• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,732 Views, 651 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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R: Requiem for a Dream / Celestia's Dilemma

Sunset waited in the lobby of PhoenEXE Corp. her tapping foot a clear indicator of her anxiousness. She had shot a text to Starlight Glimmer to request a meeting with her, and surprisingly she said yes. Sunset knew it was a long shot, but better to try and exhaust all options.

After about five minutes of waiting, a young woman walked towards her. She had a strawberry pink complexion with curly, bouncy hair. She was dressed in a business suit, with a pin on her lapel that was shaped like a cupcake.

“Sunset Shimmer?” she asked.

Sunset blinked. “Um, yes.”

“My name’s Sugar Belle, I’m one of Starlight Glimmer’s assistants, I’ve heard a lot of good things about you.” Sugar Belle extended her right hand forward for a handshake.

Sunset stood up and shook her hand with a smile on her face. Both women made their way to an elevator and were soon on the rise to the top floor. As the floor numbers passed by in rapid succession, Sugar Belle couldn’t help but steal glances over at Sunset. Something that Sunset did notice.

“Is there something you want to ask me?”

Sugar Belle blushed at being found out. “Um, well, I was just curious.”

Sunset tilted her head. “About what?”

“Well, Starlight – er – Ms. Glimmer, seems to be a little happier whenever she talks about you and your friends, guess I was just eager to meet the girl who’s she fond of,” said Sugar Belle.

“She…She really thinks that of us?” Sunset asked.

Sugar Belle looked around before whispering. “Not that she’ll tell anyone, but she didn’t have that many friends when she was a kid or teen, so, I think spending time and corresponding with you all helps her in some way.”

Sunset hoped that was the case, although, now she was left wondering if Sugar Belle knew exactly what was happening under her feet. Eventually the elevator stopped, Sunset and Sugar Belle disembarked and headed through the double doors and entered Starlight’s office. Once inside, Sugar Belle left, the doors giving a thud upon closing. Sunset walked up to the desk and stood before it as Starlight looked out through the window to the city below.

“Sunset, come over here and look at the view,” said Starlight.

Sunset, not seeing any harm, walked over to stand beside Starlight as they both gazed out into the city skyline. “It’s a nice view.”

“Thank you,” Starlight turned to her and allowed a small smile to grace her lips. “I’d liked to hope that this is a social call, but I’m pretty sure I know why you are here.”

The fiery haired girl sighed, “Then I won’t have to tiptoe around the subject then. Have you released any new T1 Gaia Memories?”

Starlight looked back out the window. “Were you hoping I would tell you?”

“A long shot, but yes.”

Starlight shook her head. “Sunset, you strike me as a girl who does better by doing, and if you’re anything like me then you hate having the answer just handed to you.”

Sunset turned to face Starlight. “When it’s problem with a magical formula, math, or some kind of test, yes. But this isn’t a test, this is something that’s affecting someone I care about! Right now, I’m trying to rule out that it isn’t some form of wild Equestrian magic, but at the same time I can’t rule out that the cause isn’t a Dopant. So right now, I need you tell me if you’ve given out any of those things, and if you have, what its name is.”

Starlight was silent.

Sunset moved closer and placed her hand on Starlight’s shoulder. “Please, forget the name of the Memory, just give me the name of the person you sold it to! I can just work with that, and I’ll figure out the rest!”

Starlight glanced to Sunset but remained silent. The former unicorn mare growled in frustration and turned her back on Starlight, stepping away for a moment. “I know you’re frustrated, Sunset, but for my goal, my dream, to become a reality, I must continue on my path. When all this is done, we can start over, but I know, as bright and strong as you are, you’ll find a way to stop whatever’s happening.”

Sunset beat her fist against Starlight’s desk as she turned around. “You know, I could just out you! Just tell everyone in the city that you’re Kamen Rider Equal, and lead them to the secret, Saturday morning cartoon, underground base where you’re making the Gaia Memories!”

Starlight turned around, and without missing a beat, sat in her desk and looked at Sunset with a calculating gaze. “Alright, let’s entertain that thought. I’m the head of the most powerful and wealthy company in all of Canterlot City. If you were to go and accuse me of such things, that would mean I would have to out you as Kamen Rider Unicorn, and let’s not forget that you’re also a denizen from a different dimension, you technically don’t exist here, and if anyone looked hard enough they’d put two and two together, but with that amount of attention on you, I’m pretty sure authorities would be involved.”

“But let’s just shove aside the whole revealing you’re Unicorn and a girl from a parallel world. From the perspective, it would just be a teenager accusing a corporate CEO without any hard proof. A CEO who has made many donations to the repairs of the city during the Dopant attacks, and who has outfitted the CCPD’s finest, finest, with a weapon to effectively combat the Dopants.” Starlight leaned forward and said, “As it stands, Sunset, you have much more to lose than gain from such an action. And I really, really don’t want to go there.”

The sad part about everything that was said, besides the fact that Starlight was right, was that Sunset could see it in her eyes, it was an option Starlight didn’t want to resort to. “Fine…eventually though, I’ll figure out what you’re after, and how to stop you. No one will die on my watch.”

Sunset calmly walked out of the room and left Starlight alone as she turned around in her chair to look back out of the window. She stretched out her hand as of grasping the city into her hand and said, “No one will die, Sunset, not when I’m done…”


Sunset had arrived home later, once school was out, the girls all arrived at her house to discuss what had been going on at school in relation to Principal Celestia’s behavior.

“I take it not much has improved?” Sunset asked.

Applejack sighed. “Not in the least…s’far as we can tell, there ain’t no sign of any magical no-good goin’ about.”

“And, I’m afraid, there was a bit of an…argument between Ms. Harshwhinny and Principal Celestia. It was apparently a heated discussion over your suspension, it got to the point that Vice Principal Luna had to step in and break it up,” said Rarity.

Sunset bit her lip, this was definitely not going to get better until she figured something out.

“So, any leads on the Dopant front?” Rainbow asked.

Sunset crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Maybe, there’s a good chance it might be a Dopant. But…”

The girls noticed that Sunset was shaking a little. Concerned, Twilight moved closer and placed her hand over Sunset’s. “Sunset, what’s wrong? You’re shaking a little.”

“Oh…” the girl in question shook her head. “It’s…It’s nothing, just…”

“Oh no, you’re not going to hide anything from us,” said Fluttershy. “We’re your friends, and you can tell us anything.”

Pinkie appeared before Sunset and said, “Of course, it’s just like Fluttershy said.” She then proceeded to place her hands on Sunset’s shoulders and shake as she yelled, “Spill it, Sun Shim!”

After the shaking was done, Sunset recounted what had happened to her when she was at Celestia and Luna’s house. Upon hearing this, Twilight immediately – and without any shame – lifted Sunset’s shirt to exam the area where the tendrils had attacked her. The girls all averted their eyes, except for Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, the latter letting out a wolf whistle.

“You don’t seem to have a bruise now, I guess your healing factor must’ve taken care of it,” said Twilight as she looked over the skin.

Sunset’s left eye twitched, her face a bright shade of red as she tried to control herself. “Twilight, babe, I know I can be a perv at times, but even I have my limits. Like when my girlfriend pulls up my shirt and flashes our friends…Rainbow stop staring already!”

“Just enjoying the show,” said Rainbow as she lounged on Sunset’s couch.

Twilight seemed to finally understand what she had just done and swiftly pulled Sunset’s shirt back down to cover her chest back up. Sunset may have been a shade of red, but Twilight was practically red from head to toe. “I-I-I am so sorry…!”

There was silence in the room for a while before Rainbow Dash said, “At least I was right, you are bigger than Rarity.”

“WHAT?!” Sunset and Rarity exclaimed.

“Yeah, if I had to guess, we’re probably about the same size,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie!” Twilight exclaimed.

“That’s it, I deserve a peep show too, c’mon, whip ‘em out!” Sunset ordered as she shot up from her seat and stalked towards Rainbow Dash.

The rainbow haired girl quickly began to back pedal away from Sunset, all while keeping her arms wrapped around her chest. “W-Whoa, wait, hold on now Sunset, I was just joking!”

“Pinkie, cut off her escape.”

“Aye, aye!”

A good ten minutes or so was spent with Pinkie and Sunset trying to corner Rainbow Dash and give her a taste of what Sunset had just had. Rarity merely shook her head and muttered words like, “Such a childish display…” or “This is truly unladylike behavior, all three of you!”

