• Published 23rd Jul 2017
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Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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B: Birth of a Hero / Enter Kamen Rider Unicorn! (Edited)

Sunset tossed back and forth in her bed, groaning and moaning as her brow beaded with sweat. Suddenly, she shot up out of her bed with a start and yelled out for a moment before silencing herself. Sunset panted and huffed, feeling her heart pound against her chest. She clutched at her tank top, taking in slow, deep breathes as she attempted to slow her heart rate.

After a couple of minutes, Sunset was able to calm down. The fiery haired girl wiped her damp brow and brought her hand before her gaze. It was shaking a little, a sight that made Sunset growl in anger, and making her clench the shaking hand into a fist to stop the trembling.

Ever since the battle with the Fang Dopant, she had been having nightmares about it. Nightmares that either involved her death by the Dopant and watching Twilight get murdered before her eyes or winning against the Dopant and seeing herself attack Twilight.

And then there was those words, “Dopant” and “Fang”, the moment she melded with the Unicorn Memory these words entered in her mind. It also made her aware that the monster was in fact another person, but someone who had given into the savage power of the Fang Memory.

Sunset cursed herself, she almost gave into the power and became the same kind of monster she swore to never become again. But the power, the raw, unmatched power of that Memory, it was so similar and yet different from when she used the Element of Magic. It was so enticing, how she could sense all the magical energy in the air and could wield it on a level she couldn’t have done with her normal human body.

Becoming the Unicorn Dopant allowed her to return to what she used to be, albeit an anthropomorphic version, but a unicorn all the same. What’s more, she had a hunger for more of the power, and she sensed it in Twilight, still touched by the magic she had absorbed last year during the Friendship Games.


Sunset glanced to her nightstand, she hesitantly grabbed her charging cellphone and looked up Twilight’s number. With the number was a picture of the dorky girl. It was Twilight, awkwardly waving and blushing in Sunset’s direction while she smiled. Seeing this picture made her anxiety flow away a little. Sunset pushed the “call” icon and waited for Twilight to pick up.

Great, I’m going to wake her up in the middle of the night over a nightmare…



[Sunset, oh, how are you? What are you doing calling at 1:00am?]

Hold on? She sounds too alert to be just waking up, thought Sunset.


“Twilight, what’s that sound in the background?”

[Oh that, it’s a soldering tool.]

“‘Soldering’? Wait a minute, are you working on that thing!?”

The buzzing noise stopped and there was a pause. [Um…no I’m not…]

Sunset slapped her forehead in dragged her hand down her face. “Twilight you’re a terrible liar, and you need to rest! After almost getting killed, and me almost…losing myself…you’re still working on it?”

[Yes, look, I’m sorry Sunset, but I believe that this device can help with that problem. From what I’ve gone over, this ‘Driver’ can allow you to use the Unicorn Memory’s powers without the side effect of losing your sense of self.]

“I told you, I don’t want to use that thing again! Not after I almost hurt you, I don’t want to become a monster again!”

[S-S-Sorry…! I just thought…I mean…we’re the only ones who can deal with weird and magical stuff, right?]

Sunset fell back onto her pillow and sighed. “Yes, we are, but this is way too different from the normal stuff we deal with…Stuff that could seriously get someone killed.”

Twilight scoffed at that. [Oh, and the stuff you were dealing with before I came to the school wasn’t? You becoming a she-demon – sorry – and using the student body as your personal army? Those ‘Dazzling Sirens’ coming in and making everyone in the school turn against one another and almost became powerful enough to spread their influence over the world? And let’s not forget…when I almost tore apart reality…]

There was a pause before Twilight continued.

[My point is, everything that’s happened has been dangerous and more than likely someone could’ve gotten killed! It’s just sheer dumb luck that it hasn’t escalated that far, yet.]

“It’s that ‘yet’ that’s making me worry. I don’t know, I thought I knew what magic in this world could do, but now…”

[It’s alright, sorry, I didn’t mean to push you or convince you to do something you didn’t want to do…I never wanted to do that.]

Sunset knew exactly what Twilight was talking about, considering that the Principal of her old school practically blackmailed her into competing in the Friendship Games, Twilight had a bit of a hang up with being like that towards others.

