• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 35: Back to School

The holidays went by faster than everybody expected but they still had time to relax and enjoy themselves during the break. It was now the day before school would start and Isaac was in his room going over the last minute preparations for the new term. During the break, Celestia had sent an email to Isaac and his parents about the materials he would need for the new semester. Apart from that, she also sent a private email to Isaac that talked about his role as duel champion; she merely just said that she hoped he would continue doing what he was doing and putting on quality matches. She also mentioned that this year she had major events planned for him and his gang of friends; one of which was fast approaching in about a month or so. Regardless, she just wished Isaac and his family to have a safe/happy holiday and was looking forward to seeing more from him.

So that leads us to where we first began, Isaac was currently going over making sure he had everything ready for class. He was also going over his deck as it felt forever since he last saw them. Of course it wasn't that long as the last time he had played his deck was when before he had left for the holidays. During his break, Isaac didn't really have an opportunity to play with his deck as he was enjoying himself with his family. His other relatives asked Isaac how he was handling being in a new place and school. Isaac told them that he was happy where he was, as not only was it a place full of joy but it had a fantastic atmosphere for dueling. He told them about how he entered his school's tournament in hopes of helping his friends to take down a bully. Isaac told them how he managed to make it all the way to the finals where he had one of his toughest fights and not only became champion but also helped her to change her ways.

They also asked if he had made any friends to which Isaac told him about 6 girls who had welcomed his with open arms. His cousins teased/congratulated him on getting so many girls to fall for him. Isaac just told them they were just friends; to which they sort of believed him. So that brings us to where we are now. Isaac was going over making sure that he had all the necessary supplies for the first day of school. Isaac was then at his desk where he had all his cards scattered on its surface. It had been a while since he last saw his deck as the last time he used it was during his duel against Rainbow Dash during the Winter Ball. Both Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl cards then began to glow as their spirits appeared and looked at their master.

"Hey guys, it's been a while."

"Indeed it has, master. We understand you wanting to spend time with your family/relatives. We sent our best wishes that you were safe."

"Thanks for your concern, Mahad."

"So what's on the agenda, master? From what we've heard it seems you're getting ready to start school which means since you're still champion, many of your fellow peers will be looking to challenge you."

"Well, you're correct on that front, Mana. However, Celestia did tell me that this year she has some big plans that involve me and the girls. One of them happens to be coming up soon, but she didn't tell me what it was."

"Is that so? Oh, well what can you do?" Mana just simply gave a smile that said 'don't worry about it'.

"Mana, this is serious. If our master's principal says that she has something planned that involves him then we must take it with the utmost cautious. Besides, what if he were to get injured? It would pain me to see the master get hurt and we weren't there to protect him."

"How many times do I have to tell you, Mahad? Isaac can take care of himself; you've seen he can handle a beating and still get back up. Honestly, he doesn't need you constantly looking over his shoulder every second. No wonder you ruin the fun out of everything."

Both of Isaac's magicians began to argue as Isaac just looked on with a smile. While they were still bickering, Isaac looked out his window as he began to let his mind wander a bit. During the break, he hadn't talked to the girls so he was thinking on how they would act after seeing him be gone for the break. Soon it was nighttime and Isaac was getting ready for bed. The morning came as Isaac's alarm rang on his desk. He turned it off and began to get ready to start his first day of the new term. Isaac put on his signature hoodie and then zipped up his jacket as he head out the front door and made his way to school. The weather wasn't snowy but it was still cold and there was still blankets of snow as Isaac made his way. Once he got there, he saw a decent amount of students made their way into the building.

Isaac made his way through the front entrance and went to his locker. As he was walking through the hallways, he was given a warm reception from his fellow peers as they welcomed him back. Isaac just gave them a wave and sometimes a response. Some of his male companions, gave him a pat on the back as they told him to be watch himself as they were looking to beat him. Isaac had finally made it to his locker where he began to take off his coat and was beginning to open his locker. Just when he opened it, out came a small explosion of confetti as it exploded in his face. Isaac wiped his face and noticed that the words 'Welcome Back' was written on his locker as he heard some noise behind him.

"Well, were you surprised?" Pinkie the popped up with the rest of the girls behind her.

"Very." Isaac's response just sent Pinkie into overdrive as she began to bounce up and down in place.

