• Published 23rd Jul 2017
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Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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P: Phoenix Rising / Bright as Day

All the way in the city of Las Pegasus, a young girl was sitting her in home, which was a high-rise loft. Young Apogee was enjoying the day with her family, her father, Jet Stream and mother, Delta Vee, were starting to get along better ever since their incident back in Canterlot City, there were some bumps, but they were smoothed over with Apogee’s youthful wisdom, and occasional puppy dog eye pouts.

But, gradually, they were becoming like a family. Apogee would only use the word “like” as there were sometimes where her mother acted more like a big sister than a mother, which was totally cool with her, most of the time, since she did like to veg out on the couch with her daughter. They were still in the process of figuring out the living arrangements, she had been living in her junkyard for a long while now, and Delta Vee, wasn’t so sure she was ready to give up that independence just yet, and it wasn’t like her father was asking her to sleep in the same bed as him, there were plenty of rooms.

The fact of the matter is, they were talking, and her mother was coming by a lot more than she used to. It was all thanks to U–

[Ladies and gentlemen of Canterlot City, what you see is not an illusion…as much I pray to gods that it was…it is as you see…Kamen Rider Unicorn…the hero of Canterlot…the protector of the people…our young guardian……….has fallen…]

Those words snapped Apogee out of her inner thoughts and brought her attention to the TV, where both of her parents were staring stunned at the image. Apogee was moving towards the image, as if it was a trick, some sick joke. But it was true, the hero that helped her family, was lying in a crater, completely still, with the caption at the bottom reading “Kamen Rider Unicorn: A Hero Has Fallen”.


Away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, the Shadowbolts had decided to take a cruise vacation before the summer was completely over. Sugarcoat’s family yacht was pretty big, thankfully they were able to get all the money back her father had recklessly gambled away at Gladmane’s underground casino. The man had been doing all he could to make it up to her.

Sugarcoat still remembered when Gladmane told her that her father had tried use her as currency at one point, as much as she didn’t want to believe it, from what she saw of Gladmane, there wasn’t much doubt that it was possible. But, he had been trying to be a better father, and that’s what counted, and he was getting help for his gambling addiction.

Currently, Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest, and Sour Sweet were sunbathing on the deck, enjoying the crisp ocean air.

“Sugar, you’re the best,” said Lemon Zest.

“Sorry, Rarity couldn’t come with, Sunny Flare,” said Sour Sweet. “Bet you’re missing out on some good make out time.”

Sunny Flare rolled her eyes as she looked at her bipolar friend. “It’s not a problem, we’ve been dating a lot lately, and she said she didn’t want to miss this beach trip with her friends. Considering how close they are, I didn’t want to mess with that, and besides, they were planning that trip way before I came in.”

Lemon Zest sat up and sighed. “Jeez, first Sunny hooks up with the pretty girl at CHS, and now Twilight Sparkle hooks up with the most badass girl in CHS! Damn, maybe I should transfer to CHS and find me a girl.”

Sour Sweet lifted her shades and asked, “What about that girl we saw over there that had those headphones on all the time? Considering you never go anywhere without yours, you two should hit off.”

Sunny made an X with her arms. “Nope, that girl’s taken.”

Lemon turned to Sunny. “By who?!”

“Another girl at that school, her name’s…Octavia, Octavia Melody.”

Lemon Zest groaned as she fell back on her chair. “Oh c’mon, all I’m asking for is one girl!”

“You’ve never asked us,” said Sugarcoat.

Lemon Zest picked right up. “Wait what?”

“Stating a fact, you’ve never asked any of us out.”

“But we’re friends.”

“Which means we already have a pre-established relationship that was built on friendship first and not by physical attraction. Also, we have seen each other at our worst and best, so tolerance has been built as well as understanding.” Sugarcoat noted.

Lemon Zest raised an eyebrow. “Ooookay…So, uh, Sugar, do you wanna–?”


Sour and Sunny winced.

“But you just said–?!”

“I said that you never asked, and I gave you the information as to why it couldn’t hurt to ask. I never said I wanted to. Don’t get me wrong, you are attractive, I just don’t like girls like that,” said Sugarcoat in a matter of fact tone.

Lemon Zest hung her head. “Bummer.” Her gaze then fell to Sour, “Hey, Sour!”


The girls hopped out of their chairs at the distressed sound of Indigo Zap’s voice. When they entered, they saw that Indigo was sitting on the couch stunned. The girls turned their gaze to the TV, they saw the image, and read the caption, “Kamen Rider Unicorn: A Hero Has Fallen”.

Sunny Flare and Sugarcoat couldn’t believe it, mostly because they had an idea about who was under that armor, and what this meant for a certain former Crystal Prepper.


Countess Coloratura, or rather, Rara, had finished another concert, her single “Restore Harmony”, was skyrocketing in the music charts after what happened to her in Canterlot City.

Many of her fans had stayed on with her, despite changing her look and singing style a bit, the majority of her fans stayed true, especially after Svengallop’s confession went out online and circled the web. There was no way the man would ever get a job working in the music industry, or anywhere else, and that’s if he ever got out of jail, which was not going to happen anytime in the near future.

Out of everything that happened in Canterlot, being able to reconnect with her childhood friend, Applejack, was the best thing. Although, her feelings of affection for her friend weren’t reciprocated, it was good to know that Applejack would still remain her friend. Realistically speaking, Rara was sure she’d continue to have a crush on her best friend, but maybe one day another girl would cross her path and she’d feel the same way.

“Or, AJ will suddenly turn gay for me and we’ll just settle down on her farm,” said Rara is a wishful thinking manner.

Suddenly, someone was knocking loudly at her dressing room door.

“Who is it?” Rara asked.

The door swung open and in came Sapphire Shores, and the look on her face was one of distress. “Honey, have you seen this?!”

Sapphire raised her smartphone up and showed Rara what was on it, when she read it, her hands went limp as her water bottle fell to the floor.



Juniper chugged down a bottle of water, and wiped the sweat off her with a towel, having gotten through a particularly intense action scene that had her running around and dodging imaginary laser blasts.

Thanks to Sunset Shimmer, she was able to stay on as the new star of Cine Max’s Kamen Rider Unicorn movie. Juniper gave it her all during each scene, impressing Cine Max, and even her uncle Canter Zoom. Occasionally Juniper would call Sunset to inquire on how she would act during a scene, or more specifically, how Unicorn would act. With that direction, she was able to put all her talent to use.

DeeDee had come over to help with the stunt coordination, giving Juniper little tips and hints on how to move in such a costume, and how best to limit injuring herself.

Of course, all production stopped when the sky began to rage into an unnatural storm. The cast and crew of the movie all huddled around the TV and watched as the Kamen Riders did battle with two new monsters.

“Take notes everyone, we may need to refer to this later on in the production,” said Cine Max.

“This looks bad,” said Juniper.

DeeDee clenched her jaw as she slowly nodded in agreement.

Just then, everyone gasped when they saw the beam attack overpower Unicorn and throw her all the way back to the ground below. And all held their breath when they didn’t see Unicorn move at all. Then came the caption, “Kamen Rider Unicorn: A Hero Has Fallen”.

Sunset Shimmer…


Gilda groaned in her sleep, feeling the slight vibrations, and thunder in the sky. Rainstorms always made her sleepy and want to stay in, which thankfully it was the weekend, so her part time job was not on her mind at the moment. There was also the possibility that it was another monster attack, but with Rainbow and Sunset, and the cop Kamen Rider, Gilda could sleep soundly.

“Just another day in this crazy town,” Gilda mumbled as she turned on her side.

“GILDA!!!” Gabby’s voice cried out.

Gilda sprang out of the bed, going from drowsy to full alertness in less than a second. She ran into the living room, fear that remnants of her old gang were coming back for revenge, but that wasn’t so. Upon entering the living room, she saw that the door was locked, and that there was no one else in the room save for Gabby sitting on the couch hugging her pillow.

The older girl sighed as she approached her surrogate little sister. “Geez, Gabs, did you have another nightmare or something? I told ya I don’t mind you coming into my room if you need to.”

