene and started to gain traction. Soon both Celestia and Luna went on to win multiple championships and trophies as a team. They each had individual success with Celestia being awarded the Yugioh World Class trophy which only a select handful were given; Luna had her own award to brag as she was given a trophy entitled Favorite Female Duelist of the Decade as tons of people loved her. Of course, Luna would always use it as a bragging right to Celestia saying that people liked her more than others, which was certainly true due to her massive male audience. Celestia did her best to 'smile' for her sister, but deep down she was a bit jealous that her sister was more popular than her in terms of fan support.

During that time, they had managed to take on several other dueling legends in the dueling world. And their big moment came when they attended a meeting that had invited both girls to partake in a few exhibition duels. At that party, they ran into some friends they met on the competitive seen, one of which was none other than Sombra himself. Luna always jumped at the opportunity to tease her sister's relationship with Sombra as she found the two would make a cute pair. Celestia just ignored Luna's remarks and said that Sombra was just a flirt and nothing more than a close friend. Soon the event got underway as Luna and Celestia were notified by the organizer of the event that they would be meeting their opponents. So they each broke off as they went to separate rooms; for Luna she walked into the room and was surprised to see that her opponent was none other than the World Duel Carnival himself, Yuma Tsukumo. At that moment, Luna's brain stopped working as she turned from pro duelist to fangirl as she screamed at the top of her lungs and started asking Yuma for his autograph.

As for Celestia she was meeting with none other than the best fusion duelist, Jaden Yuki. At first glance, she saw the boy was a carefree individual who really didn't take stuff to serious. But the vibe she got from his presence and dueling, showed that when he got on the dueling field he was always ready to get his game on. Celestia was a bit more professional as she withheld her enthusiasm... for a like a second. If you thought Luna fangirled hard, Celestia was an even bigger fangirl as she literally pulled out several images and asked Jaden to sign. Eventually both pairs began to talk with the girls as they offered them some praises on them competing in the pro scene. Of course, Celestia and Luna offered their respects for them as they thanked the boys for all they did to make Duel Monsters so popular.

The event kicked off as the exhibition duels kicked off. Luna was up first against Yuma as he was mentally preparing herself for getting this amazing opportunity. However, before they began she noticed the other two members of the Big 4 as they were watching from their chairs looking down on them. In the end, Luna gave a hard fought fight as she was defeated by Yuma and his Xyz summoning.

"Now Utopia finish Luna off, Rising Sun Slash!" shouted Yuma as his monster took out Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon.

The same fate was met with Celestia as Jaden took her to the limit with his fusion ways.

"Hey Neos, let's finish this. Attack Celestia directly!" shouted Jaden. His monster heard his command as he fly over to her side and landed its attack as it made contact with Celestia. "That's game." said Jaden as he did his signature pose.

After the event, they all got to meet the rest of the Big 4 which resulted in them taking a group photo. However, this meeting also served as a chance for Luna and Celestia to see how much they had improved since they met Yugi all those years ago. Of course, Yugi offered them their request and they each took the King of Games on with the other members watching. Compared to their first encounter, the girls vastly improved as they forced Yugi to use an Egyptian God card to finish them off, which Yugi said was a tremendous honor of pushing him.

After that, Celestia and Luna continued on their ways for the next part of their careers as they kept in touch with the Big 4. One time during their travel to Japan, they ran into another young duelist who was starting to make a splash. He had been known to be called the pioneer of 'Pendulum Summoning'. Eventually, the girls met the boy as he wowed them with his style of dueling called Dueltainment in an environment called Action Duels. He told the girls about his adventure with having to save several dimensions, but Luna and Celestia just played along.

Eventually, Celestia and Luna continued on as their careers were winding down. During the latter part of their careers, they had opened up a school as it served as something to fall back on. And from there the rest was history, Celestia and Luna did their job as Principal and Vice-Principal while also having part-time careers in the pro scene. With the years passing, Celestia and Luna saw a group of girls who had enrolled in CHS as she could tell they were destined to become fast friends. Around that time was when Sunset Shimmer had appeared and well... you know what happened. At the time, Discord had given Celestia the incentive of her retiring. So they did their best to help Sunset and make sure that their school was a welcoming environment as they tried to be the best principals they could be. Eventually, the years passed as it had brought the arrival of a young boy who had a passion for Duel Monsters like no other. And from that moment, she knew he was going to be the next legend and the person she wanted to have her final duel with.

(Back to the present)

The clock on the wall rang twice as it broke the reminiscing of the two women.

"Well, I suppose I'll let you get back to work." stated Luna. She then began to head out the door, when she stopped.

"Wait, Lulu. You're right, this can wait." said Celestia as she got up from her desk. "Let's have some fun."

"Marvelous. Now then, let's hurry. We're suppose to meet with William and our 'other' guest." stated Luna.

"Has it been that long? Well, time to see how he's grown up." said Celestia. Luna then exited through the door, as Celestia looked back at her desk and saw the paper on it. The paper had Isaac's portrait as it was his school profile. I just hope he isn't too mad at me; I just want what's best for him. He's done all he can here and now it's time for him to move on to the next part of his life.

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