"Sorry about that. Soon as Pinkie heard that school was starting, she knew you would be returning and that meant she wanted to give you a little surprise. Hope that was alright with you, sugarcube."

"It's fine, Applejack."

"So how was your break? Anything cool happen while you were gone?" asked Rainbow.

"No, just an ordinary, relaxing vacation. Honestly, it was good to see some of my family. Not to mention that I got to get some rest after not having to worry about school and dueling."

"Well, we're glad you were able to rest, darling. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we sure missed you."

"Thanks for your concern, Rarity. But yeah I did miss having you girls around."

The school bell then rang which caused everybody to gather there things as they rushed to class. This time, according to Isaac's schedule he would have class with at least one of the girls during each period. The first class Isaac had was science which he shared with Applejack. The teacher walked in and gave them a hearting welcome back as he went over the course schedule for the school term. They then began to go over the lesson for today when they heard the P.A. system go off and Celestia's voice was heard.

"Welcome back, students. I hope that you all have had a relaxing vacation. Let me be the first to say, that I'm delighted to see you all back. This year promises to be full of wonderful memories as there will be some special events that I had planned or are in the works in terms of Duel Monsters. Speaking of Duel Monsters, I figured why not have a special "welcome back' duel as a way to set the stage for dueling this school term." The response from everybody was more than pleased as they had been craving some excitement for quite some time. "Then today we will have our champion taking on a mystery opponent." With that the announcement was cut and everybody returned back to their school work.

The rest of the day went by as normal; Isaac just kept bouncing from class to class. As stated before he had Science class with Applejack, Math with Sunset, English with Rarity, after lunch he had Social Studies with Fluttershy, Home Economics with Pinkie and lastly gym with Rainbow. During lunch Isaac sat at a table and was soon joined by the girls who were talking about what they did during the holiday break. Soon it was time for the duel as Celestia asked everybody to meet in the auditorium; Isaac and the girls made their way as they stepped through the doors. Celestia waved at the group to get their attention.

"You finally arrived. Welcome back, Isaac."

"Thanks, Principal Celestia. So who's going to be my mystery opponent?"

"Right, it took me a while but I eventually found someone who was willing to take you on. Your opponent will be none other than Spitfire."

Rainbow then chimed in. "Seriously, she's the one you'll be competing against?"

"You know her, Rainbow?"

"Yeah, aside from me, she's basically the second-in-command of the soccer team. Not to mention she's one of the best duelist in our little sports group. She's always finding a way to test her skills and believe it or not has wanted to take a crack at you since last school term."

"If that's the case, then why didn't I see her approach me and issue a challenge?"

"Well, she had other commitments that kept getting in the way of her wanting to confront you. But she did always want to see how well she stacks against someone of your caliber; she was constantly trying to get me to put in a word to duel you. Now it seems she's capitalizing on a golden opportunity."

"Then this should be fun."

"For her, maybe. Just try not to get overwhelmed."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see. Good luck, Isaac." With that Rainbow and the rest of the girls went to find some seats to watch the duels.

Isaac was left with a confused look on his face as he just shrugged his shoulders. He then went to the middle of the room and saw his challenger awaiting him. Upon first glance, she was a fiery orange-haired girl that dawned the colors of the Wonder Colts, blue and light yellow, topped off with a blue denim jacket with a flame patch stitched in the back. Isaac got closer as the girl was able to inspect him as he was now standing in front of her.

"I take it your Spitfire?"

"Guilty as charged. You the champ? Got to say, I was expecting you to be a bit more... I don't know, eye catching. I mean the way you hang out with Rainbow, I'd expected you to be full of awesomeness. Still you got some cool factor."

"Thanks. I hear you also were looking to duel me?"

"Yeah, been for a while but some other shit came up. So when Celestia announced a duel to kick of the school term, I'd figured why not take my shot. So ready to lose, champ."

"Please, as if I'd lose my first duel back. I'm always up for a challenge and duel."

"That's the attitude I like. So bust out your duel disk kid, and get ready to feel the burn."

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said both of their duel disks.

