• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,732 Views, 651 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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F: Fame of the Diva / I am Rara!

Saturday arrived, and the Canterlot Central Park was filled with many workers setting up the final pieces for the concert tomorrow. Vendors came out to set up booths for food and to sell merchandise. Of course a crowd was gathering around the area, some too eager to wait and deciding to camp out, of the attendees of this gathering, were the Canterlot Seven, by now the girls were made aware of Countess Coloratura’s remarks regarding her stay with Applejack and everything else. Naturally they comforted their friend, but for Applejack it wasn’t enough.

“Are you really sure this is good idea, Applejack?” Rarity asked.

“No, but it’s somethin’ Ah need to do,” said Applejack.

“Ooookay, because you were really bummed after what that meanie Countess said to you,” said Pinkie Pie.

Applejack stopped and looked to Pinkie as if she was about to say something, but stopped herself before she could. “Look…Ah…Ah just want to look her in the eye, and ask her if that’s how she really felt. Ah just have a feelin’ about this guys, alright.”

The girls looked between each in concern, until Sunset stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on Applejack’s shoulder. “I understand…leaving on a bitter note can eat at you for a long time. So, better to make things clear now than to always be wondering, believe me.”

Twilight felt a bit sad hearing Sunset say that, after what she and Applejack spoke about a couple of nights ago, Twilight figured that Sunset was speaking from experience. “I agree with Sunset, we should at least try and help them clear the air, or make up. Making up would be good.”

Rainbow chuckled. “I’m definitely in, but you all probably realize we’re going to get in trouble for this right?”

“Absolutely,” said Rarity.

“Eh, we’re the good guys, we’ll probably get off easy,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Um…I definitely don’t want Applejack and her friend to end their friendship like this.” Fluttershy put on her best determined face and clenched her fists. “So I’ll do my best to help!”

“Great, ‘cause believe or not, I have a plan,” said Sunset.

Oh no, we believe it, the girls thought at the same time.

The Canterlot Seven had made their way to the back of the stage, of course there were police and security littering the area. However, none of them thought to look up and see that a mechanical bird was flying overhead, and watching them with its camera eyes. Down on the ground, the girls hid in an alley and used Twilight’s phone to get the aerial view of the backstage and security points.

“Okay, the equipment here provides good cover for us to move, but not all of us. At most, Applejack and one more person could make it, if they see all of us move they’ll notice. From there,” Twilight pressed a few buttons on the phone and switched Hawk’s eyes to a sonar view, allowing them to see inside, “from there it’s practically a straight shot to Coloratura’s room which is……there!”

Twilight pointed to a female figure in the largest of the rooms, more than likely Countess Coloratura’s dressing room.

“Obviously Applejack is the first of two, but who should go with her?” Rarity asked.

“I’ll go, I’ll make sure they have their talk,” said Sunset as she stepped forward.

“T-There are still a lot of police and security there, how are you going to get past them?” Fluttershy asked.


All eyes shifted to Pinkie Pie. “Helloooooo! If there’s one thing that I know how to do, it’s how to grab people’s attention!”

In practically the blink of an eye, Pinkie Pie zoomed away, leaving a smoke trail from where she was to where she went. The girls looked between each other, they knew some things were better left unquestioned when it came to Pinkie Pie, but even they were a bit skeptical that Pinkie Pie could create a big enough commotion to draw the attention of –



The girls looked up into the sky as several fireworks and firecrackers went off on the other side of the street some ways down. Loud music played, some rock, some rap, and some that sounded like it was meant for kids birthday parties. The six watched as several police and security guards rushed towards the noise, leaving the area that they needed vacant in order to slip in. After a few seconds, Pinkie Pie returned, covered in brown cake batter, and her puffy, curly hair straight and blown back as if an explosion went off in her face.

“Uh…I…what?” Twilight stammered.

“Yeah…I may have meant to just create a little distraction, but ended up making a giant fireworks display, and…”


The girls winced and went “eew” when they saw a flood of the same batter come flowing down the street.

“…And I may have also made too much cake batter that didn’t quite bake as fast as I wanted it too…heh, heh,” said Pinkie Pie with a nervous look.

“Pinkie’s Party Terror Tactics aside, let’s go!” Sunset ordered.

