• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,710 Views, 650 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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V: Victory Condition Achieved / Unicorn vs. Equal

Sunset and Starlight stood outside of Canterlot High School. It was here, in front of the portal, after their trip to Equestria, that Starlight Glimmer issued a challenge to Sunset Shimmer, a duel between Unicorn and Equal.

“Wait, what did you say?!” Sunset asked.

“I didn’t stutter, Sunset, I challenged you to a duel as Unicorn and Equal.”

Sunset stood there in utter confusion, considering their trip to her home world, and all that was experienced there, Sunset couldn’t wrap her head around why Starlight was challenging her now of all times? “Starlight, I don’t get it, why?!”

“Because one way or another, whether or not my plan succeeds, is based on one deciding factor…you, Sunset Shimmer.” Starlight approached Sunset, looking her straight in the eye. “I hadn’t figured that someone in this city had a power that was similar and yet different to that of the Gaia Memories, your magic resonates with the Memories, draws them to you.”

Starlight stopped her advance, with a foot of space between them. “At first, I believed it was just luck, or that someone else had understood how to create the Drivers and arm you with the necessary equipment to fight Dopants. Now I know it’s more than that. That form you took when you fought against those Siren girls said it all, there was no way my plans could be enacted.”

The young woman placed her hands on Sunset shoulders, but Sunset didn’t flinch as she looked up at Starlight. “This is also hard for me…I have come to see you as a friend to cherish…as well as the rest of the girls…”

Sunset grasped Starlight’s hands gently as she said, “If that’s how you feel, then why go through with this? Look, if there’s anybody in this world who believes in second chances, you won’t find any better people to help you than me and my friends. Destroy the lab, bury the Emerald Mountain, and seal away the Gaia Memories. Hell, I’ll take them to Equestria and give them to Princess Twilight, I’m sure there’s a myriad of places she can either hide them away or seal them in!”

Starlight sighed heavily. “Well then, let’s make that a part of the duel then. If you win, I’ll bury it all, my plans, the Gaia Memories, all of it. I’ll start fresh…and if possible, I’d like your guidance in that, Princess.”

Sunset groaned at that title. “Please don’t call me a Princess…I’m still coming to terms that I’m an alicorn now…the last thing I need is a royal title.”

“I don’t know, Princess Sunset Shimmer has a nice ring to it, your majesty,” Starlight teased.

Sunset covered her face with her right hand as she groaned, noting that she still needed to notify her friends of this change to her pony form. But that was an issue for a later time, now though…

“Alright, we’ll have a duel, when and where?” Sunset asked.

“At the city’s center, I will issue a public challenge so that on that day, the area will be evacuated so that our battle can go unimpeded. The time, well, let’s just make it the old high noon cliché.” At that moment a limo appeared and parked near the sidewalk. Starlight walked towards it but stopped to turn and look at Sunset Shimmer. “It will be one week from today. Do not hold back, Sunset.”

With that said, Starlight got into her limo and drove away. Sunset sighed at this new turn of events, putting her hands into her pockets as she began her walk back to her home. She contemplated calling for a ride from one her friends, but she needed time to think about how she was going to explain this to her friends and Shining Armor, as well as the revelations that she wasn’t just a unicorn anymore.


After school the following day, Sunset had her friends gather at her place. It was here that she disclosed what had happened during her trip to Equestria, everything from finding out that she was an alicorn like Princess Twilight now, the emotional reunion of Starlight with Sunburst’s pony counterpart, and of course, the duel that Starlight challenged her to. Now that Sunset thought about it, she seemed to dish out a lot of heavy news in her house.

Huh, maybe I should ask Rainbow if we do these meetings at her place? Sunset thought.

On that note, Rainbow saw fit to go into a fit of laughter and lightly patted Twilight on the back. “Wow, Twi, how’s it feel to be dating royalty now?”

Twilight blushed as her mind began going through this new bit of information. Her girlfriend had ascended to the ranks of an alicorn, the same as her own counterpart in Equestria. Now Sunset’s increased strength and reflexes made a little more sense, the power of the Phoenix Ascender and the Shining Memory together, combined with the girls channeling their magic into the device must’ve caused her sudden evolution, and it was reflected in her pony form when she went back to her home. Now that Twilight looked at Sunset, she could’ve sworn her height increased a little, along with the curvature of her hips, and her…bust.

“So, what’s the verdict, does this mean you can create your own harem now, because if that’s the case, I call second!” Rainbow announced.

“H-H-HAREM?!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Well, yeah, those kings in the history books all had either one wife and a few other girls on the side, what were they called…?” Rainbow snapped her fingers a few times trying to recall the word. “Ah, right, concubines!”

Applejack crossed her arms and gave Rainbow a scrutinizing look. “Ah thought y’all were with Gilda?”

“I never said I was going to be in it alone, Gilda would totally be in on this, not leaving her out of the fun,” said Rainbow.

“Oh, oh, I call fourth in the harem!” Pinkie stated.

Rarity shook her head. “Honestly you two, Sunset is not like that.”

