• Published 23rd Jul 2017
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Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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J: Journalistic Instinct / Why they fight

It was a bright and sunny Saturday morning, and Namby was ready to do something crazy. After persuading her boss – and by persuade, I mean calling the poor man nonstop – Namby was able to get a ride-along set up with a member of the SCU. He was described by his captain as the first out the door and last to leave the crime scene, he was a good shot, and had never once been complained on by a citizen, handling all cases with diligence, and extending all due curtesy to all citizens. And luckily enough, he was also the target of one of the monsters a while back.

Namby sat at on a bench at CCPD, watching the various officers walk around and converse, either talking about a case or the goings on in their lives. Thankfully they had her sat her down in a special visitor’s area, and the people in handcuffs were taken to another sitting area. It didn’t take long before the officer in question came out to meet him, his uniform was a little different from the others, same blue coloring, but with special light blue stripes on the sleeves of the uniform, along with a patch that had the letters “SCU” on it. Now that Namby saw this difference, she was able to pick up on a few officers who had the same additions on their uniforms.

“Hello, my name’s Shining Armor, and you must be the reporter for the ride-along. Ms. Pamby, right?” he asked.

“Yes, but you can call me Namby, I’m not any older than you,” said Namby.

Shining Armor shrugged, “Fair enough.” He then showed Namby to the command center of the SCU operations. Many men and women were walking and talking, some on computers, and others looking at the recent case involving the lightning monster that had attacked the city twice now. “It’s been kind of crazy in here for the past couple of weeks.”

“No kidding,” said Namby shock from seeing the buzzing beehive of activity.

“All this was donated curtesy of PhoenEXE Corp. They’ve really been helpful with making sure that the police force has the necessary equipment to help protect Canterlot City,” said Shining Armor.

Namby raised an eyebrow at that. The long, clear, whiteboard-like contraptions that were running calculations and forensics info regarding the last case, as well as the top of the line laptops and ExPads that the officers were carrying around with them. Namby was particularly amazed how one of the officers asked for a file that another was working on from one of the boards, shrunk it down, typed in something, and then swiped it on the screen. Not but a moment later did it appear on the other…holo-board?…Namby wasn’t really sure what to call them.

“Wow, I mean, I knew PhoenEXE Corp. was funding the police with better equipment, but I didn’t know it was all of this,” said Namby in awe.

“Yeah, they’ve also been working on anti-monster weaponry, and better body armor for all of us when we’re out in the field,” said Shining Armor. “We’ll head to my office right quick, got to close out some things before we head out.”

Namby was lead to Shining Armor’s office, and it was just as high-tech as it was in the main room. His computer and laptop were hooked together, he quickly typed on one and then the other to shut them down. Namby looked around and saw the same holo-boards in his office, but instead of just the one monster, it had pictures of several ones that have popped up over the past few months.

There was the picture of the white raptor, the dragon monster that had a mug shot with the name “Garble” under it, an artist description of another monster with a weird bulbous head, and below that the picture of a girl named “Glitter Glam”. The one after that was another artist rendition that looked like a gaudy gold pot, and below that was the name “Gladmane”. Next to that one was another of a creature with wires coming from its hands, and a face and name that read “Svengallop”.

Namby remembered that little event when Coloratura was in town.

There were three others that showed a creature made of concrete and metal, a spider, and a bat, and below that were three blank silhouettes with the word “unknown” in them. The only other one with a face was one of a creature that had energy spheres in both hands, and the name of the person below that was “Clover”. The latest addition was the lightning monster, and this was one too was unknown.

Namby turned around and saw the other wall where a holo-board hung, and saw that it had images of Kamen Riders Unicorn and Nasca. Images of them combatting each of the creatures on the other board, or at least what was captured. There were also scribbled theories on there, the possible beginnings of a web of conspiracy like her own. For an instant, Namby thought she wanted to divulge her theory to the officer, but she couldn’t, not yet, not until there was some evidence to it.

As she wandered around, her eyes rested on a shelf filled with personal knickknacks, as well as some commendations. She could tell that he had a bit of a nerdy side to him, there were some “Alien Alicorns vs. Space Pirates” collector’s cups, an action figure or two, and some robot figurines from “Atlantic Edge: Arising”. Above all that, on the top shelf, were two pictures, one showed a beautiful woman with a three-tone colored hair, and a fuchsia complexion, a possible girlfriend. The other was of the officer’s family. His mother and father, himself, and…… “Um, Officer Armor, who’s this girl with you in this picture?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, that’s my little sister, Twilight. She’s pretty much a genius, she was going to CPA, my old school, but she transferred to another one,” said Shining Armor.

“Canterlot High School?” Namby asked.

Shining Armor looked back at her in slight surprise. “Um… yeah…How did you know?”

“Oh, I went to CHS on Friday to catch up with some old teacher friends and to do my story on reactions to the Kamen Riders, I saw her hanging out with a group of girls outside, they seemed nice,” said Namby.

Shining Armor blushed for some reason at the mention of said friends. “Oh…um…yeah, they’re a…they’re nice.”

The intern reporter didn’t know how to interpret that response, so just left it alone. “You seem to be doing a lot of research on the Kamen Riders, I’ve been hearing rumors that the CCPD is actually looking into a warrant for the arrest of the Kamen Riders, but can you really blame them for doing what they’re doing?”

Shining Armor finished logging out of his computers and turned his attention to Namby. “They’re two girls with dangerous powers, unsupervised, and doing who knows what else with that power when they’re not fighting the monsters. Plus, why would they need to take it upon themselves to fight the monsters? However, they obtained their weapons and powers, they should have turned themselves over to the police. It’s the duty of the police to put our lives on the line, not two civilians.”

