• Published 23rd Jul 2017
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Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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V: Victory Condition Achieved / A Promise Kept

“That new girl is, like, really creepy.”

“She’s super smart and stupid strong and fast, how’s that fair?”

“She thinks she’s better than us, you can tell in that smug smile of hers.”

Words hurt, that was a lesson that young Starlight Glimmer learned when she was just eight-years-old. With the passing of her mother, her father, Firelight, was doing the best he could as a single parent, Starlight felt she had to grow up a bit more than most girls. She was incredibly smart, so she knew from an early age how hard it was going to be for her father to raise her on his own, so she did what she could to make it easier for him. She helped around the house, cleaning her room, and the house when she could. Getting herself dressed for school so as to give her father one less thing to do when getting her ready for school, and she even helped with making breakfast, although she wasn’t allowed near the stove, or use sharp knives unless they were the plastic ones.

Of course, a good majority of help that came to them was from Starlight’s one – and quite possibly only – friend, Sunburst. He and his mother, Stellar Flare, were close to their family, and Sunburst’s mother was divorced so she knew the struggle of raising a child alone and was more than happy to help the family. In a strange way, Sunburst became Starlight’s brother, although, she wouldn’t exactly call it that, they’re families were just close without either of their parents marrying each other.

At one point, Starlight actually contemplated a plan with Sunburst to try and get their parents to fall in love and marry each other, that way they could be a family. Of course, after many failed attempts by the duo, both their parents sat them down and gave them many reasons why that was not going to happen anytime soon. But, as Starlight pointed out, that didn’t mean the possibility was zero.

For years Starlight and Sunburst had been together, helping each other out, getting into a little mischief here and there, why, he was even there when Starlight tried her first alcoholic drink. It didn’t end pretty.

However, if there was one thing that one could say about them, it was that Sunburst was – more often than not – being compared to Starlight. At a time, he was considered the smartest kid in their school, and at first, he didn’t mind, Sunburst actually liked having someone as smart as he was. That’s why, whenever someone made fun of her, he’d always play the “knight in shining armor” for her. As they got older, that was becoming less and less of a thing as Starlight started to not just improve her mind, but her physical body as well, taking different martial arts classes, fencing, kendo, and other sports activities at their school.

It was after a martial arts tournament, Starlight had just defended her title once again for the third year in a row. She had already changed out of her uniform and was in her sweats, after getting all her things; she exited the changing area and found Sunburst waiting there with a bottle of water.

“Thanks, Sunburst,” said Starlight with a smile.

“You did great out there, that guy didn’t stand a chance,” said Sunburst.

After guzzling down half of the bottle, Starlight took a breath and replied, “No, that was pretty tough, he knew what he was doing, his attacks were precise and strong, and he had good pacing, he was either going to tire me out or force me to attack for the ring outs.”

“Yeah, he was skirting you close to the edge of that mat a lot. But in the end, you still kicked his butt.” Sunburst gave his friend a light jab on the arm.

Starlight chuckled, “Thanks.” She stopped in the hallway and looked at her friend happily. “I really need to thank you, Sunburst.”

Sunburst stopped and looked at Starlight quizzically. “For what? I didn’t do anything.”

Starlight shook her head. “For being my friend. Sometimes I feel like it’s me against the world, but you help keep me grounded.”

“Of course, otherwise your ego would get so big that we’d have to classify it as the ninth planet.”

“You jerk!” Starlight exclaimed with a light shove, earning a round of laughter from the both of them.


Winter Break was still in swing, and after this weekend it would officially be New Years. With the break still going on and their ceasefire still in effect, Sunset had decided now was time to keep her promise to Starlight Glimmer. So with some talking, she managed to get Princess Twilight to open the portal and allow them to come over and have this reunion. And so, now it was Friday, and Sunset Shimmer was leaning against the alabaster Wondercolt statue, or what was left of it after the Friendship Games. She checked her phone for what felt like the hundredth time that day, going ever the text messages that she sent Starlight Glimmer yesterday.

{Starlight, I’ve spoken with Princess Twilight, and she has agreed to allow you to come to Equestria. However, you will be under my supervision and your pony double is coming with us. It’s going to be confusing enough to have to explain it to Sunburst, so better to have both of you there.}

{P. S. This is not a trick, if you still trust me enough to uphold my word; I’ll be waiting tomorrow at my school in front of the statue. Don’t worry about packing anything. Where we’re going, clothes are optional.}

Sunset remembered to text all her friends and girlfriend about what she was doing, more so to keep them in the loop and just in case Starlight tried something while she was away. She hoped for the best but planned for the worst. It was approaching eight in the morning, and still no sign of her. Sunset had remembered to dress warmly, but there was only so long she could wait in the freezing cold. She was about to dial Starlight’s number when she saw a limo turn the corner and pull next to the sidewalk in front of the school.

Starlight exited the car, rushing over to Sunset and skidding to a stop. She was dressed warmly as well, a pair of black denim jeans, a thick purple leather coat, and black leather gloves, and with her hair tied into a ponytail. “I-I’m sorry, Sunset! I-I had to cancel some meetings and push back some things to clear enough time, but I’m here now! Am I too late?!”

Sunset shook her head. “Nope, the portal’s been open since I’ve got here; I’ve just been standing guard to make sure no one stumbles in.” The former unicorn mare walked over to the side where the portal was open and pushed her hand through, showing the rippled distortion of the open gateway. “Remember why you’re there, alright? I trust you not to do anything that will make me have to fight you. The denizens of my world have already had to deal with a threat that very nearly wiped out our universe and could’ve spread to others. So, I don’t want to have to worry about you, okay?”

Starlight shook her head vigorously. “I promise I won’t! I even left my Driver and Gaia Memory back at home! You can even shackle me if you want!”

Sunset blinked. “I…No, I don’t think that will be necessary.”

Starlight rubbed the back of her head nervously, as she said, “Sorry, I’m just really nervous and really don’t want to screw this up…”

The amber girl shook her head and smiled at the young woman. “I understand. Now some important things to know, going through the portal is going to feel like a rollercoaster ride. When you exit you’re not going to be you, you’re going to transform into a pony.”

“A pony?”

“A pony.”

“With hooves, fur, and a tail?”

“And a muzzle, but you won’t look like the ones here, we’re built differently. Also, I have no idea what tribe you’ll be either. I’m a unicorn, originally, same as your pony double. But I have no idea if that applies to you, too.”

Starlight slowly nodded. “Uh-huh, and when you said, ‘clothing is optional’, you meant that as a joke, right?”