[Anyway, I’m sorry, again, what was it that you wanted talk about?]

“Ugh…I had a nightmare, as lame as it sounds. Just needed to hear your voice, and you can stop apologizing.”

There some incoherent sounds coming from the other end of the phone, but they seemed to quiet down after a minute.

[I-I’m glad I could help. Did you want to talk a bit longer?]

“Nah, I feel better now, I’ll just come by later tomorrow, and you better get to bed,” said Sunset with a mock stern tone.

[I will, goodnight.]


Sunset pressed the “end call” icon and placed the phone back on the nightstand. Tomorrow was another day.


One of the good things that came out of the quake, was extra time to do what you wanted. In this case, Sunset had gotten a call from Rarity, asking her to come with her to model one of her latest creations for a prestigious corporation that was looking for new talent.

Sunset had inquired of her friend why she needed her of all people and not someone who was more model looking, like Fluttershy. It took all of five seconds for Sunset to realize that she had just answered her own question as to why not. In the end she decided to go, besides, it was only one outfit. Not a whole closet like she usually made. She hoped.

Her bike whirred as it zipped down the streets of the city. As expected, the majority of the city had recovered from the quake. Despite the fact that many of the structures weren’t built to withstand it, Canterlot City was sturdier than some had realized.

Sunset rolled to a stop as the traffic light shifted to red, her eyes briefly glanced down at her left breast pocket, very aware of the Unicorn Memory that was inside it.

Although she said she didn’t want it anywhere near her, she couldn’t leave it with anyone else or risk hiding it and someone less stable finding it. So, the only other safe option was to keep it on her at all times. The urge to use it was still there, but it was a minor annoyance and easily pushed to the back of her head, for now.

A car honked behind her, making Sunset look up and see that the light had turned green. She hurriedly revved her bike and took off.

Get it together Shimmer, that thing is gone, and you can control yourself, everything’s fine, thought Sunset.


Sunset hit the brakes on her bike, the tires squealing as she came to an abrupt halt. Other cars stopped behind her, honking at her for the sudden stop. Sunset raised the visor on her helmet and quickly looked around. She knew it wasn’t in her head, it was loud, there even seemed to be some pedestrians looking around in confusion.

A man stuck his head out of his car window and glared at Sunset angrily. “HEY, EITHER GET OFF OF THE ROAD OR GET MOVE–!”

The man didn’t get to finish his sentence before a large, white raptor pounced down on the hood of his car, crushing the front half of the automobile. Sunset was thrown back by the force generated by the landing, but quickly recovered and gasped in horror. It was the Fang Dopant, its eyes gleaming and staring directly at Sunset.

Oh crap, it remembers me! Sunset’s hand unconsciously reached for her breast pocket but paused when she noticed the people around them and realized her actions. NO! I can’t – I won’t change into a monster! Especially with all these people around!

Sunset swiftly mounted her bike and revved the engine loudly.

“Hey Triassic World reject, come and get me!!”

The Fang Dopant roared, and Sunset peeled away, with the white raptor chasing right after her.

She weaved in and out of traffic, having several cars honk at her for her reckless actions, however, reckless was called for when trying to avoid getting killed by a five-foot-six raptor that could throw its spikes like a boomerang. Speaking of which.

Sunset ducked her head as her ears caught the subtle sound of the weapon cutting the air. The blade-a-rang flew over her, barely scraping her helmet as it sailed ahead and cut through a car. The car’s severed half careened into another car, which caused the second to fly off into the sidewalk and into a shop.

A quick turn and a narrow squeeze through two cars allowed her to avoid the domino effect of the crashing cars. The Fang Dopant had no quarrels with either jumping over some of the vehicles or slashing through them as they entered its striking range.

Thankfully, it wasn’t long before Sunset heard the wailing of police sirens, taking a look behind her to see that two patrol cars were advancing at high speed towards the Fang Dopant. The passenger window rolled down for the patrol car on the left, and the officer pointed a shotgun at the monster.

The officer released two rounds into the beast, but the hardened scales and near diamond hard spikes either deflected the bullets or stopped them in their tracks. The Fang Dopant growled angrily at the cop. Its right forearm spike extended into a crescent blade and the beast jumped. The officer followed its movements and tried to fire more shotgun rounds.

