• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,732 Views, 651 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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O: Operation Movie Magic / Quiet on Set

Sunset didn’t expect a lot of things to happen in her life that happened. She became the apprentice to the proverbial sun goddess of Equestria, and then ran away like an impudent prideful child. She became the queen bee bully of Canterlot High School, earning her the title “Biggest Meanie” in the yearbook. Tried to overthrow her home world by stealing the Element of Magic from Princess Twilight and subsequently got beaten by it and her. Gained friends and helped to defeat the Dazzlings, aka the Sirens. Saved Earth’s Twilight from becoming a fallen angel, reality destroying monster. And more recently, became a Kamen Rider and fought a bunch of monsters.

Now, though, now was another unexpected thing. Starlight had left Sunset’s home to go, somewhere, she didn’t know where. But considering her Equestrian friend had the ability to wield her magic freely, Sunset wasn’t too worried. Weeks had passed since the Tirek’s Revenge incident, and the city had been pretty quiet. Sunset was thankful that the Dopant attacks had stopped, more than likely everybody needed a little down time after everything that happened.
Sunset was in the middle of pouring herself a bowl of cereal when she heard her door lock click open. She lazily glanced in the direction of the door and watched as Starlight walked through, although, she had to blink twice as she swore she saw double. Oh, wait, no I’m not…


Both girls looked at Sunset.

Sunset groaned. “Glimmer, not that I’m complaining or anything, but why did you bring your Earthly counterpart to my loft?”

Starlight, of Earth, stepped forward and said, “I had asked her to, because there is something I want to ask you Sunset Shimmer, and Glimmer says you’re the only one who can give me permission to do so.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow at that, she motioned for Starlight and Glimmer to take a seat as she walked over and sat down in her chair. She was already suspicious of the slightly older version of her Equestrian counterpart being Kamen Rider Equal, so she was cautious about where this could go. “Okay, so what is this thing that you need my permission for? Not for nothing, but you’re the head of the biggest company in the city, I don’t know what permission I can give you.”

Starlight took a deep breath to steady herself and then spoke, “Glimmer says you’re like her. A pony from a parallel dimension. Before you completely freak out, no I haven’t told anyone else about you or Glimmer, and from what I hear it’s kind of common knowledge around your school.”

To this Sunset gave a steady nod.

“Alright, my request, Sunset Shimmer, is that I would like to accompany my counterpart to your home world.”

Sunset was glad she wasn’t eating her cereal just yet, because right now she would’ve spat it all over the place. “Uh…I…Okay, I – uh – why?”
It was at this time Glimmer stepped in, “You remember Sunburst, right?”

“Of course.” How could I forget my potential little brother?

“Well…in this world…he’s, uh, the human Sunburst here is dead.”

Sunset’s eyes widened, she then turned to Starlight and saw the saddened look on her face. “Oh…Starlight, I’m…I’m sorry.”

Starlight sniffled a bit and waved her hand, “It’s alright, it happened a long time ago. When Glimmer told me Sunburst was alive in her home world, I was happy. I had asked Glimmer if I could come over and see him again, he was my best friend and there were things I wanted to say to him that I didn’t get to when he was alive. I know it wouldn’t be him exactly, but, I guess I need some closure. But, since you are, more or less, the gatekeeper, I was wondering if it would be alright to pop in and out, I don’t plan on staying, just visiting. I promise to abide by whatever restrictions or monitoring you want to place on me.”

Sunset ran her hand through her hair, this was some pretty heavy stuff. On the one hand she wanted to say yes to her request, but then, she wasn’t sure how good it would be to have someone so well connected as this world’s Starlight seeing a world of magic and sentient talking ponies. The last thing she needed – or her mother and Princess Twilight needed – was to have Equestria turn into a tourist attraction. That much high traffic through the portal can’t and probably wouldn’t be good. Plus, there was the potential that she was a villain. On the other hand, how many people had lost their loved ones here on this side, but were still alive on the other? How many of them wanted closure?

Of course, this wouldn’t be the same for everyone, there were, sometimes, universal constants. Like that of Applejack’s parent’s being deceased in both worlds, but there were contradictions, seen as Princess Celestia, ruler of all Equestria, was only a high school principal. Logically you would think she’d be the President or the mayor of the city. But who was Sunset to deny someone a chance to see a loved one again, to heal some scars in their heart and soul?

“Look, I’m like a gatekeeper, on this side, but the one who really keeps the gate, is the Princess who operates it on the other side. I have to speak with her on the matter, and if she says it’s okay, then I don’t see why not. But if she does, Glimmer, you have to be responsible for her and keep her safe at all times,” said Sunset with a serious tone.

Both Starlight’s beamed at hearing this news, although it wasn’t a definite, it was still better than nothing.

Starlight stood up and went to hug Sunset. “Thank you, Ms. Shimmer! You have no idea how much this means to me!”

“ACK – judging by the death grip of the hug you’re giving me, I’d say I have a very good idea!” Sunset managed to choke out.

Starlight released the girl with her face tinting pink a bit. “Let me do something for you all, you and your friends! Canterlot Studios is a subsidiary company that I bought, if you wish I could swing you all VIP passes to the movie they’re currently shooting!”

“I don’t know…”

“I heard they’re shooting the new Daring Do movie there.”



