• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,732 Views, 651 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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D: Deceit / Sins of the Past

The girls regrouped in the locker rooms after a quick text to Pinkie Pie and Rarity about what had happened. Rarity had arrived with fresh dry clothes for her friends, when she had the time to get them and where she got them from was anyone’s guess, but would do for now, along with some backup boots and tennis shoes. Sunset, still in Kamen Rider form, created a sphere of mana that radiated heat to help her friends warm up and dry off quicker.

“I can’t believe this other Sunset actually did that to you two,” said Rarity.

“Sunset, Ah hate to say this, but we may need to start thinkin’ that this world’s you ain’t as nice as you are,” said Applejack.

“Yeah, even when you were at your worst, you never did anything life threatening like leave us to drown!” Rainbow pointed out.

Although her helmet was obscuring her face, it didn’t take much to show that Sunset was grimacing under that helmet. Sunset was berating herself, she never took into consideration that this version of her was not as “nice” as she was upon arriving to Earth. For all she knew, the other Sunset was a dangerous girl, and was out to get her because of all the good things she had done lately, like becoming the savior of the school, twice over.

“I’m sorry…I had always assumed Earth’s Sunset Shimmer was my opposite, kinder and nicer, and with less of an inferiority complex. But, I never took into account that she could also be worse than me, and in this case, dangerous.”

“Darling, you couldn’t have known! You told us once that Princess Twilight had said that our Twilight may act in a similar way to when she first learned of friendship, and for the most part that has been true.”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean everything is exactly the same…Okay, from here on out, you guys just attend your classes, I’ll look for her on my own,” said Sunset.

“Uh, isn’t that kind of a bad thing since Ms. Harshwhinny’s totally on your case right now?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Pinkie Pie’s right, one of us should stay with you so that no one thinks yer up to no good,” said Applejack.

“No!” Sunset stated, causing the mana ball to flare in response. After calming down a bit, Sunset continued, “If this Sunset is willing to endanger your lives without batting an eye, then I can’t have any of you with me or confront her. I have my Unicorn Memory and Driver, plus I can fight her even without transforming. So just go to class, make an excuse for me not being there, the other Sunset’s in this school and probably looking to finish what she started.”

A heaviness fell on the group, the girls wanted to help Sunset, but she had a point. If this other Sunset was willing to cause bodily harm to them, then there was no telling what she’d to any them if caught alone. For now, the girls reluctantly agreed to Sunset’s terms.

“By the way, how did you know we were trapped in the pool?” Rainbow asked.

“Oh, well, Fluttershy pointed out that my Unicorn Memory was glowing and when I grabbed it I had this kind of…vision, it showed me you guys were in trouble.”

Pinkie Pie gasped. “You have Friendship Danger Sense!”

Everyone looked at Pinkie Pie in confusion.

“Um, friend what?” Fluttershy asked.

“Friendship Danger Sense, kind of like my Pinkie Sense, but instead of random things, yours can tell you when a friend is in danger!”

Sunset looked down to the Unicorn Memory still in the slot. “I don’t know Pinkie it might’ve just been a fluke that that happened.”

“Or maybe because the more you use it the more you’re able to tap into its fantastical powers!” Pinkie countered.

It seemed unlikely to Sunset, but at this point there were a lot of unknowns concerning the Gaia Memories. For now it was a viable theory.

“I can’t believe you took your skirt off Applejack, honestly, what if some boy came in and saw you?” Rarity asked.

“The skirt and meh boots created too much drag when Ah swam, Ah had to ditch ‘em. And considerin’ the situation, bein’ seen in meh underwear was the least of my concerns,” said Applejack.

Pinkie Pie appeared next to Rarity and patted her on the head. “Aww, don’t worry Rarity. The author is keeping this rated ‘Teen’, so at most we’ll get fan service like panty shots, accidental/inappropriate touching, little bit of partial nudes, but nothing full blown X rated, or anything to push it into the ‘Mature’ rating.”


“Pinkie, what the heck do you mean by the ‘author’?” Rainbow asked.

“Aw, don’t worry about it.”

Sunset cleared her throat and snuffed out the mana ball. With a flip of the switch, Sunset cancelled the transformation as the armor dispersed into tiny turquoise colored particles of light. “Anyway, just go to class. I’ll be fine.”


Ms. Harshwhinny had concluded her class, dismissing them to their next. She had a free period to get some work done and decided to stay in the classroom. Despite her best efforts to try and keep her mind on work, Ms. Harshwhinny refused to stop worrying about what Sunset Shimmer was up to. Celestia and Luna may have bought into her good girl act, but she didn’t. She may have acted like any other freshman did some years back, but after a while, you could see the seeds of darkness taking root. Ms. Harshwhinny remembered numerous times how the students parted for her in fear, how her very presence caused them unease.

Normally girls like her were delinquents of the worst sort, and wouldn’t bother with schoolwork. However, for all her menacing, she was smart. Sunset’s grades were always “A” or “A+”, she excelled physically and mentally, it was frustrating indeed, such a smart and talented girl resorting to thug like behavior and intimidation to make the students bend to her will. She had almost caught her during the Fall Formal a couple of years back. Ms. Harshwhinny knew she was the reason why that girl dropped out, and Ms. Harshwhinny would’ve had her, but Sunset Shimmer was far smarter than she gave her credit for. Sunset was a planner, and an improviser, a deadly combination.

