• Published 23rd Jul 2017
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Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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Y: Yearning / To Save a Life

A strange glow began to emit from the top of the PhoenEXE Corp. building, no doubt Starlight’s plan was going to begin soon. Down below, an army of Dopants guarded the block, denying entry to any who dared get too close, and with the giant bird-dragon running aerial recon, it was nearly impossible to come at them from the sky. The police force had given up on trying to penetrate their defenses and instead focused their efforts and trying to keep the citizens safe and finding a way to crack the dome. Everyone was hoping for a miracle, everyone was hoping that their heroes would appear, everyone.

Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Shotaro, Philip, and Terui all stood in the middle of the empty streets. But they weren’t alone, behind them were Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy, Celestia and Luna, Gilda, Namby, Bow Hothoof, and Windy Whistles. The entire area had been evacuated, so there was no one to see them transform, which also meant they could fight at full strength without holding back and worrying about collateral damage.

“I looked over Sparkle-san’s designs, your drivers were made to be used specifically for the T2 Memories, however, the T1 should still allow you to transform and use the same powers, but since the T2s have a higher power output, your Drivers may overload the T1s and they could shatter. It’s a risk, but knowing that, are you willing to go on?” Philip asked.

Sunset and Rainbow nodded to Philip, a fire of determination burning in their eyes.

“Don’t forget, you won’t be as powerful as you normally are, probably half as strong, so watch each other’s backs,” said Terui.

“Roger that,” said Rainbow.

Bow and Windy came up and hugged their daughter tight, they didn’t want to think that this may be the last time they see her, but they believed – no – they knew that their daughter would come back safe and sound, because that’s how awesome they knew she was.

Celestia and Luna hugged Sunset tight, to the point that the young woman believed that they might accidentally snap her spine in two. But she understood, they cared for her, and although this Celestia wasn’t the mother she knew back home, she had come to look at her as a second mother, and Luna, she’d consider her a teasing older sister.

Sunset and Rainbow gave their friends one last hug, and Rainbow gave her girlfriend a nice, long, kiss. Much to the awkwardness of everyone standing there.

“Time for the greatest battle of Unicorn and Nasca’s careers, and I have the honor of writing all about it, now go out so I can write a happy ending,” said Namby as she held out her hand.

Sunset shook it and said, “Don’t worry, we won’t make a liar out of you.”

“Time to go to work,” said Shotaro.

Shotaro and Philip summoned their Double Driver, Sunset and Rainbow summoned their Uni-Driver and N-Driver, and Terui summoned the Accel Driver. All five Riders took up their individual Gaia Memories and pressed the buttons.


< JOKER! >


< NASCA! >

< ACCEL! >




> NASCA! <

{< ACCEL! >}

Philip suddenly collapsed, prompting Bow to quickly catch the young man before he hit the concrete. At the same time, Shotaro was enveloped in a dual field of green and purple energy, along with a spiraling wind, needless to say it was not the best time those of the group who decided to wear skirts. Sunset was surrounded in turquoise energy, Rainbow in blue, and Terui is blazing red energy. The energy fields collapsed, all four were now in their alter egos, Kamen Rider Double, Unicorn, Nasca, and Accel. As if on que, the Riders’ motorcycles appeared from around the corner and rode up beside each of their respective Riders.

Suddenly, a bird shaped object came swooping in and hovered over Philips body. The device emitted a green light that transformed Philip’s body into particles, particles which were drawn into the device before it flew away. Double turned around and the right side said, “Don’t worry, that just keeps my body safe in a kind of extradimensional storage.”

Everyone nodded, not really sure what to say to the fact that Philip’s voice was coming out of the dual colored Rider and a the fact that a flying metal bird came and digitized his body.

“Wait, so you guys always become one person when you transform?!” Nasca asked.

That’s the power of our bond, said Shotaro.

Unicorn and Nasca looked to each other for a moment, the workings of an idea possibly forming. But with that answer, all four Riders revved their engines and took off down the street. In the empty downtown district, the engines of the four Riders echoed far and wide, they weren’t planning on any kind of sneak attack, no, they were going to take the fight right straight to the Dopants. They looked up and saw that the Quetzalcoatius had perched itself on the neighboring building of PhoenEXE Corp. and gave a loud caw like an alarm.

“Well, they know we’re coming!” Nasca stated.

“Then let’s not disappoint them!” Unicorn replied.

Remember to be careful with your other Memory, we don’t know if the T1 can handle the power of your Final Form, only use it if it’s an emergency, Double warned.

“We’ll tear right through as many Dopants as we can, Unicorn and Nasca, this is your fight, so we’ll make sure you two get inside,” said Accel.

The two youngest Riders gave a thumbs up to the plan. It wasn’t an overly good plan, but it was the best they got. The building was fast approaching, and in their way was a large assortment of Dopants, one of which was the T-Rex Dopant who roared mightily as it charged straight for them.

The Riders revved their engines once again, going full throttle as the debris dino swung at them with its tail. The Riders diverged and drove on the sidewalks before going back on the street. The T-Rex Dopant roared again and chased after them, stomping down the street. Up above, the Quetzalcoatius Dopant spread its wings and came flying down right at them. The giant bird-dragon opened its maw and fired a huge fireball, the roaring sphere of flames shattered the glass from the buildings around it from the sheer heat it generated as it approached.

BRAKE! Double shouted.