“It’s not that…look,” said Gabby as she pointed her finger at the TV.

Gilda turned around and saw the TV, and then with wide eyes she uttered, “WHAT THE F–???!!!”


Nasca looked on, still stunned. Sunset had fought a monster in her home world of Equestria, stopped Tirek from infecting the world, and together, they fought a giant bird Dopant with a god complex. But of all of their opponents, these two Sirens were the ones actually able to…to…There was a flinch, a very small twitch of the fingers, but Nasca saw, which meant that Sunset might still be alive.

“I think we should hit her again,” said Ocean.

“Agreed, we’ll just tear the city apart to find her, I want to be rid of this one once and for all,” said Weather.

The two Dopants gathered their power, preparing for another attack that would reduce Unicorn to nothing.

/#\ GATLING! /#\

Suddenly, the two Dopant’s were pelted with a barrage of laser bolts from the ground. Nasca turned around and saw that Trigger was behind it. Trigger?!

Go! Get Unicorn out of here I’ll cover you! Trigger shouted.

Nasca didn’t need to be told twice, nodding to the officer, she opened her wings and dashed across the battlefield. And in the next couple of seconds she was standing next to her friend. Carefully, she picked Unicorn up, holding her princess style. Nasca flared her wings again and zipped down the street, covering several miles in a minute, and getting clear of the battlefield.

Once Trigger was sure that Nasca was far away, he took out the Trigger Memory and inserted it into the port that popped open on the top of the Chrome Ultimatum, and then pressed all six buttons on the dial pad.

|<^>| 1-2-3-4-5-6, ENGAGE! |<^>|



Six oscillating rings of light appeared in front of the muzzle of the rifle. Trigger fired, and a beam passed through all six rings, transforming into a giant beam that lit up the sky and engulfed both Dopants, creating a massive explosion that obscured them from sight by a cloud of dust.

Trigger took his chance, calling on his bike as it rolled up next to him. Once on, Trigger retreated, peeling down the road and out of sight. When the dust cloud cleared, Ocean and Weather were shown to be enclosed in a barrier of water and wind. They dispelled their shield and sneered at the fact that the Kamen Riders were gone.

“Guess we got ‘em running scared,” said Aria.

“Indeed, but don’t let your guard down, we should make them all aware that we’re not through.” Adagio glanced about and spotted the CCNN news helicopter flying in the distance. “That’ll do.”

Weather flew towards the helicopter, making Namby and her crew flinch from seeing the Dopant so close. Adagio knocked on the door, in a strange polite manner as if being asked to be let in. Namby steeled her nerves, and much to the protest of her crew, opened the door. She expected a rush of wind, but there wasn’t any. Weather was controlling the air currents, and thusly how much of the rotor blades’ sound was being muted to allow them to speak.

“What do you want?” Namby asked.

“I would like to make a statement, do you mind?” Adagio asked as she held out her hand for the microphone.

Namby clenched her jaw and handed the mike over to the Dopant. “Keep the camera on her.”

“Greetings Canterlot City, and no doubt other viewers watching this from other cities. For reasons, I won’t give you my real name, but you can call me the name that I share with the power I wield, Weather. And that is my dear, short tempered, sister, Ocean. We came to settle the score with Unicorn, as well as a few of her conspirators, now they know who they are, and in respect for their privacy, I won’t out them. However, if you don’t want to see this city leveled by an F10 tornado, I request that all of you give yourselves up in the next twenty-four hours. We will also show you leniency if you also produce our youngest sister. And if you are hearing this, sister, and are not with them, please vacate the city as soon as possible.”

“Should the aforementioned conspirators, along with whatever’s left of Unicorn, and Nasca, we will spare the lives of the people of this city, and just simply rule over you. Again, that’s twenty-four hours, starting now. Same place, same time.”


A lot things happened, in a really short amount of time. First off, Rainbow Dash appeared back at her house, along the way Sunset’s transformation had ended, and showed the girl to be a bloody mess. Her head was bleeding, she was bruised all over, and Windy and Bow were fairly sure they could spot a few broken bones.

In order to keep people from getting suspicious, the two adults concocted a plan. They would rush Sunset to a hospital close to the action, that way she would be counted as a casualty of the battle, and no one would think twice about asking how she got hurt so bad. Rainbow rode in the car with them, and called up Ms. Harshwhinny, she was the only other adult that knew their secret and could help if something got hairy, plus, she looked so official looking, Rainbow doubted anyone would question her.

Rainbow’s next round of calls went out to the girls, but when it came to Twilight, she hesitated. Sunset Shimmer was more than just a friend to that girl, they were in love, they were girlfriends, to see something like that, and to see Sunset now…Rainbow remembered how Sunset was when Twilight got hurt, Sunset was a fighter, and expressed it thusly. But Twilight, friendship was new to her, and being in a relationship even more so, to have to see Sunset like this might devastate her.

Then again, it wasn’t like this could be avoided, not after that live report of the battle. In the end, Rainbow texted Twilight where they were going. “OH CRAP! Stop the car!”

Bow slammed the breaks and swerved until he was on the shoulder. “What?! What’s wrong, Dashie?!”

“We can’t go to a hospital…”

Windy turned around and looked at her daughter incredulously. “Rainbow Danger Dash, this is no time to kid around!”

“I’m not! Look, Sunset’s not from our world, remember?! The reason she never gets sick is because her magic heals her and keeps her healthy against viruses and junk, if we go to the hospital, they’ll draw blood and might find out that she’s not all human! Hell, if they dig further, they’ll show that she doesn’t exist in the system!” Rainbow explained.

Windy ran her hand through her hair, while Bow hit the steering wheel. In getting Sunset help, they would only be endangering her further, questions would be raised about how an undocumented minor was able to get by so long without anyone noticing, and technically this could go federal, since Sunset is the very definition of an illegal alien, she was from another dimension.

“What can we do? She needs medical help, now!” Windy stressed.

“It’s not like we know any back-alley doctors, honey,” said Bow grimly.

Just then, Rainbow’s head perked up. “No…No, we don’t. But I do know a rich billionaire!” Rainbow quickly punched in the phone number to Starlight Glimmer of Earth, a personal cell number that was given to the girls before the Canterlot Studios incident. “C’mon, pick up, pick up…YES!”

[Hello, Rainbow Dash?]

“Starlight, I need your help, well, Sunset needs your help! Like she might literally die in my arms right now kind of help!”

[Whoa, whoa, slow down! What happened to her?]

Rainbow Dash gave the story the family of three cooked up, as well as Rainbow giving her explanation as to why they couldn’t go to a hospital right now. After a minute of silence, Starlight replied.

[Listen carefully, go to Clover Advanced Medical Center. I’ll notify them that there is a VIP patient coming in, tell them she is my family and have them admit her. I’ll take care of everything regarding her information. Now hurry!]

“Got it, you’re a life saver! Change of plans!”


After sending out a mass text regarding the change in hospitals, Sunset was admitted to Clover Advanced Medical Center. It was a place fully funded by PhoenEXE, and also acted as their medical branch of the company. With Starlight Glimmer in charge, she managed to convince – or probably some other corporate way – to make the doctors keep all of the pertinent data that would be used to monitor her care, and everything to be destroyed, there would pretty much be no record of Sunset Shimmer being admitted by the time everything was said and done.

Not long after, everyone arrived, Applejack was holding Twilight, trying to be as steady a rock as she possibly could for her.

“How is she?” Rarity asked.

“They’re examining her now, too early to tell if she’ll need surgery,” said Starlight.

Rainbow Dash kicked the adjacent wall, angry at herself that she got trapped in that bubble and couldn’t help her friend when she needed her. The sports girl’s rose-colored eyes fell on Sonata Dusk, who was standing quietly in the back. Rainbow marched through her friends and was prepared to grab Sonata, but Pinkie Pie intercepted her friend and held her back.

“Let me go, Pinks!” Rainbow demanded through gritted teeth.

“No! It’s not Sonata’s fault! You heard her, they’re dark magic is making them act this way, they were turning good before those Memories got to them! Plus,” Pinkie looked Rainbow in the eyes, “if you keep this up, you’ll let Starlight in on Sunset being you-know-who!”

