• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,570 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 57: Stuck in the Library

Safe to say that after the amazing match at Crystal Prep between Isaac and Shining Armor, nearly everybody had a culture shock and a half. The students who were watching the duel in the auditorium of Canterlot High also felt alive. Luna had stayed behind to keep an eye on the students, but even she found herself invested in the duel. Still everybody enjoyed the spectacle they got to watch, as CHS felt a little boastful that they beat Crystal Prep. However, that attitude would soon change as something even more scarring was approaching: Finals!

The next few weeks, were spent with the teachers going over the material that was going to be covered on the test. So all the students were doing their best to cram all the information into their head. Thankfully it would be all rewarded as they would have something waiting for them. Celestia and Luna thought that all their students needed some way to kick back and relax, so they came up with a small camping trip that would last a couple of days. After finals was over, all the students would be taking a field trip to Camp Everfree. To which many were looking forward, except one person.

"So, mind telling what Camp Everfree is?" asked Isaac.

"It's basically a way for us to get away from society and enjoy the relaxation that the woods and nature has to offer us." said Sunset. "Think of it as a long, extended vacation that will allow us to recharge our batteries."

"I'll say, after this crazy school year, it'll be good to finally get away from any sort of crazy magic stuff." said Rainbow as she was sitting in a tree branch above her friends.

"Nothing like the great outdoors to take our mind off things." noted Applejack.

"Imagine all the little woodland critters we'll see and the gentle breeze flowing through your face." said Fluttershy.

"Yeah, all that won't mean anything if we don't pass our final exams." Isaac's comment caught the attention of all the girls. "Principal Celestia did say that if we don't get passing grades on our finals, then we wouldn't be able to go on the trip." Then the school bell rang, with that the Canterlot group all made their way to their classes.

It was grueling few weeks, but everybody was doing their best to try to pass their last exams. Ms. Cheerilee was currently grading some paperwork, but she wasn't alone. Isaac was currently helping her to grade some papers as well as looking over the results of the kids in terms of their dueling. Suffice to say, that Isaac's position as a teacher's aid was something he really enjoyed. Other than the fact, that Celestia made sure he was paid for his efforts. Isaac didn't mind the money, as he would have taken the position even without the extra incentive. Right now they were both going over some last minute grading.

"Thanks for the help, Isaac. But are you sure you have the time, don't you need to study for your exams?" asked Ms. Cheerilee.

"It's fine, Ms. Cheerilee. I don't have that many left, so it's fine if I take a break. Plus this helps me to take mind off of some stress." assured Isaac.

"Very well then. I can handle the rest of the papers, but what I'm really having trouble with is coming up with some sort of final test for the kids in terms of Duel Monsters. I know it's not something that they should worry about, but I feel like I want to see how far they've come since they started paying attention to your lessons. I've never seen them become so invested like this before and it's because they've got such a great teacher."

"Well, I hardly call myself a teacher. I'm just dedicating my time to helping out the kids; when I was their age, I didn't have anybody to teach me the mechanics of the game. So I felt like it was only natural to give back and give others a chance that I didn't have. Plus it's kind of fun, the kids love it when I teach them something new, especially when I bring in others." Isaac then thought about Ms. Cheerilee's predicament. She wanted to find some way to test the knowledge of the little ones, since they first started learning under Isaac's supervision. Isaac then came up with an idea. "This might sound crazy, but what if they had something else instead of a normal test."

"What do you mean?" Cheerilee had raised an eyebrow at Isaac's comment.

"What I'm thinking of is, what if they spent the day playing some games instead of taking a test? Let me explain." Isaac then began to explain his plan; he suggested that they have some games while also implementing some Duel Monsters knowledge. For example, one of the things that Isaac suggested was a Matching Game that would require the person to find a pair. However, instead of numbers it would have a picture of monsters and their effects on the back of the card as they tried to find a match. Another thing Isaac suggested was Pin the Wings on Kuriboh; Magical Hats Roulette, in which the kids would try to find the Duel Monster plushie under the hat it was hiding. Isaac even wanted to do a scavenger hunt in which he would hide tons of cards.

