• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,734 Views, 651 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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K: Key to her Heart / I want to tell her

Sunset Shimmer was once a prideful girl, back in Equestria, she was chosen as Princess Celestia’s personal protégé, and for all intents and purposes, a mother to the young filly. As she grew up, Sunset excelled in her magic studies, surpassing many at Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. But, the young mare became arrogant in her skill and power, and believed herself worthy of Ascension, the sacred rite that would allow Sunset Shimmer to become an alicorn. However, Celestia saw the arrogance, the pride, and the anger inside Sunset, despite all she tried to do to instill the virtues of friendship in her.

Flash forward to when she crossed the dimensional divide to Earth, and it only got worse. Sunset’s disconnection from her magic forced her to become more cunning, smarter, and stronger than those around her. She found it surprisingly easy to manipulate the students and teachers of CHS, a little misinformation here, a bit of gossip there, and soon the whole school was divided, and with the power of technology, she was able to keep her activities anonymous the majority of the time.

Yes, without that night at the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer would no doubt have become a tyrant capable of the worse deeds imaginable. “And that’s why, I can’t…”

Rarity, Rainbow, and Applejack all gave Sunset Shimmer a deadpan expression as they listened to their friend go on about her past sins. Apparently, Sunset Shimmer had finally decided to come out of the closet and tell her friends, at least these three, that she in fact had a crush on the newest member of their group, Twilight Sparkle. To which she received a round of “Duhs!” from the three girls in front of her, apparently her secret crush was not as secret as she thought.

Now, though, Sunset was working up the nerve to confess to the nerdy girl, but needed a little confidence boost, which led to the other reason why she called Rarity, AJ, and Rainbow, and then it led into Sunset listing all the reasons why she should be the last person to date Twilight Sparkle.

“Seriously?” Rainbow deadpanned.

“Sunset, Darling, we all know that side of you, and as we’ve said numerous times in the past, we have forgiven you. But, really, the fact that Twilight hasn’t seen that part of you, and only what she’s heard through word of mouth, means that you don’t have to worry about that affecting any relationship you could have with her now,” said Rarity.

“Twilight’s already seen ya at yer worst – sorry to bring it back up – at the Friendship Games after the motocross event, and she’s seen ya at yer best. If that was somethin’ that put her off about ya, then Ah doubt she’d trust ya as much as she does,” said Applejack.

Sunset rubbed her arm as she paced about. “She hasn’t seen me at my worst though! Back then, when I first came here up until the Fall Formal! That was my worst!”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Look, we all know that you were a crappy person back then. That’s not you now, and this Sunset Shimmer, right now, is the person she knows. And something tells me she’s likely carrying a torch for you too.”

Those words, they sounded just like what Twilight had said to her about knowing the Sunset of now, but Sunset’s self-doubt wouldn’t let it go. “Still…”

“Sunset, this ain’t gonna do ya no good, just wonderin’ if yer good or not good for Twi. We know ya are, she knows yer a good person, back then, not so much. However, Ah think Twi would be happy to see ya havin’ an interest in her, all ya got to do is tell ‘er ya care about her.”

Rarity stood up and wagged her finger before the farm girl. “Oh please, Applejack, first thing’s first. We have to know if Twilight Sparkle does in fact like Sunset Shimmer that way. Goodness knows confessing your feelings for someone is a nerve wracking enough without adding in the awkwardness of finding out your crush does not ‘swing that way’ as it were.”

Rainbow nodded. “Yeah, not to mention embarrassing.”

“Thank you, Dash,” said Sunset through gritted teeth.

“Ya see, Sunset, we can be yer wingmen – er – winggirls? Whatever, we’ll find out for ya,” said Applejack.

“Then let operation SunLight commence!” Rarity exclaimed as she struck a dramatic pose.

Sunset raised an eyebrow at that word. “Uh, ‘sunlight’?”

“Big ‘S’, big L, it’s your couple name!” Rarity explained.

“I swear to Celestia, that does not get uttered anywhere outside of my house!”


It was one week before the end of school and summer vacation would start, no school, just three months of doing nothing. Twilight dreaded that. When she was at CPA, the school remained open, and had several activities going on even during Summer Vacation. But when the genius girl looked up what CHS would be doing, there was nothing, well, other than what the clubs for outdoors or sports were doing for camps, it wasn’t anything to her liking. Of course Twilight knew that the Dopant attacks wouldn’t just stop for Summer Vacation. So there would be plenty to keep her busy and her brain working.

“Hey Twi!”

“GAH!” Twilight gasped as she jumped a bit. “Rainbow Dash, don’t sneak up on me like that!”

Rainbow blinked and then chuckled. “‘Sneak up’? I was walking right towards you.”

Twilight’s cheeks turned pink from embarrassment. “Oh…sorry.”

“No big, but I did want to talk to you, got a sec?”

Twilight nodded and walked alongside Rainbow Dash at a leisurely pace. “What did you want to talk about? Did you need help with one of the finals?”

“No, no, nothing like that,” said Rainbow Dash as she shook her head. “You remember when I said I was bi, right?”

Twilight gave a tentative nod, not sure where this was going.

“Cool, so are you?”

“Am I what?”

“Bi, Twi, are you bi?” Rainbow asked.

It took all of a second for Twilight’s mind to jump back to their conversation a couple of months ago, regarding whether or not there something with herself and Sunset Shimmer, and the revelation that Rainbow Dash would in fact date Twilight if presented the chance. “R-R-Rainbow Dash, I-I-I thought you were just hypothesizing about dating me!”

