• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,732 Views, 651 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

  • ...

Z: Zenith / of The End

The residents of Canterlot City were getting back to normal, well as normal as things get this city. Several construction machines were currently working on PhoenEXE Corp. headquarters, there was a lot of external damage, but even more internal damage thanks to the battles that were done inside. But now the threat was over, the barrier which had enclosed the city was gone, and good had triumphed over evil. Or so was the story the media and papers propagated.

Shining Armor was currently driving in his squad car, with Sunset Shimmer riding shotgun. The car pulled up to a building that read, “Canterlot City Psychiatric Institute”. Shining pulled into the underground parking lot and the two were escorted inside. Sunset and Shining Armor were taken to a special wing that was reserved for special case patients. A man in a white lab coat walked up to them, he had tan colored skin, and curly orange hair.

“Good afternoon, Doc Top,” said Shining.

“Oh, Officer Armor, must you use my nickname?” Doc Top asked.

“Eh, it works. So, how’s the patient doing?”

Doc Top walked the two them over to an observation window, inside was Starlight Glimmer, she was watching the TV, wearing a pair of jeans and violet tank top as she hugged her knees to her chest.

“Mind if I go in there?” Sunset asked.

“Of course not, she’ll be happy to see you,” said Doc Top.

Sunset walked to the door, knocked, and waited until she heard “Come in”. When the door opened, Starlight turned to see who it was that came to visit, and her face immediately broke out into a huge smile. “SUNSET!”

“Hey, Starlight, I came for a visit.”

Starlight got up from the bed and rushed over to hug the young woman, which Sunset promptly returned in kind. Starlight returned to her seated position while Sunset sat on the right side of bed, on the TV it was showing the news, a recap of the events of the last few days. The battle at PhoenEXE Corp. and the defeat of Kamen Rider Equal and the Dopant Menace.

Sunset glanced over to Starlight and said, “You really shouldn’t be watching this stuff.”

“That’s really me, right? I did all that?” Starlight asked.

“Yes, and no…that was you, but not the you now.”

Starlight placed her hand against her head, looking down at her knees in lament. “It feels like I’m watching a completely different person up there…I know it’s me, and that I should feel sorry and remorseful…but it’s like it all happened in a dream or to someone else. I hate this…!”

Sunset wrapped her left arm around Starlight’s shoulders, bringing her into a half hug. “Hey, don’t force yourself, maybe this is the universe’s way of giving you a second chance or something?”

“Maybe…” Starlight sighed and then a smile formed on her face. “So, how’s it going with Twilight, are you two excited for the end of your senior year coming up?”

“A little, yes, and no, kind of worried about the future and stuff,” said Sunset.

“Oooh~ wondering how you two are going get married and junk?”

Shining Armor turned off the audio, not exactly in the mood be hearing girl gossip about his little sister and possible lewd conversations to follow. “So, Doc, what’s the word. Is she really mind wiped or is she faking it?”

Doc Top took off his glasses and began wiping them as he spoke, “She’s not faking it, after numerous MRIs and CAT scans, I’ve noticed slight damage to her amygdala and hippocampus, whatever happened to her in her battle with Unicorn must’ve put an enormous amount of strain on her mind. Put quite simply, she has amnesia. She has basic memory and can still do some advanced mathematics and science, must likely be due to the fact that she is a certified genius. We’ve also determined that she can recognize her former associates, those four closest to her, as well as, her father, Miss Shimmer and your younger sister, Officer. Starlight has also developed a kind dissociative disorder, she can see that it was her as Kamen Rider Equal, but as far as her mind’s concerned, it was a completely different person. She may make a recovery, but it will take time. How long I can’t say for sure, a week, a month, a year?”

Shining Armor looked upon them again, they seemed to be having the usual girl gossip, something was making Sunset blush, no doubt some teasing from Starlight. “So, it’s safe to say that she can’t be put on trial for anything, right?”

“Good sir, if you did, it’d be tantamount to putting away a random person on trial and in jail for a crime someone else committed. And as her doctor I’d be obligated to testify as such,” said Doc Top.

“Relax, no one’s talking about doing that. The DA’s office would look like a bunch of assholes. So, let’s just all pray this is permanent, I’d really rather not have to deal with a genius supervillain again,” said Shining Armor.

“And, what of her four colleagues?” Doc Top asked.

“Can’t really prove that it was them, when they’re in Dopant form, you can’t tell who they are, and sometimes their voices get distorted to the point that they’re unrecognizable.” Shining Armor shrugged. “They claim that they were just unwitting accomplices, but of course some of us know better, but we can’t prove it, yet. We’ll have them under surveillance, for as long as possible anyway.”

Meanwhile, Sunset had just gotten through some embarrassing talks with Starlight, the slightly older woman hugged Sunset from behind as she asked, “Sunset, I know you’ve been coming to visit me, you and Twilight both…And, I know you may not like that I was once an evil woman, but I hope we can stay friends…”

Sunset thought back to that day, the day she reached out to Starlight Glimmer in the Infinite White Space of the Earth’s Memories. She wanted to save Starlight with all she had, and as it turns out she did manage to save her, but whether it was through the power of the Miracle Magic or because of the overload of from the Memories of the Earth, Starlight Glimmer was given a kind of second chance at life, but there will be people in the city that will condemn her, will see her as the villain she was once, or could possibly become again. Sunset knew all about that kind of hate, and if there was one thing that would help her recover, it would be friends.

“We will, Starlight.” Even if other people hate you for your past. “I’ll always be your friend, remember that.”


Twilight was busy typing away at her computer, putting the final touches on all the “case reports” that she had written up over the past year regarding their Kamen Rider adventures. It still astounded Twilight how much can happen in a year, and yet it felt as if ten plus have gone by with all the harrowing, near death, and interdimensional incidents that have happened. But then again, something else happened along the way, she fell in love, and with the most beautiful and caring girl in the world, not to mention strong, in body and spirit.

Speaking of which, said girlfriend was finishing washing up, Sunset exited the bathroom, drying her hair as she did, dressed in her leisure clothes. She spotted Twilight sitting on her couch and smiled as she said, “So, how does it feel to have twenty-four access to your girlfriend’s home?”