Catching her in the lie had become a game of chess from time to time, and unfortunately, Sunset was a Grand Master of it. Then the last Fall Formal happened, with that new girl she had never seen before becoming the Princess of the Fall Formal. Ms. Harshwhinny wouldn’t lie, she felt extremely happy that it wasn’t Sunset that year, hoping that that would knock the girl’s ego and pride down to the dirt. Then there was that incident, the lights, the blacking out, the crater, and the big hole in the front of building.

Ms. Harshwhinny didn’t believe it when the rumors went around about what happened. Magic, such a thing like that only existed in fairytales and movies, not in this world, in real life. Then there was the Battle of the Bands, and Ms. Harshwhinny would admit, her recollection of that event was hazy, as if her mind was in a fog. But somehow, after that event, Sunset Shimmer went from Persona Non Grata, to someone the other students looked up to and were now friendly towards, and she to them. Ms. Harshwhinny would not be swayed, she knew deep down that Sunset was just playing them all, she was smart like that, so she’d make sure to keep a close eye on her, and never lose sight of what she really was.

Finally, there was the Friendship Games. Now, Ms. Harshwhinny would be the first to admit, there was a lot of strange things happening at the Games. From the giant plant creatures, to the tears in space, and the transformation of one of the Crystal Prep girls into some fallen angel creature was terrifying. But then, there was Sunset Shimmer, she stood up to that transformed student, and transformed herself into some angelic being. In the end, Sunset Shimmer somehow reverted the Crystal Prep student back to normal, and now was attending their school, and she must say, this Twilight Sparkle was quite the bright girl.

Ms. Harshwhinny shook her head. She couldn’t be swayed by those events, it had to be some smoke and mirrors, special effects or some kind of hallucination; Twilight Sparkle did activate a device at the beginning of the last event and released a shockwave and ray of light. Perhaps it scrambled their minds in some way that was not predicted by the supposed genius girl.

The older woman sighed and placed her hand to her forehead as she groaned. “This school used to be much quieter and less confusing until she came here.”

“Well, sorry for rocking the boat, teach.”

Ms. Harshwhinny looked up and saw Sunset Shimmer walking into her classroom. Sunset was dressed in her new attire, and sporting a grin of superiority as she closed the door and roamed the classroom. “You should be at your next class Miss Shimmer, I won’t be writing you a pass.”

“Yeah, don’t really care,” said Sunset. “You’ve been on my case for a long time, Harshwhinny.”

“That’s Miss Harshwhinny, respect your teachers.”

“When you’ve done something worth respecting, I will,” said Sunset as she sat on one of the desks.

The older woman stood from her desk and walked around to face Sunset. “See here, I know you’re planning something, I don’t know what, but I’ll find out. You have the whole school believing you’ve changed, but I see the truth in you! You’re scheming, and patient, you like to play the long game, and I know you’ll make a mistake along the way, and I’ll be there to stop whatever it is you’re planning.”

Sunset stretched and pop a kink out her neck before responding. “Hmm, very scary, but you lack one thing.”

“And what’s that?!”

“Authority, absolute, unwavering, authority,” said Sunset as she stood up quickly, making Ms. Harshwhinny take a cautious step back. “See, you’re scared of me, if you were truly in charge, you wouldn’t have flinched like that. You have no authority over me, because you’re too afraid of me! You say you know how I work, then you should know that I’ve planned for everything. I can ruin your career if I so wished.”

“Humph, I doubt it.”

“Oooh, a bet? I’ll take it. Let’s see? For starters…” Sunset waved her hand over her chest, a flash of purple light went off and afterwards her jacket was gone, revealing her sea-green blouse that was now torn up.“Oh no, please don’t Ms. Harshwhinny I didn’t mean to!”

Sunset waved her hand over left arm and immediately bruises formed on it.

“What…What are you doing?!” Ms. Harshwhinny asked, her eyes bulging from her skull.”

“No please, don’t I promise I’ll be good just don’t hurt me again!” Sunset waved her hand over her face, and bruises and a black eye.

Ms. Harshwhinny couldn’t believe what she was seeing, not a finger was laid on her and yet she was somehow creating injuries to herself. “This…This is absurd!”

Sunset chuckled evilly. “Now Ms. Harshwhinny, who are they going to believe? The teacher who’s had a vendetta against me? Or the girl whose clothes are torn and who’s covered in bruises and scratches.”

The older woman knew the answer to that, even just the accusation of such would follow her and ruin her career as a teacher, and possibly blackball her from any other teaching job in the city. Ms. Harshwhinny was panicking, this girl was even more conniving and cunning than she had anticipated.

Just then, Sunset waved her hands over herself and the tears and injuries were gone. “But I digress, I thought you might want to team up with me, but it occurs to me that for what I have planned, I do need you, but not the you in front of me.”