Thunder roared as lightning crackled in the sky above, wind blew through the large tropical trees as a lone figure walked through two idols carved into the shape of monkeys, bearing a basin of burning oil. The figure was cloaked, his hood kept up to hide their identity, soon the figure reached his destination, standing before a large, fiery volcano. The figure removed his hood and opened his cloak, revealing a man.

The man laughed evilly as he proclaimed into the night, as he held aloft a golden scepter with a ruby held in place at the top, “It is almost time. Once I have all three relics, no one will be able to stop me, and Marapore will fall! For I am Stalwart Stallion–!”

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!”

“Ugh, CUT!”

The thunder and lightning ceased, and the man looked off to the side where another man in a director’s chair labeled “Canter Zoom” was sitting, flanked by several cameras. He had khaki colored vest on, over light-green shirt. His hair and beard were green, with streaks of neon green in it, on his face he wore black rimmed glasses as his magenta colored eyes opened and closed n slight frustration. He glanced over to the person in question who interrupted the scene, who just happened to be Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash looked a little sheepish as the director looked at her for the umpteenth time today, the rest of the girls were feeling a little embarrassed at their friend’s outburst during the different scenes, but it still didn’t deter Rainbow Dash from calling out something that was wrong.

“Sorry, but at this point in the story, Stalwart Stallion would be known as Mojo.” The girls looked at her with raised eyebrows. “What?! You think he wants Daring Do fans to call him out for making a mistake like that?!”

Canter Zoom sighed, despite the rainbow haired girl’s interruptions, she was a walking encyclopedia on all things Daring Do, and her suggestions and corrections were actually very helpful, she was essentially the next best thing to having A. K. Yearling herself on set.

Considering she spends all her time at home writing she is notoriously hard get ahold of, thought Canter Zoom as he gave a small sigh, a quick smile, and said over his megaphone, “Let’s go again. And this time say ‘Mojo’ instead of ‘Stalwart Stallion’, ‘kay? And…ACTION!”

After a bit of time had passed, and the scene finally shot, the girls were led by Canter Zoom as they walked through the studio. The girls were in complete awe at getting a backstage pass to see the making of the upcoming Daring Do movie, but more than that, they were fascinated by all the moving parts and people it took just to make the movie. The riggings, the camera positions, makeup and wardrobe, everything was so meticulous and coordinated, it was great.

The whole time, Rainbow Dash was acting like a giddy schoolkid seeing everything, more so because it was the set of the Daring Do movie. The only book series that didn’t involve heroes in spandex clothing, or who had spikey hair and shot energy beams from their hands. It was a secret until she saw Twilight reading the Daring Do books and found a kindred spirit in the brainy girl.

Sunset Shimmer as a fan of the series when she was in Equestria, but during that time the fanbase and popularity of the book was just picking up steam. In a way, Sunset Shimmer was Equestria’s hipster, she liked the books way before they became popular. Imagine her luck when she found the book was on this side of the portal, albeit with some big changes since the heroine was a human and not a pegasus mare. But that only made the dangers she got in and out of that much more exciting, relying more on wit, courage, knowledge, and skill to get out of danger. Not that the other Daring Do didn’t have all that, but the convenience of being able to fly out of danger did give the reader a bit of relief that she would come out okay.

“I can’t believe we’re really here!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Thank you so much for letting us come, Mr. Zoom,” said Twilight.

“We promise we won’t get in the way,” Sunset then turned a steely gaze to Rainbow Dash, “again.”

Rainbow Dash laughed nervously as she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

“Gotta tell you ladies, when Ms. Glimmer said she wanted to let some VIPs come around during shooting, I was a bit skeptical, but it looks like she knew what she was doing. Having a couple of Daring Do fans on set has helped keep the accuracy ratio high, and I’m sure fellow fans and Ms. Yearling herself will appreciate it for our little film,” said Canter.

Rainbow Dash chuckled at that, “Little? This is Daring Do we’re talking about! This movie is gonna be huge!”

Canter Zoom smiled at the teenager’s enthusiasm, it was because of fans and people like this that made making these movies worth the long hours, budget constraints, and occasional setbacks. As he was enjoying the moment, his PA walked up to Canter and said, “Uh, there’s a problem in wardrobe. They can’t find the costume Daring Do is supposed to wear in the nightclub scene.”

“And if we’re ever to finish this movie, it will be. Excuse, girls,” said Canter as he followed his PA.

Once Canter Zoom was gone, Twilight took out a pamphlet and said, “According to our visitor schedules, they won’t start shooting the next scene for a while, which means we have time to–”

“Get my picture taken with Chestnut Magnifico, the actress playing Daring Do!” Rarity exclaimed.

“And ask her to sign my petition to bring more bird feeders to Canterlot High!” Fluttershy added, causing the others to look at her in confusion. “Well, Chestnut Magnifico is an avid supporter of a foundation that helps build homes for animals in need.”

Twilight blinked. “Oh, okay. But I was thinking that we could–”

“Check out all the sets?” Sunset asked.

“I’d sure like to get a closer look at that volcano,” said Applejack.

Twilight sighed and the turned to Pinkie who was holding Spike her arms, “And I guess you two are…?”

“Going to find a cupcake fountain!” Pinkie stated.

“And a buffet along the way, hopefully,” said Spike.

“Guess we’re splitting up,” said Twilight.