“I see what you’re saying, and I’m just playing devil’s advocate here, but could it also be said that maybe they are the only ones who can use the power of those weapons? I mean, some of the things they do are in the realm of supernatural or extraordinary.”

Shining Armor sighed and motioned for Namby to follow. “If, and that’s a big if, that is the case. Then it’s even more reason to come to the proper authorities, there may’ve been a way for us to help them, or mitigate the danger they face in the battles if it’s true that only they can use them. Either way, there’s better options then taking the law into your own hands.”

Suddenly, a siren went off in the SCU command center, making all the officers stop for a moment before rushing out. Namby looked to Shining Armor with confusion. “What’s going on?!”

“That’s the alarm for a monster attack! The lightning monster is back,” said Shining Armor.

“So where do I ride?” Namby asked.

Shining Armor stopped midstride and looked back at Namby. “Oh no, no civilians, this is serious!”

Namby stared down Shining Armor. “And I’m a serious journalist, if there’s news, I need to report it! My boss did authorize a ride-along, and technically, if you got the call while we were in your squad car, we’d be rushing there right now!” The pink haired woman could still see a bit of hesitation in the officer’s eyes. “Look, if it’ll make you feel better, when we get there, you can point to someplace and I’ll stay there until it is over!”

The SCU officer sighed heavily as he slapped his forehead. “I’m going to regret this…You do exactly as I say, if it gets too dangerous, you leave! Got it?!”

Namby saluted the officer. “Yes, sir!”


True to her word, Namby stayed in the place that Shining Armor had told her to. Unfortunately, that was behind the yellow police line, and far away from the action. However, she did catch a glimpse of when Unicorn and Nasca came riding in and jumped over the crowd of civilians and officers, and right into the thick of the battle. Although she was shocked when a brilliant golden light shined, and she heard Unicorn’s voice shout, Unicorn: Shining Day!

A new transformation! Namby thought. Unicorn and Nasca only ever do that when they change, and I haven’t heard of that one before! I have to –!

Namby’s thoughts were stopped when a thunderous “BOOM” came out, followed by several heads turning as they watched something fly down the other street. The intern reporter decided to throw caution to the wind and slip away, running around the crowd as fast as she could, and weaving through some alleyways that connected to the other street. Just as Namby got there the ground began to rumble and shake, making her hold onto the wall for stability.

At that moment, several earthen spikes jutted out from the ground as they chased after the lightning monster, the rumbling soon stopped and Namby dared to peek around the corner, watching as Unicorn, now glowing gold, was completely overwhelming the monster, but once she reached the sky and prepared to finish him, something happened. Her form changed back to its normal turquoise, and from the way she acted, Unicorn wasn’t expecting that. Unfortunately, it was enough of a distraction to allow the monster to escape.

Namby watched as Unicorn looked upon the jutting earth spikes, and for some reason, Namby felt a sense of guilt coming from the hero. Not long after that, Namby watched as their motorcycles appeared, and the pair rode off and away. Namby sighed, that was the closest she’d probably ever get to Unicorn, but hopefully her time would come soon. But it wasn’t long before she heard something, like a buzzing, jingling sound, and then there was the sound of a motorbike.

The intern’s eyes went wide as she realized that it might be one of the Kamen Riders, she quickly looked around for a place to hide, there was a door to an empty building to her right and Namby quickly juggled the doorknob to see if it would open. By the good grace all that was holy, she was able to open it and quickly hid. Namby took out her cellphone and began recording, leaving a crack just big enough for her to watch as Kamen Rider Unicorn appeared in the alley.

The heroine took something out of her belt buckle, and then Namby watched with wide eyes and a gaping mouth as the armor slowly fell off of Unicorn and disappeared. Revealing a girl with fiery hair, and turquoise colored eyes, wearing a leather jacket.

Sunset…Shimmer, I was right! I mean, I-I thought that it was one of those three, but to actually see it…! Oh wow, that means that…That means that Twilight Sparkle or Rainbow Dash are Kamen Rider Nasca!

Namby continued to record Sunset as she walked to the edge of the alley, looking forlorn at the damage that she had caused, and then she stared at a glimmering golden device in her right hand.


Namby had just finished her tail of how she discovered Sunset’s secret, making the teenager fall back on her couch. It was one thing when Ms. Harshwhinny found out, and then Rainbow confessing her Kamen Rider secret to her parents, at least both trusted their daughter enough to keep her identity a secret. But this woman? This was a reporter, someone who chased and lived for stories like this; all this time protecting her identity, being careful, and now here it is, the big reveal to the whole city of Canterlot.

Investigations will be done, it’ll be found out that Sunset isn’t from Canterlot City or anywhere, the truth about Equestria will be found out, and she’ll have run back home, leave her friends, and destroy the portal before any military or Area 51 scientist could come and experiment on her or the citizens of Equestria. Every worst-case scenario was playing in Sunset’s head, the only thing keeping her from going into full panic mode was the fact that Namby was still sitting there.

Okay…Okay, think, Sunset Shimmer, think! We have to get that cellphone and erase it, but if she’s smart she’s no doubt copied it before coming here. I’ll have to get Twilight on that. Okay, so I could rush her, she may be older but I’m pretty certain I’m stronger than her. Yeah, overpower her, take her phone, smash it, and call Twilight to hack her files! Oh wait…can she do that? I mean, I know she did that thing with the IP addresses with the animal shelter, and hacked her brothers polices files, but that’s only because he was around…she never said if she had limits.

