• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 90: Cold Feet

Twilight was currently walking down the canyon as she tried to find her friends. All she could see were rocks, rocks, and even more rocks. Usually there was some rock formations, but then it quickly changed back to seeing even more rocks. Twilight being a fan of science would leap at the chance to appreciate this, but given that she was trapped in a virtual game where the only means of escape was beating this 'Gamemaster', safe to say that she was anything but happy.

"I wonder how the others are doing?" said Twilight as she put her hand above her eyes. "It's bad enough being trapped in a place where there's nothing but rocks, but to deal with this blazing sun. At this rate, I need to find some shade." Twilight was starting to feel bits of sweat on her forehead as she wiped it away.

"I just hope that where everybody is, they're doing much better than me." Twilight then started to think back on what the Gamemaster told them. "Whoever this Gamemaster is, seems to know a lot about us. They seem hell bent on trapping our minds here forever, what if they already have? What about my friends, Isaac? No pull it together Twi, don't falter now when your friends need you the most. I know my friends are tough and they can handle whatever the Gamemaster throws their way, plus Isaac is probably already done with his duel and is looking for us." Twilight was doing her best to remain optimistic, but given the state they were all in and the intense heat, that seemed to be easier said than done. "I wonder if everyone's having as fun as I am." said Twilight sarcastically.

Isaac and Spike were currently running through a tunnel. It appeared that when they stepped through the door, it led to long and narrow tunnel. They knew that despite them being able to best the Gamemaster's challenge, they needed to find their friends to ensure they were safe.

"Does this tunnel ever end?" asked Spike as he stopped to catch his breath.

"It might. But only when the Gamemaster wants it to. You mustn't forget, Spike... whoever they are is controlling everything around us." stated Isaac.

"They can try to stop us if they want to, but we're gonna find our friends... no matter what!" exclaimed Spike.

"Right." Isaac and Spike then continued running along the tunnel as they were more determined than ever.

"Keep running, you two. Fools!" chuckled the Gamemaster as they were watching Isaac and Spike on their screens. "You're getting absolutely nowhere very quickly! But not to worry, my good friend. I have a destination in mind for you. Unfortunately, you won't be anywhere near your friends!" The Gamemaster then touched some buttons on their control panel.

"What's going on?" shouted Spike.

A hole then appeared under Isaac and Spike as it opened up and dragged them both away as they let out a scream.

"That should keep them occupied for a while." chuckled the person. "In the meantime, I'll turn my attention elsewhere. Now then who should I select next to compete." The Gamemaster then flipped through the screens as they were looking at the girls deciding on its next challenger. "Hmm. What better way to get under Isaac's skin than by eliminating the one person he cares about the most? He says he would always there to protect her, well it looks like Superman won't be able to save you from danger this time." said the Gamemaster as Twilight's screen popped up. "Now then, who should I select to be her opponent, hmm... perfect. Good luck, Twilight." snickered the Gamemaster evilly.

"This easily wins the prize for the worst day ever." Twilight was just about to collapse as the sun's rays beating down on her were taking their toll. "I need a nap." said Twilight as she fell down and rolled over on her back as she was breathing heavily. Just a small one so I can... get my... energy... back. With that Twilight's eyes began to close. Twilight was now dreaming as she imagined they were back in school.

"Hey Isaac, I had a dream that we were trapped in a virtual world and we had to duel this Gamemaster to escape!" said Twilight.

"Ah, Twilight? This is the dream!" stated Isaac. "And when you wake up, you'll need this card." Isaac then handed Twilight her Dark Magician Girl card.

"I will?" said Twilight.

"Yup, it's the Dark Magician Girl. Remember?" said Isaac. "There was a Bridleway play about this card. We saw it during our trip in Manehattan."

"We did? Since when did that happen?" Twilight was now confused as she would have definitely remember a detail like that.

"Well, not really, but this is your dream, and I'm just your version of me in your dream. So just go with it." Isaac just told Twilight to basically go with the flow when it came to the world and rules of dreams.

The scene inside the dream then changed as both Isaac and Twilight were now inside the theatre as they took their seats. Soon the cameras turned on as the play began to start and the narrator of the play began to speak.

"Ladies and gentleman... The Dark Magician Girl!" Out came an actress who was playing the role of Dark Magician Girl. Due to all the fancy makeup and wardrobe, the lady was able to look almost identical to what the actually Dark Magician Girl would look like. She then began to soar through the air thanks to the wires that were attached to her.

"And now, the most powerful being ever to step foot on the Bridleway stage will choose a volunteer from the audience to join her in her first Number!" exclaimed the announcer.

The actress then grabbed a prop Sage's Stone as she twirled her staff in the air as she selected her volunteer. Soon bits of magic and sparkle dust surrounded Twilight as she was selected. She then found herself being put in a Dark Magician Girl outfit as she was now on a part of the play.

"Cool! Thanks Isaac..." said Twilight as she was happy.

Both Isaac and the author looked at Twilight.

"Dude, what the hell is this?" asked Isaac.

"Hey man, don't look at me. This is Twilight's dream; I have no control over it. I just write down whatever she's dreaming of."

"Right... so... we moving on?" asked Isaac.


"Alright, we'll better get back to Spike. I'll see you then." said Isaac as he went off screen back to his place in the story.

"Now then to awake Twilight from... whatever she's dreaming of. And awake... now!"

