• Published 23rd Jul 2017
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Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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A: Arrival of Memories / A New Year (Edited)

It was junior year at Canterlot High, and a lot had happened in the months prior. Well, that would be an understatement. Many things have happened that have changed the way the students, as well as some of the faculty, perceived the world around them. sophomore year, Sunset Shimmer’s tyranny hit an all-time high, transforming into a she-demon and nearly enslaving the school, on top of the appearance of a Princess from a world populated by magical, talking, intelligent ponies.

Not too long after that, the school had the biggest musical competition ever held in the history of CHS, the infamous Battle of the Bands. This was originally a Musical Showcase, but thanks to the appearance of magical beings known as the Sirens, aka The Dazzlings, they almost managed to throw the school into chaos and hate and become the most powerful beings on the planet. It was also during this time that the local school rock band, the Rainbooms, stepped up and defeated the Dazzlings, with the help of Sunset Shimmer no less.

And now, more recently, the Friendship Games fiasco. A competition between CHS and Crystal Prep Academy, pitting their best students against each other. It was also during this competition that the aptly named “HuMANE Six” met this world’s Twilight Sparkle. A genius by all accounts but considered an outcast by her fellow Crystal Prep students. Needless to say, this caused a lot of confusion as well as frustration on the Six, although she looked and sounded like Princess Twilight, it was not her.

Even so it did not stop the Six from treating the girl with same friendliness and kindness that they showed Princess Twilight. The human Twilight Sparkle didn’t understand, having not been shown such kindness from anyone other than her family and some faculty, more specifically Dean Mi Amore Cadenza, but it all came to a fever pitch when Twilight was forced to unleash the magic she had stored within a device she invented, transforming her into a raven winged, dark angel, driven mad with the overwhelming amount of power she had taken in.

In the end, it was Sunset Shimmer who brought the troubled girl back to her senses. And, while things have appeared to regain some sense of normalcy, some things were still a little harder to deal with.

For Sunset, she took on the task of helping Twilight, despite the former Crystal Prepper being purified of her madness and dark persona, she still had to deal with the emotional baggage that came with her transformation. Sunset was more than willing to help her through it, having been through the same thing herself.

A new friendship had been created between these two, one that was much different from the one that she had with Princess Twilight. Although, Sunset was unsure how different it felt, but she didn’t dislike it. Though for some reason she did find herself staring at Twilight for longer than what would be considered normal, but that was nothing.

Today was just another normal day, with Sunset riding up to the school on her motorcycle. Some of the students waved to her and said “hi” as she rolled into the parking lot. Sunset had to admit, this was a lot better than getting angry glares and sneers from everyone. She dismounted her bike and propped the kickstand of her turquoise-colored speed bike. Sunset grinned when Twilight first got a look at it, she nearly freaked out, scared that Sunset was going to hurt herself. She had smiled and ruffled the nerdy girl’s hair playfully as she chuckled, Sunset appreciated the concern, and was even happy that Twilight was thinking about her safety like that, but she had been riding for bit in this world, it was easy for her.

Sunset took a deep breath in, the sun was shining, the other kids seemed to be in a good mood, and best of all, Sunset finally felt like she belonged in this world. It took a lot of hard work, stumbles, and tears, but it all paid off in the end. Now she had the future to look forward to. Sunset walked towards the quad, glancing about the other students as they mingled about with their friends and various cliques.

She stopped at the statue, the horse that had adorned the pedestal was still completely destroyed, except for the stubs of the legs and hooves. Luckily, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna managed to keep the pedestal and commission a new horse statue to be placed where the old one was. They realized how important this was to Sunset, since it was the only connection she had back to her home world, and you never know when a certain Princess might want to pay a visit.

The flame haired girl continued walking, entering the school. She gave a few waves of hi to some passing students, and noticed a few others, particularly, the couples. It sort of made Sunset feel a little uncomfortable, seeing some of them like that. Romance never crossed her mind before, but after your plans for world domination fall through, and you become more open to friendship, other things begin to take root and you start to notice things you would’ve normally never have given a second thought to.

One in particular caught her eye, despite their protests to the contrary, Lyra and Bonbon were closer than most would consider even for being “best friends”. Sunset was even sure she spotted a hickey on either girls’ necks at one time.

“Whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout?!”