Pinkie sidled next to Rarity and whispered, “If Sunset’s royal status bleeds into our world then your clothes would get royal fashion status, and all the perks that come with being with a Princess~”

Rarity’s cheeks tinted red for a moment as her gaze wandered to Sunset, “Ahem…I-I’d have to talk with Sunny Flare, but is there room for two more?”

Twilight quickly rushed over to Sunset and hugged her fiercely while giving everyone a defiant look. “No way! I-I don’t approve, Sunset and I are together, I love you girls, b-but that’s too much too fast!”

Sunset sighed, but she was smiling the whole time as she hugged Twilight back and held her close. “Sparky, don’t worry, you’re the only girl I love. And I’M NOT starting a harem,” Sunset saw Rainbow Dash about to open her mouth, “or a herd!” Rainbow pouted as she kept quiet. “Please don’t treat me any differently girls, I may be an alicorn now, but I haven’t received any kind of title…at least none that Mom has told me about.”

The amber girl’s eyes did go to Rarity as she said, “If I’m given a title, I promise, Rarity, that I’ll make you my personal, royal seamstress.”

Rarity gave an excited squeal of delight at the prospect of clothing a potential royal.

“Not to…um…interrupt, but what about Starlight’s challenge?” Fluttershy asked.

The room became silent for a second, but it was Sunset who spoke up to break it, “She should be issuing that challenge any day now…and yes, I’m going to fight her.”

“Ah still don’t think that’s a good idea,” said Applejack. “After what Starlight’s done so far, how can we trust that she’ll have a fair fight with ya? Issuin’ this challenge gives her time to set somethin’ up too.”

Twilight moved off of Sunset and sat next to her on the couch as she said, “As much as I agree with you on that, Applejack, Starlight has shown to be a woman of her word. During Christmas, she didn’t distribute any Gaia Memories, she hasn’t disclosed any information on Equestria or that Sunset is an alien from a different dimension, and she’s kept the hospital where Sunset was treated reserved for whenever she gets injured.”

“Well, yeah, because Sunset still had something she wanted, that being the portal and Sunburst. But now that that’s done, what’s stopping her from going full villain and tying up loose ends?” Rainbow asked.

Pinkie Pie hummed as she said, “I don’t know, Starlight is a villain, but she’s not really a supervillain, like, ‘I’m going to destroy the world!’ types, but more along the lines of, ‘I’m doing this for the good of us all, don’t try and stop me!’ kind of thing.”

Rarity gave that some honest thought. “You really think that her motives aren’t based on hatred or some need to cause bedlam, but more out a necessity for a greater good?”

Fluttershy cleared her throat. “Uh, well, it would explain why she does what she does. She’s used her company’s money to repair the damage done by Dopant attacks, she also protected and befriended the Equestrian Starlight Glimmer, and she’s helped on at least two occasions now with otherworldly monsters. And she did protect us when Principal Cinch tried to get revenge.”

Sunset took in all this information, tried to cypher it and understand what Starlight’s true motives were, if she knew that, all this would make sense. Suddenly, Twilight jumped a little as her phone went off, when she saw who texted her she immediately said, “I think Starlight’s making her move, turn on the TV!”

Rarity, who was closest to the remote, grabbed it and turned on the TV, and on it, was Kamen Rider Equal, apparently having hijacked the broadcasting network for the city.

[Citizens of Canterlot City, I suppose it’s time you got a good look at the person lurking in the shadows. For almost a year, this city has been my little experiment, distributing the monster making items called Gaia Memories and creating the monsters called Dopants. But unfortunately, my experiments have hit a bit of an obstacle, that being in the form of the Kamen Riders, to be more specific, Kamen Rider Unicorn.]

The girls briefly glanced to Sunset before turning their attention back to the screen.

[So far, your appearance has worked to my advantage, but now you’re becoming an irksome thorn in my side. As a result, I’ve decided that we should end this once and for all. One final duel between you and me, winner takes all! The great defender of Canterlot City, protector of its people, do not back down from this challenge, if you do, then I will be forced to meet out punishment to the city! The battle will take place at the center of the city, Sunday at noon. I know how much you don’t want the people to be hurt, so I’m giving the CCPD time to clear out that area, I’d recommend keeping everyone within a twenty-block radius away.]

The compound eyes of Equal’s helmet glowed as she pointed towards the camera.

[I will not accept any interference from anyone; I will not have my lackeys assist, so I suggest you do the honorable thing and not have Trigger or Nasca join in either. That is, unless you don’t think you can beat me without some help? The great Unicorn, having saved this city and world at least three times over, can’t stand up to one dark Rider, now that would be pathetic! Now, Unicorn, I await your response.]

With that declaration made, the broadcast cut off and the news returned, the anchors were visibly shocked by that unexpected interruption and were struggling to figure out what to say to it. Rarity pressed the “mute” button before turning back to her friend. “Well, there’s no backing out now, is there, Sunset?”