All four Riders came to a screeching halt as the T-Rex Dopant came barreling past them and tried to do a quick turn to face its opponents, however, it was not fast enough to dodge the fireball, which immediately struck it, causing a huge explosion and consequently incinerated the T-Rex Dopant. The Quetzalcoatius Dopant hovered in midair, waiting to see what the Riders would do.

Nasca and Accel burst forth from the flames, the younger Rider was flying on her electric-fire wings, while the veteran drove on the side of the building in his bike form. Accel jumped off the building, spinning in the air as he got closer to the large bird monster. Once he was close, he returned to a humanoid form and drew his Engine Blade, at the same time, Nasca summoned her sword, and the two of them stabbed into the back of the Quetzalcoatius Dopant. Nasca flew straight, while Accel sped forward, both of them dragging their blades along the Dopant’s back until they jumped off.

The flying Rider dove down and caught Accel, slowing his momentum. Once he was at a good rate of speed, she released him, and in the fall, Accel transformed back into bike form and continued onward.


Double switched into his LunaTrigger form, he took his blaster in hand and began firing shot after shot into the now falling Quetzalcoatius Dopant. At the same time, Unicorn was launching mana bolts alongside Double, pelting the bird-dragon as several explosions went off before it finally fell to the ground, and plowed into a building.

The Riders continued forward until they finally came to a wall of Dopants coming their way. Unicorn and Double stood atop their bikes and jumped straight up, Accel returned to humanoid form and jumped up as well, brandishing his Engine Blade. All four Riders landed in the thick of the Dopant horde, Unicorn harnessed her energy and released a mana wave that pushed several of the Dopant’s away, granting them some breathing room.

Sun-chan, use this, said Double as he tossed her a Gaia Memory.

Unicorn grabbed the device in midair and smiled when she saw it was the T1 Joker Memory.

< JOKER! >


Unicorn’s armor shifted, transforming her into Unicorn Ace High. With the added booster effect of Joker, Sunset was able to feel a bit close to the power she had with the T2.

On that note, time for more close quarters combat.

< HEAT! >

< METAL! >

{< HEAT! METAL! >}

Double’s armor changed, the right half was red, and the left half was silver, this was Double HeatMetal form. The two in one Rider took hold of his Metal Shaft weapon, both ends extended outwards as he twirled it around and got into a fighting stance. All four Riders glanced to each other and broke off to battle their opponents

Unicorn took on the Magma Dopant, who was lobbing molten fireballs at her, one after the other. The magic Rider back flipped several times, avoiding the burning spheres as they came her way, but in her path of retreat, the Smilodon Dopant waited with electrically charged fur. Unicorn performed one more backflip and jumped over the Dopant, the Magma Dopant lobbed another fireball, only for the sphere to strike the unsuspecting feline, causing sparks to fly from its chest.

The superheroine landed gracefully on the asphalt, and then dashed forward into a dropkick, sending the Dopant flying until it collided with the Magma Dopant. The built-up electrical energy discharged upon contact, electrocuting the Magma Dopant as sparks flew from both of their bodies. A mini explosion ignited and separated the two, but not before a lot of damage was sustained. Without missing a beat, Unicorn struck her left hip port once.


Unicorn’s right forearm glowed bright purple as she engaged the still dazed Smilodon Dopant. Once she was close, Unicorn slashed at it once.

\ 1! /

The second slash came from the left, creating an “X “made of purple light.

\ 2! /

For the last attack, Unicorn balled up her fist, and struck the center of the X, sending a concentrated energy burst straight through the creature.

\ 3! /

Unicorn withdrew her fist and upon doing so, the Smilodon Dopant exploded in a haze of purple smoke. From the smoke, the Commando who used the Gaia Memory fell onto the ground and disappeared as the Smilodon Memory shattered.


The former Equestrian quickly took out the Joker Memory and placed it into the right hip port and pressed the button on it.


“Jokers Wild!”

Unicorn jumped into the air, creating four clones of herself that mimicked her movements. Their left feet blazed with purple energy as they each delivered a spinning Rider Kick straight across the Magma Dopant’s chest, leaving large purple gashes in their wake as they landed and reformed into one Rider. The Magma Dopant exploded, causing the Magma Memory to jettison and the Commando to disappear.

Double was already busy fighting the Injury Dopant, using the Metal Shaft to keep the Dopant from getting anywhere close enough to touch him. His strikes were heavy and strong, causing sparks to fly from each blow he landed against it. The Jewel Dopant came up behind Double, its right arm had transformed into diamond blade and prepared to strike, but Double spun the Metal Shaft around and blocked the sneak attack. Double balled up his right hand, making plasmatic flames surround his right fist.

The two-in-one Rider struck the Jewel Dopant in the chest, creating a mini explosion to go off, making Jewel back off a bit. That bit of width was just enough for Double to thrust the Metal Shaft forward and strike the same spot where he hit, causing the diamond armor to crack.

“Let’s turn up the heat, Shotaro!”

Got it!

Double removed the Metal Memory from the Driver and placed it into his right hip port and pressed down on the button.


Both ends of the Metal Shaft caught fire, blazing with intense heat and power. Injury and Jewel weren’t deterred and charged toward Double without fear, their mistake.

Metal Branding!

Double swung once to his right, striking the Injury Dopant with a blazing blow, the Jewel Dopant was next, as Double spun his weapon around and thrust forward, sending a burst of fiery energy straight through Jewel at the same point where he struck originally. When he withdrew, both Dopants exploded at the same. But Double’s work was not done as he was suddenly fired upon by multiple attacks at once, he twirled the Metal Shaft around to deflect the attacks, at the same time, he was able to see who was attacking him.