Rainbow stopped in her tracks. “Whoa, whoa, first off, yes I meant what I said about you being cute and would date you, but that’s not what is about, I swear! I just want to know.”

Still skeptical, Twilight looked down at her shoes before glancing to Rainbow Dash and asking, “Why?”

“Well, because, I know how frustrating it can be, trying to figure out which way you swing. I mean, hell, I found my heart racing whenever I saw a cute guy, but when I saw a cute girl and got the same reaction, it was a bit terrifying and confusing.” Rainbow explained.

Without much of a word, both girls continued walking down the hallway, a moment of silence past before Twilight spoke up. “Do you think I am?”

“I can’t tell ya if you are, Twi, it’s what you feel,” said Rainbow.

“Why…Why are you asking me, anyway?”

“Because I know what it’s like to feel confused about that part of you. I know you’re new to the whole friendship thing, I just wanted to make sure that you’re not, like, repressing yourself or something,” said Rainbow Dash with honest concern.

Twilight hugged the books in her arms a little tighter. “Well…I, I have been wondering myself, especially in regards to someone.”

Rainbow Dash perked up. “O-Oh, so it’s a…girl?” she dared to ask.

“Yes,” said Twilight in a hushed tone. “I just don’t –”


“Oh no, that’s the bell for my Chemistry Class, I have to go Rainbow! Bye!” Twilight stated as she rushed to her next class.

Rainbow Dash growled in frustration and glared at the bell that ended their conversation. “You – UGH – you couldn’t have waited ten more seconds?!” When no answer came back from the inanimate object, Rainbow sighed and walked off to her free period. “Guess it’s not a total loss, she likes girls, but she also said she likes someone.”

The sports girl was hoping that it was Sunset, but then again, CHS was not short of eligible bachelorettes, herself included. Rainbow stopped in her tracks as a realization struck her. Oh crap, please don’t tell me that it’s me…! Please be Sunset, I really don’t want to be that girl.


Twilight couldn’t get the conversation she had with Rainbow Dash out of her mind. The subject of her sexuality never crossed her mind entirely, but then again, CPA never really provided an atmosphere for one to beg such a question, and truthfully, Twilight was too focused on her studies to the exclusion of pretty much everything else besides her family, Spike, and old babysitter, Cadance. Now, though, here in CHS, she was able to explore friendship and all it had to offer. Twilight was also discovering that it came with other things, like self-exploration.

Admittedly, Twilight had never thought of which way her affections for which gender flowed. At first she believed herself to be heterosexual, and CPA did have a lot of handsome boys, but they never really saw her, more like they saw through her. Then Twilight believed she was homosexual, and unfortunately it was the same result as the boys, plenty of pretty girls, but none actually saw her unless they were trying to move her out of their way or wanted something from her.

CHS was vastly different, while studies were important, the school also encouraged social interaction and building of relationships, for the faculty they would prefer platonic over romantic, but nevertheless, romantic relationships were inevitable. Twilight didn’t know what to think at this point, her mind told her one thing, but the feelings she had inside said something else.

“Sunset Shimmer,” she whispered to herself.

The bell rang again, signaling the students to move onto their next class, which was math class. At this point it was just for fun, Twilight was so far ahead that she could’ve easily tested out of Mr. Cranky’s class, but it never hurt to practice the basics. But the period also allowed her to think on other problems, like the one she was having now. Logically, her mind was telling her that the sensation of warmth and comfort she got from Sunset, was because of the fiery haired girl saving her during the Friendship Games. A type of hero worship that would eventually fade away once she was given enough time.

But’s it’s been months now, and none of my other friends make me feel that way…only her, Twilight reasoned.

Twilight needed answers, she needed someone who had at least some experience in this particular field. She thought about speaking to Lyra and Bonbon, but she didn’t know them well enough yet to speculate whether or not they were a couple, and Twilight was not ready to commit a faux pau like that. So, after some searching, she managed to track down Rarity in the Young Fashion Designers club room.

“Um, Rarity, could we talk?” Twilight asked.

“Well certainly, Twilight, come in. Everybody else has gone, so it’s just the two of us,” said Rarity as she brought up a chair for Twilight to sit in. “So, what can I help you with?”

Twilight began to play with a strand of her hair, something that Rarity knew was tell sign that Twilight was nervous. “Um…well…I wanted to know…I mean…I wanted some, romantic advice.”

Rarity’s eyes widened and practically sparkled upon hearing the request. “Oh Darling, I thought you’d never ask!” The fashionista leaned in and gave an almost predatory smile. “So, who’s the lucky guy?”

Twilight fidgeted.

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Or…the lucky girl?”

Twilight nodded.

“Twilight there’s no need to be embarrassed, I am dating Sunny Flare after all,” said Rarity with reassurance. “Whatever questions you have on that subject I have no qualms with answering.”

Rarity reached out and gave Twilight’s right hand a squeeze, reassuring her that she meant what she said. Twilight released a shaky sigh and said, “Okay, I-I do like a girl, but, I don’t know if it’s for the right reasons or not.”

The violet haired girl had a pretty good idea of who it was. Looks like Operation SunLight is already in motion. “Whatever do you mean, Twilight?”

Twilight glanced about the room, making doubly sure that no one was in the immediate area. “If I tell you, will keep it a secret, I don’t want her to know until I’m sure of myself.”

Rarity nodded.

“It’s…Sunset Shimmer.”