Sunset looked down at herself.

Second option: seduce her? Bank that she swings that way and……and…UGH! No, no way! I’m not that desperate!

Sunset looked back at Namby, who was still sitting quietly and calmly in her seat and just looking at Sunset.

Calm down Sunset. She came here for a reason. If all she wanted to do was expose you, you’d be seeing this on the morning news. Namby came to you and showed you she has this evidence, which means she wants something else. Most likely, Nasca’s identity, but that also means I have a bargaining chip.

The fiery haired girl crossed her arms and stared down Namby with a serious expression. “Okay, so you learned I’m Kamen Rider Unicorn. I can only assume you want something from me.”

Namby smiled gently and nodded her head. “Very astute, Sunset Shimmer. Yes, there is something I want from you.” Namby took out her ExPad. “I want to know your story.”

Sunset blinked. “What?”

“I want to know why a teenage girl would put herself in danger, time and again, against monsters that could kill her. Why that teenage girl feels the need to keep such a dangerous device to herself to fight said monsters, and really, why you believe that the burden should fall to you and Nasca?” Namby asked. “People fear what they don’t understand, and while some rally behind your actions, there are others who still don’t trust you or your intentions. But if you could shed some light on that subject…”

Sunset had to take a minute and absorb that. She wasn’t going to blackmail her, she just wanted to know why she does what she does? “Namby…do you intend to show people that footage?”

Namby looked up at Sunset and sighed. “At first, I the answer was ‘yes’. But, I didn’t feel it fair to you if I didn’t understand your reasons as to why you fight. So, please, tell me.”

The former unicorn thought hard, her options were limited, but maybe just enough info would be good to placate the reporter. “Well, I guess it’s better than you using it to blackmail me into doing something X rated.”

Namby’s face went red. “I would never –!”

“Kidding, just kidding.” Sunset joked as she gave a little chuckle. “We’ll start with the reasons. I fight because this power found me, and because if I don’t, people I care about will be hurt.”

Sunset talked with Namby for about two hours, carefully disclosing enough info to keep the reporter happy, but not enough to divulge her true origins or the help her friends. Telling the story of the Pillar of Light, and how the Gaia Memory flew to her, and how she came about the Driver – omitting how the device was created. Her first attempt using the Memory without the Driver, and how she learned to transform with it. She gave a broad review of certain events involving the Dopants, filling in the gaps that the news didn’t have originally. Particularly in regard to Gladmane. Sunset made sure to keep Nasca’s identity secret, Rainbow Dash may be her partner, but if she could take the heat all on herself and spare Rainbow, then the damage could be minimized a little. Sunset looked to her clock and stood up.

“I need to go out, I promised to fix the damage in the street once I rested a bit,” said Sunset.

“Can I come?” Namby asked. Sunset looked back at her with a raised eyebrow. “The people of this city would like to see that their hero isn’t just someone who turns tail and runs when she makes a mess, but does take responsibility for it.”

Sunset sighed. “Fine.”

Namby, with all the enthusiasm and giddiness of a little kid, followed Sunset out her door. “We can take my care,” Namby suggested, “it’ll be a lot easier for you and less suspicious.”

Sunset let out a groan. “Why not.”

The car ride was done mostly in silence, Sunset, despite divulging the info she did, still felt uneasy about someone else knowing her secret outside her current circle of trust. If worse came to worse, she could trust Rainbow’s parents with her secret seeing as how they’re doing the same for their daughter. Ms. Harswhinny is doing it out of respect for what she was doing to save lives, and how Sunset had become a better person. But this woman, Namby, she was a reporter, she didn’t know Sunset or her friends and therefore had no real reason to keep her secret if asked.

The overpowering idea is still valid…Sunset shook that thought out of her head, such thoughts were reminiscent of her old self. The bully, the she-demon, the prideful, even in this situation, using the tactics of her old ways would make her no better than the criminal Dopants she and Rainbow battled. Best to just face the music when it comes…

Before Sunset knew it, they had arrived at the scene of the afternoon’s battle. Namby pulled over and allowed both of them to disembark. Carefully they walked around through the alleyway where Namby had taken the footage, and walked onto the street. It was a moonless night, the way lit by the few street lights that were active, and the light of their cellphones. But even with that limited lighting, the spiky, jutting pillars gave the area a horror movie-esque feel.

“You’re filming this, aren’t you?” Sunset asked, already knowing the answer.

Namby chuckled nervously. “Y-Yeah.”

The former bully sighed and took out her Driver. Sunset placed it against her waist, letting the straps shoot out and connect around her waist.




In a field of turquoise electrical energy, Sunset was clad in her Kamen Rider Unicorn armor. She then took out the Shining Memory and looked to Namby. “When I put this in, mark the time.”

Namby nodded.



A golden light flashed before Namby, although it blinded her, she made sure to keep the phone pointed at Unicorn. When the light faded, Sunset was once again in her Shining Day form. With little time to waste, Sunset hit the left hip port button three times.

\\\ GENEROUS! ///

Unicorn’s horn shined with a whitish light, at the same time, she pointed her right hand towards the towering spikes and spoke aloud, Art of Mending!

That sparkling white light flowed from Unicorn’s hand and washed over the jutting rocks, and in less than a few seconds, the damage was being undone. Namby kept recording, watching in awe as the broken road returned back to what it once was, the street lamps, which were knocked over and broken, were now standing upright and shining their light once again. The repairs continued until the last bit of rock was returned to the ground, and before them was undamaged road, as if nothing had happened.

“That…That was amazing…!” Namby stated.

