• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 166: Training

It was now officially the start of the new semester at Canterlot High. Which meant that the students of the institution were now getting back on track for the remainder of the school year. Especially the upcoming class as in just a few months, they would be given their diploma and then officially become graduates. But for a certain young boy, it meant that he was running out of time as soon the decision that would determine the school's fate would soon be upon him. So that meant he had to kick it into higher gear. And he had just the idea.

The girls and the students were all gathered in the auditorium during one of the free periods as they were trying to figure out why they were all called. Soon they got their answer as in walked Isaac as all the small talk ceased. The young boy now stood in front of the large group as he addressed.

"So, hope you kids enjoyed your break." said Isaac.

"It was nice to not worry about school." said Jack.

"Especially, lessons from our tutors." said Shadow as he looked at Pinkie as she just smiled as it caused some pain for the young boy.

"Well, time to put all that behind you." said Isaac in a stern tone. "We've reached the halfway point, and in a few months you seven will be put to the test. A challenge that determine the fate of this school."

"You make it sound like the kids are responsible for saving the world." said Sunset.

"In a way, yes!" addressed Isaac. "The time for kicking back and lazing around is over. Time to sweat. Which is why, we're all taking a little trip."

"A trip?" asked Bryant.

"Where are we going?" asked Amber.

"You'll see, I've informed each of your guardians about this little field trip, and they agreed. Me and the rest of the girls will accompanying you all as chaperones. So get to packing kids, cause this next week is going to be the toughest of your lives." Isaac then gave the students their assignments as they all left to pack for their little trip.

"You sure about this?" asked Applejack.

"And where exactly are we going?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Let's say that I got some acquittances of mine that have allowed me to use their training facility." said Isaac as that was the only thing he said.

Now everybody was on a plane as they were soaring above the clouds as they headed to Isaac's desired location. It didn't take long as soon Isaac looked out of the window as he saw the building in view. Soon the plane landed on the runway as everybody got their bags and all made their way into the huge building. Twilight made sure to grab Spike as Isaac carried Tigre in his arms as they walked to their destination. It was about the afternoon when the whole gang arrived at the huge building as Isaac then swiped a card as he logged them into the building. He then approached the front desk as he stepped behind the counter and pulled out some keycards as he gave each person their own.

"Okay, who are these acquittances of yours?" asked Jason.

"That's a secret. Best to leave it at that." said Isaac. "Now each of you unpack, dinner will be delivered to your rooms. So for now, just rest." Isaac dismissed the kids as he pointed to the right corridor of the building as that is where the kids will be staying for the week. He then lead the girls to the left corridor as they walked a bit before coming to huge space that had several rooms as he let the girls choose their rooms. Isaac climbed the stairs as he went to the third floor as there was just one single room. He then typed in a password as it recognized the code and allowed him to enter the room.

"Good thing they gave me the password." said Isaac as he was thankfully, his acquittances had allowed him to use this room as his temporary stay. Isaac then sent the girls a quick text saying that he needed to have all of them meet up tonight.

The morning came as the students were sound asleep, when suddenly an alarm went off in each of their rooms.

"WAKE UP!!!!!" shouted Isaac through the speaker as it got the kids to cover their ears. "Report to the desk, immediately! Anybody caught late will do 50 laps!!!"

"Ugh!!!" said all the students as they all fell back on their beds.

They all then exited out of their temporary rooms, as they went back down the corridor as they found Isaac in front of the desk as he had his arms crossed and had a stern look on his face.

"Why?" asked Jason.

"Be quiet, all of you!" shouted Isaac as it got the kids to stand up straight. "Prepare to sweat your asses off, kids." Isaac then pushed another button behind the desk as the wall next to them was now transforming as it popped open and soon another corridor was shown.

"Follow me."

The kids heard Isaac's orders as they followed the boy; it didn't take long as they soon came to what seemed to be a workout/exercise room as it had tons of contraptions and machines. There was a couple of treadmills, a mile track in the above level, some bench presses for lifting weights, and some weird device that had a string attached to it. Isaac then lead the kids down to the center of the room as each of the girls were waiting for them.

