• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,732 Views, 651 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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S: Supernatural / Different Dimension Enemy

It was now October, the month where all things ghostly and scary are the theme of every day. And why not? For soon it would be that time of the year, Halloween, all Hallows Eve, the time where the barrier between the spirit world and the living world is at its weakest and all manner of strange, wonderous, frightening, and sometimes, fun things can happen.

Canterlot High was already getting in the festive mood, with only two days until the promised night, the entire school was decorated – thanks to Pinkie Pie – in festive Halloween décor. Fake spider webs clung from the corners of the ceiling, with plastic spiders to complete the illusion, vampire bat toys hung on barely visible string, and streamers of black, orange, and purple lined the halls. Of course, this was only a small amount, as the day of all Hallows Eve drew closer, Pinkie assured the students that the school would look like a giant haunted house by time she was through with it.

The students didn’t know whether to be excited or terrified out of their minds.

During lunch, there were two girls at the table of the Rainbooms that shared vastly different opinions on this particular upcoming holiday. Twilight was very giddy, she did enjoy going trick-or-treating with her big brother back when she was little, and a little more until she got into middle school. Focusing more on her studies and not having that many friends to hang out with didn’t exactly make going out to Halloween parties that much fun, especially when you didn’t know anyone at the parties. Some would take that as an open invite to go wild, but Twilight wasn’t for that much social interaction, alone. Now it was different, she had a lot of friends, and an honest to goodness girlfriend to spend the holiday with and attend Halloween parties.

Fluttershy was on the opposite side of the spectrum. She was absolutely terrified of Halloween, Fluttershy had a weak constitution when it came to horror themed things, the kind and caring girl didn’t very much like the idea of scaring others for fun, even if the holiday called for it. On the night of Halloween, she always hunkered down in her room until the night had passed, her parents would leave the porch light off to avoid having trick-or-treaters come by, as they were more than likely sure that the constant doorbell rings would just play havoc with Fluttershy’s nerves.

“I just can’t wait to have my first, real, high school Halloween party!” Twilight exclaimed in excitement.

Pinkie Pie – who was sipping down a carton of milk – released the milk in a ten-second-long spit take that sprayed all over Rainbow Dash and Applejack. The curly haired girl’s baby blue eyes fixed on Twilight as she gave a loud gasp. “You haven’t been to a Halloween party?!”

“Nope…” Twilight answered.

“AT ALL?!” Pinkie shouted.

“…Yes,” said Twilight hesitantly.

Pinkie Pie suddenly jumped up, prompting the others to move their trays before her feet landed on the table. When Pinkie stood on the table, she pointed straight down at the girl in question. “Twilight Sparkle, as of today, I promise you, you will have – repeat: WILL HAVE – the best, scariest, and funnest Halloween party in the history of Canterlot City!”

Twilight blinked a few times, her face red from Pinkie’s declaration and the subsequent stares the rest the students were giving their table. “Y-You really don’t have to do that much, Pinkie…A normal Halloween party will do just fine.” About a few seconds later, Twilight realized she had just been talking to a smoke cloud in the form of Pinkie Pie that waved bye to her before disappearing. “B-B-But how – when did – how did – WHAT?!”

“Ain’t no stopping a Pinkie Pie party,” said Rainbow Dash.

Sunset draped an arm over her lover’s shoulders. “Try not to think too hard on it, Sparky.”

“Magic is one mystery, but I will solve the mystery that is Pinkie Pie,” said Twilight with determination.

“Good luck with that, Sugarcube, don’t lose all yer sanity in the process.” Applejack warned.

Rarity coughed to gain the attention of the rest of the girls. “On that note, I would request that you all stop by my place this weekend. I want to get final measurements for all your costumes.”

“Don’t you already have our measurements from the last round of clothes you made us? Or are you just using this as an excuse to see your friends naked?” Rainbow Dash asked with a wiggle of the brow.

The fashionista rolled her eyes at the dirty insinuation. “Please, Darling, I’m strictly professional when I take measurements, male or female, it’s quite unbecoming of a designer to get distracted by a customer or model’s anatomy while you’re working.” Rarity let a little smirk appear on her lips. “Besides, I have Sunny Flare to admire at any time I choose.”

Twilight leaned forward, still sporting a blush. “Y-You mean, you a-and Sunny–?!”

“Ah, bub, bub, a lady never kisses and tells, Twilight. At least, not without permission from her significant other,” said Rarity.

The bell for lunch eventually rung, and the girls dispersed to their individual classes. Sunset’s class took her down a different hallway, so she gave Twilight a goodbye kiss before heading to it. She was kind of psyched about the whole Halloween party idea, of course she attended a few here and there, the responsibility of being the popular queen bee of the school. But now she wouldn’t have to worry about all that, she could just enjoy the party, and best of all, it would be Twilight’s first high school party.