Sunset and Applejack dashed for the equipment, diving behind it and waiting a moment to see if they had been spotted. Believing that they had not been spotted, both girls continued forward, moving quickly but carefully as they ran the length of the boxes and amps until they reached the entryway to the backstage area and disappearing from the sight of their friends, and with that it was their cue to leave the area and hope for the best.


Coloratura sat in her dressing room, looking forlornly at her cellphone of a picture of herself and Applejack taking a selfie in Applejack’s room. They both had a goofy look on their face, but were smiling the whole time. The songstress absentmindedly stroked Applejack’s face with her finger, and felt a pang in her heart when she remembered all those things she had said to her friend, probably the only one friend she’d had in a long time. The look on her face was one of betrayal and pain, and anger. But she needed to do that, she needed to make sure that Svengallop wouldn’t hurt Applejack. This was how things were now, and until she could find a way out, she’d have to obey her agent.

Just then, the door was thrown open. Coloratura quickly turned around in surprise, but was shocked to see the person who barged in was not Svengallop like she expected, but rather an old friend. “APPLEJACK?!”

Indeed, the farm girl was now in Coloratura’s dressing room, with the girl, Sunset if she remembered correctly, right behind her.

“I spotted a place where I can hide out, good luck,” said Sunset as she quickly ducked out of the room and left the two alone.

Applejack stared at Coloratura, who was staring back at her with wide eyes. She suspected that this was probably scary for her, a girl making it past all her security and the cops, someone who she had said many hurtful things to, was now alone with her with a lookout outside. Any person in their right mind would assume the worst was about to happen, so Coloratura looking scared wasn’t unwarranted.

“Listen, Ra – uh – Countess Coloratura…I’m not here to hurt you. Ah just…Ah…dang it.” Applejack rubbed her head as she tried to think. “Ah wanted to come here and give ya a piece of my mind…but…shoot…now that Ah’m here…Ah…”

“Applejack you really shouldn’t –!”

“Look!” Applejack interrupted. “Ah understand, Ah know yer a big time star. Ah do. But as much as Ah want to hate you for what ya said to me, parta me keeps holdin’ on to some hope that it wasn’t true. Because Ah can’t believe that that’s how ya really felt when you were havin’ fun stayin’ with us! Ah know that that was the real…the real Rara! Not the Countess! So…”

Applejack began to cry, she didn’t know why she came here in the first place. What did she think this would really accomplish?

“Dammit AJ…” Applejack looked up and was shocked to see that Coloratura was crying too. “…Why can you see through me so well?”

Applejack dared a smile. “Because we’re friends, right?”

Coloratura rushed towards Applejack and embraced her friend crying into her shoulder and saying again and again “I’m sorry”. Applejack returned the embrace, comforting her friend. Unfortunately, Coloratura knew she couldn’t keep this going as she pulled back and tried to compose herself. “Thank you, AJ, but you need to leave, now!”

“Right, maybe we could talk later and –”

“No you don’t understand, you have to leave before Svengallop gets here or he’ll kill you!” Coloratura warned.

Applejack furrowed her brow at that. “Why the heck would he do that?”

“AJ you don’t understand, he set up for that man to attack me! And then he stole this little device – thing – and it turns him into a monster, almost like the one that attacked that day,” said Coloratura.

Applejack realized what she was speaking of now, it was the Gaia Memory that Sunset wasn’t able to locate after the battle. “So he’s the one that took it…Rara, we need to get ya someplace safe!”

“No! If you leave now he won’t hurt you! I can’t…I can’t lose you AJ,” said Coloratura as she held onto Applejack’s arms tight.

The farm girl glanced towards the door. “Ya won’t, Ah think Ah have a plan, but Ah need ya to trust me Rara.”

Coloratura wiped her face and nodded to her firmly.


Svengallop walked down the hallway, feeling pretty good about himself now that he was sure things would go his way. He rounded the corner and stopped before Coloratura’s room, Svengallop was about to knock on the door before he heard noises coming from inside.

“Applejack you really shouldn’t be here,” said Coloratura.

“Ah can’t help it Rara, I didn’t believe a word ya said back there, Ah had to see ya again!” Applejack stated.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me?!” Svengallop barged into the room and saw Coloratura and Applejack quickly rise up from the couch, with the former standing in front as a shield. “I thought we had a deal, Countess?”