Sunset shook her head. “No, there isn’t…” The amber girl took out her cellphone and quickly dialed Namby Pamby. “Hey Namby, guess I beat you to the punch…uh-huh…yeah…I know, I know – look, I need you to setup a response, I’ll call you back with details.”


[I’m here with an exclusive, people of Canterlot City! I have here Kamen Rider Unicorn, ready to give a statement in response to the villain, Kamen Rider Equal’s, declaration.] Namby, who seemed to be recording from a random rooftop, moved close to Unicorn. [Unicorn, Equal has issued you a challenge for the fate of this city and its people; tell us, what is your response?]

Namby handed the mic over to Unicorn, who took it and held it close to where her mouth would be. [Thank you, Ms. Pampy. I have only this to say to Kamen Rider Equal, while I will not dismiss that you have fought along myself, Trigger, and Nasca during the Tirek Virus incident, as well as the incident on Halloween Night, I cannot overlook that you have been the cause of all the strife that has befallen everyone. I became a Kamen Rider because someone had to stand up and fight against these monsters, as well as save them from the madness the Gaia Memories you create sometimes induce. I won’t say that every single person you gave a Gaia Memory to was innocent, some of them were just criminals, some were coerced, and others weren’t given a choice in the matter. But the bottom line is that the crimes they committed wouldn’t have happened at the scale that they were if it wasn’t for your distribution of the devices.]

Unicorn’s horn and eyes began to glow as she continued. [Since I can’t talk you out of changing the location, I ask that the CCPD do everything it can to clear that area that Equal had designated. I’d prefer we had this fight outside the city, but since that’s not an option, we will keep casualties down to just myself and Equal. I will face you, Kamen Rider Equal, and before the day is done, I will end the evil you have wrought.]

When the statement stopped and the scene shifted to show the anchorman and anchorwoman sitting with the captain of the CCPD, Broadside.

[That was Kamen Rider Unicorn’s response to the challenge of Kamen Rider Equal. It seems that Equal is not giving Unicorn any room to negotiate the terms of how this fight will take place but has allowed time for citizens and officials to prepare for the – no doubt – large amount of collateral property damage that will ensue from the battle,] said the anchorwoman.

The anchorman nodded. [With us now is Captain Broadside of the CCPD and head of the Special Crimes Unit. Sir, what is being done to ensure the safety of the citizens during this time?]

[Unfortunately we can’t stop this from happening, I’d like to prevent this fight if at all possible, but considering we have no leads as to who this Equal and Unicorn are, we have to begin cordoning off the central area of Canterlot City, we’ve set up roadblocks and stationed twenty-four hour police guard at the twenty-block radius mark, that means anyone seen going into this area will be immediately arrested. The fact that we have this window means we can limit the number of people getting hurt to just those two,] said Broadside.

[Does this mean that Officer Shining Armor, or as he’s also known as Kamen Rider Trigger, won’t be intervening in this fight?] The anchorwoman asked.

[Officer Armor is on standby and will be there when the fight starts. He’ll serve a few functions, one: in the event that Unicorn wins, he’ll be there to arrest Equal and to make sure that Unicorn doesn’t kill Equal. A villain she may be, but that doesn’t give Unicorn the right to be judge, jury, or executioner.]

[To be fair, Captain, Unicorn hasn’t taken any lives. In fact, with each monster – or “Dopant” – attack, she’s managed to defeat each of them and revert them back to their normal states. Not counting that Virus Incident a few months back and the more recent event.] The anchorman pointed out.

Broadside nodded. [And that’s true, I won’t deny that those were special cases, those creatures weren’t of this Earth, and came close to claiming the lives of several people, and nearly ripping the world in two. But again, that does not give her ANY excuse to take Equal’s life. She will be tried in a court of law, and if Unicorn has any respect or believes herself to be on the side of law and order, she’ll keep that in mind.]

Starlight chuckled at the spectacle on the TV. Idiot, you don’t know Sunset at all. Just then Starlight heard the doors to her office open, she didn’t have to turn around, judging by the sounds of the footsteps, it was the four people she was avoiding regarding this decision. “I already know what you’re going to ask, but you might as well say it anyway.”

“Good, then I’ll start,” said Night Glider. “WHAT THE ACTUAL EFF?! You challenged Unicorn to a showdown?!”

“I…I have to agree with Night Glider–”

“Was it that painful to agree with me?” Night Glider interrupted.

“How could you challenge Unicorn so blatantly?! The plan is at least eighty percent complete, we’re so close – you’re so close; please allow us to back you up at the very least!” Double Diamond continued.

Starlight turned around and took in each of their expressions. Double Diamond looked about ready to go into a panic attack, Night Glider looked furious, Sugar Belle was worried, and Party Favor was, I guess reading the situation, not really sure how to react yet. “I understand your objections, but rest assured I am of sound mind in this decision. If I am not strong enough to defeat Unicorn, then my plan is destined to fail regardless if it’s ready or not.”