Hmm, maybe we could coordinate costumes? Sunset thought. Maybe a couple of pirates? Gangster duo?

Just then time seemed to slow down, each step that Sunset took down the hallway echoed unnaturally loud throughout the halls. Speaking of the halls, they seemed to elongate the more she walked down them. Sunset looked around, taking a moment to feel out the area. Suddenly, Sunset’s left pocket glowed, she reached into it and took out the Unicorn Memory.

Just then, a sound like fabric tearing apart resounded loudly in the hall. There was an increase in light that seemed to originate from behind her. Sunset turned around and watched as a literal tear in reality began to widen more and more until it burst open in a flash of violet light. The former unicorn mare was then pushed as something flew out of the tear, knocking her forward and onto the floor. Sunset looked up and gazed at the entity that escaped.

A blood red cape flowed from his back, but once he turned around, Sunset got a full view of this creature. It had dark gray armor, accented with dark gold, bearing the images of bat swarms and two crossed, ghoulish looking lances. The gauntlets were all claw tipped, even the boots had three long talons. The creature’s face was uncovered, the front of his face was a pale blue color, his eyes were long, red slits, pointed ears, and his mouth had two long, vampire-like teeth. The rest of his skin looked like it was made of stained-glass window.

“W-Wh-What the hell?!” Sunset exclaimed.

“Looks like I lost that nuisance.” The monster reached out with his left claw, which glowed with the same violet light as the tear behind Sunset closed, but the monster seemed to be struggling afterwards. “Great, I used up too much power…” his eyes fell on Sunset, “But, it looks like fortune smiles on me, to have someone so full of energy to be laid out before my feet.”

Sunset whipped out her Uni-Driver and placed it at her waist. She then pressed the button on the Unicorn Memory still in her left hand.




A turquoise electric field formed around Sunset, transforming her into Kamen Rider Unicorn. The monster raised his right arm, charging it with energy, but Unicorn managed to grab onto one of his arms before he could slam it into the ground. Unicorn’s horn glowed, and in an instant, they vanished in a flash of light. Another flash of light went off outside in the soccer field, depositing both Riders and the monster onto it. Unicorn sprang to her feet and entered a fighting stance, the monster did the same as the hero and villain circled each other, waiting for an opening to strike. The vampire creature flinched, and Unicorn dashed towards him.

The superheroine came in with a roundhouse kick to his left, the six-foot monster grunted when Unicorn’s kick landed in his left side. The vampire monster caught himself on his right foot and used his left arm to hook Unicorn’s leg under his arm. Unicorn struggled to pry herself loose but stopped when she saw his right arm rise up and prepare to break her leg. But Unicorn focused her energy into her right hand and fired a sphere of mana straight for his face.

The attack exploded on impact, making the monster howl in pain as he released her and stumbled backwards.

“Okay, let’s get a little more serious,” said Unicorn as she took out the Queen Memory.

< QUEEN! >


Unicorn’s armor had taken on pink armor plating, and a long silk-like train, she was now Kamen Rider Unicorn Empress. Unicorn quickly struck her left hip port twice.

\\ KNIGHTS! //

Two Knight constructs formed beside her, she then struck the port six times.

\\\\\\ RALLY! //////

The knights glowed and transformed into two claymore swords that rested in Unicorn’s hands. Unicorn took one step and dashed across the field, her swords in position to cut him down.

The monster saw this coming, he channeled power into both of his hands and slammed them down on the ground. In no time, several iron spikes erupted from the dirt and soil, jutting outwards like a blooming flower in all directions. Unicorn slashed with her blades, cutting several of the spikes and striking the nucleus of the iron spikes. But, unfortunately, there was no sign of the monster that caused it.

“Damn, where’d he go?!” Unicorn asked.

Unicorn noticed that a lot of the student body and faculty were watching the goings on and snapping pictures and videos, she sighed a little annoyed. Well, so much for a break.


Later that day, once school had let out, the girls arrived back at her loft. All of them were bombarding the bacon haired girl with questions as she opened her door and paused when she saw a small cube like device sitting on her coffee table. Sunset had the girls stay back as she slowly approached it. Rainbow Dash approached from the opposite side, her N-Driver and Nasca Memory already brandished and ready to be used.

Sunset examined the device, it was a chrome colored, with lines that had a circuit pattern and colored sky-blue. The former unicorn carefully tapped the top of the cube with her index finger, and immediately the device came to life. The lines shined a bright blue as it began to release light particles that rose up into the air. In a matter of seconds, the cube stopped releasing its particles and revealed a person. Sunset looked at the person in the light image, he may’ve been a different species back in Equestria, but she’d recognize that smirk anywhere.

“Hi, Tsukasa!” Sunset greeted.