Ms. Harshwhinny cocked an eyebrow at that sentence. “Excuse me?”

Suddenly, Sunset’s body glowed bright purple and her entire form changed. Her body was a dingy brown color, with a bright purple node centered at the abdomen, and lines that glowed with the same colored light. Its right hand had a spike with a double helix spiral, and its left hand was white as snow. Its head was oblong and had a single glowing purple line running down its face. Ms. Harshwhinny screamed bloody murder as the creature approached her and grabbed Ms. Harshwhinny by the collar of her clothes.

“Don’t bother screaming, I changed the walls so that no sound can exit this room, and of course I covered the window into the classroom. So, Ms. Harshwhinny, be happy in the role you’re going to play.”

The creature raised its right arm, showing the instrument as it glowed bright. The creature slowly brought the tip to Ms. Harshwhinny and in the next moment, all that could be seen was a flash of purple light.


Sunset continued to roam about the halls of CHS, she was starting to get frustrated, and anxious. This other Sunset was dangerous, and walking about the school undetected. For now her friends should be safe in their classrooms, surrounded by other students and teachers. If this other Sunset was out to get her, she’d have to face her one on one.

I can’t risk their safety, I’m only glad Twilight’s not here. If there was anyone she could easily get to it would be her. I never thought I’d say this but thank Celestia for stomach viruses.

Most of the hallways had emptied out as the bell rang, signaling the start of another class. Sunset figured this would be the best time to look for her doppelganger, without any interruptions from other students or faculty. Just then, she spotted movement down the hallway. Sunset looked more closely and gasped when she saw the familiar fiery hair.

“HEY!” Sunset shouted.

The figure stopped and looked straight at her. Sunset’s eyes widened as she looked at a perfect mirror image of herself, except the other Sunset had an evil grin going for her, one that Sunset recognized on herself back before her reformation. Sunset dashed down the hallway just as the other Sunset rounded the corner. Once Sunset reached the end of the hall she glanced about, and saw a door open, a maintenance door that led down into the lower levels of the school. Every part of her brain told Sunset that this was trap and that she was probably playing into the other Sunset’s hands.

But this could be my only shot at stopping her.

Reluctantly, and on guard, Sunset descended the stairs. The sounds of the generator and boiler systems made Sunset strain to hear any other sound that could indicate attack or movement. She had contemplated transforming into Unicorn, but thought that that might be overkill at this time. As she made her way deeper into the room, she spotted a vacant spot, and it was there she saw a cage, and inside that cage was…herself.

“What in the world…?”


Before Sunset realized what had happened, she was blindsided by something hard hitting the back of her head and everything faded to black.

After what felt like hours of unconsciousness, Sunset was able to regain her senses, opening her eyes and seeing someone hovering over her.

“Sunset, can you hear me, please say something!”

Sunset blinked her eyes a couple of times before they adjusted and focused. Above Sunset was…Sunset. Without thinking, Sunset launched herself at the other Sunset, both tumbling about until Sunset had pinned the other Sunset against the cage wall and glared at her.

“Look, whatever sick game you’re playing at is over! I won’t let you endanger my friends’ lives or anyone else’s!” Sunset proclaimed.

“Miss Shimmer stop, it’s me, Ms. Harshwhinny,” the other Sunset yelled.

Sunset stopped, pulled back and looked at her for a moment with skepticism. “What are you talking about?”

“I-I know it sounds absurd, completely and utterly absurd, but you – well not you-you I suppose – came into my classroom, turned into some monster, and used some strange light to change me into…well… YOU!”

For a moment Sunset thought this other her had lost it, but that monster part had her attention. “You said ‘monster’, as in she turned into some she-demon thing with bat wings and talons?”

“No! She turned into…into…” The other Sunset looked to her left and pointed in that direction. “THAT!”

Sunset followed the other Sunset’s gaze and watched as a creature emerged from the shadows, with bright purple lines glowing in the darkness. “Finally you’re awake, I didn’t want you to miss the finale.”

A Dopant, Sunset thought.

The Dopant glowed and then reverted into Sunset’s form. “Perfect, all the players are assembled. Now I can finally get my revenge, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset rushed to the cage and wrapped her hands around the bars as she gazed directly at the doppelganger. “Listen before you do anything, you have to know how sorry I am!”

The other Sunset and Ms. Harshwhinny looked at Sunset with shock, especially because her eyes were watering.

“You have every right to blame me for what I did…I operated under the assumption that there was only one Sunset Shimmer in this world, without even considering how my actions might be affecting you, the other me! I don’t know what kind of life you led here, but I know that vengeance is not going to make things better!” Sunset fell to her knees as she continued. “Hanging onto bitterness, hate, and stubborn pride will only make you alone and in the end all you’ll feel is regret…I’m sorry…you don’t have to do any of this. If it will make things right I’ll leave, I’ll return home and give you your life back. Just let Ms. Harshwhinny go.”

Ms. Harshwhinny had never seen Sunset in a state of distraught as she was, and even so, she was pleading for her freedom. “Sunset…”

Suddenly, loud and mocking laughter rang out through the basement as the other Sunset Shimmer hunched over in hysterics. “Oh…Oh man, oh my sides! I-I can’t believe you actually think I’m you!”