Anomalocaris, ClayDoll, and Arms were currently barraging the hero from a distance, but Double was nowhere close to a disadvantage. Double struck the ground with Metal Shaft, sending a plume of dust and debris into the air that obscured him completely. The three Dopants stopped their attack, not sure where their opponent had gone.

< LUNA! >



A flash of yellow and blue was all the warning the three Dopants got as Double burst forth from the dust and fired on them with the Trigger Magnum. Beams of blue and yellow flew out of the weapon and pelted the three Dopants repeatedly again and again. Double rolled along the ground and got into a kneeling position, then took out the Trigger Memory from the Driver and placed it into the right hip port.


Blue and yellow energy gathered at the open barrel of the Trigger Magnum, more and more power gathered, creating a sphere of swirling blue and yellow light.

Trigger Full Burst!

Double pulled the trigger and immediately the sphere broke apart and released several beams of blue and yellow. The two dozen or so shots all weaved and curved through the air, bending and rotating as they made their way to their targets. Anomalocaris, ClayDoll, and Arms had no way to defend themselves as they were struck with beams from every possible direction at once, creating a big explosion that disintegrated all three Dopants and shattered their Memories.

Meanwhile, Nasca was on the business end of three familiar Dopants, Taboo, Spider, and Bat. “Huh, déjà vu, but the only good thing about all this, is that I don’t have to hold back!”

Spider shot out its webbing to capture Nasca, but the blue-sky Rider shot up into the air and dodged the first attack. The second came from Taboo as she too went airborne and began launching power spheres at the aerial Rider. Nasca used her sword to deflect the attacks, one after the other as she sped towards Taboo to strike it down, but Bat blindsided her and body slammed into the heroine, throwing her into a tail spin.

Nasca flared her wings out and stopped her momentum before she could crash into the side of a building. With a cocky grin, Nasca dismissed her sword and flew high into the air, with the Bat Dopant in pursuit. Up above Nasca was the silhouette of a bird, a bird that was quickly approaching her.


The mech-animal gave a screech as it transformed into a bow. Nasca reached out and grabbed the bow, took out her Nasca Memory, and inserted it into the weapon.


A bowstring made of blue light appeared, and as she drew back on the light, the mouth of Hawk glowed brighter and brighter as it gathered energy.

“Blue Sky Piercer!”

Nasca released the bow string as a blue, sparkling arrow construct flew from Hawk’s mouth and struck the Dopant right in the chest. A blue explosion erupted in the air as the Bat Dopant was completely annihilated. Nasca released Hawk after it ejected the Nasca Memory and let it return to its animal mode as she headed back down the ground, before she hit the ground, Nasca quickly switched her N-Driver around to the orange side.



The mech-animal `Dillo rolled down the street at a rapid speed as it met Nasca, the high-flying heroine hit the ground in the classic “superhero landing” pose. She then petted the little armadillo machine and said, “Let’s do this, boy!”

`Dillo shook its head and entered ball mode. Nasca took out the Nasca Memory and inserted it into `Dillo’s Max Drive port.


The mech-animal glowed bright vermillion as Nasca flared her wings. Both of them shot forth straight for the Spider Dopant, encircling the monster and creating a ring of vermillion light around him. Suddenly, Spider was struck from the back, and then from the front, and then the side, head, arm, leg, another leg. A sphere of vermillion light was assaulting the Dopant from every angle. In reality, Nasca was kicking `Dillo, and when he bounced off the Dopant, she reappeared at another spot and kicked it again.


The attack continued for three more seconds before the Dopant exploded. The speed-demon Rider stopped and so did `Dillo as he ejected the Gaia Memory back to Nasca.

“And then there was one! R0V3R!”

The sounds of a dog barking echoed through the empty district as the third mech-animal entered the battle.

“Sword and shield mode!”

The robot canine began to separate its body, transforming into a sword and shield. Taboo fired off more power spheres in an attempt to overpower Nasca, but Nasca raised up the shield, which created a light screen barrier that allowed the spheres to explode harmlessly against. Nasca, once again, removed her Nasca Memory and inserted it into the sword portion of R0V3R.



The blade of R0V3R blazed with vermillion and blue plasma as she dashed through the air. Taboo kept on firing, but to Nasca they might as well be moving as slow as a sloth. In a matter of seconds, Nasca appeared before the Taboo Dopant and slashed it twice, once vertically from the left, and the second hit was from the right. Nasca reappeared behind the Dopant, leaving behind a blue and vermillion colored slash mark in the form of an “X”. The result was a third explosion, and the end of another Dopant.

On the ground, Accel was dealing with another batch of Dopants. Money, Beast, Dog, and Lightning surrounded Accel, but the red Rider was not fazed by these numbers as he took up his Engine Blade and inserted the Engine Memory.

{< ENGINE! >}

The Lightning Dopant attacked, firing a lightning bolt straight for him. Accel quickly pulled the trigger of his sword, activating one of the three elemental modes of his weapon.


The sword’s blade sparked with raging electricity just as the Dopant’s lightning bolt drew close. Accel swiped the air with his sword, catching the lightning as it mixed with the electricity of his own sword, and released it back at the Dopant on the back swing. The bolt sailed back at the Lightning Dopant with twice the power as the first shot, hitting it square in the chest and causing sparks to fly from its body as it hit the ground.

Accel pulled the trigger once again, switching to another element.