Thanks, so what time did you mark it? Unicorn asked.

“Oh, um, ten-thirty,” said Namby.

Okay… Unicorn looked at her right hand for a moment before her compound eyes returned to Namby. I know you’re probably chomping at the bit to get this story out, but can you wait until I’ve talked with Nasca. I’d rather she’d know about this from me than a news report.

Namby nodded her head. “I’ll come by your loft again, seven ‘o clock sound good, we can discuss it more then.”


With that, Unicorn teleported Namby and herself to her car, and then teleported away, leaving Namby to think long into the night about what she just learned.


The next morning, Sunset called an emergency meeting with her friends. Thankfully they were able to meet up at Sunset’s place, and once they had all arrived Sunset began.

“Okay, so, I may have discovered why my Shining Day form fizzled out.”

Twilight sat up straight and took out her notepad. “You conducted an experiment, without me?!”

“Sorry, it was kind of spur of the moment, it was when I went out to fix the damage.” With Twilight seemingly placated, Sunset went back to her discovery. “First off: the Shining Memory has a time limit, and I think that that is in direct correlation to the amount of magical power here as opposed to Equestria.”

Sunset saw the confused looks and continued. “You see, when I was in Equestria, my Unicorn Memory felt more powerful, and the Shining Memory is a piece of the hidden Miracle Magic of Equestria. So, when I came back, the Memory’s power was halved, because magic permeated the air and land back in my world, here, it’s faint, but still present.”

Twilight scribbled all this down with gusto, while the girls worked this out in their mind. “So, that means that you can only use it for a time limit, what would be that time limit?” Rarity asked.

“Two minutes.”

The girls all gawked at Sunset and shouted in unison, “TWO MINUTES?!”

Rainbow shook her head indignantly. “That’s bull, that’s probably the most powerful Gaia Memory in our arsenal, and it only lasts, like, ten seconds longer than my Vermillion Mode?!”

Sunset raised her index finger. “Yes, but, I tried some of my attacks with that in mind, and luckily, none of my attacks or special attacks drain its energy. So I have to just manage my time, but good news is it does recharge itself.”

“Well, that’s good, at least,” said Fluttershy. “How long does it take?”

“One hour.”

Rainbow Dash smacked her forehead.

“Yeah, I know. Using the Shining Memory has to be only for extreme cases and only as a way to end the fight quickly.” Sunset sighed, she didn’t like it either, but it was better than it being out of commission for a whole day.

Twilight tapped on her notepad and hummed. “Well, in essence, it does make sense. All that power, there has to be a counter balance to it. Just like your magic when it – EEP!” the former Crystal Prepper closed her mouth.

Sunset walked over to the nerd girl and patted her shoulder. “It’s alright Twilight, they should know now.”

“Know what?” Applejack asked with curiosity.

Twilight removed her hands from her mouth. “When Gilda was the Violence Dopant and Sunset got hurt, she told me that since she was a unicorn in Equestria, the magic that she had was converted into her body. Allowing her body to heal at a faster rate than we do, nothing to the point of re-growing a limb, but with enough time she can regenerate from some bad wounds. It’s also transferred to her bones, giving them a bitter tensile strength to withstand impacts, and into her muscles for strength.”

“Nothing like yours, Applejack, but if I worked at it, I’d probably be as strong or stronger,” said Sunset.

“Ooooh, so that’s why you wouldn’t let Fluttershy take you to a hospital! You weren’t scared of doctors, you could just heal on your own!” Pinkie squealed with giddiness. “Now all you need is an adamantium graft onto your bones!”

The girls knew better than to ask what that was about, although it did make a lot of sense to them now, about some things. Why Sunset was never out sick, despite the times when there were some bad bugs going around. How she seemed to pick herself up after some particularly nasty falls. There was also that one time she cut her finger in Home Economics when baking, and how it seemed to stop bleeding after less than a minute. Although Sunset would play it off as a shallow cut, during those times, Pinkie was there, and she knew what a deep cut and a shallow cut looked like. And that cut was not shallow on that day.

“So, that’s why you were also freaking out about me getting hurt as a Kamen Rider, because you knew you could come back from some nasty injuries, and I couldn’t as fast as you,” said Rainbow Dash.

Sunset lowered her gaze. “Yeah…I was fine with myself getting injured, I’ll heal fast, but you…”

Rainbow placed her hand on her back. “Hey, don’t sweat it, I know you weren’t trying to be a glory hog or anything.” Sunset smiled at that. “So, what was the other big news?”

Sunset’s eyes widened. “Oh…um…That reporter with CCNN that was at our school on Friday, she found out I’m Kamen Rider Unicorn.”

The silence was so intense, so heavy, it was like an oppressive force. Even the most miniscule of sounds could be heard, like the ticking of Sunset’s alarm clock, the traffic outside, the tweeting of the birds, and that annoying fly buzzing around near the kitchen. It was then that Twilight’s hold on her pencil was released and said pencil tumbled down until it hit the ground, echoing louder than it probably should. Then came the concussive shouting of all six of her friends at once.



The Man in a Trench Coat and bowler hat kept to the shadows of the alleys, he needed this plan to work out, and he needed it to go off without a hitch. His colleagues were counting on him, and he was counting on the fool he gave the Gaia Memory too. It was the last one he was able to get out of PhoenEXE Corp., besides the Bat, Spider, and Taboo. That Clover girl had paid good money for them; the girl was straight up sociopath, but they weren’t in the business of selling to morally sound people, no money there.