Not but a few seconds later did all the girls but Rainbow Dash leave, the rainbow haired girl turned to her fellow Daring Do enthusiast and asked, “Wanna check out the props A. K. Yearling designed specifically for the movie?!”

“You read my mind!” Twilight agreed.


Rarity and Fluttershy walked through the lot where all the stars’ trailers were parked, both girls were giddy and excited about meeting the famous movie star and animal rights advocate, but the girls stopped when they noticed a rather large man wearing a black suit, red shirt, and black tie. He was bald, with a grayish complexion, and a five ‘o clock shadow. He wore black sunglasses that pretty much obscured the color of his eyes and made it hard to tell if he was looking right at them. He stood beside the trailer door to Chestnut Magnifico, with his arms crossed.

The girls cautiously walked up to the trailer where the burly man practically teleported, placing himself between Rarity and Fluttershy and the door to Chestnut’s trailer. “State your business.”

“Um, well, I was hoping to possibly get a photo with Ms. Magnifico,” said Rarity.

“A-A-And I was hoping she would sign my petition…sir,” said Fluttershy as she hid behind Rarity.

“Sorry, Ms. Magnifico does not wish to have visitors, she’s very busy,” said the guard.

“What do you mean you can’t find him?! Do you know how dangerous he is?! Ugh, it’s not enough I have to deal with these setbacks after setbacks, this movie is already behind schedule and if I have to I will shut this movie down myself! UGH!”

The bodyguard went to the door, but before he could open it, Chestnut Magnifico flung the door open, the door moved so fast that it caught the guard, well, off guard and slammed him against the side of the trailer, where he then slumped down onto the ground in a heap leaned up against the side of the trailer, making Rarity and Fluttershy wince at how much that might’ve hurt.

“Granite? Granite?!” Chestnut looked about and saw her bodyguard in a daze on the ground. “Granite, what happened to you?!”

The large man picked himself up rather quickly and straightened out his suit as he said, “Nothing, Ms. Magnifico, just a little dehydrated.”

Chestnut blinked. “Oh, well, please, keep some water nearby you.” Chestnut went back into her trailer and came back out with a bottled water. “You can’t protect me if you’re collapsed from heatstroke.”

Granite blushed a light shade of pink and wordlessly took the bottle water, nodding his appreciation before taking a swig.

The actress then turned to see Fluttershy and Rarity standing behind her, and then looked back at her bodyguard. “Um, who are they?”

“We…” Rarity began.

“They’re fans, the young lady with on the left wanted a picture. And the one on the right wanted to see if you would sign her petition to…um…what was it for?” Granite asked.

Fluttershy took a deep breath and said, “It’s, um, a petition to bring more bird feeders to my school for the local birds.”

Chestnut's slightly irritated visage melted away when she heard the requests. “Oh my gosh, that’s sounds lovely! I would love to sign it!”

Fluttershy gave the petition to Chestnut and turned around so that the actress could use her back as a flat surface to write on. Chestnut took out a stylized lavender pen and signed her name in her flashy style on the page. She then handed it back to Fluttershy who held it in her hands with a big happy grin on her face.

“And, hun, what’s your name?” Chestnut asked.

“Oh, me? Rarity, my name is Rarity!”

“Now that’s a beautiful name, if you don’t mind, how about a picture with all three of us?” Chestnut suggested.

Rarity had to keep herself from having a fangasm at that moment, managing to take out her cellphone and hand it to the starlet. Chestnut then passed it on to her bodyguard and took a few steps out to get all three of them in the shot. With a few directions, Rarity, Chestnut, and Fluttershy struck a pose and Granite took the picture.

“Thank you! Thank you, Ms. Magnifico!” Rarity nearly squealed.

“No trouble at all, now, Granite, let’s head inside and…ugh…see if this movie is anywhere on track,” said Chestnut.

Fluttershy and Rarity waved to the actress as she walked away but became a bit disturbed by the phone call that Chestnut had, especially when she said she’d “shut down the movie” and “he’s dangerous”.

“What do think she meant?” Fluttershy asked?

“I’m not sure, but whatever it is it warrants the need for a bodyguard,” said Rarity.

Little did the girls know, a figure was watching, and seething in anger as they disappeared behind another trailer.


Sunset and Applejack were wandering the set of the Daring Do movie. Taking in all the detail that was put into the making of the tropical setting, the attention to each little part was meticulous and no doubt painstakingly reproduced to be as accurate as possible.

“Shoot, this is amazin’! Wonder how long it took ‘em?” Applejack wondered.

“Several weeks I’d guess, but I’m probably underestimating. Most of this looks like a combo of green screen and live effects, which is cool, gives it a more real feel,” said Sunset Shimmer.

“Well they sure do go all out makin’ it look like the real deal, huh?”

Just then Applejack felt something crunch under her boot, she froze for a moment as a small bout of panic began to take shape as she feared she may’ve broken something important on the set. When she looked down, Applejack lifted her boot and was relieved to see it was a wrapper of some sort.

Sunset picked up the piece of trash and unwrapped it as she said, “Although, I don’t think the rainforest is known for its…Bon Mot peanut butter praline crunch bars. Huh, guess someone had the munchies while working.”

“Better pocket that, don’t want it ruinin’ the shot,” said Applejack.

Sunset did just that, if there was anything movie buffs were known for, it was for spotting minute details of a scene, and if that wasn’t caught in time, the movie websites and news would have a field day with it.