But it was too late, the Fang Dopant came down on the cop car, the blade charged up with energy and slashed right through the engine of the cop car, igniting the fuel inside it and detonating the cruiser in a fiery heap of twisted metal.

Sunset’s eyes widened at the horror of the destruction and loss of life. She quickly pulled around to a corner and went down an alleyway, stopping for a moment to catch her breath and to call a certain someone.


Twilight wiped her brow, staring at the object that had haunted her thoughts and now was made real. The belt was completed, the final circuitry put into place and with the data from the Unicorn Memory and the mysterious knowledge in her mind, she was able to finish it.

“Well, at least that’s done,” said Twilight.

“Yeah, but what’s it supposed to do?” Spike asked.

Twilight sat up from her chair and popped the kinks out of her back and neck. “Essentially, it will allow Sunset to utilize the transformative energies in the Gaia Memory, and manifest them in a stable and more viable form for better offensive and possibly defensive capabilities.”

Spike used one of his hind legs to scratch his ear then then tilted his head in confusion.

“It should help Sunset control that little green doohickey.”

“Oooooh, gotcha!”

Twilight giggled which morphed into a yawn of exhaustion, she pulled out her cellphone to check the time and gasped at how late it was.

“Einstein’s ghost, I’ve been up all night and morning!?”

“Yep, pretty much,” confirmed Spike.

Twilight sighed, disappointed in herself that she didn’t take the time to catch any much-needed sleep. As productive as she could be, even Twilight knew that the human body could not function too long without the required amount of optimal sleep.

“Guess I could hop into bed for an hour or two…”

Unfortunately, Twilight’s plans for sleep were put on hold when she heard scrambling coming from other side of her door. Twilight hurriedly made her way to her bedroom door, opening it to find Shining Armor, in his uniform, making a mad dash for the stairs.

“Shining Armor, what’s wrong? Are you late?”

The young man turned around, his expression serious and somewhat grim. “No, there’s some kind of dangerous animal rampaging downtown!”


“It’s already caused multiple fatalities both to civilian and police personnel, the Captain’s called all on hands on deck! I’m sorry Twily, I have to go now, stay home and lock the doors! Mom and Dad will be back home later, I’ll call when I get the chance!”

Shining Armor rushed down the stairs afterwards, barely even giving his little sister a chance to respond. It wasn’t long before she heard the squealing of tires and the wail of his sirens as they got further and further away.

Twilight went back into her room and opened her computer to any live news feeds.

[We’re bringing you breaking news about, what witnesses are calling, a “dinosaur” tearing its way through downtown Canterlot. We’ve confirmed that the animal, whatever it is, is currently going down Trotting Hill.]

[Police are urging all residents and citizens to avoid this area at all costs until the crisis is over. We’ll continue to bring you further updates as this situation develops – Wait…Okay, this just in, our news copter is currently on scene, we’ll now go live downtown.]

The feed changed and now showed downtown Canterlot. Multiple cars were destroyed, most of the shops and buildings were either on fire or destroyed.

[I’m here on scene, where the animal is currently engaged with the police SWAT unit.]

The camera focused on the combat, showing a familiar white raptor.

“Twilight…is that the thing from two days ago!?” Spike asked.

“It is…! I knew it was too easy, even after all that!”

The white raptor tossed two crescent blade-a-rangs, each one cut through the air at high speed and struck down many officers in its path. Twilight gasped as the saw the carnage, averting her eyes for a moment.

[Ladies and gentlemen I apologize for what you just saw, but this is happening live. But as it appears, the SWAT unit is currently experiencing heavy losses and – hold on!]

The white raptor looked up at the helicopter, and I do mean directly at the helicopter. The beast took hold of one of its spikes and tossed the weapon straight at the news reporters. All that was heard was the tearing of metal and the panicked and fearful screams as the helicopter crashed and the feed cut off.


Suddenly, Twilight’s cellphone went off, startling her for a moment. She scrambled to the device and saw that it was Sunset calling, quickly answering the phone. “Sunset! Are you there!? Did you see what was on the–!?”