"Thanks, Isaac." said Twilight as her eyes began to open a bit due to something touching her arm. "Who's there?"

Twilight sat up as she was now looking at an animal. Not just an animal, but a penguin. A cute, tiny, cubby penguin. In fact, based on the colors of its feathers, it appeared that this penguin was nothing more than a simply hatchling.

"A penguin? Now I know the sun's frying my brain, cause there's no way that a penguin can exist in this habitat. It's scientifically impossible." Twilight then put her finger out only for the little thing to bite her. "Ouch, it really is real."

The penguin then began to make a chirp.

"Say what? Sorry, don't speak penguin." stated Twilight as she cleaned her glasses. The penguin then used its flipper to signal Twilight to follow as it began to walk. "I guess I'm supposed to follow you? Well if it leads to somewhere other than this hot sun, I'm not complaining." With that Twilight began to follow the little bird. "Just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder."

Soon Twilight began to follow the bird as he lead them through some rocky terrains and gaps. Thankfully, the habitat around them became to change as the blazing sun from before was no longer as bearable as it once was. Eventually they came upon a lake to which Twilight was relieved.

"Finally." said Twilight as she began to splash some water on her as she cooled down. She then used her hands as she cusp some water as she began to drink some. "I've never been more grateful to see some H2O in my life." She then looked at the tiny penguin who had gotten on a mini raft as it hopped on and waited for her. "There's more of you little guys. I feel like I'm in March of the Penguins." Twilight was now surround by other cute penguins as they waited for her to get on.

"You want me to get on? Well, what do I have to lose? If I'm going to get out of this place, seems I'll have to put my trust in a penguin. Never thought I'd ever say those words. Where's Fluttershy when you need her?" Twilight then got on, as the other penguins hopped off the dock and began pushing the raft while the others just waved goodbye to her. The raft experienced some rocking waves as it caused Twilight to land on her butt, "Ow. Take it easy guys. Yup, I'm talking to penguins."

The trip down the river lasted a good while they were sailing, the entire landscape around Twilight began to change suddenly. One second it was full of color and lush greenery, the next was nothing but grey and fog. Twilight noticed this and she began to worry a bit.

"Uhm. Mr. Penguin? Could you squawk twice if we're almost there?" suggested Twilight. The penguin did just that as it dove into the water along with a few others who hitched a ride. "Hey, don't go!" shouted Twilight as she was now all alone and drifting in the water. Soon Twilight heard a howl, which was soon joined by several others. She looked to the cliffs surrounding her and it was several wolves that had spotted her. Their eyes were locked on her as they thought about chasing after their prey that was floating in the water.

Twilight was now fearfully as she hopped they wouldn't jump down. "Nice wolves." she said in a terrifying voice. She then looked ahead as she saw land approaching. "Oh, you've have got to be kidding me. Of all the possible places I could have gone, I had to end up on a raft ride to a virtual tundra! Isaac, I need you!" said Twilight as she was beginning to miss having her boyfriend there to keep her safe.

Soon her raft touched shore as tons of winter animals were waiting for her on the shore. Everything from penguins, to wolves, to a few polar bears, even some walrus that poked their head from the water all had their eyes on Twilight as she stood up. Twilight was a bit shaken at what she saw.

"Um, I come in peace?" Twilight was unsure on what to say. "What's another cheesy line, how about take me to your leader? Please don't hurt me."

The pack of animals all gave their cries as it caused Twilight to jump a bit. Soon they parted to the side as they created a path for Twilight to pass through as it revealed a stairway to a place at the tip of the mountain.

"Oh you're kidding me. If I'm gonna climb 2,000 stairs, there better be someone up there who speaks English." Twilight then began to walk through the animals and eventually starting to climb the stairs. During the climb up, Twilight had to take several breaks in between, "This is suppose to be a virtual world, so why couldn't there be an elevator in this place? That's it, no more Deluxe Hayburgers for me. It's bad enough that Rainbow Dash has to make fun of me for doing exercise, but this is just rubbing it in my face. I get it, I'm not an exercise person!!" shouted Twilight to the heavens as she was venting her frustrations out. Eventually, Twilight made it to the top of the place as she had to take a few minutes to catch her breath. She then approached the doors as it opened up and there was even more of the same animals that Twilight saw down by the shore.

"Hello? Is anyone in there?"

"Of course. Open your eyes and look around, will ya?" said a voice. "You're surrounded by my army of animals."

"I know! I meant is there anyone in here without fur, or flippers, or anything animal related? More importantly, is there anyone who can help me escape from this place?"

"There's no one here but us, Twilight!"

"You know my name?"

"I know more than that, Twilight Sparkle... Let's see here, deck type: Spellbook, favorite ice cream: vanilla, boyfriend: Ugg, Isaac, I've got all the numbers in my report. And I'd say your number is up! Because I'm about to put the freeze on you!" chuckled the voice.

"Who are you? And what do you want from me, anyway?" asked Twilight with a stern look.

"Come now, Twilight. Don't tell me you forgot our last meeting. And not to mention that we meet even before then." Soon a bright light started to glow as out a came a monster. The monster standing before Twilight was none other than Abyss Soldier, but the voice that was coming out of it was none other than the Gamemaster.

"I'd think I'd remember you." said Twilight as she had a bit of a photographic memory.

"Look things are never what they appear to be. I'm the Gamemaster."

"Disguised as a Duel Monster card?" said Twilight as she was in disbelief.