“No Svengallop, we don’t have a deal! Look I’ll do whatever you want, just let me see Applejack, she’s the only friend I have!” Coloratura pleaded.

Svengallop rubbed his temples. “I’m trying to work with you Countess, but work must come first, you can’t afford to –!”

“Ah know why you won’t let her!” Applejack interrupted.

The pale man narrowed his gaze. “Oh?”

Applejack put herself between Coloratura and Svengallop. “If ya were a real agent, you’d take her feelin’s into consideration, instead, yer just usin’ her to get what you want!”

Svengallop chuckled, and in a rather demented fashion as well. “And why shouldn’t I? I’m not the only one getting something, the Countess gets fame and money, and I too get to enjoy the finer things in life.”

Coloratura glared at Svengallop. “Like making outrageous demands of the vendors and event coordinators, and threatening them with me leaving, I won’t let you continue to exploit people or me!”

Svengallop sighed in frustration, he then reached into his pocket and pulled out the Puppeteer Memory and pressed the button on the side.


The pale mane pressed the Gaia Memory into his left hand and was immediately transformed into his Puppeteer Dopant form. With a flick of his wrist, Applejack found arms being pulled up, and her body along with them and suspended two feet in the air. More wires wrapped around the farm girl, constricting her body and neck tighter with each passing second.

“I warned you, but you wouldn’t listen, so I’ll just break her body and toss her out with the trash,” said Svengallop.

Unbeknownst to Svengallop, all these events were being played out in front of Sunset Shimmer, who was still in her hiding spot. Sunset had already summoned the belt and had the Unicorn Memory in hand. “You won’t be doing that.”




A turquoise field of energy formed around Sunset, and in seconds she was Kamen Rider Unicorn. With a flash of her horn, Unicorn teleported from the hiding spot right inside the dressing room, startling Svengallop enough to make him loosen his grip on Applejack. Unicorn quickly took hold of Applejack and reached out for Coloratura. The songstress reached out as well and grabbed ahold of Unicorn’s hand, in the blink of an eye, all three teleported out of the room, with Svengallop yelling out in a fit of rage.


Seconds later Unicorn, Applejack, and Coloratura reappeared on stage before the crew and the crowd. Unicorn released Applejack, who was coughing and wheezing a bit from the strangulation of the wires from earlier. The superheroine looked to her friend with concern, but Applejack waved off her concern. “Miss Coloratura, I need you to get her and yourself to safety, and have everyone here move back!”

Coloratura nodded in affirmation and helped Applejack off the stage and towards the crew who helped her and began moving back away from the stage. Unicorn stood ready, and as expected, it didn’t take long before the Puppeteer Dopant came smashing his way through and onto the main stage for everyone to see. In the glow of the stage lights and sun, it was easier to see the wires now.

“Unicorn, and here I was thinking I was keeping a low profile,” said Svengallop.

“Evil like yours is not hard to spot, subtle as you may think you are, but it’s all over, Svengallop!” Unicorn stated as she pointed at the Dopant.

The Puppeteer Dopant feigned ignorance. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, that’s not my name.”

“Oh is it?”

At that moment, the large HDTV screen that was suspended above the stage turned on and began to play the entire conversation that he had with Applejack and Coloratura, including his transformation and Unicorn’s rescue of the two. The video replayed over and over again, and in the distance, the video had somehow made it to the cellphones of the people in the street and all the people were now looking at the Dopant with disgust and hate for what he had done and was going to do.

Svengallop’s eyes widened in shock, his secret was revealed, and by his own hand no less. “How…How did you get that footage?!”

Unicorn wagged her finger in disappointment. “First rule of showbiz, Sven, there’s always a camera on you.”

Svengallop yelled in rage as he worked his wires to grab ahold of Unicorn. Sunset teleported away, but more wires were loosed from the Puppeteer Dopant like spider webbing. Unicorn fired a magic bolt at the Dopant, but Svengallop apparently learned from the last fight he saw, and dodged her attack. Using the wires, he picked up an amp and hurled it at Unicorn. The masked hero nimbly dodged the object, but watched as it continued to sail towards the people, thinking quickly, Unicorn thrusted her right hand forward and concentrated on the amp. A turquoise aura formed around the object slowing it down considerably, making it land on the ground without as much as a scratch. The crowd cheered in adulation for Unicorn, but quickly gasped.