Night Glider slammed her fist against Starlight’s desk as she said, “Jeez, what happened over the weekend?! You just gave us a vague text that you were going to hang out with that Sunset girl, and then suddenly you want to have a showdown?!” The navy-blue woman raised an eyebrow as a thought formed. “Oh, Glimmer, please tell me you’re not sleeping with that high school girl! I know she just turned legal, but c’mon, don’t make crazy ass decisions based on your libido!”

Starlight shot up from her chair and glared at Night Glider. “We are not like that! She’s a friend! My decision has nothing……nothing to do with her.”

The others picked up on that hesitation.

“So…Starlight, is this Sunset Shimmer that important to you? I mean, you seem to care about her and her friends a lot,” Sugar Belle asked.

Starlight growled a little and then sighed in frustration. “Maybe I like them because I wish I was as young as them again, maybe I wish I was given a do-over and allowed to be with them. They are each so different, and two of them are practically geniuses, but that doesn’t make the others feel inferior to them or make them hate Sunset or Twilight, their friendship is beautiful, and allows me to leave my scheming world for a brief moment and share in theirs. So, no, I have no romantic inclinations towards Sunset Shimmer!” Well…maybe for that brief time we were in Equestria but that’s a different matter. “All I ask is that you know that I have a plan, and I will reveal it in due time. Now, please, leave.”

Night Glider, Double Diamond, and Sugar Belle all had worried looks, but exited the room as instructed. However, only Party Favor remained behind, making Starlight raise a curious brow.

“What is it, Party Favor?”

“I just want to say…you’ve, uh…you’ve kinda mellowed a bit since you met Sunset and her friends,” said Party Favor.

Starlight blinked. “What?”

“I mean…you were a little more – okay a lot more – scary and iron fisted, but you’ve been less so, and less stressed I guess. I don’t know what made you want to do this, but I like that this Sunset and her friends are helping you heal, is what I want to say. Sorry, I’ll leave now.”

Starlight watched Party Favor leave the room; she sat back down in her chair as she digested his words. Unlike the other three, Party Favor wasn’t a fighter; the Luna Memory was proof of that. He preferred indirect methods, party tricks and such. But he was honest, like a combination of Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Starlight chuckled as she realized what she just did. “I really compared him to those girls…I guess they have changed me a little…” Starlight turned around and looked out into the city scape as she narrowed her eyes, “…but not enough.”


At CHS, and pretty much all over the city, the students and even the teachers were talking about the upcoming battle between Equal and Unicorn, some referring to it as the ultimate showdown of good versus evil. For Sunset it was just embarrassing, she had to fight to keep herself from blushing whenever someone talked about her as the students theorized how the fight would go and how Unicorn would win. Thankfully, with Twilight being near her, she was able to write it off as being giddy around her girlfriend. However, the declaration did not go without some additional explanation.

“Principal Celestia wanted me to tell you to come to her place later…I also heard that Shining Armor and Ms. Harshwhinny are coming too…” Twilight explained.

“Yep…I was wondering when those four were going to start…Thankfully, I managed to convince Rainbow to stay back and let me fight, although I suspect she’s going to be hovering somewhere close by just in case, I had to assure her parents that she would not be in this fight, and make sure Rainbow understood that, too,” Sunset stated.

The pair turned a corner and went down a different hallway, after taking a cursory look around, Twilight asked, “Are you really sure about this, Sunset?”

“I am.” Sunset stated without hesitation.

“I want to believe she’ll fight you fairly, but something feels…off about this. Why now? Why after you just came back from Equestria, does she want to have a final battle with you?”

Sunset shook her head in agreement. “I wish I knew. I had hoped that meeting Sunburst would change her mind about whatever it is she’s got planned, but…I don’t know, maybe because she met him again is why she wants to have this final battle. To go all out and not have any regret, that’s the only thing I can think of…still, you’re right, something is off. Considering all the Gaia Memories I have at my disposal, and the Phoenix Ascender, I’m clearly at a higher level of power than she is, and she knows it.”

Twilight squeezed Sunset’s arm as she said, “I know I can’t talk you out of fighting her…but I just want you to be more careful than you normally are in a fight. I don’t want to lose you again…”

Sunset stopped and gently turned Twilight’s head towards her, she then planted a soft kiss on her lips as she said, “You won’t, that’ll never happen.”

Twilight looked at Sunset curiously for a moment. “I never did get around to asking you, when you saw Sunburst again, what did he say?”

Sunset’s smile was a mixture of happy and sad. “The tests that he ran, they came back positive, Sunburst is my biological little brother. I have a little brother Twilight, I’m a big sister!”

Twilight smiled up at her girlfriend and said, “Sunset that’s great news! You do have a family…but, you don’t look as happy as you should be…”

“I am happy, but now I’m wondering why did his…our…mother give me up? Was I a mistake or…or what?”

The nerdy girl stopped walking and brought her hands to rest on both sides of Sunset’s face. “NEVER think about yourself like that, you’re not a mistake, you’re the girl I love, that I will always be with no matter what! I love you, our friends love you, the pony version of Principal Celestia loves you, so matter what you decide, and whether you want to confront her or not, just know that you are loved.”