"This here is where you guys will train. As you know Duel Monsters isn't just about cards. It requires dexterity when drawing the cards, athleticism when playing the cards, and endurance when you're in the tenth round of a tournament or in a high pressure situation. If you can master these three, then you'll be a better duelist than when you walked in." informed Isaac. "Now time to do the course."

"You're kidding?!" shouted Shadow.

"You expect us to do all that?" asked Lucky Star.

"Did I Stutter!!!" stated Isaac in a sergeant like tone. "Rainbow!" Isaac then snapped his fingers as the chromatic girl then stepped forward as she got in a ready position. She then smiled as she began to do the workout that Isaac had told the kids to do as they were shocked to see that she was doing it not only with ease but with speed.

Rainbow was now reaching the end of the course as she finished lifting some weights as Isaac stopped his stopwatch.

"Rainbow finished the course in 3 minute and 35 seconds." said Isaac.

"You expect us to finish in that time?" asked Jack.

"Of course not, you're all slow." said Isaac. "Sunset!" shouted the boy as he snapped his fingers once again as it was now Sunset's turn to step up and do the course. While Sunset wasn't as fast as Dash, she did managed to finish the course in a good time as Isaac stopped the watch and showed the time for the kids. "Sunset's time is 5 minute and 25 seconds. That seems like a reasonable time for you all to beat."

"You're kidding me?" asked Amber.

"Fluttershy finished the course in 4 minutes and 15 seconds." said Isaac as that fact got each of the kids to shut up. "So stop whining and moaning like little bitches and get to sweating." Isaac then snapped his fingers as each of the kids went to start on a different part of the course. Isaac turned back to look at the girls, "You guys know what to do," said the boy as he left the girls to supervise the kids.

The first few hours saw the kids struggling with the different parts of the courses, even for Jason as despite him being a workout person, he found it to be tough. As expected, the kids' times were over the expected time limit as they were letting out breaths of exhaustions. The girls, all did their part as they served as spotters and did their best to motivate the kids despite their muscles being soared. Both Spike and Tigre were watching from afar as they knew to not get in the way of everybody working out and to avoid the mutt from talking in front of the students. So in the end, the first day of training was a success as Isaac smiled. The next day the kids were still sore, but since they knew what to expect, their bodies were a little more than prepared. Even the girls were doing some workouts as they wanted to train alongside the students. Isaac did show them the device that had a string sticking out; he then approached it as he grabbed the end of the string and as hard as he could, he pulled it as it displayed the power he used as the entire bar was filled to the max.

Isaac told the kids this was to practice their arm strength and their pulls as to help them when drawing their cards. So all the kids took turns approaching and pulling the string as they had relatively weak pulls based on their scores. And so it went as both students and tutors were hard at work training, even Rarity was willing to get dirty and sweat, mostly cause it allowed her to get a nice, deep, hot bath after it as she looked forward to it that she was willing to work out. Everybody was at different stations as they were all working out, Isaac in the meantime was in the middle of the room on the small area as he plugged in his duel disk into the small cord as he was currently facing against an A.I. on the highest setting as he was making sure his dueling skills were sharp.

"I now play my Arcana Triumph Joker." said Isaac as he summoned his powerful monster as it appeared in front of him. "Now to end this duel." informed the boy as he gave his monster her order as she did a downward slash as Isaac beat the A.I.

"Test simulation over. Success." stated the program as it gave Isaac a score of 100. He then prepared to reset set the simulations as he wanted to take on two A.I. at once.

"Look at Mr. High and Mighty over there." said Jason as he was lifting a dumbbell with his right arm.

"I get Professor Isaac wants us to train and get better, but this is going to kill me before the week is over." said Bryant.

"Don't tell me you boys are chickening out?" asked Twilight as she was nearby on a treadmill doing some laps.