Rainbow’s anger quelled when she said that, there was still the danger that Starlight was Kamen Rider Equal, if she acted differently then she might attack Sunset while she was in this state. It was a risk worth taking though, they couldn’t take her to any other hospital, and with Starlight’s money and power, they could rest assured that Sunset would receive the best of the best medical care, and that all of this would be swept under the rug. The rest of the girls didn’t know what Twilight, Sunset, and Rainbow knew, they didn’t want to cast suspicion until they were sure, so Pinkie was only speaking as such to make sure no else knew the secret.

“Okay…Okay, I’m cool now,” said Rainbow Dash.

One of the doctors came out of the exam room, and everybody huddled around him.

“How is she, Doctor?” Harshwhinny asked.

“She has several fractures of her bones, mostly in her arms, legs, and ribcage. Several contusions along her body, a wound on her head that was bleeding, but we managed to stop it. CAT scans show lesions on her brain that could indicate signs of a concussion, but they seem to be healing, but we’ll keep an eye on it regardless. She’s a remarkably fast healer, and her bone density is greater than what you see for kids her age.”

“Focus, doctor, and remember, none of this is to be mentioned outside of his hospital. Understand?” Starlight asked.

“Yes, Ma’am. In any case, she’s fighting, but…and this is strange, there’s a degeneration factor occurring at the same time as regeneration, as if her body is fighting back against something. Do you know if she has any hereditary or other diseases she’s currently on medication for?”

“No…she isn’t,” said Twilight, her voice barely above a whisper.

Starlight frowned at this development, but then adopted a more serious expression. “I authorize any and all tested treatments for her, write it off as a business expense, but that girl is to receive the best this facility has to offer. It’s time to show me that the Medical Branch of PhoenEXE is what I expect it to be.” The doctor nodded and went back in to assist his colleagues. “I have to head back now, there’s another emergency I have to deal with at work thanks to all this monster business. But call me if anything happens.”
Rainbow Dash nodded. “We will.”

Ms. Harshwhinny walked up and shook Starlight’s hand. “Thank you, Ms. Glimmer, for helping Sunset.”

“No, that girl…I consider her, and the rest you, good friends. I’ll protect my friends, however I can.”

With that, Starlight left, and at almost the same time, Twilight collapsed onto the floor. Applejack managed to keep Twilight from hitting the floor hard, guiding her down until she was on her knees as she cried. “It’s my fault…It’s all my fault!”

Ms. Harshwhinny kneeled down next to Twilight and rubbed her back in soothing, comforting manner. “Twilight you didn’t do this, those monsters did.”

“You don’t understand…” Twilight reached into the satchel she had brought from Sunset’s home and showed the Phoenix Ascender. “This was supposed to make Sunset strong enough to defeat them, but…it didn’t work…I know it didn’t because it returned to me during the battle, and because Sunset went into her Shining Day form…They knew her strongest form’s weakness, it’s time limited, and they ran out the clock…now…”

Twilight continued to sob, and Rainbow Dash just continued to seethe in an anger at how she wasn’t able to save her friend.

“I’m sorry…” Sonata spoke. “I never wanted any of this…I just wanted to live together with my sisters…to just…just be like we used to before we had dark magic…now…It’s too late…and Sunset Shimmer…I…”

Rarity looked to the satchel that Twilight carried. She carefully took it from the distraught girl and reached in. Rarity stopped rummaging through it when she felt the object she was hoping was in there, as she pulled her hand out, it was revealed she had grabbed Sunset’s journal, the one that connected Earth and Equestria. Rarity took out a pin and opened it to a blank page.

“What are you doing?” Fluttershy asked.

“Calling for backup, Darling.”


The sun had dipped down over the horizon, and the city was on edge. An ultimatum was given, give up the Nasca and Unicorn, and those who conspired to assist them. This had the populous even edgier, leading some to ask who was working with Unicorn and Nasca. Certainly not the police, Trigger and the CCPD had made their position clear when it came to them, and the Dopants weren’t requesting Trigger to come forward. That only left the question hanging in the air of who it was?

Adagio sat the edge of the building, while Aria laid back and looked up at the stars. They had done well and could afford a rest while they watched the humans turn on one another trying to figure out who was working with the vigilante heroes, and possibly drag them before their executioners.

“Humans, anything for self-preservation,” said Adagio.

“What if they don’t show up? Honestly, Adagio, we know who they are, let’s just track them down and get rid of them already, why go through all this dog and pony show deadline crap?” Aria asked.

“Because it’s much more satisfying to see what they will do. Those girls know who they are, and what fate awaits them. If they show up, the city and the world will know that they aided a vigilante, and if they don’t and decide to run, they’ll doom the city to ruin. Or, maybe there are some who do know who they are and will rally others into a mob to drag them before us as a sacrifice.”

Aria’s mouth curved into a smile at the thought of such a scenario. “But what about Sona, what if those Raindorks are keeping her like a bargaining chip?!”

Adagio’s sinister smile turned into a grimace. “After what we did, I wouldn’t put it past them to do that…” Adagio began to consider alternative measures, she really didn’t want to have to mark Sonata as collateral damage, for all her annoying quirks she was still their sister, and all they had left was each other. “…We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

“A bridge that you will never cross I’m afraid.”

Adagio and Aria turned around and watched as four Dopants walked towards them. IceAge, Heat, Bird, and Luna. The Luna Dopant was yellow, with a slender body, a clown’s white ruffles around his neck, his feet were long shows that curled at the tip, and his arms looked like scrunched up accordions. The head of the Dopant was a long hat that had a white fluff ball that weighted it down to that it dipped backwards. All four of Starlight Glimmer’s lieutenants had arrived before the Sirens.

“Well looky here dear sister, we have guests,” said Adagio. “I was wondering when the creator of those mass production models would show their face. Kamen Rider Equal and gang.”

The Luna Dopant flinched.

“Drop the illusion Luna.” The Luna Dopant snapped its fingers, and the air before them became distorted for a few seconds before revealing the dark Rider, Equal. “Very perceptive of you. I assume you know why we’re here?”

Aria smirked. “Yeah, you’re here to take our Gaia Memories, the ones that look different from the creepy looking bone cage ones you make. But that ain’t happening.”

“Ha, I like her,” said Bird.

“I don’t think you understand.”

You hurt my friend.

“I have plans that involve this city, and the people in it.”

Everything I do is calculated, risks taken and managed to ensure as minimal amount of collateral damage as possible.

“And I cannot stand by while someone threatens my city, my domain.”

When you hurt my friends…

“When you threaten my plans…”

It’s time to even the score!
“It’s time to even the score!”

Adagio and Aria chuckled at Equal’s boasting.

“Fine then, a little warm up before the grand finale. Five on two sounds like a good handicap,” said Adagio.


< OCEAN! >


A couple of hours had passed, and no one could rest easy, not with Sunset in the hospital bed, and not with the looming threat of the two Sirens. Rarity had left to go to CHS, and not but a couple of hours later did she return with someone they had not expected to see. Princess Twilight, dressed in the same casual blue blouse, pink bow, and violet skirt as she had on before. Next to her, they could tell, was Starlight Glimmer, but thankfully Rarity had thought ahead to bring a hoodie to conceal Starlight’s face. Too many things going to explain why there were more than one pair of twins walking around.

Princess Twilight rushed towards the room once Rarity had given her direction, everyone was standing outside, watching over her from the window that peered into the room. Princess Twilight walked up to the window and placed her hand against it, while the other was cupped over her mouth to stifle a sob. The Equestrian royal looked down at her counterpart, who had her legs hugged close, and buried her face in her lap to avoid seeing anyone, wallowing in the guilt she had thrusted upon herself.

The Princess knelt down and attempted to place a comforting hand on her counterpart’s shoulder, but the moment she touched her, Twilight flinched away. The Princess was saddened by this, but there was no time.

“Thank you for coming,” said Applejack.

“Of course, now, Starlight, let’s look in on Sunset,” said Princess Twilight.

