• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 159: School Duties

"God... why is this so hard?" asked Isaac as he was faced with a dilemma. It was currently Saturday night as the girls and Spike were out, which meant Isaac was in the house by himself. Which was needed as he was currently trying to figure some stuff out.

"What am I missing?" asked Isaac as he was sitting on the couch as he had a ton of cards spread out in front of him on the small table. He brought his hand up to his eyes as he could feel them starting to slowly close as he was tired from exhaustion. "Alot of things are riding on this, and if I can't figure it out, then all this work will be for nothing. Alright, let's look over these one more time." Isaac then let out a stressful sigh as he started to pick up the cards as his brain was now going into overtime in trying to figure out how to use them.

Isaac was so deep in thought that it was soon nighttime before he knew it as he was so engrained in the task in front of him. Eventually, the lack of sleep was starting to affect the young boy as he rubbed his eyes. He then thought about catching a quick nap for just a few minutes so that he could refocus his brain. With that Isaac slowly laid down on the couch with his cap covering his eyes as he slowly felt his eyes close. He was more tired than he expected as Isaac wound up outright falling asleep until the next morning.

The sun was now coming up on the morning as it peaked through the living room windows as a gentle breeze caused the curtains to flutter a bit. Soon the rays of the morning star peaked through as Isaac felt them as he slowly stirred.

"Morning? Don't tell me I fell asleep, when I have stuff to figure out." said Isaac as he still had his cap covering his eyesight. "That's weird, for some strange reason the couch feels nice, and warm, not too mention soft." Isaac then slowly lifted his cap over his eyes as he immediately blinked at the sight in front of him. Isaac was still lying down, but the sight that he was looking up at was a large object, rather two large objects as Isaac gulped. They were big and round, as Isaac could them bounce a bit with a boing sound. "Uhh, melons?" said Isaac as he was sweating a bit.

"Good, you're awake." said a voice which was none other than Twilight. She was currently holding Isaac's head in her lap as she looked at her boyfriend. "Figured you wanted something soft to rest your head on since you spent nearly all night staying up."

"Uhh, Twilight? Why is your... uh... your... your... bossom... uhm... uhm..." Isaac was trying to find the right words to properly describe the situation he was in, which was harder to do as he tried to look to his side.

"What are you doing?" asked Twilight.

"You know, it's impolite to stare at a girl without her permission." said Isaac as he still kept his head turned to the side as she tried to not look at Twilight's chest. "At least that's what my mom told me."

"I respect that. But I'm your girlfriend, so I don't mind." said Twilight with a smug smile as she bent her head down and kissed Isaac as their lips connected. "Have a good nap."

"Somewhat." said Isaac as he got his head up from Twilight's lap and sat up as he looked at the cards on the table. "I've gone through half the stack, but even that took a while. And I still have yet to actually test them out." stated the boy as he reached over and picked up some cards in his hand.

"Don't put some much pressure on yourself." said Twilight as she put her head on Isaac's shoulder. "You've got alot on your plate with this program and me and the girls teaching the kids. Plus, we're graduating this year, so we need to enjoy our final year as high school students."

"I know. But don't forget that at end of the school year, the kids are going to be tested and whether the Board of Education is satisfied with the results, then that will determine if CHS will get the funds needed to make Duel Monsters a part of the curriculum." Isaac then let a sigh as all he could think of was the kids and whether or not they could be the key to helping CHS to flourish. "I've got so much on my mind and things I need to take care of, that I'm worried that I don't have enough time to finish it all."

"I get it, but if you spend all that time worrying, it'll be over before you know it. This is our last year, we're suppose to enjoy it. Make some last memories before we all go our separate ways." informed Twilight. "We'll going to be following our own paths, which is why we need to have somethings we can look back on."

"I see your point. But just that, this is something that I want to make sure it works. The kids are doing their part, along with you and the girls." informed Isaac as he started to put together a stack of cards that was pretty thick as he set it to the side. "Alright, those will be the cards I'm giving to you all and the students to help further their studies."

"What about that box?" said Twilight as she noticed a small black box next to Isaac.

"That's forbidden." said Isaac as he quickly put it in his pocket. "Sorry, but this one has a certain purpose behind it. Let's just say, that only I can look at what's inside."

"Why?" asked Twilight.

"I wish I could tell you, but I can't." said Isaac as he gave a quick kiss to Twilight as he grabbed his deck, a few other cards as he started to head back upstairs to his room as he put the small black box in his secret hiding place.

It was another school day as the students were currently in class. They were currently waiting for their teacher to show up to begin today's lesson. Soon the door opened up as the students stopped conversing as the person that stood in the doorway was none other than Principal Celestia.

"Good afternoon, class. I will be filling in as substitute teacher today!" said Celestia as her response and appearance caused some mumbles to stir with the class. As for Twilight she was sitting at the front of the class as she had a huge smile on her face as she almost fell out of her desk in excitement.