}E{ JET! }E{

Beast and Dog came running towards him, fangs and claws bared to tear him apart. The Engine Blade ignited as the blade caught fire, Accel attacked the Beast Dopant first, slashing it across the Dopant’s chest three times before turning on a dime and delivering an upwards slash to the Dog Dopant, forcing the canine monster back as it tried to lick its wounds.

The Money Dopant began firing gold coins at a rapid-fire pace, but Accel pulled the trigger a third time and pointed the tip of the blade right at Money.

}E{ STEAM! }E{

An intense jet of steam blasted from the blade, hitting against the coins and deflecting them as they continued. Accel thrust his sword forward, causing the steam to bellow and roar towards the Money Dopant, when it hit, sparks flew from all over its body, putting him in a daze.

“All of you, your goal is despair.”


Accel’s sword glowed with bright red light, and in the next second, he took off, the sound of squealing tires resounded as he suddenly moved at a high rate of speed. The red Rider struck Beast, leaving behind a large red slash hanging in the air, he then turned right around and slashed at Dog from behind, and in his final turn, he pierced through Lightning. The entire attack had formed a glowing red “A” between all three Dopants before they exploded.

Accel ejected the Engine Memory and re-inserted it and pulled the trigger once more and twisted on the handlebar of his Driver.


The red Rider slashed the air three times, creating a glowing red “A”. Accel thrusted his sword forward, striking the glowing “A”, propelling it towards the Money Dopant. The portly looking creature didn’t have time to counter or dodge as the attack hit its mark, causing another explosion to ring out on the battlefield. All four Riders gathered together, now facing off against the two remaining Dopants, Terror and Utopia.

Time for a different approach.

< METAL! >

{< LUNA! METAL! >}

The left side of Double’s body changed to a sliver color, now they were Double LunaMetal. Double and Unicorn engaged Terror, both Riders attacking the monster from different angles. Terror summoned its own monster servant from its headdress, making this fight two-on-two. Double took out the Metal Shaft and began striking at the flying monster.

The staff extended as if it was made of rubber and struck the side of the creature with the force of a steel girder. The monster recoiled from the initial strike but recovered and snapped its jaws at him. However, Double was the quicker, rolling to the side of the creature as he thrust the shaft forward, the rubber-like metal acted as a lasso and wrapped around the monster’s midsection, allowing Double to dig his heels into the ground and toss it straight into another building.

Unicorn was busy dodging Terror’s fear inducing ooze as it surrounded him, keeping Unicorn from getting too close. She tried firing mana blasts at Terror, but the ooze was proving to be just as effective at defense as well as offense. The magical hero’s horn glowed, and immediately, she vanished. Terror looked around, utterly confused as to where its opponent went. Terror didn’t have to wait long as Unicorn reappeared behind it and gave the Dopant magically infused kick to its back before teleporting again. Terror turned to attack, but she was no longer there, instead she appeared on his right as she flew at it with a magic infused punch across the face.

On the other side, Nasca and Accel were in a high-speed battle with Utopia, the sound of blades clashing rang in the air was Utopia blocked the two Riders’ blades with its claw gauntlets. Utopia flared its wings and pushed them back as it took to the air, however, Nasca also flew up and began their duel again, Nasca’s speed proved be a bit more than Utopia could handle, forcing the Dopant to retreat to the ground.

But, the onslaught wasn’t over, when Utopia touched down, it was set upon by Accel as he came down with one heavy sword blow after the other, causing the ground to shake slightly from each blocked attack. Nasca swooped in from behind and slashed at the Dopant’s back, causing sparks to shoot out. Utopia flinched, giving Accel the opening he needed to swipe both claws away and strike at the Dopant’s chest, sending it flying away as it rolled across the ground.

Double used the Metal Shaft to ascend to where the monster was, and gave it a swift strike to the face, making it fly right towards its creator. At the same time, Unicorn performed an aerial roundhouse that also sent the Terror Dopant flying at its creation. The two struck in midair, making the conjured creature return to the Dopant’s headdress as he fell to the ground next to Utopia. Unfortunately, the Quetzalcoatius Dopant broke out from the building it was sent into and was now heading their way.

“We’re going to need our Memory back, Sun-chan,” said Philip.

Unicorn nodded and disengaged her Ace High form as she tossed the Joker Memory back to Double. The two-in-one Rider replaced the Metal Memory with the Joker Memory, and at the same time, replaced the Luna Memory with the Cyclone Memory.


< JOKER! >


Double’s form completely changed back to the original CylconeJoker combo, as all four Riders looked to each other and nodded in understanding. Three of the Riders took up their Gaia Memories and placed them into their right hip ports, while Accel twisted the handlebar of his Accel Driver once more.





A green ethereal wind swirled around Double, Unicorn was enveloped in a sparkling, turquoise aura. Nasca’s wings flared as blue energy wrapped around her, and Accel’s body was set ablaze with angry orange flames. All four Riders jumped into the air at the same, each one picking a target. Double’s two halves separated, the left sided slanted downwards as its foot was wrapped in purple energy, and the green half propelled them with its control of the wind, aiming for the Terror Dopant as Double struck the Dopant in the chest.

A spiral cone formed over Unicorn’s right foot, at the same time, Nasca’s body began to shimmer with a rainbow aura as both of them aimed directly for the Quetzalcoatius Dopant. Both Riders flew straight at the bird as it shot off one fireball after the other, but Unicorn and Nasca pierced right through them as they got closer. Accel jumped into the air and spun a few times before striking the Utopia Dopant with a spinning heel kick, leaving a red, glowing skid mark across the Dopant’s body.