A loud boom went off in the background, making Twilight pull the phone away from her ear for a couple of seconds. Fear gripped Twilight’s heart as she came to a realization, although prayed to whatever deity was listening that she wasn’t right.

“Sunset Shimmer, tell me you are not where I think you are right now!?”

[I could, but then I’d be lying!]

“What are you even doing there!?”

[The Fang Dopant just came after me, I was heading to see Rarity for some modeling thing, and then it just drops out of nowhere! I think it was tracking me, and now it’s tearing up the city looking for me!]

Twilight put her phone down and swiftly got a Bluetooth earpiece and put it on. With the same speed she went into her closet and rummaged through it as she continued to talk to Sunset.

“Where are you right now?!”

[I’m in an alleyway, hiding! I don’t know how long I can stay here, but if I run then it’s just going to come after me and get more innocent people involved! Unless…]

“No!” Twilight shouted. “Don’t merge with Unicorn Memory!”

Twilight found what she was looking for, a long black suitcase, which she promptly removed and plopped onto her bed.

[What choice do I have!? Right now, I’m the only one who can do anything to stop it!]

Twilight unlatched the case and pulled out something she’d never thought she’d take hold of again.

“I never said you shouldn’t, but not as you are. I’m sending you the Driver,” said Twilight.

[“Driver”, what the heck is that? And how?]

“I’ll explain later! Turn on the GPS for your phone and wait.”

[Okay, make it fast though!]

Twilight rushed to her computer and began typing at lightning-fast speeds, on the desk was fairly large, futuristic looking, arrow with a USB cable connected to the computer. After a few seconds she unplugged the USB cable and took up the Driver. She placed it into a holster, making the arrow weighted, but that wouldn’t be a problem.

The genius girl pushed open her windows and pressed the button on the object in her left hand. Immediately two curved arms sprang forth, connected to a high-tech shaft as a drawstring connected the two arms.

Archery was a requirement back at Crystal Prep Academy, but she wasn’t very good, evident by her performance at the Friendship Games. However, since then, Twilight had been practicing and at Applejack’s farm. Now it was time to put those skills to use.

“Spike you might want to take cover, I haven’t tested this, and it could end badly,” Twilight ordered in a stern voice.

Spike could hear it, there was no room for argument here. The purple dog ducked underneath Twilight’s bed, but kept his head peeked out a little to keep an eye on her.

Twilight notched the heavy arrow, taking a deep breath. She calmed the storm of thoughts in her mind and slowed her heart rate. The city was in the distance, but thankfully not too far.

She drew back the arrow, feeling her muscles strain as she pulled against the drawstring and held a firm grip on the bow. Twilight took one more deep breath then launched the arrow, hearing the bow release a satisfying “twang” sound.

The arrow flew up high for a few seconds, but it appeared as if the arrow was going to fall down due to the weight. But that’s when Twilight pressed the button the bow.

< HAWK! >

The arrow exploded out, transforming into a mechanical hawk. The mechanimal released a proud screech as its wings released jet fire that propelled it into the air. Like a rocket the Hawk droid shot off in the direction of Canterlot City.

Please be in time…


Sunset peeked out of the corner of the alleyway, watching as the Fang Dopant continued to hack and slash through one police trooper after the next, on a total rampage. She clutched at the Unicorn Memory in her hand, desperately wanting to use it to stop the out-of-control monster, but at the same time she was reluctant to do so. The constant fear of becoming like that monster was holding her back, despite her wanting to go and help.


[Sunset, I launched the package just a moment ago, ETA: 20 seconds!]

“Wait, launched what?”

Suddenly, Sunset heard a loud screech like a hawk. She turned around and watched as a mechanical bird came swooping out of the sky. Its jet wings went from a roaring fire to a soft hum as it slowed down and hovered. In its talons was the belt device that Twilight had been working on. Sunset held out her hands and the hawk bot released it before flying away.

“Twilight, did you just send a robot bird to deliver that belt thing you were making?”

[Oh thank god it got to you in time! Now just put it on and insert the Unicorn Memory into the slot. Afterwards, push it down and into the belt and it should activate the system. Oh, and say “transform” after you push the button on the Gaia Memory and before you insert it!]

“What? Why!?”