The image nodded to Sunset. [Ah, Sun-chan, good. I was hoping you wouldn’t blow this device up.]

“Yeah, how exactly did you know where I live?” Sunset asked.

[I have my ways.]

“That’s not super creepy at all,” Rainbow commented sardonically.

The hologram gazed upon the other occupants in the room, his head tilting a bit. [Huh, so it is true, going through that portal of yours really does age you down. Compared to the pony counterparts I encountered in your world, these versions are in their teens.]

“Blame Star Swirl and whatever magic he used to make that thing, but I take it you didn’t leave this cube thing here to just shoot the breeze, did you?” Sunset asked.

Tsukasa’s face became serious as he nodded. [Indeed, I’m sure you encountered – Twilight-san, please don’t touch the device.] Somehow Twilight had gotten close to the cube and was examining it with wide eyed giddiness, but when Tsukasa called her out, the nerdy girl chuckled in embarrassment and retreated behind her girlfriend. [That monster that attacked you today, it was something a couple of other Riders were chasing.]

“Yeah, what is it exactly? It definitely wasn’t a Dopant.”

The hologram shifted and showed the monster again. [Its name is Fanghoul. It’s a experimental creature that was made by Foundation X. For simplicity’s sake, they’re a group whose goal is the study of Kamen Rider powers and the powers of Kaijin and finding ways to weaponize them for either their own goals or to sell as weapons. That thing is a combination of a supernatural creature called a Ganma, and another, older, vampiric creature called a Fangere.]

“WHAT?!” Twilight exclaimed.

[They were trying to create a new form of monster. According to another Rider, Takeru, the Ganma is the spirit of one called Vald Tepes III. You may or may not know him by his infamous name, Count Dracula.]

Everyone in the room felt a chill go up their spine. Although the circumstances behind the legend may be a bit different, the name of the legendary king of vampires was well known. Books, movies, and tv shows were made about him as the most powerful and terrifying of all vampires. And that being was on the loose in their city.

[Vlad III was a conqueror, also known as Vlad the Impaler. Mix that with the DNA of a Fangere which is similar to a vampire and takes on life energy from its victims, and you got something really bad.]

Tsukasa went on and explained how Fanghoul entered their world. According to the tenth Rider, Kamen Rider Kiva and Kamen Rider Ghost were on the trail of Foundation X to try and stop the creation of this abomination, but they were too late, and the monster was born, he destroyed everything, as well as his creators. A battle ensued between Kiva, Ghost, and Fanghoul, with the latter proving to be quite formidable, however, the hybrid creature managed to use his newly found powers to cause a tear in space-time, allowing him to slip out from their universe and into another.

“But, you’re bringing backup, right? I mean, you can bring those Kiva and Ghost guys here, right?” Rainbow asked.

Tsukasa shook his head. [Unfortunately, Fanghoul’s intrusion into your dimension is causing some turbulence between our dimensions. Opening a portal to you now would be dangerous for any Rider to walk through, including myself. For now, I’ll be monitoring the portal situation, and once it stabilizes, I’ll send the first available Rider to you, I’ll come myself if necessary. Be vigilant and be careful. And Twilight-san, please don’t dismantle this device for the time being.]

Twilight pouted a little as she crossed her arms. “You know I’d put it back together once I did.”

Sunset lightly bopped her girlfriend on the head. “Bad Twilight, no taking apart advanced technology without permission.”

The girls giggled at their back and forth, and with that, the hologram ended, leaving the group with the information that a super monster was running around the city, and was part vampire. Sunset sighed heavily as she rubbed the back of her head. “Well, I better Rider up and contact Shining Armor, the police force needs to be on alert for this thing. And I probably should inform Starlight Glimmer…”

“Is that really a wise thing to do? I mean, considering she’s technically our enemy.” Rarity asked.

“I’m not wild about the idea either, but if this thing is as bad as Tsukasa says, we’ll need all the Rider power we can get, good or bad…” Sunset shook her head. “Anyway, one problem at a time. You guys should head back home and stay in. That goes for you too Rainbow.”

Rainbow Dash gave a low grunt, but complied with Sunset’s request. As the girls began to leave, Twilight let more of her irritation show. “How any scientist can be so immoral?! The advancement of science is meant to help mankind, not to create death and destruction!”

Sunset gave a gentle smile to her girlfriend. “I understand, but, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from both my world and yours, it’s that anything good can be turned evil in the wrong hands. Magic in Equestria can be beautiful, mesmerizing, and helpful, but in the hooves of somepony with a wicked heart and intentions, that power can be used to harm many. Same thing with science, when I first got here I studied up on as many scientific breakthroughs from history books and science books. And it’s the same thing, good intentions for an invention in the creator’s eyes, can be a weapon in another’s. And, there are those who just wish to delve so deep into the dark side of magic and science that they don’t care how far away the light is.”