"Oh, this is so cool!" whispered a student.

"This is quite the treat for me." said Celestia as she let out a sigh. "I love being your principal here at Canterlot High, but I do miss my old teaching days sometimes. Let's get started on the geology lesson, shall we? Who can name the three types of rocks?"

Twilight immediately raised her hand in excitement as she was smiling. Just as Celestia was about to call on Twilight to answer the question, the P.A. system went off.

"Principal Celestia, please report to the library!" said Ms. Cheerilee through the speaker.

"I'm sure it can wait till after—"

"Immediately!" said Cheerilee through the speaker.

"I'll be right back, students. Twilight, you're in charge 'til I return." said Celestia as she left to take care of the issue.

Sometime had passed as the clock was ticking, Twilight was currently leaning against the teacher's table as she was reading the book that Principal Celestia had brought with her to teach the class. The door then opened up as in walked Celestia; Twilight then put the book down as she went back to her desk.

"So sorry about that. Now, uh, where were we?" asked Celestia as she was trying to remember her lesson. "Ah, yes. Who can name the three types of—"

Twilight immediately put her hand up as she was looking to answer until a knock came from the door.

"Eh, itty-bitty cafeteria crisis. You got a minute?" said the person who was Granny Smith.

"Uh, of course." said Celestia with a distressed sigh as she looked up at the clock.

Some more time had passed, as Principal Celestia had walked back through the door as she was wearing an apron with food splats on it as her hair was messed up and frizzled. She then made her way to the teacher's desk as she tried to untie the apron she was wearing, but she couldn't. Eventually she got fed up and just took the whole thing off of her as she placed it on the table with a deep breath as she tried to refocus.

"Now, let's try this again. Who can—" Celestia was now interrupted by a thud sound.

"Who can—" Another thud interrupted her.

"—name—" Once more the thud got louder.

"—the—" Celestia now had enough as the thud kept bothering her.

"I'll be right back." said Celestia as right eye twitched a bit. She then went to deal with the problem.

The noise was actually coming from a soccer ball being hit against the side of the school. And the person who was doing it was none other than Rainbow Dash who had decided to skip class to practice her soccer skills.

"One, two!" said Rainbow as she kicked the ball. On the second bounce it went higher than expected as it flew over Rainbow's head and was soon caught out of mid-air by Celestia who caught it in one hand and gave a glare at the chromatic girl. "Uh..." laughed Rainbow nervously. After a brief talking, Rainbow Dash made it back to her class as Celestia did the same by slamming the soccer ball on the desk.

"Okay, who knows the three types—" started Celestia as Twilight once again raised her hand. This time it was the school telephone ringing on the wall as it caused Celestia to be really irked. Her eye began to twitch even more as she picked up the phone and cleared her voice as she tried to answer it casually and avoid sounding angry.

"[garbled gibberish]" spoke the voice on the other line.

"You're sure Vice Principal Luna can't handle it?" said Celestia with a stressful sigh.

"[garbled gibberish]"

"I'll be right there." stated Principal Celestia as she let out a sigh with a bit of sadness and tiredness on her face. "Won't be but a moment!" joked Celestia as she went to take care of the issue.

"I'm back!" shouted Celestia as she slid into the room with a look. "And I'm quite certain that will be the final interruption. Ha! Now, who—" said Celestia as the school bell rang which signaled the end of the class as she flopped down on the teacher's desk and groaned.

"She was right about one thing. That was the final interruption!" said Rarity as she and Twilight were walking out of their class as they heard some frustrated noises coming from their principal who put her head down on the wooden table.

Twilight quickly looked at her principal wondering if she should do something to cheer her up. She then looked at the doorway as she saw someone and then left the room. Principal Celestia still had her head down on the table as a shadow appeared over her.

"I'm not in the mood for one of your witty remarks." said Celestia as she already knew who the person was.

"Talk about being in two places at once." said Isaac.

"I told you, I didn't want to hear any remark." groaned Celestia as she lifted her head up to see the boy as he stood there with a smile on his face. "I forgot, that being a principal means that I need to be on my toes for anything to happen."

"You're not the only one." said Isaac as he pointed to the door. Soon Vice-Principal Luna came through as she too had her hair frizzled and was exhausted as she had her own problems to take care of.

"Sister." groaned Vice-principal Luna as she too flopped her head on the teacher's desk.

"Don't get me started, Lulu."

"You two girls, need some help." said Isaac as he watched the sisters all give a noise. "With all the issues you girls have in running a school, it's no wonder you've left any problems that need to be settled with students to be settled in a duel. That way it's fair for both parties and takes a ton of weight off of your shoulders."

"Indeed." said both women as they had their faces still stuck to the table.

"Sometimes I miss the days when we were pros and all we had to worry about was who our next opponent was." said Celestia.

"Yes, especially all the times, my sister lost and made a fool of herself." stated Luna.