Ms. Cheerilee was bit dumbfounded by Isaac's proposal, but once he started to explain his plan and come up with a couple of games, she started to approval it. Not to mention that a small part of her wanted to also try some of the games. So with a plan in motion, Isaac decided that he would need some help from Pinkie to help set this up. Overall, he knew that the kids were going to enjoy what he had planned. Ms. Cheerilee did suggest that if Isaac could entertain the kids by having one final duel for them. As much as Isaac wanted to, he still had to prep for his final exam, so he told her that if he found time then he would stop by and give them a spectacle. With that it was nearing the end of the day, as Isaac left Ms. Cheerilee's classroom.

Isaac felt bad that he couldn't promise the kids he'd be there to give one final duel, but he really did have to study for his last remaining exams, especially his most difficult subject: Physics. Isaac just couldn't wrap his head at the subject, he understood the basic stuff, but after that it was like his mind was just staring off into the distance. Thankfully, Isaac's other subjects were something he was comfortably in, so he had more time on his hand to understand this frustrating shit. So with a heavy heart, Isaac then started to make his way to the library as he was in for a rough time. When Isaac first stepped foot in the room, he saw a couple of students already choosing a spot and were filled with tons of papers and books around them as they were sweating really hard. With that Isaac began to look for a spot where he could get some peace and quiet as he really needed to focus on understand the subject.

Isaac had a tough time trying to understand Physics, that he was barely making any progress from what he already knew. Time had flown by as the announcement was made that the library would soon close in fifteen minutes. Most students were hurrying up and packing their stuff up as they prepared to leave the place. Isaac was so busy that he didn't hear the initial announcement. Soon five minutes passed, then ten minutes.

"Ahh! Why this is so hard!?" screamed Isaac. "What's the point of Physics, anyway? It's not like I'm going to use this shit in everyday life!" Isaac then looked around as he was expecting some students to hush and tell him to keep quiet. Just then an announcement was made.

"The library is now closed. It will reopen in the morning." said the P.A. system.

Isaac looked around and true enough, there was nobody there. Isaac then let out a sigh, "Well this is just great." He knew how it was frowned upon on students who were still there when it was closed. Given that he was studying in one of the closed off cubicles, when they did their nightly sweep to make sure that no students were still there, they didn't see Isaac. "Well the good news is that I won't get bitched at for being here so late. The bad news is that I'm going to be stuck here until the morning, not to mention that mami and papi are going to be wondering where I am. Great." said Isaac with disdain. Isaac then approached the door and tried to see if they were open, but unfortunately they were locked. After a couple of tries, Isaac just shrugged and then made his way back to his current position.

"Well the best I can do is get some more studying in..." Just then the lights turned off. "... before they turn off the lights." Isaac just hung his head in despair as he couldn't believe this was happening to him. Out of all things to happen to him, this was the one that the universe choose to throw at him. Isaac knew there wasn't much he could do, so he decided on the next best thing, which was finding some place to sleep. Thankfully there were a couple of couches in the library so Isaac decided to head out of his study area and proceeded to try and find one.

That proved easier said than done, given that it was dark and Isaac's eyes hadn't fully adjusted to the darkness around him. The only light that was available was the light from the street lights shining in through the windows and that wasn't much help. Isaac moved slowly as he knew it was bad to run in the darkness; he wound up stumbling around and even fell over a couple of chairs. Safe to say that the pain wasn't making this any easier, eventually he found a couch over by the windows. The primary thing that Isaac really hoped for was that there wasn't any security cameras in that place, because if there was, he'd get busted for sure. Possible get detention.

Isaac then positioned himself as he laid down on the couch. He didn't mind sleeping here as he slept on couches in the past, the problem was that the couch he was on was anything but comfy. Eventually some time had passed as outside the moon had just rose and even more street lights were lit, not to mention that the room became a bit more visible with the moonlight. Still Isaac woke up with some sore muscles and slightly fatigue as he couldn't get some sleep. Based on how high the moon was in the sky, it looked close to about 15 minutes to 9 o'clock. Then the worst thing happened as his stomach let out a growl.