Twilight rubbed her arms, this was the truth that could not be overlooked, mankind has a history of creating grand and wonderous things, only to find a way to use it against their fellow man. But Twilight, she only wanted to further her knowledge in order to make the world a better place through her vision of science, and possibly the combination of magic. Still, she could not deny that fact. “Do you…Do you think that I’ll ever go down a path like that…? I mean…if Midnight was any indication of my subconscious’ thirst for knowledge, then…”

Sunset walked up to Twilight wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug, bringing Twilight’s head to rest in the crook of her neck. “You will never be like that, because I know you, I know your heart, Twilight. Besides, I’ll be by your side to make sure to slap some sense into you.”

Twilight had a broad smile her face. “I’ll hold you to that.”


Fluttershy had caught a ride with Rarity when they left the school, and Rarity insisted on driving her back home. Along the way, Fluttershy peered out the passenger side window, watching as they passed by several houses that were gearing up for the promised night of all Hallows Eve. Inflatable ghosts were set up and flopping about back and forth, rubber bats and spiders carefully placed about houses. Fake tombstones jutted from the front lawns, and of course some had gone all out and set up their residences as full-fledged haunted houses. There were also some teens and little kids out in their costumes, either breaking them in or just too eager to wait and wore them early.

Despite the scary and happy tone of this celebration, Fluttershy was just feeling scared, and…angry. This did not go unnoticed by Rarity, as she was driving, she stole glances of her friend and noticed her hands were shaking.

“Fluttershy, are you alright?” Rarity asked.

“Y-Yes, I-I’m fine,” said Fluttershy.

“You’re clearly not, Darling, does Halloween truly frighten you that much?”

The yellow girl sighed heavily. “It does…I know it’s all fake, the costumes, the eerie noises, and scary decorations, it’s all just for fun…but…Can I tell you a secret, Rarity?”

Rarity nodded and added, “Of course, Fluttershy, whatever you want.”

“A long time ago…when I was ten, I actually loved Halloween, well, maybe not to the extent Rainbow Dash or Applejack do, but as much as I could. I loved dressing up as a fairy princess, or a cute animal, and walking to different houses with my mom, dad, and little brother to get candy.” Fluttershy’s face contorted into smile as she recalled the fond memories, but that smile slowly fell. “Until…I got lost, I wandered into a neighborhood that had a large haunted house.”

“I got in through an unlocked door and…I got really scared, the workers there must’ve thought I was with the group that was already in there because they kept going with the scaring and the noises and…” Fluttershy’s hands began trembling, but Rarity managed to place her right hand over Fluttershy’s left and gave it a calming squeeze. After a minute, Fluttershy continued. “A-Anyway, after that, they realized that I wasn’t part of the group and stopped. My parents arrived a few minutes later, and I couldn’t stop crying, I missed two whole days of school because of that…”

Rarity remembered that day, Fluttershy seemed even more timid than usual upon her return, but she never thought it was due to something like that happening to her. “Dear, I’m so sorry that happened to you. No wonder you don’t like Halloween that much anymore. If you told our friends I’m sure they’d understand why.”

“That’s just it, Rarity, I’m tired of being afraid!” Fluttershy stated with firmness. “I hate not being able to have fun with you all, or enjoy the holiday, or make everyone feel as if they need to walk on eggshells whenever this comes up! I…I want to go to the p-party!”

Rarity spared her a surprised glance before returning her eyes to the road. “Fluttershy, none of our friends are pushing you, I just want to make sure you’re doing this for the right reasons. You went through a pretty traumatic event, and we’d hate to have you regress back to such a frightened state.”

The two eventually made it to Fluttershy’s house, with the pink haired girl exiting Rarity’s car. “I’m sure…at least, I think so…maybe…? I don’t know?”

“Sleep on it, Darling, and if you feel the same way tomorrow I’ll help you out,” said Rarity.

Fluttershy nodded and smiled, waving a goodbye as she watched Rarity drive away. The timid girl looked around the neighborhood. Most of the houses had decorations all over their house, but Fluttershy’s remained the same as it always did. With a heavy sigh, Fluttershy walked inside her house, the interior had a calming blue coloring to the walls, with white accent molding. Above their fireplace hung a picture of their family, Mr. and Mrs. Shy along with Fluttershy and her little brother, Zephyr Breeze.

In truth, she loved her little brother, but he could be a lazy good-for-nothing from time to time. Fluttershy did take her role as a big sister seriously, if she didn’t, she was certain that Zephyr would be far worse than he was now. “So long as he doesn’t end up living with me in whatever future home I get, everything should be okay.”

It wasn’t long before Mrs. Shy came walking from around the corner and gave her daughter a fierce hug. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, Mom, really. I wasn’t anywhere near what happened,” said Fluttershy.