"Isaac may be tough on you, but he cares." smiled Fluttershy as she wiped her forehead with a towel as she finished doing some splits.

"Yeah, by yelling at us." said Jason as he looked at their headmaster. "He thinks this is suppose to get us to become better duelists, this is suppose to get us to believe in the stupid nonsense of the 'Heart of the Cards'."

"And how is this suppose to help us create this 'bond' you mentioned, Fluttershy?" asked Bryant.

"Trust Isaac." smiled Fluttershy.

"Bryant, Jason!!" shouted Isaac as he finished beat the two A.I. in one move as he received another perfect 100. "Get over here." informed the boy.

The two boys then looked at each other in shock as they ceased what they were doing. Isaac also called over Twilight and Fluttershy as they too were shocked. Both pets also wanted to see what would happen as Spike kept his vow to not talk with the students present. Soon all four of them approached Isaac as he was still on the small dueling field as he had his eyes closed. He then opened them as he looked at the pair of boys with a straight look on his face.

"You guys are weak." said Isaac bluntly.

"Oh, no we're not!" said Jason as he felt offended by that comment made by Isaac.

"Well, I'm moving on." said Isaac.

"What do you mean, there's more to this training exercises?" asked Bryant.

"One on one battles." informed the boy.

"Huh, so you're gonna battle us." said Jason as he and Bryant were a bit excited for that idea.

"Okay, you first." said Isaac in deadpanned tone as he pointed at Bryant.

"Wait, what?!" shouted Jason. "No fair, you got problem with battling with me first."

Isaac just ignored Jason's remark as he still had that deadpanned look on his face as he looked at Bryant. Soon the boy joined Isaac on the small field as Fluttershy, Twilight, and Jason were watching from the sides; the other students and tutors were still doing their exercises as they didn't pay attention to what was happening. Isaac now raised his duel disk up as it projected a gold card tray, Bryant then did the same as he had a burgundy card tray, but for a second his arm hurt as he hadn't fully recovered from lifting weights.

My arms are still tired from earlier. Bryant now flexed his hand a bit as he opened it and closed it.

"This is your chance." said Isaac as he still had that deadpan look and tone in his voice.

"Huh?" said Bryant.

"This is your chance to prove to me that you're someone that's worth battling. I'll take the first move. Can you keep up?" asked Isaac.

"Of course, I'm going to be able to keep up." responded Bryant with a determined look.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

Bryant's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll draw." said Isaac as he made little effort in picking up his card. "I summon Marshmallon(300/500) in attack mode." A white blob now appeared on Isaac's side of the field as it had a face.

"Why is Isaac doing that?" asked Twilight. "That monster is better served for defense, sure it can't be destroyed, but he'll still take damage if its in attack mode."

"I'll just lay a facedown." said Isaac still in his deadpanned tone.

Turn 2: Bryant

"My draw, and I'll summon my Performapal Friendonkey(1600/600). And when he's summoned, he can bring along another friend to join him, so I choose my Performapal Bot-Eyes Lizard(1600/1200)." Bryant now had two monsters on his field.

"Not bad, but this is only the beginning." said Isaac with a grin.

"You got that right, especially when I activate my Bot-Eyes Lizard's special ability. When he's summoned, I can declare 1 'Odd-Eyes' monster in my deck and my Lizard becomes that name." Bryant's lizard then had the mirage image of Odd-Eyes Dragon appeared as his lizard changed into the monster.

"You're aiming to deal me damage with two attack. Have it your way then." said Isaac as he wasn't interested in Bryant's move.

"No, I'm doing one better. Cause now I play Polymerization." said Bryant as he held the card up as both of his monsters now disappeared into a vortex of orange and purple lights. "I Fusion Summon, Performapal Odd-Eyes Metal Claw(3000/2000)!" Out emerged a brand new card that Isaac had given the boy as it was a monster that had metal claws and were long as it let out a roar.