Sunset turned around and saw Svengallop weaving the wires together into a spear and hurled it at her. The weapon struck Unicorn in the side, sending sparks flying from her armor, and making her stumble back a few feet. Svengallop created sword blades by weaving the wires together and had them attack Unicorn from different sides, more sparks flew from her armor as Unicorn continued to take damage from the Puppeteer Dopant.

Coloratura and Applejack watched this, with the former wincing from the countless blows Svengallop was giving her.

“Don’t you worry none,” said Applejack in a raspy voice. “She ain’t done yet!”

The eyes of Unicorn’s helmet glowed as she raised her hand, gathering magical energy and firing straight at the stage floor. The explosion kicked up a cloud of smoke that made Svengallop hesitate in his attack, unable to see her. But that moment of hesitation was all she needed.



The cloud of smoke was blown away as a mighty gust of wind kicked up, within the emerald wind Unicorn had taken on her Mimetic Drive form, Mystic Cyclone. Svengallop conjured more wires and willed them to encase Kamen Rider Unicorn, however, upon reaching the hero, the emerald wind blew harder, creating a sphere of dense air that pushed back against the wires. Svengallop began to panic as he tried desperately to end this fight.

“Svengallop, you wished to exploit a beautiful talent for selfish gains, and sought to ruin a friendship! This will not stand! Dillo!”

In the distance, the crowd parted as something came charging through it. A metal sphere spun like a wheel and raced towards the battlefield, the metal ball bounced up and slipped in between the wires and entered the sphere of wind. Unicorn grabbed the ball and watched as Dillo’s eyes lit up with glee as if saying “Ready when you are!” Unicorn took out her Cyclone Memory and placed it into the Drive slot and pressed it down.


“Time to restore harmony!”

Sunset, using the power of the wind, tossed Dillo straight into the sky. The mech-animal began spinning even faster, generating energy and calling the emerald wind to wrap around its body. Sunset shot up into the sky, away from the reach of Svengallop’s wires, and took aim.


Unicorn channeled her energy into her right foot and kicked Dillo, the result was a sonic boom that had sent the ball of tornadic energy flying at Svengallop. The Puppeteer Dopant panicked, not sure whether to defend or run, but in the end it was too late. The Aero Shoot struck the Dopant, creating green explosion that lit up the area. Unicorn floated back down to the stage and held up her right hand, Dillo rode the wind currents up and back down, landing right in Unicorn’s hand. She placed Dillo on the ground where the robot animal ejected the Cyclone Memory to give back to Unicorn.

“Thanks, Dillo,” said Unicorn as she petted the mech-animal, much to his delight. “Let’s get that Memory this…time…”

A new Dopant appeared on stage, walking towards Svengallop. Its body was female, covered in solidified plasmatic, ruby red flames, with dark patches over its chest and on its stomach, under its forearms and biceps, and on its inner thighs and calves. The Dopant’s face also had a dark patch, as if it were wearing a mask, but its eyes shined a brilliant sapphire blue. The fiery Dopant knelt down and took up the Puppeteer Memory, which, after having witnessed Sven’s transformation, was indeed a T2 Memory.

Don’t tell me, is she with that ice Dopant?! “Stop right there! I’m not letting you take that Memory!” The fiery Dopant looked back at Sunset, and then towards the crowd. It didn’t take long for Sunset to know what the Dopant was thinking. “Don’t do it!”

The fiery Dopant raised its right hand and created a giant fireball which she fired straight at the crowd. Unicorn and Dillo dashed for the civilians, flying across the way until she was right in front of it. Sunset called on the emerald wind and used it as a barrier to stop the fireball, a loud crash was heard as she slammed her hands against the burning sphere, trying to push it back and keep it away. Dillo entered ball form and rammed it with its body, using the residual energy of the Cyclone Memory to aid Sunset. Unicorn and Dillo struggled against the fireball for a full minute, but suddenly, the fireball dissipated, becoming embers and then nothing.

Unicorn looked to and fro, but the fire Dopant had vanished. “She knew I’d rush to save them, but did the fireball stop because she was out of range, or was she just trying to distract and that’s it?”