Twilight leaned back and hummed in mock contemplation. “Hmm, it’s okay, I guess. Not as exciting as I thought it would be.”

“Oh, it’s excitement you want, huh?” Sunset put on a mischievous grin. “Perhaps I should instate that whole ‘no clothing in Shimmer’s home’ rule. Should give you plenty of excitement.”

Twilight’s face turned red as she tried to maintain her air of composure. “I-I would appreciate that you not do that! What if I came over with my parents or Shiny, or our friends?!”

Sunset walked over to the couch and sat next to her. “A: if I was to do that, you would most assuredly call or text me to make sure I wasn’t in the buff, and B: well, considering you lifted up my shirt and inadvertently flashed our friends a few months ago, I’m not too worried about them seeing me in that state.”

Twilight sighed as she said, “Why is it that I fell in love with such a pervert?”

Sunset cuddled up close to Twilight, wrapping the egghead in her arms and bringing her head to rest against her shoulder. “Because, I’m a pervert who loves you, and will do anything to protect you.”

“Oh yeah, I thought that there was something – Ow!” Twilight yelped as Sunset lightly bopped her head. “Should I tag on violent as well?”

Sunset rolled her eyes, just then she heard a knock at the door. “Huh, I wasn’t expecting anyone today, did the girls text you?”

Twilight checked her cellphone, no new messages. “No, and I haven’t heard your phone go off at all while you were in the shower.”

Sunset got up from her comfortable position on the couch and walked to the front door. After looking through the peephole she was a little shocked at who it was. Twilight noticed Sunset’s reaction and asked, “Who is it?”

“Uh…a couple of people was not expecting, at all,” said Sunset as she unlocked the door and opened it.

When the door was fully opened, Twilight understood why she was shocked now. Standing outside were two of Starlight’s subordinates, Double Diamond and Night Glider. The former held a thick envelope in his hands, while the latter had her hands tucked into her leather jacket.

“`Sup, Shimmer,” said Night Glider.

“Hey…uh, not that it’s not nice to see you guys, but what are you doing here?” Sunset asked.

Double Diamond looked at the envelope he was holding and cleared his throat. “It pertains to you, Sunset, and I think it’s best that we talk about it inside.”

Sunset glanced to both of them.

“Doubt worry, we’re not here to seek revenge or anythin’. Starlight’s alive, you saved her, and you’re her friend. That makes us friends too, right?”

Sunset nodded and ushered her guests inside, once inside, Twilight directed them to the couch they were sitting on previously.

Night Glider and Double Diamond entered Sunset’s home, taking a seat on her sofa. Sunset took a seat on the adjacent chair with Twilight standing next to her, and from there an awkward silence fell upon the room. It lasted for about a minute and a half before anyone actually started talking.

“Guess I should ask some obvious questions, have you guys managed to find out what happened to Clear Skies and Sunflower?” Sunset asked.

Night Glider crossed her arms as she sighed in frustration. “As much as I hate to say it, they’re underground, we haven’t been able to locate them, and even though we deep-sixed the data on the Gaia Memories and how they’re made, we found out that there was some data was copied. We can only assume those two bitches managed to take some data on how to make them, but without the proper facilities, it’s worthless.”

“That’s not to say we can take it easy, if they do manage to do that, we’re going to be having Dopant trouble, again,” Double Diamond added.

Sunset and Twilight groaned. With Starlight, at least she was concerned with mitigating as much of the damage as possible and having a plan to take down said Memory user later, but with those two, it was different. They were willing to blow up the entire roof to take down Starlight and Sunset, who knew what damage those two could do with that kind of knowledge.

“Guess my Kamen Rider work won’t be done any time soon,” said Sunset.

“I was really hoping for some time to relax and not worry about saving the world for a little while at least,” said Twilight with a sigh.

Sunset looked back at her guests. “Was there something else?”

“Oh yeah, something good, something that Starlight wanted to give you for your birthday. It took a lot of prep work to make it all as official looking as possible, but it was worth the wait, and we felt that Starlight would want you to have it,” said Double Diamond.

Double Diamond opened the envelope and took out its contents. It was a bunch of papers. The snow-white man handed the papers over to Sunset, who carefully took them and looked through them, but was still confused as to what they actually were, but then she stopped when she looked upon one of them.

“Is this…a birth certificate?!” Twilight asked in amazement.

“Yep, and everything in your hands now makes Sunset Shimmer officially exist in this world. Guess Starlight wasn’t kidding when she said you were from another world, she did neglect to mention what kind of world though,” said Double Diamond.

Sunset and Twilight reexamined the documents, immunization records, dental records, passport information, and various other pieces of paper that would show that Sunset lived and had always lived in Canterlot City, there was even a paper that listed Celestia and Luna as her legal guardians. All this time, Sunset had never officially existed in this world, she had no means to get a job that didn’t need a full background check, and now she didn’t have to lie about her driver’s license information anymore, but it was much more than that. It meant that Sunset had a future in this world, no more trying to fly under the radar, and more importantly, this meant she could go to college and university, she could go to any one of them, even the one Twilight wanted to go to.

“Oh yeah, before I forget,” Night Glider reached into her pocket and tossed a small rectangular object at Twilight, “Catch egghead.”

“AH!” Twilight quickly grasped the object and noticed that it was a flash drive. “What’s on this?”

“A copy of all the information you’ll need just in case you wanna make some adjustments to the digital information that was set up for Sunset. Starlight told us you were a genius, so I’m guessing you can,” said Night Glider.

“Sunset…this means you can…!”

“I can go with you; I can go anywhere! We can go anywhere! No more tiptoeing to make sure no one thinks I’m some alien from another world! I can live like everybody else here!” Sunset exclaimed in excitement.

Sunset jumped out of her seat and hugged Twilight tightly, tears streaming down from her face at the sheer joy of this gift that was given to her.

Twilight was tearing up as well, but she managed to say, “Thank you, both of you.”

“Don’t thank us, we’re just the messengers. Be sure and thank Starlight the next time you meet her,” said Night Glider.

Sunset sniffled and said, “We will, we definitely will.”