"Incredible." said the girls and Jason. They were surprised that Bryant had decided to use his two monsters as key components to summon a brand new more powerful creature. "Now since I used Polymerization to fusion summon my monster, it's unaffected by other cards' effects. Now Performapal Odd-Eyes Metal Claw, attack his Marshmallon, by the way when my monster declares an attack, it gets an 300 points power boost." stated Bryant.

"Nicely done, I like the way this is going." said Isaac with a sort of evil smirk. His Marshmallon was then struck by the attack as he didn't bother covering up as he took the attack head on. While was took the attack he looked at Bryant as for a second it looked like the boy had the spirit of his monster appear behind him as it legit got him to widen his eyes.
Isaac's Life Points: 1000-

"Yeah!" shouted Bryant as he managed to deal damage to Isaac.

"He did it." shouted Jason.

"What do you know? He was able to take Isaac head on and deal him almost 3/4 of his life points." said Fluttershy as she too was impressed by the boy's move.

"He actually dealt some legit damage to Isaac." said Twilight.

"You have proven yourself." said Isaac as he returned back to the deadpan look and tone in his voice.

I'll do another attack like that my next turn. Right now, best to play it safe. "I place..."

"Hold on, I reveal my facedown, Dark Horizon. Now thanks to you dealing me damage, I can bring out a spellcaster whose attack points are less than the damage I took. So... rise up Dark Magician." said Isaac as he now had his star monster appear on the field.

"I'll just place one card facedown and end my turn." said Bryant.

Turn 3: Isaac

"My draw, and I'll start by playing my spell card, Magic Formula to give my Dark Magician 700 more attack points. Now it's stronger than your Performapal Odd-Eyes Metal Claw. Next, I'll also equip him with this, Relic of Demise. Now to attack your monster." said Isaac as his magician then pointed its staff at Bryant's monster as it fired a spell at his creature.

"My monster's not going anywhere, thanks to my trap card, Half Unbreak. So now the damage I take is cut in half and my Performapal Odd-Eyes Metal Claw is safe from destruction."

"Nice move, now Isaac's going to have to come up with a different plan to destroy Bryant's monster." said Bryant.

"That won't work." smiled Isaac. Soon Mahad pointed his wand at Bryant's trap as it disappeared and his monster was then destroyed as it let out a cry.
Bryant's Life Points: 3800-

"Hey, what happened to my trap and my monster?" asked the boy.

"My Relic of Demise allows my monster to negate and destroy one spell or trap card when it battles. So you Half Unbreak is gone and your monster perished. But that's not all it does, if my magician destroys a monster in battle after it takes out one of your spell or trap cards, it gets to attack again. Of course, I'll also activate my Dark Magic Expanded from my hand to give my monster an extra 1000 attack points." said Isaac. "So Dark Magician finish this duel, Dark Magic Attack." stated the boy as he didn't even bother putting his arm up. Mahad heard Isaac's command as he pointed his wand at Bryant and hit the boy square in the chest as he tumbled onto his back.
Bryant's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"Unbelievable." said Jason as he was shocked that Isaac won.

"That's the power of a highly experienced duelist." said Twilight as she and Fluttershy were in awe at Isaac winning.

Isaac just looked at Bryant as the boy had his eyes widen. Isaac still had the deadpanned look on his face as he soon changed it into a smirk. Soon it was Jason's turn as he wanted to take on Isaac.

"All righty, it's time for me to go all out from the get go." said Jason as he was soon stopped in his tracks by Twilight.

"Hold on!" shouted the girl.

"Oh, what's up, Twilight?" asked Jason as he looked at his tutor.

"You saw Bryant's battle, didn't you? If you want to beat Isaac, you're gonna need a plan." said the girl.

"If you go in without thinking, you'll be begging Isaac to put you down like it's nothing." said Fluttershy.

"Well, then I'll just attack him and drop his points to zero before that happens. Trust me, my cards are powerful and they don't need any stupid belief." said Jason as he got on the dueling stand as he took position across from Isaac as he projected a white color tray.