“GAH?!” Sunset jumped back and assumed a combative stance, only to slump at who it was that nearly gave her a heart attack. “Pinkie, can’t you ever just – I don’t know – say ‘Hey Sunset!’ or ‘Sunset Shimmer, over here?!’”

“I could, but it’s just so boring and plain, besides, now you’re super alert because of the adrenaline boost from that scare, right?!” Pinkie asked.

I was already awake, now I’m just edgy.

In the end, Sunset let it go and walked side-by-side with Pinkie Pie down the hall to her locker. “So, where are the others?”

“Well, Rarity’s busy powdering her nose, Applejack’s helping out Apple Bloom with a project, Fluttershy’s secretly feeding her animals, and Rainbow Dash is practicing with the soccer team!”

When they reached her locker, Sunset put her helmet inside and counted off on her fingers. “That’s four, what about Twilight?”

“Oh, I think she’s in the lab right now?”

Sunset smacked her forehead. “Again?”

Pinkie nodded. “Again.”

“Ugh, I swear, that girl. She said she wanted to study friendship, but now she holds herself up in the lab and fiddles around with…whatever she’s making,” groaned Sunset. “You haven’t tried to get her out?”

“I could, but I think it’s better if you do it. She’s still a little skittish, Fluttershy and Applejack manage to get her out, but she likes it better when it’s you, Sunny!”

Sunset arched an eyebrow at that. “Me? Why me? I mean, yeah, I did help her turn back to normal, and yes I have helped her with the emotional trauma after the transformation, but still, why only me?”

Pinkie wiggled her eyebrows and shot the former bad girl a coy smile. “Why indeed?”

“Why do I get the feeling that you’re implying something that the old me would’ve picked you up and thrown you into the nearest garbage can for?”

The cotton candy haired girl bounced up next to Sunset and patted her on the head, much to the annoyance of Sunset. “Don’t you worry, one day you’ll understand, when you’re older.”

“Pinkie, I’m old enough to be yours and Maud’s big sister,” said Sunset with a deadpan expression.

“Oh look, it’s Twilight!”

Sunset turned around, her eyes wide and lips curled into a grin, but then noticed that there was no one there. With narrowed eyes Sunset turned on her heel and glared at Pinkie Pie, who was sporting a grin that could match the Cheshire Cat.




Twilight yawned loudly as she walked through the halls, escorted by Fluttershy, who had gone to check on their newest friend and found her slumped over her tray of breakfast stating, “I’m pancake”. As funny as it was, Fluttershy was a little concerned at how Twilight seemed to be getting less and less sleep. Everyone already knew she was a genius, her test scores and grades from Crystal Prep made that more than evident, so she really didn’t need to attend many classes, if none at all. Most of Twilight’s time at school was spent during her free periods, which she had a lot of, meeting up with the girls at lunch, or just plain dropping in on a class for the heck of it.

However, there was one part of the curriculum that Twilight wasn’t able to fully avoid, and that was PhysEd. Even though archery was required to be taken when she was at Crystal Prep, she wasn’t very good at it. Her performance at the Friendship Games was a testament to that. Still, she managed to skim by that, while her grades in the other areas more than made up for it.

Unfortunately, Crystal Prep and CHS differ in their PE classes a bit, so that meant Twilight had to attend PE classes whenever she was scheduled. In a way, she minded but not as much. When she took into account her physical performance at the Friendship Games, it made her realize how much she was neglecting her body in terms of physical condition. So, she bit the bullet and went to them, and they weren’t all bad. Occasionally the classes fell in line with either Rainbow Dash, Applejack, or Sunset’s PE classes.

Twilight suspected that it was less coincidence and more planning on the staff’s end. In any case she was grateful that at least she wasn’t going to be alone with total strangers during the classes, although the way everybody greeted her and talked to her, you’d think they were all friends from the start.


“Goodness, Twilight, will you be alright for PE? You’ve been yawning a lot, and you look really tired,” said Fluttershy with concern.

Twilight lightly chuckled and waved off Fluttershy’s concerns. “It’s fine, I’m fine, don’t worry. While, yes, I have been working rather extensively on a project that’s been on my mind every night for the past five weeks! It’s nothing to worry about, I assure you, I’m completely A-OK.”

Fluttershy eyed Twilight, seeing the stray hairs that stuck out of her bun, and she couldn’t help but notice the slight twitch from the bespectacled girl’s left eye.

“Okay…I still think you shouldn’t though…but be careful, fatigue combined with strenuous physical activity could make you sick, or you could hurt yourself,” Fluttershy cautioned.