Mrs. Shy let out a sigh and said, “When your brother told me what happened, I was really worried, but your text after helped…Really, I’m starting to think it’s not safe at that school anymore. What with that incident during the Fall Formal, and that strange Battle of the Bands, and then more recently what I’ve heard during the Friendship Games and these monster attacks…maybe…maybe we should look into transferring you two to another school?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened with fear at the notion. “No, no, Mom, it’s safe! I mean, Unicorn did come and save us after all. Plus, for Zephyr it might be okay, but I’m already a senior and changing schools now would be hectic, especially if the curriculum is different at another school and I end up having to do a lot of catch up work. And, I really want to walk with my friends…”

Mrs. Shy knew her daughter was right, it would be unfair to make her change schools now, considering all the possible make up work and tests should need to do at another school at this time. “I’m sorry…I just worry about you two, especially you, dear. Considering all you’ve been through in the past years.”

Fluttershy smiled and hugged her mother back. “I know, but I’ve gotten stronger because of it. So, it isn’t all bad.” Flutterhsy released her mother and headed up the stairs, “I’m going to my room, I need to do my homework.”

“Of course, I’ll call when dinner is ready,” said Mrs. Shy.

Fluttershy ascended the stairs, her heart still a bit heavy as her resolve wavered. She was sure she wanted to overcome this, but not sure if she was truly ready to do so. Twilight’s first real Halloween party with friends, and she was going to be the only friend who wasn’t there. “But even if I did go…would they still be able to have fun?”

And that was the other side of the fear, if Fluttershy managed to muster up the courage to go, would everyone censor themselves around her? Would Pinkie try and tone down the scary element of the party for her sake? Most likely she would, but then that would only make it less fun for everyone else. As Fluttershy walked down the hall she stopped when she noticed her little brother, Zephyr. Although, “little” was not what you would call him. The boy stood a head taller than his big sister, had a lanky build, and stubble around his face. His growth spurt hit him like a ton of bricks. Despite all that, Fluttershy would always be his big sister, and Zephyr surely knew that, or else.

Currently Zephyr was posing in his mirror, wearing something…well…something. It looked like a werewolf fur and then another part dragon scales, and topped with vampire teeth, it was like he had no idea what to wear. “Zephyr…what are you doing?”

“Oh, hey Sis! Check out my costume for Halloween!” Zephyr struck a pose, giving Fluttershy a frontal view. There was armor on his chest, and below that strange mummy wrappings. “Ya like it?”

Fluttershy took a deep breath, her little brother was eccentric, creative, and very “out there” at times, but sometimes, Fluttershy had to ground him back to reality. “I…I don’t, what is it?”

“Well, I thought to myself, ‘Zephyr Breeze,’ I said, ‘why just pick one costume? Anyone can go as a monster or whatever, but it takes a genius to blend and create!’ So, that brings us to my wolf-knight-dragon-mummy-vampire combo!” Zephyr struck a dramatic pose upon uttering what his costume was.

Fluttershy slapped her face and sighed, “Zephyr, please, just choose one. For everybody’s sake.”

Zephyr’s enthusiasm dropped upon hearing that. “Humph, well, it’s not like you’re dressin’ up anyway.”

Fluttershy narrowed her gaze at Zephyr, making her little brother flinch. The elder sister gave a tired sigh and walked away until she was back in her room, not even bothering to turn on the lights as she flopped onto her bed. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, Zephyr was right, she had no room to criticize his costume choice when she herself was not even participating in the festivities.

“I wish I was stronger…”


The next day at school, the students were still talking about the fight in the hallway between Unicorn and the new monster. Sunset had successfully contacted Shining Armor and now he had the police force on the lookout for any strangeness, well, stranger than usual. Starlight was willing to pitch in as well, as this Fanghoul had the potential to mess up whatever plans she had.

Now all that’s left is to find out where that monster is? Gods I hope it didn’t just up and leave the city?! Sunset thought.

As Sunset walked through the halls, Rainbow Dash came running towards her, skidding to a stop before Sunset with a strange, blushing look on her face. “Um, Rainbow, you okay?”

“Y-You gotta come and see this! I don’t – it’s just – you have to see this!” Rainbow insisted.

Without giving her much alternative, Rainbow grabbed Sunset’s wrist and dragged her along. Apparently whatever Rainbow wanted her to see was also catching the attention of the other students as well. After turning the corner, Sunset paused, and now understood why everyone was looking so shocked.

Fluttershy was at her locker, but…not as they knew her. She was wearing a pair of hip hugger jeans, a tank top with spaghetti straps, and her long pink hair was done up in a pony tail, exposing the back of her neck, and her bra straps. When Fluttershy turned around she had this, unusually confident look. Normally she would be completely embarrassed to be showing off so much skin and wearing such clothing, but that didn’t seem to bother her whatsoever.