Her protégé nodded and the two Equestrians entered Sunset’s room, Rainbow Dash Applejack entered behind them, closing the blinds and door, and switching to a lookout role. Starlight had managed to create an amulet for Twilight, figuring that the two of them combined could use their magic to heal Sunset, but first they needed to see what was wrong with her.

Princess Twilight and Starlight cast a diagnostic spell, a square of light appeared before them as a beam of blue and rosy-violet light passed over Sunset several times. After which, a three-dimensional image of Sunset’s body appeared on the squares, and when they looked at it, both mares’ brows furrowed. There were black markings within the 3D image, and beside it were words written in Equish, along with some numbers and formulas that could only be read by another pony denizen.

“This is…” Starlight began.

“Dark magic,” Princess Twilight finished.

The Princess of Friendship ended the spell, and all four returned outside the room, with both mares sparing one more glance at their ill friend. Once outside they sighed heavily, which was already a bad indicator.

“What’s wrong, is she going to be okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“……She’s dying,” said Starlight in a somber tone.

The hallway was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, everyone’s eyes opened to the size of saucer plates, and breaths were held for what felt like an eternity.

“Y-You’re joking, right Starlight, Princess? Please tell me you’re joking?!” Rainbow Dash asked desperately.

Princess Twilight placed her hand against her head as tears fell from her eyes, “She’s not…Rainbow…there’s dark malevolent magic in her, it’s aggressive, and intent on destroying her. Her own magic is working to fight against it, but it’s almost used up, she used a lot of it during her battle, and now it’s practically empty. When it does…the dark magic will attack her in full, her body will cease to function and…”

The Princess didn’t finish her sentence, there was no need to, it was implied. Fluttershy began to sob, with Rarity holding her and joining her in the sorrow. Rainbow Dash punched a wall and then was hugged by her parents. Pinkie Pie’s hair deflated, becoming straight from its normal curls. Applejack brooded in silence, while Twilight let a new wave of tears fall from her face. Ms. Harswhinny slumped against the wall, muttering all kinds of curses under her breath and berating herself for not stopping Sunset sooner.

“I killed her…it’s all my fault…” Twilight sobbed. She then tossed the Phoenix Ascender against the wall, letting it hit the floor and leaving it there. “And that’s the murder weapon…!”

Princess Twilight looked down at her teenage counterpart, and then back to the object she threw. She bent down and picked up the device, examining it curiously. “What is this?”

“It was supposed to make Sunset stronger, but it only killed her!” Twilight shouted.

“It’s…” Twilight ran her fingers over the device, she could feel something from it, something familiar, and yet new. “Twilight, what was this supposed to be used with?”

“Her Shining Memory,” Rainbow answered, “it was supposed to work like my Boost Upgrader and let Sunset use her final form, one that she didn’t have to worry about a time limit like when she normally uses it.”

“Time limit…the Shining Memory…the Miracle Magic…” Princess Twilight continued to stare at the device intensely, making Starlight appear hopeful as she watched her friend and mentor think. “I got it…! I GOT IT! WE CAN SAVE HER!”

Everyone’s head shot towards the Princess, hope sparked in their eyes.

“How?!” Ms. Harshwhinny asked.

“Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight, come with me!” The girls immediately followed the Princess into Sunset’s room, the Princess herself looked to the three adults and her protégé. “Do not let anyone disturb us under any circumstances!”

All four nodded as the door closed.

Starlight looked around and then asked, “Um, wasn’t there someone else here?”


Princess Twilight moved one of the nightstands from beside Sunset’s bed and placed it in the middle of the room. Twilight placed the Phoenix Ascender on it, and then said, “There’s only one way to save her, we have to purify the dark magic, and to do that, we need the power of the Elements of Harmony.”

“I think you said somethin’ about that one time, or Sunset did, wasn’t it like a magic item from your world?” Applejack asked.

“The one you all saw, the one that Sunset brought into your world, was my element, the Element of Magic. But there are five others, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Honesty, and Loyalty, and each of you represents one of those Elements as do your pony counterparts. While you may not have the physical items, you each have a magical connection to them that allows you to call upon their powers, which is how you’re all able to pony up when you play music, or as Sunset noted to me, when you show the truest parts of yourself.”

The girls nodded, remembering the Friendship Games incident and that same explanation that Sunset gave them.

“I kept wondering why Sunset said that the Shining Memory would time out when she was here on Earth, it didn’t seem to do that when she was in Equestria,” said the Princess.

“Sunset…theorized that it was because of the lack of magical energy on our side to keep it fueled long enough to sustain such a powerful form,” said Twilight as she looked over her girlfriend.

“That’s part of it, but not all. I suspect that the device you made, Twilight, is supposed to act as a catalyst to bring out the Shining Memory, the fragment of the Miracle Magic’s, full potential. The device wasn’t defective, it just wasn’t complete.”

Twilight bit her lip. “So, it is my fault…”

“No, it isn’t,” said Fluttershy. “You couldn’t have known, none of us did, and neither did Sunset, and she’s the expert in magic!”

Princess Twilight hovered her hands over the device, feeling a power within it that wanted to come out. “I long suspected that there was a seventh Element of Harmony, ever since the Battle of the Bands when we combined our magic to first stop the Sirens. At first I thought Sunset’s Element was Magic, but then,” Princess Twilight looked at her counterpart, “you appeared, and then I started to think about it again, Sunset is gifted in magic, I can’t deny that, but it didn’t feel like that was her element exactly.”

The girls all looked to each other, if all of them were already associated with an Element of Harmony, what would Sunset’s be?

“Empathy…” Rainbow Dash answered. “Sunset said that when she was using the power of the Unicorn Memory, she was able to tap into the memories and feelings of another person. And then she did it again, but this time her armor actually morphed like she ponied up.”

“It’s makes sense, to not just relate to another’s feelings, but to know them and feel them as your own, to truly connect on an emotional level with a friend, the Element of Empathy.”

Just then, the Phoenix Ascender began to glow, causing the girls to gasp. The glow it emitted was warm and inviting, a comforting warmth like that of an embrace from someone close.

“Girls, focus on your Element, on the magic inside you, and push it into the device! If we can awaken it, maybe…maybe we can do this,” said Princess Twilight.

“You don’t need to tell us twice, Darling!” Rarity stated.

“Let’s do this!” Rainbow exclaimed.

Pinkie Pie’s hair inflated back to its former curly state, and now she sported a wide grin.

All five girls placed one hand over the device, each of them calling to the magic inside of themselves. They remembered, the days spent with Sunset Shimmer, there were bad memories, but the good far outweighed them, and in each one, she demonstrated an Element of Harmony that she had learned from them.

“Honesty…” Applejack’s pony ears appeared, her hair growing long and braiding itself into a ponytail.

“Loyalty…” Rainbow Dash’s pony ears appeared, her hair growing until it was tied off into ponytail, and cyan wings grew from her back.

“Generosity…” Rarity’s ears flashed into existence, along with her curled up ponytail.

“Kindness…” Fluttershy’s pony ears grew out, her grew into a ponytail, and butter yellow wings sprouted from her back.

“Laughter…” As with Applejack and Rarity, Pinkie grew pony ears, and a puffy, curly ponytail.

The device absorbed their magic as streams of blue, orange, white, pink, and yellow light flowed into the Phoenix Ascender. Princess Twilight focused her own magic, calling to the Element within her to complete the awakening. “Magic…” But nothing happened, no wings, no ears, no ponytail.

“Uh, that’s not good,” said Pinkie.

“Why didn’t she pony up?!” Rainbow asked.

Princess Twilight thought for a moment, her suspicions now having been confirmed. “Because I’m not the Element of Magic, at least, not for Earth.”

The girls shifted their gazes to Twilight Sparkle of Earth, the girl took a moment to understand what they were implying and she firmly shook her head in the negative. “No, nonononono! I-I can’t be an-an Element of Harmony! Especially Magic! Not after what I did! After almost killing everyone and tearing reality apart!”

Princess Twilight walked up to her younger self and placed her hands on the other’s shoulders. “Twilight, you are the Element of Magic, it’s not Sunset, and not Starlight. It’s you. You discovered the magic, you were drawn to it, and it to you. You are the key to completing this!”