Sunset grinned. “Nope, basically, you’ll be naked when you get there, so better to strip now to make it easier.” The look on Starlight’s face was priceless, she wasn’t even sure the girl could look that red and embarrassed. Okay better tell her the tru– “WHAT IN THE?!” Starlight was about to unbutton her coat when Sunset rushed over and stopped her. “I was kidding! You can pass through the portal with them on, but you’ll just have fur all over you when you transform, but you still need them here!”

Starlight’s face became even redder as she contemplated the fact that she almost stripped naked in front of a public school. “You can be terrible sometimes, you know that, right?”

“So, I’ve been told by my girlfriend, and friends. But in all seriousness, your center of gravity is going to shift. When you exit, lean forward with your arms out.”

With that piece of advice given, Sunset returned to the portal with Starlight in tow. The young woman carefully touched the portal, watching the surface ripple like water. Sunset nodded towards the portal, silently encouraging Starlight to go on. Taking a deep breath in and a long exhale to calm her nerves, Starlight walked straight ahead and passed through.

The world around Starlight became nothing but swirling colors, and streams of light. She could feel a powerful force at work in this tunnel, an energy that was seeping into her body. It didn’t hurt; it just tingled all over her body. After a few more seconds of the glorified dimensional flume ride, Starlight could see the light at the end of the tunnel. She remembered what Sunset said and held out her arms in front of herself and leaned forward the moment she reached the end.

Starlight had closed her eyes but did feel herself land on her hands and finding a strange sense of balance. She tried to wiggle her fingers, but found that something else was moving, and that she could feel something soft underneath, almost like carpet. Starlight slowly opened her eyes and beheld a large library, with a vast collection of books. Above her the structure seemed to be made of crystal, not even the most gifted contractors and builders could fashion crystal into such a way. Her eyes eventually fell back down before her, and she saw something odd.

There was a…pony, although not like the ones in her world. This one had large, violet eyes; an indigo mane with a pink streak running through it to match her tail, and her fur was colored purple. Probably more striking than that was the fact that this pony sported a long spiral horn and wings that rested at her side.

“Hello there,” said the horned-winged-pony.

Starlight blinked, that voice, it sounded exactly like, “Twilight…Sparkle?”

“Oh, you knew my name! Wait, of course you do, Sunset probably told you and you’ve most likely met my human counterpart,” said Twilight.

“Oh…Okay, so, the pony version is a winged unicorn,” said Starlight in a dumbfounded state.

“Um, the term is ‘alicorn’, and you might want to move.”

Starlight raised an eyebrow before noticing an increase of light coming from behind her. The light grew and grew until Sunset barreled into Starlight, sending both mares tumbling and rolling across the floor until they eventually hit the other side, causing a cascade of books to fall. Fearing for their safety, Twilight quickly used her magic to catch all the books, wrapping them in her telekinetic aura and placed them back in their original positions.

“Every time, I’m starting to think I need to set up a mattress whenever somepony comes through the portal,” Twilight commented.

“It couldn’t hurt,” said Sunset as she rose up and looked down at the mare underneath her. “You okay, Starlight.”

Starlight blinked as he beheld Sunset Shimmer now above her. She had to admit, Sunset looked…good, as a pony. Her mane was same as her hair back on Earth, fiery locks of red and gold, her turquoise eyes held strength and resolve, and yet intelligence and understanding. Her gaze fell on her legs, or rather forelegs, which seemed to have lean muscle running through them. She gazed lower until Sunset’s voice drew her attention back up.

“You know, I don’t mind being checked out, but if you’re going to continue to look at my underbelly, I’m going to start charging,” said Sunset with a smirk.

Starlight blushed. “I-I wasn’t looking! I was just observing – I mean, I was looking, but not like that! I just thought you looked cute – I mean majestic – I mean cute and hot – I mean–!” Starlight was cut off by a hoof pressing against her lips.

“Stop now, while you’re ahead, and thanks, I know I am.” Sunset backed away to allow Starlight to rise on her own power.

Starlight tried to, but the task was difficult, only now that she was on the floor did she take in what had happened to her. Her body was covered in lilac colored fur, her hands had become hooves, and she used said hooves to feel her face and noticed it had become elongated into a muzzle. Her hooves traveled up further and felt a horn protruding from her forehead.

“I’m a…a unicorn, right?” Starlight asked.

“Figures, typically whatever your pony counterpart’s tribe is, chances are that’s what you’ll look like. Of course, I’m just theorizing. Do you have any input, Twilight? Twilight?” Sunset turned her head around and saw that Princess Twilight’s mouth was hanging open, eyes wide as dinner plates. “Um, Twi, you alright?”

“S-S-Sunset…w-when did you become an alicorn?!” Twilight exclaimed.

Sunset’s eyes went wide, she immediately checked her sides, and sure enough there were wings tucked against her sides. The sun-yellow mare’s left eye began to twitch; she then broke into a fit of hysterical laughter before flopping to the floor, completely knocked out, with her mind only able to capture the echoes of Twilight and Starlight calling out to her.


Sunset opened her eyes slowly as she came to, looking up at a familiar crystal ceiling, and feeling a sense of comfortability with her body. She then glanced to her left and saw a worried Twilight. “Hey, babe, you look cute as a pony…”

Twilight blushed, resisting the urge to just play along with Sunset’s confused state. “As much as I’d like to take advantage of your confusion, it’s me, Princess Twilight.”

Sunset shook her head, now taking in the full scope of who she was speaking to. A tint of red colored Sunset’s cheeks as realized her faux pas. “Heh, heh, sorry.”

Twilight’s wings fluttered a little. “Y-You know, the offer still stands. Just to let you know”

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” Sunset slowly sat up, letting the blankets fall from her body and reveal the wings that were still tucked against her sides. She looked down her sides again, groaned, and then fell back onto the bed. “I really am an alicorn, right?”

Twilight nodded slowly. “I ran a scan of your magical circuits while you were asleep, and there’s no doubt, your physiology and magical power are similar to mine. You are a Princess, Sunset Shimmer.”

The mare in question put her hooves against her face and groaned out loud, “HOW?!”

“My guess, when we used the Phoenix Ascender to bring you back, the Elements of Harmony fused into you, granting you the power of an ascended alicorn. I figured you got the power, I felt it all the way to the hospital when you fought the Sirens, but I never thought it would cause a physical transformation like this!” Twilight explained in an almost giddy tone.

“Great…” Sunset droned.

The purple pony princess tilted her head in confusion. “Why aren’t you excited by this? This is a great honor, you deserve it.”