Sunset almost grew teary eyed as she placed her hands to rest over Twilight’s. “You really are the best girlfriend, Sparky.”


It seemed that everyone was either trying to talk Sunset out of it, or wishing her luck, more the former than the latter. And leading up to their – possible – final confrontation, Sunset had a meeting with another friend, that of Namby Pamby. The journalist had chosen a location that was far enough away from Crystal Prep and CHS that no one from either school would see them. Sunset had to admit, it had been awhile since they last spoke, and she was looking forward to catching up with the young woman.

The place was a little diner, it had a 80s feel to it, with old rock music playing on the jukebox, and the waiters and waitresses dressed in 80s clothing. Sunset entered the diner and saw Namby sitting at the far end of a booth, perfect for privacy. As she walked up, Namby stood up and gave Sunset a hug as she said, “It’s great to meet up with you again!”

“Likewise,” said Sunset.

When they both sat down a waitress came over and took down their drink order, after which, Namby asked. “So, what’s new on the home front?”

“Huh, well I just turned eighteen last month, on Christmas to be exact,” said Sunset.

“Congrats,” Namby took a moment to think about that and remembered the battle in White Tail Park, “Oooh, I hope that Santa Dopant thing didn’t completely ruin it.”

Sunset smiled and shook her head, “Nah, not really, and for the record, that was the real Santa Claus that I saved.”
Namby chuckled a little, but noted that Sunset’s face hadn’t changed. It was then that a look of shock appeared, “Oh my gosh…y-you’re serious?!”

Sunset nodded.

“Huh…okay then…I’ll, I need to reassess everything that I know to be true in this world…again.”

“Sorry,” Sunset chuckled.

Namby waved it off. “Eh, honestly, it’s not a bad thing, knowing things like magic exist in this world, makes life feel more fantastical. So, anything else?”

Sunset rubbed the back of her neck nervously as she blushed. “Well…you remember Twilight, right?”

“Of course.”

“Yeah, so we’re actually dating now. We’re officially girlfriends and everything,” Sunset confessed.

Namby gave a cute squee as she reached out and took Sunset’s hand. “Oh, Sunset congratulations! I’m happy you found someone special, truly, and all I can say is finally!”

Sunset gave a deadpan expression. “Let me guess, you’ve been on the ‘SunLight’ ship train for a while now, right?”

Namby gave a coy smile as she said, “Let’s just say I have an eye for these things, I am a journalist after all.”

Sunset rolled her eyes playfully. The two continued to make small talk until their waitress arrived with their drinks; they placed in their orders and let the waitress leave before they continued.

Namby sighed as she said, “Well, as much as I’d like to keep catching up, I really need to address the elephant in the room.”

“I figured.”

“You’re really going to face Equal, one on one, without Rainbow or Officer Shining Armor to assist?” Namby asked.


Namby ran her hand through hair as looked at the young girl before her. “Sunset, on the day that you faced those two Dopants, when they hit you with that attack and you didn’t get back up……it took all I had not to break down and bawl my eyes out…if it wasn’t for the fact that I was on camera, I would have. Do you have any idea how hard it was to say that you were defeated, to think that you might’ve been……dead?”

Sunset reached out and held Namby’s hand, trying to convey some comfort to the young woman. “I know…all my friends; I know how scared they were for me, and how close to death I was. But things are different now; I won’t let that happen again.”

Namby sighed again, “You can’t make promises like that Sunset, not with the kind of stuff you do. I know you came back with a more powerful form, but what if Equal has something else in store for you?! What if this entire thing is just one big trap and she’s planning on ambushing you with some Dopants?!”

Sunset looked away for a moment. “I just…I just know…”

Namby narrowed her eyes at that explanation. “No, you don’t ‘just know’. I may not have known you as long as your friends, but even I know you don’t just go on your gut feeling alone, not unless you know something that backs it up…” It only took a moment for Namby to piece it together. “You know who Equal is…don’t you?”

The amber girl nodded her head slowly.

“Then…why haven’t you told Officer Armor?! Or anyone for that matter?!” Namby asked.

Sunset, her hand still grasping Namby’s, gave a slight squeeze as she said, “Listen, Namby, I know it’s cryptic as all hell, but trust me, I know this isn’t a trap. I assure you it isn’t, if Equal says she’s going to fight me one on one, then she means it. This could be my chance to end this whole Dopant, Gaia Memory, thing in one fell swoop! Whatever happens, I feel like this is something that needs to be done.”

Namby kept a narrow gaze on Sunset, searching for any sign that the young girl was lying to her. But after a minute, Namby relented, “Okay, I trust you. Just…please be very careful. I’d rather report on your victory than your…you know…”

Sunset smiled at Namby as she said, “I know, and I will.”

The young woman nodded. “Okay, so, now that that’s out of the way, I need to ask another important question.”

“Shoot,” said Sunset as she took a drink.

“Have you and Twilight kissed yet?”

Sunset nodded.

“Uh-huh…have you had your, ‘first night’ together?”

Then Sunset spat out her drink.