Sunset’s head shot up, eyes wide. “W-What do you mean?”

The other Sunset sighed and in the next moment her body glowed, reforming until it revealed someone completely different. It was a girl, with a light mauve complexion, and hair colored black with streaks of blue and violet. Her clothes consisted of a dark purple blouse, and a frilly pink skirt. Her eyes were a striking shade of blue, and in her hand was a Gaia Memory colored a grayish-green.

“You…You’re –!”

“Glitter Glam, you know, the girl you humiliated two years ago at the Fall Formal and forced to drop out,” said Glitter.

“Miss Glam, I heard you transferred to another school, what are you doing here?!” Ms. Harshwhinny asked.

“Like it’s not obvious teach, revenge. I wanted to make Sunset Shimmer pay, when I heard she was dethroned by some transfer student girl I was so happy, but then I started to hear rumors about how she, and a few other girls, were becoming popular and actually looked up to! Sunset Shimmer, the girl who tormented everyone, actually liked?!”

Glitter growled for a moment and then calmed down.

“Anyway, I kept thinking of ways to get back at her, but nothing was viable, until that day of the earthquake and this little bad boy fell into my lap. It calls itself ‘Gene’, and from what I can surmise, it allows me to rewrite the code of anything and generate objects – to a degree – from the things around me. But also, I could use it to change who I looked like. So that’s when my plan to frame Sunset Shimmer for things so bad that they’d either hate her, throw her in jail, or she’d run away and never come back.”

“Glitter I…I…”

“What, you’re sorry?” Glitter asked in a mocking tone. The young girl walked up to the cage and kicked it violently, making Sunset fall backwards. “You don’t know what sorry is, at least not until after I’m done here.”

Glitter took the Gaia Memory and pressed the button on its side.

< GENE! >

Glitter placed the connecter against her left forearm and immediately she transformed into the Gene Dopant. But after a couple of seconds her form shifted again as she waved her right hand over her body, and transformed into Ms. Harshwhinny, battered, bruised, and clothes torn up.

“When they see me like this, and after I tell them you did it, no one will ever believe a word you say. So one way or the other, I’ll see you gone Sunset Shimmer.” Glitter’s eyes shined with the energy of her Gaia Memory, as if to punctuate her point.

With that said, Glitter – in the guise of Ms. Harshwhinny – walked up the stairs and left the real Ms. Harshwhinny and Sunset Shimmer down in the basement, locking the door behind her.


It was lunch time, and all five girls were gathered at their usual table. There was a heavy silence, the feeling of wanting to help their friend but knowing that she told them not to get involved for their safety was also something they couldn’t ignore. And truth be told, Sunset being a Kamen Rider gave her more credibility that she’d be alright if something went bad.

“Ah still don’t like Sunset bein’ alone out there lookin’ for that other her,” said Applejack.

“I know Darling, but after what the other Sunset almost did to you and Rainbow Dash, you can hardly blame her for wanting to keep us safe,” said Rarity.

“Yeah, we know, it still doesn’t make us feel any better,” said Rainbow Dash.

“M-Maybe we should call Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“Which one? Princess Twilight or Sci-Twi?” Pinkie Pie asked.

Four sets of eyes blinked at once and four mouths repeated the word in confusion, “Sci-Twi?”

“Duh, because Princess Twilight is obviously the Twilight from Equestria, and Sci-Twi – the Twilight from Crystal Prep – is like super smart and into science things,” said Pinkie Pie.

In a strange way, as often is the case with Pinkie Pie, the girls had to admit it was a good way to tell them apart.

“Then, ahem, I guess I meant Sci-Twi?”

“But she’s sick, and I don’t think having the stress of Sunset’s situation on her mind is good for her health,” said Rarity.

“Then maybe we should find Sunset’s journal and call Princess Twilight, she may have a solution we’re not thinking about,” said Rainbow.


Suddenly, the cafeteria doors burst open and Ms. Harshwhinny came through them. Her clothes were torn and tattered, and all over her body were bruises and scratches as if she had gotten beat up by five people. Principal Celestia was the first one to run to her side, catching her before the teacher could fall to the floor.

“Ms. Harshwhinny, what happened?! Who did this to you?!” Celestia asked.

“It…It was Sunset Shimmer! I…I saw her roaming about the halls and I confronted her, and the next thing I knew she had dragged me into another room and…and…” Ms. Harshwhinny began crying into Principal Celestia’s coat, unable to finish the sentence.

Several students looked upon Ms. Harshwhinny in horror, the word was spreading already. Sunset Shimmer had assaulted a teacher.


Ms. Harshwhinny, still in the form of Sunset Shimmer, shook at the iron bars that kept them hostage. She grunted in frustration, having found no door or latch on their cage, as if it had been grown from the bottom up. However, as pressing a concern as this was, there was still one other one. The teacher turned around and saw Sunset sitting on the ground and curled up with her forehead against her knees.