Sunset sighed heavily. “I know……and I shouldn’t have it.”

Twilight shook her head. “Why would you say that?”

“Because I was prideful, a brat, and I believed I deserved everything that was owed me, because I was the best student, and Princess Celestia’s – Mom’s – personal protégé. I have just come to terms with everything in my past, more or less, and now I got this on top it all…” Sunset began to chuckle. “It’s funny how similar we were in that regard, had it not been for my mistakes, you might’ve ended up just like me.”

“Or like Moondancer…” Twilight whispered.


“A friend of mine from back in my days at Celestia’s school, I hurt her pretty bad by not showing up to her birthday party, somepony who she looked up to, admired, and made her feel as if she had some worth, shunned her and shattered her self-worth……” Twilight shed a few tears, remembering Moondancer’s tirade. “She ended up throwing herself into studying, well, everything, every subject she could, and it made her into a shut-in. I caused that…Yes, I was called away by Celestia to stop Nightmare Moon, but I never so much as wrote her, or my other school friends, about why I wasn’t there, why I wasn’t coming back any time soon.”


“So, you’re not the only one who feels as if she doesn’t deserve her wings, after I found that out, I truly felt I was unworthy of the title Princess of Friendship.”

Whether by force of will or by instinct, Sunset’s left wing extended forward and brushed against Twilight’s cheek to wipe away the tears that were falling. “You are worthy, you made a mistake, but you made up with her in the end, right?” Twilight nodded. “That’s all that matters, recognizing your mistake and making an effort to correct it, that’s what friends do.”

“Thank you, Sunset,” said Twilight.

“Any time.”

“Gee, it almost sounds like that’s the exact same thing I’ve been telling you, hmm?” Twilight asked with smart smirk.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, point proven.” Sunset carefully got out of bed and noticed immediately that she was a bit taller than the last time she came to Equestria. She was now standing eye level with Twilight, and her horn was just as long as the purple alicorn before her. “This will take get some getting used to.” Both alicorns walked out of the guest room as Twilight led them down the hall to where both Starlights were. “I guess we’ll need to tell Mom about this before I take
Starlight to Sunburst.” That’s when Sunset’s eyes widened with panic. “OH CRAP! Where’s Starlight?!”

“Sunset, relax, she’s fine. I have my Starlight helping her adjust to her pony form and teaching her how to use her magic.”

“Good…Good…” Sunset released a sigh of relief. Even though she trusted Starlight not to do anything that would jeopardize her meeting with Sunburst, there was still that part of Sunset that was cautious.

“Is everything okay? You looked really worried there for a moment.” Twilight asked with a bit of concern.

Sunset quickly shook her head. “No, no, I’m just worried for her. You know, being in a strange new world in a body that’s not your natural one can be jarring.”

Twilight shivered when she remembered her first foray into the human world and looking like, well, herself but not herself. “Oh yeah, I can completely understand. I still can’t believe you were able to get used to it for all these years.”

Sunset shrugged, “More about adaptation at first, but then you start to get comfortable in that form once you realize some the perks.”

Twilight tilted her head. “Perks?”

“Fingers, and an increased level of sensitivity in certain areas, if you catch my drift,” said Sunset with a wiggle of her brow.

Twilight blushed even harder than earlier. “S-Sunset Shimmer, are trying to make it hard for me not to…to…UGH!”

Sunset pulled ahead and swished her tail in front of Twilight. “You’re both too easy to rile up. It’s cute.”

“Mixed signals, Sunset Shimmer, mixed signals!”


Eventually, both alicorns reached the throne room where Starlight (human) and Glimmer (pony) were. When they entered, Glimmer was giving Starlight some lessons on how to walk like a pony. It was clear to see how much Starlight was concentrating, matching her pony counterpart’s actions as best she could until she got a feel for her new way of walking.

“Starlight?” Sunset asked.

“Yes?” both answered, the one on the left wore her mane in a ponytail and her bangs were flat and even. It was also this same Starlight who missed a step and flopped onto the floor.

Sunset and Twilight winced and moved to assist, but Glimmer used her magic to raise her counterpart back onto all fours, albeit said counterpart had an annoyed look on her face. “I’m a genius, a prodigy, I have a master’s degree in engineering, and well-conditioned after many years of physical exercise and martial arts training…SO WHY IS IT SO HARD TO WALK ON FOUR BLEEPIN’ LEGS?!”

Sunset snickered a little at Starlight’s frustration. “Well, I can tell you from experience that all that amounts to nothing when you’re in a body that’s completely foreign to you. It took me a long time to get used to moving around on two legs instead of four, plus,” Sunset pointed to her horn, “no magic whatsoever, which is, like, a crucial and ingrained part of everyday life for a unicorn.”

Starlight took a moment to contemplate that, raising her right hoof to her own horn. Losing something that was with you since the day you were born, something that you took pride and were so talented at, it must’ve been like a piece of Sunset’s soul was ripped out. “I’m sorry you had to go through all that.”

Sunset shrugged. “It’s no big deal, well, now at least. It made me have to adapt, get physically stronger, and smarter with learning about science. Around here that’s kind of second fettle to magic.”

“Ahem.” Twilight tapped her hoof and gave Sunset a cautionary stare. The Princess of Friendship was an avid pursuer of the both the magical arts and sciences.

“Oh, don’t start with me, you know what I mean,” said Sunset.

“On that note, since when has Sunset been an alicorn?” Glimmer asked. “The last time she was here, I clearly remember her being a unicorn like me.”

Twilight blinked. “Oh, that’s what we’re going to find out. I was thinking that it would be good for you to go and see Princess Celestia, such a sudden change on Earth and now having its effects shown in Equestria, I’m sure she’ll want to make sure everything’s alright. Plus, now this makes you a Princess.”

Sunset sighed heavily, she wasn’t sure she really wanted such a title. Years ago, when she was a brat, oh yeah, this would’ve been the highlight of her life. But now, after reflecting on her actions in the past, she felt very unworthy of this honor. “Yeah…but, I promised Starlight that I’d take her to see Sunburst in the Crystal Empire.”

“A-Actually,” Starlight spoke as she wobbled with each step, “I’d rather take some time to learn how to walk properly before I seem him. I really don’t want to embarrass myself by flopping on my face in front of him…”

“Well that works with me, also means I can teach you some basic levitation spells, it’ll make things more convenient when opening doors and holding things,” said Glimmer.