"Great, just great," he said. "Now not only am I stiff from the couch, but I'm hungry as well. All that studying killed my brain cells." Isaac then rubbed his stomach. "I know some people can go a couple of days without food, but that's just torture. How can you just forget about eating, I'll never understand those folks who do fasting?" Just then Isaac heard something as he heard footsteps not too long after that. He knew there wasn't anybody else beside him; the janitor had already done his shift, so it couldn't be him. With that Isaac then knelt down and grabbed his duel disk from his backpack and slotted in his deck. He put in on and had his finger over the button as he prepared to defend himself.

Then the footsteps started to get louder as they were drawing very close to his position. Then the person stepped into the moonlight as it was none other than Twilight who had her hand in front of her face as she shielded her eyes from the blinding moonlight.

"Twilight?" said Isaac.

"Who's there? Show yourself." said Twilight with a slight fear in her voice.

Isaac then stepped out of the shadows for her to see. "It's me, Isaac."

"Isaac, is that you?" asked Twilight. Isaac then nodded his head. "Oh my gosh, what you doing in here?"

"Well I came to get some more studying in and well time flew by so fast, that before I knew it, I was trapped in here. What about you, I guess you got locked in too?" he suggested.

Twilight gave Isaac a slight smile, "Not really. I find ways to purposely get myself locked in so I can study more." She then laughed a bit, "I'd do that at Crystal Prep too and doing this really helps my grades."

Isaac just gave her a nervous chuckle. "I can imagine. You're really smart, but damn are you a nerd! Purposely getting locked in so that you can study to your heart's content. Even I think that's a bit much, even for someone like you."

"I told you don't call me that!" said Twilight as she didn't like it when people said that, especially her best friend.

"Fine, bookworm! You happy!?" stated Isaac.

"I be more happy if you don't call me that, I mean you don't see me calling you a geek for knowing so much about Duel Monsters." fired back Twilight.

"Please, I can handle being called that since I'm a guy. But you suddenly find it offensive when I call you that, you know it's true." stated Isaac. "And don't try to deny it, cause you're terrible at hiding it. Especially with your facial expressions."

"Whatever." said Twilight as she rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I heard some noise and I went to check it out. And that's when I bumped into you. Is everything okay?"

Just then Isaac's stomach began to rumble even louder. "Well considering that I'm locked in here till the morning with no food and some slightly uncomfortable sleeping arrangement, I think I'm doing just fine." said Isaac with a sarcastic tone.

Twilight then motioned for Isaac to follow her and said, "Follow me, I have some food with me."

Isaac's initial thought was, Who the hell brings food with them to the library? He then remembered how Twilight said that she would purposely get herself locked in the library. Still it proved his point that Twilight was definitely a nerd, and it allowed him another point for him to bring up should he get in another debate with Twilight. As it turned out, she too was in one of the study cubicles and when they got there, she had a lot of food in there with her. "Wow," Isaac commented, "you came prepared didn't you?"

Twilight replied, "I did." She then motioned for Isaac to join her and continued, "Come on in, I have more than enough for both of us."

Now all she brought with her was bread, peanut butter and bottles of water. It wasn't anything fancy, but it definitely beat having nothing at all. Once they sat down, Isaac was then sitting across from Twilight as they enjoyed their dinner in silence. Twilight was able to pass a couple of glances at Isaac while he was eating, but then quickly put her head back down as she briefly blushed a bit. Isaac was too focus on filling up his appetite that he didn't notice it. Soon Isaac found himself full of energy as his brain was back to functioning.

After what was a rather quick dinner full of awkward silence Twilight asked, "So, what were you studying when the library closed?"

Isaac replied, "I was studying physics. Can't wrap my head around the damn thing."

She said, "I was too. Want to study together?"

Isaac then looked at her and a lightbulb went off in his head. "Of course, how can I be so dumb. I should have just asked you for help, I mean you've proven that you're smart enough to pass any test without studying. It's one of your natural talents. Maybe I won't fail after all."

"Oh thanks." said Twilight as she turned a bit red at Isaac saying that she had a natural talent at being smart.