After the fun was done, and Rainbow Dash sported a red blush, it was time for everyone to leave. However, before Twilight left, Sunset called out, “Twi, hold on a minute.”

Twilight stopped before reaching the doorway, with Rarity waiting for her. “Yes, Sunset?”

Sunset rubbed the back of her head as she approached Twilight. “Um…well…since we’ve already said that we love each other…and, since we’ve been through a bit together…” Why am I feeling so embarrassed?! It’s not a big deal…okay yes, it is, but still, mare up Shimmer! “I…I wanted to give you this, please hold out your hand.”

Twilight held out her right hand as instructed, Sunset reached into her pants pocket and pulled something out, keeping her fist clenched around whatever she had taken out. Sunset rested her closed fist in Twilight’s open palm and dropped something into it. As she pulled away, Twilight now saw that it was a key, a yellow key that was decorated with Sunset’s sun cutie mark.

“It’s…the key to here, my home. You know, in case I’m not home and you need to drop something off…or if you just want to come over, you know, for anything really…”

The bespectacled girl’s eyes widened, it was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes. Sunset was opening her home to her, as far as Sunset was concerned, this was Twilight’s home as well. “Sunset…” Twilight quickly enveloped her girlfriend in a tight hug, her eyes tearing a bit. “Thank you so much, Sunset.”

Sunset hugged her back as she smiled at her. “Hey, no need to cry about it. At least you have another place to crash, or if anything happens, another place to go that you’ll know I’ll always be.” As Sunset said these things, she could see Rarity biting her lip in a feeble attempt to keep herself from gushing and overall fangirling over what she was seeing. Sunset rolled her eyes and gently pushed Twilight away, working her finger under Twilight’s glasses to wipe away a tear. “Alright, better head back before Rarity loses it. I’d cover your ears when you get into that car.”

Twilight gave Sunset a chaste kiss on the lips before heading out the door, holding the key close to her heart. Rarity merely smiled in that way that she does, which prompted Sunset to ask, “Dare I ask what’s going through your head at this moment?”

“Oh, nothing, just getting some ideas on how I can design yours and Twilight’s wedding dresses,” said Rarity.

“Wedding dresses?!” Before Sunset could retort, Rarity closed the door behind her, effectively ending the conversation. “I hate it when she does that…”


Sunset found herself standing before a large boutique, which was oddly shaped like a carousel. She walked through the front doors, hearing the serene wind chime go off to indicate a customer had entered. The shop was obscenely huge, with dozens of clothing options, ranging from men, women, and children, and everyone from high society to the common folk were milling about and choosing the clothes they liked. Sunset had to admit, many of the designs were gorgeous, and oddly familiar.

“Sunset, Darling!”

Sunset turned her head towards the escalator and her jaw dropped. It was Rarity, although, she was older, about mid-twenties. She was wearing a black leotard that hugged her figure well and extenuated her curves, and a cape and mantle that was studded with diamonds. And her hair sparkled in the lights as of crushed diamonds were sprinkled into every lock of it.

“R-Rarity, you, uh, you look…”

“Dazzling? Lovely? Sexy?” Rarity gave coy smile at the last one. “Well, you’d be right on all fronts.”

The fiery redhead shook her head and slapped herself across the face for being stunned like that. “What’s going on here – you look – and this place…how?!”

Rarity gave a lilting laugh as she directed the younger girl to walk with her. “Oh, Sunset, why what else would I be doing after high school? My designs have been getting so much attention since I was in CHS that I was scouted out and brought right into the industry! And now that I’ve made a name for myself, I’m leaving my dream, Darling!”

Sunset couldn’t help but smile. “I’m happy for you Rarity, I know this is all you’ve ever wanted. How are you and Sunny Flare?”

“Oh, we’re doing fabulously, in every sense of that word,” said Rarity with a half-lidded gaze. “And if you need further convincing…” Rarity pulled off the glove of her left hand and revealed a gold band around her finger. “Oh, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have showed you that…”

“Why?” Sunset asked.

“Well, considering–”

Suddenly, the world shifted around Sunset, bringing her to a new setting. It was large veterinary hospital, the waiting room had a number of both the standard pets, dogs, hamsters, cats, and exotic animals. Heading out from the back was another friend she recognized, and unfortunately, this also got another reaction out of Sunset. It was Fluttershy, dressed in a white lab coat, with a green blouse and black pencil skirt. Her long pink hair was done up into a bun, and upon her face was a pair of rimless glasses. The older version of her friend looked in her direction and beamed.

“Sunset, I haven’t seen you in a long time!” Fluttershy exclaimed as she moved closer and hugged the teenager.

Some other things got bigger too…

“What do you mean, haven’t seen me?” Sunset managed to get out.

Fluttershy released her and gave Sunset a curious look. “Well, because you went back to Equestria, you’ve been living over there for the past ten years.”

Before Sunset could inquire further, the world shifted again, this time to a laboratory. It was a no brainer who she was going to meet here, and she was thankful too. The lab was everything Sunset imagined her girlfriend’s fantasy playground to be. Beakers filled with unknown concoctions, multiple super computers running complex algorithms and calculations, and if Sunset wasn’t mistaken, she was sure she saw a particle accelerator in the back.

As she made her way further into the lab, she was stopped as a large purple dog appeared out from around the corner and growled at her. Sunset immediately recognized the dog and yelled, “Whoa, hey, Spike it’s me, Sunset!”

Spike took a moment to look at the intruder, his expression changed from one of aggression and to one of curiosity. “Sunset, what are you doing here?”

“I’d like to know myself, you’ve gotten big since your puppy days,” said Sunset.

Spike scoffed. “Look, I don’t know why you came back, but leave Twilight alone.”

Sunset shook her head in confusion. “Why, what’s wrong?”

“What do you mean ‘what’s wrong’? You –!”

“Spike, what’s all the…” Twilight appeared from around the corner, her lab coat buttoned up, her hair a frazzled mess, and a pair of goggles resting upon her forehead, but no glasses. Even in such a state, Twilight was still the most beautiful thing to Sunset, and she had matured well, if Twilight’s mother was any indicator. Twilight’s smile turned into a frown upon laying eyes on Sunset. “…What are you doing here?”

“I have no idea, to be honest, but I’m glad to see you babe.”

Twilight took a step forward and stated, “Don’t ‘babe’ me! Not after…Not after you left me!”

Sunset’s heart felt like it cracked. “What?! T-Twilight I would never do that! I love you!”

“I thought you did…I really did…” Twilight’s eyes watered, but her eyes were narrowed in anger. “I understood you didn’t have many options since you didn’t exist in this world, but we could’ve worked something out! You’re as smart as me, we could be here, working together! Living together! I didn’t need a ring or a wedding to know that we would be together forever! I just needed you!”

“Twilight…I…” Sunset’s hands trembled, she didn’t know what to say.

“But no, you selfishly decided – on your own – to go back to Equestria…! I know that’s your home, but…” Twilight wiped her eyes and glared at Sunset now. “Tell me, are you with the other me back in your home world?! It’s probably easy to get over a break up when the person you broke up with is waiting for you in another dimension!”

Sunset ran up to Twilight, pulling at her coat. “I would never do that to you! I…I mean, yes I worry, but I’m – I wouldn’t just leave you!”

“It’s like a cruel joke…” Twilight pushed Sunset away. “That portal changes you back to the age you were when we fell in love, when we had our first kiss, and our first…” Twilight clenched her jaw. “Just get away from me, Spike, if she doesn’t leave in the next two minutes, you can remove her by force.”

Sunset watched as Twilight walked away, leaving her to fall on her knees, tears flowing like a waterfall……


Sunset awoke with a start, her heart threatening to burst from her chest. Her eyes stung with tears as she wiped them from her face. She got out of bed and made her way downstairs, turning on the faucet in the bathroom and splashing water in her face. Without really thinking, Sunset rushed back up to her bed and dialed Twilight’s phone number. The phone rang a few times before Twilight picked up.


“Twilight! I’m so sorry, I would never do anything like that to you! I wouldn’t ever leave you like that! I’m so sorry!” Sunset choked out, nearly in tears again.

That seemed to sober Twilight up as her voice sounded much more alert when she replied, [Sunset what’s wrong?! I don’t know what you’re talking about, are you alright?! You sound like you’re crying!]