All three Dopant’s exploded at the same time, creating a powerful, concussive sound that resonated throughout the block, shaking the windows and what cars that still remained nearby. Once Unicorn and Nasca landed they rejoined their seniors, all four Riders took this time to look around the battlefield, making sure that they had cleared the board of their first line of defense.

Nasca fist pumped into the air as she said, “We are so AWESOME!”

“Don’t get too excited, Rookie. That was just the warm up,” said Accel.

Unicorn looked up the building and narrowed her gaze at the top. “The real fight’s about to begin.”

Then let’s not keep them waiting, said Shotaro.

“We have a princess in a dark tower to save,” said Philip.

Unicorn blushed and fidgeted at the comparison, and Nasca noticed as she gave a good-natured punch to Unicorn’s shoulder. The four heroes ran towards the entrance of PhoenEXE Corp., but before they got in, Nasca stopped, she looked down at her Driver and saw that the Nasca Memory was giving off electric sparks.

“Rainbow, you okay?” Unicorn asked.

“Y-Yeah, just fine, c’mon we gotta keep moving!”


(3 minutes ago)

Starlight was still making adjustments to her machine, she had to make sure everything was perfect, there could be no mistakes, she was not about to lose another friend because of a careless miscalculation or faulty part. As much as Twilight may be mad at her, as well as Sunset, Starlight was not going endanger her and see another life taken before her eyes like that.

Twilight had long ago stopped struggling, mostly because the restraints were starting to dig into her skin, and partially because even if she did manage to do so, there was still an army of Dopants waiting for her downstairs. But the thing that really made her stay, was the fact that just a few feet away was Shining Armor, still in his Kamen Rider form, the eyes of helmet had turned gray, a stark contrast from their original color.

This whole time, he hadn’t said a word to her, he just stood there like a robot sentry. Twilight glanced over her shoulder towards Starlight and said, “I figured you had a something in Shining Armor’s Driver that would bring him under your control, I just didn’t want to believe it. On that note, what’s your plan to get his Gaia Memory? The moment he changes back you won’t be able to control him, and last I checked, he’s armed.”

Starlight nodded. “I do have a contingency for that as well. I can use the same device to create an electric shock that’s just strong enough to knock him out, which will give me plenty of time to take his Gaia Memory from the Driver. I’m surprised you’re taking the fact that your brother is under my control so well.”

Twilight looked back at her brother with lament. “It’s not as if I didn’t think you would’ve done something like that, I suspected it ever since you gave him that Driver. I’m just sorry I didn’t get to finish my own device to take back control.”

“Don’t worry, soon he’ll be back to normal, well, better than normal. Everyone will be,” said Starlight as she continued her work.

Suddenly, a loud explosion went off down below, Twilight and Starlight looked in the direction that the noise came from, and both already knew who it was who had come to attack them. Not a few seconds after the explosions went off did one of Starlight’s subordinates came bursting through the door, Night Glider if she wasn’t mistaken.

“Starlight, we got a problem!”

Starlight turned to her asked, “What?”

“Unicorn and Nasca, they’re back!” Night Glider stated.

Twilight and Starlight’s eyes went wide with shock. Starlight turned her attention back to the halo device and took out the Unicorn and Nasca Memories, checking them over to verify that they were not fakes. After looking them over, she was sure, no she was positive that they were the real ones, otherwise the machine wouldn’t be reacting as strongly if they were fakes.

“How is that possible?! Their Memories are right here,” said Starlight.

“That’s…not all. The other two Riders that Party Favor talked about, they’re using Gaia Memories too, and from what I was watching down there, some of them are the same as the T2s!”

Starlight looked back at her device, her mind putting the pieces together, but it was Twilight who gave them a voice.

“Then that means that these two Riders are from a world that also uses Gaia Memories.” Twilight turned to Starlight. “And that means they must’ve brought copies of the Gaia Memories Sunset and Rainbow use to transform with.”

Starlight took a calm breath as she walked towards Night Glider. “Get the designated floors ready, four Riders, and two of them or more than likely veteran warriors, the army may slow them down, but it won’t defeat them. I need four to try and stop them.”

“Got it, and don’t worry, I won’t kill those two, but I’m not going to go easy on them either,” said Night Glider as she headed downstairs.

Starlight sighed heavily and went back to the device.

“Please give up now, Starlight. You’ve seen first hand how powerful Riders from another universe are, and with Sunset and Rainbow having access to their powers again, you’re not only outnumbered, but overpowered,” said Twilight. “And not mention, you still require your subordinates’ Gaia Memories, if they’re defeated downstairs, you won’t be able to recover their Gaia Memories to complete your device.”

Starlight stopped next to Twilight and patted her on the shoulder before saying, “Oh, Twilight, you really ought to not underestimate me like that.”


The four Riders were currently in the lobby of the building, keeping an eye out for any sneak attacks that may come their way as they progressed further in. They soon faced their first challenge in the form of how they were going to reach the top of the building, stairs or elevator.

“We could take the stairs,” said Unicorn.

“But then that’d take too long,” said Nasca.

How about the elevator? Shotaro suggested.

“They could easily cut the cables as soon as we were at a high enough altitude and let us drop straight down. Even in our Rider forms, we’d still sustain some significant damage,” said Philip.

“Take one way, we waste time. Take another, we’re risking a trap. At this rate, we’re better off splitting up,” said Accel.