“F-F-Fluttershy?!” Sunset exclaimed.

Fluttershy turned towards the familiar voice and happily called out, “Hi, Sunset, Rainbow Dash!” the pink haired girl walked towards them, with a bit of swagger in her step, whether that was a conscious or unconscious action was anyone’s guess right now. “It’s nice to see you this morning.”

“Uh…huh…Um, Fluttershy, I-I don’t know if you noticed, but you dressed…differently, today,” said Sunset.

Fluttershy tilted her head in confusion. “Oh, how so?”


“You’re kinda hot now – OW!” Sunset swiftly elbowed Rainbow Dash in the ribs. “I mean, it’s not like you weren’t always hot, but now you’re like – well, like it’s really out there for everyone to see and – OOOOOWWW!” Sunset “accidentally” stepped on Rainbow Dash’s foot, really, really hard. “WILL YOU STOP THAT?!”

“Only when your foot learns to finally go into your mouth!” Sunset retorted.

Fluttershy looked down at herself, as if she just now noticed her outfit. “Oh, well, I guess this is different from my usual clothes. I just decided to change it up, is that bad?”

Rainbow was about to reply, but Sunset quickly slapped her hand over the prismatic girl’s mouth and answered for her. “No, no, it’s definitely not! Just so long as you’re comfortable is all.”

Fluttershy then let out the cutest – and daresay sexiest – chuckle that the two had ever heard. “Oh Sunset, I am very comfortable. Well, I don’t want to be late, see you at lunch.”

As she strode by, Fluttershy hip-checked Sunset and gave her a wink as she walked on, with every male and female student still ogling her the whole time.

Rainbow managed to get Sunset’s hand off her mouth and asked, “Did…Did she just flirt with you?”

“I…think so…”


The rest of the day wasn’t any better, Fluttershy continued to display instances that her namesake may need to be changed. At P.E. class, where Fluttershy was usually the last one when running laps and Rainbow would run with her to keep pace so she wouldn’t feel bad or run alone. That wasn’t the case today, Fluttershy was running like a champ, making Rainbow actually try hard to keep her spot at the head of the pack.

During Mr. Cranky Doodle’s class, Fluttershy was the first one to tackle all his math problems, not batting an eye as the class stared at her from her impressive display. Whenever classes ended and Fluttershy walked the halls, she would walk with a sense of purpose and swagger, the definition of the phrase, “I’m sexy and I know it”.

Sunset, Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, were just staring in shock the entire time they followed their friend. Rarity had to gut check Rainbow Dash a few times while they did.

“Seriously! Why do guys keep hitting me?! I’m gonna get bruises!” Rainbow asked in annoyance.

“Because you’re drooling over our friend, and don’t deny it,” said Rarity with annoyance.

Rainbow gestured to the girl in question. “Have you seen Fluttershy lately?! I think I made this clear, I’m BI! And what’s wrong with admiring how my friend looks hot! Do you know how many times I – EEP!” rainbow haired girl swiftly slapped her hand over her mouth.

Twilight, Rarity, and Sunset all gave her dubious glares as the cyan sports girl seemed to sweat bullets.

“Oh no, please go on Rainbow Dash, how many times you what?” Rarity pushed.

“She means that she’s ogled most of us a few times and enjoyed the view.” Rainbow yelped, jumped, and turned around to find Fluttershy standing there, giggling at her friend’s surprise. “And I’m honestly fine with it, I don’t mind if somebody checks me out.”

“Are…Are we in some alternate dimension? Did we get teleported to one when we were asleep last night?” Twilight asked in pure confusion.

Sunset stepped forward and placed a hand against Fluttershy’s forehead. “Okay, you don’t seem to be running a fever, you sure you’re alright, Shy?”

Fluttershy giggled again. “Of course I am.” The animal lover gently grabbed Sunset’s left hand which was against her forehead and – much to the shock of their friends and a few passersby – placed it over her heart, pressing it against her left bosom hard enough for Sunset to feel Fluttershy’s heartbeat. “See, my heart’s beating nice and strong.”

Sunset’s eyes widened as she peered into the half-lidded gaze of her friend. Was, was Fluttershy hitting on her? And was Fluttershy leaning closer to Sunset, because she was getting a little closer than she was earlier.

“STOP!” Twilight yelled as she rushed in between both her girlfriend and Fluttershy, forcefully separating the two. “What are you doing?!”

Fluttershy blinked. “What do you mean?”

“I-I mean you, you – you know what you were doing!” Twilight accused.

It was then that the others saw something that they thought they’d never see – among other things today, a smirk. It wasn’t like the ones Rainbow, Sunset, or Applejack gave, this one was laced with something else. Superiority? Satisfaction?