Sunset took a moment to breathe, she looked at her clock and saw that it was two-thirty in the morning. Once she had collected her thoughts, Sunset swallowed hard and sighed heavily. “S-Sorry, Sparky, I’m…I’m alright…kind of. I had a nightmare…”

[Oh…did you want to talk about it?]

“No, no, it’s late. You have to be at school, and I need to get some of that work done,” said Sunset.

[Don’t do that,] said Twilight in a stern voice. [I don’t like to hear my girlfriend crying over the phone saying ‘I’m sorry’ this late at night and act like it’s nothing. Please, tell me what happened.]

Knowing that this was a losing battle, Sunset told Twilight about the nightmare. After a minute and a half, Sunset had confessed the whole nightmare to her. “And that’s pretty much it…I just…you looked so hurt in my nightmare that I had to say something to you now or regret it…”

[I don’t blame you, I’d act the same way, too. But it’s okay, I know you’d never hurt me like that. I trust you, Sunset Shimmer, no matter what.]

Sunset chuckled happily. “I wish you were here right now, I need to cuddle something.”

[……I…I could try and sneak out, if you need me to.]

Sunset shook her head. “No, don’t do that. The last thing either of us needs is to give your big brother a reason to watch you and me like a hawk.”

[That’s true. Well, I’ll keep my phone close, call me, even if you just want to talk.]

“Thanks, goodnight.”

The call was ended, and Sunset flopped back onto the bed, not sure if she wanted to go back to sleep for fear of that nightmare, or something worse, popping into her mind again. Sunset shot up like a springboard as her eyes widened.



Twilight found herself standing within the Infinite Library. It had already been two days since Sunset’s suspension and Twilight was determined to have it end and get Principal Celestia back to normal.

“Alright, Sunset, what’s the Keyword?” Twilight asked.

---Try, dreams.---

“Lookup: Dreams.”

Hundreds of dozens of bookshelves flew away, leaving a good hundred shelves of books. “Not enough, narrow it down more.”

---Next word, manipulation.---

“Lookup: Manipulation.”

The shelves dislodged hundreds of books before zooming off into the eternal white expanse.

“We’re getting closer, anything else?” Twilight asked.


“Lookup: Nightmare.”

Out of the hundreds of books, only one was not recalled into the white expanse. The book was black, with sliver littering, and the book almost felt like it was made of an oozy substance. “Found it. It’s the Nightmare Memory, it not only grants the wielder power to send its victims into slumber, but also has the power control another person’s dreams, causing nightmares that can physically harm a person.”


Twilight exited the Infinite Library and was now standing in Sunset’s loft. Sunset was going over the copied police files that Twilight had on her computer, and just as she feared, this Sombra had a long rap sheet. Repeat offender, theft, assault, almost everything bad under the sun, but apparently nothing with drugs. Guess some criminals have standards.

“You really think this Sombra guy is responsible for what’s happening with Principal Celestia?” Twilight asked.

“I do, that nightmare I had, I’ve haven’t had anything like that since the Fall Formal. And that nightmare only really started after I fought that thing in the dream world. On top of that, Sombra just so happened to be outside of their house both times, and Celestia’s mood only started to shift when he waltzed in, coincidence? I think not.”

Twilight looked back the file and grimaced. “Okay, assuming it’s him. How are you going to verify he has the Nightmare Memory, not to downplay our other cases, but he’s dangerous.”

“Working on that, it may take a bit off…forwardness.”

Sunset didn’t like leaving her with such a cryptic answer, but truthfully, she was winging it here. After getting all that information together, Sunset had Twilight go back home while she began her plan, or what bit of one she had going on in her head.

The next day was a Friday, and now Sunset stood in the faculty parking lot of CHS. She stood next to Principal Celestia’s car, patiently waiting for her to arrive. Sunset wasn’t one-hundred percent sure what would happen, but she needed to see if she could break through to the kind and caring woman beneath this cloud of anger. Sunset spotted some of her teachers as they exited, some giving her weary looks, not of suspicion, but of worry. By now the word had circled around the school of her suspension, and how uncalled for it was, and were afraid that Celestia seeing Sunset would make her situation worse. Despite their concerned gazes, Sunset didn’t falter, not even when Ms. Harshwhinny offered to stay with her.

Sunset declined, stating to the teacher, “I need to do this, alone.” After another hour of waiting, the person Sunset waited for exited the building. Her irritation was still noticeable, but so was her grin, the grin of someone who had a fun night ahead of them. And then that grin fell into a frown upon seeing Sunset.

Celestia walked up to her car and asked, “I do believe I warned you that I would call the police if I saw you on school grounds or around me or my house.”

“I remember.”

“Then it better be life threatening to warrant your presence here,” said Celestia.

“It is, but not to my life.”

Celestia took a step back. “Is that a threat, Ms. Shimmer?!”

“No, something is making you this way. At first, I thought it was some wild magic, but I haven’t sensed or seen anything to warrant that it is, at least not yet. So, I went another route. One that’s been more prevalent in the recent year. The monster attacks.”

The tall woman gave Sunset a skeptical look. “What are you getting at?”

“I think someone is hurting you, using one of dangerous devices that turn people into monsters, to mess with your head,” said Sunset with determination.

Celestia shook her head and gave Sunset and incredulous look. “How absurd! Why does everyone in this school think I’m possessed by magic or an imposter just because I have a mood swing?! I’m not possessed by your otherworldly magic, I’m not a monster in disguise, I’m just a woman who’s stressed and has had a long day and wants to go–!”

“Out with Sombra?” Sunset finished.

Celestia narrowed her gaze. “Leave him out of this.”

Sunset took a step forward. “He’s bad news, Celestia. I know, I can see it in his eyes, and feel it when I was near him. He’s how I used to be, but worse.”

“You don’t know anything about him! He makes me feel better! Whenever I’m around him, I feel free! I don’t have to think about everything happening here and just follow!” Celestia stated.

“I know…and I’m guessing when you’re not around him, you’re plagued with nightmares right?”

Celestia recoiled at that, eyes widening as if Sunset had slapped her in the face. The older woman didn’t have a response, allowing Sunset to push on, taking a calming breath before she did.

“In my world, I was taken in by the ruler of all the ponies in Equestria. Her name was Princess Celestia, I was her apprentice, her protégé, and…her adopted daughter. Although, I didn’t act like the grateful child I should have been, I was the same there as I was when I first came to this world, probably worse since I had access to my magic.”

For the first time since this whole mess started, Celestia’s irritation faded away and a look of concern fell upon her. “It…It must’ve been a shock to see that the Principal of this school, was the same person you hated so much…”

“I didn’t hate her…I was angry at her, I was a brat! So, when I saw you here, a less powerful and less royal version of her, I guess…I started to see more of the mare, or woman, who was behind all that, and well…” Sunset rubbed the back of her head as she tried to find the right words.

“Is that the reason you never tried to blackmail or manipulate myself or my sister?” Celestia asked.

Sunset nodded. “Especially since you helped me get into this school and didn’t pry into why I didn’t have a family or home. It was thanks to you that I got that loft. I’ve long since made up with the other you in my world, so that’s why it…it hurts to see you this way. Because it goes against the woman, I know you are.”

Celestia said nothing, there a palpable silence that hung in the air between them for a long, drawn out minute until Celesita walked over to her car and leaned against it. “I’m sorry…” Sunset turned to face her. “I don’t…I don’t know why I’ve been this way…it’s like…it’s as if all the little things are irritating me, as if I am becoming a different person…but when I’m with Sombra, I feel right…at least, I think I do. He wasn’t all bad, and…yes, he could have been better than a thug.”

“You thought you could change him, right?” Sunset asked as she leaned up against Celestia’s car.

“I did…I-I mean I do…I don’t know,” said Celestia.

Sunset dared to place her hand on Celestia’s shoulder, and gently squeezed reassuringly. “I think you really need to take a minute and see what’s happening around you.”

Surprisingly, Celestia didn’t brush her hand away, she did however place her own atop it and gave it a light squeeze. “I’ll think on it…I promise.”

“That’s all I’m asking.”

Sunset took back her hand and moved so that Celestia could enter her car. Once she was inside, Celestia rolled down the window and said, “Come back on Monday, I want to discuss your suspension.” Sunset nodded and watched as she drove away.

Well, at least that’s one step in the right direction. Sunset thought as she walked out of the parking lot and towards where she had parked her bike. Now I just need to look into that guy……and speak of the devil and he shall appear.