“So, while we’re alone, gotta ask, how’re things with you and Twilight?” Applejack asked.

“Things are great, AJ.” Sunset stopped and looked to the cowgirl with worry. “Why, did…did she say something to you?”

Applejack shook her head. “No, no, just wonderin’ is all. With all the hoopla that’s been happenin’ lately, reckon you two haven’t had a proper date yet.”

Sunset blushed as she rubbed the back of her head. It was true, with the recent Tirek Virus outbreak, and the Dopant attacks before that, and the possibility that Starlight Glimmer – of Earth – might be their nemesis, Kamen Rider Equal, it had left little time in the way of actual dating time between the two lovers. Summer Break was going to be over before they knew it, and Sunset knew that this was the best time to make their relationship stronger, and although it had been through the forge of battle and strife, it wasn’t the same as just hanging out together. Vegging out on Sunset’s couch and watching a movie, going to a movie together, or eating out at a restaurant.

“We haven’t even had a first kiss yet–!” Sunset immediately clapped a hand over her mouth after having let that piece of info slip out accidentally.

Applejack’s eyes widened with surprise. “Whoa, hold on now! Yer tellin’ me, that all this time, neither one of ya has kissed each other?!”

Sunset groaned in embarrassment at letting that info slip out, but it was out there, and better it be to Applejack. “It’s not that I don’t want to! Celestia knows I want to! I just don’t want to rush Twilight, she’s still getting used to dating me. I mean, up until a few months ago she didn’t even think she liked other girls. I don’t want to be the reason that she denies that part of herself by having a pushy girlfriend.”

“Trust me, Twilight doesn’t think yer pushy. And Ah think it’s right sweet of ya to take it slow like that. Twilight may not be as shy as Fluttershy, but she’s openin’ up more and more,” said Applejack.

“Thanks, AJ.”


Twilight and Rainbow Dash were giddy as, well, school girls, as they approached the set. There they saw the treasured props of the movie. Both girls zipped across the set in, practically, the blink of an eye and were now staring down at the case that held all three props. All three props were made of faux gold and each a different item, and had a different gemstone as its theme. The staff had an elongated U shape and at its center sat a large ruby orb. The sword was segmented with emerald, square shaped shards. A single emerald gem rested at the guard, while three emerald pieces made up the guard, fashioned to resemble leaves. The last was an arrow, with the arrowhead tipped with a sharpened amethyst.

“Wow! These are the three Altoriosa Relics!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“The staff!” Twilight stated.

“The sword!”

“Don’t forget the Arrow of Altoriosa!”

Twilight and Rainbow glanced to each other, and then turned around to see a girl standing behind them. She had blue-green hair that was tied into pigtails, with sharp purple rimmed glasses that rested on her nose as her blue eyes looked upon Rainbow and Twilight.

“You girls must be the VIPs, right?”

Both girls nodded nervously.

“Sorry if we weren’t supposed to step onto the set, we just…got carried away when we saw the relics,” said Twilight.

The girl chuckled and waved off the concern. “Don’t be, it’s always great to meet other Daring Do Fans. I’m Juniper Montage, Canter the director’s niece. What do think?”

“They’re awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “They look exactly like the ones described in the book!”

Juniper nodded as she approached the case containing the prop relics. “A. K. Yearling is very hands-on when it comes to the sets and props for the movie.”

Twilight and Rainbow glanced to each, with the former asking, “Have you met her?”

“Just once when she came to check out the relics. I did get her to sign a copy of the latest Daring Do book, though!” Juniper then released a high pitched squee of delight at recalling the memory. “I actually tried to convince my uncle to at least cast me for the part of Daring Do…but, he didn’t really go for it.”

There was a bit of bitterness in that last statement, which created a small amount of tension that Rainbow Dash felt the need to break. “So, what do you do around here?”

“Oh, I mostly bring my uncle coffee and help get everything ready for shooting. I’ve been on set for ALL the movies he’s shot here.” Juniper stretched her right hand out. “Pretty much know every inch of this place like the back of my hand. Oh! Have you guys seen the set for Caballeron’s secret lair yet?”

“No!” Rainbow and Twilight answered.

“They usually keep the door locked to the set, but I’ve got the keys that open just about every door in this place! C’mon!” Juniper urged.

“This is going to be awesome!”


Pinkie Pie and Spike were lounging in a couple of chairs, with a slew of candy bars littered around them. The pink party planner sighed as she brought out her brochure, “100 Things You Didn't Know About This Movie Studio: Insider’s Tour Guide”.

“Three lunch buffets, six different kinds of fondue, two rooms with nothing but candy, and still no cupcake fountain! Oh, well. At least we found those peanut butter praline crunch bars! They weren’t in my guidebook, but they sure were delicious!”

Spike munched down the rest of his and licked his chops. “I’ll say. You think they got any more?”

“Ahh!” Pinkie and Spike glanced in the direction the groan came from, there they spotted Canter Zoom and Chestnut Magnifico standing at the buffet table, with the latter looking none too pleased. “One more month, Chestnut! That's all we need! I’m doing everything I can to keep us on schedule! But with all the setbacks we’ve had, I don’t think we can do it! If you could just agree to stay on for one more month...!”

Chestnut turned on the director and glared at him. “This is unacceptable! I’m already taking a risk being in this city, the last thing I need to do is stay another month here!”