Twilight was still hesitant. “What if…What if I change into that monster again?! I’ll be an even worse threat to this world than the Sirens! What if I become Midnight Sparkle?!”

“That won’t happen,” said Fluttershy.

“We believe in you, Twilight,” said Rarity.

“Y’all love Sunset too much to let some monster take ya over,” said Applejack.

“You’re stronger than you think, Twi, Sunset and I wouldn’t have gotten this far without you, and that’s a fact,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Let’s save Sunset, together!” Pinkie added.

Twilight looked to the girls, to her other self, and then back to the device which was glowing brighter than before. Steeling her nerves, Twilight walked up to the group of girls and placed her hand over the device. She closed her eyes, feeling the warmth, and letting it ignite the long-forgotten spark of magic inside her. It didn’t take long before Twilight felt a familiar rush of power, causing her body to release a rosy-violet aura, but that aura was shifting to an azure blue, the same aura of the darker side of her.

Long time no see…


Twilight found herself back in the Infinite Library, but the books were in disarray, tomes floating about as the shelves were lopsided and floating aimlessly in the white space. A raven winged being began walking towards her, her skin a darker shade of purple than her own, eyes framed by azure flames, with a horn made of azure light coming from her forehead, and with a voice that was hers but more demented. This was the dark creature she once became when overwhelmed by the magic she had stored during the Friendship Games. Midnight Sparkle.

“I was wondering how long it would take before you needed my help,” said Midnight.

“Why are you here?! Sunset got rid of you back during the Friendship Games!” Twilight shot back.

Midnight chuckled, “Oh silly Twily, I’m a part of you, the magic never left you. You’ve just been neglecting it, and me. And I can see why, this library is fascinating, so much knowledge, I can’t wait to read it all! But first, we have work to do, don’t we?”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “We…We do?”

“We both know that device is a failure, this plan by that copycat won’t work!” Midnight stated. “But we can do something, all we have to do, is take that magical power being offered to it, syphon it all into us, and we can become one!”

Twilight placed her hands against her head she shook screaming, “NO!”

Midnight advanced on Twilight, grabbing her by the scruff of her shirt and forcing her to look Midnight in her blazing eyes. “You know it’s true! Those witches hurt Sunset! They have to pay! We can tear apart reality, they won’t stand a chance!”

Twilight paused for a moment, that was true. Her magic was powerful, Adagio and Aria would be nothing compared to her, even with their Gaia Memories and dark magic.

“You understand now, don’t you, I can see you thinking about it. Just give in, take the magic, let me in, and together, we’ll be the hero…” Midnight’s words were like honey, sweet and enticing. “Take my hand, Twilight, and let us show them our way.”

Midnight stepped back and offered her hand to Twilight. The bespectacled girl stared at that outstretched hand, an exact recreation of the moment Sunset saved her, only the reverse. Taking her evil persona’s hand would make her powerful enough to stop the Sirens, to cure Sunset, and to stop whatever threat that cropped up next. No longer on the sidelines but on the frontlines, a magical version of a tactical nuke to vaporize their enemies.


The girl stopped.

We believe in you…

You are a light, Darling, a force for good…

You can kick the darkness’ butt!

The voices of her friends, her friends…how could she forget them? She wasn’t alone anymore, her decisions didn’t just affect her, but those she loved. A flash of red appeared next to Twilight, when she turned to her right, Twilight’s eyes widened and teared up when she saw the form of Sunset Shimmer beside her as she smiled.

You are not, Midnight Sparkle!

Twilight wiped her eyes and gave Midnight a confident smirk that made her evil persona flinch. “No, I’m not! I am Twilight Sparkle, and I am the ELEMENT OF MAGIC!”

Twilight’s body shined with the light of the Element, granting her pony ears, a long ponytail, and lavender colored wings. The light bathed over the Infinite Library, bringing order back to the chaos of what Midnight ushered, the books returned to the shelves, and the shelves straightened and aligned themselves in perfect order. The light burst forth and Midnight cried out as its brilliance burned her existence into nothingness.


When Twilight opened her eyes, it was to the smiling faces of her friends, she glanced behind her, and saw that her back had sprouted wings, and that she did have pony ears. Her hand released a purple wave of energy into the Phoenix Ascender, making the device shine brighter than ever before.

The eyes of the Phoenix Ascender shined and then released a bright flash that ceased the absorption of their magic. The device flew over to Sunset and hovered over her body, it then landed gently atop her chest and soon ignited, bathing her in red and gold flames. Twilight was about to run in and save Sunset, but Princess Twilight held out her arm, forbidding them from approaching Sunset.

The machines that were hooked up to Sunset still showed her vitals were alright, well, as alright as they could be given her condition. But then something happened, Sunset’s heart rate began to rise quickly, her vitals took a sharp turn upwards as Sunset opened her eyes, revealing pools of pure white light, a flash of fire and light went off in the room, making Princess Twilight use her amulet to shield the others from the backlash. The light was blinding, and the warmth it emitted was comforting, there was no fear here, only peace.

When the light faded, the Phoenix Ascender was still resting on top of Sunset, but in the next moment, Sunset awoke with a start, taking in a deep inhale as she sat up in the hospital bed, eyes wide and darting around as she took in her surroundings. Twilight broke away from the others and rushed to Sunset’s side.

“Sunset, calm down, it’s me, Twilight!”

Sunset finally came to her senses, her eyes settling on the girl at her left side. “T-Twilight…?” Her eyes then looked ahead, and she saw, her girlfriend, again. “And…Twilight…? Okay, so…I’m having one of those kind of dreams then?”

Both Twilight’s blushed hard. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie snickered, Applejack shook her head with a grin, Rarity blinked and blushed, and Fluttershy blushed and placed her hands over her mouth to stifle a gasp.

“She’s definitely okay if she can think about that,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Where…Where am I?” Sunset raised her other arm and saw an IV connected to her. “Am…Am I in a hospital?!”

The heartrate monitor began to beep and an alarming rate, an indicator that she was in a panic. The girls quickly rushed to her beside and assured Sunset that everything was alright.

“This here hospital is owned by PhoenEXE Corp., our world’s Starlight Glimmer is keepin’ all this hush-hush, she told us to take you here herself,” said Applejack.

Applejack wasn’t a liar, so Sunset took some comfort in hearing that from her friend. Sunset lied back down on the bed, with Twilight wrapping her arms around her lover the best she could as she cried tears of joy. Sunset’s hand ran over the wings protruding from her girlfriend’s back and smiled.

“I knew you had in you, Sparky,” said Sunset. “They’re beautiful.”

Twilight only responded by hugging her tighter. The girls came in and managed to do a group hug. Princess Twilight went to the door and opened it, seeing an anxious Harshwhinny, Bow, Windy, and Starlight.

“She’s alright.”

Several hours passed by, the doctors came in to reexamine Sunset after her miraculous recovery. All her vital signs were showing vastly improved, they were almost ready to discharge her that night, but were willing to err on the side of caution and have her stay the night, that and Starlight might fire them if something happened to her not long after being discharged.

Sunset was filled in on the news, and the ultimatum Adagio had laid out to them. Sonata was gone, making the others believe that she had gone to join her sisters, that or she took their heed to leave the city before it was annihilated. But Sunset didn’t buy that, even now, she had faith in Sonata, and had an idea what she was planning to do. Starlight of Equestria had made sure that no one besides the three adults and herself saw what was happening in the room, having casted a misdirection spell to keep people focused on other things rather than the room, and a little electromagnetic interference spell that she had cooked up thanks to her time on Earth, which allowed her to mess with the cameras so that none of what happened was recorded. Sunset thanked everyone and managed to get some sleep.


Sunset woke up, finding all her friends still piled into the room and finding whatever way they could to sleep in there with her. The adults had taken to sleeping in chairs that were posted outside her room. Twilight, her Twilight, was sleeping with her head resting on Sunset’s bedside. Their pony up transformations had long since ended, returning them to their normal state. Sunset looked around the room, and then to her right arm. Sunset pinched at the needle insert and grit her teeth, she then swiftly pulled it out, biting her lip as the pain of the needle being ripped out shot through her arm.