And so we came to it at last, the day of the fight. As expected, the center of Canterlot City was completely evacuated. The CCPD had cordoned off the area designated by Equal, and it had already been confirmed that Kamen Rider Equal was standing in the middle of the street waiting patiently for her opponent. News helicopters were told they could fly within the zone, but once Unicorn arrived, they were ordered to leave the combat zone immediately, or be arrested. The only thing that was allowed to fly inside the combat zone after that were camera drones, machines could be replaced, but human lives couldn’t. And no one wanted to distract Unicorn from her fight with worrying about a civilian caught in the crossfire.

Trigger was stationed at the only designated entrance in or out of the combat zone, his eyes briefly shifted upwards as he spotted Nasca perched on one of the buildings, overlooking everything and no doubt as anxious as he was about letting Sunset enter the battle alone. Unfortunately, while there as significant degree of police presence, there was already a large crowd of civilians gathering around the perimeter, despite repeated requests to vacate it. Their warnings, however, fell on deaf ears as the citizens wanted to witness their hero defeat the villain responsible for bringing chaos to their city. Many of them were holding signs that read “Unicorn 4 the Win!” or “Unicorn > Equal”, and other variations.

Just then, the sound of a motorcycle echoed, causing the citizens to quickly clear a path directly to the entrance set up by the police. Unicorn sighed and smiled under her helmet as she saw the many citizens who came out to offer their morale support for her showdown with Equal, she gave them a confident wave as she continued to drive down the path that the people opened up for her. Soon, Unicorn approached the main entrance where the police had set up the barricade; she stopped her bike as not only Kamen Rider Trigger, but Captain Broadside of the CCPD were standing at the entrance.

“Officers,” said Unicorn.

“Listen, Unicorn, if it wasn’t for the fact that we have the ability to keep casualties down this time around, I’d have Officer Armor here take you both in. But, regardless, this once, you will have our support in this. I expect you to only defeat Equal, not kill her, I don’t expect you to change your M. O. now that she’s present, got it?” Broadside warned.

“You don’t have to worry about that, Captain. I’ll bring her down, I won’t take her out.” Unicorn extended a hand towards Captain Broadside, and the gruff man accepted her hand and shook it.

The magical Rider revved her bike and prepared to head out, but then…


“Yes, Officer Armor?” Unicorn asked as she looked up at him.

“Good luck.”

Even though she couldn’t see his face, Sunset knew that Shining Armor was smiling at her. With a twist of the handle bar, Unicorn sped down the road at top speed; leaving the rest of the CCPD to close the barricade, but not before Trigger brought his bike and himself to the opposite side. Many thought he was about enter the battle, but Trigger merely kept his bike off as he stood next to it, arms crossed as he waited for whatever would happen. Nasca flew over to the next building that was closest to Trigger’s position, both Riders ready to speed to Unicorn’s aid should things go sideways.
One thing did give them comfort as they watched a large bird fly in Unicorn’s direction.


[Testing, testing, can you hear me, Sunset?]

“Loud and clear, babe, the earpiece is transmitting perfectly,” said Unicorn.

[So long as Hawk is flying above you, I’ll be able to remain in direct communication with you throughout the fight. I can also transmit to Shining and Rainbow in case of an emergency.]

Unicorn nodded. “Good, but remember our deal. Once the fight starts, radio silence, no matter what, you’re not giving me any kind of aerial recon while I’m fighting her, this is a showdown between Starlight and myself, understand?”

There was a sigh of discontent coming from the earpiece. [I understand, just be careful, that’s all I ask……Looks like you’re almost there, beginning radio silence……I love you. ]

Unicorn smiled as she said, “I love you, too.”

The bike skidded to a halt as Unicorn neared Equal, she sat on the road in a meditative stance, legs crossed and resting on her legs. However, once she heard the sound of the bike, Equal slowly rose up as Unicorn began walking towards her. Once the magical hero was at least five feet away, she stopped. The center of Canterlot City was normally loud, the sounds of car engines, the constant thundering murmur of the people, it was all gone, silent enough to hear a pin drop.

“Here we are,” said Equal.

“Here we are,” Unicorn replied. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Equal entered a combative stance. “Very sure, Unicorn. And watch what you say, although we are alone, we’re not alone.”

Unicorn glanced upwards, spotting a few drones. Although she doubted that they were close enough to catch anything they said unless they yelled, it was still wise to exercise caution. One wrong spoken word and her identity could be found out. Unicorn released a heavy sigh as she too entered a combat stance. The digital clock lamppost now read “11:59am”, only one minute until noon, and then…

The clock struck twelve, and without little warning, both Riders dashed across the street and met each other head on. Their fists collided with each other, creating a shockwave that rattled the windows all along the shops and buildings. Unicorn and Equal broke away and reengaged, Unicorn let loose with a flurry of punches, Equal either deflected, blocked or counterattacked, but then began to press into the attack. Equal threw a right kick to Unicorns’ left thigh, causing her to grunt, but Unicorn remained balanced, but with that same leg, Equal struck her twice in the ribs, causing Unicorn to flinch a little. That little bit gave her time to jump and throw a roundhouse kick to Unicorn’s head.