After the news was given, Sunset and Twilight immediately called up their friends, and of course, Pinkie Pie wanted to throw a “Congrats On Getting Your Legal Paperwork That Says You Exist” party. It was truly a happy occasion, it was hosted at Celestia and Luna’s house, who were written down as Sunset’s legal guardians, Ms. Harshwhinny was in attendance, along with Namby Pamby, Shining Armor, the Shadowbolts, and their friends. So, pretty much all who knew the secret.

“Hold on, you’re telling me Granny Smith was the one who had the Yesterday Memory this whole time?!” Sunset asked in surprise.

“Eeyup, Ah was just as surprised as you were. When Ah went to go and get the archery stuff, Granny told me she found that Gaia Memory lyin’ around the farm one day. Considerin’ what we know about ‘em, it may’ve been seekin’ her out. Thankfully, she knew better than to use it after all that monster business.”

“I’m just glad you’re feeling better, using that Gaia Memory for the first time was probably like that was risky.”

Applejack sighed woefully, “Fer all the good it did, Ah couldn’t even save you guys when it counted most, just caused more of a mess.”

Sour Sweet walked up and patted Applejack on the shoulder. “Hey, if you hadn’t done that, then those other two Rider guys probably wouldn’t have gotten there in time. You gave them time to get to us and stop those psychos from killing us.”

Applejack smiled, gaining some comfort from the knowledge that she may’ve spared them all a worse fate that than what had happened.

The Silver Veil had not come for Shotaro, Philip, and Terui, so they were happy to join in on the festivities. Laughs were had, cake was smushed into other people’s faces, Celestia and Sunset’s faces to be exact, courtesy of Luna. The Vice Principal was surely living up to her role as a big sister, while also acting like an impish little sister at the same time.

“Oh, we’re getting her back for that,” said Sunset.

“Oh, absolutely, Sunset,” Celestia agreed.

And get her back they did. Sunset had borrowed one of Pinkie Pie’s party cannons, loaded it with some spare cake batter that Pinkie had for one reason or another, and had Celestia trick Luna into backing up into the perfect position. By the time she had realized it, it was too late, Sunset pulled the cord and fired the cannon, getting Luna covered head to toe in gooey brown and pink cake batter.

“Not…funny,” Luna groaned.

Celestia and Sunset looked at each other and then to Luna, and then proceeded to laugh hysterically. Luna got her revenge by tackling both her big sister and adopted little sister, pinning them to the ground as she made sure that they got a nice coating of cake batter.

“Rainbow Dash, what are you?” Rarity asked.

“What?” Rainbow asked. “I’m not doing anything.”

“Give it here. Cellphone, now!” Rarity ordered.

Rainbow sighed in defeat and handed over her cellphone, and as expected the scene of their principals and best friend rolling on the ground covered in cake batter was being recorded. “Honestly, Rainbow Dash, she’s our friend, and they’re our teachers for gods sake! And what would Gilda think if she saw you doing this?!”

Before Rarity could react, Gilda swiped the cellphone back and said, “She’d say, ‘Damn that’s hot’ and, ‘Can I get a copy?’”

“Damn right!” Rainbow exclaimed as she high fived her girlfriend.

“I am so sorry about my friend, Sunny,” said Rarity. “Sunny?”

“Lemon Zest, hand that over right now!” Sunny Flare ordered.

The neon green haired girl whimpered under the scrutinizing gaze of Sunny Flare and said, “Ahhhh, c’mon, it’s hot! Why can’t I film it?!”

“Because, I don’t trust what you’re probably going to do with that, that’s why.”

Lemon Zest sighed in defeat, but before she could hand it over, Indigo Zap swooped in and yelled “Yoink!” before heading off in the opposite direction. Sunny Flare groaned in agitation at her friends’ middle school level antics, it was then that Rarity came up behind her and patted her shoulders in a reassuring manner.

“Looks like we both have our share of problems,” said Rarity.

“In more ways than one,” said Sunny.

The three Riders were busy enjoying the food table, Philip most of all.

“How can this food taste so good?! Is it due to sheer skill or is it because of the metaphysical properties of this world?! This requires research!” Philip stated.

Shotaro bopped his partner on the head and said, “Philip, enjoy the food, don’t go analyzing it.”

Terui looked at Shotaro with concern. “Are you still thinking about what Shimmer-san told us?”

“There are still two people out there who might have the data on how to make Gaia Memories, it may not be now, but they might someday soon. I was wondering if we should stay a little longer to help and track them down,” said Shotaro.

Philip rubbed the top his head and then turned to Shotaro. “I would agree with that, but then again, we wouldn’t be good senpais if we did. We were called here to help them get on their way, and now Sun-chan, Rainbow-san, and Armor-san are all well on their way to becoming great Riders. This is their world, and we should let them defend it.”

Terui chuckled and nodded his head in agreement with Philip. “Still, they’re young, and it wouldn’t hurt to help them out once in a while.”

“We can’t come to help all the time, so we must put our faith in this team, this is their city, their world, and they must be the ones to protect it,” said Shotaro.

The festivities went on for a few more hours until it was late at night, the party began to wind down and everybody bid Sunset farewell and congratulations before heading home, the only ones left were Sunset, Shining Armor, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Shotaro, Philip, Terui, Luna and Celestia. The remaining partygoers gathered around the patio where a firepit had been set up, allowing the others to talk more intimately as the three otherworlders regaled everyone with the tales of their grand adventures in the World of Double.

“Bet you’re really happy about all this, Twily. Now Sunset can attend any school she wants, and it’ll be legit,” said Shining Armor.

Twilight hugged Sunset tightly as her face broke into a wide grin. “Of course, I am, now neither of us have to worry about what kind of future we can have, and what Sunset can strive for!”

“Although, I will need some help working on some applications, I know it’s kind of late in the year to be doing that, but, maybe you can help me Sparky?” Twilight gave a firm nod. Sunset turned her attention to her two guardians and asked, “Would you two mind helping me out, too?”

Luna put down her drink and said, “Well, we’d be sorry excuses for principals and guardians if we didn’t. Of course, we will! Can’t break up the lovely couple.”

“Luna,” Sunset groaned.