Damn it, those action movie heroes are full of crap! That hurts!

After biting back the sting of ripping out an IV needle, and making a mental note to write an anonymous, angry letter to the movie industry about how pain is portrayed in movies, Sunset managed to get out of her bed without alerting her friends. At least, that’s what she thought. When Sunset turned around to make sure, she saw Twilight, her Twilight, looking at her with worry. Sunset nodded for her to follow and Twilight carefully, but quickly went to Sunset’s side.

Once out in the hall, Twilight asked, “You’re going, aren’t you?”

“You know me too well, Twi,” said Sunset.

“I figured you would, but I was hoping you’d rest a little longer, the sun hasn’t even risen yet,” said Twilight.

“Best time to slip out, just have the Princess and Starlight use a misdirection spell to keep the doctors from checking in on me, and I’ll head back as soon as I’m done.”


Twilight and Sunset turned to the familiar voice of Ms. Harshwhinny, she had roused from sleep to see the girls sneaking out and had heard everything. “Why must you go back out there? We have a police department, and a Kamen Rider police officer, military, these are the people whose job it is to protect us from threats like this!”

Ms. Harshwhinny walked up to Sunset and placed her hands on Sunset’s shoulders, and then she cried. “You almost died, Sunset Shimmer, you almost died and no one but I and your friends would have known that you had sacrificed your life! You’re all just young girls, you shouldn’t have to bare this weight on your shoulders! We…We’re the ones who are supposed to protect you, not the other way around…!”

Sunset and Twilight felt like their hearts were going to break, Ms. Harshwhinny may be a strict teacher, and a no nonsense woman, but she cared deeply for her students, and having to see them put themselves in danger time and again, protecting total strangers knowing that each fight could be their last, it tore at her conscience that this should be something an adult should be doing, so that they may be allowed to live their youthful lives.

The fiery red head gently placed her hands over Ms. Harshwhinny’s and said, “I understand, and there are times when I do wish there was someone else who could do this. But there isn’t, I was chosen to fight and protect those I love and care for, and you’re right, baring the weight can be overwhelming, but sometimes when I feel like I can’t save everyone, I focus on those I can save, and suddenly going from thousands, to just a handful, helps me get through it.”

Sunset managed to get Ms. Harshwhinny to release her, she then smiled at the teacher with confidence. “I won’t lose, I’m going to save them, and come back.”

Ms. Harswhinny dried her tears and adopted her old strict mannerisms. “I would hope so, Ms. Shimmer, I never pegged you as one to just give up.”

Sunset and Twilight nodded and proceeded down the hall. They managed to find a way outside and into the back alleyway out of sight. Once there Sunset summoned her Driver and Unicorn Memory.

“Wait,” said Twilight.

“What’s wrong?” Sunset asked.

As she turned around, Twilight leaned forward and gently pressed her lips against Sunset’s. Time slowed to a snail’s pace as the whole world – for that brief moment – fell to the wayside and every part of Sunset’s senses were focused solely on this sensation, this moment. Sunset moved her arms forward and draped them over Twilight’s shoulders as she brought her closer, deepening their kiss. Time would say it was only for a few seconds, but to these girls, that one moment felt like an eternity. Twilight backed away first, staring up into Sunset’s eyes with a bright red blush on her face and smiled.

“Wow…” Sunset whispered.

“I just…I just didn’t want to have any regrets…I…I–!”

Sunset silenced her girlfriend by placing her finger against Twilight’s lips. “Say it to me when I come back, we’ll say it properly. That wasn’t a bad first kiss, by the way.”

The fiery redhead released Twilight and placed the Uni-Driver at her waist.




A bright flash of turquoise light made Twilight close her eyes, when she opened them, Sunset had now become her hero alter ego, Kamen Rider Unicorn. Her crystal horn flashed, and the sound of a motorcycle could be heard immediately after. The bike turned in the alleyway from around the corner and stopped right next to its Rider. Unicorn mounted her bike and revved the engine twice before looking back at Twilight.

“Go, Kamen Rider,” said Twilight.

Unicorn nodded and took off down the alley and disappeared around the corner.


Ocean and Weather waited atop the building they were on earlier, their battle with Equal and her Dopant Quartet was a good warm up, having thoroughly trounced them and sent them running with their tails between their legs. Equal did prove to be a bit annoying with her reduction field, but their dark magical power managed to prove too much for the dark Rider in the end.

“Sun’s almost up, think they’ll actually come?” Aria asked.

“We win either way, so it doesn’t matter, I just wanted to see them die close up,” said Adagio.


Both Dopants became alert as the voice of their sister caught their ears. They looked down below and saw her standing there, alone. The Dopants quickly descended the skyscraper and landed softly next to her, the two monsters hugged their sister fiercely.

“Damn it, Sona, where have you been?! Did those girls kidnap you?!”

“It doesn’t matter, what’s important now is that we get her out of here. I’ll take you as far out of the city as possible and–!”


Adagio and Aria looked at Sonata with confusion.

“I’m not leaving, I’m staying here! It’s time to stop this! We weren’t always monsters! We were just sisters, living our lives in the seas! Our songs didn’t just bring negative emotions, we brought good ones too! That dark magic from the gemstones is still inside us, but it was going away until you two got those things! Please, let’s just go back to what we were doing! We can make it work here!” Sonata pleaded.

Adagio sighed heavily. “Dear me, Sona, they’ve truly brainwashed you, haven’t they?”

Aria scoffed. “Not like it would’ve been that hard with her.”

Sonata didn’t let the quip bother her, instead she fixed her eldest sister with a glare. Adagio took a moment to study her little sister, and her mood shifted from annoyed to perturbed.

“You’re serious, aren’t you?”


Adagio’s violet eyes began to glow. “Do you really want to put your lot in with these humans?!” A gust of wind flew out from Adagio, knocking Sonata back where she landed on her rear. “This is your only warning, Sonata Dusk, let me take you outside this city, or so help me, I’ll end you along with this city!”

Sonata groaned but resumed her steadfast glare at her sisters. But as she did, she could see their eyes glowing with the dark magic that now permeated their auras. “You’re not my sisters, we may fight, say hurtful things we don’t mean, but Adagio and Aria would never threaten to hurt me!”

Aria raised her right hand and focused as she created a sphere of energized water, Adagio joined her as she created a ball of lightning.

“So naïve, and so stupid,” said Aria.

Just then, several orbs of turquoise light barraged both Dopants, striking them repeatedly enough times that they retreated to see who attacked them. Sonata disappeared in a flash of turquoise light, and reappeared, somehow, mounted on a bike. Sonata’s eyes widened with shock as she stared at turquoise colored armor.

“S-Sunset?!” Sonata asked.

Unicorn turned her head and nodded. “I’m teleporting you back to the hospital. I’ll come back, and with your sisters.” Unicorn’s horn glowed, and Sonata was gone in a flash.

Unicorn teleported herself until she was standing in the middle of the road, the same spot where she had not too long ago suffered her defeat at the Sirens’ hands. Ocean and Weather glowered at the sight of Unicorn and were a little surprised to be honest.

“Huh, could’ve sworn that last attack did you in,” said Ocean.

“You almost did,” said Unicorn.

“This a good thing, it means we get to kill you all over again,” said Weather.

The sound of a distant helicopter caught their attention, Unicorn didn’t need to look, more than likely sure that it was Namby and her crew come to cover the fight. The sun finally crested over the horizon, chasing the darkness of night away, and bathing the sky in warm orange hues, a new day was dawning on the city, and for Sunset.

Without warning, Weather released a lightning bolt that sailed towards Unicorn. The magical Rider didn’t move an inch as the bolt continued to get closer. At the last second, a songful screech echoed as a flaming bird swooped in and intercepted the attack, dispelling it before it even reached Unicorn. Weather and Ocean got into defensive positions as the firebird flew around Unicorn before resting in her hands. The construct of the firebird flickered away, revealing the Phoenix Ascender.

“That thing again? Don’t embarrass yourself,” said Weather. “That hunk of junk didn’t save you last time.”