[Its voice activated, it needs to recognize the activation of the Gaia Memory and the voice of the user! Look, don’t argue with me, just do it!]

Sunset sighed and decided to trust her friend. With her left hand, she placed the belt to the front of her waist, as if knowing, the belt itself released the leather strap that looped around and fastened the belt securely to Sunset. Into her right hand she took up the Unicorn Memory and touched the button.



Sunset placed the Gaia Memory into the slot, and with her left hand pushed it down into the unicorn belt. A couple of seconds passed, and nothing happened. Another couple more seconds passed, and still nothing. Sunset took out her phone.


[THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE! I-I know it’s “transform”, that’s the command line to activate it! Hang on, let me look into this!]

A loud explosion caught Sunset’s attention, making her look out from the corner again. She spotted the Fang Dopant, now wrestling with a police issued armored assault vehicle. The Dopant dug its talons into the asphalt, giving off sparks as the pseudo tank tried to run the beast over. But the Fang Dopant wasn’t one to give in so easily.

The white raptor raked its claws into the fortified armor and roared out as it pushed the three tons of metal back. The Fang Dopant extended two of its arm spikes, charging them with blue plasma energy. It then slashed once, horizontally, and then a second time vertically. The cross shaped arc of light cut through the AAV and obliterated it in a powerful explosion, and then roaring its triumph into the air for all to hear.

Sunset gritted her teeth, hating how she felt so helpless to stop this monster.

[I got it; it was so simple – how could I have been so stupid! The original blueprints were written by a Dr. Sonozaki, a Neighponese scientist, so it stands to reason she used the Neighponese word for “transform”!]

“And that is!?” Sunset asked impatiently.


“Got it!”

Sunset ran into the street, her boots grinding against the asphalt as she skidded to a stop in the middle of the open space. “HEY, UGLY!” The Fang Dopant turned and snarled. “IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT, THEN I’M RIGHT HERE!”

The Fang Dopant made two of its shoulder spikes grow out, and then grabbed each of them. At the same time, Sunset took up the Unicorn Memory and pressed the button.



The belt activated, the circuitry glowing and coming to life; seeing this, Sunset inserted the Memory and pushed it down. The Fang Dopant released both blade-a-rangs, glowing with blue plasma as they flew towards Sunset.


A field of turquoise electrical energy sprang out around Sunset, blocking the two blade-a-rangs and throwing them back towards the Dopant. Sunset felt a surge of power overtake her body, similar to when she used the Gaia Memory the first time, but not as overwhelming. It was more refined, and focused. The energy began to strike Sunset, materializing an armored suit around her body. After a few seconds time, the field collapsed and released a glowing, sparkling ethereal wind that washed over everything.

Fires were put out, and injuries that some had sustained were healed in an instant. The Fang Dopant, however, was assaulted by the ethereal wind, causing sparks to fly off its body and threw it to the ground.

What stood in Sunset’s place was an entirely different being. A turquoise green suit, with sun yellow metal lines. The helmet had a green crystal horn, the edge wrapped in silver, protruding from the forehead, with two aquamarine oval eyes. New sensations flowed into Sunset, power, strength, and a sense of magical energy she hadn’t felt since the day of the Friendship Games. This was focused power, comparable to a blunt instrument versus a sword.

The Fang Dopant rose to its feet, its body feeling the effects of the buffeting force that had hit it moments ago. “Who…Who…are…you!”

“I’m…I’m…” Memories flooded into her mind, a memory of a warrior in a similar suit and a flowing scarf, and two words came to her mind. “Kamen…Rider…I’m Kamen Rider Unicorn!”


The Fang Dopant roared and ran straight for Unicorn. The Kamen Rider entered an offensive stance, its ethereal light shined towards her feet. Unicorn sprinted forward and reappeared behind the Dopant. The white raptor paused and glanced behind itself, confused as to how she got behind it.

Sunset surprised herself, but she didn’t have time to think about it. Unicorn used her speed and closed in on the Fang Dopant. She cocked back her right fist and delivered a powerful punch to the Dopant’s chest, causing sparks to fly out upon impact. The Fang Dopant dug its talons into the street, trying to stop itself from flying back. But Sunset didn’t let up, she spun on her heel and delivered a spinning kick to the Dopant’s head, launching it into the air and spiraling before it hit the ground.