“Oh, you mean flirting with Sunset? What’s wrong with acting a little flirty with your friends?” Fluttershy asked in an innocent tone.

“The problem is she’s my girlfriend!” Twilight huffed.

Fluttershy rested her hands on her hips as she cocked her head to the side. “Oh, and does that mean she’s exclusively your property?”

Twilight flinched at that question. “Uh, well, no – NO! – of course she’s not!”

“Then I really don’t see the problem here, Twilight. I mean, I didn’t see a ring on any of her fingers? Or on yours for that matter.” Fluttershy again walked towards Twilight, looking her square in the eye as she again gave that half-lidded stare, running a finger from Twilight’s exposed collarbone all the way up her neck and resting that finger on her chin. “And that goes both ways.”

“HEY!” Sunset snapped as she pulled Twilight back. “That’s enough Fluttershy, you’re starting to act really weird now!”

Fluttershy shook her head and “tsked” in a disappointed tone. “Really, I get a bit more confident and attractive, and you all think something is wrong with me?”

Rarity quickly intervened. “No, no, no, it’s not that at all! There’s definitely nothing wrong with a woman wanting to express her confidence and beauty, Darling. But, it’s just that we want to make sure this is something that you’re doing for you and not because of what others think.”

The new Fluttershy gave an annoyed huff. “This is me now, girls, either like or not. I’ll see you at lunch, maybe.”

Rarity began stammering for something to say, but Fluttershy just walked past her and gave Rainbow Dash a boop on the nose before smiling and walking away. The fashionista just looked at her friend and asked, “Aren’t you going to say anything?!”

Rainbow had some things to say but decided not to in case she incurred the wrath of Rarity.


Lunch time came and went, and no Fluttershy. Sunset went down the hallway to her class, an unsettling feeling growing in the pit of her stomach. Fluttershy’s just trying to be something or someone else new…I mean, I changed from a total bitch to a hero. It’s not at all uncommon to think that she may want to undergo a change like that. I mean, it’s not like it’s hurting anyone…well…she could tone down the flirtyness.

Sunset spotted something in the distance, it was Fluttershy, but being led by the wrist was Lyra Heartstrings. Curious, Sunset hurried down the hall, careful to make her approach as silent as possible. Sunset knew that that particular way led to a dead end of lockers but was deep enough to allow some privacy from prying eyes. And the only way I know that is because I’ve cornered a fair number of people in ones like that.

Once at the edge, Sunset peered around the corner and her eyes widened with shock. Lyra was pushed up against the locker, her eyes fluttering and her breath heavy. Fluttershy’s mouth was clamped around the left side of Lyra’s neck, her ponytail had been let down to allow her hair to cover her face.

Sunset whirled around as her heart raced, her brain unable to comprehend what she was seeing. Fluttershy, her friend, was busy giving Lyra Heartstrings – who was in a relationship with Bonbon – a hicky! Sunset slapped her face a couple of times, trying to ensure that this wasn’t a dream. The fiery haired girl turned and saw that Fluttershy had wrapped her arms around Lyra, bringing her closer as the mint girl gasped. Sunset couldn’t take it anymore.

“OKAY, STOP!” Sunset shouted as she rounded the corner and stepped into view. “I know you’re trying to be more confident and assertive or whatever, but dammit, Shy, this is too much! And Lyra, what hell is Bonbon going to say when…when…”

Sunset’s words died right there as she watched Fluttershy lift her head. The color of her eyes had changed from teal to blood red, her mouth had two long fangs that were slowly reshaping to normal canines. From her lips was a slight trickle of blood, her tongue quickly extended and licked her lips clean of the crimson substance, all while giving Sunset a most wicked smirk. In her arms, Lyra was held, limp, her face flushed and her neck sporting two fresh puncture wounds.

“Heh, heh, Sunny, it’s not polite to interrupt someone’s private time,” said Fluttershy.

The former unicorn quickly entered a fighting stance, upon doing so, something happened. Her turquoise colored eyes glowed, and suddenly, she could see something. A red aura encompassing all of Fluttershy, and Lyra, her yellow-gold aura was faded. “Who are you, what are you?!”

Fluttershy feigned hurt. “Why, Sunny, that hurts. It’s me, Fluttershy, of course. Just…unchained.” The pink haired girl carefully lowered Lyra to the floor and turned her attention back to Sunset. “I’ve been, reborn, so to speak. And it’s glorious!”

“Fanghoul…when, how?!” Sunset demanded.

“In the dark of the night…when all is creepy and dark, a voice beckoned me to hark! I heard his voice so deep, a promise he said he would keep!” Fluttershy sauntered towards Sunset, her fangs extending again. Her skin became a shade paler along with her hair, nails turning into sharp claws.