“Chestnut I know about your…circumstances, and I’m prepared to ensure your safety, but please, just one more month?” Canter begged.

The starlet growled in frustration, she reached for the buffet table to grab something, something that should’ve been there, something that was exclusively hers and no else’s. Chestnut looked down, eye beginning to twitch as she saw that the table was vacant of her favorite comfort food. “WHERE ARE MY PEANUT BUTTER PRALANE CRUNCH BARS?!”

Spike and Pinkie Pie winced as they looked at the incriminating evidence of the discarded candy bar wrappers strewn around them.

“Now would probably be a good time to resume the search for that cupcake fountain,” said Spike in an urgent whisper.

“Yep!” Pinkie agreed.

With that settled, both Pinkie and Spike hightailed it out of there.


The Rainbooms had returned to the volcano set, with everybody getting ready for another take. The whole time Rainbow Dash was still full of giddiness and excitement after retelling the girls about seeing the prop relics.

“You guys should’ve seen the relics. They were amazing!” Rainbow exclaimed.

Canter released a sigh and turned to around. “Ugh! Quiet on set, please!”

“Heh, heh…sorry.”

With that out of the way, Canter Zoom returned his attention to the set before him. “Aaaaaand, action!”

The special effects of the thunder and lightning went off as the artificial wind kicked up. The actor playing Mojo – aka Stalwart Stallion – approached the volcano. However, the volcano’s mouth began to rumble, causing even the set itself to shake. Everyone was being jostled by the suddenness of the quake, throwing them to the ground and rocking Canter in his chair.

“W-Wow, these are some r-r-really good special effects!” Pinkie exclaimed through the shaking.

“This i-i-isn’t part of t-t-the scene!” Canter corrected.

Suddenly, the volcano erupted, and a being stepped forth from it. The creature was cast in molten lava, it’s body covered with armor plates, and grooves that simulated lava that ran through the monster’s body. The head of the creature was dragon like, snarling and spewing flames with every breath it took. The creature’s claws were burning red hot, as the set itself was beginning to catch fire.

The actor playing Mojo released a scream of terror as he ran in the opposite direction. Several of the cast and crew did the same, mad dashing for the nearest exits. The molten monster glanced about from his perch as his glowing yellow eyes scanned over the area, as if it were searching for something, or rather, someone. The monster’s eyes finally landed on its target, that of Chestnut Magnifico and her bodyguard, Granite.

“Chestnut!” the monster roared. “Why haven’t you called me?! Why haven’t you come to me?!”

The actress’ eyes widened, even though the voice was distorted, she could clearly make out who the monster was. “Hazelwood?!”

Granite’s eyes widened. “That’s the guy you wanted me to protect you from?!”

The molten monster jumped down from the volcano, landing on the set with a great THUD that shook the whole area. With each footstep he took, the monster left an imprint of its foot, melted into the floor. “I told you we were meant to be together! I am your biggest fan! I know everything about you! But you spurned me!”

“You were stalking me! That’s not love! You don’t know me like that!” Chestnut shot back.

The monster snarled. “I do know you! And I’ll make you mine!”

“RUN MISS MAGNIFICO!” Granite ordered.

The actress did just that as the monster began dashing towards her, Granite tried to intercept, but the monster released a roar that created a burst of hot air to strike him, sending the valiant bodyguard flying into the buffet table.

Sunset and Rainbow glanced to each other, nodded, and slowly separated from the group. The rest of the girls took this as their cue and began diverting attention away from their friends by helping others to get out of the potential warzone. Both girls managed to find a little private area backstage, after a quick glance about, Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash summoned their Drivers.

“Man, I just wanted to see this movie be made, not have to fight a freakin’ Dopant!” Rainbow Dash whined.

“Same here, let’s make this beat down especially rough!” Sunset added.


< NASCA! >



> NASCA! <

Electrical fields of blue and turquoise formed around both girls, transforming them into Kamen Riders Unicorn and Nasca.


Chestnut managed to get outside the studio, she stopped for a moment to catch her breath. But that proved to be a mistake as the Dopant blasted a hole through the roof of the studio and jumped through it. The Dopant landed a couple of meters away from where Chestnut was, turning around slowly as to set its sights on the actress. Chestnut stumbled backwards until she fell on her rear, crawling backwards as the Dopant advanced on her.

“You will not deny me, Chestnut! You’ll see that we were meant to be together! You’ll be all mine! You’ll love me!” The Dopant exclaimed.

“HELP ME!” Chestnut begged.

Several orbs of turquoise light flew at the Dopant, exploding upon impact, followed up by a blue blur that slashed at the Dopant five times, causing sparks to fly from its body. The Dopant was thrown back from the dual attack, but when he managed to stand back up, he growled upon seeing Unicorn and Nasca now standing between him and the object of his affections.

“Dude, take a hint, the lady doesn’t want or like you,” said Nasca.

“Why don’t we do this nice and easy, you give up the Gaia Memory that changed you into that monster, and just turn yourself in without us having to beat you down,” said Unicorn.

The Dopant snarled again, making flames shoot out his nostrils. Without so much as a word, the Dopant charged for the armored heroes. Unicorn grabbed ahold of Chestnut and teleported away, leaving Nasca to fight the Dopant. The speedster Rider flared her fiery-electric wings and dashed towards him. The Dopant lashed out with a claw, while Nasca swung her sword. The blade and claws met in the middle, causing a clang of metal and sparks to fly from the impact. Again and again, the two traded blows, with Nasca pushing the attack, but then the Dopant would gain ground as he advanced.

