• Published 23rd Jul 2017
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Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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M: My other self / Forgive

Sunset never paced, but in this situation, it seemed appropriate. Twilight watched as her girlfriend went from one end of her loft to the other, muttering under her breath and no doubt worrying about Starlight Glimmer’s fate.

“This is my fault…if I had kept a better grip on her, or if we just stayed in one place together, she wouldn’t be lost!” Twilight stated.

Sunset stopped and glanced to Twilight. “Stop that, there was nothing else you could’ve done in that mob scene. We just need to find her.”

“I’ve already texted the girls, they’re out helping us look, but Rainbow Dash said she was coming over for some reason, said it was something she needed to tell us in person,” said Twilight.

No sooner did Twilight say that did the two of them hear the sounds of Rainbow Dash’s bike pulling up to Sunset’s loft. The fiery haired girl went to her door, confirmed who it was, and opened the door. Rainbow Dash entered, pulling off her helmet and putting it on an empty chair.

“So, what was so urgent that you needed to tell us in private?” Sunset asked.

Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head, which was already an indicator to Sunset that their prismatic friend may have just messed up somewhere. “Yeah…you remember when I told you about the fight with the three Dopants and when I used Accel for the first time?”

“Yeah…” Sunset answered.

“Well, when I was in the hospital after I tried to confront them, I was taken there by this girl. She was rich and was the president of PhoenEXE Corp……her name was Starlight Glimmer,” said Rainbow Dash.

It was quite the sight to witness both Twilight and Sunset’s right eyes twitch. Sunset took a deep breath as she slowly stalked towards Rainbow Dash. “So, not only do we have a lost pony-human wandering around a big city, but said pony-human has a double who’s the president and CEO of probably the biggest company in this city! W-Why didn’t you tell us this before?! I would’ve told Starlight to stay in Equestria!”

The stalking made Rainbow Dash back up until she hit the couch, but then she kept crawling until she hit the other side. “W-Well how was I supposed to know that your world’s Starlight was going to come and visit?! Princess Twilight barely comes and visits! And besides, we’ve still never found another you here!”

Sunset slapped her face and dragged her hand down. “Like I’ve said, I’ve only searched this city! I don’t know if there is another me here, she may be in another city or country for all I know!” Sunset took another deep breath. “Okay, so, this makes it a little easier to find her.”

“How?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Because now all we have to do is find a photo of Starlight Glimmer, the CEO of PhoenEXE, and send it to the girls. We only gave a description of her, but with a photo they’ll have face to go with it!” Twilight beamed.

The Brainiac of their group went to work searching the net on her phone for a picture of PhoenEXE Corps’ CEO, which were very few indeed. Eventually she was able to find a candid shot of Starlight Glimmer and sent it to the others with the message “She looks like this, she has a double here too!”

“Let’s hope we find her soon, or else someone might mistake her for the owner of a multimillion dollar company,” said Twilight.

Sunset bit at her thumbnail, if she wasn’t worried already, she was now. This world’s Starlight was rich and powerful, and if someone figured that out, they may ransom Equestria’s Starlight to try and get to that money. Then, there was also the other thing weighing on her mind, the fate of the young girl named Apogee.

“Twilight, there’s something I need to look into, I’m taking Hawk. Keep me updated if you find anything out,” said Sunset.

Twilight and Rainbow watched as Sunset left the loft with the laptop Hawk.


Apogee sat in the living room, feeling miserable. But what do you expect considering the circumstances. The police questioned her for hours, and her father was defending her the best he could, but each time Apogee shot down his defense giving them details of how she attacked and fought Unicorn, and how she obtained the Gaia Memory device.

Her father was currently calling their lawyer to come and defend his daughter, she could hear him through the closed door of his bedroom. The moment they got home he immediately went in there and began working on a way to help Apogee, but deep down she knew that this was bad.

Just then, Apogee heard a rapping sound coming from the balcony. When she turned, Apogee expected to see birds, but instead she nearly jumped when she saw Kamen Rider Unicorn standing outside. The fourteen-year-old almost gasped out loud but quickly placed her hands over her mouth. Unicorn gestured for Apogee to come over, to which the young teen girl glanced back towards her father’s room and quickly left to the balcony.

Once outside, Apogee looked up to the armor-clad hero. She was a jumble of emotions. Apogee was excited because she had seen all the footage of Unicorn fighting monsters and thought she was the coolest thing ever, and fear because she had just told her and Trigger that she was the monster who attacked the Science Centre.

Unicorn got down on one knee like she did before, trying to appear as nonthreatening as she could. “I’m not here to hurt you, Apogee.”

“Then…why are you here?”

“Call it a hunch. I’ve fought against a lot of monsters, and most of the time they’re bad people. And sometimes, they’re just people who got roped into doing something bad that they never wanted to do in the first place, or they were messed up in the head because they used a device like this,” said Unicorn as she brought out her Shining Memory.

“You use those things too?” Apogee asked.

“I use them to help people, and this handy device around my waist helps me use their power without changing into a monster. Apogee, you can tell me if something’s wrong, I can tell you’re not just some girl who likes destroying things, or hurting your dad.”

Apogee looked away from the hero, rubbing her arm and looking very guilty. “I can’t…tell you”

Unicorn quirked head to the side. “There’s a difference between can’t and won’t, Apogee. If you’re protecting someone, if they’re threatening you, you can tell me. Trigger, Nasca, and I can protect you, but only if you let us!”

Apogee shook her head. “It’s not like that! No one’s making me do this, I made Mom – EEP!” Apogee placed her hands over her mouth. “I-I-I mean…what I meant to say…oh crap…”

Unicorn sat down on the balcony, prompting Apogee to do the same. “Look, Trigger is the only real officer of the law between the three of us. Nasca and I are normal girls under these masks and armor. We can understand somethings that he might not, plus, you know the other advantage of being a vigilante is?”

Apogee shook her head.