"Let's duel!" they both shouted.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-
Spitfire's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Spitfire

"Perfect, I was hoping to go first. Draw. I'll start this duel off by summoning my Volcanic Slicer(1800/1200) in attack mode. Then I'll use my Slicer's ability, once per turn I can deal you 500 points of damage." Emerging to the field came a creature highly reminiscent of some form of bipedal reptile or dinosaur: It’s body was sleek and covered all throughout its length by golden metallic armoring with a beak-like head lacking any discernible eyes, a slender, segmented tail and short arms with razor-tipped fingers. Volcanic Slicer lunged out with its beak-like maw, ejecting a flaming ball of volcanic rock that rocketed towards Isaac like a meteorite. Isaac put his arm up as he took the attack head on.
Isaac's Life Points: 7500-

"I'll then place 1 card facedown and end my turn. Your move, champ."

Turn 2: Isaac

"You know you don't have to refer to me by my rank?"

"Ehh, not my cup of tea."

“Wouldn’t be Spitfire if she didn’t land the first bit of damage,” remarked Rainbow, seated alongside her friends in the bleachers. This earned her questioning looks from Applejack and Fluttershy. “What? I’m just stating what is. So how do you think Isaac will handle going against fire?"

Well, I found out first hand that Spitfire uses a fired-based deck. Which means I need to be on the lookout for any more effect damage this time. If I let it rack up then I'll soon find myself having almost no life points left to stand.

Isaac drew his card. The look on Isaac's face said it all as he absolutely loathed burn damaged-oriented decks. He hated the these kinds of deck that instead of normally attacking, they would rely on constantly whittling away the opponent's health through extensive amount of damage dealing effects. Still that meant that Isaac could still have a chance seeing as Spitfire didn't have a direct line of damage. That being said if Isaac could get in with some heavy hits then he would have no problem securing victory.

First things first: getting rid of that Slicer of hers. I think I might just have something for that. "I'll start by playing my Breaker the Magical Warrior in attack mode. Next I'll play the spell card Bound Wand and equip it to my monster, now he gains attack points equal to his level times 100." Thanks to the spell card, Isaac's Breaker now had a total of 2300. "Now time to fight back, Breaker attack Volcanic Slicer."

"I'll activate my trap card: Volcanic Ash. Now I can change my monster from attack to defense position. Sorry, champ. But I know how you roll and I've read up on your duels." said Spitfire as she was able to avoid herself from taking some significant damage as her monster was destroyed.

"Impressive, I'll set 1 card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Spitfire

"You felt a little scorch, now time to see how you hand when I turn up the heat!" Spitfire then drew her card. "I summon Volcanic Rocket(1900/1400) in attack mode. In a burst of flame, onto Spitfire’s field emerged a creature highly reminiscent of a pterosaur; its streamlined, sharply angular body a similar brazen to golden hue as Volcanic Slicer. Lacking any walking limbs, a pair of bright red, sinewy wings extended from its sides. "I'll then play my Blaze Accelerator; now I can select one pyro-type monster in my hand with 500 or less attack and in exchange I can destroy one monster on your side of the field."

A small metallic lizard-like creature, perhaps even the size of a real-life species, surrounded in an aura of fire, appeared hovering in the air. It flung itself into a port that looked very much like an opened breech, followed by the sound of it locking in place. The tube, or rather barrel, was directed towards Breaker, followed by a thundering boom. Isaac's monster was now gone.

"When a monster equipped with Bound Wand is destroyed, I can special summon it back to field. So my Breaker is back." Isaac's monster then appeared as it was revived in defense mode.

"Like that's going to stop me, by paying 500 life points I can add another Volcanic Shell to my hand from my deck. I'll then discard it to once again activate the effect of Blaze Accelerator and destroy one of your monsters. Let see you dodge shot #2!"
Spitfire's Life Points: 7500-

The second Volcanic Shell flung itself into the breach of the Blaze Accelerator, which then fired, obliterating Breaker a second time, and there was no way Isaac was able to bring him back this time.

"I'll then set one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Isaac

Thankfully, since Spitfire used the effect of her Blaze Accelerator she couldn't launched a direct attack. However, I can't rely that she'll do the same thing next turn. "Time to snuff out this flame, draw! You wanted to see my star monster, well here he is. I play the spell Dark Magic Veil, now by paying 1000 life points I can summon Dark Magician!". Isaac's ultimate monster then appeared in a flash of light as he took center stage; the crowd had smiles on their face as they were glad to see his ace magician once again.
Isaac's Life Points: 6500-

Spitfire had a concentrated look on her face as she examined Isaac's magician. She had heard tales from her fellow teammates and from Dash about how Isaac relied on this monster to win. Spitfire could see why it had decent stats and the amount of synergy that it had with other cards was enough to make it one tough monster to beat. Rainbow was always telling her about the bond Isaac shared with his monster and it was another reason why she wanted to face him as she needed to know what it was that made them such a dynamic duo.