Rarity had to stop herself from letting out a squeal of delight from hearing this confession. This was going to work, now that she knows that Twilight and Sunset have the same feelings for each other, the odds of getting them together just got better. “Oh, Twilight, dear, you have no idea how happy I am to hear that!”

“W-W-What do you mean?!” Twilight asked, blushing bright red.

“Darling, honestly, you two would make the perfect couple in my mind. Besides that, you two work well with each other, not just as friends, but intellectually, too. And you complement each other so well, Sunset’s strong, passionate, intelligent, and outgoing. Twilight, you’re reserved, kind, also intelligent, and little shy. The two of you have also – and I apologize in advance – turned into demonic beings and know what it’s like to carry that burden of your past actions. Which also means you both can help each other heal,” Rarity explained.

Twilight looked down at her hands. “But, that’s also the problem. I don’t know if this is just hero worship or if I’ll be a burden to her. I’m still working through that Friendship Games crisis, I don’t want to have to keep dragging Sunset down because I’m too weak to move on.”

Rarity brought up her right fist bopped Twilight on the head, giving her stern look in the process. “Now, Twilight, please never say you are ‘weak’ around me again. You’ve created the instrument which allows Sunset and Rainbow Dash to fight the Dopants, you’ve created three different mechanical animals, and figured out how many more Gaia Memories we have to collect. Plus the information that you can access has helped many times in the past with each of their fights, you are not weak. I promise you, you will never be a burden to Sunset Shimmer should you decide to pursue her.”

Tears began to well up in Twilight’s eyes as she sniffled and smiled. “Thank you, Rarity, I’ve never had anyone say that about me.”

“Twilight, everything I’ve said is what we all believe about you, and I don’t doubt that Sunset believes those same things, if not more so than all of us.”

“But, how can I ask her? I mean…what if…what if she’s not into girls?! I don’t want to assume and just tell her how I feel! What if she gets offended that I asked or assumed she was like that?! I could ruin everything we have right now! I mean she did date Flash Sentry, so she could be heterosexual or maybe bisexual, but the fact is she did date a boy and – OW!”

Rarity bopped Twilight on the head again, stopping her panic induced rant. “I’m sorry, Darling, but you were rambling. Anyway, yes, she did date Flash Sentry, and to quote our dear friend ‘I was only dating him to make myself more popular’. Bear in mind that was the old Sunset Shimmer, before her turn heel as it were. But I assure you, Sunset would not think less, hate, or end your friendship with her if you told her. Sometimes such confessions can actually bring you closer together.”

Twilight reached out with her other hand and held both of Rarity’s hands firmly as if to steel her nerves, drawing in a calming breath as she made up her mind. “Rarity, I want to tell Sunset how I feel.”


Elsewhere in Canterlot City, a crime was occurring, a young man was on the run. His short purple hair was drenched with sweat, as even more beads formed on his purple skin. The young man had a black bandanna around his mouth to try and obscure his profile, along with a dark green hoodie, and after running and dodging police cars for a good five minutes, he realized how stupid it was to wear that, a ski mask would have been better, a ski mask and shades.

The young man stopped in an alleyway, panting and resting to catch his breath. A burlap sack was held tight in his right hand, a sack he slowly opened to check its contents. Inside were several small diamonds, enough to make the bag itself weigh a good deal on the heavy side.

“With this, I’ll show her that I’m the best for her,” he said.


The young man turned his head down the alley and watched as two officers came running down towards him, guns drawn. The young man stumbled backwards in surprise, falling on his rear and crawling backwards until he hit the trash bin. His heart rate skyrocketed, he let his guard down for a moment and now he was going to jail, he would never get to tell the girl he liked how he felt, or give her the diamonds.

As the officers approached, something began to glow at the other end of the alley. A blue colored light shot forth from the gutter and whizzed all the way until it was in front of the young man. The light blinded the two officers, but it did not blind the young man. The young man looked upon the device in his hand, at its smooth blue surface, and at the center was the letter K, which was in the shape of a key. The young man felt energy coursing through him, something was compelling him, this device was telling him, “Press the button”.

< KEY! >

The young man placed the blue connector against his neck, and the Gaia Memory entered his body. In a flash of light, the young man was floating off the ground, and transformed into a monstrous creature. His body was bronze colored, with gray chains wrapped around his forearms and around his legs below the knee. Each one had a padlock on it, and at the center of his chest was a large padlock, with chains connected to it to form an X pattern. The Dopant had a round mead, like a ball bearing, and etched around the front was a crack that looked like a crooked smile. Its eyes were two keys with rounded handles, and the long ends protruding to the right and left with two sets of “teeth” on them, and the eyes themselves were a deep navy blue that glowed. Around the waist of the Dopant was another chain, but hanging off of them were more keys that jingled as he touched down on the ground.

When the light faded, both officers were now standing before the Key Dopant. The officers drew their weapons, but the Dopant raised his right hand. The right index finger of the Key Dopant changed into key with two oddly shaped teeth on them. “Lock!”

The Key Dopant turned its hand to the side as if turning the key, and immediately after chins of black and blue light appeared around the guns of the officers. The chains wrapped and around their weapons and disappeared in the next second. The officers didn’t know what the Dopant had just done, but with little else to defend themselves, they pulled the trigger of their guns. Or rather, they would have if the triggers weren’t stuck. The officers tried again and again to pull the triggers of their guns, but the weapons would not budge. The Dopant looked to his hand as the key index finger returned to normal.