Twilight smiled as she said, “No worries.”

With that, Twilight walked off down the hall towards the girl’s locker room. When Twilight was out of sight, Fluttershy quickly pulled out her cellphone and typed a quick text message to Sunset Shimmer.

[Twilight’s tired, tried to talk her out of PE, but wouldn’t listen.

She won’t admit she’s tired, so keep an eye on her – if it’s not too much trouble, that is.

OH! And please don’t tell her I told you!]


Sunset had finished changing into her workout clothes when she received the text from Fluttershy, she gave a light chuckle at the end of Fluttershy’s message but understood. The flame haired girl released an exasperated sigh, she knew Twilight was pushing herself with whatever strange project she was up to, and she didn’t like it.

“Hey, Shimmer, you coming?” One of the other students asked.

“I’ll catch up in a bit,” Sunset responded.

It was practically empty in the locker room when Twilight finally entered, and like Sunset thought, she was looking around to see if anyone else was in so she wouldn’t have to change in front of anyone. Sunset chuckled at yet another adorkably nerdy trait of hers.

Twilight’s tired eyes eventually fell on Sunset, who was staring at her with a critical eye. For some reason this made Twilight feel warmer. The nerdy girl cleared her throat and put on a smile for her friend.

“Hey Sunset, did you arrive late? You’re usually already out before me,” said Twilight.

“Sit down, Twilight, we need to talk,” said Sunset in a calm tone of voice.

Twilight gulped, thinking she may’ve done something to annoy Sunset, her pulse quickened, and her brow beaded with sweat. She didn’t want to lose a friend so soon after gaining so many, and especially not Sunset, the girl who saved her. With trepidation, Twilight sat in the empty spot next to Sunset on the bench.


“I’m sorry!” Twilight interrupted. “I don’t know what I did to alienate you, Sunset! But whatever is I’m really sorry and I won’t do it again! Please I’ll do anything! I’ll–!”

Sunset quickly pressed her hand over Twilight’s mouth, silencing the frantic girl. “Whoa, whoa, who said I was mad at you? I’m not angry or anything like that!”

Twilight’s eyes widened; Sunset carefully removed her hand so that she could speak. “Y-You’re not?”

“No, I’m not.”

Twilight let out a relieved sigh as her features relaxed. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I jumped to conclusions like that…I’m usually not that jumpy…”

“Hmm, could it have something to do with you working too hard on a certain project? Not enough sleep can mess with a person’s nerves, make them a little paranoid and not think straight,” said Sunset.

The bespectacled girl stared down at her knees while playing with the hem of her skirt, like a child being caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Sunset put her hand on Twilight’s shoulder, giving her gentle reassurance that she wasn’t angry.

“I understand that drive, Twilight. Wanting to figure out a puzzle and decipher it as quickly as possible, or being consumed with curiosity on an interesting topic, even more so when it’s got you stumped.”

Twilight’s eyes shifted slightly to Sunset, there was a look in them that said she wanted to tell the fiery redhead, but she wasn’t sure if she should. Sunset recognized that apprehensiveness, it was the same as her own.

“You wanna know something?”


“When Princess Twilight came back here for the second time, we were in the middle of dealing with a group of creatures called the Sirens. They pretty much had the whole school on edge and wrapped around their little fingers with dark magic, and the only way to stop them was with a counter spell through the use of music.”

Twilight turned her head towards Sunset, showing her intrigue in this story.

“The others looked to the Princess for the solution, and although I saw things that were becoming a problem for the group that might turn against us, I kept my mouth shut, because I didn’t believe I had a right to say anything. If I had, I would’ve learned that Princess Twilight was having trouble with the spell, and I could’ve helped the others resolve their bickering.”

Sunset sighed as she recalled the memory of her talk with Princess Twilight in the kitchen. “In the end, even the Princess of Friendship learned that she needed to rely on her friends, and voice her concerns when help is needed most, that you can’t do it all alone. So, whatever’s got you obsessed or keeping you from getting a good rest, tell me.”

Twilight released a reluctant sigh, she really didn’t want to burden her new friends with her problems, especially Sunset, who had done so much for her since transferring to the school and helping her to deal with her terrifying transformation. It didn’t seem fair, and yet, whenever she looked into Sunset’s eyes, Twilight felt a sense of security that was different from what she felt around her family, but it wasn’t as if she disliked it.