"Don't think you're a saint, either Luna." replied back Luna. "Did you forget about that you were once jealous that I won the Yugioh World Class trophy?"

"Yes, I would be jealous. If I didn't win the Favorite Female Duelist of the Decade award? Remember that, hmmm." smiled Luna smugly.

"As if I would jealous of you." said Celestia.

"Oh, really. Are you saying you can't be jealous of me." stated Luna.

"That's not what I said." stated the older sister.

"I can think of a couple of reasons ."

"Such as." said Celestia.

"Mom and dad, told you all your life how happy they were in giving in your deck so that you wouldn't feel jealous that they gave me a better one and more popular." said Luna with a sly smile as Celestia looked at her little sister with a look.

"That's absurd!" shouted the older sister.

"You don't think so." said the younger sister.

"Okay this is getting tense. How about a duel?" asked Isaac. "Something to get your mind off of things and let out all the stress." Isaac's response then got the girls to lift their heads as they looked at their student. Both sisters then looked at each other as they gave a shrug.

Now all three of them were outside on the soccer field as they prepared for their encounter.

"So, who goes first?" asked Celestia.

"Why not both of you?" suggested Isaac. "I always did want to see how the two of you worked together."

"Well, I did carry most of my sister's career." snickered Luna which got Celestia to give her a dirty look.

"Let's forget who won the trophy, Lulu." snickered back Celestia as Luna now gave her older sister a dirty look.

"Yes, because I was busy winning a better one." replied Luna.

"Well, the only reason I retired is cause I had a school to run." fired back Celestia.

"Keep telling yourself that, Tia." said Luna as she and Celestia began to get into another sibling argument as Isaac just watched them from afar.

"Oh, this should be fun." said Isaac as he pulled out his deck from his belt. He then slotted it into his duel disk as it activated and projected a gold card tray.

Luna and Celestia then did the same as they pulled out their decks and their duel disks came online with Luna projecting a moderate sapphire blue card tray, while Celestia's had a card tray that matched her rainbowish hair. Both sisters then stood side by side as they prepared to take on their student. All three of their duel disks beeped and a digital voice came from it.

“Initiating handicap duel, awaiting opponent confirmation.” The portraits shifted, positioning Isaac on one side of the screen and Celestia and Luna on the other.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks as the battle was about to get underway.

"It's time to duel!" shouted Isaac.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Celestia's Life Points: 8000-

Luna's Life Points: 8000-

"I know they say youth before experience, but I what to see what you girls can do as a team. So you both can make the first move." said Isaac.

Turn 1: Celestia

"Careful what you wish for, Isaac. Keep in mind, we both may be retired, but our skills are still as sharp as ever." stated Celestia as she drew her card. "I'll begin by summoning my Bountiful Artemis(1600/1700)." Celestia then played her card as out emerged her monster who wore a blue cloak and had white wings. "I'll then play my field spell card, The Sanctuary in the Sky. Thanks to this, all battle damage that I take will be reduced to zero. And to add more insurance, I'll play my continuous spell card, The Sanctum of Parshath and with this in play, you can't target any of our set spells or trap cards." informed Celestia.

"Already starting me off with a challenge, Celestia." said Isaac with a sly smile.

"I told you, just because we're retired, doesn't mean we haven't been sitting on our asses with our skills. But enough for now, I'll end my turn. Lulu, care to show Isaac what happens for taking both of us on at the same time."

"With pleasure, Tia." smirked Luna.

Turn 2: Luna

"Now then, my draw." said Luna as she drew her card and looked to help her sister in taking down their student. "This should look familiar, dear Isaac. I play two more cards facedown." stated the younger sister as two more facedowns materialized on her and Celestia's field.

"That can't be good." mumbled Isaac to himself.

"Then I'll play a continuous spell card, Phantom Knights' Spear. Now each time you activate a card or effect that targets my 'Phantom Knights', I can immediately deal you 500 points of damage." informed Luna. "So tell me, Isaac. Do you really regret taking on me and my sister?" Both sisters then had a fierce and determined look on their faces as they looked at their student.

Turn 3: Isaac

"Well, that depends. I mean, I didn't retire the both of you for nothing." replied Isaac with his smug smile as his remark really got to the sisters. "But maybe I need to prove it again, draw! You two did a real good job in setting up your field, normally anybody else in my position would struggle how to even approach it. But like I said, 'anybody else'; well, I'm not that. Watch, cause to start off, I play the spell card, Spell Shattering Arrow!" shouted Isaac as he held his card up high.

Soon an arrow appeared as it then shot out from Isaac's field as it split into three separate shots as it took out some cards on Celestia and Luna's field.

"Impossible." said Celestia.

"Our defenses are gone." mentioned Luna as she was shocked that Isaac was able to defuse the situation with ease.