“It’s not junk, it just wasn’t finished yet.” Unicorn looked upon the Phoenix Ascender, feeling the magic of all her friends and girlfriend contained within it. “But it is now!” Unicorn folded the wings of the device, causing the eyes to glow.

\^/ PHOENIX! \^/

Unicorn took out her Shining Memory and pressed the button.


Unicorn inserted the Shining Memory into the Phoenix Ascender, she raised it overhead with her left hand, making the Dopants flinch at what was to come, everyone watching with baited breath at what their resurrected hero was going to do. With her resolve affirmed, Unicorn connected the Phoenix Ascender to the Uni-Driver. The Unicorn Memory and the Shining Memory, exploded with a surge of unleashed magical power.

A circle appeared behind her with six points of light colored white, yellow, orange, blue, purple, pink, and a seventh one that stood at the center, which was red. Wings of fiery light extended from the circle and wrapped around Unicorn. Within the fire a transformation was taking place, Sunset could feel it deep in her soul.

The turquoise color of the armor had vanished, becoming pure white. The armor around her shins, up to her knees was fitted with golden plates, gold wings that had the tips painted red extended from the ankles. Going up to the Driver, the Mimetic Drive port transformed, becoming a holster as seven new Gaia Memories materialized into individual slots. The armor around the hands was a light-teal color, and going up to the forearm, showed the top half had gold armor plating, the image of a phoenix rising from the flames was molded onto it. Further up, her shoulders were protected by oval shaped pauldrons, which had the image of a sun emblazoned unto them.

The chest armor had a heart etched in gold, and etched inside that heart, was the circle that had appeared behind Unicorn. Outside the heart, more gold, etched lines radiated out from the heart, mimicking rays of light. The armor mesh that protected the gaps in the armor was a pale pink color which shimmered in the light. The helmet had changed, the aquamarine compound eyes had changed to turquoise, and across the helmet was a red line. The wing frills on the sides of the helmet had become a blazing red color, and Unicorn’s horn was no longer a turquoise crystal, but had become a pure diamond that was protected by a gold casing. On the back were two round disks that had sun images molded onto them, the disks were released from the back, and along the edges, particles of light were released until they solidified and created wings of light.

The fire and light that had surrounded Unicorn through the transformation dispersed in a shower of red and gold feathers of light, along with sparkles of her turquoise light cascading around them. Unicorn was a couple of feet off the ground, but when she finally touched down, the disks ceased the creation of the wings of light and returned to their resting position on her back. Unicorn had, at long last, achieved her final form.

Weather and Ocean stared wide eyed at this new form, not only because it was such a drastic change, but because of the power they could feel emanating from it.

Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, Magic, and Empathy! The Magic of Friendship, forever burning bright! Unicorn struck a pose and at the same time, the same magic circle appeared behind her. Kamen Rider Unicorn: Day Dreamer! The circle erupted with power, creating an explosion behind the hero as her compound eyes and horn glowed, while this happened, Unicorn raised her right hand and pointed a finger at the Dopants before her. It’s time to restore harmony.

Unless the Dopant was created to do so, it was almost biologically impossible for one to sweat, but right now, you could swear that both were sweating bullets.

“Adagio, this magic, it feels the same as–!”

“DON’T SAY IT!” Adagio shouted. “So, what if she achieved a new form, it’s still using that same Gaia Memory, which means all we need to do is run out the clock like last time!” Despite the fact that it feels like her magic’s evolved to that of an alicorn!

Weather didn’t hold anything back, unleashing twin lightning bolts straight for Unicorn. The ascended Rider didn’t even move, the bolts struck her, exploding the area around Unicorn, and obscuring her from sight. Weather didn’t let up as she fired a barrage of bolts right at that spot. Ocean joined by firing aqua spheres filled with her dark energy, the twin barrage kicked up a large dust cloud, completely covering that area in a thick cloud of black smoke.

Both Dopants stopped and waited. They didn’t wait long as a strong gust of wind blew the smoke away, revealing Unicorn, unscathed.

Unicorn’s horn flashed, disappearing in an instant. Unicorn reappeared behind Ocean, backhanding her with her fist, and sending the Ocean Dopant flying into the side of a building. Weather saw this and threw a fire laced punch at her, but Unicorn caught the punch with her left hand, sending a surge of magic to that hand to nullify the flames surrounding Weather’s fist.

Weather growled and threw a kick at Unicorn striking her in the midsection, but she didn’t even flinch. Ocean burst out from the hole she made in the building and lashed out with a flurry of punches and kicks. Unicorn dodged them, but when Weather joined in, she resorted to dodging and blocking.

It was so strange for her, their movements were slow, and predictable, more than likely due to the power up, her perception was heightened. Unicorn saw an opening when Weather went for a haymaker, and Ocean readied for a kick. With her enhanced speed, Unicorn kicked Weather in the gut, and in that split second, spun around and delivered an elbow strike to Ocean’s gut. Both Dopant’s released sparks from the points of impact, sending them reeling back as they tried to stay standing.

You need to stop now, this is a battle of attrition, said Unicorn.

Weather stood tall, still weakened from the blow. “Ha! You’re only saying that, because your time limit draws near! Don’t think I haven’t been keeping count!” Weather held up three fingers and curled each one in succession. “Three…two…one!”

The time limit had been reached, but nothing changed, Unicorn was still in her Day Dreamer form. Which more than unsettled the two Sirens.

“What the actual hell?! Why haven’t you changed back?!” Ocean demanded.

I’ve ascended past that, I’m no longer constrained to a time limit. Do you understand now, you can’t win?

Weather and Ocean growled as both of them took to the skies, the disk panels on Unicorn’s back popped out and generated the wings of light as she jumped up and flew after them. Once in the air, Unicorn used her right index and ring finger to draw a circle of light before her. She reached into the circle and a hilt formed, as she closed her hand around it, the circle shined and took on a new form.

The blade was made of a gold alloy, with a black line that ran along the center of the blade. The ring, which encircled the hilt, was white as snow, but on the outer edge of the ring were seven open slots, each deep enough to house a Gaia Memory. This was her Halo Blade.

Ocean created her water blades and crossed swords with Unicorn, the Halo Blade clashed with the water blades, creating sparks with each successive parry. Weather channeled her dark magic and elemental power, summoning forth gale force winds as she condensed them with each passing second between her hands. When the condensing was done, Weather unleashed in a blast of tornadic winds that roared towards Unicorn. Ocean bailed out of her fight, retreating to a safe distance as the attack grew closer. Unicorn took out a white Gaia Memory from the holsters, which had a letter “G” stylized by diamonds and inserted it into the top slot on the right side.


Unicorn held the Halo Blade before her, and immediately a wall of diamonds formed before her. The tornado blast struck the diamond shield, stopping it in its tracks as it struggled in vain to try and reach its target. Ocean growled and fired her high-pressure water blast at Unicorn’s back, but the diamond shield formed behind her as well. Unicorn took out another Gaia Memory, blue in color, with the image of an “L” shaped like a wing and inserted it into the middle slot on the right side.


A blue aura appeared around Unicorn, and in the next moment, she became a blur. The high-speed power of the Memory got Unicorn close to Weather before she even noticed her. Unicorn slashed at her side once, and then sped over to Ocean before striking her in the back. Unicorn stopped and both Dopants cried out in pain as the delayed reaction from the attack caught up to them. Both Dopants looked up, seeing Unicorn had attacked at an insane speed that they couldn’t even see.

Unicorn began taking out each of the different Gaia Memories. An orange one with an “H” in the form of two strong arms and a golden apple. A pink one with an “L” in the shape of frosting, yellow with a “K” formed of different paw prints, purple with the letter “M” formed with twinkling stars, and the last one, which was red and had an “E” in the shape of flowing flames.






Unicorn took her left hand pressed down on the wings, when they clinked together twice, the Ascender’s eyes shined.


An aurora of colors lit up the black line that ran through the golden blade, a ball of sparkling azure light surrounded Unicorn, and in the next moment, burst into a blinding light that created an alicorn of light, its mane was a rainbow, and its horn glowed bright white.