The Gaia Memories were powerful, although they could not replicate the technology, they could however steal from the company that was making them in secret. It was a nice set up, the biggest corporation in the city, besides Rich Industries, was not only making the Memories that turned people into monsters, but also were supplying the police with weapons to stop them. Knowing full well that only someone like the Kamen Riders can really defeat them.

The man knew what he needed inside, he saw what was there, powerful Memories, like the Taboo, but there was also one was stronger than the others. A couple more of those and not even the Riders would be able to stop them. And then they’d use PhoenEXE’s own weapons against them, and take whatever it was that helped them to make the Gaia Memories.

That guy from Griffonstone, Gaston, he was a simple guy, out for money, like all the people from that town. It wasn’t hard to convince him to do as he told him, promising him more money and possibly other Gaia Memories. Speaking of which, Gaston arrived right on time. The man was in his early twenties, light-brown skin, sandy brown hair, and amber colored eyes. He wore a pilot’s jacket, leather, with some white ruffle around the collar.

“I got your message, is it time?” Gaston asked.

“Yes, it is, the fights were trial runs, now is the time to finish the job.”

Gaston rubbed the back of his head nervously. “I don’t know, that Unicorn, she used some power thing that was crazy! She almost had me!”

“But it didn’t look like she could maintain it long, and that’s your advantage. If she uses it again, just hide in the electrical wiring and come out when she changes back, simple.” The man noticed Gaston’s nervousness. “Look, you want your money, right? Want to get you and that family of yours out of that squalor of a town?”

Gaston thought about his two sisters, Giselle and Natalya. They had dreams of going to the Olympic Games, they were the fastest runners at their school. He was the big brother, he needed to provide for them, by any means necessary. Gaston reached into his jacket pocket and took out the Gaia Memory with a skeleton design, and an L in the shape of a lightning bolt. He rolled up his sleeve to reveal the connector tattoo and pressed the button on the side of the device.


“Get to work, Gaston.”

“Yes, sir!”

Gaston pressed the end of the Memory into the tattoo, the Memory melded into his arm as his whole body transformed into pure lightning energy, with white armor forming around his arms, legs, and chest. The Lighting Dopant shot into a nearby lightbulb and zoomed through the wiring and shot out of a lamppost right in the middle of the street. Cars swerved out of the way in order to avoid hitting the Dopant, and the ones that were unlucky enough to not move in time were tossed out of the way with the Dopant’s electromagnetic shielding. Gaston raised his hand up into the air, generating massive amounts of electrical energy, condensing it into a sphere of crackling power.

The Dopant took that power and slammed into the ground, sending out a wave of energy that knocked out all power within a twenty-mile radius. Lights went out, cars stalled, and buildings went completely dark. It was here that the Man in the Trench Coat saw his opening as he casually strolled towards the PhoenEXE Corp. headquarters building, and smiled.

One of the cars that stalled out had a woman with pink hair and mint green skin, and she was staring at the Lightning Dopant.


Unicorn and Nasca sped towards the city, after getting an alert via Twilight that the Dopant had returned, both girls headed out as fast as they could. After some weaving through traffic, the Kamen Riders were upon the police line and were about to jump it when an all too familiar police officer held out his arms in a stopping motion. The Riders hit the brakes to their bikes, tires squealing as they came to a full stop right before Shining Armor.

“Look, Officer, this really isn’t the best time to try and pull some jurisdiction or vigilantism is bad crap, we need to stop that guy!” Nasca stated.

“As much as I’d like to give you both the third degree about both of those, we have a hostage situation and you being here could make it worse,” said Shining Armor.

Unicorn dismounted her bike. “Wait, the Dopant’s taken someone hostage?! Who?!”

“A reporter. Look, just stay low and –!”

“Where are Unicorn and Nasca?!”

“Dammit…” Shining cursed.

“Bring them out now, or I’ll fry this girl from the inside out?!”

Shining Armor glanced to the two Riders and motioned for them to come with him. The police parted the crowd as he led Unicorn and Nasca through the crowd and under the police line. Once on the other side, several SCU officers glanced at the Riders, some murmuring that they were actually following one of them instead of just jumping in to attack. Shining Armor pointed his finger at the ground and said, “Stay here.”

Unicorn and Nasca watched as he walked over to another officer, a man with light brown skin, and purple hair. Unicorn believed he heard him say his name was “Spearhead.”

“We’re working to get them, but it may take time,” said Spearhead.

“Those two should be here by now! No way they’d miss a chance to fight! So, either get them here faster or she’ll fry! You got one minute!” Gaston warned.

Spearhead turned to Shining Armor with worry. “Dude, I don’t think we can talk him down! He’s holding all the cards right now, and personally, I’m not for watching some innocent woman get electrocuted on national TV! Where are they?!”

Shining Armor motioned with his head. “They’re behind me, on the other side of the assault truck.”

“Then what the hell are you waiting for?! Bring them out?!”

“We don’t have any guarantee that he’ll let her go! And what if those two attack him anyway?! They could just be out to destroy the monsters! He’s gotten away from him at least three times now, maybe they’re not in the mood to care about a hostage,” said Shining Armor.

“Don’t know why you’d think that, we always put others’ safety before our own,” said Unicorn.

Spearhead and Shining Armor turned around and saw Unicorn wave at them with her back leaned up against the assault vehicle, her horn just barely visible.

“What are you saying?” Shining Armor asked.

“He wants us, he’ll get us, no tricks,” said Unicorn.

“We’re not going to let someone get hurt because of us,” Nasca added.