Sunset still seemed hesitant to leave Starlight alone, with Glimmer, in a library filled with books on magical spells and everything else that Princess Twilight had collected over the years. Starlight looked up at Sunset and said, “I’ll be here when you get back, trust me, I’m definitely not faking this, I have little coordination with this bodyyyyyyyy-WAH!”

Starlight lost her hoofing again and this time flopped onto her side, earning another round of winces from the other three mares. Glimmer used her magic again to prop her back on all fours. “Trust me; she’s been doing that since you passed out.”

The newest alicorn sighed heavily. “Fine, I guess. Just make sure to follow everything that Glimmer tells you.”

“Got it, by the way, you seem a bit older. All of you actually, how old are you two exactly?” Starlight asked.

“Twenty-five,” said Twilight.

“Twenty-three,” said Glimmer.

Sunset rubbed her chin. “Now that’s tough. When I first ran through the portal I was twenty-one but came out as a fifteen-year-old girl. Add the three years I spent on Earth so far, I should be around twenty-four by now, but as you can see, the portal likes to play with our ages, or saves them from when last we entered and exited. This is why I still look the same as I did when I first left.” Sunset glanced over her body again. “Age wise anyway.”

Starlight took a moment to process that. It made much more sense why Sunset seemed to act more maturely compared to her friends, and why Sunset didn’t feel that intimidated around her, despite her body being that of a teenager, Sunset was mentally the same age as her, even her own pony counterpart. “I think I need to concentrate on walking before I can fully process all this…this.” Starlight gestured to everything around her.

“Alright,” said Sunset.

Both alicorns walked out of the room, with Sunset sparing glances over her shoulder towards the doorway they had just exited. This did not go unnoticed by Twilight. “What’s wrong?”

“Huh…Oh! Nothing…just worried about Starlight.” She only half-lied, she was worried about Starlight, but not for the reasons that Twilight was probably thinking about.

Twilight didn’t seem wholly convinced but decided to let the topic go for now. “Alright, there should be a train leaving for Canterlot soon, we’ll take it up there. Oh, and one more thing…”

Sunset stopped as Twilight brushed her tail across Sunset’s face and gave a smoldering look. The amber alicorn’s eyes widened, her face went red, and then there was the unmistakable “poomf!” sound. Sunset looked to her sides and saw that both her wings had become fully extended. It took Sunset’s mind all but a few seconds to realize what had just happened.

“Oh no, you did not just make have a –!”

“Welcome to being an alicorn, Sunset! And it’s nice to see that I can still get that kind of reaction out of you!” Twilight announced before flying down the hall and giggling the whole way.

Sunset growled in frustration and ran after her yelling, “Mixed signals my ass!”


In hindsight, Twilight thought, I probably should’ve cast an illusion spell on her wings or put a cloak on her.

The moment they stepped outside the castle and made their way towards the train station, many of Ponyville’s residents stopped in their tracks and gawked as not one, but two alicorns were walking down their street. The ponies of the little hamlet were used to seeing Twilight walk around, the mare having been a friendly resident even before her ascension, so it wasn’t unusual to see her walking about. However, it was unusual to see her walking with not only the pony who was decorated for saving Equestria, but who had somehow returned and was now sporting wings.

Once they reached the station, it was a veritable mob scene of ponies all asking questions about the alicorn mare who was once hailed as Princess Celestia’s student.

“Sunset Shimmer, did you become an alicorn because you saved Equestria?!”

“Was your absence all these years due to some mission or test that Princess Celestia gave to you to lead you to becoming an alicorn?!”

“Are you currently dating Princess Twilight Sparkle?! You have been spotted coming and going from her castle both times during your last stay?!”

That got a red blush from both mares, and thankfully the train whistle sounded, cutting off all chatter and bringing relief to both alicorns. Once the train arrived, and the passengers disembarked, and the new passengers embarked, Twilight ushered Sunset inside, at the same time she quickly did an about face and spoke to the regular and reporter ponies, “Thank you for all your questions, I will make a formal statement regarding Sunset Shimmer’s recent development as soon as I am able. In the meantime, we must be going, urgent Princess business to attend to, bye!”

“Wait, the public would at least like to know, Princess Twilight, if you two are currently courting each other?!”

“HAVE A BEAUTIFUL AND SPLENDOROUS DAY!” Twilight shouted before using her magic to close the door.

Thankfully, again, the Conductor yelled his last call for all passengers before the train whistle sounded again, the hiss of the steam engine made many of the reporters back away from the now moving train as the familiar chugging of the wheels began. Before they knew it, the train had left the station and was now on its way to Canterlot. Twilight and Sunset slumped in their seats with a sigh, as un-princess like as it was, they didn’t care, this bit of piece they were going to enjoy. At least until they hit Canterlot.

“Sorry,” said Twilight.

“For what?” Sunset asked.

“I should’ve cast an illusion spell on your wings or at the very least gotten you a cloak to hide your identity.”

Sunset chuckled. “Yeah, the former would’ve been good, the latter…not so much. Probably wouldn’t look good that a Princess was hanging around with a hooded and cloaked stranger.”

“Hmm, true.”

Sunset looked out the window, to the distant mountain where rested the capital of their nation, Canterlot. Sunset and Celestia had long since made up about what happened in the past, forgiveness was given, and their mother-daughter dynamic had been restored. But now that Sunset had ascended, she wondered how her adopted mother would react to such a change, and if she believed like Princess Twilight if she was indeed worthy.

It took less than a couple of hours before the train arrived to Canterlot, and of course, the moment both of them stepped out all the ponies in the immediate vicinity swarmed around them, especially with Sunset next to Twilight. Thankfully, there was a procession Royal Guards making their rounds, once they were spotted, the guards immediately put themselves between the two alicorns and the crowd of ponies.

“Princess Twilight, are you alright?” the pegasus guard asked.

“We’re fine; they’re just overexcited is all. If you don’t mind, could you back everypony up just a bit, I’m going to cast a teleportation spell and I don’t want to drag anypony along besides myself and my friend.”

“Of course, Princess. BACK IT UP BOYS!”

The eight unicorn and pegasus Royal Guards managed to make the crowd back up more and more, giving them a good five-foot radius of free space to work with. Twilight lit up her horn and, in an instant, both her and Sunset had vanished, reappearing in the central lobby of the castle and startling most of the Royal Guards, nobles, and palace staff. The Royal Guard immediately went into defensive mode, but quickly calmed down when they noticed that it was Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer, her deeds had not gone unremembered in saving Equestria, however, many were surprised to see that the hero of their land now had wings.