“Oh now, this is what I’m talking about!” The Key Dopant turned his attention back to the officers, pointing two fingers at the officers as they turned into keys. “Lockdown!”

Suddenly, black and blue chains appeared around both officers, wrapping over their entire bodies in crisscross fashion. The officers let out a stifled gasp before the chains disappeared and both fell to the ground. The Key Dopant looked about, seeing a security door. With his right hand, he pointed his key index finger and inserted it into the door. With a turn, the door unlocked, and he entered, slipping away without a trace.


Twilight was nervous as heck as she paced her room. Hawk, Dillo, and even R0V3R were watching with confusion as their creator kept muttering nonsense things. All three mech-animals glanced to Spike, being the only other animal who has been with their creator before they were made; gave him inquisitive looks and hoping he could shed some light on her strange behavior. Spike picked up on the confused looks and said, “It’s fine, well, not really, but she’s okay.”

“Oh maybe this was a bad idea! What am I going to do if Sunset gets angry about my confession! What if I shatter our friendship so much she doesn’t feel comfortable being anywhere near me?! What if –?!”

“TWILIGHT!” Spike shouted, making his owner stop her rambling. “Seriously, relax, you’re just going to go and hang out with Sunset.”

“It’s not just ‘hanging out’ Spike! I’m going on a date with Sunset! Well…she doesn’t exactly know it’s a date, but I do! I plan on telling her how I feel at the end of it all, so I can’t relax!” Twilight explained.

Spike took a moment to understand that word, “date”, it wasn’t a concept he was familiar with, but he had heard it spoken among Twilight’s friend and the other humans. “Wait, are you trying to make Sunset your…mate?”

Twilight’s face went bright red at the meaning of that word, and all the implications that were associated with it. At first, she wanted to yell at Spike for suggesting that she wanted to do…that…with Sunset, not that it wasn’t an unpleasant thought, but it was something that was too early to consider. Plus, she had to remember, despite Spike’s increased intelligence, he still didn’t have a grasp on human courtship rituals. “Yes, and no. I…I’m going on this date-not-date with Sunset to tell her how I feel, and if she’ll want to be with me, as…ahem…girlfriends – or mates if that’s easier to understand.”

Spike rubbed his paw against his chin as he thought about that. “So why don’t you just tell now when she comes, and then go out on that date thing. I mean, when guy dog likes a girl, the girl dog typically –”

“Stop!” Twilight quickly uttered. “I am well aware of the mating rituals for dogs when I researched all about them in order to prove to Mom and Dad that I could take care of you.” And the last thing Twilight needed to start imagining Sunset as a dog and performing said rituals before Twilight. “I just don’t know if she’ll feel the same way, what you’re describing is between a male and female, I’m just afraid Sunset won’t like it that I have romantic feelings for her.”

Spike jumped onto Twilight’s bed and gave his owner a sympathetic look. “Hey, I won’t pretend to understand all these human mating rituals, but even though Sunset is a girl, I don’t see why she wouldn’t want to be your mate. You both like being around each other, she even came over to help take care of you when you were sick! She even saved you from being that…you know.”

Twilight smiled at Spike as she walked over and gave her puppy a hug. Dillo shuffled over to Twilight and nuzzled her leg, R0V3R did the same and even Hawk got in on the fun as he landed on her shoulder, all of them trying to encourage Twilight. “Thank you, Spike, thanks all of you. I feel a little better.”

“Any time. So, um, Twilight, I have a question.”


“How do human females mate? I mean I figured it’s the same concept with human males with human females, but two human females is…how does that work?” Spike asked innocently.

Twilight’s face was blushing red enough for the infrared sensors on the three mech-animals to see.


Shining Armor was busy going over some of his reports on his secure laptop, processing that whole Rich Family case was a nightmare and a half. Especially when the judge just so blatantly allowed Unicorn to interfere with a court of law. What was he thinking?! How did he even get that job?! Letting a vigilante present evidence, he should’ve thrown her out for contempt of court! If Spoiled Rich hadn’t blown her top and become that monster, that case would’ve ended in a mistrial, thought Shining Armor.

Then again, he surmised, it was thanks to Unicorn’s interference that a little girl wasn’t about to go to an abusive mother and have a miserable life. Shining wanted to tear his hair out at how this whole thing was conflicting, and then there was Open Skies’ death. The one who gave Spoiled Rich the device that turned her into a flying super monster was dead, and Spoiled Rich is practically committed to insane asylum.

“This is a nightmare,” said Shining Armor.

“What’s a nightmare, Big Brother?”

Shining Armor turned around and saw Twilight standing behind him, and dressed a bit differently. She still had her hair up in a ponytail, but she wearing a blue blouse, with navy blue stripes, her skirt was purple to match the streak in her hair, but had pockets and had one large pink star, with dozens of faded purple stars. “Ah, just that Spoiled Rich thing, and something else. Nice outfit Twily, going somewhere?”

Twilight played with her bangs nervously. “Yeah…I am actually. On a date…”

Shining smiled and turned back to his computer. “That’s nice, Twily.” It took Shining Armor a moment to register is his little sister’s words, and in that moment, Shining Armor had taken a sip of his coffee and upon that realization, spit it out. “Y-You’re going out on a date?! With who?!”

“Uh –!”


Shining Armor got up and kept his eye on his little sister the whole time he walked towards the door. If this was the boy who had come to take Twilight out, he was going to have a few words with him. When Shining Armor opened the door, he looked straight ahead but found that the one at the door was an inch shorter than him. When he tilted his head down a bit, he saw Sunset Shimmer standing there.