Spearhead looked to Shining Armor. “We really don’t have any other options here…”

Shining Armor glanced over his shoulder and then back towards the assault vehicle where the two Riders were hiding behind. “If you step out of line and that hostage gets hurt –!”

“Trust us, if for no other time, then this one time, trust us,” said Nasca.

Spearhead and Shining nodded. Spearhead turned around and announced over his megaphone, “Okay, we have the Kamen Riders, they’re coming out to you now!”

The officers moved out of the way, allowing Unicorn and Nasca to walk towards the Lightning Dopant. Sunset and Rainbow had to stifle a gasp when they saw that the hostage was in fact Namby Pamby. Both girls gritted their teeth at the situation, more so for the cowardly actions of the Dopant. Once both Riders were at least ten feet away, the Lightning Dopant raised his right hand and shouted, “THAT’S CLOSE ENOUGH.”

“Alright, we’re here, so let the hostage go!” Unicorn demanded.

Gaston thought about that for a moment, “Hmmm, no. Because as long as I have her, you two won’t attack me. So, you’re just going to stand there, and let me attack you, and then maybe I’ll let her go once you both are on the ground and unconscious!”

Nasca growled and entered an attack stance, preparing to enter into Vermillion Mode, but Unicorn raised her hand to halt her actions. “I can make it, I’m way faster if I switch modes!”

“In the time it’ll take you to switch the Memory into the other slot, and change, Namby will be killed. Just brace…”

Nasca stood up straight, showing her non-aggression. Unicorn did the same as both Riders tightened their fists in preparation for what was to come.

The Lightning Dopant raised his right hand and fired two bolts of lightning that struck Unicorn and Nasca in their chest, causing sparks to explode from the point of impact. The attack sent both Riders flying backwards, rolling on the street before stopping a couple of feet from where they stood. Unicorn and Nasca coughed as they rose back to their feet and walked back to where they once stood. The Lightning Dopant chuckled and fired another bolt of lightning, this time making the bolt spread out into multiple bolts that rained down on the Riders.

Multiple explosions went off around them, until one large one sent the Riders flying in opposite directions from each other. Nasca struck against a parked car, leaving a body sized dent, while Unicorn flew into a lamppost, bending it inward as she hit the ground. The crowd watched as both girls were thrown about by the Dopant’s attacks, wincing and shutting their eyes whenever another bolt hit them, or were thrown into the side of a vehicle or building.

The many of the SCU officers were getting agitated from watching this, and even Shining Armor was having a hard time watching this public flogging as his fists tightened up so much he thought the bone of his knuckles would break the skin.

“Dude, we cannot let this continue! Vigilantes or not, they’re still just civilians under those outfits,” said Spearhead.

“I know, I know! But we can’t do anything while that hostage is still there!” Shining Armor growled.

Namby watched all this from her front row seat next to the Dopant. He had her wrapped up in a chain made of lightning energy that was connected to his hand, and ready to fry her at any time he wished. She couldn’t watch this, knowing that they were just teenage girls under the masks, girls who were too young to have their lives ended by this monster in this fashion. That’s when Namby, gathering all the courage she could muster, shouted at Unicorn and Nasca, “FORGET ABOUT ME! UNICORN, NASCA, JUST KICK THIS GUY’S BUTT! YOU CAN’T DIE, NOT FOR ME!”

After another barrage of lightning, it looked like the Riders were going to stay down for good, making everyone hold their breaths in fear. However, that fear was lifted when Unicorn and Nasca rose up to a kneeling stance, panting from the damage they had taken as they turned their compound eyes towards Gaston and Namby.

“We won’t let anyone get hurt,” said Unicorn.

“And we ain’t dyin’,” said Nasca.

“In fact…we’re about to win.”

Suddenly, the sound of a dog barking echoed in the distance, and before anyone realized it, a mechanical canine rushed through the crowd on the opposite side of the road. The mech-animal was blue in color, with yellow eyes, and white whimsical stripes painted onto it. The dog bot raised it’s tail as it jumped into the air, performed a somersault, and came down with that same tail, energized it, and sliced through the chain of lightning that held Namby. The sudden severing and appearance of the dog bot made the Dopant jump back in surprise.

With that opening, Unicorn’s horn glowed as she focused her magic on Namby and made her vanish. “OFFICER, HEADS UP,” Unicorn warned as Namby appeared in a flash of turquoise light above Shining Armor, who thankfully caught her in his arms.

“Our turn,” Nasca took out the Accel Memory. “Time to shake things up!”

< ACCEL! >


Nasca’s body was engulfed in fiery red energy, until she emerged from the flaming energy as Nasca Full Throttle. The winged Rider held out her right hand, and immediately after the revving of a motorcycle engine could be heard. Nasca’s bike jumped over the crowd of civilians and officers, as it approached her, the bike began to transform, shifting its parts around until it reformed into its Engine Blade mode. Nasca spun around, catching the sword in midair with her right hand and letting the tip hit the street, causing a small fissure.

“I’m not sticking around for this!” Gaston uttered as he shifted into lightning form and dove into a lamppost. For a brief moment, there was nothing, but then the Lightning Dopant reemerged from that same post. “What’s going?! Why can’t I go anywhere?!”

“All circuits are busy, lightning bug, please stick around for your butt whupping!” Nasca joked as she revved the hilt.

>>>> SPEED OF SOUND! <<<<

Nasca sped towards the Lightning Dopant, striking him several times in the chest before jumping up, and delivering a kick to the monster’s head to send him into the side of a building.

The dog bot walked up to Unicorn as she petted the mech-animal on the head. “You can blame this little guy, he planted special stakes in a fifty-foot radius of where we’re standing. From there, we just closed off the circuits that that allowed you to retreat. Nowhere to run, no nowhere to hide, so it’s time to restore harmony!”