"Now time then, Dark Magician attack and take out her Volcanic Rocket with Dark Magic Attack!" Dark Magician raised its wand up and unleashed its attack as it collided with Spitfire's monster.
Spitfire's Life Points: 6900-

"I'll then end my turn."

Turn 5: Spitfire

"Hmm... I see." Spitfire drew her card and looked at Isaac's magician. "Alright, time to test my luck against your monster. I'll pay another 500 life points to add another Volcanic Shell into my hand from my deck."
Spitfire's Life Points: 6400-

Spitfire took her card from her duel disk and then added it into her hand. "Next I'll play spell card Shot Blast, now by destroying one spell/trap on my field I get to draw 2 more cards." Spitfire then got rid of her facedown and then took the two cards her duel disk slotted out. "Now since the trap I destroyed was Fire Trap, I can then draw an extra card." Once again, Spitfire drew another card from her duel disk. "Next I'll send the last Volcanic Shell from my hand to destroy your Dark Magician." Spitfire then loaded up her Blaze Accelerator with another ammo shot and fired it at Isaac's spellcaster which erupted into fire as it covered him in flames before dying down.

"Now that your monster is out of the picture, I'll then play the spell Firestorm. I can only activate this if I control no monsters on my field, in return I'm allowed to summon one level 5 or higher pyro-type monster from my hand. I summon Volcanic Hammerer(2400/1500) in attack mode." Emerging to her field came a creature twice the size of Volcanic Slicer: Like its kin, it had a very sauropodian dinosaur type physique: Bipedal, its body encased in golden metallic armoring, adhered around a frame seemingly made of molten rock, veins of seething magma glowing in errant patterns all around. It had a pair of hefty clawed forelimbs, and a distinct backwards curving horned head, its maw surging with the glow of magma.

"Too bad you can't attack due to you activating Blaze Accelerator."

"Who said I needed to attack to deal you damage? I activate my Volcanic Hammerer's special ability, now once per turn I can deal you damage for each 'Volcanic' monster in my graveyard times 200. Currently there are 5 monsters in my grave: my 3 Volcanic Shell, my Volcanic Slicer, and my Volcanic Rocket. Which means you're taking 1000 points of direct damage. Time to feel the burn once more!" Volcanic Hammerer launched a five-part volley of magma projectiles from its jaw, each striking at Isaac with the volume of a mortar, landing Spitfire in the lead.
Isaac's Life Points: 5500-

"I end my turn."

Turn 6: Isaac

"My turn, draw. I'll play the effect of my Magicians' Souls in my hand, now I'll send a level 6 or higher spellcaster from my deck to activate one of its effects." Isaac then slotted both his Apprentice Illusion Magician and his Magicians' Soul as he was activating the effect. "By sending my Magicians' Souls card to the grave, I can revive my Dark Magician."

"Seriously? I got rid of it!"

"If you really did your research on me, Spitfire. Then you should know my magician will always stick by my side. Rise up once more buddy!" Dark Magician was now back as it gave Spitfire a serious look as he took his position on his master's side. "Next I'll play the spell card Wonder Wand and give my magician 500 extra attack points. Dark Magician take out her Volcanic Hammerer!" Once again, Dark Magician raised its wand as it blasted away Spitfire's monster.
Spitfire's Life Points: 5800-

"I'll then set one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 7: Spitfire

Spitfire remained stoic, but upon closer inspection she had a bit of agitation on her face. There no doubt, this kid really is the champ. No matter what, he'll keep finding some way to bring that magician of his back. Not to mention that my deck and my monsters can only keep whittling away his life points by so much; they can't compete in terms of power. No matter what, I'm just wasting my resources concentrating on getting rid of his monster and not also trying to defend my life points. In terms of who's controlling this duel, it's been all Isaac. Shows he's just that good.

"I'll summon Volcanic Blaster(1200/600) in defense mode. I'll then set one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 8: Isaac

Weird, guess she must be out of ammunition. The drawback of having a burn deck is that sometimes you run out of cards which can leave you vulnerable. Not to mention that Spitfire doesn't have that many monsters to compete with my Dark Magician, so what's her plan?