“Sunset, please get up, we need to figure out a way out of here,” said Ms. Harshwhinny, who was still finding it odd to hear Sunset’s voice coming out of her mouth.

The fiery haired girl did not respond.

“This is no time to act rebellious! That girl is up there about to slander us both, and get away with all kinds of mayhem, are you just going to sit and let this happen?!”

“Maybe I should!” Sunset shouted.

Ms. Harshwhinny shook her head in confusion. “And why in the world should we?!”

“……Because, I deserve it.” Sunset raised her head and looked up to Ms. Harshwhinny. “I did that to her, I humiliated her, and blackmailed her into dropping out of the Fall Formal Princess race…my past is catching up to me.”

Ms. Harshwhinny wanted this, to see Sunset’s vindictive and spiteful acts from years past finally catch up to her, to see her realize the full gravitas of her actions. Now though, seeing her in this state, looking into her eyes that were once filled with a fiery glow, were dim with defeat and resignation to her fate no matter how bad it was about to be. Ms. Harshwhinny had a duty to protect her students, and as a teacher offer counsel to those students, and right now Sunset Shimmer needed it. Ms. Harshwhinny knelt down in front of Sunset and took a deep breath.

“Listen…Miss Shimmer, I know I have made my disdain for you very apparent for a while now. But I’m sure you understand where it stemmed from, right?”

Sunset nodded.

“I was always suspicious of you, always critical. I believed that you were just trying to further divide and conquer this school and the people in it. And to a degree you succeeded, until the last Fall Formal. I saw changes all around the school, and even more so after that dreadful Battle of the Bands, which mind you is still a big foggy haze in my mind.”

Sunset chuckled a bit, knowing the Sirens’ magic was to blame.

“However, after that, I saw how many of the students rallied around you, those five girls had a hand in making you the girl you are before me, aren’t they?”

Sunset nodded again.

Ms. Harshwhinny placed her hand on Sunset’s knee and looked into her eyes. “I didn’t want to believe that you had changed, the Sunset Shimmer I remember would be venting and fuming about this, and coming up with some sort of sinister plan to get back at Glitter. But you honestly tried to repent back there, and now, you’re sitting here in defeat. Despite what I may think, I know you’re not a quitter! You don’t deserve what Glitter is about to do, and I certainly don’t want her doing this with my face! So, c’mon, I know you’re a smart girl, you can think of a way out of this!”

Sunset chuckled as she shook her head. “I can’t believe I’m getting a pep talk, from myself.”

“Believe me Miss Shimmer, it is strange for me as well.” Ms. Harshwhinny stood up and offered Sunset her hand. “Now let’s go, we have to stop her!”

Sunset narrowed her gaze and grinned as she took Ms. Harshwhinny’s hand and pulled herself up. She wasn’t a quitter, and she had done everything she can to make up for her mistakes, maybe it was time to forgive herself. “Alright, let’s get out of here!”

“Excellent, so what is your plan, Sunset?!”

The fiery haired girl paused, her left eye twitching as she realized that Ms. Harshwhinny did not know about her identity as Kamen Rider Unicorn. She had the Unicorn Memory in her pocket and could materialize the Uni-Driver, but if Ms. Harshwhinny found out then there could be problems.



Both girls looked about hearing a voice echo in the room.

“Who’s there?” Ms. Harshwhinny asked.

Suddenly, they began hearing something scurrying about inside. Sunset got on guard, balling her hands into fists and preparing to fight. That is she was until they both saw the cause of the noise.

A little armadillo came shuffling towards them, but it wasn’t a live armadillo, it was mechanical. Its body was segmented, showing that it could curl up into a ball if need be. It’s triangular head looked up as its digital eyes blinked at the two girls.

“Um…Miss Shimmer, I know I’ve seen a lot of things today, but tell me you also see a robot armadillo too?”

“I see a robot armadillo.”


[H-Hold on a minute, two Sunset Shimmers?! Which one is the real one, I-I…]

Sunset listened closely to the voice, and after a second recognized the voice. “Twilight!”


“Let me guess, you built that thing?”

[I did, but seriously I need to know which one of you is the real Sunset Shimmer.]

Sunset glanced to Ms. Harshwhinny. “Could you uh turn around please, Ms. Harshwhinny.”

The older woman quirked an eyebrow in confusion. “What for?”

“Because I told Twilight about a birthmark and it’s kind of in an embarrassing place. So I’d appreciate it if you would turn around and close your eyes.”

Ms. Harshwhinny blushed and went to stand behind Sunset and shut her eyes. As she did, Sunset pulled out the Unicorn Memory, and right after the Uni-Driver. The mecha armadillo nodded and Sunset quickly put the objects away. [Okay, so you’re you…and that’s Ms. Harshwhinny?!]

“Long story.” Ms. Harshwhinny commented.

[Okay, both of you stand clear of the bars.]

Sunset backed away to the other side of the cage. Once they were clear, the mecha armadillo immediately rolled up into a ball and spun out like a tire about to peel off down the street. The rolling ball of metal spun around and made a donut as it built up momentum, once it reached the desired strength level, the ball hurled itself at the bars, smashing into them and bending them at awkward angles. The mecha-dillo recovered quickly and rolled around to go for another strike, rolling all the way back. Sunset and Ms. Harshwhinny ducked down as they heard the little mecha-dillo launch itself again, this time smashing right through the bars and punching a hole big enough for both girls to exit.