The black sports car was parked against the sidewalk, with Sombra leaning against the lamppost that she had tethered her bike to. “Not a good place to park your bike, never know if someone’s going to steal it or mess with it, kid.”

“That a threat?” Sunset asked.

“No, just a suggestion.”

Sunset snorted as went to untether her bike. “Thanks, but I can take care of my own ride, and myself.”

“No doubt about that, you look like a fighter, or have been in a few brawls. You got this air about you that screams ‘bad girl’. Guess that’s why Celly suspended your ass,” said Sombra.

The former unicorn mare gave Sombra a sideways glare. “Just so you know, I know you’re no saint either. I can smell thug a mile away.”

Sombra then began to laugh out loud as he walked around to Sunset’s right. “Oh man, that’s good to hear, I didn’t know how long I was going to keep holding back.” The tall man then struck his boot against the lamppost, making Sunset jump back and enter a fighting stance. “Ooh, you got good reflexes, and a fierceness in your eyes, I like that in a woman.”

“Please,” Sunset scoffed.

“Alright, stay away from Celly. I can tell she has a soft spot for you, and I’d rather not have to make this between us,” Sombra warned.

Sunset didn’t bat an eye to the threat. “I won’t, I’ll make sure she sees you for the what you are.”

Sombra smiled and into his pocket. “Have it your way.” The red eyed man’s hand left his pocket, revealing a Gaia Memory. The ribcage design definitely made this a T1, the symbol on it was an “N” formed by a sleeping crescent moon and a ghost.


Sombra pulled up his shirt and stuck the connector against the tattoo pattern on his chest. The transformation was immediate, his body was enveloped in violet light, and when it faded, his body was that of the armored dark one that Sunset had faced once before. Sunset readied to bolt away from there, but Sombra was not having that.

“Go to sleep.” With a flourish of his cape, Sombra threw out a violet light net that quickly caught Sunset.

The fiery haired girl fell to the ground as the net seemed to increase in weight, dragging down until she was on her back, struggling to free herself. Her movements, after a couple of seconds, were getting sluggish, her strength leaving her as her eyes began to droop, suddenly feeling very tired.

“What…What is…?”

Sombra stood over and chuckled. “Don’t worry, you’re not dying, my net puts anyone who’s caught by it to sleep for at least four hours. You’ll be so deep in sleep you won’t make a sound or be aware of anything that’s happening.”

“Noo…No…!” Sunset cried feebly before the power of the net finally made her fall completely asleep.


Celestia found herself back at CHS, she walked her familiar halls, greeting the students with a smile and a wave, getting a return smile from her students. As Celestia made her way into her office, she paused when she saw Sunset Shimmer sitting in her chair, her feet propped up on the desk, sporting an arrogant smirk and glaring right at Celestia.

“Sunset, what are you doing in my office?” she asked.

“Huh? Your office? I think you mean my office, I run this school now,” said Sunset.

Celestia gave the teenager a stern look. “Excuse me?”

“I didn’t stutter.” Sunset stood up from the desk and walked around until she as sitting on it. “You can keep the office, but I’m the one with the real power here, you don’t make a move without my say so.”

“And what makes you think that I’ll do as you say?” Celestia asked.

“I love it when someone asks me that.” Sunset took hold of a file and presented it to Celestia. The tall woman walked over and took it, opening it, and then going pale at what she was seeing. “Yeah, amazing with a little photoshopping can do. I’ll admit, Twilight Sparkle’s little photo job wasn’t my best work, didn’t think I needed to put in that much of an effort. But for you, I decided to go the extra mile.”

Celestia kept looking through the photos, she knew Sunset had a skill for such things, but she didn’t know to this extent.

“If you don’t want the whole school, or the Board of Education, finding out that the Principal of CHS is having a forbidden affair with the VP of CHS, her own sis–”


“It doesn’t matter, so long as everyone else believes it, then truth is what others perceive it to be. I swear, you humans are too easily fooled and manipulated.” Sunset reached out and grabbed Celestia by the collar of her blouse and brought her down to look in her eyes. “You belong to me, and so does everyone else in this school. There won’t be any pony princesses coming to save you, nor any bunch of teenage, magical girl clichés from a Saturday morning cartoon.”

Celestia couldn’t comprehend this. “Why, why would do all this when you were changing yourself, becoming a better person?!”

Sunset released Celestia and gave a mad cackle as her body was enveloped in flames, her body transforming until it resembled the same form as her demon self from the Fall Formal. “Saving you from the Sirens and that nerd gone power mad? All of it was just a means to an end! If it got you to lower your guard, so be it, I’ll be the good girl, I’ll be whatever I need to in order to get the power I deserve! Today this little school, then the city, and afterwards, the world!”

The Demon raised her arms up and fire enveloped the entirety of the room.


Celestia awoke with a start, her heart beating fast in her chest as sweat dripped down her brow. At that same moment, Luna burst into her room, hearing her older sister’s cry, seeing her in distress, Luna quickly moved to her bedside and began calming Celestia down.

“I’m here, Tia, just breathe slowly, I’m right here,” said Luna as she held her big sister close.

Slowly, but surely, Celestia was finally able to calm herself down. After about ten minutes of silence and a reassuring embrace, Celestia finally spoke. “Thank you…Lulu.”

“You had a nightmare, another one. What was this one about?” Luna asked. Celestia looked away, and Luna frowned. “Please, sister, just tell me. How can I even try to help you if you won’t tell me what’s wrong?!”

“Because you don’t need to burden yourself with my worries or my…problems…” Celestia whispered, but upon looking up and seeing the determined look on her younger sister’s face, Celestia sighed and relented. “It was about the school…about Sunset Shimmer.”

Luna raised an eyebrow at that. “Tia, there are a lot of things I’m prepared for when it comes to our job, but please, don’t tell me you’re developing some kind of infatuation with her? I know you swing both ways, but this would be…could you wait until she graduates…I don’t…?”

Celestia’s cheeks burned red at what Luna was insinuating. “IT’S NOT LIKE THAT! I would never do such a thing!” Celestia narrowed her gaze. “Although, truth be told, you’re the one I’d be worried about that happening with.”

Luna had a deadpan expression. “We will discuss why you’d think that later. So, why were you dreaming about her, what was it about?”

Celetia sat up a bit straighter as she recalled the dream, or rather, nightmare, in vivid detail. Luna listened, her face remaining expressionless the whole time as she was more likely taking an analytical approach. Once she was done, Celestia looked back at her big sister and asked. “Well…?”

“Are you afraid that she’ll revert back to her old ways? Because, while I still have no explanation, she never once tried intimidate or blackmail us into doing something.”

Celestia played with the sheets in front of her as she spoke, “I met Sunset after I left the school, she was waiting for me in the parking lot…She…She told me how the other me in her home world is a Princess, royalty, and that that version of me took her in and became her adoptive mother.”

Luna nodded her head sagely. “Well, when you say that, it makes more sense why she hasn’t outright tried anything like she used to with the other faculty members or the students. Despite her attitude back in those days, she still couldn’t disassociate the version that had raised her and the version that acts like her guardian. But, why would you imagine that given how she’s changed?”

“I…I don’t know, she’s…ugh!” Celestia sighed in frustration. “It’s not her…I know that…it’s me…I hate feeling like this! I don’t like being angry all the time…I don’t want the students seeing me with…with fear…When Sunset stood up to me, trying to help me and make me see what I was doing…I suspended her! I even threatened to call the police on her!”

Celestia’s eyes began to tear up, sniffling echoing in the room as Luna hugged her big sister again. “What’s wrong with me Lulu?! I’m not like this!”

Luna debated whether or not she should tell her sister what she asked of Sunset Shimmer, the young teen had not given her an update about what was causing Celestia to be in this state, magic or monster, it was still unclear. But…

“Sunset Shimmer and her friends are looking into it.”

Celestia looked back at her younger sister. “What?”

“Look, Tia, let’s be honest. Canterlot High has had its fair share of magical and frankly paranormal events. I just wanted her to rule out any kind of external force before we settled on something else…” Luna confessed. “Are you…upset?”

“I should be…but, I know why you’re doing it.”

“There’s something else I’d like to ask, sister.”


“…Why are you with Sombra again?” Luna asked.

“Because…Because…” Celestia per right hand against her head. “Why…Why did I start to go out with him again…?”

Luna titled her head in worry. “Tia, what’s wrong?”