“I can do things that some cops can’t, like see both sides and find out a solution. So, it’s okay to talk to me.” Unicorn was met with silence as Apogee fiddled with the hem of her skirt. The super heroine sighed. “Alright, if you want me to, I’ll leave right now and never bother you again. But if you want, I’ll stay and I promise to listen.”

Nothing was said for a minute, Unicorn made like she was about to leave until, “You really will listen? Right?” Unicorn nodded to the young teen. “You’re right, I didn’t become the monster, my Mom did. Her name’s Delta Vee. She’s a really smart woman, she builds rockets like my Daddy does in Las Pegasus, but……”

“But what, Apogee?”

“She can be a slob, she’s angry a lot around Daddy, and sometimes I don’t think she really likes me all that much. But, I still love her, she’s my Mom! I keep trying to figure out why they hate each other so much, but each time they say, ‘You’ll understand when your older’ or ‘It’s grownup stuff’! Ugh, it’s annoying when they say that! I even invited Mom to come to the expo because I knew she’d want to see the rocket ship design, because Daddy told me that it’s something that they both worked together on a long time ago!”

“Of course, when it started, and Daddy started to talk she stormed out…”


Delta Vee walked out of the auditorium, with Apogee close behind her. Apogee ran fast and cut her mother off before she could get any further.

“Move,” she said.

“No! You two have been fighting like cats and dogs for as long as I can remember! You two always say that I’ll understand when I’m older, well, I’m older, I’m four-freakin’-teen!” Apogee argued.

Delta sighed heavily. “No, you’re an emotional girl in her early teens! Not an adult by any means, you barely have any life experience to speak about! Just…ugh…just please, Apogee, stop.”

Delta moved Apogee out of the way as she walked past her, her face became red as she whirled around and shouted at her, “WHAT DID I EVER DO TO MAKE YOU HATE ME?!”

The older woman stopped in her tracks. Apogee didn’t mean it to sound like that, but she was frustrated, her mother always treated her with a combination of anger and love, but the way she loved her was as if she was an annoying neighbor kid coming to hang out, someone to be indulged until their parents eventually showed up and they went home. Apogee couldn’t understand that, Delta was her mother, her father said so, she had even seen pictures of Delta pregnant with her, and that same woman holding the little freckled girl when she was a baby.

Delta turned around, her gaze was downcast as she hugged herself. Apogee felt as if she may’ve hurt her mother’s feelings, but she stood her ground, Delta, her mother, had to know how she felt. When Delta reached to Apogee, she looked down at her with sad red eyes, taking one hand to brush her daughter’s hair.


“It’s not fair…It’s all not fair…!”

Just then, a flash of green light went off from around the airplane exhibits. That green light zipped out and appeared before Delta, Apogee jumped back, not sure what to make of it. Apogee watched as her mother grasped the device inside the light, and then pressed the connector to her chest. The device melted into her body, making her glow bright until she had fully transformed into the monster. There was barely any time to say anything before she blasted off through the roof.


“So…your mother was the Dopant that attacked the stage, and your father. What else happened after the fight we had?”

“I was trying to find a way out, but the exits were crowded so I tried to find another way through the space exhibit, but then that’s when I saw her fall through…”


Apogee watched as her mother, the monster, skidded into the exhibit, smashing against the clay moon and cracking it. Dust flew from the mock lunar surface, coating even Apogee in it. She hid behind the lunar lander, but then looked around and called out, “MOM!”

The monster looked up and said, “Apo…gee?”

“Over here!”

Her mother crawled her way towards where Apogee was hiding. In a few seconds the transformation ended, and the device fell onto the floor. Apogee carefully put her hands on her mother, who was panting from both exhaustion and strain from being struck by Unicorn and Trigger’s attacks.

“Are you…are you alright?” Apogee asked.

“I…I…I think so…oh gods what did I do?!” Delta looked up at Apogee with tears in her eyes. “Jet Stream?! Is he alright?!”

“Y-Yeah, Unicorn saved Daddy…Mom, you don’t remember anything?”

Delta placed a hand against her head as she tried to think. “It’s all a big blur, I rememberputting that thing against my chest, the rush of power, and then these flashes of Jet Stream, explosions, and now!”

‘She doesn’t remember the attack…’ Apogee thought.

Just then she heard and saw Kamen Riders Unicorn and Trigger entering the exhibit area, obviously looking for the monster that they were fighting. Apogee looked down at her stunned mother, but it didn’t take long for her to see the Riders. Thinking quickly, Apogee grabbed the device and walked out into the open to the Riders, and confessed that she was the monster.



The girl IN question had walked to the railing and looked out into the city. “Mom never meant to do that…how can you blame someone for something that they didn’t even know that they were doing?”

Unicorn stood beside Apogee as she sighed. “I understand that you wanted to protect your mother, but, Apogee, you understand what this means for you right? They may not go easy on you because your young, those devices are dangerous and can cause a lot of damage, and hurt a lot of people. They may either put you in juvie, or worse, in jail.”

“I won’t let Mom go jail for a mistake, for something she can’t even remember doing…”

Unicorn shook her head and began to light up her horn. “Let me say this, Apogee. I admire what you’re doing. But, you shouldn’t have to carry this kind of burden. But we’ll see if we can make things work out.”

With that Unicorn teleported in a flash of light. Unicorn reappeared some ways away on a rooftop, gazing up at the hotel balcony she was just at. She knew she needed to make this right, but how?


Delta Vee sat in her motel room, glancing at a six pack of some random alcoholic drink she bought earlier. She wanted to drink it, so badly. But no matter what reasoning she tried, it didn’t help. Drinking the guilt away was not going to help, and she knew that. Delta got up and paced the room, trying desperately to figure something out, and that was the other reason why she didn’t want to drink, she needed to be sober, all her neurons needed to be on full alert for how hard she was thinking.

It was then that Delta Vee saw a flash of turquoise light go off in her room. The older woman had to stifle a girly shriek as she jumped back, her fears weren’t lessened when Delta noticed that it was Kamen Rider Unicorn in her room.