"Yes, and I'll explain all that soon. But for starters, let's do a quick run through your numbers. Something I know you'll find fascinating." said the Gamemaster as they were showing off bits of more info about Twilight as if they knew Twilight was a girl who loved science and math. "According to my notes, there's a 100% chance that we're going to duel!"

"Me versus you?" said Twilight.

"Exactly, win and you get to see your friends again, but lose and your mind's trapped here forever. Now then, let's get back to my calculations. Says here you've dueled many times in your life, which when calculated gives you about 5% chance of actually winning this duel. It also says you've eaten 216 Hayburgers." stated the Gamemaster.

"Hey, that information is private!" exclaimed Twilight as she felt a bit embarrassed by that detail. She knew that she liked to eat a lot of Hayburgers and you would think that would result in her gaining weight; but somehow she was able to maintain her figure though at times there was a slight bit of pudginess to her stomach. Regardless, she felt a bit self-conscious about her eating habits and was surprised that Isaac didn't mind, probably because it was another reason why he loved her.

"I'll have you know that collecting facts and figures is a hobby of mine. Besides, in this world, numbers tell everything. And you'd be surprised by what numbers tell you about a person's life. Including yours."

"Look, whoever you are. My life's none of your business!" stated Twilight.

"I'm going to have to disagree with you. The first mistake you made was getting in my way and now it's time to pay the ultimate price, cause when I beat you, your mind will be trapped in here forever. And then Isaac will fall into a state of despair and lonely, knowing that he couldn't protect the one person he loves the most. HA, HA, HA." chuckled the person.

"Listen to me, Aqua Man. I've had enough of this, so I'm outta here!" shouted Twilight as she began to run out the doors.

"We'll see about that!" said the Gamemaster as he gave a soft chuckle. "You can try to run away, Twilight, but the odds are against you!" Soon the Gamemaster used his powers as Abyss Soldier to change the entire landscape.

Twilight was currently trying to run away when the scene around her began to change to both ice and snow. "What's going on?" said Twilight as she almost managed to slip on the ground as it was turned to ice in an instant. Soon the ice around her began to crack as a whirlpool surrounded her leaving her standing on an iceberg of sorts as it rose up in the middle of water. "This can't be good!"

"Nice try!" said the Gamemaster as he too appeared in his own whirlpool as it was now facing Twilight and between them was the freezing water. "Looks like my iceberg dueling field is about to leave you cold! Now then get ready, Twilight."

Twilight then activated her duel disk, as it projected a purple card tray. "Seems I've got no choice, alright then."

"Before we start, we'll have to choose our virtual decks from this card database. Not that it really matters what cards you decide to pick. The probability that you'll be victorious is slim to none!" stated the Gamemaster as they were sure of their victory.

"My chances may be low, but that's a risk I'm willing to take. Thanks to a certain friend, I've learned to never back down, even when the odds aren't in your favor." Twilight was selecting the cards she wanted as she went with what she knew. Soon she came across a pair of cards; for a moment she could sense Isaac as she had faith he would soon find her. Soon she had a deck that she was confident as it materialized in front of her.

"Okay. As per the new rules it's time to choose your Deck Master. It can be any monster in your deck."

"I know exactly who I want to choose. So check it out! Dark Magician Girl's my Deck Master." Twilight looked at the card as it brought her a sense of comforting. Even though, Isaac isn't here. I can still feel his spirit through this card, and I know we'll see each other again. "I have my, who's yours?"

"In case, you've forgotten. I've already taken the form of a monster known as Abyss Soldier, you fool! So I'm both the duelist and the Deck Master. Two threats in one! And once you're put on ice, you'll be frozen indefinitely."

"Guess again, Gamemaster! I'm not gonna let that happen." Twilight then slotted in her deck as her opponent did the same and activated their duel disk. "It's time to duel, fishface!" shouted Twilight as she tried to sound intimidating by using Isaac's saying as she really hoped that he would soon arrive.

"Which door to choose?" asked Spike. Seems when Isaac and Spike were sent down the black hole, they landed in a room that had three doors for them to choose. "If we don't pick the right one, we're stuck here."

"Don't touch it!" shouted Isaac. "We have to test all these doors for traps first."

Spike understood what Isaac was saying, if they wanted to see their friends again then they could afford to take any chances. Spike then pulled out a coin from his pocket as he tossed it into the direction of the door on their left. It made contact with the door as a white scary face came out of it while the coin landed by his feet.

"Testing doors is definitely smart." said Spike as he was a bit scared on what might have happened if that was him.

"It's true. We won our duels, but I sense a whole new game has just begun." stated Isaac.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Abyss Soldier's Life Points: 8000-

Twilight Sparkle's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Twilight

"Time to kick your frozen butt!" shouted Twilight as she drew her card. Hmm... Mirror Force... "To begin I'll place one card facedown and then I'll summon Ancient Elf(1450/1200) to the field! And that's all for now, Gamemaster."

Turn 2: Abyss Soldier

"Now the fun begins." chuckled the Gamemaster. "Watch this, I'll start off by summoning my Giant Red Seasnake(1800/800)!"

"So, are you going to attack me or what?" taunted Twilight.