“I don’t remember why…”


Sombra rose that morning with a happy grin on his face, even as he drove over to his destination he was still in a good mood. The power the Nightmare Memory had gotten him most of what he wanted, money, a nice place to live, and now he was soon about to have the woman who was a drop-dead knockout. There was just one problem with all of this, that brat teenybopper girl. Sombra left his apartment, it was a nice place, but he planned to trade up to a nicer place once he got Celestia wrapped around his finger. He drove his sports car all the way to Canterlot Harbor, which had a plethora of warehouses that were either being rented out or hardly used.

As such, it made a perfect place to lay low, or to hide from someone, or in Sombra to hide someone away. Sombra stopped his car and exited his car, he slipped through a break in the fence and entered the closest warehouse. The inside was clearly unused, dust particles filled the air, and many of whatever was stored her was covered by thick tarps. Sombra walked over to one of the manager’s office’s that was back in a corner. He unlocked the door and opened it, finding the girl, Sunset Shimmer, slumped against the floor. Her legs were bound, there was enough wiggle room to move her legs, but not so much as to allow her to stand and walk or hop. Her hands were bound in front, but kept close to her chest, making it hard for Sunset to move her arms around.

Sombra strolled in and knelt down to smirk at the tied-up teen. “Comfy?”

“Screw you,” said Sunset with venom.

“Not into jailbait kid, got enough stuff to deal without adding that to my rap sheet.” Sombra confessed as he reached into a bag and laid out a container of food. “Eat up now, and don’t worry, it’s not poisoned or anything.”

“What do you want?”

“Short answer, I want Celly. She’s the only ray of light in this otherwise dark world…a living nightmare…I’ll take all that is owed me, and I’ll carve out a nice little place for the two of us, where I’ll run everything from the dream world. I can take what I want and make people believe it is their idea! Or, cause them pain, send a message not to screw with me or it’s their life!” Sombra declared.

Sunset managed to get herself into a seated position as she rested her back against a cabinet. “And part of that is kidnapping me? My friends are going to realize something is up, and so is Celestia and Luna! They’ll come looking for me, and then, whoa-oh, wait until Unicorn, Nasca, and Trigger find you!”

Sombra shrugged. “I may not know who Nasca is, but I know who Trigger is. If he tries anything, I’ll make him regret it. And as for Unicorn, well, we already tangoed, she can’t beat me in the dream world.”

Sunset sneered at the recollection of their first encounter. Maybe not there, but once I get out of here, I’ll take you down here in the real world. “So, how long are you going to keep me here?”

Sombra reached into his bag and put down three bottles of water before standing back up. “As long as I deem necessary. Once Celly’s finally seen my way of thinking, and given herself to me, I’ll take her and leave an ‘anonymous’ tip that there’s a girl tied up in a warehouse out on the docks. If I remember.”

The dark-haired man chuckled as he left the room, leaving Sunset Shimmer alone in the dirty warehouse, hearing the occasional rat scurry away. Since last night, Sunset had tried to break her bonds, but Sombra had taken advantage of her knocked out state, clearing the room of anything that she could have used to cut the robes with. The thing of it was that the ropes were only part of the problem, he had also used wired zip-ties, so even if the ropes were cut, Sunset would’ve needed something like a sharp knife to cut through them.

“Well, that, or I could get enough wiggle room to summon my Driver and call on the Unicorn Memory…” Sunset thumped her head lightly against the cabinet she was sitting up against in frustration. “Stupid, Shimmer, you should’ve been more alert!”

Sunset hated feeling this, powerless. Especially with Sombra trying to make Celestia his. All she could do now is hope that Twilight or one of her friends will start to worry enough to start looking for her. “And of course, the a-hole goes and smashes my phone…I’m going to Rider Kick you in the balls for that one.”

Sunset managed to get the container of food, which consisted of a hamburger and some fries. She really didn’t want to eat it on the off chance that Sombra indeed poisoned the stuff, but Sunset’s healing factor would probably keep her alive…probably. She took a small bite of the burger and waited about ten minutes. Nothing. Sunset continued in that fashion, eating small bites of the burger, if there was poison, then her healing factor was keeping it from affecting her so long as she kept eating it in small bites and at ten-minute intervals. She’d rather make it slow than get poisoned all at once.

It took her almost an hour to finish the burger, and another ten plus to finish the fries. Sunset wiggled around and picked up the first of the three water bottles, taking some solace that the bottle cap gave a reassuring crack as the seal broke off. Sunset also made sure to inspect it for any sign that it was poked with a syringe and taped over, but no such thing was on any of them. Sunset took in small sips, deciding not to waste them as she wasn’t sure if Sombra was going to return with more food or water any time soon.

Sunset was left alone with her thoughts, trying to figure out a way out of this place. She paid particular attention to the numerous sounds around her. Mostly fog horns, and the sound of seagulls cawing. I must be near the docks…at least I’m still in the city…and from the what I can hear, there’s a lot of large machinery moving around, loaders maybe?

All and all, it made enough of a racket that Sunset’s cries for help would go unheard. Sombra picked a spot inside the warehouse that was probably farthest from the front so that even if she did try and call for help, her cries would just echo through the metal, buffered by the many crates and whatever else was inside the structure. By time it would be quiet enough to even attempt such a thing, the majority of the workers would have gone home, leaving only a skeleton crew that would only be working on specific areas.

There’s always the chance a security guard could come make some rounds through here…But I’m not holding my breath.

Sunset decided to think on what she could do, but what would that be? The former unicorn mare let her mind drift back in time, to the days she studied under Princess Celestia, but it wasn’t a random memory, no, it was specific, an exchange between herself and Princess Celestia.

“Princess, I don’t know why I have to learn this, I can cast spells that protect against mental manipulation”

“While I know you can my faithful student, you can’t always rely on them. A ward can be gradually worn down, chipped, and broken if your opponent is stronger than you.”

“Heh, nopony’s stronger, or better, than me with magic. O-O-Other than you – Princess – that goes without saying!”

“I understand, but this is necessary, it won’t only help fortify your mind against suggestion, but it will also help you…control your inner mind…I guess, you could call it the dreamscape.”

Sunset sighed, in her correspondence with Twilight, she had learned about Nightmare Moon’s true identity and what Princess Celesita was grooming her for. It was, at one point, going to fall upon Sunset to go to Ponyville, make friends, awaken the Elements of Harmony, and together with those friends, save Princess Luna from her prison known as Nightmare Moon. Sadly, this did not come to pass, and more so by her own doing.

“Alright, let’s do it. The last thing I need is that creep to jump into my mind and learn things he shouldn’t.”


It was Monday, and Celestia was feeling anxious for some reason. She was sitting in her office, downing some aspirins and chasing it with some water. Last night had not been kind to her, nightmares plaguing her once again. However, Luna had proven to be attentive to her plight, even staying with her to insure some semblance of a peaceful sleep. Although she’d never admit it out loud, Celestia always felt calmer and safer sleeping next to Luna, as if her very presence ushered her into a peaceful sleep from time to time.

Morning had come and gone, with no sign of Sunset Shimmer. She knew Sunset wanted to speak to her, and getting the suspension lifted was something that she wanted to have happen, so why hadn’t she come? With an antsy feeling she couldn’t shake, Celestia requested the secretary, Raven, to have Twilight Sparkle report to her office. If there was anyone in the school who knew her whereabouts, it was her.

About ten minutes later, Twilight Sparkle entered through her door, the genius girl looked quite timid. Celestia sighed, she could hardly blame after the way she’s been acting, and since it was, she who suspended her girlfriend. “Thank you for coming, Twilight.”

“Yes…um, Principal Celestia, w-what exactly did I do? I’d just like to say I’m sorry now, and I’ll do whatever I need to in order to make up for it!” Twilight blurted out.

Celestia shook her head. Good gods, have I really made myself that frightening to be around? “No, Twilight, you’re not in trouble, please be assured of that. I actually asked you here to find out where Sunset Shimmer is?”

“Wait, why are you looking for Sunset?” Twilight asked, getting a little defensive.

“I ask, because Sunset approached me last Friday. We talked…and I had asked her to come here today to discuss her suspension, or lack thereof. But she hasn’t come in all morning. I was wondering if she has said anything to you?”

Twilight started to have a worried look on her face. “No…I-I haven’t, I haven’t seen her since last Friday, she hasn’t responded to my calls or texts! I thought maybe she was doing some more investigating on…um…”

Celestia waved off her concern. “I already know you and the girls have been trying to determine if my state is due to magical means. While I can’t say that is, neither do I have any evidence to the contrary.”