“Oh no, I quite agree, it would be a crime against the world to have you two break up over something as silly as distance. I’m determined to see this ‘ship’ all the way through to the end,” Celestia added.

Sunset face palmed herself, “Sorry, Twi, but you gotta deal with this now.”

“Hey!” Celestia and Luna exclaimed at the same time.

“Could be worse, they could have a Hall of Fame room dedicated to every little thing you’ve done since birth,” Rainbow commented.

Celestia’s eyes sparkled with mirth upon hearing that. “Oh, yes, Lulu, let’s start one of those!”

“Rainbow don’t give them ideas!” Sunset scolded.

“Hey, if I gotta suffer like that, then so do you, partner! HA!” Rainbow laughed.

Everyone began to have a laugh at Sunset’s expense, to which even Sunset had to join in on the laughter. Just then, a Silver Veil appeared in the backyard, everyone looked towards it, and as the Veil rippled, the sight of a city with windmills appeared.

“Fuuto,” said Shotaro.

“Looks like our ride is here,” said Terui.

The three Riders from the World of Double stood, along with the three Riders from the World of Unicorn. Each of them walked up to each other and shook hands.

“This world is in good hands, with you three,” said Terui.

“Keep close the bonds that you forge, for therein lies your power,” said Philip.

“And that the Riders stick together, no matter what, we’ll be there for each other when it counts,” said Shotaro.

“It was an honor fighting beside you,” said Shining Armor.

“Don’t worry, we won’t forget, bonds of friendship is kind of our thing,” said Rainbow Dash.

“And thanks, for getting be back into the fight, Shotaro,” said Sunset.

Shotaro tipped his hat to Sunset and all three World of Double Riders walked straight for the Silver Veil, and in the next moment, the Veil moved towards them until Shotaro, Philip, and Terui were gone, returned to their world.

“Ahem…yes, that’s going to take some getting used to,” said Celestia.

“Amen to that, Sister,” said Luna as she took a drink.

Rainbow Dash stretched and yawned and then asked, “Mind if we crash here tonight, Principal Celestia?”

“I don’t mind, Shining Armor, you’re welcome to do the same,” said Celestia.

Shining Armor shook his head. “No, thank you, but Mom and Dad are expecting us back, they’re still kind of skittish after this whole thing.”

“Awwww, I was hoping for some cuddles from Twilight,” said Sunset in a pouty voice as she wrapped her arms around Twilight from behind.

“Nice try, Sunset, you’re not going to do any ‘cuddling’ under our roof,” said Luna.

“Okay, but, uh, can you guys head inside, I wanna talk to Twi about something.”

Everyone nodded and headed back inside, leaving only the couple outside to look at the sky as it changed from sunset into twilight, and finally to night. The stars shown more brilliantly that night, as if saying “Good job, everyone, you did it!” Sunset held Twilight’s hand, making Twilight turn her head to look into Sunset’s gorgeous turquoise eyes, and for Sunset, she had pleasure of staring two beautiful amethyst eyes. The two shared a kiss, it wasn’t passionate, but it was loving, a calm and chaste kiss.

“Feels a bit weird to call it all over,” said Twilight.

“Well, we still got two fugitives on the run, so don’t jinx it just yet,” said Sunset.

“So, what did you want to talk about?”

Sunset looked away for a moment, as if thinking how best to tell her whatever it was she was going to tell her. “Hey, you can do a look up?”

“Really, for what?”

“Just trust me.”

Twilight was skeptical but shrugged and went along with it. The young genius focused her mind, and, in an instant, she was drawn into the realm of Earth’s Memories.


The hundreds upon millions of bookshelves appeared all around Twilight, the infinite wellspring of knowledge that was the Memories of Earth was all laid bare before her, awaiting Twilight’s command. “Sunset, I’m in, what did you want me to look into?” Twilight was met with silence. “Sunset?”

“Right here Twi.”

“YAAAAAAH!!!” Twilight screamed as she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned around quickly and gasped as she blurted out, “SUNSET?!”

“Surprise,” said Sunset with strained enthusiasm.

Twilight stammered several times before she managed to get a coherent sentence out. “Y-Y-You can come in here! Sunset, you can access the Earth’s Memories, too?!”

“Eh, not quite.” Sunset reached towards one of the books but once she did, her hand passed right through it. Twilight did the same but instead of going through it, she was able to pick it up. “I can come here, but I can’t touch the knowledge here.”

“It must’ve happened when you and Starlight fought, you said you were exposed to the power of the Earth’s Memories, perhaps it granted you the ability to get this far, but not enough to get the knowledge. Perhaps this means the Earth believes you’re worthy,” said Twilight.

“Maybe, but I’m glad that this just one more thing I can share with you.”


Sunset and Twilight returned from the world of the Earth’s Memories. A thought came to mind as they remembered the parting of their friends from another world.

“Sunset, did you ever find out what happened to that other Rider?” Twilight asked.

The flame haired girl shook her head. “I don’t know, Rainbow said that another portal opened up, and when it did, she just said ‘See ya ‘round.’ And just after that she left.”

“That’s a shame, I really wanted to thank her for helping us,” said Twilight.

“Don’t worry, something tells me, we’ll see each other again.”

***______________[=+=] T [=+=]______________***

Fizz sat upon her bike, overlooking a city that hadn’t know a sunrise in many years. Clouds blanketed the sky, occasionally spitting out lightning, but always rumbled with thunder. The young woman swiped open her phone and looked through her photos, her eyes fell upon one in particular, one that brought a sad smile to her face.

“You gonna be okay?”

Fizz didn’t bother looking behind her, she’d recognize that raspy, yet melodious voice anywhere. “That depends if Tsukasa abducts me, again.”

“Was it that bad?”

“No, just made me remember some things.”

There was some silence for a few seconds, but Fizz was pretty sure that the young woman behind her was probably rubbing the back of her head awkwardly trying to figure out how to best comfort Fizz. The violet woman just chuckled at the idea of that girl trying to comfort her.

“Hey, don’t sweat it, Aria, I know you’re not the touchy feely type,” said Fizz as she turned around.