The magical hero spun backwards, but managed to catch herself, had that hit her bare in the skull, Sunset doubted she’d even be conscious to complain about the headache. But that pretty much solidified it for her, Starlight wasn’t holding back, she was serious in this battle, and anything less than Sunset’s best was going to have this fight end with Starlight as the victor.

Unicorn gave a growling snort as her horn began to light up, and in a flash of turquoise light she vanished. Equal entered a defensive stance as Unicorn reappeared, striking her with a right hook to her helmet, making Equal stumble for a few seconds, but in the next moment, Unicorn vanished again, teleporting behind her as she swept Equal’s legs from under her, making her go airborne for a few seconds. In those few seconds, Unicorn teleported again, appearing above Equal as she spun once and brought down her right foot in a powerful ax kick on her midsection. The blow sent Equal straight to the ground, making her bounce once, cracking the asphalt in the process. Unicorn then unleashed a mana burst wave, sending Equal flying away as she bounced on the ground like a pebble on water.

Equal regained her senses as she dug her clawed fingertips into the street, tearing into it and leaving long gashes in her wake as she slowed herself down. Unicorn teleported again, but Equal wasn’t about to let that blitzkrieg happen again. Equal quickly took the Less Than sign and slid it over her buckle.

| LESS THAN: < |

The crystal facets of her armor all glowed blue as they released a field of cerulean energy into the air. The release of energy happened at just the right moment, as Unicorn’s teleportation was cut short, appearing right in front of Equal and caught her off guard. Equal struck fiercely and swiftly, hitting Unicorn in the chest with a series of jabs and palm-heel strikes to her stomach and chest, sending sparks flying from each impact. Equal planted her feet, drew back, and then struck Unicorn with a double fist attack. In the reduction field, the damage Unicorn received was increased due to the field also reducing defensive power.

This time it was Unicorn being sent flying across the street, the magical hero released another mana burst wave to slow herself down as she dug her heels into the asphalt, halting herself from going any further. Unfortunately, she wasn’t given that long of a respite.


Equal dashed across the battlefield, her crystal facets not glowing bright red, her speed and power now increased. Once she was upon Unicorn, she grabbed her by the face and sprinted off into the distance, raising her up and plowing her through the street, upturning concrete, metal, and wiring, creating a large fissure in their wake. Equal didn’t relent as she jumped up and tossed Unicorn straight into the side of a concrete building. The dark Rider pressed down on her buckle and summoned her Staff of Sameness, once in hand; she twirled the weapon around, channeling her energy into it as she fired a crimson beam straight for Unicorn.

A fiery explosion went off in that moment, obscuring all signs of Unicorn. However, after a few seconds, a turquoise bubble fell from the flames and smoke and crash landed against the sidewalk. Equal landed in the middle of the street, growling in frustration as she pointed her weapon at Unicorn, who was now in a kneeling position. “GET UP UNICORN! DON’T YOU DARE PATRONIZE ME BY NOT USING YOUR STRONGEST POWER! IF YOU WANT TO WIN, YOU WILL GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU’VE GOT!”

Unicorn stood back up, her horn and eyes glowing with power and determination. In her right hand, the light of the Shining Memory glowed brilliantly. Unicorn raised her left hand into the air, and immediately, a firebird flew out of the sky and landed into her hand, transforming into the Phoenix Ascender. “You want my best?! Then I’ll give you my best Equal!”


\^/ PHOENIX! \^/


At that moment, a pillar of white light and flames erupted around Unicorn; the flames took the form of fiery feathered wings, and with a single flap, the pillar and wings dispersed. Ember feathers and white sparkles cascaded around the battlefield as Unicorn assumed her final form, that of Kamen Rider Unicorn: Day Dreamer. Unicorn used her right index and ring finger to draw a circle of light before her. She reached into the circle and a hilt formed, as she closed her hand around it, the circle shined and transformed into the Halo Blade.

Equal twirled her Staff of Sameness around as she dashed towards Unicorn. In an instant their weapons clashed, creating another shockwave that rattled the streets, but this time, Unicorn didn’t flinch, in fact, she didn’t even move one inch from where she stood. Unicorn widened her stance and flicked her wrist, making the Halo Blade slash upwards. The action made Equal stagger backwards for a moment before regaining her balance, but Unicorn wasn’t going to let up now. The two circular disks on her back rose up and released her light wings.

Unicorn sped towards her, unleashing a series of slashes at Equal. The dark Rider twirled her staff around, using it to block as many of her attacks as possible, every other attack that she didn’t block was getting through, hitting her in the arms, legs, torso, and even across the cheek of her helmet. Unicorn backed away, and quickly took out the Loyalty Memory, inserting into the Halo Blade.