“Well, I thought she was investigating more magical means and had gone dark, but she would’ve contacted me by now…” Twilight began to panic, her heart racing at the thought that Sunset could be in trouble. “Something could’ve happened to her – no – I’m sure it did!”

Celestia moved from behind her desk and quickly enveloped the young teen in a hug, trying to calm her down. “Twilight clam down, we need to think. Have your friends call her, you as well, try to see if she responds. If not, I’ll personally head to her home and check on her myself.”

Twilight quickly sent out a group text, all five her friends responded that they had tried calling Sunset, but no response was given. Even multiple texts from all of them were going unanswered.

Celestia narrowed her eyes as she grabbed her car keys and made her way to the door. “Raven, inform Luna I am stepping out, and that she is charge of the school until I return! Please have her look after Twilight Sparkle, she’ll explain everything to my sister!”

Without much else said, Celestia rushed into the faculty parking lot and hurried over to Sunset’s loft. She knew exactly where the teen lived, of course she’d know, Celestia was the one who helped her find it and paid on the rent. Once there, Celestia walked up to the front door and knocked a few times, there was no response. She looked around and didn’t spot her bike parked anywhere.

Worry began to build up in the Principal. Had she pushed Sunset too far? Had she run away? Of course not! Especially with the way she and Twilight are, Sunset isn’t the type to just leave her…

Celestia hurried back into her car and drove back to the school, but stopped when she rounded the corner and spotted Sunset’s motorcycle, what’s more, there was police officer there writing on a pad. Celestia pulled up to the curb and exited the car as she called out, “Excuse me, Officer!”

The cop looked up and asked, “May I help you, ma’am?”

“What are you doing?”

“Writing a ticket, and it looks like this isn’t the first. This bike has several stuck on here, why no one’s called in for a tow…” the Officer grumbled.

“I know the owner of this bike, she’s a student at my school, and she would never just leave it here…” Now Celestia was really beginning to worry.

The officer raised an eyebrow. “When was the last time you saw her?”

“Last Friday evening at the school parking lot, we had a talk, and then I drove off. According to her friends, she hasn’t contacted them since then…She was supposed to come today and meet with me, but she hasn’t…I’m beginning to think something is wrong here,” said Celestia.

“Okay ma’am, I’ll need some information, she’s been missing for forty-eight hours, so that classifies as a missing person, I’ll call it in and have some units come to the school to get some statements and we can start the search.”


Hours passed, the police came, statements were given, and units were told to be on the lookout for a missing girl. Celestia felt the weight of this situation fall on her, had she not suspended Sunset Shimmer, she’d be at school or at home, not looking into something dangerous. Which was probably what has caused her to have gone missing, Celestia could only imagine what she had stumbled into. Magic was already a mystery, but add in these monster attacks, and the fact they were humans, opened the door to all kinds of bad scenarios that Celestia dared not let her mind wander to.

Celestia couldn’t trudge through the day so she decided to head home. The whole time she was driving, her mind couldn’t help but come back to one question the detective, Spearhead, had asked her.

“Can you think of anyone that might want to hurt her? Or want her out of the way?”

“You want me to take care of her, Celly?”

“Sombra…” Celestia tried to dismiss the errant thought. “He wouldn’t do something like that…yes, he’s got a record, but that doesn’t mean…”

Who are you trying to convince? Yourself, or someone else? Celestia’s inner voice echoed.

The Principal of CHS pulled over and quickly dialed a phone number.


“Sombra, it’s me, Celly.”

[Celly? What’s up Babe, you’re usually at work supervising those snot nosed kids.]

Celestia tightened her jaw a little at how he addressed her students. “I couldn’t stay…one of my students has gone missing and…” Celestia began to think. “they think that I did it!”

[What?! That’s crazy! Why you?!]

“It’s because the missing kid is Sunset Shimmer! I swear that alpha bitch brat doesn’t give me any peace!” I am so sorry, Sunset…

There was silence on the other end of the line, and Celestia wondered if she laid it on too thick.

[Babe, I’d like to talk to you in person. Do you have a minute?]

“Sure, where do you want me to go?” Celestia asked.

[I’ll text you the address, I’ll be waiting.]

Celestia smiled a little, but at the same time she was hoping she was wrong. A minute passed before the text came, Celestia quickly inputted the address into her phone GPS and drove in the direction it gave. About an hour later, Celestia found herself at the City Harbor. She didn’t like this. She kept driving until she found the spot where Sombra had indicated, stopping next to his car. Celestia exited and Sombra came towards her, giving her a hug and kiss on her cheek, an action that had at once filled her with some sense of joy now made her feel disgusting.

“Sombra, why are we at the Docks of all places?” Celestia asked.

Sombra smiled charmingly. “I want you to understand something Celly, I’ve become…different. I’m stronger now, I have real power now!”

Celestia cocked an eyebrow at that. “What do you mean ‘real power’?”

“I can get things done, I’ve got good money now because of it, and if need be, a place where we can live.” Sombra looked into Celestia’s eyes. “Celly, I’ll give you anything, because I can now. You won’t even have to worry about people who would want to hurt you. I’ll make sure they enter a never-ending nightmare.”

Celestia was starting to get worried, but she was a master of poker faces, even better than her little sister. “How so, Sombra? And why do I think this is leading somewhere I don’t want it to…or…maybe I do?”

Sombra’s smile grew wider as he began lead Celestia towards the fence, opening the break in the fence to allow her entry. Once on the other side, Celestia was taken to the nearest warehouse and granted entry. Sombra continued to lead her, taking her deep into the seldom used building. Further and further in they went until they came upon the back office. The tall ashen man pointed towards the window, Celestia walked forward and peeked inside, it took locking up every muscle in Celestia’s body to keep herself from flying into a rage and knocking out Sombra right here and now.

“That’s…Sunset Shimmer…” Celestia turned to Sombra and asked the question she hoped there was no answer to. “You didn’t…did you?”

Sombra vehemently shook his head. “Please, Celly, I’m not into jailbait. Especially when I got you.”

I have no idea if I should be furious about that answer, grateful, or impressed by the level of loyalty!………Yeah, I’m leaning towards the first two. “Well, I’m glad, I don’t want to be going out with a rapist. Why did you kidnap her?”

Sombra leaned against the wall and said, “For you, Babe, I remember you going on about how this girl was messing with your school and how she used to be the queen bitch, and here I find her poking her nose into our business. So, I thought, ‘Why don’t I do something about this for my Celly?’, and well, here you are.”

Celestia kept a careful eye on Sunset, trying to determine if she had been injured in any manner, but she could only make out so much through the crud covered window. One thing was for sure, she needed to get Sunset out of here, and Sombra to the police. But, if he really did have some sort of power, something like magic or those devices that turned people into monsters, then this was going to be extremely dangerous no matter how she played it.

The tall woman took a deep breath and gave a smirk to her boyfriend. “Sombra, give me ten minutes with her, I think I’m done with CHS.”


Sunset could hear voices outside, she thought she heard Celestia’s voice, but that could’ve been a trick. Sombra had only brought the one meal on Saturday, and Sunset had done her best to keep the water rationed. Her stomach growled insistently for food, giving her headaches as punishment for the lack of proper nourishment. Her healing factor could only do so much to keep her going without the need for food, but Sunset had never thought to test the limits of it, especially without access to healing magics.

The door opened, and Sunset opened her eyes, they opened all the wider when the person who entered the room was Celestia. Sunset would’ve been elated at the sight of the human version of her adopted mother, but the look on her face made her feel otherwise. It was the same tired, and irritated frown she had worn for weeks.

“Sunset, how the mighty of fallen, again,” said Celestia as she approached Sunset.


The taller woman reached down and picked the young up by her jacket, hoisting her up to her eye level. “I’ve put up with your crap around school for too long!” Celestia threw Sunset into the corner, the far corner, away from the window, which already had poor visibility to begin with.

“Celestia…why…? OOMPH!” Sunset wheezed out when Celestia straddled her and pushed her head down to the floor.

The older woman leaned down and whispered. “I’ll get you free, just react as you know you would until I can get these off!” Sunset’s eyes widened again, when she allowed herself to look up at her guardian, she saw a comforting smile, a real smile, the real Celestia. “I’m going to enjoy this!”