The day of the concert came, and several opening acts were going on, meanwhile, Coloratura was freaking out. She had just lost her agent and was quite uncertain about where things were going to go for her right now. She had made the decision to forgo all that Svengallop had developed her image to be, for in her heart she knew that the razzle dazzle was not her style, and it showed in her choice of outfits this night. A black blouse, with a see through lace skirt attached, and navy blue leggings, and around her neck was silver necklace that glittered in the lights of the stage.

“Nervous?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah…I’m going to be showing a different me out there, after the image Svengallop developed, I don’t know if they’ll like the new me,” said Coloratura.

“It ain’t ‘new’, it’s just you Rara,” Applejack placed her hands on Coloratura’s shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “This will be the real you, your song. If people don’t appreciate the true and beautiful you when yer singin’, then there’s somethin’ wrong with them, not you. All else fails, just sing, from here.”

Applejack placed her right hand over Coloratura’s heart, feeling that it raced faster upon contact. “AJ…later, I want to tell you something, no matter what happens here tonight, will you hear me out?”

“Course Ah will, now get out there and sing before Ah toss ya out there,” said Applejack.

The stage lights went off as Coloratura began walking, slowly, a spot followed her and brightened as she got closer to the stage. Many people murmured about her new look, which was a little more subdued than her normal appearance. Coloratura glanced over her shoulder and saw Applejack standing there, having her back no matter what happens. The songstress took a deep breath and began to address the audience.

“Thank you everyone, for being here after all the chaos of yesterday. When I arrived in Canterlot City, I was reminded of simpler times when I was a little girl, of the friends I had. Sadly, it has also made me aware of what I almost gave up. But then an old friend reminded me what real friendship is about, and she told me that if I was true to myself, I couldn't go wrong! This song may be familiar, but yet, it's totally different. Kind of like me.”

Behind Coloratura, a piano rose up from below the stage and locked into place. The songstress walked over to the piano and sat down, placing the mike in the stand. She took a deep breath and glanced once more in Applejack’s direction. Who mouthed the word “Sing.” Coloratura struck the first chord and did what she did best, she sang.

“🎵I’m here to show you who I am 🎵

🎵Throw off the veil, it's finally time🎵

🎵There's more to me than glitz and glam, oh-whoa🎵

🎵And now I feel my stars align🎵

🎵For I had believed what I was sold🎵

🎵I did all the things that I was told🎵

🎵But all that has changed, and now I’m bold🎵

🎵‘Cause I know~!🎵”

In back a curtain lifted as revealed a string orchestra playing along to her piano’s melody.

“🎵That I am only human🎵

🎵I make mistakes from time to time🎵

🎵But now I know the real me🎵

🎵And put my heart out on the line🎵

🎵And let the magic in my heart stay true🎵


🎵And let the magic in my heart stay true🎵


🎵Just like the magic inside of you~!🎵”

“🎵And now I see those colors🎵

🎵Right before my eyes🎵

🎵I hear my voice so clearly🎵

🎵And I know that it is right!🎵”

Coloratura stood up and began singing louder, pouring her heart into this song, showing the world that this was the real her.

“🎵They thought I was weak, but I am strong🎵

🎵They sold me the world, but they were wrong🎵

🎵And now that I’m back, I still belong🎵

🎵‘Cause I know~!🎵”

The audience, so moved by her song, pulled out their cellphones, creating a sea of lights that swayed to her song, tears forming in the eyes of those who felt this song in their hearts. And, whether by some trick of the light, or maybe perhaps the light of her heart, somehow it appeared as if Coloratura was glowing.

“🎵That I am only human🎵

🎵I make mistakes from time to time🎵

🎵But now I know the real me🎵

🎵And put my heart out on the line🎵

🎵And let the magic in my heart stay true🎵


🎵And let the magic in my heart stay true🎵


🎵Just like the magic inside of you~!🎵

🎵Just like the magic inside of you...🎵”

When the song was over, the audience erupted into deafening cheers, there was hardly a dry eye in the house. Even Rarity, whose mascara was running, hardly even cared, even the cheery Pinkie Pie cried tears of joy from hearing that song, and not even tough Rainbow Dash could contain her waterworks. Backstage, Applejack was crying her eyes out as well, she turned around when she heard the approaching footsteps of Twilight and Sunset Shimmer, who were also sniffling and wiping their eyes.

“That was beautiful,” said Twilight.

“Sure was,” said Applejack.