"Patience. I never rush into anything unless the numbers are there to support it. To attack now, I'd have to ignore one important fact... your facedown card! I'm more than 90% sure it's a trap. That's not the kind of risk I'm willing to take. Of course there's one way around that. I activate the magic card Cold Wave!" Twilight's facedown was then frozen in a block of ice. "When Cold Wave is in effect, it freezes all magic and trap cards for on the field for one full turn, which means your Ancient Elf is now a sitting duck! Attack, mighty Seasnake!"
Twilight's Life Points: 7650-

"My life points!" shouted Twilight. Soon her feet started to get colder as she saw that she was being encased on ice.

"Oops, I forgot to mention. As each duelist's life points decrease, his or her body will become encased in a block of solid ice! So get ready for quite a chilling ending! Your mind will be frozen stiff until the end of time!" snickered the Gamemaster. "Let's see if Isaac will still love you after he's seen you become a human popsicle."

"Man, it's cold..." said Twilight as she felt a chilling breeze blow as she did her best to keep warm. Not to mention that she was wearing some light clothing which really was causing her brain to go into shock as all she could think about was keeping her body temperature from falling. "I can't take this much longer!"

At that moment, both Isaac and Spike were able to hear Twilight from wherever they were.

"Twilight!" shouted Isaac. "Where are you, Twilight? Tell me."

"It's... so... cold..." said Twilight.

"Sounds like Twilight needs our help right now!" stated Spike. "We have to find what part of this virtual world the Gamemaster sent her to!"

"The Gamemaster's letting us hear her just to torture us. What a cruel trick!" Isaac was now clenching his fist, "I swear if anything happens to Twilight..."

"We have to break out of here and find her." Spike then began to charge through the door they tested earlier only for him to be swatted away and thrown onto his bottom.

"Don't panic, Spike. That's just what the Gamemaster wants us to do."

"What about Twilight?"

"Hmm. Look up over the doors." suggested Isaac as both he and Spike looked at it.

"A star?" asked Spike. "Hmm... Of course. In Duel Monsters, stars represent a card's strength."

"Right. So I'd say behind that door, a one-star monster awaits us." confirmed Isaac.

"And I bet if we can defeat it, you and I can get through that doorway!" Spike then turned on his duel disk as he drew the top card of his deck. "I summon Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress(1400/1200)!" Spike now had another dragon appeared before him, "Attack! And see what's behind door number one!" Out came the monster that was guarding the door as Spike's monster took it out with ease. "Wow." Spike was impressed with how their plan worked.

"All right, we'll go in... but who knows where it leads?" suggested Isaac.

"Hopefully to Twilight." said Spike as he and Isaac began to run.

"What's the matter, Twilight, got cold feet?" snickered the Gamemaster.

"Really funny, Gamemaster."

Turn 3: Twilight

Twilight drew her card, but that proved to be more difficult as she could feel the cold getting to her. It was also affecting her mental game as she couldn't properly think about her moves as all she could focus on was keeping warm. "I-I place a monster in defense mode," Twilight was doing her best to keep her body warm as she saw her breath, "Then- I'll play the spell card, Spellbook of S-Secrets, so I-I add one 'Spellbook' t-to m-my hand." Twilight did her best to touch her duel screen as her fingers were starting to go numb.

"Sounds like someone's got a case of the chills. You should really dress more appropriately for the weather, dear." snicker the Gamemaster.

"Sorry, my parka was at the cleaners!" shouted Twilight.

"You got spunk. Too bad it'll all go to waste when your mind is frozen here!"

"Next, I-I set one card facedown. Y-your move..." Twilight was now freezing.

Turn 4: Abyss Soldier

"Now then... let's see... this could take me some time... this card's good, but there's always these..."

"Hurry up, frost breath. It's freezing!" shouted Twilight. "So just go!"

"Patience, I need to weight my options before I make my decision. Dark Magician Girl isn't much of a risk to me on her own, but if you added other cards, she could become more of a threat! Now then time to activate my Deck Master's ability, since I've took the form of Abyss Soldier, I can discard 1 Water monster to my graveyard which allows me to destroy one card on the field. So I'll do just that, as I wipe out the card you set on your last turn." With that a blizzard came over Twilight's field as her card were frozen and shattered.

"My f-facedown." shivered Twilight.

"I'll keep you guessing by playing these cards facedown. Then I'll wait for your meltdown." said the Gamemaster as they ended their turn.

Hmm... He didn't attack, which means he must be planning something big.

Turn 5: Twilight

"My draw, I play Mystical Space Typhoon! This card allows me to destroy one of facedowns!" With that Twilight got rid of the card on the right. "So say goodbye to that one!"

"You took my bait! You destroyed one trap card only to fall victim to another! I reveal my other facedown, it's called Driving Snow! When activated, it creates a giant blizzard to blow away one of your facedown cards! So get ready for the storm of the century!" A snowy wind then blew over Twilight as it got rid of her Mirror Force card that she set at the beginning of the duel. "Cold enough for ya? Now you've got nothing to stop my attack, so my Giant Seasnake is free to strike!"

"Oh yeah? It'll take a lot more than that to freeze me out!" said Twilight as she blew on her hands to keep them from going numb.

"Isn't the weather wonderful today? It's a pleasant negative 16 degrees!" snicker the Gamemaster.

Twilight was trying hard to pick the card she wanted, but she could barely tolerate the cold.

Twilight, wait! said Dark Magician Girl as she put her hand over Twilight's. Twilight was shocked by this as she looked at her monster, My Deck Master ability allows us to communicate mentally, I'm here to guide you.