She too was dressed differently. Sunset wore a leather jacket vest, with gold spikes coming out of the lapels. Beneath that was an orange blouse that exposed much of her shoulders and collar, and had a sun symbol at the center. Wrapped around her waist was a leather belt that was decorated in metal studs. Sunset wore a purple skirt, and boots that were also decorated in metal studs, some of different colors.

“Um…Hi, Shining Armor – er – Officer Armor!” Sunset corrected.

Shining Armor shook his head. “Um, what – No – I mean, you don’t have to call me that when I’m at home, Sunset.”

“Sorry, but is Twilight ready?” Sunset asked.

Shining Armor looked back behind him and called out. “Uh, Twi, Sunset Shimmer’s here.”

Twilight zipped right next to Shining Armor. “Thank you, Shiny, but we should be going! Let’s go Sunset!”

In less than a second, Sunset found herself being flipped around and pushed towards her bike with a confused look on her face the whole time. Shining Armor looked from his sister, to Sunset Shimmer, and back to Twilight. His mind was trying to piece things together, and after a second to think it through, it clicked. “SHE’S GOING ON A DATE WITH SUNSET SHIMMER?!”

Shining Armor quickly pulled out his phone and dialed Cadance’s phone number. After a couple of seconds, Cadance answered the phone. {Hey Shiny, what’s going on?}

“Did you know my sister was going on a date?!”

{Of course I did, why?}

“Wait, how did you know?!”

{Because she called me a couple of days ago to get some advice. Why are you freaking out?}

“Because I think the person she’s dating, is Sunset Shimmer!”

{……Shiny, I’m really going to need you clarify what part of that upsets you. The fact that your little sister is dating a girl? Or that that girl is Sunset Shimmer? Bear in mind one of these has a more severe outcome to depending on your answer.}

Shining Armor scoffed. “Cadance, I’m no homophobe! So yes, it’s because it’s Sunset!”

{Again, why?}

“Look, after that whole thing at Twilight’s school when that monster showed up and was framing that girl. I did some digging on her to find out why the school figured that she would be capable of hurting a teacher. I found some stuff that wasn’t pretty, she was practically ruling that school with an iron fist, and she even got voted ‘Biggest Meanie’ in CHS’ yearbook!”

There was a groan on the other end of the line. {Shining, that was probably a joke.}

“They never had the category before, but so many votes came in because of what she was doing, they made an exception! And you’re okay with someone like that around Twily?!”

{Look, not all of us have the most stellar of pasts. Sunset’s no exception, but from what I’ve seen during the Friendship Games, and even more recently when she and Twilight came to CPA for a little bit, I could tell that that girl was –} Cadance stopped when she heard something akin to a running engine in the background. {Are you driving right now?}

Indeed, in the time during their conversation, Shining Armor had bolted for his car, grabbing his wallet and keys, and sidearm, and quickly jetted after the girls. “Car speakerphone, I’m not holding it and talking on it, that’s dangerous!”

{Shining Francis Armor, you’re seriously following them?!}

“Look, if Sunset doesn’t try anything with Twilight, then I’ll admit that I was wrong and I’ll take you to the most expensive restaurant in the city!” Shining offered.

{If you’re wrong, you’re going to have to put a ring on my finger if you ever want any “stress relief”.}



Sunset didn’t know what to expect today. Rarity had told her to invite Twilight to hang out for the afternoon on Saturday, but only Twilight. Somehow, Sunset felt that this was all a part of Rarity’s “Operation SunLight” plan. Still, she didn’t mind having some one-on-one time with Twilight, they haven’t really hung out just the two of them in a while. Most of their activities were as a group, which wasn’t bad, but sometimes Sunset wanted to have the cute egghead to herself.

Both girls headed to the mall, standard procedure for the girls. However, it felt a little different with just the two of them, more intimate. Sunset glanced around and her eye fell on the swimsuit shop. “Hey, Summer Vacation’s almost here, why don’t we pick out some new swimsuits for when we hit the pool or beach?”

Twilight blushed a little at the idea. “I don’t know…”

“C’mon, it’ll fun,” pleaded Sunset.

With a sigh, Twilight relented and allowed Sunset to whisk her away into the shop. Both girls went through a menagerie of different swimsuits, Sunset had started first with a one piece suit that was in three different colors, the middle was purple, from there a stripe of yellow, and from there it was orange. Twilight found herself struggling to keep her eyes eye level with Sunset’s, noticing how high the suit rode up to expose more of Sunset’s thighs, legs, and stomach, and the low V cut on the suit presented a good amount of cleavage.

“What do you think? Too risqué? Be honest I don’t want to get written up or something,” said Sunset.

Twilight gulped. “W-Well…it’s certainly different from other one pieces I own. Doesn’t it ride a little high, ahem, down there?”

“Eh, not really.” Sunset took stock of Twilight’s reaction, she smiled wickedly. “Say Twi, how does this look from behind?”

Sunset turned around and Twilight felt as if she was about to have one of those cliché anime nosebleeds. “I-I-I think we should put that in a ‘maybe’ pile!”

After that, Sunset put on string bikini, the amount of fabric that covered the important parts looked as if the bare minimum was used in making this one. Twilight felt her heart race, but again she had suggested the “maybe” pile. Sunset felt like that was enough teasing and decided to pick a couple of bikinis that were cute and a bit on the sexy side without having it look like she was practically naked. Sunset had bought the safe ones, and both of the ones that made Twilight blush in secret.