“I guess…I…I haven’t been sleeping well, lately…”

“Go on,” said Sunset.

“There are times when I have these dreams. Sometimes in a vast white space, surrounded by endless bookshelves, with an infinite number of books to choose from!”

Okay Twi, don’t have an orgasm, thought Sunset.

“Other times…I hear a voice, compelling me to build something…something important. What it is and what it will do? I have no idea, but this voice keeps compelling me to do it…and to be honest, it’s kind of scary how I just…know how to do it,” said Twilight.

Sunset had a worried expression on her face as she heard this, fearing the overcharge of magic that flooded Twilight’s body had somehow had more detrimental effects than just scaring the living crap out of her.

“If you want, I could talk to Princess Twilight, maybe between the three of us we can figure out what’s going on?” Sunset asked.

“I don’t really want to bother her, I mean, she’s royalty, a key figure in her world’s government! I can’t bother her with little problems like this!”

Sunset scoffed at the notion. “Please, just last week I got a message from her about how bored she was! She may be a Princess, but she’ll be the first to tell you that she’ll always make time for ponies – or people in this case – who need her help.”

Twilight still seemed apprehensive, making Sunset believe there was more to this than what Twilight was letting on.

“You’re still a little weirded out about Princess Twilight, aren’t you?”

Shamefully, Twilight nodded. “It’s just…how do you cope with the fact that there’s another you in another universe? Another you who is practically all powerful, an important political figure, and is considered a national hero?! When I’m…I’m just…”

Sunset placed her hand over Twilight’s, giving it a light squeeze. “You’re you, and Princess Twilight is Princess Twilight, don’t compare yourself to her. And don’t’ forget, she’s a lot older than you are, so she’s done a lot more.”

“Thanks Sunset…and I guess we can ask her later,” said Twilight.

“Good, now strip and get dressed, don’t want the Coach chewing us out for being late.”


Despite being a little fatigued, Twilight managed to keep up, marginally. Sunset stayed by her side the whole time though, fearing the introverted girl might accidentally trip on her own feet, or pass out from exhaustion.

Thankfully they were taking a break, and Twilight had taken to lying on the field sprawled out, sweaty, and gasping for air. Sunset sat next to her, taking a small swig from her water bottle before passing it to a still gasping Twilight. Without really thinking about it, Twilight desperately grabbed the bottle of life sustaining liquid and practically chugged it, much to Sunset’ surprise.

Twilight ceased before she could drown and handed the water bottle back to Sunset. The flame haired girl shook her bottle, whistling at how much lighter it was.

“Damn, Twi, you almost downed the whole thing,” said Sunset with a chuckle.

“Sor…ry…! Needed…water…! H2O…!” Twilight responded between gasps.

“Really gotta work on your stamina.”

Twilight’s breath hitched as she saw Sunset take a drink from the same water bottle that she just had her lips on, only now realizing that Sunset had had her lips on it first.

An indirect kiss…that’s what they call it right?! I just had an indirect kiss with Sunset!

Twilight’s face was burning, and not from being overheated from the workout earlier. Although, she had to admit, seeing Sunset from this angle, her silhouette against the early morning sunlight, it made her look…


“Hmm? Did you say something, Twilight?” Sunset asked.

“NO!” Twilight blurted out. “Ahem, no, I mean…it’s nothing…”

Sunset grinned and rolled her eyes, chalking it up to another one of Twilight’s awkward moments.

What am I thinking?! Thinking of Sunset that way?! I don’t even like girls like that!…………Do I?

Twilight was still quite new to the ways of friendship, but to a degree she understood them, some were just plain common sense, while others were easier learned than told. Romance on the other hand, now that was an entirely different beast. Friendship was just that, friendship, a bond between one or more individuals that gave them a sense of comradery. Romance, in a way, was the next step for some. But the majority of what Twilight knew was that male and female friendships, especially those between two who have grown up with each other, were most often likely to end up as such.

She had only been around the six girls for little over a couple of months, and although they welcomed her with open arms, Twilight still felt unworthy, and undeserving of their friendship, feeling that she had done nothing to earn it.

And in that same light, she wasn’t even sure of her own feelings. What did she know about love? Especially this kind…heck, she didn’t even acknowledge such feelings whenever she was around other boys or girls. Though in retrospect, many of the boys and girls back at Crystal Prep were jackasses towards her, so any attraction was pretty much gone for most of them.