Unicorn’s body was enveloped in golden light, until she was once again in her Shining Day form. Now armed with the knowledge of her tests from the night before, this battle would be over, quick. R0V3R, en garde!

The dog bot’s eyes glowed bright yellow, R0V3R barked three times and jumped into the air. The head of the dog bot detached, and from the bottom formed a hilt, the tail blade detached and flew around to connect to the head of R0V3R forming a sword weapon. R0V3R’s body separated, with one half forming over Unicorn’s left shoulder pauldron and the other half attaching to her left forearm.

The Lightning Dopant watched this, all transpire, growled, and fired a large thunder bolt straight for Unicorn. The golden warrior brought up her left arm. Two jewels embedded on both halves of armor pieces began to glow, and before her a shield of cerulean light formed, and blocked the incoming electrical blast with ease. The Lightning Dopant stopped his attack, realizing that the attack was not working.

Unicorn took pressed a trigger on the hilt and made the dog bot’s mouth open, revealing a drive slot. She quickly took the Shining Memory out and placed it into the slot. Pressing the trigger again, the dog’s mouth closed shut and its eyes glowed even brighter as a golden light lapped off the blade of the sword.


Nasca revved up her Engine Blade until the needle crossed into the red zone, and placed the Accel Memory into the right hip port.

>>>> SPEED OF HEAT <<<<


Nasca’s blade roared with flames as she twirled around sped towards the Dopant, and at the same time, Unicorn dashed forwards, bringing her blade into attack position. The Lightning Dopant, Gaston, glanced to his right and left, unable to escape as both Riders closed in.

BLAZING CRESECNT!” Unicorn and Nasca shouted in unison.

Both masked heroes struck at the midsection of the Lightning Dopant, appearing the opposite side of where the other was. A white lunar crescent formed around the Dopant, along with intense flames that resulted in a powerful explosion. From that explosion, Gaston was hurled forward and onto the street, with the remnants of the Lightning Memory scattered next to him.

Unicorn pressed the trigger and ejected the Memory, and not too soon after that, she dispelled the Shining Day form, and allowed R0V3R to combine back into dog form. Nasca dispelled her Full Throttle form, and let her sword change back into a bike. Both Riders walked up to each other and bumped their forearms in victory, which inadvertently caused the crowd to cheer loudly for their victory, causing both Riders to blush under their helmets. The police quickly ran towards them, but stopped and surrounded Gaston, and cuffed the man as they carefully raised him up and took him away.

Spearhead and Shining Armor walked up to the pair of heroes, with Spearhead nodding to them. “Gotta say, that was a ballsy move you pulled back there, you guys set a trap for him, and the whole time he was beating you up was to just to buy time.”

“Pretty much, yeah,” said Unicorn.

“That could’ve ended badly, what would have happened if it didn’t work?” Shining Armor asked.

Nasca leaned on Unicorn and pointed a thumb at Unicorn. “Trust me, with my partner, she’s at least one or two steps ahead. There was a plan B, and a C if it came to it.”

Shining Armor glanced between the two heroes, sighed and pointed them. “You get a free pass today because your stunt worked, and you saved the hostage. But next time, watch out. Now go before I change my mind.”

The only thing keeping Shining Armor from getting a verbal accosting was the fact that he didn’t know who was really under the masks, and the fact that he was Twilight’s big brother. With an affirmative nod given, Shining Armor walked off to go and help with the crime scene. Spearhead added, “Although I can’t officially thank you guys for that, unofficially, thanks for the help.”

Sunset and Rainbow smiled under their helmets. With a wave of her hand, Unicorn’s bike arrived next to her and both mounted their vehicles, Unicorn glanced over towards the police where Namby mouthed “Thank you”. Feeling happy for their victory, the Kamen Riders revved their bikes and took off, the crowd parted for them as they were cheered on until they could no longer be seen.


Case Report: Lightning Dopant

This case was a difficult one, not because the opponent was tough, but actually quite smart. From what I was able to learn from my brother’s…ahem… “borrowed files”, the Lightning Dopant was a man named Gaston. He lived in the adjacent town of Griffonstone, and unsurprising he obtained the Lightning Memory as a means to get money. According to the files, his motives were for his younger sisters, to grant them the best that he believed they deserved.

In a way, I can understand where he was coming from. All he wanted to do was help his little sisters achieve their dreams and have better lives, and, even though Shining Armor is a police officer, I don’t doubt he wouldn’t do everything he could to help me achieve my dreams in one way or another. Now, though, Gaston’s siblings have to worry about their brother, and his impending trial.

We need to find out who is distributing these Gaia Memories, they’re like a drug, and if the temptation was not there, Gaston would not have taken it. Same as Gilda. Thankfully, we managed to learn the limits of Sunset’s new Shining Memory, and as powerful as it is, it’s not all powerful. But, I have a feeling that in the days to come, Sunset’s going to need more power than just what the Shining Memory alone can provide. Perhaps I can help with that…

Twilight finished up her report as the girls huddled in Sunset’s loft, she turned the TV on to CCNN, and the girls, sans Rainbow and Sunset, were sweating bullets about the report that Namby Pamby was going to do on them. Would she reveal Sunset’s identity, or wouldn’t she? The girls liked to believe that saving the woman’s life would at least constitute some leeway in how Sunset’s secret identity would be revealed.