"Take him down, Jason. You got this!" shouted Bryant.

"Good luck." said Fluttershy as she too was showing her support for the boy.

"Oh, yeah. He's going down faster than he can expect. Time for revenge." said Jason.

"There's no point in battling against you." said Isaac to Jason's face. "And I'm gonna demonstrate why."

"What do you mean by that?!" shouted Jason as he felt a bit disrespected by Isaac's comment.

"You don't believe in it, do you?" said Isaac.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Jason's Life Points: 4000-

Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Jason

"My draw, and I'll start by playing my spell card, The Melody of Awakening Dragon. So now I'll discard a card so that I can add up to 2 Dragon monsters with 3000 or more attack points and 2500 or less defense points to my hand from my deck." Jason then sent away his Sage with Eyes of Blue as he added a pair of his Blue-Eyes White Dragons to his hand. "Next, up, I'll play Polymerization so that I can fuse together the trio of Blue-Eyes in my hand to create Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon(4500/3800)." Jason's monster then appeared as it let out a meek roar as it looked at Isaac but he wasn't even intimidated by the huge creature in front of him.

"Now I play my Mischief of the Time Goddess. With this spell, I can now skip my turn to go into my next turn's Battle Phase." said Jason.

"Can he do that?" asked Fluttershy and Bryant as they hadn't heard of that.

"Yup, that card is legit." said Twilight.

"Hmm." Isaac just had a blank stare on his face as he watched Jason about to make his move.

Turn 2: Jason

"So now that we're at the battle phase, it means I can attack you before you take a turn." informed Jason. "So now, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon attack Isaac directly and end this duel." The boy's dragon then opened its multiple mouths as it looked to end Isaac.

"I discard Kuriboh from my hand to make all battle damage equal to zero." Isaac then sent his tiny monster to the graveyard as it appeared before him as it took the attack head on with ease as barely anything got past him.

"You're kidding me!!" shouted Jason as he was surprised that Isaac had managed to survive. "You're starting to annoy me. I'll just summon my Maiden with Eyes of Blue."

"Then in response, I can activate this card." said Isaac.

"What? It's not your turn, how can you play something?" asked Jason.

"Simply, because you summoned a monster, I can now activate the effect of my Intervention of Fate spell card from my hand. So I discard which in turns allows me to activate 1 Normal spell card from my hand. So I'll pick this one, Ace of Sword." Soon a sword appeared in front of Isaac as it was stuck into the ground, it then rose up as it hung in the middle of the dueling field as it waited.

"What is this?" asked Jason.

"Something you fail to believe in." said Isaac. "Now my Ace of Sword kicks into gear, so I select a monster and I choose your Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. Then I flip a coin and then depending on what side it lands on determines which effect it activates. Should it land heads, you take damage equal to a monster's attack points on the field, but land on tails, then I take the damage." said Isaac.

"So then..." started off Jason.

Isaac then flipped the coin high into the air as it was hurling through. Everybody watched the coin as it stayed in the air for a bit, Isaac just had his eyes closed. Soon it started to come down really fast as Isaac caught it in his hand as he still had his eyes closed. He then opened it as he looked at Jason with his hand still closed around the coin.

"So... what is it?" asked Jason.

Isaac didn't bother saying as he just tossed the coin over to the boy so that he could see the result.


Ace of Sword then hurled through the air as it pierced Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon who let out a cry as it resulted in an explosion as it was sent heading towards Jason who fell onto his back as he felt the effect.
Jason's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"Wait, what the..." said Bryant.

"Did that just really happen?!" asked Fluttershy as she was shocked and had her mouth opened at the result.

"But, but why..." said Jason as he was on his knees looking at his hands as he couldn't believe what occurred.

"So it is possible." said Twilight.

"What's possible?" asked Jason as he looked at his tutor.

"It's rare, but Isaac was able to win the duel before taking even taking a turn. It's something only legends and pros ever talked about or mention, and even fewer have had a chance to see it." informed Twilight. "Isaac just pulled off something legendary."