Twilight and Sunset began walking down the halls of the castle, passing by the familiar stain glass windows that depicted Twilight and her friends’ heroic feats. Sunset couldn’t help but smile at seeing her friend’s accomplishments over the years, but at the same time, it only reminded her of her own failings in the past. Twilight saw this, she then looked ahead, smiled and stopped abruptly to look up at one of the windows.

“What’s up?” Sunset asked.

“I think you should have a look at this,” said Twilight as she pointed a hoof to one of the windows.

Sunset looked up and gasped, her legs giving out and making her fall onto her rear in shock. Before her was a new stain glass window, but not one of Twilight and her friends or of Spike saving the Crystal Empire. No, this one was of Sunset Shimmer. There was an image of Sunset in her pony form, and behind her was her form as Kamen Rider Unicorn Shining Day, beside her the images of the pony forms of Tsukasa, Haruto, Kouta, Gentarou, and Eiji, each had a symbol on their chests which represented their Rider forms Decade, Wizard, Gaim, Fourze, and OOOs. In the back were images of the other Riders who aided in the war to save Equestria from Nega-Shocker.

“Is that…Really me…?”

“Celestia had it commissioned to be made as soon as everything was back to normal. She wanted to show you when it was done, but I thought you could use the boost.” Twilight moved closer and draped her right wing over Sunset’s back. “Sunset, you may have not been the nicest of ponies or the best person when you went to Earth. That can’t be denied, nor should it be forgotten.”

“Twilight…” Sunset groaned.

“However, it’s not what you did, but what you do in the future. You’ve done a lot to be a better you, stepped up when nopony – err – nobody – would give you a chance of redemption besides our friends. You saved them from the Sirens, you saved the other me from herself, and now, you save countless people as a superhero, putting your own life on the line to defend them, total strangers, in a world that’s not your original home world. As far as I am concerned, those are the qualities of a Princess. You may not have been ready then, but the magic inside you believes you are.”

Sunset shook her head. “Maybe, but I still don’t think I am.”

“And it is precisely for that reason that you will make a great Princess, Sunset.”

The new voice startled both mares as they turned to see Princess Celestia walking towards them.

“Geez, Mom, I need to put a bell on you or something,” said Sunset jokingly.

“Funny, Raven says the same thing whenever I ‘mysteriously’ vanish from her sight.”

“To go on a cake binge,” Sunset and Twilight stated at the same time.

Celestia’s face was tinted scarlet. “W-Well listening to nobles and bureaucrats all day does tend to be draining, and cake not only gives me an energy boost, but also gives me comfort, who could blame me?”

“I know two parts of you that could blame you.” Sunset uttered and pointed to Celestia.

The white alicorn glanced over her shoulder and her blush intensified. “Oh please, I already get enough of that from the tabloids; I don’t need my own daughter and former student pointing that out, too.”

“Well, technically, you have advocated honesty when speaking to your friends so…” Twilight let that hang in the air.

Celestia snorted and feigned hurt. “You’re both terrible.” She then smiled, sat down and held out her right foreleg.
Sunset rushed over and embraced her mother, nuzzling into her chest and letting the comforting feeling of her presence wash over her.

“And I agree with Twilight, everything she said is true. I am so proud of you for what you have become, not just an alicorn, but also a mare you yourself can be proud of for the right reasons.”

“It took me a long time…b-but I finally understood what you were trying to teach me,” Sunset choked out.

“Better late than never, my bright little Sun.”

Twilight only sat and watched, her eyes welling up with tears at watching the scene before her. Of mother and daughter embracing, and an acknowledgement of all the accomplishments that Sunset had made. Many hours were spent at the palace, with Sunset regaling her mother of her exploits as Kamen Rider Unicorn, and of course her more recent encounter with the Sirens. Celestia’s mane almost turned into a raging inferno when she heard how Sunset was hospitalized and had come so close to death’s door. Luckily both were able to calm her down before mother bear sun goddess could cross over and incinerate the now reformed Siren sisters.


It was late at night when they arrived back at the castle, and thankfully Starlight had made a lot of progress with her walking skills and could now move about without falling, but she was still not as confident with running, however, Glimmer was able to help her learn basic levitation, which definitely made her time as a pony much easier. Sleeping arrangements were made with Starlight bunking with Sunset. She didn’t particularly mind, seeing as Starlight was Equal and Sunset still needed to keep an eye on her. But, in all honesty, Starlight was most likely still unsettled by being in a strange new world and wanted to be close to someone she knew.

Thankfully they managed to find a room that was big enough to accommodate two beds and with a window. Starlight occupied the bed closest to the window, having watched the moon rise into the night sky and was now sitting there, illuminating the night, and letting all the stars shine brilliantly.

“No light pollution,” said Starlight.


“City lights make it hard to see the stars this clearly, usually you need to go into the wilderness or an observatory with a powerful telescope to even see them this clearly. They’re beautiful,” Starlight commented.

Sunset smiled as she turned around in her bed to face Starlight’s direction. “Yeah, it is, but it’s not without its faults, and not without its fair amount of things threatening it. But it’s not all doom and gloom, about ninety percent of the time it’s all sunshine and rainbows.”

“I’m still wrapping my head around the fact that there are two immortal goddesses that move the sun and moon with just their power alone.”

“I still haven’t gotten over how your sun and moon don’t move without magic,” Sunset replied with a smirk.

Starlight chuckled, “Fair point. It’s all relative when it comes to normal.”

“Can’t really sleep, huh?” Sunset asked.

Starlight released a heavy sigh. “Not…Not really…I’m just…nervous? Excited? I don’t know…”

“Nervocited?” Sunset asked.

“That’s not a word,” said Starlight.

“It is when you’re around Pinkie Pie,” Sunset drowned.

“Fine, yes, that. I want to see him again, but at the same time, I keep wondering if he’ll…see through me…Sunburst could read me sometimes…and…” Starlight began to cry a little.

Sunset sat up in her bed and looked worriedly at Starlight, was she her nemesis? Yes. But that didn’t mean anything while they were here, she was a mare who wanted to see her long since dead friend, and now was in pain. “Starlight, what’s wrong…?”

“It’s alright, I’m just a bit overwhelmed, memories are coming back, some good and painful, our friendship wasn’t always ‘sunshine and rainbows’, but it was good…he was my only friend when everyone shunned me…I guess I’m just worried about how weird it’s going to be for him, to have me, a version of his friend, unload all this emotional baggage on him like that…is that even right?” Starlight asked as she looked at Sunset.