The woman who stood before her was dressed in black camo pants, a gun holster strapped her right thigh, and a combat knife sheathed on her belt. She wore a black vest that and sleeveless tanktop underneath it. Her complexion was a light magenta, her hair was purple with neon green streaks in it, cut short to where it was about shoulder length. Her fuchsia colored eyes had a kind of otherworldly glow to them, but that’s not unexpected considering her otherworldly origins.

“Tch, what, you sayin’ I can’t be sensitive?” Aria asked.

“Naw, just that’s it’s like pulling teeth,” said Fizz with a chuckle.

Aria rolled her eyes at that comment, but just then a ring came from her pants and Aria quickly took out her cellphone. “Uh-huh…Yeah…She’s here…Okay, got it.”

“What’s up?” Fizz asked.

“One of the Storm King’s Smashes are attacking again, think you can Rider Up?” Aria asked.

Fizz took one last look at her cellphone, to the picture of herself when she was a teen. Not much had changed about her, she still kept the same hairstyle, and choice of clothing. The picture showed her taking a selfie, her arm outstretched to capture her image, and another’s. The other person in the picture was a girl, she had her arm hanging off of Fizz’s shoulders, and her flame hair moved to get a good shot of her face, but not before said girl gave Fizz a kiss on the cheek and threw up a peace sign.

“Yeah, I can,” she said as she took out her Driver and two bottle shaped objects.

{=+=} HORSE! {=+=}

{=+=} STORM! {=+=}

{=+=} BEST MATCH! {=+=}

{=+=} ARE YOU READY? {=+=}



{=+=} YEAH! {=+=}

A flash of aurora lightning went off, and soon, Fizz had transformed into her alter ego, Kamen Rider Tempest.

“`Cause I’m the Guardian of Harmony.”


“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“I was more sure about this before I entered the portal…”

A lot of things were finally getting back on track for Sunset, they still had to track down the two fugitives, but Shining Armor assure he’d take care of that. She now had official paperwork that made her a “real person” on Earth and could live a life without worry about others thinking she was an alien from another world. Well, she is, but at least now she didn’t have to work as hard to hide it. Sunset was also able to reconcile with her adoptive mother, Princess Celestia, and had a wonderful girlfriend that she’d do anything for.

So, with all that done, there was one last thing Sunset had to do in order to move on with her new life on Earth. And it turns out, she wasn’t as ready as she thought she was. Yes, the final task that Sunset had to do in order to shut the door on her past and look towards the future, was to finally confront her mother, her biological mother, Stellar Flare.

After confirming that Sunburst was in fact her younger brother, Sunset knew this was an inevitability. But, how to confront the mare who was really her mother? That was the question. Should she be angry at her for leaving her in an orphanage? Sad that she was given up so easily? Sunset didn’t know, the only thing she did know was that she was happy to have found a younger brother, and a little miffed that she missed out on so many opportunities to tease and mess with him.

Hence the current situation, Sunset stood outside of the gates to Sire’s Hollow, flanked by Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst. Although Sunset didn’t look like herself, she was given an amulet from Princess Twilight that would hide her identity while being worn. To Starlight and Sunburst, she looked like herself, but to everypony else, they just saw some random unicorn mare.

“You know, we can always come another day, you don’t have to force yourself to do this,” suggested Starlight.

“No…No, I-I need to do this now or I’ll just keep chickening out,” said Sunset.

“I don’t know how this will go, but I just want you know that I’m glad I found out I have a sister,” said Sunburst.

Sunset smiled and nuzzled the unicorn stallion. “Thanks, little bro. Wow, that’s gonna take some getting used to.”

The three chuckled before giving a sigh. With their resolve steeled, they walked through the gates and proceeded to Sunburst’s childhood home. Sunburst had lettered ahead that they would be coming, and that he was bringing someone that his mother should meet. The three friends eventually made it to Sunburst’s home, with the stallion knocking on the door. After a minute, the door opened, and Sunset had to fight to keep her voice from hitching.

There, in the doorway, stood a rusty orange unicorn mare, with white splotches around the lower halves of both her hind and forelegs, and wearing a string of pearls around her neck. Stellar’s mane was a moderate scarlet color, and her eyes were chartreuse green. The older mare lied eyes on the mare next to her son, and then she looked back to Sunburst. A wide smile broke out across her face as she released a high-pitched squeal of delight as she hugged her son fiercely.

“M-Mother, what are you doing?!” Sunburst croaked.

“I’m just so happy you finally found a mare to settle down with!” Stellar declared.

Starlight’s cheeks puffed out as she tried to contain her laugher, while Sunset was trying to keep her expression from displaying how wrong that idea was. Although, Sunset had to admit, had she not known that Sunburst was her brother, and provided she wasn’t already with Twilight, Sunset may have dated him. But that’s not case.

“W-Wait, how did you – what made you think that?!” Sunburst asked.

“Oh, now we’ll discuss that inside, come, come now all of you, come inside,” said Stellar in excitement.

“I’ll actually be visiting my Dad, Ms. Flare, but you three go ahead and visit,” said Starlight.

Stellar practically dragged her son into the house, with Sunset bringing up the rear. She looked over her shoulder and saw Starlight mouth the words “good luck” before closing the door. Once inside, Sunburst was plopped onto the couch and Sunset took the seat next to him, Stellar was prancing in place, still giddy as a school filly.

“Uh, Sunburst, what exactly did you say in your letter?” Sunset asked.

“Oh, I have that right here, hun.” Stellar used her magic to take the letter from a drawer and read it aloud, “Ahem, ‘Dear Mother, there is someone that I’d like you to meet right away. We’ve been meaning to come and see you, but circumstances have not permitted her do so. Thankfully, things have calmed down with her duties and we’ll be arriving to Sire’s Hollow the day after tomorrow. We have some important things to discuss with you, so please, keep an open mind. Love, Sunburst.’”

Sunset glanced over to her little brother, glaring at him with annoyance. “Well, now I know why she thought that! You couldn’t have worded it differently?”

“S-Sorry, it was the best way to convey the importance of this meeting, without giving too much away!” Sunburst defended.

“Yeah, I’m proofreading your letters from now on.”