"What?" asked Twilight.

Isaac cares about you and he told me to keep you safe. stated Mana.

"Okay, Mana. You have my trust." Soon she and Mana both played the card, "To start I'll play the spell card, Pot of Greed. So now I draw two more cards, now I activate this card! Offerings to the Doomed!" Soon pieces of paper began to emerge from Twilight's card as they wrapped around Giant Seasnake. "Looks like I've got this duel all wrapped up, cause my card destroys one of your monsters! See ya, snakey! Next I'll reveal 3 Spellbooks in order to special summon my High Priestess of Prophecy!" Twilight now had one of her ace spellcasters out with her. "Now for my facedown monster. I'll switch it from defense to attack mode! Reveal Fire Sorcerer(1000/1500)!" Twilight now had a little girl sorcerer as she came with flames in her hands.

"Pretty cool, right? And now, it's time to warm things up a bit!" Fire Sorcerer then put her hands together as she shot a ring of fire around Twilight who put her hands out as she warmed up. "Much better. Next I'll activate Fire Sorcerer's special ability! By discarding two of my cards, I'm able to burn through 800 of your life points!"

"Huh? Ouch! Hot, Hot, Hot!" said Abyss Soldier as its hands were on fire as it swung flailed them around before blowing on them with its breath to put the flames out.
Abyss Soldier's Life Points: 7200-

"And don't think I'm finished with you yet, Gamemaster! Now High Priestess, attack! Fire Sorcerer, put that walking fish in the hot seat!" shouted Twilight as she gave her monsters their command.

The Gamemaster was doing his best to stop the barrage of fire that was heading its way as it soon was showered in the flames. Once it was over, it was covered in soot and ember as it's eyes had swirls in them while they stood on one foot.
Abyss Soldier's Life Points: 3700-

"Anybody up for some steamed salmon? And since you lost life points, your own rule gets turned against you!" stated Twilight as the Gamemaster was now being encased in a block of ice at its feet. "How do you like being frozen?"

"I absolutely love it!" snicker the Gamemaster. "If you hadn't noticed, my body is made of thick skin. And I like things on the cool side. Or do you a need a lesson in zoology?"

"Well, now that you mention it, I do have a question, Gamemaster. I wanna know why you're so obsessed with trapping all of us here. I mean, what did we ever do to you?" asked Twilight.

"Everything!!! You and that boyfriend of yours made my life a living hell, but that'll soon be over." snickered the Gamemaster. "Once I defeat you, your mind will be trapped here forever. In the future, be more careful about who you hang around with. Of course, the odds of you actually having a future are slim to none! So let's continue this duel, now then..."

Turn 6: Abyss Soldier

"I summon Glacial Beast Blizzard Wolf(1400/700). Then I'll play the spell card, Absolute Zero. Now I can destroy one of your monsters and you take damage equal to its attack points; so say goodbye to your High Priestess." Just like that Twilight's monster was conceal in a block of ice as it crack and sent a chilling wind at Twilight.
Twilight's Life Points: 5150-

"But that's just the beginning! Next I'll play Wolf Fangs, raising my wolf's attack strength by 800 more points!"

"That's not good. My monster's toast!" shouted Twilight.

"That's right! And now my Glacier Beast Blizzard Wolf... Attack her Fire Sorcerer!" commanded the Gamemaster.

"That's my last defense!" shouted Twilight. Soon all the damage she took was now appearing in the form of ice as it started to encase her body as it stopped at her knees.
Twilight's Life Points: 3950-

"And since you lost more life points, the freezing continues!"

"You're s-sick!" shivered Twilight.

"It'll all be over soon, Twilight. Your life points are down almost 50% and with no more defensive monsters to hide behind, you're out in the cold!" stated the Gamemaster.

"You wish!" said Twilight.

Isaac and Spike were currently running as they were now in a similar room than the ones they previously passed.

"We don't seem to be getting anywhere!" responded Isaac. Just then he heard Twilight's voice echo.

"It's... freezing... my legs are... numb!"

"We're coming, Twilight!" shouted Isaac.

"We gotta find our way outta here, right now." said Spike.

"Spike. Look on the floor."

"Huh?" Spike then did what Isaac asked of him and he was shocked, "That's the same coin I threw at the door! We were here, before! So... that means we've been jus been running around in circles!" said Spike.

"A little chilly, are we?" snickered the Gamemaster. That's the least of your worries!" While the Gamemaster was laughing, Twilight was busying rubbing her arms together in an effort to keep her body temperature from dropping while Mana just looked on with concern.

Meanwhile back with Spike and Isaac, they were trying to figure out their way and plan to get out of this maze and rescue Twilight.

"This game's pretty simple. The stars above each door represent the strength of the monster behind that door. Beat the monster and get through!" stated Spike.

"However, there's a clue we're missing. said Isaac.

"But what can it be?" Spike then began to think before an idea popped in his head, "I know! Maybe the stars represent more than just the power levels of the monsters!"

"But what, Spike?"

"Well what if, they're like directions for us!" Spike then looked at all the doors, "Yeah! Through the one-star door first, then the two, then the three, then the four!"

"Yes, and the reason you and I have been traveling around in circles is because we've only been choosing to battle against the monsters that have one star." stated Isaac as he saw Spike's explanation.