"Now the other effect of my Spell Shattering Arrow activates, in that I deal you 500 points of damage for each card that was destroyed by my spell." said Isaac.
Celestia's Life Points: 7000-

Luna's Life Points: 7500-

"Now I'll play Breaker the Magical Warrior(1600/1000) and equip him with Bound Wand." said Isaac as his monster rose up. "Now Breaker gains a spell counter which allows him to gain 300 attack points and then Bound Wand gives him more power due to his level times 100. So now my monster has 2300 attack points. So Breaker attack Bountiful Artemis!" shouted Isaac as his warrior then raised his sword and brought it down on Celestia's monster as he dealt even more damage.
Celestia's Life Points: 6300-

"What's wrong, girls? Retirement made you both slow." mocked Isaac as he was doing a couple of jumping jacks. "I thought you both were pros, oh wait, my bad. Former pros. If I knew you both were this soft, I would've challenged you both the day I enrolled at CHS." Isaac now switched to doing some pushups as he still had a smug expression on his face.

"Sister! He's mocking us." stated Luna as she gritter her teeth at how Isaac was acting.

"Indeed, sister!" responded Celestia as she started to put her hair in a bun as rolled up her sleeves. "Perhaps, we should stop holding back and show him why he's still our student."

"Oh, you were holding back. I thought you were actually trying." snickered Isaac. "I mean you two would know, seeing as how you're both legends yourself. I mean, I'm just the kid that beat you both and retired you two. But obviously, you both know what you're doing. You said so yourself, I'm just your student. Not like I know any better."

"He's also annoying." said Luna as she too was putting her hair in a bun as she cracked her neck.

"Then time to smack him around a bit."

"Ohh, did I touch a nerve old-timers. Well, I'll lay a facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Celestia

"My turn!" sounded off Celestia as she was now fired up. "I summon Harvest Angel of Wisdom(1800/1000). Then place one card facedown and end my turn."

"That all?!" said Isaac.

Turn 5: Luna

"My draw! I'll play another card facedown and end my turn." said Luna as another card materialized in front of her.

Turn 6: Isaac

"Nothing new, such a shame." said Isaac as he drew his card. "Since I control a Level 4 or lower monster, I can special summon my Mage Annette(1300/1700) in attack mode. And when she's summoned, I can draw an extra card." said Isaac as a kid girl magician appeared with a book in her hand as she opened it up and inside was a card that floated over to Isaac.

"Special delivery, Isaac." said Mage Annette.

"Thanks, Annette." said Isaac as he grabbed the card from his spellcaster. "Now Breaker strike down her Harvest Angel of Wisdom." shouted Isaac as his warrior then did another slash to Celestia's monster.
Celestia's Life Points: 5800-

"And now Mage Annette, take a shot at Vice-Principal Luna." shouted the boy as his kid magician raised her wand and began to fire her spell at the nighttime girl.

"I reveal my facedowns, remember this Isaac, my Phantom Knights of Lost Vambrace. So now these two traps morph into monsters with 600 attack points, then it lowers your monster's attack points by 600 and since I have two that means your Mage Annette is down to 100 attack points." stated Luna as her facedowns flipped up and changed into monsters.

"Oh no! What will I do?" mocked Isaac as he looked at his hand and held a certain card. "Maybe this, by sending Apprentice Illusion Magician tot he graveyard, my Mage Annette gains a temporary 2000 attack and defense point boost, so looks you're still taking damage!" stated Isaac as he sent his card away and the power was then transferred to Mage Annette as she fired her spell at Luna and her monsters.

"Thanks to my other effect, my 'Phantom Knights' can't be destroyed in battle." said Luna as she put her arm up as she was pushed back by the boy's attack.
Luna's Life Points: 6000-

"So close, Luna. I was just one step ahead of you, like our last duel." said Isaac. "Come on, ladies. I thought you were pros, give me a decent challenge for crying out loud."

"Lulu?" asked Celestia as she bent down to check on her sister.

"I'm fine." said Luna as she wiped the scuff on her mouth as she was on one knee. "He thinks we're nothing more than ancient relics. Well time we show him who runs this yard."

"Agreed." confirmed Celestia as both of them now stood and gave heir student a hard glare.

"Are we finally seeing some fight from you ladies?" mocked Isaac.

Turn 7: Celestia

"My draw!" shouted Celestia. "I summon my Power Angel Valkyria(1800/1050)!" Out on Celestia's field came a female warrior dressed in white as she wielded a shield and a javelin. "Now I play the spell card, Ties of the Brethren. So I pay 2000 life points to target one Level 4 or lower monster on my field, so now I can summon 2 monsters from my deck that have the same type, attribute, and level at the monster I chose. So from my deck, come on out Minerva, Scholar of the Sky(1700/400) and Gellenduo(1700/0) who I'll summon in defense mode!" Celestia now had two other monsters appear on her field. "However, my Ties of the Brethren forbid me from attacking or special summoning any more. But I've done all I need, Lulu take it away!" stated Celestia as she set the stage for her sister.
Celestia's Life Points: 3800-

Turn 8: Luna

"Yes, dear sister!" shouted Luna as she drew her card. "Now Isaac, prepare yourself. I overlay my two Phantom Knights of Lost Vambrace to build the Overlay Network!" Luna's two monsters then transformed into dark orbs as a portal opened up in the ground as they entered and a pillar of light appeared as her monster was being summoned. "Presenting a warrior who's bad to the bone, I Xyz Summon, The Phantom Knights of Cursed Javelin(1600/0, OLU: 2)!" Out came a warrior that was all skeleton as it had flames coming out of its shoulders and had a shield in one hand with a javelin in the other.