“You’re a hard woman to find, but thankfully not that hard,” said Unicorn.

“W-What do you want?! You know this breaking and entering, and last I checked you’re not the one who’s a cop!” Delta stated.

“Technically, I didn’t ‘break’ anything, and I didn’t ‘enter’. I just appeared.”

Delta rolled her eyes. “Fine, then what do you want?”

Unicorn stood a little firmer, making Delta flinch. “I want to know why you let your daughter take the fall for what you did?”

Delta’s eyes widened with fear. “H-How do you know that?!”

“Because I talked to her, and she told me. Out of respect for her, I won’t take you to Trigger. But, I want to know, why haven’t you come to confess yet?” Unicorn asked in a stern voice.

Delta sighed heavily as she sat in the fold out chair next to the fold out table. “It’s not easy…I don’t remember what I did! I remember flashes, emotions, sounds, but other than that it was one big blur! When I heard…Apogee…call out to me, I regained whatever sense I had and from there I was able to change back. By the time I realized what she had done, you and that other Rider had taken her away!”

“Look, my word may not do much, but I do have experience with these incidents. I can explain to Trigger what happened, because it sounds to me as if the Gaia Memory responded to your emotions, and fed on them. Putting you into a kind of berserker state. You didn’t actually hurt anyone, aside from some property damage, but other than that no one was killed,” said Unicorn.

The Kamen Rider was met with silence.

Sunset furrowed her brow beneath her helmet and slammed her hand on the foldout table. “Do you really not care that your daughter could go to juvie or jail?!”

“I don’t know, alright?! I never even wanted her in the first place!” Delta shouted.

Unicorn was taken aback by that statement. “What do you mean?”

“The man I tried to kill…Jet Stream. We were college friends, and friends turned into boyfriend and girlfriend. We shared the same dream and goals, we even thought about that rocket he was so proud and about to display today! But then…it all went down the crapper. One night, one night of reckless passion…and I was pregnant. At first, I was happy about it, I loved Jet Stream. But then I realized how much it bogged me down, I was behind in my projects and research, and before I knew it, he had presented our idea as his and took all the glory and credit!”

Delta stood up and, quite impressively, got in Unicorn’s face. “He played me, he got me pregnant in some sick and twisted method to capitalize on all MY hard work! And yet, he has the gull to ask me to be a mother to a daughter that I never asked for, or wanted?! You tell me, hero, who’s the real monster here?!”

Unicorn felt a twinge of anger in her and a rising need to slap this woman while in her powered-up form, but the look of Apogee’s happy face and her love for this woman is what suppressed that urge. “You’re telling me that you don’t feel an ounce of love for your own daughter, your own flesh and blood?” Unicorn rushed forward and took Delta by the collar of her tank top. “She’s throwing away her future for you! Because she loves you! And you’re telling me that you don’t love her because you never wanted her?!”

“I never said I was parent of the year…she’s better off not being around me!”

Unicorn’s horn glowed, along with her Gaia Memory. In that moment, she could feel something, a feeling of comforting warmth, it was love. There was also the feeling of thorns and constructing vines, this was guilt. A fiery torch of anger. All of these emotions, all of them flowed into Sunset, but along with them came memories.

Sunset could see these memories, like watching a movie screen framed in turquoise flames. The memories of happiness and love between two people, the love of an expecting mother, and the bitterness of a dream supposedly crushed. And yet, in all the memories that Sunset saw that involved Apogee, there was conflicting feelings of apathy and love for her daughter. But…

Unicorn released Delta, the woman looked a bit shocked with widened eyes. Maybe she saw the memories too? Unicorn sighed and took a few steps back, preparing to teleport herself.

“Wait, what are you going to do?!” Delta asked.

“Nothing, because your daughter loves you that much. But the real question is…what are you going to do?”

With that said, Unicorn teleported in a flash of turquoise light, appearing some ways away from the motel where Delta Vee was staying. This situation wasn’t resolved, and she really didn’t want to see an innocent girl go to jail, but what else could she do?


That morning, at the police station, Delta learned from her ex that they were coming back for another round of questioning, and that their lawyer would be video conferencing in. Delta scoffed at that, considering how much she was getting paid, the least the bloodsucker could do was get her butt on an overnight plane and come here like Delta did.

Delta released a long sigh and walked up to the station, she knew when Jet Stream and Apogee would be there, and decided to be there earlier than them. Was this a stupid idea? Probably, but – and she hated to admit it – Unicorn was right. As much conflicting feelings as she had about her daughter, Delta couldn’t just let Apogee mess up her life for a drunk like herself. Jet Stream may have messed up her life, but Delta would not be the one to do that to Apogee, especially at her young age.

The bewildered woman walked up the steps, wishing to gods that she was drunk to do this, but if she was they wouldn’t believe a word she’d say. Once in the station, Delta Vee walked up to the officer manning the front desk. “Hey, who’s leading that investigation with that monster attack yesterday?”

“Why do you wish to know ma’am?” the officer asked.

“Because you got the wrong person,” said Delta. “I’m the one who changed into that rocket monster and attacked the Expo.”

The officer looked up at the woman, at first startled by her striking red eyes, but then quickly took up his phone and paged someone in the back. A policeman with a blue jacket and differently styled uniform came from the back and to the front.

“I’m Officer Shining Armor of the Special Crimes Unit. I was told you are the one behind the attack,” said Shining Armor.

“Yes, my daughter is trying to do the whole ‘save mommy’ thing. She took the memory stick thing after it fell out of me and ran up to the Kamen Riders telling them she did it,” said Delta.

Shining Armor raised an eyebrow, that information had not been released yet.

Delta raised her hands up to Shining Armor. “So, cuff me already, you got your perp!”

“Ma’am, I understand that you want to protect your daughter, but right now the investigation is still open. I’ll take your statement and we’ll look into it as the investigation continues ma’am,” said Shining Armor.