The elevator opened up, all four Riders peered inside, looking for any hidden bombs or anything that looked like it could kill them.

Guess she’s inviting us up, said Shotaro.

“We can take the elevator. If there’s one thing that I can count on right now, it’s that Starlight doesn’t want me or Rainbow dead. Her subordinates were ready to stop Commander and Eyes from killing us twice already, so I can’t imagine she’d want to do that now,” said Unicorn.

The former Equestrian entered the elevator and stood still, waiting to see if her theory was incorrect. After a minute, nothing happened. With heavy caution, all four of them piled into the elevator. Once all of them were inside, the elevator began to rise, inside Unicorn, Double, Accel, and Nasca just waited in awkward silence as the elevator music played in the background, which made Nasca slightly annoyed.

After few minutes of riding, the elevator stopped on the twentieth floor. The doors opened up and revealed a vast floor that had frost and ice covering most of everything. Double, Accel, Nasca, and Unicorn exited the elevator and readied themselves for a fight. They didn’t have to wait long as steps echoed in the empty floor. A figure approached them, and stood about ten feet away, their opponent, IceAge.

“I have orders to detain Unicorn and Nasca, but you two Riders, I have been given permission to eliminate you,” said IceAge.

“That a fact? And you’re just willing to go along with whatever Starlight’s going to do to the world?!” Nasca asked.

“I know you can’t understand right now, but trust me, the world will be better.”

Accel stepped forward from the group and said, “Why, because this Starlight Glimmer says it will be? Who is she to decided what’s best for people? What is her plan?”

IceAge sighed, a fresh wave of frosted air flew out as he did this. “I guess there is no harm in telling you. Maybe then you’ll appreciate what is she’s trying to achieve and stop fighting and help us.”

So, IceAge told them, explained why Starlight was doing what she was doing, and how she planned to achieve this goal. The power of the Gaia Memories, the infinite knowledge that the Earth possessed, all of it would be at the beck and call of the people of the world in order to bring about true peace and equality to all.

“Seriously…that’s…that’s what she’s been trying to do?!” Unicorn exclaimed.

“Yes, now you understand. Ms. Glimmer holds you in high regard, Sunset Shimmer, she considers you worthy of being called her friend. She seeks to make a world where you and others can live without strife and fear. Can you truly say you want to continue fighting now knowing what she’s setting out to accomplish?”

“If I may interject.” The right side of Double – Philip – began to speak. “While that does sound good, on the surface, it is not without its dire consequences.”

IceAge looked at Double with a narrowed gaze. “What do you mean?”

“I am the Avatar of the Earth’s Memories back in our world. And I can guarantee, that opening the door to all that knowledge will only destroy the world. Everyone will be one, yes, but all individuality will be erased, secrets will no longer be secret, everyone will be equal in the way that they are connected to each other, not knowing where one person ends and the other begins. You couldn’t even call that a hive mind, since, by Starlight’s design, no one will be in control of this.”

“LIES!!!” IceAge shouted as he fired a wave of ice straight for them. Unicorn and Nasca dove to the right, while Double and Accel went to the left just as the wave struck the back wall and turned the elevator into brittle ice that crumbled down the shaft. “Starlight has thought of everything! We trust her completely! What she’s doing is for the good of all!”

Accel stood up and walked out ahead of the others. “You guys head up, I’ll take care of him.”

“No way, we should take him together!” Unicorn stated.

“Wasting time with him will only ensure that she gets a bit closer to her goal, and at least down here, it will be one less Gaia Memory she can get ahold of. I’ll give you time to destroy her machine and save your lover,” said Accel.


IceAge growled as he raised his hands, subzero ice energy gathered to him as he prepared to fight the arrogant Rider before him. “I’ll take that overconfidence of yours, freeze it, and shatter it!”

Accel reached behind his back and took out his trump card, a new Gaia Memory device. It looked like a stoplight, but more like a Japanese stoplight, with the green color replaced with blue. The entire device was blue in color and its symbol was a “T” that was shaped with a speedometer needle and a tire mark for the top of the “T”.


“Time to shake off those delusions!”

Accel removed the Accel Memory and put the new Gaia Memory in its place, he then twisted the right handlebar of the Driver twice, activating the Trial Memory.

{< TRIAL!>}

The red light flashed, and then it switched to yellow, at the same time, Accel’s armor changed color to yellow as well. Upon the device reaching the blue light, the yellow armor, and the previous armor form was shed off, allowing Accel to transform into his Final Form, Kamen Rider Accel Trial.

“Impressive, but let’s just see–!”

The sound of a racing motorcycle was all that was heard before Accel dashed across the room and appeared right before IceAge, the Dopant was noticeably shocked to see his opponent had reached his position in such a short amount of time. Accel delivered rapidfire punches to IceAge, causing sparks to fly from every blow landed, Accel finished his combo with an uppercut, sending IceAge flying backwards until he hit a pillar.

Get going! I’ll handle this and join you!

Unicorn and Nasca were reluctant to leave Terui alone, but after seeing what he just did, and knowing he had a lot more combat experience than the both of them combined, Unicorn and Nasca complied and joined Double as they ran across the room. IceAge managed to break himself free from the pillar as he fired an ice wave in the direction of the fleeing Riders, however, Accel quickly intercepted the attack, wielding his Engine Blade and blasting the ice wave with the intense heat of the sword’s Jet elemental power.

You need to focus on the opponent in front of you!