Afterwards it was Twilight’s turn, after putting her friend through that show, she decided to have pity on her and helped Twilight pick a couple of swimsuits that were more on the cute side. One was a bikini that was striped blue and navy blue, and another was a dark violet one piece. Although they weren’t as risqué as Sunset’s purchases, she couldn’t help but blush at the sight of Twilight in those suits.

A little while later, both girls visited the indoor aquarium. Sunset and Twilight walked through a tunnel that was completely see through, sides, bottom, and top. Despite knowing that the glass that the tunnel was made of was the same as deep sea submersibles, and would need something close to a fifty caliber bullet in order to break, it was still a little unnerving to walk into a tunnel surrounded by water, and also housed a mako shark that was swimming around.

“Here, take my hand,” said Sunset.

Twilight looked at Sunset’s hand carefully grasped it. Sunset led Twilight into the tunnel, and after a few seconds of standing in the middle, Twilight was able to cast aside her nervousness in favor of the wonderful blue environment. The different colored coral and large amount of sand that comprised the bottom of the enormous tank they were in was beautiful. The rainbow of fish that swam about and caught the artificial sunlight just right to create a dazzling array of colors, and of course the smaller creatures like the seahorses and crabs that scuttled about. However, Twilight did get a little frightened with the shadow of the shark swam overhead and blotted out the light for a brief couple of seconds.

Sunset felt Twilight move closer to her, to the point where the bespectacled girl had wrapped her arm around Sunset’s for protection. The fiery haired girl’s heart raced from the closeness, but instead she squeezed Twilight’s hand reassuringly until the predator moved out of the light and allowed the light to once again shine down.

After a bit of walking and window shopping, Sunset and Twilight headed to the food court and picked out some food before heading to their table. None of them were the wiser as a certain, blue haired, white complexioned, big brother was eyeing them from across the way. Totally not creepy at all, just a concerned older brother looking out for his younger sister.

The two of them ate in silence for a moment, but wearing goofy smiles as they tried to avoid eye contact. Sunset didn’t know why she couldn’t look Twilight in the eye right now, she was able to back at the stores and aquarium, and all the other times before now. For Twilight, it was the same thing, she had hung out with Sunset plenty of times in a group, when working on Kamen Rider stuff, and that time when Sunset was injured and stayed at her house.

Why is this so different, both girls thought.

“Sorry if this is a little boring, Twi, usually with the others it’s a bit livelier,” said Sunset.

Twilight shook her head vigorously as if to dispel that notion. “No, no, it’s not boring at all! I-I’m having fun, honest! Actually…it’s nice just getting to spend time with you, you know, without any Dopant chaos going on.”

Sunset blushed a little. “Thanks, I feel the same way actually.”

Twilight took a sip of her drink as she steeled herself. C’mon Sparkle, just girl up and tell her! This is possibly the best chance you’ll have at telling her without anyone to interrupt, and she’s less likely to make a scene in public if she’s…weirded out…UGH! No, none of that! Like Rarity said: Confidence!

“Um, Sunset Shimmer,” said Twilight. “There was another reason why I wanted to hang out with you.”

Sunset gave Twilight her undivided attention.

Gods darn it why are her eyes so beautiful?! “Ahem, I know we haven’t been friends that long. But, I felt a stronger connection to you than our friends – not to say I don’t like them, no, no, I love them all! A-And it’s not because you saved me from becoming a monster, it’s part of it, but only a small part! I…I…Oh my…” Twilight turned her gaze downwards at her hands, she was starting to stumble over her words, and panic was starting to build as she thought herself to be looking like a fool in front of her crush.

Just then, Sunset’s hand reached out touched Twilight’s, bringing the learned girl out of her swirling thoughts of self-doubt. “Twilight, it’s okay. Just speak your mind.”

The purple girl took in a deep breath to calm her nerves, and with Sunset’s hand atop hers, she looked her crush in her eyes again. “Sunset, I want you to know that I li–”


Sunset and Twilight whipped their heads towards the screams. In the distance, they saw a Dopant, with a bunch of keys and locks on it, tear through several stores as people began to run for their lives.

“Sunset!” Twilight exclaimed, making Sunset look at her. “Go! Now!”

Sunset looked back, hesitating to leave Twilight alone.

“I’ll be fine, just go and stop that Dopant!” Twilight insisted.

With that reassurance, Sunset ran with the crowd, and spotted an emergency exit. With all the commotion going on, there was no doubt people were heading for emergency exits all around the mall, one more wasn’t going to raise any eyebrows. Sunset materialized the Uni-Driver and placed it at her waist, she quickly took out the Unicorn Memory and pressed the button.




The electrical field of energy surrounded Sunset Shimmer, and before it could disperse, a bright flash of turquoise light went off and Sunset vanished.


“Lockdown!” the Key Dopant shouted.

All five of its fingers on its right hand had turned into keys, and each of them had targeted five people. In no time, black and blue chains appeared on five people, making them seize up and fall to the ground. The Key Dopant did the same with his left, taking down ten people at a time. When the Key Dopant had another ten people in his sights, he stopped when a flash of turquoise light entered his vision, followed by an energy sphere striking his chest and sending the monster to fall on his rear.

From the flash of light, Kamen Rider Unicorn appeared, her aquamarine eyes flashed with power as she stared down the Dopant. But, the longer she looked at this monster, the more she could feel it. This Dopant had a T2 Gaia Memory. Question is, did he stumble onto it, or was it given to him like Gilda?