Suddenly, Twilight felt something thump against her forehead, snapping her back from her revere. Twilight adjusted her glasses and saw Sunset with an impish grin on her face.

“What was that for?!”

“You looked like you were thinking hard on something. Decided to snap you out of it before you grew roots,” said Sunset.

Twilight turned her gaze back to the sky. “It really wasn’t anything serious…I guess…”

“Remember what I said about confiding in your friends? Sometimes it can help talking it out, so spit it out Sparkplug, what’s on your mind?”

Twilight gulped, was it really a good idea to seek advice from the person who you’re having mixed feelings for?

“Well…it’s aaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!”

A sharp pain rang out through Twilight’s head, making the bespectacled girl grab at her head. All eyes turned to Twilight and Sunset, watching as the purple girl rolled on the ground in pain. Sunset quickly grabbed ahold of Twilight, trying to keep her steady as her head continued to feel as if it was going to split open.

The crowd grew, with the Coach skidding to a stop beside Sunset and Twilight. “What happened?!”

“I don’t know, Twilight just started screaming and holding her head,” said Sunset.

The Coach looked around and saw Lyra, he then pointed at her and shouted, “GO GET NURSE REDHEART, NOW!”

Lyra nodded and ran like the wind.

Sunset continued to hold onto Twilight, feeling helpless as her friend continued to wail in pain. Just then, Twilight opened her eyes, and Sunset saw a glow of emerald light within them. Sunset’s eyes widened at the sight, was this caused by the magic she had taken into her body?

“Does anybody else feel that?”

“Feel what, Trixie?!” Another student asked.

“It felt like the ground–”

The earth beneath them crashed with thunderous noise, rumbling throughout the whole area. The football and soccer goals were shaking and wobbling like rubber, the metal bleachers began to groan, and a few windows were being busted out.

“IT’S AN EARTHQUAKE!” Trixie shouted.

“That’s not possible!” The Coach yelled. “EVERYONE GET DOWN AND STAY TOGETHER!”

The group of students stayed at the center of the field, away from any debris that might fall, huddled together. They gritted their teeth and tried to hold onto whatever semblance of balance they had. All this while Twilight was still in pain. Sunset cursed inwardly that this was happening now of all times, although, the timing was too perfect.

Sunset looked back down to Twilight, feeling helpless that she couldn’t do anything to stop it. “S-Sun…set…!”

“I’m here, Twilight, just hold on, please!”


“What?! What’s coming?!”


Without warning, Twilight’s screaming, along with the quake, all went silent and still. It was unnerving, how quiet it was after such a thunderous roar and violent shaking. All the students and even the Coach poked their heads up, checking their surroundings to see if it had truly come to end. Unfortunately, there was more to come.

In the distance, a giant pillar of emerald light shot out from the ground and pierced the sky above. Its light was so strong that it could be viewed for miles around. From the pillar of light, something shot out, many somethings. They appeared as different colored streaks of light that flew out from the pillar in random directions.

One of those shooting star-like objects appeared to be angling dangerously close in their direction.

“That’s not heading towards us…is it?”

“No way, it just looks like it is.”

The streak of light, turquoise in color, suddenly made a sharp turn directly for the students’ position.


The other students quickly scattered, all trying to find cover under whatever remaining structure was still standing. Sunset wanted to run, but Twilight was still weak, actually, now that she looked, Twilight was out cold.

“Twilight?! Can you hear me?! Wake up!”

No response came.

The turquoise streak of light was getting closer and closer, bathing the area in its blue-green light. The Coach was making ready to carry Twilight away, but Sunset could tell that the light had power, and that running away now wouldn’t save them. Whether out of desperation or instinct, Sunset acted.

She stood firm before the light as it approached, she took one look behind her, at the unconscious form of Twilight, and reaffirmed her resolve. Whatever magic still exists within me and around me, please, give me the power to protect Twilight!

Sunset thrusted her right hand forward, concentrating, trying to connect to the magic within her. Suddenly, her body began to glow with a golden aura, her hair lengthened until it appeared as if she had a tail, and upon her head grew two pony ears.

When the streak of turquoise light got closer, Sunset released her pent-up magical might, releasing a burst wave that roared out in all directions. The field of energy passed over Twilight and the Coach, not even harming them, but when the field struck the light, they collided in a powerful BOOM. Sunset grunted as she tried to push back against the streak of light, which was somehow very persistent at wanting to strike their particular location.