A cyan aura coated Unicorn’s body, and in an instant she disappeared from sight. Suddenly, Equal was assaulted with slashes from all directions; sparks flew from her armor as an invisible force continued to lay siege to her. Equal knew of this Memory, it granted Unicorn the power of super speed, but Equal knew that her reduction field should counter it. Without wasting another moment, Equal switched out her signs.

| LESS THAN: < |

The crystal facets once again turned cerulean, and the field was released, now all Equal had to do was wait for Unicorn to enter her field and then–

A slash struck Equal in the back, causing more sparks to fly from her body, and then another to her shoulder, and then to her leg. Over and over again, the assault on Equal did not cease, but it didn’t make sense. “The reduction field is up! Her speed should be reduced to the point where I can see her attacks coming! Unless…Unless she’s attacking me faster than the field can affect her?!” Equal hadn’t thought about that, it wasn’t that her field wasn’t working; it was that Sunset was moving so fast that the field didn’t have a chance to reduce her power by even a fraction. Equal was brought to a kneeling position as she panted, holding tight to her Staff of Sameness as the assault seemed to have finished.

Unicorn reappeared, her cyan aura still active as she held her sword tight in her grip. This is what you wanted, Equal. Me not holding back, now you see the difference in our power, this is a battle of attrition at this point. Surrender now, give up your Driver, Gaia Memory, and turn yourself in.

The dark Rider stood up slowly, on shaking legs as she switched back to her other sign.


Equal took out her Equal Memory and placed it into the Staff of Sameness.


“The battle isn’t over until I can no longer stand, Unicorn! You haven’t beaten me yet!”

Unicorn sighed heavily as she took up the Honesty Memory and inserted it into the Halo Blade.


The Halo Blade flared up with an orange aura. Unicorn dashed towards Equal, and Equal towards Unicorn. A flash of crimson and orange light ignited between them, and in the next instant, Unicorn was on the opposite side of the street, and Equal was on the other. For a few moments, neither one of them moved a muscle, but then, Unicorn twirled her sword around. All of a sudden, Equal’s body erupted with sparks, her Staff of Sameness was cleaved in two as the Equal Memory jettisoned itself from the weapon, the Greater and Lesser Than signs were shattered at the same time, and Equal herself collapsed onto her hands and knees.

The Equal Memory lay before her, but the damage was too much, the armor began to disappear, revealing the identity of Kamen Rider Equal. Unicorn – or rather Sunset – realized she used too much power in the attack, she had to do something, but there was no doubt the drones were already zooming in on her to try and catch a glimpse of who Equal was.

I can cause a distraction so you can get out of here! It’s over now! Just keep your head down! Unicorn stated in harsh whisper.

However, Starlight did not heed her words. The CEO of PhoenEXE Corp. grabbed her Gaia Memory and stood up proudly before Unicorn, for all the world to see. Unicorn didn’t understand why Starlight was showing her identity? Why didn’t she take her help?

“I figured something out after that trip…in order to achieve my dream, for the good of every single human being on this planet; I have to go to extremes in order to realize my dreams, Unicorn. I’ve remained hidden in the shadows for too long, it’s time I stepped into the light and became a bit more aggressive in my methods!”


At that moment, a red light shined from down the street. This light flew towards Unicorn and Starlight, but stopped right before Starlight Glimmer, hovering in the air. She reached out her hand, and grabbed the light, clenching it in her fist as the red light flowed over her body. A scarlet field of light erupted around Starlight, layering over the shattered pieces of her two signs. The signs began to reform, a black hourglass shaped item formed before her, with a red and blue button resting on either side of a glass window at the center. The two signs then combined with this new device and formed an “X”. Once locked in, Starlight gripped the device and slid both halves until they parted enough to reveal a slot for a Gaia Memory.

< EQUAL! >

Starlight inserted the Equal Memory into the Driver, freeing her left hand to hold the device, while she opened up her right and revealed what was inside. It was a black T2 Gaia Memory, and at the center of this device was the image of a red “X”. Starlight then pressed the button on the Memory, activating it as it called out its name.



> EQUAL! <


Scarlet, navy blue, and black energy rose from Starlight, engulfing her very being. The sphere of tri-colored lights continued to swirl around her until they disappeared in a shower red and blue sparks. What stood before Unicorn could only be explained as Equal’s final form, akin to her own.

The armor had shifted to a black color; with the only part that retaining its silver-gray color was the chest plate. The crystal orbs on her chest had doubled, now there were six which formed an “X” pattern. The upper part of the forearms, the shin plates, outer thigh armor plates, and the whole of the shoulder pauldrons had been replaced with the diamond-like crystal orbs. A battle skirt flowed down and stopped just five inches above Equals heel, the skirt itself was open in the front, and was colored black; the edges were a dark gold color, with the symbol of a scale printed onto it. Equal’s helmet had changed as well, instead of eyes it was a visor that formed a wide “V”, but below that there were two red grooves that made it appear more like an “X”. Where the mouth would be, were segmented plates, three in total, and finally, where her equal crest horn once was, now rested a new crest of balancing scales.

Starlight…what have you done…?

I have ascended, in my own way. This is my strongest form, Kamen Rider Equal: Balance Breaker. The scales of fate will tip in my favor…

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