"Well, let's try this door! So now I play Alexandrite Dragon!" shouted Spike as he ordered his monster to attack the monster guarding the two-star door. Alexandrite Dragon took out the monster with ease as the doorway opened.

"Well done! Now, let's go through and find Twilight!" With that both Isaac and Spike ran down through the door.

"A bit brisk isn't it?" said Twilight as she was shivering. "I can't even f-feel my toes!"

"Now let's get back to business, shall we?" snickered the Gamemaster.

Turn 7: Twilight

Twilight picked up her card but could barely grasp it properly, Mana then put her hands together around Twilight's hand to help keep her warm.

Be strong. said Mana through Twilight's thoughts.

Twilight nodded, "All right, let's do this!"

"Good. The sooner you make your move the sooner I can freeze you over and win this duel. Ha, ha. You're already knee-deep in ice! And the worst is yet to come, my dear! My all-powerful wolf is ready to tear through your puny defense!" stated the Gamemaster.

"No! If his Blizzard Wolf attack, I'll be wide open!" Twilight then looked at Mana, "And if I place you on the playing field to defend me, then he'll just destroy you!"

"So very true. And remember if your Deck Master is destroyed, well, then you automatically lose the duel, my dear!"

"Now I'll place one monster facedown in defense mode and then I'll end my turn, Gamemaster!"

Turn 8: Abyss Soldier

"An extremely desperate move for an extremely desperate girl! And my hand continues to grow more powerful! And now take this! Blizzard Wolf attack!" Twilight's monster was then destroyed in one attack. "HA! There goes your facedown card! Now you're back to where you started!"

"Not quite! You revealed my Spellbook Magician of Prophecy which lets me add 1 'Spellbook' card from my hand to my deck!" Twilight then selected the card she wanted, Spellbook of Power, this may come in handy.

"I ran the numbers and you've run out of luck, so play whatever pathetic cards you'd like, cause it's only a matter of time before you're frozen here forever."

Turn 9: Twilight

I need something to turn this duel around, Twilight drew her card, What's this? Maha Vailo? Now he's not powerful enough! There's no way he'll beat Blizzard Wolf!

Twilight, don't give up so fast. Remember, he has a secret skill that can help you! informed Mana.

"Huh? What kind of skill?" said Twilight as she was still cold. "Hold on! I'm starting to remember something!" Twilight then flashed back to a memory of when she first started her days at CHS and she was talking to Isaac in class.

"You wanna know which card is most like me?" asked Isaac.

"Wait, I know. It's so obvious." stated Twilight. "It's your Dark Magician, I mean come on; you two are basically one in the same. You're always relying on him to get you through some tough spots." said Twilight as she looked at Isaac's cards that were spread out on his desk.

"Well, even though it's pretty great, I don't think it's the card that's most like me." said Isaac.

"What!?! Why not? He's your star monster." Twilight was confused by the answer Isaac had given her.

"Look, Dark Magician is awesome, don't get me wrong. But there's another card that resembles a bit like me, okay." Isaac then began to look through his card, "Ah! This is the one! Pretty cool, right?" said Isaac as he showed the card to Twilight.

"Kuriboh?" Twilight had a confused look on her face, "Please tell me this is some sort of joke."

"Nope, it's true. He may not be as strong as the Dark Magician, well, not when you first look at him anyway. But if you look closer, you'll see a hidden power deep inside!"

"Of course! Now I remember! A monster's hidden strength!" said Twilight as that flashback helped her to figure out her plan. "I'm not done yet! Now I summon Maha Vailo(1550/1400) in attack mode!"

"Please, that monster's weak!"

"Wait, I'm not done!" shouted Twilight. "Check this out! I activate Wonder Wand, raising my monster's attack points by 500!"

"Here I thought you were the smart one of the group, because it's still too short on attack points to defeat my Blizzard Wolf!" commented the Gamemaster.

"I guess you forgot that looks aren't everything, see Maha Vailo's got a hidden power! His special ability allows him to get 500 extra attack points for each one of my equip cards!" said Twilight with a sly smile.

"No fair!"

"Oh, it's fair! Go, Maha Vailo! Attack his Glacier Beast Blizzard Wolf with Sacred Lightning!" shouted Twilight. "Add this up, Gamemaster!" Twilight's monster then fired it's attack as it took out its target and electrocuted Abyss Soldier as he once again had swirls in its eyes.
Abyss Soldier's Life Points: 3350-

"We're safe at least for now." said Twilight as she let out a sigh of relief.

Isaac and Spike were still currently running through the hall as they heard Twilight's voice getting louder.

"I'm f-f-freezing! I don't know how much longer I can last out here!"

"We're getting close." said Isaac.

"Yeah, Twilight's getting louder!" Time is running out. Isaac and I have to defeat more of the Gamemaster's monster so we can get through this virtual maze and find Twilight before it's too late! "I see another set of doors ahead!" Soon both Spike and Isaac came to another room with three more doors. "We need the three-star door! exclaimed Spike.

"There it is!" shouted Isaac as he pointed to it.

"Yes!" Spike then played a card, "Barrel Dragon, attack!"

"No, stop the attack!" called out Isaac.

"It's too late!" said Spike as his monster fired an attack at the door, only for it to be redirected right back and destroy it. "Barrel Dragon!"

"That door has been equipped with a trap card! Look more closely," said Isaac as he pointed, "Right under the stars!"

"Three facedown cards!" said Spike as the first facedown disappeared. "Of course! Then that blast had to be a Mirror Force trap card!"