"Hmm." said Isaac as he still had a straight look.

"Now I'll use my Cursed Javelin's effect, by using one overlay unit, I can strip away all the attack points and special abilities of a monster on your field, by why stop at one? I'll use both of my monster's overlay units to render both of your monsters useless." said Luna as her monster raised its javelin as it absorbed its Xyz materials and then pointed it at Isaac's field as his monsters were wiped out of their power.

"Now Cursed Javelin attack his Mage Annette!" shouted Luna as her monster took out Isaac's magician. Isaac just stood there as the attack didn't even faze him.
Isaac's Life Points: 6400-

"Now time for me to take out your Breaker with my sister's Power Angel Valkyria!" informed Luna as another monster took out Isaac's warrior as he still didn't flinch.
Isaac's Life Points: 4600-

"Now the effect of my Bound Wand activates, which means I can bring back the monster that it was equipped with." stated Isaac.

"Now this time, I reveal my facedown, Dark Bribe. So now your little spell's effect is negated and you draw one card." informed Celestia as she stopped Isaac from bring back his monster. "And now the effect of my Power Angel Valkyria activates, which means since I negated the activation of spell/trap card, I can now add 1 Light Fairy-type monster from my deck to my hand. And my Minerva, Scholar of the Sky activates its effect and since I activated a Counter trap card, it gains 500 attack points." informed Celestia as she and Isaac both added a card to their hand.

"Now Minerva, attack Isaac directly!" shouted Luna as she continued with the assault.
Isaac's Life Points: 2400-

"With that, I'll end my turn." said Luna as she and her Celestia both had a smile on their faces.

"What's the matter now, Isaac? Not talking." mocked Celestia. "Seems these 'old-timers' are still capable of taking care of ourselves."

"Indeed, we may be retired, but you still have a lot to learn about being a pro." informed Luna. "Maybe next time, you'll show us the respect we deserve."

"Ha, ha, ha! Ha, ha, ha!" laughed Isaac as he couldn't stop snickering. His response didn't go unnoticed by the sisters as they looked at their student with confused looks as he had his head down. Isaac then lifted his head up as she was smiling from ear to ear.

"He's smiling?" said Celestia.

"And laughing?" added Luna as she too was confused.

"Respect? Respect! I have a hell of alot of respect for the two of you." stated Isaac as he took a step forward as this caused the girls to be legit scared of Isaac. "What's the old saying, respect is earned? Well, you both earned my respect long ago. But there's another saying, the future is staring you in the face. You two claim that I'm still your student, take good long look cause not only am I not your student, I've surpassed both of you in more ways than you can imagine. You said so yourself Celestia, that you and Luna put all your investments in me to be the diamond that would shine. Well, I've done that and more. I've literally, have accomplished alot more than you two have before you both were in your prime. You both know it, don't you. And that's not me bragging, that's just the reality of things. Aren't I right?"

Celestia and Luna didn't outright say, but they looked at each other for a second as they knew what Isaac was talking about. And that gesture alone was enough to prove Isaac's point.

Turn 9: Isaac

"Hate to do this, to you ladies. But when it comes to Duel Monsters here at CHS, you both don't run this yard. I do!" Isaac then placed his hand on his deck as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he was channeling the demon inside of him as it and his soul were becoming one. "Draw!" shouted Isaac as he drew his card with a white light trailing behind it.

"Time to show you somethings that you both never learned. Something only taught to me, by certain people or rather legends." informed Isaac as that statement had more meaning behind it from all his special duels with certain people. "First up is my Pendulum Call. So I discard a card so that I can add 2 'Magician' Pendulum monsters from my deck to my hand. And the ones I'm adding is my Sleight of Hand Magician and Mirage Magician." said Isaac as he had his duel disk eject his cards. "Now I'll set the Pendulum Scale with my Scale 2 Sleight of Hand Magician and Scale 8 Mirage Magician, I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!!" shouted Isaac. Isaac's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Isaac's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them.

"Sister?!" said Celestia as she looked at Isaac and for a second it looked like there was another person next to Isaac as she knew who it was.

"I sense it as well." said Luna as she knew what presence she felt radiating off of Isaac as the only other person to have that same aura was none other that the master of pendulum summoning himself.