The Dopant came down with his claw, making Nasca block with her sword, but unfortunately, it was a feint as the Dopant came in with a right hook claw swipe, hitting Nasca in the gut. She was sent skidding backwards on her heels, with sparks flying from her armor. The Dopant inhaled and released a bellowing flame blast that roared towards her.

Before it could reach her, Unicorn teleported back to her, throwing up a barrier of turquoise light that blocked the torrent of flames. The Dopant cut off the flames, but then it’s body began to glow, transforming into a metal monster. Its arms were sickles of sharpened steel, it’s legs were blades, which by all laws of physics should not have supported the Dopant’s weight. The Dopant’s head was oval shaped, with blue eyes that shined and metal pincers that chittered and clanged against each other.

“Ooookay, that’s new,” said Nasca.

The steel Dopant charged for the Riders, it’s speed having drastically increased. Unicorn reinforced the barrier, just in time for the Dopant to slash at it. The impact made Unicorn grunt, the strain wasn’t bad, however, when the Dopant began slashing at a rapid speed, literally cutting away at the barrier, it began to cause some strain for Unicorn. Nasca unfurled her wings and flew up, and over the barrier. She quickly took out her Nasca Memory and switched the N-Driver to the orange side and placed the Gaia Memory into the slot.


The color scheme of Nasca’s armor changed to bright orange, and her wings flared with greater power. Within a second, the speedster Rider moved so fast she was an orange blur, appearing behind the Dopant and preparing to strike it down. However, the Dopant’s blade tail lashed out at the same time as Nasca brought down her sword, ending with both blades clashing against each other. With a frustrated growl, Nasca unleashed a flurry of slashes, but each one was countered by the Dopant’s tail, and at the same time, the Dopant was continuing to beat down on Unicorn’s shield.

“Okay, are we through playing nice?!” Unicorn asked.

“Definitely!” Nasca agreed.

Nasca broke off the attack and slammed her sword hard against the ground, at the same time, Unicorn summoned an orb of turquoise light and fired it below her. Both attacks created a cloud of dust and debris that hid them from view. The Dopant suddenly felt nothing as he slashed forward, he then made a wide slashing circle that was strong enough to cause a small whirlwind to push the dust away. Much to his chagrin, the Riders were no longer there, but had retreated a safe distance ahead of him, and were now holding new items in their hands.


/^\ BOOST! /^\




Pillars of green and gold shot up into the air, and in the next moment, the pillars shattered, creating a cascade of shimmering feathers and golden particles that littered the area. Nasca had entered her final form, Star Chaser, and Unicorn was in her pseudo-final form, Shining Day.

If I were you, I’d seriously consider surrendering now, said Unicorn.

The Dopant looked hesitant, you’d have to be a complete moron to not know how powerful Unicorn and Nasca were in these forms after the Tirek Virus Incident. But Hazelwood’s goal was one that would not be denied, his passion, his resolve was strong enough to beat them, he knew it, he could feel it.

“BRING IT ON!” Hazelwood shouted.

Nasca face palmed herself. This guy is nuts.

On three?



The Dopant released a piercing screech and ran straight for the duo.


The Dopant was upon them and ready to cleave them in half.



Unicorn and Nasca disappeared before the Dopant’s eyes, only to reappear behind him. The Dopant noticed too late as he turned his head just at the right moment to receive two superpowered fists to the face. The Dopant was sent sailing into the studio that he had exited earlier, crashing through several walls in the distance. The Kamen Riders flew towards the studio and entered the same hole the Dopant had smashed through. They followed the trail of destruction until it ended at an adjacent set of, judging by the discarded costumes, that of the Power Ponies.

The culprit in question was lying strewn on the mock street, groaning in pain, but strangely, not in Dopant form. This was confusing for both Riders, they had never seen someone change back after one punch from both of them, at least not without it being a Maximum Drive attack.

Uh, Unicorn, did we get strong enough to cause a Memory Break without, y’know, using a Max Drive? Nasca asked.

I…I don’t know, there’s no sign of the Gaia Memory he was using, said Unicorn as she glanced about the area.

“Chestnut…you’re…you’re mine…” Hazelwood groaned incoherently.

Unicorn and Nasca made noises of disgust at the words the man uttered in his unconscious state.

I’ll take him outside, think you can fix up the place?

All over it.


Unicorn’s horn flared with a whiteish aura, with a wave of her hands, Unicorn began enacting her spell. Art of Mending.

Tendrils of white light moved through the destroyed studio and various sets. Broken materials were melded back together. The holes and burned areas from the Dopant attack were wiped clean and returned to their original pristine state as well as having the cameras that were once destroyed were now standing upright again and undamaged.


After about an hour and a half, the set was cleared to resume use. Shining Armor arrived along with the rest of the SCU to take in Hazelwood, with Chestnut providing information that she had been stalked recently by a rabid fan, and apparently that fan had gotten a hold of the monster creating item to try and take Chestnut for his own. Thankfully, the cameras were rolling when the attack happened, so the police confiscated the footage that did have the whole ordeal on them to show as proof.