The Fang Dopant recovered and began to form its shoulder spikes, taking one and charging it up before throwing it at Unicorn.

The Kamen Rider thrust out her left hand, the crystal horn glowing with magical energy. Suddenly the blade-a-rang stopped in midair, an aquamarine aura covering the weapon.

“Levitation, oh yeah, I am back!”

Unicorn, using her rediscovered telekinetic spell, threw the crescent spike right back at the Fang Dopant. But instead of just tossing it away, Sunset used the blade to strike back at her opponent. She waved her hand to the right, making the spiraling crescent slash the Fang Dopant’s shoulder and causing more sparks to fly. Unicorn waved her hand again, and again, and again, making more sparks fly and causing more damage to the Dopant.

Sunset released her hold on the spike and saw that the Dopant was disoriented and weakened. She had to finish it off, now, before it recovered, but how?

A glow emitted from her right hip, Sunset looked down and saw that there was a port connected onto the belt on her right hip, and at the that same time, the Unicorn Memory glowed. As if telling her what she needed to do.

“Alright, I’ll follow your lead!” The Kamen Rider removed the Unicorn Memory from the belt and glared down at the Fang Dopant. “You’ve caused so much damage, pain, and fear! Time to restore harmony!”

Sunset slipped the Gaia Memory into the slot and pressed the switch on the side.


Sunset entered a stance, energy began to gather around her, and focused itself on her right leg. Unicorn used the energy and jumped high into the air, performing one somersault before extending her foot forward for a flying kick. The energy began to lash out, forming a spiral drill-like cone that blazed around her foot.


The Fang Dopant looked up, just in time to watch the Spiral Breaker descend on it. Unicorn’s attack struck the Dopant, sending up an explosion of aquamarine flames that completely engulfed the Dopant. Sunset appeared behind the Dopant, turning around to see the aftermath, and Sunset gasped.

There was a man on the ground, and a Gaia Memory lying next to him. Sunset walked over and picked up the device, noticing the same symbol she saw when she became a Dopant. Three jagged claw marks in the shape of an “F”.

“Another Gaia Memory, the Fang Memory…?”

It wasn’t long before Sunset noticed the incoming police sirens, she also spotted news helicopters hovering overhead.

“Yeah, I definitely don’t need to explain this to the cops!”

Sunset made a mad dash back to the alley and to her bike. The moment she touched the bike her horn glowed, sending a surge of energy into the motorcycle that changed its form. The body elongated a few inches, the front forming a long spiral horn. On the sides of the bike, the Unicorn symbol was emblazoned, and two wing-like fins protruded from the tail.


Sunset mounted her bike and revved the engine, hearing it roar with newfound power. The Kamen Rider went full throttle and peeled out of the alley at ridiculous speeds. The news copter followed her, but one more twist of the accelerator and Unicorn went flying down the street and away from all cop cars and surveillance.


Starlight watched the news on her office TV, Sugar Belle was sitting on the couch, watching this spectacle.

“Starlight…that person in the suit, she has one like you!”

Starlight Glimmer was twiddling the Equal Memory in her hands, staring intently as the news reran the images of the battle between the mysterious hero and the Dopant she defeated. The masked hero had taken one of the T2 Gaia Memories, and somehow had a Driver to utilize the refined power.

“It seems…that I am not the only one who has access to the Memories,” said Starlight.

“Do you want us to investigate?” Sugar Belle asked.

The young executive narrowed her gaze and shook her head. “Let’s see how useful this Kamen Rider is, we may be able use her to gather the other Gaia Memories that have been scattered. How are we with the production of the other Memories?”

“Oh!” Sugar Belle picked up the tablet next to her and began going through it. “We’re currently at 90%, we have a few Memories ready for distribution and testing, and we’re currently searching for…ahem…‘suitable’ candidates.”

Starlight nodded her head and turned to face the window, looking down at the city that was her “kingdom”.

Kamen Rider, huh? Starlight glanced down at her waist, showing a belt that had an E turned on its back, with the third bracket bent off to the side. This’ll be fun.

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