“Figures you’d show up!”

“Sorry, but you kind of interrupted my day off, and I was here with a friend. So…” Unicorn entered a fighting stance. “I’m just going to make this beat down extra bad for it.”

The Key Dopant got up and charged for Unicorn. The Kamen Rider came in, blocking the Dopant’s right hook with her left arm, but the Dopant came in with the left for an uppercut. Unicorn ducked back just in time for the punch to sail past her helmet; with that brief gap of time, Unicorn jumped back and delivered a roundhouse kick to the Dopant’s exposed left side, making sparks fly from the impact. The Key Dopant stumbled backwards, but nevertheless charged forward again.

He’s attacking wildly, I don’t even think he’s learned how to use all of that Memory’s powers.

Sunset took out the Joker Memory and readied to press the button.

“Lock!” The Key Dopant ordered, pointing his index finger at the Joker Memory.

Black and blue chains appeared around the Gaia Memory, wrapping it up, and then disappearing. When Unicorn pressed the button, no announcement was given. Unicorn looked at the Memory and pressed the button several times, but no sound came out of it. “What the heck just happened?!”

“Heh, I’ve watched your fights on the news! I know you get stronger whenever use one of those stick things, same as mine! I can lock things up, I made it so guns can’t fire at me, and now it looks like I can make the devices not work, too!” The Key Dopant announced with glee.

Unicorn’s brow furrowed, this guy could lock up all her Gaia Memories if she wasn’t careful. “Guess you’ll just have to settle for Unicorn classic!” Unicorn teleported away, and reappeared behind the Dopant, striking him upside the head with a kick.

The Dopant flew into a store display window, tumbling about until he finally got his bearings. The Key Dopant felt some garments stuck to his key horns and took them off, only to squeak in embarrassment at what he took off. Apparently he had been knocked into a female underwear store, and now had several different colors and styles of panties strewn about his body.

“Wow, a pervert monster, that’s creepy,” said Unicorn.

The Key Dopant growled with anger, the locks on his legs began to glow and from his belt two keys flew out and entered into the locks. The locks released and the chains were loosed, a bright glow fell over the legs of the Key Dopant, and in an instant, he rocketed towards Unicorn at super speed. Unicorn barely had time to put up her guard before the Dopant rushed in and tackled her with his shoulder, smashing her into a wall. The Key Dopant backed off and the locks reset onto his legs. The lock on his right arm glowed and another key flew to that lock. When the chains released, the Key Dopant’s right arm glowed.

Unicorn quickly formed a barrier around herself, but when the Key Dopant delivered his haymaker, the resulting impact sent a shockwave that threw Unicorn back a few feet. Unicorn flipped in the air a few times, and skidded to a halt. She quickly charged in to reengage the Key Dopant, first attacking with a straight punch, hitting him the face, followed by three hooks to the right side, and following up with a palm-heel strike to the Key Dopant’s chest. Sparks flew from the final blow, and made the Key Dopant stumble backwards.

This time! Unicorn thought as she pulled out the Metal Memory.


The chains formed around the Metal Memory, locking its use from Unicorn.

Two more keys flew into both arms locks, releasing the chains the bound them, and another pair flew down to his legs, releasing his speed. With both speed and power, the Key Dopant sped towards Unicorn and hit her with straight punch to her face, and a double fist strike to her chest. Sparks and a shockwave were produced from the dual attack, sending Unicorn flying until she impacted against the floor, hard. The Key Dopant rushed over to his enemy and stamped on her back, pinning Unicorn to the floor.

The Key Dopant could feel the other Gaia Memories that Unicorn had, with a wicked chuckle, the monster pointed his hand towards Unicorn and immediately all the Memories that hadn’t been locked appeared. Cyclone, Fang, and Shining. “LOCK!”

Black and blue chains appeared around the remaining Gaia Memories, sealed from use. With his right leg still unlocked, the Key Dopant went into a rapid fire stomp, like a piston on overdrive he drove his foot into Unicorn’s back repeatedly. Unicorn cried out in pain as she felt her spine about to break. But just then, the Dopant’s body was hit three times, making the monster stop and look up.

Shining Armor was standing there, gun in hand as he stared down the barrel of his weapon and right at the Dopant. “My name is Officer Armor of the CCPD, get down or I’ll put you down! First and last warning, monster!” Shining continued firing, but the bullets

The Key Dopant chuckled at the display. “He’s joking.” The Key Dopant then looked down at a barely conscious Unicorn. “He’s joking, right?”

Shining Armor smirked, he quickly released the clip that was in his gun, and replaced it with one that had a blue stripe on it. Once reloaded, Shining Armor began to fire, but this time, the bullets that flew out appeared as blue shooting stars. The Key Dopant didn’t even bother to dodge them, drunk on his power, and believing himself invincible. That is, until the shots hit him, and caused sparks to fly off that actually hurt a bit. Shining Armor fired until his clip was empty, quickly reloading and continuing his barrage. The rounds themselves were like mini-warheads that exploded upon impact, generating an explosion that was enough to make the Dopant back off of Unicorn. However, in terms of actual damage, it was better used in a fire team rather than a single gunman. At best, Shining Armor knew he was like a fire ant biting at a ticked off anteater.

The Dopant had had enough of this and pointed his finger at the gun. “Lock!” Blue and black chains appeared around Shining Armor’s gun, sealing the gun from ever firing. With that distraction, the Key Dopant raised all five fingers of his right hand and pointed them at Shining Armor. “I hate cops. Full Lockdown!”