Unicorn, Double, and Nasca managed to find another elevator and began their ascent yet again. There was more than likely another opponent waiting on the next floor the elevator stopped on, and no doubt with the intention of stopping them.

“I can’t believe that was Starlight’s plan all along! Philip, is there any way you could be wrong?” Unicorn asked.

“Unfortunately, I’m not. I know better than anyone how powerful the Memories of the Earth are, and if your Earth operates anything like ours, then unleashing all that power, uniting the minds of every single person, will be the end of everything.”

Although, I can’t deny that this Starlight has good intentions. Going to such extreme measures…what could’ve happened that would cause her to have set this all in motion? Shotaro pondered.

Nasca looked to her friend, they both had an idea, Sunburst. The first and only friend Starlight Glimmer had growing up, his death must’ve changed everything in her life. Despite not being able to see her friend’s face, Nasca could tell what Unicorn was thinking.

“You still want to save her, don’t you?” Nasca asked.


“Look, I get it, you crawled out of a hole that you dug yourself into all those years ago, and someone reached out to help you. I get that you want to be that someone to Starlight too, you were for Twilight, but, Sunset, she’s not like Twilight was. And, as much of a tyrant bitch no offense as you were back then, you yourself told us that you never wanted to take over Equestria, and that the magic you took in warped and amplified your worst parts. Even at your worst, you didn’t have that kind of drive. Starlight does have the drive, and has proven that she’s willing to do what she thinks is necessary to ‘save the world’. I don’t like saying this…but if it comes down to it

“Don’t say it Rainbow!” Unicorn snapped. “I know, but if I gave up, truly gave up on her, then what’s the point of what I’ve become? What’s the point of my ascension back home? How can I be an example of the Magic of Friendship to any future lost soul if I’m not willing to do what Princess Twilight did for me?! If that’s how she saw it back then, then the Elements of Harmony would’ve just flat out destroyed me or imprisoned me somewhere where no one could reach me! But they didn’t, Princess Twilight didn’t, and neither did any of you. I will do what I have to…I’m sorry, but that’s all I can promise.”

Double placed his hand on Unicorn’s shoulder and nodded. Sometimes it’s hard to follow the path you’ve set out on, even when you know that it may not always allow you to make easy decisions.

“But for the ones you love and care about, you do what you must. Kamen Riders always find a way, and you’re no different, Sun-chan. As your senpais, we know you’ll find a way to save everyone, even the unsavable.”

Nasca sighed, she couldn’t help but agree with Shotaro and Philip, and yes, even Sunset’s argument had a lot of merit to it. “Alright, as always, I’ll back you up, partner.”

Nasca held out her right fist, and Unicorn met it with a fist bump. Just then the elevator dinged, stopping on the fortieth floor. The doors opened and this time the floor was very much different from the previous one. This one had a wide area, about five meters across and seven wide. When they looked up, they saw that more of the floors were gutted to form a high ceiling that went up too high for them to see. After taking a few steps into the new area, they were greeted with a cascade of feather quills that rained down from high above. Unicorn quickly formed a mana barrier that protected them, but just barely as the sharp as blade quills pierced through the barrier and lodged themselves in it.

From up above, the Bird Dopant flew down, graceful, and yet deadly, she landed on the floor and stared down the three Riders. “Weren’t there, like, four of you?”

“He’s busy taking on your icy friend. I remember you, you were the one who swooped in and took the Violence Memory when we saved Gilda!” Nasca stated.

“Oh, yeah, that angry chick. It was nothing personal, okay, it’s just something we needed to do. Of course you and GlimGlam up there weren’t exactly friends yet, so I apologize for all that. But, honestly, you don’t have fight us,” said Bird.

“We know all about what she’s planning on doing, and Double here said that she won’t save the world, she’ll wind up ending it by mistake if we don’t stop here!”

The Bird Dopant flapped her wings as she rose into the air and looked down upon them. “Maybe, but then again, maybe he’s wrong. Sometimes, you gotta take a risk if you want to change the world, or even save it from itself! I’m willing to take that risk, to bet on Starlight! I owe her that much!”

“Seems we’ve reached an impasse then, right Shotaro?”

Unfortunately, yes, Philip, we have. Let’s do this together then!

Double pushed up both sides of the Double Driver, and both the Cyclone and Joker Memories released twin lights of green and purple that shot upwards. There was a faint sound of something breaking through concrete, a lot of concrete. After a minute, an object came bursting through the floor, it was shaped like a bird, but had a golden “X” pattern to it. The device aligned itself with the two lights the Memories emitted and docked with the Double Driver. The Driver then opened up, activating the new Gaia Memory.

}X{< XTREME >}X{

The silver strip that separated both halves of Double began to glow bright white, and seemed to open up as it spread out to both sides. Rings of light appeared around the two-in-one Rider until a bright flash engulfed him, making Unicorn, Nasca, and even the Bird Dopant turn their eyes away. When they managed to look back, they were now bearing witness to Double’s most powerful form. The silver strip had vanished and now there was white, sparkling strip that ran down the middle of Double’s body, the Crystal Server. Both halves had large shoulder pauldrons, the right side had a golden, sideways “W” on it, the left side had one as well, but its color was purple. The helmet had four, horn-like protrusions that formed a crude “X” shape. In his left hand was a shield, and sheathed in the shield was a sword. This was the ultimate power of both halves of Double as one, this was Kamen Rider Double Xtreme.

Sunset-chan, Rainbow-san, find another way up, we’ll take care of this, said Double.