"My turn, I'll play the spell Thousand Knives now I can destroy one monster on the field since I control Dark Magician." Knives then manifested as they traveled and took out Spitfire's monster. "Now Dark Magician att-"

"I activate my continuous trap: Blaze Accelerator Reload!" Spitfire revealed her card. "Once each turn, I can send one ‘Volcanic’ monster from my hand to the graveyard to draw one card.” A card was inserted into her graveyard port, to which she drew a card.

"How does that help you in this scenario?"

“The card I discarded was ‘Volcanic Scattershot’,” said Spitfire, to which something small, surrounded in a fiery aura emerged over the field: It looked much akin to the lizard-like Volcanic Shell, albeit with a chunkier frame to compensate for the three heads at the front of its body. “When ‘Volcanic Scattershot’ is sent to the graveyard, it deals 500 points of damage to you. But when sent by the effect of a ‘Blaze Accelerator’, it lets me send two more Scattershots to the graveyard and destroy all monsters on your side of the field!”

The three-headed lizard was duplicated, with two more taking their places to either side of the first Scattershot, which promptly flung themselves at Isaac’s field. Each impacted with a fiery explosion, lifting thick motes of virtual smoke. Isaac's magician roared in pained over the sound of the explosion, once the smoke cleared there was no trace of his monster.
Isaac's Life Points: 5000-

"I'll end my turn."

Turn 9: Spitfire

"I'll play a monster in defense mode. I'll then end my turn."

Turn 10: Isaac

"I'll start by activating my facedown trap: Eternal Soul. Now once per turn I can revive my Dark Magician from the grave. Then I'll play the spell Bond Between Teacher and Student, you've met the teacher now prepare to meet his student appear Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac played his female spellcaster who got the crowd on their feet. Well it mostly the boys who were cheering for her as it had been a while since they last saw her. Isaac could hear the responses that some of the males were making.

"Hey, Isaac. What do I have to do to get some time with that hottie?"

"Yo man, let me be her man for once!"

"Marry me!!!"

"See what you do, Mana. Everytime I summon you, all the boys go gaga."

"Can I help it?" Mana just had a smile on her face as she waved to the crowd. Isaac just facepalmed himself as she was taking in the attention being given to her. She then took her place next to her teacher who had stern look on his face.

"Mana. I told you not to embarrass the young master."

"And I've told you to lighten up, Mahad. Now let's focus on this battle." Her demeanor then changed from a happy look to a more serious one.

"Hey champ, mind telling me who you're talking to?" Spitfire was confused as she saw Isaac was talking to someone, but there was nobody there.

"Don't worry about it. Now then I'll set a card due to my spell. With that I'll then attack using both of magicians, go my spellcasters. Double Dark Magic Attack!" With their command given, Isaac's monsters combined their strength to obliterate Spitfire's defense and took a huge chunk of her life points.
Spitfire's Life Points: 3300-

Turn 11: Spitfire

Spitfire shook herself off as she recovered from Isaac's magicians. Now that she had an up close and personal experience with Isaac, she had come to a conclusion that was confirmed true by his actions. Isaac was good and she knew now why he was ranked as the champion.

The kid is damn good, he's proven why he deserves to be at the top. With that said, I have to give it my all, even if I lose this duel. "Time ignite the flames of my burning passion, draw! “Since I have Blaze Accelerator Reload on my field, I can send it to the graveyard as a Tri-Blaze Accelerator to Special Summon from my hand my ultimate weapon: Arise, fiery devil; Volcanic Doomfire(3000/1800)!”

A series of cracks began to form on the ground. That spot on the ground began to bulge, when a pillar of fire erupted forth from within, in the wake of a monstrous bellow that came with it. Arising from the fiery crater came a bipedal, somewhat dinosaurian appearing silhouette, though largely unintelligible until the flames died down. It stood on a pair of hefty legs seemingly composed of grey stone. The same could be said to describe its arms; composed of a reddish-brown rock, bearing a quartet of thick claws, as well as a thick, significantly lengthy tail. These appendages were connected to a charred black, metallic torso; riddled with spiky protrusions, leading to a matching, sharply angled head, atop which was a noticeable ridge overflowing with a great flame. Throughout the gaps in this darkened chassis, veins of glowing hot magma shone from the surface.