Sunset closed her eyes and thought about her answer. “Honestly, it’s not an easy question or answer. But, Sunburst is a good friend to the Starlight here, and from what she’s told me, always will be. So, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind hearing you out, at most, he’ll geek out about meeting his friend from another world.”

Starlight chuckled and smiled a little. “He would, I know it.”

Sunset nodded and yawned. “Well, we better get some sleep, it’s a long trip out to the Crystal Empire and we’re leaving early.” Starlight hummed in agreement and laid back down into her bed. But, Sunset couldn’t let this opportunity slip by. “So, you find me cute?”

Starlight sat up like a springboard. “I-I-I didn’t mean it in any way that could be construed as me having any kind of attraction to you! I-I just meant you looked cute as a pony!” Starlight smacked her head. “Oh right, that’s the same thing here…I just…I…”

“Starlight, over there, on Earth, I was jailbait, eighteen now, remember? But here, where I’m my real age, perfectly legal in all sense of the word, and I’m technically older than you anyway, sooooooo…plenty of time to experiment with that pony body.” Sunset gave Starlight a perverse grin and half lidded gaze.

Starlight’s face heated up and she quickly enveloped herself in her blankets. “Has anyone told you you’re a tease and a pervert?!”

“My girlfriend and my friends actually, and they’re right, but in all seriousness, don’t crawl into my bed and try and cop a feel, you can look, but don’t touch.”

“I hate you.”

“But you love my flank?”

“Stop that!”


“How does Twilight Sparkle put up with you?”

“She just can’t live without some Shimmer in her life.” Starlight poked her head out and raised an eyebrow. “Okay, okay, she’s a saint, and I love her.”

Starlight nodded. “Better.” As both mares laid back down in their beds, Starlight was starting to hear some grunting. Sighing, Starlight said, “Sunset, I swear to gods if you are…uh…what are you doing?”

Sunset was tossing back and forth in her bed, but it seemed her new wings were not being very accommodating in her efforts to achieve slumber. After a few more adjustments to the malcontent avian appendages, Sunset finally got them under control and managed to get into a comfortable position to sleep. Only after closing her eyes did her wings decide to pop up, throwing the blanket a good five feet into the air as it slowly descended down onto Sunset, upon which she gave an irritated growl.

Starlight had to bite her lip, but it was a poor attempt at stifling her fit of giggles as she watched all this unfold. Sunset levitated the blanket off her head and said, “Not a word, Starlight.”


The sun was barely cresting on the horizon before Sunset, Twilight, and the Starlights left for the Crystal Empire. Twilight was going to be there in case anything went awry but was going to give the group their space while she visited her brother, sister-in-law, and niece. For the whole train ride Sunset kept an eye on Starlight, she could see her nervousness, and her excitement, about the only thing keeping her from passing out was watching the changing scenery as they traveled further and further north.

Sunset couldn’t lie, she did want to see the Crystal Empire, her last excursion into that kingdom was only inside the palace, and so seeing the rest of it was going to be a treat. As the lush green landscape shifted into a snow-covered wasteland, with ominous blue colored mountains in the distance, Starlight looked increasingly worried.

“Sunburst lives out here?!” Starlight asked. “It’s completely frozen!”

“It is called the Frozen North,” said Glimmer.

“How does anything live out here in these conditions? And you said the Crystal Empire is inhabited by ‘crystal ponies’, are they really made out of living crystal, because that’s the only the way I can see anything calling this place a home,” said Starlight with worry.

Sunset looked towards the window and smiled. “You’re about to get your answer, look.”

Starlight looked out the window and saw the crystalline structure of the empire ahead. After a couple of minutes, the snowy wasteland transitioned into a lush green field, the dark gray clouds which unleashed a howling blizzard had now given way to a clear blue sky, and warm shining sunlight. The further along the train went, the more of the kingdom came into view, allowing the crystal house structures to become more defined, along with the sparkling palace that rose from the center of the land.

The train finally stopped and calls for ponies to disembark were given. The group of four exited and Starlight just stared with wide eyes and a gaping mouth as she beheld the splendor of the Crystal Empire. “H-How is this possible?! Why is this area, and a little beyond, the only things not covered in snow?!”

“That’s the magic of the Crystal Heart,” said Twilight. “It’s fueled by the love and joy of all the crystal ponies, and with that power, it creates a protective magic that pushes the blizzard a good distance away, allowing the crystal ponies to grow crops and feed their citizens.”

Starlight looked back at Princess Twilight and asked, “So one magical artifact is responsible for keeping this entire kingdom safe from a blizzard?! Isn’t that a little dangerous?! What if it stops or breaks?!”

Twilight and Glimmer gave nervous chuckles, which made Sunset raise a suspicious eyebrow. “Anyway, I’m sure Sunburst would love to tell you all about this place when you guys meet, let’s head over to his place.”

Starlight – having been snapped out of her entrancement of the Crystal Empire – suddenly became fidgety as she remembered the reason why they were there in the first place.

“I’ll be in the palace, if you guys need me.” With that said Twilight spread her wings and flew towards the crystal palace.

“Question, why don’t you fly, too?” Starlight asked.

“I literally just got these wings, I wasn’t an alicorn when I left, and I was a unicorn like Glimmer here. And that’s a story I’d rather not get into right now.”

With the discussion closed, Glimmer led the way down the crystal paved road. Starlight continued to marvel at everything around her, from the sheen of the crystal ponies’ coats, to the big statue of a dragon holding a heart, and everything else in between. Sunset made a mental note that if she ever brought Twilight to her home, this was how she would be acting.

Although it felt like a long walk, it was all too short for Starlight as they arrived at Sunburst’s home. It was a large abode, also made of crystal. Starlight’s heart hammered in her chest, she was going to see her best friend again, albeit a pony version of him, but still it was going to be Sunburst. Would he sound the same? Would he act the same way as her Sunburst? All of this continued to swarm in her mind as she watched her double knock against the door.

After a minute there was a lot of shuffling, and the sound of things being knocked over. Starlight quickly ducked behind Sunset as soon as the door opened up, she peeked over Sunset and saw a golden-yellow unicorn stallion, and his mane was orange and messy, along with a matching goatee. His glasses fell down his snout, making him use his magic to push them back up into place. He also wore a cloak that made him look like a wizard. He always had a thing for fantasy games…

“Starlight, what a surprise! Uh…” Sunburst looked behind her and gasped. “S-Sunset! I didn’t know you were back!”

“Hey, yeah, this was kind of a spur of the moment visit, with some changes.” Thankfully his angle made it so that he didn’t completely see her wings.