"But before we get there, I'm activating my Card of Sanctity so that we each draw till we're holding 6 cards in our hands." said Isaac as he and the others refilled their hands. "Now time to put the plan in motion, so let's get to it! I'm allowed to summon monsters from Level 3 through 7 all at the same time! Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far Pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action!" Isaac then thrusted his hand into the air as lights came out of the giant portal above him.

"Sing us a melodious song, Enchantress of Melody(900/1800). Get ready to have your fortune told, it's my Black Robe Mentalist(1700/1300, Scale 7, Level 4). Watch out, cause she's a bit of a jokester, meet my Black Arts Trickster(1200/2700, Scale 2, Level 3). Batten down the hatches, it's my Sorcerer Swordsman(1500/1500, Scale 1, Level 4). And lastly, the star monster of our show, Dark Magician!" said Isaac as his star monster was now on the field.

"Incredible." said both sisters as they looked at the huge field of monsters that Isaac had managed to amass on his turn.

"Now time to get things underway. To start, I'll activate my Black Robe Mentalist's special ability, since I have 5 monsters on my field, I can look at the top five cards of my deck and add one of them to my hand." said Isaac as his options appeared in front of him. He then touched the card he wanted as it appeared in front for him to grab. "Thanks."

"Leave me alone." said Black Robe Mentalist as she was still her moody self. She then look at Isaac as she had a smile on her face so that only her master could see it.

"Now my Sorcerer Swordsman's ability activates, since he was Pendulum summoned, I can now lower one of your monsters attack points to zero." said Isaac as he looked at his male teen magician.

"Roger, captain." said Sorcerer Swordsman as he flicked the feather in his pirate hat as he plunged his sword into the ground as magical powers shot from it as Celestia's monster lost its power.

"Hey, Melody. Why don't we give your ability a try?" suggested Isaac as he looked at his Enchantress.

"I thought you would never ask me, Isaac." giggled Melody as she had her personal harp appear in her arms as she began to play a tune.

"My Enchantress of Melody allows me to roll a die and then I can either increase or decrease a monster's level by what number it lands on from 1-3." said Isaac as die appeared in his hand as he grabbed. Soon his Enchantress of Melody put her hand over her master's as she looked at him with a smile.

"Dice Roll!!" shouted Isaac and his monster as both of them tossed the die in the air. The die then rolled as it bounced a bit before it landed on a side. "With that number 1, I'll decrease my Enchantress' level so now she's Level 2." said Isaac as his monster used her musical instrument as she changed her own level.

"Now time to activate my Sleight of Hand Magician's pendulum ability, twice per turn he can change the level of a monster on my field to match that of another. So Sleight of Hand, use your cards tricks and change my Sorcerer Swordsman and Black Robe Mentalist so that they match my Dark Magician!" shouted Isaac.

"Talk about having an ace up your sleeve." chuckled Sleight of Hand Magician as he pulled out his poker deck and began to use his fast hands as he began to shuffle the card and then pulled out the number 7 as he tossed the cards towards his comrades as they had their level changed to seven.

"He can do that?!" shouted Celestia and Luna as they were more shocked by what Isaac was doing. They then looked at Isaac as there was another spirit next to him as it was none other than the World Duel Carnival Champion.

"Now I'll overlay my now Level 7 Sorcerer Swordsman and Level 7 Black Robe Mentalist to build the Overlay Network!" shouted Isaac as both of his monsters then changed into dark orbs as they hovered in the air. Soon a portal opened up in front of him as the orbs disappeared inside as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Ebon Illusion Magician(2500/2100, OLU: 2)!" Isaac's new monster appeared as he opened his eyes as he had his staff in his hands.

"Now I'll tune my Level 2 Enchantress of Melody with my Dark Magician. And since I'm using Dark Magician as synchro material, he counts as Level 6 instead of 7." Isaac's enchantress then played her harp once more as she turned into two giant green rings as they circled around the copy of his ace monster. "I Synchro Summon, Dark Sorcerer Magician(2500/2100)!" stated the boy as his monster that he was summoning wore a white magician's robes as he had a staff with bits of stardust floating around it. Once more there was another spirit next to Isaac as it was Satellite's Shooting Star. "And when my Dark Sorcerer Magician is synchro summoned, he can destroy one spell or trap card on the field. So your facedown is gone." stated Isaac as Luna's final facedown was gone.

"Xyz and Synchro in one turn?" said Celestia.

"I fear he's not done, either sister." stated Luna.

"Now Black Arts Trickster, care to have some fun." smiled Isaac.

"Anything for you, cutie." said Black Arts Trickster as she winked at Isaac and then straight out her leather jacket as she snapped her fingers and made her wand appear. "My Black Arts Trickster's special ability allows me to send one of your monsters to the graveyard, so that I can bring back a monster from my graveyard for one turn. So say goodbye to your Power Angel Valkyria." Black Arts Trickster then twirled her wand as she made a magical box appear around Celestia's other monster. She then approached it as she gave a sexy wink to the audience and everybody as she pulled back the box and out came Isaac's Dark Magician.