Stellar used her magic once again to levitate a chair over, placing it in the middle of the room to sit across from her son and his “fiancé”. “Please, tell me, how long have you been seeing each other? What’s your profession dear? When is the wedding? How many foals do you plan to have–?!”

“WHOA! Slow down!” Sunset interrupted. “First off, I think it’s important that you see this.”

Sunset used her magic to remove the amulet, and the moment she did, Sunset’s true form was revealed. The moment it was, Stellar’s expression went from one of excitement, to one of shock. Sunset got off the couch and slowly approached the older mare and said, “Do you…Do you recognize me?”

Stellar raised her hooves to her mouth, and then nodded slowly.

“Do you know my name?”

“S-Sunset…and…y-you’re an…an alicorn.”


Silence hung in the room for what felt like several long hours, as if time itself had stopped to try and drag out this awkward, and somewhat painful moment. Sunset tried to figure out what was going through her biological mother’s mind right about now. Did she think that Sunset had come back to enact some sort of revenge for leaving her in an orphanage? Surely that would be part of what’s going through her mind, a long-lost daughter that you haven’t seen for years now suddenly appears to you but is now an all-powerful alicorn with the authority of a royal Princess. Many possibilities were running through her mind.

“Mom…it’s alright, Sunset isn’t here to punish you or anything, we just want to know why,” said Sunburst.

Sunset offered a hoof to Stellar and said, “It’s just like Sunburst said, I just want answers. Why was I put in an orphanage, were you disappointed in me…?”

Stellar finally managed to find her voice as she shook her head vehemently at that. “What?! No! I was never disappointed in you! It was never about that! It…” Stellar sighed heavily. “I wish it was something grander, or more profound, Sunset…but…the truth is we just couldn’t afford to keep you…”

Stellar Flare began the tale of a young couple living in Canterlot, even back then the cost of living was pretty high, even with a good job, which meant you had to be minor nobility, work for nobles, or have a high paying job in order to afford even a home. Despite their dual income, Stellar Flare and Sunspot couldn’t make ends meet, not for themselves, and especially for their young foal, Sunset Shimmer.

“It would’ve been a struggle to keep you fed, and eventually we all would’ve been homeless and you in a orphanage…We thought the best thing for you was for you to go to a family that could provide for you better than we could, especially for a young couple at that time…” Stellar ran her hoof through her mane. “I guess that’s where my obsession to have a plan really started…we eventually moved out of Canterlot and came to Sire’s Hollow, and were able to get back on our hooves, and after a few years, we had another foal, you, Sunburst.”

Sunset sat on the floor as she went over all this information, at least one of her fears was put to rest. She wasn’t given up because she was a disappointment, or because her parents didn’t love her anymore. It was just the best option they had to give their young foal a better chance at a better life.

“But what I don’t understand is, how you look so young?! You should be much older than this! Is it because you’re an alicorn? How are you an alicorn?!” Stellar asked.

Sunset rubbed the back of her neck nervously. “Heh, heh…well…that’s a bit of a long story.”

Stellar got off the chair and walked towards her daughter, she then sat before her and took her hoof into her own. “I haven’t been there…at all…for you. I had always meant to come back to Canterlot and find you, to reconnect and see how you were doing. But the orphanage said you were taken in to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, and I thought that everything was going well for you. But, now you’re here, and I’d like to hear that story. It may be too late to gain that connection that Sunburst and I have, but I’d like to try and connect to you, Sunset.”

Sunburst got off the couch and walked over to join his mother and big sister. “It’s the same as me, I only know a little bit about you from Starlight. I’d like to know a lot more. And…well…I’ve always wanted a sibling, and now I have one and I’d like to get to know you.”

Sunset smiled as her eyes watered, feeling like a lost piece of her past was finally falling into place. True, it would take a long time for Sunset to reconnect on a familial level, to Sunset, her real mother would always be Celestia, but Stellar was another mother she could have in her life, and a brother to go with it. Now, she was whole.


Twilight waited patiently at the statue, the interdimensional gateway between Earth and Equestria. Despite knowing that Sunset was far more powerful over there than on Earth, it didn’t stop Twilight from worrying about the safe return of her girlfriend. After a minute, the portal rippled and out from it stepped Sunset Shimmer. There was something about Sunset that was different, not physically, but emotionally, as if she was lighter.

“How did it go?” Twilight asked.

“Really good, actually. She freaked out, of course, when I told her I was trapped on this side of the mirror for some years, and she wasn’t too proud of how much of a bitch I was. Both here and back home. And she bawled when I told her I nearly died, and then she said how proud she was of me, again, for saving Equestria and another world. Oh, and that she was proud to have two children who had accomplishment such great feats lately.”

Twilight hugged Sunset tight, happy that she was able to reconcile with her biological mother. “So, will she be attending the graduation?”

Sunset blew a raspberry. “Of course, when I invited her, she was bouncing around the room like a filly. You should’ve seen Celestia when I gave her the invitation, she did the exact same thing in the middle of the throne room, guess Moms are all the same in that regard. But that brings the total to Sunburst, Mom Stellar, Mom Celestia, Auntie Luna, Starlight, and Princess Twilight. And of course, Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna from here. It’s going to be great in a graduation in a few months.”

“Not only that, but you were also picked to head up the Yearbook Committee! How cool is that?!” Twilight exclaimed.

Sunset sighed dreamily, happy that everything was winding down. No more Dopants, no more world saving events, the only thing she had to worry about right now was Equestrian magic, which hadn’t popped up in a long while, and of course, her future plans that involved herself and Twilight.

“Well, since it’s the weekend, you wanna head to the movies? I heard they released Alien Alicorns vs. Space Pirates 2: Lost Galaxy Chronicles~” Sunset suggested.

Twilight hummed with suspicion. “It wouldn’t be because Cosma happens to remind you of someone, does it?”

Sunset rubbed her chin as if seriously giving it thought. “I don’t know, but would I be incorrect in saying that you were eyeing Solara a little too much during the first movie?”

Suddenly, both Twilight and Sunset’s phones went off, and it was a familiar notification that made them both wince with trepidation. The girls whipped out their cellphones and sure enough, it was a Dopant Alert.