Delta growled in anger, “Look, I’m confessing to blowing up the part of the Science Centre, and almost killing my ex! What more do you need?! Dust that thing I used for finger prints, mine will be on there!”

“Ma’am, you need to calm down,” said Shining Armor.

“NO! I won’t let her future get ruined!”

Suddenly, officers in the back began shouting “DUCK!”. Shining Armor hit the deck, just as a green glowing object flew passed him and struck Delta Vee in the chest. The woman’s eyes went wide as a green glow shined from them. In less than a few seconds, Delta’s body had transformed into the Dopant from the attack yesterday. The mecha monster growled as it swiped its arm, smashing through the front desk and sending the officer behind it flying into his coworkers.

Shining Armor jumped back and summoned his T-Driver, and then pulled the Trigger Memory.




An azure electrical field formed around Shining Armor, transforming him into Kamen Rider Trigger. Trigger dashed forward, punching the Dopant right in the face, making it stumble back. He then followed up with a spinning roundhouse kick to the Dopant’s gut, hitting it straight through the doors and out into the street.

Trigger ran outside, with his Chrome Buster at the ready. The Dopant had already taken to the skies, glaring down at Trigger, and firing a barrage of rockets at him. Trigger ran, firing multiple shots at the rockets as they tried to hit him. The law enforcement Kamen Rider managed to shoot down a few, but was not able to get them all as some managed to hit in front, behind, and around him. Trigger was thrown from the explosion, hitting into the side of a car.

Pulling himself out of the body sized dent he created, Trigger opened the compartment of his Chrome Buster and pulled from his hip holster another of his Arms Memories.

< DUAL! >

|^| DUAL! ARMED! |^|

Trigger placed both hands on the Chrome Buster, as pulled he left hand away a copy of the Chrome Buster appeared in Trigger’s left hand. The Dopant fired several more rockets, but Shining Armor fired both Busters at the same time, blasting the rocket barrage with a hailstorm of blue plasma bolts. Explosions went off in midair, each resonating with a booming force.

The sound of tires squealing drew Trigger’s attention, turning his head, Trigger saw that a black sedan car stopped behind him. Inside, Trigger could see that it was Jet Stream and his daughter, Apogee. The young girl exited the car, much to the protest of her father. Trigger had to keep his attention on the Dopant, preparing to shoot down the monster or more of its rockets should it launch them.

Apogee stood in the no-mans-land between Trigger and the Dopant and shouted, “MOM, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”

Jet Stream got out of the car and looked at the monster with shock. “Delta…?”

“WHY DID YOU USE IT AGAIN?! HOW DID YOU, HE TOOK AWAY!” Apogee yelled while pointing at Shining Armor.

“She came to the station and confessed that it was her who attacked the expo. She got angry and suddenly that device flew straight at her, and transformed her,” said Trigger.

“She doesn’t remember what she did the first time, and I don’t think she knows what’s happening now!” Apogee stated.

The Dopant’s eyes shifted from Apogee and then to Jet Stream, its eyes glowed red as it growled and began flying towards Jet Stream. Trigger fired a barrage, cutting off the Dopant’s advancement.

“GET OUT OF HERE, NOW!” Trigger ordered.

Jet Stream ran to Apogee, grabbed her, and hurried her back to the car. The Dopant released fifty rockets in total. Trigger shot down as many as he could, but the rockets that got away exploded on the road, creating pitfalls that made it impossible for Jet Stream to back up his car. The only way out was forward, but Trigger knew that Delta wasn’t going to allow that.

Suddenly, the Dopant flew up and angled herself back to come barreling straight for Trigger. She released more rockets, and afterwards, released a burst of speed that put the Dopant ahead of her rocket attacks. The Dopant zoomed passed Trigger, as he was left to deal with her rocket barrage wake. While Trigger was blasting at the rockets, the Dopant hovered over the car. Delta used her sharp claws to peel back the roof of the car like a can opener, revealing her ex-husband and daughter.

“You…!” Delta growled.

“Delta!” Jet Stream shouted.

“Mom don’t!” Apogee yelled.

Suddenly, the Dopant was struck from behind by a vermillion blur. That same blur struck the Dopant again and again, sending sparks flying from her body and making her back away from the car, taking to the skies. When she was far enough away, the blur stopped on the hood of the car, revealing Kamen Rider Nasca in Vermillion Mode. The sound of a motorcycle echoed as Kamen Rider Unicorn jumped her bike over the pitfall that the Dopant had created, coming to a screeching halt beside the car.

Unicorn glanced to Apogee and asked, “What happened?!”

“The other guy there said my Mom came to the police station and confessed about what happened yesterday! Why would she do that?!” Apogee asked.

“Wait, she did what?!” Jet Stream asked.

“Uh, Unicorn, it looks like she’s about to come around again!” Nasca warned.

Delta’s red eyes glowed as her salvos prepared to unleash a hell storm upon them. Unicorn looked up, but began to feel a kind of energy begin to rise from the Unicorn Memory, she looked to Jet Stream and Apogee, and then to Dopant Delta. She realized what needed to be done.

“Nasca, fall back, I have a crazy idea,” said Unicorn.

Nasca nodded and flew away, leaving only Unicorn between the Dopant and the family of two now standing outside the car. Delta growled loudly and dive bombed straight for Unicorn. Unicorn’s horn and Gaia Memory glowed as she channeled the magic within herself and within the Memory. Her body began to glow a bright, sparkling turquoise, and at the same time a mini-transformation occurred.

On the sides of Unicorn’s helmet, two protrusions flashed into existence that resembled that of pony ears, and behind her, an ethereal pony tail made of turquoise magical energy formed. Nasca’s eyes widened, she knew what this was. Unicorn, Sunset Shimmer, had just ponied up while in Kamen Rider form.