“Sorry I never got around to telling you, I was able to do some research regarding our…ahem…possible family ties, and I wanted to tell you–!” Sunburst stopped again and now noticed another pony behind Sunset. “Who’s that?”

“Sunburst,” Glimmer interjected, “You know how Princess Twilight said there was another world through a magic mirror portal and that Sunset was from here, but now lives there?” Sunburst nodded. “And do you remember Princess Twilight telling us that there are doubles of some of us on that side, like her friends and the princesses?” Again, Sunburst nodded. “Well, it turns out…I have one too.”

Sunset looked over her shoulder and had an annoyed look as Starlight continued to hide behind her flank. Sunset took a huge step to the left, exposing Starlight and earning herself a glare from the nervous human turned pony. For several seconds, Starlight Glimmer of Earth stared back at Sunburst of Equestria. Glimmer stepped aside and offered an unobstructed view of her counterpart to her friend.

Slowly, Starlight began to rise up back to her hooves. She slowly walked towards Sunburst, stopping about a few inches away. She reached out a hoof and touched the side of his face, to his credit, Sunburst didn’t flinch away, nor did he look particularly scared or nervous.

Starlight gulped as she held her hoof there against his face and asked, “Please say something else…”

“Um…Hi, Starlight.”

Starlight lunged at Sunburst, causing him to fall backwards as Starlight wrapped her forelegs around him. Sunset and Glimmer rushed in and found Starlight hugging him fiercely and crying into his chest.

“Sunburst, it really is you! I-I’m so sorry, I’m sorry!” Starlight wailed. “I missed you so much!”

Sunburst looked up at Sunset and Glimmer, both had sad smiles on their faces, and somehow Sunburst had an idea of why this Starlight was acting the way she was. The unicorn stallion gently stroked his friend’s mane as she continued to cry into his chest.


After a lot more crying, they were all able to enter Sunburst’s home. The place was a mess with magical tomes scattered everywhere, stacked up close to the ceiling, or just stacked to form a couch. There were notes plastered at a little work area near the window, along with a helping of wadded up pieces of parchment paper littering the floor around the desk, having bounced off the wastebasket that was already filled to the brim.

Starlight chuckled at the condition of his home. “Just like I remembered, the you from my world had a dorm room that looked very much like this. I always joked that if he had his own house, he’d fill it with tons of books and that it would look like a mess.”

Sunburst blushed and chuckled a little. “Y-Yeah, I tend to get caught up in my research. I seriously would’ve tidied up if I was given a heads up.” At this, Sunburst leveled his gaze with Glimmer.

Glimmer rubbed the back of her head. “Sorry, something like this was a bit much to put into a letter, I mean, how was I supposed to word it? ‘Hi, Sunburst! I wanted to let you know that I’m bringing my parallel dimension self to come and see you! Oh, and Sunset will be tagging along! But apparently she’s an alicorn now!’ We would be giving Spike indigestion for a week with us going back and forth with explanations and questions.”

Sunburst stroked his goatee, and then nodded. “Fair point.”

“So,” Starlight began, “you work with the royal family here in this kingdom?”

Sunburst nodded. “Yep, I’m a Crystaler of the young, Princess Flurry Heart. She’s just a baby right now, but it’ll be on me to teach her the ways of magic, and with her raw power, she’s going to be quite the strong spellcaster.”

That’s the understatement of the century,” Glimmer whispered.

Sunburst cleared his throat and looked directly at Starlight. “I guess we need to address the elephant in the room. The way you reacted when you saw me, I can infer that the…other me…is no longer with you. Is he?”
Starlight hung her head and nodded.

The unicorn stallion gulped a little. “I…I see, was it…um, was it bad?”
Images flashed before Starlight’s mind. A flash of green, screaming, power, and knowledge, Starlight shook her head as she cleared her mind of those thoughts. “It was an accident……a terrible accident that should’ve never happened…and it was all my fault.”

Sunset and Glimmer looked to Starlight with curiosity.

“I was always a prodigy, intelligent, physically strong, the only one who never saw me as a freak was you, Sunburst. Although…as intelligent as you were, all the other kids always compared you to me, how you would never beat me at anything, and how they said that the only reason we were even friends was because I either forced you, or that you were trying to coast on my abilities.” Starlight’s horn began to glow red. “Those fools didn’t know how I felt or how much I cherished our friendship! And yet they had the audacity to say that about you!”

The aura began to rise up, creating a cloud of black and red energy.

“Maybe if I had toned my grades down, maybe if I had lost a few things so that you could catch up. Maybe then…Maybe then…!”

“Starlight!” Sunset and Glimmer yelled.

Starlight snapped out of her trance and looked up, noticing the cloud of crimson and ebony energy floating above her. After a few seconds the energy dissipated, but Starlight was worried about what she saw.

“It’s okay, since we’re the same; my magic sometimes does that when I’m feeling angry. Or if I’m keeping something bottled up, my magic will create a physical manifestation of my anger. Most unicorn magic is fueled my emotions, and since you’re not using that anger to fight or protect something, it just does that.”

Starlight touched her new cranial appendage carefully. “Magic is weird.”

“You have no idea,” said Sunset.

“I’m sorry, this was a mistake…” Starlight got up to leave but was quickly cut off by the unicorn stallion. “Sunburst?”

“Look, I can’t really speak for the other me, there’s an array of differences between us I’m sure. While some of our past may correlate and even parallel each other, and in some instances it may not, but I can at least say that he probably, most likely, didn’t hate you or anything!” Sunburst looked to Glimmer who nodded her approval. “When I first got my cutie mark, I thought I was destined to be a great wizard. Growing up, I knew all there was to magic, but Starlight – err Glimmer – was the one with the real talent and power.”

Starlight looked to her double who nodded in agreement. “It’s true, I wasn’t sure about my direction with magic until later, but even so, Sunburst will still surprise me with his knowledge, and he does have magic skill.”

“We kind of got to a point where I thought she was better than me and I had to pretend I was. It was kind of funny, and life threatening,” said Sunburst as he recalled the incident with the Crystal Heart.

“I feel as if there’s a story to be told here,” said Sunset.

“Ditto,” Starlight agreed.

Sunburst cleared his throat and placed a hoof on Starlight’s shoulder. “Anyway, I know that version of me didn’t hate you, but probably didn’t know how to talk to you about what he felt. I’m…I’m sorry that you never got the chance to tell him, but – and I’m not sure how much this will count for – I know you’re not like that.”