“Well…Clear Skies and Sunflower didn’t waste much time, did they,” said Sunset in a deadpan voice.

“A Rider’s work is never done, I suppose.” Twilight put her cellphone away and gave Sunset a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll text you when I’m at the theater, don’t keep me waiting too long.”

Sunset grinned as she took a look around and summoned her Uni-Driver and Unicorn Memory.




A turquoise electrical field formed around Sunset, materializing her armor and transforming her into the hero of Canterlot City, Kamen Rider Unicorn. A flash of her horn summoned her bike, which had already changed form to match that of its Rider. Unicorn mounted her vehicle, gave a little salute to Twilight and sped off into the distance. Along the way, she heard the sound of another motorcycle engine, and watched as Kamen Rider Nasca came riding up on Unicorn’s right. Not long after, another engine made its presence known, Unicorn looked to her left and saw Kamen Rider Trigger pull up alongside her.

All three Riders nodded to each other, a shared bond of comradery and friendship, a bond that was forged in the fires of battle and strife, this was the power they would carry into battle, and would see them through any evil. The three Riders had several police cars traveling behind them, their own escort as they ushered them straight into the city and to where the Dopant had dared to attack. The large triceratops looking creature snarled and roared but stopped when it finally noticed the three Riders arrive.

Unicorn, Nasca, and Trigger dismounted their bikes and walked towards the Dopant, yet another villain who would fall, this, or any other creature that threatened their city, their world, would have to contend with its defenders. That was Sunset’s role now in this world, and it was one she was born for, and would forever continue to be, a hero.

“You guys ready to do this?!”


“Born ready!”

The Dopant roared in a challenging way towards the trio of Riders, and they were more than happy to meet that challenge.

“The keeper of law and order! Kamen Rider Trigger!”

“Delivering justice at sonic speeds! Kamen Rider Nasca!”

“The Magic of Friendship unleashed! Kamen Rider Unicorn!” Unicorn then pointed her finger at the creature as her eyes and horn glowed. “It’s time to restore harmony!”

Author's Note:

Well, thank you all for enjoying this fun and incredible ride.

Through the perils and the pitfalls.

Through the action, the drama, the humor, and the often times ecchi anime level scenes!

Thanks for faving and liking.......

Of course, no Kamen Rider show is ever complete....

Without one...



A new chapter in Sunset's life will soon begin, but the bonds she has forged will be tested like never before. When those you love and protect have forgotten you, and hate you, what is a hero to do? Find how in the exciting conclusion to the Kamen Rider Unicorn series.

Kamen Rider Unicorn the Movie: Memories of Friendship

Comments ( 23 )

Nice ending. And it's going to be really intense going into this final movie.

A great ending to this story! I hope that after the next movie, you can do something else. Maybe covering Tempest or a new adventure of sorts using Kamen Riders? It would be so cool to have something like AJ as a Rider because I can see her as a fighter.

I literally squealed when I saw an update. Mixed feelings of excitement and sadness that this is now marked as complete. The ending is beautiful and I'm happy for Sunset for all the things and friendships she gained, she totally deserve it. And now I'm sooo excited for the movie! :twilightsmile:

This was a phenomenal way to end this incredible story! Michael, my friend it has been an honor to have been with this story (& the movie stories) since day one! Can't wait to see & read the final movie as well as a spin-off featuring Tempest, if that ever happens, until then, I'll see ya on that old dusty road!

Doc Top walked the two them over to an observation window, inside was Starlight Glimmer, she was watching the TV, wearing a pair of jeans and violet tank top as she hugged her knees to her chest.

Oh boy...

Starlight placed her hand against her head, looking down at her knees in lament. “It feels like I’m watching a completely different person up there…I know it’s me, and that I should feel sorry and remorseful…but it’s like it all happened in a dream or to someone else. I hate this…!”


“So, Doc, what’s the word. Is she really mind wiped or is she faking it?”

Huh... Mindwiped? I don't know what to think about this...

“Good sir, if you did, it’d be tantamount to putting away a random person on trial and in jail for a crime someone else committed. And as her doctor I’d be obligated to testify as such,” said Doc Top.

And here comes the get out of jail card. I don't know how to feel about this...

“Oh, it’s excitement you want, huh?” Sunset put on a mischievous grin. “Perhaps I should instate that whole ‘no clothing in Shimmer’s home’ rule. Should give you plenty of excitement.”

Ah, never change.

Night Glider crossed her arms as she sighed in frustration. “As much as I hate to say it, they’re underground, we haven’t been able to locate them, and even though we deep-sixed the data on the Gaia Memories and how they’re made, we found out that there was some data was copied. We can only assume those two bitches managed to take some data on how to make them, but without the proper facilities, it’s worthless.”

Oh fuck.

“Is this…a birth certificate?!” Twilight asked in amazement.


Before Rarity could react, Gilda swiped the cellphone back and said, “She’d say, ‘Damn that’s hot’ and, ‘Can I get a copy?’”

:rainbowlaugh: Ah, Gilda, I like you!

“We can’t come to help all the time, so we must put our faith in this team, this is their city, their world, and they must be the ones to protect it,” said Shotaro.

Damn right!

Celestia’s eyes sparkled with mirth upon hearing that. “Oh, yes, Lulu, let’s start one of those!”

Oh, you two are a delight.

Twilight was skeptical but shrugged and went along with it. The young genius focused her mind, and, in an instant, she was drawn into the realm of Earth’s Memories.


“Hey, don’t sweat it, Aria, I know you’re not the touchy feely type,” said Fizz as she turned around.


“No…No, I-I need to do this now or I’ll just keep chickening out,” said Sunset.

Oh boy...

“I’m just so happy you finally found a mare to settle down with!” Stellar declared.


Stellar finally managed to find her voice as she shook her head vehemently at that. “What?! No! I was neverdisappointed in you! It was never about that! It…” Stellar sighed heavily. “I wish it was something grander, or more profound, Sunset…but…the truth is we just couldn’t afford to keep you…”


“Not only that, but you were also picked to head up the Yearbook Committee! How cool is that?!” Twilight exclaimed.

Huh, familiar.