Delta had gotten much closer, and was almost in reaching distance of Unicorn, but at the last second, the eyes of Unicorn shined as she thrusted both arms out, creating a field of light that covered a two-meter radius and was one meter in height. Inside this sphere of light and magic, masks were stripped away, lies faded into nothingness, and all that was left was pure emotion and memory.

Jet Stream, Apogee, and even Delta could feel the other’s emotions. Memories flowed of happier times, of a young couple, in love, and looking towards the future. Pain was there as well, pain of betrayal, and of neglect. Anger was there, felt by all three, one from wanting to understand the reason for that anger, and from the adults, anger from the situations that the other put themselves in. But what was strong in the all the memories, even the painful ones, was love.

Delta floated down from the air and landed on the asphalt, she fell to her knees, slumping forward as whimpers could be heard coming from her. Apogee slowly walked towards Delta, unafraid of her Dopant form. She knelt beside her mother, and gave her hug, making Delta give a small gasp of surprise. Delta looked on as Jet Stream walked towards her, and knelt on one knee. He reached out with one hand and cupped her cheek.

“Please come, come back,” said Apogee.


“I’m sorry…” Jet Stream choked. “I knew you were hurting, and I thought bringing our dream to life would make you happy, instead it only made you more bitter. I don’t want this to be what we are anymore, you deserve to be with me in EarthAero, and you deserve to be with us in our home.”

Unicorn nodded and released the field, revealing the scene before them. Even without seeing his expression, Unicorn could tell from Trigger’s body language that he was a bit confused as to why the two supposed victims of this case were now hugging the monster that attacked them. Unicorn just raised her hand and shook her head, a small gesture to say that “Everything was okay.”

“Touching, very touching.” Everyone looked up at the adjacent building and saw Kamen Rider Equal standing atop it. “But I’ll be taking that T2 Memory now.”

Delta looked up and saw the fourth Kamen Rider, she looked around and saw that the other three had just went on guard, taking aggressive stances. In her Dopant form, Delta’s instincts were telling her that the fourth Rider was not one of the good guys. The Dopant rose up and put Jet Stream and Apogee behind her saying, “You won’t hurt them!”

Dopant Delta shot off and aimed herself directly for Equal. Trigger, Unicorn, and Nasca shouted for her to stop, but Delta was in full maternal instinct mode, the only thought on her mind was to eliminate the threat to her family. Equal merely chuckled and moved the arrow from her right hip to the center buckle.

| LESS THAN: < |

Equal’s Reduction Field expanded, just as Delta fired her rocket salvos. The rockets zoomed straight towards Equal, but the moment they entered the field, the rockets fizzled out and exploded like little firecrackers. Equal jumped off the roof, and replaced the arrow with another.


The crystal facets of Equal’s armor changed to red, and the dark Rider jetted forward. She flipped around and drove her right foot into Dopant Delta’s chest, driving all the way until they struck the ground, hard, and sent up a plume of dust and debris upon impact. Equal kept her red flamed foot pressed against the Dopant’s chest, causing sparks to fly with each grinding of her heel.

“Persistent, aren’t we?” Equal raised her right hand, gathering crimson energy to it. “But this will end that stubbornness!”

Before Equal could deliver her final blow, Unicorn teleported in and punched Equal in the face, sending the evil Rider flying for a few seconds before correcting herself and landing on her feet. Nasca and Trigger stood on either side of Unicorn, ready to fight her, but Unicorn raised her hand as if to stop them.

“No, she’s mine,” said Unicorn as she walked towards Equal.

“You’re either really cocky or really stupid to think you can take me on one-on-one. I just proved to you that I can take all three of you on, easily,” said Equal.

“Yeah, that’s true, but can you handle me at my strongest?!” Unicorn stated as she brandished the Shining Memory.



A golden pillar of light erupted from Unicorn’s body, her armor turned gold, her eyes turquoise, and two long shimmering clothes flowed in the wake of her power. Unicorn had entered her strongest form, Shining Day. What was interesting about the transformation, was that even in this form, the pony ears and tail still remained, although the tail was now shifting between turquoise and golden light like an aurora.

“Ah, yes, I’ve seen a bit of that form. But let’s see if it’s as strong as all the hype says it is,” said Equal as she changed the arrows.

| LESS THAN: < |

Unicorn struck the Mimetic Drive port once.


The golden Rider’s fists and arms glowed with orange light as she took her stance. In less than a second, Unicorn dashed towards Equal covering the gap in distance in the blink of an eye. Unicorn turned once in midair, and thrust her right fist forward. The Reduction Field was already working to lessen the power of the attack, making Equal smirk under her helmet. However, that smirk was slowly fading as she realized that the attack was still pushing through, and that the power was still the same.


Unicorn released a war cry, her eyes and horn shining as she thrusted through and punched Equal right in the chest. Sparks flew from her armor as the evil Rider was shot forward and was embedded into the grill of Jet Stream’s car.

Equal shook her head, dazed from the attack, and looked up with shock in eyes. Unicorn had just struck her, and did damage to her while the Reduction Field was up. It wasn’t possible, nothing could pierce her ultimate defense. “DAMN YOU, UNICORN!”


\\ LAUGH! //

Unicorn’s body was wrapped in a pink aura as she ran to intercept a now crimson glowing Equal. The evil Rider struck with her right fist, but the moment she made contact, Unicorn’s body exploded into confetti. The confetti itself glowed and then exploded, showering Equal in mini-explosions that damaged her armor. Equal growled, spotting Unicorn dashing from behind. The dark Rider threw a punch, but as if she saw it coming, Unicorn weaved around the punch, and got to her side. Unicorn’s right hand sparkled with little orbs of light, upon which she used them in a palm-heel strike to Equal’s right side. The result was a multi-explosion that made Equal back away.

Equal grunted in pain, and growled with fury at how Unicorn’s power was somehow stronger than hers, it made no sense. The power of the Equal Memory should give her reign over the other T2 Gaia Memories, why was it not doing the same for this one? “That’s it, this ends now!”

Couldn’t agree more, time to restore harmony!