The Rainbooms watched as Hazelwood was taken in and driven away with Shining Armor following close behind it. It seemed that the movie bizz didn’t stop for nothing, the show must go on, so once the police were done, the film crew and actors went back to their work. The Rainbooms went with them, still intent on watching the rest of the movie be made, but while they walked, Sunset and Rainbow were troubled.

“You couldn’t find any trace of that Gaia Memory that fella used?” Applejack asked.

“No, and that’s what’s weird. We hit him pretty hard, but neither of us used a Max Drive to overload the Gaia Memory he was using. If we had, there would’ve been pieces of it scattered next to him,” said Sunset.

“Could it be that, he just simply gave up?” Rarity asked.

“Probably, one punch from both of us in those forms, I would too. But that still leaves the question of where the Gaia Memory is then,” said Rainbow.

“You don’t think someone took it, do you?” Fluttershy pondered.

That would be bad, if someone saw him transform with the Gaia Memory, it wouldn’t be too long before the person who possibly took would use it too.

“I got a pretty good idea what those doohickeys smell like, I can search around the place where you beat that guy.” Spike offered.

“I’ll go with you, Spike. They might throw you out if you’re just on your own,” said Twilight.

“I’ll see if I can break away later too and give you a ha–”


Sunset was interrupted as a voice made all the girls and Spike turn in the direction of where it came from. It was a tall, lanky man, his vest resembling that of Canter Zoom’s, so most likely a director. He had silver hair, and a pale purple complexion. His pants were jet black, and his shirt was a bright blue, with a pair of rose colored shades over his eyes. The man waltzed towards the Rainbooms, cutting through their ranks until he stopped before Sunset and Twilight.


“Me?” Twilight squeaked.

“No, no, not you! I’m talking about the fiery haired, eyes blazing with passion, girl standing right beside you!”

Twilight looked to Sunset, Sunset comically glanced to her right and verified that there was no else there, which only meant that the man was addressing her. “M-Me?”

Without warning, and with near inhuman speed, the man lifted Sunset’s arm, inspected it, and then brought up a handful of her hair, also inspecting it. He then proceeded to exam her legs, back, front, and finally getting way up in her personal space by placing his hands on Sunset’s face as he stared intensely, as if he were trying to burn Sunset’s visage into his mind.

Twilight couldn’t watch this anymore and quickly pushed her way in between her girlfriend and the strange man. Sunset finally realized what happened and scowled at the man.

“What the hell?!” Sunset exclaimed. “Who are you and what were you doing?!”

“I knew it, it’s as plain as the nose on my face! I, Cine Max, have discovered Kamen Rider Unicorn!”

The girls all went wide eyed with shock, releasing gasps of surprise at how this odd man could have figured out their friend was Unicorn. Sunset, for her part was keeping a façade of calm and collected, but inside a pit had formed in her stomach, the world seemed to be spinning, and right now she was trying to decide whether to run or knock the man out before anyone else saw or heard what he was doing.

“S-Sir, that’s a pretty wild accusation you’re making there,” said Rarity, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice. “While Unicorn is a hero, the police have made it clear that she is a vigilante and would be arrested.”

Cine Max looked at Rarity quizzically for a moment, and then to the expressions of the rest of the girls, and finally put two and two together. “Oh! No, no, no, forgive me, I tend to get swept up in my muse. I meant that your friend here would be perfect to play the part of my movie about Kamen Rider Unicorn.”

Applejack shook her head as she tried to process that. “Hold up, yer makin’ a movie about Unicorn?”

“And why not?! She’s a dazzling hero, selflessly putting herself in danger to protect the people against vicious monsters alongside her sidekick Nasca,” said Cine Max in a bombastic tone.

Rainbow Dash’s eye twitched. “Heh, heh, I think I heard you wrong there buddy. But, did you say that Kamen Rider Nasca is Unicorn’s sidekick?”

Cine Max glanced to the rainbow haired girl as if she grew a second head. “Of course, what would call another hero who fights at the main hero’s side?”

“A partner,” said Rainbow in a flat tone.

“Hmmm, nope, not as catchy.”

Rainbow looked like she was about to go up and pop Cine Max in the chin, but Sunset quickly managed to calm her friend down. Once that was settled, Sunset turned around and asked, “Not that I’m not flattered by the offer, but, why me? I’m not an actress, I’ve never been in any movies, I don’t have any experience! The closest thing I’ve done to acting is being our band!”

“Why not you?! You have the attitude, and the natural swagger! Not to mention, I sense a dark past with a burning passion to right the wrongs of her past! Experience be damned, you gain experience by doing, and besides, I need nothing more than for you to be yourself! The rest comes with time!” Cine Max shouted boisterously.

Now it was Sunset’s turn to eye twitch. Who is this guy?!

Cine Max zoomed so close to Sunset that she jumped back. “So, please Miss, will you be Unicorn?!”

Sunset glanced nervously to her friends and then to Cine Max. She then glanced behind her to the studio that was shooting the Daring Do movie. And after that her decision was made. “Okay, I’ll do it.”

“WHAT?!” The Rainbooms and Spike gasped.

“Wonderful! We start at seven tomorrow! I’ll have security escort you in until we have a proper ID created for you!” Cine Max rushed off, leaving the girls there in stunned silence.

The girls turned their attention back to Sunset, but it was Pinkie Pie who first spoke, “Uh, Sunset, not that I’m not totally super excited that you’re going to become a movie star, but why did you agree to play, well, you in a movie about you?”