Both Sunsets exited the cage and watched as the mecha-dillo had fallen on its side and couldn’t get up. Sunset chuckled and helped the little robot rodent get back on its feet. [The girls filled me in on what’s happening and so I sent my little friend to help out, now what’s the plan, because they said that Ms. Harshwhinny came in saying she was assaulted by you Sunset!]

“We have to stop her before she ruins both our names!” Ms. Harshwhinny proclaimed.

“Yes, but we’ll need help, if Glitter’s cornered then she’ll turn into that monster and possibly hurt everyone. I think I know what to do, but you’ll need to follow my instructions,” said Sunset.


The police were at the lobby, one of them being Officer Shining Armor, who was taking a statement from Ms. Harshwhinny while Vice Principal Luna and Principal Celestia helped to console her. Students had gathered in the halls, trying make sense of the situation, the division of opinion was apparent as half of the student body believed that this was some kind of trick or hoax, that Sunset Shimmer would never do this, especially after the times she and her friends saved them. However, there were those who somehow could see her doing that, given that Ms. Harshwhinny had always been on Sunset’s case even after she had changed.

However, the murmurs of the crowd stopped when Sunset came walking down the hallway, the crowd of students parted like the Red Sea for her, all eyes following her as she carried herself with strength under their gazes. Sunset continued to walk until she came to the entrance of the lobby area where the rest of the students moved out of the way, giving Sunset a clear path to where Ms. Harshwhinny (Glitter Glam), the Principals, and Officer Shinning Armor, along with two other officers were waiting.

Shining Armor was the first to spot her and turned to the girl, walking slowly towards her and stopping, keeping a few feet of distance between them. “Sunset Shimmer, you have a lot of explaining to do. Your facing charges of aggravated assault, I’m sorry, but you’ll have to come with me.”

“I would Officer, but I won’t be going anywhere, because I did not attack ‘Ms. Harshwhinny’ or rather, Glitter Glam!” Sunset stated.

The crowd erupted into murmurs, many remembered the name of Glitter Glam, the girl who ran for Princess of the Fall Formal, but hadn’t heard from her in a while.

“Miss Shimmer, don’t make this difficult.” Shining Armor warned.

“Let her speak!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

The girls broke through the crowd and took up positions on either side of Sunset Shimmer.

“Everybody here knows Canterlot High has had its share of weird things happein’ around here. If there’s any reason to give Sunset the benefit of the doubt, then y’all should do it!” Applejack proclaimed.

Rarity leaned in to Sunset and whispered, “Please tell me you have a plan, Darling?”

“I do.” Sunset pointed at Ms. Harshwhinny. “That woman is not Ms. Harshwhinny, like I said, it’s Glitter Glam. She’s using some strange power to change her physical body into the likeness of Ms. Harshwhinny.”

Shining Armor rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Okay, I appreciate you girls sticking up for your friend, but this is serious business, you’re technically aiding and embedding.”

“Officer Armor,” said Principal Celestia. “I think we should at least hear her out.”

“Principal Celestia!” Ms. Harshwhinny exclaimed.

“I concur, officers, allow Miss Shimmer to at least state her case,” said Vice Principal Luna.

Shining Armor looked around, many of the students, and now even the faculty were willing to hear Sunset’s side of the story. After a long sigh, Shining Armor walked up to Sunset and looked her in the eye. “You have one minute, if you don’t have any proof, I can’t help you Sunset.”

Sunset Shimmer smiled. “I have all the proof I need, and she’s standing over there.”

Ms. Harshwhinny shook her head in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

“You made a mistake showing me how you can change your form. When you changed into what you are now, everything shifted, even your clothes. I’m willing to bet that they are all a part of you, they may look and feel like the real thing, but they’re connected, you can’t take a piece off because it’s part of your form. And I found this out when you changed Ms. Harshwhinny, the real one, said you changed her whole body, clothes included, into an exact copy of me!”

Ms. Harshwhinny began to sweat.

“So, my proof is simply this…Ms. Harshwhinny please remove that jacket for us and drop it on the floor.”

All eyes shifted to Ms. Harshwhinny whose gaze was going between the officers, the students, and Sunset. “This is ridiculous! Why should I do something so absurd, can’t you see this is just another way for her to assault me! You’re police officers, arrest her!”

Shining Armor looked to Ms. Harshwhinny, and then back to Sunset. She seemed so sure and so earnest in her conviction that this was the truth. “Ms. Harshwhinny, ma’am, I normally don’t ask this. But would you please remove your jacket, you’ll need to do so anyway for evidence collection, and from the state it’s in, I don’t think you’ll be able to repair it. If you can do that, we’ll arrest Sunset Shimmer right here and now.”

Ms. Harshwhinny was beginning to sweat even more, she had to think of some way out of this. “This…This was not supposed to happen…” Purple electric crackles began to spark around the woman’s body. “THIS WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!!”