"So try again." suggested Isaac.

"Here goes! I summon Baby Dragon!" stated Spike.

"It looks like Unknown Warrior of Fiend, a weaker monster." said Isaac as it appeared.

"Awesome! Say goodbye!"

"No, wait!" shouted Isaac. "Another facedown card is being activated! Now it's stronger!" Now the monster had 1600 attack points.

"Then I summon Time Wizard! Then I'll use this! Polymerization... fuse them together! To form Thousand Dragon! Now attack, my dragon!" shouted Spike. Spike's monster did the job as it took out its target and cleared the door for both to get through. "Yes! Let's go!" Isaac and Spike then ran as they soon arrived at their final destination. "Now, where's that four-star monster? There it is!" said Spike.

"Patience, Spike. We must be very careful. This door has been equipped with five cards!" said Isaac. "The Gamemaster could have hidden just about anything behind that door. And we're low on cards, so we have to choose wisely!" Spike looked at both his and Isaac's decks as their stack had diminished over the time they were figuring out the riddle to the maze.

"You're right! We only have a few cards left! And I already used all of my best monsters!" said Spike.

"Defeating a four star monster plus four facedown cards is no easy task." Isaac then stepped forward as drew his Dark Magician card, "This may do it! But I can't afford to play him as long as those facedowns are present," Isaac then drew another card off the top of his deck, "Then how 'bout the Heavy Storm card?" Soon a giant tornado came out as it appeared in front of the door. "It destroys all cards on the field!"

"Nice work. Now it's just the monster! With no facedowns to protect it!" said Spike. "Destroy it, Isaac."

"No problem, 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom should do the trick!" said Isaac as he played his monster card and a ladybug came out charging head first into the monster. "It may seem weak, but watch this! It automatically destroys all 4-star monsters! Oh yeah!" shouted Isaac as he did a fist pump.

"Cool move. Man, you're good." Spike was in awe at the move Isaac was able to do, now he saw why he was so phenomenal at the game.

"Thanks. It's a good thing I had that little critter stashed in my deck!"

"This could be the last door! Come on!" shouted Spike as he and Isaac ran through. Soon they reached the end of it as they came out into an ice cave where they saw Twilight dueling as they were behind the ice glass.

"Twilight!" shouted Isaac and Spike.

"This doesn't look good!" said Spike.

"Don't worry, Twilight! Stay strong! I'm right here for you!" yelled Isaac behind the ice as his voice was muffled. He knew that he need to comfort Twilight and he did his best to get her attention. He then saw Dark Magician Girl standing next to Twilight as he tried to mentally speak with her. Mana, protect Twilight!

Mana heard Isaac's call as she looked to where the voice was coming from, You have my word, Isaac.

Turn 10: Abyss Soldier

"All right, then I play Bolt Penguin(1100/800)! In defense mode! And as an extra precaution, I'll play one card facedown!"

Turn 11: Twilight

"Your little turkey only had 800 defense points! I can stuff if and roast it with one blast!" said Twilight as she tried to speak through the cold. Twilight then drew her card, "Maha Vailo, attack now!"

"All my calculations were right on the money! Now I activate... Revenge Sacrifice! Goodbye, Maha Vailo!" With that Twilight's monster was gone.

"No! not him!"

"Revenge Sacrifice destroys the card you used to attack my monster! And now I can special summon a monster from my hand, so I play Glacial Beast Polar Penguin(800/1000) in defense mode!"

"Not much of a monster!" shouted Twilight.

Turn 12: Abyss Soldier

"Don't think I'm done yet, cause I play Monster Reborn and bring back my Blizzard Wolf. Now I tune my Level 3 Penguin with my Blizzard Wolf! Do not underestimate this beast, for its ferociousness will freeze you with fear! I Synchro Summon, Glacial Beast Iceberg Narwhal(2700/1600)!" Out came a monster that was covered in ice. "I'll then place this card facedown, and summon Penguin Torpedo(550/300)! This little bird is a real blast, kid! Now my monsters attack!" With that both monster headed towards Twilight as she tried to put her arms up; the attacks caused ice and smoke to appear.
Twilight's Life Points: 700-

"Twilight!" shouted the boys.

"And since you've lost a chunk of your life points, you gain another chunk of ice!" stated the Gamemaster as Twilight was now covered in more ice as it stopped right at her waist. "Yes, it's quite chilling isn't it?"

Turn 13: Twilight

"L-L-Look... Gamemaster... I'm not out yet!" said Twilight as she drew her card. None of the cards or monsters in my hand can help to take down that monster of his! What do I do?

There is one thing you can do, Twilight. Move me onto the playing field. suggested Mana. Trust me. It's your last hope!

"I guess I have nothing to lose. Plus, it's better than what I have in my hand." said Twilight. "I move Dark Magician Girl to the field!"

"Don't you realize if your Deck Master is destroyed, you lose? You must have a pathetic hand to make that move!"

Turn 14: Abyss Soldier

"Now watch and learn! I activate Ocean of Regeneration and bring back my old friend, Penguin Torpedo! This card allows me to bring back any water monster back from my graveyard for one turn! Now time to finish you, Narwhal attack Dark Magician Girl!"

"Hold on, I activate my Soul Guard trap card from my grave. So I banish it and it stops your attack!" stated Twilight.