"Good to have back, Mahad. Now time to do some more magic, cause now I'll play the spell card, Eye of Timaeus!" shouted Isaac as he held his card up high as a bright white light came from it. Now the next spirit appeared next to the boy as it was none other than the star pupil of Duel Academy. "I Fusion Summon! Dark Magician the Dragon Knight(3000/2500)!" Out emerged Isaac's monster as his magician rode on the back of Timaeus as he wielded a sword as it let out a roar.

"Then I'll play the final card in my hand, Bond Between Teacher and Student. The great Dark Magician has a disciple who can more than hold her own. Say hello to Dark Magician Girl!" shouted Isaac as now he had his ace female spellcaster as she appeared along side her comrades. "Now my spell allows me to set my Dark Magic Twin Burst which I'll activate to give my Dark Magician the Dragon Knight a power boost, so it gains attack points equal to my Dark Magician Girl and since I currently have Dark Magician in my graveyard, she gets 300 extra attack points. So her total is 2300 and now my fusion monster has 5300 attack points. Then I'll reveal my final facedown, Eternal Soul and activate its effect to add Thousand Knives to my hand. And then play it since my Dark Magician the Dragon Knight counts as 'Dark Magician' while on the field, so with my spell, I'll destroy Gellenduo." stated Isaac as he managed to rid the field of Celestia's other monster as he now had a full entourage of all his monsters.

Both sister had their jaws dropped as they took in the sight before them. In just one turn, one turn. Isaac, their student, had managed to Pendulum summon, Xyz summon, Synchro summon, and Fusion summon. Not to mention the aura that was radiating off of the young boy resembled that of certain people that the sisters knew. While they couldn't physically see it, the spirits of all the legendary duelists that Isaac had faced up to this point were standing behind him as they had determined looks on their faces as they too were observing the boy. Well, almost all of them.

"The future is me!" said Isaac to his principals. "Dark Magician the Dragon Knight attack her Minerva, Scholar of the Sky!" shouted Isaac as his monster delivered a powerful blast as it took her monster out with ease.
Celestia's Life Points: 700-

"Black Arts Trickster finish Celestia off!" shouted Isaac as his pendulum monster pointed her wand at the boy's principal as she fell onto her back.

"Ahh!" stated Celestia as she was flung back onto the grass.
Celestia's Life Points: 0-

"Sister!" said Luna as she was shocked.

"Dark Sorcerer Magician attack her Cursed Javelin. And since my monster is battling another monster, it cut your monster's attack points in half and gains that amount. So now he gains 800 more attack points." said Isaac as his synchro spellcaster took out Luna's final monster and left her defenseless.
Luna's Life Points: 3500-

"And now Dark Magician Girl and Ebon Illusion Magician, attack her directly and end this duel!!" shouted Isaac as his two other spellcasters smiled and put their staffs together as they created a ball of energy and then fired it at Luna who tired to put her arms up but was then thrown back onto the ground with her sister.
Luna's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The battle ended and the sisters laid on the grass as they were defeated. Soon both of them began to stir as they sat up and looked at each other. They then saw Isaac approached them as he smiled and offered his hands to his principal. For that moment, between the three of them, everything was being told. Their eyes, and how they stared at each other, all of it explained everything without having to say any words. So the sisters grabbed Isaac's hands as he helped them to their feet.

"You're right, you're no longer our student." said Celestia.

"You truly are better than the both of us." stated Luna.

"Thanks, I'll miss you both." said Isaac.

After that meaningful moment, Isaac decided to help the sisters to relax from their tedious school duties. So he offered to take them out to do something fun.

"Pray tell, how is this suppose to help us?" stated Luna.

"What, you never played miniature golf before?" asked Isaac as they got on the course.

"Well, she only plays golf on her computer." snickered Celestia as she made fun of her sister for being a gamer and not actually stepping out of her room.

"Shut up, Tia!" sounded Luna. "I'll have you know that I'm ranked 15th overall in Golf-It." stated Luna.

"There's a difference between the real thing and staring at your screen, Lulu." replied Celestia.

"Well, time to play." said Isaac as he started the game. He then was the first to step to the first hole as he concentrated and used his golf club to put the ball. It took a first few tries to get it in the hole, but he eventually got it in. "5 strokes, not good but not bad either."

After that, Celestia and Luna then did their turn at the activity as Luna managed to get it in three shots, while Celestia took 7 strokes and that was only the first hole. So for the rest of the afternoon, Isaac and the sisters enjoyed a rowdy game of golf as the girls were too distracted to worry about their duties as principals. One highlight of the game, was that Luna wanted to do a trickshot that she was able to do when she played online as she figured it would work. It didn't as her ball was now in the water.

"It should have worked!!" shouted Luna as she was upset.