The older woman’s body turned to light, reforming until it was in its true form, that of the Gene Dopant. The students screamed and ran the other way back down the halls. Shining Armor and the officers drew their weapons, Luna and Celestia quickly ran to the six girls urging them to run.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Glitter shouted.

The Gene Dopant raised its right hand and struck the ground with its long wand, energy surged through the floor and collected around the open archways. The cement and drywall seemed to morph, filling in the archway until they were completely sealed shut, leaving the only exit behind the Gene Dopant.

“Get down on the ground or we’ll open fire!” Shining Armor warned.

Glitter chuckled evilly as she slowly approached them. “Please, you think a little pea shooter like that is going to hurt me? I’m a freakin’ monster, but hey, waste the bullets if it makes you feel better!”


Shining Armor and his partners fired several shots at the monster, the bullets struck, but just as soon fell to the ground. All three officers didn’t give up, continuing until they emptied their first clips and inserted their next. But in that time, the Gene Dopant swiped her right hand towards the officer on the left, sending them flying until they landed against the wall. The officer on Shining Armor’s right tried to punch the Dopant, but upon impact realized that the creature didn’t even register the blow. The Gene Dopant picked him up with its left hand and tossed him to the side like a rag doll. Glitter knocked the gun out of Shining Armor’s hand and hoisted him up by the throat.

“Now then, officer, how would you like your genes scrambled? I could turn you into a rabbit, or a gerbil, perhaps a cute little pony?” Glitter mocked.

Just then, the sound of a tire squealing echoed in the room, and out of seemingly nowhere, Mecha-dillo hurled itself at the Gene Dopant and hit it with enough force to make her release Shining Armor. The valiant officer backed up, taking up his gun and putting himself in between the Dopant and the students behind him.

“What was that?!”

“That was my friend, Dillo, but he’s the least of your worries!”

A bright flash of turquoise light went off and behind the Gene Dopant, revealing Kamen Rider Unicorn. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and even Pinkie Pie did double takes, Sunset was standing right next to them, and yet Unicorn was standing a few feet away.

“Okay, I’m confused,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Don’t worry about it, everyone leave, now!” Unicorn ordered as she dashed towards the Gene Dopant.

The Dopant barely had time to react before Unicorn came in with a right hook, striking the Dopant across the face and forcing her to stumble back. Sunset’s friends, Shining Armor, and the Principals quickly went to the downed officers and helped them out of the building and outside. After seeing them gone, Sunset quickly took hold of the Gene Dopant, her horn glowing until both of them vanished in a flash of light.

A few seconds later, both the Kamen Rider and Dopant arrived outside on the soccer field. The Gene Dopant separated from Unicorn and blasted her with ray of spiral light from her right hand wand. The beam struck Unicorn in the chest, sending sparks flying and making her stumble a bit before she regained her ground.

“UGH, WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING THAT GIRL! She ruined my life!” The Gene Dopant yelled as she fired another beam.

Unicorn dodged the left and fired a magic bolt straight the ground in front of Glitter’s feet. “As hard as it is to believe, people change. I know what she did, Glitter Glam.”

“How…How do you know my name?!”

Unicorn stood firm and looked at the Gene Dopant. “Because she told me, she’s the one that called me to help everyone at this school, and to help you! That thing, it’s called a Gaia Memory, it amplifies your emotions, and the more negative emotion you feel the more the power will drive you to do something bad! Look at where you’re at!” Unicorn pointed to the school. “Sunset Shimmer told me about you, she remembers you Glitter Glam, you were a popular girl. Not just because you were pretty, but because you were kind and smart, someone deserving of the Fall Formal Princess title. I’ll be the first to admit, I don’t condone what Sunset Shimmer did, in fact, she was torn up about it! Practically begging me to save you!”

The Gene Dopant flinched at that. “Sunset wanted you to save me…? But…But – No! – She’s just…just tricking you! That’s what she’s good at!”

Unicorn slowly walked towards the Gene Dopant, keeping her hands out and to the side. “Glitter, as much as we want to, we can’t change the past. We have to carry the baggage of the things we’ve done, and even though Sunset wasn’t exactly a saint – no, less than a saint – now, in the present, she’s doing all she can to make up for it. I could see that in her. Glitter, don’t make this something you’ll regret, be the girl that was steadfast, be that kind girl you were. Don’t let this Memory cloud your mind!”

The Gene Dopant looked at its hands, after a few seconds, the Dopant’s body shifted, transforming Glitter back into her original form. The Gene Memory rose up from her skin and fell to the ground. Glitter fell to her knees and began crying as she placed her hands against her face. “What…What have I done…?”

Unicorn slowly walked towards Glitter and gently brought her into a half hug where Glitter cried against Unicorn’s armored chest. “It’s alright Glitter…It’s alright.”

“It will, so long as you hand over that Gaia Memory.” Unicorn glanced towards the new voice, and watched as a new Dopant walked towards them. The ground beneath its feet was freezing, even the air was dropping a few degrees and making Glitter shiver. “Don’t make this difficult.”