Coloratura rose up from her chair, and once she was a safe enough distance away, the piano lowered back into the stage. “Thank you, everybody, thank so much! Now, this next song, is a little more upbeat, I promise. And it’s to honor the hero who saved my life and that of my friend, but not only ours, but everyone in the city! Kamen Rider Unicorn, this one’s for you!”

Sunset blinked at that.

The orchestra was then replaced with a drummer, a bass guitarist, lead guitar, and a keyboard player. On Coloratura’s command the band began to play, and indeed the song was upbeat, with a hint of a heroic theme to it.

“🎵When given a chance, people will run away in fear🎵

🎵But you charge forward🎵

🎵You have the power within you🎵

🎵To turn the darkest nights into brighter days!🎵”

The big screen HDTV displayed an image of Kamen Rider Unicorn.

“🎵Wield the hopes of us all!🎵

🎵Defend your loved ones!🎵

🎵Fight on and defeat the evil before us🎵

🎵Great power sleeps in you, and when it is unleashed🎵

🎵The impossible will become possible…go restore har-mon-y!🎵”

Twilight glanced at Sunset who was blushing up to her ears, despite the song being about her hero persona, it was still her under that mask, and so it was a little embarrassing to hear a song dedicated to yourself. Twilight nudged Sunset in the arm and gave a bit of a teasing smile.

“Shut up,” said Sunset.

“I didn’t say anything.” Twilight replied.

Applejack turned to Sunset as she rubbed the back of her head nervously. “Don’t suppose you can make a little appearance, maybe not close up but…”

Sunset smirked as she pulled out the Unicorn Memory.


Rara could feel the music in her, and people could see it, a shining radiance coming from her once again. The stage grew dark, with a dim light on Rara.

“🎵Dark days are sure come, but despite that

🎵You preserver through the raging storm, of terror and despair…🎵”

The lights shined on again, emitting turquoise light the strobed all around.

“🎵You’re our hero, a guardian against tyranny and injustice🎵

🎵We will cheer your name~!🎵”

“UNICORN!” The crowd cheered.

“🎵Dash, faster than lightning!🎵

🎵Soar, higher than the sky!🎵

🎵Show us a dazzling finisher!🎵

🎵Fight to keep the peace, and when you are victorious🎵

🎵Loyalty, Kindness, Hope, and Love🎵

🎵Will blossom forth…go restore har-mon-y!🎵”

The band went into an instrumental, but as Rara was showing off some of her dance moves, she spotted something in the distance. A figure was standing on one of the towering light fixtures in the distance, with glowing blue-green eyes, and a glowing turquoise colored horn. The clouds parted for a moment and allowed the full moon light to reveal that it was indeed Kamen Rider Unicorn. Rara’s eyes widened with surprise, but she maintained her composure as she now directed the song to the one who it was dedicated to.

“🎵Claim our shining future🎵

🎵Guard us against evil’s might🎵

🎵You are the hero we wished for🎵

🎵But didn’t deserve🎵

🎵When you doubt your strength🎵

🎵Remember we’re here, rooting for you always🎵

🎵You’re our Harmony~!🎵”

Unicorn nodded and jumped backwards towards the moon, but then vanished in a flash of turquoise light.


Sunday finally arrived, again, despite the craziness of last week, Coloratura felt that the concert needed to go on. However, now that her agent was jailed for exploitation and attempted murder, Coloratura was feeling a little lost and not sure where to go now, even as she sat in the orchard of Applejack’s farm, she couldn’t stop thinking of songs, not sure if she would be able to keep doing what she was doing after losing her agent.

“Ya doin’ alright there, Rara?”

Coloratura looked up and saw Applejack walking towards her. “Just thinking about what I should do now, it’s been a week since the concert and I feel so lost…Svengallop was in charge of everything, managing my schedule, booking concerts, sales…everything.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Ya ain’t sorry you…”

“No! He needed to be punished for what he did, especially for threatening you and your family. But, I honestly don’t know what I can do…”

Applejack scratched at her head as she tried to think. “Well…maybe ya can put in a job offerin’ for a new agent? Ah’m sure there are plenty of ‘em who wouldn’t mind takin’ that jerk’s place!”