"I'd love too. Just let me go and get my books." Isaac wasn't to surprised that she would be studying the same thing, but it thrilled him that she wanted to study. More so that he found a way for him to finally understand what all this stuff meant. At first, it seemed like fate had given him a bad hand. But Isaac was able to make the most out of it and was now on a roll.

Once Isaac grabbed his stuff and returned to the cubicle, Twilight gave her a smile and suggested, "Let's get started shall we?"

Isaac agreed and they began to go over the material. It started out rough, but thanks to Twilight's natural ability she was able to help Isaac understand what stuff meant and he was starting to get less of a headache. Isaac was even a bit surprised when Twilight came over to his side of the table and plopped down next to him. He didn't mind, but it felt both weird and nice. Eventually they decided to take a break; given by the moon's position, Twilight was able to indicate that only an hour had passed since they started. Isaac was so busy studying the material that he didn't notice that time was moving slow. Soon she suggested that they head out to one of the couches and simply talk. They just talked about normal stuff, eventually a question came up.

"So Twilight, what are your plans for after graduation? I know it's a bit far off for all of us, but couldn't hurt to have a plan." asked Isaac.

"Well to be honest, I plan to attend Everton University here in Canterlot. They have a well known card designer program. I told you about how I have interest in becoming a card designer. What about you?" replied Twilight. "I expect that you have plans to become a pro duelist, I mean based on how everybody is amazed by your skills. Even my brother offered his praises."

"As nice as that would be, I don't know if that's really what I want to do. Everybody says that I could have a good run if I decided to enter the pro circuit. And not to say they're wrong; it's just that I feel like I could do something else. Who knows, we've still got quite a ways before that happens. Till then, I'm just going to take it one day at a time and live it to the fullest." said Isaac as he pounded his chest.

"It's nice to know that you choose to live your life like that. Also no matter what you choose to do with your life, know that I'll always be here to support you." Twilight then slowly grabbed Isaac's hand when she said.

Isaac looked at Twilight and saw that she was smiling while having a small bit of red. It caused him to smile as well, and some red of his own to form. Eventually they noticed this and both turned their heads as they tried to avoid the awkward silence that came. Soon Twilight broke the silence.

"Well, it's getting late. We should probably get some rest."

"Yeah, you're right. We still got some last minute exams tomorrow." said Isaac.

So with that Twilight and Isaac began to plan out their sleeping arrangements. Twilight had come up with the weird idea of creating a bed made from books. To which Isaac just laughed as he found it silly to think that someone would even sleep on that. Surely nobody would ever come up with such an idea and go through with it. Isaac was fine with sleeping on the floor, since he had done it in the past whenever he visited some of his relatives who had tons of guest over. However, Twilight was against that idea as she didn't want to feel the hard, cold floor against her body. It seemed both were against each other's suggestions. The only other option was to sleep on the couches, but based on Isaac's previous experience, he wasn't a big fan of it. Plus there would only be room for one person.

It took some thinking on both individuals, but they eventually pushed a pair of couches together to create some sort of bed. Now there was plenty of room and when Isaac tested it out, it felt much more comfy than it did before. So with that Twilight then started to lie down, but Isaac still remained on the side. Twilight then pulled out a blanket from her backpack and looked at Isaac with confusion.

"What's wrong, aren't you going to sleep on your side?"

"Yeah... about that... look it's just that ... well..." Isaac was having trouble putting together his words.

"Well what?" said Twilight.

"Just that it's kind a bit awkward, you know... a boy, a girl, in bed together." Isaac started to roll his hand as a way for Twilight to piece together what he was saying.

Twilight then figured out what Isaac was saying and it caused her to turn her head to the side as she blushed. "Yeah, I see what you mean. But I don't mind; when I was little, I got scared of sleeping on my own from time to time. In that case, I would sometimes go to my brother's room and sleep with him. So I don't mind sharing the bed with you."

"You sure, I could just sleep on the floor. I don't want you to get uncomfortable." suggested Isaac.

Twilight nodded. "I'm sure, just don't try to anything funny." said Twilight, but she knew that Isaac would never do something like that. So with that Isaac got on his side of the couch as they looked at each other and prepared to get some sleep.