Weather and Ocean’s eyes blazed with the dark magic that they had gathered within them, they would not be beaten again, not by this, not again. Weather channeled the elements of wind, water, heat, and lightning, condensing all of it and mixing it with her dark magic. Ocean did the same, gathering water particles and combining it with dark magic, turning the water into dark water that glowed with violet light at the center. Both the Siren Sisters released a primal roar as they fired their two attacks, their dark energies called out to each other, combining into one monstrous beam attack that threatened to swallow the city.

Unicorn swung her sword around, and got into position, at the same time, the alicorn construct neighed loudly as it flapped it’s wings a reared its head back. When the attack was close, Unicorn’s eyes and horn shined bright in tandem with the alicorn construct’s.


The construct released a loud neigh as Unicorn thrust her sword forward, a beam of intense rainbow light shot forth from the blade and through the construct’s horn. The two beams crashed against each other, creating a mighty shockwave that no doubt registered on any local or far away seismographs. The Sirens were struggling against the rainbow beam, but they would not let themselves be defeated, they had come too far and regained too much to let it all be for nothing, again.

Unicorn closed her eyes for a moment, reaching out with her magic, seeing the haze of darkness that covered two lights, they were small, almost struggling to stay lit. The ascended Rider released a loud battle cry as the construct’s eyes narrowed. The beam tripled in size, overpowering the Sirens’ combined attack. The rainbow beam flooded Weather and Ocean’s vision before washing over them like a tsunami. The beam surrounded both Dopant’s until it formed a rainbow heart and wings around them.

Unicorn dismissed the construct, spinning her sword around in her right hand and flicking downwards as she placed her left hand against her hip. Harmony restored!

At this proclamation, the rainbow heart exploded like some kind of fireworks show, before one last explosion went off with a golden hue. Within the explosion, dark embers could be seen being burned away until there was nothing left. Unicorn quickly reached out with her left hand and released a wave of telekinetic magic. Four orbs formed in the air, two showing the silhouettes of two girls, and the last two, which were smaller, were carrying the Weather Memory and Ocean Memory.

Unicorn spotted the CCNN news helicopter in the distance, no doubt Namby captured the entire fight. The superhero raised her left hand and threw up a “V” for victory sign with her fingers in the direction of the news copter. A roaring chorus of cheers could be heard erupting from the city below, the citizens declaring in one voice their praise and happiness for the return and victory of their hero, Kamen Rider Unicorn.


Case Report: Weather Dopant & Ocean Dopant

These last two days were the most terrifying and exhausting I’ve ever had to go through in my life. Not only did enemies from my friends’ past show up again, but two of them wielded Gaia Memories and dark magic. The combination of that and their previous physiology, granted them power and strength above that of normal users. The subjects, Aria Blaze and Adagio Dazzle were the users of these Gaia Memories respectively, they had a vendetta against Sunset and my friends, and trained for the day that they may return and defeat them.

Adagio and Aria came pretty close to doing so……we…I…Almost lost Sunset. I blamed myself for the Phoenix Ascender not working, but it turns out there was more to the device I built than just what I believed it designed to be. The Princess me showed me that, and in so doing, I found my link to the magic, and banished that part of me no, I have to use her name. Midnight Sparkle, she still resided in me, which was one of my greatest fears since I was saved by Sunset. But now, thanks to my friends, and Sunset, I was able to banish Midnight from my mind and soul, I am me, and no one else.

Thanks to this, the Ascender saved Sunset, and with it, she was able to not only defeat Adagio and Aria but save them as well. After cleansing them of dark magic, Adagio and Aria apologized for what they had one, even going so far as to bow before Sunset and request her forgiveness. Sunset was, to say the least, a little embarrassed about being bowed to, old Equestrian habits seemed die hard for those three sisters.

Sonata Dusk and Pinkie Pie somehow became friends through this whole ordeal. Adagio and Aria still felt terrible for what they had done, but Sunset and the girls were willing to put this behind them. Part of me wants to hate them for almost killing Sunset, but I can’t. I know full well what magic can do to you if not prepared, and they had dark magic running through them and the Gaia Memories, which only corrupted them further. Forgiveness is a part of friendship, so I will give them a chance.


Sunset smirked at Twilight as she watched her type down her usual case report. When Sunset returned to the hospital after the battle, she was greeted by a barrage of angry protests about her sneaking out, combined with jubilant congratulations about defeating and saving the Sirens. By the order of Ms. Harshwhinny, she recommended Sunset stay another night just to make sure everything was alright and informed her she would come back later after freshening up. The rest of the girls decided to do the same, with Windy and Bow driving Rainbow Dash home, no doubt tired.

Princess Twilight and Starlight managed to use their magic to keep anyone from entering the room while she was gone, and Sunset professed her thanks to both of them. Princess Twilight bopped Sunset on the head, “Only because I couldn’t do it to your snout because you don’t have one!” she had argued, and then proceeded to hug Sunset fiercely, happy to see her friend and old(?) crush alive. Starlight also hugged her and called her crazy after everything she did. Both Equestrians decided to head back to their world, there was still some business to attend to, but promised they’d keep the journal close in case of any new developments.

Now, Sunset and Twilight were alone, the former sitting back in the hospital bed, while the former typed. Sunset smirked and said, “Why don’t you finish that up in a little bit, and come over here?”

Twilight blushed, smiled, and closed the laptop before proceeding to join her girlfriend in the bed. Sunset scooted over to allow her girlfriend to lie down next to her, Twilight ended up resting her head on Sunset’s shoulder as she curled up next to her, both girls looking up at the television which was replaying the battle nonstop, with panels of experts critiquing the fight, as well as interviews with the people about how grateful they were to the Kamen Riders who fought, especially Unicorn and her triumphant return.

The young genius glanced up at her girlfriend and heroine and smiled blushingly. “Sunset Shimmer…I love you.”

Sunset looked down at Twilight and hugged her tight to her side. “I love you too, Twilight Sparkle.”

Both girls shared a quick kiss, nothing passionate, just a quick peck of the lips, enough to convey their feelings in this moment. There was a knock at the door which drew their attention, the door cracked a little and showed Starlight Glimmer of Earth.

“Oops, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” said Starlight.

“No, no, it’s okay, come in,” said Sunset.

Starlight entered and closed the door, Twilight sat up and walked over to Starlight and extended her hand towards her. “I want to thank you, Starlight, for all your help with Sunset.”

The slightly older version of the Equestrian they knew shook Twilight’s hand with a smile. “I consider you girls my friends, of course I would help. And knowing Sunset’s situation, proper medical care would be an issue considering you’re not from Earth.”

Sunset rubbed the back of her head as she chuckled, “Yeah, kinda, but I don’t get sick, so it’s limited to major physical injuries, like the ones I just got.”

“Well, if that ever happens again – which I pray to gods it doesn’t – I have you listed as special case here to receive medical care at no charge, and no records other than what is needed,” said Starlight.

Both girls blinked.

“You, don’t have to do all that,” said Sunset.

“No, I don’t, but I want to.” Starlight smirked in a manner that oozed authority.

Twilight shrugged. “Guess we can’t argue with that.”

“Oh, by the way, are you in need of any financing? I know school will be starting up soon, and I can make sure you have all you need,” said Starlight.

Sunset smacked her forehead. “Okay, now you’re just spoiling me.”

The girls all shared laughter within the room, it was a new day, and the blossoming of Sunset’s and Twilight’s relationship. However, unbeknownst to the three, someone was watching from the hallway, a young girl with grass green hair looked on with resentment.

Author's Note:

Coming Soon...

"Sunset Shimmer, what the heck do you want?"

"Us? Friends? Is she pulling some kind of sick prank?"

"My friends...don't remember me?"

"We're not together! Why would I ever consider being with someone so...so MEAN!"

"This isn't right...none of this is right! I'm going crazy, please someone, wake up from this nightmare!"

"Perhaps you need some Great and Powerful assistance?"

"It would seem that we were always meant to be on divergent paths, Sunset Shimmer."

Kamen Rider Unicorn the Movie: Memories of Friendship

"Welcome to a new world, Sunset Shimmer..."

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