The ice Dopant fired a wave of glacier ice that roared towards both girls. Unicorn grabbed Glitter and teleported a good distance away from the Dopant. When Unicorn looked back, she watched as the ice Dopant knelt down and picked up the Gene Memory. Unicorn didn’t know what this Dopant wanted with the Gaia Memory, but she didn’t want to find out. The Kamen Rider dashed towards the ice Dopant and quickly placed her Unicorn Memory into the right hip port.


Unicorn jumped into the air, somersaulted once, and came down with a flying kick. Energy gathered at her right leg, forming a spiral horn that blazed as she descended towards the ice Dopant. The Dopant looked up and quickly formed an ice shell around himself. The moment Unicorn made contact with the shell an explosion went off, shattering the shell and having Unicorn skid to a halt on the other side. She frantically looked to and fro for the ice Dopant but somehow he had completely vanished.


Dear Princess Twilight.

Apparently, the past eventually catches up to you. I know you know I wasn’t a good person when we first met. But you never saw all my sins. One of them came back to collect.

A girl by the name of Glitter Glam tried to frame me for a crime I didn’t commit, using the strange power I told you about. These things, these devices, they have great power, but like the Equestrian magic that’s loose in this world, it seems to feed on emotions, and amplify them to such a degree that they almost lose themselves.

Fortunately, I was able to help her snap herself out of it. She confessed to the plot of trying to frame me, as well as the kidnapping of Ms. Harshwhinny and myself, as well as almost killing Rainbow and Applejack.

Unfortunately, the police really couldn’t do much in this case. The Gene Memory that she possessed was taken, I had an alibi for the night of the vandalism, and when she trapped Rainbow Dash and Applejack in the pool she did it in my form. So as you can see it would make a horrible report to file so in the end they could only take her in for trespassing on school grounds when she wasn’t a student at the school.

Glitter Glam…I wish I could do something to fix what I did. But I know I can’t, I was the reason why she felt the way she did. If anyone should be punished it was me. But like I said, it was in past, all I can do is move forward and not repeat my mistakes, and make sure to do as much good as I can. Either as Sunset Shimmer or Kamen Rider Unicorn.

“Are you done writing to Princess me?” Twilight asked.

Sunset sat in chair next to Twilight’s bed and closed her journal. “Yeah, I am. I’m sure she’ll reply with something sagely or panicked driven after reading all that.”

“Sorry to make you have to come back here, I hate being sick,” said Twilight.

“Just focus on getting better.” Sunset watched as Mecha-dillo came shuffling towards them, perfectly balancing a tray on its back. “When did you make this little guy?”

“A couple of weeks ago, it was after I saw how successful Hawk was, so I made another.”

Spike looked at the large robotic animal, which in turned and looked at him. “This thing’s a little freaky.”

“Said the talking dog,” said Sunset.


Sunset sighed as she looked at her words written in the journal, Twilight sat up and looked at her friend with concern. “Sunset, are you going to be okay?”

“I…I don’t know. Everyone back at CHS had forgiven me to some degree, and there’s Glitter. It just made realize how horrible a person I was back then, and…I still find it a sore spot knowing that, while everyone knows I’m doing good, and that we’re friends, that the things I did won’t ever leave their memories.”

Without warning, Twilight reached out and hugged Sunset, resting her head against her friend’s shoulder. “I don’t know the Sunset from the past, all I know is this Sunset, is the one who saved me. Who brought me out of my magic induced madness and has stuck by my side to help me through the trauma of that ordeal. This Sunset, made me see how wonderful having friends can be, and how much more fun life is with them, and how much I’ve grown with them. So don’t forget that.”

Sunset felt her cheeks heat up and her eyes sting with tears, she returned the hug, and with all sincerity said, “Thank you, Twilight.”



“Please get the trash can…”




Starlight Glimmer watched as Double Diamond entered the room. His stoic, professional demeanor did not falter, even after having briefly battled Kamen Rider Unicorn. The Second in Command placed the Gene Memory on Starlight’s desk and stepped away.

The leader of PhoenEXE took hold of the T2 Gaia Memory examined it, as if one was examining a flawless diamond. “Good work Double Diamond, I heard you encountered Unicorn during your retrieval.”

“Yes, but I don’t think she’s a real threat to us,” said Double Diamond.

“Despite the fact that she’s already in possession of three Gaia Memories, not including her primary one?” Starlight asked.

“Compared to you, she isn’t as well versed in the power of the Gaia Memories, to add to the fact that her skills seemed a bit unperfected in combat. Perhaps it’s best that we crush her now while she’s still in a fledgling state of understanding the power of the Memories?”

Starlight raised her left index finger. “Careful Double Diamond, the reports say that the Cyclone Memory came to her during the confrontation with the Queen Memory user. Who’s stay that she doesn’t have a connection to the Memories as well?”

“You think more Gaia Memories would come to aid her if we attacked her?” Double Diamond asked.

Starlight rose from her chair and looked out into the city. “I’m saying that we can’t gather all of them, and some are hiding. Why not have Kamen Rider Unicorn work for us? At least we’ll know who has the Memories at the end of the day.”

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