Unicorn and Equal jumped into the air, spun once, and extended their right legs forward into a flying Rider Kick.



Unicorn’s right foot created a spiral unicorn horn and fiery wings, while Equal’s right foot was ablaze with crimson and silvery energy. Both Riders met in the middle, their attacks crashed into each other, making the ground below rumble and shake, indeed even the air vibrated from the intensity of these two Riders of good and evil. Gold and silver lightning sparked around them, as Unicorn and Equal tried to beat out the other and drive their attack forward.

The power of their Rider Kicks created as buildup of power between them. It grew brighter and brighter, until it could not withstand anymore and the power burst in a powerful explosion that made Unicorn fly back to where she started, thankfully she was able to correct herself at the last second and skidded to a halt before her allies. Equal was able to do the same, albeit with a bit of stumble and a lot of panting, she had sustained a lot of backlash damage from the explosion, but it seemed as if Unicorn wasn’t as affected as she was.

“Dammit, took too much damage!” Equal hissed. “I underestimated how powerful that Memory is…”

Unicorn readied to attack again, but Equal struck the ground before her with a power punch, creating a dust cloud that masked her escape. Unicorn wanted to give chase, but she knew her time limit was just about up with Shining Day, so she disengaged the form and let the rogue Rider go for now. So long as Sunset knew that Shining Day was more than Equal could handle, they had an edge over her. A flash of green light went off, and Unicorn turned to see that the R Memory had fallen from Delta Vee.

Nasca and Unicorn stood on either side of Trigger, at the same time, the family of three looked up at him as well.

“So, what happens now?” Unicorn asked.

Apogee held onto her mother’s arm tightly, while Jet Stream put himself between the Riders and his ex-wife.

“Considering the fact that the device practically plowed through several walls of the prescient and embedded itself in Ms. Vee here against her will, it’s obvious that thing’s got a mind of its own. I doubt anyone would act in their right state of mind once that thing was in them,” said Shining Armor.

“Do you mean…?” Apogee asked tentatively.

“Well, there are certain privileges when you’re a Kamen Rider police officer, and lead investigator concerning monster attacks.”

Nasca gave a light elbow nudge to Trigger. “Well look at you bein’ a softy.”

“I’m just going by the facts of the case.”

Suddenly the R Memory rose up, making everyone stand back, everyone except Nasca, who flared her wings and took the Gaia Memory into her hands. The Memory sparked and released green arcs of light, but Nasca kept her grip on the out of control Memory.

“Oh no, you’re not messin’ with anyone else today!” Nasca stated.

The Nasca Memory glowed and sent a surge of energy from the belt, up her body and through her arm. The surge merged with the wild R Memory and suddenly, the energies mingled and harmonized, and soon after the Memory settled down. Nasca opened her hand and saw that it was no longer sparking.

“Oookay, guess it likes Nasca. Hate to do this to you Trigger, but that thing’s too dangerous to be kept in an evidence locker and –”

“Just take the thing and go,” said Trigger.

Unicorn and Nasca glanced to each other and then back to Trigger.

“Go before I change my mind already!”

“No take backs, later!” Nasca flared her wings and zoomed into the air and far away from the battleground.

Unicorn walked up to Apogee and ruffled the young teen’s hair. “I told you everything would work out alright.”

Apogee smiled and said, “Thank you.”

Unicorn teleported away back to her bike. Once she mounted it, Unicorn drove down the road and teleported again out of sight.


Sometime later, Sunset and Rainbow Dash met up in one of the local parks, both sitting on a bench with their bikes parked, taking a breather from the battle earlier. Sunset’s pony up had ended shortly before she deactivated her Rider form, and so far, the newly acquired T2 Gaia Memory was behaving.

“I gotta know, how the heck did you pony up while you were transformed?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Sunset thought about it for a moment. “I don’t know…I mean, we discovered that we pony up when we play music, or when we show the truest parts of ourselves. For you, loyalty. Rarity, generosity. Applejack, honesty. Fluttershy, kindness, and Pinkie Pie is laughter. Each of them corresponds to an Element of Harmony.”

“Okay, so what’s your Element then? Is it magic?” Rainbow asked.

Sunset shook her head. “I don’t think so. During the Battle of the Bands, when we united against the Sirens, there were seven lights, the six for the elements, and then a seventh, mine. I’ve been tinkering with the idea that mine’s an element that’s not been invoked, or maybe one that I’ve just discovered, or developed, from being here.”

“Why wouldn’t you be the Element of Magic for this world? If Princess Twilight’s Element of Magic is for Equestria, maybe you’re Earth’s?” Rainbow suggested.

Sunset shook her head again. “No, because, when I felt the magic grow in me, and created that field. It wasn’t because I wanted power to stop them, I wanted to stop Delta from hurting her family, I wanted them to…forgive each other.”

Rainbow brought her friend into a half hug. “Hey, you did great. We reunited a family, snagged a new T2 Memory, and you royally kicked Equal’s ass! Not a bad day, so far.”

“Yeah, but still no luck finding Starlight Glimmer.” Sunset groaned as she rubbed her eyes with the heels of her palms. “Ugh, she’s been gone almost twenty-four hours, anything could have happened to her…!”

Rainbow Dash patted Sunset on the shoulder. “It’ll be okay, I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?”

“Hmm, let’s see? She could be run over by a car, she could accidentally unleash a magic calamity, she could be kidnapped and be made to be someone’s depraved plaything! Let’s not also forget, she has no idea how things work here in human land, so Starlight might not understand a lot of customs and things that I’ve learned since I’ve been here for so long!” Sunset listed off.

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Yeah, that’s bad.”

Suddenly, Sunset’s phone rang. She quickly took it out and saw that it was Twilight calling. “Twi, what’s up?”

[Sunset, I’ve found out where Starlight Glimmer lives!]


Sunset hightailed it to the address Twilight had texted, although this wasn’t their Starlight Glimmer, there was a chance – miniscule mind you – that Earth’s Starlight Glimmer may have bumped into or possibly incurred some mishap from having an exact double of herself walking around.