Starlight smiled as tears began to fall from her eyes; she slowly moved forward and hugged her best friend. Even as a pony, they still carried the same scent of books.


Many more hours were spent with Starlight and Sunburst just talking, mostly about stories regarding their past. Both seemed to want to know what the other was like when one was a pony and the other a human. Sunset couldn’t help but pick up on how Starlight seemed to dance around certain questions when they were closer to the present, which was understandable, considering what she was doing.

Feeling emotionally drained, and satisfied by their reunion, Starlight decided that it was time for her to return home. As they were about to leave, Sunburst pulled Sunset aside.

“What’s up?” Sunset asked.

“Um, I managed to get some results regarding…well…” Sunburst levitated an envelope from inside his house and had it hover before them.

Sunset looked at the envelope, the question of whether or not the stallion was related to her. Their similarities were so close to each other that it was hard not to see them as possibly being brother and sister. Sunset’s – now red – aura took the envelope and opened it, noting that it was already opened. The alicorn mare read over the documents within, Sunset’s eyes narrowing and widening as she scanned it over. She looked up at Sunburst who nodded and smiled at her. Sunset smiled too and gave the stallion a hug before returning to the documents and heading off with the others.

A few hours later and the group had returned to Twilight’s castle. At the behest of their host, Sunset and Starlight stayed one more night so that they would be well rested when they crossed over back to Earth. Thoughts swarmed in both mares’ minds, Starlight having seen Sunburst again, and Sunset having learned the truth of their similarities.

When morning arrived, Starlight was still asleep, but Sunset had risen early – which was a first for her – and wandered the castle for a bit to collect her thoughts. Sunset made her way to the library where the portal was and found Starlight there.



Upon second glance, Sunset realized it was Glimmer. “Oh, sorry, I thought I woke up the other you.”

“Nope, though I’m sure she’ll be up soon. There is something I wanted to talk to you in private about without Twilight, me, or Spike around,” said Glimmer.

Sunset walked over to where Glimmer was and sat down across from her. “Okay, shoot.”

“The other me is a bad guy, isn’t she?”

Sunset kept her poker face on, she knew this was coming sooner or later, but the last thing she wanted to do was tell Glimmer that even in another world, she had become a villain.

“I can tell you’re hiding something,” said Glimmer in a deadpan tone.

“What? How?” Sunset asked.

Glimmer pointed to her sides where Sunset noticed her wings were fidgeting a lot. “Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are better at hiding that nervous tick, but Twilight still does that when she’s nervous or hiding something since she hasn’t had wings as long as other pegasi.”

Becoming an alicorn is starting to become a pain in the flank. Sunset sighed, no longer able to hide it. “Yes…She’s…I recently found out she’s Kamen Rider Equal, the person who I fought against during the Rocket Dopant incident, and that one when she took out two other Dopants that stole from her. I also learned she’s the one making the Gaia Memories, and is hunting down the last remaining T2s.”

Glimmer gave a slow nod. “I was hoping that wasn’t the case, but I guess not every version of me has to be good at first.”

“Hey,” Sunset reached out and placed her hoof on her shoulder, “if mares like us can pull ourselves out of the darkness and into the light, then there’s always hope. I won’t give up on her, because I know there’s good in her, just like I know there is in me. Besides…” Sunset spared a glanced in the general direction of where the doppelganger was. “I don’t think she’s being evil for evil’s sake, I think there’s something driving this, I think she wants to help the world, but in some kind of twisted way.”

Glimmer chuckled. “Yep, sounds like me alright…Take away everything that makes that pony special, and force them to conform to an ideal of perfect equality by relinquishing their cutie marks.” Glimmer put on a sad smile. “I don’t know how bad Sunburst’s death hurt her, or what her ultimate goal is, but at the very least, try and bring her into the light.”

Sunset hugged Glimmer, the latter reciprocating the gesture. I will, I promise.

It wasn’t long before Twilight and Starlight entered the library, the Princess of Friendship worked her magic and activated her complicated device that opened the portal to Earth. After an exchange of goodbyes, Sunset and Starlight leaped through the portal. The familiar vortex spiral feeling was all both women could feel as they were tossed through the flume ride that was the mystic portal that connected Earth and Equestria.

In little less than a minute, Sunset was the first to exit, catching herself as she remembered the portal’s nasty habit of spitting out its travelers. Never gonna catch me off guard. As she thought this, a scream was released behind her as Sunset felt a body slam into hers, sending herself and the other tumbling about on the quad, landing in the grassy area. Sunset groaned and looked up, watching as Starlight – who had ended up on top of her – was groaning in an aching manner from the ordeal. I stand – well lie – corrected.

“Oh, ow, Sunset, you alright?” Starlight asked in a daze.

“Yep, sorry, I forgot to mention the exit…again. So, not that I mind or anything, but how long are you planning on using my chest as support?”

Starlight blinked her right hand feeling something warm and soft. When she looked down, Starlight’s face burned a scarlet red and she quickly backed up off of Sunset as if she was the plague itself. “I-I-I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to do that! I was still dazed and I was –!”

Sunset raised her hand and the stood up. “It’s alright, remember, real age is like twenty something. But here, that only applies to my mind, body on the other hand is officially eighteen…still, that’s not good PR Starlight Glimmer.”

The CEO of PhoenEXE Corp. began to panic, but then Sunset laughed and Starlight gave a short growl. “That’s not funny, Sunset.”

“Oh for that look on your face, it was!” Sunset continued as she held her sides.

Starlight snorted and began to move slowly towards Sunset as she said, “Well then, since I’m in this deep, I might as well go all the way.”

Sunset stopped laughing and managed to get out a, “Wait, what?!”, before Starlight embraced her. The crimson haired girl stiffened up a bit at the contact, her instincts about to kick in, believing that she was going to do something. That is, until Starlight began to cry. “Starlight…?”

“Thank you…” Starlight sniffled. “Thank you for letting me see him again…”

All worry left Sunset as she returned the embrace. “I know he wasn’t the Sunburst from here, but at least you got to talk with him and…if you want…you we can go see him again.”

Starlight pulled away slowly, wiping the tears away from her eyes. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary.” She walked back to the portal, feeling the cool marble surface and noticing that there were no ripples, indicating the portal had closed. “I was able to see my friend again, and now I know what I have to do…” Starlight turned around and narrowed her gaze at Sunset. “Sunset Shimmer, Kamen Rider Unicorn. I Starlight Glimmer, Kamen Rider Equal, challenge you to a duel…”

The world seemed to grind to a halt, leaving Sunset in such a state that she could only utter one word, “What?”

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