After some tense few seconds, the news anchors gave the reins over to the very woman they were worried about who was setting in a chair off to their collective right. Namby held herself with confidence and a bright smile as she looked towards the camera and to the audience, and at the same time, a picture of Kamen Riders Unicorn and Nasca appeared over her right shoulder.

{Good evening Canterlot City. In our expose of our city’s vigilante heroes, we’ve talked a lot about how you the people, feel about the Kamen Riders. Some of you praise their deeds and selfless acts, while others condemn them and fear them because of their power. So, I went in depth, trying to figure out the women behind the masks, and…}

The girls tensed up, here it was. The secrets of CHS and Kamen Rider were going to be exposed.

{…sadly I did not find anything. Many promising leads, but nothing panned out. Our masked heroes are hard people to track down. But then I asked myself, “Why would they hide their identities?” With this question in mind I changed my perspective and reason for searching for them. Because the truth is, we don’t know their motives, other than their actions. Yes, actions do speak louder than words, but it helps to have some context. And I got that context, as I, Namby Pamby, managed to get an exclusive interview with our city’s heroes.}

The screen shifted to Namby and a cameraman who were ascending the stairs of some random building. When they opened the door, no one was there, but in a flash of turquoise light, Unicorn appeared. From the sky, flying on fiery-electric wings, was Nasca, landing right next to her partner.

“Wuh, wait, you two did an interview?!” Rarity asked.

“Namby still wanted to get our side of the story, but also said she’d respect our secret identities,” said Sunset.

“But we didn’t want to leave her hanging, so instead did an interview with her as Kamen Riders,” added Rainbow as she lounged in the couch.

{First off, thank you both for meeting with me,} said Namby. {Now, Unicorn, Nasca, a lot of people want to know, why you fight and why you feel the need to keep your identities secret?}

Unicorn was handed the microphone and spoke, {I’ll answer the second to start. Nasca and I keep our identities secret because we don’t want to see our loved ones hurt. We have the ability to fight back the threats that may came after us, but the people we love don’t. So, while the armor we wear is meant to protect us, it’s also to protect friends and family, because it’s better if we take the hits that would come to them if our secret was found out.} Unicorn handed the microphone to Nasca, who took up the next half.

{That’s why we fight, these powers, they came to us for a reason, and we’ll use them to keep people safe. We’re NOT doing this to rag on the police or anything, if anything, we’re fighting to make sure they can go back home to the people they love. Because at the end of the day, we’re just normal girls, girls you hang out with, shop with, play games with, we didn’t ask this responsibility, but we’ll shoulder it.}

The interview cut from there and showed Namby at the anchor desk again. {While the Kamen Riders try to mitigate damage done by these creatures, that also means they try to mitigate damage that they in turn cause during those fights. And let’s be honest, fighting monsters is not without some collateral property damage. But they do at least try to fix what they in turn destroy in excess, as seen here, during last week’s attack when Kamen Rider Unicorn upheaved the street, I captured this footage.}

The next video showed as Sunset, as Unicorn Shining Day, fixed the street with ease.

{Some of you may not trust them, I would also like you all to remember the old saying as I mentioned before, “Actions speak louder than words.” The Kamen Riders saved my life, allowing the monster who took me hostage to subject them to pain and torturous attacks, and at the end of it all, saved my life. As powerful and as strong as they are, they could’ve just attacked without worrying anything for me, but they didn’t. That is why I will always consider these two my heroes, and why this city is lucky to have them.}

The girls erupted into cheers as Rarity, Pinkie, AJ, Fluttershy, and Twilight entered into a group hug with Sunset and Rainbow Dash, elated that Namby Pamby hadn’t exposed Sunset’s secret, and even better, managed to boost her public image for the positive. At that moment, Sunset’s cellphone rang, and the caller ID showed “Namby P”. Sunset managed to untangle herself from the group hug, rose from her seat, and walked towards her kitchen to talk. “We saw your story, it was amazing! And, thank you, for not telling everyone who we are.”

{It’s the least I can do, but one day, when you two decide to finally reveal yourselves, I expect an exclusive.}

“You’ll be right on my speed dial,” said Sunset.

{Also, I may be able to help you out, so don’t hesitate to call if you guys need a journalist’s assistance with digging something up.}

Sunset thought about that. “Well…I don’t want you putting yourself in harm’s way.”

{I’m a reporter, it comes with the territory, kind of like what you do. Well, I better get back, thank you, Sunset Shimmer.}

“You’re welcome, Namby.”


“Gaston lost to the Kamen Riders, I can’t believe he lost with that type of Gaia Memory,” said Trench Coat Woman 1.

“It doesn’t matter, he served his purpose, plus, do you really want to pay him all that money for his brat siblings?” Trench Coat Woman 2 asked.

“Regardless, his actions helped us obtain some valuable Gaia Memories, courtesy of PhoenEXE Corp.”

The Man in the Trench Coat took out a suitcase, and in that suitcase, were three Gaia Memories. One of which was a gold colored Memory. It had bone design similar to a T1 Gaia Memory, but this one had wings coming out of the top, and a Q that looked like a bird.

“These two other gold Gaia Memories, they were in the same place as the Taboo, but this must be a good one, it was marked ‘dangerous’,” said the Man in the Trench Coat.

“So why not keep it for ourselves?!” Trench Coat Woman 1 asked.

“From what I gathered, it takes a special kind of ‘personality’ to use this. Thankfully, I have a very…rich…client already set up.”

Author's Note:

Want to know what happens with this dangerous Gaia Memory of Q?

Rider Fans, see what happens in this action packed story!

Kamen Rider Unicorn: Hyper Battle Special

written by PoisonClaw

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