Sunset prepared to summon her Driver, but then the bell rang and suddenly the sound of many students began to fill the hallway. Fluttershy returned to normal, the claws and red eyes were gone, and her skin was back to its brighter shade. The vampiric girl walked back to where Lyra was and bent over to grab her backpack, but then planted a quick kiss on the mint girl’s cheek before walking away.

“Don’t tell anyone, okay, Sunny? Or else.”

“Or else what?” Sunset asked.

Fluttershy giggled. “Twilight looks awfully cute, I wonder what she tastes like?”

Before Sunset to pounce on her, Fluttershy disappeared like a ghost. Sunset rushed to Lyra who was still lying on the floor unconscious, she slid to the floor and shook the mint colored girl. “Lyra, c’mon, wake up! Are you alive?!” Sunset quickly placed two fingers against Lyra’s carotid artery, feeling a small pulse that gave her great relief. “Okay, okay.”

Sunset rushed into the hall and asked for help, one of the teachers took Lyra to the nurses’ office, and now Sunset was on the hunt. Fluttershy was a vampire, Fanghoul had someone gotten to her and transformed her into what she was now. This wasn’t good by any stretch, she had to find this monster now before whatever it had done to Fluttershy became permanent.

The fiery redhead ran through the halls, but as she moved down another hall, she spotted a flash of pink hair. Sunset skidded to a halt and ran in that direction, when she was at the spot where she saw Fluttershy’s hair, Sunset noticed that it was the doors to the natatorium. Sunset hurriedly went into the girl’s locker room, and scanned the area, calling out to anyone still inside.

Her search brought her to the showers, where Fluttershy once again had another girl pinned against the wall. Her hair was raven black, with gray skin, fuchsia colored eyes, and wore a Wondercolts once piece swimsuit.


Upon hearing the name, the celloist’s fluttering eyes made contact with Sunset, reaching out with a shaky hand, she spoke, “Help…me…” before giving a gasp as Fluttershy brought her closer.

Sunset’s knuckles tightened, she couldn’t let this go on even if Fluttershy was their friend. The heroic teen moved swiftly, Fluttershy’s ear twitched as she heard Sunset’s moves, removing her mouth from Octavia’s neck as she quickly raised her right forearm to stop Sunset’s right hook.

“That’s not very nice, Sunny. What would Princess Twilight say if she saw that you were about to strike your own friend?” Fluttershy asked.

“She’d say that sometimes you need to knock some sense into your friends!”

Sunset hooked Fluttershy’s left arm with her right and drew her as she delivered knee strike right to her abdomen. Fluttershy hissed in pain, but quickly recovered as she pushed Sunset away, her nails extended and curved into claws as she lashed out at her friend. Sunset blocked the first palm strike from Fluttershy, and left claw swipe, but barely missed a swipe that was aimed upwards. Unfortunately, the swipe slashed right through her shirt, briefly exposing her stomach and bra before Sunset quickly zipped up her leather jacket.

“Oooh, Rainbow was right, they are big,” Fluttershy teased.

Sunset charged in, swinging left and right, jabbing, and coming in for a leg sweep. Fluttershy dodged the first jab and then second, blocked her haymakers, and jumped up just in time to have Sunset’s leg miss her entirely. While Sunset was about to recover from her leg sweep, Fluttershy threw a front kick right into Sunset’s chest, sending her flying back until she slammed into the lockers. A loud gasp left Sunset’s mouth as the pain from the impact was about to settle.

Fluttershy took this opportunity to race towards Sunset, reaching out with her left hand and grabbing her by the throat. Sunset weakly tried to resist, but the earlier damage she took made her efforts all but futile in the super strength grip of her once timid friend.

“Lord Fanghoul wants energy, the more life energy he has, the easier the plan will be on the promised night!” Fluttershy used her right hand to dig her claws into the leather of Sunset’s jacket, hooking the shirt underneath. In one swift motion, Fluttershy tore part of the jacket and shirt away, exposing the upper left half of Sunset’s body. “Since you have magic and come from another world, you probably have a lot of life energy, it’ll be good feeding.”


The pink haired girl leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “Don’t worry, it only hurts for a few seconds, you’ll love it right after that.”

Fluttershy’s fangs extended as she gave the nape of Sunset’s neck a slow lick, savoring the taste of her latest victim. The next moment brought pain as Sunset felt two sharp – almost blade-like – fangs pierce the flesh of her neck. Whatever sounds of pain she was going to make died in her throat before she could give them voice. The pain was excruciating as they dug deeper, making Sunset wonder when they would stop. Suddenly, pain turned to pleasure as the spot where she was bitten began to radiate some kind of energy into her that calmed her body, at the same time, Sunset could feel energy leave her body.

It’s okay, I got you. Give into this feeling, Sunset…give in to me…

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