"Wait, something like that is possible?" said Jason as he was in disbelief at what he was hearing.

Isaac then started to leave as he stepped off the dueling field as he looked to leave the training room.

Gotta hand it to you. You knew all along he was gonna come at you with full strength, so you had the perfect counter waiting. Twilight was impressed by how her boyfriend was able to execute such a timely and precision based move to win the duel.

"One more time!!" yelled out Jason as he watched Isaac walking away. His response got both girls and Bryant to be shocked. "I can do better, let's go again! Please just battle me one more time. I won't ask you for anything else, come on Isaac. Please!" said the boy as all the pressure and ass whupping that Isaac had given him was enough to make him drop to his knees as he broke down in tears.

Isaac just put his hands in his pockets as he was still walking away. He was about to leave the room when he was called out by someone.

"I'm asking you too!" shouted Twilight. Her response worked as Isaac stopped in his tracks and turned to look at his friend. "Please take Jason on again. What's one more duel?" said Twilight as she was standing up for her student. "Facing off against you will definitely push him to get stronger, isn't that what you want from him, from the others!!" shouted Twilight. "Even just one more match will be enough."

"Twilight that's..." started Fluttershy as she looked at her friend.

Isaac looked at his girlfriend as he could see that she was being serious. The look on her face, it was the same one that she had when they both interacted in the tournament and how they gave each other a serious expression. Isaac with the sternness in his face looked over at Jason as he could see the tears coming out of the boy's eyes from all the pain that he was going through.

"Just once, okay." stated the boy with a straight tone.

Twilight was happy that her boyfriend was willing to give her student another chance as she couldn't help but rush over to him as she wrapped her arms around his neck as Isaac just stood there.

"Thank you, Isaac. I owe you one, I knew I could always count on you in moments like this." said Twilight as she smiled at her boyfriend.

Isaac just waved off Twilight's arms as he made his way back to the stage as he activated his duel disk.

"All right, I've got another chance." said Jason as he was excited. "This time, I'm gonna take him down for sure." Soon, he was tapped on the shoulder by Twilight as whispered into her student's ear. "Huh?! What do you mean, don't attack?"

"Isaac's gonna expect you to attack, so you'll have to hold back. Don't worry, you'll get your shot. Just wait for the opportunity to attack. It's the only way." said Twilight.

"No way! I'm gonna dive in and attack with everything I've got. I don't need some stupid belief about cards." said Jason.

"You really don't get this." said Twilight as she couldn't believe her own student wasn't listening to the advice she was giving him. "At your current level, you don't have the strength to take Isaac head on. You get up all in his grill, he's gonna ricochet it back to you. Try giving it a shot just this once and maybe you'll learn something."

"Look, Jason. You want to beat Isaac, right. Just listen to Twilight." said Bryant.

With that both boys were now back on the dueling field as they prepared to duel. Soon Jason, the girls and Bryant noticed Isaac tinkering with his duel disk as he changed some settings for himself.

"For this duel, I'll start off with 4000 life points and you can start with 8000. Furthermore, I'll start with three cards in my hand and I won't draw till my second turn." said Isaac.

"What?" said Jason as he was surprised. "Don't mess with me!!" shouted the boy.

"Mess with you. If I don't do this, the duel will end instantly." said Isaac in a blunt tone. His response definitely got to Jason's head as he felt like Isaac was showing him disrespect.

"Don't let him get in your head." stated Twilight. "Remember what we talked about. Just stick with the plan, now you got that."

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Jason's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 4000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start, I'll place one monster facedown in defense mode, and then place two cards facedown." said Isaac.

Turn 2: Jason

Hold back at first and don't attack. Just be patient and don't attack. Be patient. Jason kept repeating that thought to himself as he had his hand on his deck.

Are you really fine with that? spoke a voice.