"In that case, I'll use Penguin Torpedo's effect. Attack her life points directly again!"
Twilight's Life Points: 150-

"No!" shouted Isaac as he saw the attack made contact. Now Twilight was fully encased in ice as the only parts of her body that remained were her head and both her arms.

"Soon I'll have my revenge!" chuckled loudly the Gamemaster.

"Leave her alone!" shouted Isaac as he pounded against the ice. "Twilight! If she loses this duel, she'll be trapped here! But it's not fair!" Isaac was starting to shed some tears, "She doesn't have to suffer this, it's me the Gamemaster really wants!" Isaac then opened his eyes as he looked on.

Turn 15: Twilight

I'm down to my last few life points. And my Dark Magician Girl isn't strong enough to get past his monster. Plus, since she's my Deck Master, if she's destroyed I automatically lose!

Twilight, there is one card in your deck that can save us. Remember?

What? Oh yeah, but what if I don't draw it? "It could be at the bottom of my deck for all I know!" said Twilight.

I will help you draw this card. To do this, I must first invoke my Deck Master special ability to call upon every monster in your graveyard, Twilight! said Mana as she was surrounding herself with some magical energy. "Behold! Dark Magic Energies! Please hear my call! Enter our graveyard and revive the monster within!" Soon five circles came out as they showed the spirits of Twilight's monsters.

"What's going on?" said the Gamemaster.

Twilight, I have formed a Soul Circle with the five monsters in your card graveyard. This allows you to draw five new cards. The rest is up to you.

Twilight's top five cards then started to float in front of her, Let's see. Did I draw the card I need? Twilight then saw it, "Yes! There it is!", she then grabbed it, "Now to... ugh - play it!" said Twilight as she struggled to move her arm with her duel disk close to her. "Ugh, stupid ice! There! Did it! Now I play Sage's Stone!"

Soon Isaac's deck began to glow as both he and Spike saw this happening, "What's happening?" asked Isaac. Now it was his Dark Magician standing right in front of Isaac. He looked at Mahad as he understood what he was doing to which he nodded his head and off he went to aid Twilight.

"What? How? My calculations were on points that I would be virtuous! This doesn't add up!" shouted the Gamemaster.

"The power of the Sage's Stone bestows upon me the unique ability to call forth the Dark Magician!" stated Mana.

"What? It can't be!"

"And that's not all, next I'll play Spellbook of Power and Bound Wand to give Dark Magician an extra 1700 attack points!" stated Twilight. "You thought you could separate me from my friends, but what you failed to realize Gamemaster is that even if we're far apart from each other. We'll always be there in each other's hearts, cause that's what it means to be friends, that's the magic of friendship." said Twilight. Thank you for helping me, Isaac.

"Now Double Dark Magic Attack!" shouted Mana as she and Mahad blast the monster on the Gamemaster's field and the rest of his life points as he screamed while turning to game data.
Abyss Soldier's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Twilight

Our task is complete. stated Mana as she looked at Mahad.

Yes, mistress Sparkle is now safe. The master will be pleased.

"Whoa, I won." said Twilight as she was in a bit of disbelief. She then passed out as the ice around her disappeared and she fell to the floor.

"Twilight!" Both Isaac and Spike had made their way towards Twilight. "Twilight." Isaac was now holding her in his arms as he had a couple of tears rolling down his face; he then looked at his two magicians who were still there. "Thank you, both of you. I can't express how grateful I am." said Isaac tearfully.

"It was our duty to protect her, while you found her, master."

"Twilight's a tough girl." stated Mana. With that both of them disappeared.

"Is she alright?" asked Spike.

Isaac then tried to wake Twilight up as he was still holding her, "Twilight, can you hear me?"

Soon Twilight heard a voice calling out to her as she opened her eyes and saw Isaac's face.

"Twilight! You did it!" said Isaac.

"Isaac, I was almost a human ice pop!" Twilight then threw her arms around Isaac as she pulled him into a deep, and crushing hug. "I'm so glad to see you!" she said as she let out a couple of tears herself.

Isaac's face had gone completely red given the fact that he could feel Twilight's bosom. He didn't want to say anything, so he just simply did his best to enjoy this position he found himself in, "Me too, Twilight. And now that we're together, I promise it'll stay that way."

"Grr. How cute." said the Gamemaster as the scene was playing on one of the monitors. "Little do they realize I'm just getting warmed up. Fools! They'll never escape my virtual universe! Never!"

Twilight was still hugging Isaac as she feared that if she let go, he would disappeared. Isaac had managed to get his arms out from being trapped and was now hugging Twilight as he pulled her close to his chest as if holding onto her for dear life. "I was afraid that... you never find me. That I never get to see you again." cried Twilight.

"That will never happen, Twilight. I will always find my way back to you; we will always be together." said Isaac as he did his best to comfort her.

Isaac then pulled away as he grabbed Twilight's face and pulled her into a deep and meaningful kiss as both let out a moan. Both brought their hands up to each other's cheeks as they let everything out, Spike just looked away for a bit as he let the two have their moment. Isaac was doing his best to kiss Twilight with everything he had as he was not only showing his affection for her, but also trying to warm Twilight up from the cold she experienced. It seemed to work as Twilight felt her body temperature returning as her heartbeat started to beat as she melted in Isaac's arm.

Author's Note:

So my friend showed me this video yesterday, and I got to be honest. Am I the only one who would love to see Yugioh characters singing songs and create an album?

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