They were past the point of asking if he’d be alright, even Sunset and Rainbow could tell that this form of Double’s was powerful, if that wasn’t enough, both Shotaro and Philip were speaking at the same time in perfect unison. Unicorn and Nasca hurriedly made their exit, not wanting to get in Double’s way. Bird saw this and fired off more quills, however, Double dashed across the room and drew the sword from the shield, their weapons of defense and offense, the Prism Bicker. Double slashed at the quills with nearly lightning speed, and for the ones he wasn’t able to deflect, he used the shield to block. Unicorn and Nasca finally made it to the far, far side of this floor and immediately entered the elevator.

We have to ask, are you going to stay up there all day and shoot quills at us?

“Yeah, they ain’t just sharp.”

The quills all began to glow bright as the seconds ticked, and it was then that Double understood what their other function was. Oh…


Several explosions rocked the elevator, all of them felt like they came from far below. Unicorn and Nasca had already resolved to letting their “senpais” take care of the other Dopants, but as things were progressing, they were more than sure that the next stop would bring them face to face with either the remaining members of Starlight’s “Elite 4” or the Commander and Eyes Dopants.

Unicorn was fairly certain they could take on those two, but if it was the other two with the T2 Gaia Memories, then they were going to be at a disadvantage. But if it was just one, then they had a chance of doing a one-on-two. The elevator dinged at the sixtieth floor, and opened up to yet another wide-open floor plan, and unfortunately, the worst of the scenarios was before them. The Heat and Luna Dopants were standing there, awaiting their arrival. The two remaining Riders stepped onto the floor, staring down their opponents who were bent on keeping them from rising higher.

“Just so you know, we know what Starlight’s planning,” said Unicorn.

“And you should also know that there’s a huge chance it will end the world,” Nasca added.

Heat and Luna flinched at hearing that, and even exchanged glances.

“How do you know that?” Heat asked.

“Because Double and Accel come from a world that has the power of Gaia Memories, and it was them who warned us about what would happen if her plan succeeds! You have to see that what Starlight’s doing could end up hurting a lot of people rather than save them!”

“Starlight has been doing everything she can to try and make sure her plan doesn’t hurt anyone, she wants to save the world, and because of that, not everyone will appreciate that,” said Luna.

“She saved the four of us, and now we’ll make sure she can save everyone.” Heat ignited both her hands at once. “She ordered us not kill you, but we’ll do everything else short of that to make sure you don’t reach her!”

Unicorn didn’t know what to do, if it was one T2 she and Nasca could’ve stood a chance of beating it, but now two-on -two? Their odds were not looking good.

“Sunset.” Unicorn turned to Nasca. “I think we should try ‘that’ again.”

Unicorn fully turned to Nasca, and asked, “What ‘that’ are you talking about?”

“You know, ‘THAT’, with that whole Diamond Tiara thing?”

Under the helmet, Sunset’s eyes widened with realization. “I thought you said you didn’t want to do ‘that’ again? And, are we even sure it will happen again while using these T1s?”

Nasca shrugged. “Won’t know until we try, and considering what we’re up against, combining powers may be better.”

Unicorn looked back at their opponents and sighed as she nodded to her partner. “If you’re sure, then I’m in.”

Nasca took a few steps back and changed back to her civilian form, much to the confusion of both Dopants. She propped herself up against the wall as she held the Nasca Memory in her left hand, concentrating on the device. Please, I know you’re not the same Gaia Memory I used when it happened the first time, but please, if you’re connected at all to the one I used, let me combine my power with Sunset’s.

Rainbow’s body began to glow, her inner magic flowing into the T1 Nasca Memory as it answered her call. An excited and cocky smirk formed on Rainbow Dash’s face as she pressed the button on the device.

< NASCA! >


Rainbow slotted the Memory into the left hip port and hit the button. The Nasca Memory glowed a bright blue, lifted off, and then flew straight to Unicorn. Rainbow’s body slumped over to the floor, completely knocked out.

Unicorn snatched the Memory out of the air as a strange, ethereal wind blue through the room, making even the Dopants wonder what was happening. A ghostly image of Nasca appeared beside Unicorn, and with synchronized movements, Unicorn inserted the Gaia Memory into her own left hip port at the same time as the Nasca image.

< NASCA! >


A tornado kicked up within the room as the image of Nasca broke apart and wrapped around Unicorn, at the same time, vermillion lightning began shooting off from the tornado, each bolt shot out indiscriminately, but for the two Dopants, those bolts were very much aiming for them as some of them hit and caused some damage to Heat and Luna.

“Hold on…this is familiar, didn’t this happen with Spoiled Rich?!” Luna asked.

“Wait, does that mean?!”

The tornado ceased as a streak of silver cut through the wind and launched a silver blade of light straight at both of them. The blade cleaved through the concrete and mortar like a hot knife through butter until it struck the wall on the far side of the floor, leaving a seven-inch gash in it. Both Dopant’s looked back at the one who launched the attack, what they saw was no longer just Unicorn, or Nasca, but a being combined of both powers, two souls in one body, much like their predecessors.

“We are Kamen Rider Unicorn: Nasca Cross!” Unicorn assumed a fighting stance as her electric wings flared from her back. “It’s time to restore harmony at sonic speeds!”

Author's Note:

Oh ya'll didn't think I forgot about that form did you? Ha! Kamen Rider Unicorn: Nasca Cross gets a second appearance!

Credit where Credit is due, thank PoisonClaw for the creation of this form from the Hyper Battle Special!

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