The fiery haired girl approached the mansion, whistling at the impressive wrought iron gate which surrounded the property, and a marble white house that looked like it could fit a small village a few meters away. Of course, as she got closer to the gate, she saw that it was passcode only. Sunset looked around for an intercom system, surely a mansion property like this had one. Her eyes fell on such a device near a smaller entrance for individuals to enter.

Sunset parked her bike up against the fence and gingerly pressed on the intercom button. The intercom box itself had a view screen that lit up, showing the face of the owner of the house. Sunset had to stifle a gasp at seeing the slightly older Starlight Glimmer. “Um…Hello, Ms. Glimmer, you don’t know me, and this is going to sound really strange…but you wouldn’t happen –?”

“Wouldn’t have happened to bump into myself yesterday,” Starlight finished. “You must be Sunset Shimmer, correct?”

Sunset’s jaw dropped. “Um…y-yeah, I-I am, but how did you know that?”

“There’s someone here who said you’d be looking for her, thankfully you spared us an exhaustive search, I’ll buzz you in.”

The gate opened and Sunset mounted her bike again. She drove up the circle driveway where a fountain sat at the center. Sunset drove up close to the stairs of the house, and no sooner did she turn off her bike did Glimmer come running out and gave Sunset a hug. Sunset returned that hug, a sense of relief washing over her at the return of her friend.

“Jeez, you gave me a heart attack when Twilight said she lost you!” Sunset stated.

“I’m sorry, I tried to look for you, but with all the commotion, and your warning about how my magic may act funny on this side, I wasn’t sure what exactly to do!” Glimmer turned around a looked to Starlight. “That is until myself helped me out.”

Starlight walked down the stairs, keeping an inquisitive look about her as she made eye contact with Sunset Shimmer. “You seem to live an interesting life, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset rubbed the back her head. “Y-Yeah, kind of. Thank you, again, for keeping her safe. I didn’t know what I’d do if something happened to her.”

“Oh, it’s was no trouble. How often does one get to meet themselves from a parallel world? And Glimmer, if you can, I’d like to come to your world and see Sunburst,” said Starlight.

Sunset looked to Glimmer. “You told her that you’re a…pony?!”

Glimmer shrugged. “Well, yeah, I mean, why wouldn’t I? She has a right to know. And Starlight, regarding that request, you’ll have to ask Sunset here. She’s kind of the unofficial gatekeeper, and we’ll also have to run it by Princess Twilight, we can’t exactly have two of somepony walking around without an explanation.”

Starlight smiled and stepped down to meet Sunset, she then extended her hand and said, “Sunset Shimmer, you seem to be an interesting girl, I hope we can keep in touch and that you’ll give my request some thought.”

Sunset smiled and reached out to shake her hand. “Sure, that sounds –”

The moment that both women touched their hands to each other, something happened. Sunset was seeing and feeling things again, emotions of loss, anger, ambition, and…something else. Flashes of memory, an explosion, a headstone, an emerald rock pillar, and…a Driver.

Sunset released Starlight’s hand, her eyes wide as she looked upon the woman before her, and realized she had accidentally discovered something about this human version of her pony friend. Starlight and Glimmer looked at Sunset with confusion and some worry as she seemed to be staring into space.

“Um, Sunset, are you alright?” Glimmer asked.

“Uh, y-yeah, yes! I’m perfectly okay! A-And I will, give your request some thought I mean!” Sunset stated.

Starlight smiled. “Thank you, are you sure you’re alright? I can have a limo drive you home, and I can have someone take your bike to you. I know someone who’s a good driver.”

“No, thank you,” Sunset began petting the bike as if it were a pet, “no one handles my baby without me around.”

“Understood, be more careful Glimmer, and I hope to meet you again. And, try not to cause too much trouble with my face and body, I’m rich so people don’t rightfully care too much what I do, but just keep any craziness to the bare minimum.”

“No promises!” Glimmer teased. Sunset handed over her helmet to Glimmer, but stopped her. “You need that to protect your head on this loud, rattling thing. I got myself covered.”

Glimmer used her magic and crafted a copy of Sunset’s bike helmet. Sunset felt like scolding her for doing that, but the secret of being a pony was already out, so what point was there in doing so now? Sunset gave a wave to Starlight and the two native Equestrians left the property, with Glimmer performing a vice hug around Sunset’s midsection.

As they drove, Sunset wasn’t able to get what she saw and felt out of her mind. If she was right, if those memories were in fact Starlight’s memories, then it only meant one thing.

Starlight Glimmer…Earth’s Starlight…is Kamen Rider Equal.


Sunset plopped onto her couch, sighing as this was an exhausting day. Twilight and Rainbow Dash plopped in the other couch while Starlight sat next to Sunset. Sunset looked to the coffee table in the middle of the room as the T2 Gaia Memory rested there, she then turned her gaze to Twilight and asked, “Were you able to find out anything on it?”

“Yes, ” said Twilight. “It’s the Rocket Memory. It boasts incredible power and speed, and is a bit volatile in nature. It was attracted to Ms. Delta Vee because of her emotional turmoil, it was the ‘perfect fuel’ for the Rocket Memory to bond with. Plus, adding in Ms. Vee’s scientific knowledge of how rockets work, it only made her connection stronger.”

“Huh, that explains how she was able the adapt the rockets she blasted me with so quickly to my Mystic Cyclone form,” said Sunset.

Starlight rubbed the back of her head feeling a bit bad. “Sorry, I just added to the stress of the whole situation. I guess coming here was a bad idea after all.”

Sunset glanced to Starlight, smiled, and then punched her playfully on the arm. “Nah, it all worked out…” The images of this world’s Starlight ran through her mind for a brief moment. “It all worked out.”