There was a sack nearby that read “Sandy Moon’s Imported Sand”, Celestia grabbed the sack and gave it strike, creating a satisfying “thud” like that of a body blow. Sunset began letting grunts of mock pain, unsurprisingly, Sunset has had a lot of practice given the number of times she has received similar blows from Dopants. Celestia reached into one of her pockets and pulled out a Swiss Army knife, it had a logo on it that read in the picture “Alumni of Camp Everfree”.

Celestia popped the blade, glad that she had kept it sharp, she swiftly cut at the first part of the ropes that bound her arms. “You little punk wannabe! I looked after you when no else would! And you go and repay my kindness by turning my school into your own personal kingdom?!”

Sunset wiggled her arms out of the restraints, Celestia handed her the knife and Sunset went to work on cutting the ropes around her legs. “I-I’m sorry – AAAH! – you don’t know what I – OOMPH! – have done to get what I deserved!” With the ropes done, she worked on the zip-tie binding her ankles. The wire was proving to be a hassle, but it was cutting it, at this point she would settle for freeing her legs so she could run.

“Oh, I know what you deserve, young lady!” Celestia raised her hands and continued to beat on the defenseless sandbag, throwing it up against the wall for good measure and returning back to its savage beating. All the while, she watched as Sunset was finally able to cut through the zip-tie around her legs, with Sunset giving her a nod. “Now, Sunset Shimmer, I’m going to put you out of my – and every other person’s – misery!”

“Wait, what are you going to do with that knife?! No, stop, please – AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!”

Sunset turned so that her back was facing the door, curling in on herself. Celestia rose up and opened the door and stated in as best a grim tone as she could, “It’s done…I…I did it…”

Sombra couldn’t believe she did it, but then again, if this girl was a bad as he was told, then she deserved it. Not that he cared, one less person to meddle with them. The ashen man walked over to Sunset’s body, kneeling down to inspect his girlfriend’s work, however…

“Surprise!” Sunset yelled as she rolled over and tossed a handful of the sand that leaked out of the bag right into Sombra’s eyes, making him cry out in pain as his eyes stung from the tiny particles that scratched as his corneas. Sunset jumped up and delivered a swift kick to his stomach, sending the man flying out of the open door and into a crate outside.

Celestia took back the knife and in one fluid motion sliced upwards, cutting Sunset’s wrists free from her last binding. “LET’S GO!”

Sunset began following Celestia, but quickly found her past actions to have been too much for her food deprived body as she quickly fell, barely catching herself against a crate. Celestia stopped and rushed to her side asking what was wrong? “Did too much too fast, haven’t had much food, and I’ve been rationing the water he brought…all that was pure adrenaline.”

Celestia brought Sunset’s arm over her shoulders and wrapped her arm around her midsection as best she could. “I’m getting you out of here, just hang on Sunset!”

Both women ran, slowly, quite slowly, but they were making some progress. However, the maze-like innards of the warehouse and the rows of piled up crates made it hard for Celestia to know which was the correct way to go.


“Crap…” Sunset swore.

“What was that?” Celestia asked.

“We don’t have much time…Lean me against that crate, hurry!” Sunset ordered. After Celestia leaned her against one of the crates, Sunset quickly reached around behind her back. “What I’m about to show you…I’ll explain later…do you understand?”

Celestia nodded.

“Alright then…”

Sunset concentrated, and suddenly felt a weight in her hand. She brought her right arm from behind her back and produced the Uni-Driver, placing at her waist as the belt shot out its straps to secure itself to Sunset. Sunset concentrated again, closing her left hand as a turquoise glow came from it. When she opened her hand, the Unicorn Memory appeared.


“Sunset…y-you’re…!” Celestia whispered.

“Heh, yeah…Henshin!”


Sunset slotted the Unicorn Memory into the belt, activating the transformation sequence. All at once her body was shrouded in a turquoise electrical field as pieces of armor formed over her body. In less than a few seconds, Sunset had completely transformed into her heroic alter ego, Kamen Rider Unicorn. With the power of the Unicorn Memory, Sunset’s body was more energized than before, burning away the fatigue from earlier, however, she didn’t want to bank on how long this would last.

“We need to get out of here, now!” Unicorn stated.

Without another word, Unicorn grabbed Celestia’s arm as she lit up her crystal horn. In a flash of turquoise light, both her and Celestia were teleported out of the warehouse, reappearing outside. However, their reprieve didn’t last long as the one of the windows shattered, allowing a mass of black smoke to come pouring out of it. The mass slithered through the air and landed a few feet away from them. The mass reformed, the silver armor appearing and giving the mass a humanoid form, that of the Nightmare Dopant.

The Nightmare Dopant looked about and growled, the wisps near the corners of his eyes began to whip violently in response to his anger. “Where is that girl?!”

“She needed medical attention, so I sent her away.” Unicorn glanced back at Celestia. “Sorry, Miss, I would’ve done the same for you, but I didn’t know how much power I would have left to fight with if I did.”

Celestia understood the ruse, but she also knew Sunset was probably not lying about that last part. She hadn’t eaten in two days, and hadn’t had that much water to drink, Sunset was starved and possibly dehydrated, and yet she was fighting to protect her in such a state. “It’s okay, just do what you must, Unicorn!”

“Celly…I can’t believe you’d trick me like that!” Sombra yelled.

“I held out hope that you might’ve changed, but you were changing me and I didn’t like what I was becoming! Sombra, please, just change back and turn yourself in, show me that there’s at least some shred of good in you!” Celestia pleaded.

Sombra chuckled darkly as he shook his head. “Damn, after all that trouble I went through to mess with your head through all those nightmares, just went straight down the crapper, huh?”

Celestia’s eyes widened as he said that. “You…You’re the one who’s been giving me those terrible nightmares?!”

“A little nightmare can sour a person’s day depending on how bad it was, I was going to plague you with them until you were so done with all those brats! I was going to make you mine, we could have had anything with this power! But, I guess I’ll just have to trade up! I know I said I don’t go for jailbait, but that girl will do!”

That got her, Unicorn released a battle cry as she charged forward, but as soon as she did, the Nightmare Dopant increased in size, becoming a dark cloud that blotted out the sun overhead and then, right after, dropped over both Celestia and Unicorn.


Celestia found herself in a wasteland, the ground was gray and lifeless, the sky was filled with thundering storm clouds that spat lightning in every direction. Fear began to grip Celestia, this was a hostile place, a dark place, there was no hope or happiness here, just despair and evil. A dark chuckle echoed through the wasteland, and soon the form of the Nightmare Dopant appeared in the distance.

“Welcome to my nightmare, Celly!”

Celestia took a step back.

“I’m going to bring all your worst fears to life here, and by the time I’m done, you’ll have a psychotic break that will render you into a vegetable!”

Suddenly, a turquoise bolt of lightning shot down from the sky and struck the ground before Celestia. When the lightning faded, it revealed Kamen Rider Unicorn, her gaze fixed on the Dopant before her. “That’s not going to happen!”

Nightmare chuckled darkly as she approached them. “Did you forget the last time you were here? This is my world, and everything in it is under my control! YOU’RE ALL ALONE, AND THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN DO!”

Unicorn widened her stance and placed her hands together in prayer position. “I’m not alone, not really.”

Suddenly, a gust of emerald wind kicked up, blustering and blowing, all of its gale force hitting Nightmare head on. The Nightmare Dopant had to brace himself as his heels dug into the barren dirt, trying to stay standing. His eyes squinted, but he was able to make out something in the wind, something floating next to Unicorn. a fairy-like creature descended, it had wings like a dragonfly, but was colored green from head to toe. The fairy creature had white eyes, pointed ears, and long hair that bellowed in the wind it created.

“What is that?!” Nightmare asked.

“A friend, but he’s not the only one you have to worry about!”

A screeching roar cut through the roaring of the wind, causing Sombra to look to his left, just in time to watch as a large blue raptor came charging straight for him. The giant creature skidded to a halt, but in the same motion, brought its spiked tail around and whipped it across, striking Sombra and sending him flying into the air.

Another being materialized, this time a metal giant. The giant brought both hands together and struck Sombra with a powerful, double fisted hammer blow, sending him careening into the earth.

Two more beings appeared on either side of Unicorn, that of a pink armored humanoid with blue eyes and golden crown, and the other was black with red eyes and a fedora hat.

“Been a while since we’ve all met up like this, we should really commune like this more often,” said Queen.