A wave of energy in the form of black and blue chains shot out from the Dopant’s fingers, coiling like snakes as they winded through the air and were to strike Shining Armor. However, at the last second, Shining Armor found himself pushed out of the way of the oncoming attack, and rolled about the floor until he hit a bench and stopped. When he looked back, Shining Armor stared with wide eyes filled with shock and horror.

Twilight was bound in the ethereal chains, her eyes were the size of saucer plates as her pupils were reduced to pinpricks. Her voice was strained, her body locked up as she was suspended in the air. The chains of black and blue wrapped around Twilight’s body, and in a flash disappeared. When they were gone, Twilight fell to the ground, motionless.

“TWILIGHT!!!!” Shining Armor yelled at the top his lungs.

Hearing the name of her friend, Unicorn turned her head to where she heard the name was shouted from. Her eyes grew wider and wider as time slowed down, the beating of her heart became unusually loud as Sunset looked upon the body of her friend, the girl she saved, the girl has helped her as Kamen Rider Unicorn, the girl whom she had a crush on, was now being held in the arms of her big brother, still and motionless.

“You…You…!” Unicorn’s horn began to shine, flaring with like a wildfire as the pain of her injuries was glossed over by fury and power. “HOW DARE YOU!”

An explosion of mana sent the Key Dopant flying against a column. The monster managed to regain his senses in time to see Kamen Rider Unicorn, glaring at him. Her aura was like an inferno, the crystal horn shined even brighter in unison with her compound eyes. The Key Dopant used another key to unlock his right arm, his left arm, and lastly his chest, allowing his full power to come forth. Sunset quickly placed the Unicorn Memory into the right hip port and hit the button.


“Grand Buster…!”

Unicorn coated her right arm in the wildfire of mana she generated and entered into an attack stance. The Key Dopant readied to charge, but at the last second, Unicorn teleported, and reappeared right in front of the Key Dopant. The monster quickly threw a right punch at the same time Unicorn’s attack was thrown. Both punches collided with each other, creating as massive explosion that hurled the Dopant to the other side of the mall. Unicorn dug her right fist into the floor, using it as an anchor to stop herself from flying off the same way. The Kamen Rider used her telekinetic magic to dispel the dust cloud, and growled with anger that the Dopant had gotten away.

“Twily, c’mon open your eyes!”

Twilight, Unicorn thought as she rushed towards the brother cradling his motionless sister. “Let me help!”

“Go away, I’ve already called for an ambulance!” Shining Armor ordered.

“IS she breathing at lease?!” Thankfully, he nodded. “Then seconds count!”

Unicorn placed both hands on Shining Armor’s shoulders, her horn glowed brightly as she focused as much power as she could muster, and in a flash of light, all three of them were gone. Not but ten seconds later, in Canterlot General Hospital, Unicorn appeared in the lobby, with Shining Armor still cradling Twilight. The officer had to blink the spots out of his eyes, feeling as if he just got hit with a camera flash. Unicorn looked to the nurse sitting at the desk.

“She needs medical attention, NOW!” Unicorn ordered before teleporting away a second time.

Unicorn had to rapid teleport a few times before landing right in the middle of Rainbow Dash’s room. Rainbow Dash yelped a girlish yelp as Sunset, in full armor, plopped onto her bed, bouncing Rainbow out her bed and onto the floor.

“Ow, what the hell Sunset?!” Rainbow yelled.

“Twilight…hurt…at hospital…new Dopant,” said Sunset in a tired voice.

“WHAT?!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Rainbow, you okay up there, sweetie?” Windy Whistles asked.

Rainbow’s eyes widened when she heard the footsteps of her mother ascending the stairs. CRAP! Rainbow Dash quickly turned Sunset’s heavily armored body until she was on her back. She quickly put her hands on the Unicorn Memory and tried to dislodge it, but the stubborn device didn’t seem to want to leave. After pulling at the Gaia Memory, Rainbow was able to dislodge it, allowing the armor to disappear from sight. Rainbow heard knocking at her door, thinking quickly, she pulled off the Uni-Driver and placed both items under her pillow. Unfortunately, such an act made Rainbow Dash have to reach across Sunset’s unconscious body, practically laying atop her as she hid the items.

Just then, Windy Whistles opened the door, and spotted her daughter. Laying on top of Sunset Shimmer, in a tank top, with short-shorts on. Rainbow Dash froze, her eyes wide and her face blush red at how this may look to her mother. “Um…Mom…I-I can explain!”

Windy looked to her daughter and to Sunset who was now aware of what was going on. “Oh Dashie, you know perfectly well that you don’t have to hide something like this from us. You’re father and I have made it clear that we support you, whether you like a boy or another girl. But, um, please at least put a sock on the door handle, that’s how you knew there was, ahem, things going on in that room and people wanted privacy back when I was in college. You’re lucky that your father isn’t home right now – oh boy – that would’ve been more awkward for you.”

“Mooooom!” Rainbow Dash groaned.

“Oh, right, sorry! You probably want to, yeah.” Windy reached across to the dresser on her left, and pulled out one of Rainbow’s socks and placed on the doorknob. She then gave a thumbs up and closed the door.

Rainbow Dash slapped her forehead, her face feeling like it was on fire right now.

“Rainbow Dash.” The girl in question looked down at Sunset. “As much as I like being straddled by you in your veg out clothes…COULD YOU PLEASE GET OFF OF ME?!”

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