Both of them had their backs turned as they started to get some sleep. Some time had passed when Twilight felt something against her back. She quickly turned her head and saw that Isaac was shivering a bit despite wearing his signature hoodie. He was currently grabbing his arms as he tried to keep himself warm, not to mention that his teeth chattered against each other. Twilight then covered Isaac with some of her blanket to which he immediately stopped shaking and had a smile form on his face. Twilight then had a smile form on her face as she turned back to her side and fell back to sleep.

Soon the morning came as a few birds started to make some light chirps. There was a couple of sunlight rays that pierced through the window as it fell on Twilight's face. Twilight then began to stir, slowly waking up from her sleep. She opened her eyes as she grabbed her glasses; once she put on her glasses and her vision returned, she immediately blinked at the sight in front of her. She started to notice she was holding something, or someone. She blushed intensely when her vision finally came into focus... She was cuddling Isaac.

"Ahh-" Twilight quickly silenced herself by putting her hand over her mouth. She then did her best to get out of her current position. She slowly let go of Isaac and quietly backed away from him, the blush never leaving her cheeks. "I-I-I-" Twilight was having trouble trying to form a sentence.

Just then Isaac began to stir as her silent freakout was enough for him to let out a yawn as he opened his eyes. Isaac then sat up as he began to rub his eyes. "Morning, Twilight." Isaac then stretched his limbs as he saw that she was acting a bit weird. "Is everything ok, your face is kind of red?"

"Of course, everything is fine. Why wouldn't anything be fine; I mean it's not like I woke up in an awkward position and was cuddling up to you to stay, right?" said Twilight as she was trying to hide the fact of what happened when she woke up while playing with her hair.

"Ok..." said Isaac as he was unsure what Twilight was rambling about.

Twilight then looked up at a nearby clock and suggested, "What do you say we get out of here before we get caught? We certainly wouldn't want that!"

Isaac thought that was a good idea, but the a thought crossed his mind. "But how, the doors aren't open yet and if we try going through the entrance, we'll get caught."

Twilight gave him a smile, "Follow me and everything will be fine."

Isaac then got up and began to grab his stuff as he followed Twilight. He wasn't sure where she was leading them but given that she did this on purpose on what sounded like a regular basis, Isaac knew she'd be able to find a way for them to get out unseen. She must know the library very well because she led them into the back into a hall that had a door at the end of it. Twilight then opened the door and they began to navigate their way through what amounted to a dimly lit hallway.

The walk seemed to last forever until right before they got to what was another door. Twilight pushed it open and it led to the outside of the school on the backside. Isaac gave her a smile and commented, "So that's how you manage to never get caught!"

Twilight replied, "Yes it is." She then gave him a smile.

Another thought then crossed Isaac's mind. "Wait a minute, if you knew about this secret entrance, then we've could have gotten out a long time ago!" shouted Isaac.

"Well you didn't ask!" shouted back Twilight. "Plus I kind of saved your ass by sticking around and helping you to study for the exam, so I'd think that deserves any apology." pouted Twilight as she crossed her arms.

"Oh don't give me that you..." shouted Isaac.

Soon it turned into a full on argument as both him and Twilight began to yell at each other. Thankfully, their wasn't anybody nearby as they could definitely hear the noise these two were making. It seems this conversation was going nowhere so Isaac decided to be the bigger person and apologize to lay the issue to rest.

"You're right, you did help me to prepare for my exam, plus not to mention the other things you did for me while we were locked in there. Alright, I'm sorry. That make you happy." said Isaac.

"It's a start." said Twilight as she got rid of her pouting face and had replaced it with a small smile. Twilight was kind of happy that she got locked in the library. It allowed her to study, but also spend some time with Isaac. Despite their awkward position, she still felt a sense of comfort/warmth when she was cuddling next to him. She didn't have much time to dwell on her thoughts as the school bell rang to signal the start of the school day.

"Well we better get going, or else all that studying will be for nothing." said Isaac. "Hopefully, all that study we did is enough to help me pass."

Twilight just giggled. "Don't worry, I think you'll be just fine." With that they both left as they headed towards their classroom.

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