“Queen, I didn’t think this would work until today! I don’t have much time, break his hold on this world!”

“Alright, let’s do this, your Highness!” Joker stated.

“Very well, I find this environment too bleak for my tastes anyway.”

Queen and Joker took off for Nightmare, the monster rose out of the hole and tried to counter attack, but Joker was right on him, delivering a flying kick to his face. The wildcard Gaia Memory chased after him, continuing a blitzkrieg attack of punches and kicks from all angles. Meanwhile, Queen waited overhead, amassing energy into one huge power ball.

Joker threw in a few more combos and managed to get Sombra airborne. Queen took this as her cue, condensing the sphere into her right fist, and flew straight down for him. Joker followed suit, setting his right fist ablaze with purple energy. Both Memory Avatars met at the center, throwing their punches at the exact same time as they connected with the Dopant. The result created a massive explosion that was strong enough to push the clouds away, and allow the bright sun to shine once again

Sombra fell back to the ground, staggering as he stood back up. Unicorn’s Gaia Memories all stood around her, guarding her with all they had.

“We are our Rider’s absolute defense!” Queen declared.

“To challenge her, is to challenge ALL of us!” Joker added.

Fang released a roar to add his agreement to that statement.

“Impossible…!” Sombra argued.

“No very possible!”

With a flash of Unicorns’ horn, all the Gaia Memories began to transform, taking on a different combo form. Mystic Cyclone, Fang Edge, Ace High, Iron Heart, and Empress, all forms of Kamen Rider Unicorn were now lined up in a row. The six versions of Unicorn all jumped up at once flipped once, and then extended their right legs forward in a combined Rider Kick.

Six blazing, multicolored feet descended upon the Nightmare Dopant, the only thing that could be heard was his cries of defeat.


Nightmare’s black smoke mass form began to shift and moan. In the next moment, the smoke was jettisoned from its position, reforming into the Nightmare Dopant as he laid on the ground, groaning in pain the assault in the dream world. Unicorn and Celestia were in the same place they were from the beginning, Celestia shook her head, as if a haze had been lifted and was surprised to see that they were still at the Docks.

“How did…?!”

“He cast his sleep net on us while in the smoke and infiltrated our dreams. But he wasn’t prepared for my mental defenses.” Unicorn walked towards Sombra as she took out her Unicorn Memory. “Sombra, you tried to turn a good and kind woman into a spiteful person, all to drive her into your arms for your own selfish reasons! Not to mention the kidnapping and threatening of those who wished to help her! It’s time to restore harmony!”


Unicorn’s horn glowed as particles of turquoise light gathered to it. More and more particles began to appear, and all of them moving faster and faster to her horn, their speed made them look like shooting stars were streaking through the air. Nightmare gathered what strength he had left and charged for Unicorn, hoping to stop her before the attack was complete. He hoped wrong.


A large beam of turquoise light roared from Unicorn’s horn, completely engulfing Nightmare in its brilliant light. After a minute, an explosion went off. Unicorn canceled her beam attack as Nightmare landed on the ground, he struggled for a moment to get back on his feet, trying to keep fighting, refusing to lose. But his Nightmare Memory had other plans. The transformation ended for Sombra, with the device slipping out of his body, landing on the pavement, and a second later, bursting apart into pieces.

Unicorn smiled under her helmet, but suddenly dropped to one knee, heaving from the added effort of fighting that she did. Did too much with too little fuel…but he’s down at least. Unicorn noticed that Sombra was slowly getting back up, now on his hands and knees as he too was panting heavily. “Oh, come on…are you kidding me?!”

Celestia walked passed Unicorn, her eyes obscured by her bangs as she stood before Sombra. When the dark-haired man looked up, he saw not a look of anger or hate, but disappointment and sadness. “You’re smart, you’re strong, you could’ve been so much more…what would the girl you loved have thought about you? You’ve made Radiant Hope cry.”

Sombra’s eyes widened upon hearing that name, his body going completely numb and cold. Celestia then cocked back her right arm and punched the weakened Sombra across his left cheek, throwing him back to the pavement in an unconscious heap. After making sure Sombra was out, Celestia hurried back to Unicorn and knelt before her asking, “Are you alright?!”

“I don’t think I should change back yet. This form’s keeping me energized, call the police and have them send EMTs,” said Unicorn.

“Alright!” Celestia rushed to her car and quickly made the call, after a minute, she ran back and rested an arm over Unicorn’s back. “They’re on their way. You have so much explaining to do!”




“I seriously don’t like seeing you in the hospital, again,” said Twilight.

“Sorry, Sparky.”

“Wait, there was a first?!” Celestia and Luna exclaimed.

Sunset had once again been the guest of Starlight Glimmer’s state of the art hospital. It begrudged Twilight to have to bring her to that place, considering it was Starlight Glimmer’s fault that Sombra had the Nightmare Memory in the first place, and that she wouldn’t even tell Sunset that it was a Dopant, she wouldn’t be in the condition she was if Starlight had given Sunset the information she had asked for.

“I have my own goals, for now, this is all I can do. Don’t ever hesitate to bring her here, we may be…enemies…but I don’t wish to see Sunset killed or any of you girls…”

Twilight scoffed remembering those words when they were at the hospital. I don’t know whether I should be furious with her or grateful for her help…

Currently, Sunset had been discharged from the hospital, her body having fully recovered from the two days she spent without food and much water, and the additional fighting she had to do that only exasperated her condition. Of course, in those two days, both girls explained to the visiting Principal and Vice Principal the whole story of Kamen Rider Unicorn, minus the whole Starlight part.

While Sunset was in the hospital, Sombra was taken into custody, and Principal Celestia gave an apology via an assembly at CHS, as well as officially ending Sunset Shimmer’s suspension. And thanks to Luna, she was able keep it off of Sunset’s permanent record.

Once they arrived at Sunset’s home, they were both able to go into more detail about the events back in Sunset’s home world, and the Tirek Virus incident. The whole time both women listened, with Celestia pinching the bridge of her nose and Luna having a hand rest over her eyes as the contemplated this information.

“And your brother has no idea, does he?” Luna asked.

“No, ma’am, he doesn’t,” said Twilight.

“I knew you girls were instrumental in helping Crystal Prep with that whole Sunny Flare incident…but I didn’t think that you were that instrumental!” Luna stated.

“And Ms. Harshwhinny knows about this, too…and has been helping you…” Celestia spoke.

Sunset raised her index finger, “Just as a point of fact, she really didn’t start helping until around that time of my sabbatical.”

“I see why you wanted a week-long vacation, but from what you told us, that didn’t sound like much of one,” Luna said.

There was silence for a long while as Twilight and Sunset awaited to hear what the two sisters were going to do. Celestia and Luna glanced to each other for a few moments, as if having some secret, telepathic discussion between them. Afterwards, both looked at Sunset and Twilight, a decision had been reached.

“Given the fact that you’ve done much up until now, it would be unwise of us to meddle with something that we don’t fully grasp ourselves,” said Luna.

“So, given that you, Sunset, along with your friends, have helped to protect this school, the city, indeed the world, we won’t interfere with your operations as Unicorn,” Celestia added.

Twilight and Sunset sighed in relief.

“We will support you as best we can, however, if this should start to affect your school work…” Celestia warned.

Twilight wrapped her arms around Sunset’s left arm. “That will never happen, not as long as I’m around. Plus, Sunset’s quite a genius, too.”

Sunset couldn’t help but blush from the praise of her girlfriend. Celestia and Luna smiled and nodded their approval. “Alright, unfortunately, I can’t allow you to stay alone with Sunset, partly because I promised your family I’d take you home, and as your teacher I can’t in good conscious leave two students who are in obviously romantic relationship, alone, in a house, unsupervised.”

Twilight blushed as she understood the meaning behind that. As they began to exit, Luna stopped and said to Sunset, “Don’t be a stranger, Sunset Shimmer, I know Tia would love to have you come by and visit more often. And maybe…you could stay overnight for a gaming session?”

Sunset smiled as she replied, “Sure, that sounds like fun.”

Luna’s expression became a bit devious. “Good, I’ll remember to wear something very distracting to test your gaming skills.”

Sunset’s mind reeled back to what she saw in the dream world and what she saw during her last visit to their home. The amber girl’s face became instantly red as the images played in her head, earning an amused smile from Luna. On the other hand, this caused Celestia and Twilight to gawk at Sunset and Luna, mouths agape, as they processed what just transpired.




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