Rainbow was looking on with intrigue as Spitfire had managed to summon her best monster. “Nice; she's got out Doomfire. That’s a card even I don’t wanna get in a tussle with, and this is me we’re talking about…” Volcanic Doomfire destroys all other monsters on the field if it manages to destroy a single one in battle, then inflicts 500 points of damage for each monster destroyed.

"Let's see you handle this raging inferno! Volcanic Doomfire, attack with Volcanic Cannon!!" Spitfire had yelled her command at her monster and it obeyed. Volcanic Doomfire reared back on its rocky legs, opening its jagged maw, from which it launched a large flaming projectile of magma with a boom, like it was from a literal cannon. The force of the attack hit Isaac like a truck as it flung him on his back as his monsters were caught in the attack and were destroyed. "Next I'll play the spell Volcanic Spirit, now I can deal even more damage to you by selecting one monster on my field and you take damage equal to its attack points." Isaac then saw a pillar of fire head his way as he was on one knee and put up his arm to protect him from card.
Isaac's Life Points: 500-

"I'll then set 2 cards facedown and end my turn." Spitfire had a smirk on her face as she had come close to defeating Isaac and her victory was all but upon her.

You're done kid. I've set the stage for my victory; the two cards that I've set facedown Fire Wall and Volcanic Curse. Should you find some way to take out my Doomfire, I'll use my Fire Wall trap to negate every direct attack you throw at me. And if you manage to summon a monster that can go toe to toe with my Doomfire, then my Volcanic Curse will increase his attack points by 500 for every monster that's in my graveyard.

Turn 12: Isaac

Isaac had gotten up from his knees and began to look at Spitfire. She was one tough girl and she was showing off why she was regarded as a top duelist among her teammates. Isaac then looked at his cards and then put his hand on his deck. He knew that while Spitfire had the advantage, he still had a chance to turn things around. Isaac had to trust that he could draw a card that could help him and so he let out a breath. "Time to see what I get, here goes something." Isaac drew his card and began to formulate his plan. "Alright, Spitfire time to bring this duel to a close. I'll play my Magician Boy(1500/1200) in attack mode." Out came a tiny boy wizard who was wearing clothes that were too big for him as he tried to wield a staff that was slightly bigger than him.

"That little guy? You really must be delusional, what's he gonna do?"

"I'll show you, now my Magician Boy attack her Volcanic Doomfire!"

"My Doomfire has more attack points than your puny little Magician Boy, so that means you just sent him to his doom."

"Think again Spitfire, my Magician Boy isn't going anywhere thanks to his special ability. Not only is he not destroyed but any damage involving him I can then send to your life points. Which means you'll be taking 1500 points of damage. Then the other effect of my Magician Boy kicks in, whenever he fails to attack, he can then destroy one monster on the field and you take damage equal to its attack points."

Spitfire was now gritting her teeth as she knew her trap Fire Wall couldn't protect her from effect damage. With that Isaac's Magician Boy then started to enchant a powerful spell and it flowed into his staff. He then used all his strength to lift the staff and aim it at Spitfire who took a massive blow as she put arms out to shield her from the attack.
Spitfire's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The crowd jeered as the duel came to a close. Isaac's Magician Boy was happy that it did something good that it tried to high five Isaac only to trip on his robe and fall flat on his face. Isaac help his little magician up as he helped him stand up and put his hat on his head. They then shared a high five before his spirit disappeared back into Isaac's deck. Isaac waved to the crowd as he took in the cheers. He forgot how good it felt to be cheered as he knew this was a great way for him to be welcomed back. Spitfire then got up in Isaac's face as she extended her hand out.

"You're a tough son of bitch. I now know why you're the best; keep it up kid."

"Thanks for the compliment, Spits."

Spitfire just smiled at the nickname Isaac gave her. She told him that if he ever wanted to face some tough challenges then he should stop by the soccer team and they would be free to take him on any time. Isaac said he appreciate the challenge and thanked her for a well fought duel.

Celestia then came up next to Isaac and raised his hand in victory. "Seems you're skills haven't rusted during the break. I hope that you'll keep this wave of momentum going, especially with what's about to happen."

Isaac didn't hear the last part of Isaac as the girls started to pat him on the back for giving everybody a high profile duel as a way to start the new school term. Everybody then continued on with the rest of their day as they went to their class. Just then Celestia heard her phone ring and she answered it. She didn't say much as she was hearing the conversation happening in her ear. All she said was "Don't worry, I have my duelist."

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