Oh, who said that? Jason was now looking around as he thought he heard something. Soon he felt the whole room being surrounded by black as he was in some space as he floated about. Soon there was a white light that pierced through the darkness as it spoke. Wait, hold on. What is this?

Are you truly going into this battle without attacking from the beginning? said the voice.

Twilight told me not to.

But are you fine with that?

No! stated Jason. I want to go full force like I always do, my cards are powerful and I want to show off that power like I always do.

Well then, it's settled. said the light as it started to push away the darkness.

Wait, tell who are you? asked Jason as he wanted to know who he was talking to.

You already know the answer to that. stated the light as it soon covered everything. Jason was now back to where he first started as he had his eyes closed and his hand on top of his deck.

"All right, let's show 'em how we do this!" shouted Jason. "I draw!"

"That's it, just be patient." said Twilight to herself as she watched Jason following her plan.

"Now I play, Polymerization so that I can combine my two Blue-Eyes to create Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon(3000/2500)!" Out emerged a dragon as it had two heads as it let out a roar.

"Come along now." said Isaac as he expected Jason to attack.

"Now Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon show him your might!" called out Jason.

"No way. He's attacking?!" said Twilight in disbelief.

"Let's go, Blue-Eyes. Ramp up to full power!" shouted the boy as his monster had one of its mouth open up and take out Isaac's monster.

"The monster you attacked was my Apprentice Magician, and when it's destroyed, I can replace it with another one." said Isaac as he summoned another Apprentice Magician in defense mode.

"Good thing my dragon has a cool ability, it can attack twice in a single battle. So time to take shot #2!" shouted Jason as his dragon's other head opened its mouth and took out Isaac's second copy.

"You're attacking again, eh? Well, that won't do you much good." said Isaac in a blunt and deadpanned tone as he was unimpressed. He then summoned the third copy of his monster in defense mode as Jason's monster had used up all of its attacks.

"I told him this would happen." said Twilight.

"At this rate, Isaac will the duel." said Bryant.

"We've gotta go head on. Just keep on attacking." shouted Jason.

"You're out of attacks." said Isaac.

"My Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon may be, but I didn't say he would be the one attacking. Cause from my hand, I play De-Fusion. So now I can split my monster back into its fusion materials so rise up my two Blue-Eyes White Dragons!" shouted Jason as he now had a pair of dragons on his field.

"Still nothing, let's finish this." said Isaac to himself.

"Now Blue-Eyes attack his monster once again." said Jason as his dragon took out Isaac's remaining magician. "Now to attack you directly, Blue Eyes!"

"Not gonna work, I reveal my facedown, Spellbinding Circle. So now your dragon loses 700 attack points and can't attack." stated Isaac.

"I expected that." smiled Jason. The girls, Bryant and even Isaac let out a gasp by what Jason said. "From my hand I activate my Twin Twisters, so I'll discard the last card in my hand and in return, I can take out 2 spells or trap cards on the field. So I'll get rid of your Spellbinding Circle as well as your other facedown." stated Jason as not only did he get rid of Isaac's Spellbinding Circle, but also his Mirror Force.

"No, my Mirror Force." said Isaac. Soon he took the attack from Jason's Blue-Eyes as it pushed him back a few feet as he felt the attack connect. As the attack was stilling going, Isaac put his arm up to protect him when he saw Jason as his eyes glowed with a more passion than usual and there was the same white light that was talking to him from earlier. Isaac's own eyes then responded with the same light as he knew what it meant. The attack died down as Isaac's counter dropped.
Isaac's Life Points: 1000-

"Alright, that was my best move yet!" cheered Jason as he ended his turn with excitement.

Turn 3: Isaac

"End this, Mahad." said Isaac as he had his head down, he then drew his card as it was covered in a bright white light.

"Wait, Isaac. Are you..." said Twilight as she could feel what her boyfriend was doing as his soul was covered in rainbow coloring as well as the demon inside of him was merging with him.