“I won’t let you through!” Sunset declared as her aquamarine eyes glowed with power.

The streak of light blinked several times and then, the shield shattered. Sunset’s heart sank with fear, she had failed to protect her friend, and now all three of them were going to die.

Without warning, the streak of light formed into an orb and zipped around until it landed in Sunset’s outstretched right hand. Sunset felt something solid within the light and grabbed ahold of it, and in that next moment, the sphere of light dispersed into particles of turquoise light.

Sunset panted, both from nearly avoiding death and the stress of calling her magical powers for such a task. The flame haired girl brought her right hand close to her chest and slowly opened it. Within the palm of her hand was an item that looked akin to a USB memory drive. The USB was colored a rich blue green, with the image of, from what she could discern, was a unicorn silhouetted in the shape of a “U”.

In the center, upper left-hand corner was the word “unicorn”, Sunset eyed the strange device with both curiosity and worry, the correlation between this object and her true form were much too coincidental.

Sunset looked back up at the pillar of emerald light, which was now growing smaller and smaller until it was nothing more than particles of green light that disappeared into the ether.

“What the hell is going on now…?”


At the heart of Canterlot City, despite the various forms of damage to the city from the unprecedented earthquake, one building stood out among the others, practically unscathed by the phenomenon. Its tall structure was branded with the company logo “PhoenEXE Corp.”

This company was an up-and-comer, already rivaling almost all forms of business. Fashion, computers, pharmaceuticals, and even science and historical research. At the top of this towering skyscraper was a young woman, her hair a light purple with a sky-blue streak through it and tied into a ponytail. Her skin was a lovely shade of pale lavender, and her eyes were a deep violet, calculating and certain.

Behind her was a nameplate which read “Starlight Glimmer” and resting on that same desk was a USB drive object, at the center was an “L” and beside the space were two bars that formed an equal sign. Starlight turned around, facing the three members of her inner circle who were currently examining their own USBs.

A young woman, possibly the same age as Starlight, with fluffy, curly, dark raspberry colored hair, and strawberry colored skin, looked upon the red USB with a stylized “H” depicted in flames. She wore a nameplate on her lapel which read “Sugar Belle”.

Next was a young man, also with curly hair, and a cobalt blue complexion. His USB was colored yellow, its symbol a letter “L” stylized in the form of a crescent moon. Upon his lapel was the nameplate that read “Party Favor”.

The third was another young man, skin and hair as white as snow, but with piercing blue eyes. In his hand was an ice blue USB, the symbol was the letter “I”, but had icicles hanging off its ends. The nameplate for this young man read “Double Diamond”.

Finally, the fourth member of their group, lounging with her feet on the armrest of the chair she was sitting in. Her hair was a silvery-white, with skin as blue as the night sky. Her USB, crimson in color, had a “B” at its center, but the top portion of the letter looked like a bird’s beak. Her nameplate read “Night Glider”.

“Looks as if you four have obtained your Memories, did I not say that they’d find their way to you?” Starlight spoke.

“Yep, just as you said Lady Glimmer,” said Sugar Belle excitedly.

“Kinda lame how they just appeared to us, I was kind of looking forward to a scavenger hunt,” said Night Glider.

“Be glad that they did, otherwise some other people might’ve gotten their hands on them, people who are…less than stable minded,” Double Diamond remarked.

Starlight nodded. “Now that the Earth has awakened, we must proceed with the refinement of the Gaia Memories. The visions I have been granted have shown me the way.”

“But, Ms. Glimmer, do we really need to use…ugh…low life criminals to refine the Gaia Memories? They’ll run amok in the city,” said Party favor with concern.

“Well then…we’ll just have weed them out when they get too rowdy, no loss if it’s just criminals, right?” Starlight asked.

“Hmm, now that does sound like fun,” said Night Glider, pressing the button on her USB.

< BIRD! >

“I don’t normally like violence, but…” Sugar Belle’s eyes narrowed as a wicked grin appeared on her lips, “If it’s some scumbag, I don’t mind a little flambé.”

< HEAT! >

“And as per usual, I will put out those flames,” said Double Diamond.


“I still don’t like it, but since we’ll have the more powerful Memories, I think we can manage,” said Party Favor.

< LUNA! >

Starlight took hold of her Gaia Memory, and glanced back at the cityscape before her. “And soon, my dream of true harmony will be brought to fruition.”

< EQUAL! >

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