“I’m just doing this because our VIP passes expire tomorrow, and we’ll still need someone here to try and find that Gaia Memory. We haven’t found it, and I don’t want it falling into someone else’s unstable hands. If it’s a T1 we can destroy it, but if it’s a T2 then we definitely don’t need it to fall into Equal’s hands.”

There was logic in that, they couldn’t well have some random stranger, or the evil Kamen Rider take the Gaia Memory. With little more to do than just continue watching the making of the movie, the Rainbooms returned to Canter Zoom’s set and watched as the scene that they had been trying to finish was finally completed.


Sunset returned to her loft, where she found both Starlight’s in her house. “How’s the patient?”

Starlight was currently in the upper level where her bed was, which was occupied by the Equestrian Starlight Glimmer. Apparently, she had caught a cold, and while her magic was keeping it from getting worse, she still needed bed rest to keep it that way. Of course, this annoyed Glimmer to no end, so Sunset called Starlight to keep an eye on her, the Earth version of her friend was more than happy to.

“She’s doing better, aside from the constant attempts of trying to get up and leave,” said Starlight.

“I told you my healing spells are working, I can go-oh-ACHOO!”

“Yeah, no, you’re staying in bed.”

Sunset walked up the stairs to where the doppelgangers were and sat at the edge of the bed. “Sorry, I should’ve stayed and taken care of you.”

Glimmer shook her head. “No, I was the one who told you to go to that studio place! Don’t feel bad because of it, but, anyway, was it fun?”

Sunset made a pensive expression as she then divulged the incident at the Canterlot Studios. The whole time Sunset was keeping an eye on Starlight, trying to see if there was any change in her demeanor as she told the story, aside from a genuine look of concern, there was nothing out of the ordinary that tipped Sunset off that she was definitively Equal.

“It certainly sounds like you had fun,” said Starlight.

“I can’t believe you’re going to actually be in a movie, I wanna go!” Glimmer whined.

Sunset shook her head. “Nuh-uh, you’re butt’s staying in bed. Sorry, Starlight, do you mind watching her a bit longer?”

“No worries,” said Starlight with a wave of her head. “I’ll take care of her, it’s like have a kid sister.”

“You know I’m technically older than you,” said Glimmer in a deadpan tone.

“Not here you’re not. Sunset, want me to set you up with an agency? I know of a few good ones that can help out if you want to make this a permanent thing.”

Sunset shook her head at the offer and gave a nervous chuckle. “Thanks, but let’s just see how tomorrow goes. I don’t want to fall flat on my face and waste your time, and money.”

At that moment, Starlight’s cellphone began to go off. The CEO of PhonEXE Corp checked and saw that it was Double Diamond her assistant. “Oh shoot, do you mind if I take this outside, it must be urgent business for Double Diamond to call at this hour.”

Sunset nodded and Starlight proceeded to exit the loft. Once outside, Starlight tapped on the “answer” icon and said, “Double Diamond, does this call have anything to do with the attack at Canterlot Studios?”

There was an audible spluttering of surprise on the other end, followed shortly by a response, [H-How did you know, Miss Glimmer?]

“Because one of the girls I gave VIP passes to said there was an attack there involving a Dopant. You’re lucky that Unicorn and her little sidekick managed to defeat it. Who was it anyway?” Starlight asked.

[A nobody, Ma’am. His name was Hazelwood, an administrator of a large fan website about Chestnut Magnifico. A couple of years back the man tried to approach the actress and proclaim that he was in love with her, typical groupie stalker. Of course, his efforts grew more brazen to the point that the actress had to get a restraining order against him and hire security.]

“So, he reached out for a way to get closer to her and instead the Memory warped his already warped mind. Typical. Thankfully none of the girls were hurt, but next time be more thorough, I don’t need those girls getting hurt!” Starlight stated firmly. Strangely enough she really meant it, Starlight was starting to like the girls that her double hanged out with, especially that Sunset Shimmer.

[Yes, well, on top of that, there is another matter…]


[We went back to the scene of the battle, but there were no traces of Gaia Memory fragmentation…The Memory did not shatter…]

Starlight paused for a moment, the world seeming to have ground to a halt as her right eye twitched, and the vein in her neck began to bulge. “Heh, heh, ha! Good one, Double Diamond, I thought you said that the Gaia Memory didn’t shatter. Which I know is impossible since it’s T1 model and is prone to shatter via a Memory Break. So, be serious now, what’s really going on?”

There was an audible gulp on the other end of the phone. [I am…Miss Glimmer…The Riders didn’t use their Max Drive attacks, from what our reports gather, they simply punched him in their strongest forms, and he was found already changed back…]

Starlight could afford a new cellphone, hell, she practically made the one in her hand right now. But that would entail having many of her favorite songs, documents, and game app data gone forever, and that was a headache she didn’t want to deal with, so instead she found a discarded soda can and crushed in under her foot, grinding hard enough in the ground that the tin made sparks against the concrete sidewalk.

“Listen to me, carefully, Double Diamond. Find the person who has that Gaia Memory and GET! IT! BACK!”

[Y-Y-Yes Miss Glimmer!]

Starlight took a deep breath, and in so doing a thought occurred to her. “On that note, which Gaia Memory was it exactly?"

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