"Real life physics is different from video games, sister!" mocked Celestia with a smug smile on her face.

Luna was anger that Celestia was making fun of her that she broke her golf club in two.

"I better watch myself." said Isaac as he thought it best to stay out of the way between the two sisters and their sibling disagreements.

And so it went as the trio continued with their little activity, soon the scores were tallied as Isaac had been keeping track with a piece of paper as both he and Luna had managed to tie as during the last hole, Isaac had luck on his side as he managed to score the ball with the recommended par. Celestia however came in last place as she was behind by a score of 17. Now it was Celestia's turn who broke her golf club in anger as she threw it on the floor as Luna snickered and made fun of her sister for sucking. The day ended as the sun was setting and the trio exited the golf course as the sisters had a smile on their faces.

"Thank you, Isaac. We really needed something to take our minds off of our responsibilities." said Celestia.

"My pleasure, Celestia. Everybody needs to cool off every now and then." said the boy as he tipped his cap.

"Seems video games actually pay off, sister." snickered Luna as Celestia gave her a dirty look. She then turned her attention back to their student as she let out a sigh. "Isaac, do you remember the final moments of our duels?" asked Luna as she looked at herself and Celestia.

"Yeah." replied the boy as he began to remember.


"It's time." said Celestia. She then dropped to her knees as she looked at Isaac. "Do it."

Isaac was now trembling as he was struggling to give his monster its command.

"Do it. I accept what's to come." Celestia even had her arms out to the side as she closed her eyes. She looked like she was waiting to be sacrificed.

"I... I.. I can't!" said Isaac as he started to have a few tears form in his eyes. He knew that he wanted to put Celestia down, but now that he was at that moment. He found it much more difficult to do the task. His hands were actually shaking. "I... I..."

"Do it!!! Come on!!!" shouted Celestia as everybody was watching this interaction between the two. "Now!!! If you have the balls, you'll do what I ask!!! Do it, you son of a bitch!!!" Silence had overcome everybody as they were shocked on what Celestia had said.

Isaac then looked at Celestia with tears in his eyes, soon he muttered the final words to her so that only she could hear what he said. "I'm sorry, I love you." He then thrusted his hand out, "Winged Dragon of Ra, attack Celestia and end this duel!!!!" said Isaac as he broke down in tears. With that Ra took out Celestia's final monster as it made its way to Celestia who was still on her knees.

Thank you, Isaac. I can now find some peace. Celestia was then on her back as her life points dropped.

"Stay down, Luna! Just let it go, just give in." said Isaac. "Stay down!!!!"

Luna heard Isaac, but she didn't seem to listen. Soon she had crawled all the way over to Isaac as she grabbed his feet with her hand and inch by inch, slowly, she tried to stand up as her body was in pain, not physically but mental pain. Luna could barely stand as she had her body leaning against Isaac as Isaac looked down at his Vice-Principal who was on her knees.

"You... can kiss... my ass!!!!" yelled out Luna to Isaac's face. She then propped herself up as Isaac looked at her in disarray. Then with the last bit of strength she could muster, Luna gave her final act of defiant as she brought her hand and as hard as she could, she slapped Isaac in the face as it caused his head to turn as she fell to her knees.

Isaac saw this and he turned back to look at her with fury and anger in his eyes. "Chaos Mageía, put her down! Finish Luna off!!!" shouted Isaac as he brought his thumb and slid it over his throat as he gave his monster the signal to put Luna out of her misery. Chaos Mageía heard Isaac's command as she shot her attack and it made contact with Luna who fell forward and would have hit the ground if Isaac didn't catch her in his arms. A giant explosion went off as the field was covering in a blinding white light as it caused the everybody around to temporarily look away.

Inside that attack, Isaac still had Luna in his arms as he had his eyes closed. As the attack was dying down, he simply bent down with Luna in his arms as he laid her on her back. He then grabbed both of Luna's hands as he placed them together on top of her chest as he said the final words to her.

"Rest in peace, Luna." said Isaac.

(End of Flashback)

"Isaac, know that you've surpassed our expectations faster than we could have imagined. Our only request is that you remember all that you've learn at your time at CHS." stated Luna.

"You were destined to become a better duelist than either of us. It's why we're satisfied to know that our final duels were with someone who we trust that can take the game of Duel Monsters to new heights. We thank you for give us our final farewell, good luck in your future. And may you remember us." said Celestia as she and Luna hugged the boy like a pair of proud mothers. They both broke their embrace as they had tears in their eyes.

"And I'm glad to be the one to have given both of you, your final resting place. Now you two can enjoy the peace and I get to pick up where you and all the great dueling legends left off. I promise to be the best duelist that I can be." said Isaac as he knew that this would be one of the final moments he would ever get to have with the ladies. Especially, with what was on the horizon and was fast approaching. Isaac gave one final smile at his principals as they too returned the gesture.

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