The light coming from Isaac's card got brighter and brighter as it caused the two girls, and the two boys to covered their eyes to avoid being blind. Isaac just kept his eyes open as soon the white light enveloped the field. Soon it died down and there was nothing left, but Isaac's Dark Magician and from where Jason's two dragons were, there was nothing but smoke and ashes. The girls and Bryant looked at Jason as he was on his back as he slowly sat up and was shocked by what his duel disk read.
Jason's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"Isaac, you..." said Twilight.

Isaac just fixed his cap as he started to get off the dueling field as he started to exit the room.

"Unbelievable. He really stayed true to his own style of battling." said Fluttershy.

"Oh, man. I lost!!!" shouted Jason. He then looked at Twilight as she had her arms crossed. "Wait, I can explain Ms. Twilight. I was gonna do like we planned and not attack at first, but then out of nowhere I heard a voice."

"A voice?" said Bryant.

"Yeah, and it was totally awesome. And then...." Jason then began to explain as Fluttershy and Twilight looked at each other for a bit.

"So, then Jason..." started Twilight.

"Yup." smiled Fluttershy.

"... and then it asked me: Are you fine with this? Do you really want to go in without attacking?" said Jason as he was still telling his story as the girls just smile. But for Bryant, he still had his eyes widen at the idea of Jason hearing a voice.

Isaac was now back in his room as he picked up some photos as he looked at them.

"Hey, you okay?" asked Twilight as she was walking in the direction of her boyfriend.

"Depends on what you mean: Okay with what?" said Isaac as he put the photos back into the drawers as he locked it as he didn't want Twilight to see them.

"That battle with Jason. And that white light that appeared when you drew your card. What was it?" asked Twilight. "Something seemed kinda off."

"It's nothing." said Isaac. "What I played doesn't matter?" Isaac then began to walk past his girlfriend as he placed his hand on her shoulder for a bit as he looked at her. "You're a good teacher, Twilight. Jason's lucky to have you, now he just has to follow your instructions if he ever hopes to be a good duelist." Isaac then walked out of the room as he descended down the corridor.

Bryant was still in the training area as all the other students and girls had left. He was looking at his deck as he thought back to what Jason had said about him hearing a voice. "Can something like that really happen?" said the boy as he looked at his cards. "If so, I can too."

Bryant was now closing his eyes as he tried to connect with his cards, but it wasn't working. "Come on out!" shouted the boy as he yelled at his cards and his monsters. But nothing responded. "Come on out! Guys! Come on!" yelled Bryant. "Let's try again."

"You're way too tense." said Isaac as he appeared before the boy.

"You want to know if I've ever met my magicians?" said Isaac as he repeated Bryant's question. He was leaning against the wall as Bryant was sitting in a chair facing him.

"Jason said he heard a voice calling out to him. That it appeared before him. I wonder if that kind of thing is even possible."

Isaac just had a soft smile on his face, "What he meant was he felt his cards were right by his side."

"Huh?" said Bryant.

"That's the kind of bond you have with your deck, with your cards, with your monsters." said Isaac.

"Did you say 'bond'?" Bryant was now remembered what Fluttershy had told him about this so called 'bond' when they were preparing for the Fall Formal and the tournament. It had been the primary lesson she'd been trying to get him to understand.

"That's right. When we forge a bond, a true bond between us and our cards, we have the potential to be the strongest we can be."

"Forge a bond with our cards?" said Bryant. He then looked at his deck in his hand, "Can I make that happen too?"

"Well, do you like dueling?" asked Isaac.

"Huh, oh yeah, I do."

"Then you've got nothing to worry about." smiled Isaac with as Bryant looked at his professor and he too chuckled a bit. "Now let's have a battle." offered Isaac.

"Go on, Performapal Sleight Hand Magician!" shouted Bryant as he commanded his monster to attack.

"There you go. Give me a lot more of that." said Isaac as Mahad was on his field and he clashed with the boy's monster as they were battling.

I can do this too. Bryant was now determined to make his bond with his deck a reality.

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