I heard they released Alien Alicorns vs. Space Pirates 2: Lost Galaxy Chronicles~”

I see what you did there and I love it!

So... That was it? well, not entirely, but you get the gist of it. So, what did I think about this story? I fucking loved it! The story flowed well, and it was more in line what I prefer in Kamen Rider, a lot of filler with slow story progression in the background, exactly how I like it. While the story mirrored W in several aspects, it was still unique in its own right to work. Whenever elements of W showed up they were used in creative and interesting ways. You nailed the interactions with other Riders as well, something I always appreciate.

Sunset was a really well-developed character and her ark, while sometimes repeating itself felt very well handled. She is definitely the Rider this world needed.

Twilight was also handled very well, never coming off as a Deus Ex Machina or anything and together with the rest of the girls they were really well-rounded background characters.

Rainbow was definitely my favorite. I love her sense of humor and development throughout. I like her forms and she was a great Secondary Rider.

I already gushed about Shining, so I'll make this short. Love him!

So, Starlight. While I'm not the biggest fan of how her story ended, with the whole amnesia thing, I really enjoyed her a lot. She really was a really good grey character who you could see where they are coming from, even if she was misguided. And the friendship with Sunset and the rest really was interesting.

So yeah, all in all, I fucking love this story and it actually means a bit more to me. It was what really got me into Kamen Rider and now I have seen every Heisei season of the show as well as get me into writing as well. For all of that, thank you, thank you oh so very much for all of this. I'm looking forward to what comes next.

So... Who gets to make the Zi-O camio?

Oh lord...Sougo in MLP? That’s asking for almost as many jokes as the Taros appearing in the city. Actually a few of the different riders in mlp could lead to some interesting situations...

This story is just...Incredible. The pacing is good, the character are well written, The action is a thrill ride! And the original riders in this are like a work of art! And the best part? This could totally happen in cannon mlp! Crossover fanfics are my favorite because merging the different worlds can lead to a lot of interesting ideas and concepts. And the ideas in this do not disappoint. Sunset and Twilight emulate Philip and Shotaro while not just being carbon copies of them. Some world meld together so well and these two are a well...BEST MATCH!(bonus points if ya get that reference.)

Well. It's been one hellova ride. But that was possibly the most satisfying conclusion you could have come up with. In this and the other chapters leading up to it, there were a lot of small spelling and grammar mistakes that slipped through the cracks, but overall, that's a minor point compared to what was contained within.

I love this series, I'm looking forward to Memories of Friendship, and I will most definitely be first in line to read any more Rider adventures you post in the future.

....You my good writer have made me cheer, cry and gape in amazement at your story. I like how he stopped Impact without it being too deus ex machina and I really like Starlight's gift to Sunny. sniff hoonk Sorry but the feels in this is so so beutiifull wahh. Pinkie and I try to calm Nora down. If you all are wondering Pool loved the story especially when Sunset met her bio-mom and it kind of caused him go to his room so we don't see him cry. We all can not wait to read your next story so bye-bye for now.:pinkiehappy: Come on Nora I'll make some of my bacon chocolate chip pancakes for you. With strawberry syrup? of course. ...Ok.

9721158 Ha! I was wondering when someone was going to catch that reference! :pinkiehappy:


Thank you all for your support through this long, long story. It was really fun to write, and I secretly wish I had the skills (and budget) to animate everything in it. Do look forward to the movie, and now, I need a powdered sugar donut. (bonus points to whoever gets that KR reference)

Just don’t forget to put a large helping of mayo on that donut!

Well, that was a long, fun ride.

I mentioned this before a good while back, but this story was what actually got me into the Kamen Rider franchise (Gentaro is the bro-est of all Riders).

I'm looking forward to the movie.

Also, now that Sunset is gotten her final form and defeated her main enemy, she needs to start making cameos to help out other Riders!

What a ride that was. I'm glad I decided to read this despite knowing almost nothing about the Kamen Rider series.

Around the time that Rainbow became Kamen Rider Nasca, I decided to go and watch W. Your story turned me into a Kamen Rider fan. I'll eventually check out some more of the series when I have time.

The stuff from W is explained well enough that I could follow along just fine. Sometimes authors writing crossover stories don't do a very good job of exposition so people not already familiar with the source material would be lost. Obviously, anyone reading stories on this website would be familiar with FiM/EQG, but that wouldn't necessarily apply for the other part of the crossover. Even if its something like, for example, the Harry Potter series.

This is one of my favorite stories I've read on this site.


I suggest you to avoid the 2 "legacy seasons" (namelly, Decade and Zio) untill you saw most of the previus set.

they spoils A LOT, and suffer of the same problem you point at here

I would recommend against avoiding, I watched and Loved ZiO, but haven't seen the Onore season, at most I've seen the VS movies though

This was so great. I appreciate all the work and references you worked in. I can tell you love both both Kamen Rider and My Little Pony. Thanks for the story.

I've gotta be honest, the ending you gave Starlight leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth. I get what you were going for "everyone deserves a second chance" and all that but....No. Starlight did too many terrible things to just have it all wiped away like nothing fucking happened, she had a hand in SEVERAL MURDERS one of which SHE ORDERED, so her just getting amnesia and a get-out-of-jail-free card rings BS to me.

Other than that I liked what you had going with her, she had the makings of a genuinely good person and she did truly care about Sunset and Co as friends which is an interesting take on a Kamen Rider Baddie and her backstory and motivations make sense.

But Again, that ending just leaves me feeling sour. You can't just sweep several murders under the rug like that. I get you were trying to pull a "She'll get a fresh start just like Sunset" but Sunset didn't FUCKING MURDER PEOPLE and distribute highly dangerous weapons to criminals.

Apart from that, this remains my favorite Kamen Rider Fic and one of my favorite MLP fics in general. I look forward to reading the final movie


I ship rainbow dash and gou shijima HARD someone wake it happen

Still roughly the same, I think the last movie is after Graduation tho.
(The other two take place during and have an A/N cut before the subsequent chapter)

Who is Kamen Rider Tempest? Is it a reference to another fanfic?

11856348 Would be if I ever got my lazy butt around to writing it. Which is still a possibility.

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