“Anyway,” said Twilight as she reached for the Rocket Memory, “we can add one more T2 that Equal doesn’t –”


When Twilight touched the Rocket Memory, green light flashed in the room. A surge of energy was sent through Twilight’s arm and straight into her mind. Images appeared in her mind, that of a new device, and a new Rider – no, a familiar Rider. Before the images faded, one word echoed in her mind, “Boost”. Twilight released the Gaia Memory, letting it fall on the table. Twilight looked around the room at the worried faces of her friends.

“I-I’m fine,” said Twilight in shaky voice.

Sunset got up from her seat and rushed over to Twilight, “A-Are you sure?”

“Yes, just…just a bit of informational overload.”

Starlight stood up, clutching her amulet. “If you need, I do know a couple of healing spells.”

“Really, I’m fine.” Twilight assured.

“Good, because, whatever happened, did more than frazzle your head,” said Rainbow Dash as she pointed to her hair.

Twilight felt her head, and sure enough most of her hair was sticking up, and frizzled. Almost as if her hair had been rubbed with half a dozen balloons. Twilight groaned at the involuntary change in her hairstyle, but perked up when she said, “It was similar to when I touched the Nasca Memory, I saw something, something new to build!”

The genius girl stood up from the couch, packed up her things, and rushed to the door. “Rainbow Dash, take me back home! I need to work on this ASAP!”

Rainbow Dash blinked, and then turned to Sunset. She nudged her head in Twilight’s direction, and hurried after her. Sunset heard the sound of Rainbow Dash’s bike and soon it faded off into the distance.

“Sorry, again, about everything. I know your Kamen Rider stuff keeps you busy, too. I shouldn’t have just come here on a whim, and become a burden,” said Starlight.

Sunset smiled at her friend and gave her a hug. “You’re not a burden. Like I said, everything worked out, we reunited a family and kept a new Memory away from Equal. And most importantly, you’re safe, I call this day a win. I am wondering though, how long until you think Princess Twilight finds out you’re here and not there?”

Starlight waved off her concern. “Oh, that shouldn’t happen for a while, Twilight and the girls have been gone for a couple of days now, they’re probably still in the middle of their big adven –!”



Both girls looked at the door with confusion. Sunset walked to the door and saw that Rarity was standing outside of the door, curious, Sunset opened the door and said, “Hey Rarity, did you need something?”

“Um, actually, Darling, it’s not so much me who needs something, but rather someone else,” she said.

Rarity stepped to the side and revealed Twilight Sparkle, however, she was dressed differently. She was wearing a blue blouse with a pink bow around the collar, and a violet skirt with a pink, six-pointed star on it. She also wasn’t wearing any glass – Ooooh crap.

“Hi, Sunset, I’m sorry to drop in on you like this out of the blue, but is Starlight here?” Princess Twilight asked.

Sunset turned her head, and at the same time, Twilight glanced over Sunset’s shoulder. Both girls saw Starlight, trying, in some vain attempt, to hide behind the couch. Starlight chuckled nervously as she peeked her up and waved awkwardly to her mentor. “Heeeeey, Twilight…fancy seeing you here…?”


“Oh boy…”


Starlight was fuming, her housemates could tell that much. Her mind replayed the fight between herself and Unicorn over and over again, but each time, her mind knew that none of the T2s should be able to outmatch the power of the Equal Memory, especially the Reduction Field. And yet, Unicorn’s golden form was able to pierce through her ultimate defense and strike her. She was even a match for her when using the Rise Raze. Starlight tapped her foot against the floor repeatedly, and in an agitated manner.

That Shining Memory, it shouldn’t be one of the T2s – IT ISN’T ONE! I’ve seen her use it, and it appeared to be strong, but I never thought that strong…Piercing through the field and matching my boosted strength…Had I not retreated, she would’ve defeated me.

Starlight understood, she could not reengage Unicorn, not without an effective countermeasure to her Shining Day form. For now, she would have to gather information, and work on something that could beat that form. Starlight decided to calm herself, letting the thoughts of today’s defeat leave her as she thought about her double, Glimmer.

She found her doppelganger cute, despite her young age, it seemed that this version of herself had some more life experience, while still maintaining her curious nature. “Huh, I never did ask how old she was. Oh well, a question for another day.”

Yes, a question for another day, and something to look forward to. Somehow, the knowledge of knowing her deceased best friend was alive in another world made Starlight smile. She tried to imagine what he’d look like, from Glimmer’s description of their tribes, he was a unicorn, same as her apparently. Starlight could see that as being the tribe he’d be born into, but was still having trouble seeing him in her mind as a pony with a horn.

There was a knock from her left side, Starlight glanced in that direction and saw Night Glider standing in the archway. “You look happy, Boss. Y’know, despite the fact that Unicorn kicked your ass.”

Starlight rolled her eyes, at this point she had just come to accept that Night Glider was just crass and that it often mixed into her attempts at being kind and concerned. “That last part aside, yes, I am. For some reasons that are both complicated and exciting.”

“Ah man, you met someone else better than me?” Night Glider asked. “‘Cause I wasn’t being all that serious a couple of nights ago.”

Starlight sighed. “Not in that manner, but I did meet someone. Someone I wish to speak to more.”

Night Glider smirked and then shrugged. “Well, so long as you got to unwind, then that’s all that matters. Oh, and I just wanted to let you know, we rolled out a new Gaia Memory into the street, got through delivering it just a few hours ago.”

“What type was it?” Starlight asked.

“Gold, but this time we did it intentionally. And don’t worry, Double D’s got the precautions in place should that user go off the deep end.” Night Glider stretched and yawned. “Well, I’m gonna hit the hay, I’m going take a day off myself tomorrow.”

“Hold it!” Starlight uttered in her authoritarian voice. Night Glider stopped in her tracks, she watched as Starlight walked towards her, making the tomboy gulp. Once she was within a foot of her, Starlight reached out, grabbed a fistful of Night Glider’s shirt and brought her closer. Her scary visage then morphed into one of sultry playfulness. “You’re going to have to earn that day off, Glider.”

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