Rara smiled a little. “I know there aren’t a shortage of them, but now I’m afraid of getting someone as bad or worse than Svengallop. He was right about needing tenacity to go forward in the music business, and he had that, but everything else he did was bad…”

“He made ya change yer style, and now everyone knows the real way ya sing, and they love it, still love it!” Applejack argued.

It was true, after the concert, Coloratura’s concert went viral, her first song and second song. Despite not having her normal stage attire and all the glitz and glam, her fans still loved her singing. It was comforting to Coloratura, knowing that so many of her fans young and old loved her still despite the showing of true self.

“I guess, I just don’t know how to move forward. I mean, I’m very much considering staying with you here, end my career on a high note, no pun intended,” said Coloratura.

Applejack looked at her friend with surprise. “Seriously?”

Coloratura brought her legs up into her chest and hugged them close. “AJ…even while I was in Manehattan trying to make a name for myself, I never stopped thinking about you. You were like a rock, something I could come back to and the harder things got, the more I started thinking of you. Actually the only reason I talked Svengallop into letting me stay with you is because I really missed and……”

Applejack gulped and then sighed. “Ya…Ya like me that way, huh?”

Coloratura winced. “Yes…Do you…Do you hate me for that?”

“One of my friends said ya might, but after hearing what ya said, Ah could kinda feel like it was more than just friendship,” said Applejack. “Ah don’t hate ya, Rara, but…Ah’m sorry, Ah don’t feel like that towards girls. Still doesn’t mean I don’t care about ya, though.”

Coloratura sighed. “I thought so, but I’m not as sad about it as I thought I would be. I guess I knew, but the main fear was losing you as a friend.”

Applejack smirked and brought Coloratura close to her, bringing her arm around to her and making the singer squeak in surprise, and blush like a schoolgirl. “Never gonna happen, Rara. Ah figured Ah could give ya this much. But don’t base yer decision to stay here because of me, singin’s what ya love so ya shouldn’t give up on it.”

“I don’t want to, but I wouldn’t know where to start?”

“Well, if I might give some input…”

Applejack and Coloratura turned their heads towards the new voice, and their jaws immediately dropped. Standing before them was a tall woman, with cream colored skin, goldenrod eyes, and curly sapphire blue hair. She wore a white top hat with a violet band, and a white dress with golden edging and blue gemstones studded at the ends. Of course they recognized this women immediately, you’d have to be totally music deprived to not know her, Sapphire Shores, the Queen of Pop.

“S-S-Sapphire Shores?!” Applejack and Coloratura

“In the flesh, honey,” said Sapphire Shores.

Both girls stood up quickly.

“M-Miss Shores, not that this isn’t an honor, but what are you doing here?” Coloratura asked.

The Queen of Pop walked towards Coloratura with a somber look. “I heard of the nasty business that happened here a week ago, for a blossoming singer like yourself, honey, I found all that unacceptable what that man did. But I was certainly moved by your voice, your song struck in the feels, girl! And that last one, whowee, made me wanna get up and fight some bad guys!”

Coloratura blushed from the compliments from the biggest popstar idol in the country.

“Excuse me, Miss Shores, how did ya find us out here?” Applejack asked.

“A couple of concerned friends brought Coloratura’s plight up to me.” Sapphire Shores glanced over her shoulder and smirked. “What are y’all, embarrassed? Get out here.”

From behind the trees, Sunset and Twilight stepped out, looking a little sheepish.

“They were able to get a message to me about what had happened, and about how you’re feeling right now. And Coloratura, I’d like to help you out.”

The songstress’ eyes gleamed with mirth at hearing those words. “R-R-Really?!”

“The agency that made me who I am today is offering to be your new managers. I promise you, you’ll never go through that again, honey,” said Sapphire Shores. The Queen of Pop noticed how Coloratura fidgeted and was starting to cry and rolled her eyes. “Girl don’t hold back, I can tell you’re a hugger.”

Coloratura rushed towards Sapphire Shores hugged her tight, grateful for the new opportunity. Applejack looked towards her friends, Twilight smiled at Applejack, and Sunset nodded. It was in this moment that Applejack realized just how lucky she was to have friends like them, and like Rara.

During this time of friendship, Sunset Shimmer did not notice, but inside her jacket pocket, the Unicorn Memory glowed, and the sound of a neighing horse faintly echoed.

Author's Note:

Song is a parodied version of the Brave Heart from Digimon Tri via the English translations.

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